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Hello teachers, my full name is Nguyen Ngoc Phuong Uyen, I’m in class

AV002 so today I’m going to present my topic tourism in the North Western
region because I am a person who really wants to challenge myself to discover
many traditional cultures around Vietnam. My table of contents has four parts
- Part 1: some introductions about natural landscapes, and the transport
- Part 2 and part 3: tourism has an impact on the economy and society
- Part 4: Conclusion of my presentation
I will move to some introductions about the North Western region.
Traveling to different destinations is one of the favorite hobbies everyone
can enjoy during the Tet holiday and some special occasions. North Western
region has cool climates, stunning mountain landscapes and also has some
rich eco-systems
Firstly, about the natural landscapes. This region includes
+ Fansipan mountain peak, it is considered as the roof top of Vietnam and
+ Sapa, a cloudy paradise town, it has a cool climate, especially in summer
has four seasons in a day like Dalat’s weather. It is really comfortable for
everyone to live here
+ Mu Cang Chai which terraced field, stretch stair like stair to the sky
+ The peaceful and pictureque of Mai Chau valley and Moc Chau Plateau
Secondly, the transport infrastructure
- The local people there have to face many problems, they are really hard
to struggle with the large areas of rugged terrains and forests. The
transportation cannot travel easily to different region on those roads
 If the local government wants more and more tourists to travel to this
region, safe and advanced facilities are needed. This will lead to the
construction of new roads, highways , may be possibly better schools
and hospitals
- On part 2: tourism affects on economy
+ A large number of domestic tourists from the South of Vietnam have
increased rapidly all year round => Almost people come from Ho Chi Minh
city, they want to challenge themselves.
+ Lots of international visitors who want to experience a higher quality and
better services so that they travel to this region to gain more new knowledges
+ Tourism has a positive impact on the relevant economic areas such as
agriculture, education, healthcare services, gain higher profits from the
exhibition and the gift sales and hand-made products. This can encourage the
living standard of local citizens.
Part 3: affect positively to society
There are many ethnic minority groups they live and support each other to
improve lifes and have sustainable jobs
Tourists can adhere to their traditional cultures and festivals such as Khau
Vai love market ( crowded with lots of people who want to make new
friends, buy products for their families)
Visitors can live with the local people to experience how they live, they can
cook, eat, and even make cloths
Tourism human resources
+ The government should encourage the laborer especially the local
inhabitants b/c they are very knowledgeable and well-trained that meet
tourists’ needs about the better services.
+ Reduce sustainable poverty => they can get access to cultural diversity
around the world, that is a potential opportunity for them to advertise
Vietnam traditional cultures to international friends

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