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Work sheets & Notes

Islamic studies (HY-2023-24)
Unit-1 L-1 The steadfastness to truth (Surat al -Ahzab 1-8)

Write the meanings of vocabulary words:

All knower and All wise//Man tell his wise that you are like my mother/He guides to the (Right)
Way / Painful torment / strong covenant / Guilt (sin),/close relatives/More merciful and
worth / The disbelievers and the hypocrites / The believers and the emigrants from Makkah

Sl. No. Arabic word Meaning

1. َ‫ﺗُظَﺎھِرُون‬

2. َ‫ھُﻮَ ﯾَﮭۡﺪِى ٱﻟﺴﱠﺒِﯿﻞ‬

3. َ‫ٱﻟۡﻜَـٰﻔِﺮِﯾﻦَ وَٱﻟۡﻤُﻨَـٰﻔِﻘِﯿﻦ‬

4. ‫ﻣﱢﯿﺜَـٰﻘًﺎ ﻏَﻠِﯿﻈً۟ﺎ‬

5. ‫ﻋَﺬَاﺑًﺎ أَﻟِﯿﻤً۟ﺎ‬

6. َ‫ٱﻟۡﻤُﺆۡﻣِﻨِﯿﻦَ وَٱﻟۡﻤُﮭَـٰﺠِﺮِﯾﻦ‬

7. ‫ﺟُﻨَﺎح‬

8 ‫وَاُوﻟُﻮا اَﻷَرْﺣَﺎم‬

9 ‫أَوۡﻟَﻰ‬

10 ‫ﻋَﻠِﯾﻣًﺎ ﺣَﻛِﯾﻣً۟ﺎ‬

 Total ayaat (verses) of Surat al Ahzab - 73

 This surah was revealed in Madinah

 The three expiations of Al-Dhahr.

 Freeing a believing slave

 If not find, he fasted for two consecutive months
 If cannot, feed sixty poor people of the basic food.

 Allah asked the Prophet to do in the first ayah

 Allah asked Prophet (SAW) to do his duty to obey Allah and

disobey disbelievers and hypocrites
 Allah honor the status of Allah’s Messenger in the first ayah.
 Allah made his call among the prophets [Nabi] (peace be upon him)
as a dignity and honor

 The two attributes of Allah mention in the first ayah.

 Allah is All Knower and All wise ‫ﻋَﻠِﯿﻤًﺎ ﺣَﻜِﯿﻤًﺎ‬

 The pre-Islamic practice devoid of reason and logic Allah made it invalid
 They said man has two hearts

 The husband said to his wife: “You are to me as the back of my mother”

 An adopted son is given the same lineage as their adopted parents.

 The ways did Allah has honoured the Prophet Muhammad’s wives.

 Allah honoured the wives of the prophet through made them the mother of
 They had double rewards. Allah prohibited them to remarry after the death of
the prophet.
Categorize the following contracts and commitments according to their suitable
equivalent in the table
truce - scholarship - vow - sale – oath – lease – marriage

Sl. No. Divisions of contracts and Contracts

1. Religious commitments

2. Social contracts

3. International contracts

4. Financial contracts

5. Scientific contracts

I. Complete the following two contracting parties:

[Current and Mortgaged, Lessor and Tenant, Creditor and Debtor, Lender and
Borrower, Agent and Principal]
Proxy Contract

2 Loan contract
Mortgage Contract
4 Leasing Contract

5 Debt Contract

I. Identify the vocabulary:( U-2 L-1 Battle of confederates) (Surat al Ahzab 9-20)

Sl. Exegesis
No. Arabic word Meaning (Explanation)

1. ‫ﺟُﻨُﻮدًا ﻟﱠﻢْ ﺗَﺮَوْھَﺎ‬

2. ُ‫زَاﻏَﺖِ اﻷَْﺑْﺼَﺎر‬

3. ‫ﻏُﺮُورًا‬

4. ٌ‫ﻋَﻮْرَة‬

5. ‫أَﻗْﻄَﺎرھَﺎ‬

Write the meaning of this ayah ۚ ‫ِذْ ﺟَﺎءَﺗْﻜُﻢْ ﺟُﻨُﻮدٌ ﻓَﺄَرْﺳَﻠْﻨَﺎ ﻋَﻠَﯿْﮭِﻢْ رِﯾﺤًﺎ وَﺟُﻨُﻮدًا ﻟﱠﻢْ ﺗَﺮَوْھَﺎ‬
 ‫وَﻛَﺎنَ ﷲﱠُ ﺑِﻤَﺎ ﺗَﻌْﻤَﻠُﻮنَ ﺑَﺼِﯿﺮًا‬

 ‫ وَإِذْ ﯾَﻘُﻮلُ اﻟْﻤُﻨَﺎﻓِﻘُﻮنَ وَاﻟﱠﺬِﯾﻦَ ﻓِﻲ ﻗُﻠُﻮﺑِﮭِﻢ ﻣﱠﺮَضٌ ﻣﱠﺎ وَﻋَﺪَﻧَﺎ ﷲﱠُ وَرَﺳُﻮﻟُﮫُ إِﻻﱠ ﻏُﺮُورًا‬write the meaning of the ayah


 There were the believers sorely tried, and shaken with a mighty shock.

Find out the ayah


 when eyes grew wild and hearts reached to the throats, and you were imagining vain thoughts
concerning Allah. find out the ayah
 Persian (Salman al Farisi) gave the idea of the Trench
 Allied forces ‘Confederates’
 Almost one month took for the Battle of Confederates to end.
 The Arabic word for Confederates ( ْ‫)أَﺣْﺰَاب‬
 In Shawwal 5th year of Hijrah at the time of the Battle of Confederates was extreme
 Number of soldiers in the Muslim army (3000)
 (lawful / unlawful)
 To convey a usufruct for a determinable period in return for a
compensation. lawful
 He monopolized a commodity to raise the price and control its sale
among people. unlawful
 One of the two contractors accepted the others demand to dismiss sale
and cancel the contract. unlawful
 He concealed from the buyer that this car had had a big accident
 He contracted a person to invest his money provided that investment
must be free from any illegal dealings. lawful
 He borrowed a sum of money, but the stipulated that he should repay it
at 20% interest. unlawful
 He contracted a company to supply expired food. unlawful
 He took a small water bottle and gave the grocer one Dirham and none
of them spoke. lawful
 One of the two contractors accepted the other’s demand to dismiss sale
and cancel the contract. lawful
 The owner of the car concealed from the buyer that his car had a major
accident. unlawful

 Prophet (SAW) said: “Two kinds of dead meat and two kinds of blood have

permitted to us. The two kinds of dead meats are fish and locust, and two kinds

of blood are the liver and spleen.” (Reported by Muslim)

 The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: "Muslims abide by their conditions", and
“Reconciliation is permissible amongst Muslims, except for a reconciliation that
makes the lawful unlawful, or the unlawful lawful.”
[Reported by Abu Dawūd].
 The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: "The pen has been lifted [ie. they are not
accountable] from three: From the sleeper until he wakes up, from the minor
until he grows up, and from the insane until he comes back to his senses."
"Reported by Aḥmad"
 Prophet (SAW) said about the Qurʾān: "Its miracles never expire" [Tirmidhī].

 Hudhaifa Ibn Yaman, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "I remember the
night of the Battle of the Confederates; while we were sitting lined up, the
Prophet c received us one by one till he saw Ali and said: ‘Bring me news
about the enemy.’ I came to scout the camp of the confederates and found out
that there was a strong wind in their camp and by Allah I would listen to the
sound of stones in their baggage and furnishings. The wind was hitting them
and they used to say: We should depart.

 The Prophet (SAW) said: The person who learns ten opening verses of
Surat al -Kahf will be immune to the influence of Anti-Christ.
 The Messenger (SAW) said: “Do not sell what you do not have”.
(Reported by Annasaei)
 Isti’faf (Abstinance)
 Isti'faf means to seek modesty and honesty Abstain from improper behaviour and all
that is contrary to sense of honour and good character. It combines decency and sense
of honour
 The important effects of abstinence (Isti’faf)
The effects of isti’faf on individuals;
 Higher ambition, keeping away from trivialities and involvement in useful things
 Assuming communal responsibility, abstinence prevents Muslims from harming other
 Winning the trust, respect and love of others
 The effect of abstinence on society:

 The solidarity of society against dangers as a result of confidence among its members
 Freedom of society from crime because its members beat their societal
 The progress and prosperity of the community as a result of diligence and high
aspiration of its members.
 Stable financial and economic dealings

 Mention the ways to realize Isti’faf in the workplace and public employment.
 Practicing good morals and character
 Not to smear the reputation of others
 Lowering one’s gaze
 Abiding by the appropriate Islamic dress.

 Infer the four values that are contrary to the conduct of hypocrites and reinforce

cohesiveness among the Muslims.

 Encouraging Muslim to remain steadfast and never panic or cowardice

 To put the country and religion interest before their own
 Never promulgate rumors that spread disorder in time of turmoil Raising.
 The morals of each other to overcome any hindrance or ordeal the
Muslim Nation is facing.
Link the values that are deducted to the following in the battle of
National service:

 To take part in defending my country and never flee the battle ground.

Social scale:

 Disseminate positive attitudes among society and fight rumors.

Name the following:
 Vow (nadhar): To undertake an act of worship not otherwise obligated to be done by
 Mortgage: To hold/safeguard property to guarantee the right of the creditor. The
creditor can recover his right from such property in case the debtor fails to pay off.

 Aqd: The legal binding of two parties intent in a transactions in a manner that
is religiously sanctioned and permissible.
 Riba: A term that is used when two parties exchange items of same kind
And in return one party received extra (or in excess) of what he gave.
 Oath: To swear by one of the names of Allah or His attributes coupled
with the stated desire to perform some undertaking
 Gambling: Any games played between competitors for a sum of money
collected from them, and depriving the loser of it.
 Maturity: The capacity of a person to plan and effect his financial affairs
and make the appropriate use of wealth he possesses.
 Leasing: To transfer ownership of usufruct for a determinable period in return for a
 Debt: It is what is owed or what one is bound to pay to another such as a loan,
deferred sale price or the like. Debt is more general than loan
 Power of attorney (wakālah): To assign someone else through proxy/agency to
perform another person's acts.

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