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“Like a flowing river, what has gone will never come back.”
What a wonderful quote said by maharishi valmiki. A very
good morning to one and all present here. Today I, Keya
Mallick, welcome you all to the morning assembly by grade 6
on valmiki jayanti.
A new day means a fresh start with new opportunities. As we
all know that no programs can be started without
remembering almighty the creator of the whole world. So get
ready for the payer. I would like to invite Arav to take over
from here.


Maharishi Valmiki’s Life teaches us that we are not born good
or evil, its are deeds which determine our greatness.

Akshat Sharma
Thank you for the thought Tanishq. Now let’s hear the news.
(School news)

(Sports news)

(International News)

Thank you everyone for sharing the news with us. Now i
would like to invite keya and yeshnaa to share the fact file.

Keya will say:
1. Valmiki Jayanti is the birth anniversary of the author and
sage Valmiki.
2. Valmiki Jayanti is observed in honour of the acclaimed
Saint Valmiki.
3. This day is celebrated with dedication and is also
referred as ‘Pragat Divas.’
4. As per Hindu calendar, Valmiki Jayanti is celebrated on
the full moon of Ashwin Month.
5. Maharishi Valmiki lived around the same time when
Lord Ram lived, around 500 BC.
6. Valmiki was "recognized as a literary genius,"
7. The celebration of Valmiki Jayanti is a tribute to a sage
who conquered his limitations and encouraged the
masses to fight against social injustice. He propagated
the values of Lord Ram and recognised him as a man of
Yeshnaa will say
8. Maharishi Valmiki is also known as "Adikavi" and is
considered as an exponent of Sanskrit literature.
9. Valmiki was the first ever poet of Sanskrit language
10. Lava & Kusha were the Valmiki’s first disciples.
11. Valmiki Jayanti is widely celebrated in north India
and particularly in Punjab and Rajasthan.
12. On this occasion, big processions or 'Shobha Yatra'
is carried out on the streets to commemorate the birth of
Maharishi Valmiki.
13. Maharishi Valmiki was the one who wrote the epic
14. According to the Hindu belief, the events of the
Ramayana took place in the Treta Yuga
15. Ramayana depicts the story of Lord Ram which was
written by him in the Sanskrit language that consists of
24,000 verses and is divided in 7 ‘Kandas’ (cantos).
Thank you for sharing the fact file. Now we have a dance

Ananya, Ishi and Akshat bali

The virtue of them month is FORGIVNESS and Rishi
Valmiki’s Life also teaches us a lot of virtues. Now I would
request my friends to tell us about the teachings, values and
lessons of each Kand of Ramayan written by Maharshi

Aarav - In the first Bal Kand, wherein the birth of Shri Ram,
his Gurukul Ashram, his journey with Rishi Vishwamitr and
his marriage with Mata Sita is mentioned. This Kand
essentially teaches as to how a human can shape his
individuality in the growing years through the values of
humility and discipline in the Gurukul Ashram. When he
accompanies Rishi Vishwamitr, he shows service and
gratitude and how knowledge and power shine through them.
These are the beautiful qualities which shape the personality
of an individual on which the success in the future depends.
Tanishq - The Ayodhya Kand teaches the unity in a family is
strength. Not only Shri Ram, but all his family stands up to
Dharma and pull down the ill minded ideas of Queen Kaikeyi
and Manthara. However, it is not through a fight or oppression
that they challenge it, but through sacrifice valuing promises
and standing up to them. All sacrifice their happiness and
stand up to together thus teaching the most valuable lesson of
the unity of the family.

Svasti - The Aranya Kand is all about duty and devotion. As a

person who knows to strike balance between joy and sorrow,
Shri Ram teaches how a person can make his adversities to his
own benefit and also for the others. Through his various visits
to the Ashrams of great Rishis Shri Ram gives them the fruits
of their devotion through his darshan and also helps them out
in getting rid of the demons of the Dandak forest, this proving
his duty as a follower of Dharma.

Kavya - The Kishkinda Kand teaches the most valuable

possession of a human is friendship. The friendship of Shri
Ram and Sugriv proves that when two true and sincere minds
meet, then their friendship is for life. It is only in friendship
that one forgets his own sorrows and comes ahead to remove
the grief of his friend. Shri Ram keeps up his promise of
regaining back Kishkinda for Sugirv while putting aside his
sorrow of separation from Mata Sita. Shri Ram is a patient
friend while waiting for Sugriv to keep his promise and also a
forgiving friend, when Sugriv temporarily forgets his promise
of his search for Mata Sita thus fulfilling all traits of

Faizi - Hanuman’s courage, faith and strength beautifully

come out in the Sundar Kand. While Angad, Jambavan prove
motivation and team work in achieving a quest is important,
Hanuman proves that faith is the greatest strength. If a person
is courageous and truthful, then all obstacles and worries are
temporary just as the hurdles Hanuman faces in the Sea.

Adhvik - The Yuddh Kand gives great examples of courage

and strength. Shri Ram defeats great warriors of Lanka and
wins the battle even without armour on or a chariot to ride
only with the virtue of courage. He not only motivates himself
but his army too as the perfect leader proving that great
leaders are the ones who possess courage to face life at all
odds. With such lessons in abundance in these beautiful
Kands, the Ramayan paves a path for mankind that when one
understands Shri Ram, Dharma is understood and vice versa.

Arav - Maharshi Valmiki has immortalised the story of Shri

Ram through his eternal Epic of Ramayan. Shri Ram is the
treasure of virtues and in each of the Kands of Ramayan, his
virtues, the values necessary for a human to be a humane, and
how Dharma protects mankind is exemplified through
different characters of Ramayan.

Akshat Sharma
Please rise up for the national anthem

(National Anthem)

Now I would request Neeti maam to say a few words.

(Neeti maam Says)

Thank you very much ma’am for your words of wisdom.
May everyone’s lives are filled with the blessing of lord ram
and maharishi valmiki. Wish you a very happy VALMIKI

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