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Nama : Muhammad Fatih Farhat

NIM : 050765547
Matkul : Bhs. Inggris (Diskusi 4)

1. A business email is a form of electronic communication used in the workplace, which
is evolving to keep up with user needs and technological advancements . It is a useful
tool for managing interpersonal relations and operational matters, often involving the
copying of relevant stakeholders . On the other hand, a business letter is a formal
written communication typically sent on paper and follows specific formatting and
etiquette guidelines. It is often used for official correspondence, such as contracts,
proposals, or legal documents. While both serve the purpose of communication in a
business context, the main difference lies in the medium and format used. Business
emails are more flexible, immediate, and informal, while business letters are more
formal, structured, and often require physical delivery .
2. Short Memo:

To: All Staff in the HR Department

From: Fatih F, Head of HR
Date: October 19, 2024
Subject: Mandatory CPR TrainingI hope this memo finds you well. I am writing to
inform you about an upcoming mandatory CPR training session that will be held on
October 19 at 3:00 PM. As you are aware, CPR training is crucial for emergency
preparedness and ensuring the safety of our employees. Therefore, attendance is
mandatory for all members of our HR department.
Please make necessary arrangements to ensure your presence at the training session. If
you have any scheduling conflicts or concerns, please inform Anto immediately. Your
cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your attention to this
important training initiative.
Best regards, Fatih F
Head of HR

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