T e 1654803952 Simile Openers Word Mat - Ver - 3

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Simile Openers

Words ending in -ing can be used as openers for a range of

purposes, such as building tension, adding action and describing
As quiet as the shadows that feelings or settings. Why not try out some of the examples below in As eerie as a haunted
surrounded them, your writing? mansion,

As flat as a pancake, As hard as nails, As miserable as a rain cloud, As proud as a peacock,

As sharp as a razor, As strong as an ox, Like a hurtling meteorite, Like a curtain of darkness,

Like a deserted ship, Like the wind whistling, Like an ear-piercing siren, Like a marching soldier,

As big as an elephant, Like a swooping bird, Like a trembling earthquake, Like flickering candlelight,

As stubborn as a mule, As light as a feather, Like a colourful rainbow, As graceful as a swan,

Like a speeding cheetah, As sticky as glue, Like a towering skyscraper, As slippery as an eel,

As silent as a graveyard, Like a scuttling crab, Like an erupting volcano, Like a rocket zooming,

Like a ravenous lion, Like swirls of smoke, Like a beating drum, Like a jack-in-the-box,

Like a playful puppy, As joyful as a rainbow, As fast as lightning, As hot as lava,

As wise as an owl, Like a lion waiting Like a game of cat and As rough as sandpaper,
to pounce, mouse,

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