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RollNo: 21BD1A0575

Student Name: Sai Mani Deekshitha Mandiga

Schedule: A1 Batch2 Interview 1st May 2024-KMIT
Grade: 6

1. What are some common denormalization techniques used in database design? How can
these techniques be applied to improve the performance of specific types of queries?

Ans: The process of adding pre-computed redundant data to the normalised relational database
to improve the read performance. The denormalisation database administrator selectively adds
back specific instances of redundant data as the data structure has been normalised. There are
many denormalisation techniques. It is a technique used to previously normalise the database
to increase the performance. In computing, denormalisation is a process of improving the read
performance of the database. At the expense of losing some write performance by adding redun-
dant copies of the data, it increases the query performance. And also, basically, denormalisation
is opposite of normalisation, which leads to a combination of multiple tables into a single table,
which can improve the query performance of the table.

Average Grade: 8

The response provides a clear explanation of denormalization techniques in database design
and how they can improve query performance. It covers the concept of adding redundant data
to normalized databases, the trade-off between read and write performance, and the benefits of
combining multiple tables into a single table. The response could be improved by providing more
specific examples of denormalization techniques and their impact on different types of queries.

Grade: 7

The user provides a good overview of denormalization techniques and their application to im-
prove read performance. Their explanation is mostly accurate, and they mention the trade-off
between read and write performance, which is an important aspect of denormalization. However,
the response could be improved by providing more specific examples of common denormaliza-
tion techniques used in database design, such as materialized views or summary tables, and
how these can be applied to improve query performance for specific types of queries.

Grade: 7

The student provides a clear and accurate definition of denormalization and its purpose. They
also mention specific techniques such as adding redundant data and combining tables. How-
ever, they could have provided more detail on the common denormalization techniques and their
application to query performance improvements.

Grade: 9

2. How does normalization help in reducing redundancy and improving data integrity?

Ans: Normalization is a process of organizing data in database to include creating tables and
establishing relationships between those tables according to rules designed both to protect the
data and make the database more flexible by eliminating the redundancy and incorrect incon-
sistent dependencies. It also eliminates anomalies and also moreover normalization helps to be
accurate and also it can able to eliminate anomalies more accurately. It can break the tables

PrashnaManch ~ (1 / 11) ~ Interview taken on 01-05-2024

into distinct like different tables, multiple tables so that it can eliminate repeated data and also
repeated data and moreover two related tables can be combined into single table so that it can
reduce the repetition of the data. And it can increase the query performance of the table.

Average Grade: 8

The response provides a clear explanation of how normalization reduces redundancy and im-
proves data integrity by organizing data, establishing relationships, eliminating anomalies, and
improving query performance. The student demonstrates a good understanding of the topic, but
some parts of the response could be more concise and specific to technical details.

Grade: 7

The user's response provides a good understanding of normalization and its benefits in reduc-
ing redundancy and improving data integrity. They accurately explain that normalization helps
eliminate redundancy by breaking down tables into distinct ones, reducing repeated data. They
also mention the importance of eliminating inconsistencies and anomalies, which shows an un-
derstanding of data integrity. The response could be improved with more technical details and
specific examples of different normal forms (e.g., First Normal Form, Second Normal Form), but
overall it demonstrates a good grasp of the concepts.

Grade: 8

The student provides a clear and relevant answer, explaining how normalization helps to reduce
redundancy by breaking data into distinct tables and eliminating repeated data. They also men-
tion the importance of improving data integrity through eliminating inconsistent dependencies
and anomalies.

Grade: 9

3. A table stores student information (ID, Name, Major, Course_ID, Course_Name). The func-
tional dependencies are: ID -> {Name, Major} and Course_ID -> Course_Name. Is this table in
Third Normal Form (3NF)? Explain why or why not.

Ans: Yes, the table is in third normal form because as it is satisfies the previous one normal form
and two normal form and moreover there is no transitive dependency so I can say that it is in
third normal form

Average Grade: 4

The response lacks depth and clarity in explaining Third Normal Form. It is too vague and does
not provide a clear understanding of why the table is in 3NF. The student should have elaborated
more on the concept of Third Normal Form and its specific application to the given table.

Grade: 2

The user's response shows a general understanding of the concept of Third Normal Form (3NF),
as they correctly state that the table satisfies the previous normal forms. However, their expla-

PrashnaManch ~ (2 / 11) ~ Interview taken on 01-05-2024

nation lacks specific details and accuracy regarding transitive dependencies. They mention that
there is no transitive dependency, but do not provide any evidence or concrete examples to
support this claim. The user's response could be improved by providing a more detailed and
technical analysis of the table's structure and functional dependencies.

Grade: 6

The student's answer is partially correct as they acknowledge that the table may be in Second
Normal Form (2NF) due to satisfying functional dependencies. However, their statement about
satisfaction of Third Normal Form (3NF) based on absence of transitive dependency alone is
incorrect. In 3NF, there should be no partial dependencies and all non-key attributes should
depend only on the primary key or a composite key.

Grade: 4

4. Can a method be declared as both abstract and static in Java? Explain your answer.

Ans: No, we could not declare a method both as abstract and static in Java because an abstract
method could not be static but interface can be static. If we declare abstract method as static, we
could not override it but even if we try to declare abstract method as static then we can encounter
the compilation error.

Average Grade: 9

The response clearly explains that a method cannot be declared as both abstract and static in
Java due to the nature of abstract methods being non-static. The explanation also touches upon
the possibility of static methods in interfaces. It shows a good understanding of the topic with
accurate technical details.

Grade: 8

The user's response correctly answers the question and provides a clear explanation for their
answer. They accurately explain that abstract methods cannot be declared as static because an
abstract method cannot be static, but interfaces can be. Additionally, they mention the compila-
tion error that would occur if one tries to declare an abstract method as static. The only reason I
didn't give them a 10 is that the response could be a bit more concise and focused on the specific
point being made. Nevertheless, it's still a very good answer overall.

Grade: 9

The student correctly answered that a method cannot be both abstract and static in Java due to
the limitations of each keyword. Abstract methods do not have implementations and are meant to
be overridden in subclasses, while static methods belong to the class itself and are not intended
to be overridden. The student provided a clear explanation with accurate technical details.

Grade: 10

5. How does Java achieve polymorphism? Explain with a satisfactory example.

PrashnaManch ~ (3 / 11) ~ Interview taken on 01-05-2024

Ans: In Java, polymorphism can be divided into two words at the same time, poly and morphism,
where poly means many and morphism means forms, where an existence of an object in more
than one form is said to be polymorphism. There can be many real life examples related to
polymorphism. For example, a person at the same time can exist as a father, both as a real
life man can serve as a father, husband and also office man duties. So, at the same time the
object property exists in more than one forms in Java is related to polymorphism. In Java, there
are two types of polymorphism, whereas the compile-type polymorphism and runtime polymor-
phism. Runtime polymorphism is overriding and where compile-type polymorphism is method

Average Grade: 3

The response discusses the concept of polymorphism but lacks a clear technical explanation of
how Java achieves polymorphism. The example provided is more related to real-life scenarios
than actual Java code. The distinction between compile-time and runtime polymorphism is men-
tioned but could be explained with more technical detail.

Grade: 3

The response contains some high-level understanding of polymorphism but lacks a clear tech-
nical explanation or example of how Java specifically achieves polymorphism through method
overriding and method overloading. The example provided is more focused on a general concept
of polymorphism rather than how it is implemented in Java.

Grade: 2

The response attempts to explain polymorphism in Java with some relevant terms and an ex-
ample, but the explanation lacks technical accuracy and clarity. It confuses compile-time poly-
morphism with runtime polymorphism and does not provide a satisfactory coding example to
demonstrate polymorphism in Java.

Grade: 4

6. What is the difference between object reference variables and primitive variables?

Ans: In Java object reference variables are the variables that holds the memory address of an
object rather than actual object itself. It acts as a reference to the object and allows manipulation
of its data and its methods. Whereas primitive variables act as a value type which holds the actual
content and data of the variables rather than its address. If we come to in Java point of view equal
equal helps in object reference and whereas dot equals serve to the primitive variables like that
it can hold the content. So object reference will refer to the address whereas primitive variables
will refer to the actual content of the object.

Average Grade: 7

The response provides a decent explanation of the difference between object reference variables
and primitive variables in Java. It accurately explains that object reference variables hold the
memory address of an object, while primitive variables hold the actual content. The response
could be improved by providing more clarity and examples.

PrashnaManch ~ (4 / 11) ~ Interview taken on 01-05-2024

Grade: 6

The response provides a decent explanation of the difference between object reference vari-
ables and primitive variables in Java. It correctly identifies that object reference variables hold
the memory address of an object while primitive variables hold the actual content. The response
could be improved by providing more concise and structured explanations with better clarity.

Grade: 6

The response provides a clear and accurate explanation of the difference between object refer-
ence variables and primitive variables in Java. It discusses the concept of holding memory ad-
dresses versus actual data, and also mentions the usage of '==' for object reference comparison
and '.' for primitive variables. The explanation demonstrates a good understanding of the topic.

Grade: 8

PrashnaManch ~ (5 / 11) ~ Interview taken on 01-05-2024

7. Why can't you create an object of an abstract class? Explain with a satisfactory example.

Ans: We could not create an object for abstract class because abstract class is an incomplete
class incomplete in the sense it contains abstract methods without body and output we can-
not create an instance or object but at the same time abstract class can contain both abstract
methods and concrete method so while extending the concrete methods we can if any class
extends that concrete methods present in abstract class then we can create object for those
concrete methods as the class is incomplete we could not create the object for the abstract class
for sure.

Average Grade: 5

The response provides a basic understanding of abstract classes and mentions that abstract
classes cannot be instantiated due to the presence of abstract methods without a body. How-
ever, the explanation lacks a clear example to illustrate the concept, and the language used is
somewhat convoluted and repetitive, affecting overall clarity.

Grade: 4

The response attempts to explain the concept but lacks clarity and coherence. It touches on the
presence of abstract methods and concrete methods in an abstract class but could benefit from
a more concise and structured explanation with a clearer example.

Grade: 4

The response provides a basic understanding of why objects of abstract classes cannot be cre-
ated. It mentions the presence of abstract methods without implementation as the reason. How-
ever, the explanation could be improved by providing a more concrete example or elaborating
on the concept further.

Grade: 6

8. An interface Drawable has a method draw(). You have two classes Circle and Square that
implement Drawable. Can you define draw() with different functionalities (e.g., drawing a circle
vs. a square) within the interface itself? Why or why not?

Ans: Yes, we can, yes, I think we can create the, we can define the draw with different func-
tionalities like drawing a circle versus drawing a square within the interface itself. As interface
contains declarations itself, we can able to extend that classes and we can able to implement
those irrespective of abstract classes.

Average Grade: 2

The response lacks clarity and coherence. While it mentions that different functionalities can be
defined within the interface, the reasoning provided is unclear and lacks depth of understanding.

Grade: 2

PrashnaManch ~ (6 / 11) ~ Interview taken on 01-05-2024

The response is vague and lacks clarity in explaining whether different functionalities can be
defined within an interface. It seems to touch on the concept of extending interfaces, but does
not clearly articulate the possibility of defining different functionalities within the interface itself.

Grade: 2

The response shows some understanding of interfaces and their purpose, but lacks clarity and
depth in explaining the concept. The mention of extending classes and abstract classes is some-
what confusing and does not directly address the question.

Grade: 2

9. Can an interface be declared as private or protected in Java? Why or why not?

Ans: An interface only can be private if it is an ester interface. A top-level class or interface either
can be public or package private. Also, it cannot be protected in Java. So, only when it is an ester
interface, it can be private. Generally, interfaces can be declared as public, static, and protected.
Moreover, interfaces can only have method declarations, where abstract methods can have both
abstract methods and concrete methods. We can create an object for the interface, and it can
have instance variables and also static variables as well. So, it cannot be private unless it is an

Average Grade: 3

The response contains some inaccuracies and confusion. It does not directly answer the ques-
tion about whether an interface can be declared as private or protected in Java. The explanation
provided lacks clarity and misses the main point of the question.

Grade: 2

The response provides some general information about interfaces in Java, but it confuses pri-
vate with ester and does not directly address why an interface cannot be declared as private
or protected in Java. Additionally, there are inaccuracies in the explanation, such as stating that
interfaces can be declared as protected, which is incorrect.

Grade: 3

The response is partially relevant as it mentions an 'ester interface' which seems to be a misun-
derstanding or typo. However, it does not clearly explain why an interface cannot be declared as
private or protected in Java, lacking accuracy in technical details and depth of understanding.

Grade: 2

10. What is the purpose of the strictfp keyword in Java? When would you use it?

Ans: Strict FP is an obsolete and redundant reserved word in Java programming language. Pre-
viously this keyword was used as modifier that restricted 14 point calculators to IEEE semantics
to ensure repeatability.

PrashnaManch ~ (7 / 11) ~ Interview taken on 01-05-2024

Average Grade: 2

The response provides some historical context and mentions the IEEE semantics aspect but
lacks clarity and accuracy in explaining the current purpose and usage of the strictfp keyword in

Grade: 2

The response contains some inaccuracies and lacks a clear explanation of the purpose of the
strictfp keyword in Java. It also seems to confuse the concept with a specific historical use case
rather than the current purpose in Java programming.

Grade: 2

The response is partially correct in mentioning that strictfp ensures strict floating-point opera-
tions in Java, but it is inaccurate to label it as obsolete. The explanation provided lacks clarity and
depth, and it incorrectly refers to 14-point calculators instead of 32-bit floating-point calculations.

Grade: 2

11. What is the difference between the default and protected access modifiers? When would you
use one over the other?

Ans: The access level of a default modifier is only within the package, it cannot be accessed from
outside the package. If you do not specify any access level, it will be the default protected, the
access level of a protected modifier within the child classes. That means only child classes can
be able to access the variables or the methods declared by using protected. If we do not declare
anything, then it will be by default as default.

Average Grade: 7

The response clearly explains the difference between default and protected access modifiers,
mentioning their scope and when to use one over the other. The details provided showcase good
understanding of the topic.

Grade: 8

The response provides a basic understanding of the default and protected access modifiers,
explaining their scope within a package and towards child classes. However, the explanation
can be improved by clarifying some technical details and providing more depth in understanding
the use cases for each modifier.

Grade: 5

The response provides a clear explanation of the differences between default and protected ac-
cess modifiers. It accurately explains that default is limited to the package and protected extends

PrashnaManch ~ (8 / 11) ~ Interview taken on 01-05-2024

to child classes. The response also addresses when and where each modifier would be used,
showing a good understanding of the concept.

Grade: 7

12. Explain the difference between a shallow copy and a deep copy of an object in Java. How
would you create each type of copy?

Ans: A shallow copy creates a new array but it does not create new copies of the elements within
the array. Instead, it points to the same elements as the original array. Deep copy on the other
hand creates completely independent copy of both the arrays. And it is data, it does not share
any data with the original array.

Average Grade: 8

The response provides a clear and accurate explanation of the difference between a shallow
copy and a deep copy in Java. It accurately describes that a shallow copy only copies the ref-
erences to the elements, while a deep copy creates completely independent copies. The expla-
nation could be improved by including how to create each type of copy in Java.

Grade: 8

The response demonstrates a good understanding of the concepts of shallow copy and deep
copy in Java. The explanation provided is clear and accurate, showcasing knowledge of how
each type of copy behaves in terms of creating new arrays and elements. However, there could
be more depth in explaining how to create each type of copy in Java.

Grade: 7

The response provides a clear explanation of the difference between shallow copy and deep
copy in Java. It correctly identifies that a shallow copy creates a new array that references the
same elements as the original, while a deep copy creates independent copies. However, it could
be improved by mentioning methods to create each type of copy in Java, such as using clone()
for shallow copy and serialization/deserialization for deep copy.

Grade: 7

13. Can you override a private or final method in Java? Why or why not?

Ans: We cannot overwrite the private or final method in Java as it can throw a compilation error.

Average Grade: 7

The response correctly states that private and final methods cannot be overridden in Java, and
provides a valid reason by mentioning potential compilation errors.

Grade: 7


PrashnaManch ~ (9 / 11) ~ Interview taken on 01-05-2024

The response is clear and accurate in stating that private and final methods cannot be overridden
in Java. It correctly highlights that attempting to override these methods will result in a compilation

Grade: 7

The response provides a clear and accurate answer to the question, stating that private or final
methods cannot be overridden in Java due to compilation errors. However, it could benefit from
a bit more depth in explaining the reasons behind the restriction.

Grade: 7

14. In a Shortest Job First (SJF) scheduling algorithm with preemption, how is the remaining time
for each process constantly updated as it executes on the CPU?

Ans: In operating system there are many scheduling algorithms based upon the how process to
be executed based upon the CPU. There are different types of scheduling algorithms like FCFS,
SJF, round-dropping and moreover priority. In SJF scheduling algorithm with the preemption,
remaining time for each process is constantly updated as how the which comes first and also
based upon the preemption time of the CPU.

Average Grade: 2

The response briefly mentions SJF scheduling and preemption but lacks clarity and detail on
how the remaining time is updated for each process. It also includes unnecessary information
about other scheduling algorithms.

Grade: 2

The response is off-topic and does not directly address the question. It mentions various
scheduling algorithms but fails to explain how the remaining time for each process is updated in
SJF with preemption.

Grade: 2

The response briefly touches on SJF scheduling with preemption but lacks clear explanation on
how the remaining time for each process is updated. It also includes unnecessary information
about other scheduling algorithms.

Grade: 2

15. How can deadlock be prevented and avoided in an operating system?

Ans: There are four necessary conditions for the deadlock. There are mutual exclusion, no pre-
emption, hold and wait and circular set. There are four methods of handling deadlocks. Deadlock
avoidance and deadlock prevention and also deadlock detection. Deadlock can be prevented
in many methods while avoiding the mutual exclusion between the process and also setting
the hold and wait between the process and also setting the particular regular intervals of time
between the processes.

PrashnaManch ~ (10 / 11) ~ Interview taken on 01-05-2024

Average Grade: 3

The response provides a basic understanding of deadlock conditions and mentions some
methods of handling deadlocks, but lacks depth and clarity in explaining how deadlock can be
prevented and avoided in an operating system. The explanation is somewhat vague and does
not demonstrate a strong understanding of the subject.

Grade: 2

The response provides a basic understanding of deadlock conditions and some methods of han-
dling deadlocks, but the explanation lacks clarity, contains inaccuracies, and doesn't delve into
specific techniques or details on how deadlock can be prevented and avoided in an operating

Grade: 4

The response mentions the necessary conditions for deadlock and some methods of handling
deadlock, but lacks in-depth explanation and specific techniques for preventing and avoiding
deadlock in an operating system.

Grade: 3

PrashnaManch ~ (11 / 11) ~ Interview taken on 01-05-2024

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