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PART A (15*1=15)
I Choose the correct answer:
1. Nissim Ezekiel stands for …
a) Violence b) War c) Peace and non-violence d) peace
2. The history of the black people rooted in ….
a) pain b) happiness c) glory d) sorrow
3. Thieves have stolen the seed of the beautiful….
a) root b) stem c) flower d) branch
4. A tree cannot killed by a sudden blow…..
a) action b) blow c) anchor d) change
5. ……..treated him with respect. a) Harvey’s boss
b) Michael Cheung c) Honourable general d) The Chinese father
6. What does history sheeter mean?
a) criminal b) historian c) logician d) philosopher
7. the ancient savage hardly suffered from….a) impure water
b) appendicitis and cancer c) AIDS d) unhygienic food
8. Zulus were members of the …..African Bantu tribe.
a) East b) west c) south d) north
9. Santiago’s original profession is…. A) shepherd
b) goatherd c) sailor d) merchant
10. Santiago …..before shepherding a) slaughter
b) attended the seminary c) sold books d) planted orange trees
11. Complete the each of the following sentence.
a) No government is able to contain the ….in bullion trade in India
(racquet, racket)
b) Even with his best efforts he could not ….. the violent horse. (rein, reign)
12. Match the following.
a) Smoke+fog- email
b) situation+comedy- webinar
c) web+seminat- Amerind
d) electronic+mail-sitcom
e) smoke+fog- smog
13. Fill up the correct form of the verb.
1 do did
2 Beg Begged
3 arise arose
4 spil spilt
14. Fill in the blanks with the suitable tense form of the verbs given in the brackets:
1. Vinod……..(go) for a walk every morning. 2. A stich in time ……(save)nine.
15. Correct the following sentences.
a) Your scissors are sharp enough. b) He died off tuberculosis.
c) The essayist and poet are dead. d) She went neither to office or to market.
II Answer any of Two Questions: (2x5=10).
16. Write Your Own Exam preparation schedule.
17. Write a paragraph about Your own experience on IV (industrial Visit).
18. Why is killing a tree not easy?
19. How is the modern man different from the ancients?
20. What kind of man is Santiago?

PART C (5x10=50)
III Answer any of Two Questions:
21. a) Write an essay on the picture of Love in “The Alchemist”. OR
b) Sketch the Character Santiago.
22. a) What are the views of Inge about modern man’s life? OR
b) Justify the title If you are wrong, Admit it.
23. a)How does Maya Angelou prove that a woman can rise in spite of all difficulties in Still
I Rise? OR
b) Critically appreciate the poem “ Very Indian Poem in Indian English”.
24. a) Fill in the blanks with am, is, are, was, were at the appropriate blanks
1. A large number of students………. present at the auditorium yesterday.
2. The Collector and Special Officer……… expected to arrive today.
3. The news…….. bad last night and it…….. good today
4. Every one of your answers………correct.
5. Neither he nor she……… fond of music.
6. Either a promotion or a reward……… expected for good, honest work.
7. None of my relatives…………. rich
8. As……….. the ruler, so the……… people
9. The President and the Secretary…… present at the function.
10. Both Germany and Italy………… Europe
b) . Correct the following sentences
1. No sooner had she read the telegram when she fainted.
2. We were at the Jubilee Hotel last year, were we?
3. The two first rows of chairs is meant for teachers.
4. Only my brother can read, he cannot write
5 Scarcely had I solved one problem than another popped up.
6. One should not waste his time
7. He fell of the running train
8. He was glad to find a friend between enemies.
9. He plays tennis beside basketball and football
10. Where are my spectacles?

25. a) Study the following pie chart and answer the questions given below by choosing the
best option.
1. If the total amount that was spent in the year 2000 was 50000, the amount that was spent on
food was
A. Rs.225000 B. Rs.22500 C. Rs.24000 D. Rs.21400
2. If the total amount that was spent in the year2000 was Rs. 48000, the amount that was spent
on housing and clothing combined was
A. Rs.9600 B. Rs.8000 C. Rs.10000 D. Rs.12000
3.The ratio of the amount spent on teaching and education to clothing and food was
A. 3:2 B. 2:3 C. 1:5 D. 1:2
4. According to the graph, the maximum amount that was spent was on which item (if the
expenditure that is given to be Rs. 58256)?
A. Food B. Housing C. Clothing D. Others
5. If the amount spent during the year 2000 was Rs. 62000, the amount spent on clothing during
the year was
A. Rs. 1500 B. Rs. 15000 C. Rs. 3100 D. Rs. 3200
b) Make the notes of the following passage.

Money has various uses in the modern world. It is a measure of the value of goods and
services, a means of exchanging such goods and services, and a way to store up buying power, so
that one can use it later

As a measure of value, it is of the greatest use. If I work in an office, how can my

employer know what to pay me for my services, if there is no general recognised measure of
value? He may decide to pay me a certain number of loaves of bread each week, but then I shall
have to exchange some of these loaves for other things that I need, and how am I to know how
many loaves I should give for a pair of shoes or for the rent of my house, for example? Money
gives us a very useful means of measuring such relative values. My services are worth, let us say
£ 7 a week to my employer, my rent is thirty shillings a week, a pair of shoes costs a pound, and
so on

Money is also of very great use as a means of exchanging goods and services. If for
example, I am a shoemaker, it will not be at all convenient to me always to have to exchange the
shoes I make for other goods or service. A doctor may want to buy a pair of shoes from me, for
example, but I may not need medical care, so he will then have to find something else that I
want, or look for another shoemaker who needs him. Without money, the tax-collector would
come back to his office with an extraordinary collection of objects.
Considered as a means of storing up buying power money has good and bad points. It
can more easily be kept a long time than such things as food which rots, or buildings, which
slowly fall to pieces or machines, which rust. It takes up very little space and if you put it in a
bank, it is as safe as anything in this world can be

But modern money has some very serious disadvantages as a means of storing up buying
power In the olden days, when money was in the form of gold and silver coins, the metal in each
was really worth the amount stamped on the coin. But the modem paper money and even the
metal in most modern coins are worth very much less than the amount written on them. As a
result, the buying power of modern money can change very greatly in a short time

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