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Third Quarter Examination


Direction: Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of your correct answer.

1. "Sally sells seashells by the seashore" is an example of:

A. Alliteration B. Onomatopoeia C. Simile D. Stanza
“Oh, the bells, bells, bells!
What a tale their terror tells
Of Despair!
How they clang, and clash, and roar!

2. The underlined words are examples of:

A. Alliteration B. Assonance C. Metaphor D. Onomatopoeia

3. What figure of speech is exemplified in this phrase, “He struck a streak of bad luck.”
A. Alliteration B. Assonance C. Consonance D. Onomatopoeia
4. The breeze kissed my cheek this morning. What human quality is associated with the breeze?
A. Cheek B. Hug C. Kiss D. Lie

5. Which of the following statements is NOT a metaphor? A. Don ate his salad like a vacuum
B. The sun was a furnace.
C. The stage was a canvas upon which the play was painted.
D. The smoke was cotton balls billowing from the chimney.

For items 6-10, identify the mood expressed by the character.

6. “I wonder where Father and Arthur are, their boat is out of sight.”
A. Angry B. Concerned C. Frightened D. Hungry
7. It was Cora’s birthday and Helen gave her a box with yellow ribbons. She said, “Thank you for
this beautiful gift.”
A. Concern B. Joy C. Pity D. Sorrow
8. Fe was busy cleaning the house for the coming fiesta. She was arranging everything in the
storeroom when suddenly she saw something black inside the broom box. She shouted, “Oh,
there is a big snake in the broom box!”
A. Joy B. Pity C. Fear D. Excitement
9. “Today is the day I’ve been waiting for.”
A. Angry B. Excited C. Happy D. Lonely
10. “We won! We won the game.”
A. Calm B. Cheerful C. Hopeless D. Tense
11. Everybody believes that inoculation is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of
Covid-19. Hence, doctors and scientists all over the world are called upon to develop antibodies.
The word inoculation in the sentence means ________.
A. Distancing B. Quarantine C. Vaccination D. Washing
12. It takes 365 and ¼ days for the earth to have a complete revolution around the sun. Revolution in
the sentence is synonymous to________.
A. Circulation B. Degeneration C. Development D. Explosion

13. You become responsible for the thing you have tamed.
A. Established ties B. Mastered C. Ruled D. Subdued

14. Some materials are found in a certain locality and are classified as indigenous materials. What
does the word indigenous mean?
A. Artificial B. Expensive C. Imported D. Native

15. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the Covid-19 outbreak as a
pandemic. What does the word pandemic mean?
A. Specific B. Unique C. Unknown D. Widespread

16. It is an aid in organizing ideas before starting to write a certain piece.

A. Graphic B. Graphic Organizer C. Organizer D. Outline Organizer

17. It allows pupils to organize their ideas based on topics, sub-topics, and details. A. Outlines
B. Pre-written C. Reading D. Sequence

18. This type of graphic organizer helps you to visually represent a comparison of differences and
similarities between two topics.
A. Pre-writing B. Problem-solution C. Sequence Chart D. Venn Diagram

19. A tool that helps visualize the order of steps of a process or a timeline of events.
A. Pre-writing B. Problem-solution C. Sequence Chart D. Venn Diagram

20. It is the process of generating and developing ideas about the topic. Some people also refer it
as brainstorming of ideas.
A. Outlining B. Prewriting C. Reading D. Sequence For items

21-23, identify the propaganda technique being described.

21. It uses regular people to sell a product or a service.

A. Bandwagon B. Card Stacking C. Glittering Generalities D. Plain

22. It uses words or ideas that evoke an emotional response.

A. Bandwagon B. Card Stacking C. Glittering Generalities
D. Plain Folks

23. It is all about persuading the target audience to act. It is about creating an urge along people
to become a part of the “in crowd”.
A. Bandwagon B. Card Stacking C. Glittering Generalities
D. Plain Folks

24. Teachers are scrambling to adapt remote teaching.

A. Assertive B. Imperative C. Interrogative D. Non-assertive

25. Please refrain from attending social gatherings and parties.

A. Assertive B. Imperative C. Interrogative D. Non-assertive

26. The tree has many leaves.

A. Fantasy B. Imaginative C. Make-believe D. Real
27. The cat bought a milk.
A. Fantasy B. Imaginative C. Make-believe D. Real

28. There was no one at home so the fish opened the door for us.
A. Fantasy B. Imaginative C. Make-believe D. Real

29. Carl found a one-hundred-peso bill on the street.

A. Fantasy B. Imaginative C. Make-believe D. Real

30. The baby called her mother to tell her she was lost.
A. Fantasy B. Imaginative C. Make-believe D. Real

31. Which of these statements is TRUE about writing an outline?

A. Gives the writer an opportunity to copy other people’s work.
B. Helpful in presenting a clear, coherent, and comprehensive viewpoint.
C. Just a waste of time.
D. Requires much time which does not give a clear and coherent viewpoint.

32. Which of the following is NOT useful in preparing a clear, coherent, and comprehensive
A. Listening B. Making Assumptions C. Research D. Stating Facts
33. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A. Every person has the same way of sharing one’s viewpoint.
B. Skills are not necessary in expressing your point of view in a good manner.
C. You should not give others a chance to hear their viewpoint.
D. Your viewpoint is stronger when there is evidence to support it.

34. You should not give others a chance to hear their viewpoint.
A. Doubtful B. False C. Not certain D. True

35. It is important that you present your viewpoints in a clear, complete, and well-organized
A. Doubtful B. False C. Not certain D. True

36. In presenting differing viewpoints, one must consider the viewpoints of others.
A. Doubtful B. False C. Not certain D. True

37. Differing viewpoints, if did not ease any argument, can result to a conflict.
A. Doubtful B. False C. Not certain
38. People may have the same viewpoints all the time.

A. Doubtful B. False C. Not certain D. True

39. A person may have different viewpoint on a certain issue.

A. Doubtful B. False C. Not certain D. True

40. Coherence is NOT important in presenting a viewpoint.

A. Doubtful B. False C. Not certain D. True

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