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3D Volume Imaging – Uterus

Provides access to the coronal plane, a plane not visible in 2D imaging, allowing for analysis
and documentation of both normal and abnormal anatomy

Optimize 2D image of the Uterus*
Max Angle can help view entire
sagittal uterus
Select 3D button
Choose appropriate preset
Select Render or Multiplanar
Adjust size and position of ROI
(Region of Interest) Box with center
trackball key
Include all desired anatomy in
sagittal view

*Tips can be found on 2D Optimization Quick Card

Adjust Volume Angle to include entire uterus, up to 120°

Select desired Quality (Max=Best resolution, longest acquisition time)
Select Start or Freeze button

Volume Angle -120° Acquisition Plane – ROI Acquisition Plane – ROI Volume Angle -120º
3D Volume Imaging – Uterus

Technique (continued)
After the volume is acquired, select the appropriate Print
Key (3D) to save the volume
Select Volpre, to adjust and acquire another volume
if needed

Manipulate the volume by adjusting X, Y, Z and Parallel shift knobs
3D Multiplanar displays three orthogonal planes of a volume
data set
Axis dot represents the intersection of all three planes and is
movable in Multiplanar to focus on a specific area
Render displays three orthogonal planes and the rendered image
3D produces higher resolution volumes than 4D
ROI Box determines height and width of the A-plane or plane Rendered 3D Volume of the Uterus
of acquisition
Volume Angle determines the width of the B-plane and the
height of the C-plane
Display mode (Render, Multiplanar, OmniView or TUI) may be changed after volume has been obtained and saved
Volume Contrast Imaging (VCI) may be added after an acquisition for added contrast resolution and image detail
OmniView is also a helpful tool when imaging the uterus*
TUI can be utilized on A, B or C Box to image multiple planes within the volume
*Tips can be found on OmniView Quick Card

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June 2020

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