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Villa Verve Construction Process - Standard Operating

Procedure (SOP)


This SOP outlines the standard procedures for managing the construction process of Villa
Verve, ensuring efficient project execution, communication, and quality control.

Documents and Resources:

 A0 Project Planner with marked critical path activities (red)

 Task Tracker for each sub-project (physical or digital)
 Actual Cost Report (ACR)
 Project Budget
 Drawings & 3D Models (printed)
 Log Sheets (printed)
 Approved Sample Boxes for each Contractor
 Filing & Archiving Boxes (labeled)
 Dedicated Laptop with Project Information (weekly backups)
 Hard & Soft Copies of Project Paperwork & Contracts


 Project Manager (PM): Mutair (Available 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM) - #VVC-PM-01

 Project Coordinator: J - #VVC-PC-01
 [Optional Team Members and their Shortcuts] (e.g., Nasser = NZ)

Process Flowchart:

[Insert Process Flowchart Here]

Preparation Phase:

#VVC-PP-01: Project Planning

 Print and hang the A0 Project Planner with marked critical path activities (red). - #VVC-
 Ensure all stakeholders are familiar with the plan. - #VVC-PP-03

#VVC-RA-01: Resource Allocation

 Develop Task Trackers for each sub-project. - #VVC-RA-02

 Assign tasks and deadlines for sub-contractors through the Project Coordinator (J). -
 Project Manager (Mutair) will maintain a record of manpower allocation. - #VVC-RA-04

#VVC-DC-01: Documentation & Communication

 Print full sets of drawings and 3D models. - #VVC-DC-02

 Distribute copies to the site office and relevant work areas. - #VVC-DC-03
 Print and prepare log sheets for samples and drawings. - #VVC-DC-04
 Create and maintain approved sample boxes for each contractor. - #VVC-DC-05
 File and archive all project paperwork and contracts (hard & soft copies) on-site. -

Daily Operations:

#VVC-DM-01: Daily Morning Meeting (Daily)

 Conduct a daily morning review meeting with all relevant personnel at 8:00 AM, led by
the Project Manager (Mutair). - #VVC-DM-02
 Review the A0 Project Planner and identify any potential delays. - #VVC-DM-03
 Discuss sub-contractor tasks with the Project Coordinator (J) to ensure clarity on daily
activities. - #VVC-DM-04
 Analyze the ACR and project budget with the Project Manager (Mutair), identifying any
cost deviations. - #VVC-DM-05
 Address any cost concerns and propose corrective actions with the Project Manager
(Mutair). - #VVC-DM-06

Monitoring & Control:

#VVC-TM-01: Task Tracking and Reporting

 Update Task Trackers daily/weekly by the Project Coordinator (J) to reflect progress and
identify delays. - #VVC-TM-02
 Include a dedicated column in the Task Tracker to note delays and corresponding
corrective actions. - #VVC-TM-03
 Conduct weekly reviews of Task Trackers with the Project Manager (Mutair) to ensure
progress aligns with the project plan. - #VVC-TM-04

#VVC-QC-01: Quality Control

 The Project Manager (Mutair) will verify that construction adheres to approved drawings
and specifications. - #VVC-QC-02
 Utilize log sheets to document the use and approval of specific materials and samples. -
 The Project Manager (Mutair) will regularly review approved sample boxes to ensure
materials used on-site match the approved samples. - #VVC-QC-04
#VVC-DM-02: Data Management and Backups

 Maintain all project information on a dedicated laptop within the site office. - #VVC-
 Perform weekly backups of the project data onto an external hard drive by the Project
Coordinator (J). - #VVC-DM-04

Additional Notes:

 This SOP serves as a general guideline and may require adjustments based on project
specifics. - #V


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