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A. Background of the Study

All the people in the world can not be separated from language. It is

important for their communication, either in written or spoken language. Through

language, human can express idea, hope, desire and attitude. So it can not be

dennied that language is important in daily human’s life, especially in making

their activity run well.

One of languages in the world is English. English is an international

language that is used by at least 78 countries in the world as their national

language. And now it is spoken by many people in the world. Therefore, using

English is the easiest way to communicate with people from other countries about

many aspects in human life such as technology, economy, social, politics and


For Indonesia as a developing country has realized that English is

a foreign language that must be learnt. Most of Indonesian people have problem

in using English. The rough approxcimation that only five percent of Indonesian

can communicate in English. However, many Indonesian people understand

English but they can not use effectively. It is because of mental block, nvironment

or social life, and learning and teacheing methodology.

Mental block, such as they are not confident to speak, shy, afraid of

making mistake, less of confidence, fear and anxiety. They are the root problems

that make Indonesian people are passive in speaking English. Environment and

social life really support us in improving our speaking skill. We live in

environment that uses mother tongue or Indonesian Language. So it does not

support us in improving English speaking skill. In Indonesia the students learn

English from elementary up to university, but in fact that, most of the students in

Senior High School and Universty can not speak English well. It is because of the

methodology in delivering material by the teacher. Many teachers still use

structural approach or grammar-translation method. This method is clasical

method, which is used in teaching clasical language.

There are four language skills. First, Listening. Listening is one of the

mean of language communication, used widely in people daily life. Second,

speaking. Speaking is connected with listening in communication activities

between two people or more. Someone speaks after she or he hears someone

speaks. Third, Reading. Reading is important way of gaining information in

language learning and English basic skill for language learners. The last is

writting.Writing is a way to record and and communicate feelings, experiences

and tought. Speaking is a one of four skills that is very important in teaching and

learning English. Teaching speaking in English makes the students can

comunicate with the teacher and the others, both in the classroom and outside of

class, especially with the people from other countries.

In the fact that the students do not care about English especially about

speaking English itself. Most of the students have low motivation and are not

interested in doing the task since the speaking activities are not interesting.

Usually, the students are asked to speak, but they can not speak well.

English as a foreign language in Indonesia is taught at Senior High school

(SMA/MA) as a compulsory subject. The implementation of English teaching at

present is based on the Content Standard. Its target is to have the students reach an

informational level of literacy. It means that the students are expected to be able to

access knowledge by using English.

Speaking is an important skill that a learner should acquire. It is very

important in order to enable students to communicate effectively through oral

language because the disability of the students to speak may lead them to be

unable to express their ideas even in a simple form of conversation. Learning a

language means using it in communication in oral or written form, and being able

to express feeling, thoughts, and experiences in various contexts.

In fact, the English instruction in some Senior High Schools does not

demonstrate a satisfactory result. Many students fail to reach the goal of the

English teaching. They are not able to communicate with the language either

orally or in written form although they have learned English for many years.

Many of the learners in a speaking class are reluctant speakers. This reluctance is

partly due to their prior learning experience. Many of them were educated in a

large class in schools situated in noisy neighborhoods where opportunities to

speak are severely limited. Others were taught in schools where speaking was

simply not encouraged.

We cannot deny the fact that this failure is caused by many problems

during the instructional process. The problems of English teaching seem to be of

particular importance. They have become interesting topics to discuss and

analyze, especially those who are directly involved with the teaching of English.

However, the most important thing is that we, as the English teachers who are

directly involved with the instructional activities, must try to look for the best

solution to overcome the problems in order to reach the target of the teaching of


The monotonous and inappropriate teaching technique used by the teacher

might cause low motivation on the students in learning English which affect their

ability in speaking. Most students are unmotivated in learning as the result of the

teacher’s monotonous teaching techniques. The students soon get bored and

uninterested in learning when they are always exposed to the monotonous

instructional activities; and therefore, they do not participate actively. This

instructional process happens even though the students are not showing their

interest in this kind of classroom activity.

Theoretically, it is impossible for the students learning English with low

motivation to have good speaking ability if they are inactive during the

instructional process. For example, the students with low motivation will be

defensive to use their English in oral communication while monotonous

classroom does not stimulate them to participate in classroom interaction. In fact,

whether or not the students’ speaking ability improves is greatly influenced by the

intensity and frequency of their participation in oral communication. So, it can be

said that the root of the three problems above is the monotonous and inappropriate

teaching technique used by the teacher. Hence, it needs to propose the appropriate

technique to overcome the students’ low speaking ability. It is the responsibility

of the teacher to find out effective techniques for presenting the materials in order

to stimulate the students’ positive attitude toward the speaking class.

In the fact that the students do not care about English especially about

speaking English itself. Most of the students have low motivation and are not

interested in doing the task since the speaking activities are not interesting.

Usually, the students are asked to speak, but they can not speak well.

From this historical the writter notices that the important thing to increase

speaking skill is the teacher should know how to teach foreign

languages. Applying method based on students need is one way to

increase the students’ speaking skill.

Anchoring is one of Neuro Linguistics Programing (NLP) method that

purposed by Dr. Jhon Grinder and Richard Bandler in 1975. For instance: Eyes as

a visual channel can see the picture that showing by the teacher and then, eyes

send to the mind, from this try to deliver to the brain, through the left brain , and

send to the mouth with using language to tell what the meaning of the picture.

Through picture, our brain naturally works, and giving response with what they

have seen. Accessing cues sceatic that right brain, constructing images,

meanwhile left brain remembering image. Right brain, constructing speech,

meanwhile left brain remembering sound. Right brain feeling something, and left

brain makes internal dialoque. So by this the writer will use visual anchoring

with using pictures to stimulate the students’ mind in order to increase their

speaking skill.

Based on experience when the writter was in senior high school, the

writer found that most of the teacher only focus on teaching grammar

and increasing vocabullary, without giving the students chance to speak

English. The teacher did not apply methods that increases the students speaking

skill. Sometimes, the students just as passive listeners.

Further, based on the experience, during the writer did teaching practice at

Rex Mundi Vocational High School, the writer found that the most difficulty of

the teachers was, they have not found good drill to deliver their material to the

students, aspecially in teaching four skills.

From this historical, the writer realized that the teacher should have

more knowledge about how to teach English Language. By having more

knowledge about English language, the teacher and the students have

much better chance of understanding and being understood and getting

what they want and need from these around them. The teacher should

know and aquaire more about the function of brain and learning types.

By knowing this, the teacher can know what a good method that should

give to the students by maximize the function of the brain.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem above, the identification of the

problems will be as follows:

1. Why does Anchoring Drill improve the students’ English speaking skill

at the twelft grade of SMK Rex Mundi Jakarta?

2. How far are the students motivated in improving their English speaking?

3. How far do the students feel confident in speaking English?

4. Why does the aplication of Anchoring Drill technique increase the

students’ interest in speaking skill?

5. How does Anchoring Drill maximize the using of both sides of students’


C. Limitation of the Problem

In analyzing the theory, the writer limits the research on investigating

whether the second grade students of SMK Rex Mundi Jakarta who are taught

through Anchoring Drill feel confident in improving their English Speaking Skill

or not. So through the research the writer herself will get the valuable knowledge

in improving the students’ speaking skill.

D. Formulation of the Research

Regarding to the limitation above the researcher then formulated the

problem as follows: How does the Anchoring Drill technique improve the

students’ speaking skill? Because of that, the researcher take a title Improving

Students’ Speaking Skill Through Anchoring Drill Technique at Twelft Grade of

SMK Rex Mundi Jakarta.

E. Benefit of The Study

This research will give some advantages for those who get infolved in

teaching and learning process especially teachers and students. The research

benefits for:

1. For the English tacher

This research will provide a good drill and they can apply to teach

speaking skill. They can improve techniques and strategies in teaching speaking.

Anchoring Drill Technique will be very helpful for teacher to teach the students.

2. For the students

This research provide much information concerning with the improvement of

their speaking skills. They will be able to get more information obout the

technique of improving their speaking skill and so the students can be motivated

to learn English.

3. For the school institution

Anchoring Drill Technique is considered to be one of the best drill technique

that all teachers in an institution can apply to teach speaking. This drill technique

will be the standard drill that must be applied by the teachers in the institution.

4. For the researcher

For the researcher herself this research will be a valuable knowledge because

the researcher is a candidate to be a teacher so the reasercher has got one drill

technique that the researcher can use someday when she at school.



A. The Meaning of Speaking

The terms speaking according to Brown (2001:267), is “an interactive

process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and

processing information.”1 Its form and meaning are dependent on the context

in which it occurs. We generally use speaking as a means of communication

in daily interaction. The presence of speaker and listener is a must to build up

a mutual communication in speaking activity. Thus, speaking is considered to

be inseparable to something we call communication. Communication is the

way individual can show the feelings, tell the thoughts, ask questions, ask for

help, argue, persuade, explain, and give order each other.

Richard (in Nunan, 1992) provides characteristics of communicative

competence including:

1. knowledge of grammar and vocabulary of the language.

2. knowledge of rule of speaking e.g., knowing how to begin and end
conversation, knowing what topics that can be talked about in different
types of speech events, knowing which address forms should be used with
different persons one speak to and in different situations, c) knowledge of
how to use and respond to different types of speech acts such as request,
apologies, thanks, and invitation, and d) knowledge of how to use
language appropriately.”2
Spoken language is the most familiar form of language that is used by

members of society in order to build relation. “As a means of communication,

spoken language fundamentally occurs within a context. In some social contexts,

spoken language is used as the dominant form of communication.”3 (Burns and

Joyce, 1997:13). In addition, Burns and Joyce stated that “even in other contexts

where written language is given ‘more status,’ such as in educational context,

spoken language is still needed.”4

Mastering the spoken language is not merely mastering its articulation and

forms. The ultimate aim of mastery of spoken language is to communicate. This

means that mastery of rule of speaking and conversational skill is necessary. In

other words, the students must be able to use English for either interactional or

transactional purposes. Therefore, the students must be taught about the

acceptable expression of language functions and formulaic expressions when

opening, responding, and terminating a conversation. For this reason, the teachers

of English need to use teaching techniques by which the students can be involved

in the communication actively.

B. Learning to Speak English

Being an international language, English is spoken in most

international events and is used as the medium of information on

science, technology, and culture as well as a result. People who want to

keep abreast with the culture, scientific, and technological advances must

deal with this language. English is the first foreign language that has been taught

in Indonesian since 1945. Even, in certain region, English is now taught at

elementary schools as a local content. It becomes one of the subjects that the

students must learn both at Junior and Senior High School. Since English

is a compulsory subject and a part of the school curriculum, students have to study

it. Although English is taught in both Junior and Senior High School,

the result of the teaching program in our country has not been

satisfactory. Students learn English because it is a compulsory subject

they have to study. So, they are only learning English, but not

acquiring it. Furthermore, they do not have any aims about their English


Acquiring a language is more successful and longer than learning a

language. Allwright (1982:31), states that “learning takes places most successful

when the students are put in communicative institution in the target language.” 5

So, there is not need for formal instruction (e.g. the teaching of grammatical

learner uses a language to communicates, the better he becomes at

communicating. Krashen also stated (1983:32) that “successful acquisition as

being very bound up with the nature of language input the students receive. Input

is a term used to mean the language that students hear or read.” 6 This input should

contain language that the students have already known as well as the language that

they have not seen yet.

The input should be in other words at a slightly higher level than the

student is capable of understanding. Krashen calls this “rough tuning”. If foreign

language students constantly receive input that is roughly-turned that is slightly

above their level, they will acquire those items of language that they did not

previously know without making a conscious effort to do so.

Ramelan stated that “with language man can express his ideas and

wishes to other people such as when he need their help so that close operation

among memnbers of the group can be carried out.”7 (1992:8). The useof the

foreign language in communicative situation can satisfactorily exist side by side

with work which concentrate on conscious learning, where new language is

introdiced and practiced. Conscious learning is thus seen only as one part

of the methodological approach, which encourages language

acquisition through a large amount of input and a significant

emphasison the use of language in communicative activities.


1. Gender

On the students’ learning language attitude defined the sex variable is

important because of the difference of social and culture behaviour between

both of the gender male and female. It’s said that female students pay more

attention to foreign language especially English than the male students do.

Female are more talented in learning the language.

2. Intelligence

Yellon and Weinstein (1977: 13) stated that “intelligence as the overall

capacity of an invidu to understand and to cope with the world around him.”8 It

is perhaps the most important determinant in the development of language

since it affects both the ability to mimic verbal symbol as well as to understan

their meaning.

3. Interest

Hornby said that “interest as a condition of wanting to know or learn about

something or somebody.”9 (1974: 18). Most children want to learn. They come

to scholl eagerly and are willing to devote the time, effort and energy to learn.

If the material is interesting, their motivation will remain high. So, they will be

interested in learning the language.

4. Motivation

Motivation is seen as a function of certain traits of employees, for

example; a personal interest in getting ahead or a characteristic of a

particular work situation. Watson (1983: 437) defined “motivation is the

underlying caused of people’s desire to perform particula behaviors and

their willingness to explain efford of them.”10 Learning a language will be

more successful if the learner has certain motivation because motivation is

one of the most important thing in learning a language.

5. Attitude

Attitude is also considered as one of the important factors that determines

the success or failure of foreign language learning. Attitude directly deal with

the second language aquisition. In addition, Littlewood (1987: 55) asserted

that “the learners with more favorable attitudes will wish for more intensive

contact with the second language community.”12 In situations where

circumtances do not actually comple members of different language groups to

have contact with each other. The learners’ attitude may dtermine whether he

perceives any communicative need at all. One of the the factors influencing

how we experience the process is attitude toward the foreign language and

the foreign culture itself. If the attitude is negative, they may be

strong internal barriers againts learning and if learning has to take

place because of external compulsion, it may only to the minimum

level required by these external demands.

surrounding where they are learning and the linguistic condition of both


C. The Purpose of Speaking

Speaking is a use of a language to talk to somebody openly about something

by using voice. When we can speak the language, we automatically make

communication with the others. Communicative person will make a

communication as an activity of expressing ideas and feelings or of giving people


a. Learning to speak English

Someone who wants to learn speaking is like a baby that learns to speak. The

baby that was born in this world is like to enter wilderness. The baby feels strange

with his mother, father and theothers around him. He does not understand to what

the people say because he or she feels strange with their language. He just cr ies.

The baby has to learn their language. Day by day he can speak one or two

words and then can communicate with the people around him.

Bodenhamer and Hall, pointed out that, “some principles to keep when

conducting speaking activities in the classroom are: the teacher should know

students’ interest, aspiration, and enrich the student’s experience with various

speaking concept, et cetera.”13

From this historical the writter notices that the important thing to increase

speaking skill is the teacher should know how to teach foreign languages.

Applying method based on students need is one way to

increase the students’ speaking skill.

Anchoring is one of Neuro Linguistics Programing (NLP) method that

purposed by Dr. Jhon Grinder and Richard Bandler in 1975. They stated that

“anchoring can increase the students’ speaking skill through maximazing the

function of brain. Left brain and right brain are connected with sensory channels

such as: visual, auditory, kinestethetic, olfactory and gustatory.” 14 In addition

they said “Our mind and bodies gather information in different ways and from

all around us: seeing, hearing, and doing. Then our brain processes that

information, organizes it and makes connection to things we already know. This

process can also work in different ways. When we are trying to learn, it helps to

know how our brain works.“15 For instance: Eyes as a visual channel can see the

picture that showing by the teacher and then, eyes send to the mind, from this try

to deliver to the brain, through the left brain , and send to the mouth with using

language to tell what the meaning of the picture.

Through picture, our brain naturally works, and giving response with

what they have seen. Accessing cues sceatic that right brain, constructing images,

meanwhile left brain remembering image. Right brain, constructing speech,

meanwhile left brain remembering sound. Right brain feeling something, and left

brain makes internal dialoque. So by this the writer will use visual anchoring with

using pictures to stimulate the students’ mind in order to increase their speaking


Based on experience when the writter was in senior high school, the

writer found that most of the teacher only focus on teaching grammar and

increasing vocabullary, without giving the students chance to speak

English. The teacher did not apply methods that increases the students speaking

skill. Sometimes, the students just as passive listeners. Further, based on the

experience, during the writer did teaching practice at Rex Mundi Vocational High

School, the writer found that the most difficulty of the teachers was, they have not

found good drill to deliver their material to the students, aspecially in teaching

four skills.

2. English Speaking Skill

English speaking skill is an ability to speak English. This ability is very

important for us, because it helps us to have international

relationship. Speaking is related to listening because what we say is

the repetion of what we have heard before. If we listen to our local

friends’ speaking, our English style speaking will not far different

from their speaking style. To test whether our English is good or not,

we need to speak with the native speaker. If they understand to what

we say, it means that our English speaking is quite good. In other

hand, if they get confused to what we say, it indicates that our

English speaking is not good. We are claimed to have a good speaking

skill if our pronunciation or our accent is the same to the native

speker’s pronunciation or accent. We may not claim that we can speak

English before the native speaker understand to what we say.

From the theory above the writer concludes that English Speaking Skill

is an ability to speak English and our speaking can be understood by

the others especially by the native speakers.

D. Types of Speaking

There are foer types os speaking. They are as follow:

1. Informative Speaking

Informative speaking seeks to inform. Its goal is that the listeners

understand something in the same way that the speaker understands that subject.

In this way, the speaker is sharing meaning and ways of understanding.

Informative speaking uses facts, data, logic, evidence and other solid and

information presented. It may well ask questions,in significance analyses such

as 'Who', 'When', 'How' and 'Where' and then answer with the relevant


Types of informative speking:

a. Description speeches that describes objects or events.

b. Exploration speeches that clarify ideas.

c. Demonstration speeches that teach a process.

Once the hurdle of interest and attention have been surmounted, the

biggest question that many informative speakers face is the cognitive

ability of their audience to grasp what can be difficult concepts.

This is a problem that academic speakers (and writers) face every day.

2. Invitational speaking

Invitational speaking is often similar to informative speaking, but adds

judgment into the mix. The 'invitational' element is hence an invitation to

listeners in agreement or evaluation of some sort. This evaluation may be of an

idea, another person, an event, an object of some kind, an event or anything

else who which judgment may be applied. Invitational speaking uses valuative

and judgmental language and rational logic to present the case. As with

informative speaking, it may well appear cool and factual and use classical

argumentation principles. Invitational speaking is more difficult than

informational speaking as you are asking your listeners to accept particular

evaluation criteria and processes of assessment with which they may not

agree. Academics perform invitational speaking when they criticize others


3. Dispositional speaking

Dispositional speaking is more persuasive in intent than invitational

speaking in that it seeks to gain agreement on an attitude, value or

belief. This can be a very difficult thing to do as to change such

deep drivers can often be, in effect, to change the person and who

they are, recreating their identity. It is not surprising, then, that

many will resist such attempts, even if clear and logical reason is

used. Whilst academic speakers should not really use dispositional

speaking, it can be argued that everything is a belief and that there

are unquestioned canons and paradigms that many academics accept

without question, and to challenge these can be particularly perilous.

4. Actuation speaking

Actuation speaking seeks to get people to act, to perform in some way.

In practice this can be easy for simple actions and hardest of all for

actions that the person may not normally undertake. In this way,

actuation speaking can be considered to be the ultimate in persuasive

speaking. In its more difficult form, actuation may well be preceded by other

forms of speaking, as you need people to understand, agree with a

judgment and even change what they believe before they will take the

actions you proposed. To conclude our example, academics engage in

actuation speaking when they persuade those holding the purse strings

to provide the precious cash that is needed to pursue their research.

D. Strategies for Developing Speaking Skills

Speaking is a crucial part of the language learning process. Effective

instructors teach students speaking strategies,using minimal

responses, recognizing scripts, and using language to talk about

language that they can use to help themselves expand their knowledge

of the language and their confidence in using it. These instructors

help students learn to speak so that the students can practice

speaking through learning procces. Language learners who lack of confidence

in their ability to participate successfully in oral interaction often listen in

silence while others do the talking. One way to encourage such learners to

begin to participate is to help them build up a stock of minimal

responses that they can use in different types of exchanges. Such

responses can be especially useful for beginners.

Minimal responses are predictable, often idiomatic phrases that

conversation participants use to indicate understanding, agreement,

doubt, and other responses to what another speaker is saying. Having a

stock of such responses enables a learner to focus on what the other

participant is saying, without having to simultaneously plan a response.

E. Types of English Speaking Learning

In improving the English speaking skill, the learners are

supposed to know the types of speaking learning which are usually

conducted both in the class room and outside the class room. Follows

are the types of English speaking learning:

1. Main Class

Main is conducted in the class room which is led by a tutor. The tutor

plays an important role play in conducting the activity. The tutor

must be able to create the interesting and exciting class and also

must know how to stimulate the students to be active in speaking.

2. Study Club

Study Club is the reversionary of the material that the learners

have got from the main class. This activity is led by a senior

student. The learners are supposed to be active in practicing their

English. They also are supposed not to be shy in asking question to their


3. Discussing Club

Discussing club is one of formal activities in speaking. The students

discuss the topic they have written. This activity is not as academic as the

discuss in the university. The students may not discuss about the etnic,

religion and race because the purpose of the activity is not to find the solution

of the problem they discuss but simply to practice their English.

4. Debating Club

The purpose of this activity is to improve the students speaking skill

not for academic activity. It tends to make the students braver in

speaking English.

5. Story-Telling

The learners memoize the story given by the tutor and they have to retell it

in the next session.

From this activity the students can get new vocabulary and they are get

used to speaking English

6. Speech

Speech is an activity of speaking which is more formal than the other

activities. This activity is useful for students to build their mental

and their self confidence, so the are not only able to speak in relax

situation but in formal situation as well.

F. Types of Learning Style and Pattern Drill

1. Types of Learning Style

Our minds and bodies gather information in different ways and from all

around us: seeing, hearing, and doing. Then our brain process that

information, organizing it and making connection to things we already

know. This process can also work in different ways. When we are trying

to learn, it helps to know how our brain works. How do we best gather

and organize information? Different people have different learning

styles. For example one person might struggle with written information

but understand it immediately in an illustration. Another person might

have problems with picture, but not the written test.

Follows are five basic learning styles that have been identified

a ccording to J.C.Richard, (2009:55):

a. Linguistic

These people learn by using language-listening,reading,speaking and


b. Logical

These people learn by applying formulas and scientific principles.

c. Visual

These people learn by applying formulas and scientific principles. These

people learn by seeing what they are learning.

d. Musical

Instead of finding music a distraction these people learn well when infornation

is pretensed through music.

e. Kinesthetic

Movement and physical activities help those people learn.

f. Intrapersonal

These people learn best if they associate new information directely with

their own experiences.

G. Interpersonal

These people learn well by working with others. You will often

encounter situations that do not match your strongest learning style. If you

know what your strengths are. You can develop stragies to balance your

weaknesses, for a more suceessful learning experience.

H. Natural

These persons learn something naturally.

2. Types of Pattern Drill in Teaching Speaking

The students can speak English not because the lenght of the time they

learn English but the way they learn and the way they are taught. To

improve the students speaking skill, there are some types of pattern

drill that can be used. The teacher can use one or more than one

pattern drill, depanding on material he teaches. In the following

session ‘’T ‘’ represent teacher and ‘’S ‘’ represent student.

a. Noticing

In this Drill;

1. The teacher shows or draws a picture of something or someone, then

asks the students to observe and to have the picture in their mind about

what’s happening. (on going activity)

2. Ask the students to express what they have observed and

planted in their mind orally.

3. The teacher may not interrupt the students such as correcting the

students’ grammar mistakes in advanced for grammar is

discussed in the grammar focus section.

b. Giving Information

In this drill;

1. The teacher provides some words as the subject of information.

2. Ask the students to give the information about the subject given.

c. Asking and Answering

There are four kinds of question we use when we ask someone.

1. Question about feeling.

2. Question about knowledge.

3. Question about plan.

4. Question about opinion.

The teacher can choose the question above depand on the langaguage


d. Movement

In this drill;

1. The teacher mimes an action, then ask the students to guess or say what

he/she is miming.

2. The teacher can ask a student to mime an action and ask the other

students to guess or say.

e. Reproduction

In this drill;

1. The teacher ask the students to read a text or dialogue, then ask them to

retell it by using their own words.

2. The teacher plays a recording twice, then ask the students listen it

carefully. Afterward, ask them to retell it by using their own words.

f. Repetition Drill

Repetition is the simplest drill used in learning language

patteres.It is used in laboratory class.the students marely repeat what the

teacher says or the tape recorder produces. This may be used for te

presentation of new vocabulary and will be useful for the pronunciation of the


g. Responding Drill

The students respond to somebody’s sentese. In this drill, the answer are

atterned after the questions. This drill may involve ‘’Wh-‘’ question

or‘’Yes/No’’ questions.

h. Restatement Drill

The students rephrase an utterance and addrees to somebody else,

according to the content of the utterance.

i. Scanning for Information

In this activity teachers give one topic and ask the students to make

questions about the topic as many as possible.

G. Anchoring Drill

1. The Meaning of Achoring Drill

An anchor is a representation, either internal, as with a picture or

feeling, or external, as with a touch- sound that triggers another

such representation .Attempt to secure the anchor with a touch or

sound. In Neuro-Linguistic programming, Representational systems

denote ways people take in, store, and code information in their

minds. These systems pertain to the principal human senses-Seeing

(visual) Hearing(auditory)and Feeling(kinesthetic). People constantly

see, hear, and feel whatever transpires around them. When individuals

relate these experiences to others, they mentally access the sights,

sounds, or feelings associated with these experiences and communicate

them through their Predominant Representational System.

The Predominant Representational Systems are; Visual (seeing)

Auditory (hearing) Kinesthetic (Feeling).

a. Visual

There are two types of Visual anchors to anchor state.There are internal and

eksternal anchor (Neil Shah, 2011:149). Visual anchoring technique is a powerful

tool for conditioning using Neuro-linguistic training. By changing the kinesthetic

responses of the students to visual can stimulate the students’ imagination.

By understanding the Neuro-linguistic process of anchoring, we can realize

that first impression usually becomes the last impression, once the anchor is set.

By being aware of how we set anchors in others and in ourselves, we can take

control of the process. We can then set positive anchors in ourselves and in others,

so that we can achieve an outcome or create an environment of excellence and


Most visual anchors are internal. Some examples of visual anchors are:

Symbols : for example, you could use a circle as a symbol for being

calm and relaxed and anchor this to your state. People, such as a trusted friend or

mentor or even a person from history or current affairs. Various objects and

landscapes can be used as anchors for being calm and relaxed for example, you

could imagine:

1. A beautiful beach

2. A summer garden

3. Your childhood teddy bear or doll.

The characteristic of visual are as follows;

1. Speaks fast and in visual terms.

2. Eyes move upward.

3. Picture objects in their mind.

4. Fast or shallow breathing.

Visual people like movies, smiles etc.

b. Auditory

Auditory anchor can use sound as an anchor,like visual anchor,sounds

can be internal or external. Many people used whistling or humming as an

anchor. You can use an internal voice as an anchor. For example, you could

anchor the affirmation: ‘I am calm and relaxed. (Neil Shah, 2011:150).

The characteristic of auditory are as follows; Speak slower, more


Point to ears.

Eyes move at ear level.

Breathing is lower in chest/slower.

They hear things.

c. Kinesthetic

Examples of kinaesthetic anchors are:

Imagining a comforting hand on your shoulderlisten to music.

Squeezing the thumb and forefinger as we did earlier touching yourself on the

hand or other unobtrusiveplace you can choose a point and treat it like an

acupressure point, pressing on it to fire the required state. Types of questions

that will stimulate kinesthetic responses; First love, tragic event, the warmth of

the sun with kinesthetic response, people will usually look down and

thedefensive mechanism will be relaxed. Most people who confess, will

confess while in this kinesthetic state.

2. Visual Anchoring

In this research the writer focus on Visual Anchoring in which the

method of the teaching is focused on eyes, feeling, imagination and

verbal. The method is used based on the brain function-Right and Left

Brains. The following is the picture of brains functions;

All people were born with the same capacity of brain. We have on

average one million ( neurons.

When our brain starts making more connections that will make us more

and more inteligents. Every time we see, hear or do something new or

every time we think, our brain get stimulate.

3. Ways to Apply Visual Anchoring Drill in Teaching Speaking

Based on the brain function above, Visual Anchoring Drill is applied

in teaching speaking in which language is controlled in the left

brain and imagination is controlled in the right brain. The applying

of Visual Anchoring Drill helps the students to maximize the function

of their brains.The following is the ways how to apply Visual

Anchoring Drill;

a. Preview

In this step the teacher opens the students’ mind set to deal with the

presenting topic.

In this case the students gain an overview of the lesson and general

meaning without the presence of a picture.

b. Presenting the Picture

This step, the teacher shows the picture something like the picture of

an accident, event, personal experience, etc. (Look apendices p.42)

c. Deliver the Students to Imagine about the Pictures

The teacher ask the students to feel and to imagine about the picture for a

while. Soon after the students are instructed to interpret the

picture by answerring question appling question words made up by the

teacher. The question words used refer to the past circumstance.

Here are example of the questions;

1. When did they experience this moment?

2. Where did they experience the moment?

3. What did they do at that time?

4. Et cetera.

d. Concluding the Picture

The teacher asks the students to conclude the picture in all refering

to the previous given question.

e. The Teacher tell the real of the pictures.

The teacher tell to the students about the real meaning of the picture.

Note: When the students are concluding the picture, the teacher may

not interrupt the students such as correcting the students’ grammar

mistake in advance, for grammar is discussed in the grammar focus


H. Classroom Action Research

Classroom Action Research (CAR) is systematic inquiry with the goal of

informing practice in a particular situation. CAR is a way for instructors to

discover what works best in the classroom situation, thus allowing informed

decisions about teaching.

CAR occupies a midpoint on a continuum ranging from teacher reflection

at one end to traditional educational research. It is more data-based and systematic

than reflection, but less formal and controlled than traditional educational

research. Instructors use data readily available from their classes in order to

answer practical questions about teaching and learning in their classrooms.

The CAR process includes seven manageable steps. They are; identifying

a question, review the literature, planning a research strateg, collecting data,

analyzing data, taking action based on results, and sharing the findings. CAR will

help us discover what works best in the classroom situation. It is a powerful

integration of teaching that provides a solid basis for instructional decisions.

CAR’s easily mastered techniques provide insights into teaching that result in

continual improvement.



In this chapter, the methodology of the study will be presented.

Thisincludes the research approach, the sampling, the methods of data

collection,and the procedures of data collection and analysis.

3.1. Qualitative multi-case study approach

Stake (1988) stated “the case study is a study of a ‘bounded

system’,emphasizing the unity and wholeness of that system, but confining

theattention to those aspects that are relevant to the research problem at thetime”

(p. 258). It is said that case study methodology is flexible and isformulated to suit

the purpose of the study including qualitative, quantitativeor descriptive, etc. In

the present study, a qualitative multi- case studyapproach was employed due to

the following main reasons:To begin with, a multi- case study was conducted

owing to the factthat it helps to “understand a case in depth” (Bogdan & Biklen,

1992) andprovides “the collection of very intensive data” (Burn, 2000 as cited in

Le,2009, p.29) and “detailed descriptions of specific learners” (Markey &

Gass,2000 as cited in Le, 2009, p.29). As a result, the researcher believed that

toconduct a research concerning students’ use of mother tongue in L2speaking

class, it was advisable to do a perceptive research containingdescriptive and

detailed data instead of a wide and superficial one. Viathorough data collected, it

is hoped that the study would contribute someinsights to the research of L1 use in

L2 class

Second, multi- case study is the one “involves the participation of more than one

individual learner or existing group of learners” (Le, 2009, p.29). Making use of

that feature, the research decided to use this approach toinvestigate more than

one case. As a result, it will be easier and morelogical for the researcher to

compare and contrast students’ use of L1 in theirL2 speaking classroom,

especially their behaviors and attitudes implied fromthat. Therefore, the data

investigated in the research could be more conciseand persuasive which is

possible to reflex different perspectives of variousstudents from diver proficiency

English levels.Last but not least, in Le’s point of view, as a method of

qualitativeresearch, “a multi-case study could help describe the studied

phenomenonfrom the perspective of the insiders.” (2009, p. 30). That means

that theparticipants directly get involved and they themselves deal with

theproblems. In this study, the data was collected from the three participantswho

primarily participated in English speaking class and used L1. Inaddition, they

themselves also spoke up their own points of views andproblems encountered in

terms of using the mother tongue in Englishspeaking class.The research was

conscious that a multi- case study involving a fewparticipants could not secure the

external validity for the research. However,the purpose of the research was not to

achieve large and spreading datarelated but to have a deeper look at the issue,

which is hoped to be a goodbase for further researches. Furthermore, concerning

this drawback of thecase study, Yin claimed that “survey research relies on


generalization, whereas case studies rely on


generalization”(1984, p. 39). Moreover, as Stake remarked

A case study is valid to the reader to whom it gives an accurate anduseful

representation of the bounded system. Accuracy of observingand reporting is not a

matter of everyone seeing and reporting the samething. Observers have different

vantage points…. Readers havedifferent uses for research reports. One reader

expects an exactfacsimile of the ‘real thing’. The validity of the report is different

foreach, according to the meaning the readers gives it” (p. 261- 263).In general,

qualitative multi- case research was considered to be themost appropriate

approach for the present study. It was believed that thestudy could contribute

somehow for further investigation in the use of L1 inL2 classroom.

3.2. Setting of the Study

The study was conducted in Faculty of English Language TeacherEducation of

University of Languages and International Studies, VietnamNational University

Hanoi. To attend the university, it is compulsory forstudents to pass the entrance

exam organized yearly by the Vietnam Ministryof Education and Training

(MOET). Students have to take three testsincluding English written test. There is

no English oral test for students inthe entrance exam; however, if anyone wishes

to join the fast- track class forgifted students, they must take one.The students of

Faculty of English Language Teacher Education willfollow four- year bachelor

program in which they are trained to become anEnglish teacher in the future.

Mainly, students from FELTE, ULIS, VNUHare Vietnamese; therefore

Vietnamese will be the only mother tonguelanguage and English as the foreign

one. In the FELTE, students will haveopportunities to study not only English

skills including listening, speaking,

writing and reading but English- based courses such as ELT (EnglishLanguage

Teaching), Literature, British and American Studies, etc.In addition, at the first

and second year, students are likely to havemore chances to build up and improve

their English proficiency skills.Therefore, four skills especially speaking and

writing will be taught in threeperiods each week (50 minutes/ period).

3.3. Subjects and Sampling

As the present study is conducted by qualitative multi- case approach,the

researcher made use of purposive sampling, in which “a case is selectedbecause it

serves the real purpose and objectives of the researcher of discovering, gaining

insight and understanding into a particular chosenphenomenon” (Burns, 2000 as

cited in Le, 2009, p.31). In purposivesampling, the researcher handpicks the cases

to be included in the sample onthe basis of their judgment of their typicality. In

this way, the researchercould build a sample that is satisfactory to their specific

needs.The three students of FELTE, ULIS, VNU were chosen based on

thefollowing criteria. To begin with, all the three students were directlyinvolved

in English speaking class for first year students. They all study inthe same class

together. The reason why the researcher chose this element isthat with the same

teacher and same teaching methods, teacher element willnot be counted in the

research. This will avoid complexity, timeconsumption and confusion. Second,

the three students were purposivelychosen basing on their English scores at the

entrance exam (i.e. 3 studentswith 3 different levels of scores) so that the

researcher could investigatediverse background and behaviors. This criterion, as

“named as


variation cases’

by Flyvbjerg (2006), was set for the purpose of gettinginformation about various

cases in the language context” (Le, 2009, 31).Third, under the voluntary

agreement, students were picked up so that theresearcher could make sure about

their commitment in getting involved inthe study.All the participants came from

different regions in the country withdiverse background. Two of them claimed

that they studied at normal highschool classes in which teachers just mainly

focused on grammar. In theirclasses, it was rare for students to raise their

voices and speak English. Theother one came from Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam.

As a result, she had anearlier chance than the others to speak and use English.

However, all of themreported that before entering the university, English was only

one subject atschool and they did not have many chances to practice and speak

English.Detailed information about each participant could be summarized in

thetable below.

(Note: All the names of the participants are called pseudonymsdue to confidential


Participants HometownUniversityyearEnglishscore intheentranceexamThe

latestspeakingtotalscoreHanh Ha Noi First year 9.0 9.0Lan Nam Dinh First year 7

.5 8Nga Thai Binh First year 5.5 6.8Table 3.1: Brief details of the participants

(pseudonym names)

The researcher was conscious that it could be impossible for theresearcher to pick

up more than three participants. With a huge amount of data and a limited scope

of the study (class observations and intensiveinterviews), the research would find

it hard to manage and analyze data.Moreover, due to its own features of

qualitative research, it was vitallynatural to investigate only a limited number of

participants. In general, theresearcher hopes that sufficient and valid data could be

collected throughproposed sample of participants and research instruments.

3.4. Data Collection3.4.1. Data collection Instruments

The research chose class observation and semi- structured interviewas data

collection instruments to collect sufficient and reasonable data. Theclass

observation was aimed to answer the first two research questions; thesemi-

structured individual interview was to answer the question aboutstudents’

attitudes towards L1 use in L2 speaking class. The two instrumentssupported and

complemented each other so that the research could have anoverview and depth

into the issue. In particular, while the class observationwas used to achieve factual

data about students’ amount and purposes of L1use, the interview helped to

collect the attitudinal data. As a result, fromthese two data collection instruments,

it is hoped that the data collectedwould be proportionate and reasonable. Class Observation

Recording is said to provide researchers with rich data on classroominteraction

behavior and can also easily keep track of the amount of

students’ talk (Wallace, 1998). To record data, on verbal interactions, theresearch

employed note- taking and audio- recording. As it was hard to note-taking

everything students said, the researcher only noted down some keypoints in the

lessons and some main class behaviors of students when theyuse L1 in L2

speaking class. The researcher made use of the obviousadvantage of audio-

recording which is that “all interaction that is audible isrecorded and can be

analyzed later in a number ways. (…) To pick upspeech that might otherwise be

audible, microphones can be attached to keystudents” (Saville, 1988, p.568)The

pilot study was conducted to see whether the intendedinstruments could work as

planned. The tools were tried on twenty pre-intermediate evening students at AAC

(American Academy Center) wherethe researcher is working as a part- time job.

The probing of the audio-recording lessons had also given the researcher a good

opportunity toidentify a better way and position for the tape recorder in the

classrooms tobe recorded. As a matter of fact, normally English speaking classes

are quitenoisy and energetic, which somehow will affect the quality of

recordings.Therefore, thanks to the pilot study, the researcher had more

experience andbetter preparation for observations and recordings by using three

differentrecorders carried by the three students.With the same teacher, the class

observation was conducted in 5lessons. However, only three lessons were

recorded because according toSaville, 1988, the presence of tape recorder could

inhibit students or teachersespecially at first. Therefore, in the two first lessons,

the researcher onlyaimed to let students get used to the presence of the researcher

and taperecorder. In 3 lessons, the class observations were made for one period

lasting in 50 minutes. Yet, in fact, in some beginning minutes, teachers

andstudents normally discussed some topics unrelated to the lessons. Thus,

theresearcher only recorded 40 minutes in each period and lesson.The major

purposes of the recording were to find out the proportion of Vietnamese words

used compared to English by counting Vietnamese andEnglish utterances

produced during lessons, to figure out the amount of timeclass devoted to each

language by three students and to investigate howVietnamese language was used

in the English speaking class and for what.Students were informed that the

researcher conducted a research intheir class and three participants were asked

before for their acceptance.However the exact purpose of the research (i.e. the

classroom use of Vietnamese) was not announced in advance. The purpose of this

was toavoid the risk of sensitizing and tempting them to show behavior

differentfrom the usual ones and thereby to obtain a more authentic data. Semi-structured interviews:

In addition to the class observation, the researcher also conductedsemi- structured

individual interviews with the three participants.The semi- structured interviews

does more than simply list thequestions to be asked. It contains suggestions for

what to say at thebeginning and end of the interview regarding the purpose of the

interview.Thanks to that, the researcher could be flexible to get more in-

depthinformation from the interviewees.The interview questions had been piloted

with two students atelementary and pre- intermediate relatively. This helped the

researcher to

revise and make any changes if necessary for set of interview questions.Four

interview questions would mainly serve to answer the last researchquestion. Yet,

they were used to check and compliment the data fromclassroom observations.

Each interview lasted around 15 minutes at average.To secure the honesty of the

participants, it was guaranteed that all theinformation from the interviews would

be kept confidential. All theinterviews were carried out in Vietnamese so that

students could expresstheir ideas more easily.To collect and analyze data later on,

all the interviews were recordedunder the acceptance of the participants.

The interview transcripts have been enclosed in the Appendix3.4.2. Data

collection procedure

The data collection was conducted in the following basic steps takenat different

time so that the researcher could ensure the progress of theresearch.

Step 1: Contact the participants as suggested by teachers and the monitor

At this stage, the research would have a talk with the threeparticipants about the

purpose of the research and inform them about theclass observations and


Step 2: Arrange the time for class observations with the teacher

Under the acceptance of the teacher, the researcher need to arrange inadvance the

timetable for observation because some periods, students wouldconduct


Step 3: Observe class and audio- tape

The participants at this phase would be observed and recorded forlater analysis.

The pilot study was conducted with the AAC class beforehand.

Step 4: Arrange the interview timetable

After the pilot carried out, the research had to contact and asked theparticipant a

suitable time for interviews.

Step 5: Interview and audio-tape all the interviews

The researcher guaranteed to keep the participants’ information andinterviews in

secret and then do interviews.

3.5. Techniques of Data Analysis

After the class observations and interviews, the data gathered throughthese tools

were analyzed as follows:From the data transcribed from the tapes, the total

number of Vietnamese language and English words uttered during the three

lessonswere counted using a word as a unit of measurement and converted

intopercentages. The paralinguistic features, of the languages (both vocal

andphysical) were not considered while counting. The reason is that the

audiocannot capture these asapects of the languages. Via utterances, the researche

would analyze the purpose of L1 use in L2 classrom, which helps to answerthe

second research question.Interview data from the three students through semi-

structuredinterviews were summarized and presented.


To sum up, the research was carried out by the multi- case studyapproach. The

three participants in regard to the use of L1 in L2 speakingclass participated in

class observation process and semi- structuredindividual interviews. Then the data

would be categorized and analyzed inthe next chapter.



In this part, the reseacher describes the condition in the field through applied

Anchoring drill. Beside that, she describes the result of research and all the


4.1 Findings

4.1.1 Teaching and Learning Process First Meeting

The first meeting was implemented on Thursday, May 10th 2012 at

07.55 - 09.15 a.m in XI Keuangan 9 at SMK Karya Ruteng. The researcher

implemented thetechnique based on the lesson plan. She explained the

technique inteaching speaking skill through anchoring drill and gave the

exercises.In this stage, the researcher used some colored picture for the

students to anchor.The title of the picture was‘’ Telling aboutdisaster that

happened around us’’. Which anchor allthe situation and many other things

on the picture based on the students own imagination, feeling and knowledge.

The total number of the students was 36 students. The test models were as

follows; there were 4 criteria in test, namely: criteria of assessment of

fluency,grammar, pronunciation and content.She prepared the material when

she taught in cycle 1 and also prepared sources related to the topic to the

second grade students of XI Keuangan 9. When the writer applied anchoring

drill technique, some students got the lowest score because they cannot

anchor correctly.

The observation was done onThursday, May 10th 2012 at 07.55 -

09.15 a.m. It was done by the English teacher of SMK Karya Ruteng. The

result ofthe observation can be seen in the following table:

Observation result note

Number Aspects
Yes No

1. 1 The students’preparation through √

teaching and learning process

2 The students’consistencewith the time √

3 Students’ participation during the class √

4 Stu Students’ interest through action √

5 Stu Students performance and self of √


6 Students’ ability in pronouncing the √

7 Students’ understanding in using

simple past

The reseacher reflected about Teaching Learning Proccess such as

the way how to delivering the material and the media on the first meeting

could not help the students in improving their speaking skill, because the

students were being still passive and some of the students just kept silent

without giving the reaction what the reseacher asking. Some of the

students also said the used of coloured picture were difficult for them,

because ofthey could not seen clearly, and they were not more

knowledgeof English, so they could not understand well the instruction

were given by the researcher. The researcher and teacher also made

reflection based on the test and result ofclassroom observation, by using

the observation sheet to know the students’ activities which are filled by

the teacher of SMK Karya Ruteng. The next are the result of observation

sheet on the first meeting on cycle I. (1) The students’preparation through

teaching and learning process, the answer No.They did not prepare

everything needed such as dictionary, some book related with the lesson

etc.(2)Thestudents’consistent time given, the answer Yes.The students

were really consistent on the time given by the teacher. It means that they

finished to anchor based on the time given. (3)Students participation

during the class, the answer No. Half of the student did not took part in all

classroom activities.(4)Students’ interesting through action,the answer No.

In this case, the students were not interested in doing the task.(5) Students’

performance and self confidence,the answer No.The students performance

in sharing the ideas was badly. They performed bad in front of the class.

They were shy,and afraid of making mistake. (6) Students’ ability in

pronouncing the words,the answer No. They could not pronounce all the

words correctly.(7)Students’ understanding in using simple past,the

answer No. Only half of the students can use simple pastcorrectly. Finally

the reseacher gave homework related with the topic. Second Meeting

The second meeting was done on Wensday, May16th 2012 at10.10

- 11.30 a.m in XI Keuangan 9 class. The reseacher explained the

material in accordance with lesson plan.

Below are the activities done by the teacher and the students in the

second meeting. The resacher reviewed the material and checked their

homework and asked half of them to present in front of the class.

After that the teacher presented big picture on the blackboard ( what

the animals done) to the students to be anchor(10 minutes) to help the

students improve their speaking skill. In other words, through the

color picture the students had more chance to speak based on their

own imagination, feeling and knowledge about the picture showed.

The observation was done on May16th 2012 at 10.10 - 11.30

a.m. It was done by the English teacher of SMK Karya Ruteng, while

a researcher took a part as a teacher, the observer observed all the

activities during the teaching learning process. In this stage, the

researcher taught the student through anchoring drill technique in

teaching speaking used visual anchoring by presenting picture. The

result observation can be seen in the following table:

Observation result note

Number Aspects
Yes No

2. 1 The students’preparation through √

teaching and learning process

2 The students’consistence with the time √

3 Students’ participation during the class √

4 Stu Students’ interest through action √

5 Stu Students performance and self of √


6 Students’ ability in pronouncing the √


7 Students’ understanding in using √

simple past

It was a good result for the reseacher, because most of the

students understood the instruction and talked freely based on their

own. But it was not enough, because some of studentswere nervous

and confused. The researcher and teacher also reflected based on

the test and result ofclassroom observation, by using the

observation sheet to know the students’ activities which are filled

by the teacher of SMK Karya Ruteng. The next are the result of

observation sheet on the second meeting on cycle I. (1) The

students’preparation through teaching and learning process, the

answer Yes.They prepared everything needed in teaching learning

process. Inwhich they prepared some book related with the lesson.

(2) The students’consistent time given, the answer Yes.The

students were really consistent on the time given by the teacher. It

means that they finished to anchor based on the time given. (3)

Students participation during the class, the answer Yes.All the

student was took part in all classroom activities.(4)Students’

interesting through action,the answer Yes. In this case, the students

were interested in did the task. (5) Students’ performance and self

confidence,the answer No. The students performance in sharing the

ideas was bad. They performed badly in front of the class. They

were shy and afraid of making mistake and lost of their self

confidence. (6) Students’ ability in pronouncing the words, the

answer No. The students could not pronounce some words

correctly.(7)Students understanding in using simple past,the

answer Yes.All of the students were good and understood in using

simplepast. Finally the reseacher gave homework related with the

topic. Third Meeting

Theteaching and learning process in third meetingwas implemented

onWendsday, May23th 2012 at 10.10 - 11.30 a.m in XI Keuangan

9. In the third meeting the researcher made a new lesson plan.

Before explained the topic,the teacher reviewedgenerally the

definition of anchoring drill with its characteristics include the uses

of simple past. The topic was about ‘’Personal Expression’’ the

students were asked to anchor the picture. After that the students

came in front of the class to share what they had anchoredand

answeredthe questions one by one. The students enjoyed with this

method, because the could talk freely, without being afraid of

making mistake, they just spoke based on their imagination, feeling

and knowledge.

Observation was doneonWendsday, May23th 2012 at 10.10

- 11.30 a.m in XI Keuangan 9while a researcher took a part as a

teacher, the observer observed all the activities during the teaching

learning process. In this stage, the researcher taught the student

through anchoring drill method in teaching speaking by using

visual anchoring with presenting picture. The result observation

can be seen in the following table:

Observation result note

Number Aspects
Yes No

3. 1 The students’preparation through √

teaching and learning process

2 The students’consistencewith the time √

3 Students’ participation during the class √

4 Stu Students’ interest through action √

5 Stu Students performance and self of √


6 Students’ ability in pronouncing the √


7 Students’ understanding in using √

simple past

After conducting the action in one cycle (three meetings) the

researcher found that, the students really enjoyed in learning. They

could express their ideas about the picture in their own

imagination, feeling and knowledge without shy, or afraid of

making mistake. The researcher and teacher also made reflection

based on the test result and also the result of observation, by using

the observation sheet to know the students’ activities which are

filled by the teacher of SMK Karya Ruteng.The next are the result

of observation sheet on the third meeting on cycle I.(1)The

students’preparation through teaching and learning process, the

answer Yes. They prepared everything needed in teaching learning

process. Inwhich they prepared some book related with the lesson.

(2) The students’consistent time given, the answer Yes.The students

were really consistent on the time given by the teacher. It means

that they finished to anchor based on the time given. (3) Students

participation during the class, the answer Yes.All the studentook

part in all classroom activities. (4)Students’ interesting through

action,the answer Yes. In this case, the students were interested in

did the task. (5) Students’ performance and self confidence, the

answer Yes. The students performance in sharing the ideas was

good. They performed bad in front of the class. They are shy and

afraid of making mistake and lost of their self confidence. (6)

Students’ ability in pronouncing the words, the answerYes. Most of

words were able to be pronounced correctly. (7) Students

understanding in using simple pastthe answer Yes. All of the

students were good and understand in using simple past.

4.1.2 Result of Test

In this stage, the researcher wants to explain about the result of the

students’ scores on speaking skill of the second grade students of SMK

Karya Ruteng.

 The Result of Test Cycle 1

The test was done on May 24st 2011 at 07.30-09.10 a.m.The final

scores weregot from total of scores divided by totalof test item or

assessments. Example: student A gotscore namely; Fluency: 65,

Grammar: 70, Pronunciation: 70 Content: 71, and the total of

scores is: 276/ 4 (Fluency, grammar, pronunciation and content),

= 69. So, the final scores of students A is 69. The result of the test

could be seen on the table below:

Table 4. The Result of Test in Cycle 1

No Studens' Fluency Grammar Pronun- content Total Scores

Name ciation

1 A.G 65 70 70 71 276 69
2 A.P 90 70 69 87 316 79
3 A.H 88 80 69 83 320 80
4 A.S 85 70 70 75 300 75
5 D.K.S 65 70 70 71 276 69
6 D.P 97 90 90 91 368 92
7 E.P 88 65 70 77 300 75
8 E.L 73 69 60 70 272 68
9 E.R.N 73 70 65 72 280 70
10 F.N.J 70 77 65 88 300 75
11 F.Y 88 69 69 90 316 79
12 F.K 70 79 61 82 292 73

13 H.J 90 78 69 83 320 80
14 H.B 97 90 75 90 352 88
15 K.M. 65 65 65 69 264 60
16 K.M.S 71 70 65 70 276 69
17 L.J 90 69 70 87 316 79
18 M.S 70 82 61 79 292 73
19 M.A.D 94 98 78 90 360 90
20 M.G.N 80 88 70 90 328 82
21 M.Y.D 84 70 70 88 312 78
22 M.M 70 61 79 82 292 73
23 P.A 65 65 65 65 260 65
24 P.B 63 63 60 62 248 62
25 R.S 77 70 65 88 300 75
26 R.R 97 90 70 95 352 88
27 S.A 63 65 64 64 256 64
28 S.R 77 68 70 85 300 75
29 S.D 85 80 65 82 312 78
30 V.D 97 75 90 90 352 88
31 W.A 97 90 70 95 352 88
32 Y.W 95 89 70 90 344 86
33 Y.J.A 85 80 65 82 312 78
34 Y.T.T 88 70 65 85 308 77
35 Y.S 95 90 70 93 348 87
36 E.N 95 90 70 93 348 87
2942/36 2335/36 2489/36 2954/36 1126/4 2782/36
= 81,72 = 64,86 = 69,13 = 82,05 = 2781,5 = 77,2

a) The scores above based on the criteria of assesment namely: Criteria

of assessement of fluency, grammar,pronuncition and content. From

this result, the highest score for the criteria of: a). Assessement of

fluency was 97 and the lowest score was 63. The detail of the highest

to the lower scores are, 97 (5 student), 95 ( 3 students),94 (1 students),

90 (3 student), 88 (3 student), 85 (3 student), 84 (1 students), 80 (1

students), 77 (2 students), 73 (1 students), 71(1 students), 70 ( 4

students), 65 (4 students), 63 ( 2 student). b). Assesment of grammar

the highest was 98 and the lowest was 61. The detail of the highest to

lowest scores are, 98 ( 1 students) 90 (6 student), 89( 1 students) 88

( 1 students) 82 (1 student), 80 ( 3 students) 79 (1 student), 78 (1

students),77 (1 students), 75 (1 students) 70 ( 9 students), 69 (3

students), 68 (1 students), 65 (4 students), 63 ( 1 students), 61 ( 1

students). c). Assesment ofpronunciation was the highest was 90 and

the lowest was 60. The detail of the highest to lowest scores are, 90 (1

students), 79 ( 1 students), 78 ( 1 students), 75 (1 students),70 (13

students), 69 (4 students), 65 ( 9 students), 64 ( 1 students) 61 (2

students) 60 (2 student). d). Assesment of content was the highest was

95 and lowest was 62. The detail of the highest to lowest scores are,

95 ( 2 students) 93 ( 3 students), 91( 1 students), 90 (6 student), 88

(3student), 87 (2 student), 85 (2 student), 83 ( 2 students)82 (4

students),79 ( 1 students), 77 (1 students), 72 (1 students) 71 ( 2

students), 70 ( 2 students), 69( 2 students),65 ( 1 students),64( 1

students) 62 (1 students).

4.1.3 Data Analysis

The calculation of students’ improvement in speaking

Students’ Preliminary Study Test Cycle I

Total of Percenta Total Percen
students ge of tage
Score ≤ 25 67% 2 5,5%

Score ≥ 12 32% 34 94,4%
Success 12 32% 34 94,4%
Fail 25 67% 2 5,5%
∑X X = 2782= 77,2
Average X = N 36
X = 2072 = 56
Speaking 12 x 100 = 32% 34 x 100 = 94,4%
mastery 37 36

Based on table above, 12 students of preliminary test achieved the

criteria of success at SMK Karya Ruteng (32 %), and 25 students

failed(67%). It means that, the students’ speaking skill wasstill in lower

level and students faced the problem in speaking. After getting the

problem in speaking that was faced by the students, the writer started

oncycle one. In the cycle one the result of the students scores of the test

showed the significant improvement in which 34 students got the standard

criterion of success at SMK Karya Ruteng94,4% and 2 students got the

lower scores thatis 5,5%. In order to knowthe average score or mean score

of the studentstheresearcher used the formula as has been mentioned in

chapter III. It means that the researcher has succeeded in improving the

second grade students’ speaking skill through anchoring drilltechnique.

4.2 Discussions

After conducting the classroom action research through anchoring

drill techniques in one cycle at XI Keuangan 9 of SMK Karya Ruteng, the

researcher found some crucial things to be discussed. Based onresult of

teaching learning process, the researcher found that, the students were

difficult to speak English language. It is caused of some aspects, as


First, Mental block, such as they were not confident to speak, were shy,

afraid of making mistake, less of self confidence. Thisis the root problem

that made the students are passive in speaking English. Writer tries to

encourage and motivate the students in order to make them have confident

and brave to speak English.

Second,Environmental social life doesn’t support themin improving their

English speaking skill. They live in environment that uses mother tongue

or Indonesian language. So, it does not support them in improving English

speaking skill especially how to pronounce the English words exactly. In

order to make the students’ speaking English easily, the writer asked them

to speak English whether in classroom or out of classroom and tries to

anchor something in English.

Third,the teachers’ teaching methodology. Many teachers still

used structural approach or grammar-translation method. This method

emphasizesthe studentsonmastering grammatical rules: memoryzation of

long list of literary vocabullary and related given texts. In other words, the

teacher,monotones in English teaching learning process, sometimes the

teachers do not know what a good techniques to make the students

understand the materials easily.So, the effect of this problem is the

students were passive during English teaching learning process; the

students had a little time to speak, so they wereshy, and felt afraid if the

teacher let them to speak English, even though they had many

vocabularies. To overcome these problems, the writer let them anchor

everything based on their imagination about something freely.



In this chapter, the writer presents: (1) the conclusions and (2) the

suggestions based on the data distribution, finding and interpretations of the

data in the previous chapter.

5.1 Conclusions

Based on previous explanation about the implementation and the

result of anchoring drilltechniquesit can be concluded that the use of

anchoring drill techniques in teaching English to the second grade students

at SMK Karya Ruteng in the academic year 2011/2012 is successful

because it can improve their speaking skill.Furthemore, through this

techniques, they can speak freely, without being shy, or being afraid of

making mistake, because they speak based on what they have anchored.

So, apllying this drill helps them to increase the students’ speaking skill.

Anchoring basically aimed at entertainingthe studentsby using

picture to stimulate their mind; feeling and knowledge through maximize

the function of brain. Besides, thetechniquecan imagine and speak freely

based on their imagination, the student can understand the uses of past

simple.Because the the students tell someones’ experience, event, accident

on the picture in past anchoring way.

In each stage of teaching, the improvement always appeared. It

means that anchoring drill technique is effective in teaching speaking,

especially for intermediate level. The improvement in cycle I was 62,4% .

It can be concluded that the application of Anchoring drill technique is

effective in teaching speaking for intermediate level. Having seen to the

students’ scores in the test, it would be said that anchoring drill

techniqueis appropriate to the students capability. It is appropriate because

the students’ scores have been improved that is from 32%, to 94,4 (62,4


5.2 Suggestions

These suggestions aim at improving students' speaking skill. The

suggestions are offered some elements below:

1. For The English teachers of SMK Karya Ruteng, it is important

to improve the students’ speaking skill by using anchoringdrill

technique, because this technique allows the student to talk

freely based on their imagination or feeling.So, the writer

suggested to use this technique in teaching speaking skill.

2. For the students

To have a good result in speaking activities, the students need

much practice speaking into their daily activities with her or his


3. For the Institution

It is better for institution use this writing if there isthe same

problem with this writing. The researcher hopes the institution

to prepare some facilities that support the English speaking

skill of the students.

4. For other reseachers,

This writing can be use as an alternative reference for the next

researcher, if she/he will conduct study on speaking skill.


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