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Name: BLANCO, Vincent

Yr. & Section: II-6 BT EST

Subject: GE ELECT 2

Assignment 1:

1. Define Information Technology and Information Computer Technology?

 Information Technology
 Information technology (IT) is the creation, processing, storage, secure transmission, and
exchange of all forms of electronic data. IT includes the use of computers, networking,
storage, and other physical devices. As opposed to technology utilized for personal or
entertainment purposes, IT is typically used in the context of business activities.
Telecommunications and computer technology are both included in the business usage of

 Information and Communications Technology

 Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is a field of engineering that deals with
the management of communications processes like telecommunications, broadcast media,
intelligent building management systems, audio-visual processing and transmission
systems, and network-based control and monitoring tasks.

2. Express the difference between IT and ICT?

 The main difference between ICT and IT is the field with which it is associated. ICT is
frequently linked to the world of education. However, the field of IT is frequently linked to
that of computers, software, etc.

3. Define Information, Internet and Communication, Telecommunication, and Global Image?

 Information
 Facts provided or learned about something or someone.

 Internet and Communication

 Talking to individuals using the internet as opposed to traditional telecommunications is
known as "internet communication" (like phone calls and text messaging). Regardless of
how far apart they are from one another, people can contact with one another within
minutes (if not seconds) thanks to services like WhatsApp and Telegram, email, and virtual

 Telecommunication
 Telecommunications, usually referred to as telecom, is the electronic transfer of information
over great distances, including voice, data, and video.

 Global Image
 An image which is created for a corporate or international audience; a global branding
image or marketing artwork.

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