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A Different Approach to



Hadith No 1-5
CAIE Question: (Paper 2, Question 1)
(a) Describe their teachings about what Muslims believe. [2+2=04]
Candidates are expected to:
 Identify the central idea of the Hadith.
 Elaborate that idea by elaborating the teachings of that Hadith, focusing of beliefs/theory.
 Give a relevant reference preferably from Hadith of Prophet (PBUH).
(b) Explain how Muslims can put these teachings into action. [2+2=04]
Candidates are expected to:
 Describe the possibilities of implementation of that Hadith by mentioning 3 aspect:
 What to do? (what actions this Hadith requires Muslims to do)
 Why to do? (Reasons of above mentioned actions)
 How to do? (Candidates are supposed to give present day examples)
 Give Practical examples from Prophet’s (PBUH) and companions’ life relating to Hadith.

 There are 20 Hadiths in CAIE syllabus.
 Hadiths are divided into 2 groups according to their teachings: 1. Individual. 2. Communal.
 4 Hadiths are given in paper from which candidates are supposed to attempt any 2.
 Elaborate that idea by elaborating the teachings of that Hadith, focusing of beliefs/theory.
Hadith No 1
ِ ِ :‫ لِ َمن؟ قا َل‬:‫ قُلنا‬،'‫'اَل ِّدینُ ال َّنصِ یحۃ‬
َ ‫ َو ِِلَ ِئ َّم ِۃ المُسلِم‬،‫ َول َِرسُول ِٖہ‬،‫'لِل َولِکِ َت ِابہ‬
‫ِین َو َعا َّمت ِِھم۔‬
‘Religion is Sincerity.’ We said: ‘To whom?’ The Prophet said: ‘To Allah, his Books, his Messengers, the
leaders of the Muslims and to their common people
Marking Scheme
(a) The main teaching of this Hadith to Muslims is that they should follow the teachings of Islam by strongly believing in the
oneness and supremacy of God and the finality of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and also by following the Qur’an and sincerely
practicing the pillars of Islam. Another important teaching of this Hadith is that Muslims must also be sensitive to the needs of
others and be loyal members of their community and work towards its betterment as a whole.
(b) By following the teachings of Islam Muslims can put into practice the teachings of this Hadith. Answers could say that true
Muslims will not only follow the Qur’an and the Prophet but will go on to maintain the good of society. Sincerity in all aspects of life
needs to be practiced and is an important aspect of a Muslim’s conduct.
Structure of Answer
(a) Teachings: (b) Action:
 Main Idea: Importance of  Muslims can put the teachings of this Hadith into action by:
Sincerity.  Purifying their faith by believing in Allah and following the commands of Holy Books
 Importance of sincere faith in and Messengers.
Oneness of Allah, Messengers and  Fulfilling their duties regarding their leaders for greater good of society.
Books.  Taking care and giving utmost respect to every individual regardless of their
 Importance of responsibilities social/economical/political status.
towards leaders.  Ref: “The Blood…” [Sahih Muslim]
 Ref: Surah Al-Nisa [04:59]  Present Day Example:
 Importance of respecting and  Muslims should exercise their right to vote and keep strict check on their leaders.
honoring ordinary Muslims.  Bosses should respect their employees and servants.
 Prophet’s (PBUH) respect for every individual Muslim.
 Abu Bakr’s (RA) first speech.
(a) Teachings:
 Main emphasis of this Hadith is on sincerity and commitment.
 Firstly, this Hadith highlights the importance of believing in Oneness of Allah and purifying faith by denying the
possibility of any associate of Allah. It further demands genuine faith in Divine Books and Messengers of Allah which
is only possible if belief is supported by actions.
 Furthermore, this Hadith signifies the importance of fulfilment duties towards leaders but this does not only include
their obedience, but their fair selection, supporting them in positive steps and keeping check and balance of their
performance. Allah says:
 “O you, who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you…” [04:59]
 Most importantly, this Hadith highlights the importance of respecting and taking care of common Muslims despite
their social, economic and political status.
(b) Action:
 Muslims can put these teachings into action by purifying their faith in Allah, His Books and Messengers. Sincere
faith in Allah will make them stay away from shirk and consider Allah as only One God. Sincere faith in Books and
Messengers will inspire them to follow the commands of Books and Sunnah of Prophets.
 The duties Muslims are supposed to fulfil regarding leaders are selection of true and honest leaders, supporting
them when they are right and keeping check and balance of their performance and hold them accountable for
their incompetency.
 Muslims should take care and give utmost respect to every individual regardless of their social, financial and
political status. Sincerity towards ordinary Muslims will include respect, compassion, support, guidance and
overall good treatment.
 Hadith: “The blood, wealth and honor of the Muslim are sacred to all Muslims” [Sahih Muslim]
 Present day Muslims should exercise their right to vote and select honest leaders and later on keep strict check and
balance of them. Bosses should respect and take care of their employees and servants keeping aside their financial
 Prophet (PBUH) always respected every individual Muslim keeping aside their social or financial status.
 Abu Bakr (RA) addressed people after becoming caliph: “Support me if I am right and correct me if I am wrong.”
Hadith No 2
‫ َح ّٰتی ُیحِبَّ ِِلَخِی ِہ َما ُیحِب لِ َنفسِ ٖہ۔‬،‫َِل یُومِنُ اَ َح ُد ُکم‬
None of you believes until he likes for his brother what he likes for himself.
Marking Scheme
(a) An important aspect of Islam is the well-being of others in the community. Care for others is a sign of sincere belief as both God
and His Prophet (PBUH) have instructed Muslims to do and promote good for the welfare of others. The true evidence of an Islamic
brotherhood was the society established in Madinah, the Ansar with free will were ready to share everything with the Muhajireen.
(b) Wanting the best for others, wishing well for everyone and being happy for others in their joyous times and genuinely sorry for
them when something bad befalls them is how the teaching of this hadith can be applied practically. The application of this hadith
is not confined to choosing the same material things that one chooses for oneself but rather genuinely responding to the needs of
others. Belief it could be said is complete only with the right action.
Structure of Answer
(a) Teachings: (b) Action:
 Main Idea: Brotherhood and selflessness.  Muslims can put the teachings of this Hadith into action by:
 It declares that taking care of Muslims  Not being Hypocrite, Dual Faced and Selfish.
Brother/Sister is part of Faith.  Developing sense of sacrifice and compassion for Muslims brothers.
 ‘None of You Believes’ indicates low quality of  Understanding that this is not for only tangible things. It includes advice
faith, not absence of it. and guidance as well.
 It teaches every Muslim to be well-wisher of  Hadith: “One whose advice is sought is a confidant”
another Muslim.  Present Day Example:
 Ref: [49:10]  Honest suggestion should be given while giving career, educational,
 The word ‘Brother’ eradicates the concepts of business and personal counseling.
Sectarianism, Nationalism and Racism.  Brotherhood between Emigrants and Helpers.
 Uthman bought well of Roma to fight famine.
(a) Teachings:
 Islam is a religion of ethics and morals and emphasizes a lot on establishment of an ideal society. Main idea of this
Hadith is highlighting the importance of brotherhood and eradication of selfishness from the society.
 Firstly, this Hadith declares that taking care of Muslims and being honest with them is part of faith and warns that
who cannot maintain honest relationship with Allah cannot maintain relation with God. Being dishonest, selfish and
dual-faced can affect one’s faith.
 But one should not conclude that not abiding by this Hadith will destroy one’s faith and will make him infidel.
Actually, ‘none of you believes’ indicates that quality of faith will be affect not that it will be vanished.
 Moreover, this Hadith teaches believers the importance of being well-wisher of others and orders them to serve,
support and honor others unconditionally.
 “The believers are but brothers…” [49:10]
 Prophet (PBUH) used the word ‘brother’ that eradicates the concept of hate on the basis of religion, sect, nation or
race and demands believers to treat everyone equally.
(b) Action:
 Muslims can put these teachings into action by not being hypocrite and dual-faced. It inspires Muslims to be
courageous and bold to be honest and show case their love and disliking for anyone. Liking someone for personal
gains and backstabbing them after getting their own benefit is condemned in Islam.
 This Hadith inspires Muslims not to be selfish and develop sense of compassion and sacrifice for others. This will
not only ensure a peaceful and Healthy and Islamic society but it will give great impression of Islam and Muslims.
Saints of sub-continent can be great example to understand the true implementation of this Hadith.
 Furthermore, this Hadith does not only include tangible things like property and belongings but it also includes
guidance and advice. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
 “One whose advice is sought is a confidant”
So, a confidant should always be honest while giving suggestions and should never deceive the one who put trust
on him.
 People should give honest suggestions to each other while giving educational, career, financial or personal
 The brotherhood established by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a great example that this Hadith is so practical.
 When Madinah was badly hit by famine, Uthman spent handsome bucks and bought the well of Roma and
dedicated it for people’s use was another demonstration of this Hadith.
Hadith No 3
‫وم اآلخ ِِر‬
ِ ‫لِل َوال َی‬ َ ‫ َو َمن َک‬،‫وم اآلخ ِِرفل َیقُل َخیراً اَو لِ َیصمُت‬
ِ ‫ان یُومِنُ با‬ ِ ‫لِل َوال َی‬ َ ‫َمن َک‬
ِ ‫ان یُومِنُ با‬
‫ضیفہ‬ ِ ‫وم اآلخ ِِر َفلی‬
َ ‫ُکرم‬ ِ ‫لِل َوال َی‬ َ ‫ َو َمن َک‬،‫ارہ‬
ِ ‫ان یُومِنُ با‬ َ ‫ُکرم َج‬ِ ‫َفلی‬
Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak good or keep silent, and let him who believes
in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbor, and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day
be generous to his guest.
Marking Scheme
(a) The teaching of the Hadith stresses upon how belief in God and the last day are the hallmarks of being a Muslim and once faith
is established focuses on the need to being good and kind to fellow beings, speaking good of others, showing generosity to
neighbors and guests are given as examples of being a good Muslim. Islam places a great deal of emphasis on the rights of fellow
beings upon Muslims and says that Rights of people are just as important as Rights of Allah.
(b) After confirming their belief in God and the Last Day Muslims must follow the will of God and be generous and kind to people
around them. Muslims should hold their fellow beings in high regard irrespective of their creed or faith. There is a clear reference
to refraining from idle talk in the given Hadith and some candidates may well pick up this point and say that the responsibility of a
Muslim regarding what he says is clearly stated in the Qur’an, ‘Not a word does he utter but there is a watcher by him to record it’
(Al Qaf). Reference to other relevant Hadiths highlighting the practice of showing care to fellow beings can also be given.
Structure of Answer
(a) Teachings: (b) Action:
 Main Idea: Emphasis on social ethics & Rights of fellow  Muslims can put the teachings of this Hadith into action by:
beings.  Being rational and Logical.
 It diverts their attention towards social ethics & service  Taking special care of Morals and Ethics and by being nice to
of Humanity. guest, host and neighbors.
 Hadith “I was sent to complete best morals”  Hadith: “He is not a true believer who eats to his fill but his
 This Hadith highlights the power and significance of neighbor sleeps hungry”
being silent.  Muslims should be constructive member of society.
 It teaches every Muslim to be good with neighbors and  Present Day Example:
guests.  People should avoid practices that disturb the neighborhood.
 It reminds us that one day duties regarding people will  Prophet’s (PBUH) hospitality for Christians of Najran.
be evaluated.  Abu Ayub Ansari’s (RA) hospitality for Prophet (PBUH).
(a) Teachings:
 Islam is a religion of ethics and morals and emphasizes a lot on establishment of an ideal society. Main idea of this
Hadith is highlighting the importance of social ethics and emphasizing on rights of fellow beings.
 Firstly, this Hadith prompts believers and reminds them that rights of fellow beings are no less than rights of Allah. A
believer has to fulfil both of them side by side as this Hadith connects faith in Allah and last day with service of
 As Prophet (PBUH) also emphasized a lot on morals and ethics. Once he said: “I was sent to complete best
morals” [Hadith]
 As it is truly said that wise speaks something because he has something to say, while the stupid speaks because he
has to say something. Here we are taught not to be stupid.
 This Hadith teaches Muslims to fulfil the rights of neighbors and guests and instructs them to be good to them.
 By mentioning ‘He who believes in Allah and The Last Day’ Muslims are being reminded that these responsibilities
are not just formalities, but There will be a transparent accountability and evaluation about it and everyone will be
held accountable if they violate any of them.
(b) Action:
 Muslims can put these teachings into action by being rational and logical. They should not speak or comment
about something which they don’t know anything about. They should keep themselves from discussing someone’s
personal life. One should speak something productive or remain silent.
 Muslims should take special care of morals and ethics as Islam is called The Religion of Ethics. Being good to
guests, neighbors, hospitable and welcoming are basic teachings of Islam. All these habits/behaviors lead to a
healthy and peaceful society.
 Hadith: “He is not a true believer who eats to his fill but his neighbor sleeps hungry”
 Muslims should be constructive member of society. An ideal member whose ethics, morals, habits and dealings
are exemplary.
 Present day Muslims should avoid practices such as blocking roads/streets for celebrations/demonstrations, loud
music, throwing garbage in streets in order not to disturb the neighbors.
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave utmost respect to a delegate of Christians from Najran by accommodating
them in Prophet’s (PBUH) Mosque and giving them best available food and facilities.
 Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari (RA) set an excellent example of hospitality by taking really good care of Prophet (PBUH).
Hadith No 4
،‫الح َال َل‬
َ ‫لت‬ُ َ‫ َواَحل‬،‫ان‬
َ ‫ض‬ َ ‫ُمت َر َم‬ ُ ‫ َوص‬،ِ‫یت ال َمک ُتو َبات‬ َ ‫یت ِا َذا‬
ٗ َّ‫صل‬ ِ ‫اَنَّ َر ُجالً َسا َ َل َرسُو َل‬
َ َ‫ اَ َرا‬:‫ہللا ﷺ َف َقا َل‬
َ ‫ اَد ُخ ُل‬،‫ َولَم اَ ِزد َع ّٰلی ّٰذلِکَ َشی ًئا‬،‫الح َرا َم‬
‫ َن َعم‬:‫الجنۃ؟ َقا َل‬ ُ َّ‫َو َحر‬
َ ‫مت‬
A man asked the Messenger of Allah (PBUH): Do you think that if I perform the obligatory prayers, fast in
Ramadan, treat as lawful that which is lawful and treat as forbidden that which is forbidden, and do
nothing further, I shall enter paradise? He said: Yes.
Marking Scheme
(a) The teaching of this Hadith is that Islam is a very simple religion to follow. By following the pillars and keeping away from what
is forbidden in Islam a Muslim may achieve paradise. The pillars of zakat and hajj are incumbent only on those who have the means
to fulfil them whereas salat and sawm are compulsory for all Muslims. God wants to reward Muslims for following the path
prescribed by Him and having given Muslims ease in fulfilling them expects obedience.
(b) A Muslim can put into practice the teaching of this Hadith by becoming regular and punctual in saying his five daily prayers, in
fasting in the month of Ramadan and if he has the means, by fulfilling his other pillars. Candidates can give examples of how to stay
away from haram things and can cite other hadiths to support their answer.
Structure of Answer
(a) Teachings: (b) Action:
 Main Idea: Simplicity and ease of  Muslims can put the teachings of this Hadith into action by:
practicing Islam.  Being keen about the preparation of Hereafter.
 Importance of Obligatory Acts and  Paying special attention towards obligatory acts.
Leniency about Nafil Deeds.  Taking special care of Prayers and Fasting.
 Importance of Knowledge.  Hadith: “The difference between a believer and non-believer is Salah
 Importance of Belief. (Prayer)”
 Importance of Prayer.  Muslims should seek knowledge of Lawful and Unlawful.
 Importance of Fasting.  Hadith: "When Allah wishes good for someone, He bestows upon him the
 Hadith: “Fasting is a shield.” understanding of Deen." [Agreed upon]
 Why only Prayer and Fasting are  Present day example:
mentioned?  Basic religious knowledge should be necessary for everyone.
 Prophet’s (PBUH) regularity for Prayer.
 Umar’s (RA) attention for Prayer.
(a) Teachings:
 The main idea of this Hadith is simplicity of Islam as it describes that how it is beautifully easy and comfortable to
 Obligatory acts are given special priority by Prophet (PBUH) himself and his companions. A believer is supposed be
very punctual and serious about all obligatory acts. Specially pillars of Islam. On the other hand, this Hadith indicates
towards lenient policy of Allah about Nafil Deeds.
 This Hadith obligates seeking knowledge of Lawful and Unlawful and then it instructs us to live our lives based upon
that knowledge. Accepting what’s permitted and rejecting what’s forbidden is the best quality of Islam.
 This Hadith reaffirms that a sinner can be forgiven whenever he/she repents but doing something unlawful and
considering it lawful is another level of disobedience, disliked by Allah.
 Special mention of Prayer indicates its importance in Islam.
 Special mention of Fasting highlights its importance in Islam as Prophet (PBUH) declared it protection from Satan
and sins:
 “Fasting is a shield.” [Hadith]
 Zakat and Hajj are not mentioned because they are practiced by a particular group of Muslims who can afford it
financially but Prayer and Fasting is for everyone.
(b) Action:
 Muslims can put these teachings into action by being keen about the preparations of hereafter just like the man
who asked this question from Prophet (PBUH).
 Muslims should be very serious and regular in obligatory acts. Among the obligatory acts prayer and fasting are
mentioned here which inspires Muslims to be particular about these two specially. As Prophet (PBUH)
highlighted the importance of Prayer by saying:
 “The difference between a believer and non-believer is Salah” [Hadith]
 Muslims should seek knowledge of Lawful and Unlawful so they may be well acquainted with the principles of
Islam and shape their lives according to the teachings of Allah. Prophet (PBUH) also mentions its importance:
 "When Allah wishes good for someone, He bestows upon him the understanding of Deen." [Agreed upon]
 Present day Muslims should develop a system where a student must have basic knowledge of Islam along with
their professional qualification so a scientist or economist should also have basic knowledge of Islam.
 When Prophet (PBUH) couldn’t even stand properly during his last days, he still managed to come to mosque to
offer prayer with the Help of Hazrat Ali (RA) and Abbas (RA).
 When Umar bin Khattab (RA) was stabbed by Feroz during prayer. While falling down, he managed to drag Abdul
Rehman bin Auf (RA) to complete the Prayer.
Hadith No 5
‫ َو ُتعِینُ الرَّ ُج ُل فِی َدا َّبت ِٖہ‬،‫ص َد َقۃ‬ َ ‫ َتع ِد ُل َب‬: ُ‫وم َتطل ُ ُع فِی ِہ ال َشمس‬
ِ ‫ین اِث َن‬
َ ‫ین‬ ٍ ‫ص َد َقۃ ُک َّل َی‬ ِ ‫ُکل س َُال َمی م َِن ال َّن‬
َ ‫اس َعلَی ِہ‬
‫طو ٍۃ َتمشِ ی َھا ِالَی الصَّال ِۃ‬
َ ‫ک ِّل َخ‬
ُ ‫ص َد َقۃ؛ َو َب‬ َّ ‫ص َد َقۃ؛ َوالکَلِمۃ‬
َ ‫الط ِّی َب ُۃ‬ َ ‫َف َتح ِملُہ َعلَی َھا اَو َتر َف ُع لَہ َعلَی َھا َم َتا َعہ‬
َ ‫ص َد َقۃ؛ َوتمِیط اِلذی َع ِن الطریق‬
‫ص َدقۃ‬ َ
Every person’s every joint must perform a charity every day the sun comes up: to act justly between two
people is a charity; to help a man with his mount, lifting him onto it or hoisting up his belongings onto it is
a charity; a good word is a charity; every step you take to prayers is a charity; and removing a harmful
thing from the road is a charity.
Marking Scheme
(a) To be charitable is not the prerogative of the rich alone. This Hadith teaches the Muslims the broader meaning of charity. It is
not only financially that someone can be helped but charity can be practiced by every Muslim as is shown in the examples given in
this Hadith. Every Muslim must try to be charitable and earn God’s pleasure and mercy through their deeds by being a source of
comfort and help to others. Candidates should not simply write down the examples given in the Hadith but say that it is the small
everyday acts of kindness that have been deemed as charity.
(b) By practicing charity Muslims can put into action the teachings of this Hadith. Examples of this can be removing say a banana
peel from the pathway which may prevent someone from slipping, giving honest advice when it is sought, donating old clothes to
charitable organizations, sharing one’s iftaar with a poor person� the list is endless. Candidates are free to give other examples and
all valid responses need to be credited.
Structure of Answer
(a) Teachings: (b) Action:
 Main Idea: Broader concept of  Muslims can put the teachings of this Hadith into action by:
charity.  Muslims should promote justice and act justly when taking decisions and settling
 Importance of Gratitude. disputes.
 “…If you are grateful, I will surely  Muslims should serve their fellow beings by any mean. Be it physical support, a
increase you [in favor]…” [14:07] good advice, motivational/positive word, removing something harmful from road
 Importance of Social Welfare and or even passing a smile.
Service of Humanity.  Hadith: “When you smile to your brother's face, it is charity." [Tirmidhi]
 Importance of Positive Speaking.  Muslims should be regular for Prayer.
 Importance of Prayer.  Present day example:
 Muslims should play their role in eliminating hate based upon sects, cast, language
and region.
 Prophet (PBUH) & fixing of black stone.
 Ali (RA) in the courtroom.
(a) Teachings:
 This Hadith clarifies the true and broader meaning of charity. Charity is sharing Allah’s blessings. Be it money,
physical ability, speaking skills or thinking capacity. One can do charity by giving a sincere advice or helping a man
with his mount.
 This Hadith lays emphasis on the importance and necessity of gratitude. Gratitude is the best habit one can adopt
and it is the source of increase in Allah’s blessings.
 Allah says: “‘if you are grateful, I will surely increase you (in favor)” [14:07]
 This Hadith highlights the importance and significance of social welfare and service of Humanity. It instructs
Muslims to fulfil all Human rights specially, as Allah may forgive his rights but he won’t forgive the negligence
towards human rights.
 This Hadith highlights the importance of good word and positive use of communication as it can do wonders.
Prophet (PBUH) said:
 “Some eloquent speech is as effective as magic” [Tirmidhi]
 Special mention of Prayer highlights the significance of efforts made to offer prayer such as going to a distant
mosque, waking up early or making ablution in cold weather etc.
(b) Action:
 Muslims can put these teachings into action by promoting justice and acting justly when taking decisions and
settling disputes. Because Justice is the reason behind why nations prosper.
 Muslims should serve their fellow beings by any mean. Be it physical support, a good advice,
motivational/positive word, removing something harmful from road or even passing a smile. Prophet (PBUH)
 “When you smile to your brother's face, it is charity." [Tirmidhi]
 Muslims should be regular for Prayers as it’s the only pillar of Islam which is discussed here along with all rights
of fellow beings.
 Hadith: “The difference between a believer and non-believer is Salah”
 Present day Muslims are supposed to play their role in elimination of extremist approach and fundamental
mindsets that provoke people to hate each other on the basis of sectarian and other differences.
 When Holy Prophet (PBUH) was given the responsibility to decide the matter of fixing of Black stone. Despite
being from Banu Hashim he did not favor his own clan and acted justly.
 Hazrat Ali (RA) as 4th caliph had to appear in courtroom involving dispute with a Jew. When he entered the
courtroom, Judge stood up to give respect to caliph. Ali (RA) stopped him and scolded him for doing so.

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