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Name: Kathleen Mae Eslier Date: May 02, 2024

Course: Campus Journalism Instructor: Sonia Rosales – Low

Embracing Life’s Advice

In a world full of greed, ungratefulness, negativity, societal expectations,

pressures, etc., be the light to guide others and also to guide yourself. Even if you’re

surrounded by monstrous thoughts created by negative people, be the positive gleam

and never not be affected of their auras. Upon reading and interpreting the poem

“CREDENDA” by Og Mandino, I have felt something in my chest, like a lightning struck in

my heart. As I read the poem word to word, the feeling of fulfillment wrapped around my

soul and whisperings of positivity started to surround me. Is this the impact of this poem

to me? How come I have never heard of this one? Is there a reason why am I here, writing

this reflection after a thorough reading of the poem?

The first line that says “Turn away from crowd with their fruitless pursuit of fame

and gold”, has already gotten my attention. Fame is good, but not always good. It might

be gratifying for others, but for some people, including me, is no. I cannot handle the

pressure and expectations I would get from other people, considering the fact that these

people are not even familiar to me. One of the hardships of fame, is if you make a mistake,

people will already see you differently. It’s like if you commit something, you’re already

trash and you’re not good as before anymore. Thus, proceed in cautiously. People with

such desires as this should be avoided as they are completely inappropriate.

Wipe away your tears of failure and misfortune, indeed the perfect line to people

who are struggling with failure, just like what happened to me a few years ago, even up
to now. Well, failures are normal. What’s not normal is letting those failures have control

over you and your life and not get on with another chapter of your journey. It’s normal to

cry, now the next step that you need to do is to wipe those tears of yours and learn from

your mistakes and failures. It’s not the end of the world when we fail, it might be when we

don’t learn to stand up and learn from it. Also, in the poem, it reminds us to find the inner

peace that we need. All of us need peace. The thing is, it’s us who just needs to find a

way to find it and enjoy that peace as long as we like and as long as we need it.

As I continue reading the poem, this line really gives me the shivers. Be unafraid.

All my life, I have been so afraid, afraid of all the disappointments, expectations, pressure,

and everything that’s keeping me so drain. And this poem, it teaches me to be not afraid

of these things. Why? It’s because the only thing and person who has the license to harm

me, is myself. I am the one setting up these high expectations for myself, I am the one

who’s been hurting myself by setting up these standards that I can’t even reach. Well, I

learned that I am wrong in many ways. I shouldn’t have let myself get drown with these

expectations. I should just let it go, let it flow. The important thing is, I did my best that I

could, right?

Love your family and count your blessings. Reflect on how eagerly they would be

sought if you did not have them. I have always loved my family, always. They’re the

reason why I want to go on with my life in the first place. They’re one of the reasons why

I am doing my best, to provide them the satisfaction that they deserve after doing and

giving everything for me. My family has always been at my top inspirations why I am

giving my all in my performance. “Be patient. God's delays are never God's denials. Hold

on. Hold fast.” One of my favorite lines in the poem. During my college life, there’s this
one time that I almost lost hope due to a lot of circumstances. I really thought that God

has given up on me and decided not to make my prayers come true. I almost ran out of

faith towards Him, but all of those vanished. When He granted my prayers and wish, I felt

His presence in my heart, I felt the love that I have been longing for. That was the time

that I realized that, God never not hear prayers, He just grants them at the right time, and

at the right place. That’s why I take this chance to tell you that never lose faith in Him. He

can hear you; you just need to express your feelings to Him. You just got to keep holding.

Another realization, learning from other people doesn’t make you a less of a

person. It’s not wrong to admit mistakes, it’s not wrong to admit that some people provide

you the learnings that you need to know. You learn from others, and others learn from

you. Also, in life, you always need to be humble. Being boastful doesn’t change anything,

it would only make you look like a fool. No one gets successful for boasting, that’s why

we have to always choose to be humble.

One last thing, if you feel like your whole world is falling apart, never be afraid.

Never be afraid to look up, and search for his presence and cling unto Him. Call out for

his name, for He is the only one who could help you even though He’s not physically here.

Credenda is new to me; this is the first time I have read and encountered this

poem. Upon realizing the things that I need to realize; I have figured out now what I really

need in my life. I have figured out the things that I really want, and those things are what

I’m going to fulfill in order for me to be satisfied with my life.

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