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fart I: Reading Comprehension (15points)

A. Read the following passage and answer each question according to the information therein.

How to Budger Your Time Like You Budget Your Money

1.Lots of people spend time coming up with budgets so they can improvetheir finances. Then they spend

additional time tracking their finances and comparing to their budget. After that, they may tweak one or the

other, and sometimesboth, as they balance their spending and income.

2.Sticking to a budget and doing financial planning goes a long way toward reaching your money goals. But

have youever thought about time in a similar way? After all, you can always make more money. However,

once spent, you can't make more time. That's why you should budget your time like you budget imoney.

3.There are many activities to spend on time. We could mention several ways of budgeting our time, but

let's focus on some of the major ones.

4.Getting organized is one important thing to do. Although getting organized, and staying organized, takes

time, it's worthwhile to budget your time for it. Think of these two ideas like different budgets. You can

hoose either one ,or both, to budget your time.

5.Utilizing a calendar application is ore way to budget your time. To truly budget your time like you budget

money, you need to allocate a certain amount of time for everything. Something thaican greatly help with

that task is to utilize a calendar application. With a calendar app, you can set up reminders,

block your schedule for important projects ,and more.

6.Putting tasks in a work list is also advisable. If you've never used a scheduling application, using one is

another way to help you budget your time. What's more, you may even be able to replace that paper "to do"

list to carry around. Like other apps, most can be used from your phone as well as from laptops. or other

devices.This allows you to update projects cffortlcssly as nceded throughout the day. It's also easy to see

your list and work in order of priority with a scheduling app. That lielps you focus on those that are

important or have nearer deadiines. What's more, scheduling apps are great when you have a team of people
to direct. You can keep a work list for each person and quickly see how they are doing onit at a glance.

youcan will
use it help
elsewhere in budget so that
yourtime your time better Use the ideas below to save time
8.One of budget.
routincs is
ittakes making
time to meals
to ahead. day
lesstime. prepare. Whenyou take breakfast or lunch with you to work each
Starting at
Using alittle home during
bit of the ready in the mornings, taking
time evenings makes getting
the night
before can when you're in a rush.
9.Another really |pay
1 off in the mornings
routinc is
evening for clothing. A
smart idea is to
workthenext budget a bit of time to choose clothing each
outfit. That way you'll
through your closet for the
quit:spending time perfect

10.The other point

mention is how
t getting to stay
and staying healthy. Something else you should budget your
time for is

healthy. This
includes not only
adequate eating ight, but ddriinking plenty of water and getting
rest. You'll also want
to exercise to get fit. It'|l be hard for you to avoid being tired if you don't
Ouaget enough time for sleep. Lack of slcep is a common
both at
iksue for many that can lower your
work and at home. Get plenty ofrest producthviy
so you can be at
your best each day.

11.Learning shortcuts is one of the routines. Just like spending money on what's important, you
spend time on should also
what's important. That's why you need to learm as many shortcuts as possible. Using
shortcuts and hacks at home and work lets you work faster and be more productive.To do this, you have to
schedule time for Emails and use templates.

12.Training and teaching others is also another important thing.

Budgeting time for training and
others can give teaching
you more time later. It promotes tearmwork. For example,
teaching your kids to do
Jousehold chores can free up some of your time at home fbr other,
things. An added bonus is that it also
helns them become responsible adults. Training and teachinig people at work is also worth budgeting vour
time to do.

12Palaing and Recharging also needs time budgeung. ryou want to continue working
productive v and ot
your best ,you need to relax and recharge occasionally. Thatis why
you need to
budget your time for
like you would budget money for too. But that doesn' just
mean you
must take an expensive
- Instead, youcould have many alternatives. vacation.

Setting goalsis
another thing
that you
Are should add
important,They into your timc budget and work goals
inspire and Both personal
motivate you to
work hard soyou can achievethem.
15.Having a budget
for your money is
similar important to your time in a

vay is also financial well-being. Budgeting your


A. Reading for
thc main idea (0.5
point each)

Read the first few sentences of each topics

paragraph and decide paragraphs each of the following
refers to.

1. Comparison of financial and time budgeting: and


2 Pieces of advice about putting tasks in a work ist and also creating routines: Paragrapns


3. Ways of staying healthy and learning short cuts to focus on important things: Paragraphs


B. Write a brief conclusion to the abovepassage (3.5 marks)

the passage (0.5 point

C Decided whether the following statements are "True or False" according to

update projects in the

from laptops or other devices allow us to
1.Using apps from our phone as well as

hardest way.

can help you make more time even if the time is

2.Budgeting your time like budgeting your money


spend time on what is important as vou

3.You can spend money on what's important, but you can't

never predict what would happen next.

4.Teching your
helps the Nto be responsible
S.Budgeting eitizens.
relax and
D. helips for produetivity, but this needs expensive vacation
Vecabulary fron an
the passage (65
point esch)
Match the words taken
frotn the
provided. paseage with the on the spaces
definitions and write yor answers

twcak(parngraph 1) A use
utilize (paragrnph 5) B. routine task

sifting(naragraph 9) separating

chores (paragraph 12 D.regain cnergy

rocharge (paragraph1 3) E.Glling battery

E.Relereace Qaestions (I p int each)

Find thrwords er phrases in the above passage that refer to the following words.

L their (garagraph 1 line 2)

2. This (paragragh6 line 4)

613 (paragrnpb 12 line 3)

that (paragragh 13 line 3)

5. They (paragrapla 4 linc?)


Complete each
your blank
spaces with
choices. (0.5 the
point correct form of the yerbs in brackets and underline

Animated movics have changed

a lot over
the last (was
100 years. Winsor MeCay(1)
considered/considered /is
considered) the father his
films by himsclf. of animaion. In the carly 1900s, McCay animated
He (2)
them (was drawndrew/draws) every picture separately and had
photographed, one at a time.
Hundreds of photographs (needed/were
(3 )
needed/need)to make a one-minute flm
Sometimes it wold take him more than
minute cartoon.
a year to make a ye

In 1914,the development of celluloid (a transparent material) made animation easier. Instead of drawng
each picture separately, the animator could make a drawing of the background, which
(remains/remained/was remained) motionless, while only the characters moved.
Walt Disney (5)
(wastaken /took/is taken) animation to a new level. He created
Mickey Mouse, added sound and music to his movies, and produced the first full-length animated film,

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Many people think he was a great cartoonist, but he wasn't. Instead, he
was a great story editor and clever businessman who had other artists do most of the drawings.

Today most animated films (6) (don't draw /is not drawn/are not drawn) by

hand. The animation is done by computer software. Also special effects for movies, such as Star Wars.(7)
(aredone/were done/ did) by computer animation. To create the illusion of movement,an image
is put on the computer and then quickly (8) (are replaced/were replaced /replaced) by a

similar image with a small change. While this technique is similar to hand-drawn animation, the work (9)
did/can do/can be done much by computer. In anyone with
faster fact, a home computer and

special software (1 0) (can be ercated/can create/created) a simple animation.

AComplete the
sentences with
In brackets. the most
(1pointeach) appropriate formsof the
future tense usingthe verbs given
Look atthe
dark clouds. You musttake
going to the (rain).
already have a ticket.
A:Are you
planning any summer
B: Idon't holiday?
know yet.
Perhaps, I
(stay) at home.
A: You look pretty tired.
You should have a
B: OK. I
(have) a rest.

Betty is going to driving

lessons, because she (buy) a car.
A: Oh, no. I've just missed my train!
B: No problem. I
(drive) you there.

Part II: Vocabularyfrom the Module (15points)

A. Match the words under column A with their closest meanings given under column B. Write the

letters of your choices on the spaces provided. (1point cach)

1 Concept A. inability to succeed

2. Vulnerable decrease

3. rampant D.lack of knowledge about oneself

4 invariably E. the state of being safe and secure

(he F. without exception

G thought/notion
H. out of control

1. bring to an abrupt stop/ fight fiercely

J. susceptible to harm or attack

1. suffering

A. Completeeach
the most
appropriate word from
the box.(1 point

livelihood /
/potency /
diluted | stitch

aloof I
/ refute

grassroots /
| |

transfotmed /



1.In the
countryside areas, the
residents carn of most Hthiopians is based on agriculture while
their living citý
various means.
2.Because of their
shyness, some university
the classroom, in have the repulation of being

during brake
and even
3.In times.
organizations, decisions
are made by
the top management without considering the views and
concernsofthose at the

(,fyouwant to
pieces of cloth together or attach a badge on it, you need to use a
needle and thread.

S.Even after adding water and putting pilled potatoes the salt concentration in the
into it, wot couldn't be

6.If exposed to the heat of the sun, most medicines could eaily lose their and, as a
result of this, their healing power decreases.
7.The so called silent killers, such as cancer, heart disease, hypertension and diabetes are

healthy hazards that may not show themselves up for quite a long time but which

subsequently harm the person.

8.Due to the extended drought season, the productivity of our farmers in some parts of our country has

been from year to year.

f he regular physical exercise he is doing and the adjustinents he has made in his diet haye both

his look.

10. In order to your counter-parts in an argument, you should have strong


and sound reasoning skills.

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