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Date Issued : ___.___.___
STATION WORKING RULES Date Introduced: ___.___.___
APPENDIX ‘G’ (To be filled in by S.S.)


1. These rules are to be read along with exi sting station working rules and
2. These rules apply only to Electric Train, Electric Locomotives and Vehicles
consider as such and indicates the protection required to prevent the entering
a) The rules applicable to electrical sections have been given in Chapter
XVII of the General Rules and in the subsidi ary Rules made there under
for electric traction. The General principles governing operation and
maintenance of traction overhead eqpt , electric locomotive and signal and
Telecommunication installations, have been given in the Traction Manual.
All the staff dealing with safe working shall make themselves thoroughly
familiar with the same (G.R. 17.01 to 17.09 and SRs thereto)
b) Brief reference to important rules required to be followed by station/yard
staff in their day to day work have been given in this A ppendix. These
are, however, illustrative and not exhaustive.


a) All Staff are warned that contact with or very near approach (within 2 mtrs
unless protected by a screen as per rules) to live portion of 25 KV traction
overhead equipment is dangerous and shall be strictly avoided (G.R.17.04
and SR 17.04 (1/a).
b) No work on overhead lines or in the zone within two mtrs. Or any live
equipment shall be carried out unless a regular (PERMIT TO WORK‟ is
obtained from the authorized traction staff and the line is made dead and
earthed as per rules {G.R. 17.04 and their S.R. and ACTM Chapter -VI



(Volume-I, General, Para - 10422)}. Before any overhead equipment or

bonding is disturbed provisions of G.R. 17.05 and these SRs shall be
complied with.
ACTM Chapter -VI (Volume-I, General, Para- 10422)}
General Precautions - The precautions laid down below must be followed under
all circumstances in sections equipped for 25 KV ac single phase, 50 Hz. Traction
in addition to those referred to in Indian Railway Permanent Way Manual.
1. No work shall be done above or within a distance of 2 m from the live OHE
without a ‘permit to work’ 2. No part of tree shall be nearer than 4 m from the
nearest live conductor. Any tree or branches likely to fall on live conductor should
be cut or trimmed periodically to maintain this clearance. Cutting or trimming
should be done by engineering staff in the presence of authorized staff of the OHE
section. 3. No fallen wire or wires shall be touched unless power is switched off
and the wire or wires suitably earthed. In case the wires drop at a level crossing,
the Gate-keeper shall immediately make arrangements to stop all road traffic and
keep the public away. 4. As far as possible closed wagons shall be used for
material trains. In case open or hopper wagons are used, loading and unloading of
such wagons in electrified tracks shall be done under the supervision of an
Engineering Official not below the rank of a Permanent Way Mistry who shall
personally ensure that no tool of any part of the body of the worker comes within
the ‘danger zone’ i.e. within 2 m of the OHE. 5. Permanent way staff should
keep clear of the tracks and avoid contact with the rails either when approaching
or reaching the work-spot when an electrically hauled train is within 250 m. 6.
When unloading rails alongside the tracks, it should be ensured that rails do not
touch each other to form a continuous metallic mass of length greater than 300 m.


a) A diagram NWR/JU/RKB -FL/TSWRD/GA/01 based on Drg.No.
IRCON/Elect./SD/FL-RKB indicating schematically the lines, which have
been equipped for electric traction exhibited. The diagram also indicates
different section (sectors or sub -sectors or elementary sections) the
controlling switches (Isolator Switches or Interrupters), insulated overlaps
and section insulators, where the overhead equipment is electrically
separated. The limits of an electrical section (Sub -sector or elementary
section are indicated by the relevant structural locations at insulated
overlaps for the electrical section. A copy of this diagram is also enclosed
with these special working rules and will form part of the same. For all
purposes connected with train movements and Power B locks this diagram
is the only authorized document to be referred to.
b) The normal position of various switches is indicated on the diagram.




No electrical locomotive with pantograph raised shall under any
circumstances, be taken to an unwired section.


i) All switching operation shall be carried out in accordance with the
instructions of the Traction Power Controller except in respect of
switching operations for local blocks which may be carried out by
authorized traction staff after it have been granted local b locks by the
Station Master in accordance with G.R. 17.04 and these S.Rs and ACTM
Volume-II, PART-1 to Para 20600 & 20601

{(ACTM Volume-1, Part-1, General para 20600)}

Operation of Isolator Switches
1. Before considering the procedure for obtaining power blocks, attention
is drawn to the precautions to be taken in opening an isolator switch.
Manually operated isolator switches are provided at different points on the
main line to sectionalize the OHE into elementary sections and at large
yards to isolate different elementary sections for maintenance of the OHE.

2. The operating handle of every isolator switch shall always be kept

locked either in the open or closed position. Any lo ss or damage of a
padlock or key shall be reported immediately to the OHE Section
Chargeman, Chief Traction Foreman (OHE) and TPC.

3. An isolator switch is not meant for breaking a current, but only to break
a circuit when no current is passing through it . If an attempt is made to
open a switch when it is actually carrying current, severe arcing will occur
at the switch contacts and may result in serious consequences including

4. Isolator switches on the main line may only be opened provided the
corresponding sub -sector is first made dead by TPC. The person
operating the isolator switch shall not open it, unless specifically asked to
do so by TPC by a clear m essage supported by a private number or after
receipt of a separate permit -to-work for the section which includes the
elementary sections on either the isolator switch. TPC shall ensure that
the sub-sector is dead before he orders opening of an isolator sw itch in it.

5. Isolator switches, however, can be closed by a duly authorized person

even if the adjacent interrupters are closed (i.e. on load) provided the



closure is made swiftly in one motion. It is imperative that once the fixed
and moving contacts have met, the contacts are not separated.

{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General para 20601)}

Isolators in Yards and Sheds
Isolator switches provided for isolating sidings and yards and also to feed
OHE inside running sheds, may be opened provided the officia l concerned
makes it certain that -

(a) the entire section is visible; and

(b) there is no locomotive with raised pantograph in the section.

If it is not possible to get an assurance of these conditions, the principles

of para 20600-4 shall be followed.
EMERGENCY {ACTM Volume -II PART-1 PARA 20624(1)}

{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20624)}

Station Working Rules for Longitudinal and Transverse Protection
1. In view of the large number of possible movements which may
accidentally energize a dead section under a power block, the various
protective measures to be taken by each Station Master, Cabin Assistant
Station Master and Yard Master when power block is granted for the
various sectors, sub -sectors or elementary sections should be catalogue d
in the Station Working Rules for each station. It is the duty of every
Station Master, Yard Master and Assistant Yard Master to be thoroughly
familiar with these instructions so as to be able to carry out efficiently
and quickly the protective measures p rescribed.

2. The Station Working Rules should contain -

(a) Rules to be generally observed by all stations;

(b) a chart giving exactly what precautions have to be taken for granting
power, blocks on each sector, sub -sector or elementary section; and

(c) a drawing showing the wired and unwired tracks as well as the



Sectionalizing arrangements including the position of signals and points

referred to in the chart mentioned above.

This drawing is the only valid document to be referred to for the purpose
of granting power block. No modification of the installation shall be done
without its first being incorporated in the above drawing.

3. In case of large stations, a copy of Station Working Rules may be

issued to each cabin.

4. Every Station Master/Yard M aster/Asstt. Station master shall be

trained for the purpose and be fully conversant with all the local
switches/isolators/cross -overs and special instructions applicable to the
equipment provided at the station and as laid down in the Station Working
Rules to enable him to operate isolators under instructions from TPC.


When a switch is in the closed position, the operating handle of the switch
is at the top.


The key for the padlocks of various Isolator Switches are kept in the SMs
office in a box with glass fronted cover.


i) The detailed procedure for obtaining power blocks has been

given in G.R. 17.04 & SR thereto ACTM. Volume-II PART-1 Paras 20603
to 20613 which must be rigidly followed except in case of emergency.

{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20624)}

Power Blocks

1. Power bloc ks are of three different types: -

(a) Emergency power block ,

(b) Pre-arranged power block,
(c) Locally arranged power block.

Power blocks on the OHE of "Secondary lines", i.e., siding, yards, sheds,
etc. arranged by the Station Master, Yard Master, Shed Foreman or
Engine Examiner concerned locally come under category (c).



2. In all cases of power block TPC shall put red warning caps on control
switches corresponding to interrupters which are kept open for isola ting
the section. Similarly, warn ing boards shall be fixed on all manually
operated switches opened locally for isola ting the section. This shall be
done by the operator who opens the switches . These red warning caps
and warn ing boards can be removed only when cancelling the power
block. In case SCADA system is in operation instructions issued for the
operation of the sy stem shall be followed.

{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20604)}

Emergency Power Block

An "Emergency Power Block" shall be arranged by the TPC and 25 kV

supply to the OHE affected shall be switched off by him immediately on
receipt of an advice of any break -down of the OHE or injury to persons or
damage to property particularly in the following cases :

(a) The whole or part of the OHE or a feeder or a cable falling down and
or persons or animals or falling trees or vehicles coming in cont act with or
likely to come in contact with live equipment;

(b) A damaged catenary or contact wire fouling the vehicle gauge;

(c) A damaged electric locomotive getting damaged to rectify which the

Driver requires the permit -to-work;

(d) Derailment or any other traffic accident on the electrified lines, where
cutting off of 25 kV power supply is considered necessary by TPC or the
Section Controller, in the interest of safety.

{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20605)}

Reporting Abnormalities in OHE

It is the duty of every railway official to report immediately any

abnormalities on the OHE such as are mentioned in para 20604 or of
tracks, masts/ structures or pantographs of locomotives as may adversely
affect safety of train movements, to the TPC either directly or through any
Station Master, Section Controller or through the nearest available
telephone. If the damage is heavy or the moving dimensions are infringed
he should take steps to protect the lines in accordance with General and
Subsidiary Rules.



{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20606)}

Request for Emergency Power Block

1. The person who gives the first information of break -down on the OHE
shall invariably give all essential information such as hi s name,
designation, kilometrage where the abnormality has been noticed, its
nature and place from where he is reporting. He should leave the place
only with the permission of the TPC.

2. The reason for asking for an emergency power block should be brief
and to the point, but explicit. Much time and trouble can be saved if the
first information given is clear and unambiguous, to enable the TPC to
decide upon the course of action to be taken.

{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20607)}

Action to be taken TPC

On receiving the inform ation the TPC shall immediately arrange to switch
off power supply to the section affected (the details of defects being
obtained after the supply is switched off). He shall at the same time advise
the Section Controller on duty the section made dead by hi m. The Section
Controller in turn should arrange with the Station Masters concerned to
take protective measures in accordance with "Station Working Rules".

{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20607)}

Precautions after Emergency Power Bloc k is Imposed

Once an emergency power block is imposed, no work on the affected lines

shall be commenced until an authorized OHE official arrives at site and
earths the OHE at two points or more as per rules. Power supply to the
section concerned shall not be restored by TPC until the authorized
official at the site issue a message supported by private number.

{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20609)}

Identification of Sectors, Sub -Sectors and Elementary Sections

1. It is vitally important for every Railway official who has occasion to ask
for power block to know the co rrect method of identifying and describing
any section of the OHE where shutdown is required. He should have with
him the upto -date Station Working Rule Diagram fo r the section, showing



all relevant particulars such as station names, position of all isolators,

interrupters, circuit breakers, "up" and "down" tracks, cross -over section
insulators, sectors, sub -sectors and elementary section numbers.

Sectors: These are described by referring to a section of OHE of a track

which can be energized by closing a feeder circuit breaker at the
substation/ feeding post. It covers the section between sub -
station/feeding post and adjacent neutral sections.

Sub-sectors: These are described by the names of two limiting switching

stations in the order in which the train moves and adding the name of the
track, e.g., Sub -sector Kendposi-Tabu Dn.

Elementary Sections: are referred to by four/five digit numbers. The

sections are numbe red serially in the direction of power supply i.e., from
the feeding post/substation towards the neutral section or the terminal
point. At each feeding post/sub -station a new series of numbers starts.
The first two/three digits represent the interrupter co ntrolling feed to the
section and the last two digits the serial number of the elementary
section. Up line elementary sections have progressively odd numbers and
down line elementary sections have progressively even numbers, e.g.,
elementary section 0202 m eans the first elementary section from the
feeding post/sub -station on the down line, fed by interrupter 02.

Whenever there is a doubt in the description, the person asking for power
block shall state clearly the track and OHE structure numbers between
which work is to be done.

{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20610)}

Telephone Messages

All messages relating to .shut -down and restoration of power supply,

permits-to-work, etc. issued over the telephone shall invarialbly be
supported by exchan ge of Private Numbers. The procedure to be
followed is as detailed below -
(a) Every official who has to exchange such messages shall maintain a
Private Number book. As each message is sent, the Private Number
used should be scored out i n the Private Number sheet, initialled and
dated. The message number should also be recorded. Every Private
Number book and permit -to-work form is an important document and
should be carefully preserved for a period of one year unless required
for a longer period in connection with an inquiry or investigation.
(b) Every message shall start with the Private Number of the sender
and end with the Private Number of the person who has received it.



(c) Messages should be brief and to the point. They shall be wri tten
out in full before they are sent. The description of the section on which
power block is required should be unambiguous as detailed in para
20609. All messages regarding permits -to-work shall be in the standard

(d) The same person who asks for and obtains a power block should
also cancel it before power supply is restored. The persons exchanging
the private numbers should identify themselves by name over the

(e) The correctness of every massage shall be confirmed by the person

who has received it by repeating it. Each message shall be recorded by
the sender as well as by the receiver in message books maintained for
the purpose.

(f) To avoid confusion, use words "Open" and "Close" shall be used
instead of phonetically similar words su ch as "Switch Off", "Switch On".
Whenever necessary words may have to be spelt out (e.g.,1 (one) 4
(four) and not fourteen), B for Bombay, C for Calcutta and so on.

{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20610)}

Procedure for Obtai ning Traffic or Power Blocks and Permits -to-


Officials in the electrified area who require pre -arranged traffic blocks,
power blocks or permits -to-work in the danger zone of traction
equipment, or who require OHE and or bonding staf f to be present at
site for scheduled maintenance works, shall deliver at the office of Sr
DEE (TrD) not later than 10 hours on the first working day of the week
statements in the prescribed form showing -
(i) the nature of the work and the date on which i t is to be performed;
(ii) by whom the work is to be carried out;
(iii) location of the work and the section of the lines to be blocked;
(iv) the trains between which the block is required; and
(v) whether the track will be availabl e for steam or diesel t raffic.
2. The requirements of all departments will be co -ordinated in the
office of Sr. DEE (TrD) and a consolidated statement forwarded to the
Senior Divisional Operating Manager concerned, by 12 hours on every



Wednesday, for inclusion in the weekly pr ogramme of traffic and power

3. Works of an urgent nature shall be attended to by obtaining
emergency blocks and permits -to-work from TPC.
4. A weekly programme of work involving traffic blocks, power blocks
and permits -to-work shall be prepared in the office of Sr. DOM and
dispatched to all concerned (TPC, TLC, Loco Sheds, Station
Masters/Yard Masters concerned and Traffic Controller in addition to
the departmental officials who asked for the blocks).

5. All the traction sub -stations have two stat es of traction power
transformers and associated switch gear. Maintenance of equipment of
the traction sub -station, therefore, does not necessitate total shut
down of 25 kV supply at each sub -station. Whenever any maintenance
or breakdown is to be attended in the traction sub -station, the permit
to work should be ob tained by the Supervisor inchar ge from the TPC
and after completing the work, the permit to work should be returned
by the Supervisor incharge to the TPC. Similarly at the switching
stations normally the alternative feed is available to the concerned
sub-sector and therefore, does not necessitate the power block but
only a permit to work should be obtained from the TPC and after
completion of the work, the same should be returned to the TPC. In
case of attending to the gantry of a switching station, complete block
of the switching station is required for which power block has to be
taken from the TPC.

{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20612)}

Pre-arranged Power Block
After a pre-arranged power block has been agreed to be granted and
an advice to this effect circulated to all the concerned, the following
gives the detailed procedure to be adopted by the Section Controller
and the TPC for granting the power block. Assume that power bloc k is
required on the Up line between station...........and ..............on
Elementary Section 10 -00 hours after the passage of a
specified Up train (say 'X'): -
1. On the scheduled day about two hours before the block period, i.e.,
at about 8.00 hours, TPC will obtain confirmation from the Section
Controller concerned that the trains are running to time and power
block will be available as scheduled, after the Train No. 'X' Up has
passed station at about 10 -00 hrs.



2. The TPC will pass on in formation to the Chargeman of the

maintenance gang that the power block, as already arranged, will be
available in time.

3. The maintenance gang should arrange to leave the depot in time

with all materials and tools so as to be ready at site at about 9.30 hrs.
The OHE staff (in charge of the work) on arrival at site should
immediately contact the TPC and inform him of their arrival.

Any person detailed to open an isolator switch for switching off power
supply shall also report to TPC of his arrival at sit e at the required

The maintenance gang should carry at least two portable telephone

sets and the necessary earthing pole assembly along with them while
proceeding to do maintenance work on the OHE.

4. The TPC should maintain continuous contact with the OHE staff at

5. As soon 'X' Up clears the Up track

between........and.............Section Controller should inform Station
Master on duty at all stations concerned to arrange for "longitudinal"
and "cross" protection as laid down in Station Working Rules (see
paras 20621 to 20626).

6. The Station Master shall ensure that the protection as specified in

the Station Working Rules is carried out and confirm it to the Section
Controller with exchange of Private Numbers.

7. The Section Controlle r on receipt of assurances from the concerned

Station Masters will advise TPC that the power block may be given.

8. If the power block message is given by TPC in the prescribed

printed form the Section Controller will sign the same and send it to
the TPC; if it is given over the telephone, the Section Controller will
grant the power block through a message with exchange of Private



9. On receipt of the above message TPC will open the interrupters

concerned and issue messages to the field staff for operation of the
required isolators. On receipt of the confirmatory message that the
isolators have been opened, TPC will close the interrupters restoring
power supply to all parts, except over the particular elementary section
where work has to be done. He will then issue a permit -to-work
message in the prescribed form to the authorized person in charge of
the maintenance gang.

10. After obtaining permit to work, the authorized person may use a
flag signal (Yellow flag) to direct the nominated staff to d ischarge and
earth the OHE at two or more points.

11. The maintenance gang will start the work after taking necessary
safety precautions to protect themselves, viz., by earthing, display of
banner flags etc. as detailed in General and Subsidiary Rules.

Note : On sections with automatic signaling, the signals may be at

danger due to earthing of OHE with the rails during the period of the
power block. The Station Master shall issue necessary authority as per
rules for steam and diesel trains when these are permitted to be
moved over the section under power block.

{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20613)}

Restoration of Supply After a Permit -to-work is Returned

On completion of the work, the person who received the permit -to-work
shall ensure that -

(a) all men and materials have been withdrawn from the electrical
equipment and its vicinity;

(b) all earths provided for the protection of the working parties have
been removed; and

(c) all staff, who have been deputed to work, are warned that th e
power supply is to be restored.

He should then inform TPC by a message, supported by Private

Number that the work, for which the permit -to-work was issued, has



been completed, the men and materials have been withdrawn from the
specified section, the ear ths have been removed and power supply
may be restored to the section. This shall constitute cancellation of the
permit-to-work previously obtained.
ii) The sequences of switching operations for granting and
canceling the power block for particular section are included in
the Annexure No.1.

NOTE: In case of Power Block on Automatic Signaling section the signals will be
at danger due to earthing of OHE to rails for providing safety to staff. The
Station Master shall issue necessary authority as per GR 9.12 & SR any
other caution order for steam/diesel trains when these are permitted to
move over the section under power block, to pass the automatic signals at


i) All sections over which a power block has been granted shall be protected
against entry of electric locomotives with pantograph(s) raised from either
and during the period of the block (ACTM Volume-II PART-1 Paras 20620
to 20627). If there is/are locom otive on the section over which the Power
Block is to be given, the driver of such locomotive shall be given a memo
by the station master on duty or authorized traction staff to lower the
pantograph(s) and not to raise it until further instructions and an
acknowledgement shall be obtained. The driver(s) shall not be given
instructions to raise the pantographs till the power block is cancelled.

{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20620)}

Protective Measures for Power Blocks
It is essential that every Railway official concerned with the mo vement of
trains on the electrified section, have a thorough understanding of the
precautions to be taken to ensure safety of staff working on the OHE
under power blocks. The reasons for the precautions and the nature of the
precautions are therefore given at some length in the following

The protective measures are -

(a) Longitudinal Protection: To stop movement of electric rolling -stock

running on the same track on which a section has been made dead and
power block has been granted.

(b) Transverse or Cross Protection: To stop movement of electric rolling -

stock running into a section, which has been made dead, from another
track or from a siding through cross -overs.



{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20621)}

Longitudinal Protection
1. At all points where interrupters or isolator switches are provided the
overhead lines are sectioned and insulated (air gap) overlap span is
provided. The arrangement adopted is shown in Fig. 6.01. The OHE
from the direction 'X' is anchored on mast D while that from direction
'Y' is anchored on mast 'A'. The two systems are held apart by steady
arms from masts 'B' and 'C and are kept insulated from each other,
there being sufficient air gap between them. The two contact wires
are, however, running p arallel to each other at about the same level
between OHE masts 'B' and 'C When a locomotive passes form 'B' to
'C, the pantograph will normally be in contact with and receive power
from both the contact wires but when passing either between 'A' and
'B' or between 'C and 'D', it will be in contact with only one contact
wire. Since the isolator switch provided is normally in closed position,
it connects the two OHE together and, therefore, they are both
energized at the same voltage

2. If a power block has taken on Section 'Y' and the isolator switch is in
open position, it will be seen that the OHE from direction 'Y' (dotted
lines) is dead and earthed whereas that from direction 'X' is live at a
potential of 25 kV. The pantograph of ele ctric rolling -stock while passing
between OHE masts 'B' and 'C will short circuit the live and dead contact
wires. Such a movement will on danger the life of staff who may be
working on the dead OHE section 'Y', apart from producing destructive
arcing resu lting in severe damage to the pantograph and the contact wire.

3. To avert such disastrous effects, under no circumstances should

electric rolling -stock be admitted into the insulated overlap separating
the dead section on which a power block has been t aken from live



{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20622)}

Transverse or Cross Protection

1. Section insulators have been provided on cross -overs to separate and

insulate different sections of OHE from each other, e.g., the up track
from the Do wn track, the main line from the siding yard, OHE inside a
loco maintenance shed from the yard lines.
2. A section insulator, comprises of a strain insulator, with two runners
connected to one of contact wires as shown in Fig.3.02 (Chapter III).
The runners a re at the same height as the contact with the other side,
and also shaped so as to allow a smooth passage of the pantograph
underneath. It will be seen from Fig. 3.02 that the two runners overlap
with the contact wire on the other side for a short distance to ensure
that there is no interruption of the current drawn by the locomotive as
it passe s under the section

3. Electric rolling -stock with raised pantograph should, therefore, never

be allowed to pass below a section insulator if a power block has been
given on one of the tracks, as the pantograph will momentarily connect
the live OHE with the dead OHE, while bridging the runners and
contact wire. This again energizes the dead section and endangers
lives of those who are working on it.
4. In view of its extreme importance the rule is again repeated: Under no
circumstances should electric rolling -stock be passed below an
insulated overlap span or a section insulator which separates a dead
section on which a power block has been granted, from the line



{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20623)}

Procedure for Arranging Longitudinal and Transverse Protection

1. Before a power block is granted the Section Controller should

advise the Station Master,o Yard Masters and Cabin Assistant St ation
Masters concerned to protect the dead sections, both longitudinally
and transversely. It is only when all the Station Masters and Cabin
Assistant Station Masters concerned have confirmed that this has been
done, the Section Controller can advise TPC agreeing to the grant of
power block. The Station Master, Yard Master and Cabin Assistant
Station Master concerned will continue to maintain protection till the
power block is cancelled by the Section Controller.

2. The Section Controller will in turn per mit removal of protection only
after the power block is cancelled by TPC.

{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20624)}

Station Working Rules for Longitudinal and Transverse Protection

1. In view of the large number of possible movements which may

accidentally energize a dead section under a power block, the various
protective measures to be taken by each Station Master, Cabin
Assistant Station Master and Yard Master when power block is granted
for the various sectors, sub -sectors or elementary sect ions should be
catalogued in the Station Working Rules for each station. It is the duty
of every Station Master, Yard Master and Assistant Yard Master to be
thoroughly familiar with these instructions so as to be able to carry out
efficiently and quickly t he protective measures prescribed.

2. The Station Working Rules should contain -

(a) rules to be generally observed by all stations;

(b) a chart giving exactly what precautions have to be taken for

granting power, blocks on each sector, sub -sector or ele mentary
section; and

(c) a drawing showing the wired and unwired tracks as well as the
sectionalizing arrangements including the position of signals and
points referred to in the chart mentioned above.

This drawing is the only valid document to be referr ed to for the

purpose of granting power block. No modification of the installation



shall be done without its first being incorporated in the above drawing.

3. In case of large stations, a copy of Station Working Rules may be

issued to each cabin.

4. Every Station Master/Yard Master/Asstt. Station master shall be

trained for the purpose and be fully conversant with all the local
switches/isolators/cross -overs and special instructions applicable to
the equipment provided at the station and as laid down in t he Station
Working Rules to enable him to operate isolators under instructions
from TPC.

{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20625)}

Protection of Dead Section

The protection of a dead section is achieved by the following means:

(a) In the normal running direction, movements of trains are generally

controlled by signals. Protection is obtained by placing a "Red Warning
Collar" on the signal lever controlling the concerned signals, painted
with inscription "Beware - No Voltage".

(b) If the points and signals are locally operated, they should be
locked and the keys controlling the lever or lever frames should be
kept with the Station Master on duty. When the signal cabin or lever
frames are controlled electrically by a Stati on Master or a Cabin
Assistant Station Master, the Station Master or Cabin Assistant on
duty shall place the warning collars on the relevant slides of electric
slide instruments or on the relevant keys of electric transmitters or
interlocked key boxes.

This action must be taken by the Cabin Assistant Station Master or the
Station Master, as the case may be, in respect of each and every
movement prescribed in the Station Working Rules and after
completion, confirmation should be given to the Section Control ler to
enable him to agree for the power block to be issued by the TPC.

In a large yard several warning collars may be required. Sufficient

number of warning collars should be kept in each station/cabin. The
exact number provided should be indicated in th e corresponding
Station Working Rules.

(c) Once a warning collar is placed on the signal lever, it shall not be
removed except after exchange of messages with private member.



{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20626)}

Shunting Movement towards Dead Section

1. In cases where no signal exists for controlling the entry of an

electric train into the dead section, the Station Master should
arrange a hand stop signal to be exhibited at the point upto which
alone the electric locomot ive is allowed to proceed.

!f it is necessary for an electric locomotive to carry on shunting

movement towards the dead section, the red warning coliar placed
on a lever may be removed to permit the movement, provided that a
hand stop signal as above is e xhibited and the Driver is specifically
instructed not to move the loco beyond the point.

2.An example of this operation is given in Fig. 6.0 2. As per para 20625
the lever controlling the signals should have "red warning collars"
placed on them to give p rotection to the dead section. However, if it is
essential to carry out a shunting operation with an electric locomotive
situated at point 'A' on the loop line to move into the main through the
turn -out, this may be permitted provided that the shunting mo vement is
carried out only upto limiting mast' P', short of the overlap span, where
a hand signal is to be exhibited to prevent all movements beyond the
point 'P'.

3. Train or shunting movements by other than electric locomotives, i.e.,

by steam or diesel locos, may be permitted to enter the dead section,
provided that the Station Master ensures by personal inspection that the



train formation does not include an electric locomotive or OHE

Inspection Car or EMU with pantograph raised. The "red warning
collars" may be permitted to be removed to allow such movements.

{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20627)}

Movement of Other than Electric Trains

Goods or Passenger trains hauled by other than electric

locomotives may be allowed t o pass through the dead section
subject to the following conditions : -

(a) This has not been prohibited specifically in the power block

(b) Steam or diesel engine or trains hauled by such engines shall

be brought to a stand at the station preced ing the station/section at
which power block is granted and the Station Master or this station
shall satisfy himself by personal inspection that there is no electric
locomotive in the train in question.

(c) He shall also give a Caution Order to the Driver of such engine
or "train warning him of the power block ahead and instructing him
to watch for hand signals and observe them.

(d) No Station Master shall give line clear or lower signals for a
train to run over a section under power block unless he has
received an assurance (supported by Private Number) from the
Station Master of the preceding station that there is no electric
locomotive or Inspection Car with pantograph raised in the train.

(e) Whenever a " red warning collar" has been removed for
permitting a movement as per paras 20626 and this para, it shall be
replaced back on the signal control lever immediately after the
movement is completed.

For purposes of the above rule the term "Electric Rolling -Stock"
does not include electric rolling -stock hauled 'dead' as a vehicle or
OHE Inspection Car with its pantograph removed or securely locked

ii) Station Master or Station staff conducting shunting operation with electric
locomotives approaches near the traction structures limiting electrical
sections over which the Power Block may have been granted. Limits of
such electrical section at a station are shown in the Station Sectioning






In order to isolate Up and Down running lines and also sometimes main
and loop lines of different grids in the yard, the cros s over connecting Up
and Down lines or cross -over turnout connecting main and loop lines of
different grids of the yard, are provided with section insulators so that on
line or grid is made electrically dead or there be any fault on the same,
the other line/gird is not affected. The speed of the electric locomotive
with pantograph raised over such sect ion insulator shall not exceed 8 0
KMPH when runners are in facing direction and 120 KMPH when runners
are in trailing direction subject to any other speed res triction which may
be in force.
When one of the two sections separated by a section insulator is dead,
the pantograph of the electric locomotive on the line section shall not
provide closer than (10 meter) towards the section insulator marking the
end of the dead section.


A) In case of breakdown of overhead wire on station premises & platform first
and foremost ensure that the passengers do not come close of broken
wire. Passengers safety shall be ensured by securing the area by
providing Red flag . Further to the safety of nearby train and detonators
shall be put on the track.
B) All break down of defects noted or reported on the traction overhead
equipment or any other traction equipment including bonding shall
immediately be reported to the Traction Power Controller (SR 17.03/2 and
ACTM. Volume -II PART-1 Paras 20605 to 20608). Necessary caution order
should be issued to the driver concerned as directed by the Traction
Power Controller observing the existing r ules regarding issue of caution
{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20605)}
Reporting Abnormalities in OHE
It is the duty of every railway official to report immediately any
abnormalities on the OHE such as are mentioned in para 206 04 or of
tracks, masts/ structures or pantographs of locomotives as may adversely
affect safety of train movements, to the TPC either directly or through any
Station Master, Section Controller or through the nearest available
telephone. If the damage is he avy or the moving dimensions are infringed



he should take steps to protect the lines in accordance with General and
Subsidiary Rules.
{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20606)}

Request for Emergency Power Block

1. The person who gives the first information of break -down on the OHE
shall invariably give all essential information such as his name,
designation, kilometrage where the abnormality has been noticed, its
nature and place from where he is reporting. He should leave the
place only with the permission of the TPC.
2. The reason for asking for an emergency power block should be brief
and to the point, but explicit. Much time and trouble can be saved if
the first information given is clear and unambiguous, to enable the
TPC to decide upon th e course of action to be taken.
{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20607)}
Action to be taken TPC
On receiving the information the TPC shall immediately arrange to
switch off power supply to the section affected (the details of defects
being obtained after the supply is switched off). He shall at the same
time advise the Section Controller on duty the section made dead by
him. The Section Controller in turn should arrange with the Station
Masters concerned to take protective measures in accorda nce with
"Station Working Rules"
{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20608)} .
Precautions after Emergency Power Block is Imposed
Once an emergency power block is imposed, no work on the affected
lines shall be commenced unti l an authorized OHE official arrives at
site and earths the OHE at two points or more as per rules. Power
supply to the section concerned shall not be restored by TPC until the
authorized official at the site issue a message supported by private


All messages relating to faults on the traction overhead equipment
operation of switches, custody of key of outdoor switches and other
important communication in connection with the operation or maintenance
of traction overhead eq uipment shall be recorded serially in a register by
both the sender and receiver indicating the time at which the messages
are received or exchanged (ACTM Volume -II PART-1 para 20610)



{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20610)} .

Telephone Messages
All messages relating to .shut -down and restoration of power supply,
permits-to-work, etc. issued over the telephone shall invariably be
supported by exchange of Private Numbers. The procedure to be followed
is as detailed below -

(a) Every official who has to exchange such messages shall maintain a
Private Number book. As each message is sent, the Private Number used
should be scored out in the Private Number sheet, initialled and dated.
The message number should also be recorded. Every Private Number
book and permit -to-work form is an important document and should be
carefully preserved for a period of one year unless required for a longer
period in connection with an inquiry or investigation.

(b) Every message shall start with t he Private Number of the sender and
end with the Private Number of the person who has received it.

(c) Messages should be brief and to the point. They shall be written out in
full before they are sent. The description of the section on which power
block is required should be unambiguous as detailed in para 20609. All
messages regarding permits -to-work shall be in the standard form.

(d) The same person who asks for and obtains a power block should also
cancel it before power supply is restored. The persons exchanging the
private numbers should identify themselves by name over the telephone.

(e) The correctness of every massage shall be confirmed by the person

who has received it by repeating it. Each message shall be recorded by
the sender as well as by th e receiver in message books maintained for the

(f) To avoid confusion, use words "Open" and "Close" shall be used
instead of phonetically similar words such as "Switch Off", "Switch On".
Whenever necessary words may have to be spelt out (e.g. , 1 (one) 4
(four) and not fourteen), B for Bombay, C for Calcutta and so on.



Date Message Received Contents Date To Contents REMARKS

& No. From of the & whom of
Time message time sent message
with reply sent by
private sent SM with
number private
received number
by SM or action
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Resister of Keys:-
The Keys of outdoor switches, cubicles are kept in a glassed box in the
SM‟s office of the issue of such keys should be recorded in a resister with
the following detail: -
Date No. of Name & Signature Date & Signature Remarks
& Key designation of time key of SM on
time handed of the receivers returned Duty
over person to
whom keys
are given
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Note: - In case, the Key is given to other than authorized person, the
permission of TPC supported by private number should be obtained &
record in the remarks column.
Power Block Message Resister: -
Sr. Date & Details Power Power Time P.No.
No. Time Of Block Block given by
message showing line & X- SM in
Sub- section over support of
Section ES effected instruction
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



P.NO.SM P. No. of Time of P.No. Given Remarks

given to ATNL in Cancellation to ATNL in
ATNL for support of of P.B. support of
taking P.B. Cancellation
action Cancellation


In a section where only power block has been granted movement of traffic
other than electrically hauled may be permitted except when specif ically
prohibited and the line is also blocked for all movements as per rules. The
traffic allowed shall, however , have to observe the Engg. Signals
exhibited. Movement of Diesel locomotives on electrified section shall be
subject to restriction as given in A.C. Traction Manual. Such Diesel
engine or train hauled proceeding the station / section at which power
block is granted and the Station Master of this station shall satisfy himself
by personal inspection that there is no electric locomotive on the train in
question. He shall also give a caution order to the driver of such engine of
train warning him of the power block ahead and instructing him to wait for
the Engineering Signals and stop at particular traction str ucture if
necessary. No Station Master shall give line clear or take off signals for a
train to run over a section under power block unless he has receiv ed a
message from the Station Master of the preceding station that there is no
electric locomotive on the track (supported by a private number ). (ACTM
Volume-II PART-1 Para-20627).
{(ACTM Volume-II, Part-1, General Para 20627)} .

Movement of Other than Electric Trains

Goods or Passenger trains hauled by other than electric locomotives may

be allowed to pass through the dead section subject to the following
conditions : -

(a) This has not been prohibited specifically in the power block me ssage.

(b) Steam or diesel engine or trains hauled by such engines shall be

brought to a stand at the station preceding the station/section at which
power block is granted and the Station Master or this station shall satisfy
himself by personal inspection that there is no electric locomotive in the
train in question.



(c) He shall also give a Caution Order to the Driver of such engine or
"train warning him of the power block ahead and instructing him to watch
for hand signals and observe them.

(d) No Stat ion Master shall give line clear or lower signals for a train to
run over a section under power block unless he has received an
assurance (supported by Private Number) from the Station Master of the
preceding station that there is no electric locomotive or Inspection Car
with pantograph raised in the train.

(e) Whenever a " red warning collar" has been removed for permitting a
movement as per paras 20626 and this para, it shall be replaced back on
the signal control lever immediately after the movement is completed.

For purposes of the above rule the term "Electric Rolling -Stock" does not
include electric rolling -stock hauled 'dead' as a vehicle or OHE Inspection
Car with its pantograph removed or securely locked down.




Provision included in A.C. Traction Manual must be complied with in case
of double heading or banking by electric locomotives and p recautions
indicated therein must be complied with dispatching electric locomotives
as vehicle or hauling a damaged electric locomotive (ACTM Volume-III
Para 30636 & Para 30637).
{(ACTM Volume-III, Para 30636)}
Double Heading
1. Operation of a train with two locos in front ,both coupled together and
to the train ,but operated independently by separate crew is known as
double-heading. The two locos can be of different types.
2. Subject to compliance With all speed restrictions, the maximum speed
of a double headed train shall not exceed the lower of the maximum
speeds of the two locos individually.
3. Each loco must be manned by a Driver and Assistant Driver who are
qualified to work the t ype of loco and have learned the road over which
the train is working. The driver of the leading loco, known as the "Train
Driver" must be qualified to work the class of train and will be responsible
for working the train in accordance with rules.
4. It is the duty of the leading Driver to satisfy himself that the exhauster
of the second loco, if running, is suitably isolated from the train pipe and



does not create vacuum in the train pipe. Except in an emergency, the
leading Driver only will apply the brakes. Under no circumstances may the
second Driver release the brakes on his loco or the train or apply the
brakes independently on his loco.
5. When starting power may be applied by both locos as required. The
leading Driver who is in charge of the train will notch up until the train
moves. The rear Driver will assist as required.
6. While running, power may be applied as often as necessary but
gradually by the rear Driver.
7 The rear Driver may swit ch off power using his discretion and with due
regard to locality, gradient etc. The rear Driver must frequently observe
his vacuum gauge and be prepared to stop.
8. It is the duty of the train Driver to ascertain that the second Driver is
acquainted with the contents of all caution orders and special instructions
etc. which he may receive while working the train.
9. Instructions issued by local Railways regarding coordination amongst
the two crews should be followed.
10. All rules in regard to switching off power at neutral section, lowering of
pantograph in the event of emergency feeding etc. shall be observed. The
Driver of the rear locomotive will be signalled by the Driver in the leading
locomotive to carry out these operations, as required, by means of code
whistles. The code to be used for such occasions shall be laid down under
local instructions.
{(ACTM Volume-III, Para 30637)}
1. On a gradient sections, sometimes bankin g locos are used in the rear of
the train to assist the leading loco/ locos to negotiate the gradient. The
banking locomotive, must be coupled to the train. The vacuum hose/air
brake pipes of the banking loco should be coupled to the last vehicle, but
on no account should the exhauster of the banking loco be run. In the
event of banking air braked trains, MUZ 8 valve of banking loco shall be
kept in trail position. The Driver of the banking loco will keep a watch on
the vacuum gauge and take necessary actio n to assist the leading Driver
when brakes are applied.
2. All rules in regard to switching off power at neutral section, lowering of
pantograph in the event of emergency feeding etc. shall be observed. The
Driver of the rear locomotive will be signalled by the Driver in the leading
locomotive to carry out these operations, as required, by means of code
whistles. The code to be used for such occasions shall be laid down under
III [151]



3. When working a train up a gradient with the assistance of an electric

banking loco, the following procedure should be followed.
a) When the signal is lowered the leading Driver will give the prescribed
code whistle. The banking Driver will acknowledge the whistle and notch
up quickly so as to obtain the maximum permissible starting current,
simultaneously releasing the loco brakes. The sanders should be used to
avoid wheel slipping.
b) The leading driver should take 2 to 3 notches, releasing the loco brakes
simultaneously and using the sanders as required.
c) The leading and banking Drivers should keep a watch on their
respective ammeters and maintain the current at the continuous rating.
d) If a "Stop" signal is encountered in the gradient section by the leading
Driver, he should switch off the Master Controller and bring the train to a
stop applying the brakes to the extent required. He will also use code
whistle for the banki ng driver. This will increase current in the banking
loco. The banking loco driver should regress the Master Controller so as
to maintain the current at the continuous rated value till the train stops.
On stopping, both the leading and banking Drivers shou ld apply
independent air brakes to avoid rolling down.
e) When re -starting after a stop signal, the same procedure as in (a), (b)
and (c) should be followed.
f) At the point where the rising gradient ends, the Banking Driver sh ould
switch 'off' the Master Controller and stop pushing. A board is provided to
indicate this point.


No steam or hand crane shall be worked adjacent to traction overhead
equipment unless such overhead equipment is dead and earthed ACTM
Volume-I, General para 10406.
{(ACTM Volume -1, General, Para 10406)}
Crane Working
No crane shall be worked on or near traction overhead equipment unless
an authorised representative of the O HE section is present. When so
working, care shall be taken to avoid hitting or damaging OHE structures.


No person shall climb on to the top of engines or tenders or on the roofs
of carriages of wagons when those vehic les are located beneath,
overhead equipment except when a regular „PERMIT TO WORK‟ has been



obtained from authorized traction staff and the overhead equipment is

dead and earthed {GR 17.05(2) & ACTM Volume-I, General para 10402}.
{(ACTM Volume -1, General, Para 10402)}
Standing on Boiler Shell or Tender
Staffs are warned of the danger of standing on the boiler shell or tender
when stabled under live OHE as it may result in electrocution.


The Station Master or Cabin man on duty must always watch for any
unusual working in the block Instrument or any other signaling equipment
which may arise due to voltage induced from the tracti on system or the
signaling equipment must be suspended whenever there are any signs of
unusual working and the nearest signal & telecommunication maintenance
Inspector contacted to inspect and certify t he same. In the event of
checkup whether all blocks a nd more Signaling equipment are working
normal before permitting any train movement ACTM Volume -I, General
Paras 10429 to 10433).
{(ACTM Volume -1, General, Para 10429)}
Effect of 25 KV ac, 50 Hz, Single Phase T raction on S&T Equipment
1. Any circuit in the vicinity of 25kv ac OHE is influenced by electrostatic
and electromagnetic induction. The electrostatic induction is practically
eliminated by transferring S&T circuits into underground cables p rotected
with metal sheath. The electromagnetic induction causes various currents
and voltages to develop in conductors parallel to the track. These include
the rails, traction return conductor where provided, cable sheath, any
other conductors in the vici nity and S&T circuits. The voltages that occur
in the conductors appear a potential gradients. The value of induced
voltage depends on various factors such as: a) Length of parallelism
between the cable conductor and electrified track. b) Soil conductivity . c)
Screening efficiency of cable sheath where existing. d) Return current
through the rails and return conductor where provided. e) Mutual
inductance between catenary and cable conductors. f) Current in the OHE.
Appropriate precautions to overcome the ef fects of the induced voltages
therefore have to be taken by S&T department. Other aspects in which
S&T equipment is affected are: i) OHE structures and fittings affect
visibility of signals to some extent and may come in the way of a signal;
Restrictions come in the path of traction return currents on section
provided with track circuits.



2. Essential precautions to be taken while working on signalling and

telecommunication installations as described. Reference may also be
made to Chapter XVII of the Indian Railways Telecommunication Manual.
{(ACTM Volume -1, General, Para 10430)}
Precautions in the Event of Breakage of Wires.
Should a catenary or contact wire snap s and falls on the running track, it
is possible that the fault current may damage signalling equipment. The
following precautions shall, therefore, be taken.
1. The Section Controller on receipt of an advice of a break in traction
overhead lines shall immediately advise, by the quickest possible means,
the signal maintenance and operating staff of the section where the
catenary/contact wires have broken.
2. If abnormal working of any equipment is noticed, its working shall be
immediately suspended and necessary action under the rules shall be
3. On receipt of the intimation from the Section controller the staff
responsible for the maintenance of signaling of the section shall
immediately proceed to the site and test all signaling circuits and allied
equipment paying particular attention to the outdoor signaling gear to
check if any damage has taken place. An authorized representative of the
Signal Department shall submit a certificate that everything is work ing all
right and send it to his superiors along with a detailed t est report as soon
as possible.
{(ACTM Volume -1, General, Para 10431)}
Works on Signal Posts and Fittings .
1. No staff shall work on any portion of a signal post or its fittings falling
within a distance of 2 m from a 25 Kv live OHE or a metal part electrically
connected to this OHE unless such portion is protected with a metallic
screen in accordance with approved instructions.
2. If for any reason s the protective metallic screen is not provided, the
staff shall not undertaken any work on those portions of the signal or its
fittings falling within 2 m of 25 Kv live OHE, unless power to the 25 Kv
live OHE has been switched off and a „permit to work‟ has been obtained.
To draw the attention of the staff in such cases a red band 10 cm wide
shall be painted all around the signal post at a height of 3 m above the
rail level.
3. The inspectors of the Signal Department and the Station Master s shall
explain these instructions to the staff working under them and ensure that
they are correctly understood.



{(ACTM Volume -1, General, Para 10432)}

Precautions against build up of Potential due to Return Current in
1. The flow of return current in the rails may cause a potential difference
to build up between: a) two rails at an insulated joint of the track circuit at
an ordinary joint in case the fish plates are broken. b) two ends of a
fractured rai l; c) an insulated rail and the rail used for the traction return
current ; and d) the rail and the surrounding mass of earth.
2. Whenever staff have to work on installations which are in direct contact
with the rails, they shall : a) use to ols of the type approved for the
purpose by the Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer of the
Railways ; and b) observe the provisions of Chapter II of the Indian
Railways Permanent Way Manual .
{(ACTM Volume -1, General, Para 10433)}
Precautions against Induction Potential in Metallic Bodies.
Voltage will be induced in signalling and telecommunication circuits when
the length of the parallelism to the track is appreciable, due to normal
load currents or short circuit current in the event of a fault on the traction
system. Dangerous potentials may also develop in circuits with earth
connection if the earth connection gets broken for any reason.
Consequently every time staff have to work on signalling and
telecommunication circuits along with 25 Kv ac electrified lines, they shall
take precautions to protect themselves and the equipment as prescribed
by the S&T Department. Some of the important precautions are however
given below: a) Rubber gloves and tools with insulated handles should be
used. b) When the work to be done is of such a nature that rubber gloves
cannot be used, splitting of the circuits into sections to reduce the length
of parallelism and earthing them to „drain out‟ the voltage should be
adopted. Both the steps should be taken simultaneously. If these
protective measures cannot be applied, staff must get insulated from
ground by using rubber mats or other approved form of protection. c) The
line wires of the electric block instruments are likely t o get heavy induced
voltages and every time the staff handles the line wire terminals of the
block instruments, they must observe the provisions of paras (a) and (b)
above. Line wire terminals should be painted red to remind the
maintenance staff of the da nger. The maintenance inspectors shall explain
the meaning of this painting to the maintenance staff and ensure that it is
correctly understood by them. d) Before cutting the armour or the lead
sheath of a cable or the wires in the cable, an electrical con nection of low
ohmic resistance should be established between the two parts of the
armour or the sheathing and the wires that are to be separated by cutting.




The details of this telecommunication facility is available on the electrified
sections and the use of the same have been given in ACTM Volume -II
PART-1 Paras 20711 to 20713.
{(ACTM Volume -II, Part-1, Para 20711)}
Telecommunication Circuits
The telecommunication facilities provided in el ectrified sections have been
detailed in Chapter 11 of Volume On an electrified sections all overhead
telecommunication lines running parallel to the track have to be replaced
by underground cables. When the induced voltage in the cable is expected
to exceed 60 volts; way station and subscriber's equipment, exchanges
are protected from the induced voltage by providing isolating
transformers. When transformers are provided it will not be possible to
transfer dc. circuits such as CB and auto telephones, dc te legraph circuits
etc. , into the cable. The attenuation of speech in an overhead line of
56.S kg per km copper is approxirnateiyO.039 dB per km whereas the
attenuation in an underground long distance cable is approximately 0. 22
dB per km. The telecommunic ation circuits are therefore subject to about
five times the attenuation when transferred to underground cables and
consequently repeaters are required for these circuits at intervals of about
50 to 6'0 km for satisfactory working. Where the cables are lai d by the
DOT all repeaters and isolating transformers are provided by them.
{(ACTM Volume -II, Part-1, Para 20712)}
Principles of Tapping Traction Power centre, Traction loco Control
and emergency telephone circuits are specifically installed for
electric traction.
Control regarding utilization of these circuits rests with the Chief
Electrical Engineer. All tappings of these circuits will, therefore, be
provided with the specific approval of C EE. Adequate capacities on all
these circuits shall be provided taking into account future requirements.
Usually the following tappings are provided:
1. Traction Power Control Circuit (1) Traction Power Control of the
adjoining Remote Contro l Centres, (ii) All switching stations, (iii) All
railway traction sub -stations, (iv) All grid sub -stations, (v) Central repair
shop, (vi) All OHE, PSI and RC maintenance depots, (vii) ofices of all
Station Masters/ ASMS, (viii) Offices of Yard Master who control
movement of trains, (ix) Offices and residences of Traction Distribution
officers, (x) Residences of CTFO, TFO/ATFO of OHE, PSI, Substation, RC
maintenance depots.
2. Traction Loco Control Circuit, (i) All electric loco sheds, (ii) A ll electric
loco stabling sidings, (iii) Offices of Station Masters of originating, and



junction stations, (iv) Offices of Yard Masters of large yards, (v) Office of
CTFR and TFR, (vi) Offices and residences of Rolling Stock officers, (vii)
Residences of C TFO(RS), TFO(RS), CTFR and TFR provided their
residences are more than 500rn from their offices and no other telephone
facilities exist at their residences.
3. Emergency Control Circuit (1). At regular intervals along side the track
not exceeding l km of running track. (ii) At all traction sub -stations,
switching stations, and maintenance depots. (iii) Near booster transformer
locations and Isolator switches provided for isolation of OHE. If the
distance between two successive emergency teleph one sockets
determined as above is less than 100 m, only one socket shall be
provided, at such locations. However, in large yards having more than
four tracks which are likely to be occupied most of the time, an additional
emergency socket may be provided on the opposite side of the yard near
an isolator provided for isolation of traction OHE. Where the transverse
distance between two tracks involves walking of more than 300 m,
separate tapping shall 1 be provided for each individual track. If not
already done, this circuit should also be extended to the TLC to enable
him to guide loco/EMU crew in the event of failures enroute
3. Railway's local telephone (1) Remote Control Centre, (ii) Traction Loco
Controller, (iii) Traction Power Controller, (1v) Offices and residences of
all officers of Traction Distribution and Rolling Stock - operation and
maintenance (v) Offices and residence of CTFO & TFO(RS) and CTFR &
TFR, (vi) Office and residence of CTFO and ATFO of OHE, PSI and RC
maintenance depots, (vii) Office and residence of ELC of sub -depot, (viii)
SEB's Grid Substation, if feasible.
4. P & T Telephones (I) Remote Control Center, ii) All Traction sub -
stations, iii) Offices and residences of SR.DEE & DEE(TrD), SR.DEE &
{(ACTM Volume -II, Part-1, Para 20713)}
Power Supply Arrangement
1. To ensure reliability of ac 24OV, ac 50 Hz signle phase power supply a
25 kV/24OV auxiliary transfo rmer shall be connected to 25 kV OHE. (a) At
a station where a reliable local power is available, the main supply is
taken from this source. The stand -by supply is obtained by tapping the 25
kV catenary and installing a 25 kV/240 V auxiliary transformer. ( b) At
stations where no reliable local supply is available, the main and stand -by
power supplies are obtained by installing two 25kV/240 V auxiliary
transformers, each connected to independent subsectors of the OHE. (C)
At stations where an auxiliary trans former is installed at a traction
switching post situated within 350 m of the signal cabin or the station
building 240 V supply from the auxiliary transformer is treated as the main



supply and a second 25 kV/24OV transformer is installed on another sub -

sector for giving the stand -by supply.
2. Following works shall be carried out by the Electrical Department: (i) At
each way side station, 2 nos. Auxiliary Transformers, one each connected
to OHE of UP & DN lines shall be provided. A 2 x 25 MM2 . aluminium
cable shall be laid from each AT to ASM's room and shall be terminated at
the CLS supply panel. Local supply, if available, shall also be terminated
at the panel as third source. A manual three -position change -over switch
shall be provided on th e CLS supply panel. The CLS panel shall be
provided with MCBs and neon indication lamps for the incoming and
outgoing supplies, Change -over shall be effected by ASM on duty.From
the CLS supply panel, power supply will be extended to either cabin by S
& T department through 2x25 mm 2 aluminium cables. (ii) At big yards,
where a number of cabins are located, 2 to 3 cabins shall be grouped
together and a set of two ATs, one each connected to OHE of UP & DN
lines shall be provided at a convenient location to fe ed each such group.
CLS supply panel having a three -position manual changeover switch shall
be provided at one of the cabins by the Electrical Department, from where
the supply shall be extended by S&T department to other cabins.
(iii)Provision of 2 nos. A uxiliary Transformers, one each connected to
OHE of UP & DN lines, shall be arranged at each level crossing located
more than 2 km away from the Railway station. If any other level
crossings are located within 2 km of the level crossing where a set of ATs
have been provided, then supply from the same ATs shall be extended to
these level crossing through 2 x 25 MM2 . Aluminium cable to be laid by S
& T Deptt. The CLS supply cable alongwith manual changeover switch
shall be provided at the gate lodge. Change -over shall be effected by the
Gateman on duty. (iv) In case of IBH, separate set of ATs shall be
provided. As IBHs are unmanned, a two -position automatic change -over
switch shall be provided. (v) In single line sections, one AT connected to
the OHE will be provided for supply to CLS. The LT supply will be
extended from the AT to ASM's ,room by means of 2 x 25 MM2. aluminium
cable terminated at the CLS supply panel. Local power supply, if
available, will also be connected to this panel, which will be provide d with
a change-over switch. This arrangement will be adopted for the way side
stations, level crossings beyond 2 km. from the nearest Railway Station
and at the IBHS. (vi) At way -side electrified stations, where local supply is
prone to prolonged interrup tions, an emergency light point shall be
provided in ASM's room and in each cabin from the AT supply, through a
separate circuit protected by a fuse of proper rating. At non -electrified
stations, a separate lighting circuit shall be provided in ASM's room and in
each cabin from the AT supply. From the lighting circuit in the ASM's
room, one light point each in ASM's room, on the platform outside the
station building, at the ticket window/waiting hall and in the cable hut
shall be provided. On the lighting c ircuit at the cabins, one light point



each in the cabin, relay room, battery room and cabin basement shall be
provided. (vii) All the power supply installations provided by the Electrical
department,as detailed in paras (1) to (vi) above, will be maintaine d by
the Electrical department. 3. Following works shall be carried out by the
S&T department (i) A 2 x 25 mm2 aluminium cable will be laid from the
ASM's room to each cabin alongwith the signal control cables in the same
trench. An integrated power cubicl es including a voltage stabilizer,
inverter and battery chargers will be provided in the relay room for signal
and relay supplies. A 240 V ac outlet from this power pack will be made
available to Electrical Department for provision of light points. Similar
arrangements will be made at each level crossing and IBH. (ii) An 80 Ah
battery capacity, sufficient to cater for two hours failure of supply, will be
provided at each, cabin and level crossing. One extra 80 Ah battery set
shall be provided temporarily at these points until AT supply becomes
available. At IBH 200 Ah battery capacity may be provided to cater for
four hours failure of supply. (iii) At large yards, two standby diesel
generating sets of 1 0 kVA rating each will be -provided for standby power
supply to the signalling installations. The supply from these generators
will be brought to the CLS supply panel in the ASM's room or in the cabin,
where a change-over switch will be provided by the S&T Deptt. to enable
the ASM/Cabinman to affect the change -over supply from the normal mode
to the generator mode. A push -button control will also be provided in the
ASM's room/cabin to enable the ASM to start/stop standby diesel
generator whenever required. (iv) On sections where automatic block is
planned, S&T will lay a power cable all along the section with suitable
feeding arrangements - to suit local conditions. (V) At station where
telecom repeater stations are located, a 2 x 25 MM2 aluminium cable will
be laid from the CLS supply panel in the ASM's room to the repeater
station to avail AT supply to work battery chargers and repeater
equipments in the 'event of failure of local supply. Electrical Department
will provide a change -over switch at the repeater station between AT
supply and local supply. An emerge ncy light point shall also be provided
at Repeater stations by Electrical Department from the AT supply. 2. In
the event of power block being given on both the OHE sub -sectors from
which the signal supply is derived, electric traffic would necessarily have
to be suspended on the line. During such periods, colour light signalling
will not also be in operation. Such cases are likely to arise very rarely at
any station and the duration of the block is not like to exceed one hour at
a time. Therefore, no additi onal power supply arrangement need be made
by the Electrical Department at wayside stations. However, to cater for
this condition, portable stand -by sets should be kept by the S&T
Department to be operated until 25 kV supply is restored. At large stations
with considerable shunting movements, a stand -by diesel generator set
may be installed by the S&T Department to meet emergencies, If
considered essential.



3.19 FIRE:-
Regarding fire on or adjacent to any electrical equipment refer to G.R.


The Station Master & Yard Master shall exhibit permanently the
instructions issued regarding the treatment of persons suffering from
electric shocks in the Station/Yard office and shall ensure that all Class -
III staff are familiar with thes e instructions .

3.21 Nothing in these rules amend or supersede any General or subsidiary

Rule or instructions including in the A.C. Traction Manual. These working
Rules shall be read as supplement to the aforesaid rule books and also to
be the existing sta tion working rules of the station.

3.22 Any amendment to these working rules (in four parts) will be notified by a
correction slip to the Station working Rules. All corrections to the Station
Working Rules shall on receipt be immediately carried out in the
recipient‟s copies. The corrections slips w ill be serially numbered and it
will be the responsibility of each member of the staff to whom working
rules copies are supplied to call for missing correction slips at once, it will
be the responsibility of each supervisory staff to bring the contents of the
correction slips to the notice of all staff concerned, hold their

The inspecting staff of operating, Telecommunication and Traction

Department shall make regular check at all points to which these special
working rules are supplied to ensure that the rules are corrected up to
date and the staff concerned are fully conversant with the rules and abide
by them.




S. No. Isolator Number Location Line

1 SM /1707 14/05 UP main line

2 SM /1708 14/14 DN main line

3 SS/1642 15/31 Common loop 4&5


Annexure 1 Page | 36

Position Of Isolators at Gudha Station

S. No. Isolator Number Location Line

1 SM /1707 14/05 UP main line
2 SM /1708 14/14 DN main line
6 SS/1642 15/31 Common loop 4&5


25 kV AC Traction Station Working Rule of Gudha Station

1. These rules are to be read along with existing station working rules and appendices.
2. These rules apply only to Electric Train, electric locomotives and Vehicles consider as such and indicate the protection required to prevent
the entering in a SECTOR, SUB-SECTOR or an ELEMENTARY SECTION over which POWER BLOCK exists.
3. So, present AC traction station working rules and traction station working diagram no. NWR/JU/FL-RKB/TSWRD/GA/01 is corrected
up to date ….
4. Power Block Cap shall be placed on the relevant button of SM’s panel.


Annexure 1 Page | 37

S. Description of Protection Sequence of switching Remarks

No. Electrical Longitudinal Transverse Power block Power Block
section granting Cancelation
1. SECTOR :-  There shall not be any electric train/ loco  All X-over &  Open  Close  DN Electric
movement between NYK – FL stations in UP & Turnout BM/1674 & BM/1674 & Train/Loco will
(Between DN lines. points shall BM/1675 at BM/1675 at wait at SBR
BM/1674 &  Line clear shall not be granted to SBR station be set and NAC/FP. NAC FP. station.
BM/1675 at for any UP electric train/loco to proceed locked in  Ensure that  UP Electric
NAC/FP to towards GA station by UP line. ‘NORMAL’ BM/1664 & Train/Loco will
BM/1664 &  Line clear shall not be obtained from GVMR Position. BM/1666 at wait at GVMR
BM/1666 at station for any UP electric train/loco to FL/SP is in station.
FL/SP) proceed towards GVMR station by UP line. open  During power
 Line clear shall not be granted to GVMR condition. block memo
station for any DN electric train/loco to should be given to
proceed towards GA station by DN line. loco pilot to down
 Line clear shall not be obtained from SBR the pantograph
station for any DN electric train/loco to and lock it.
proceed towards SBR station by DN line.
 All signals at GA station for any UP/DN Electric
Train/Loco shall be kept at ‘DANGER’.


Annexure 1 Page | 38

S. Description of Protection Sequence of switching Remarks

No. Electrical Longitudinal Transverse Power block Power Block
section granting Cancelation
2. UP Sector-I  There shall not be any electric train/ loco  Point no.  Open  Close  UP Electric
movement between NYK – FL stations in UP (101-102) & BM/1674 at BM/1667 at Train/Loco will
(Between line. (149-150) NAC/FP. FL/SP. wait at SBR
BM/1674 at  Line clear shall not be granted to SBR station shall be set  Open  Close station.
NAC/FP to for any UP electric train/loco to proceed and locked in BM/1672 at BM/1669 at  During power
BM/1666 at towards GA station by UP line. ‘NORMAL’ GVMR/SSP. GA/SSP. block memo
FL/SP)  Line clear shall not be obtained from GVMR position.  Open  Close should be given to
station for any UP electric train/loco to BM/1669 at BM/1672 at loco pilot to down
proceed towards GVMR station by UP line. GA/SSP. GVMR/SSP. the pantograph
 UP reception signal S-66, UP departure signal  Open  Close and lock it.
S-22, S-24, S-26, S-2 & DN departure signal S- BM/1667 at BM/1674 at
43 & S-45 at GA station for any UP/DN Electric FL/SP. NAC/FP.
Train/Loco shall be kept at ‘DANGER’.  Ensure that
BM/1666 at
FL/SP is in


Annexure 1 Page | 39

S. Description of Protection Sequence of switching Remarks

No. Electrical Longitudinal Transverse Power block Power Block
section granting Cancelation
3. DN Sector-I  There shall not be any electric train/ loco  Point no.  Open  Close  DN Electric
movement between NYK – FL stations in DN (101-102) & BM/1675 at BM/1667 at Train/Loco will
(Between line. (149-150) NAC/FP. FL/SP. wait at GVMR
BM/1675 at  Line clear shall not be granted to GVMR shall be set  Open  Close station.
NAC/FP and station for any DN electric train/loco to and locked in BM/1672 at BM/1669 at  During power
BM/1664 at proceed towards GA station by DN line. ‘NORMAL’ GVMR/SSP. GA/SSP. block memo
FL/SP)  Line clear shall not be obtained from SBR position.  Open  Close should be given to
station for any DN electric train/loco to BM/1669 at BM/1672 at loco pilot to down
proceed towards SBR station by DN line. GA/SSP. GVMR/SSP. the pantograph
 DN reception signal S-5, DN departure signal  Open  Close and lock it.
S-41, S-49 & S-69 at GA station for any DN BM/1667 at BM/1675 at
Electric Train/Loco shall be kept at ‘DANGER’. FL/SP. NAC/FP.
 Ensure that
BM/1664 at
FL/SP is in


Annexure 1 Page | 40

S. Description of Protection Sequence of switching Remarks

No. Electrical Longitudinal Transverse Power block Power Block
section granting Cancelation
4. UP Sub Sector-I  There shall not be any electric train/ loco  NIL  Open  Close  UP Electric
167301, movement between NAC – GA stations in UP BM/1672 & BM/1672 & Train/Loco will
X-1645, line. BM/1673 at BM/1673 at wait at GA station.
X-1646  Line clear shall not be obtained from GVMR GVMR/SSP. GVMR/SSP.
(Between station for any UP electric train/loco to  Open  Close
BM/1673 at proceed towards GVMR station by UP line. BM/1670 at BM/1670 at
GVMR/SSP and  UP departure signal S-2 at GA station for any GA/SSP. GA/SSP.
BM/1670 at UP/DN Electric Train/Loco shall be kept at

section 167303


Annexure 1 Page | 41

S. Description of Protection Sequence of switching Remarks

No. Electrical Longitudinal Transverse Power block Power Block
section granting Cancelation
5. DN Sub Sector -I  There shall not be any electric train/ loco  Point no.  Open  Close  DN Electric
movement between NAC – GA stations in DN (101-102) & BM/1671 & BM/1671 & Train/Loco will
(Between line. (149-150) BM/1672 at BM/1672 at wait at NAC
BM/1671 at  Line clear shall not be granted to GVMR shall be set GVMR/SSP. GVMR/SSP. station.
GVMR/SSP and station for any DN electric train/loco to and locked in  Open  Close
BM/1668 at proceed towards GA station by DN line. ‘NORMAL’ BM/1668 at BM/1668 at
GA/SSP)  DN reception signal S-5 at GA station for any position. GA/SSP. GA/SSP.
DN/UP Electric Train/Loco shall be kept at
Elementary ‘DANGER’.
section 167106


Annexure 1 Page | 42

S. Description of Protection Sequence of switching Remarks

No. Electrical Longitudinal Transverse Power block Power Block
section granting Cancelation
6. UP Sub Sector-II  There shall not be any electric train/ loco  Point no.  Open  Close  UP Electric
movement between GVMR – FL stations in UP (101-102) & BM/1669 & BM/1669 & Train/Loco will
(Between line. (149-150) BM/1670 at BM/1670 at wait at FL station.
BM/1670 at  Line clear shall not be granted to SBR station shall be set GA/SSP. GA/SSP.  During Power
GA/SSP and for any UP electric train/loco to proceed and locked in  Open  Close block when the UP
BM/1666 at towards GA station by UP line. ‘NORMAL’ BM/1667 at BM/1667 at Electric Train is at
FL/SP)  Line clear shall not be obtained from GVMR position. FL/SP. FL/SP. line 3, 4, & 5 of GA
station for any UP electric train/loco to  Ensure that station, memo
Elementary proceed towards GVMR station by UP line. BM/1666 at should be given to
section 167001,  UP reception signal S-66, UP departure signal FL/SP is in loco pilot to down
167003 & X- S-22, S-24, S-26, S-2 & DN departure signal S- open the pantograph of
1642 43 & S-45 at GA station for any UP/DN Electric condition. loco and lock it.
Train/Loco shall be kept at ‘DANGER’.


Annexure 1 Page | 43

S. Description of Protection Sequence of switching Remarks

No. Electrical Longitudinal Transverse Power block Power Block
section granting Cancelation
7. DN Sub Sector -  There shall not be any electric train/ loco  Point no.  Open  Close  DN Electric
II movement between GVMR - FL stations in DN (149-150) BM/1668 & BM/1668 & Train/Loco will
line. shall be set BM/1669 at BM/1669 at wait at GVMR
(Between  Line clear shall not be granted to GVMR and locked in GA/SSP. GA/SSP. station.
BM/1668 at station for any DN electric train/loco to ‘NORMAL’  Open  Close  During Power
GA/SSP and proceed towards GA station by DN line. position. BM/1667 at BM/1667 at block when the DN
BM/1664 at  Line clear shall not be obtained from SBR FL/SP. FL/SP. Electric Train is at
FL/SP) station for any DN electric train/loco to  Ensure that line 1 & 2 of GA
proceed towards SBR station by DN line. BM/1664 at station, memo
Elementary  DN reception signal S-5, DN departure signal FL/SP is in should be given to
section 166802 S-41, S-49 & S-69 at GA station for any DN open loco pilot to down
& 166804 Electric Train/Loco shall be kept at ‘DANGER’. condition. the pantograph of
loco and lock it.


Annexure 1 Page | 44

S. Description of Protection Sequence of switching Remarks

No. Electrical Longitudinal Transverse Power block Power Block
section granting Cancelation
8. UP Elementary  There shall not be any electric train/ loco  NIL  Open  Open  UP Electric
Section 167303 movement between GVMR – GA stations in BM/1672 & BM/1672 & Train/Loco will
UP line. BM/1673 at BM/1673 at wait at GA station.
(Between  Line clear shall not be obtained from GVMR GVMR/SSP. GVMR/SSP.  During Power
SM/1710 at station for any UP electric train/loco to  Open  Close block memo
GVMR station proceed towards GVMR station by UP line. BM/1670 at SM/1710 at should be given to
and BM/1670  UP departure signal S-2 at GA station for any GA/SSP. GVMR loco pilot to down
at GA/SSP) UP Electric Train/Loco shall be kept at  Open station. the pantograph of
‘DANGER’. SM/1710 at  Close loco and lock it.
GVMR BM/1672 &
station. BM/1673 at
 Close GVMR/SSP.
BM/1672 &  Close
BM/1673 at BM/1670 at


Annexure 1 Page | 45

S. Description of Protection Sequence of switching Remarks

No. Electrical Longitudinal Transverse Power block Power Block
section granting Cancelation
9. UP Elementary  There shall not be any electric train/ loco  Point no.  Open  Open  UP Electric
Section 167001 movement between GVMR - SBR stations in (101-102) & BM/1669 & BM/1667 at Train/Loco will
& X-1642 UP line. (149-150) BM/1670 at FL/SP. wait at SBR
 Line clear shall not be granted to SBR station shall be set GA/SSP.  Close station.
(Between for any UP electric train/loco to proceed and locked in  Open SM/1707 at  During Power
BM/1670 at towards GA station by UP line. ‘NORMAL’ BM/1667 at GA station. block when the UP
GA/SSP and  Line clear shall not be obtained from GVMR position. FL/SP.  Close Electric Train is at
SM/1707 at GA station for any UP electric train/loco to  Ensure that BM/1669 & line 3, 4 & 5 of GA
station) proceed towards GVMR station by UP line. BM/1666 at BM/1670 at station, memo
 UP reception signal S-66, UP departure signal FL/SP is in GA/SSP. should be given to
S-22, S-24, S-26 & DN departure signal S-43 & open  Close loco pilot to down
S-45 at GA station for any UP Electric condition. BM/1667 at the pantograph of
Train/Loco shall be kept at ‘DANGER’.  Open FL/SP. loco and lock it.
SM/1707 at
GA station.
 Close
BM/1667 at


Annexure 1 Page | 46

S. Description of Protection Sequence of switching Remarks

No. Electrical Longitudinal Transverse Power block Power Block
section granting Cancelation
10. UP Elementary  There shall not be any electric train/ loco  NIL  Open  Open  UP Electric
Section 167003 movement between GA – SBR stations in UP BM/1669 & BM/1669 & Train/Loco will
line. BM/1670 at BM/1670 at wait at SBR
(Between  Line clear shall not be granted to SBR station GA/SSP. GA/SSP. station.
SM/1707 at GA for any UP electric train/loco to proceed  Open  Open  During Power
station and towards GA station by UP line. BM/1667 at BM/1667 at block memo
SM/1706 at SBR  UP reception signal S-66 at GA station for any FL/SP. FL/SP. should be given to
station) UP Electric Train/Loco shall be kept at  Ensure that  Close loco pilot to down
‘DANGER’. BM/1666 at SM/1707 at the pantograph of
FL/SP is in GA station. loco and lock it.
open  Close
condition. SM/1706 at
 Open SBR station.
SM/1707 at  Close
GA station. BM/1667 at
 Open FL/SP.
SM/1706 at  Close
SBR station. BM/1669 &
 Close BM/1670 at
BM/1667 at GA/SSP.
 Close
BM/1669 &
BM/1670 at


Annexure 1 Page | 47

S. Description of Protection Sequence of switching Remarks

No. Electrical Longitudinal Transverse Power block Power Block
section granting Cancelation
11. DN Elementary  There shall not be any electric train/ loco  Point no.  Open  Open  DN Electric
section 167106 movement between GVMR – GA stations by (101-102) BM/1671 & BM/1671 & Train/Loco will
DN line. shall be set BM/1672 at BM/1672 at wait at GVMR
(Between  Line clear shall not be granted to GVMR and locked in GVMR/SSP. GVMR/SSP. station.
SM/1709 at station for any DN electric train/loco to ‘NORMAL’  Open  Close
GVMR station proceed towards GA station by DN line. position. BM/1668 at SM/1709 at
and BM/1688  DN reception signal S-5 at GA station for any GA/SSP. GVMR
at GA/SSP) DN Electric Train/Loco shall be kept at  Open station.
‘DANGER’. SM/1709 at  Close
GVMR BM/1671 &
station. BM/1672 at
 Close GVMR/SSP.
BM/1671 &  Close
BM/1672 at BM/1668 at


Annexure 1 Page | 48

S. Description of Protection Sequence of switching Remarks

No. Electrical Longitudinal Transverse Power block Power Block
section granting Cancelation
12. DN Elementary  There shall not be any electric train/ loco  NIL  Open  Open  DN Electric
section 166802 movement between GVMR – FL stations in DN BM/1668 & BM/1667 at Train/Loco will
line. BM/1669 at FL/SP. wait at GVMR
(Between  Line clear shall not be granted to GVMR GA/SSP.  Close station.
BM/1668 at station for any DN electric train/loco to  Open SM/1708 at  During Power
GA/SSP and proceed towards GA station by DN line. BM/1667 at GA station. block when the DN
SM/1708 at GA  Line clear shall not be obtained from SBR FL/SP.  Close Electric Train is at
station) station for any DN electric train/loco to  Ensure that BM/1668 & line 1 & 2 of GA
proceed towards SBR station by DN line. BM/1664 at BM/1669 at station, memo
 DN departure signal S-41, S-49 & S-69 at GA FL/SP is in GA/SSP. should be given to
station for any DN Electric Train/Loco shall be open  Close loco pilot to down
kept at ‘DANGER’. condition. BM/1667 at the pantograph of
 Open FL/SP. loco and lock it.
SM/1708 at
GA station.
 Close
BM/1667 at


Annexure 1 Page | 49

S. Description of Protection Sequence of switching Remarks

No. Electrical Longitudinal Transverse Power block Power Block
section granting Cancelation
13. DN Elementary  There shall not be any electric train/ loco  Point no. Open  Open  DN Electric
section 168804 movement between GA – SBR stations by DN (149-150) & BM/1668 & BM/1668 & Train/Loco will
line. (143-144) BM/1669 at BM/1669 at wait at GA station.
(Between  Line clear shall not be obtained from SBR shall be set GA/SSP. GA/SSP.
SM/1708 at GA station for any DN electric train/loco to and locked in Open  Open
station & proceed towards SBR station by DN ‘NORMAL’ BM/1667 at BM/1667 at
SM/1705 at SBR line/direction. position. FL/SP. FL/SP.
station)  DN departure signal S-69, S-49 & S-41 at GA Ensure that  Close
station for any DN Electric Train/Loco shall be BM/1664 at SM/1708 at
kept at ‘DANGER’. FL/SP is in GA station.
open  Close
condition. SM/1705 at
Open SBR station.
SM/1708 at  Close
GA station. BM/1667 at
Open FL/SP.
SM/1705 at  Close
SBR station. BM/1668 &
Close BM/1669 at
BM/1667 at GA/SSP.
BM/1668 &
BM/1669 at


Annexure 1 Page | 50

S. Description of Protection Sequence of switching Remarks

No. Electrical Longitudinal Transverse Power block Power Block
section granting Cancelation
14. Elementary  There shall not be any electric train/ loco  Point no.  Open  Close  During Power
Section X-1642 movement on common loop line 4 & 5 at GA (107-108), SS/1642 at SS/1642 at block when the
station. (109-110), GA station. GA station. UP/DN Electric
(Between  UP reception signal SH-56 (for Line no. 4 & 5), (147-148) & Train/Loco is at
SS/1642 and UP departure signal S-24, S-26 & DN (145-146) common loop line
section departure S-43 & S-45 at GA station for any shall be set 4 & 5 of GA
insulator at and locked in station, memo
UP/DN electric train/loco should be kept at
common loop ‘NORMAL’ should be given to
line 4 of GA “DANGER”.
position. loco pilot to down
station) the pantograph of
loco and lock it.


Annexure 1 Page | 51

Note :-
1. For any unusual movement of Electric Loco/Train/vehicle the on duty Station Master must refer to the Traction Station Working Rules
Diagram of the station and ensure that there no chance of energizing the section under POWER BLOCK.
2. Points leading towards unwired track shall not be used under any circumstances for the movement of Electric Loco with raised
3. Where shunting via emergency cross over is not restricted, on duty Station Master must consult the Traction Power controller/Section
Controller before permitting shunting orders under exchange of private numbers for the guidance of train staff.
4. Station Master of GVMR & SBR to be informed when Power Block is imposed at GA under exchange of private numbers.
5. Reminder collars must be applied on panel for the line under Power Block.





1. If shunting is to be done for detaching hot axle wagons etc., in non -

electrified track, Special precaution should be taken not to admit the
electric loco into unwired section. A competen t man shall personally
supervise the shunting.
2. Emergency sockets mounted on posts painted alternately black and white
2 M high have been located along the track and near cabins at a distance
of 1 KM. The direction to the nearest emergency socket is clearly
indicated on each traction mast by an arrow.
Guard working on the electrified section should acquaint themselves with
the method of use of new portable telephones which are plugged into
these emergency sockets. These sockets are connected to TPC.
3. It is dangerous to go within 2 meters of the live equipment. This is
4. Power Block means blocking section of the line to the electric traffic only.
5. No material should be stocked either on the mast or in mast foundation.
6. When a motor vehicle with rubb er type is to be transported in an open
wagon, the metal body shall be bonded to the wagon body by means of
two independent solid connections by cooper wire or galvanized iron flat
or steel ropes. It is preferable that lashing used to secure the vehicle ar e
of metallic ropes instead of manila or other coir ropes.
7. Staff must close and secure the wagons door properly after the same have
been loaded or unloaded at loading or unloading points one of the staff
should be posted in the yard to close the wagons do ors. He must see that
no wagon is allowed with its doors opened.
8. Case of electric shock arising out of contact with 25 KV AC Traction
Equipment shall be reported immediately to TPC.
9. The escorts for vehicles in an open wagon accompanying the vehicle in
train shall be warned to be careful of OHE wire and should not stand
unwillingly on the vehicle.
10. The SM should maintain the Message register in which incoming &
outgoing message are recorded separately for TPC.
11. Unusual occurrence viz., heavy rains, lig hting & thunderstorm effect
electrical installation. Station Master on duty should advise TPC of all
such weather conditions.



12. Any abnormality observed on the overhead equipment viz., a broken

contact wire, catenary wire bracket insulators or a hanging dropper etc.,
must be reported immediately to the Traction Power Controller over the
emergency phone or through the nearest S.M.
13. The SMs/Cabin staff should know the manual operation of isolating
switches and must get through knowledge of the lines to w hich each
switch control the supply in consultation with the station working rules
(ACTM Volume-II PART-1 Para 20624). Before operating any such
isolating switch he must ensure that: -
a) The entire section of the overhead equipment is visible.
b) There is no locomotive or motor coach or Tower Wagon with raised
pantograph in the section and
c) No overhead equipment in the section is in contact with ground rails,
vehicles or any other insulated object.
14. While granting a local power block the SM/Yard Mast er shall also inform
the section controller of such power block and take all precautions as per
station working rules (ACTM Volume-II Part-I para 20619)
15. The „Dead Section” shall be protected as per the procedure laid down in
ACTM Volume-II Part-I para 20625
16. The SMs should educate all the staff working under them on the above
lines & should see that the bondings are not damaged when loading and
unloading is done.
17. It should be ensured before introducing OHE/Traction working that
operating staff at the Station is properly educated about normal/abnormal
working of OHE traction and fully aware about the Rule given in G & SR
Book Reprinted Edition -2010 and ACTM of 1994 of N.R.




Appendix-VIII Point 1 to 11 (Volume -II,Part-II)
DO(s) AND (Don’t (s)


1. In case of fire on electric traction equipment or wires.
i) Inform Traction Power Controller.
ii) Extinguish fire by special extinguishers (Carbon tetrachloride or carbon
dioxide type), if available.
iii) Ensure no water jet directed at the fire issued under any circumstances.
2. Anything unusual on traction wires or electric locomotives inform Traction
Power Controlle r or nearest station master.
3. In any emergency speak to Traction Power Controller on emergency
telephone system. (Sockets for connecting emergency telephone are
provided at intervals at about a kilometer and the direction to the nearest
socket is indicated on OHE masts.

1. DO NOT approach within 2 meters of any traction wires or live equipment.
2. DO NOT work on the near traction wires or any live equipment unless they
are made dead, earthed and shut down notices/permit to work obtained.
3. DO NOT Enter any switching station or remote control center unless
specially permitted.
4. DO NOT permit unauthorized persons to operate an equipment even if it
before making it dead.
5. DO NOT disturb any earthing or bonding or traction wires.
6. DO NOT touch a person in contact w ith live traction wires. Remove body
only after power supply is switched off.
7. DO NOT forget to give artificial respiration to the victim.



8. DO NOT touch any traction wire hanging from the mast or fallen on the
ground and do not allow anyone else to touch it.


1. Avoid slipping of wheels of rolling stock.
2. Load coal or oil in locos outside the electrified zone only.
3. Keep at a safe distance of 2 mtrs. From Traction wires while working on
the locomotives.

1. DO NOT lift or raise you r tools towards traction wires (Keep the tools in
respective position immediately after use)
2. DO NOT load coal in the engine tender to a height more than 4.00 meters
above rail level.
3. DO NOT take electric locomotive with raised pantograph to any unwired
line. Power block working limit or near the section insulations sat the end
of section under power block.
4. DO NOT climb into the engine tender for ANY PURPOSE while under
traction wires, unless power is cut off and “Permit to Work” obtained. (For
watering, use the water column from the ground with the special divider
provided for this purpose and opens the tank cover by the special device
5. DO NOT allow long articles like firing rod, showel or any other thing to
protrude above the engine while on electr ified tracks.
6. DO NOT direct any jet or spray towards the traction wire jets or water, if
necessary, may be used horizontally outside the safety zone of 2 mtrs.
7. DO NOT put the drivers vacuum brake handle in quick released position
when the traction is runni ng.


1. Ensure all staff are conversant with safety precautions.
2. Report defects in traction wires or any electric locomotive promptly to the
Traction Power Controller.



3. Keep sufficient number of „Caution Level Collars” and ensure staf f

understand their use.
4. Ensure fitting of Caution Level Collars to the points and signal levers
which give access to sections under Power Block.
5. Observe procedure given in Station Working Instructions while operating
isolator switches.
6. Ensure safe Traction Power Staff protect section from all direction by
banner flag during power blocks.
7. Suspend working of block and signals if signs of unusual working are
noticed. Always checking block instruments and signaling equipment when
break down in traction wires oc curs.
8. Ensure safe custody of isolator switch keys.
9. Instruct your Lampman to see that while he goes up the signal post he
does not carry any long rod or article likely to be brought within the
danger zone of 2 meter.
10. Please ensure that the doors of empty wa gons of the train are closed.

1. DO NOT PERMIT an electric locomotive or multiple unit with raised
pantograph to approach any section under power block beyond Power
Block Working Limit‟ boards or near section insulators.
2. DO NOT permit out staff to a pproach live traction wire within the danger
zone of 2 meters.
3. DO NOT permit any crane to work adjacent to live traction wire.
4. DO NOT permit electric locomotive with raised pantograph to enter any
unwired section.
5. DO NOT take off signals for direct recepti on for any electric engine or
train, if there is a power block within the adequate distance of the signals.


1. Watering of carriages should be done only at watering section as per
special rules.
2. Ensure that no staff is working on the roofs to carriage and all the
Watering staff has assembled at the place marked for Watering Gang‟
before returning the key to Lineman.



DON’T (s)
1. DO NOT climb on the roof of the carriages or wagons when located
between overhead wires unless the power is o ut off and “Permit” to work
OR watering badge is issued as per rules.
2. DO NOT go beyond the watering board of the watering section.
3. DO NOT open the hydrant till the other end of the hone pipe has been
inserted in the overhead tank of the carriages, similarl y do not withdraw
the hose pipe from the tank till the ground hydrant has been closed.
4. DO NOT direct any jet or spout of water towards any traction wire or
traction bracket supporting overhead equipment.


1. Maintain the correct l evel of height gauge set a level crossing.
2. Provide rail jumper connections wherever a fish plat is to be removed or
rails are to be removed (Especially on tracks with wooden sleepers).
3. Ensure that insulated points on your tools is intact.

1. DO NOT continue working till last minute in the face of as approaching
electric train clear the line early.
2. DO NOT use steel measuring tapes or long metallic wires.
3. DO NOT dump ballast, earth or ashes against the foundations of the
masts and keep the top of the s uffering clear.
4. DO NOT raise the track above the high rail level mark specially under
over line structures.
5. DO NOT damage the traction bonds whether from mast to the rail or those
along or across the trucks.


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