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1. Revise literary techniques, in preparation for language and effect questions.

2. Review stylistic differences between narrative and descriptive writing.
3. We encourage all students to read widely, to continue stretching their vocabulary
and imagination.

✓ Textbook p.1-129
✓ Workbook p.1-52
1. Biology

Activate Book 1: Biology B1, Chapter 2:

Structure and function of body systems, pages 26-37 inclusive

• Section 2.1: Levels of organisation – pp26-27, workbook p16

• Section 2.2: Gas exchange – p28-29, workbook p17
• Section 2.3: Breathing – p30-31, workbook p18
• Section 2.4: Skeleton – p32-33, workbook p19 Section
• Section 2.5: Movement: joints – p34-35, workbook p20
• Section 2.6: Movement: muscles – p36-37, workbook p21

2. Chemistry

Activate Book 1: Chemistry C1, Chapter 1:

Particles and their behaviour, pages 60-73 inclusive

• Section 1.1: The particle model - pp60-61, workbook p39

• Section 1.2: States of matter - pp62-63, workbook p40
• Section 1.3: Melting and freezing - pp64-65, workbook p41
• Section 1.4: Boiling - pp66-67, workbook p42
• Section 1.5: More changes of state – pp 68-69, workbook p43
• Section 1.6: Diffusion – pp 70-71, workbook p44
• Section 1.7: Gas pressure – pp 72-73, workbook p45
3. Physics

Activate Book 1: Physics P1, Chapter 1:

Forces, pages 112-121 inclusive

• Section 1.1: Introduction to forces – pp112-113, workbook p73

• Section 1.2: Squashing and stretching – pp114-115, workbook p74
• Section 1.3: Drag forces and friction – pp116-117, workbook p75
• Section 1.4: Forces at a distance – pp118-119, workbook p76
• Section 1.5: Balanced and unbalanced – pp 120-121, workbook p77

Greek as a First language
(Teachers: Mrs Charalambous, Mrs Panayi and Ms Georgiou)

Νεοελληνική Γλώσσα :
• Πρόταση, Περίοδος, Ημιπερίοδος
• Τα είδη των προτάσεων ως προς τα συστατικά, το περιεχόμενο και την
ποιότητα τους
• Κώδικες επικοινωνίας: επικοινωνιακό πλαίσιο για άγνωστο κείμενο (Πομπός
– Δέκτη – Σχέση πομπού δέκτη – Σκοπός – Μήνυμα – Διατύπωση χωροχρονικού
• Δομή παραγράφου + Βασικά χαρακτηριστικά της παραγράφου
• Συνδετικές λέξεις
• Χαρακτηριστικά προφορικού + γραπτού λόγου

• Λεξιλογικές ασκήσεις : συνώνυμα, αντώνυμα, παραγωγή λέξεων (επίθετα,

ουσιαστικό, επίρρημα) (πχ. βοηθώ, βοηθητικός – επίθετο, βοήθεια – ουσιαστικό,
βοηθητικά – επίρρημα) , σημασία λέξεων

Έκθεση :
Ενότητα 1: Σχολείο – Σχολική ζωή/ αγαπημένο μάθημα κτλ
Ενότητα 2: Σχολική ζωή / Ευτράπελα-κωμικά επεισόδια που συμβαίνουν στο σχολείο
/σχέσεις με συμμαθητές και καθηγητές

Μορφή: φιλική/ επίσημη επιστολή

Κείμενα Νεοελληνικής Λογοτεχνίας:

• Μαθητική περιπέτεια , Άντον Τσέχοφ

• Ο κ. Σχολικός Σύμβουλος στην τάξη μας, Ρ. Γκοσινί
• Βαγγελίτσα, Έλλη Αλεξίου
• Αστραδενή, Ε. Φακίνου
• Οι συμμορίτες, Λ. Ζαφειρίου

Greek as a second language (LEVEL 1)

Teachers :Mrs Trifonos & Mrs Neophytou

Unit 1-2-3

• Alphabet (capital and lower cap) (booklet p.3-12)
• Greetings (formal and informal way) (booklet p.24, book KLIK Α p.47)
• Ways to introduce myself (είμαι ο/η, με λένε, το όνομά μου είναι...) (booklet
p.25-27, book KLIK Α p.43-44)
• Colours (booklet p.38-40)
• Numbers (booklet p.36-37)
• Buildings (booklet p.78)
• Adverbs of place (meanings and to be able to apply in sentences) (booklet
p.77, book KLIK Α p.62-63)
• Family members (worksheets, book klik A p. 70)

• Verb to be (meaning, conjugation and formation in sentences) (booklet p.56-
59, exercise book, worksheets, and book KLIK Α p. 50-51)
• Personal pronouns (booklet p.28-35, book KLIK Α p.51)
• A’ Group verbs (meaning, conjugation and formation in sentences) (booklet
p.72-74, book KLIK Α p.65)

• Writing:
• Family tree – to write the relationship between the members.
e.g. O Κώστας είναι αδελφός της. (worksheets)
• To be able to write sentences about where each building is (booklet
p.77-80, book p.62-63)

Greek as a second language (LEVEL 2)

Teacher: Mr Mandralis Petros

Unit 1-2-3

• Alphabet (capital and lower cap)
• Greetings (formal and informal way) (book KLIK Α p.47)
• Ways to introduce myself (είμαι ο/η, με λένε, το όνομά μου είναι...) (book KLIK Α
• Buildings (see booklet)
• Adverbs of place (meanings and to be able to apply in sentences) (book KLIK Α p.62-
• Family members (book klik A p. 70)

• Verb to be (meaning, conjugation and formation in sentences) (book KLIK Α p. 50-51)
• Vocative case (i.e. Φίλιππε!)
• Personal pronouns (book KLIK Α p.51)
• Nouns – masculine, feminine and neutral in nominative and accusative form.
• A’ Group verbs (meaning, conjugation and formation in sentences) (book KLIK Α p.65)

➢ Writing:
• Introduce a friend and make dialogues with the vocabulary we have learned (book
KLIK Α p. 48 and 53)
• To be able to write sentences about where each building is (book p.62-63)
• Describe yourself (όνομα, ηλικία, τόπος διαμονής, ιδιότητα, τηλέφωνο)
• Family tree – to write the relationship between the members. e.g. O Κώστας είναι
αδελφός της. (book KLIK Α p. 68-71)

Greek as a second language (Level 3)

Teacher: Antonia Agorou

Units 1-4
• Reading Comprehension
- Topics and vocabulary of Units 1-4
• Greetings
• Give basic introduction about yourself and introduce a friend
• Places and building names
• Adverbs of place
• Student life
• My family
• Countries, Nationalities and Languages
• Adverbs of frequency
• Days, Months, Seasons
• Periods of time (morning, noon, afternoon, night)
• Weather (weather conditions)

• Grammar
• Prepositions + accusative
• Personal pronoun and verb to be
• Nouns – masculine, feminine and neutral in nominative and accusative
• Group A, B, AB verbs - meaning and conjugation.
• Adverbs of place - meaning, what prepositions go with.
• Possessive pronouns
• Adjectives – masculine, feminine and neutral in nominative and accusative
• GNC rule – agreement of adjective and noun in gender, number and case.
• Days, Months, Seasons / Periods of time (morning, noon, afternoon, night)
• – Accusative of time
• Time – formation and what prepositions go with time.

• Writing Task
• Description of a/your timetable on the weekdays and on the weekend (free
• Translations from Greek to English and vice versa.


• CUBISM – The movement and its influences

• PABLO PICASSO – African Period, Guernica, The Weeping Woman
• AMEDEO MODIGLIANI – Portraits with emotion
• GEORGIA O’KEEFFE – Painting flowers and landscapes
Practical Task:
Students can prepare for the practical task by studying Pablo Picaso's artwork Guernica.
They should refer to the task they have completed in their sketchbooks.

Unit 6

• Talk about the weather and the temperature

• Talk about months and seasons
• Regular -er verbs
• Talk about family activities; say what you do at weekends
• Using on + verb

Unit 7
• Talk about your town (places in town)
• The verb aller
• aller+ au/à la/à l’/aux
• ask for, understand and give directions
• Talk about the country/city where you live

What is geography.
Human, physical, and environmental geography. (Page 6)
Continents and oceans. (Page 140)
Geography of the UK. (Page 44)
Map skills. (Page 30)

How tourism has increased in recent years.
4 types of tourism.
Impacts of tourism (with case studies)

African countries on a map. (page 106)
Physical geography of Africa. (Page 110)
Human geography of Africa. (Page 100/105)
History of Africa. (Page 102)
Africa’s resources. (Page 104)


4. Changes to the government made by Julius Caesar.

5. Causes of Augustus becoming the first emperor of Rome.

6. Reforms made by Augustus.

7. Life in the Roman Empire – the differences between living in Ancient Kourion and
in Ancient Rome.

8. Roman innovations.

9. The causes of the fall of the Roman Empire.

Does life get better?

10. Early Human Life – progress made by early humans and the extent to which life

11. Life in Ancient Greece – the structure of Ancient Athenian society and the
difference in roles played people living in Ancient Athens.

12. Life in the Dark Ages - changes in the Dark Ages and the extent to which the period
of time deserves to be called ‘dark’.

13. Life in the Medieval Period – public health during this period of time, the causes of
the Black Death and the extent to which English society improved as a result of the
Black Death.

14. Life in the Renaissance – inventions of the Renaissance the extent to which life
improved for everybody in society.

15. Life in industrial Britain – revolutionary inventions and discoveries, the ways in
which living conditions changed as a result of the industrial revolution and the
extent to which life improved for people in society.

16. Life in the 1920s in America – the economic boom and the causes and
consequences of the Wall Street Crash.

• Getting started
• Definition of computer network
• Using computer equipment safely
• Acceptable use policy – definition and some policies
• Know how to properly explain what a username and a password are.
• Rules for choosing a strong password
• Rules that should be followed when emailing teachers/writing a formal email
• Know what a VLE is
• Definitions of file – document – folder.
• Know what a file extension is.
• Know examples of different file extensions and what file type they are associated with.
• Know what cloud computing is. Know advantages and disadvantages.
• Know what the internet is.
• How to identify trustworthy information on the internet.
• Know what digital wellbeing is and tips for managing your use of digital technology.
• Vector graphics, the attributes of vector graphics and know how they are stored.
• Know what a layer is and what is meant by scaleable.
• Bitmap, raster graphics, pixels and resolution.
• Bitmap graphic formats
• Replication and the fill handle
• Relative and absolute cell references
• The meaning of ‘functions’
• Why we use functions instead of writing a formula
• Know how to write a function
• Cell range
• Formatting cells

Unit 1: Musical Elements (3 pages, 7 bullet points)

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