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CRITERIUM 2 points 1,5 points 1 point 0 - 0,5 points POINTS

The infographic shows a solid The infographic demonstrates a lack

The infographic demonstrates a deep and The infographic shows a basic
understanding of the evolution of of fundamental understanding of the
precise understanding of the evolution of understanding of the evolution of
Conceptual Accuracy atomic models, but there may be evolution of atomic models and
atomic models, including key details and atomic models, but lacks depth or
some minor details that could be contains numerous conceptual
connections between models. precision in some key points.
more precise. errors.

The infographic is extremely clear and The infographic is organized and The infographic is readable and
The infographic is confusing and
organized. Visual elements (images, easy to follow, but there could be organized, but there could be
Visual Clarity disorganized, making it difficult to
graphics, diagrams) are well-designed and slight improvements in the significant improvements in the
effectively convey information. arrangement of visual elements. arrangement of visual elements.

The infographic is creative in

The infographic shows creativity in The infographic is functional but
presentation, but there could be a The infographic lacks creative or
Creativity and Originality presenting information, using unique visual lacks creative or original visual
greater degree of originality in the original visual elements entirely.
elements and a creative layout. elements.
choice of visual elements.

Most sources are cited appropriately,

All sources are cited appropriately, and a Some sources are cited, but there
but there may be some minor Sources are not cited appropriately,
Sources and References complete and accurate reference list is may be important omissions or errors
omissions or errors in the reference and there is no reference list.
provided. in the reference list.


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