Homework 13052024

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1 Thesumof(the squares of two consecutive odd positive integers is 394. Find themn.

BSE 2009, 20171

The su oftwo nunmbers is 8 and 15 times the sum of their reciprocals is also 8. Find the
Twonumbers differ by 3andtheir product is 504. Find the numbers. CBSE 2002 C
4 Thesumnof two numbers al and bis 15, and the sum of their reciprocals is 3/10. Find the
numbers aand b. CBSE 2005)
The sun of two numbers is 9. The sum of their reciprocals is 1/2. Find the numbers.
(CRSE 2012
Thre consecutive positive integers are such that the sum of the square of the first and the
product of other two is 46, find the integers. [CBSE 2010)
The difference of squares of two numbers is 88. If the larger number is 5 less than twice the
Smaller number, then find the two numbers. [CBSE 2010)
Thesum of thesquares of twoconsècutive odd numbers is 394. Find the numbers.[CBSE 2014)
o The sum of the squares of twoconsecutive multiples of 7is 637. Find the multiples.[CBSE 2014)
10 The sum of the squares of two consecutive even numbers is 340.Find the numbers.
|CBSE 2014)
11. The sum of a number and its positive square root is 6/25. Find the number.
12. The difference of twonumbers is 4. If the difference of their reciprocals is 21
find the numbers.
[CBSE 2008)
13. A
two digit number is 4 times the sum of its digits and twice the product of its digits. Find the
14. The difference of the squares of two positive integers is 180. The square of the smaller number
is 8 times the larger, find the numbers. (NCERT, CBSE 2014 2022|
15. The difference of two natural numbers is 3 and the difference of their reciprocals is Find the
numbers. [BSE 2014)
16. The numerator of a fraction is 3 less than the denominator. If 2 is added to both the numerator
and the denominator, then the sum of the new fraction and the original fraction is 20 Find the
original fraction. |CBSE 2015]
l. Find a natural number whose square diminished by 84 is equal to thrice of 8 more than the
given number. [NCERT EXEMPLAR]
i0. Anatural number when increased by 12 equals 160times its reciprocal. Find the number.
3A2-digitnumber is such that the product of its digits is 24. If 18 is subtracted from the number,
the digits interchange their places. Find the number. [CBSE 2022)
1. 13,15 4. a =5, b = 10 or a =10, b=5
2. 3, 5 3. 21, 24, or- 24, - 21
5. 3,6 8. 13, 15 9. 14, 21
6. 4, 5, 6 7. 13, 9
10. 12, 14 11. 12. 7, 3 or -3, -7 13. 36 14. 18, 12
15. 7,4 7
16. 17. 12 18. 8 19, 64

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