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Grandsons of Prophet (PBUH)

Q (a) Write accounts of the lives of the Prophet’s two grandsons Hasan (RA) and Hussain (RA).
[10] [J/2009]
CAIE Marking Scheme
Answers for this part could give an account of the lives of the grandsons of the Prophet from their
childhood to their deaths. For both of them, their closeness to the Prophet could be described as well
as important points such as their support for their father throughout his Caliphate. Al-Hasan was
involved with his father in the battle of Siffin and the battle with Aisha. He became Caliph but gave it
up after a year due to heavy opposition from Mu’awiya. He was poisoned and died in the year 670. Al-
Husayn rejected the Umayyads and refused to accept Yazid as caliph after Mu’awiya. AlHusayn’s
supporters in Kufa were killed/punished. In 680AD, returning from Hajj, he camped at Karbala and
Umayyad troops surrounded the camp. There was a battle between his 72 supporters and a 4000
strong army. They put up resistance but eventually al-Husayn was surrounded and killed. His head was
taken to the Caliph.

2. Hasan bin Ali (RA)

 Hasan (RA) was the first child of Ali (RA) and Fatimah (RA). He was born in Ramadan 3 rd A.H. Prophet
(PBUH) performed post-birth rituals that included recitation of Azan in his right ear and Iqamah in
his left ear, gave him honey and paid charity equal to weight of his hair. Prophet (PBUH) celebrated
his Aqiqah and sacrificed 2 sheep. His unique name ‘Hasan’ (The beautiful) was also given by Holy
Prophet (PBUH).
 Being the first child of his parents he was beloved not only to his parents but to Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH). There are numerous stories that demonstrate Prophet’s (PBUH) love and
affection for him as he would play with him, carry him to mosque, even they would rush in while
Prophet (PBUH) was in crucial meetings. This was same as when Prophet (PBUH) used to be
attached with his grandfather Abdul Muttalib. It is reported that whenever Hasan would see
Prophet (PBUH) in Prostration, he would climb up on his back and start playing and Prophet (PBUH)
would prolong his Prostration in order to let him play as long as he wanted. Once Prophet (PBUH)
was delivering Friday sermon and he saw Hasan coming towards him. He stopped the sermon and
came down to pick Hasan (RA) and gave him love.
 Hasan got the best mentors one could imagine. Under the blessed shadow of the Holy Prophet he
received his training from the most blessed parents on earth. Coming to the mosque of the Prophet,
listening to the Sermons of his grandfather and seeing Islam prosper were the lessons one can never
 Once a group of Christians from Najran challenged the ideologies of Islam and they were not ready
to listen to any logical answer. Prophet (PBUH) invited them for ‘Mubahala’, Allah elaborates this:
 “Then whoever argues with you about it after [this] knowledge has come to you - say, "Come,
let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then
supplicate earnestly [together] and invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars [among us]." [03:61]
Family members that were called by Prophet (PBUH), Hasan (RA) was also included among them.
Prophet (PBUH) covered them in his cloak which is why they are called ‘The people of cloak’.
 He was just 8 years old when Prophet (PBUH) died in 632 AD and right after 6 months he lost his
mother too which impacted his personality in a great manner and made him mature and visionary
as compared to his age group. He was taken care by Ali (RA) who instilled bravery, love of
knowledge, generosity and compassion in his personality.
 He always played his part during the caliphate of first three caliphs and performed different tasks
whenever he was called on duty. When rebels besieged the house of Uthman with intention to kill
him, Hasan (RA) along with his younger brother Hussain (RA) guarded the gate of Uthman’s
residence and made sure that supply of food and water is not interrupted to the family of Uthman
 He worked as advisor and right hand of his Father Ali (RA) during his caliphate. He supported,
advised and protected his father during his 4 years of rule that was full of turmoil, chaos and civil
 Seeing his compassion and good management skills, Ali (RA) appointed him supervisor of national
 Before battle of camel that was fought against the forces of Ayesha (RA), Hasan was given task to go
to Kufa and mobilize the army and reach the battlefield. A task he fulfilled with full dedication and
met expectation of his father.
 He also participated in the battles of Siffin that was fought against Amir Muaviyah (RA) and Battle of
Naharwan fought against Khawarij.
 According to Shia Muslims, Ali was the first Imam in the chain of twelve and he designated Hasan
(RA) as the 2nd Imam in the chain. Therefore, He became caliph after the martyrdom of Hazrat Ali
(RA) in January 661 AD.
 He received reports about Syrian forces gathering on borders of Iraq border, He immediately
responded and asked assistance from Iraqi region to respond to Umayyad threat. He could not
gather a valid number of defending force which reminded him the treachery of this region when
they betrayed Ali (RA) several times. So he signed a peace treaty with Amir Muaviyah (RA) and
surrendered the caliphate. This was even predicted by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as he had said:
 “This son of mine will make peace between the two fractions of Muslims.”
 Hasan (RA) and Muaviyah (RA) agreed on some terms and signed a treaty that bounded Muaviyah to
rule according to the Quran and Sunnah. Shia Muslims believe that Muaviyah was bound to
nominate Hussain (RA) as his successor which Muaviyah (RA) did not fulfil.
 He married numerous women; one of them was the daughter of worst enemy of Ali (RA) named
Joda bint e Ash’as. According to historians, Joda bint-e-Ash’as poisoned him because of which he
died. It is reported that she had married her only to quench the thirst of her father’s enmity.
 Hasan got martyred in 50 A.H and was buried in Baqee’. Prophet (PBUH) reported to have said
about him:
 “Hasan and Hussain are the chiefs of youth in Paradise.”

3. Hussain bin Ali (RA)

 Hussain (RA) was the 2nd
son of Ali (RA) and Fatimah (RA). He was born in Shaban 4 rd A.H. Prophet
(PBUH) performed post-birth rituals that included recitation of Azan in his right ear and Iqamah in
his left ear, gave him honey and paid charity equal to weight of his hair. Prophet (PBUH) celebrated
his Aqiqah and sacrificed 2 sheep. His unique name ‘Hussain’ (The little beautiful) was also given by
Holy Prophet (PBUH).
 Fatimah (RA) got severely ill after giving birth to Hussain, which is why his initial upbringing was
done by Umm-e-Fadhal (RA).
 He was loved not only by his parents but by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). There are numerous
stories that demonstrate Prophet’s (PBUH) love and affection for him as he would play with him
carry him to mosque; even he would rush in while Prophet (PBUH) was in crucial meetings. This was
same as when Prophet (PBUH) used to be attached with his grandfather Abdul Muttalib. It is
reported that whenever Hasan would see Prophet (PBUH) in Prostration, he would climb up on his
back and start playing and Prophet (PBUH) would prolong his Prostration in order to let him play as
long as he wanted. Companions of Prophet (PBUH) were habitual of all these games of Prophet
(PBUH) with his grandsons. Once Umar bin Khattab (RA) saw him riding on Prophet’s back he said:
 “Your mode of transport is excellent.”
Prophet (PBUH) responded upon listening to this:
 “The passenger is also excellent, Umar!”
 Hussain got the best mentors one could imagine. Under the blessed shadow of the Holy Prophet he
received his training from the most blessed parents on earth. Coming to the mosque of the Prophet,
listening to the Sermons of his grandfather and seeing Islam prosper were the lessons one can never
 Prophet (PBUH) said about Hussain:
 “Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain. May Allah love him who loves Hussain.”
 Once a group of Christians from Najran challenged the ideologies of Islam and they were not ready
to listen to any logical answer. Prophet (PBUH) invited them for ‘Mubahala’, Allah elaborates this:
 “Then whoever argues with you about it after [this] knowledge has come to you - say, "Come,
let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then
supplicate earnestly [together] and invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars [among us]." [03:61]
Family members that were called by Prophet (PBUH), Hussain (RA) was also included among them.
Prophet (PBUH) covered them in his cloak which is why they are called ‘The people of cloak’.
 He was just 7 years old when Prophet (PBUH) died in 632 AD and right after 6 months he lost his
mother too which impacted his personality in a great manner. He was taken care by Ali (RA) who
inspired him to be brave, straight forward, consistent and righteous.
 He always played his part during the caliphate of first three caliphs and performed different tasks
whenever he was called on duty. When rebels besieged the house of Uthman with intention to kill
him, Hussain (RA) along with his elder brother Hasan (RA) guarded the gate of Uthman’s residence
and made sure that supply of food and water is not interrupted to the family of Uthman (RA).
 He participated in the battles of Camel that was fought against Ayesha (RA) Siffin that was fought
against Amir Muaviyah (RA) and Battle of Naharwan fought against Khawarij.
 He was reluctant during the signing of treaty between Hasan (RA) and Amir Muaviyah (RA) but
Hasan did not listen to him and signed the treaty which was a hard pill to swallow.
 According to Shia Muslims, Hussain (RA) is the 3rd Imam in the chain of twelve Imams as Hasan (RA)
appointed him next Imam on his death bed.
 He opposed the nomination of Yazid bin Muaviyah and did not give pledge of allegiance to him.
Yazid ordered the governor of Madinah to compel Hussain (RA) to give pledge of allegiance to Yazid.
Hussain (RA) refused to give any pledge and left Madinah to avoid bloodshed and took refuge in
 Soon he started receiving letters from Kufa inviting him to lead the agitation against Yazid as he was
not a just and legitimate ruler. According to narrations he received 18 thousand letters inviting him
to come to Kufa and lead the revolt against Yazid.
 Hussain (RA) his cousin Muslim bin Aqil (RA) to inquire about the situation. He reached Kufa,
inquired the situation and sent green signal to Hussain. But as soon as he indicated Hussain (RA) to
come to Kufa, he got to know about the treachery of the people of Kufa. Governor of Kufa and Busra
Ibn-e-Ziyad arrested and assassinated him and no one came out to support Muslim bin Aqil.
 Hussain (RA) had already prepared to march towards Kufa along with his family members and
devotees. Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) held the rein of his horse to stop him and said about people of
 “They have betrayed your father, they will betray you necessarily.”
But Hussain (RA) left for Kufa as he had already decided it and it was necessary to struggle against a
tyrant ruler like Yazid.
 He got the news of martyrdom of Muslim bin Aqil (RA) on his way to Kufa which affected his
followers and large number of people deserted him and he was only left 72 family members and
close companions.
 Hussain (RA) and his army were made to camp at Karbala near the Euphrates River. Yazid’s army cut
the water supply of Imam’s camp and besieged their camp so they could not get water from
Euphrates. Imam Hussain (RA) stayed strong and fought gallantly for approximately 10 days. Soldiers
of imam started to fall one after another. He delivered a final speech inviting army of Yazid to fear
Allah and stand against oppression. Speech could not make any impact on Yazid’s army; as a result
Imam got martyred after fighting courageously. It was 10th Muharram when his head was cut off and
sent to Damascus as a sign of Yazid’s victory.
 He sacrificed his family and his own life but did not give up in front of oppressor. He made people
understand the true meaning of the Hadith of Prophet (PBUH):
 “Best Jihad is to raise voice against tyrant ruler.”
 Prophet (PBUH) reported to have said about him:
 “Hasan and Hussain are the chiefs of youth in Paradise.”

Q (b) Explain why they each died in the way they did. [04] [J/2009]
CAIE Marking Scheme
Full answers here will be able to discuss the reasons why al-Hasan and al-Husayn opposed the
Umayyads. Al-Hasan died because of the constant threat from the Umayyads to secure power, and
they always viewed al-Hasan as an obstacle due to his support and his being the grandson of the
Prophet. His poisoning reflects the treachery of the Umayyads. Al-Husayn died because he resisted the
Umayyads as he saw them as corrupt. He never gave up on his principles even for his own safety, and
so he was seen as an upholder of right against wrong.
 The mentoring of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Ali (RA) and Fatimah never allowed Hasan (RA) and
Hussain (RA) to give up in the face of oppression and injustice. They always stood up for the cause of
Allah and betterment of Islam and Muslims which resulted in their martyrdom.
 There can be two possible reasons behind Hasan’s (RA) martyrdom:
 Umayyads killed him as he was the biggest obstacle in their way being Prophet’s (PBUH) grandson
and a worthy person to lead Muslim community. As one version of history says that Amir Muaviyah
bribed Joda (wife of Hasan) to poison him and promised her marriage with Yazid.
 But another very strong version says that Hasan (RA) was the only hope of unity among Muslims as
predicted by Prophet (PBUH). He surrendered his caliphate just for the greater good of Muslim
Ummah and Muslims came under one caliph after a long time just because of Hasan’s (RA) efforts.
He may have been killed by hypocrites or any other fraction of enemies of Islam just because of his
contribution towards Muslim unity.
 Hussain (RA) was straight forward and aggressive from the beginning as he did not accept the
agreement between Hasan (RA) and Amir Muaviyah. He opposed the nomination of Yazid which
infuriated Yazid. He ordered his governor to compel Imam Hussain to give pledge but Imam refused.
Yazid started considering him biggest threat for his government; therefore he killed him along with
his family members at Karbala.

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