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NVQ Level 7 - Unit 5

Establish business
risk management
Reflective account
Establish business risk management processes
Unit 5: J/506/2048

Candidate name


The candidate is to provide written work in each of the writable sections within this
template. This template includes the following tasks:
Organisational report with supporting evidence (1000 minimum word count).
Reflective account responses (400 minimum word count per RA criteria).
You must complete each element to allow your assessor to assess what work
duties you are doing or what role you have within your work.
Each criteria will require a minimum of 2 pieces of work-place evidence to
support it and will need to be referenced to the written response using the
Learning Assistant assigned evidence reference numbers.
Witness testimony will need to be completed by the approved expert witness to
support the written work completed (Advised 1 paragraph per element of the

You must complete each “written response” in your own words.
The written response must be in the first person, meaning “I do this”.
A tip is always to keep in mind ‘who, why, where, when and how’ in each answer.
Please note, photographs from the workplace are not strong enough evidence on
their own. They would need to be supported with documented evidence of the
Document templates which have not been completed will not be used as
supporting evidence.
All supporting workplace evidence must be less than 2 years of age on the date of
submission for assessment.

Research and evaluation could be through:

HSE websites, professional bodies, CPD, publications and health and safety
Within the organisation could be meetings, training, notice boards, consultations
and health and safety committees.
Going out of the organisation could be customers, regulatory bodies, local media,
and other people affected by organisations activities.
Research you have carried out to compliment the work you are undertaking in
the workplace.

July 21
Completion checklist
Unit 5 – Establish business risk management processes

Understand business risk management models and


Be able to develop business risk management


Be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the business

risk management process.

I confirm that the evidence produced is as a result of my own work.

Candidate signature:


(It is compulsary to sign this document to prove its authenticity).

July 21
Organisational report
Unit 5, element 1, criteria - 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3

Analyse standards relating to the management of business risk.

Analyse the factors influencing different types of risk.
Evaluate the relationship between risk management, business continuity and
crisis management.

The points above are the element criteria. The written

organisational report will need to meet all the criteria above when

Helpful hints for the completion of this organisational report:

An organisational report needs to be completed.

Within your report explain your analysis of the management of risk and the
factors which will influence the differing types of risk.
Consider your risk management strategy, business continuity and crisis
management i.e. COVID-19.
Supporting workplace evidence needs to be provided.
A professional discussion will be held with your assigned assessor.

July 21
Organisational report
Element 1, criteria - 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3
(Minimum word count - 1000 words)


July 21
Reflective account
Unit 5, element 1, criteria - 1.4

Evaluate a range of scenario planning and crisis management models.

The point above is the element criteria. The written reflective

account will need to meet all the criteria above when completed.

Helpful hints for the completion of this reflective account:

Explain how you have evaluated the crisis management systems used in your
A minimum of 2 pieces of workplace evidence will be required to support the
written response.

July 21
Reflective account
Element 1, criteria - 1.4
(Minimum word count - 400 words)


July 21
Reflective account
Unit 5, element 1, criteria - 1.5

Analyse methods of calculating risk probability.

The point above is the element criteria. The written reflective

account will need to meet all the criteria above when completed.

Helpful hints for the completion of this reflective account:

Explain how you calculate and use risk levels and probability factors in your
A minimum of 2 pieces of workplace evidence will be required to support the
written response.

July 21
Reflective account
Element 1, criteria - 1.5
(Minimum word count - 400 words)


July 21
Reflective account
Unit 5, element 1, criteria - 1.6

Analyse the effectiveness of a range of risk monitoring techniques.

The point above is the element criteria. The written reflective

account will need to meet all the criteria above when completed.

Helpful hints for the completion of this reflective account:

Explain risk monitoring techniques used within your organisation.

Explain how you determine they are effective.
A minimum of 2 pieces of workplace evidence will be required to support the
written response.

July 21
Reflective account
Element 1, criteria - 1.6
(Minimum word count - 400 words)


July 21
Reflective account
Unit 5, element 1, criteria - 1.7

Analyse the significance of risk governance structures and ownership.

The point above is the element criteria. The written reflective

account will need to meet all the criteria above when completed.

Helpful hints for the completion of this reflective account:

Explain the governance process within your organisation and describe how you
analyse this to ensure compliance.
Explain the ownership of this within the organisation.
A minimum of 2 pieces of workplace evidence will be required to support the
written response.

July 21
Reflective account
Element 1, criteria - 1.7
(Minimum word count - 400 words)


July 21
Reflective account
Unit 5, element 2, criteria - 2.1

Review periodically the effectiveness of risk management strategy, policy, and


The point above is the element criteria. The written reflective

account will need to meet all the criteria above when completed.

Helpful hints for the completion of this reflective account:

Explain your review frequency of your risk management strategy and policies.
Explain the criteria which the analysis needs to be measured against.
A minimum of 2 pieces of workplace evidence will be required to support the
written response.

July 21
Reflective account
Element 2, criteria - 2.1
(Minimum word count - 400 words)


July 21
Reflective account
Unit 5, element 2, criteria - 2.2

Take action to ensure that risk profiles remain current and relevant.

The point above is the element criteria. The written reflective

account will need to meet all the criteria above when completed.

Helpful hints for the completion of this reflective account:

Describe how you ensure your organisations risk profile remains current.
A minimum of 2 pieces of workplace evidence will be required to support the
written response.

July 21
Reflective account
Element 2, criteria - 2.2
(Minimum word count - 400 words)


July 21
Reflective account
Unit 5, element 2, criteria - 2.3

Develop viable and affordable risk management processes that are consistent with
business needs and the degree of potential impact of the risk.

The point above is the element criteria. The written reflective

account will need to meet all the criteria above when completed.

Helpful hints for the completion of this reflective account:

Explain how you developed your risk profile to ensure it is viable and affordable
for the organisation.
A minimum of 2 pieces of workplace evidence will be required to support the
written response.

July 21
Reflective account
Element 2, criteria - 2.3
(Minimum word count - 400 words)


July 21
Reflective account
Unit 5, element 2, criteria - 2.4

Develop contingency and business disruption processes that are commensurate with
the degree of risk to business as usual and organisational reputation.

The point above is the element criteria. The written reflective

account will need to meet all the criteria above when completed.

Helpful hints for the completion of this reflective account:

Explain as part of the risk profiling exercise, how you have ensured minimum
disruption to the organisation when changes occur. These could be internal or
external to the organisation.
A minimum of 2 pieces of workplace evidence will be required to support the
written response.

July 21
Reflective account
Element 2, criteria - 2.4
(Minimum word count - 400 words)


July 21
Reflective account
Unit 5, element 2, criteria - 2.5

Take action to ensure that risk management processes are integrated into
operational plans and activities.

The point above is the element criteria. The written reflective

account will need to meet all the criteria above when completed.

Helpful hints for the completion of this reflective account:

Explain how risk management is included in the organisational activities and

A minimum of 2 pieces of workplace evidence will be required to support the
written response.

July 21
Reflective account
Element 2, criteria - 2.5
(Minimum word count - 400 words)


July 21
Reflective account
Unit 5, element 3, criteria - 3.1

Appraise the suitability of a range of risk evaluation techniques to business risk


The point above is the element criteria. The written reflective

account will need to meet all the criteria above when completed.

Helpful hints for the completion of this reflective account:

Explain how you have evaluated the different risk management techniques that
are available.
Explain which of these techniques you use and why?
A minimum of 2 pieces of workplace evidence will be required to support the
written response.

July 21
Reflective account
Element 3, criteria - 3.1
(Minimum word count - 400 words)


July 21
Reflective account
Unit 5, element 3, criteria - 3.2

Evaluate risk using valid quantitative and qualitative information.

The point above is the element criteria. The written reflective

account will need to meet all the criteria above when completed.

Helpful hints for the completion of this reflective account:

Explain how you quantitative and qualitative information to evaluate risk.

A minimum of 2 pieces of workplace evidence will be required to support the
written response.

July 21
Reflective account
Element 3, criteria - 3.2
(Minimum word count - 400 words)


July 21
Reflective account
Unit 5, element 3, criteria - 3.3

Identify areas for improvement in identifying and managing risk.

The point above is the element criteria. The written reflective

account will need to meet all the criteria above when completed.

Helpful hints for the completion of this reflective account:

Using workplace examples, explain the improvement you have made in

identifying and managing risk in your organisation.
A minimum of 2 pieces of workplace evidence will be required to support the
written response.

July 21
Reflective account
Element 3, criteria - 3.3
(Minimum word count - 400 words)


July 21
Reflective account
Unit 5, element 3, criteria - 3.4

Encourage a culture that accepts and manages risk.

The point above is the element criteria. The written reflective

account will need to meet all the criteria above when completed.

Helpful hints for the completion of this reflective account:

Describe how you encourage a positive health and safety culture in the reduction
of risk within your organisation.
Use workplace examples.
A minimum of 2 pieces of workplace evidence will be required to support the
written response.

July 21
Reflective account
Element 3, criteria - 3.4
(Minimum word count - 400 words)


July 21

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