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Prepared by:

Kendy B. Angue
CAMS Faculty, LPU
 Happiness can be viewed as a result and a condition of
living right. Flourishing is distinct from,
but related to, happiness. Success in living makes
people happy and this happiness tends to foster more
success. Happiness is linked to the notions of self-
esteem and flow.
 Flourishing is a successful state of life, and happiness
is a positive state of consciousness that flows from, or
accompanies, a flourishing life.
 An effort to achieve
self-actualization and
fulfillment within a
context of a larger
community of
individuals, each with
the right to pursue his
or her own such efforts.
 Aristotle believed that
human flourishing
requires a life with other
 The highest goal of
humanity is the good life
or “human flourishing:
(eudaimonia, happiness).
 means achieving the
best conditions possible
for a human being, in
every sense–not only
happiness, but also
virtue, morality, and a
meaningful life.
 Eudaimonia can be
achieved by working
hard, cultivating your
virtues, and excelling
at whatever tasks
nature and
circumstances come
to you.
Happiness Eudaimonia

Emotion State of being

Temporary Ongoing
Measured by pleasure Measured by excellence
Can be achieved by immoral means Can only be achieved by living a moral life
Connected with luck Connected with effort
 defined as striving to
experience pleasure,
enjoyment, and
 Human flourishing must
be achieved through a
person's own efforts.
Each person has reason
and free will
and the capacity to
initiate conduct that will
enhance or inhibit
his flourishing.
“ Technology is the
means to an end.”
“Technology is a human
 Human’s continuous
need to uncover himself
in the worlds finding
proofs to trace
development .
 Technology changes
us—and the world
around us—in countless
 Technology plays an
important role in
society today. It has
positive and negative
effects on the world
and it impacts daily
In its basic form, living
the good life is all about
the exploration of that
which gives you joy and
satisfaction. It’s about
finding purpose and
meaning in your life and
drawing happiness from
that which you do.
 Doing what one is
capable of doing best is
good life. It is in best
interest of individual as
well as the society.
 Knowledge itself is
virtue. He gave four
cardinal virtues:
wisdom, courage,
temperance and justice.
These virtues makes a
person ethical and helps
in leading a good life.
 He argued that what
separates human
beings from the other
animals is the human
 For Nietzsche, the good
life is one lived without
fear: without fear of gods
or a Higher Power; without
fear of the crowd and its
constant desire to make
you conform; and even
without fear of one's fate.
 This is what he meant by
“amor fati” (love your fate):
Never whine, never
complain, never explain.
 In Kant's terms,
a good will is a will
whose decisions are
wholly determined by
moral demands or, as
he often refers to this,
by the Moral Law.
 Stoicism holds that the
key to a good, happy
life is the cultivation of
an excellent mental
state, which
the Stoics identified
with virtue and being
Existentialism states that
our lives have no inherent
meaning or purpose, but
rather it is the purpose
we create for our lives
that gives them a sense
of meaning.
 Technology leads to
a good life as it is
responsible for
advancement in all
sectors of the economy.
It is because it provides
us a means to achieve
something faster and in
an easier manner.
By the words of Bill
Gates: “Technology is just a
tool. It’s a powerful tool,
but it’s just a tool. Deep
human connection is very
different. It’s not a tool. It’s
not a means to an end. It is
the end — the purpose and
the result of a meaningful
life, and it will inspire the
most amazing acts of love,
generosity, and humanity.”
 Efficiency should never
become more
important than
humanity, because not
everything that can be
automated, should be –
and happiness cannot
be automated.

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