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StraighterLine A&P I Final Exam

1. An organ system
is Select one:
a. a small structure within a cell.
b. a structure composed of several tissue types.
c. the basic structural unit of all living organisms.
d. a group of organs with a common set of functions.
e. a group of cells with similar structure and function.: Ans- d. a group of organs
with a common set of functions.
2. A major limitation of radiographs is that
they Select one:
a. can only visualize bone.
b. give only a flat, two-dimensional image of the body.
c. are old technology that do not give good results.
d. have very few applications.: Ans- b. give only a flat, two-dimensional image of
the body.
3. A cell is
Select one:
a. a small structure within a molecule.
b. a structure composed of several tissue types.

c. the basic structural unit of living organisms.
d. a group of organs with a common set of functions.
e. a group of atoms with similar structure and function.: Ans- c. the basic
structural unit of living organisms.
4. An organ
is Select one:
a. a small structure within a cell.
b. a structure composed of several tissue types.
c. the basic structural unit of all living organisms.
d. a group of molecules with a common set of functions.
e. a group of cells with similar structure and function.: Ans- b. a structure
composed of several tissue types.
5. The study of the structural features and functions of the cell
is Select one:
a. cytology.
b. histology.
c. molecular biology.
d. microbiology.
e. surface anatomy.: Ans- a. cytology.

6. What technique creates a three-dimensional dynamic image of blood
ves- sels?
Select one:
a. digital subtraction angiography
b. magnetic resonance imaging
c. dynamic spatial reconstruction
d. positron emission tomography: a. digital subtraction angiography
7. Which subdivision of anatomy involves the study of organs that
function together?
Select one:
a. regional
b. developmental
c. systemic
d. histology
e. surface anatomy: c. systemic
8. An organelle
is Select one:
a. a small structure within a cell.
b. a structure composed of several tissue types.
c. the basic structural unit of all living organisms.
d. a group of organs with a common set of functions.
e. a group of cells with similar structure and function.: a. a small structure within
a cell.
9. Microscopic examination of a frozen tissue specimen is an application
of which of the following disciplines?

Select one:
a. histology
b. physiology
c. gross anatomy
d. radiology
e. regional anatomy: a. histology
10. Anatomy
is Select one:
a. the study of function.
b. a branch of physiology.
c. the study of structure.
d. the study of living organisms.
e. the study of homeostasis.: c. the study of structure.

11. A molecular biologist discovers that if a specific drug effectively
treats obesity in mice, what can researchers conclude?

Select one:
a. If the drug was effective in a large number of mice, it will therefore
be effective in humans.
b. If the drug was effective in a small proportion of mice, it will be effective
in a small proportion of humans.
c.The mice have provided a positive control in this experiment that proves
the drug is effective in humans.
d. The drug is effective in the mouse model; it must still be tested in humans.
e. The effect of the drug on mice has no bearing on the effect of the drug
on humans.: d. The drug is effective in the mouse model; it must still be tested in
12. While Stacy is in the process of passing over the bar during a pole
vault, her hips are considered to be
Select one:
a. anterior to her shoulders.
b. posterior to her shoulders.
c. inferior to her shoulders.
d. superior to her shoulders.
e. cephalic to her shoulders.: c. inferior to her shoulders.
13. Which of the following is not a term that describes a cut that separates
the body into left and right portions?

Select one:
a. sagittal
b. median
c. parasagittal
d. coronal: d. coronal
14. The cavity of the body immediately inferior to the diaphragm is the
Select one:
a. pleural
b. thoracic
c. inguinal
d. pelvic
e. abdominal: e. abdominal

15. The integumentary system
Select one:
a. regulates body temperature.
b. breaks down food into small particles for absorption.
c. controls intellectual functions.
d. produces body movements.
e. coordinates and integrates body function.: a. regulates body temperature.
16. In the expression "Let your fingers do the walking," which of the
following anatomical terms could be substituted for "fingers?"
Select one:
a. tarsals
b. manuals
c. digits
d. carpals
e. metatarsals: c. digits
17. Proximal
means Select one:
a. toward the middle or midline of the body.
b. away from the surface.
c. closer to the head.
d. closer than another structure to the point of attachment to the trunk.
e. toward the back of the body.: d. closer than another structure to the point of
attachment to the trunk.
18. In reference to the body tempaerature in living organisms, the set point
can be defined as the

Select one:
a. ideal normal value
b. current specific value
c. amount of change that must occur for a condition to return to ideal
normal value: a. ideal normal value
19. Hydrogen bonds are important for all of the following except:

Select one:
a. producing surface tension in water
b. helping hold a protein structure together
c. helping hold DNA strands together
d. helping atoms give up or receive electrons: d. helping atoms give up or receive

20. The number of atoms in exactly 12 grams of carbon-12 is
called Select one:
a. Dalton's number.
b. Socrates's number.
c. Avogadro's number.
d. Pasteur's number.
e. Le Chatelier's number.: c. Avogadro's number.
21. A neutral atom contains
Select one:
a. more protons than electrons.
b. more electrons than protons.
c. the same number of electrons and protons.
d. only neutrons.
e. None of these choices is correct.: c. the same number of electrons and protons.
22. Enzymes are proteins that increase the rate of chemical reactions
by Select one:
a. increasing the activation energy of the reaction.
b. decreasing the activation energy of the reaction.
c. adjusting the temperature of the reaction.
d. increasing the concentration of the reactants.: b. decreasing the activation
energy of the reaction.
23. Which of the following is a synthesis
reaction? Select one:
a. Two amino acids are bonded together to form a dipeptide.
b. Sucrose is chemically separated to form one molecule of glucose and

one molecule of fructose.
c. Sodium chloride is dissolved in water.
d. Several dipeptide chains are formed from digestion of a long
polypeptide chain.
e. ATP is converted to ADP.: a. Two amino acids are bonded together to form a
24. The mass number of an atom is the number
of Select one:
a. protons in the atom.
b. neutrons in the atom.
c. protons plus electrons in the atom.
d. electrons plus neutrons in the atom.
e. neutrons plus protons in the atom.: e. neutrons plus protons in the atom.

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25. Kinetic energy
is Select one:
a. the form of energy that actually does work.
b. movement of ions or electrons.
c. energy that flows between objects with different temperatures.
d. stored energy that could do work but is not doing so.
e. energy that moves in waves.: a. the form of energy that actually does work.
26. Which of the following pairs is
mismatched? Select one:
a. synthesis reaction - two reactants combine to form a larger product
b. decomposition reaction - large reactant broken into smaller products
c. oxidation - gain of electrons
d. dehydration reaction - water is a product of the reaction
e. hydrolysis - water is used in decomposition reaction: c. oxidation - gain of
27. Chemical reactions with the property of being able to proceed from
reac- tants to products and from products to reactants are called
Select one:
a. exchange reactions.
b. synthesis reactions.
c. decomposition reactions.
d. reversible reactions.
e. net reaction rates.: d. reversible reactions.
28. A cation is
Select one:

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a. a combination of atoms held together by chemical bonds.
b. a positively charged ion.
c. a negatively charged ion.
d. a molecule that conducts electricity when placed in solution.
e. an alteration in the three-dimensional structure of a protein.: b. a positively
charged ion.
29. Nucleotides
Select one:
a. are part of DNA molecules but not RNA molecules.
b. hold the nucleus together.
c. are the building blocks of nucleic acids.
d. are proteins that function as enzymes.
e. have nothing to do with the genetic information in the nucleus.: c. are the
building blocks of nucleic acids.

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30. Which of the following organic groups does an enzyme belong
to? Select one:
a. carbohydrate
b. protein
c. lipid
d. nucleic acid
e. vitamin: b. protein
31. The building blocks of proteins
are Select one:
a. triglycerides.
b. phospholipids.
c. amino acids.
d. monosaccharides.
e. eicosanoids.: c. amino acids.
32. Arrange the following from largest to smallest:(1) nucleus(2) DNA
mole- cule(3) skin cell(4) chicken eggs
Select one:
a. 1, 2, 3, 4
b. 4, 3, 1, 2
c. 3, 4, 2, 1
d. 2, 3, 1, 4
e. 4, 2, 3, 1: b. 4, 3, 1, 2
33. Which of the following nitrogen bases is found in RNA but not
DNA? Select one:
a. adenine

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b. guanine
c. thymine
d. uracil
e. cytosine: d. uracil
34. Proteins
Select one:
a. are the body's source of immediate energy.
b. are the building blocks of nucleotides.
c. provide much of the structure of body cells and tissues.
d. contain the genetic information of the cell.
e. insulate and cushion the body.: c. provide much of the structure of body cells
and tissues.
35. Which of the following is NOT a function of carbohydrates in the
body? Select one:

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a. structural component of DNA
b. protection
c. bulk in feces
d. energy
e. structural component of RNA: b. protection
36. ATP
Select one:
a. is a nucleotide found in DNA.
b. stores genetic information.
c. is a sugar found in transfer RNA.
d. serves as the energy currency of the cell.
e. can store, but cannot release energy in the cell.: d. serves as the energy
currency of the cell.
37. Which of the following is a component of a
nucleotide? Select one:
a. adenine--a nitrogen base
b. glucose--a monosaccharide
c. cholesterol--a steroid
d. calcium ions
e. ATP: d. calcium ions
38. Cellulose is the
Select one:
a. storage carbohydrate in animals.
b. storage carbohydrate in plants.
c. nondigestible plant polysaccharide.
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d. major nutrient for most body cells.
e. sugar found in RNA.: c. nondigestible plant polysaccharide.

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