The Effect of Having Broken Families On Grade 1o Student

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Broken Family : A place where the children didn’t want to be

A research from

presented to Tondo High


In partial of fulfilment of the

of the requirements in English 10

Research writing

by :

Tyrone Bacarisas

May 2024

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Home is what we want to be with forever—a happy place that we enjoy being with our
parents. A child's initial impression is formed by its parents, and if those impressions are not
positive, the youngster may suffer trauma throughout their entire life. Everyone in the family
finds it difficult to deal with the situation when a family splits up, but students are frequently
the ones who suffer the most. The effects of a broken home on children are a cause for great
concern. A family's stability provides the foundation for children's advancement throughout

In the Philippines, separation among married couples is not rare. Despite the absence of a
divorce law, there is still a high rate of annulments among Filipino couples.

( Margot Galang (2015))

Many families experience this, and one of the countries that engages in this is the Philippines.
Though this is not our culture because we love families and feel at home, many instances of
our individual lives struggle with this, and so broken families happen because of wrong
priorities and problems that we can't deal with properly.

Children are the most affected when their concept of family falls apart. With a strong support
system such as friends, teachers, relatives, and the community itself, they are able to cope,
and they need someone who will love and care for them.

Statement of the problem

A child is the first affected when parents divorce, and there are many possible impacts that
the children experience when their parents separate. One of the impacts of it is that they may
be unfocused on their true identity as children. Second, they may feel traumatized, which
makes them unproductive. Third, they feel that their lives are miserable because no one is
watching them and no one supports the ideas and dreams that they have.

Many families manage despite these pressures, but children are often at the losing end.
Children face enormous challenges of poverty, including being subjected to brutal forms of
policing and disciplining while they labor to survive. While there are protective measures put
in place, not least emanating from The Hague Convention on the Protection of Children, their
effects are often limited and sometimes counter-productive.

(Social Justice for All, Linking human rights, development and violence in the city;
contributing to safer cities (2017) Dignity )

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to see the holistic area of the people who experience broken
families. They don't want it to happen but because of many instances that happen in their
lives they came up to this idea. Through this study many families will be aware to not go to
broken families because they will consider their children before thy made a decision.

Broken families are repairable when the involved parties are willing to meet together, to listen
to each other’s point of view, and to be able to freely discuss their differences with the
intention of resolving the conflict and repairing the relationship.


A lot of families experience this but as a family oriented we must consider everything for a
purpose, many lives can be affected because of the idea of broken families and if this idea
leads to separation we shouldn’t go through it.

Significance of the study

Involving others can affect families, this study came into idea that families should be the
priority every individual. Family matters, if we can span our life we always back to our families
because family is more important than any relationship that we can have. family is the one
that they called to be with this research assured that family must be value.

Definition of terms

Broken families : family that has serious emotional issues with each other is considered to be
broken. This may be the result of a number of factors, including maltreatment, neglect, or a
lack of support for the child or children in the household. A "broken family" is sometimes
used to describe a family that has broken up or separated for various reasons, such as illness,
divorce, or other problems, leaving the children to be raised by stepparents, single parents,
or other people who are not their biological parents.

A family may also be considered fractured if the couple's main partners choose to separate
or divorce for reasons they cannot agree upon, which would severely harm everyone's
personal and professional lives as well as general well-being.

Consideration : A character that must to build in a families life and an attitude before make a
decision in his or her life..

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