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@ Hobbies, sport and games Topic vocabulary in contrast JIS} see page 186 for definitions itch /wack/ cour /course/ ving nk [umpire /referee pan athletics —_] win beat / score final nae /end ending inerval halftime [play ‘game Tbs stick / od racket craw /equal spectator / viewer [amateur / professional competitor /apponent Phrasal verbs bring forward change the date/time of an event s0 it [knock out defeat and remove from a competition;make happens earlier unconscious {carry on continue look out be careful time) ‘get round to start (after planning to do sth for a long pull out stop being involved in an activity get up;do sth you should not dl [go in for enter (a compett [go off stop king take to start (2s a habit) put off delay postpone nuetcllike ‘| putup with tolerate join in participate, take part ‘take up start (a hobby sport etc): fil an amount of space/time. ieee eee best | make the best of sth;do your bestithe best at sth/doing —_ ‘chance _ | h2ve/take/get a chance to dorhave a chance of doing; someittie/ete chance of (your) doing: the chances of (your) doing; take a chance (on sth); chance ofa lifetime [90 | your goshavea go height | in height afraid of heights:height of sth mad __| mad about/on sth/sb/doing: o/become mad - "pleasure | take pleasure in sth/doing: gain/get pleasure from sth/doing popular _| popular with/among = ‘side | (on) the opposite side; (on) the far side; side with sb; on the winning/losing side 7 [talent | have a talent (for sth/doing):talent contest ‘on time; just) in time; the whole time; high/about time; take your time (doing) take time to do; sth takes time | up (your) time: spend time doing; spend time on;at/for a certain time; time passes; ind time to do; make/| |__| find time for: forthe time being; have a good/nice time (doing):tell the time:free/spare/leisure time tum __| turn (@)round/away;turn sth oversin tutn take turns; take it in turns) (to do): your turn (to do) Was ‘compete against/with sb; compete forinsth Tisten to stab iil ‘concentrate on sth/doing _ ~ [ove sth/sb/doing:love to do lifficult to do:find sth dificult ind it dificult to do | mean to doritvthis means that this means sth/doing sFecivdvidon ‘refer todo (rather than to] do) prefer sth (rather than sh) Seed ot elidolna Prefer sth/doing (to sth/doing) free 10 do; ire fromiofsthsfree for sth stop sth/doing:stop to do;stop sb rom doing sture/certain make/be sure/certain that sure/certain to do;be pereedn es sute/certain of th involve sth/doing: involved in sth/doing ortune misforune,(anforunate(y)_| medal medalist medalion ; eppore oppostion, opponent oo interest (anjnterestingty serene compete competition competitor, | know knowledge : competitivety) {un)knowledgeable _ Praction practien:fivprecticaly! [enjoy enjoyment enjoyable lose ost oss twain wtin waar equip equipment equipped malta maintenance 24 8aLIVEWORKSHEETS Hobbies, sport and games Unit 4 Topic vocabulary in contrast ‘A Complete using the correct form of the words in the box. 1 We used to go skating at the ice. every Saturday. aa 2 Keith had never seen such a large golf. .. until he went to Scotland, —_ és 3° Weall met at the basketball at half past three. pitch x 4 Itscalled a boxing = sbut it's actually square! ae g 5 For the 800 metres race, you have to run round the twice. = x 6 The football match had to be called off because the -wasflooded. | track = 7 Ourtcama------ unialtime.butintheseendtattheothercan | SHE] ; : ot ay 5 three goals, and so they us.Butitwas.agreatmatch! | 20, : 8 Adrian got a new fishing. for his birthday. bat 4. 9 Can borrow your tennis. ? stick ia 10 Whyare hockey .= sucha strange shape? aa e 11d spend hours putting linseed oil on my cricket... tokeep the wood | racket strong. B Circle the correct word or phrase. 1 The umpire / referee blew the whistle and the most important football match I've ever 5 played began. 2 We used to play rugby in the winter term, football in the spring term, and we'd do athletics / sport and swimming in the summer term, 3 Doyoufancya game / play of cards? 4 only do magic tricks for fun.{'ve never thought of becoming an amateur /a professional magician. 5. Theplay was so boring, we walked out during half time /the interval. 6 Coventry City equalled / drew 3-3 with Sunderland in the match last Saturday. 7 Spectators / Viewers who watched last week's programme will remember we were looking at the history of baseball 8 — Wegot through to the final / finale, but then lost to Cirencester. 9 Most people prefer films which have a happy end / ending. 10 Wouldall opponents / competitors please make their way to the starting ine? YP eeL ARR REE BSI Phrasal verbs __C Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap. 1. I don't know how you can stand getting up so early to goto the pool. put zi don't know hoW YOU CAN een smn UP SO early t0 go to the pool. 2 tve finally started sorting out my postcard collection. round lve finally. sorting out my postcard collection, 3 What did you do at the weekend? get ‘What did you : svnsnnnnennnnnnne at the weekend? ‘ 4 Iimnot so keen on skiing now I've discovered snowboarding. gone ; te. since | discovered snowboarding. 5 Why do you continue to have riding lessons ifyou can't afford them? on Why do you _tiding lessons if you can't afford them? 6 Wecan'tdelay the match any longer. put We cant. 8 PRE | i any long siete Unit 4 vocabulary D Write one word in each gap. 1 Tony never used to want to join a! .. to wearing a helmet whenever she goes cycling. scuba diving until | found out how exper 2 Look... . There's a car cot 3 Simone’s 4 Iwas thinking of taking equipments. 5 They were knocked... 6 — Maybe we should bring the meeting... weeks'time, 7 Becca had to pull. & Melissa doesn't Phrases and collocations E Choose the correct answer. 1 Why dont yOu nnn ago? Its not difficult A make C do B have D set 2 Carl wasnt very good at mount climbing as he's afraid of A highs C heights B highness D height 3 There's little... of our getting into the final A opportunity Cluck B chance D fortune 4 Rachelis mad... Song Contest. A from © for B against D about 5 JUSt mmm Your best ~ that's all anyone can ask of you. 4 do C be B make D have 6 WS mn time you learned to swim. A big high B tall O far 7 Grandma sn. 2 lotof pleasure from gardening. A does C makes B has D gets Word patterns F Match to make sentences. 1 Fim not very f0N6 ‘She's interested You should concentrate lused to find it difficult... LetSisten . We stopped The bad weather stopped us. vw ausen ammonw> with the other kids in the playground. the in the semi-final, to this Tuesday instead of having itin two of the race when she sprained her ankle. infor adventure sports. 8 ~. your time - dont rush A Tell © Spend B Find D Take 9 Each player takes: tum to roll the dice. Aon cat 8 in Dito YO Time snnen_$0 quickly when you're doing something enjoyable. A takes C passes B spends D finds 11 Our new coach is popula wnnnne the whole team. A for c by B to D with T2 She'd wnnow hours lying on her bed, reading, A spend C make B take D pass 13 Hed been planning to leave the team the emo»: time,and hadnt told anyone. A complete C total 8 whole D full 4 14 mnotsiding......... her because she's 2 ‘my sister, but because she's right. A from C to B for D with 5 in playing for the school team. E to find enough time to have any hobbies. ‘ to trytofind the golf balls wed lost. of playing in goal. i from finishing the game. to what the coach thinks first. on getting fit. SaLIVEWOR! Hobbies, sport and games Unit 4 G Water has damaged part of this text about sport at school. Read it and decide what you think each of the original words was. Write the words in the blank spaces. Sport at school {used to wear glasses when | was at school, and so! =p sport very difficult. wanted to be involved -==iiec= school sports competitions, and loved the idea of teams competing ie each ‘other, but being on the rugby team, for example, -==agie-— having to take off my glasses, and that meant -saie<— | couldn't see! And its difficult <=aagie= catch a ball when you can't see it! So, wasn't very good and the captains always sige sure that | wasn'ton their team. This meant | >it free to do other activities, like being on the debating team, and actually | preferred to =>9AE= things! was good at doing —sigie<<- than have everyone laugh at me. 10 ean Ue nE RENEE Word formation 5 eervausunas H Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary. -» (TRAIN). (PRACTICE) for hours to learn to juggle properly. 1 [need to buy anew pair of 2 Ellie used to 3 That wasthe most (INTEREST) book I've ever read. | can't wait for the sequel! 4 Would you describe yourselfas a. (COMPETE) person? | 5 Many professional basketball players earn a ~ (FORTUNE) these days. 6 _FA.stands for Football (ASSOCIATE). y 7 The gold, silver and bronze. (MEDAL) took their places on the podium for : the presentation ceremony. 8 _ InBritain, the money parents give their children is often called pocket America it's often called an.. (ALLOW). 9 I'mafraid the swimming pool is closed at the moment as they're carrying out someessential = (MAINTAIN). 1 Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that same line. in the gap in the Assnooker player speaks : When I first started playing snooker, had no real (1) ofthe KNOW 2 ‘ules. just thought it looked an (2). game.Alsojldidn'tneed ENJOY 4 to buy any expensive @).. because the snooker hall near my EQUIP i a all the free time! had PRACTICAL twas greatfun! COMPETE house had tables and cues.I spent (4) practising, and then decided to enter a (5)... My 6)... ‘was someone who'd been playing for years.Of course, OPPOSE he beat me,but the fact that I (7) .umemnunne didn't put meoffatall. LOSE And, (8) my game improved enough forme to becomea FORTUNE ; professional snooker player three years ago. @ ———E—E eee | ; “WLIVEWORKSHERT:

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