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(Products and Services for Consumers)

●Baldoza, Jordan (LEADER)

●Barbin, Angelo Leona
●Casantusan, Allen Adarayan
●Dapon, Kylee
●De Vera, Reinier
●Legada, Jasmine
●Magbanua, Rheign Jiewel

A. Statement number 1 is true, statement number 2 is false

B. Statement number 1 is false, statement number 2 is true
C. Both statements are correct
D. Both statement are wrong

1. A
(1) A product is a tangible item or good that is manufactured or produced for sale
(2) such as a consulting, healthcare, etc.

2. C
(1) A service is an intangible
(2) offering provided by a person, company, or organization

3. C
(1) A consumer is an individual or entity
(2) that uses or consumes a product or service.

4. D
(1) A customer is no one
(2) There exists no identifiable entity that engages in the act of procuring a product or

5. B
(1)Consumers always be the ones who make the purchase
(2) as they can use products or services that were bought by someone else.
6. A
(1) customers are not the end-users
(2) they can buy products or services for personal use only

7. D
(1) An intangible item or service is offered to consumers
(2) can range from physical products

8. B
(1) It is important to not synthesizing market needs
(2) Adapting products accordingly is an essential practice.

9. A
(1) Product Component Model is tool for characterizing how a product may be
adapted to a new market
(2) by separating the product’s many dimensions into 5 components

10. D
(1) There are two variations of global brand such as
(2) National brand or country of origin effects and private brand


1. Core component components refers to the various elements and materials that
make up the packaging of a product. (FALSE)
2. Maintenance are restoration work for when something gets broken, damaged or
stops working. (FALSE)
3. Warranty is a detailed information telling how something should be done,
operated, or assembled. (FALSE)
4. A product platform is a set of common elements like underlying technical
components, parts or technology that are shared across a range of the company’s
products example the operating system and processor of Iphone (TRUE)
5. International marketing is crucial for global brands as it allows them to expand
into diverse markets, adapt to local preferences, and mitigate risks. ( TRUE )
6. Global brands understand and respect local cultural nuances and consumer
preferences, adapting their products and marketing strategies accordingly. ( TRUE
7. National Brands expand their reach beyond borders. ( FALSE ) The correct answer
is Global Brand, not National Brand because National Brand is a single-country
focus brand.
8. Variations of global brands refer to differences or adaptations that these brands
make when operating in various countries and markets to better meet local
preferences and conditions. ( TRUE )
9. “Global Brand Effect" is a phenomenon where consumers associate a product's
origin with certain characteristics and qualities. ( FALSE ) The correct answer is
COO or Country of Origin Effect.


10. Brand is a _________ identity (UNIQUE)

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