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et eieie sees oan * Book —_—_ Quality) Control and Management + wt — Asan Akhtet; Ha uRsicl ue _Quaity : Quality: refers p4o the ananaeterristios) of 2 preduct or service that Hewes its evility ea ; r 3 | Consistently nae} ore! bxcbed! euste mer me al meas is Mae ees oat _fereforemance ! forformanee reefers, te, He fin etion ability of the preoduct on service a5 clesined by ‘ne dustotidre - lasitscat Conformance * how, well ore aesereately & preedueh or service corresponds +e designed speniPieations. Reliavility if the ability ; of. ap, ,item ae, pereform @ tresquireed.funelion under braked eenditien for. a period oF: i stné + | APT o 2 3 Cote siev td Durabi lit’! “ Usefi “eehnieal life Lore, Leng evity of poreforemnanae of a fpreduct on Service - Mae eae Inne Vative feahies i- Scanned with CamScanner Warezan ty sale ; ct HT 728 laa aan Fitee! senvide a fr c : INE). igi 3 ie ores meetin abit Serviceability ! > Maintenance , Perens eet sen fariar * * Ease of Use ; User, — friendly # Aesthetios 1 external looks Mat atttadis’ | 5 Bet eR: 4 Sora! to Bsa} 2 Duality Conteol :— Logis feom Bors) 6 -Standated crear aca aren ara sar = Aation fra att, aC puality aSfdeslod -t aacreucc STO FCO Quality Coniree| aT 4 8 Steps "St Vi SP setting oe ‘Ynarks [8 iwest to market a : ‘ a proauer Ee Standarey’ aa freepah) Preoducer 5 deveropo PIT ‘ CNvaltuate’ eT peers ComPornmiange —> Evaluate wats cateer shep ot ena parameter by hong Follow aca Pee aT art ara Cheek =ant —> Action when necessary gm 3 agicaTeT! — > plaming for improvement. 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Vy a Mult — vari chart The main purpose of tis chartis to, weduce +, “umber of ential Variables + .f2o” meni bn to a few and possibly donkey! med xX and, fink «, —> 3 types variahon > yh ) i) Positional variation ee 1) dyatieate a i). “Temporéall “ wid ENthocrinviles 7 i Scanned with CamScanner 2) Temporeal ‘Vardi aki en are on > (34°64 - 46:5) = variaion —? Be (42'4 Sene —44'b) = 32 ii > (uo - 43) — 4 ceink x) 2 positional me oT oualily rater impath BB aS oe jaenity wet a8 ee ped He RROs Ne cadena aaa ; u eer ipa ae Aj laieal ES Le Hanon were e ns oe ee ae jevi ‘i wis peN, Bee oe 4 2 =d Hes 5° pre em ear le 63 — 43 EE a ees a Zo wm 48 a en 8 eure! no — 4% ate Pe Scanned with CamScanner

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