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Master Life, Obtain all Desires

Some people would probably warn me against sharing this information but I am
excited and so I wanted to share it with all of you. A tremendous outpouring of
knowledge that I have not found anywhere else regarding the ordering of the names
and angels of God on the Tree of Life has been flowing to me at a very rapid rate.
I feel as if i were channeling this information.
I have been absorbed in my work for hours and would like to share with you some
initial fruits of that labor and what I find to be very insightful revelations.
I have always found the Qabalah Tree of Life to be just an image that we can use to
make correspondences but of no real practical help or use to me. With the discovery
of how the Names of God and Angels of the name fit into the tree, the doors of
Wisdom have been thrown open to me and a method has unfolded whereby we can attain
to perfect, methodical control over our lives and over this universe.
This control can be used to gain wealth, love, career success, union with
Source/God, psychic abilities, healing, peace, raising our intellect to a genius
level, liberation from enemies, protection, or practically anything else we desire
in life.
The names of God can be separated into sections of 8. Each set of 8 names is ruled
by a certain Sephirot. Each name within that Sephirot can then be assigned, in
order, to a Sephirot beginning with Chokmah. If you check the attributes of each
Sephirot and each planet you will see that all of the correspondences match
I am immensely grateful to whatever spiritual being or guide is pouring this
information out upon me because I do not feel it is coming from my own brain at
all. And it is as much a revelation to me when I receive it piece by piece as it
may be to you as you read it. Praise Och!
Here is a glimpse of the work and information that has been pouring out to me and
continues to pour out to me:
1. Vehu - Chokmah
This name is Chokmah (Neptune) in Chokmah (Neptune)
Chokmah rules new beginnings, strength, and the power of accomplishment. It also
represent the discovery of things hidden and concealed. Because Vehu represents
Chokmah in Chokmah, Vehu gives us access to both of these powers for the purpose of
achieving whatever life goals we desire and giving us complete control of our life
to steer our destiny according to our will.
Our present circumstances are a result of past thoughts, actions, and experiences.
To be sucessful in the present, we must rectify the influences from the past that
created our present circumstances. Vehu allows "time travel". By meditating on this
name with the intent to correct specific aspects of our circumstances we are able
to rectify problems at their source and witness transformation in the present. The
removal of all blockages to the fulfilment of our goals and desires.
Vehu gives us great strength, the power to initiate projects and plans
successfully. Through this name we can fulfill whatsoever we desire no matter how
difficult or impossible it may seem.
This name brings perfect confidence that the future will be successful, freedom
from apprehension and fear of what may come, and the courage and willpower to face
whatsoever arises.
With this name, we can edit our lives, changing what we desire at will the same way
God can edit and change the universe according to His/Her Will.
2. Yeli - Binah
This name is Binah (Saturn) in Chokmah (Neptune)
This name neutralizes and even reverses the negative effects of Saturn. Saturn is a
planet of destruction, death, restriction, somberness, and darkness. Saturn is the
planet of hard lessons learned and discipline. Saturn though, has a higher purpose
in this discipline. This discipline is an act of ultimate love.
Saturn knows that if we do not face our lessons and our karma we will never be able
to live a joyful life of freedom. We will be stuck in darkness. Saturn, like Kali
(the Hindu Mother Goddess) fights our darkness with a light that appears as
darkness. With a love that appears as hatred. Brings peace through what appears
like violence. Brings liberation through what appears in the moment, as
restriction. Brings courage through what appears as fear. Brings life through what
appears like death.
Yeli aleviates the need for the harshness of Saturn by performing it's essential
function in a swift and painless way. Shamans believe we loose soul fragments in
past traumatic experiences. Through soul retrieval we are able to regain those
aspects and fragments of our soul back to restore us from a feeling of empty,
hollow, meaninglessness to a life of joy, fullness, and liberation. Yeli performs
this act. Yeli restores what are sometimes called "sparks" or soul fragments from
our past negative experiences and rejoins them to us so that we become whole again.
Yeli, therefore, rectifies the harm from the past in much the same way that Vehu
does, restoring wholeness. We regain a passion and zest for life. A "joie de
3. Sit - Chesed
This name is Chesed (Jupiter) in Chokmah (Neptune)
This name is a name of alchemy. That is, changing negative to positive, the
depletion to fullness, sorrow to joy, poverty to wealth, sickness to health, bad
luck to good, being stuck to forward momentum, confusion to clarity.
Jupiter is called the Greater Benefic. It expands things. This could be for
negative purposes such as expanding ego and causing pride or for good purposes,
expanding happiness to great joy. Jupiter has the power to turn negative states to
positive states with it's influence and the name Sit carries that influence and
Sit follows upon the work of Yeli, which restored wholeness to our soul. Sit then
magnifies specific aspects of that wholeness that we desire to carry us to greater
heights, to the fullness of joy in life. The power of this transformation does
indeed seem miraculous to some. So this name has been associated with the power to
manifest miracles. Changing a less than desirable state into a positive and
desirable one.
In Vehu we corrected the past mistakes we made in order to change our future to
what we desire it to be. In Yeli, we recollected the lost parts of ourself from
those past mistakes and negative experiences to experience fullness and wholeness
in the present. In Sit, we expanded that state of fullness and wholeness to
transform our life into whatsoever we desired it to be on every level (emotional,
financial, physical, ect.).
4. Elem - Geburah
This name is Geburah (Mars) in Chokmah (Neptune) (Overtones begin here beginning
with Chesed)
Mars is very similar to Chokmah in energy. It is the end of the first four Sepirot
(that are associated with planets in the material realm, Kether is beyond that
realm), and the beginning of the next four Sephiroth. This Sephira prepares the way
for the birth of Tipareth which represents the soul of humanity in the same way
that Kether represents the soul of the universe. Whether Kether is the Universe
perfected and the goal of that universe, so is Tipereth humanity perfected and the
goal of humanity.
In the same way that Chokmah processes the energies of Kether and makes them
useable and available to the lower Sephirot so does Geburah process the energies
above and make them usable and available to the soul of Humanity and the lower
Sephirot. The reason this is important to understand this to understand Elem's
position in the linear progression of this series of 8 names.
With the previous name, Sit, we transmuted negative states into positive ones as
much as we could. This name, Elem, completes the work in eliminating all negative
states of mind and emotion, including negative and/or destructive energies in our
environment. This name eliminates worry, anxiety, fear, negative thinking, anger,
and all unbalanced states of mind, emotion and energy. This is a foreshadowing of
the next Sephirot Tipareth which is the Sephirot of perfect balance and harmony.
Because of this name, only perfectly smooth, balanced, and positive energies enter
into Tipareth.
This name makes clear the path for divine energies to enter the lower Sephirot in
perfect harmony.
5. Mahash - Tipareth
This name is Tipareth (Sun) in Chokmah (Neptune) (Binah overtone)
Because the name Elem functioned similarly to Chokmah, this name functions
similarly to and has attributes of Binah (what I call Binah overtones) due to it's
position as a reciever of the energies from the above 4 Sephirot. This name is
Tipareth. The perfect center of the Tree and the transformer, transducer, and
transmitter of the energies of the higher Sephirot to the lower Sephirot.
Mahash is perfect harmony and balance. Being Tipareth, it transmits divine energies
perfectly from the higher realms. As such, Mahash is a name that brings healing in
all ways to all levels of being. It is the perfect harmonizer. Whatever part of the
body, mind, or soul is experiencing Dis-ease, Mahash restores perfect balance and
For anxiety Mahash brings peace. For depletion: vitality. For dysfunction: order.
For weakness: strength. For blockages: restoration of flow. With the name Mahash,
perfect balance is restored to all levels of the body, mind, and spirit.
6. Lelah - Netzach
This name is Netzach (Venus) in Chokmah (Neptune). (Chesed overtone)
Chesed (Jupiter) is a planet of energies of expansion. One of the secrets of this
expansion is that nothing can hold, contain, or restrict it. Therefore Chesed
(Jupiter) represents complete freedom and liberation. We can break the shakles that
bind us to any undesirable state of mind, emotion, finances, ect. Or even break the
shakles that bind our consciousness to material reality. In other words, astral
projection and expanding consciousness to higher realms to gain insights and
Also, we must understand that in order to experience the relaxation, ease, and
luxuries that Netzach (Venus) brings to us, we need the power, abundance, and
stability of the light that comes from Tipareth (Sun). The light of Tipareth is
what allows Netzach it's life of ease and opulence. Just like a rich father caring
for his daughter and giving her whatsoever she desires.
As such, the powers of Chesed (Jupiter) and it's ability to bring liberation from
bondage, and Tipereth (Sun) and it's power to bring luxurious ease and relaxation
combine here in Netzach (Venus) in the the name Lelah.
Lelah allows us to restore and recharge ourself on a deep level, providing complete
restoration. This name does this by providing us with deep and restorative sleep
which allows our soul to escape the weight and bonds of our physical body and
mundane consciousness to retreat into the higher realms to gain spiritual messages,
guidance, and wisdom through our dreams.
In this way our body, mind, and soul are refreshed and recharged through the time
they spent in the higher realms. We gain a birds-eye view of our life, and a deeper
understanding of where we have come from in the past and where our life is going in
the future.
Through the insight gained, troublesome problems that have confounded us can be
solved. For as Einstein said, "No problem can be solved from the same level of
consciousness that created it."
7. Acha - Hod
This name is Hod (Mercury) in Chokmah (Neptune) (Geburah overtone)
In the 4th name, Elem, we saw how the Sephira Geburah acted in the same way as
Chokmah, as an initiater of new beginnings and transitions. We see that same
function of Geburah here with the name Acha. Because Acha is in the position of Hod
(Mercury) here, and Mercury creates order and structure, we see that Mercury and
Mars pair up through this name to spark us back into shape and into order.
The name Acha has the power to turn states of listlessness, lack of motivation,
heaviness, slugishness, disorginization, passiveness, directionlessness, and
laziness into feelings of motivation, lightness, energy, and organization, giving
us the power to take positive action with a clear sense of direction.
The energy here much resembles the way the military takes a regular or weak person
and turns them into strong and clean-cut warrors with a strong sense of purpose and
With this name we are transformed and strongly empowered to initate new plans and
new beginnings. It is a breath of fresh life and restoration breathed into us. The
fire of motivation tempered with the coolness of intellectual organization and
8. Kahet - Yesod
This name is Yesod (Moon) in Chokmah (Neptune) (Tipareth overtone)
In this name we see something fascinating happening. All of the energies of the
previous 7 names are present within this 8th name. Just as in the Tree of Life all
of the Sephirot above are present in the ones below, their energies pooling
together so to speak.
Kahet is said to have the power to eliminate disturbed, harmful, and negative
energy. All negative energy is a result of wrong thoughts and actions that have
arisen in the past and as such, we see the power of the 1st name Vehu acting in
it's ability to cause reparation for past mistakes.
Kahet has the power to free us from states of depletion, sadness and other negative
states and as such, we see the influence here of the 2nd name, Yeli.
Kahet has the power to transmute these negative states of energy into positive ones
and thus we see here the power of the 3rd name, Sit.
Kahet has the power to clear the negative energies that block the path that allows
the light of positive divine energies and light from Kether to flow through and
thus we see the power of the 4th name, Elem.
Kahet has the power to reestablish harmony and balance in our mind, body, and
spirit, thus eliminating Dis-Ease and thus we see the power here of the 5th name,
Kahet has the power to establish states of deep rest and relaxation by eliminating
all negative energy that causes stress, tension, and negative states of mind and
body. In it's liberating influence we behold the power of the 6th name, Lelah.
Kahet has the power to reestablish states of positive energy flow and allowing our
true state of being to reestablish itself, freeing us from those things which block
our natural vitality and forward motion in life, and hence in Kahet we see the
power of the 7th name, Lelah.
Kahet in this position has a Tipareth overtone. Tipareth, being the center and
heart of the tree, is said to contain within itself the flow of all of the energies
of the tree both above and below within itself in perfect measure. Kahet, too,
contains the energies of all the Sephirot above it in perfect measure.

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