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Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

Outcomes-Based Learning Modules in

Physical Education 1
Movement Enhancement

(for internal use of Burauen Community College)

Prepared by:

Emmanuelle Blien C. Borines, LPT

Faculty- General Education Department
Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

Prepared by:
Emmanuelle Blien C. Borines, LPT

Physical education is as important as the other academic subjects. It is essential for the development of the motor
skills and reflexes. Good body movements are either improved or developed for a healthier body and for it to function well.
Body coordination is also developed through the proper stretching and the fundamental mechanics of physical education.
Healthy and well coordinated body movements help improve the over-all thinking ability of the students making them
better students in the classroom. Physical Education teaches the students the value of activities for health, recreation and
social interaction.

This course will give emphasis on the health related fitness component regarding training for a specific sport or
physical activity. This includes the enhancement of students fitness level that can be attained with the different training
principles applied. The application of this concepts and principles can help in the attainment of the goals that have been set.

In this area, the students will be informed of the conditioning work-out exercises, namely the aerobic conditioning,
anaerobic conditioning and building muscle and strength. The 4 categories of exercise namely the endurance, strength,
flexibility and balance will also be discussed.

Module 1: Fitness

Learning Outcome Based on the Course Syllabus

LO1. Determine the level of readiness through a fitness test.
Learning Objectives
At the end of the module, the following learning objectives students will be attained by the students with at least 75%
1. The students will be able to discuss the importance of fitness and being physically fit.
2. The students will be able to plan an exercise routine and assess which category they would like to excel. .
3. The students will be able to determine the Body Mass Index.

Course Direct Instruction


What does it mean to be fit? According to an article written by Fetters, A. (2019), finding the real definition of fitness is
difficult. In the dictionary, fitness means “sound physically and mentally”. According to exercise experts, fitness doesn’t
have to mean that a person is a marathoner or you can perform one or one hundred pull-ups. Fitness can mean different
things to other people.

Maintaining a good level of physical fitness is something that we should all aspire to do. But it can be difficult to
determine what fitness entails. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, physical fitness
is defined as "a set of attributes that people have or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity."

Physical fitness is a general state of the health and well being of a person, specifically on the ability to perform a
specific sport , activity or exercise. fitness is achieved not just by doing exercise anytime you want or within your available
time but also with proper nutrition, meaning the type of food you eat or the diet you are in and of course having enough
rest. This description goes beyond being able to run fast or lift heavy weights. Despite being important, these attributes
only address single areas of fitness. Fitness can be defined with how well the body performs in each one of the component
of physical fitness as a whole.
Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

Exercises are done for many various reasons including the strengthening of muscles and improving the cardio
vascular system. This also helps to boost the immune system, prevent stress as it can be done to relax and to increase the
quality of sleep. Overall, doing fitness exercises make a huge different to the health of the person, being healthy and
physically fit is important especially in the situation we are now, where indeed health is our wealth.

Fitness is more about feeling good and being able to move confidently without pain, it is more about feeling
healthy and in shape to do activities you want to do and live in the lifestyle you want to live in, all with limitations still for
the betterment of yourself. When all the components of fitness are balanced physically and mentally, that’s where you get
most of the benefits.

Components of Fitness

According to Donlin (2018), when planning a well-rounded exercise program, it is important to understand the
five components of physical fitness and how your training affects them. The components include: cardiorespiratory
endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. In general, achieving an adequate
level of fitness in all five categories is essential to good health.

In an exercise program it is good to have all these 5 components present in the routine. Like so, there is no exercise
routine that touches only one component of fitness. This depends solely on the type of exercise that a person want and what
it focuses on. Before doing these, the first step is to understand the 5 components of fitness. Being physically fit is what
everyone aspires to be. This of course requires dedication to work hard not only for the development of the body and for
the goals you have set at the start of your journey, but also for your well being and over- all health. The ability to do physical
activities depends on how we push ourselves to do more and to do better.

Cardiorespiratory Endurance

Sport and fitness silhouettes, (n.d.)

This component of fitness relies on proper functioning of your heart, lungs, and blood vessels to transport oxygen
to your tissues and carry away metabolic waste products. Physical activity that trains for cardio respiratory endurance
focuses on repetitive, dynamic, and prolonged movements using major muscle groups. You are improving this component
when you are jogging, cycling, swimming, hiking, and walking (Donlin, 2019).

Heart rate can be elevated by a variety of factors mediated by the neural and hormonal systems. One of these factors
is movement or exercise, but others include emotion and environmental temperature. A regular sustained elevation of
heart rate is recognized as in important factor in improving cardio vascular fitness. Heart rate and oxygen consumption
rise in a directly proportional fashion during exercise (Plowman & Smith, 2014).
Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

Remember that developing cardio respiratory endurance is important in exercise. During exercise, the heart beats
faster to pump more blood carrying oxygen to the nerves, muscles and body organs for their proper functioning. Cardio
respiratory endurance is how well your heart and lungs work together over an extended period of time to catch up with
the oxygen demand of your body. To improve this, it is best to do Aerobic Conditioning or exercises that keep you going.

Run running men and women, vector set of isolated silhouettes, (n.d.)

Example of an exercise that involves cardiorespiratory endurance is jogging. Jogging is an exercise that boosts the
health of the heart, it helps keep heart problems away. Jogging is slower than running but faster than walking at pace. It is
widely used for warm up and cool down, meaning most people do this before and or after exercise. Athletes who prepare
for marathons take jogging to build stamina and prepare the body for an activity. Now what does jogging do to the heart
and why does it make the heart healthy? Aside from helping to lose weight, jogging ensures that blood is pumped faster to
the heart, this maintains the blood pressure of the person. Like other metabolic workouts, jogging enhances the lung
capacity of a person. This helps the lung take in more oxygen and release the carbon dioxide and overall, improves the
endurance of the respiratory muscles.

The start of jogging is easy. You almost feel nothing, but as you go along you feel tired and you sweat, sweat is
a metabolic waste produced by your own body. Feeling tired is normal, we all feel tired especially doing activities that we
are not used to doing. In exercise, cardiorespiratory endurance is important for the body to get used to this feeling of getting
tired and eventually increase the endurance after doing the same activities.

Muscular Fitness

Although movement is the primary function of the muscle tissue, the musclular system also has other important
roles. In addition to locomotion and manipulation, muscles maintain the body posture, assist in the venous return of blood
to the heart and produce heat. Heat is a by- product of cellular respiration because muscles use a great deal of energy for
movement (Plowman, S. & Smith, D. 2014).
Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

While there are five components of fitness, muscular strength and muscular endurance can fall under the same
umbrella of muscular fitness. Both of these components focus on training your neuromuscular system, but in different ways.
Muscular strength refers to the maximum amount of force a muscle can produce at one time, also referred to as a one
repetition maximum. You can train your muscles to be stronger by lifting heavy weights for a few repetitions. Common
exercises that focus on muscular strength include loaded squats, leg press, and bench press.

One example of testing the muscular fitness is also by doing push-ups. The steps to do a perfect push up is as
follows, (1) get down on all fours, the hands should be wider than your shoulders, as shown in Figure 1. (2) straighten the
hands and the legs, lower the body until the body almost or nearly touches the floor, (3) pause and then pull back up. Repeat
the same steps, as shown in Figure 2.

Now how does push up develop the muscular strength? A push-up uses your own body weight as a resistance,
using both the body and core at the same time. As you do push-ups you increase the muscle mass, muscle strength and
also the muscles endurance.

Figure 1. Figure 2.

Black silhouette of a man doing push ups ilsolated on white background, (n.d.)

One way to develop muscular fitness is by doing anaerobic exercises. This type of exercise focuses on high intensity
but short duration exercise which is best for developing the muscles in the body. Developing muscular fitness means
increasing the ability of the muscle to do different activities without getting tired. This also helps maintain a healthy body
weight since you get to do physical activities of your choice.

Muscular Endurance

Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle to resist fatigue while exerting a submaximal amount of force.
Essentially, it is a measure of how long a muscle can withstand a prolonged contraction or many repeated contractions.
Training for muscular endurance requires you to perform many repetitions at a lower weight than you would use for
muscular strength. Some common exercises that assess muscular endurance include pushups, sit-ups, and pull-ups – all
performed to a point of fatigue.
Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

Illustration of man silhouette lifting weight on white background, (n.d.)

Even if you are not specifically training for muscular strength or endurance, they are still very important for daily
living. Muscular strength, for example, must be called upon when lifting boxes and moving furniture. Meanwhile, your
leg muscles must have enough endurance to walk long distances.
Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

Man raises the bar, vector illustration, black silhouette, (n.d.)

Your everyday activities involve muscular endurance. You may not notice it but without this muscular endurance,
it will be difficult for you to perform simple tasks such as lifting things or even just standing patiently in the corner.
Endurance is the ability of your muscle to perform contractions over an extended period of time for many repetitions.
After an intense workout or even doing a simple exercise, you may feel your muscles being sore, this is normal especially
for starters because your muscles are not used to exerting much effort. After many sessions of doing the same exercise, you
feel less muscle pains or even none. This can also be developed through time and many repetitions of the activities or
exercises. The purpose of muscular endurance is mainly to improve the performance in a sport and other activities. As for
the equipments you can use to develop muscular endurance, there are many alternatives you can use and easy home
exercises that does not require you to have equipments or going to the gym. Examples of these exercises are push-ups, sit-
ups, and curl-ups. The higher the repetition range leads to a longer period of exercise.


Collection of weight and exercise, (n.d.)

Flexibility is the ability of your joints to move through a range of motion. This component of fitness helps to prevent
muscular imbalances and allows you to move about with ease. Your heart rate response will vary with the type of flexibility
training you perform; in general, your heart rate will be at or slightly above your resting value (Saal, K. 2018).

Flexibility allows to reach and stretch at ease during activities. This improves the muscle coordination, mobility
and the posture of the body. Flexibility lessens the muscle soreness and the risk of getting injuries. This type of exercise
stretches your muscles. Without flexibility, the muscles will grow stiff and movement will be limited. The more flexible you
are, the more closer you are to touching your toes.

One example of exercise that shows flexibility is yoga. According to the Oxford Dictionary, yoga is a spiritual and
ascetic discipline, a part of which including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures
widely practiced for health and relaxation. Another meaning of yoga from the Merriam- Webster Dictionary is it is a
Hindu theistic philosophy teaching the suppression of all activity of body, mind and will, in order that the self may realize
its distinction from them and attain liberation (Saal, K. 2018).
Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

The purpose of yoga is to build strength awareness and harmony in both the body and mind. It is somewhat a form
of meditation but benefits the body because of the breathing excercises and assuming postures. Not only can yoga help in
your physical health but also in your mental health. Yoga helps a person manage stress, as mentioned earlier this is a form
of meditation that aids on our focus. This incorporates breathing exercises that created calmness.

Here are some example of easy yoga poses you can do at home to improve your flexibility:

Cobra Pose, (n.d.)

According to an article written by Fillmore, H. (2016), here is the step by step instruction on how to execute the Cobra Pose.

1. Lie flat on the stomach with pointed toes.

2. Plant palms on mat below and slightly outside shoulders.
3. Engage legs and stomach by flexing, press hips and top of feet into mat.
4. Tilt head back until chin points forward and neck is compressed.
5. Inhale, mimic head movement with rest of the body by straightening the arms.
6. Keep hips planted firmly on mat and raise navel off the ground.
7. Roll shoulders back and down. Bend evenly through lower, middle and upper back.
8. Breathe and hold pose.
9. Exhale, bend arms, lower navel to mat then chest, shoulders and forehead.
Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

Balancing Table Pose. (n.d.)

According to an article written by Lakshita, (2019), here is the step by step instruction on how to execute the
Balancing Table Pose.

1. Place your hands and knees in table pose. (palms and knees on the floor just like a table. )
2. Now inhale and take the right leg up parallel to the floor, reaching the toes towards the back wall.
3. Starring at a point between the palms, slowly inhale and take the left arm up parallel to the floor, reaching the
fingers towards the front wall.
4. Breathe and repeat the breath for 3-4 breaths.
5. To release; slowly exhale and bring the left arm down, and then lower the knee down, back into table position.
6. Repeat the same on the other side.

One Legged King Pigeon Pose, (n.d.)

According to an article written by Stanger, M. (n.d), here is the step by step instruction on how to execute the One
Legged King Pigeon Pose.

1. Bring your left foot as close as you can to your body.

2. Actively flex your left foot and turn the toes away from your body.
3. With your left hand, grip your left foot so the palm of your hand grabs the top of your foot. Try to grab as much
of your foot as you can to help flip your grip.
4. If you can, bring your left foot even closer to your body so your shoulder can rotate easier.
5. Be sure you are bending with your thoracic spine (mid back) and not just your lumbar spine (low back).
6. If your shoulder feels ready, keep a grip on your foot and slowly rotate your shoulder to flip your grip.
7. Once you have it, continue to open your chest and shoulders by pressing your foot into your hand.
8. If you’re feeling comfortable , bring your right hand to your left foot as well for the full expression.
Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

The Tree Pose

1. Take a moment to feel both your feet root

into the floor with your weight distributed
equally on all four corners of each foot.
2. Begin to shift your weight into your right
foot, lifting your left foot off the floor. Keep
your right leg straight but don’t lock the
3. Bend your left knee and bring the sole of
your left foot high onto your inner right
4. Press your foot into your thigh and put your
thigh back into your foot with equal
pressure. This will help you keep both hips
squared toward the front so your right hip
doesn’t jut out.
5. Focus your gaze on something that doesn’t
move to help you keep your balance.
6. Take 5-10 breaths, then lower your left foot
to the floor and do the other side.

The Side Plank Pose

1. Lie on your right side, legs extended and stacked

from hip to feet. The elbow of your right arm is
directly under our shoulder. Ensure your head is
directly in line with your spine. Your left arm can be
aligned along the left side of your body or stretched
2. Engage your abdominal muscles, drawing your navel
toward your spine.
3. Lift your hips and knees from the mat while exhaling.
Your torso is straight in line with no sagging or
bending. Hold the position.
4. After several breaths, inhale and return to the starting
position. The goal should be to hold for 60 seconds.
Change sides and repeat.
Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

Body Composition

The last component of physical fitness, body composition, refers to the ratio of fat mass to fat-free mass (such as
muscle, bone, organs, and more) in your body. Overall health generally improves when you have a lower amount of fat
mass (or lower percent body fat) and higher amount of lean muscle mass.

Body Composition, (n.d.)

A healthy body composition means having appropriate amount of lean muscle, bone health and body fat. These
three should compliment each other. Body composition affects all other aspects of being physically fit. Before doing any
exercise, it is important to first assess your body, what your goals are, what you want to achieve, what your body needs
and what you want to improve. This can make a huge difference in your work- out plan, overall fitness and the quality of

What Does It Mean to Be Physically Fit?

Many of us have misconceptions about what it means to be physically fit. For instance, some people think that they
need to weigh a certain amount, run a marathon, or be able to bench press twice their body weight at the fitness center to
be considered fit. If you fall into these descriptions – good for you! But as far as physical fitness, you may still be lacking.

Physical fitness is much more broad than just your weight or your performance at a single athletic activity. Here’s a good
working definition for physical fitness:

• a general state of health and well-being that includes the ability to efficiently perform every day work and leisure
activities and resist disease.

Using this definition, it’s wrong to assume that being a certain weight or having big muscles means
you’re fit. Fitness is more about your physical ability to meet the demands of everyday life.Being physically fit not only
means being healthy because you are doing exercise. it also means being healthy inside and out. This entails having a
healthy diet to support the exercise you are doing. Doing both will benefit your health. Exercise alone may give you good
results but even better with a healthy lifestyle. Now how will you know if you are already physically fit? This depends on
you, if you can do physical activities with ease.
Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a way to look at your body weight relative to your height. It is a
scientifically-based index that categorizes you as being underweight, normal, overweight or obese, and also lets
you know about your risk for developing obesity-associated diseases.

According to an article published by the World Health Organization (WHO) Body mass index
(BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify overweight and obesity in adults.
It is defined as a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of his height in meters (kg/m2). The WHO
definition is: a BMI greater than or equal to 25 is overweight a BMI greater than or equal to 30 is obesity. BMI
provides the most useful population-level measure of overweight and obesity as it is the same for both sexes and
for all ages of adults. However, it should be considered a rough guide because it may not correspond to the same
degree of fatness in different individuals.

What does BMI have to do with the health and wellness of the body?. Physical fitness should
not solely be measured by any other physical tests or evaluations. Physical fitness should be the balance of all
the other components and measures. This includes your outlook not only with your own body but along with
the attitude towards your own personal health and fitness.

What the Results Mean

Based on your BMI calculation, you can determine your classification based on the chart below.
Individuals with a BMI value of 25 and higher may be at increased risk for certain obesity-related conditions.

Using your BMI results as a starting point, you can create a personalized approach to healthier
living through your Distributor’s trusted support and our science-based nutrition and weight-management

BMI is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in meter squared.

Below 20 = slender-lean

20 to 25 = ideal weight range

25-30 = overweight (25-27 could be healthy range if large-boned and heavily muscled)

30 and above = very overweight / high risk

40 and above = extremely overweight / high risk for health complications

Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

Exercise Safety:

Before proceeding to any exercise, it is important that first, you know what your goals are.
What benefits do you want from doing exercise? Know that these goals will help you to stay motivated to keep
on going. Something worth having doesn’t come easy, so therefore hard work is important to reach the goals
you have set.

Take your exercise slowly but seriously. Do not rush to see results. Be aware that increasing
the speed of any exercise will lead to increase in the risk of injuries. Avoid exercises or routines that causes you
pain or discomfort. Do not ignore your body’s signal of fatigue. Rest when you feel tired and do these exercises
right. Always remember to follow the proper forms and techniques.

Most importantly, do not forget to do warm up before your exercise, and cool down after your
exercise. Doing these may seem unnecessary to others but believe me that these two are one of the important
things you should keep in mind. Warm up prepares your body for the exercise you are about to do, this stretches
your muscles and is like practicing your body beforehand. Cool down exercises, are done after intense activity.
This allows your body to gradually transition to a resting state. Cooling down may also involve a jog , walk ,
breathing exercises and stretching depending on the intensity of the work out you’ve done.

Learning Activities

Exercise No.1: In 200-300 words write an essay about the importance of Fitness and being Physically Fit as a
teenager and as a student in this time of Pandemic.

Exercise No. 2: If you are going to plan your exercise routine, which category will you focus on? Elaborate your

Select 1 among the 5 categories of exercise namely the cardio respiratory

endurance, muscular fitness, muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition.

Exercise No. 3: Answer the following briefly.

1. What value in life will you learn by keeping yourself healthy?

2. What are the benefits of having this subject ( Physical Education)? Which do you consider most important? Why?
3. Based on the discussions and examples given in this module, what does it take to be Fit?


Adamovych, T. (n.d). Man raises the bar, vector illustration, black silhouette. [image]. Retrieved from

Asher. A. (2019). How to do a side plank, proper form, variation, and common mistakes. Retrieved from

Clip Art Library (n.d). Body composition cliparts. [image]. Retrieved from

Fetters, K. A. (2019). Everything you need to know about fitness and why its about way more than hitting the gym. Retrieved
Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

Fillmore, H. (2016). Cobra yoga pose photos and bhujangasana video tips for beginners. Retrieved from

Franklin, E. (2019). Breathing for peak performance: functional excercises for dance, yoga and pilates. Champaign, IL:
Human Kinetics. Retrieved from

IFH (n.d). Illustration of man silhouette lifting weight on white background. [image]. Retrieved from

Lakshita (2019). How to do a balancing table pose, benefits of balancing table pose. Retrieved from

Matic, P. (n.d.). Black silhouette of a man doing push ups ilsolated on white background. [image]. Retrieved from

Myzone, (2018). Components of Fitness. Retrieved from


Newman, T. (2017). What does physically fit mean. Retrieved from

Ostill (n.d.). Woman exercising balancing table pose yoga silhouette shadow white background. [image]. Retrieved from

Ostill (n.d). Woman exercising bhujangasana cobra pose yoga silhouette shadow white background. [image]. Retrieved

Ostill (n.d). Woman exercising Eka Pada Rajakapotasana one legged king pigeon pose yoga silhouette shadow white
background. [image]. Retrieved from

Ostill (n.d). Woman exercising Vasisthasana side plank pose yoga silhouette shadow white background. [image]. Retrieved

Ostill (n.d). Woman exercising Vrksasana tree pose yoga silhouette shadow white background. Retrieved from

Pandavector (n.d). Collection of weight and exercise bitmap icon for stock. [image]. Retrieved from

Pizer, Ann. (2019). How to do tree pose (Vrksasana) in yoga, proper form, variation and common mistakes. Retrieved from

Plowman, S. & Smith, D. (2014). Excercise physiology: for health, fitness and performance. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA.:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Retrieved from
Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

Saal, K. (2018, March 8). The meaning of yoga. [blog post]. Retrieved from

Sanca, M. (n.d). Run running men and women, vector set of isolated silhouettes. [image]. Retrieved from

Skvorstov, A. (n.d). Sort and fitness silhouettes. [image]. Retrieved from

Stranger, M. (n.d.). Master one-legged king pigeon pose – 8 yoga poses to help you flip your grip. Retrieved from

Swanson, A. (2019). Science of yoga: understand the anatomy and physiology to perfect your practice. Hudson Street,
New York: Dorling Kindersley Limited. Retrieved from

Module 2: Body Conditioning Work-Out / Exercise

Learning Outcome Based on the Course Syllabus

LO2. Prepare and demonstrate a work-out plan.

Learning Objectives
At the end of the module, the following learning objectives students will be attained by the students with at least 75%
At the end of the module, the following learning objectives will be attained by the students with at least 75% accuracy:
1. The students will be able to discuss the concepts and principles of Conditioning Exercises.
2. The students will perform the 4 categories of exercise.

Course Direct Instruction

Conditioning Workout

Whether you are aiming to improve your performance in a sport or activity or just want to reap the
benefits of physical activity, body conditioning exercises strengthen and improve your body and performance.
(Malone, 2019)

According to Kelliher, S. (2016), body conditioning refers to exercises that increase your strength, speed,
endurance or any other physical attribute. Conditioning workouts can trim fat, increase muscle tone and prepare
your body for the rigors of sports. Virtually every exercise you do at home or in the gym is a form of body
conditioning, but you should design balanced workouts to get the most out of your routine.

A. Aerobic Conditioning (Heart and Lungs Conditioning)

Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

Running Silhouette, (n.d.)

According to an article written by Chertoff, J. (2020), aerobic exercise is any type of cardio vascular
conditioning that includes activities such as swimming, running or cycling. Many may know it by its other term
“cardio”. Aerobic exercise means “oxygen”. During this type of exercise, your breathing and heart rate will
increase. Aerobic exercises also help keep your heart, lungs and circulatory system healthy since these type of
activities keep you active and going.

Aerobic conditioning focuses more on training the endurance of the body, to train the heart to pump
more blood to allow more oxygen to be delivered to the muscles and organs. Oxygen is important especially in
doing exercise because with enough oxygen supply, the body and the organs will be able to function properly.
This type of conditioning uses more rhythmic movements of the muscles. Examples of this are swimming,
cycling, walking and rowing. Notice that these activities take up much longer time to do and uses the whole
body in the process.

As stated in the first module, one example of an aerobic exercise is the jogging. Yes this also improves
the cardio respiratory endurance but always remember that aerobic exercises are the ones that use the large
muscles. Aerobic exercises makes you breathe faster and deeper than your heart rate when at rest. over time,
this can increase the stamina, endurance and many more.

B. Anaerobic Conditioning
Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

Aerobic Vs. Anaerobic, (2016)

Anaerobic exercises involve quick bursts of energy. They are performed at maximum effort for a short time
(Chertoff, J. 2020).

Anaerobic endurance training focuses on the physiological improvements in the muscles ability to endure
force. The most important component anaerobic training is to have the enough work and rest duration (NCSF,

This type of conditioning is of a short duration but with a high intensity. Anaerobic condition is ideal for
building the strength and muscles. Other examples of this includes weight-lifting and any exercise that involves
short duration or exertion but a high intensity movement the word “anaerobic” means without oxygen, this type
of exercises are fueled by energy stored in the muscles. There are many benefits of anaerobic exercises, this
includes protecting your joints and increasing the muscle strength which can protect you from getting injured.
Anaerobic exercise helps boost the metabolism and maintain the muscle mass since doing this type of exercise
also makes you active. As this exercise makes you active, this also boosts the metabolism.

C. Building Muscle and Strength

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Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

Man raises the bar, vector illustration, black silhouette, (n.d.)

In addition to aerobic and metabolic conditioning, you can also condition your muscles for strength by
doing weighted or body-weight resistance exercises. Lifting weights or performing pushups, crunches and other
body weight exercises results in minor trauma to your muscles, which causes them to rebuild stronger than they
were before. Strength training is a form of anaerobic conditioning, but typical strength workouts don't involve
fast, intense intervals like those done in metabolic training (Rettner, R. 2016).

Exercise requires the use of strength and repetitive movements. Notice that after doing exercise, you feel
muscle pains and sometimes cramps. The pain felt after doing such exercises is the result of having trauma on
the muscles caused by the pressure or amount of work exerted, this pain fades after a couple of days, and after
many repetitions of the exercises. This of course is normal especially after an intense workout or exercise.

No matter what type of conditioning you're planning to go into, evaluate your personal fitness goals,
your current conditioning level and the physical limitations or injuries that could affect you and your body
during these routines. One approach to training is to alternate the exercises you do. For example you exercise 3
times a week every other day.

The 4 Categories of Exercise

Exercise is often only associated with losing weight, but it is more than just working to lose a few pounds.
Exercising a few times a week can improve your overall health and well-being. Not all exercises give the same
results because certain exercises focus on different parts of the body. Exercise and physical activity can be
classified into four categories: endurance, strength, flexibility, and balance. Each type of exercise is different;
however, many activities fit into more than one category. It is common for people to focus on one type of exercise
Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

or activity, but including all four types of exercise into your workout will give you more benefits. Be sure to mix
up your workouts to keep from getting bored and reduce your risk of injury. (Medical West, 2019)

Listed below are the four exercise categories and examples of exercises.

1. Endurance

Swimming Silhouette, (n.d.)

Endurance, or aerobic exercise, increase your breathing and heart rate. By doing endurance exercises,
you are working to keep your heart, lungs, and circulatory system healthy while improving your total fitness.
Over time your endurance level will increase which will make everyday activities seem easier. Examples of
endurance activities are: dancing, swimming, playing tennis, swift walking or jogging, biking, and yard work
(Malone, M. 2019).

In addition to that, an article by the American Heart association stated that building endurance makes it
easier to carry out many of your everyday activities. Start out with 10-15 minutes at a time and then gradually
build up. The AHA recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes (2 1/2 hours) of moderate to vigorous
activity per week. Thirty minutes a day five days a week is an easy goal to remember. Some people will be able
to do more. It's important to set realistic goals based on your own health and abilities.

When you're ready to do more, you can build on your routine by adding new physical activities, increasing
the distance, time, or difficulty or your favorite activity; or do your activities more often. You could first build
up the amount of time you spend doing endurance activities, then build up the difficulty of your activities. For
example, gradually increase your time to 30 minutes over several days to weeks by walking longer distances.

Endurance cannot be developed overnight, that’s the reason why there are trainings and exercises that
develop our endurance. Since this is the ability to endure or last through the process of exercise, it is important
that this will be developed through time. Developing the cardio respiratory endurance makes it easier to
perform physical activities as you will not get tired easily. For example, you want to go on a diet but you do not
want to sacrifice your food cravings just to lose weight, so you decided to do exercise. You jog every other day
for 30mins to 1 hour. For the first few tries, you get tired easily, as you go on after many sessions you will notice
a difference. You get tired but you don’t feel the same tiredness as before. Another example is climbing the stairs.
Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

Whether in school, in the office or at home, it is normal to feel tired especially when you are doing tasks you are
not used to doing.

Examples of Endurance Exercises

• Walking briskly
• Running / jogging/climbing
• Dancing
• Swimming and playing sports
• Biking
• Climbing stairs at work
• Playing sports such as tennis, basketball, soccer or racquetball

2. Strength

Illustration of man silhouette lifting weight on white background, (n.d.)

Illustration of man silhouette lifting weight on white background, (n.d.)

Rettner (2016) added that “strength exercise, or resistance training, works your muscles by using resistance,
like a dumbbell or your own body weight. This type of exercise increases lean muscle mass, which is important
for weight loss, because lean muscle burns more calories than other types of tissue.”

If you want to build up your muscles, then you should do strength exercises. Strength exercises are also
called strength training or resistance training. Even the slightest increase in strength can make a huge difference
in your ability to carry out everyday tasks. Developing strong muscles and bones can reduce your risk of weak
bones and poor posture.

✓ A strength exercise is any activity that makes your muscles work harder than usual.
✓ This increases your muscles' strength, size, power and endurance.
✓ The activities involve using your body weight or working against a resistance.

Examples of muscle-strengthening activities include:

• lifting weights
• working with resistance bands
• heavy gardening, such as digging and shoveling
Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

• climbing stairs
• hill walking
• cycling
• dance push-ups, sit-ups, squats
• yoga

3. Flexibility

Gymnastics, (n.d.)

The purpose of flexibility exercises is to stretch your muscles and help your body stay limber. This allows
for more freedom of movement for other exercises and for everyday activities. Flexibility exercises also have the
ability to improve your range of motion, posture, ability to breathe deeply, and circulation. Also, it alleviates the
muscle tension that is caused by stress. Examples of flexibility exercises are shoulder and upper arm stretches,
yoga, and calf stretches. (NHK World, 2019)

Flexibility exercises are activities that improve the ability of a joint to maintain the movement necessary
for carrying out daily tasks and physical activity (NHK World 2019).

Flexibility allows to reach and stretch at ease during activities. This improves the muscle coordination,
mobility and the posture of the body. Flexibility lessens the muscle soreness and the risk of getting injuries. This
type of exercise stretches your muscles. Without flexibility, the muscles will grow stiff and movement will be
limited. The more flexible you are, the more closer you are to touching your toes.

Examples of flexibility activities include:

• stretching – a specific muscle or tendon is deliberately flexed or stretched

• yoga – a simple meditation, the adoption of specific bodily postures
• tai- chi – a graceful form of exercise accompanied by deep breathing
Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

• pilates – a kind of exercise that consists mostly of stretching that needs flexibility and endurance
movements, core strength, balance and endurance

4. Balance

Balancing, (n.d)

Balance training can help anyone at any age. Athletes find it can make them more powerful. Seniors
citizens use it to prevent injuries from falls and maintain independence. This helps them to not be dependent on
others. Fitness lovers know it helps improve workouts and everyday life. In fact, just moving around efficiently
in life requires healthy postural alignment and good balance (Freytag, C. 2020)

Completing balance exercises helps prevent falls. These exercises are especially important to older adults
because it helps them stay independent. Most good balance exercises that can help maintain balance are ones
that keep you constantly moving with your feet on the ground. Examples of balance exercises are heel-to-toe
walking, standing on one foot, and sitting down in a chair and standing up without using your hands. Also,
several lower-body strength exercises can help you improve your balance. Balancing exercises work your core
muscles, lower back, and legs. Lower-body strength-training exercises can also help improve your balance.

Improving balance increases coordination and strength, allowing you to move freely and steadily.
Enhancing stability, mobility, and flexibility makes it easier to perform your daily tasks. It also improves your
athletic performance. Focusing on your balance may also help you to focus and clear your mind. Balance is
something that many people may take advantage of, but everyone can benefit from improving it.

Learning Activities:

Exercise No.1: Compare and contrast the three types of conditioning work- out, what are the the similarities and
differences in ideas
Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022


Muscle Anaerobic
Conditioning Conditioning


Exercise No. 2: Explain the ideas or concepts of the following categories of exercises. How can these categories
of exercise affect your work out or exercise routine?





Exercise No. 3: Create a picture/photo collage of you doing Exercise routine or Zumba Routine with the
following 4 categories (1) endurance, (2) strength, (3) flexibility and (4) balance. Make sure to record and save
your exercise video. Below is the fitness rubric that will serve as the basis on how your exercise will be graded.


• Take pictures of each step of the routine.

• Paste the pictures in a bonf paper.
• Do not forget to write your name and your section at the bottom right corner of your paper.

Adamovych, T. (n.d). Man raises the bar, vector illustration, black silhouette. [image]. Retrieved from

American Heart Association (2018). Retrieved from

Prelim Period

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

First-Year General Education Courses
Poblacion District 9, San Diego, Burauen, Leyte
First Semester, SY 2021- 2022

[Aerobic Vs. Anaerobic], [image]. (2016). Retrieved from



Chertoff, J. (2020) Aerobic Excercises example: how to, benefits and more. Retrieved from

[Climbing Stairs], [image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from


[Endurance],[image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Freytag, C. (2020). 5 exercises for better balance. Retrieved from


[Gymnastics], [image]. (n.d.) Retrieved from

How to improve your strength (2019). Retrieved from


IFH (n.d). Illustration of man silhouette lifting weight on white background. [image]. Retrieved from

Kelliher S. (2016). What is a body conditioning exercise. Retrieved from


National Council on Strength and Fitness, (2015). Anaerobic endurance for anaerobic conditioning. Retrieved from

Malone M. (2019). What is a body conditioning exercise. Retrieved from


Medical West (2019) Lets get moving. Retrieved from

Rettner R. (2016). Strength exercise; everything you need to know. Retrieved from

[Running Silhouette], [image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from


[Swimming Silhouette],[image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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