Reuse Iraqi Construction and Aggregates Waste

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Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science Volume 29, Issue 3, 2018 DOI:

ISSN: 1814-635X (print), ISSN: 2521-3520 (online)

Research Article Open Access

Reusing Iraqi Construction and Aggregates Waste to Manu-

facturing Eco-Friendly Polymer Concrete
Awham M. Hameed*, Mohammad T. Hamza
Applied Sciences Department, University of Technology, Iraq.
*Correspondent author email:

ArticleInfo Abstract
The recycling and reusing of waste materials to produce suitable materials is very important
Received subjects to scientific research in world now, because the decrease natural resources and create
06/10/2018 a hole or risk in future of the world. The aim of our research to produce polymer concrete
(PC) has high mechanical and physical characteristic. This PC was prepared by using the
waste of aggregates and demolitions to make PC have good mechanical and physical charac-
Accepted teristic with low cost as compared as cement concrete. In this research different types of con-
21/10/2018 struction and demolition waste were used as aggregates replacement (i.e. waste of ce-
ment/concrete debris, waste of ceramics and the waste of blocks) while the type of polymer
Published resins (i.e. Epoxy) as cement replacements. The weight percentages of resin were changed
10/03/2019 within (20, 25 and 30) % to manufacture this polymer concrete. The tests we done like physi-
cal such as density and mechanical such as compressive strength, flexural strength. Splitting
tensile strength and Schmidt hammer rebound hardness.
Keywords: Polymer concrete, Reusing Aggregates, Construction Waste, Eco-Friendly.

Introduction gates and micro fillers. After that enhance of

Portland Cement Concrete PCC is the very atypical additives (catalysts and accelerators),
commonly used construction material in the binders experience polymerization resulting in
world. Every year, the concrete industry gener- a hardened composite [4].
ates near (12) billion tons of concrete and uses The main difference, evaluated with cement-
nearly (1.6) billion tons of Portland cement based concrete, separately from not containing
worldwide. Furthermore to overwhelming sub- hydrated cement, is that PC is more strong,
stantial amounts of nature materials limestone, more durable, and with less maintenance re-
sand and energy, manufacturing every one ton quirements [4, 5]. However, Portland cement
of Portland cement releases (1) ton of carbon can be used as micro-filler or aggregate [6] in
dioxide (CO2) in to the environment. Concerns PC. The advantages of this Polymer concrete
for the environmental development in the ce- (PC) such as mechanical strengths can reach 4 -
ment and concrete activities are more and more 5 times higher than cement-based concrete [7]
addressed [1, 2]. keeping the modulus of elasticity in similar
One of the immerging concrete technologies values [8], has good chemical resistance and
for environmental development is to use water impermeability [9, 10]. For these rea-
“Green” or “Eco - Friendly” materials. The sons, PC is commonly used in special applica-
“Green” or “Eco - Friendly” materials are tions of civil engineering [4, 11]. It has been
measured as materials that use less natural re- used as a most important component for the
source and energy and produce less of (CO2). construction of box culverts, underground
They are durable and recyclable and need less pipes, trench lines, industrial floors, also as
maintenance [3]. bridge deck overlays, and in reparation tasks of
Polymer concrete (PC) is defining as a compo- damaged cement based concrete structures
site material which is composed of polymer [11].
resins that doing as binder materials of aggre-

Copyright © 2018 Authors and Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons At-
tribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
1st International Conference on Safety and Security of the Scientific Applications (ICSSSA),
26th - 27th September 2018, Baghdad, Iraq

Materials and Methods CR 1.048 1.346 0.221

Proposed Materials BL 0.995 1.255 0.207
Epoxy (EP) NS 1.321 1.497 0.117
RS 1.316 1.527 0.138
Product Description: Sikadur®-52 is a two
parts, solvent loose, little viscosity injection -
liquids, based on high strengths epoxy resins. Table (3) Some physical properties of aggregates.
Sulfate con- Limit of Iraqi specification
Uses: The Epoxy resin with good adhesion to Aggregates No.45/1984
concrete, mortar, stone, steel and wood. Si- tent %
kadur®-52 is used to fill and seal voids and CO 4.076
cracks in the structures for example bridges and CR 0.297
BL 0.663 ≤ 0.75 %
other civil engineering buildings, industrial and NS 0.333
residential buildings, for instance columns, RS 0.424
beams, foundations, walls, floors and water Fine materials Limit of Iraqi specification
retentive structures. It not only forms an active % No.45/1984
barrier against water penetration and corrosion CO 40.2
promoting media, but it also structurally bonds CR 36.3
BL 28.5 5 – 15 %
the concrete sections together. Table (1) show
NS 4.3
Mechanical and physical properties of (EP). RS 8.2
Fine aggregate
Tables (4) Grading of fine aggregate used throughout
Table (1) Mechanical and physical properties of this work.
epoxy Limit of Iraqi
values Units No. NS RS CO CR BL No.45/1984
Density 1.085 Kg/l 10 100 100 100 100 100 100
Compressive strength 52 N/mm2 4.75 100 100 100 100 100 95-100
Flexural strength 61 N/mm2
2.36 100 100 100 100 100 95-100
Tensile strength 37 N/mm2
4 1.18 100 100 100 100 100 90-100
Bond strength N/mm2 0.60 33 53 89 86 93 80-100
E-Modules 1800 N/mm2 0.30 10 46 62 67 76 15-50
Thermal expansion coefficient 8.9 * 10-5 per ᴼC 0.15 2 5 41 53 55 0-15
Color Transparent
~ 1200 mPa . s
Viscosity ~ 430 mPa . s Preparation of specimens
~ 220 mPa . s Mixing of Concrete
At the first, It is important to mention that the
The construction and demolition waste in- manufacturing of PC requires care in the cast-
cluded: ing process, attention to curing temperature,
 Waste of concrete debris. (CO) composition, and careful to choose the type of
 Waste of ceramic tiles. (CR) resins and added aggregates. There are some
 Waste of building blocks. (BL) factors effects on the propertied of the prepared
 Natural sand. (NS) PC. These factors can be summarized: specific
 River sand. (RS) area, interfaces with the matrix, strength and
Some processes were made on this aggregate deformability, shape and size. Ten Mixtures of
after collected. These are cracking, grinding, PC were prepared with different aggregate
sieving, before mixing with polymeric resin as (concrete waste, ceramics waste, building
binder. Table (2) and (3) shows some proper- blocks waste, natural sand and river sand). All
ties of these five types of aggregates. aggregates were sieved with specified practical
size distribution show in Table (4). And the
Table (2) Some properties of the used aggregates three different contents of EPOXY resin of (20,
Samples bulk density Specific Percentage of
25 and 30%) were carried out, that show in Ta-
g/cm3 gravity voids %
ble (6). Then this resin was added to the aggre-
CO 1.209 1.522 0.205
gate after mixing it with the hardener with (2:1)
Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science Volume 29, Issue 3, 2018 DOI:
ISSN: 1814-635X (print), ISSN: 2521-3520 (online)

fine aggregate in the condition used, and any

Mixing of Ordinary Portland cement Concrete other solid or liquid materials used (Mass of
For normal concrete, a dry mixing had to be concrete)), on the volume of the concrete.
done for fine aggregate and then a proposed
amount of cement was added to the fine aggre- Bulk density (g/cm3) ρ = m / v ... (1)
gate and mixed for another 3 minutes by the
manual mixing. The necessary amount of tap Where: ρ: the density of concrete, m: mass of
water was then additional and the whole concrete, v: volume of the concrete
elements were mixed for about other 5
minutes, and take up by 1 minute rest to avoid Compressive strength
the forming of air bubbles as recommended in The compressive strengths test was concluded
the ACI Committee. Show in table (5). according to B.S.1881, part 116 [12]. This test
was made on 50 mm cubes using an electrical
Casting and Curing of the Specimens testing machine with a capacity of 2000 KN.
Before casting, the molds were carefully oiled The compressive strength of the sample was
to be ready for casting fresh concrete. The con- determined by dividing the maximum load ap-
crete was cast in layers (3 layers) for all speci- plied on the samples during the test (to achieve
mens; each layer was compacted by a rod then the final failure) by the average cross - section-
all specimens were wet-cured by covering the al area of the samples.
finished surface and molds with polyethylene
sheet for one day. Compressive S = F / A ... (2)

Tables (5) The mixture of Ordinary Portland cement Where: F: Force (N). A: Area (mm²).
2:1 W/C
Splitting tensile strength
Aggregate Cement Water
W/C A concrete cylinder is placed with its horizon-
g g g
CO 800 400 200 50 % tal axis between platens of a testing machine.
CR 600 300 300 100 % The splitting tensile strength test was done ac-
BL 600 300 300 100 % cording to ASTM C496-86 specification [13].
NS 800 400 140 35 % Cylinders were used and load was affected con-
RS 800 400 140 35 % tinuously up to failure using a standard testing
machine of 2000 KN in capacity.
Tables (6) The mixture of aggregates and EP resin.
Polymer risen Splitting T S = 2P/ π D L ... (3)
Samples Aggregate 20% 25% 30%
EP EP EP Where: T: splitting tensile strength (MPa). P:
Concrete de- Max. Load (N). D: diameter (mm). L: length
EP+CO 80% 75% 70% (mm).
EP+CR Ceramic tiles 80% 75% 70%
EP+BL Building block 80% 75% 70% Schmidt hammer test
EP+NS Natural Sand 80% 75% 70% This test was supplied out according to ASTM
EP+RS River Sand 80% 75% 70% C 805 [14]. Cubic specimens with dimension
Test Procedures of (50 mm) were used in this test. Compressive
Bulk density strength values of concrete were determined
This test was determined according to the using the Schmidt hammer which is considered
ASTM C138 [16]. The bulk density was con- a non-destructive test. The major principle of
cluded by dividing the total mass of totally ma- this test is that it processes the re bound of ane-
terials; (the sum of masses of the cement, the lastic mass when it collides with the concrete
surface under the test. This rebound depends on

Copyright © 2018 Authors and Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons At-
tribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
1st International Conference on Safety and Security of the Scientific Applications (ICSSSA),
26th - 27th September 2018, Baghdad, Iraq

the hardness of concrete and on the absorbed 2.5

energy during the collision. The tested concrete 2 EP+CO
specimen should be smooth and firmly sup- 1.5 EP+CR
ported. The hammer is pushed in contrast to the 1 EP+BL
concrete, and then the mass indoor the hammer 0.5 EP+NS
is rebounded since the plunger and takes a EP+RS
reading on the scale. This analysis is named EP 20% EP 25% EP 30% Cement

rebound number which is the distance pass

through by the mass stated as a percentage of b
the initial expansion of the spring. The rebound Figure 1 (A) Bulk density values as a function of weight
number is influenced by the energy lay up in percentages of EP polymer concrete and (B) the compar-
the spring and on the size of the mass. ison of density values with Ordinary Portland cement
(2:1) concrete.
Flexural Strength
Compressive strength
The flexural strength test was achieved on Compressive strength results are given in Fig-
(40*40*160 mm) prism samples in agreement ure (2A). This results show increasing the val-
with ASTM C78-2003 [15] using SOIL TEST- ues of Compressive strength with increasing
VERSA tester hydraulic machine of 15 KN the percentage of polymer resin were added to
capacities. The prisms samples were exposed to the all types of aggregates. It is clear that the
center - point loading. Flexural strength can be maximum value of compressive strength equal
determined by using the next equation: to (104) MPa of (70%) ceramic waste and
epoxy resin (30%). While the minimum value
Flexural S = 3 P L / 2 b (d2) … (4) is (36) MPa when the river sand at (80%) was
added. This minimum value can be considered
Where: P: applied load (N), L: span (mm), b: high or good value compared with Portland
width of prism (mm), d: depth of prism (mm). cement concrete. The values of compressive
strength are higher as compared as the samples
Results and Discussions prepared of ordinary Portland cement. It is
Bulk Density found that the maximum value is (20) MPa
Bulk density results are given in Figure (1A). when used natural sand by (2:1) ratio and (w/c)
This results show decreasing the values of bulk ratio is 35%. Figure (2B) illustrates this differ-
density with increasing the percentage of the ence clearly.
added polymer resin to the all types of aggre-
gates. It is observed that the minimum value of Splitting tensile strength
bulk density (1.615 g/cm3) when the natural Splitting tensile strength results are given in
sand was used with weight ratio (70%). and Figure (3A). This results show increasing the
epoxy resin of (30%), while the maximum val- values of splitting tensile strength with increas-
ue in the range of (1.892 g/cm3). Due to in- ing the percentage of polymer resin added to
creasing in the bonding material (epoxy resin), the all types of aggregates.
which is less dense than aggregates. It can be observed that the maximum value of
splitting tensile strength at (30%) of epoxy and
EP+CO minimum value at (20%). This means that the
Density g/cm3

1.75 EP+CR increasing of added ratio of the polymer lead to

increase the value of splitting tensile strength.
Also, these values of splitting tensile strength
are higher as compared as the samples made
20% 25% 30% from ordinary Portland cement. It is observed
Epoxy Wt. %
that the maximum value is (0.3) MPa by mix-
ing the cement with any of aggregate (concrete
a debris, ceramic tiles, and river sand) by (2:1)

Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science Volume 29, Issue 3, 2018 DOI:
ISSN: 1814-635X (print), ISSN: 2521-3520 (online)

ratio and (w/c) ratio is 35%. Notice that in fig- 2

Splitting tensile strength (MPa)

ure (3B). 1.8
1.6 EP+CO
1.2 EP+CR
120 1
0.8 EP+BL
Compressive strength (MPa)

100 0.6
60 0
EP+BL 20% 25% 30%
40 Epoxy Wt. %
20 EP+RS
20% 25% 30%
Epoxy Wt. % 1.8
a 1.4
1.2 CR
120 1
0.8 BL
100 0.6
CO 0.4 NS
80 0.2
60 0
BL 20% EP 25% EP 30% EP Cement (
40 2:1 )

RS b
20% EP 25% EP 30% EP Cement ( Figure 3 (A) Splitting tensile strength values as a func-
2:1 )
tion of weight percentages of EP polymer concrete and
(B) the comparison with ordinary Portland cement (2:1)
b concrete.
Figure 2 (A) Compressive strength values as a function
of weight percentages of EP polymer concrete and (B)
the comparison with ordinary Portland cement (2:1) con- 35
Flexural strength (MPa)

crete. 30
20 EP+CR
Flexural Strength 15 EP+BL
The flexural strength tests results are given in 10 EP+NS
Figure (4A). This results show increasing the 5
values of the flexural strength with increasing 0
20% 25% 30%
the percentage of polymer resins were added to Epoxy Wt. %

the all types of aggregates, It is observed that

the maximum value of flexural strength a
(29.288) MPa at (30%) of epoxy while mini- 35
mum value at (20%). It can be noticed that CO
these values of flexural strengths are high as 20

compared as with samples are made of Ordi- 15 BL

nary Portland cement ware observed the maxi- 10 NS

mum value is (7.82) MPa by mixing the cement RS
with river sand by (2:1) ratio and (w/c) ratio is 20% EP 25% EP 30% EP Cement ( 2:1
35%. These values are distinguished in figure
(4B). b
Figure 4 (A) Flexural strength values as a function of
weight percentages of EP polymer concrete and (B) the
comparison with ordinary Portland cement (2:1) con-

Schmidt hammer test

Schmidt hammer test results are given in Fig-
ure (5A). This results show increasing the val-

Copyright © 2018 Authors and Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons At-
tribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
1st International Conference on Safety and Security of the Scientific Applications (ICSSSA),
26th - 27th September 2018, Baghdad, Iraq

ues of the rebound number with increasing the creasing the percentage of the added polymer
percentage of polymer resin added to the all resin for the all types of aggregates. The results
types of aggregates. It is obvious that in the of tests under work show increasing the values
maximum value of the rebound number is (32) of these mechanical properties with increasing
at (30%) of epoxy while minimum value is (20) the percentage of polymer resin were added to
at (20%). the all types of aggregates. Also, it can be con-
It can be noticed that the values of Schmidt cluded that the prepared mortars could be used
hammer are high as compared as samples made as precast have good properties with low cost.
of ordinary Portland cement as observed that
the minimum value is (19) by mixing the ce- References
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Copyright © 2018 Authors and Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons At-
tribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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