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(A) few và (a) little

A few few A little little
- Dùng với danh từ đếm được số nhiều. - Dùng với danh từ không đếm được
Một ít, một vài Rất ít, hầu như không Một ít, một vài Rất ít, hầu như không
- All I want is to have a few - I have few moments on - She saves a - She has little money to
moments on my own. my own. little money spend.
every month.

Another, other(s) và the other(s)

Wise Owl
Another: có thể đứng 1 mình làm đại từ hoặc đứng I like another cup of tea.
trước danh từ đếm được số ít
Other: theo sau là danh từ đếm được số nhiều hoặc Other books are great.
không đếm được
Others: đứng 1 mình làm đại từ Some people like him. Others hate him.
The other: có thể đứng 1 mình làm đại từ hoặc đứng Joel and Karen are here, but where are the
Wise Owl

trước danh từ đếm được other kids?

The others: đứng 1 mình làm đại từ The others have just arrived.

Many, much, a lot of (lots of), some

Many + danh từ đếm được số nhiều: nhiều Many students like him.
Much + danh từ không đếm được: nhiều I don’t earn much money.
A lot of = lots of + danh từ đếm được/không đếm A lot of books about him were written.
Some + danh từ đếm được/không đếm được: một số I need some information about the event.

Neither, either, both, most, most of, almost, each, every và all
Neither + danh từ đếm được số ít: cả hai đều không Neither candidate was suitable for the position.
Either + danh từ đếm được số ít: một trong hai You can park on either side of the street.
Both + danh từ đếm được số nhiều: cả hai Both students were late.
Most + danh từ đếm được/không đếm được: hầu hết Most information is outdated.
Most of the/tính từ sở hữu + danh từ Most of his students were good.

Almost + V/adj: suýt nữa Almost all of the passengers are Vietnamese.
Almost all of the/every + danh từ: gần như
Each/every + danh từ đếm được số ít: mỗi/mọi Each student is required to do this work.
All + danh từ đếm được/không đếm được: tất cả All the people were French.

- each other (lẫn nhau: thường dùng cho 2 người/vật) - They love each other.
- one another (lẫn nhau: thường dùng cho 3 - They phone one another regularly.
người/vật trở lên)

Question 1. It is interesting that students enjoy learning about historical facts.
A. much B. some C. a little D. another
Question 2. scientists share a view on the efficacy of the new drug.
A. Both B. Either C. Others D. Much

Wise Owl
Question 3. Volunteering brings benefits to teenagers, helping them become well-rounded
A. many B. little C. much D. each
Question 4. reason why doing regular exercise is good is that it improves our mental health.
A. Several B. Few C. Many D. Another

Wise Owl
Question 5. Although sending text messages is popular, people still choose to write letters to stay
in touch.
A. much B. many C. every D. a little
Question 6. students agree that today’s examinations are easier than those in the past.
A. Each B. Much C. Most D. Every
Question 7. There is information about the disease on the website, but I don’t think it’s accurate.
A. some B. several C. another D. many
Question 8. Social media has made it easier for us to make friends with people from different
corners of the world.
A. a little B. each C. every D. other
Question 9. Instead of pursuing higher education, school-leavers choose to attend vocational
Wise Owl

A. every B. several C. another D. a little
Question 10. teenagers have difficulty in identifying their own interests and passions.
A. A little B. Each C. Much D. Most
Question 11. adolescents are afraid of going to school because they’re bullied by their classmates.
A. Little B. Much C. Any D. Some
Question 12. The lecturer will continue his lesson as student stops talking.
A. every B. many C. several D. a few
Question 13. The city is adopting innovative strategies to curb air pollution.
A. another B. much C. some D. each
Question 14. Talking loudly on public transport is considered rude by people in Vietnam.
A. a little B. many C. another D. much
Question 15. There are apps which can help you manage your time and money.
A. each B. a little C. almost D. several
Question 16. The Browns spent money on renovating their house last year.
A. a lot B. each C. much D. many
Question 17. Mr. Harry and three teachers attended the workshop on online education.
A. every B. other C. another D. much

Question 18. Experts agree that learning methods actually do more harm than good.
A. several B. another C. others D. each
Question 19. We had to work overtime last week because there were too complaints to deal
A. much B. a few C. any D. many
Question 20. There is flour left, so my sister cannot make a cake.
A. a few B. little C. any D. several
Question 21. organisations offer internship programmes so that undergraduates can gain work

Wise Owl
A. A little B. Much C. Another D. Many
Question 22. On our trip to Vietnam last year, we visited tourist attractions in Nha Trang.
A. a few B. each C. a little D. much
Question 23. Using social networking sites is a way to interact with other people.
A. much B. another C. some D. each

Wise Owl
Question 24. Due to schedule conflicts, people attended the conference.
A. much B. many C. a little D. few
Question 25. Having finished the essay, Linda immediately switched to task.
Wise Owl

A. a few B. another C. many D. much

Question 26. To her surprise, of the students passed the exam with flying colours.
A. much B. a little C. most D. another
Question 27. This coffee tastes too bitter for me. I think I should add sugar to it.
A. a little B. many C. any D. a few
Question 28. Of the candidates interviewed, John stood out as the most qualified.
A. much B. a little C. another D. all
Question 29. Because of her tight schedule, she didn’t have time preparing suitable clothes for
Wise Owl

her trip.
A. many B. a few C. each D. much
Question 30. Now that teenagers have access to smartphones, computers and electronic devices,
they spend most of their free time using them.
A. another B. other C. every D. a little

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