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/ CATE /

Practical No4Pre Ventive Mainteoe

IResouYce us ed
Deskhop PC CD/OVD DYive cleaning Rit:
Naccunm Cle ane

TAchial pyoceclure hallocuued

Preventive Hardcuore MainEenance 0E PC
eon the Laielheplai c Caie ha
houie the PC (ompanents (on be pleae
uih_a glicils damp lint -bree cloth
2Motherboarel ~ SMPS Cleaning Open he
CobineF Cov ea Use poxtuble VocCum_deaner
o Yemas the olust dirk_ bair fesee
3 t keubo.a Yd Cleaninq' Betore cleaninq
the Retboard ixt tuYn oFF he compuu
F if rouY OYe ainq t l kebna rd
G MOu cleoninq Bloauine au Uing Vaccue
cleoney on he bottom oFthe mouue
cleas l a y anu dlYst duE haY OY Other.
obstnucdioni that nmay be blocking he_
phco_ SenSoY
sCRMontor_(leaninqA qlas monwr
SCYeen Conbe uith hoY mcu
hotLieholol glas cleaner Naccum F Luing
Naccum clegne anydus ha hay Setled

GCRTMonitoY Cleaginq A qlaus yontor 3Crceo

Cahe cleanea/uith nOYmc houweholdl
GLCDILED cleaninq When cleaninq the
LCD Y LED SCreen t is impoytant
Yememb e o Dof SpYayonuliquuds
ato he SCTeen dircchly donot
e apopen o e l Sin ceit Con 9CYatch
he 9cYe en:_
7CD &0 DVD : Use0 CD-RoMcleane
k o clean he cD PoM DV D dhive
Laier ensex bom dut duit i haiY
J Py ecautians alloctued

Shuntdaun pape n
2 Conrneck poue SUpply carehil
3:Disconnech o nect a he Vpaxts
USe vaccum ceaneyCaretuUy
5.Ayaid uoder 8 Ohex ha2ardouu
h e CDDVD cleaning kit ued to-1s laie
lend eoner
2The Hool 0Y equipment J e d o clean the
eab oaYd s Vaceum_cleane

rPrOcH ca elated qteahonu
e the 9htp pe korm.ed to clean the
For qeneralcleaninq remove fht Cove
OVe h e motherbooxd
Next thexe gYe tuUD Ophonu foY YemnNim
he lDas e_ olirt 80 dutlhe iKEsb
blacoit ofF_Cuith G Con Ot ompr ese
ay he SeCand 1S o Vaecum t o c_
uith o Vaocu ceone OY Cy butea
LEuou chn os e ho ue fhe VacuUm
kfep_ n mind had it ( Oulc Caue
h ' t o olomaqe he (ompude S0 isS
mp o hold he QHaakYm
otyicade ulaYkinos On fhe fnt_SPVena
mothenbo.ard h
Ovolc dau dqma.qe 0T emoval O
Small Compon eNt IE Cleanino
Compnents_s Samehlna uaT do (ompten
ConSiderinvesn no in a Compder vac often
nTemove he issue af he Cum
TE he dus is Caked on Seic
muh o o he VaeLm KR TeOOve,the
qtntly buh 0Ve
E_it o
the QYea o looseb
Mofs ten o (otton ulab uith
clcohol 2 qent ly Gipe auay the nubbing_
Subsunee Shdku
he o cahol uill help to remuve he
dlr evapoYaHe Quicklu o lessen he
chgnces oF e)e cico dam0qe
Alloa he mothex boo )d tod

bekerereinsteulunc 0pocnq he unit:

ReploLce the Cover Onto he devteR
2- ilk Hhe 9lsps pformed o clean the

Skp 1 uin 0tE YOuY moOitar

Skp 2 hlipe yaur manor (uith a clath
NE duuu 1S Hhe onlu thinq on your
SCYeen a quick ulpinc Should be
enough o cean H
Slep 3 Let it du
e hcqve peyformed the preuenhve
mainehance gt Compute

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