Библиография Ю. Гагарина Гугл Перевод

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Yuri Gagarin

A country: Russia

Was born: March 9, 1934

Died: March 27, 1968

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (March

9, 1934, Klushino, Gzhatsky district,
now Smolensk region - March 27, 1968,
near the city of Kirzhach, Vladimir
region) - Soviet pilot-cosmonaut, Hero
of the Soviet Union. On April 12, 1961,
Yuri Gagarin became the first person in
the history of the Earth to fly into space.
Parents: father, Alexey Ivanovich
Gagarin (March 14 (27), 1902 - August
30, 1973), - carpenter; mother, Anna
Timofeevna Matveeva (December 20,
1903 - June 12, 1984), a dairy farm
In 1941, he entered the 1st grade
of a secondary school in the village of
Klushino, but his studies were interrupted by the war. Only in 1943 did he resume
his studies at school.
In 1945, the Gagarin family moved to Gzhatsk, where Yuri studied unti
1949, graduating from 6 classes.
In 1949-1951 - student of vocational school No. 10 in Lyubertsy, Moscow
region, received the specialty “moulder-foundry worker”. In 1951 he graduated
from the 7th grade at Working Youth School No. 1 and was sent by the Moscow
Regional Department of Labor Reserves to study at the Saratov Industria
From 1951 to 1955, he was a student at the Saratov Industrial College,
majoring in Foundry, and received a diploma with honors.
From September 4, 1954 to October 1, 1955, he studied at the Saratov
Regional Aeroclub. After graduating from the flying club, he was sent to the 1st
Chkalov Higher Aviation Pilot School (VAUL).
From October 27, 1955 to November 5, 1957 - cadet of the 1st Chkalov
Military Academy named after K. E. Voroshilov. I passed the state exams in
theoretical courses with excellent marks.
From December 29, 1957 to March 1960 - pilot of the 769th Fighter Aviation
Regiment of the 122nd Fighter Aviation Division of the Northern Fleet Air Force,
the village of Luostari-Novoye, Murmansk Region.
March 7, 1960 - by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force No
267, he was enrolled as a student-cosmonaut in the detachment at the Air Force
Cosmonaut Training Center. March 16, 1960 - January 18, 1961 - general space
October 11, 1960 - by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force No
00176, he was enrolled in the group to prepare for the first manned flight on the
Vostok spacecraft, together with V. Bykovsky , G. Nelyubov, A. Nikolaev , P.
Popovich and G. Titov . October 1960 - April 1961 - immediate preparation for
the flight as part of a group.
January 25, 1961 - appointed to the position of cosmonaut and awarded the
qualification “Air Force cosmonaut”.
April 8, 1961 - by decision of the State Commission, he was appointed pilot
of the Vostok spacecraft.
The space flight took place on April 12, 1961. Flight duration: 1 hour 48
From May 23, 1961 - commander of the first cosmonaut squad, senior
cosmonaut instructor.
September 1, 1961 - March 2, 1968 - student at the Air Force Engineering
Academy (VVIA) named after. N. E. Zhukovsky, Faculty of Engineering.
From December 1963 to 1968, he held senior positions at the Cosmonaut
Training Center.
September 1965 - April 1967 - was preparing for the flight as commander of
the Soyuz spacecraft as part of the 2nd crew. On April 23, 1967 he was a backup
to the commander of the Soyuz-1 spacecraft V. Komarov .
On February 17, 1968 he defended his diploma project at the Air Force
Engineering Academy (VVIA) named after. N. E. Zhukovsky. He graduated from
the Academy with honors with a degree in Manned Aircraft and Spacecraft and
Their Engines and received the qualification of Pilot-Cosmonaut-Engineer.
On March 27, 1968, he died in a plane crash on a UTI MiG-15 plane along
with test pilot, Colonel V. S. Seregin during a training flight.
Family : wife - Valentina Ivanovna Gagarina, née Goryacheva (married in
1957 in Orenburg; 1935-2020), worked in the laboratory of the Medica
Administration of the Flight Control Center; daughters : Elena Yuryevna Gagarina
(General Director of the Moscow Kremlin Museum-Reserve) and Galina Yuryevna
Gagarina (Professor, Head of the Department of National and Regional Economics
of the Russian University of Economics, Academy named after G. V. Plekhanov,
Doctor of Economics.
© LysenkoVI for book publications and publications in the media

Biography Note:
Awards (based on materials from the reference book “Soviet and
Russian cosmonauts. 1960-2000” ):
Honorary titles:
Hero of the Soviet Union (April 14, 1961), Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR
(April 14, 1961), Honorary Radio Operator (1962). Honored Master of Sports of
the USSR (running, 1961).
State awards:
medal "Gold Star" of the Hero of the Soviet Union (1961), Order of Lenin
(1961), medal "For the development of virgin lands" (1961) and 4 anniversary
Military ranks:
On November 5, 1957, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant.
On November 6, 1959, he was awarded the rank of “senior lieutenant.”
On April 12, 1961, he was awarded the rank of major.
On July 12, 1962, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant colonel.
On November 6, 1963, he was awarded the rank of colonel.

Articles and interviews:

Yu. A. Gagarin, V. I. Lebedev “The exploration of the Moon by man”
Yuri Gagarin "Meetings on the Japanese Islands"


Yuri Gagarin. Documentary works

1961 "I Saw Earth" -

1961 Road to space [Notes of a USSR pilot-
cosmonaut] 8.20 (5) - 1 review

1964 I see the Earth... [= Everything earthly] -

Yuri Gagarin. Monographs

1968 Psychology and space // Co-author: Vladimir

Ivanovich Lebedev 8.00 (3) -

Yuri Gagarin. Articles

1961 [World Youth Forum in Moscow] -

1961 Into the vastness of the Universe // Co-
author: German Titov -
1961 An ocean of air awaits you -
1961 Warm feelings of love and friendship -
1961 Take heart, fighting friends! -
1961 Sidereal Time -
1961 Space rockets rise from the Earth [= My
dear unknown friends!] -
1961 People, how beautiful our Earth is! -
1961 Metal and character are cast in labor -
1961 Dream, dare! -
1961 The World in a Hundred Minutes -
1961 Know the technique perfectly, be precise and
efficient -
1961 Letter to a first-grader [= Letter to the
reader of “Murzilka”] -
1961 Great Beginning -
1961 Symbol of the creative forces of communism
[= There is room for everyone in space] -
1961 Soviet pilot -
1962 [I was still a technical school student...] [=
Preface] [preface to M. Arlazorov’s book “Tsiolkovsky”]
1962 The Wind of October blows over the planet
// Co-authors: German Titov, Andriyan Nikolaev, Pavel
Popovich -
1962 Forward, always forward! // Co-author:
German Titov -
1962 Second year of the space age // Co-author:
German Titov -
1962 Pride of Soviet cosmonauts -
1962 Ready for new space flights [= Ready for
new space flights!; Ready!] -
1962 My dear friends! -
1962 Friends of Cosmonauts // Co-author:
German Titov -
1962 For the art of big ideas -
1962 Star routes to peaceful ships! // Co-author:
German Titov -
1962 Youth is daring! -
1962 Big things await us -
1962 They completed the task, as befits
communists -
1962 Flight unparalleled and unsurpassed -
1962 Preface [to the collection of poems by L.
Vysheslavsky “Star Sonnets”] -
1962 Soldiers of Peace -
1962 Steps leading to the Universe -
1963 Viva Fidel! Viva Khrushchev! // Co-author:
Pavel Popovich -
1963 Space is getting closer! [= Road to the
Stars] -
1963 Two space years -
1963 Roads to space -
1963 Most expensive -
1963 Stars and People -
1963 And you, friends, have space routes -
1963 Towards new achievements -
1963 Ski track - flying on the waves -
1963 The dream came true! -
1963 Towards the stars // Co-author: German
Titov -
1963 There are four of us, there will be many of
us! // Co-authors: German Titov, Andriyan Nikolaev,
Pavel Popovich -
1963 Our Pride -
1963 To our medical friends -
1963 Poetry of stellar heights -
1963 Path to the Stars -
1963 A word to writers -
1963 Storming the Sky -
1964 “Earthly” problems of the planet -
1964 In the name of peace on earth // Co-
authors: German Titov, Andriyan Nikolaev, Pavel
Popovich, Valery Bykovsky -
1964 All strength to our beloved Motherland! -
1964 There is fire! -
1964 Let the stars shine! // Co-authors: German
Titov, Andriyan Nikolaev, Pavel Popovich, Valery
Bykovsky -
1964 On the threshold of future assaults... -
1964 Unforgettable -
1964 Before new starts -
1964 Victory Orbits // Co-author: Andriyan
Nikolaev -
1964 Three years of star roads -
1965 Be worthy! [= Be worthy of our fathers] -
1965 New space launches are ahead // Co-
authors: German Titov, Andriyan Nikolaev, Pavel
Popovich, Valentina Tereshkova -
1965 To young friends of astronauts -
1965 Legend of our days -
1965 Our ranks grow -
1965 Happy starts, friends! -
1966 There are moments... [= Into the orbit of
the new five-year anniversary; Believe it!] -
1966 In the name of the progress of science [=
Route: Earth - Moon and beyond...; Space Five-Year
Plan; The miracle of the century is a real reality] -
1966 The Dream Calls -
1966 Human exploration of the Moon // Co-
author: Vladimir Ivanovich Lebedev -
1966 Look up to the communists! -
1967 "Wave Runners" -
1967 Time of communism, time of space [=
Space and man; Accident? No – it’s the law!] -
1967 Ten years of a new era -
1967 To the readers [preface to the book
“Conquerors of Space”] -
1967 Cosmonautics: achievements and prospects
1967 In Earth Orbits [= Star Trek of Mankind] -
1967 Instrument orientation in space // Co-
author: Vladimir Ivanovich Lebedev -
1967 Before new starts -
1967 Happy Starts! 6.00 (2) -
1967 Man and the Moon // Co-author: Vladimir
Ivanovich Lebedev -
1967 To make a fairy tale come true // Co-
authors: German Titov, Andriyan Nikolaev, Pavel
Popovich -
1968 Star Roads [= “I love you like a son...”] -
1968 Shoulder straps on our shoulders -
1968 Country of Soviets - the harbinger of the
space age // Co-author: Vladimir Ivanovich Lebedev 10.00 (1) -
1969 [Preface to E. Sashenkov’s book “Postal
Souvenirs of the Space Age”] -
1969 Cosmonaut is a profession [= About the
professional activities of an astronaut; Confident steps
into space; Profession: astronaut] 7.14 (7) -
1969 To the boys storming the sky! -

Yuri Gagarin. Essays

1962 Meetings on the Japanese Islands -

1962 Mission accomplished -
1962 My “connector” -
1963 A girl from our squad -
1963 Our friend Fidel -
1963 A Word about a Friend -
1964 Risen Twice -
1964 Three people take off from the cosmodrome
[= Three people take off] -
1964 A Word about the Commander of a Starship
[= Commander] -
1965 Our comrades in flight [= For the first time
in the world; Our comrades; Everything is fine,
friends!] // Co-author: German Titov -
1966 I will be worthy of the title of communist -
1967 Moving on -
1968 Space Road of the Motherland 8.00 (1) -
1968 Steps to the Universe 6.00 (2) -
1969 Friend of Yuri Gagarin -
1969 Yuri Gagarin: he may well be the
commander of the ship // Co-author: Boris Lukyanov -

Yuri Gagarin. Reports

1963 Two more starts // Co-author: German Titov


Yuri Gagarin. Collections

1968 There is fire! -

Yuri Gagarin. Excerpts

1961 Smolensk region - my native land [chapter

from the book “The Road to Space”] -
1961 Into the ranks of the working class [chapter
from the book “The Road to Space”] -
1961 I become a pilot [chapter from the book
“The Road to Space”] -
1961 Oath of allegiance to the Motherland
[chapter from the book “The Road to Space”] -
1961 By the light of the northern lights [chapter
from the book “The Road to Space”] -
1961 Readiness number one [chapter from the
book “The Road to Space”] -
1961 Wednesday, April 12 [chapter from the book
“The Road to Space”] -
1961 Life for the Motherland [chapter from the
book “The Road to Space”] -
1968 Robinsons from Space [excerpt from the
book “Psychology and Space”] // Co-author: Vladimir
Ivanovich Lebedev 5.00 (1) -
1968 Man or Automaton? [excerpt from the book
“Psychology and Space”] // Co-author: Vladimir
Ivanovich Lebedev 5.00 (1) -
1968 Crew of an interplanetary spacecraft
[excerpt from the book “Psychology and Space”] // Co-
author: Vladimir Ivanovich Lebedev 5.00 (1) -
1968 Emotions and space [= Emotions of an
astronaut] [excerpt from the book “Psychology and
space”] // Co-author: Vladimir Ivanovich Lebedev 5.50 (2) -
1968 New ships - new starts [= Alone with the
Stars] [chapter from the book “The Road to Space”] -
2009 My childhood -

Yuri Gagarin. Reviews

1966 About this story and its author -

Yuri Gagarin. Interview

1961 [Answers to questions at a press conference

in the House of Scientists on April 15, 1961] [= [Yuri
Alekseevich Gagarin answers questions]] -
1961 Conversation with Prime Minister of the
Democratic Republic of Vietnam Pham Van Dong.
06/30/1961. -
1961 Visiting the cosmonaut [= [We just met...]]
// Co-author: Vasily Peskov -
1961 Your feat will live for centuries [=
Conversation between N. S. Khrushchev and the first
cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin] // Co-author: Nikita
Khrushchev 8.00 (1) -
1961 Star No. 1 [= Meeting of festival
participants with Yuri Gagarin] -
1961 Origins of the feat // Co-author: Oleg
Kudenko -
1961 What should an astronaut be like? -
1961 When you look at the Earth from space -
1961 We are all striving for the blue expanse [=
“The whole secret is to overcome fear...”; Overcome
fear!; [Entering life...]] -
1961 On the approaches to feat [= “Write
vitally...”] // Co-author: Valentin Goltsev -
1961 The cosmonaut tells [= The first cosmonaut
tells] // Co-author: Georgy Ostroumov -
1961 Narrated by Yuri Gagarin // Co-author:
Nikolai Denisov -
1962 Close spaces of the Universe // Co-author:
German Titov -
1962 Ahead - daring flights -
1962 Space exploration continues // Co-author:
German Titov -
1962 Communism, space, cosmonauts // Co-
authors: German Titov, Andriyan Nikolaev, Pavel
Popovich, Alexander Petrovich Romanov -
1962 My big year -
1962 Conversation between three cosmonauts [=
Great mood] [conversation via radiotelephone after the
launch of the Vostok-4 spacecraft into orbit] // Co-
authors: Andriyan Nikolaev, Pavel Popovich -
1962 Humanity will reveal the secrets of space //
Co-author: Alexander Petrovich Romanov -
1963 In the name of the people of communism -
1963 Before new starts // Co-author: German
Titov -
1963 Messengers of Peace and Friendship // Co-
author: Valentina Tereshkova -
1964 To new achievements! -
1965 “Stars of the first magnitude” [= Our golden
wings] // Co-authors: Vladimir Mikhailovich Komarov,
Alexander Petrovich Romanov -
1965 Conversations at the cosmodrome -
1965 Space yesterday, today and tomorrow -
1965 We are waiting for new flights -
1965 Flight completed successfully [= A lot of
work has been done] // Co-authors: Yuri Letunov,
Alexander Petrovich Romanov -
1965 Yuri Gagarin tells -
1966 Cosmic Horizons [= Cosmic Five Years;
Conquerors of the Universe; On the eve of the space
fifth anniversary; There will be many star flights] -
1966 We are ready for new flights -
1967 Ten Years of the Space Age -
1967 Interview in Paris -
1967 Steep roads of space // Co-author: Yaroslav
Golovanov -
1967 October - space launch pad [= Grand
experiment of history; Space launch pad; Origins of
great achievements] // Co-author: Alexey Arkhipovich
Leonov -
1968 March 24, 1968. Last interview [= Last
interview] -
1968 Masters of the Sky -
1969 Example in life and work -
1975 “Orenburg is well known in the country”
[Interview with journalists of the Orenburg television
studio] -
1975 Great success to the workers of the
Orenburg region -
1991 Questions to comrade. Yu. A. Gagarin.
Comrade's answers Yu. A. Gagarin (at the State
Commission on April 13, 1961) -
Gagarin answers questions -

Yuri Gagarin. Other works

1961 [Speech by Yu. A. Gagarin in Moscow at a

press conference in the House of Scientists on April 15,
1961] [= Distant worlds have opened up to us] -
1961 [I wish the young readers of the magazine
“Koster”...] 5.00 (1) -
1961 [Gagarin’s response to the decision of the
Central Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization to
accept him as an honorary pioneer and enter him in
the Book of Honor of the Pioneer organization] -
1961 [Salute to radio athletes around the world] -
1961 [Greetings to the readers of the newspaper
"Pravda"] -
1961 [Report at Vnukovo airfield] -
1961 “Lately...” [note] -
1961 “I believe that many readers of The
Seeker...” 5.33 (3) -
1961 In honor of our heroic working Soviet people
[Speech at a meeting with the workers of the city of
Orenburg on June 5, 1961] -
1961 High success in combat training [Speeches
at the Orenburg Higher Military Aviation School of
Pilots on June 6, 1961] -
1961 Speech at a rally in Kaluga -
1961 Warm greetings to the readers of Pravda and
Izvestia [= I am happy that I completed the task of
the Motherland.] -
1961 See you soon! [= Before the start;
Statement before launch into space] 8.00 (1) -
1961 The party gave me wings [= Happy May
Day, dear friends!] -
1961 Moscow, Kremlin, N. S. Khrushchev
[greetings] -
1961 At the finish line of space flight [note] -
1961 About the World Youth Forum [= “At the
press conference...”] [note] -
1961 About this drawing [note] -
1961 Reply from Yu. A. Gagarin [to the staff of the
Orenburg Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots] [=
Telegram from Major Yu. Gagarin [to the personnel of
the Orenburg Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots]]
[letter] -
1961 First cosmonaut - Manolis Glezos [= Yuri
Gagarin - Manolis Glezos] -
1961 Greetings from the editors of the Italian
newspaper Unita -
1961 Radiogram from the Il-18 aircraft -
1961 Radiogram to Titov G. S. August 6, 1961 -
1961 Speech by Comrade Yu. A. Gagarin [in
Moscow on Red Square on April 14, 1961] [= I was
inspired by the love for the party, for the Motherland;
“My dear compatriots!..”] [April 14, 1961] -
1961 Heartfelt gratitude [= “I offer my heartfelt
gratitude to everyone...”] -
1961 Creators of Victory [note] -
1961 To the readers of “Red Star” [note] -
1961 Yu. Gagarin - to our readers -
1961 Yuri Gagarin - to the readers of Yunost
[telegram] -
1961 Yuri Gagarin welcomes the forum [= Hero
of Space welcomes the forum] -
1962 [Closer to the Dream] -
1962 [Speech at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses
at a gala meeting dedicated to Cosmonautics Day. April
12, 1962] -
1962 [Speech at the Second Session of the
Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 6th convocation.
December 13, 1962] -
1962 [Participants of the Eighth World Youth
Festival speaking] -
1962 [Word by the cosmonauts regarding the
launch of the spacecraft "Mars-1"] [= Word by the
cosmonauts] [note] -
1962 Angry word of Soviet cosmonauts
[statement after a high-altitude nuclear explosion
carried out by the United States] // Co-author:
German Titov -
1962 Dear young technicians 5.00 (1) -
1962 Entry in the book of honorary guests of the
Borodino Field Museum. October 18, 1962 // Co-
authors: Andriyan Nikolaev, Pavel Popovich -
1962 To Lieutenant Colonel John Glenn -
1962 Speech by Yu. A. Gagarin [at the World
Congress for General Disarmament and Peace] -
1962 Native school [note] // Co-authors: German
Titov, Andriyan Nikolaev, Pavel Popovich -
1962 To the creators of the Soviet miracle [note]
// Co-authors: German Titov, Andriyan Nikolaev, Pavel
Popovich -
1962 To the readers of “Soviet Russia” (1962) -
1962 [Speech at the Central House of the Soviet
Army named after Frunze. Moscow, April 10, 1962] -
1963 [Performance at the Palace of Pioneers,
February 6, 1963] -
1963 [Speech at a gala meeting dedicated to
Cosmonautics Day. April 12, 1963] [= [There will be
new starts]] -
1963 [Speech at the XIII Congress of Trade
Unions of the USSR on October 29, 1963] -
1963 [Every Soviet pilot loves and knows Valery
Pavlovich Chkalov...] [note] // Co-authors: German
Titov, Andriyan Nikolaev, Pavel Popovich, Valery
Bykovsky -
1963 Let's be worthy of time! -
1963 Dear friends - grain growers! [= “Beautiful!
There are no words, our planet is wonderful...", Letter
from an astronaut; Dear grain growers!] -
1963 To journalist friends [greetings] // Co-
authors: German Titov, Andriyan Nikolaev, Pavel
Popovich -
1963 To Captains of Starships [note] -
1963 We believe, friends! // Co-authors: German
Titov, Andriyan Nikolaev, Pavel Popovich, Valentina
Tereshkova -
1963 Flesh of the flesh of the people [note] -
1963 Happiness, peace to you, people of the earth
[note] -
1963 to Irving Lazar [= “I thought a lot about
your letter...”] -
1964 [Speech at the IV Plenum of the Komsomol
Central Committee. January 1964] [= Start given!] -
1964 [Address to the readers of the magazine
“Smena”] [note] -
1964 [Address to young readers of the magazine
“Young Technician”] 6.50 (2) -
1964 Space Hello [note] -
1964 New Year's greetings on 1964 -
1964 Space Pioneers -
1965 [Speech at a gala meeting dedicated to the
40th anniversary of the Komsomolskaya Pravda
newspaper. May 1965] -
1965 [Address to conscripts and pre-conscription
youth of the Saratov region] -
1965 Speech to the youth of the Murmansk region
(December 1965) -
1965 Let the soul sing [note] // Co-authors:
German Titov, Andriyan Nikolaev, Pavel Popovich,
Valentina Tereshkova -
1966 [New Year's greetings from USSR pilot-
cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin] -
1966 Speech at the XV Congress of the Komsomol
(May 21, 1966) -
1966 Speech before the pioneers on Red Square
(May 19, 1966) -
1966 Yu. Gagarin responds to the pioneers [=
[Letter to students of grade 5 “b” p. Paspaul, Gorno-
Altai Autonomous Region]] [letter] -
1966 Fair wind! -
1967 [Speech at the II All-Union Conference of
the Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship and
Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. January
1967] -
1967 Speech at the All-Union rally of young
production leaders in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur
(June 1967) -
1967 USSR pilot-cosmonaut Vladimir Mikhailovich
Komarov // Co-authors: Leonid Brezhnev, Alexey
Arkhipovich Leonov -
1967 He stormed space -
1967 Greetings from the editors of Sputnik
magazine -
1967 Speech by Comrade Yu. A. Gagarin at a
funeral meeting on Red Square -
1967 To the readers of “Soviet Russia” (1967) -
1967 This holiday belongs to us all [note] 6.00 (2) -
1968 10th grade “A” of secondary school No. 1 p.
K. Discord of the Zaporozhye region -
1968 [3rd “B”-4th-MU “B” classes of secondary
school No. 2 Art. Proletarskaya] [letter] -
1968 [Address to young Orenburg residents
joining the ranks of the Komsomol] -
1968 [Letter to Vovka] [= [Letter to Vladimir
Kotov]] -
1968 [Letter to the pioneer detachment named
after Yu.A. Gagarin secondary school No. 124, Omsk] -
1968 [Letter to students of class 5 “B” of the
133rd railway secondary school in the city of
Ussuriysk] -
1968 Speech at the VIII Plenum of the Komsomol
Central Committee -
1968 Speech at the X Plenum of the Komsomol
Central Committee. June 9, 1961 -
1968 Speech at the XV Moscow City Conference of
the Komsomol (March 1962) -
1968 Speech at the All-Army Meeting of
Komsomol Workers. July 6, 1961 -
1968 to Irving Lazar [= "My young Canadian
friend..."] [letter] -
1968 Singer of Starry Distances -
1968 Telegram from Star City [residents of the
Tomarinsky district of the Sakhalin region] -
1968 To the readers of the magazine “Baikal” -
1970 Letter to the workers of the Gagarin brigade
at the Gant enterprise in Budapest [letter] -
1970 Letter to the workers of the cement plant in
Rudersdorf (GDR) [letter] -
1970 Symbol of the irrefutable victory of
socialism! [letter] -
1970 Telegram to employees of the Chelyabinsk
Tractor Plant -
1971 [Letter to Baltic sailors] -
1971 Please consider me a virgin land worker
[letter] -
1972 [Letter to students and teachers of the
Saratov Industrial Pedagogical College. June 26, 1961]
1972 [Radio message on the occasion of
conferring the title “Honorary Citizen of Saratov”] -
1975 [Letter to students of school No. 64 in
Orenburg] -
1975 We are proud of the successes of the Soviet
country [From a speech at a meeting of
representatives of Orenburg workers on August 6,
1965] -
1975 Letter to young cosmonauts of the “Young
Cosmonauts” school of the Orenburg Higher Military
Aviation School -
1975 Congratulations to the personnel of the
Orenburg Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots on
November 4, 1962 -
1975 We are proud of this [Speeches at the
Orenburg Higher Military Aviation School on November
12, 1962] -
1991 Report of Comrade Gagarin Yu. A. dated
April 13, 1961 at a meeting of the State Commission
after the space flight -
1991 Recording made by an astronaut on the on-
board tape recorder ZB-24 No. 008 during the flight of
the Vostok spacecraft on April 12, 1961. -
1991 Earth - Space [= Recording of conversations
between the astronaut and flight control points via VHF
and HF radio channels, starting from the moment the
astronaut boarded the spacecraft and until landing] -
2011 The case of records. Report on the flight on
the Vostok satellite ship on April 12, 1961 -
2016 Letter to family. 04/10/1961 -
"Before leaving Denmark..." -

Yuri Gagarin. Unpublished

1961 [Speech by Yuri Gagarin on Moscow

television. April 17, 1961] (interview, unpublished)

1961 [Interview with Finnish television. July 3,

1961] (interview, unpublished)

1961 [Answers to questions from Czechoslovak

radio. April 28, 1961] (interview, unpublished)

1961 [Press conference at the Taj Mahal Hotel in

Bombay. December 2, 1961] (interview, unpublished)

1961 [Press conference at the Soviet Consulate

General in Calcutta. December 4, 1961] (interview,

1961 [Performance at the Helsinki Exhibition Hall.

July 1961] (unpublished)

1961 [Speech at the Golden Star ceremony.

Prague, April 29, 1961] (unpublished)

1961 [Speech at a meeting with Brazilian

representatives of Rio de Janeiro enterprises]

1961 [Speech at a meeting with Brazilian

students] (unpublished)

1961 [Speech at a meeting with the residents of

Calcutta at the Mahajati Sadan. December 5, 1961]

1961 [Speech at a meeting with Moscow DOSAAF

activists at the Central Aviation Club named after V.P.
Chkalov. May 5, 1961] (unpublished)

1961 [Speech at a meeting with scientists of the

Brazilian Aeronautical Commission] (unpublished)

1961 [Speech at a meeting with students and

teachers of a Buddhist university. December 11, 1961]
1961 [Speech at a civic reception in Bombay.
December 2, 1961] (unpublished)

1961 [Performance at the ChKD plant. Prague,

April 28, 1961] (unpublished)

1961 [Speech at a rally in Bombay. December 2,

1961] (unpublished)

1961 [Speech at a rally in Kabul. December 13,

1961] (unpublished)

1961 [Speech at a rally in Kalutara. December 8,

1961] (unpublished)

1961 [Speech at a rally in Calcutta. December 4,

1961] (unpublished)

1961 [Speech at a rally in the Marine Park of the

city of Kemi. July 1961] (unpublished)

1961 [Speech at a rally at the Osmania University

of Hyderabad. December 6, 1961] (unpublished)

1961 [Speech at a rally in Panadura. December 8,

1961] (unpublished)

1961 [Speech at a rally at Lucknow University.

December 1, 1961] (unpublished)

1961 [Speech at a rally at the National Stadium in

Delhi. November 29, 1961] (unpublished)

1961 [Speech at a rally at Ramlila Square in Delhi.

November 30, 1961] (unpublished)

1961 [Speech at a rally in the central square of

Plovdiv. May 23, 1961] (unpublished)

1961 [Speech at a meeting of public

representatives in Tashkent. December 15, 1961]

1961 [Speech at a gala meeting in Sofia. May 23,

1961] (unpublished)

1961 [Speech after presentation of the Order of

Merit in Aeronautics] (unpublished)

1961 [Press conference July 27, 1961 at the

University of Havana] (unpublished)

1961 Conversation with Foster (unpublished)

1961 Speech at a meeting with artists in the hall

of the All-Russian Theater Society on September 11,
1961 (not published)

1961 Speech at a meeting with soldiers of the

Moscow garrison at the Central Theater of the Soviet
Army. May 4, 1961] (unpublished)

1961 Performance at the plant in Podlipki

(Korolev) (unpublished)

1961 Speech at a rally in Havana in July 1961


1961 Speech at a rally in Zielona Gora


1961 Speech at a party meeting in the Central

Executive Committee (not published)

1961 Entry in the Panorama guest book “Defense

of Sevastopol” (not published)
1961 Entry in the Book of Honorable Guests of the
Old Town Hall of Prague (not published)

1961 Interview (press conference) on British

television 11 July 1961 (unpublished)

1962 [Conversation with Bassi Pamba in Liberia]

(interview, unpublished)

1962 [Speech at a press conference. World

Festival of Youth and Students. August 4, 1962]
(interview, unpublished)

1962 [Interview at Vnukovo airport. May 21,

1962] (interview, unpublished)

1962 [Press conference at the Concordia Hall.

Vein. May 1962] (interview, unpublished)

1962 [TV broadcast from a room at the Imperial

Hotel. Vein. May 1962] (interview, unpublished)

1962 Meeting of the conquerors of the Universe

with television viewers (interview, not published) //
Co-authors: German Titov, Andriyan Nikolaev, Pavel

1962 [Speech at the University of Vienna]


1962 [Performance in the gym of the Vienna

People's School. May 1962] (unpublished)

1962 [Speech at the World Congress of the

International Union of Students. Leningrad. August 26,
1962] (unpublished)

1962 [Speech at a conference on interplanetary

flights. International student club in Helsinki. August 4,
1962] (unpublished)

1962 [Speech at a rally in Stadhall (Austria)]


1962 [Speech at a rally at the Leningrad Metal

Plant. August 25, 1962] (unpublished)

1962 [Speech at a rally on Senate Square in

Helsinki. World Festival of Youth and Students. August
4, 1962] (unpublished)

1962 [Speech at a rally at the Burmeister og Wein

shipyard. Copenhagen. September 1962]

1962 [Speech at a student meeting. World Festival

of Youth and Students. July 1962] (unpublished)

1962 [Speech at a gala meeting dedicated to the

40th anniversary of the pioneer organization named
after. V. I. Lenin. May 5, 1962] (unpublished)

1962 [Speech before voters at the Smolensk

Regional Drama Theater. February 27, 1962]

1962 [Press conference at the Foreign

Correspondents' Club in Tokyo. May 1962]

1962 Speech at the opening of the monument

“Into Space”. October 25, 1962 (unpublished)

1962 Letter to students of the Ternovskaya school

in the Saratov region (not published)
1963 [Press conference of Soviet cosmonauts Yu.
A. Gagarin and V. V. Tereshkova at UN headquarters on
October 16, 1963] (interview, not published) // Co-
author: Valentina Tereshkova

1963 [Soviet Union - with revolutionary Cuba]

[speech] (unpublished)

1963 Speech at the XIV International Congress of

Astronautics (unpublished)

1963 Speech at the All-Union Scientific and

Methodological Conference (not published)

1964 [Performance at the Branchurka Gymnasium

(Stockholm, Sweden). March 2, 1964] (unpublished)

1964 [Speech at a meeting of the Komsomol

activists of the Yaroslavl region] (not published)

1964 Speech at the opening of the monument to

the Conquerors of Space. November 4, 1964

1965 [Speech at a rally at the Kirov plant.

Leningrad. April 25, 1965] (unpublished)

1966 [Speech at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses

at a gala meeting dedicated to Cosmonautics Day. April
12, 1966] (unpublished)

1966 [Speech at a conference dedicated to the

second anniversary of the Soviet-Cuban Friendship
Society. November 11, 1966] (unpublished)

1966 [Speech at a press conference dedicated to

the flight and landing of the Luna-9 automatic station]
(not published)

1967 [Speech on September 9, 1967 at the

presentation of the Order of Lenin to the Yaroslavl
region] (not published)

1967 [Speech on February 1, 1967 at the

presentation of the Komsomol Prizes] (not published)

1967 Speech at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses

at a gala meeting dedicated to Cosmonautics Day. April
12, 1967 (unpublished)

1967 Soviet-Cuban friendship is strong


Logbook of my flight (non-fiction,


Diary (non-fiction, unpublished)

[Letter to students of the 6th grade of

secondary school. Elizavetovka, Azov district, Rostov
region] (not published)

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