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Original Paper

Accepted: June, 2023

Assessment of Building Conversion in Ijapo

Residential Estate Akure, Nigeria
F.K. Omole 2A.D. Joshua
Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Federal University of Technology,
Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria


Key Words
Building use, Building Conversion,
Planning scheme, Master Plan
Physical planning and control

Building conversion mostly affect the finding shows that most of the buildings in Ijapo
functionality and livability of the environment residential estate were converted showing a
leading to the reduction in the standard of living higher percentage of deviation on both the
of residents in such area which requires adequate original and existing master plan.
attention. If attention is not given to this issue of
indiscriminate change of use which lacks
Change in building use is a global
approval from the necessary authority, the aim
phenomenon occurring over time which could be
of planning which is to provide a balanced,
noticed either in a mild or holistic scale in a
comfortable and well pleasing environment
particular urban center (Raharjo, 2005) . The
would be defeated. This study, thereby tend to
present great interest in analyzing change in
assess the building conversion of Ijapo
building use has stemmed a concern over the
residential estate with a view to ascertain the
demographic, economic and environmental
level of building plan deviation from the original
variables relating to the spatial structure of an
design and subsequently proffer sustainable
urban area (Irwin and Bockstael, 2006).
solution to the problems. The scope of the study
However, the trend of urban growth in
is limited to building conversion which is a
developing countries has been on rapid increase
micro perspective of land use study. The study
with approximately 62 million inhabitants
addressed building conversion in terms of its
annually requiring about 16 million new
pattern and distribution and approval at
accommodation units to be added to meet the
completion in the selected estate using the
existing residential stock (Ujoh, 2011)
restrictive technique of planning and creative
Conversion of building use refers to the
technique of planning concept. The study
change in the use of a building from the purpose
annexed both primary and secondary sources for
for which it was originally used or intended to be
data collection. Ijapo residential master plan
used (Benedict, Emmanuel, and Samuel, 2016).
were gotten from Ondo State Development and
Conversion in the use of buildings from
Property Corporation both (pre 2002, 2012 and
residential to other uses has increased in recent
2022) and 717 residential buildings were
years in areas which predominantly have been
identified using Autocad and SPSS. The 717
used for residential purposes (Benedict,
buildings were multiplied by 5hpb (household
Emmanuel and Samuel, 2016). The issue of
per building) which amount to 3585 household
building conversion is not a new thing all over
within the study area. Out of which 50% of the
the world. This is perhaps why it has become a
total building makes 358 buildings that were
major problem when development control
selected randomly for the research because
ministries fail to put order in place (Jimoh,
majority of the buildings have experienced
Omole and Omosulu, 2013).The conversion of
restructuring, redevelopment as against what is
use of buildings in cities of the developing world
in the approved master plan of the estate and
is often from residential to other uses with the
have changed hands several times before the
latter having serious impacts or dis-economies
time of this study survey and many of the
on the adjacent residences and their occupants
original landlords in these areas were not
(Angela and Ifeanyi, 2022).
traceable for interview. Field data were analyze
using descriptive methods and the results of the

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Most of the urban residents have The high rate of urbanization and population
resorted to informal businesses which thrive in explosion has placed strong demand on
their thousands in the cities of less developed residential infrastructure. The high cost of land
countries, transforming them into hives of for development, high cost of rent has made the
activities as a result of recession ridden government to intervene in social residential
economies (Aluko, 2010). This led to building provision and delivery in Nigeria.
conversion which can be seen as a change in A study conducted by Farooq, (2022)
function or change in use or adjustment and shows that since other land use sprawls into the
alteration from an existing usage of a building, adjourning residential neighborhoods entails the
such as converting a residential building and conversions of existing residential vacant lots or
making it suitable for hotel which is a buildings to other premises; the number of
commercial use, a church also may be converted residential property taken over by other/retail
into an apartment, an apartment also may be buildings are not equally replaced within the
converted into a sachet or bottle water factory in same neighborhoods. Most of the urban centers
order to meet new requirement or use (Ademola, are experiencing rapid economic growth phases,
2010). All these businesses are pitched in stiff continuous change in residential building use
competition with residential uses for dwindling within the core area of urban city to other
space in the cities. In Nigeria, evidence abounds building uses could consequently result to decay
in major cities of the conversion of buildings in in the fabric of it’s residential neighborhoods
residential areas to other use (Omyebueke, 2006; over time in diverse ways (Sydney, 2012) .The
Jinadu, 2005; Sule, 2008) spatial distribution of other activities within the
The rapid pace of urbanization in the core area of urban center and in the adjourning
third world cities particularly in Nigeria has residential areas of our urban center could be
brought about arbitrary changes in building use traced to profit maximization motives of the
which has become evident in most cities to the business operators and house owners, as well as
extent that a piece of land or a building serves easy accessibility of other activities within the
many different purposes at the same time thus residential neighborhoods than that of the central
making it difficult to define a given area as districts. The rapid change of building use from
either residential or other uses (Omiunu, 2014). residential to other uses is also predominant in
Change in building use has further brought about Akure, the Capital of Ondo State, However, this
a new beginning of transformation, change and study will select Ijapo Residential Estate in
new development processes in the built-up urban Akure South Local Government to assess the
environment (Ademola, 2010). As a result, it can effect of building conversion in the area on the
be seen in most cases that a piece of resident of the area (from residential to other
land/building serves as many purposes at the uses like hotel, Schools, Hospital, playground
same time ranging from residential to viz-a-viz etc) and to also proffer sustainable
commercial, recreational, or institutional which solutions to menace that might arise from
makes it difficult to define clearly the use to building conversion in the area.
which a particular land is put (Ademola, 2010). Addressing the existing building use pattern of
Hence, one can find a land being used as the estate, general level of building plan
residential and also other uses such as a shop or deviation in the study area (fully, partial), factors
office, likewise the setbacks, roadsides and responsible for residential building conversion in
streets have not been left out but have been the study area, the impacts of building
converted to other centers, thereby falling short conversion on the existing planning scheme in
of their intended purposes (Onokerhoraye and the study and if the situation is redeemable.The
Omuta, 2006). change in residential use of building coupled
Building conversion mostly affect the with higher demand for other uses led to the
functionality and livability of the environment continuous increase in rent in the study area. The
leading to the reduction in the standard of living returns realized from the properties used for
of residents in the area. This study, thereby tend other purposes is greater than that of properties
to examine the arbitrary change of urban used for residential purposes. Due to these
residential to other uses in Ijapo residential greater returns most residential property owners
estate in Akure, Ondo -State, with a view to prefer their property be used for other profitable
bring out salient factors that stimulates change in ventures.
building use and to address same. More so, the This study will assess the impact of
study will also look at the reasons and effects in building conversion in Ijapo residential estate of
terms of problems associated with this change of Akure the state capital of Ondo state. It will also
use in relation to the impact and consequences of identify the existing building use pattern within
uses on the neighborhood. the residential estate and examine the extent of
building conversion to other uses.Building

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conversion are continuous phenomena in residential stock and alteration to physical
residential estates. The scope of the study is planning scheme. Some experts have attributed
limited to building conversion which is a micro residential shortages in Nigerian cities to
perspective of land use study. The study residential conversion, others have blamed it on
addressed building conversion in terms of its high rent, inadequate residential supply etc.
pattern and distribution and approval at
completion in the selected estate. Variables and Urbanization
factors that are associated with the event of such Worldwide, more than half of the population is
conversion were identified and the variables living in urban areas (Lakes and Lautenbach
were subjected to further analysis to show the 2008). Specifically, it is estimated that urban
ones that significantly predict the event of use population will double by 2050, where urban
conversion. The study employed a temporal population will grow from 3.3 billion in 2007 to
appraisal with focus on three periods, namely 6.4 billion in 2050 (United Nations, 2008).
pre-2002, 2012 and the year 2022. The study Ironically, these new urban dwellers will
will also identify the factors responsible for concentrate in cities of developing nations. This
residential properties conversion in the estate population concentration leads to immense
and also assess the impact of building impacts on the human environmental system in
conversion on the existing planning scheme. The terms of economic, social, and ecological issues.
study will also examine the impact conversion of Facing these challenges is complicated by the
building has brought to the estate, the dwellers high dynamics of urban building use patterns.
and to the environment and check if the current This has happened in phases; first, the
situation of the estate is redeemable advancement of science and technology which
Although the phenomena (building conversion) midwife the birth of industrialization and then
are much more pronounced in Ijapo residential urbanization. Urbanization brought about
Estate which was purposely selected because of increase in population which is the resultant
the need to meet with the landlord or someone effect of movement of people from locations that
that knows the history of the selected residential have lesser chances of economic survival to
estate. Majority of the buildings have locations with higher chances. Rapid growth has
experienced restructuring, redevelopment and in recent years constituted a major problem
have changed hands several times before the facing many cities of the world (Mabogunje,
time of this study survey and many of the 1968). This growth has resulted into competition
original landlords in these areas were not between the limited resources of land with its
traceable for interview. ever-increasing use.
Also, unplanned change of use has implications
Literature Review on the residential situation. This is as a result of
Change in the use of land/building as defined by the fact that very limited spaces are now left for
Oluleye, (2006) is any development or use residential uses, as succession by other uses have
which is different from the use last approved by set in, thereby, worsening the residential
the planning authority while he described shortage problem. This succession by other uses
material change in use as the physical alteration has brought about shortage in residential
of existing zoning conforming structure. One facilities for residential purposes. Inhabitants of
reason why no theory of building use pattern the residential houses are not left with any other
subsists in the long run can be explained using option than to move out in search of other
the analysis of the highest and best use which houses. The increasing level of traffic associated
seeks to explain the competition for space with change of use has resulted to problems
among various human activities. Decisions to which the government must use scarce resources
use land for a particular purpose as well as to solve (Amao, 2012). If adequate attention is
demand for land at various points in time is not given to this issue of indiscriminate change
subject to change. Households and corporate of use which lacks approval from the necessary
organizations at some point in time may need to authority, the aim of planning which is to
expand, thus, either relocating or engage in provide a balanced, comfortable and well
redevelopment of existing structures (Oluleye, pleasing environment would be defeated. A
2006). particular building use can change into another
The high incidence of residential conversion is building use as a piece of land can change from
one of the major problems confronting Nigerian its natural use as a forest to being used as a
cities. However, property owners in most of farmland before it becomes space to build
Nigeria cities clamor for such conversions of residential uses thus having a regime of
residential building to other uses which they see succession of building uses (Ademola, 2010).
as an avenue for maximizing rents but experts
view residential conversion as an aberration to

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Invasion Succession Theory highest and best use thus, ascertaining the
The theory of invasion succession is based on relevance of the theory. The existing planning
the principle of which a particular building use laws have struggled to survive in the face of
invades an area and dominates it, thereby soaring demand for economic activities but
succeeding the existing building use. This because of the inevitable factor of obsolescence
succession process is preceded by “invasion”. of existing buildings with worth depreciating
Invasion is the penetration of one use by another value, invading prospective economic activities
owing to economic, social and cultural deviance with higher returns succeed existing use and the
between the old and the new which may influence of planning laws thus resulting in
ultimately lead the invading building use to property conversion. Finally, though property
succeed the old use Barlowe (1978). He conversion is a sound economic adjustment that
reported further that this phenomenon is usually seeks to allocate land to its highest and best use
as a result of the characteristics of land resources and which identifies issues of rents and property
to move to uses that offer the highest return for management as reasons for such conversion, it
the utilization of net income that can accrue to a should be regarded as an illegal activity (Olusina,
parcel of land essentially limited. 2008)
Invasion succession are common occurrence in Existing literature which examines the issue of
the area under study. For example, Henry building-use conversion is limited except those
Fajemirokun/ Owo Avenue in Ijapo etc which that analyses land-use conversion which is a
were mainly for residential purposes have given macro spatial phenomenon. The study of land-
room for the invasion of other uses which now use change referred to as change detection and
has a domineering effect on the old uses i.e. the growth of urban centers have gained
residential uses (Authors survey, 2023). The prominence in recent years and the reason is that
study by Sui and Zeng (2001), Xia and Liu there is need for proper building use planning to
(2018) also monitor building use changes, control haphazard developments that
identify driving forces and map areas characterized the city systems in most
experiencing intense building use transformation. developing countries (Olusina, 2008). Studies on
Time after time properties have been developed land use change have lots of findings among
for particular uses only to be redeveloped within which is that of Kaur (2005) in Dewas city
a few months or years for other uses that in Madhya Pradesh. The study revealed that
promise higher net benefit or net return (Barlowe, there was increasing rate of population in 1991
1978). and that population is almost doubled in one
There is also the inevitable process of decade and that the land area also increased by
obsolescence and reconstruction. Due to the 55.15 percent within the decade at the cost of the
diversity of human activities, various land use loss of fertile agriculture land.
exist with a particular building use determined Qiong (2005) used satellite remote sensing and
by topography, climate past (and present) social geographic information system (GIS) to
and religious, custom, legislation and legal investigate building use change dynamics in
decisions, demands for goods and services Beijing. They observed that, there had been a
(including varying consumer preferences) and notable and uneven urban growth and a major
the policy of local and central government in the loss of cropland between 1986 and 2001. It was
supply of public utilities and social services noted that most of the urban growth and loss of
(Smits 2019). This practice of invasion and agriculture land occurred in inner and outer
succession results in the highest and best use of suburbs. Fabiyi, (2006) in his study of urban
land. In Akure, Fawehinmi (2002) observed that building use change analysis of Ibadan
shops and offices compete for space particularly traditional city found that there were
along major transportation routes. For Ghazali considerable dynamic changes in Ibadan
(1999), access to transportation, markets, metropolis and major contributor to these
functional utilities and business requirements changes were the loss of vegetal cover, low
tends to attract new firm to central areas because density settlement and development of sprawl.
of increased cost of doing business out the CBD
but as these firms mature, they require more Use-Conversion and Underpinning Factors
space. This development leads to relocation to Akure metropolis that is characterized by rapid
low rent areas or causes building use change on urbanization has shown that there are more
form of property conversion to take place. migrants moving into the metropolis like all
According to Olusina, (2008) “the conversion of other cities in Nigeria put together as reported in
one use to another is due to non-proper UN-HABITAT, (2001) reports. For example,
enforcement of the existing planning between 1952 and 1963, the population of
regulations’’. However, it could be said that this municipal Lagos rose from 267,407 to 665,246
development is in realization of the principle of (an annual increase of 8.6 per cent). Outside the

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municipality have amassed a further 424,622 the residential market demand trigger use
people since 1963, making a metropolitan total conversion. (Sule, 2008).
of 1,089,868. The metropolitan population thus Furthermore, the control and monitoring
grew by 19.2 per cent per annum. The 1991 function of the policy include the sanction
Census result for Lagos state was over 5 million component which penalizes building use
and this has risen to over 9 million in 2006. contravention. The sanction compromises the
Rupesh (2014) in India found out that the growth initial prescription in a way that if you can afford
of Ranchi city and its built-up area is due to the penalty fee for contravening you can have
population growth, which increases demand for the authority’s approval for any use outside the
land and the city expansion towards fringe areas. prescribed use spelt out under the metropolitan
Most of the extension occurred at the cost of master plan. Use-conversion eventually brings
scanty fertile and plain agriculture land, since about high intensity of usage pressure on utilities
the city is surrounded by hills and plateaus. Ever which affects the degree of serviceability of the
growing difference between demand and supply utilities/surrogates. Variation in the usage
of residential sites has increased stress on the pressure will affect the degree of slum-ward
fringe areas while prices of agriculture land changes in the attributes of slum-indicator
continue to increase for residential and industrial variables. While timely intervention may reverse
purposes, and the cost of land in the city is continuous degradation to higher levels of slum
rapidly reaching new heights. Also, in China, degeneration, its absence fast tracks transition
with a similar pace of urbanization as Nigeria in from the slum incipience stage to slum
terms of population pressure, Webster (2002) maturation. In a metropolitan setting, two
identified that the rapid urbanization in China possible equity related Pareto questions emerge
has forced agricultural communities to adjust to from the above scenario. The first pertains to
an urban or industrial way of life in a very short how the pains or the liabilities connected with
time and also, the development of informal the utility over-use is shared among the major
residential and illegal building use by migrants function-differentiated regions in such
has led to uncontrolled construction activities metropolis, while the second addresses how such
and caused further dissipation of space. liabilities are borne by the major stakeholders
Invariably, urban building use change is in affected by building-use conversion namely the
response to population growth, urbanization and landlord and the tenants (Benedict et al, 2016).
other political and socio-economic factors.
The Creative Planning Technique Concept
Conceptual Framework This includes preparation of master plan,
The Restrictive Planning Technique Concept structure plans among others. According to
This includes the concept of development Omole (1999), habitation has been a major
control: like the use of laws, Decree, Edit, concern of man in his studies and struggles for
Zoning etc to enforce and direct development. survival on earth. He stressed further that
This study conceptual framework shows the “residential use” is a residential and essential
linkage between building plan approvals, as environment which is of primary importance to
prescribed by the authority within the master man in all its ramifications i.e a planned
plan as guided by zoning policy. The policy residential environment is more than a mere
operates as a prescriptive instrument by shelter because it embraces all the social services
specifying what type of structure or activity and utilities that makes up a community or
structure that is permitted in a given area. In neighborhood.
addition, the same policy operates as a control Ola (1984) traced the origin of planning scheme
and monitoring instrument when building has in Nigeria to 1924 when a bubonic plague hit the
been constructed by specifying the illegality of city of Lagos, in which the worst affected areas
use conversion except by approval. The were the dirty, environmentally degraded
effectiveness of the regulatory policy as neighbourhood of Lagos State that prompted in
prescribed under zoning failed because of 1929 the establishment of the Lagos Executive
monitoring policy that was not effective. Since Development Board (LEDB) to undertake Town
there is no monitoring that ensures adherence Planning Scheme in the worst affected areas
and enforcement of the prescribed policy there is followed by the Yaba Estate scheme (LEDB
propensity for building-use conversion when the 1963), it took nearly a decade to complete. From
variables in the building and neighborhoods are this, the idea of scheme project spread to other
present. These are the extent to which the parts of the country particularly towns like Jos,
socioeconomic status of landlords, such as Calabar, Enugu, Port-Harcourt, Ibadan etc
ownership, availability and the source of funding receiving its backing in the Town and Country
for building, ownership transfer arrangement and Planning Law of 1946 patterned and tailored

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after the 1932 British Town and Country is between 18 and 33°C. River Osisi cut across
Planning Law. the estate at the central part and flows south into
Akinsunlola (1998) agreed that an approved River Ala. The estate hosts some other centers
planning scheme is successful when it is such as petroleum products sales outlets, schools,
properly designed, implemented, executed and hotels and guesthouses and shopping malls
administered to meet its set objectives. which further heightened the demand for
According to him, these could be achieved when portable water within the estate. Residents in the
the following (a-g) are accomplished strictly in estate depend largely on hand-dug wells and
accordance with the provision of the scheme motorized boreholes for domestic and other
a) All surveys, particularly survey parcel have water supply.
been completed, such that the scheme, the
boundaries of the scheme and of all plots and
services can be easily identified on the site
b) All plots on different building uses-
residential,commercial, institutional etc. have
been built according to specifications in the
approved scheme
c) All deficiencies in the scheme have been
identified in the course of implementation and
rectified accordingly
d) Occupants / User habits are in conformity
with the approved scheme no illegal change of
use or other structural conversion on site
e) Population density and overcrowding are put
under control Figure 1: Akure street guide showing Ijapo
f) Security in form of proper provision for safety Residential Estate
of life and property is guaranteed. Source: Ondo State Development and Property
g) All infrastructures in the scheme areas have Corporation Extract, (2022).
been put in place. This includes drains, roads,
electricity, water etc.

The research was limited to Ijapo residential
Estate in Akure, which formed the focus of the
study. Akure is centrally located, being
surrounded with a 48-kilometer radius by those
important towns Akure North and Akure South
Local Government as shown in figure 4 below. It
is bounded by Ondo and Idanre to the south,
Owo to the east, Iju/Itaogbolu to the north and
Ile-oluji to the west. The city’s morphology has
changed over time to assume its present status Figure 2: Master plan of Ijapo Residential
with its attendant land problems, as experienced Estate
in similar medium sized urban centers in Nigeria. Source: Ondo State Development and Property
Ijapo residential Estate as at the time of this Corporation Extract, (2022)
study is the first residential estate in Ondo State,
and well planned as shown figure 1. It is located For this study, related data to the course of study
northeast of Akure town within longitudes were collected from the selected resident
5°12.307' E and 5°16.552' E and latitudes especially the property owners/ head of family
7°15.859' N and 7°16.552' N in (Fig. 3) below. within Ijapo residential association of landlords
The area is easily accessible with road and landlady’s, Ondo State Lands and Housing,
network with about 717(seven hundred and Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban
seventeen) plots of building in which the Development, Ondo State development and
conversion of buildings has emerged as an property corporation and National population
important activity of those land owners in Ijapo. commission (NPC). However, for the purpose of
Ijapo residential Estate is situated on a gently this research work, two major sources of data
undulating terrain with elevation between 330 were adopted and this include primary and
and 364m above mean sea level. The area lies in secondary sources of data. The primary data for
the tropical rain forest with mean annual rainfall this study were gotten from sampled buildings
of about 1300mm. The annual mean temperature within Ijapo residential estate which help to

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gather vital information on the level of building AutoCAD, and maps sourced from the library,
use and changes in planning scheme within the internet, archives and institutions. Table 1 shows
estate. The secondary source of information the existing number of buildings in Ijapo
includes journals, seminar papers, dissertations, planning scheme and estimated household per
published and unpublished books, population building and Table 2 show the method of
statistics related to infrastructure development, analysing the objectives.

Findings plots in the estate were converted into mixed use

Existing building use pattern of the estate (in which some part are being used for
residential use while other part of the plot were
The finding as presented in figure 3.1 and fig 4.1 converted into either other use like school) as
shows that the existing building use of the estate presented in figure 3.1 and 4.1 respectively. This
were shifted predominantly from residential implies that from the finding it could be deduced
estate to mixed building use estate since other that the existing building use pattern of the estate
building use in the estate as presented in the is Residential estate with the presence of
figure 3and 4 below shows that over 80 plots in numerous hospitality business for commercial,
the estate were totally converted to other uses institutional and other usage in the estate as as
while some of the buildings were converted against the original planning scheme of the
totally as presented, 56 plot out of the total 717 estate as presented in figure 3.1.

Figure 3: Original Building use in Ijapo Residential Master plan

Source: Ondo State Development and Property Corporation Extract, (2022).

Fig 3.1: Deviated/ existing Building use in Ijapo Residential Master plan

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Source: Ondo State Development and Property Corporation Extract, (2022).

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Figure 4: Primary use of the land
Source: Author’s field survey, 2023.

Figure 4.1: Present use of the land

Source: Author’s field survey, 2023.

General level of building plan deviation in the 7.5% as seen in figure 13, commercial use had
study area from Pre 2002, 2012-2022 (Partial shifted from 0.3% pre 2002 to 12.2% on the
or fully) current landuse as shown in figure 4.1,
Comparing the general level of building institutional use had risen to 4.6% from its initial
plan deviation from the approved planning approval 0.8% while open spaces meant for
scheme of 717 total approved building plan recreational purposes had reduced from 0.6% to
allocated to allotees in the study area as shown 0.1% as a result of deviating to other profitable
in Table 4.1 and 4.2 reveals that Ijapo residential uses for profit making causing a partial shift
estate had shifted mainly from its original from residential usage to commercial and mixed
residential use of 98.3% in pre 2002 to 75% in use in the study area, thereby residential use
2012-2022, pre 2002 there were no mixed scarcity and rent increment.
building use previously but currently risen to

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Objective 3 (Factors responsible for building convert their building to another use for personal
conversion) motive among them were those who are unable
Building conversion which is referred to manage the building environment alone, in
to as change in building use from one usage to need of neighbors within the building among
another is discussed distinctly. The reason for others to avoid loneliness and other personal
building conversion in the study area were motives
deduced from the table that 58.2% of the
residents agree that the reason for building Effect of building conversion on house owner
conversion in Ijapo residential area were profit In order to achieved the stated aim of the study,
making, abandoned properties and personal the study also find out the effect of building
motive while 18.1% of the residents agree on conversion on house owner. The figure 5
personal motive, 13.6 agreed on abandoned illustrated that the major effect of building
properties and 16.0 of the residents agree on conversion on the building owner is to improve
profit making. Which implies that there is there source of income, 24.6% agreed on
numerous reason for building conversion in the personal motive, 19.6% agreed on development
study area but from the finding on the cause of guideline while 19.6% out the total respondent
the study it has been shown that the major reason agreed that the effect of building conversion is to
were profit making i.e the resident wants to prevent abandonment within the environment as
generate more income from his or her existing shown in Plate 1. It can be deduced from the
structure by converting part of a residential findings that the effect of residential
building to other or for church as shown in transformation on house owner in Ijapo is to
figure 15 below, abandoned properties (some improve their source of income due to that fact
abandoned building in the area where also that the converted area will be lease out or use
converted to other use to discourage the area for other purpose which will in long run increase
from harboring crime while some intentionally their primary source of income..

Figure 5: Effect of building conversion to the Residents

Source: Author field survey, 2023.

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Plate 1: A Residential story-building totally converted into Institutional use along Ondo Road
Street, Ijapo residential Estate.
Source: Author’s field survey, 2023.

Examining if the situation is redeemable

Since the findings has categorically shown that using the restrictive and creative planning
there is residential conversion at Ijapo residential concept in curbing such menace.
estate, the study tends to examine if the current
situation can be redeemable back to residential Recommendation
estate. Then the findings from Ijapo residents The study made the following recommendation
and residential corporation shows that the to policy makers, Ijapo resident and residential
situation can be partially redeemable by zoning corporation after successfully carry out the field
some parts of the estate which are presently work for the study
occupied with hospitality business to hospital 1. The planning scheme must be followed
business whereas areas with one or two other using the restrictive technique of
activities should be enforce to convert it back to planning to maintain the original
residential area, all mixed building use within building use of the estate
the estate should also be converted back to 2. Intensive enforcement and recruitment
residential estates while place of worship of professional staff to curb building
building within the estate should also regulate plan deviation before, during and after
their service from causing noise pollution within any development is completed and
the area. This implies that for Ijapo to redeem those completed should be redress
his lost glory of being a residential estate, zoning, 3. The corporation should ensure that they
and regulations in conforming to make the monitor any new development or
planning scheme a successful one will need to redevelopment within the estate to
come to play within the estate to ensure ensure that they comply with the
compatible building use, make residential approve planning scheme.
landuse return back to its 99% and make the 4. For the situation to be redeemable
estate liveable. public enlightenment with Ijapo
Resident Association on the adverse
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