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Lecture – 11
Aquatic ecosystem

Aquatic ecosystem

Aquatic Ecosystem
❖ Freshwater ecosystem-Salt concentration is less than 5 parts per thousand
❖ Marine ecosystem-Salt concentration is more than 35 ppt .
❖ Water is the main habitat in aquatic ecosystems, where aquatic organisms
are classified according to their zone of occurrence.
❖ Neuston: Organism living in water air interface.
Eg.-Beetles and floating insects.

❖ Periphyton: Organism attached to stem and leaves of aquatic plants

Eg- Insects, Labeotropheus, Trewavasae, and Pseudotropheus zebra.

❖ Planktons-Microscopic plants (Phytoplanktons) and animals

(Zooplanktons) moving with water current.

Additional Information: Phytoplankton

❖ Microscopic plant-like organisms called phytoplankton are the base of the marine food web, and they play
a key role in removing carbon dioxide from the air.
❖ Phytoplankton live in watery environments, both salty and fresh.
❖ Some phytoplankton are bacteria, some are protists, and most are single-celled plants. Among the
common kinds are cyanobacteria, silica-encased diatoms, dinoflagellates, green algae, and chalk-
coated coccolithophores.

❖ Phytoplankton are extremely diverse, varying from photosynthesizing bacteria (cyanobacteria), to plant-
like diatoms, to armor-plated coccolithophores
Source: NASA

❖ Nekton-Swimming animals (Frogs,Fish)

❖ Benthos: Organism at the bottom of water mass (Fish, Worms)

Freshwater Ecosystem
❖ Home to 41 % of all fish species
❖ Occupies 20 % of the earth's surface
❖ Contains 0.8% of all water.
Types Of Freshwater Ecosystems
❖ Lentic Ecosystem -Static water Ecosystem. Eg- Lakes
and Ponds, also known as Still Water Ecosystems.
❖ Lotic Ecosystem- Running Water Ecosystem, eg-Rivers
and Streams, and also known as Riverine Ecosystem.
Significance of Freshwater Ecosystem:
❖ It is crucial for the survival of our Planet.
❖ It is a source for storing and purifying water.
❖ Source of drinking water-growing Crops, water for irrigation,water for industry, Hydroelectric power plants,
and even Transportation.
❖ Freshwater ecosystems help in prevention of erosion and waste disposal.
❖ It acts as a natural flood protection system.

Threats to Freshwater Ecosystem:

❖ Over exploitation of freshwater resources
❖ Freshwater ecosystems are being impacted from water pollution.
❖ Habitat destruction and degradation
❖ (World Wildlife Fund Report, -WWF
❖ From 1970 to 2014, there was an 83% decline in freshwater vertebrates)
❖ Threats from invasive foreign species.
❖ For example:
➢ The introduction of Nile Perch into Lake Victoria. Nile
perch can be called an alien species or an invasive species,
and when they are introduced, they flourish very well. Eg-
➢ Introduction of Amazon Catfish in Kolkata wetlands, it
is also an invasive species.
Marine Ecosystem:
❖ It covers 70% of the Earth's surface.
❖ It met the needs of 97% of the planet's water supply.
❖ 90% of the space is habitable space.
❖ Though average temperature of marine ecosystems is 4 degrees celsius,
Marine Climate = Tropical to Polar.
Sunlight in the Marine Ecosystem (most important abiotic factor)
❖ There are three zones.
❖ Euphotic Zone-
➢ It’s top layer is up to 200 meters .
➢ It will have enough light.
➢ Presence of most of the marine life ecosystem.
❖ Disphotic Zone
➢ It is middle layer and extends from 200 to 1000 meters.
➢ This zone helps in diffusing lights
➢ It has less photosynthesis
➢ It has lesser biodiversity in terms of animal and plant life.
❖ Aphotic Zone
➢ It is the lowest layer below 1000 meters.
➢ Absence of photosynthetic process in this zone..
➢ It has less life diversity.

Significance of Marine Ecosystems

❖ It helps balance the global climate .
❖ It contributes to the water cycle process.
❖ It sustains and supports biodiversity
❖ It acts as an important food source for the global population .
❖ It is a source of energy such as wave energy, tidal energy, and ocean thermal energy
Threats to Marine ecosystem
❖ Overfishing
❖ Habitat loss
❖ Alien or invasive species
❖ Ocean acidification
❖ Ocean pollution-oil spillage
❖ Ocean warming
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