8A +Capstone+Synopsis+Template

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Synopsis of

<< Project Title >>

Submitted By

Group No. << n >>[Batch: <<year>> Location : << location>>]

Group Members

1. << Name – Roll No>>

2. << Name – Roll No>>

5YKIF86Z0O 3. << Name – Roll No>>

4. << Name – Roll No>>

Research Supervisor

<< Name of mentor >>

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This file is meant for personal use by harsha.mahenderkar@gmail.com only.

Sharing or publishing the contents in part or full is liable for legal action.
1. Introduction...............................................................................................................................3
2. Scope & Objectives....................................................................................................................3
3. Data Sources and Description...................................................................................................3
4. Analytical Approach..................................................................................................................3
5. Recommendations & Applications...........................................................................................3
6. References and Bibliography....................................................................................................3


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This file is meant for personal use by harsha.mahenderkar@gmail.com only.

Sharing or publishing the contents in part or full is liable for legal action.
1. Introduction
< Relevant details about the project, industry, company and a need of the present study>

2. Scope & Objectives

< Defining the core problem statement and listing down the objectives of the project. Ideally
here you will state the overall objective and break it down into the steps that you are going
to follow to achieve the objective. Scope defines the boundary of the project. >

3. Data Sources and Description

< Identify and provide information about the data to be used for the analysis. Students
should mention the source of data, contents and time period to be used. Provide overall
description of data including total volume of data, number of files, number of rows and
columns in the files, time period, amount of missing data and any other relevant
information. Inclusion of Data Dictionary is expected. >

4. Analytical Approach

< Students should mention the alternative analytical approaches that they may see fit to be
applied to the problem. That does not mean you will list all techniques you have been / will
be taught. Note that at this stage you do not have to finalize any approach but you must
have a fair idea what are the possible options>

5. Recommendations & Applications

< Students should mention clearly the expected outcome of the project and what are the
possible applications of them. >

6. References and Bibliography

<Details about any reference books, articles, web resources etc. that are to be used for the
project. Since students are expected to do their Capstone Project as a research thesis and
not like an assignment, write at least ten references or links to the references.>

For detail instructions see Synopsis Guidelines. Non-adherence to Guideline instructions

will incur heavy penalty.

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This file is meant for personal use by harsha.mahenderkar@gmail.com only.

Sharing or publishing the contents in part or full is liable for legal action.

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