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I, _Ishaan Dwivedi__ participating as _a Contestant __ hereby (Name of Guarantor)

(Coordinator, Team Leader, Deputy Leader or Contestant)

declare to abide by the rules and regulations of the India International Mathematics
Competition (InIMC 2024) to be held from 26st July to 31th July 2024 .

I further declare that I will uphold the integrity of the contest, emphasize the
importance of honesty through my action, sustain goodwill and fairness throughout
the competition; and not indulge in cheating or any form of fraudulent scheme for
personal gain. I will not discussing or put the contest problems online before UTC
17:00, 28th July.

If found guilty of any breach of the rules of the InIMC, deliberate or unintentional, I
shall submit myself to the penalty which shall be imposed upon me by the IMC
Executive Board, that is, to ban me from future participation and/or to prohibit me to
represent my country in any activities sponsored or spearheaded by the IMC
Executive Board.

___Ishaan Dwivedi_____________________
Signature Over Printed Name


Key Stage:_II Date:____8/5/2024___ ____

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