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number topic

1 Environment
2 My home village
3 The environment
4 Freetime activities
5 Staying healthy
6 Environmental pollution
8 Video games
10 Video games and effects
11 Deforestation’s effects and solutions
12 The importance of learning English
13 Country and city life
14 The importance of water
15 School Games
16 We should live in the countryside
17 What you do for good health
18 . What can we do to protect our enviroment
20 The effect of natural disasters
21 Famous places in Viet Nam
22 Which places would you prefer to live city or country life?
23 Da Lat – The unforgettable destination
24 Video games
25 What can we do to protect our environment?
26 Environment
27 Famous Places in Viet nam
28 school uniforms or casual clothes
29 We should live in the countryside
30 the impact of video games and the solutions for this problem.
31 My topic is “How to learn English well”
32 The advantages and disadvantages of television
33 the topic “My best friend”
34 Festival
35 my mother.
37 if you have a large sum of money, what will you do?.
38 Computer
39 My best friend
40 Miêu tả về quê hương (làng em)
41 Miêu tả về 1 kỳ nghỉ
42 Miêu tả về gia đình
43 Miêu tả trưòng
44 Miêu tả về 1 tuần làm việc của em.
45 Miêu tả 1 ca sĩ
46 Accident
47 A visit ( a trip) to HCM city
48 A visit (a trip) to the countryside
49 A picnic
50 Hãy tưởng tượng em đang đi nghỉ. Viết một lá thư về chuyến đi đó
51 Talk about your close friend
52 Uniforms
53 Casual clothes( unit 2)
54 Your favorite clothes
55 What is your favorite subject?
56 What is your favorite media?
57 Advantage of the internet
58 disadvantage of the internet
CELEBRATIONS (Write a passage about if it’s necessary to have
61 a day for dad and another for mom? Why?)

01. Enviroment

Space environment is inhabited by humans and animals a place to

contain the necessary resources
to produce.Each life and the role of the utmost importance to human life is
not only do where survival , growth and development but also where labor
and leisure, enjoyment and enrichment of cultural beauty aesthetic…
In recent years Viet Nam has environmental degradation many parts of the
environment seriously contaminated by industrial waste, agricultural
emissions of vehicles in traffic and more important due to conscious human
For-profit production company Nicotex Thanh Thai pesticides buried
thousands of tons of industrial waste in the region of Cam Van ( Cam Thuy)
and Yen Lam (Yen Dinh) Thanh Hoa years polluting the area large size
seriously affecting the life and production of local people Standing in front of
environmental pollution above, our young generation in the future owners of
thecountry should be acutely aware of their own responsibility for
environmental issues-from environment of the individual, family, community
-Saving resources, energy sources such as clean water, power. Porest
protection, soil conservation,air,…
-Supporters actively participate in environmental protection activities, critical
be havior hamful to the environment
-Propagation people in the community work together protect the environment
this larth forever is the common house, green- clean- beautiful and our
02. My home village
And now I would like to talk about my topic. My topic is about my home
I was born and have grown up in a small village called Duyen Hy. My
village is situated in Dinh Hung commune-Yen Dinh district. It’s about 2
kilometers from Quan Lao Town to the north.
My village is surrounded by green rice paddies. In the middle of the village
there is a beautiful temple. This temple was built to honor a heroine named
“Nguyen My Nuong” who founded my village. My villagers call her the God
of the

Duyen Hy village. Many visitors go to this temple on the first and fifteenth
days of the lunar month to worship her. Next to the temple, there is a stadium
and a culture house where people often celebrate many meetings and
festivals. Late in the afternoon, many children plays soccer, badminton or fly
their kites.
Many years ago, my village was very poor. My villager had to work
hard in the field all day. Their lives were simple and they were in need of
many things. Many people had to live in houses made of straw and mud, and
a few families had a radio or a TV set. Now the facilities of my village is
becoming better and better day by day. There are more and more high
buildings. There are many rich people. Many people have motorbikes even
cars. The lifestyle of my village changed. the work of the farmers is less hard
because they are helped a lot by machines. That means more food is
produced and less labour and less working hours are spent. They also have
more free time for entertainment.
Most of the villagers are famers. They are very hard-working. After their
harvest, they have extra jobs such as brick builders, welder, carpenters etc…
In Duyen Hy village there are many profesional brick-builders. They can
build many high buildings. People in my village are also very friendly and
helpful. They are willing to offer mutual help in any case and always get on
with one another harmoniously.
My village is rather small indeed but I am very proud of it because I was
born and have grown up there and spent my happiest childhood among the
simple and hard-working villagers who always feel attached to their native
land. And I promise myself that I will try my best to study well to make my
village more beautiful and richer in the future.

03. Environment
Environment is the most important thing. It’s the air we breath, the water we
drink and is everything we need for our life.
But now, that most important thing is being polluted by many different ways.
This pollution affects the health of living things.
The air is damaged by exhaust fume from cars and power station, which
destroys forests and lakes.
When fossil fuels: oil, gases and coal are burned to provide energy for
lighting and cooking. They form polluting gases.
Not only on land but also in the sea, oil spill pollutes sea water and marine
Chemical waste from factories and artificial fertilizers from farmland polute
river water, kill wildlife and spread disease.
Everything is caused by human. We create such a lot of rubbish. But we can
change and solve it , Because pollution can be prevented by things we do
every day.
So I have some ideas of solution to it :
- Firstly,we can recycle paper to save trees
- Seconly, try to refuse to buy plastic,which is hard to dissolve.If we
can’t avoid buying carrier bag, we should reuse them for several times
- Finally,we should take old clothes to charity shop and some are sold.
To protect environment , we also have to save energy by
- Switching off light when rooms aren’t in use
- Not wasting water
- Using a bicycle or walking instead of a car for short trip
They keep clean atmosphere and healthy life.
Moreover, this amount can be reduced by replacing an ordinary 100 walt
light bulb with an energy to save money as well as the earth’s
resources.Currently, we’re still trying to invent the new things.
Protecting the environment is to save not only energy but also natural
resources.This means conserving wildlife.
- Firstly, we have to protect and plant more forest to make place for wild
- Secondly, prohibit hunter who hunt animals too many, out of the law
- Finally, now, we know that environment is the most important thing
and how to protect it. So please use those ways scientificially.
Recognizing the importance of the environment, Yen Dinh district is
changing day by day. They have done many things such as growing trees,
asking students to clean the streets on special occasions, putting many waste
baskets in the corner of the 45 street or making some speeches to show the
people how to keep their surroundings unpolluted. Especially, the people
have been planting many beautiful trees on the two ways to welcome the
Congress of the communist party of Vietnam.

At Quan Lao town secondary school, we always have intention of keeping
the environment clean. Each class has a duty on take care of some trees,
plants and their surrounding. We clean and water them every morning. On
afternoon Wednesday, all of us are very excited to take part in the useful
activities which make the environment unpolluted. In addition, we clean the
yard, the ceilings and the windows. We are really pleasant to see the result.
Now,our environment gets cleaner and cleaner, the trees are greener and
And I hope there aren’t any polluted places in the world in the future.
Thanks for your listening!


As a student, I am quite busy on weekdays. However, at weekends, I have
much free time, so I usually spend it on relaxing to prepare for a coming busy
First of all, in my free time, I like playing some sports, such as soccer,
badminton or basketball, with my friends. Sport not only makes me stronger
but also connects me with my friends who have the same hobbies. We
sometimes go riding in order that we can combine sporting activity and
If the weather is not fine enough for me to go out with my friends, I like
reading books. I have a big bookshelf with many kinds of books but I prefer
science books. Through these books, my knowledge is gradually widened.
Thirdly, I also love to listen to music from pop, dance,rock 'n roll to rap or
melody. I can listen to music at any place with a small but modern Ipod
which is my father's gift for my 12th birthday. Sometimes, I dance freely
when listening to my favorite songs. Music really paints my life.
Last but not least, I spend my free time on surfing on Internet. I can chat with
my friends from very far distance or I read online news. With Internet, I
update many things without having to go anywhere. I can also study English
through some interesting websites. In conclusion, I want to use all of my free
time to relax and connect with other people.

05. stay healthy

In my opinion, our healh is the only thing we really have in the world.
You can take away our money, our house or our clothes, we can survive. But
take away our health, we will die. That is the reason why we should do 3
following things to stay healthy.
Firstly, eating healthfully is important to maintain one’s health. I try to
avoid food high in fat like french fried or cookie. I also try to limit the
amount of animal protein I consume. I often eat fish or chicken and I rarely
eat meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit, which are full of fibre and
vitamines. It is important to know how to cook these food so the nutrients are
not lost in the cooking process.
Secondly, your muscles must continue to be strong to support your
body as it grows older. Exercise helps the bones build density and helps you
maintain your posture. A regular exercise program cardio-vascular training
and weight training is an important part of keeping your health.
Finally, friends are an important factor, which affects one’s health.
Studies have shown that people with a wide range of social contacts get fewer
colds and have fewer complaints than those who don’t. Laughing is also an
important part of health. I like laughing with my friends and I always fell
better when I am with them than when I am alone.

In conclusion, by eating properly and exercising regularly, I can kep

my body at an appropriate weight and can maintain my health . By spending
time with my friends I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. It is a
part of my recipe for healthful living.

06. Environmental-pollution

Goodmorning ladies and gentlmen. Let me introduce myself. My name is

Trinh Thi Hue Chi . I am from Yen Truong secondary school which has two
hundred and seventy students and twenty nine teachers . My favourite subject
is English . I think English is very interesting and useful in the future . In my
free time I often listen to English songs . Today I am very happy to stand here
to present a topic .“Environmental Pollution”

As you know, enviroment is the most important thing for our life.
Enviroment is the air we breath, the water we drink and is everything we
need for our life. But now that most important thing for our life is being
polluted and by many different ways. This pollution affects the health of
living things.

Air is the first neccessity because we can't breath without it but it is

damaged by car and lorry fumes, and power stations create acid rain which
destroys entire forests and lakes. When fossil fuels, oil, gas and coal are
burned to provide energy for lighting, cooking and so on …. they form
polluting gases. Not only on land but also in the sea, oils spills pollute sea
water and kill marine life; chemical waste from factories and artificial
fertilisers from farmland, killing wildlife and spreading disease. Everything is
being caused by human’s existence.

The water of rivers and seas is being constantly polluted all over the
world by various dangerous chemical and biological wastes. Mills and
factories discharge very harmful waste waters into many rivers and sea.
Humans create such a lot of rubbish! Each household produces about 1 tonne
of rubbish every year! Most of this is taken away by dustmen and buried in
enormous landfill sites or burned in incinerators - both of these actions can be
dangerous for the environment.

Beside that trees are being cut down rapidly. Our earth is becoming
warmer. If pollution continues, the day is not far when our earth will be a
boiling pan and become a desert. Or it will be covered with sea water causing
destruction of mankind.

However we can change it and solve it. Pollution can be prevented by thing
we do everyday.
First of all we can use recycled paper to help save trees and plant more trees
to get more oxigen for our life,also protect the village or town from flood
Secondly try to avoid buying plastic. It's hard to recycle. One way to cut
down on plastic is to refuse to use carrier bags. If we can’t avoid buying
plastic bags, we should use re-use plastic bags over and over again, until they
wear out.
Thirdly , We should use a bicycle or walk instead of using a car for short
trips we can save energy, keep clean atmosphere and keep healthy life. The
factories which pollute the air, water with poisonous liqid or gas must be
stopped and fined heavily.
Finally, at school we should teach the students how important the
inviroment is and how to protect it or organize some clubs , competition to
increase in students’s awareness
In sum we now know that enviroment is the most important thing for life
and we know how to protect and use it scientifically. Everyday we invent and
find more and more way to protect enviroment. I hope that in the future the
earth will be cleaner.


If you ask me health or wealth is more important, I will say without
hesitation that health is far more important and valuable than wealth. Let
consider, health is the necessary condition while wealth is the sufficient
condition. We need both of them in order to live happily . But as you can see,
the necessary condition is always more important.
Wealth can bring us a pleasant and comfortable life, but a certain fact we
can’t buy health with money. Today, there are still some deseases which have
no cure such as cancer, Human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) …although
nations pouring money into research it haven’t yet find a cure.
Wealth doesn’t always make life more healthily and happily. Rich people
are taken effect by money pressuse, it makes their life uncomfortable when
they always have to think about money and how to make money. Nowadays,
a rapid growth of competition in the market in the world makes people be
fighting to keep their jobs as well as their bread and butter issue and forget
how important their health is in a stressful environment. They don’t care
about themselves because they think money can keep them healthy. This is
completely erroneous, many people earn money like mad until they have
stress, and waste money on treatment. They have forgotten that after they die,
they will leave everything behind.
Money is also known as the source of social evils such as drug addiction,
gambling, prostitution…etc...
On the other hand, having good health would mean having a positive-
image and a balanced life. When we are strong and healthy, we feel genical
and happy. Good health allows us to learn and grow. It allows us to travel and
meet new friends. Without being fit, how can you enjoy your wealth. If a man
have health , he can have every thing . As an old saying : “Where there is
health , there is life “ That’s why health is more important than wealth. The
statistics are clear that people are healthy live longer and more happily than
rich ones
From my view points, I would like to be healthy instead of wealthy. I can
do anything include becoming rich but I can’t just work hard, drop my health
and live the rest of my life in bed . It’s good to live healthy and remember :
Wealth is only paper but health is the essence of us because it is the most
and valuable thing in life.


As we know the Internet has increasingly developed and become part
of our everyday life. Do you find the Internet useful ? What do you use the
Internet for? Do you use the Internet for playing videogames? And how much
time do you spend on games?
In my opinion, everything all has two sides: good and bad . As for me
Internet is a wonderful invention in our modern life, it makes our world
become a small village. However, it has limitations. And now I want to tell
you about the bad effect of the Internet on us, especially, on school. It called
“Video games”.
Firstly, It’s time consuming, Some students spend most of their free time
playing videogames. They have no time to take part in outdoor activities,
to communicate with others, Of course, they have no time to learn, to revise
their lessons, so they learn worse and worse than their friends, their results
are getting worse.
Secondly, It’s health collapse. They have to suffer from headache,
backache, dizzy or short sighted because they sit in front of the computers,
cellphones…from a short distance for a long time, they have no time to be
closed to the nature. More dangerously, some of us play unhealthy games.
Finally, It’s expensive. One hour playing games spends about four or
five thousand dong, some giddy students play hour by hour, day by day, even
they play truant to play games. while they are students, they have no money
to play. Besides, some games are too violent and they make their characters
bad. This lead to they become robbers, they steal others’ things such as

books, calculators, bicycles, more dangerously, some killed their relatives in
order to get money to play video games.
From these effects, for me I just spend thirty minutes a week playing
games and I only play games to relax. I hope you are the same to me. Let’s
play video games to relax.
The Government should pass regulation: not for people under the age
of 18 play video games during office hours.
Families and schools should educate children about the danger of video
games from early age. More importantly, help students, especially who are
addicts toward outdoor activities, happy and healthy life.


There are many festivals in a year in Viet Nam .Today I want to talk about
one of them.It's the mid-autumn festival
By tradition the Vietnamese people love their children so much that they
organize Mid-Autumn festival for themselves but mainly for their children
This festival is celebrated on the 15th of the eighth month in the lunar
calendar .It's called Mid-Autumn festival because this festival takes place
exactly in the middle of Autumn when the moon is full.
The preparations for the festival are made a month before .The moon cakes
and toys as well as the lanterns of various designs are sold at the market or on
the street .People buy moon cake either for themselves or for their
children .Some people buy moon cakes as gifts for their friends and relatives .
On that day adults eat moon cakes over their tea while children are served
moon cakes,Mid-Autumn festival food and fruit .Children are very keen on
marching in a procession of lanterns in shapes of various things and animals
too.They are excited and amused by Mid-Autumn toys and lanterns.
It'very interesting to celebrate the Mid- Autumn festival by tradition .
How delighted we feel watching the bright full moon on a cool and breezy
evening of Mid-Autumn .

10. Video games and effects

In the model world, there are a lot of young people who play video
games. So, what are video games and how do they influence to our life,
especially to the young people?
Video games are interesting games that are often played on the
computer or on the internet. They extremely fascinate to every body by both
attractive sounds and colorful stages. However, every one has hardly known
their serious effects.
Firstly, if we play video games for a long time, our life will be
influenced. These games are fun but players should be careful because they
can be addictive. If we spend much time on video games, we won’t have time
on study and we will forget to do other important things in the life.We will
depend on video games. Many teenagers stole because they needed money
for video games.
Secondly, Video games are harmful to our health, too.We will become
tired or dizzy when we play video games for a long time. Our eyes will be
influenced. Scientists said “Video games aren’t good for children. They are
harmful to us. Children should take part in outdoor activities or programs of
school instead of playing video games”.
For the above reasons, we shouldn’t play video games for a long times
because they are very harmful and dangerous to our life

11. deforestation.
As we know, forests cover approximately one fifth of the worlds land
surface and play an important role in our everyday lives. They are one of the
most necessary natural resources that have been gifted to mankind. They not
only have major role in enhancing the quality of our environment but also
influence local and global climate. Forests are also our nation’s wealth.
Can you picture our earth without forests, we can , t, but the problem is
that “deforestation”. It is a major concern in today’s society.
Each year, millions of woodlands are destroyed, the varied species of
animals and insects from the forests are extinct. Morever, the uncontrolable
wildfires fueled by weather, wind and dry underwood not only consume our
beautiful forests but also the wildlife, our homes and the lives of those who
fight the wildfires.
Deforestation is causing many social, economic and ecological
problems. One ecological problem is global warming that changes the climate
of the whole world. With deforestation we are basically cutting our own
lungs. We take away an ecosystem that produces major oxygen and filter our
carbon dioxide, destroying forests products influences nation, s wealth, too.
Direct causes of deforestation are agricultural expansion, wood
extraction, infrastructural expansion such as road, building and urbanization.
Such activities result in flash floods, land slides and soil erosion, wild
animals are robbed of their natural habitats, with fewer trees there is an
increase in carbon dioxide but a decrease in oxygen production.
If forests are destroyed, there is no way that human can survive. From
oxygen that we breathe in, the food that we eat, to the clothes we wear, we
own it to the trees. We won’t have fuel, fodder, timber, medicine and other
products from the trees.
So what we should do immediately to change it and solve it. Forests
can be protected by things we do everyday.
Firstly, we can use recycled paper to help save trees. We avoid
destroying paper by consuming less paper and recycling them because one
ton of recycled papers save approximately 15 big trees.
Secondly, we need to conserve the old forests, rainforests and plant
more forests to make place for wild animals to live. Where deforestation has
taken it should be followed by reforestation. I suggest that everyone should
sow seeds to grow at least one tree every year.
Thirdly, every citizen from the young to the old especially students in
schools should be educated on the benefits of forests and ways of reusing and
recycling papers. Everyone should know that man is really trying to destroy
forests and directly cutting his life span, actually cutting one tree is equal to
subtracting one day of his life .So everyone should protect our forests,
prevent wildfires and remind each other to carry out. I think that any act of
kindness, no matter how small is never wasted. Beside that our government
needs to promulgate effective laws to punish offenders.
In conclusion, I would like to say that forests are our life. So please
take care of our forests as well as our earth. I hope that our planet will be
more and more green.
12. The importance of learning English

In my opinion, today English is one of the most important languages in

the world. English language is a common language and is spoken in many
countries. It can even be said to be the most important language. Learning
English is very important because it helps us communicate in foreign
countries, widens our kowledge and improves our chance of getting a good
Well, firstly, English language is the international language meaning
over 60% of the world,s population are speaking in English. This means that
we can communicate well if we do know how to speak the language. It will
help you gain friends not just locally but also it will open some doors for you
to venture on the other countries and spend either vacation or for studying
purposes. You can imagine when a person tralves to another part of the world
either because of busseness or even as a tourist without knowing English, it
is very difficult for him to understand. In these condition, English is the
language that helps people to deal with the situation. It is like a popular
Secondly, learning English widens people,knowledge. The instructions
given in some appliances, equipments, and food labels were written mostly in
English. It will be important that you understand what was written on the
instructions so that no harm or accidents will happen. Besides all these, there
are many interesting and good programs written, produced by American or
British companies. If we are good at English we can collect and watch
television,s best programs we want. Knowing English will also enable you to
enjoy some of the world,s most beautiful works written in English.
Finally, students at school not only it is simply one of their subjects but
also their need in the future. We have to study English well is that it will help
them to get a job with high salary when we graduate. When you go for a job
interview, the interviewer will surely talk to you in English. If you cannot
speak English well, your chances of getting the job are very slim. A good
command of English will also help you greatly in your job. If the company
you work is involved in international trade, you have to speak to customers in
English. If your English is bad, you will not be able to get orders for your
company,s products. You will likely be dismissed.
In Viet Nam, English has been regarded as the most important foreign
language nowadays, especially since the Vietnamese Government carried out
the open door policy. English has been taught for a long time in Viet Nam. It
becomes a compulsory subject in most universities and schools throughout the
country. Recently, The Ministry of Education and Training has announced 12th
graders will take just one examination, instead of two separate examinations as
at present. And language is chosen to be one of official subjects for one
national exam. This reason motivates the students to learn English . I hope that
with this new change, more and more Vietnamese students will pass the
national exam with their high results.
And the last one, I would like to tell you that although people in any
parts of the world might not have the same accent as others, the language at
least will be understandable. That is all my own reasons why learning English
is very important to all people on this earth.

13.Country and city life

In my opinion, urban life or rural life has its own advantages and

First, living in the city we may enjoy those benefits:

- Thanks to electricity network and running water, our material lives
are more comfortable. Supermarkets, markets and shops are found
everywhere and we can buy anything we need providing that we can afford it.
- Urban life provides us with all kinds of entertainments: movies,
theatres, concerts and famous recreation centers.
- Living in the city, we can improve our knowledge easily by attending
any schools, universities or evening classes where experienced teachers and
professors are ready to satisfy our thirst for knowledge.

Besides its advantages, urban life also has its disadvantages:

- Our health is in danger: pollution by factories and heavy traffic may
cause serious diseases to all of us.
- Violent deaths happen regularly in such a crowded city with all kinds
of vehicles.

On the contrary, rural life seems ideal to all of us, especially to the
- We can enjoy fresh, cool air and beautiful landscapes in the country.
- How safe and delighted we are when we can sleep soundly at any
time of the day without being disturbed by horns of cars or by deafening
noises from factories.
- Our social lives in the country are easier: we can eat the food and
vegetables we grow, the chickens we raise. The countrymen lead a very
simple life and they are ready to help one another in any case.

Apart from these advantages, living in the country we may meet a

lot of difficulties too.
- Our knowledge is limited by being short of mass media.
- Our social and physical lives are not as comfortable as those in the

In conclusion, our love for city life or country life depends on our
outlook and age. As for me, I always prefer rural life to urban life.

This is the end of my presentation. Thank you for listening!

14. The importance of water

Since the beginning of time, water has continued to be an important thing to
all living things. Without water nothing could live.
Man has always looked for pure fresh water to slake his thirst.

Firstly,Water not only quenches our thirst but it is also a source of food to
us. From the sea we catch large quantities of fish and other creatures.
Secondly, We use water to irrigate our lands to produce crops. Many parts of
the world are dry and barren because there is no water there. People in such
places lead a very hard life. Thirdly, Water also helps to increase the fertility
of the land in several parts of the world. Even electricity, which has changed
our lives completely, is produced by water-power in many countries.

Finally, water is an important means of transportation. We use waterways to

carry our goods or trade. Water transport is cheaper than land transport. In
many countries rivers are used to bring down timber from the hilly regions to
the lower regions where the timber mills are. In this way much money is

It is true, however, water has caused much destruction to life and property
throughout human history. Heavy rainfall, tidal waves have killed thousands
of people and destroyed homes and crops. People throw away garbage, dead
animals into the river and the chemistry waste from factories have also
caused much pollution to our water resource. Yet, water is indispensable to
life, and people everywhere are trying their best to bring water to places
where it is scarce.
In conclusion, water plays an important part in our lives. Everyone should do
something to protect it.

15. School Games

As you know: There are various types of games played in schools.

Some games are meant for boys and others for girls.Football (soccer),hockey
and rugby are popular games among boys while netball, basketball and
badminton are girls’favorite games.

Playing games gives plenty exercise for all the muscles of our body .
They make strong the lungs and make a child healthy . The physical talent of
a child develops if she or he plays games or participate in cross- country race
or gymnastic activities .

Games also give the best opportunity for boys and girls to learn co-
operation and the habit of obeying rules . They may learn the team spirit
instead of self –interest. It enables students to become good citizens. A game
like football is played by a team of eleven players and each one has to follow
the rules of the game. In this way all the players show co-operation in a team
to win the games.

In our school various games are organised by our sports teacher for
boys and girls . Every evening games are played after classes. Our school
has a large playground for football , basketball , and netball games . There is
an indoor badminton court as well for both boys and girls .
Every student should involve in one or the other game for physical,
mental and moral development.

16. We should live in the countryside
I think living in the coutryside is something that people from the city often
dream about. Because there are certainly many advantages to living in the
First of all, in the countryside, life is quiet, peaceful, relaxing and especially
very safe.
You don’t have to face the traffic jams, the pressure of work or all the tricks
that can come to you at any time.
Moreover, people tend to be friendlier and open with the environment . The
countryside is incredibly green with fertile fields and bamboo forests. That’s
the suitable place they can live. In addition, life is healthier in the
countryside with clean, fresh air and lots of open space for children. They can
both fly their kites and play in the fields.
In conclusion, it can be seen that the countryside is more suitable for some
people than others. On the whole, it is often the best place for those who are
retired or who have young children.
17. What you do for good health.”
Our health is the only and the most precious thing we really have in the
world. It’s also the most valuable property which makes our life happier and
more enjoyable. I believe that everyone has their own methods to keep them
healthy. As far as I am concerned, a healthy diet, doing exercise, keeping off
bad habits taking medical examinations regularly, and friends are my own
methods in staying healthy.
Eating healthfully is important to maintain our health. You should have
a balanced diet. That means you should eat a variety of food without too
much of anything. Such as eating a moderate amount of fatty food and sugar;
eating some body-building food, like meat and dairy products; eating plenty
of cereals, fruits and vegetables.
Doing exercise regularly and effectively is another part of staying
healthy. It is necessary for you to spend twenty or thirty minutes doing
exercise every day. Furthermore, choosing a suitable sport for you to take up
is very important. Why do I say so? The reason is that if you choose a
suitable sport, you will do it better. It will be effective for you as you expect.
In addition, our bad habits such as drinking, smoking, staying up late
are hidden enemies of our health: drinking and smoking lead to many
dangerous diseases such as lung cancer, throat cancer, mouth cancer….and
cause million of deaths yearly while staying up late is the reason of
sleeplessness and stress. That is also the reason why we should never smoke
or drink and go to bed after 10.30 pm. Certainly, avoiding those unhealthy
habits is a key to keep us healthier.
Beside that, we should see the doctor for taking the medical
examinations twice a year to make sure that our health is good. Most people
have a bad habit that they only have a medical check-up when they sick.
However, some health problems or diseases can not be seen until they
become serious. There is a saying goes: “ An apple a day keeps the doctor
away”. Therefore, taking the medical examination regularly helps us realize
and prevent dangerous diseases before they become worse.
And the last advice for good health is friends. This seems not to be
related to people’s health, do you think that? We know that friends play an
important role in our life. They also are important part of our health. Friends
often bring happiness and help us deal with stress. A lot of studies have
shown that emotional health is related to physical health. Spending time with
friends helps keep us emotionally healthy.
On the whole, it is not hard to figure out how to get a good health but it
is more difficult to do that. Thinking about a healthy diet, avoiding drinking
or smoking is very easy; however we all know that doing those is extremely
difficult. We need one more thing than those tips to get good health.
Unquestionably, it is our determination.
18. What can we do to protect our enviroment?

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. My name’s Thanh and I’m from
Dinh Tuong secondary school.Today, I’m happy to take part in English
speaking contest school year 2014-2015.On behalf of all students of Dinh
Tuong secondary school allow me to give my love and my best wishes to the
teachers and students. I would like to wish our contest successfully.Now, I
will present my speaking the topic is Environment.
Enviroment is the most important thing for our life. Enviroment is the air
we breath, the water we drink and is everything we need for our life. But now
that most important thing for our life is being polluted by many different
ways. This pollution affects the health of living things. Air is damaged by
exhaust fume from cars and lorries, and power stations create acid rain which

destroys entire forests and lakes. When fossil fuels i.e. oil, gas and coal are
burned to provide energy for lighting, cooking etc. they form polluting
gases. Not only on land but also in the sea, oils spills pollute sea water and
kill marine life; chemical waste from factories and sewage works, and
artificial fertilisers from farmland, pollute river water, killing wildlife and
spreading disease. Everything is being caused by human’s existence. Humans
create such a lot of rubbish! Each household produces about 1 ton of rubbish
every year! Most of this is taken away by dustmen and buried in enormous
landfill sites or burned in incinerators - both of these actions can be
dangerous for the environment.
But only we can change it and solve it. Pollution can be prevented by
thing we do everyday. First we can use recycled paper to help save trees.
Second try to avoid buying plastic. It's hard to disolve. One way to reduce
plastic is to refuse to use carrier bags. If we can’t avoid buying plastic bags,
we should reuse plastic bags, until they wear out. Finally we should take your
old clothes to charity shops, some are sold. To protect environment we also
have to save energy. Use less energy by switching off lights when rooms
are not in use, not wasting water; don’t forget to switch off all electric things
when they are not in use, use a bicycle or walk instead of using a car for short
trips we can save energy, keep clean atmosphere and keep healthy life.
Lighting accounts for 10 percent to 15 percent of the electricity bill.
However, this amount can be reduced by replacing an ordinary 100-watt light
bulb with an energy-saving bulb and we still trying to invent the new thing to
save money as well as conserve the Earth’s resources.
Keeping the environment clean isn’t enough, we have to protect natural
resources. That is the way to conserve wild life. First we need to conserve the
old forests, rainforests, and plant more forests to make place for wild animals
to live . Secondly, we need to prohibit hunters who hunt animals too many
out of the law allowance.
Finally, we now know that enviroment is the most important thing for
life and we know how to protect and use it scientifically. Everyday we invent
and find more and more way to protect enviroment.
I hope that in the future the earth will be cleaner.
Thank you for your listening.

Good morning ladies, gentlemen, gentle teachers and all the students in the
competition today!
The first words I’d like to convey to you wishes for health, happiness, sucess
and good contest success.
My fullname’s Lu Huyen Tram. I am in grade 9 and I am from Yen Trung
secondary school.
Today I’d like to tell you about “students with video games”.
We know that along with the development of science and technology.
Nowadays, almost everything is done with the help of computers.
Computers have made life easier and more convenient for everybody. There
are a lot of games on computers ,too. The students today left folksy games
such as playing marbles, blindman’s bluff …. And they play video games
everywhere. A lot of students play them without thinking of studying and
come up with bad activities. What do you think about it?
Playing video games is originally a healthy pastime but playing it too much is
bothering the families, the schools and the society. We can see many students
sitting hourly in front of the computers and forgetting their studying. Infact,
video games attracts a lot of people, especially students because of its super
qualities as lively pictures and voice suitably for the young. We can’t deny
that playing video games has both advantages and disadvantages.
Firstly, I want to deal with its advantages. Playing video games helps train
our mind sensibly to solve the situations skillfully and actively. It helps us
enrich our knowledge as well as relax after hard studying hours.
However, playing video games too much brings us disadvantages. It wastes
time and money even makes students distract their studying. Besides, it
makes us tired, dizzy, short-sighted and lack of living skills. This leads to
other bad effection to ourselves and people around.
So what should we do to reduce this? Every student must be aware of
advantages and disadvantages of playing games. We have to adjust the time

without effecting our studying because video games can be addictive. We
must be careful and we can play it when our parents allow.
In my opinion, all the students should take part in healthy and useful
activities like outdoors activities to develop our social skills. I hope all of
you support my ideas to perfect ourselves and get succeed in our studying.
We can meet many problems in our life nowaday but the natural
disasters are the most serious problems for us. We have known some serious
natural disasters such as: Flood, typhoon, vocano, storm, earthquake,
whirlwind, sand-storm …
- These disasters happen almost every year in everywhere on the
earth. The effect of natural disasters is very serious.
- Natural disasters destroy the constructions that have value of both
culture and mental for example the garden of stone.
- Natural disasters destroy harvests in the countryside, this leads to
the lack of food, increasing the price of goods, affecting on tourism,
industry, agriculture in many countries.
- We knew in Japan in 2011 the earthquake and big wave destroyed
Sandai city and some provines in Japan. The thousands of people
died and the thounsands of people didn’t find out, the damage after
the earthquake and big wave were so big for Japanese. It costed the
billions of dolar. When we saw these disasters on TV, I thinh that
everybody cried and love Japanese. And may be it takes a long time
and costs much money to rebuild the houses, buildings, stadiums …
- I hope that we will not meet these damages and we avoid natural
disasters in the future and we will have a wonderfull life.
21.the famous places in Viet Nam.
As we know, there are many famous places from north to south in Viet
First of all, I/d like to talk about Ha Long Bay.
Ha Long Bay is situated in north Vietnam round a 120- kilometer long coast
line and is literally translated as “Bay of Descending Dragons”. And It is
recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The top tourist attraction
in Vietnam, Ha Long Bay features thousands of islands, each topped with
thick jungle vegetation, forming a spectacular seascape of limestone pillars.

Several of the islands are hollow, with enormous caves, other islands include
lakes and some support floating villages of fishermen.
The second place is Sapa
Sa Pa is a mountainous town in northwest Vietnam not far from the Chinese
border. Rice terraces can be found in the Muong Hoa valley between Sa Pa
town and the Fansipan Mountain. There are many beautiful mountain slopes
and jungle streams. Local mountain people, the Hmong, Dao, and Tay, grow
rice and corn on these paddy terraces, along with vegetables.
The third place is Nha Trang
Nha Trang is VietNam,s most seaside resort and an ideal center for
relaxation. This coastal city is a ten – kilometer beach and 19 islands. It
features beautiful beaches with fine and clean sand and clear ocean water
with mild temperatures. And there are many wonderful sights such as oceanic
institute, giant Buddha, Cham towers, Vin Pearland…
The next place is Da Lat
Dalat is the capital of Lam Dong Province in Vietnam. The city is located
4,900 feet above sea level on the Langbian Plateau in the southern parts of
the Central Highlands region. Dalat is very famous for fine trees, waterfalls,
lakes and flowers. Flowers can be found everywhere and in any season
because the city’s temperate weather stands in contrast to Vietnam's
otherwise tropical climate. Mist covering the valleys almost year-round leads
to its name "City of Eternal Spring".
And the last place I would like to tell you about Hanoi, the capital of the
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Hanoi is the country’s principal economic and cultural center. It is a historical
city and known as “Capital of thousand years of culture”. We can visit many
famous places in Han noi such as Ho Chi Minh/s Mausoleum, The Temple of
Literature, Hoan Kiem lake and many beautiful parks and zoos … and Hanoi
people in particular and Vietnamese people in general are very friendly and
hospitable. Have you ever been to these places? If not. Visit them as soon
as possible.
22. Which places would you prefer to live city or country life?
As you know the question “ Which places would you prefer to live city or
country? ” Is it difficult to answer? Do you agree with me? . Oh, yes. I was
born and grew up in the country so I know my home village very clearly.
There are many benefits such as life is simple, quiet people are friendly,
hospitable, they are willing to help each other. Anymore the air is clean and
peaceful. The food and vegetable is fresh even cheaper. Although there are a
lot of benefits in the country I prefer living in the city to living in the country
because of some reasons.
The first reason.
I am certain that living in city is better .It is a place where many buildings,
factories, companies, offices have been built. It is a good chance for many
people to get different kind of jobs and can make better choices for their own
future. I belived that well- paying jobs are plentiful in the city you can earn
money easily.More over there are many different services .for example
beautiful salons, good hospitals, good universities, supermarkets and
bookstores On the other hand in the country life is always a struggle with
nature. Typhoons, floods or droughts can easily destroy a harvest and leaves
the farm with little or no money untill the following year.
The second reason.
City life is more exciting than country life. There are many chance to attend
cultural events to entertain. After a hard working and learning week. It is a
good a place for them to relax and learn by themselves. Such as the movie
theaters, museums, zoos and concerts. There fore if you want to go to the
restaurant,there is wide selections of food you can eat anything, anywhere
you can go but you don’t have this choice in the country the same two or
three restaurants. Everything is the same.
Thirdly. Transportation is easier in a city everything is more exciting
inthe country. In the country . You have to catch a car to get around . Because
there isn’t any kind of public transportation. In the city. there are many kind
of transportation services such as taxi, airplan, train usually buses and taxis .
Using public transportation is usually cheaper and more convenient than
driving a car . But it is difficult for you to do this.
In short. Living in the city has more benefits in the country . you see the
millions of people are coming to the city. That’s why I choose to live in the

23. Da Lat – The unforgettable destination

I. Opening:
In Vietnam, there are so many interesting destinations such as Sa Pa, Ha
Long Bay, Sam Son beach, Phong Nha Cave ...(etc)... but in my opinion, Da
Lat is the place that almost all visitors often choose when they have a chance
to go to on their vacations, and I’m also a lucky person to travel to Da Lat
with my parents last summer.
II. Body:
First of all, I would like to talk about the climate. Located on langbian
highlands, part of the central highlands of Vietnam. Da Lat is 1500m above
sea level. The climate offers tourists a perfect atmosphere to enjoy the
holidays. The weather is pleasant throughout the year with brilliant
sunshines. Now and then, fog comes in which creates a lively and romantic
setting in the city. It will be more beautiful at moon night when you sit
drinking a cup of hot coffee in the cool, quiet and peaceful distance that a
feeling of warmth, happiness will come around. A moment in time, nobody
wants to leave. Da Lat is also known as the city of Eternal Spring.
The second viewpoint is about landscapes. There are lots of nice views in
Da Lat and all of them are symbols or special places of it; for example: Xuan
Huong Lake, Love Valley, Than Tho Lake, Cam Ly Waterfall and so on.
Thinking that if people arrive in Da Lat, they don’t forget to see. Another
attraction of it is the wonderful scenery. There are many beautiful gardens
and lovely French colonial architecture here. Walking along the streets in the
shade of tall pine trees, visitors can see beautiful flowers. In addition, tourists
to Da Lat also have opportunity to broaden their knowledge about ethnic
minorities. Each tribe has different languages, customs which promotes the
diversity of cultures.
The other factor to mention is delicious fresh food in Da Lat. Thanks to
nature born specialties vegetable and fruit products. Especially salad mixed
with fresh vegetables. This makes Da lat foods more different from others. If
you are looking for a good food, don’t forget to eat street food which made
tasteful such as sweet potato, strawberry jam...
Finally, I would like to mention people and traffic in Da Lat. People
are very friendly and truthful. I stayed there two days and recognized a lot.
People living here are mainly tribal people who work hard to earn living and
always optimistic about their life. Although I met them at first time, I got a
friendly smile. Going along streets, I didn’t see traffic lights or the police
anywhere but there was no accident. This can’t have in my province.
III. Closing:

In conclusion, Da Lat is a wonderful place for everyone to go for their


And now, I would like to say something about the positive effects.
- First of all, games help students relax after school and give them fun such as
game of caro, Mario, chess…
- Secondly, Games for cleverness help students raise up their cleverness.
Because in these games, players must think a lot. For example: games of
arranging parts of a picture….
- Thirdly, students practise reacting quickly to different situations in games,
which help them solve the problems better.
- Moreover, games for learning help students study with higher results, such
as games in IOE program, sunflower, boong boong… In these programs,
there are some parts of learning with the structrure of games. Students can
learn and play at the same time so they find it extremely comfortable to
study, as a result they remember better.
- Finally, some games can develop the child’s talent such as games of
composing songs, games of mathematics…

Beside the positive effects, video games also have negative effects.
- Firstly, it’s a waste of time for students to play video games, especially bad
effective games. Games usually attract students a lot so they can cause
students’ laziness of studying. And of course they will study worse and
- Secondly, games can cause some diseases, which are short – sighted, bone
(spine) problems and tiredness… because of having a long time sitting in
front of the screen and lacking of outdoor activities.
- And then, violent games can make students be more violent. It’s easy for
students to remember actions in games and they fight each other.
- Besides, sometimes students live with their game lives and their behaviors
can be worse in everyday life.

- The most dangerous factor of games is that games can be addictive.
Students can be addicted to games and they do not like doing anything except

Today, I would like to mention a question: “Should students play

video games or not?” It’s a hard question.
As for me, students should play good games such as games for studying,
games for intelligence and games for fun but they ought to control their time
for games. They should only play games in their free time. Students should
not play bad games, such as violent games and other bad games.

In conclusion, I would like to say “thank you” to the leaders of

education and training department and the leaders of Yen Dinh district, who
give us this useful contest. Let me give best wishes, luck and happiness to
everybody here.

25. What can we do to protect our enviroment?

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. My name’s ………………and I’m

from Dinh Lien
Secondary School, Today, I’m going to tell you about how to protect the
As we know; Enviroment is the most important thing for our life.
Enviroment is the air we breath, the water we drink and is everything we
need for our life. But now that most important thing for our life is being
polluted by many different ways.

Do you know what affects the pollution brings us?
This pollution affects the health of living things. Air is damaged by exhaust
fume from cars and lorries, and power stations create acid rain which
destroys entire forests and lakes. When fossil fuels such as... oil, gas and coal
are burned to provide energy for lighting, cooking etc. they form polluting
gases. Not only on land but also in the sea, oils spills pollute sea water and
kill marine life; chemical waste from factories and sewage works, and
artificial fertilisers from farmland, pollute river water, killing wildlife and
spreading disease. Everything is being caused by human’s existence. Humans
create such a lot of rubbish! Each household produces about 1 ton of rubbish
every year! Most of this is taken away by dustmen and buried in enormous
landfill sites or burned in incinerators - both of these actions can be
dangerous for the environment.
So the big question is that: What should we do to protect our environment?
* I think. Only we can change it and solve it. Pollution can be prevented by
thing we do everyday.
- First we can use recycled paper to help save trees.
-Second try to avoid buying plastic. It's hard to disolve. One way to reduce
plastic is to refuse to use carrier bags. If we can’t avoid buying plastic bags,
we should reuse plastic bags, until they wear out.
- Finally we should take your old clothes to charity shops, some are sold.
* To protect environment we also have to save energy.
- Use less energy by switching off lights and all electric things when they are
not in use, , not wasting water…
-Use a bicycle or walk instead of using a car for short trips we can save
energy, keep clean atmosphere and keep healthy life.
* Keeping the environment clean isn’t enough, we have to protect natural
resources. That is the way to conserve wild life
-. Firstly, we need to conserve the old forests, rainforests, and plant more
forests to make place for wild animals to live .
- Secondly, we need to prohibit hunters who hunt animals too many out of the
law allowance.
- Finally, we now know that enviroment is the most important thing for
life and we know how to protect and use it scientifically. Everyday we invent
and find more and more way to protect enviroment.

I hope that in the future the earth will be cleaner.

26. how to protect our environment

Today, I’m going to tell you about how to protect our environment.
Environment is the most important thing for our life.. But now that most
important thing for our life is being polluted by many different ways. This
pollution affects the health of living things. Air is damaged by exhaust fume
from cars and lorries, and power stations create acid rain which destroys
entire forests and lakes. When fossil fuels i.e. oil, gas and coal are burned to
provide energy for lighting, cooking etc. they form polluting gases. Not only
on land but also in the sea, oils spills pollute sea water and kill marine life;
chemical waste from factories and sewage works, and artificial fertilisers
from farmland, pollute river water, killing wildlife and spreading disease.
Everything is being caused by human’s existence..
But only we can change it and solve it. Pollution can be prevented by
thing we do everyday. First we can use recycled paper to help save trees.
Second try to avoid buying plastic. It's hard to dissolve. we should reuse
plastic bags, until they wear out. To protect environment we also have to save
energy. Use less energy by switching off lights when rooms are not in use,
not wasting water; use a bicycle or walk instead of using a car for short trips
we can save energy,
Keeping the environment clean isn’t enough, we have to protect natural
resources. That is the way to conserve wild life. First we need to conserve the
old forests, rainforests, and plant more forests to make place for wild animals
to live . Secondly, we need to prohibit hunters who hunt animals too many
out of the law allowance.
Finally, we now know that environment is the most important thing for
life and we know how to protect and use it scientifically. Everyday we invent
and find more and more way to protect environment.
I hope that in the future the earth will be cleaner.
Now, Let change the world in green style


Every year. There are a lot of tourists go to VN.They are from other
countries in the world.They go to VN to see view. Other people go to there to
understand about traditional culture and people . In VN people is very
friendly and hospitable. Expensnally in VN one place has diffirent that they
want to go me and know such as in Da Lat has four seasons in a day, the view
is wonderful ,the air is very clear . you come back Ninh Binh to see great
mountain of Bich Dong. Side by side We come to Tam Dao , It is 70 km
West to HN .In the morning , Tam Dao is very beautiful. Sun is rising. The
sky is blues and high, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, the air
is fresh, the wind breeze greatly.It is cool in summer and warm in winter.
Tam Dao is famous for high stiff mountains. This is surrounded by tree You
can live such as in the past in old town of Nghe An
an expencial HN is capital in VN . Which they go to be crowed to know 36
streets, to meet elegant people’HN to eat traditional foods… I hope that VN
become an attractive place to travel in the world next years.

28. school uniforms or casual clothes

PI: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome everybody to the fashion show of

LDK secondary school’s students( music…..perform…)

PII- Well,…. How nice it is! Today we would like to show two
collections completely made by the students of LDK secondary school.
One is the collection of casual clothes consisting of skirts, shocks, jeans,

PI- Oh,……. they look very coulorful and active

PII- And the other is the collection of school uniforms. All of them are
sticked with the label “ LDK secondary school”

PI- Yes, they look rather the same as each other but very nice as well.

- I like it so much, ….

PII- I like, too. But I like casual clothes more.

PI- So, what about you? DO you like casual clothes or school uniforms?

P II- OK, To answer this question, today, I am….. And I am…..,we are
15 years old, come from the same class , class 9B of LDK secondary
school, on behalf of over 300 students of my school, we are very proud
and happy to stand here to talk to you about a simple topic “ Casual
clothes or School Uniforms”. The question if the students should wear
uniforms or casual clothes when going to school concerns many parents,

teachers and students, especially in the society with the variety of choice

PI- Before we proceed with our talk, I would like to thank all the
people for allocating time to be here as well as giving us the honor to
state our position on this issue

PII : As you know, the best months and years of your life are the
school years and
We are living in those days .
PI : We have great dreams, starve for knowledge and want to
do everything we
want . This is the unique lifestyle of us. And wearing
uniforms at school is a
highly conversal topic in our age. So now we want to talk to
you about this
PII : Students should or should not weat uniforms at school.
…… what do you
Think ?
PI : Oh, in my opinion, we shouldn’t wear uniforms.
PII : Does it means that we should wear casual clothes?
PI : Yes
PII : Why ?
PI : I think they are dynamic and they make me feel more self –
PII : In a way, you’re right . But I think uniforms are better than
casual clothes.
They are very simple but very beautiful. I don’t need to
waste time thinking
of what to wear every day. In addition, uniform is very
useful, they encourage
us to be proud of being students of our schools with labels
bearing our

school’s names such as LDK Secondary school or Dinh
Tuong, Dinh Binh….., so that they make us know we are a part
of something
PI : Nope, they make us look as an adult but I want something
is special whereas casual clothes are more suitable with our age, they
are colorful, modern
and quite naughty. Morever, …. Do you think that uniforms
take away the
right of self- expression of us ?
PII : Why do you think that ?
PI : We can have freedom of choice with casual clothes but
can’t with uniform.
And people fear that by making children look the same,
and our
individuality will be suppressed , I am sure that you also
think as me.
PII : Yes, I agree that wearing uniforms will suppress our
individuality but it is
good in some ways. It helps us feel equal, whether we are
rich or poor ,
intelligent or stupid .In contrast, casual clothes maybe make
our school
become a fashion show with many of colors and different
styles and we
can’t concentrate to learn.They can limit what we wear
everyday but they
don’t limit us from learning and the most important
function of students is
PI : Give me another reason to demonstrate that you aren’t
PII : No problem. But I want to tell you that I’m not completely
right and you aren’t totally wrong. ……. Do you want to save money ?
PI :Yes, Certainly

PII : Yeah, wearing uniforms is a good idea . You just need to
buy uniforms and
They aren’t as expensive as other clothes. So it will help
you save a lot of
PI : Ok. As you and I have said , should we wear both
uniforms and casual clothes when we’re at school?
PII : Yes, It is an excellent idea . Both of them are good for us .
But the most important thing is that we should wear suitably in each
particular situation.
PI : I can’t agree with you more,…..A message we would like
to talk here is that”Suitability, comfort and seft-cofidence of the students
are more important than any things because they helps us make a good
progress at school.”
PII & PI : Thanks for your listening to us.
PI : We are looking forward to receiving some suggestions
from all of you.
Thank you so much.
29. Learning English

Good afternoon ladies, teachers and students.

My name is Nhi, I am in class 9A . I come from Yen Phong Secondary
School. Today, I'm very glad to meet all of you and I enjoy school very
much. My favorite subject is English, English is difficult but fun. I want to
tell you about studying English.
Nowadays, there are many people who want to learn English, People learn
English in different ways. How do you learn English well? Do you know the
reason why English is widespread all over the world?
First, English is taught and learned at every school: primary, secondary, high
schools, colleges and universities... So if you want to have a good studying
result, you'll get high marks in English.
Second, English is important and international language for all of us. We can
communicate with each other in English. It helps everybody understand each
other better and brings the whole wide world closer.
Third, there're many books which are written in English. So you need to
know English in order to get new information and knowledge about art,
science, technology, music, education, cars and so on...
Fourth, English is in living and working condition. We can't live in other
countries such as German, Australia, Singapore...without knowing English.
We need English for our jobs in the future.
So can you answer the question "What should we do to master English?"
I can give you some suggestions. We must have confidence in ourselves . If
you always think that you can learn English well, you can do it. And learn by
heart all the new words, underlined or highlight or you write one or two
example sentences with each new word, do grammar with structures is also
an effective way to study English. We need to do exercises at classes and at
home, too. Being hard is the key to our success. We must practise listening,
speaking, reading and reading skills. We ought to speak in English with our
friends everyday and take to make a speech in the public. We should write
diary, short stories and poems in English, too. These things can improve your
vocabulary and writing skill. We also need to listen to English tapes. English
songs do not only help us relax but also improve our listening. We should
read English books and magazines on all subjects.
English is an interesting subject to learn and it's neccessary for all of us.
Choose your own ways to study English effectively

30. the impact of video games and the solutions for this problem.

Playing video games has become a popular activity for people of all
ages. It is a multibillion-dollar industry bringing in more money than movies
and DVDs. These days, many children and adolescents spend large amounts
of time playing them. While I accept that these games can sometimes have a
positive effect on the user, I believe that they are more likely to have a
harmful impact.

On the other hand, video games can be both entertaining and

educational. Users, or gamers, are transported into virtual worlds which are
often more exciting and engaging than real-life pastimes. From an
educational perspective, these games encourage imagination and creativity,

as well as concentration, logical thinking and problem solving, all of which
are useful skills outside the gaming context.

In addition, video games make learning fun. The children really like
games because of the colors, the animation, the eye candy, as well as the
interactivity and the challenge and the rewards of winning. The best way to
learn is when the learner is having fun at the same time. That’s why video
games are natural teachers. Having fun gives them motivation to keep on
practicing, which is the only way to learn skills.

A video game addiction can result in weakened relationships with

family,friends, lost money, neglect of more important obligation, and
hundreds of hours of wasted time. First, If you have a video game addiction,
admit it. Do not try to rationalize it, deny it, ignore it, justify it, or compare
yourself to others. Just try to work toward a solution.

Second, You can create a yearly budget with a reasonable limit. Also, try to
refrain from impulse buying. Not only will this help cure the addiction, but it
will save you money.

Parents also play a very important role to help children in order not to be
effected by the drawbacks of video games

Parents have to decide what is acceptable in their home and if they think
violent games are not acceptable, explain to their children the reason why it
might be bad for them. Parents should check the ratings of the game before
buying it or allowing children to play it.

In conclusion, I strongly support the benefits of video games could outweigh

its disadvantages as if the gamers can banlace their work and playing games
for entertainment as well as the parents control their children on which
games and how long they play that. Thank you everybody.

31. My topic is “How to learn English well”

To understand deeply a culture, you must know how to speak its language. It
is true that English has become the international language in business, airline
and communication. If we know English, we can communicate and read
books in English. We can learn and understand more about the modern

technology and science from countries all over the world. I think it is very
useful for us to learn English well.

How to learn English well? It’s a hard question for many students. There are
many ways of learning English. And today I want to tell about my experience
of learning English.

I have learned English for 7 years from primary school to now, and I learned
both at school and at home. At school, if I don't understand anything, I will
ask my teacher or my friends. At home, I often do more grammar exercises in
grammar books or use Internet to search new exercises.

Besides, we can learn English by other ways. I always learn structures by

heart and make sentences with structures. Now my writing and speaking is
quite good but my listening is bad. So I speak English with my friends
regularly. I learn by heart all the new words, write English words as much as
possible, watch TV programs, listen to English tapes or English programs on
the radio, read short stories or newspapers in English, use a dictionary to look
up new words, etc…
And that is my ways to learn English. I think we should try different ways to
find the most suitable one for us. And I hope every student in Dinh Hung
Secondary school will study English well.
32. The advantages and disadvantages of television

Nowadays many people all over the world spent most of their free time
watching television; For me. Television enables us to see things in distant
places. It is indeed one of the most wonderful things that man has ever

First, television plays an important role in our daily activities: it keeps us

informed of all current affairs in the world. Events through television are
more attractive than books and magazines.

Second, television helps us enrich our spiritual lives. Our knowledge is

broadened in many ways. Through language teaching programs, we can learn
the language we like such as: English, French, German, Chinese, Japanese
and so on. We can become skilful and clever at doing jobs, making cakes or
arranging flowers through practical courses taught on television.

Finally, television is a source of recreation. Humorous stories and

funnyfilms bring us minutes of relaxation after a hard day’s work. For me,
sitting comfortably in an arm-chair to watch an international football match
on television is more interesting than having to queue for tickets at a crowded

33. the topic “My best friend”

Friendship is very important for everyone, I amnot exception. During my
studying from primary school to now, I have a lot of friends. Among them,
there are a few friends who are my best friends.

Now I would like to describe one of my best friends whose name is Linh. She
and I are the same age. She lives in my village with her family. Linh is a
pretty girl. She has long black hair, a small nose and small white teeth. She is
not only beautiful but also intelligent.

Now, she is a student of Le Dinh Kien Secondary School. She is so friendly.

She often smiles when she talks with her classmate. She usually helps her
friends in studying. She is very good at literature. If I don’t understand
something about literature, she is willing to explain me.

Furthermore, she is a hard-working girl. Her family is not very rich. Her
parents are farmer. She always helps her parents do chores after school. For
example. She waters vegetables, feeds chickens or cleans the house. She can
cook very well. Sometimes she helps her parents on the farm. Although she
is very busy, she always gets good marks at school. She said me that she is
trying her best to be a teacher in the future. I hope her dream will come true.

When she has free time, she often visits me. She tells me many funny stories
about her friends at her school. We listen to our favorite pieces of music. Her
hobby is playing badminton. We often play badminton together in the local

stadium. She also attends the sport competitions at school. She has won some
high prizes.

All these qualities of Linh make her an ideal friend. I am proud of her and
admire her so much.

34. Festival

Mid Autumn is a special Festival in some countries of Asia in general

and Vietnam in particular. In fact, Mid Autumn is the festival which is for
children. In Vietnam, this festival originated from the legend: The moon and
a kid. The legend explains why the moon is shiniest in mid autumn and why
people see a banian tree and a kid on the moon. The moon is called Sister
Moon and the kid is Cuoi.

Mid Autumn Festival begins from 14 to 15 in the August in Vietnamese lunar

calendar. In these days, children are going to pick the lantern up and go
around streets or towns. Children will be given gifts such as pies, candies ,
star lanterns... They often see lion dance or musical concert. They also join in
the mid-autumn lantern parade at night .

However, mid autumn festival is also festival for business. The streets have
many stores that sell pies, cakes, toys..etc. This is an opportunity for many
people to enjoy many kinds of cake. Pie mid autumn is a kind of special cake
that is only in mid autumn festival. The Pie mid autumn has special taste. It is
sweet smelling and very delicious. Almost Vietnamese people love pie mid
autumn and buy it for family.

Mid Autumn became a tradition festival in Vietnam. It is a part of

Vietnamese culture. Anyone who grown up in Vietnam is regular knowing
and joining in this festival.
35. my mother.
My mother is 45 years old. Her name is Lan. She is a farmer.
She is not very beautiful, but in my eyes,she is the most beautiful. She is tall
and rather thin Her face is oval with big brown eyes and red lips, which are
always smiling. She has long black hair, a slim build.
She is hard-working. She is very busy with the housework from early
morning until late at night. Every morning she gets up early. She does the
housework. She feeds the chickens and animals. She prepares breakfast for
her family. After that my mother helps my father with the work on the farm.
Her hobby is watching TV. Every night, after helping me study. She sits on
the couch and watches her favorite channel. She likes watching music and
comedy films. My mother also likes cooking. She cooks very well. She likes
cooking the traditional dishes and makes cakes.
My mother is a considerate woman. She is very sweet and kind to her
husband and children. She is very anxious and upset whenever I am sick. She
takes care of me and cooks my favorite food. She always encourages me to
play sports to have good health.
I love my mother very much. I miss her a lot when I am away from her for a
long time. When I am free, I help my mother with the washing and cooking.I
always obey and respect my mother and try to study hard to please her.

Thank you for listening.


I have eaten in many restaurants so far. My favorite restaurant is Dalan. It is
located at the center in Thanh Hoa city. In my opinion, the restaurant "DA
LAN" is best places to eat in Thanh Hoa cities.
The facilities in Dalan are very good. There are a lot of large rooms with
modern equipment, so we can celebrate various events such as weddings,
birthdays, parties….
The waiters and waitress here are very helpful and friendly. They are willing
to answer your questions and help you if you need. When you order your
food they service very quickly.
Besides it has a very interesting and varied cuisine. It is also a bar. The dishes
here are very delicious. The price is very reasonable. Most of the people who
have ever eaten Dalan are satisfied with it.
I think Dalan restaurant is getting more and more famous. I hope I will have
more chances to eat there.

37. if you have a large sum of money, what will you do?.

Yesterday, I won the lottery. I got 100 million. I am very happy now and I'm
wondering what to do with that money. I think I will do a variety of things.

First, I will buy presents for my wife and my son. I think I will buy a new
motorbike. Now my family has only a motorbike. We have to share it every
day. I remember buying it ten years ago when we had just got married. We
want to buy a new one but we do not have enough money. I intend to buy
some comics and many toys for my son.

Second, I will buy a misting fan and a LCD television for my parents. These
things will certainly make them happy. The weather in Vietnam is very hot in
the summer, so the misting fan will make my parents feel more comfortable.
Besides that, they can watch their favorite films on that new deletion.

Third, I will send a small part of my money to help the poor children in my
village. I will buy some new clothes and some new books for them. I think
my gifts will alleviate their difficulties.

A hundred million is not a large amount, but I can do many things if I know
how to spend sensibly.
38. Computer

Nowadays, a computer is very important to everyone. We can use it to find

information, play games, store documents, listen to music or chat with
Last year, I bought a laptop in Thanh Hoa city. First, It was very difficult for
me to use it. Then, I learnt myself on the internet and some my friends help
me to use it. Now I can do various things with my laptop.
Computer is very useful for my job. Every day, I login and check mails from
my colleagues. I can finish my job earlier by using my computer.
Computer helps me to find information such as news, inform of your favorite
stars or find a job. I can read many kinds of newspapers such as Dantri,
vietnamnet, vnexpress, 24h …etc.
Computer is a source of entertainment. Whenever we fell tired or stress, we
can play games on computer. I can listen to music and watch a lot of films.

I usually use my computer for communicating. I can send and get emails. I
have a good friend but she is in Ho Chi Minh City, so I can’t visit her.
Thanks to computer, we can chat together and exchange our documents. She
can talk about her life, her school, her friend in Ho Chi Minh and I can too.
In my opinion without the computer, my life with very dull. I love my
39. My best friend
(Miêu tả về bạn thân)

I have many friends of several races. But my best friend is my classmate

whose name is Tuan Anh.

Tuan Anh’s father is a carpenter. His mother looks after their small shop.
They are very hard-working people. They are also very kind to me.
We are in the same class. He sometimes helps me in my lessons. I too
sometimes help him to understand and learn a few difficult lessons.

After school, Tuan Anh and I play some games. Sometimes we go out to
catch some fish or birds which we really enjoy catching. We often return
home very late after our hunting trips and our parents scold us severely. But
Tuan Anh and I are so interested in this kind of hunting that we cannot give it

Indeed, I enjoy Tuan Anh’s company very much.

40. Miêu tả về quê hương (làng em)

I was born in Ly Yen. It is about 200 meters from Quan Lao town.
There are many people in my village. Most of them are farmers. They
grow paddy in the large fields around my village. These paddy fields look
very beautiful when the paddy plants are growing. The mountains in the
distance and the palm trees all around, add to the beauty of these fields.

In the middle of the village there is an old pagoda with high trees around
it. On the first and fifteenth days of the lunar month, the villagers often go to

the pagoda to give offerings to The God of Agriculture.

The people in my village are good. They go not like to quarrel or fight
with others. Every evening they meet one another and talk about many
things. If they need any help or advice, they go to the village chief. The chief
is a wise man. He gives good advice and keeps the people happy.

Indeed, I like my village very much.

41. Miêu tả về 1 kỳ nghỉ

In our country, summer holiday is the longest holiday in a year. I often

went to sea with my family and my relatives every summer holidays. But last
summer, my parents allowed me go to sea with my friends. I had many
memories with my friends and it made impression on me.

The trip had seven people; four boys and three girls. We learnt primary
school together. So far we have been close friends. We spent three days on
holiday. On holiday, we only slept four hours a day and the rest time we went
swimming, went sightseeing

In the morning, we got up at half past four o’clock to see sunrise. It

was very peaceful and calm in early morning. After that we went swimming.
In the evening, we went along seaside. At that time the wave seemed gentler
than it was in the afternoon. The later it was, the more people the beach had.
Everybody looked happy. We took many photographs and had a lots of sea
foods. All of us were indeed happy.
At the last day, there was a small problem with me. I had stomachache.
Maybe I was not suitable with sea foods. Fortunately I bought medicine, so I
took a medicine and I was ok.
After three days, we came back home. I think it was great time in my life.
42. Miêu tả về gia đình

There are 4 people in my family. parents, my, my sister and me. My

father is an engineer. His name is Ba. He loves watching TV and reading
newspaper on his free time. My mother’s name is Hoa. She is a doctor. Her

bobby is shopping. My younger brother is Tuan. He is studying at Hong Duc
My name is Huong. I'm 26 years old. I am a kindergartener in Dinh
Hung. I like watching films on TV.
I love my family very much. I will try to learn and do well to take care
of my family. I hope that my family is happy and there is always the best
alive in this family.
43. Miêu tả trưòng

I am studying at Dinh Hung Secondary school. It is situated in Dinh

Hung village. It’s about three kilometers from Quan Lao.
It’s is not very big but it’s so beautiful. Behind my school, there is a
rice paddy. There is a lake in front of my school. There are many flowers in
the school yard. Every afternoon, the students clean the school yard and
water trees and flowers, so my school always looks clean and green.
There are 40 teachers. The teachers of our school are well-qualified and very
enthusiastic. There over 300 students with 12 classes. There isn’t a laboratory
or a cinema in my school. There is a very old library with few books.
Although the facility of school is not very good but the students always try
their best to study hard.
I indeed love school.
44. Miêu tả về 1 tuần làm việc của em.
I am a kindergartener in Dinh Hung. I have five work days a week from
Monday to Friday.
Every day, I get up at 5 o’clock. I prepare breakfast for my family. After
breakfast, I go to school by bike. My school is about 500 meters from my
house, so sometimes I can walk. At school, I take care of children. There are
10 children in my class. I and my three colleagues look after them. We have
lunch at school and take a nap with our children in our class. I come back
home at 5 p.m.
On the weekend, I often go to Quan Lan Town in order to buy some things.
Sometimes, I take my little daughter to the park in Quan Lao. When my
husband has free time, he often takes my daughter and me to visit my

Although my week is quite hard but I love my job very much. I always feel
happy all days of a week.
45. Miêu tả 1 ca sĩ
I love music, so I know many famous singer. The singer who I love most is
Trong Tan.
Trong Tan was born in a four children family in Thanh Hoa province. He is
of average height. He is quite fat. He looks quite handsome with a round face,
big eyes and short black hair.
Now He lives in Ha Noi. He works in Hanoi Conservatory of Music. He
often appears in live shows on TV. He sings very well, especially national
songs. He has a lot of fans in our country. He has gotten many awards.
Now, I live apart from him so I have never met him. I hope I will meet and
talk with him one day.

46. Accident
Last week, while I was going to Thanh Hoa city, I saw a horrible
accident on the road in Dong Son. I stopped and looked around. A man lying
on the road and his wife was crying besides. His head was blooding a lot. He
was unconsciuos. Someone was covering his head with a long bandage. I
thought his head hit on the road. Some people standing around said that he
was over drunk but he still controlled his motorbike and his wife sitting
behind. I thought that he should be taken him to hospital as soon as possible,
so I called 115 and asked the hospital to send an umbulance and a nurse here.
5 minutes later, an ambulance appeared and took him to hospital. I continued
my journey to the city with a real worry for that injured man.
It’s very dangerous to drive after drinking alcohol. People had better obey
traffic rules so we will have a happier life.
47. A visit ( a trip) to HCM city
Every year my family have a visit to somewhere. Last summer was not
exception. My parents took us to HCM city on Sunday .
Our journey started at about 4:00 AM on that day. My father hired a
car to go because going by car was both faster and more comfortable.
Two hours later, we arrived in HCM city. The thing that surprised me
was that there were too people and too much traffic on the streets. The
buildings were high and beautiful.
First, the driver took us to the zoo where there were animals, birds,
fish and hippos, monkeys. It’s interesting to look at monkeys eating
bananas. Then we went to Tao Dan botanical garden where there were lots
of shadows . It’s comfortable to go for a walk there. After that we went to
Reunification Palace where colonel Nguyen Thanh Trung bombed in
1975.While I was looking at interesting furniture in this building suddenly
I heard a loud voice behind me , it’s was my father’s voice. He told that it
was time to go home.
We hurried to return to parking lot. The driver took us come back
home,. I arrived home at 6:00 PM .
I felt happy and enjoyed that trip very much. I hope I will have a
chance to go to HCM again some next summer.

48.A visit (a trip) to the countryside

Every year whenever summer comes I usually have a visit to
somewhere. Last Summer was not exception. Last Summer my class held
a visit to Ngu hiep village on Sunday.
On that day I got up very early. We went there by bike. When we rode
on the road , we saw many tall trees, beautiful houses, people . What a
lovely sight!
It took me about 20 minutes to go there. Before reaching Ngu Hiep
village I had a chance to sit on the ferry crossing Tien river. The water in
the river is very clean and crystal.

When reaching I felt comfortable. The air was fresh and cool there.
There were a lot of fruits there such as durians, plum, mango, …
Especially, durians are very delicious in Ngu Hiep villages.
Then my friend, Lan took us to her uncle’s house and we had lunch
there. We also went a walk around . The sights were wonderful
there .People were very friendly and hospitable.
And finally it’s time for us to go home. We came home at about 5:00
PM . I felt happy and enjoyed that trip very much. I hope I will have a
chance to come back there again next year.
49. A picnic

Whenever we have free time, my class holds a picnic . Last
Sunday I with my classmates had a picnic at my friend’s house, Lan in
the countryside.
It was a fine day last Sunday. We went to Lan’s house by bike.
All of us were five members. We started to go at 5:00 o’clock in the
morning. It took us about an hour and a half to go her house.
When we arrived, Lan prepared everything carefully. Her
parents were very happy when we came. I surprised that there lots of
food on the table. I asked Lan who made and Lan answered her mother
After having breakfast, we played games “ What song is it” and
“ blind man’s buff”. Then we went fishing in the river behind Lan’s
house and went for a walk around . At noon we had lunch in the garden
with bread, soft drink, snack and lots of kinds of fruits. We continued
to enjoyed our picnic till the evening.
At 6:30 PM we hurried gathered things to go home. I enjoyed
that picnic very much. It was short, however, it helped us very much .
It helps me relaxed after a hard working week and know more about
people and places of our country.

50. Hãy tưởng tượng em đang đi nghỉ. Viết một lá thư về chuyến đi đó
I arrived in Nha Trang at 4:00 AM yesterday morning. Thanh met me
at the train station and then he took me home by his motorbike.
Nha Trang is a quiet and beautiful city. It has a long coastline with
beautiful white
sandy beaches.
I went to the beach very early this morning and enjoyed the sunrise far
out in the sea. Yesterday morning Thanh and Hoai took me to the Tri
Nguyen Aquarium. It’s very interesting to see many different kind of fish
and sea creatures.
I’ve also visited many interesting places like Cham Temple, Aquarium,
Pasteur Institute.
I’ve taken part in some fascinating out door activities: mud bathing
snorkeling and scuba diving. Tomorrow we are going to spend the

evening visiting a fishing village where we can get a taste of the local
I feel so happy and enjoy myself so much. The people here are so nice
and friendly, the food is excellent and the sights are very beautiful. I’ll
leave Nha Trang at 4PM on Saturday and will arrive home at 5AM on
Sunday. Please pick me up at the train station
51. Talk about your close friend
At school I have a lot of friends but my close friend is Nam.
Nam is tall and handsome. He is the same age as me. He is my
classmate. His house is near my house.
Nam is very friendly and helpful. He often helps me with difficult
problem whenever I need. Nam studies very well. He always gets good
Nam is not only a good boy at school but also a good son in his family.
He usually does chores to help his mother. He is loved very much by his
teachers, parents, and friends. They are always proud of him.
Nam is in deed my close friend. I like him very much, I hope my
friendship lasts forever.

52. Uniforms
I think it’s necessary for secondary students to wear uniforms when
they are at school because of the following reasons.
Firstly, wearing uniforms encourages students to be proud of being
students of their school because they are wearing the uniforms with labels
bearing their school’s name.
Secondly, wearing uniforms helps students feel equal in many ways,
whether they are rich or poor
Finally, wearing uniforms is practical. we don’t have to think of what
to wear every day.
Therefore, Students in secondary schools should wear uniform.

53.Casual clothes( unit 2)

I think it’s necessary for secondary students to wear casual clothes
when they are at school because of the following reasons.

Firstly, wearing casual clothes make students feel comfortable. It’s
easy for them to travel
Secondly, wearing casual clothes gives students freedom of choice
about size, colors and fashion...
Nextly, wearing casual clothes makes students feel self-confident when
they are in their favorite clothes and makes school more colorful and
Therefore, Students in secondary schools should wear casual clothes.

54.Your favorite clothes

As you know everyone has their own favorite clothes. For me, I like
wearing jeans and T shirt best because of the following reasons.
Firstly, when I wear jeans and T shirt I feel comfortable. I can travel
easily. I feel more confident when I talk to everyone.
Secondly, wearing jeans and T shirt is very convenient. I don’t have to
spend time ironing clothes everyday.
Secondly, jeans and T shirt are always fashionable clothes. Wearing
them makes us look younger, healthier and more beautiful.
On the other hand, nowadays there are a lot of shops selling
fashionable jeans and T shirt everywhere. It’s easy for us to buy jeans and
T shirt at a low price.
In conclusion, I like wearing jeans and T shirt very much. In the future
if I have more money, I will buy more jeans and T shirt to wear.

55.What is your favorite subject?

At school I have studied many subjects but I like studying English
best because of the following reasons.
Firstly, English is one of my compulsory subjects. If we don’t learn
English well, we can’t pass the exam to study in the upper class.
Secondly, I like studying English because English is an international
language. Knowing English I can speak to people all over the world. I can
read newspapers and watch program on television in English and can
understand interesting English songs.
Last but not least, studying English well gives us chances to get jobs
with good salary. It gives us opportunities to improve our life.
In conclusion, English is useful and interesting language. I will try my
best to study English better and better. It’s my ambition. I hope it will
become true.

56. What is your favorite media?

Nowadays there are a lot of media in life. Some likes reading
newspapers. Others like accessing the Internet. For me I like watching
television because of the following reasons.
Firstly, watching television gives us information about every aspect in
our life. It helps us know what is happening everywhere all over the world
and widen our knowledge .
Secondly, watching television is a cheap mean for relaxing .It’s
comfortable to watch interesting film or listen to music at home.
Nextly, through watching television we can know how to protect our
health thanks to health program for everyone.
In conclusion, watching TV is an useful form of relaxing. But we
shouldn’t spend much time watching it we should take more time for our

57 Advantage of the internet

As you know nobody can deny the benefits of the internet in our
modern life. In deed, the internet brings us the following benefits.
Firstly, the internet is a source of information. It is a very fast and
convenient way for us to get information about every aspect from our
daily life to scientific fields.
Secondly, by using internet we can relax after a hard working day. We
can listen to interesting music, favorite songs , enjoy exciting football
matches, films, games or read newspaper on line.
Besides by using internet we can communicate with our friends and
relatives through chatting or using email.
Finally, thanks to internet we can have education but we don’t have to
go to school or colleges because Internet helps us have on line school, on
line lessons and self taught.
In conclusion, the internet is very useful for us. However, we shouldn’t
spend too much time for it and we should be careful while surfing the
58. disadvantage of the internet
Nobody can deny that the internet brings us a lot of advantages.
However, it also gives us lots of the following disadvantages.
Firstly, It takes us time to use. We must spend hours getting
information. Besides we also spend money accessing it.
Secondly, if we use the internet, our personal information such as our
name, address can be accessed by the others
Nextly, there are lots of bad programs on the internet such as sexual
films, motor- races, violent films. These programs can be easily found and
badly influence on the children.
In conclusion, all of us should be aware of that internet is very useful
for us but it also has lots of disadvantages so while surfing the web be
Nowadays our environment is polluted seriously so protecting our
environment is our duty. For me we can protect our environment in the
following ways.
Firstly, we can use leaves to wrap food , reuse and recycle bottles and
cans to reduce garbage
Secondly, we shouldn’t throw trash onto the water to keep water
cleaner put garbage bins around the school yard to prevent lazy students
from throwing trash and to keep the schoolyard clean.
Nextly, we should go to school or to work on foot or by bicycle to
reduce exhaust fume to keep our air cleaner.
In conclusion, it’s time for us to talk about environmental problem


As you know our energy has limitation so saving energy is also our
duty. For me, we can save energy in the following ways.
Firstly, to save energy we should turn off all electric appliances such
as lights, fans , air conditioners, gas stoves when we don’t use them.
Secondly, we should turn off the faucets when we go out because a
dripping faucet can waste 500 liters of water a month.
Finally, we should go to school or go to work on foot or by bicycle or
use public transport to save petrol and money. We should also have a
mechanic check our motorcycle regularly.
In short, saving energy is essential problem that we must do
immediately now if we want to preserve our natural resource of the earth

Write a passage about if it’s necessary to have a day for dad and
another for mom? Why? ( unit 8)
This morning I just learned a lesson about father’s Day. It was
really interesting. In Vietnam, however, people do not celebrate.
Mother’s Day or Father’s Day. In my opinion. It’s necessary to have a
day to celebrate for mom and another for dad.
There are lots of reasons for celebrating these days but the main
reasons are the children will have a special day to express their feelings
, their memories and their love to their parents. In addition , we’ll have
an opportunity to enhance family traditions as well as a chance to get
members of families together in order to bring them closer.
I think Sunday is the most suitable day for celebrating . It is free from
work or study.
It’s not necessary to have parties but it’s a good idea to have lunch or
dinner with all family members. In this special day, children should
serve their parents with food they like best and offer them flowers,
cakes or special gift and cards.
I believe my idea will be supported and the day for our parents
will be celebrated nationwide someday.


Typhoon is one of the natural phenomenon. The scientists can
predict when it happens. However , it sometimes happens suddenly so
preparing well before the typhoon comes is very necessary and
practical. For me the things we need to do before typhoon comes are.
Firstly, we should buy some canned food and some candles and
matches because when typhoon comes the market will be closed and
no food will be available and there may be a power cut.
Secondly, we should fill with buckets with water because when
typhoon comes, the water pipes may be damaged.
Nextly, we should fix the leak in the roof and tie the roof to the
Ground and pegs and ropes and check the windows and door latches
because when typhoon comes it will be rainy and windy.
In conclusion, preparing before the typhoon comes is our duty if
we want to have a good life in areas where disasters often happen.
Perhaps travelling to the space is everyone’s wish. If we decide
to take the trip to the space , we will have to get ready a few months
before the flight. I think the things we need to prepare to have a trip to
space are.
First of all, we must have a million dollars to buy things we need
such as aircraft, personal things and many other things.
Secondly, we must have a good health and to have it, we must
run a lot, swim everyday, do aerobics and push- ups and we must also
get a letter from the doctor that show we are in perfect health.
Last but not least, we must be a good traveler, we must get used
to being in the situation of weightless condition. We aren’t vomited or
dizzied when we are in orbit of the earth... To have all of these things,
we should do exercise very much every day.
In conclusion, it’s very interesting to have a trip to space and it’s
very difficult to have that trip so if you will able to take a space trip ,
you know what you must do.

Perhaps travelling to the space is everyone’s wish. I think if we get
on the space trip , we will able to see wonderful things.
In fact, once we get on the trip, we will be in different world. You
will see pictures of the Earth. We may also find our country and other
interesting places. We will be able to see the oceans, the big rivers, the
tall mountains. We will be able to see them many times because we
will orbit the Earth 16 times a day! We will also be able to see stars
that we couldn’t see from the Earth.
Besides, when we are in orbit, you will be able to get out of our seat
and walk in the cabin. We will be able to walk on the wall or on the
ceiling like in a circus. We will not weigh anything! We will feel
totally free and enjoy the wonderful feeling we have never had before.
We really experience those marvelous things when we are on the
In conclusion, it’s very interesting to have a trip to space . Do you
want to have it? Start to dream now and your dream may come true
some day.

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