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PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Teacher’s Diploma (Primary) Programme – March

2024: Java, Python, Swift

MODULE TITLE: Socio Emotional Competencies for ICT Educators

This 100% coursework module will be assessed through two components, namely:
1. A group assignment (3-5 students) (40%)
2. An individual assignment (60%)

1. Group Assignment

i. Discuss how an educator can implement CASEL’s five areas of competence

while teaching in his or her ICT class. You are required to support your
arguments through the use of practical examples.
ii. Examine two socio-emotional benefits and the underlying competencies that
will be transferred to the learners when an educator displays each of the five
socio-emotional competencies.
Assessment criteria
Criteri Description Marks
1 Ability to discuss 5 socio-emotional competencies (CASEL) displayed by 10
a teacher in a classroom situation. (5x2 marks)
Ability to show practical examples (5x2 marks) 10
2 Ability to examine two socio-emotional gains of pupils when the educator
displays the five socio-emotional competencies. (5 x 2)x2 marks)
Total 40

Word limit: 1500-2000

2. Individual Assignment

Howard Gardner (2013) stated that irrespective of the subject you teach’- “the arts,
the sciences, history or math”, you should present your learning materials in
multiple ways. He further stated that providing information in diverse ways not
only enable the student to learn the material better but also helps educators to
increase and reinforce their mastery of the content.

Based on the above statement, you are required to identify a topic of your choice and
discuss how you will attend to two types of multiple intelligences proposed by
Howard Gardner in order to address the needs of your learners in your ICT class. You
are required to:
(a) Elaborate on two ways of presenting your learning materials to teach your
pupils (e.g of types of activities: (i) dancing, (ii) singing etc) for each of the
two types of intelligences being discussed. You are expected to make use of
drawings to support your arguments or attach the lyrics of a song if you are
using those approaches.
(b) Analysis of two types of multiple intelligence to develop the two activities.
(c) Explaining two socio-emotional benefits to the child and the underlying
competencies that he/she would develop while attending the activities that you
would propose.
(d) Providing a critical reflection on the activities proposed.

Word Limit: 1500 words

Assessment criteria
Criteri Description Marks
(a) Activities proposed, explanation & rationale - 2 activities X 10
(b) Analysis of 2 types of multiple intelligence
- 2 concepts X 10 marks
(c ) Socio-emotional benefits to pupils
- 2 benefits. X 5 marks
(d) Critical reflection 10
- 2 X 5 marks
Total 60

Guidelines for group and individual assignment:

a. You are informed that it is mandatory that all written assignments are submitted
to Turnitin which is a plagiarism-detection software intended to address plagiarism
and improper citation. All submissions must be accompanied by Turnitin’ Digital
receipt and a statement of originality (Honour Code).” The rules and regulations for
anti-plagiarism are clearly stated on the MIE website.
b. You will work in group of 3-5 to produce an original paper. Reference should be
acknowledged and mentioned at the end in the Reference part.
c. Names of the group members should be written on the first page.
d. Your name should be written on the first page of your individual work.
e. Deadline for submission: Monday 09th June 2024

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