Full Document Translation v2 - 06e56d

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INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE TASK ............................................................................................ 2
TRANSLATION INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................. 2
TEXT STRUCTURE..................................................................................................................... 4
DOMAIN ........................................................................................................................................ 5
GENERAL QUALITY GUIDELINES ......................................................................................... 7
QUALITY CRITERIA ................................................................................................................. 10

In this task you will have to translate a full text that will consist of multiple paragraphs.

CHEATING BEHAVIORS: cheating behaviors are strictly prohibited and will be punished with
immediate removal/ban from the project. The affected wordcount and the additional cost of the rework will
be deducted from the PO. Examples include (but are not limited to):

• DO NOT use Machine Translation (no matter if edited or not) or any other input from MT engines
(like Google Translate, Bing Translator, Deepl, etc.) to provide translations. All edits should come
from human translators.
• DO NOT translate into the wrong target language or flavor (for example, do not translate into
South American Spanish as the project only has Spain Spanish as target language).
• DO NOT use any kind of script, automation, browser add-in, or other third-party tools.
• DO NOT retain the source and/or the target for translation memory purposes or any other use
• DO NOT mark error categories during review without fixing the translation. If there is an error, you
must both select the error category and fix the target.

ANY OTHER cheating behavior from other circumstances or scenarios not explicitly mentioned here that
may jeopardize the project and the cooperation with the customer is also extremely prohibited.

TEAM MEMBERS: Translations will be provided by native speakers of target language who are fluent in
source language and will be accurate and in compliance with the project translation Guidelines.

FINAL EXPECTED QUALITY: HUMAN QUALITY. Translated strings should retain the meaning of the
source and express it fluently having the context in consideration, as a native speaker of the target
language would do.

Step 1: Please look at the given text to determine if it’s possible to translate or not. If the text is not
translatable, select one of the following:

▪ Source string is not in the expected language: The source has parts that are in a foreign
language different than the expected one. Translators should decide whether the foreign-language
parts should be translated or copied as is to the translation based on the context. If the foreign-
language parts need to be translated, you should select this option and submit the hit as it is. You
will find some examples down below.

▪ Source is garbled: The source is partially or totally garbled and translation is not possible.
Example: “klñafjgljkalkjoriajtljalkgtjaljg”. Even if it’s just a sentence that is garbled, translators must
select “Source can’t be translated”, mark this checkbox and submit the hit as it is.

▪ Source is nonsensical: The source contains real words but collectively has no meaning.
Example: “to it see done if three use”.

▪ Source does not form a coherent unit with well defined structure: Refer to examples in the

▪ None of the above: Please describe the issue.

Step 2: If the text is translatable, translate it following the translation instructions down below.

Step 3: After translating the text, please select the domain that best describes the document from
one of the following categories: e-commerce, reference/educational, social media, literature, or

INCIDENTAL WORDS: when incidental words of cultural/linguistic courtesy or habit are generally used in
the source language but not in the target, or generally used in the target language but not in the source,
translators may add or delete such words to best convey the same meaning and tone. For example, when
translating a string that discusses a future event from Arabic into English, sometimes it may be needed to
delete the word “inshallah” rather than literally translating it to more closely convey the meaning and tone.

IDIOMS: in case of idioms, proverbs, and expressions, always retain the meaning of the source string in
your translation. A literal word-by-word translation is not acceptable if the meaning of the source string
gets lost. Example: “Break a leg” → “In bocca al lupo”.

GRAMMAR AND SPELLING: we expect grammatically correct translations without spelling errors. Spell
checker is integrated in Oneforma and available directly in the webapp. To launch the check, click on this
button in each string you want to check:

GENDER: if the source sentence has a specific gender, it should be translated into the same gender in
the target.

STYLE AND FORMALITY: if the source sentence contains a level of formality, try to replicate the same
level of formality/politeness in the target unless this would be perceived as unnatural by the target

POLITE WORDS: if using ‘polite’ words (like 'please') is not common or expected in the target, please
omit them (this should not be considered an Omission error during review).

SWEAR WORDS/VULGAR CONTENT: do not omit any parts of the source content and do not change
the original tone of the sentence. If source contains swear words, politically incorrect expressions, vulgar
comments, etc. please keep it in target as well by conveying the same meaning and tone. If you do not
feel comfortable with the content of the string and do not want to translate it, feel free to skip the hit.

NUMBERS: keep numbers as is (keep the “same style”). That means written-out numbers in the source
should be translated into written-out numbers in the target and Arabic numerals (123) in the source
should be transferred as Arabic numerals (123) in the target. Please stick to this rule even if it might be
unusual/rare in the target language. Examples:

• 123 → 123
• two plus two equals four → zwei plus zwei ist gleich vier

THOUSAND/DECIMAL SEPARATOR: any formatting of the numbers, for example thousand and
decimal separators needs to be modified to fit the target language. For example, given English to
German translation, “123,000” should be translated to “123.000”.

DATES: dates need to be formatted based on the target language but remaining close to the source
format as much as possible. For example, given English to French translation, “02/10/2015” should be
translated to “10/02/2015”.

TIME: time indication/hours need to be formatted based on the target language but remaining close to the
source format as much as possible. For example, given English to Italian translation, “5:30 PM” should be
translated to “17:30”.

CURRENCIES: currency names should be translated (not converted). For example, given English to
Spanish translation, “8000 crowns” would be “8000 coronas”. “18 dollars” would be “18 dólares”.

UNITS OF MEASUREMENT: Never convert units even if the target language uses different metric
systems. Translation with converted units are not acceptable. Example: 75 Fahrenheit should not change
into 25 Celsius (75 F should be translated to 75 F). 6 inches should not change into 15.24 cm.

SYMBOLS: symbols can be switched if one variant is more common in the target language. For example,
given English to German translation, “$125 dinner” might be translated to “125 USD Abendessen”.

FORMATTING: The format of the source text should be maintained in the target languages unless target
language has a pre-defined syntax. Example: “123” should be translated as “123” and not as “one
hundred and twenty-three”. Example: “I am so happy!!!!!!!!!” should be translated by maintaining the same
number of “!” in the target.

CODE & TECHNICAL TEXT: links , html tags, development code, text usually in English wrapped with
<>, {}, [] or other type of coding language should not be translated. The checkbox “garbled text” should be
marked in these cases. Example: “<head>” “{top:-30px;position:absolute;right }”, “xmlHttp.open("GET",

true)”, etc. Additionally, there are other instances of text referring to a UI, a code, or an instruction where
it does not need to be translated.

BUSINESS AND PRODUCT NAMES: keep business names and product names as-is with proper
capitalization. Examples: Facebook → Facebook, ebay → eBay. Exception: if a company/product has
been officially marketed in another country under a different name, you should use the official name for
the target country. Examples: “Diet Coke” would be “Coca-Cola Light” in Italian; “Algida” would be “Frigo”,
“Miko”, or “Eskimo” depending on the target country.

PROPER NAMES: proper names of people should NOT be changed unless they are historical names
widely recognized in each language. Example: Columbus > Colón. Transliteration can be used as long as
the names are the same as in source. Example for Serbian: "Shakespeare" > "Šekspir". Other names
(e.g. names of places and languages) should be translated when the name is rendered differently in the
source and target languages. For example, Warsaw in Polish should be Warszawa, Cologne in German
should be Köln and Spain in Spanish should be España.

APP NAMES: keep well known app names as in source if there is no official translation. Example: Skype
→ Skype

NAMES OF LAWS, ACTS, ORGANIZATIONS: keep as in source the names of laws, acts, organizations,
etc. that belong to a specific country. Example: 'Defense of Marriage Act'. For international organizations
or international documents, i.e., 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights', please use the standard and
approved translations for the target.

MOVIE/BOOK/SONG/SHOW TITLES: if there is no official/culturally relevant translation for the title, keep
the one in the source. If there is an official translation or adaptation that is more familiar to the target
locale, please use that one. Example: “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” should be translated
into French as “Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers” because that was the title of the French version of the
same book. “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” might be translated into Korean using the corresponding Korean-
language song “반짝 반짝 작은 별”.


Discourse connectives: correctly translate and adapt discourse structures connected by discourse

Consistency (lexical cohesion): translate different occurrences of words and phrases consistently e.g.
names and expressions, taking into consideration the style of the text. For instance, if the text is a
scientific article, technical terms should be consistently translated; but if it’s a literary text, the translation
of a particular word/phrase might be alternated to enhance readability.

Speaker linguistic context (deixis): carefully read source text to correctly translate words whose
interpretation depends on the linguistic context indicating the speaker identity, place or time.

Paragraph Structure: The paragraph structure of the source extract should be preserved in the
translation. For example, if the source consists of two paragraphs, the translation should be, too.
Sentence Structure within each paragraph can be adapted as appropriate so the translation forms a
natural coherent unit with well-defined structure, keeping the meaning of the source.

After translating the text, and before submitting the hit, you must choose the domain you think best
describes the document from the following given categories:

E-commerce: The text is about selling or buying goods or services.

Reference/educational: The text provides factual information, references to additional resources or

educational material (e.g. encyclopedias, books, articles, etc.)

Social media: The text represents user-generated content on social media platforms.

Literature: The text represents literary content (e.g. fiction, poetry, novels, etc.)

Other: If you think the text does not fall under any of the above categories, please provide a short text
that best describes the domain of the document.

Note: Please note that selecting a domain is mandatory; you won’t be able to submit the hit unless you
select one.


When submitting the translation, choose “Submit” and if applicable, mark one of the following:

▪ Source has typos or spelling errors: The context of the string clearly shows unintentional errors.

▪ Source is missing context: The source has ambiguous word(s) and needs more context to
provide an accurate translation.

Note: if you are unable to translate the source due to it containing material that makes you too
uncomfortable (vulgar language, personally explicit in any way, etc.) use the “SKIP HIT” button at the top
of the screen. Use “SKIP HIT” also if the content is too advanced in a topic for you to translate with
confidence e.g. scientific or legal jargon.

Discourse connectives

Translation Context Explanation

The Chinese sentences here are quite standalone and
express a complete idea in each. They make sense together
and form a logical sequence, but are not grammatically
Chinese 这些苹果正在打 我去了超市,买
In English, it's common to combine these ideas into a single
source 折。 了⼀些苹果。 sentence with multiple clauses. The action of going to the
supermarket and buying apples is combined using the
conjunction "and", and the information about the apples
being on sale is included as a relative clause.

When translating from one language to another language,

I went to the supermarket and please use the most natural discourse connectives, instead of
bought some apples, which were on stick to the sentence boundary. You can merge or break
sale. sentences within the paragraph to achieve most natural
discourse fluency.

Sense disambiguation

Translation Source Text Context Explanation

The response
"Oh no, now you're
comes swiftly, The word "mad" in English has multiple senses such as
mad at me," I
English the denial laced "angry", "exciting" and "mentally ill". The sense of the
exclaim, my voice
source with a hint of word "mad" in the source text can be disambiguated
filled with regret and
frustration, "I am from the previous context to be "angry"
not mad."
In French the word "en colère" which means "angry" is
used as a translation for the word "mad".
La réponse
arrive When translating a word/phrase which holds multiple
"Oh non, maintenant senses in the source, use the context to disambiguate it
rapidement, le
tu es en colère contre to the correct sense. If the context does not help to
déni est allongé
French moi," s'exclament-je, disambiguate the word/phrase, use the most common
avec un
target ma voix se remplit de sense of it.
soupçon de
regret et de
frustration, "Je
ne suis pas en

Speaker linguistic context

Translation Source Text Context Explanation

I met my friend Alex
English Alex said, and his son and In some languages words might change form based on
source "Thank you!" offered them a tour in the gender of the speaker. For example in Portuguese,
the city. the word for "thank you" is different when the speaker is
a male (obrigado) vs female (obrigada). The speaker
Encontrei-me com o gender might not be apparent from the current
Portuguese Alex disse: sentence and needs to be inferred from the context.
meu amigo Alex e o
target "Obrigado!"
filho dele e ofereci-

lhes um passeio pela In this example "Alex" can be a male or female person
cidade name, so both "obrigado" and "obrigada" are possible
translations for the phrase "Thank you". Looking at the
previous context however reveals that Alex is a male
because he was referred to by the pronoun "his" in the
previous sentence. Therefore the male form "Obrigado"
is used in the translation.

Incoherent text

English source Explanation

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about time. Score: 9 Votes (Like | Disagree) Kylo83 13 months ago How long These are examples of
does it take Dam the m1 has been out for ages Score: 8 Votes (Like | Disagree) incoherent extracts that need
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after the 2015 ERC guidelines. Karasek J, Blankova A, Doubková A, Pitasova T,
Nahalka D, Bartes T, Hladik J, Adamek T, Strycek M, Jirasek T, Polasek R,
Ostadal P. Karasek J, et al. Am J Emerg Med. 2022 Nov;61:81-86. doi:
10.1016/j.ajem.2022.08.034. Epub 2022 Aug 18. Am J Emerg Med. 2022. PMID:
Mechanical versus manual chest compressions for cardiac arrest. Wang PL,
Brooks SC. Wang PL, et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018 Aug
20;8(8):CD007260. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD007260.pub4. Cochrane
Database Syst Rev. 2018. PMID: 30125048 Free PMC article.
Mechanical versus manual chest compressions for cardiac arrest. Brooks SC,
Hassan N, Bigham BL, Morrison LJ. Brooks SC, et al. Cochrane Database Syst
Rev. 2014 Feb 27;(2):CD007260. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD007260.pub3.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014. PMID: 24574099 Updated. Review. Left rib
fractures during cardiopulmonary resuscitation are associated with

hemodynamic variations in a pig model of cardiac arrest. Jaeger D, Kalra R,
Sebastian P, Gaisendrees C, Kosmopoulos M, Debaty G, Chouihed T, Bartos J,
Yannopoulos D. Jaeger D, et al. Resusc Plus. 2023 Jul 14;15:100429. doi:

Wrong language examples

• Foreign text needs to be copied to the translation:

Source Explanation

Hiragana usually spells long vowels with the addition of a

second vowel kana; for example, おかあさん (o-ka-a- sa-n,
"mother"). The chōonpu (long vowel mark) (ー) used in katakana
English is rarely used with hiragana, for example in the word らーめん,
source rāmen, but this usage is considered non-standard in Japanese.
However, the Okinawan language uses chōonpu with hiragana.
In informal writing, small versions of the five vowel kana are In this example the source
English text has Japanese
sometimes used to represent trailing off sounds (はぁ, haa, ねぇ,
words which should be copied
nee). Plain (clear) and voiced iteration marks are written in as is to the French translation
hiragana as ゝ and ゞ, respectively. These marks are rarely without being translated
used nowadays. because the context implies
that the existence of these
Le hiragana orthographie généralement les voyelles longues words in the French translation
is necessary to convey the
avec l'ajout d'un deuxième kana de voyelle ; par exemple, おか intended meaning of the text.
あさん (o-ka-a-sa-n, "maman"). Le chōonpu (marque de voyelle
longue) (ー) utilisé en katakana est rarement utilisé avec le
hiragana, par exemple dans le mot らーめん, rāmen, mais cette
utilisation est considérée comme non standard en japonais.
Cependant, la langue okinawaïenne utilise le chōonpu avec le
hiragana. Dans l'écriture informelle, des versions petites des
cinq kana de voyelle sont parfois utilisées pour
représenter des sons qui s'estompent (はぁ, haa, ねぇ, nee).
Les marques d'itération en clair et voisé sont écrites en hiragana
comme ゝ et ゞ, respectivement. Ces marques sont rarement
utilisées de nos jours.

• Foreign text needs to be skipped:

Portuguese source Explanation

Li e aceito os Termos e Condições e aceito ser contactado Este Intermarché
não dispõe ainda do serviço de loja online.
Por favor indique-nos o seu nome e email para ser notificado logo que o
serviço esteja disponível nesta loja. Source text is in Portuguese
NEWSLETTER but it has English parts that
A ITMP Alimentar, S.A. – NIPC 503 882 003, situada em Lugar do Marrujo, are not used in Portuguese.
Bugalhos - 2384-004 Alcanena, tratará os seus dados pessoais de forma The payload should be
automática para lhe enviar informações e promoções sobre produtos e skipped and marked as having
serviços Intermarché, cumprindo com o disposto no Regulamento Geral sobre foreign language.
a Proteção de Dados. Os dados serão conservados pelo período em que o

Cliente mantiver ativa a sua subscrição da newsletter. O consentimento
expresso do Cliente é o fundamento jurídico aplicável à recolha e utilização
dos seus dados pessoais para os fins indicados.

Garbled text:

Korean source Explanation

- 제품의 사이즈는 측정하는 방법에 따라 약 1-3cm정도의 오차가 있을 수 있으며,
모니터에 따라 실제 컬러와 원단 느낌의 차이가 있을 수 있습니다.<br/>- 아웃박스는
상품을 보호하기 위한 것으로, 유통과정에서 생길 수 있는 오염이나 훼손으로 인한 교환 The payload contains non-
standard newline characters,
및 환불은 불가합니다.<br/>- 인쇄물(박스, 포토카드 등)은 소재 특성상 미세한
such as </b> and
스크래치가 있을 수 있으며, 이는 교환 및 환불의 대상이 되지 <br/>. Payloads with the
않습니다.<br/><br/><b>[주의사항]</b><br/>- 재질 특성상 작은 찍힘이나 미세한 presence of non-standard
characters should be marked
스크래치는 반품 사유가 되지 않습니다.<br/>- 햇빛에 장시간 노출될 경우 황변 현상이
as garbled and skipped.
발생할 수 있습니다.<br/>- 해당 액세서리는 쿠 션을 잡아당기며 사용 시 제품이 손상될 수
있으며 소비자 부주의로 인해 제품 손상 발생 시 교환 및 환불이 불가합니다.
<br/>- 쿠션 제품 특성상 솜의 형태가 조금씩 다를 수 있으며 접착 자국이 있을 수
있습니다.<br/>- 해당 제품은 접착력이 강하나 실리콘, 젤리 등의 소재에는 접착력이
떨어질 우려가 있습니다.<br/>- 불에 직접 닿거나 화기에 가까이 두지 마세 요.<br/>-
소비자 부주의로 인한 손상 제품은 보상이 불가합니다. - 제품의 사이즈는 측정하는
방법에 따라 약 1-3cm정도 의 오차가 있을 수 있으며, 모니터에 따라 실제 컬러와 원단
느낌의 차이가 있을 수 있습니다.
- 아웃박스는 상품을 보호하기 위한 것으로, 유통과정에서 생길 수 있는 오염이나
훼손으로 인한 교환 및 환불은 불가합니


CLIENT GOAL AND COST RECOVERY: 95% of error free content (no corrections required). If any
complaint about poor quality or rejection from the customer, a rework will be arranged. If the
underperforming translator/reviewer is asked to implement the changes required by the customer by
himself/herself, the required fixing will be done for free. If the feedback implementation is assigned to
another linguist, the affected wordcount/additional cost of the rework will be compensated and deducted
from the PO of the underperforming users.

QA CHECKS: General and task-specific quality checks will be performed by the reviewers and the
Centific team before, during, and after the delivery to the customer. This is to monitor the general
translation/review quality and to identify cheaters or poor performers. No matter in which stage of the
process issues are detected, QA and anti-fraud protocols will apply to all users (reviewers included).

QUALITY GROUPS: According to each translator global quality score, there will be 3 different Quality

• Gold: global quality score >=95%

• Silver: global quality score between 80 - 94.99%

• Bronze: global quality score between 70% - 79.99%


• Bronze users could be temporarily deactivated for further quality checks and assessments.
• Users with less than 70% of global quality score will be removed from the pool for poor quality
• Users with negative scores (below 0%) will be considered cheaters and the below anti-fraud
protocol will apply.
• Gold suppliers will have higher priority during job assignments over the rest.
• Reviewers with a global quality score lower than 90% in Review webapps will be removed from
the review pool for poor quality performance.

This is a general framework, and it is for reference only. Centific is free to adapt and adjust it at any time
depending on customer specific requests and project specific needs. For extraordinary circumstances or
other scenarios not explicitly mentioned here, Centific is free to apply any necessary quality management
strategy (including user removal, user deactivation, and PO discounts) depending on the case.

ACCURACY: Translated text represents the meaning of the source text concepts and conveys them
correctly. All target strings are required to accurately convey the meaning of the corresponding source
string. Retain the meaning of the source string in translation. In this context, idioms such as “he was
beating around the bush” or “I’m just pulling your leg” can be especially challenging to translate, and a
literal word-by-word translation is not acceptable.

SOURCE CONTEXT: Please make sure to always carefully read the entire source text provided context
in order to have all elements in mind when translating. Translation should be consistent with the text
provided and should follow the same style, format, and terminology.

LANGUAGE MECHANICS: Language based on standard grammar, syntax rules and conventions of the
target language. Correct spelling and punctuation. Absence of typing errors.

LANGUAGE NATURALNESS AND HUMAN FINAL QUALITY: language will be as natural and fluent as
if written by a native. MT translation is forbidden in all cases.

This is what the task will look like for translators:

The “View Full Context” link, on the top of the source text, opens a pop up window with scrollable text
displaying the full document.

The following checkboxes will pop up if “Source can’t be translated” is selected. You will have to mark at
least one checkbox in order to submit:

The following checkboxes should pop up if “Submit” is selected:


This is what the task will look like for reviewers

Read the source carefully and it’s translation, making sure to check the context to see if it’s appropriate to
the translation, and making any necessary changes to the translation.

If the reviewed translation has errors, select the applicable error category from the drop down menu. Error
categories that can be selected are:

Accuracy-Mistranslation The target content does not accurately reflect the source
content or for project instructions that have not been
Accuracy-Omission/Addition The target content includes something that is not present in
the source or content present in the source is missing from
the translation. This includes also missing or wrong emojis
Language-Spelling Issues related to typos and wrong orthography of the words
Language-Grammar/Syntax Issues related to the grammar or syntax of the text
Language-Capitalisation Issues related to capitalization of words
Language-Punctuation Issues related to punctuation and spacing
Country-Format Content uses the wrong format for currency, date/time,
addresses, measurements, telephone numbers and other
locale-specific conventions
Terminology-Context A term is misused within a sentence or improper for the
provided context
Readability-Style/Tone A text does not sound natural/fluent, uses the wrong tone
(formal vs informal) or is not idiomatic or violates the
provided style guidelines

Preferential Edit Original translation is equally correct and the edit is purely
preferential. Translator is not going to be penalized in the
QA score for this.
Critical-Wrong target The language used in target translation is not the expected
language/country one (example: Target is in Dutch instead of German) or the
text is written for the wrong country (target is in Latin
American Spanish instead of Spanish from Spain; target is
in Canadian French instead of French from France, etc.)

This Error category has a huge penalization, so please

make sure to select it only when applicable, in order not to
unfairly penalize the translator.
Critical-Cheating behaviour Any severe cheating behavior that goes against the project
guidelines or the signed SOW (examples include but are
not limited to: systematically adding nonsensical synonyms
just for the sake of providing a Translation2; adding
random spaces between words just for the sake of
providing a Translation2; using Deepl or any other MT
output (no matter if edited or not); changing the punctuation
nonsensically just for the sake of providing a Translation2;

This Error category has a huge penalization, so please

make sure to select it only when applicable, in order not to
unfairly penalize the translator.

If you have linguistic queries or doubts about the instructions, raise a ticket to our Query Management
System Global Query (C837-Isaac projects) by selecting “Long Context” under the Isaac scope field.
Do not raise tickets in Global Query for non-linguistic topics. If you have queries about workflow, rates,
payments, or want to report a technical bug (not related to linguistic issues), reach out by email to the
If you do not have an account or you cannot remember your username, reach out to the PMs by email. If
you don’t remember the password, you can reset it from the login page.
All answers provided outside this tool and by third parties/companies are neither official nor reliable for
this project.


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