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GENERAL MANAGEMENT THEORY – and organizational structure is

ADMINISTRATION by Henri Fayol-Give emphasis on the designed.
elements of planning, organizing, e. COORDINATION – is the
ORGANIZATION- is an association or group of command, coordination and control. integration of all details
individuals with a common goal. It is the structuring 2. BUREAUCRATIC MODEL OF necessary for accomplishment of
of individuals and functions into productive ORGANIZATION – by Max Weber-Give the organization.
relationships. It is either formal or informal emphasis on the elements characteristics f. CONTROLLING- the action
organizations. of bureaucracy taken by the commander to
a. Division of labor ensure that directives, orders,
1.FORMAL ORGANIZATION – are those with a b. Centralization of authority plans, and policies are complied
system of coordinated activities, a group of people, c. Rational program of personnel with in such a manner that the
authority and leadership and cooperation towards a administration objectives will be attained.
goal. d. Rules and regulation g. REPORTING – it is an
2. INFORMAL ORGANIZATION – an indefinite and e. Written records administrative function which
structureless organization that has no definite 3. THE SCIENCE OF ADMINISTRATION – visualized the agency’s
subdivisions comprises by unconscious groups of by Luther Gulick and Lyndal Urwick accomplishment and other vital
feelings, passion and activities of individuals. - Give emphasis on the principles matters. It is commonly called the
Unplanned system of the activities and interactions of of: (POSDCORB) mirror of accomplishment.
participants. a. PLANNING- it is the process of h. BUDGETING- it is a vital
reasoning and thinking which administrative function because
POLICE ORGANIZATION- is a structured group of occur before action is taken. It without allocated funds, the
trained personnel dealt with achieving the following involves in determining what is to organization cannot function well.
goals and objectives; be done, where it should be 4. PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZATION – by
GOALS: done, when will be done, who will Mooney and Reiley ensure public safety do it, why there is need to do it, - it identified coordination as the protect lives and property and how will it be done. preeminent element of maintain peace and order. b. ORGANIZING – it is the process organizational designs. Thus,
OBJECTIVES: of identifying and grouping the coordination is the mother of attain an acceptable degree of peace and order. work to be performed, defining principles. attain effectiveness in the enforcement of laws and delegating responsibility and
and efficiency of law enforcers authority as well as establishing POLICE ADMINITRATION – the study of the attain a low crime volume or crime rate good relationship for the common processes and condition of Law Enforcement as a attain a maximum degree of solution and criminal purpose of enabling people work pillar of Justice.
conviction of law violators together most effectively, attain a maximum degree in the protection of efficiency and economically. EVOLUTION OF POLICING
lives and property. c. STAFFING-choosing the men of
ORGANIZATION- By Frederick Taylor command. Policing was carried but under a system
-Give emphasis on planning, standardizing, and d. DIRECTING-I is to activate the called FRANK PLEDGE or MUTUAL PLEDEGE in
improving human effort in the operational level of the organization and start the action which every male over 12 years of age join 9 of his
organization. when the plans are already drawn neighbors to or a TYTHINGMEN as they were
called. Their duty is to approachend any individual REEVE was the RULER who made laws, pass
who violated a particular prohibited act and to judgment and impose punishment. He was assisted D. MODERN PERIOD OF POLICING
deliver them for trial. Anyone who failed in his by CONSTABLES- the forerunner of In 1829, Sir Robert Peel introduced the
obligatory duty was subject himself to a very severe CONSTABULARY. Metropolitan Police Act passed by the parliament in
fine. Thus, the responsibility for upholding laws and - the ruler of the district England – the milestone of England’s police force. Sir
appreachending law breakers rested with the Robert Peel became famous and was considered as
individual citizen. 2. TRAVELLING JUDGE – held responsible in the FATHER OF MODERN POLICING SYSTEM
passing judgment which was taken from shire-reeve
ANGLO-SAXON (600-1066 AD): in view of some abuses. Peel’s concept of policing are:
The following are the features of this period of a.The police should be organized along military
policing: 3. LEGES HENRIE – This law was enacted during this lines.
period with the following features: b.The police should be placed under screening and
TUN POLICING SYSTEM – TUN is the a.Offenses were classified as against the king and training
forerunner of the word TOWN. Under this system, all individual. c.The police should be hired on a probationary basis
male residents are required to guard the town to b.Policeman became public officials. d.The police should be deployed by time and by
preserve peace and order, protect life and c. The police and citizen have the broad power to area
properties of the people. arrest. e.Police headquarters should be made accessible to
HUE AND CRY – a system of apprehending a d.Grand jury was crated to inquire on the facts of the the people.
criminal whereby a complainant goes in the middle law.
of the street and shout at the top of his voice calling e.Magna Carta – another law enacted upon demand AMERICAN DEVELOPMENTS ON POLICING
all males to assemble. Victims report his complaint to of the Knights of the Round Table forcing the king to Policing in America followed the model
the assembly and indicate the whereabouts of the sign the same. developed in England, New York, Boston, and
culprits. All the male residents would proceed to the Philadelphia developed a similar night watch known
place and apprehend the offered. When The feature of this law are: as RATTLEWATCH, because they carried rattles
apprehended trial is conducted to give chance the No freeman shall be taken or imprisoned or outlawed while on duty to inform the public of their watchful
culprit to defend himself except by legal judgment of this peers; No person presence.
should be tried for murder unless there is proof of the A . Municipal Police Force
ROYAL JUDGE – Conducted criminal body of the victim. 1638 – night watch formed in Boston
investigation and gave punishment. Punishment 1658 – rattle watch formed in New York
fitted the crime. This features started the C. WESTMINSTER PERIOD OF POLICING (1285- 1700 – night watch in Philadelphia
identification of criminals. 1500) 1722 – New Haven had a regulation that no
This period has the following features: watchman will have the liberty to sleep
TRIAL BY ORDEAL – an ordeal whereby the 1800 – all able-bodied males over 16 were required
suspect will put into a physical challenge when not 1. Statute of 1295 – closing of the gates of London at to serve without pay
hurt he will be acquitted but if hurt he will be sundown. This is the beginning of the curfew hours. 1833 – the advent of daytime police adopted a full
adjudged guilty in a certain crime. 2. Justice of the peace – a position having the power police uniform
to arrest, pursue, and impose imprisonment B. State Police Force
FEATURES OF THIS PERIOD: 3. Star chamber court – a special court which tried 1835 – Texas Rangers were organized (forerunner of
offender against the state Federal Bureau of Investigation)
1. SHIRE-REEVE – England at the time of William 1865 – Massachusetts organized a force of state
Norman divided England into 55 military districts Merchant, Parochial, Military Police, and Street constables
known as Shire-Reeve. SHIRE is the DISTRICT while Police as expanded by Oliver Cromwell in sequence. 1905 – Pennsylvania state police came into being
C. Federal Police Force 3. Administered the land in the name of the GUARDIA CIVIL – created by Royal Decree issued
1829 – Post Office Inspection system begun barangay. by the Crown of February 12, 1852 to partially relieve
1861 – Investigation on crimes against government FREEMEN – assisted the Chief with work involving the Spanish peninsular troops of their work in
started the welfare of the community. policing towns.
1868 – Detective forces were formed to investigate LAWS: -Consisted of Filipino policemen organized originally
problems on revenue services, immigration and 1. Unwritten in each of the provincial capitals of the Alcaide
smuggling 2. Written (Governor)
1895 – Federal attention focused on lotteries, drug a.Code of Kalantiao (1433) – a law that gives harsh -
regulations and transportation regulations. and savage punishment. LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT DURING THE
1910 – White slave act and motor vehicle act were b.Maragtas Code (1257) – considered as the oldest SPANISH ERA
adopted written law a. The barangay were consolidated into towns
1934 – National Kidnapping Act, Banking Act, c. Luwaran – Muslims (Pueblos), each headed by a gobernadorcillo
Racketeering Act were passed by congress d. Principal Code of Sulu (Little Governor) popularly called Capitan.
b. Towns into provinces, each headed by a
A. PRE-SPANISH REGIME Police service during the Spanish regime to General in the province
The police under Philippine setting, evolved the 19th century was looked upon by the Spanish c. Cities were governed by special charters.
from the practice of different tribes to select able- government as a part of the military system of the Each of these cities had an Ayuntamento or
bodied young men to protect their villages, not from defense colony. So the locally organized police Cabildo (Special Council)
the assault of criminals, but from the deprivation of forces, although performing civil duties and
wild animals, which prey on their crops and seemingly created for the sole purpose of GOVERNOR GENERAL
livestock’s during the night. maintaining peace, were in fact direct adjusts of the 1. He exercised executive, administrative and judicial
These young men, who walk around to military establishment. powers
protect their village during the night, need not work 2. AS Captain-General, he was the commander-in-
in the field during the day. The village council has POLICE FUNCTIONS: chief of all the armed forces of the Philippines
agreed that they were given an equal share of the 1. The suppression of brigandage by 3. As Vice Royal patron, he exercised certain
harvest for their family. patrolling unsettled areas religious powers.
Historically, this is the forerunner of the 2. Detection of local or petty uprising
contemporary patrol function of the police crime 3. The enforcement of the collection, JAPANESE OCCUPATION
prevention. including church revenues. The Japanese military police known as
BARANGANIC SOCIETY KEMPETAI were held responsible in maintaining
Village Chief – administrative leader of the CARABINEROS DE SEGURIDAD PUBLICO peace and order in Manila. The Manila police was
community. (MOUNTED POLICE) – organized in 1712 to carry renamed Metropolitan Constabulary under the
1. The scope of his authority was limited by a out the regulations of the Department State. Bureau of Constabulary.
traditional body of customs and traditions. Discharge the duties of he port, harbor, and river
2. Although his position has become police. PHILIPPINE EXECUTIVE COMMISSION (THE
hereditary, it was originally intended by an PUPPET GOVERNMENT)
exhibition of a greater prowess and valor. Since the GUARDRILLEROS – a body of rural police A civil government composed of Filipinos
original basis for leadership was his superior organized in each town with Jose B. Vargas as Chairman. It exercised both
personal attributes, he could be replaced if for some - Established by the Royal Decree of January the executive and legislative powers. The laws
reason his position weakened. 8, 1836 enacted were subject to the approval of the
commander-in-chief of the Japanese forces.
Republic Act No. 4864 – An act creating the effectiveness of their functions upon the express
National Police Commission under the office of the wishes of the people.
President in September 8, 1966. B. CONCEPT OF POLICE SERVICE
1. Old Concept – punishment is the role
PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 765 instrument of crime control throwing
PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE An act creating the Police more people to jail than keeping
Constabulary/Integrated National Police (PC/INP) in them out of jail.
February 7, 1945, Gen. McArthur returned to the August 8, 1975. This law put the NAPOLCOM under 2. Modern Concept – the yardstick of
Philippines. The Manila Police was again placed the Ministry of National Defense. During this time efficiency of the police is the absence
under the American control. pursuant of E.O 389, PC became one of the four major of crime. Its objective is the welfare of
July 4, 1946 – when Philippine Independence was services of the AFP the people and the society.
established, President Manuel Roxas became the first Salient Features of PD 765
President and appointed Colonel Lamberto T. 1.The INP was established and constituted, composed TITLES OF ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS
Javalera as Chief of Police of Manila. of the PC as the nucleus and the INP as component A. FUNCTIONAL UNITS
under the DND. 1. Bureau – largest organic unit within a large
D. AMERICAN OCCUPATION 2.The head of the PNP was Chief of the PC department
The American occupation in the Philippines, 3.The PC remained as the major service of the AFP 2. Division – a primary sub-division of a bureau.
which came after the Filipino-American War from 4.The remaining power of the NAPOLCOM was 3. Section – functional unit within a division – this is
1898 to 1901, was followed by a period of Political extended to the police, fire and jail components of necessary for specialization
ferment and social equilibrium. Soon after the the INP. 4. Units – functional groups within a section.
established of civil government in 1901, General B. TERRITORIAL UNITS
Howard Taft became the first civil Governor of the PNP LAW OF 1991 1. Posts – a fixed point or location to which an officer
Philippines. Republic Act No. 6975 – an act establishing is assigned for duty such as designated desk or
the PNP under a Reorganized Department of the office.
SALIENT FEATURES: Interior and Local Government in December 13, - An intersection or cross work form of traffic duty
1. Manila Police Department – organized by virtue 1990. - A spot or location for general guard duty
of Act No. 183 of the Philippine Commission on July 2. Route – a length of street/s designated for patrol
31, 1901. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8551 – PNP Reform and purposes
- Capt GEORGE CURRY became the first Chief of Reorganized Act of 1998 under the National Police - Is a also called Line Beat
Police Commission. 3. Beat – An area assigned for patrol purposes either
2. Philippine Constabulary – organized by virtue of . on foot or motorize
Act No. 175 of the Philippine Commission on August, THE CONCEPTS, THEORIES AND PHILOSOPHY 4. Sector – An area containing two or more beats,
1901, “An act providing for the organization and OF POLICE SERVICE routes or post
government of an Insular Police better known as the 5. District – geographical subdivision of a city for
Philippine Constabulary – the First Insular Police of A. THEORY OF POLICE SERVICE patrol purposes, usually with its own station
the Philippines 1.Continental Theory – policemen are considered 6. Area – a section or territorial division of a large
- Capt. HENRY T. ALLEN became the first Chief of servants of higher authorities and people have little city, each comprised of designated districts
PC. or no share of all their duties, nor any direct
connection with them. C. TIME UNITS
NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION 2.Home Rule Theory – policemen are considered 1. Watch /shift – a time division of the day
servant of the community who depends for the purposes of assignment

2. Platoon – composed of several squads 11. SUSPENSION – a consequence of an act 5. Quick decisions because of direct lines of
usually commanded by a Lieutenant, may which temporarily deprives the officer authority
serve the entire city or district. Divisions from the privilege of performing his DISADVANTAGE:
that have personnel on duty for more than duties as result of violating a directive or 1. Impractical
shift divide them into platoons on the other department resolution
basis of hours of the day they are on duty. 12. DEPARTMENT RULES – rules B. FUNCTIONAL ORGANIZATION
established by the department Functional organization divides responsibility
CLASSIFICATION OF POLICE OFFICERS AND directors/supervisors to control the and authority between several specialists, such as a
IMPORTANT TERMS conduct of the members of the police person responsible for all training, an employee
force directing the community relations activities of all
1. SWORN OFFICER – all personnel of the 13. DUTY MANUAL – describes the units, or a person handling cases involving all
police department who have taken an procedures and defines the duties of juvenile activities. The functional responsibility of a
oath of office and who posses power of officers assigned to specified post or commander is limited to the particular activity over
arrest position which he has control.
2. SUPERIOR OFFICER - one having 14. ORDER – an instruction given by a
supervisory responsibilities over officers ranking officer to a subordinate; either C. LINE AND STAFF ORGANIZATION
of lower ranks. It is either temporary or general, special, or personal The line and staff organization is the
permanent. 15. REPORT – usually a written combination of line and functional types and is found
3. COMMANDING OFFICER – an officer communication unless otherwise in almost all police agencies today. It combines staff
who is I command of the department, a specified to verbal report specialist with line organization so that service of
bureau, a division, an area, or a district knowledge can be provided line personnel by
4. RANKING OFFICER – officer having the ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE specialists such as criminalist, training officers and
highest grade or rank. It is a mechanical means of depicting by an intelligence specialist.
5. LENGTH OF SERVICE – the period of arrangement of symbols, the relationship that exist
time that elapsed since the oath of office between individuals, groups, and functional COMMANDER AND STAFF PRINCIPLES
was administered relationships between groups and individuals are
6. ON DUTY - the period when the officer is clearly defined to ensure accountability and COMMANDER – he exercise command authority
active in the daily performance of his compliance. and responsibility over subordinated by virtue of his
duty rank and assignment, he discharge his
7. SPECIAL DUTY – the nature which TYPES OF ORGANIZATION STRUCTURES responsibilities through a chain of command
requires that the officer be excused from A. LINE ORGANIZATION – often called the
the performance of the active regular individual, military or department type of COMMAND AUTHORITY – this provides the
duty organization commander with the right to plan, organize, direct,
8. OFF DUTY – the nature, which the police -it is the simplest and oldest type of organizational coordinate, and control PNP forces or units in order
officer is free from specific routine duty structure to accomplish an assigned mission or task
9. LEAVE OF ABSENCE – an extended -channels of authority and responsibility extend in a
period during which an officer is excused direct line from top to bottom within the structure COMMAND RESPONSIBILITY – commander is
from active duty participation ADVANTAGES: responsible for all that his unit does or fails to do. He
10. SICK LEAVE – period which an officer is 1. Simple alone answers for the success or failure of his
excused from active duty by reason of 2. Division of work command
illness or injury 3. Each unit completely controlled
4. direct responsibility and accountability
STAFF – issue orders in the name of commander extent of responsibility for the performance of task 6. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY
provides information to commander, offices, other within the special field. The principle of delegation of work is related
agencies and units. Make estimates of the situation, For example: in spite of the creation of a to the process of committing an activity to another’s
recommendation, preparing plans and orders as well traffic division, most street- traffic duties should be care. It is closely related to the principle of span of
as supervision. performed by motorized boat patrolmen. Similarly, control in that even though the span of attention is
while a detective division may be established, much excessive, the harm from it can be reduced by the
PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZATION of the work of investigating crimes may be beat delegation of much detail to subordination.
1. GROUPING OF SIMILAR TASK patrolmen. The transfer of authority be a higher officer to
-task, similar or related in purpose, process, method, 3. LINE OF AUTHORITY AND CHAIN OF another subordinate such as a unit head or who is a
or clientele should be grouped together in one or COMMAND superior of another unit or division. This process is
more units under the control of one person. Grouping Communications should be ordinarily goes continued to the lowest level of execution.
can be done in the following: upward and downward through established channels
a. ACCORDING TO FUNCTION – grouping in the hierarchy. Diverting orders, directives, or THE DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY ARE
according to the nature of task to be performed. It reports around a level of command usually has DIVIDED INTO:
should be dived into groups so that similar and disastrous effects on efficiency of the organization, if A.POLICE FORMULATION – involves what are to
related duties may be assigned to each. the level which is bypassed is ordinarily capable and be done in the form of orders or broad statement of
b. ACCORDING TO TIME FRAME – the units are responsible. The bypassed superior has no official action.
dived into shifts according to time of the day. knowledge of the nature of a directive going B.DIRECTION – deals with procedures, what is to
c. ACCORDING TO PLACE OF WORK – a downward. Since he is unaware of the directive, he be done who will is to be done, who will do it, when,
territorial distribution of a platoon accomplished by can be hardly be held responsible for enforcing it. where and how it is be done.
assigning patrolman on beats is necessary to In emergency situations, those that requires C.SUPERVISION – deals with the assistance and
facilitate the direction and control of officers and to an immediate action, giving of orders by an officer in guidance given to subordinates to ensure successful
ensure suitable patrol service at every point within a staff capacity in the name of someone high in the performance.
the jurisdiction. hierarchy is acceptable, thus the duty of a D.EXECUTION – deals with the performance of tasks
d. ACCORDING TO LEVEL OF AUTHORITY – a subordinate to obey. He has no alternative under in consonance with authority to fulfill responsibility.
police department is always divided according to those special situations. This is also known as
level of authority; that is, there will be some SCALAR OF COMMAND. THE ORGANIC UNITS IN THE POLICE
patrolmen, some sergeants, some lieutenants, and so ORGANIZATION
on. Vertical combinations of superior officers with 4. UNITY OF COMMAND The effective, efficient and economical
each rank at a different level of authority from any Only one man is in complete command of operation of a police department is always the wish of
other, from channels through which operations may each situation, only one man must be in direct police administrative and planners. The nature of the
be directed and controlled. Those chains of command or supervision of each officer. Confusion is operation can be realized if the department is
command, or lines of direct control, facilitate the created when more than one superior undertakes properly organized.
delegation of authority and the placing of authority independent command of an operation performed by The following are the composed parts on how
and responsibility, supervision is thus ensured. several subordinates or when a subordinate receives a police organization can be structured to attain
2. SPECIALIZATION BASED ON NEEDS orders from more than one superior. effective police service.
Specialization is a principle of 5. SPAN OF CONTROL 1. Three Police functions in organization;
organization that results from the division of the force The ability of one man to direct, coordinate, a. Primary functions
into separate units to perform police tasks. The and control immediate subordinates. The broad span b. Auxiliary or secondary functions
degree of specialization is determined by the size of of control may be reduced by the use of additional c. Administrative functions
the department, by the number of units created and supervisory level of officials, thus lengthening the 2. Three organic units that may be assigned
chain of command. the foregoing functions:
a.Operational units: those who either have a basic leadership capabilities guidance or direction. Free rein leaders are
Patrol – prevention of crimes through police visibility or capable of acquiring them. really effective in the organizational setting
Investigation – crime investigation/detection The essence of real leadership is the ability to and often fail to retain control under crisis
Traffic – enforcement of traffic laws and ordinances obtain from each subordinate the highest quality situations.
Vice Control – victimless crimes service that he or she has render. Leadership comes
Juvenile Delinquency – control of youthful offenders from a strong motivation of subordinates, dedication To give police leader control, controls must
b.Service units: and skill in accomplishing organizational goals specify the following specifications:
Records – indexing and statistics through persuasion rather than through force or 1. They must be specific and economical.
Communication command, it does not involve the exercise of 2. They must be meaningful, relating to
Jail – custody of prisoners and rehabilitation authority through commands coupled with threats of significant events.
Crime laboratory – examinations of evidence punishment for noncompliance but from proper 3. They must be using the appropriate
Maintenance – property maintenance motivation of individuals. indicators.
c.Administrative units: 4. They must be timely.
Personnel – personnel/human resource management TYPES OF LEADERSHIP 5. Their limitations must be understood.
Budget – budget and finances 6. They must be as simple as possible.
Plans and Training – plans for training programs and 1. AUTOCRATIC LEADER - the autocratic 7. They must be directed to those who can take
policies leader is one that almost totally on formal the necessary action.
Public Information – police community relations organization power and authority. Autocratic
Police intelligence – gathering of facts involving leaders usually proceed best in pressure
criminal activities as well as conduct of behavior of type or emergency situations but not as well
the members of the force under more leisurely conditions. LEADERSHIP AND PERFORMANCE
2. DEMOCRATIC LEADER – the democratic The police leader is responsible for three
leader normally employs a more equally important essentially different broad
POLICE ROLES AND LEADERSHIP IN THE participative style of management in which responsibilities.
COMMUNITY subordinates are allowed to offer suggestions 1. Fulfilling the mission of the police
and become involved in the making of department.
Police leadership - is the ability of police decisions that affect them. While democratic 2. Making work productive and
administration in winning support for developmental leaders do not relinquish their authority, they subordinates achieving.
programs from people within the department a well tend to share it with their follower, thereby, 3. Producing impacts.
as the citizen. Leadership is probably the most creating a more open and democratic sense
important characteristics of an effective superior. It is of organizational commitment. Democratic Section 6. Article 16 (Philippine Constitution)
through personal example, demeanor, and self leaders are usually more successful in Establishment of national police force that is
discipline, the means of controlling and directing the developing skills and capabilities in their national in scope and civilian in character.
work of subordinates and instilling a sense of subordinates, and promoting a greater
purpose in organizational goals. degree of personal commitment in the goals A. RANK CLASSIFICATION
A superior does not automatically become a and activities of the organization.
leader, nor do those with leadership skills always 3. FREE REIN – the free rein or laissez faire Police Ranks and Equivalent Military
become superiors. Leadership qualities do not go leader normally exercise a minimum of Abbreviations Ranks
with the position, but rather develop in the control over subordinates and in many cases A. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS
individual. Thus, when selecting individuals for will abdicate supervisory authority and Director General General
supervisory assignments, it is important to identify responsibility be allowing subordinates to Deputy Director General Lieutenant General
make decisions by themselves with very little Director Major General
Chief Superintendent Brigadier General Police Officer II Police Staff Sergeant CITY CLASS A – cities with 100,000 populations
Senior Superintendent Colonel Police Officer I Police Corporal and above
Superintendent Lieutenant Colonel Patrolman/Patrolwoman CLASS B – cities 75,000 up to less than 100,000
Chief Inspector Major CLASS C – cities with less than 75,000 populations
Senior Inspector Captain How many stars in the PNP ?
Inspector Lieutenant 63 stars TOWN CLASS A – town with 75,000 population and
Senior Police Officer IV Master Sergeant Breakdown: CLASS B – town with 30,000 to less than 75,000
Senior Police Officer III Technical Sergeant 1 PNP chief CLASS C – town with less than 30,000 populations
Senior Police Officer II Staff Sergeant 3 Deputy Director General (1 for administration, I
Senior Police Officer I Sergeant operation, I chief of the Directorial Staff) GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS FOR
Police Officer III Corporal 11 Police director APPOINTMENT
Police Officer II Private First Class 48 Police Chief Superintendent 1. A citizen of the Philippines.
Police Officer I Private 2. A person of good moral character.
Ranks of cadets of the PNP – Above SPOIV but below ORGANIZATION AND KEY POSITION 3. Must pass the psychiatric or psychological,
Inspector The PNP shall be headed by a Chief with rank drug, and physical tests to be administered
of a Director General (1st in command), assisted by by the PNP or any accredited government
Rank of cadets of the PNPA – above SPOIV but two (2) Deputy Chiefs with ranks of Deputy Director hospitals.
below Inspector General, 1 for administrations (2nd in command); and 4. Must possess a formal baccalaureate degree
1 for operation (3rd in command) appointed by the from a recognized institution of learning.
president. 5. Must be eligible in accordance with the
The PNP shall be composed of a national standards set by the commission
office where it shall house the directorial staff, 6. Must not have been dishonorably discharged
Police Ranks and New PNP Rank RA 11200 service staff and special support units, regional from military employment or dismissed from
Abbreviations offices, provincial offices, district offices and city and civilian position in the government.
A. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS municipal stations. 7. Must have been convicted by final judgment
Director General Police General of crime involving moral turpitude.
Deputy Director Police Lieutenant General MANNING LEVEL MORAL TURPITUDE – An act baseness, vileness or
General Police Major General -the approximate police to population ratio morally evil oftentimes offensive to senses or
Police Director Police Brigadier General sensibilities or highly disagreeable sins where one if
Chief Superintendent Police Colonel THINGS TO CONSIDER IN MANNING LEVEL convicted by final judgment of the crime committed
Senior Superintendent Police Lieutenant Colonel 1. state of peace and order of his parental authority, guardianship over the ward,
Superintendent Police Major 2. population density marital authority, and right to manage his property.
Chief Inspector Police Captain 3. actual demands on service in area 8. Must have height of at least 1.62 m for male
Senior Inspector Police Lieutenant and 1.57 m for female.
Inspector 1:500 Average nationwide manning level 9. Must weight nor more or less than 5 kgs.
B. NON-COMMISSION OFFICERS 1:1000 minimum police to population ratio From the standards corresponds to his age,
Senior Police Officer IV Police Executive Master Sergeant sex and height.
THREE CLASSIFICATIONS OF CITY AND 10. Must not be less than 21 nor more than 30
Senior Police Officer III Police Chief Master Sergeant
Police Senior Master Sergeant MUNICIPALITY ACCORDING TO POPULATION years old.
Senior Police Officer II
Police Master Sergeant
Senior Police Officer I
Police Officer III
Character and Background Investigation – the 2. Inspector- Superintendent – Chief PNP as 1. Those possess disqualifications shall take
screening Committee shall cause a confidential recommended by their immediate superior precedence over the others.
investigation of the character and from among 3. Senior Superintendent to Deputy Dir. Gen. – 2. Order of waived disqualifications; Age,
various sources. President upon recommendation of the chief PNP Height, Weight and Education.
4. Director General – President from among the
Psychological and/or Neuro-Psychiatric Test – in most senior officers down to the rank or position. Examination of policemen
order to exclude applicants who are emotionally or NAPOLCOM shall administer the entrance
temperamentally unstable, psychotic or suffering and promotional examinations for policemen.
from any mental disorder, the applicant shall take a WAIVER SYSTEM
psychological and/or neuro-psychiatric test to be ATTRITION SYSTEM
administered by the NBI, the PNP, or other duty WAIVER – is program given to an applicant having The loss in the personnel of its organization in
recognized institution offering such test after he has disqualification set by the law but still want to join the the normal course of events due to attainment of
qualified and met all the requirements above. PNP service. maximum tenure in position, relief for just cause,
demotion in position or rank, non-promotion and
Oral Interview – the Screening Committee shall QUALIFICATIONS THAT CAN BE WAIVED: retirement.
interview the qualified applicants for suitability for
police work. The interview shall aid in determining Age – not below 20 nor more than 35 years old TYPES OF ATTRITION
appearance, likeableness, and affability, attitude Height – granted to applicants belonging to cultural 1. Attrition by attainment of Maximum Tenure
toward work, outside interest, forcefulness, minorities. Officer will be attrited if he attained the
conversational ability and disagreeable mannerism. Weight – more or less than 5 kgs. from the standards following tenure:
set by law. (Applicant will be given not exceeding 6
Police Appointment – Any applicant who meets the months to comply with this standard) POSITION
general qualifications for appointment to police Education – without baccalaureate degree; at least MAXIMUM TENURE
service and who passes the test required in the 72 units leading to a bachelor degree. 1. Chief PNP 4 years
screening procedures. * Applicant with no baccalaureate degree 2. Deputy Chief PNP 4 years
will be given a maximum of 4 years to comply and 3. Director of Staff Services 4 years
The following are recommended for initial applicant with at least 72 units will be given two years 4. Regional Director 6 years
appointment: to comply 5. Provincial/ City Director 9 years
* Such disqualifications may be waived only
1. Temporary – If the applicant passes through the when the numbers of qualified applicants fall below 2. Attrition by relief
waiver program as provided in under RA 8551. the minimum quota. - PNP personnel who have been relieved foe just
2. Probationary – If the applicant passes through * The nature of appointment under waiver cause and not given assignment within 2 years
the regular screening procedures. program under education and weight is temporary.
3. Permanent – If the applicant able to finish the Failure to comply with the standards within the 3. Attrition by demotion in rank or position
required field training program for permanency. specified time shall be dismiss from service. - Personnel assigned in a position lower than his
* Any PNP personnel who is disqualified from grade despite the existence of vacancy within 18
APPOINTMENT OF PNP OFFICERS AND service by reason of failure to meet the waiver of months after the demotion.
MEMBERS education and weight can eligible to re-apply for PNP
if already possess the minimum qualifications. 4. Attrition by non-promotion
1. POI-SPOIV – PNP Regional Director for Regional - Personnel who has not promoted despite there is
personnel CRITERIA IN SELECTING APPLICANTS FOR vacancy for a period of 10 years.
- PNP Chief National Personnel WAIVER PROGARM
5. Attrition by retirement 3 yrs. – Insp. – Sr.Insp. such as dentists, optometrists, nurses, engineers,
- Personnel who rendered at least 20 years of service 3 yrs. – SPO IV – Insp. criminologists and graduates of forensic science.
2 yrs. – SPOIII – SPO IV Doctors of medicine, members of the Bar and
6. Attrition by other means 2 yrs. – SPOII – SPOIII Chaplains shall be appointed to the rank of senior
a. inefficiency based on poor performance during the 2 yrs. – SPOI – SPOII inspector in their particular technical service.
last 2 successive annual rating periods. 2 yrs. – POIII – SPOI
b. Inefficiency based on poor performance fro 3 1 yr. – POII – POIII SUPPORT UNITS
cumulative annual rating periods 1 yr. – POI – POII
c. Physical and mental incapacity A. ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT UNITS
d. failure to pass entrance examinations twice Satisfactorily passed the psychiatric, 1. Crime Laboratory - it provides scientific and
or finish required career course. psychological and drug tests technical investigative aids and support to the PNP
a. No pending administrative and and other government investigative agencies.
KINDS OF PROMOTION criminal case 2. Logistic Unit – shall responsible for the
1. Regular promotion b. Cleared by the People’s Law procurement, distribution and management of all
Requirements Enforcement Board logistic requirements in the PNP including firearms
a.Successfully passed the promotional examination and ammunitions.
given by the NAPOLCOM PLEB – the central receiving entity for any citizen’s 3. Communications Unit – shall responsible for
b.Satisfactorily completed the appropriate and complaint against the officers and members of the establishing an effective police communications
accredited course in the PNPA and training PNP. network.
institutions -it should take cognizance or refer the complaint to 4. Computer Center – shall responsible for the
Officers Senior Executive Course (OSEC) the proper authority within 3 days upon the filing of design, implementation and maintenance of a data
MNSA or allied related master’s degree the complaint. base system for the PNP.
General Staff Course (GSC) -At least 1 PLEB for every 500 city/municipality police 5. Finance Center – shall responsible for providing
Supt. – Sr. Supt. personnel. finance and budget services for the PNP.
Officer Advance Course (OAC) 6. Civil Security Unit – it provides administrative
Chief Inspector 2.SPECIAL PROMOTION - given to PNP personnel services and general supervision over the
Officer Basic Course (OBC) who have exhibited acts of conspicuous courage and organization, business operation and activities of all
Senior Inspector gallantry at the risk of his life above and beyond the organized private detectives, watchmen, security
Officer Candidate Course (OCC) call of duty shall be promoted to the next higher guard agencies and company guard forces.
Inspector rank.
Senior Leadership Course (SLC) 3. Promotion by Virtue of Position B. OPERATIONAL SUPPORT UNITS
SPOIII-SPOIV -Any member of the PNP designated to any key 1. Maritime Police Unit – perform all police
Junior Leadership Course (JLC) position whose rank is lower than that which is functions over Philippine territorial waters and rivers.
SPOI-SPOII required for such position shall, after 6 months of 2. Police Intelligence Unit – it serves as the
Police Basic Course (PBC) occupying the same, be entitled to a promotion, intelligence and counter-intelligence operation unit
POI-POIII subject to the availability of vacant positions. of the PNP
3. Police Security Unit – provides security for the
TIME IN GRADE IN A PERMANENT RANK LATERAL ENTRY IN THE PNP government, VIP’s visiting dignitaries and private
1 yr. – Sr. Supt, Dir., Deputy Director General All original appointments of commissioned individuals authorized to be given protection
3 yrs – Sr. Supt. – C/Supt. officers in the PNP shall commence with the rank of 4. Criminal Investigation unit – it undertakes the
5 yrs. – C/Insp. – Sr. Supt. Inspector to include all those with highly technical monitoring, investigation and prosecution of all
5 yrs. – Sr. Insp. – C/Insp qualifications applying for the PNP technical services,
crimes involving economic sabotages and other CITIZEN’S COMPLAINT – any complaint by a When an administrative complaint is filed
crimes. natural or juridical person against any member of the with a police disciplinary authority, no other case
5. Special Action Forces – the mobile strike force or PNP. involving the same cause of action shall be filed with
reaction unit to augment regional provincial, any other disciplinary authority.
municipal and city police forces for civil disturbance PROPER AUTHORITIES WHERE COMPLAINT
control, counter insurgency, hostage-taking rescue WILL BE BROUGHT AWOL – Absence Without Official Leave
operations, and other special operations. 1. Chief of Police – offense is punishable by Any member of the PNP who shall go on
6. Narcotics Unit – Philippine Drug Law Enforcement withholding of privileges, restriction to AWOL for continuous period of 30 days or more shall
Agency specified limits, suspension of forfeiture of be dismissed immediately from the service.
7. Aviation Security Unit – it secures all the salary, or any combination thereof, for a
country’s airport against offensive and terroristic acts period of not exceeding 15 days. DISCIPLINARY APPELLATE BOARD
that threaten civil aviation, exercise operational 2. Mayors – offense punishable of not less than NATIONAL APPELLATE BOARD - consider appeals
control and supervision. 16 days but not more than 30 days or from decisions of the Chief of the PNP.
8. Traffic Management Unit – enforce traffic laws dismissal. REGIONAL APPELLATE BOARD – consider
and regulations. 3. People’s Law Enforcement Board – offense appeals from decisions of the Regional directors,
9. Medical and Dental Centers – responsible for is punishable for a period of exceeding 30 other officials, mayors, and the PLEB.
providing medical and dental services for the PNP. days.
10. Civil Relations Unit - implement plans and WOMEN’S DESK – administer cases involving
programs that will promote community and citizen’s INTERNAL DISCIPLINE crimes against chastity, sexual harassment, abuses
participation in the maintenance of peace and order. Dealing with minor offense involving internal committed against women and children and other
discipline found to have been committed by any similar offenses.
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM – regular member of their respective commands, the
administered to foster the improvement of individual duty designated supervisors and equivalent officers PARTICIPATION OF LOCAL EXECUTIVES IN
efficiency and behavioral discipline as well as the of the PNP. THE ADMINISTRATIN OF THE PNP
promotions of organizational effectiveness and
respect for the constitutional and human rights of AUTHORITIES WHO CAN EXERCISE a. PROVINCIAL GOVERNOR
citizens, democratic principles and ideals and the DISCIPLINARY POWER IN ANY DISCIPLINE 1. Shall choose the PNP Provincial Director
supremacy of civilian authority over military. from a list recommended by the PNP Regional
1. Chiefs of Police – summarily impose the Director.
RETIREMENT BENEFITS administrative punishment of admonition or 2. Serve as a chairman of the Provincial Peace
reprimand, restriction to specified limits, withholding and Order Council and oversee the implementation
COMPULSARY RETIREMENT – retirement for of privilege, forfeiture of salary or suspension and the of the Provincial Public Safety Plan.
officer and non-officer of the PNP upon the attainment total period shall not exceed 15 days.
of 56 years old, even without reaching 20 years in the 2. Provincial Directors – the total period shall not b. CITY AND MUNICIPAL MAYORS
service. exceed 30 days 1. Shall serve the operational supervision and
OPTIONAL RETIREMENT – accumulation of at least 3. Police Regional Directors the total period shall not control over the PNP in their respective jurisdiction.
20 years of satisfactory active service even without exceed 60 days 2. Shall develop and establish an integrated
reaching 56 years old. 4. Chief of PNP- the total period shall not exceed 180 area public safety plans
days 3. Shall have the power to impose notice and
DISCIPLINARY MECHANISMS summary hearing for minor offenses committed by
FORUM SHOPPING – multiple filing of complaints the PNP in their respective jurisdiction

4. Authorize to choose the chief of Police from Completion and Certification of Training – after 1. Attendance
a list recommended by the provincial director. the basic recruit training, the Regional Director shall 2. Appearance
5. Authorize to recommend the transfer, certify that the police recruits have completed the 3. Compliance with rules
reassignment or details of PNP members outside of training and has satisfied all the requirements for 4. Safety practices
their area police service. 5. Public contracts and relations
6. Authorize to recommend the appointment 6. Knowledge of work
of new member of the PNP to be assigned in their The PNP Field Training – is the process by which an 7. Work judgment
area. individual police officer who is recruited into the 8. Planning and organizing
service receives formal instruction on the job for 9. Leadership
POLICE TRAINING special and defined purposes and performs actual 10. Quality of work
job functions with periodic appraisal on his 11. Acceptance and directions of responsibility
Organized training – is the means by which officers performance and progress. 12. Effectiveness under stress
are provided with the knowledge and the skills 13. Care and operation of equipment
required in the performance of their multiple POLICE APPRAISAL 14. Work coordination
complex duties. Appraisal – refers to the process of measuring 15. Initiative
the performance of people in achieving goals and 16. Supervisory skills
PPSC – Philippine Public Safety Colleges objectives. 17. Others
• The premier educational institution for - It is also known as “performance evaluation system”
the training of human resources in the POLICE ASSIGNMENT
field of law enforcement (PNP, BFP, BJMP) Purpose of Police Appraisal
subject to the supervision of the 1. It serves as guide for promotion, salary increase, Police Assignment – is the process of designating a
NAPOLCOM. retirement and disciplinary actions. police officer at a particular function, duty or
2. It increases productivity and efficiency of police responsibility.
3. It assimilate supervision. Purpose of Police Assignment
The following are the training programs in the police 4. It informs the officer of the quality of his work for -To ensure systematic and effective utilization of al
service: improvements. the members of the force.
1. Basic Recruit Training
2. Field Training Uses of Police Appraisal Power to make designation or assignment
3. In Service Training Program 1. Eligibility to be hired -The chief of PNP (CPNP), Regional Director (RD),
4. Department In-Service Training Program 2. Salary adjustments Provincial Director (PD), and the City or Municipal
5. National and International Conventions on 3. Determining potential for promotion Chief of Police (COP) can make designation or
Policing. 4. Evaluation of probationary officers assignment of the police with in their respective
5. Identification of training needs levels.
The Basic Recruit Training 6. Isolating supervisory weaknesses
• The most basic of all police training 7. Validating selection techniques POLICE SALARIES, BENEFITS, AND PRIVILIGES
• It is a pre-requisite for permanency of 8. Reduction in ranks (demotion)
appointment. 9. Dismissal from service and other disciplinary
• This course is conducted within not less actions. On Salary
than six (6) months. • The uniformed members of the PNP are
Factors used in Police Appraisal considered employees of the national
1. Observation of work hours
Government and draw their salary there 5. Permanent Physical Disability Pay – a PNP public opinion concerning the integrity and
from. member who is permanently and totally disabled reputation of the personnel.
as a result of injuries suffered or sickness
On Benefits and Privileges contracted in the performance of duty as certified Authority to Inspect
1. Incentives and Awards – The NAPOLCOM shall by the NAPOLCOM, upon finding and The following are the authority to conduct inspection
promulgate standards on incentives and award certification by the appropriate medical officer, for the PNP:
system in the PNP administered by the Board of that the extent of the disability or sickness 1. NAPOLCOM or its representative
Incentives and Awards. The following are renders such member unfit or unable to further 2. PNP Chief or his designated representative
examples of authorized Decorations / medals / perform the duties of his or her position. 3. PNP Director for Personnel or his representative
citation: 6. Early Retirement Benefit – a PNP member of his 4. PNP Regional Director or his representative
a. Police Medal of Valor or her own request and with the approval of the 5. City / Municipal Chief of Police or his
b. Police Medal of Merit NAPOLCOM, retire from the service shall be paid representative
c. Wounded Police Medal separation benefits corresponding to a position 6. Internal Affairs Service (IAS under RA 8551)
d. Police Efficiency Medal two ranks higher than his present rank provided
e. Police Service Medal that the officer or non-officer has accumulated at POLICE DISCIPLINARY MECHANISM
f. Police Unit Citation Badge least 20 years of service.
The following also serves as disciplinary mechanisms
Posthumous Award – in case a police officer dies. POLICE INSPECTION in the police service:
The purpose of police inspection is to ascertain the
2. Health and Welfare – the NAPOLCOM is standard policies and procedures, review and Administrative Disciplinary Powers of the Local Chief
mandated to provide assistance in developing analyze the performance, activities and facilities Executive (LCE) – the City and Municipal Mayors
health and welfare programs for police affecting operations and to look into the morale, shall have the power to impose, after due notice and
personnel. needs and general efficiency of the police summary hearings, disciplinary penalties for minor
3. Longevity Pay and Allowances – under Republic organization in maintaining law and order. offenses committed by members of the PNP assigned
Act 6975, PNP personnel are entitled to a to their respective jurisdiction as provided in Section
longevity pay of 10% of their basic monthly Types of Police Inspection 41 of Republic Act No. 8551.
salaries for every five years of service. They shall 1. Authoritative Inspection – those concluded by the
also enjoy the following allowances: head of subordinate units in a regular basis. Administrative offenses that may be imposed
a. Subsistence allowance 2. Staff Inspection – those conducted by the staff for against a PNP member. The following are the
b. Quarter’s allowance and in behalf of the Chief PNP or superior officers offenses for which a member of the PNP may be
c. Clothing allowance in command of various units or departments. charged administratively:
d. Cost of living allowance 1. Neglect of duty or nonfeasance – it is the omission
e. Hazard pay Nature of Police Inspection or refusal, with sufficient excuse to perform an act
f. Others 1. Internal Affairs – inspection on internal affairs or duty, which it was the peace officers legal
4. Retirement Benefit – monthly retirement pay shall embraces administration, training, operation, obligation to perform; it implies a duty as well as
be fifty percent (50%) of the base pay and intelligence, investigation, morale and discipline its breach and the fast can never be found in the
longevity pay of the retired grade in case of as well as the financial condition of the police absence of a duty.
twenty (20) years of active service, increasing by organization. 2. Irregularities in the performance of duty – it is the
two and one half percent (2.5%) for every active 2. External Affairs – it embraces the community improper performance of some act which might
service rendered beyond twenty (20) years to a relationship of the organization, the crime and lawfully be done.
maximum of ninety percent (90%) for thirty six vice situation of the locality and the prevailing 3. Misconduct or malfeasance – it is the doing,
(36) years of service and over. either through ignorance, inattention or malice,
of that which the officer had no legal right to do at activities and the allocation of resources to line units 5. Modify the day-to-day style of operation to future
all, as where he acts without any authority in order that it can attain its mandated objectives of management
whatsoever or exceeds, ignores or abuses his mission. 6. Provide basis for measuring original
powers. GOAL – a general statement of intention aNd accomplishments
4. Incompetency – it is the manifest lack of adequate typically with the time horizon 7. Provide decision making flexibility
ability and fitness for the satisfactory OBJECTIVES – a specific commitment to achieve a 8. Increase employee and personnel involvement
performance of police duties. measurable results with in a specific period of time. and improve communication.
5. Oppression – it imports an act of cruelty, severity, STRATEGY – I broad design, method, plan to attain a
unlawful exaction, domination or excessive use of stated goal or objectives. CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD PLAN
authority. TACTICS – It is a specific design, method or course 1. Clearly defined objectives or goals
6. Dishonesty – it is the concealment or distortion of of action to attain a particular objective in 2. Simplicity, directness and clarity
truth in a matter of fact relevant to one’s office or consonance with strategy. 3. Flexibility
connected with the performance of his duties. PROCEDURE – a sequence of activities to reach a 4. Possibility of attainment
7. Disloyalty to the Government – it consist of point or to attain that which is desired. 5. Provide standards of operation
abandonment or renunciation of one’s loyalty to POLICY – a product of prudence or wisdom in the 6. Economy in terms of resources needed foe
the government of the Philippines or advocating management of human affairs. implementation
the overthrow of the government. GUIDELINES – a rule of action for the rank and file to
8. Violation of Law – this presupposes conviction in show them how they are expected to obtain the RESPONSIBILITIES IN PLANNING
court of any crime or offense penalized under the desired effect. Broad External responsibilities – the
Revised Penal Code or any special law or POLICE VISION – a statement on how the responsibilities of the legislative branch of the
ordinance. organization will look in the future. It is the picture of government. The main concern of the police in this
what an organization wants to be. external policy planning is assisting the legislature in
POLICE PLANNING POLICE MISSION – a statement, which clearly their determining of police guideline through the
PLAN – an organize schedule or sequence by specifies what business, the organization is in. passage of appropriate laws.
methodical activities intended to attain a goal and PUBLIC SAFETY – a generic term, which covers the Internal Policy Planning – the responsibility of the
objectives for the accomplishments of mission or end result of law enforcement, crime prevention and C/PNP and other chiefs of the different units or
objectives. control, maintenance of peace and order, fire safety headquarters within their area of jurisdiction to
PLANNING – the process of determining the protection and jail management and penology. achieve the objectives or mission of the organization.
problem of the organization and coming up with the STRATEGIC PLANNING – a series of preliminary
proposed resolutions and finding the best solution. decisions on a framework, which in turn guides APPROACHES IN POLICE PLANNING
- the process of combining all aspects of the subsequent decisions that generate the nature and a. Synoptic Planning – the rational comprehensive
department for the realistic anticipation of future direction of an organization. This is usually long approach is the dominant in the planning. This model
problem and the analysis of the strategy and its ranged in nature is based on the problem-oriented approach to
details. Objectives of Police Planning planning especially appropriate for police agencies.
POLICE PLANNING – an attempt by the 1. Increases the chances of success by focusing on b. Incremental Planning – It concludes that long
administration to allocate anticipated resources to results. range and comprehensive planning are not only
meet anticipated service demands. 2. Force analytical thinking and evaluation of difficult, but inherently bad. The problems are seen
- the systematic and orderly determination of alternatives for better decisions as too difficult when they are grouped together and
facts and events as basic for policy formulation and 3. Establish a framework for decision making easier to solve when they are taken one at a time and
decision affecting law enforcement management. consistent with the goal broken down into gradual adjustment over time.
POLICE OPERATIONAL PLANNING – the process 4. Orient people to action instead of reaction c. Transactive Planning – is carried out in face-to-
of formulating coordinated sequence of methodical face interaction with the people who are to be
affected by the plan and not to an anonymous target and in some special operations. These activities can request must be made if needed appropriations are
community of beneficiaries. be carried out in accordance with the following to be obtained.
d. Advocacy Planning – include a greater sensitivity procedures: b. Accounting Procedure – Accounting procedure
to the unintended and negative side effects of plans. a. Field Procedure – procedure intended to be used shall be established and expenditure reports shall
e. Radical Planning – It involves collective actions in all situation of all kinds shall be outlined as a guide also be provided to assist in making administration
to achieve concrete results in the immediate future. to officers and man in the field. Procedure that relate decision and in holding expenditures within
to reporting, to dispatching, to raids, arrest, stopping appropriations.
CONSIDERATIONS IN POLICE PLANNING suspicious persons, receiving complaints touring c. Specifications and purchasing procedures –
1. Primary Doctrines beat, and the investigation of crime. specification shall be drawn for equipment and
a. Fundamental doctrines – these are the basic b. Headquarter Procedures – to be included in supplies and purchasing procedures shall likewise
principles in planning, organization and management these procedure of the dispatcher, jailer, matron and be established to insure checking of deliveries
of the PNP in support of the overall pursuits of the other personnel concerned which maybe reflected in against specification of order.
PNP vision. the duty manual, procedure that involved d. Personnel – procedure shall be established to
b. Operational Doctrines – these are the principles coordinated action on activity of several offices, insure the carrying out of personnel and component
and rules governing the planning, organization and however, shall be established separately as in the organizational units in proportion to need.
direction and employment of the PNP forces in the case using telephone for local/long distance calls and e. Organization – a basic organization plan of the
accomplishment of basic security operational mission other similar device. command/unit shall be made and posted for the
in the maintenance of peace and order. 2. Tactical Plans – procedures for coping with guidance of the force. For the organization to be
2. Secondary doctrines specific situation at known location. Includes in this meaningful, it shall be accompanied by duty manuals
a. Complimentary Doctrines – formulated jointly by are plans for dealing with an attack against building which define relationships between the component
two or more bureaus in order to effect a certain with alarm systems and an attack against PNP units in terms of specific responsibilities.
operation with regard to public safety and peace and headquarters by lawless elements.
order. 3. Operational Plans – Plans for operation of special STEPS IN PLANNING
b. Ethical Doctrines – these define the fundamental division like patrol, detective, traffic, vice and 1. Frame of references – this shall be based on a
principles governing the rules of conduct, attitude, juvenile control divisions. Operation plans shall be careful view of the matters relating to the situation to
behavior and ethical norm of the PNP. prepared to accomplish each of the primary police which plans are being developed. Opinion or ideas
task. For examples, patrol activities must be planned; of person who may speak with authority on the
FOUR PRIMAL CONDITIONS OF THE POLICE the forced must be distributed among the shifts and subject and view of the police commander, other
ORGANIZATIN territorially among beats, in proportion to the needs. government officials, and other professional shall be
Authority – the right to exercise, to decide, and to 4. Extra Office Plans – the active interest and considered.
command by virtue of rank and position. participation of individual citizen is so vital to the 2. Clarifying the problem- this calls for the
Doctrine – it provides for the organization’s success of the PNP program that the police shall identification of the problem understanding both,
objectives. It provides the various actions. Hence, continuously seek motivate, promote, and maintain each record and its possible solution.
policies, procedures, rules and regulations of the an active public concern in its affairs. 3. Collecting all pertinent facts – no attempt be
organization are based on the statement of doctrines. 5. Management Plans – it shall map out in advance made to develop a plan until all facts relating to it
Cooperation or coordination all operation involved in organization, management have been gathered.
Discipline – It is imposed by command or self- of personnel and material and in the procurement 4. Analyzing the facts – after all the data have been
restraint to insure supportive behavior. and disbursement of money, such as; gathered, a careful analysis and evaluation shall be
a. Budget Planning – present and future money made. This provides the basis from which a plan is
TYPES OF PLAN needs personnel, equipment and capital investment evolved. Only such facts as may have relevance shall
1. Policy or Procedural Plans – intended to guide must be estimated, and plans for supporting budget be considered.
members of the PNP in routine and field operation
5. Developing Alternative Plans – in the initial - It refers to the process of determining how to pursue the PNP unless he or she possesses the following
process of plan development, several alternatives the organization long term goal with the resources minimum qualifications:
measures shall appear to be logically comparable to expected to be available.
the needs of the situation. As the alternative solutions 2. Intermediate or medium range planning – "(j) For a new applicant, must not be less than twenty-
are evaluated, one of the purposes of plan shall refers to plan which determine quantity and quality of one (21) nor more than thirty (30) years of age:
usually prove more logical than others. effort accomplishment. Its application is medium Provided, That except for the last qualification, the
6. Selecting the most appropriate alternative – a range duration. above-enumerated qualifications shall be continuing
careful consideration of all facts usually leads to the - it refers to the process of determining the in character and an absence of any one of them at any
selection of the best of alternative proposals. contribution on efforts that submits, can make or given time shall be a ground for separation or
7. Selling the Plan - a plan to be effectively carried provide with allocated resources. retirement from the service: Provided, further, That
out must be accepted by person concerned at the 3. Operational or short range planning – refers to PNP members who are already in the service upon
appropriate level of the plan development. the production of plan which determines the the effectivity of Republic Act No. 8551 shall be given
8. Arranging for execution of the plan – the schedule of special activity and are applicable from five (5) years to obtain the minimum educational
execution of a plan requires the issuance of order and one week to less than a year duration . qualification preferably in law enforcement related
directiveness to units and personnel concerned the - the process of determining how specific task can courses, to be reckoned from the date of the
establishment of schedules, and the provision of best is accomplished on time with available allocated effectivity of this amendatory Act: Provided,
manpower and equipment for carrying out plan. resources. furthermore, That for concerned PNP members
9. Evaluating the effectiveness of the plan – the rendering more than fifteen (15) years of service and
result o the plan shall be determined. This is who have exhibited exemplary performance as
necessary in order to know whether a correct Republic Act No. 9708 August 12, 2009 determined by the Commission, shall no longer be
alternative was chosen. Whether the plan was required to comply with the aforementioned
correct, which phase was poorly implement, and AN ACT EXTENDING FOR FIVE (5) YEARS THE minimum educational requirement.
whether additional planning may be necessary. REGLEMENTARY PERIOD FOR COMPLYING WITH
THE MINIMUM EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION FOR Section 2. Section 38(a) of Republic Act No. 6975, as
a. There must be clearly defined, objective POLICE (PNP) AND ADJUSTING THE PROMOTION hereby further amended to read as follows:
b. Plan must be simple, direct, and clear PERTINENT PROVISIONS OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. "SEC. 38. Promotions. - (a) A uniformed member of
c. Plan must be flexible 6975 AND REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8551 AND FOR OTHER the PNP shall not be eligible for promotion to a
d. There must be possibility of attainment PURPOSES higher position or rank unless he or she has
e. There must be provision of standard of
successfully passed the corresponding promotional
f. It must be economical in term of resource Be it enacted by the Senate and House of examination given by the Commission, or the Bar, or
needed for implementation Representatives of the Philippines in Congress the corresponding board examinations for technical
g. Must contain anticipated effect on future assembled:: services and other professions, has satisfactorily
operation completed the appropriate and accredited course in
Section 1. Section 30(j) of Republic Act No. 6975, as the PNPA or equivalent training institutions, and has
amended by Section 14 of Republic Act No. 8551, is satisfactorily passed the required
hereby further amended to read as follows: psychiatric/psychological and drug tests. In addition,
1. Strategic or Long range planning – it relates to the institution of a criminal action or complaint
plans which long term in application; it determines "SEC. 30. General Qualifications for Appointment. - No against a police officer shall not be a bar to
original goals and strategy. person shall be appointed as officer or member of promotion: Provided, however, That upon finding of
probable cause, notwithstanding any challenge that
may be raised against that finding thereafter, the Section 5. Separability Clause. - If, for any reason, the discretion as well as to achieve efficiency and
concerned police officer shall be ineligible for any provision of this Act is declared to be effectiveness of its members and units in the
promotion: Provided, further, That if the case remains unconstitutional or invalid, the other sections or performance of their functions. (Section 2)
unresolved after two (2) years from the provisions hereof which are not affected thereby
aforementioned determination of probable cause, he shall continue to be in full force and effect. 4.) WHAT IS THE ROLE OF THE DILG AND THE
or she shall be considered for promotion. In the event PNP IN COUNTER INSURGENCY FUNCTIONS
he or she is held guilty of the crime by final Section 6. Repealing Clause. - All laws, decrees, AND IN TIMES OF NATIONAL EMERGENCY?
judgment, said promotion shall be recalled without executive orders, rules and regulations, and other  Section 12 of Republic Act No. 6975 has been
prejudice to the imposition of the appropriate issuances or parts thereof which are inconsistent with amended such that the Department of the
penalties under applicable laws, rules and this Act are hereby repealed, amended or modified Interior and Local Governments now relieved
regulations: Provided, furthermore, That if the accordingly. of the primary responsibility on matters
complaint filed against the police officer is for a involving the suppression of insurgency and
crime including, but not limited to, a violation of Section 7. Effectivity Clause. -This Act shall take other serious threats to national security.
human rights, punishable by reclusion perpetua or effect fifteen (15) days after its complete publication  The Philippine National Police shall, through
life imprisonment, and the court has determined that in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation. information gathering and performance of its
the evidence of guilt is strong, said police officer ordinary police function support in the Armed
shall be completely ineligible for promotion during Forces of the Philippines on matters involving
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8551 suppression of insurgency, except in the
the pendency of the said criminal case.
-The PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998 cases where the president shall call on the
Section 3. Section 23 of Republic Act No. 8551 is PNP to support the AFP in combat operations.
1.) WHAT IS REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8551? However, times of national emergency, the
hereby further amended to read as follows: R.A. 8551 is an act providing for the reform and
PNP, the Bureau of Fire Protection, the Bureau
reorganization of The Philippine National Police.
"SEC. 23. Continuing Education Program. - The of Jail Management and Penology shall, upon
It amends certain provisions o Republic act No. 6975
Commission shall design, establish and implement a the direction of the President assist the
which established the Philippine National Police Armed Forces in meeting the national
continuing education program for the Philippine under a reorganized Department of the Interior and
National Police officers and members in coordination emergency (Section 3)
Local Government.
with the Civil Service Commission, the Commission
on Human Rights and the Commission on Higher 5.) WHAT IS THE COMPOSITION OF THE
Education through a distance education program NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION UNDER R.A.
R.A. 8551 is known as the “Philippine National Police
and/or an in-service education program focusing on 8551?
Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998”
law enforcement, criminal investigation, human  The Commission shall be an agency attached
rights or other similar programs. to the DILG for policy and program
3.) WHAT IS THE DECLARED POLICY OF THE coordination. It shall be composed of a
STATE WITH REGARDS TO THE POLICE? chairperson, four (4) regular Commissioners,
Section 4. Implementing Rules and Regulations. - It is the policies of the state of establish a highly and the Chief of PNP as ex-officio member.
The National Police Commission and the Philippine efficient and competent police force which is national Three (3) of the regular commissioners shall
National Police shall promulgate the necessary rules in scope and civilian in character administered and
come from the civilian sector who are neither
and regulations for the effective implementation of controlled by a national police commission.
active nor former members of the of the
this Act. Such rules and regulations shall take effect As such the Philippine national police (PNP) shall be
police or military one.
upon its publication in two (2) newspapers of general a community and service oriented agency
circulation. responsible for the maintenance of peace and order 6.) WHAT ARE THE POWERS AND FUNCTIONS
and public safety. It shall be so organized to ensure OF THE COMMISSION?
accountability and uprightness in police exercise of
 The commission shall exercise the following a. a citizen of the Philippines Only when the number of qualified applicants fall
powers and functions (section 5): a. Exercise b. a person of good moral conduct below the annual quota
administrative control and operational c. must have passed the psychiatric/psychological
supervision over the Philippine National drug and physical test to be administered by the PNP 12.) WHO MAY AVAIL OF THESE WAIVERS?
Police which shall mean the power to: or by any NAPOLCOM accredited government  The waivers may be available of any an
hospital for the purpose of determining physical and applicant who is below 20 nor 35 years of age
7.) WHAT QUALIFICATION MUST ONE POSSESS mental health provided further that any applicant not
TO BE A MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION? d. must possess a formal baccalaureate degree from meeting the weight requirement shall be
 No person shall be appointed regular a recognized institution of learning given reasonable time but not exceeding six
member of the Commission unless (section 6) e. must be eligible in accordance with the standards (6) months within which to comply with the
: set by the Commissions said requirement provided further more that
a. He or she is a citizen of the Philippines; f. Must not have been dishonorable discharged from only applicant who have finished second year
b. A member of the Philippine Bar with at least five military employment or dismissed for cause from any college or have earned at least seventy-two
(5) years experience in handling criminal or human civilian position in the government (72) collegiate units leading to a bachelor
rights cases of a holder of a master’s degree but g. must not have been convicted by final judgment of degree shall be eligible for appointments;
preferably a doctorate degree in public an offense or crime involving moral turpitude  provided furthermore, that anybody who will
administration, sociology, criminology, criminal h. must be at least one meter and sixty-two enter the service without a baccalaureate
justice, law enforcement and other related centimeter (1.62) in height for male and one meter degree shall be given a maximum of four (4)
disciplines; and, and fifty-seven (1.57) for females years to obtain the required educational
c. The regular member coming from the law i. Must weight not more or less than five kilograms (5 qualification. Provided finally that a waiver
enforcement sector should have practical experience kgs) from the standard weight corresponding to his for height requirements shall have be
in law enforcement work for at least (5) years while or her height, age and sex automatically granted to applicants
the three (3) other regular commissioners must have j. for a new applicant must not less than twenty-one belonging to the cultural communities.
done extensive research work or projects on law (21) nor more than thirty (30) years of age, except for
enforcement, criminology or criminal justice or the qualification the above enumerated qualifications 13.) WHAT ARE THE SELECTION CRITERIA
members of duly registered non-government shall continuing in character and in and an absence of UNDER THE WAIVER PROGRAM?
organization involved in the promotion of peace and any one of them at any given time shall be ground for The selection of applicants under the waiver program
order. separation or retirement from the service. Provided, shall be subject to the following minimum criteria
that PNP members who are already the service upon (Section 16)
8.) WHAT IS THE TERM OF OFFICE OF A the effectivity of this Act shall be given at least two (2)
COMMISSIONER? more years to obtain the minimum educational a.) applicant who possess the least disqualification
 The tour (4) regular and full-time qualification and one (1) year to satisfy the weight shall take procedure over those who possess more
Commissioner shall be appointed by the requirement. disqualification shall take precedence over those
President for a term of six (6) years without who possess more disqualification
re-appointment or extension (section 7) 10.) WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR b.) the requirements shall be waived in the following
FOR APPOINTMENT IN THE PNP? The following can be waived (a) age (b) height (c) 2.) height
 No person shall be appointed as officer or weight (d) education 3.) weight
member of the PNP unless he or she 4.) education
possesses the following minimum 11.) WHEN CAN THESE REQUIREMENTS BE
qualification (Sec 14) WAIVED?
14.) ARE THERE OTHER SITUATIONS ARISING The National Police Commission shall administer the field training program and has complied with other
FROM THE WIAVERS OF THE ENTRY entrance and promotional examinations for requirements as may be established by the
REQUIREMENTS? policemen on the basis of the standards set by the Commission Provided furthermore that the chief of
 The Commission is mandated by the law to Commission (Section 21). Police shall be appointed in accordance with the
promulgate rule and regulations to address provisions of section 51 paragraph (b) subparagraph
other situations arising from the waiver of the 20.) WHAT ARE THE INCREASED 4 (1) of this Act (section 22).
No person may be appointed Director of a Provincial 22.) WHAT SYSTEM OF ATTRITION MUST BE
UNDER A WAIVER PROGRAM? a.) he or she holds a master’s degree in public OF THE PNP?
Any PNP uniformed personnel who is admitted due to administration, sociology, criminology, criminal The system of attrition that must be established shall
the waiver of the education or weight requirements justice, law enforcement, national security included the following (Section 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29):
shall be temporary appointment pending the administration, defense studies or other related a.) attrition by attainment of maximum tenure in
satisfaction of the requirement waived. Any number discipline from a recognized institution of learning position
who will fail to satisfy any of the waived requirements b.) has satisfactory passed the required training and b.) attrition by relief
within the specified time period under section 15 of career course necessary for the position as may be c.) attrition by demotion in position or rank
this Act shall be dismissed from service (section 17). established by the Commission. d.) attrition by non-promotion
e.) attrition by other means
Any PNP members shall be dismissed under a waiver  No person shall be appointed chief of city of a MEMBERS HOLDING KEY POSITION?
program shall be eligible to re-apply for police station unless he or she is a graduate The following key PNP members will have maximum
appointment to the PNP provided, that he or she of Bachelor of a mater’s degree program in tenure as indicate (Section 25)
possesses the minimum qualifications under section public administration, criminology, criminal  POSITION MAXIMUM TENURE
14 of this Act and his or her re-appointment is not by justice, law enforcement, national security,  Chief (4) years
virtue of another waiver of another waiver program defense studies and other related discipline  Deputy Chief (4) years
(section 18) from a recognized institution of learning.  Director of the Staff Service (4) years
 No person shall be appointed chief of a  Regional Directors (6) years
17.) WHAT IS THE CALLED FIELD TRAINING municipal police station unless he or she  Provincial/City Directors (9) years
PROGRAM? finished at least second year Bachelor of Laws  Other position bigger than provincial
 The field training program involving actual or has earned at least twelve (12) units in a director shall have the maximum tenure of six
experience and assignment in patrol, traffic master’s degree program in Public (6) years( star ranks)
and investigation as a requirement for administration and other related discipline  Maximum tenure defined:
permanency of appointment (Section 19) from a recognized institution of learning A maximum cumulative period for a PNP member to
provided that members of the Bar with at hold a particular position
18.) WHO ARE REQUIRED TO UNDERGO THE least five (5) years of law practice,  One year before retirement a PNP personnel
FIELD TRAINING PROGRAM? licensed criminologist or graduates of the Philippines is not allowed to be promoted
 All uniformed members of the PNP National Police Academy and who possess the
general qualifications for initial appointment to the 24.) WHAT ARE THE EXPECTATIONS TO THE
19.) WHO SHALL ADMINISTER THE ENTRANCE PNP shall be qualified for appointment as chief of a PROVISION ON MAXIMUM TENURE OF PNP
AND PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION FOR city or municipal police station provided, further that MEMBERS HOLDING KEY POSITION?
POLICEMAN? the appointee has successfully passed the required
Police officers holding the above mentioned positions (18) months after such demotion in position shall be position shall after (6) months of occupying the same
shall be compulsorily retired at the maximum tenure retired or separated (Section 27). shall be entitled to a rank adjustment corresponding
in position prescribe, or at age fifty-six (56) which is to the position provided that the personnel shall be
earlier 30.) WHEN IS THERE NON-PROMOTION? not resigned to a position calling for a higher rank
When any PNP personnel who was not been until two (2) years from the date of such rank
25) CAN THE TENURE OF THE PNP CHIEF BE promoted for a continuous period often (10) years adjustment minimum qualifications therefore shall
EXTENDED? shall be retired or separated (section 28). copy the same temporarily for non than six (6)
Yes, in times of war of other national emergency months without reappointment or extension (Sec 32).
declared by congress, the President extends the PNP 31) WHAT ARE THE OTHER MEANS OF
A PNP member or officer with at least five (5) years of PNP PERSONNEL BE COMPUTED?
26.)WHAT HAPPENS TO PNP MEMBERS WHO accumulated active service shall be separated based Monthly retirement pay and longevity pay for the
HAVE REACHED THEIR MAXIMUM TENURE on any of the following factors (section 29) retired grade in case of twenty (20) years of active
UPON THE EFFECTIVITY OF THIS ACT? a.) inefficiency based on poor performance during service increasingly by two and one-half percent
They may be allowed one (1) year more of tenure in the last two (2) successive annual rating periods (2.5%) for every of active service rendered beyond
their positions before the maximum tenure provided b.) inefficiency based on poor performance for three twenty (20) years to a minimum of ninety (90%) for
in Section 25 shall be applied to them unless they (3) cumulative annual rating periods thirty-six (36) years of active service and over
shall have already reached the compulsory c.)physical and or mental incapacity to perform provided that the uniformed personnel have the
retirement age shall prevail. police function and duties or failure to pass the option to receive in advance and in lump sum of his
required entrance examinations twice and or finish retirement pay for the first five (5) years provided
27.) CAN A PNP MEMBER WHO HAS LESS THAN the required career course except for justifiable further that payment of the retirement benefits in
ONE (1) YEAR OF SERVICE BEFORE REACHING reason lump sum shall be within six (6) months from
THE COMPULSORY RETIREMENT AGE BE effectivity date of retirement and or completion
PROMOTED TO A HIGHER RANK OR 32.) WHAT IS THE EFFECT OF BEING DISMISSED provided finally that retirement pay of the
APPOINTED TO ANY OTHER POSITION? FROM THE PNP PURSUANT TO ANY OF THE officers/non-officers of the PNP shall be subject to
 No except for the Chief, PNP ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF ATTRITION?For a PNP adjustments based on the prevailing scale of base
personnel who has rendered at least twenty (20) pay police personnel in the active service (Section
28.) WHEN IS THERE ATTRITION BY RELIEF? years of service he or she shall be separated from the 34).
 When a PNP uniformed personnel who has service. For a PNP personnel who has rendered less
been relieved for just cause and has been than twenty (20) years of service he or she shall be 36.) WHAT WILL AN OFFICER OR NON-OFFICER
given an assignment within two (2) years after separated from the service (Section 30). HAVING PERMANENT PHYSICAL DISABILITY BE
such relief shall be retired or separated ENTITLED TO?
(section 26). 33.) CAN PNP PERSONNEL WHO ARE RETIRED An officer or non-officer is permanently and totally
OR SEPARATED UNDER ANY OF THE ATTRITION disable as a result of injuries suffered or sickness
29.) WHEN IS THERE DEMOTION IN POSITION SYSTEM RECEIVE BENEFITS? contracted in the performance of his duty as duly
OR RANK? Yes, unless the personnel is disqualified by law certified by the National Police Commission upon
When any PNP personnel, civilian or uniformed who receive such benefits. finding and certification by the appropriate medical
is relieved and assigned to a position lower than what officer that the extent of the disability or sickness
is established for his or her grade in the PNP staffing 34) WHICH MAY A PNP PERSONNEL BE renders such members unit or unable to further
pattern and who shall not be assigned to a position PROMOTED VIRTUE OF HIS POSITION? perform the duties of his position shall be entitled the
commensurate to his or her grade within eighteen Any personnel designated to any key position whose one year salary and to a lifetime pension equivalent
rank is lower than that which is required for such
eighty (80%) of his last salary in addition to other program within one (1) year from the effectivity of d.) incident where a suspect in the custody of the
benefits as provided under existing laws (Section 35). this Act for approval by Congress provided that the police was seriously injured
approval schedule program shall have retroactive e.) incidents where the established rules of
37.) CAN A LEGAL HEIRS OF A PNP MEMBER effect in favor of PNP members and officers retired or engagement have been violated.
WHO RETIRED UNDER THE PERMANENTLY separated from the time specified in the law, unless
DIED WITHIN FIVE (5) YEARS FROM HIS the retirement or separation is for cause and the 42.) HOW DOES THE IAS AFFECT THE CAREER
REQUIREMENTS RECEIVE ANYTHING? decision denies the grant of benefits (Section 38). OF POLICE OFFICERS?
Should such member who has been retired under  The IAS shall prove document s
permanent total disability under the section die 40.) WHAT ARE THE POWERS AND FUNCTIONS recommendations regards to the promotion
within five (5) years from his retirement, his surviving OF THE INTERNAL AFFAIRS SERVICE (IAS)? of the members of the PNP or the assignment
legal spouse or if there be none the surviving The Internal Affair Service of the PNP shall (Section of PNP personnel to any key position (Section
dependent legitimate children shall be entitled to the 39) 39).
pension for the member of the five (5) years a.) proactively conduct inspections and audits on PNP
guaranteed period. personnel and units 43.) WHAT ARE THE OFFICES OF THE IAS?
b.) investigate complaints and gather evidence in  National, regional and provincial offices of
38.) WHAT IS THE EARLY RETIREMENT support of an open investigation the internal Affairs Service shall be
PROGRAM UNDER RA 8551? c.) conduct summary hearings on PNP members established (Section 40).
Within three (3) years after the effectivity of this Act facing administrative charge 44.) HOW HEADS THE OFFICES OF THE IAS?
any PNP officer or non-commissioned officer may d.) submits a periodic report on the assessment,  The Internal Affairs Service shall be headed
retire and be paid separation benefits corresponding analysis and evaluation of the character and behavior by an inspector General how shall be
to a position two (2) rank higher than his or her of PNP personnel ad units to the Chief PNP and the assisted by a Deputy Inspector General. The
present rank subject to the following conditions Commission regional offices shall be headed by a director
(Section 37) e.) file appropriate criminal cases against PNP while the provincial offices shall be headed
a.) that at the time he or she applies for retirement he members before the courts as evidence warnings by a Superintendent.
or she already rendered at least ten (10) years of and assist in the prosecution of the case
continuous satisfactory service f.) provide assistance to the Office of the Ombudsman 45.) WHAT IS THE QUALIFICATION
b.) the applicant has scheduled for separation of in cases involving the personnel of the PNP. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE HEAD OF THE IAS?
retirement from the service due to the attrition  The head of the Internal Affairs Service shall
system or separation for cause 41.) CAN THE IAS ON ITS OWN INITIATIVE be a civilian who shall meet the qualification
c.) he or she has no pending administrative or CONDUCT INVESTIGATION OF PNP MEMBER? requirements provided in R.A. 8551.
criminal case Yes, IAS can conduct motu propio, automatic
d.) he or she has at least three (3) more years in the investigation of the following cases: 46.) WHAT IS THE STAFFING PATTERN IN THE
service before reaching the compulsory retirement  REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8551 IAS?
age and at least a year before he or she maximum a.) incidents where a police personnel discharges a  The commission shall establish a rationalized
tenure in the position(Section 37) government service firearm staffing pattern for IAS in the Reorganization
b.) incident where death, serious physical injury or Plans as provided for in Section 13 R.A. 8551.
39.) WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE any violation of human rights occurred in the conduct
RETIREMENT AND SEPARATION BENEFIT c.) incidents where evidence was compromised, GENERAL?
SCHEDULE AND PROGRAM? tampered with obliterated or lost while in the custody Inspector General shall be appointed by the
The Commission shall formulate a rationalized of police personnel President upon recommendation of the Director
retirement and separation benefit schedule and
General of the PNP and duly endorsed by the  The commission shall establish a promotion  In cases where a PNP personnel has been
commission. system with the IAS which shall follow the relived of his or her position and has not been
general principles of the promotion system in given an assignment the Internal Affairs
48.) WHO SHALL APPOINT THE PERSONNEL OF the PNP (Sec. 45). Office where the person has been given an
THE IAS? assigned last shall continue to have
Appointment of personnel who shall occupy various 53.) WHAT ARE THE PROHIBITIONS ON PNP jurisdiction over his or her records will be
positions shall be made by the Inspector General MEMBERS HOW JOIN THE IAS? forwarded to the Internal Affairs Office
and shall be based on an established career pattern  Any personnel who joins the IAS,, may not acquiring jurisdiction over the PNP
and criteria to be promulgated by the commission. thereafter join any other unit of the PNP. personnel.
Neither shall any personnel of the IAS be
allowed to sit in a committee deliberating on 56.) ARE THE IMMEDIATE SUPERIORS OF PNP
the appointment, promotions, and assignment MEMBERS INVESTIGATED RELIEVED OF THE
 Entry to the Internal Affairs Service shall be 54.) IS THERE AN INCENTIVE FOR A PNP INVESTIGATES THE LATTER?
voluntary and subjects to rigid screening MEMBER JOINING THE IAS? The immediate superior of supervisor of the
where only PNP personnel who have at least  Yes, and these are the following (Sec. 46); personnel or units being investigated under the
five (5) years experience in Law Enforcement a.) personnel of the International Affairs Service shall preceding section shall be automatically included in
and who have no derogatory serviced in addition to other allowances authorized under the investigation of the IAS.
records shall be considered for appointment existing laws, be granted occupational specially pay
(Section 42). which shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of their 57.) WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE
basic pay. This pay shall not be considered a INVESTIGATION OF THE IMMEDIATE
50.) ARE THERE EXEMPTION TO THE forfeiture of other remuneration and allowances SUPERIOR OR SUPERVISORS?
AFOREMENTIONED QUALIFICATION? which are allowed under existing laws. To exclusively determine lapses in administration or
 Yes, members of the Bar may enter the b.) IAS members shall also have priorities in all quota supervision.
service laterally allocation for training and education.
THE IAS?  Local Internal Affairs offices shall be  Any uniformed PNP personnel found guilty of
 Initial appointment of the head of the National responsible for the maintenance and update any of the cases mentioned in Section 39 (3rd
Area and Provincial Offices of the of the records of the members of the PNP paragraph) of RA 8551 shall be
International Affairs Service shall be made by within their jurisdiction. When a PNP recommended automatically for dismissed
the President upon recommendation by the personnel is reassigned or transferred to
commission. Thereafter, appointments and another location or unit outside the 59.) WHAT IS THE EFFECT OF BEING FOUND BY
promotions to the Service shall follow the jurisdiction of the current Internal Affairs THE IAS AS NEGLIGENT UNDER SECTION 48?
established requirement and procedures. office, the original records of such personnel  Any immediate superior or supervisor found
(sec. 4) shall be transferred over the Internal Affairs negligent under Section 48 of RA 8551 shall
office that will acquired jurisdiction over the be recommended automatically demotion.
52.) WHAT A IS THE PROMOTION SYSTEM transferred personnel while copied will be
WITHIN THE IAS? retained by the former Internal Affairs Office.

60.) CAN THE DISCIPLINARY AUTHORITY IN c.) people’s law enforcement board, as created
THE PNP REVISE THE RECOMMENDATION OF 65.) WHAT IS THE EFFECT OF THE CREATION under section 43 of RA 8551 where the offense is
LAS? OF IAS TO THE SUMMARY DISMISSAL POWERS punishable by withholding of privilege, restriction to
 Recommendations by the IAS for the OF THE PNP DIRECTOR GENERAL AND specified limits suspension or forfeiture of salary or
impositions of disciplinary measures against REGIONAL DIRECTORS? any combination thereof for a period exceeding
an earring PNP personnel, once final cannot  The summary dismissal powers of the thirty (30) days or by dismissal “the commission shall
be revised set-aside or unduly delayed by Director General and Regional directors as provide in its implementing rules and regulations a
any disciplining authority without just cause. provided in Section 42 of Republic Act no scale of penalties to be imposed upon any member of
6975 shall remain valid provided that the the PNP under this section.
61.) ON WHAT BASIS CAN A DISCIPLINARY existing jurisdiction over offenses as
AUTHORITY REVISE OR SET-ASIDE A provided under Republic Act no 6975 shall 69.) WHAT IS A “MINOR OFFENSE”?
RECOMMENDATION OF THE LAW? not be affected  For purposes of RA 6975, a Minor Offense
 Only for just cause shall refer to any act or Mission not involving
66.) WHERE CAN A COMPLAINT AGAINST AN moral turpitude but affecting the internal
62.) WHAT IS THE LIABILITY OF A IAS PERSONNEL BE BROUGHT? discipline of the PNP and include but not
DISCIPLINARY AUTHORITY WHO FAILS TO ACT  A complaint against any personnel or office of limited to;
OR WHO ACTS WITH ABUSE OF DISCRETION ON IAS shall be brought to the Inspector a.) Simple misconduct or negligence
THE RECOMMENDATION ON THE IAS? General’s Office or to the Commission as may b.) Insubordination
 The disciplinary authority who fails to act or be appropriate (sec 51) c.) Frequent absence and tardiness
who acts with abuse of discretion on the d.) habitual drunkenness
recommendation of the IAS shall be made 67.) WHAT IS A CITIZENS COMPLAINT? e.) Gambling prohibited by law
liable for gross neglect of duty.  Any complaint by a natural or juridical
person against any member of the PNP (sec 70.) WHO EXERCISE DISCIPLINARY POWERS
AUTHORITY BE BROUGHT? 68.) WHERE IS A CITIZENS COMPLAINT BE  On dealing with minor offenses involving
 The case of erring disciplinary authority shall FILED? internal discipline found to have been
be submitted to the Director General for  Any complaint by a natural or juridical committed by any regular member of their
proper disposition person against any member of the PNP shall respective commands, the duly designed
be brought before the following: supervisors and equivalent officers of the PNP
64.) WHERE CAN AN AGGRIEVED PARTY a.) Chiefs of Police, where the offense is punishable shall after due notice and summary hearing,
APPEAL THE FINDINGS OF AN IAS OFFICE? by withholding of privileges, restriction to specified exercise disciplinary powers as follows;
 Decisions rendered by the provincial limits suspension or forfeiture of salary or any a.) provincial directors or equivalent supervisors may
inspectors shall be forwarded to the area combination thereof for a period not exceeding summarily impose administrative punishment of
Internal Affairs office for review within ten fifteen (15) days admonition or reprimand restrictive custody
(10) working days upon the receipts thereof. b.) mayors of cities and municipalities where the withholding of privileges forfeiture of salary or
Decisions of the area office may be corrected offense is punishable by withholding of privileges, suspension for any combination of the foregoing
to the National Office through the Office of restriction to specified limits, suspensions or provided that in all cases the total period shall not be
Inspector General. Decisions rendered by forfeiture of salary or any combination thereof for a exceed thirty (30) days
the National IAS shall be appealed to the period of no less than sixteen (16) days but not b.) Police Regional Directors or equivalent
National Appellate Board or to the court as exceeding thirty (30) days supervisors shall have the power to impose upon any
may be appropriate (Section 50) member the disciplinary punishment of dismissal
from the service. He may also impose the Hammurabi is the earliest record of laws ➢ The Hue and Cry- was an integral part of
administrative punishment of admonition or to protect people and property. the watch and ward.
reprimand restrictive custody withholding to ➢ The ancient GREEK CITY STATES ➢ Assize of Arms- is requiring on males
privileges suspension of forfeiture of salary demotion
(about 600 B.C). This was consisted of between fifteen and sixty years to
or any combination of the foregoing provided that in
all cases the total period shall not exceed sixty (60) the municipality and the surrounding maintain a weapon in their home. The
days territory with a centrally located fortress Statue of Westminster established this.
c.) The Chief of the PNP shall have the Power to built on a hill. These city states created The statute of Westminster played a
impose the disciplinary punishment of dismissal from what is considered the FIRST POLICE significant role in promoting law and
the service suspension or forfeiture of salary or any FORCE. order.
combination there for a period not exceeding one b. Middle Ages c. The Eighteenth Century
hundred eighty (180) days provided further that the
➢ 1066 England, King William-assumed ➢ In 1749, Henry Fielding-published the
chief of the PNP shall have the authority of place
police personnel under restrictive custody during the ownership of the land when he first great social novel entitled TOM
tendency of a grave administrative case filed against conquered England. JONES.
him or even after the filing of a criminal complaint ➢ France, King William (Duke of ➢ The Bow Street Runners- referred to as
grave in nature against such police personnel. Normandy) - he divided England into the first detective unit, since they quickly
fifty-five military district and given the moved to the scene of crimes for
71.) CAN TWO OR MORE DISCIPLINARY title REEVES. immediate investigation.
REEVE- during this time, another position created to d. The Nineteenth Century
 A complaint or a charge filed against a PNP assist the reeves, which were CONSTABULI. ➢ Sir Robert Peel- was introduced into
member shall be heard and decided CONSTABULI- keeper of the stable Parliament the Metropolitan Police Act
exclusively by the disciplining authority that Constable- denotes someone with special police in 1829. He argued for a single police
has acquired original jurisdiction over the power. system in London composed of
case. And not withstanding the existence of ➢ King John- was forced to sign the professionals that would be carefully
concurrent jurisdiction as regards the offense
MAGNA CHARTA (1215) this document selected and thoroughly trained. At the
guaranteed basic civil and Political same time, he realized the police could
liberties to both people and nobles. never be effective if the law were wide in
➢ King Edward I- issued the statute of scope and harsh in penalty. Today Police
WESTMINSTER in 1285- established a officers in England are called BOBBIES
systematic Police and Justice System and named after Sir Robert Peel.
a. Early Civilizations
➢ The Watch and Ward- organized town e. Evolution Of Security In America
➢ Security has a long history dating back to
watchmen to patrol at night and to assist ➢ 1600’s- several cities established a
the origin of human being. Cave dwellers
the constable who worked during the “watch”.
devised various forms of security to
day. ➢ 1800’s- several cities, Detroit, Chicago,
protect themselves and their property
➢ Curfew- this act also established the Philadelphia, San Francisco and Los
from other tribe and wild animals.
position of bailiff. Who was required to Angeles established “paid police
check on all strangers every fifteen days. force”.
Babylon 1900 B.C.). The Law of
Today bailiffs are Officers of the court.
➢ New York City- adopted the Peelian operates east of the MISSOURI RIVER. ➢ Jessie James- devised the idea of using
principles. Federal Law Enforcement Today, Wells Fargo is a division of Burns dynamite to wreck a train before robbing
agencies were also organized. International Services Corporation. it.
➢ The US Post office established an ➢ In 1859, Washington Perry Brink- ➢ July 21, 1873- first gang used this
investigative arm in 1828. The US treasury established a freight and package dangerous technique headed by Jessie
Development did the same in 1864. delivery Service in Chicago. He also James.
➢ In 1908- the Department of Justice formed concentrated on the protection of ➢ Several states enacted legislation
the Bureau of investigation that became valuable in transit. permitting rail roads to organize security
the FBI in 1924 headed by J. Edgar ➢ In 1910, William J. Burns- the pore most force with full police power.
Hoover. American Investigator of his day and the ➢ By 1914- there were about 14 thousand
f. Private Security Grows In America first director of the government agency railroad police in America. They were
➢ Allan Pinkerton- who was cooper that became the FBI, formed the William J. been deputized by the federal
(maker of barrels) by trade, settled in Burns Detective Agency. government to help prevent sabotage.
Chicago from Scotland. He became ➢ In 1917- the armored truck was born. i. The Growth Of Security After World War II
interested in law enforcement and made Today, this company is the largest ➢ In 1950 Korea- the department of
a career change by becoming a deputy armored truck service in the world and defense formulized security requirement
sheriff. subsidiary of the Pittston Company. for defense contractors to protect
In 1984- he was appointed Chicago’s first detective. g. Other National Contributed to the classified information and materials and
After seven years, he formed his own private security Development Of Security to prevent espionage.
company, Pinkerton National Detective Agency ➢ Greek and Roman civilizations devised j. A New Century with Challenges
that provides security to various business clients. various forms of protection. ➢ September 11, 2001
Today Pinkerton Service Corporation is a subsidiary ➢ The French, under King Louise XIV, Terrorist attacked with hijacked airline killed about
of security based in Stockholm Sweden. during the 1600’s promoted crime 5,000 people by leveling the World Trade Center
➢ President Lincoln- during Civil War he prevention through preventive patrol and and destroying part of the Pentagon these bolt
summoned Pinkerton to Washington to street lighting. surprise attracts, subsequent bio- terrorism, and the
establish an intelligence network for ➢ Asian investigative methods used war in Afghanistan show the difficult and guard are
Union forces. psychology to elicit confession. yielding to professional security officer who is more
➢ United States of America, William J. h. Railroad Police educated, better trained, knowledgeable of
Burns- he was a former Secret Service ➢ This was the era of the ROBBER humorous security and loss prevention strategies.
Investigator who headed the Bureau of BARONS when massive corporate k. Development of Security Device
Investigation. He formed William J. Burns organizations formed secret agreements ➢ Personnel- are the backbone of
Banker Association. to eliminate competition. Although protection efforts, various security
• Today, Burns International Congress passed the Sherman Anti-trust devices and stems provided additional
Services Corporation is the Act in 1890 to curb monopolies, railroads, safe guard like:
Subsidiary of SECURITAS. (monopolies charged) became one of the a. Dogs- with their keen sense and
➢ 1850’s- Henry Wells joined William Fargo most hated industries, thus were subject smell they are a very old form of
and established American Express, which to violence. alarm notification.
b. The ancient civilizations of China and first private company that provides ➢ This term means the “skillful use of means
Egypt doors with primitive keyed alarm protection. Holmes protection to accomplish a purpose”. (Webster,
locks. Group INC was acquired by ADT 1993)
c. Pegs- used to slide down into a door Security century service Inc. at the ➢ This term is the process of properly
to secure it. A special notched board end of twentieth. utilizing available resources to achieve
was required to raise the pegs high B-BASIC CONCEPTS OF INDUSTRIAL SECURITY organizational goals and objectives.
enough to clean the door. MANAGEMENT Industrial Security
d. Early Egyptians constructed locked ➢ This term may mean: (a) security
vaults deep inside huge pyramids DEFINITION OF TERMS measures applied to business industries.
that illustrated the concept of (Manwong and Delizo, 2006); or (b) the
“protection-in-depth” a modern business of providing security and
➢ It is the state or condition of being safe or
strategy used at banks. protection to private individuals, business
free from fear, harm, danger, loss,
e. The ancient of Israel used bright light and enterprises, or government and non-
destruction or damages.
and loud noise to scare intruders. government industries.
➢ There is a need for adequate protection
f. Gideon- a Jewish warrior king Industrial Security Management
because of the prevailing action of man
instilled fear in a large invading force ➢ It is the skillful handling of the security
against man that leads to unsecured
by blowing three hundred trumpets and safety measures of business
and/or unsafe conditions due to economic
and waving three hundred torches. enterprises and industrial establishments.
reasons, revenger, or just plain greed
g. The Romans used the sensitive
and avarice.
hearing and squawking of geese to C- LEGAL BASES OF INDUSTRIAL SECURITY
warn of an approaching army. MANAGEMENT IN THE PHILIPPINES
➢ The term denotes “earnest or constant
h. During 1700’s, British inventors
application to work or business”, or “a A. Natural Authority
assembled the first mechanical
special branch of productive work, or the 1. The highest law is the law of self-
burglar alarm system to protect
capital or workers employed in it”. preservation.
doors. It was set of chimes linked to a
(Webster, 1993) ➢ Man naturally reacts to protect himself,
door lock. Therefore burglars
➢ It is likewise defined as large-scale his family, his honor, freedom, liberty and
defeated the system by cutting the
production or organized economic property from danger, threat or hazard.
cord between the lack and the
activity connected with the production, ➢ It became an unwritten law of the early
manufacture, or construction of a Filipinos to protect themselves and their
i. In 1852, Augustus R. Pope- filed a
particular product or range of product or property against the natural and man-
patent for an electromagnetic alarm
range of products. (Microsoft Encarta, made hazards.
consisting of an electric bell activated
2001-2006) B. Constitutional Authority
by a falling weight or uncoiling of a
Industrial 1. The prime duty of the Government is to
spring when a door or window
➢ This is defined as “pertaining to or serve and protect the people. (Art. II, Sec.
engaged in industry”. (Webster,1993) 4)
j. Edwin Holmes- after six years he
bought Pope patent and formed the
➢ The government may call upon the 3. Private property shall not be taken for watchmen and private detectives. In short, it is
people to defend the State and, in the public use without just compensation. the intention of this law to professionalize the
fulfilment thereof, all citizens may be (Art III, Sec.9) security services in order to upgrade the level of
required, under conditions provided by ➢ The Constitution protects not only security protection.
law, or to render personal military ownership but also possession,
service. enjoyment, use and disposition of private D-TYPES OF SECURITY
➢ Although the defense of the States is the property by their rightful owners subject 1. Industrial Security- a type of security applied to
one contemplated here, people being to such limitations imposed by law. In this business groups engaged in industries like
one of the elements of the State is directly regards, private property to be taken by manufacturing, assembling, research and
affected in whatever protection the state the government in its exercise of the development, processing, warehousing and even
will receive from the government and the power of the eminent domain must satisfy agriculture.
people. Take not also that all citizens who two important conditions, namely: public 2. Hotel Security- a type of security applied to
are qualified, including the security use and just compensation. hotels where its properties are protected from
guards, may be required by law to 4. The right of the people to be secure in pilferage, loss, damage, and the function in the
render personal military or civil services. their persons, houses, papers, and effects hotel restaurants are not disturbed and troubled
The service required of the citizens is against unreasonable searches and by outsiders or the guest themselves. This type of
personal. seizures of whatever nature and for any security employs house detectives, uniform
2. No person shall be deprived of life, purpose shall be inviolable, and no search guards and supervisor and insures that hotel
liberty or property without due process of warrant or warrant of arrest shall be issued guests and their personal effects are
law, nor shall any person be denied the except upon examination under oath or safeguarded.
equal protection of the laws. (Art. III, Sec. affirmation of the complainant and the 3. Bank security- this type of security is concerned
1) witnesses he may produce, and particularly with bank operations. Its main objective is the
➢ This means the life, liberty, freedom and describing the place to be searched and the protection of the bank cash and assets, and
property can only be taken from a person persons or things to be seized. (Art. III, Sec. personnel and clientele. Security personnel are
after the observance of due process of 2) trained to safeguard bank and assets while in
law. Due process of law is of two aspects: C. Statutory Authority storage, in transit and during transactions.
substantive and procedural. Daniel 1. Revised Penal Code (Act 3815, as 4. VIP Security – a type of security applied for the
Webster, in brief, defines procedural due amended) protection of top- ranking officials of the
process as “one which hears before it ➢ The applicable provisions for the Code on Crime government or private entity, visiting persons of
condemns, which proceed upon inquiry, Against Persons, Personal Liberty and Security illustrious standing and foreign dignitaries.
and render judgment only after trial”. But and Property have bearing on the security and 5. School Security- a type of security that is
if the taking of life, liberty, freedom or protection of one’s life, liberty and property. concern with the protection of students, faculty
property does not fall within the 2. Private Security Agency Law (RA 5487, as members, and school properties. Security
framework of due process of law, amended) personnel are tined to protect the school
available remedies under the law should ➢ This law governs the operation, administration of property from theft, vandals, handling campus
be resorted to. security agency and activities, qualification, riots and detecting the use of intoxicated drugs
duties and licensing of security guards, and alcohol by the students.
6. Supermarket or Mall Security- a type of access to equipment, facilities, material and
security which is concerned with the protection of document and to safeguard them against I-Protective Barriers
the stores, warehouses, storage, its immediate espionage, sabotage, damage, loss and theft. Barrier– Any structure or physical device capable of
premises and properties as well as the B. Personnel Security- this is as important as restricting, deterring and delaying illegal access to
supermarket personnel and customers. Security physical security. Personnel security starts even any installation.
personnel are trained to detect “shoplifter”, before the hiring of an employee and remains to
robbery and bomb detection and customer be maintained for as long as the person is Purpose of Barriers
relation. employed. Its purpose is to ensure that a firm 1. Define the physical limits of an area
7. Physical security- part of security concerned hires those best suited to assist the firm in 2. Create a physical and psychological deterrent to
with the physical measures designed to achieving its goal and objectives and once hired unauthorized entry
safeguard personnel and to prevent unauthorized assist in providing necessary security to the work 3. Prevent penetration there in or delay intrusion,
access to equipment ,facilities, materials and the force while carrying out their functions. thus, facilitating apprehension of intruders
documents and to protects them from espionage C. Document band Information security- this 4. Assist in more efficient and economical
sabotage, damages or theft. This if the broadest involves the protection of documents and employment of guards
type of security. classified papers for loss, access by unauthorized 5. Facilitate and improve the control of vehicular
8. Document security- protection of documents, persons, damage, theft and compromise through topic.
classified papers and vital record from loss, disclosure. Classified documents need special Types of Physical Barriers
access to unauthorized persons, damages, theft, handling. Lack of indoctrination and orientation 1. Natural Barrier – ex. Geographical features like
and compromise through proper storage and among the personal handling them can result in rivers, cliffs, canyons, or any other terrain that is
procedures. the leakage, loss, theft, and unauthorized difficult to traverse.
9. Operational Security- this involves the disclosure of the documents. 2. Structural Barrier- these are features
protection of process, formula and patents, constructed by man regardless of their original
industrial and manufacturing activities from A- PHYSICAL SECURITY intent that tends to delay the intruder.
espionage, infiltration, loss compromise or ➢ Physical measures are used to define, protect and Examples: Fence, walls, grills, doors, roadblocks,
photocopying. monitor property rights and object; they consist screens or any other construction that will serve as a
10. Communication Security –the protection of barriers and devices that are able to detect, deterrent to unauthorized entry.
resulting from the application of various impede, and deter potential security threats. 3. Human Barrier- persons being used in
measures which prevents or delay the enemy or ➢ Physical security measures help to combat the providing a guarding system or by the nature of
unauthorized person in gaining information crime –related threats that both employees and their employment and locations, fulfil security
through communication. This includes outsiders pose to the organization (for example: functions.
transmission, cryptographic and physical robbery, burglary, arson, assault, rape, theft and Examples: Security guards and employees of the
security. vandalism). If measures are properly planned, establishments.
most potential intruders, whether employees or 4. Animal Barrier – animals are used in partially
THREE MAJOR DIVISIONS OF SECURITY outsiders, should see that the risk of detection providing a guarding system.
and punishment for attempting to penetrate a Examples: dogs, geese, turkey
A. Physical Security- this concern with the physical protected area are significantly greater that 5. Energy –it is the employment of mechanical,
measures adopted to prevent unauthorized whatever they may gain. electrical, electronic energy imposes a deterrent
to entry by the potential intruder or to provide Types of Perimeter Barrier shadow that may be used by the intruder for
warning to guard personnel. 1. Fences cover and concealment.
Examples: protective lightning, alarm system and ➢ Wire fencing can be barbed wire, chain link 2. Full-view Fence
any electronic devices used as barriers. or concertina. Chain link are for permanent a. Visual access is permitted through the fence.
structure, barbed wire is for semi-permanent b. It denies the roving patrols and stationary
Three Lines of Physical Defense structure, and concertina for the least guard to keep the surrounding area of the
1. First line of defense- perimeter fences or permanent and can also be used as temporary installation under observation.
barriers roadblock for impediment during strikes and c. It allows intruder to become familiar with the
2. Second line of defense- doors, floors, windows, crowd control. Wire fences are attractive and movements and time schedule of the guard
walls, roofs, grills and other entries to the low in maintenance cost; they offer fewer patrols thereby allowing him to pick the time
building hazards to people because of the absence of that is advantageous on his part.
3. Third line of defense – storage system like steel barbs, and the openings are small to prevent Types of Full-View Fence
cabinets, safes, vaults, and inferior files. passage of pilfered article. 1. Chain link Fence
Principles of Physical Security 2. Building Walls a. It must be constructed or 7 feet material
1. The type of access necessary will depend upon a ➢ Walls floors, roofs or their combination serve excluding the top guard.
number of variable factors and therefore may be also as barriers and they should be of such b. It must be of 9 gauges or heavier.
achieved in a number of ways. construction to provide uniform protection just c. The mesh openings are not to be larger than
2. There is no impenetrable barrier. like the wire fencing. 2 inches per side.
3. Defense- in depth is barrier after barriers. 3. Bodies of Water d. It should be twisted and barbed selvage at
4. Delay is provided against surreptitious entry. ➢ The river, lakes, marsh cataract, sea pond or the top and bottom.
5. Each installation is different. any other bodies of water forming a part of the e. It must be securely fastened to rigid metal or
wall, building or fencing should never be reinforced concrete.
A-Perimeter Barrier considered adequate natural perimeter f. It must reach within 2 inches of hard group or
➢ A medium or structure, which defines the barrier. Additional security measures like wire paving.
physical limits of an installation or area to fence, concrete walling, security patrolling g. On soft ground, it must reach below surface
restrict or impede access thereto. and floodlighting at night may be necessary deep enough to compensate for shifting soil
➢ It refers to any physical barrier used to for the portions of the perimeter. or sand.
supplement the protection of an inside Types of Fences 2. Barbed wire fence
perimeter. 1. Solid Fences a. Standard barbed wire is twisted, double-
a. Inside Perimeter- a line protection a. Visual access to the fencing is denied. strand, 12 gauges wire with 4 point barbs
adjacent to protected area and passing b. It denies the opportunity for the intruder to spaces in an equal distance apart.
through points of possible entry into the become familiar with the personnel, activities b. It should not be less than 7 feet high
area such as doors, windows, skylights or and the time scheduled of the movements of excluding the top guard.
other points of access. the guards in the installation. c. It must be firmly affixed to posts not more
b. Outside Perimeter- a line of protection c. It prevents the guards from observing the than 6 feet apart.
surrounding but somewhat removed from a area around the installation and it creates d. The distance between strands must not
protected area, such as fence. exceed 6 inches at least one wire will be
interlaced vertically and midway between perimeter fences facing upward and outward where the facility is within streets, highways or
posts. with a 45-degree with three to four strands of navigable waterways.
3. Concertina wire fence barbed wires, 6 inches apart and must be stalled ➢ The system must be reliable and designed with
a. Standard concertina barbed wire is on the supporting arms. overlapping illumination to avoid creating
commercially manufactured wire coil of high 2. Guard Control Stations- this is formally unprotected area in the event of individual light
strength steel barbed wire clipped together provided at main perimeter entrance to secure failure. It must be easy to maintain and it must
at intervals to from a cylinder. areas located outdoors, and manned by a guard secure itself against attack. Poles should be
b. Opened concertina wire is 50 feet long and 3 on a fulltime basis. within the barrier power lines and the switch box
feet in diameter. 3. Tower- “Guard Tower” is house-like structure must be protected.
Types of Perimeter Barrier Openings above the perimeter barriers. Requirements
1. Gate and Doors- when not in active use and 4. Signs and Notice- “Control Signs” should be a. Protective or security lighting needs at
controlled by guard, gates and doors in the erected where necessary in the management of installation and facilities depend upon each
perimeter should be locked and frequently unauthorized ingress and preclude accidental situation and the areas to be protected. Each
inspected by guards. Locks should be changed entry. Signs should plainly be visible and legible situation requires careful study to provide the
from time to time. from approach and in under standard language. best visibility practicable for such security
2. Sidewalk Elevator- these provide access to Signs on entry should also be posted at all duties as identification of badges and people
areas within the perimeter barrier and should be principal entrance. at gate inspection of vehicles, prevention of
locked or guarded. illegal entry, detection of intruders outside
3. Utilities Openings- like sewers, air tanks and II-Protective Lighting and inside buildings and other structures,
exhaust channels. ➢ Protective Lighting provides a means of and inspection of unusual or suspicious
4. Clear Zone- unobstructed area should or a “clear continuing, during hours of darkness, a degree of circumstances.
zone” should be maintained on both side of the protection approaching that maintained during b. When such lightning provisions are
perimeter barrier daylight hours. This safeguard also has impractical, additional security posts, patrols,
a. A “clear zone” of 20 feet or more considerable values as a deterrent to thieves and entry dog patrols, or other security means
should exist between the perimeter vandals and may make the job of the saboteur will be necessary.
barrier and exterior structure parking more difficult. It is an essential element if an c. Protective lighting should not be used as
areas and natural or man-made integrated physical security program. psychological deterrent only.It should be
features. ➢ Depending on the nature of the facility, protective used on a perimeter fence line only where
b. A “clear zone” of 50 feet or more lighting is designed to emphasize the illumination the fence is under continuous or periodic
should exist between the perimeter of the perimeter. In the case, it produces observation. Protective lighting may be
barrier and structure within the sufficient light to create a psychological deterrent unnecessary where the perimeter fence is
protected area except when building to intrusion as well as to make detection virtually protected by a central alarm system.
wall constitute part of the perimeter certain in the event an entry is made. It must d. Protective lighting maybe desirable for those
barrier. avoid glared that would reduce the visibility of sensitive areas or structures within the
B. Additional Protective Barrier security personnel, while creating glared to perimeter, which are under specific
1. Top Guard- a top guard is an additional detect intruder. This is particularly important observation. Such areas or structures include
overhand or barbed-wire place on vertical pier and dock areas, vital buildings, storage
areas, and vulnerable control points in ➢ Minimum protective lighting installations and buildings than when
communications, power, and water intensities required for various clean concrete, light brick, and grass
distribution systems. In interior areas where applications. predominate. When the same amount of
night operations are conducted, adequate light falls on an object and its
lighting of the area facilitates detection of Principles of Protective Lighting background, the observer must depend
unauthorized persons approaching or ➢ Protective lighting should enable guard force on contrasts in the amount of light
attempting malicious acts within the area personnel to observe activities around or inside reflected. The ability of the observer to
Characteristics an installation without disclosing their presence. distinguish poor contrasts is significantly
a. Lighting is expensive to maintain and, when ➢ Adequate lighting for all approaches to an improved by increasing the level of
properly employed, may reduce the need for installation not only discourages attempted illumination.
security forces. unauthorized entry, but also reveals persons c. When the intruder is darker than his
b. It may also provide personal protection for within the area. However, lighting should not be background, the observer sees primarily
forces by reducing the advantages for used alone. the outline or silhouette. Intruders who
concealment and surprise for a determined ➢ It should be used with other measures such as depend on dark clothing and even
intruder. Security forces thus relieved maybe fixed security posts or patrols, fences, and darkened face and hands may be foiled
used to better advantages elsewhere. alarms. by using light finishes on the lower parts
c. Protective lighting usually requires less ➢ Other principles of protective lighting are listed of buildings and structures. Stripes on
intensity than working light, except for next: walls have also been used effectively, as
identification and inspection at authorized a. Good protective lighting as achieved by they provide recognizable breaks in
portals and in emergencies. adequate, even light upon bordering outlines or silhouettes. Providing broad
d. Each area of an installation or facility presents areas, glaring lights in the eyes of the lighted areas around and within the
its particular problems based in physical intruder, and relatively little light on installation, against which intruders can
layout, terrain, atmospheric and climactic security patrol routes. In addition to be seen, can also create good
conditions, and the protective requirements. seeing long distances, security forces observation conditions.
➢ Data are available from the must be able to see low contrasts, such as d. Two basic systems or a combination of
manufactures of lighting equipment indistinct outlines of silhouettes, and must both may be used to provide practical
and from the Army Corps of be able to spot an intruder who may be and effective protective lighting. The first
Engineers, which will assist in exposed to view for only a few seconds. method is to light the boundaries and
designing a lighting system. Higher levels of brightness improve all of approaches. The second is to light the
➢ Included in these data are: these abilities. area and structures within the general
Descriptions, characteristics, and b. In planning protective lighting, high boundaries of the property.
specification of various incandescent, brightness contrast between intruder and e. To be effective, protective lighting
arc, and gaseous discharge lamps. background should be the first should:
Lighting patterns of the various consideration. With predominantly dark i. Discourage or deter attempts at
luminaries. Typical layouts showing dirty surfaces or camouflage types entry by intruders. Proper
the most efficient height and spacing painted surfaces, more light is needed to illumination may lead a potential
of equipment. produce the same brightness around
intruder to believe detection is strengthens other physical lighted strip outside the perimeter
inevitable security efforts. A blending of because of adjoining property or
ii. Make detection likely if entry is tactical and physical security nearby highways, railroads,
attempted. principles is required especially navigable waters, or airports. In
Types of Protective Lighting true with regards to perimeter controlled lighting, the width of the
A. Stationary Luminary- this is a common type lighting. lighted strip can be controlled and
consisting of a series of fixed luminaries to b. Glare projection is not adjusted to fit the particular need,
continuously flood a given area. appropriate where security troop such as illumination of a wide strip
Types of Stationary Lighting emplacements may be inside a fence and a narrow strip
1. Glare Projection Type silhouetted or illuminated for the outside; or floodlighting a wall or
➢ the intensity is focused to the intruder enemy to see from the enemy’s roof. This method of lighting often
while the observer or guard approach to the secured site. illuminates or silhouettes security
remained in the comparative Where glare projection is personnel as they patrol their routes.
darkness. The lighting is toward the desired, security troops placed in
entrance to an installation. front of the perimeter fence B. STANDBY LIGHTING- this system is similar to
➢ The glare projection lighting method should be moved, but still be able continuously lighting but it is turned on manually or
is useful where the glare of lights to take up effective fields of fire by a special device or other automatic means.
directed across surrounding territory for defense of the perimeter. If C. MOVABLE LIGHTING- this consists of stationary
will not be annoying nor interfere such blending of protective or portable, manually operated searchlights. The
with adjacent operations. It is a strong lighting and tactical security searchlights may be lighted continuously during the
deterrent to a potential intruder cannot be accomplished, hours of darkness or only as needed, and are usually
because it makes it difficult for him to perimeter lighting should not be supplementary to other types of secure lighting.
see the inside of the area. It also used. Floodlights that provide a D. EMERGENCY LIGHTING- this may be
protects the guard by keeping him in band of light with great horizontal duplicative of existing systems. This is at standby,
comparative darkness and enabling angular dispersal and which which can be utilized in the event of electronic
him to observe intruders at directs the glare at a possible failure, either due to local equipment or commercial
considerable distance beyond the intruder while restricting the power failure.
perimeter. downward beam, is preferred in
a. Glare projection or other this application. Types of Light Lamps
protective perimeter lighting may 2. Controlled Lighting a. Incandescent Lamp- these are common
not be appropriate in some ➢ the lighting is focused on the pile of light bulbs of the type found in the home.
instances. In combat tactical items rather than the background. They have the advantages of providing
perimeter security considerations The width of the lighted strip can be illumination when in the home. They have the
are given first priority over controlled and adjusted to suit the advantages of providing illumination when
security against pilferage. security needs. the switch is thrown and are thus most
Generally, the tightening of ➢ Controlled lighting is best when it’s commonly used protective lighting system.
tactical perimeter security necessary to limit the width of the
b. Gaseous discharge lamp- the use of current passing through a tube of conducting and horizontal strips to protect the approaches to the
gaseous discharge lamps in protective luminous gas. perimeter barrier. Fresnel projects a narrow,
lighting is somewhat limited since they 3. Metal Halide- it has similar physical appearance horizontal beam that is approximately 180
require a period from two to five minutes to to mercury vapor but provides a light source of degrees in the horizontal and from 15 to 30
light when they are cold and even longer to higher luminous efficiency and better color degrees in the vertical plane.
relight when hot or after a power rendition. General Considerations in Protective Lighting
interruption. This is very economical to use 4. Fluorescent- this provides good color rendition, 1. The determination of lighting needs must be
but for industrial security, it is not acceptable high lamp efficiency as well as long life. However depending upon the threat, perimeter
due to long time in the lighting in case it is it cannot project light over long distance and extremities, surveillance capabilities, and
turned off by accident or by low voltage or thus, are not desirable as flood type lights. available guard forces
brown-out. 5. High Pressure Sodium Vapor- this has gained 2. Protective lighting must be designed to
Types of Gaseous Discharge Lamps acceptance for exterior lighting of parking areas, discourage unauthorized entry and to facilitate
a. Mercury Vapor Lamps- these lamps roadways, buildings and commercial interior detection of intruders approaching or
give a blue-green color light due to installations. Constructed on the same principles attempting to gain entry into protected areas.
the presence of mercury vapor. Its as mercury vapor lamps, they emit a golden 3. The protective lighting must be continuously
initial cost is higher than the white to light pink color and this provide high operates during periods of reduced visibility,
incandescent lamps of the same lumen efficiency and relatively good color and that standby lighting is maintained and
voltage but is more efficient and rendition. periodically tested for used during times of
gives more light. This is widely used Types of Lighting Equipment emergency and mobilization alerts.
for interior and exterior lighting. 1. Floodlights- these can be used to accommodate 4. Cleaning and replacement of lamps and
b. Quartz Lamps- these lamps emit a most outdoor security lighting needs, including luminaries, particularly with respect to costs and
very bright white light and snap on the illumination of boundaries, fences and means required and available
almost as rapidly as the incandescent buildings and for the emphasis of vital areas or 5. The effects of local weather conditions may be a
lamp. They are frequently used at particular buildings.These are wide beam units, problem in cases where fluorescent units are
very high voltage, and they are primarily used to extend the illumination in long, used.
excellent for use along the perimeter horizontal strips to protect the approaches to the 6. Fluctuating or erratic voltages in the primary
barrier and in troublesome areas. perimeter barrier. power sources.
General Types of Lighting Sources 2. Street lights- this lighting equipment received 7. Requirements for grounding fixtures and the use
1. Incandescent Lamp- it is the least expensive in the most widespread notoriety for its value in of common ground on an entire line to provide a
terms of energy consumed and has the advantage reducing crime.These produce diffused rather stable ground potential.
of providing instant illumination when the switch than directional beam. They are directly used in III- Protective Alarms
is on. parking areas. ➢ Another safeguard used to assist security to
2. Mercury Vapor Lamp- it is considered more 3. Search lights- these are highly focused complement if not to supplement physical
efficient than the incandescent and used incandescent lamp and are designed to pinpoint security is an array of alarms. These alarms of
widespread in exterior lighting. This emits a potential trouble spots. various types and cost can be installed indoors or
purplish-white color, caused by an electronic 4. Fresnel lights- these are wide beam units, outdoors.
primarily used to extend the illumination in long,
➢ Basically, alarms systems are designed to alert hands may be kept in full view of the robbers for protection. Service Company manned by its
security personnel to consummated or attempted reason of safety. Because of foot rail can be personnel.
intrusion into an area, building or compound. activated very obtrusively and safety, it is 2. Proprietary System- this function in the same
➢ Each type of alarm is activated in the event that frequently found in the banks where tellers way as central system except that is owned by,
an intruder tampers the circuitry, ab beam or normally operate while standing up. operated and located in the facility. Response to
radiated waves. In short, intrusion alarms can be 6. Bill Traps- bill traps or currency activation all alarms is by facility’s own security or fire
electrical, mechanical or electronic. devices are usually placed in the teller’s cash personnel. Since this system is monitored locally,
Types of Alarm System drawer and connected to the alarm system using the response time to an alarm is considerably
1. Metallic foil or wire- in building or compound, a wire connector. When currency is removed reduced.
all point of entry can be wired by using from the devices, the alarm is activated. The 3. Local Alarm System- in this case, the sensor
electrically charge strips of tinfoil wire. Any advantage of these devices is that the robbers activates the circuit, which in turn activities a
actions that will move the foil or wire break the frequently remove the currency and activate the horn or siren or even flashing light located in the
circuit and activate an alarm. Metallic foil or wire alarm. This is particularly helpful when the immediate vicinity of the alarmed area. Only
is used in window or glass surfaces. Doors and employees are immediately forced to leave their guard within sound or hearing can respond to
windows can be equipped with magnetic or station without having an opportunity to activate such alarms, so their use is restricted where
spring activated contacts, which will sound and the alarm safely. guards are so located that their response is
alarm when the door or window is opened. 7. Knee or Thigh Button- these are installed inside assured.
2. Photoelectric or electric eye- a light beam is the desk or teller station so they can be activated 4. Auxiliary System – in this system installation
transmitted at a frequency of several thousand by knee or thigh pressure. They are commonly circuits are led into local police or fire
per second. It is connected by a wire to a control found in location where personnel usually department by lease telephone lines. The dual
station and when an intruder crosses the beam he perform their duties from a seated position. responsibility for circuits and the high incidence
makes contact with the photo electronic coil 8. Foot button- like the foot rail permit alarm of false alarms have made this system unpopular
which thus activates the alarm. activation safety while both hands remain clear in with public fire and police personnel.
3. Audio detective device- supersensitive view of the robber. 5. Local Alarm-By-Chance System- this is a local
microphone speaker sensor is installed in walls, 9. Double squeeze buttons- pressure is required alarm system in which a bell or siren is sounded
ceiling and floors of the protected area of any on both side of the device and therefore the with no predictable response. These systems are
sound caused by attempted forced entry probability of accidental alarm is reduced. used in residence or small retail establishments,
inspected by the sensor. Types of Alarm Detection System which cannot afford a respond system. The hope
4. Vibration detection device- the vibration 1. Central Station System- a type of protective is that a neighbor or passing will reach to the
sensitive sensor is attached to walls, ceiling or alarm system where the central station is located alarm and call for police assistance, but such a
floors of the protected areas. The sensor detects outside the installation. It can be located in an call is purely a matter of chance.
any vibration caused by attempted forced entry. agency and the installation is one of the 6. Dial Alarm System- this system is set to dial a
5. Foot Rail Authority- placing the front of their subscribers. When alarm is sounded, central predestined number when the alarm is activated.
foot to engage the activation bar places foot rail station notifies police and other agency. A system The number selected might be the police or the
activator on the floor in such a position that tellers in which the alarm signal is relayed to remote subscriber’s home number, or both. When the
may activate the alarm. Foot rails do not acquire panel located at the facilities of private owned phone is answered, a recording states that an
any obvious use of the teller’s hand and their intrusion is in progress at the location so alarmed.
This system is relatively inexpensive to install Lock- a mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or series of numbered button in the proper
and operate, but since it is dependent on general electronic device to prevent entry into a building, sequence opens them. Some of them are
phone circuit, it could fail if line were busy or if room, container or hiding place and to prevent the equipped to alarm if wrong sequence is pressed.
the phone connection were cut. removal of items without the consent of the owner. These are high security locking device.
Three Parts of an Alarm System Padlock- a portable and detachable lock having a 6. Electromagnetic Locks –these are devices
1. Sensor or Trigger Device sliding hasp which passes through a staple ring or the holding a door by magnetism. These are
2. Circuit which carries messages to the signaling like and is them made fast of secured. electrical units consisting of the electromagnetic
apparatus Peterman – An English term used to describe a lock on metal holding sequence. When three power is
3. Signaling system, sometimes called the picker. secured on the door, they will resist pressure of
enunciator up to 1000 pounds.
Types of Locks 7. Card Operated Locks – are electronically or
IV-Protective Locks and Keys 1. Warded Locks – Offer very little security. This more usually magnetic. Coded card notched,
➢ The best defense against lock picking and type of lock must therefore be used only to have embossed or containing an embedded patter of
making of key by impression is the installation of privacy but not to provide a high degree of copper locks are used to operate suck locks.
special pick-resistant, impression-resistant lock security. These are frequently fitted with recording device,
cylinders. 2. Disc Tumbler Locks – designed for the use of which registers time of use and the identity of the
➢ Generally speaking, locks are the cheapest automobile industry and are in general used in user.
security investment that can be made. car doors today. Because this lock is easy and
➢ Locking device is simply a mechanism that cheap to be manufactured, its use has expanded Types of Keys
extends the door or window into a wall that hold to others areas such as desks, files and padlocks. 1. Change Key – a specific key, which operates the
them. If, thereof, the wall or the door itself is The delay afforded is approximately ten minutes. lock and has a particular combination of cuts, or
weak or easily destructible, the lock cannot be 3. Lever Locks – are difficult to define in terms of bittings, which match the tumblers of the
effective. security since they vary greatly in their tumblers in the lock.
➢ It must be recognized that any lock will effectiveness. They are used in safe deposit 2. Sub-Master Key – a key that will open all the
eventually yield to attack. boxes and are for all practical purposes, pick- lock within a particular area or grouping in a
➢ They must be thought of only as delaying. But this proof. The least of these locks are used in desks, particular facility.
delay is of primary importance. The longer the lockers and cabinets and generally less secure 3. Master Key – A special key that will capable of
intruder is stalled in an exposed position while he than pin tumbler lock. opening a series of locks.
works to gain entry, the greater the chances of 4. Combination Locks – are difficult to defeat, 4. Grand Master Key – a type of key that will open
discovery. E since they cannot be picked because few can everything in a system involving two or more
➢ ven the highest locking devices are only one part manipulate the device to discover the master key groups.
of door and entrance security locks, cylinders, combination. Most of these locks have three dials,
door and frame construction, and key control are which must be aligned in the proper order before Key Control
inseparable element; all must equally be the lock will open. Some locks may have four ➢ Once an effective control has been installed,
effective. If one element is weak, the system will dials for greater security. positive control of all keys must be gained and
breakdown. 5. Code Operated Locks – these are combination- maintained. This can be accomplished only if it is
type locks and that no key is used. Pressing the in conjunction with the new locking devices.
➢ The following can be utilized to maintain robbery or burglary resistance depending
effectively key control: upon the use and need. Key Functions of Personnel Security
1. Key Cabinet – a well-constructed cabinet will Vault 1. It serves as a screening device in hiring suitable
have to be produced. The cabinet will have to be ➢ Heavily constructed fire and burglar employees.
of sufficient size to hold the original key to every resistance container usually a part of the 2. It provides background investigation services of
lock in the system. It should be locked at all building structure used to keep and protect both potential and present employees, for possible
times. cash, documents and negotiable instruments. assignment to sensitive position.
2. Key Records – some administrative means must Vaults are bigger than safe but smaller than a 3. It handles investigation of employees suspected of
be set up to record code number of the locks and security file room. wrongdoing.
to whom the keys of a specific locks was issued. File Room 4. It develops security awareness among employees.
3. Inventories – periodic account must be made of ➢ A cubicle in a building constructed a little 5. It attempts to ensure the protection of employees
all duplicates and original keys in the hands of lighter than a vault but bigger size to from discriminatory hiring or terminating procedures
the employees whom they have been issued. accommodate limited people to work on the as well as unfounded allegations of illegal or
4. Audits – in addition to periodic inventories, an records inside. unethical activities and conduct.
unannounced audit should be made of all the key
control records and procedures by a member of B-PERSONNEL SECURITY Personnel Security Investigation
the management. Personnel Security Investigation is a process of
5. Daily Report – a regular report must be made to ➢ Personnel security is considered as the most inquiry into the character, reputation, discretion,
the person responsible for the key control from important aspect of security. This is for the simple integrity, morals and loyalty of an individual to
the personnel department indicating all persons reason that security involves people, both as determine the suitability for appointment or access to
who have left or will be leaving the department asset to be protected and as source of security classified matter.
or the company. In the event that a key was threats.
issued, steps should be made to recover the key. ➢ It is an acknowledge fact that losses are General Techniques of Personnel Security
attributed mainly to negligence or active Investigation
V-Protective Cabinet participation of employees, either theft or 1. Background Investigation (BI)
➢ The final line of defense at any facility is in the sabotage. This emphasizes the need to set up a ➢ This technique is very expensive but
high security storage area where records, system of hiring the people for the company. necessary in personnel security. It serves to
papers, plans or cashable instruments, previous Purpose of Personnel Security verify information on the application form and
metals or other especially valuable assets are 1. To insure that a firm hires those employees best to obtain other information pertinent to
protected, these security cabinets will be of a suited for the firm; and decision to employ.
sized and quantity which the nature of the 2. Once hired, to assist in providing the necessary Components of Complete BI
business dictates. security to these employees while they are carrying
Safe out their functions. a. Applicants Name
➢ A metallic container used for the safekeeping b. Date Of Birth Investigation
of documents or small items in an office or Scope of Personnel Security c. Present Residence Address
installation. Safe can be classified as either 1. Personnel Security Investigation (PSI) d. Personal History
2. Security Education e. Marital History
f. Residence History ➢ It is the process whereby a subject’s reaction C-DOCUMENT AND INFORMATION
g. Citizenship in a future critical situation is predicted by SECURITY
h. Physical Data observing his behavior, or by interviewing Basic Definition of Terms
i. Education History him, or analyzing his responses to a 1. Document Security
j. Organization Membership questionnaire, such as honesty test. The Reid It involves the protection of documents and
k. Neighborhood Report is an example of honesty test. classified papers from loss, access by unauthorized
l. Character Reference 4. Deception Detection Techniques persons, damage, theft and compromise through
m. Employment History ➢ This is a process of using devices in detecting disclosure.
n. Military History deception during the interview stage. This 2. Classified Information
o. Foreign Travel History includes the use of a Polygraph, It includes all information concerning
p. Criminal Record Psychological Stress Evaluator and Voice document, cryptographic devices developed
q. Credit Records Analyzer. projects and materials following on the categories of
r. Applicant's Signature 5. Financial and Lifestyle Inquiry Top Secret, Confidential, Restricted, Secret,
s. Date Of Application This type of investigation seeks to gather Unclassified.
information on income and mode of living, sometimes 3. Classified Matter
Types of Local Agency Check (LAC) referred to as earning-to-debt ratio. It refers to any information or material in any
a. Barangay Clearance form or of any nature, the safeguarding of which is
b. City or Municipal Clearance 6. Undercover Intelligence necessary in the interest of security and which is
c. Local Police Clearance ➢ This is the placement of an agent in a role in classified for such purpose by the responsible
d. Court Clearance which the agent’s true identity and role classifying authority.
remains unknown, in order to obtain
Types of National Agency Check (NAC) information for criminal prosecution or for 4. Classify
a. National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance recovery or limitation of asset losses. This refers to the assigning of information or
b. PNP Directorate of Intelligence (DI) Clearance 7. Exit Interview material, one of the four security categories after
c. Intelligence Service, AFP (ISAFP) Clearance ➢ This is a valuable tool because it gives determination has been made that the information
2. Positive Vetting departing employees an opportunity to list requires the security protection as provided.
➢ It is the process of inspecting or examining grievances. It offers security managers an 5. Declassify
with careful thoroughness. The essence of opportunity to learn of problems not The act of removing the security classification
vetting that it is a personal interview previously known. Incorporating a checklist from classified information or matter.
conducted under stress. It is based on of company-issued property and confronting 6. Reclassifying or Regarding
information previously given by the a departing employee of this has resulted in It refers to the act of changing the assigned
applicant. Other information is used during reducing losses of company property. classification from classified information or matter.
the interview, such as those discovered in the ➢ Debriefing an employee is also incorporated 7. Upgrading
BI which confirms or denies this given by the into the exit interview to remind employees It refers to the act of assigning the information
applicant. of their continuing legal obligation to or matter to the higher classification that that
3. Profiling safeguard confidential company information. previously assigned to it.
8. Compartmentation
It refers to the grant of access to the classified 2. Classification
matter only to properly cleared person when such 3. Storage Three Security Concepts
classified information is required in the performance 4. Retrieval 1. Personnel are the weakest link in the security
of their official duties. 5. Retention/Purging chain.
9. Need to Know 6. Transfer 2. Training is important to make security personnel
It is the dissemination of classified 7. Disposition conscious and realize the value of document.
information or matter to be limited strictly to those 3. Training is necessary for the practice of the
person whose duties requires knowledge or Categories of Document “Need to Know” principle.
possession thereof. 1. Category A
10. Unauthorized ➢ Information which contains reportable time Four Types of Classified Matters
It refers to any person not authorized to have access sensitive, order of battle and significant 1. TOP SECRET (green color code)
on classified matters. information. It is any information and materials, the
11. Compromise ➢ It should be given priority because it is critical unauthorized disclosure of it would cause
This takes place through the loss of security which information. exceptionally grave damage to the nation, politically,
results from unauthorized persons obtaining ➢ It must be forwarded without delay. economically and military operation.
knowledge of classified matters. ➢ It is critical to friendly operations. 2. SECRET (red color code)
12. Damage ➢ It requires immediate action. It is any information and material, the
It refers to the prejudice, embarrassment or injury to 2. Category B unauthorized disclosure of it would endanger
the country resulting from act or omission. ➢ Anything that contains communication, national security, causes serious injury to the interest
cryptographic documents, or system that and prestige of the nation of any government activity,
Purpose of Protecting Classified Materials should be classified as secret and requires or of great advantage to a foreign country.
1. Deter and impede potential spy. special handling. 3. CONFIDENTIAL (blue color code)
2. Assist in security investigation by keeping ➢ Higher authorities should declassify it. It is any information or material, the
accurate records of the moments of classified unauthorized disclosure of it would be prejudicial to
materials. 3. Category C the interest and prestige of the national or
3. Enforce the use of “Need to Know” principle. ➢ Other information which contains something governmental activity or would cause administrative
that could be an intelligence value. embarrassment or unwanted injury to and be
Two Kinds of Documents ➢ Contains exploitable information regardless of advantage to a foreign country.
1. Personal – letters, diary and notebooks. These its contents. 4. RESTRICTED (white or no color)
should be treated usually the same with official ➢ Unscreened materials or documents should be It is any information and material which
document. categorized as Category C. requires special protection other than those
2. Official – orders, manuals, letters, overlays, 4. Category D determines confidential, secret and top secret.
maps and magazines. You may be careful and ➢ No value, yet level will never classify
follow the chain of command. documents as category D. Rules for Classification of Documents
➢ No decision must be made at the lower 1. Documents shall be classified according to their
Document and Information Cycle echelon that document has no value. It is the content.
1. Creation responsibility of the higher headquarters.
2. The overall classification of a file or of a group of used in one’s business and which gives him an 2. Pre and post-employment screening and
physically connected therein. Pages, paragraphs, opportunity to gain an advantage versus competitors review.
sections or components thereof may bear who do not know or use it. It may be a formula for a 3. Non-disclosure agreements from
different classification. Documents separated compound, a process of manufacturing, treating or employees, vendors, contractors and
from file or group shall be handled in accordance preserving materials, a pattern for machine or visitors.
with their individual classification. device, or a list of customers. A trade secret is a 4. Non-competitive agreements with
3. Transmittal of documents or endorsements which process or device for continuous use in the protection selected employees.
do not contain classified information or which of the business. 5. Awareness programs.
contain information classified lower than that of 2. Patterns – this is a grant made by the government 6. Physical security measures.
the preceding element or enclosure shall include to an inventor, conveying or securing to him the 7. Informed monitoring of routine
a notation for automatic downgrading. exclusive right to make, use, or sell his invention for activities.
5. Correspondence, indexes, receipts, reports of term of years.
possession transfer or destruction, catalogs, or PERSONNEL IDENTIFICATION AND
accession list shall not be classified if any Primary Distinctions between Patents and Trade MOVEMENT CONTROL
reference to classified matter does not disclosed Secrets
classified information. 1. Requirements for obtaining a patent are specific. In every installation, the use of protective
6. Classified matter obtained from other department To qualify for a patent the invention must be more barriers, security lighting, communication and
shall retain the same original classification. than novel and useful. It must represent a positive electronic hardware provides physical safeguards
contribution beyond the skill of the average but these are insufficient to maximize the effort of the
Protection of Sensitive Information person. guard force. A control point must be establishment
➢ Proprietary information is information that in 2. A much lower of novelty is required of a trade for positive personnel identification and check
some special way relates to the status or activities secret. system. This is to ensure that only those people who
of the possessor and over which the possessor 3. A trade secret remains secret as long as it have the right and authority will be given the
asserts ownership. In the business community, continues to meet trade secret tests while the necessary access to the area.
proprietary information relates to the structure, exclusive right to patent protection expires after The most practical and generally accepted
products or business methods of the organization. 17 years. system of personnel identification is the use of
➢ It is usually protected in some way against casual identification cards, badges or passes. Generally
or general disclosure. Proprietary Information Protection Program speaking, this system designates and where and how
➢ All proprietary information is confidential, but ➢ Realizing that the most serious threat to trade identification cards should be displayed and to
not all confidential information is proprietary. secrets is the employee, a measure of protection whom. This helps security personnel eliminate the
For example, confidential personnel data in if often realized through the use of employee risk of allowing the access of unauthorized personnel
employee files is not considered as proprietary agreements which restricts the employee’s within the establishments.
although the company treats it as confidential. ability to disclose information without specific
authorization to the company. Types of Personnel Identification
Types of Proprietary Information ➢ The following countermeasures may be adopted. 1. Personal recognition
1. Trade Secrets – this consist of any formula, 1. Policy and procedures statements 2. Artificial recognition
pattern, device or compilation of information which is regarding all sensitive information.
Use of Pass System should be left in the care of security with duration of stay, person to be visited, and other
1. Single pass system- the badge or pass coded for corresponding receipt. information.
authorization to enter specific areas is issued to 3. Escort – if possible visitors should be escorted 4. All vehicles of visitors should be given a sign or
an employee who keeps it in his possession until by the security to monitor their activity within the sticker to be placed on the windshield.
his authorization is terminated. establishment and guide them where to go. 5. Traffic warning signs should be installed in all
2. Pass exchange system – an exchange takes 4. Visitor’s entrance – separate access for visitors entrance in order to guide the visitors in their
place at the entrance of each controlled area. and employees of the establishment should be destination as well as to provide them with the
Upon leaving the personnel surrender his badge provided. necessary safety precautions while they are
or pass and retrieve back his basic identification. 5. Time-traveled – if there is a long delay or time inside the installation.
3. Multiple pass system – this provides an extra lapse between the departure and arrival, the 2. Security personnel must constantly supervise
measure of security by requiring that an visitors may be required to show cause for the parking areas and make frequent spots of
exchange take place at the entrance of each delay. vehicles found there.
restricted area. Package Management Control
1. No packages shall be authorized to be brought Building Access Control
Badge and Pass Control inside and outside the industrial installation, At any physical barrier, a security system
1. The system should have a complete record of all offices and work area without proper authority. must possess the ability to distinguish among
badges and identification cards issued, returned, This basic precept help reduce if not eliminate authorized persons, unauthorized visitors, and other
mutilated or lost by serial number and cross- pilferage, industrial espionage or sabotage. unauthorized persons. This is to assist the security
indexed alphabetically. 2. Outgoing packages carried by personnel should personnel protects sensitive are and information
2. The supervisor from time to time for its accuracy be closely inspected and those in vehicles should within the installation.
and authenticity should check the lists. also be checked as many pilfered items are Appropriate warning signs should be posted
3. Passes and badges reported lost should be hidden in the surface of the vehicles leaving the at the building perimeter. Special restricted entry
validated and security at entrance be informed compound. facilities to public access be provided. This will be
through conspicuous posting. 3. Any personnel or visitor entering the installation dependent on the degree of security needed for the
with a package should deposit the same to the protection of property, activity and other processes
Visitor’s Movement Control security and in return receives a numbered tag, within the building.
1. Visitor’s logbook – all visitors to any facility which he or she will use in claiming his or her The access to the restricted area shall be
should be required to identify them and should package upon departing. limited to authorized personnel who have the direct
be given a visitor’s ID by the security. Visitor’s involvement with the installation, construction and
logbook should be filled up with the name of Vehicular Movement Control and Identification operation and maintenance of the equipment and
visitors, nature and duration of visit. 1. Privately owned vehicle of personnel or visitor systems and/or use of the materials contained within
2. Photograph – taking of photographs should also should be registered and are subjected to the the restricted area. A clear-cut policy on the access
be considered. Extreme caution must be identification and admittance procedure. control should be disseminated to all personnel of the
exercised in areas where classified information is 2. Vehicles should be subjected for search at the installation.
displayed to preclude unauthorized taking of entrance and exit of the installation. IMPLEMENTING RULES AND
pictures of the installation. If a visitor has camera 3. All visitors with vehicle should provide the REGULATIONS OF THE PRIVATE SECURITY
and it is prohibited to take picture, said camera security as to the complete details of their AGENCY LAW OF THE PHILIPPINES
License to Operate(LTO) – is a license certificate 2. Having previous record of any conviction of
DEFINITIONS OF TERMS document, issued by the Chief, Philippine National any offense involving moral turpitude.
Police or his duly authorized representative, 3. Having been dishonorably discharged or
Security Guard – sometimes called private security authorizing a person to engage in employing security separated from employment or service.
guard or watchman shall include any person who guard or detective, or a juridical person to establish, 4. being a mental incompetent.
offers or renders personal services to watch or engage, direct, manage or operate an individual or a 5. Being a user or addicted to the use of
secure either a residence or business establishment private detective agency or private security agency prohibited drugs or narcotics.
or both for hire or compensation, and with a license company security 6. Being a habitual drunkard
to exercise profession. SAGSD – otherwise refer to the current PNP Civil 7. Dummy of a foreigner.
Security Guard Force – is a group of force selected Security Group Security Agency and Guard
men, trained or grouped into functional unit for the Supervision Division or any other PNP Office that may License to Operate
purpose of protecting operational processes from be designated later as the primary office for Any Filipino citizen or corporation,
those disruption which would impede efficiency or supervision of the implementation of RA 5487. association, partnership, one hundred percent
halt operation at a particular plant, facility, PADPAO – refers to Philippine Association of (100%) of which is owned and controlled by Filipino
installation or special activity. Detective and Protective Agency Operators, Inc. citizens, may organize and maintain a Private Security
Private Security Agency – any person, association, which is an association of all licensed security Agency or Private Detective Agency. He must meet
partnership, firm or private corporation, who agencies and company security forces. the following basic requirements:
contracts, recruits, trains, furnishes or post any Duty Detail Order – a written order or schedule 1. Filipino Citizen;
security guard to do its function or solicit individuals issued by a superior officer usually the private 2. should not less than twenty five (25) years of
business firms, or private, public or government- security agency or branch manager or operations age;
owned or controlled corporations to engage his or its officer assigning the performance of private security; 3. college graduate and/or commissioned
services or those of his or its security guards, or hire, detective services duties. officer in the inactive service or retired from
commission or compensation. Republic Act Nr. 5487- it is the law that governs the the Armed Forces of the Philippines or the
Company Security Force – a security unit organization and operation of private security agency Philippine National Police;
maintained and operated by any private company or throughout the Philippines. It is otherwise known as 4. has taken a course or seminar on Industrial
corporation for its own security requirements only. the “Private Security Agency Law of the Philippines”. Security Management and/or must have
Government Security Unit – a security unit This act was approved on October 3, 1972 and it was adequate training or experience in security
maintained and operated by any government entity amended on October 8, 1994. business, and
than military and/or a police which is established and 5. good moral character
maintained for the purpose of securing the office or General Prohibitions
compound and/or extension such government entity. No license certificate shall be granted to any New applicants for license to operate shall be
License to Exercise Profession – shall mean any applicant for license to operate or license to exercise required to obtain a minimum capitalization of one
document issued by the Chief, Philippine National security profession with the following million pesos (Php 1,000,000.00) with a minimum
Police or his duly authorized representative disqualification: bank deposit of five hundred thousand (Php
recognizing a person to be qualified to perform his 1. Having previous record of any conviction of 500,000.00) in order to start its business operation.
duties as private security or training personnel. any crime.
Limitation, Disqualification and Prohibitions
1. No person shall or organize or even have an agencies shall not be recognized without prior 2. No regular license shall be granted to any
interest in more than one agency approval from the Securities and Exchange company guard force or private detective agency
2. Elective or appointive government employees Commission with respect to their Articles of unless it has minimum of thirty (30) licensed
who may be called upon on account of the Incorporation and the Department of Trade and private security personnel under its employ.
functions of their respective offices in the Industry, with regards their business name. 3. The maximum number of private security
implementation and enforcement of the b. Any of the following circumstances or a personnel that a PSA/CGF/PDA may employ shall
provisions of RA 5487, and any person related to combination thereof shall be considered prima- be on thousand (1000) including the branch and
such government employee by affinity or facie evidence of the existence of “Kabit System”. the subsidiary.
consanguinity in the third civil degree, shall not 1. Maintaining a separate branch, unit or
hold an interest directly or indirectly, in any subsidiary office aside from the main office Status and Validity of License to Operate
security or watchman agency. of the agency situated within the same 1. Regular LTO – issued, after complying with
3. No agency shall offer, render or accept services locality. licensing requirements.
in gambling dens or other illegal business 2. Receiving direct payments from the 2. Temporary LTO – initial and conditional
establishments or enterprises. agency’s clientele and issuing official issuance to new private security agencies and to
4. The extent of the security guard services being receipt of their own distinct from that issued PSAs holding regular LTO not able to maintain the
furnished by the security agency shall not go by the agency concerned. minimum number of security, personnel or
beyond the compound and/or property of the 3. Remitting directly Social Security System conform to standards, for them to be able to attain
person or establishment contracting the security premiums, Medicare contributions and other the 200 minimum number of security personnel
service except when the security guards is premium for other policy insurance benefits or comply with license standards, prior to
escorting big amount of money or valuables. by the aforementioned branch, unit or issuance or re-issuance of regular LTO. Such
5. All agencies shall maintain a main office in their subsidiary office. issuance shall not be renewable nor be
registered addresses. Branch offices may be 4. Keeping or maintaining separate payrolls for extendible.
established and maintained in other provinces or the branch employees signed and/approved 3. Unless sooner cancelled or revoked and
cities where the security agency has deployed by the branch manager only. provisions hereof modified, all license to operate
guard. 5. Absence of record of monthly income shall have a validity of two (2) years. Temporary
6. All applicants for license to operate shall be remittance to the main office when said LTOs upon expiration are automatically
required to attend a private security agency or branch is authorized to make collections cancelled.
company guard force operators and management from the clients of the licensee.
seminar or workshop. 6. All other similar acts tending to show Renewal of License to Operate
separate and distinct relationship or 1. Application for renewal of License to Operate
Prohibition on “Kabit System” Operators personality or ownership or management. shall be field at least sixty (60) days before
a. No licensed security agency shall operate, expiry date of LTO.
promote and enter into an agreement of merger On Membership 2. Renewal applications of holders of regular
or “kabit system” with any person or group of 1. No regular license shall be granted to any private license not able to maintain the 200 minimum
persons for the purpose of organizing a branch security agency unless it has a minimum of two number of security personnel under its employ or
unit or subsidiary under separate control and hundred (200) licensed private security license renewal requirements at the time of filing
ownership. Merger of security and detective personnel under its employ.
of application shall be reverted to temporary Objectives of Security Education
status and issued temporary LTO. Qualification of Security Officer 1. Guidance for all supervisory and execution levels
3. The Licenses to Operate of applications for 1. Filipino citizen of the organization.
renewal of regular License to Operate who fail to 2. holder of Baccalaureate Degree 2. A mandatory indoctrination on security for all
file application 60 days after the expiry date of 3. physically and mentally fit new personnel before their assignment to their
LTO subject of the renewal application, SHALL 4. Has graduate from a Security Officer Training respective jobs.
AUTOMATICALLY BE CANCELLED. Course or its equivalent. 3. Development of a high degree of security
4. No application shall be approved unless a consciousness among the selected supervisors
certification is issued by FED-CSG to the effect Qualification of Consultant and other key personnel in a program that should
that all licenses of firearms of the agency 1. Filipino citizen be continuing and supported by top
concerned are updated or renewed for at least 2. physically and mentally fit management.
one (1) year forthcoming during validity of the 3. holder of a master’s degree in either 4. A down-the-line security program aimed at
renewed LTO. Criminology, Public Administration, MNSA, instilling consciousness and dedication through
Industrial Security Administration, or Law demonstration, lectures, motivations and
License to Exercise Private Security Profession 4. Must have at least ten years’ experience in the suggestions.
Basic Requirements of private security personnel operation and management of security business. 5. To let all employee force be informed that they
1. Filipino Citizen all belong to the organization and that non-
2. not be less than eighteen (18) years of age Qualification of a Private Detective awareness to the security program is tantamount
3. Must have taken a private security course or 1. Filipino citizen to disloyalty.
seminar and/or must have adequate training or 2. physically and mentally fit 6. That the program is also to develop discipline,
experience in security business or rendering 3. holder of Baccalaureate Degree preferably loyalty and belongingness.
security/detective services. Bachelor of Laws or Bachelor of Science in
4. Of good moral character and must not have been Criminology Phases of Security Education Program
convicted of any crime or violation of these rules 4. Graduate of Criminal Investigation Course 1. Initial Interview – it is the first contact of the
and regulations carrying a penalty of prohibition offered by the PPNP or the NBI or any police prospective employee wherein the interviewer
to be licensed. training school, or a detective training in any determine the suitability of the applicant for
5. Must be physically and mentally fit. authorized or recognized training center. employment through his given answers on the
5. advance ROTC or CMT graduate or its different type of questions being conducted. It is
Qualification of a Private Security Guard equivalent. in this stage where the interviewer may start
1. Filipino Citizen providing the necessary information as to the
2. high school graduate CONCEPTS OF SECURITY SURVEY overview of company security and at the same
3. physically and mentally fit Security Education time on the employee accountability and
4. not less than eighteen years of age nor more than ➢ Security Education is conducted to develop corresponding penalties that could result from
fifty years of age (for new applicants and SGs in security awareness among employees of the violation there from.
non-supervisory position) company. It should cover all employees, 2. Orientation and Training – it is in this stage
5. Has undergone a pre-licensing training course or regardless of rank or position. where new employees receive detailed
its equivalent. presentation of personnel security policy. Usually
handouts or employees manual is being 1. Verify the need.
distributed for reference. New employees also Security Survey 2. Obtain organizational support.
requested to sign acknowledgement that they ➢ A critical on-site examination and analysis of 3. State the survey’s executive.
have been aware of the existing company an industrial plant, business, a home or 4. Determine how data will be gathered.
policies and will abide the same. public or private institution done to ascertain 5. Develop alternatives.
3. Refresher conference – it is design to remind the facility’s current security status, to 6. Prepare a schedule of activities.
employees of the company about their identify deficiencies or excess in current 7. Implement the plan.
responsibilities, review the guidelines and practices, to determine what protection is
policies, introduction of new policies and needed and to make recommendations for The Security Survey Report
regulation and a moment of getting employees improving the overall level of security at that ➢ A good security survey report must
feedback about the company policies that is installation. encompass all aspects of security risks and its
being implemented. ➢ A general term that often encompasses other accompanying security plan shall conform
4. Security reminders – a phase which employs an procedures. with existing security policies of the
indirect approach of educating the employees management if nay, in order to come up with
such as posting security posters and distributing Two Kinds of Security Survey adequate security system. The use of maps,
fliers. 1. Entrance Conference sketches of the area and even floor plans of
5. Security Promotion – it is the act of emphasizing ➢ A conference or dialogue between the survey the building should be availed of to indicate
the importance and role of security achieving the team and management officials of a plan sensitive areas that would necessitate the
company goals and objectives. It involves before security is conducted. provision of adequate security.
securing employee cooperation and support. 2. Exit Conference
➢ A conference similar to entrance conference Security Inspection
Security Survey and Inspection done after the completion of the security ➢ An important activity to ensure the integrity
➢ The basic instrument for determining security survey. of the overall security programs.
vulnerability is the security survey. Most ➢ It complements security survey in its attempt
description of security surveys refers Objectives of Security Survey to prevent losses of company properties.
principally to checklists, audits or inventories 1. To determine existing vulnerabilities to injury, ➢ It is conducted for two reasons: to check on
of security conditions. death, damage or destruction by natural causes. the degree of compliance with the
Security System 2. To determine existing vulnerabilities of corporate recommended countermeasures and to
➢ This is the set of policies, procedures and assets due to outside criminal activity. determine the effectiveness and adequacy of
rules and regulations designed to reduce to 3. To determine existing vulnerabilities of corporate the countermeasures which are in effect.
an absolute minimum the possibility of assets due to criminal activity within the
espionage, sabotage and compromise of organization. Types of Security Inspection
classified information of an office or a whole 4. To determine existing conditions of physical 1. Continuous Inspection
establishment. security of corporate property. ➢ It is an on-going and never ending activity.
Survey 5. To measure compliance of employees to security. 2. Formal Inspection
➢ The term applied to the first detailed “look ➢ It is usually preceded by an announcement,
see” conducted by a team. Planning a Security Survey and the unit under inspection “prepares” for
events, including some housekeeping Criticality – the impact of a loss as measured in
activities that would not otherwise happen at RISK ANALYSIS AND SECURITY HAZARD functional terms.
that point in time.
3. Informal Inspection Risk – it is the potential damage or loss of an asset. Risk Management Alternatives and Strategies
➢ It is usually the result of a long and firmly ➢ The level of risk is a combination two factors: Risk Avoidance – eliminating or removing the risk
entrenched inspection program. the value placed on that asset by its owner totally from the business, government, or industrial
➢ It is seriously and quietly executed in a spirit and the consequence, impact adverse effect environment for which the risk manager has
of understanding and cooperation. of the loss or damage to that asset and the responsibility.
4. Structured Inspection likelihood that a specific vulnerability will be Risk Reduction – decreasing the risk by minimizing
➢ It is one that moves systematically from one exploited by a particular threat. the probability of the potential loss. The reduction or
area to the next and so on. Risk Management – is a process of selecting and criminal opportunity is often accomplished by
➢ There is a format or a logical sequence to the implementing security countermeasures to achieve situational crime (prevention strategies to
process. an acceptable of risk at an acceptable cost. discourage, deter, or deny criminal incidents.
5. Unstructured Inspection Risk Analysis – the analysis of risk include Risk Spreading – spreading the risk through
➢ It is conducted in a random manner. examinations of the vulnerability, probability and compartmentation or decentralization to limit the
➢ There is no formal or logical sequencing. critical of potential threats and include natural and impact (critically) of the potential loss.
manmade risk. Risk Transfer – moving the financial impact of the
Security Investigation Adversary – it refers to any individual, group, or potential loss-over to an insurance company.
➢ It is a planned and organized determination government that conducts activities or has the Risk Self-assumption – planned assumption and
of facts concerning specific loss or damage of intention and capability to conduct activities acceptance of the potential risk by making a
assets due to threats, hazards or unsecured or detrimental to the individual, private or government deliberate managerial decision of doing nothing
unsecured conditions. entity. about the threat, or setting aside resources for use in
Asset – any information, facility, material information, case of a specific loss incident.
Tools of Investigation or activity which has a positive value to its owner
1. Information-Knowledge which the investigation whether it is an individual, private or government Security Hazards
gathers from other persons entity. ➢ Any act or condition which may result in the
2. Interview- The simplest questioning of a witness Vulnerability – any weakness that can be exploited compromise of information, loss of life, loss or
who has no personal reason to withhold by an adversary to gain access to an asset. destruction of property or disruption of the
information. Countermeasures – an action taken or a physical objective of the installation.
3. Interrogation- The skillful questioning of a entity used to reduce or eliminate one or more
person who is reluctant to divulge information vulnerabilities. The cost of possible countermeasures Types of Hazards
concerning the offense under investigation. may be monetary, but may also include non- 1. Natural hazards – these are hazards which arise
4. Instrumentation-The application of instruments monetary cost such as reduced operational from natural phenomena. The following are types
and methods of physical sciences to the detection efficiency, adverse publicity un favorable working of natural hazards or disasters:
of crimes. In other words, the sum total of the conditions, and political consequences. a. Floods caused by typhoons
application of all sciences in crime detection Probability – it is the chance or likelihood that a loss b. Earthquakes
otherwise known as Criminalistics. will take place. c. Fire (not caused by human action)
d. Storms typhoons, cyclones, tornado 2. He is usually a person of extensive training and defeatist attitudes, and other emotional
and hurricane) will be highly effective in gaining the confidence approaches.
e. Lightning storms of people and of extracting information of value 3. It is an activity not easy to detect.
f. Extreme temperature and humanity to be relayed to his employer or handler.
2. Human-Man made Hazards – these are hazards 3. Even how well-trained an espionage agent he Pilferage as a Business Hazard
which are the result of a state of mind, attitude, might be, he is human like the saboteur and he 1. Pilferage in one of the most annoying and
weaknesses or character traits of one or more can be defeated in his own game if proper common human hazards which security has to
persons. They can be acts of commission or methods and techniques are undertaken. deal with. This activity if uncontrolled can
omission, both overt and covert, which can become financial drain if not a menace to smooth
disrupt operation of a plant or installation. The Some Methods Employed by Espionage Agent and orderly operation.
following are the types of human or man-made 1. Stealing of information from employees. 2. Failure to detect shortage and inaccurate
hazards: 2. Stealing information from records or other inventories will cause inventory losses, which
a. Carelessness- accidents and sources. may be labeled as pilferage.
dissatisfaction 3. Using various methods of reproducing
b. Disloyalty- subversion and sabotage documents, products, equipment or working Types of Pilferer
c. Espionage- pilferage and theft models. 1. Casual Pilferer – one who steals due to his
d. Vandalism, etc. 4. Using “front” as commercial concepts, travel inability to resist the unexpected opportunity and
agencies, associations, business groups and has little fear of detection has no plan or
Sabotage as a Security Hazard other organizations to obtain confidential premeditation and he is usually a “loner” on the
Description of a Saboteur information or data. job. The temptation pick up the article is basically
1. He is the most dangerous foe that security will 5. Using various form or threats to obtain due to poor security measure. The implication of
have to deal with while planning and information. casual pilferage is the big cumulative cost if it
implementing security measures and techniques. 6. Using blackmail techniques by exposing intimate remains unchecked.
2. He is an ordinary looking as the next guy but in and personal details concerning an individual or 2. Systematic Pilferer – one who steals with
his mind, he has the training in deception, organization. preconceived plans and takes away any or all
knowledge in incendiaries, explosives, 7. Picking or securing information in social and types of items or supplies for economic gain.
chemistry, bacteriology, mechanics and other gatherings. Pilferers of this kind can be employees or
psychology. 8. Penetration and operational tactics. outsiders of the establishment.
3. He can work alone, in-groups, or simultaneously
in several places. Subversive Activity as a Security Hazard Anatomy of Pilferage
Threats of subversive Activity 1. When need or desire exists and opportunity is
Espionage as a Security Hazard 1. It can be local or national in nature and their present, theft is almost sure to result.
Description of an Espionage Agent mission is to undermine the authority, weaken the 2. Pilferage occurs everywhere. Opportunities for
1. He is very dangerous adversary and his skills in organization, and eventually take over. This can pilferage increase when supplies or goods are
deception and his cunning should never be under be in business or any activity. transported from one place to another.
estimated. 2. This can be in the form of rumor mongering,
propaganda, undermining morale, and injecting
Factors considered by a Pilferer to be Successful Police Police in the Middle Ages
on his Act
1. Location of items to be pilfered -is the agency of a community or government that is A system of mutual protection was developed called
2. Access to the items responsible for maintaining public order and the “Frankpledge’. Under this system, a community
3. Removal of item preventing and detecting crime. was divided into tithings or groups of 10 men, each
4. Disposal of items member of which was responsible for the conduct of
Praetorian Guard the other members of his group and for the assurance
POLICE PATROL WITH POLICE that a member charged with a breach of the law
-is composed of Roman soldiers or centurions
COMMUNICATION AND POLICE PLANNING would be produced at court.
carefully selected by the commander of the city
under the authority of Emperor Caesar, he achieved
Police Patrol
the high level of law enforcement in effect until the
Patrol is considered the skeletal foundation or decline to the empire of Middle Ages beginning in England
it is the backbone or department. The discussed the 15th century policing became a task of the heads
of fiefdom and principalities Shire Reeve - each shire was the responsibility of a
earlier, the term police originated from the Greek
“Reeve” later called the Sheriff, who in turn was
word politeia, which means civil organizational and
“Police in the Ancient Time” responsible to their King for law and orders in his
the state: the Romans slightly changed the word to
respective district. Each Shire was broken down into
politia from the French changed the word to police to In recorded history, they are many Hundreds (100 households) headed by a
call those people authorized to implement the law documents and archeological finds that insinuate Hundredman, later known as a High Constable. Each
and the English and the Americans barrowed the from of originated police for example, a clay tablet hundred was further broken down into Tythings (10
word from the French and used in to describe a law used by the ancient Babylonian dated, around 2000 families) headed by a Tythingman or Chief
enforcer cop is a European term meaning to catch or BC contains a report from a Babylonian officer, he Tythingman who was elected by the group, later on
seize. was arrested and take a fingerprints and then taken a replaced by the Constable in the 12th century. He
control properties. served as constable and judge.
Augustos Ceasar , just before time of Christ ,
formed the “vigiles” of Rome a group of over two The Old Testament (song of Solomon, Isaiah “Watchman - each able bodied man to serve so
thousand men, armed with stoves and short sword, and Jeremiah) and the new testament (Matthew and much time patrolling the town at night”. Later, it was
those duty was to keep the peace and fight fires. John), we find references to watchmen whose duty it required that they call out the time and weather on
was to protect the city and arrest offenders. the hour.
“Evolution of Police Patrol”
Hieroglyphics of the ancient Egyptians Hue and Cry- The horn, the oldest known warning
The origin of patrolling goes in the history of
indicates that they had police officers; they tied device in history, was sounded when a person
police organized the development of patrol as a vital
special flag with its distinctive emblem, a gazelle with committed a crime, or a felon escaped, and it was
police function is closely associated with the
a large ostrich feather attached to its neck. There detected. When they hear this, they raised a cry,
evolution of police forces. The development of police
some type of protective police patrol because of the sounded their horns and by law had to lay aside their
patrol is associated with the increase of human
great treasures hidden in the many tombs. It was work and join their pursuit. If they failed to join, they
population and the need for protection and security.
regard that the Egyptians became the 1st people to were considered to have taken the part of the
“we police dogs on patrol”
escaping person and would be arrested. The law Middlesex, London . He organized a group of men establish a group of uniformed police officers tasked
stated that pursuit of the fugitive must continue until known as Bow Street Runners whose task was to run to patrol the city of Paris. This police force was called
he was caught or reached the sea. errands for the Bow Street Court. He later formed the “Sergent de Ville” (servant of the city) which was
Bow Street Horse Patrol whose duty was to patrol the organized six months earlier before the creation of
Keepers of the Peace- At the end of 12th century main roads thus secure the travelers from highway Metropolitan Police Force of London.
(1195), King Richard issued a proclamation entitled bandits. According to some books, Bow Street
“Keepers of the Peace”, requiring the appointment of Runners was the first organized foot patrol and Bow HISTORICAL SETTING OF THE PHILIPPINES
knights to keep the King’s Peace. Some believe that Street Horse patrol was the first mounted police on POLICE SERVICE
the present “shield” type badge used by some police patrol.
departments had its origin with the shield the knights A. PRE-SPANISH REGIME
used. They keep guard at bridges and gates and The Metropolitan Police- In 1829, Sir Robert Peel
The police under the Philippine setting evolved
checking on people leaving and entering the town. introduced the Metropolitan Police Act and was
from the practice of different tribes to select able
passed by the English parliament of England in the
Statue of Winchester (Watch and Ward Act)- Near bodied young men to protect their villages, not from
same year. This law led to the creation of the
the end of 13th Century (1285), the Statue of the assault of criminals, but from the depredation of
Metropolitan Police Force of London, which was
Winchester enacted the system of Watch and Ward wild animals which prey on their crops and livestock
viewed by some historians as the first organized
Act. A watch was stationed between sunset and during the night.
uniformed police form. This Police force was later
sunrise at each gate of a walled town. It revived the called Scotland Yard. Being the sponsor of the law, These young men, who walk around to protect
Hue and Cry. Some watchers are grouped together Peel became the first head of the police organization their village during the night, need not work in the
for protection and patrolled the town in “Marching thus earning the title of “The Father of Modern field during the day. The village council has agreed
Watches”. Policing System”. that they given an equal share of the harvest for their
The Charlies- King Charles passed an act which family.
provided in London one thousand Night Watchmen or
Historically this is the forerunner of the
Bellmen to be on duty from sunset to sunrise and they The Citizen Night Guard - (similar to English
contemporary patrol function of the police crime
were called the Charlies. Also referred to by the local Watchman) and the Royal Guard which was
citizens as “Shiver and Shake” watch because they probably for the king’s protection. At this time, Saint-
were often old and frail and would run off if they saw Louis gave the Guard a motto that is even today on THE BARANGANIC SOCIETY
any trouble, or heard a cry for help. They carried the French police emblem, “Vigilat ut Quiescant” (he
long staves and dimly lit lanterns, and they called out watches that they may sleep). Village chief- administrative leader of the
the hour and weather conditions. Some were not community
honest and sometimes work for criminals as lookouts. End of the 18th Century (1791)-
Because of this ineffectiveness, merchants hired their 1. A traditional body of customs and traditions
The position of “Officers de Paix” was formed limited the scope of his authority.
own watchman who was known as the “Merchant
(origin of Peace Officer”). 2. Although his position has become hereditary,
Police”. it was originally intended by an exhibition of
First Police Organization (headed by Louis-Marie a greater power and valor. Since the original
Bow Street Runners- In 1748, Henry Fielding basis for leadership was his superior
Debelleme)- In truth, the French were the first to
became the Chief Magistrate at Bow Street in
personal attributes; he could replace it for Organized in 1712 to carry out the regulations of the peace and order in Manila. The Manila police was re-
some reasons his position weakened. Department State. Discharge the duties of a port, named Metropolitan Constabulary under the Bureau
3. Administered the land in the name of the harbor and river police. of Manila.
Guardrilleros The Philippine Executive Commission
- A body of rural police organized in each town
Freemen-Assisted the chief with work involving - Establish by the Royal Decree of January 8, A civil government composed of Filipinos with Jose
the welfare of the community. 1836
B. Vargas as a Chairman. It exercises both the
The Guardia Civil
executive and legislative power. The laws enacted
- Created of royal decree issued by the crown were subject to the approval on the commander-in-
1. Unwritten of February 12, 1852 to partially relieved the chief of the Japanese forces.
2. Written Spanish peninsular troops of their wink in
a) Code of Kalantiaw (1433) policing town. The Philippine Independence
b) Maragtas Code (1257) The first written law in - Consisted of Filipino policemen organized
the Philippines originally in each of the provincial capital of On February 7, 1945 Gen. Mac Arthur returned to
c) Luwaran- written law of the muslims the alcalde. the Philippines. The Manila Police placed was placed
d) Principal code of Sulu THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT DURING under America control.
B. SPANISH REGIME On July 4, 1945 Philippine Independence was
A. The barangay were consolidated into town ( establish Pres. Manuel A. Roxas become the
Police services during over the Spanish regime to pueblos each headed by a gobernadorcillo Philippine chief in Manila.
the 19th century was looked upon by the Spanish (little governor) popular called Capitan.
government as part of the military system of the B. Towns into provinces each headed by a E. THE AMERICAN OCCUPATION
governor who represented the governor The American occupation of the
defense colony. So the locally organized police
general in province. Philippines which came after the Filipino
forces, although performing civil duties and C. Citiess were governed by special charters.
seemingly created for the sole purpose of Americanwar from 1898 to 1901 was followed
Each of these cities had an Ayuntamiento of by a period of political ferment and
maintaining peace, were in fact direct adjust of the cabildo (special council). equilibrium.
colonial military establishment. Governor General On November 30, 1901 the Philippine
Commission recommended to the secretary
Police functions: 1. He exercise executive, administrative and the organization of an insular police.
judicial powers Soon after they establish of civil
1. The suppression of brigandage be patrolling 2. As Captain General he was the commander in government in 1901, Gen. Howard Taft
unsettled areas. chief of all the armed forces of the became the first civil Governor of the
2. Detection of local petty uprising Philippines. Philippines.
3. The enforcement of the collection, including 3. As Vice- royal patron, He exercised certain
church revenues religious power. Salient Features:
Carabineros be seguridad publico (Mounted
Police) D. THE JAPANESE OCCUPATION Manila Police Department- organized by virtue of
The Japanese military police known as act No. 183 of the Philippine Commission July 31,
“Kempetai” were help responsible in maintaining 1901 Capt. George Curry- first chief of police.
Philippine Constabulary- Act No. 175 of the 6. Individual patrol officers play a major role in b. Selective Enforcement – research
Philippine Commission, August 1, 1901 determining the quality of justice in a given and investigation
“Constabulary” also known as Philippine community. Errors made by patrolmen have 2. Render social services
Constabulary-first Insular police of the Philippines. significant negative effect in the public’s a. Information services
a) Capt. Henry T. Allen- First chief of P.C. officer is the most important human element b. Police escort
b) Manned mostly by Filipinos but officer were of the police organization since all police c. Assisting other agencies
mostly Americans field operations are supported by the patrol d. Serving court notices (warrants)
The Nature of Police Patrol activity.

Patrol - is the backbone of the police department. The Role of Police Patrol Patrol and Police Discretion
The proof is that patrol force is the only
division in the police organization that cannot be Police, the first component of the Criminal Discretion - refers to the wise use of one’s judgment
eliminated. This is usually true in small police Justice System in the Philippine setting is responsible based on personal experience and common sense to
organization since it cannot afford to create divisions in performing these fundamental functions. decide a particular situation.
such as Traffic, Investigation, Juvenile and other
specialized areas. 1. Prevention of crime and repression of - also mean the freedom to decide: the
While small police departments grow to keep criminal activities freedom or authority to judge something or make a
up with the increasing population, expanding 2. Prevention of peace and order
geographical boundaries, and growing diversity of decision about it.
3. Protection of life and property
police jurisdiction, there is a need to hire uniformed 4. Enforcement of laws and ordinances and
and non-uniformed police personnel to take over the Concept of Crime Prevention and Crime
regulation of non-criminal conduct
clerical and record keeping functions in order to Suppression
5. Investigation of crimes
provide policeman more time for their field 6. Apprehension of criminals
responsibilities. Specialized units such as vice squad, Crime prevention - involves the suppression of the
7. Safeguarding of citizens rights and public
homicide section, child and women’s desk, and morals desire of potential criminals to commit crimes.
others have to be created. But all the while, the patrol
unit continues to exist as the principal functional unit Crime suppression - involves the elimination of the
or “backbone” of the police department. Citizens usually call first the police when a social opportunity of criminals to perform acts against the
Importance of Police Patrol law.
problem occurs
1. Patrol is the essence of police operations. In reality, crime prevention and crime
Traditionally, because the police are
2. The patrol group is the single largest unit in suppression are activities that patrol officers do not
the police organization. constantly available when needed; dependable when
called upon; and capable of providing advice to bother to distinguish. When they are deployed at the
3. Actions taken by the patrol officer have the
most direct impact on the citizen’s satisfaction decide or settle interpersonal conflicts. Thus, there streets, patrol officers have no time to ponder if what
and on the accomplishment of police goals are two broad duties of police officers while on they do is under crime prevention or crime
and objectives. patrol. suppression.
4. Patrol operation is the most visible form of
activity that enhances the welfare and 1. Provide public protection through
security of the community. a. Preventive Enforcement –
5. Individual patrol officers represent the police progressive and continuous DUTIES OF ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS
department in its contact with the community. patrolling
A. FUNCTIONAL UNITS- Functional division of around in the precinct playing cards while Manila area. Actually the teamwork concept
the department are describe in the following waiting for calls. The sensibility and affordability between the police and citizenry is not something
terms; of this scheme is non-being questioned because new although it seems to be something new to
BUREAU- largest organic unit within a large
of budgetary constraints and skyrocketing prices. those who are not aware of on have forgotten the
department. Each bureau is composed of the
“basic teamwork” between the police and citizen
number of divisions. PRO-ACTIVE PATROL- An alternative patrol will always be necessary in order that law
system which means the fielding of the field units enforcement function may be performed
DIVISION- A primary subdivision of a bureau
in their respective area of responsibility with effectively.
SECTION- Functional unit within the division. prescribe objectives and verifiable tasks
This is necessary for specialization. scheduled for the day to augment the calls and PREVENTION OF CRIMINAL AND
other on sight activities that makes up the officer DELINQUENCY BEHAVIOR- this field objective
UNITS- Functional group within a section where day. is partially aimed or ways and means of reducing
further specialization is needed. the desire to commit crime. It is a police
During those times when the reactive patrol responsibility top to be able to identify the
B. TERRITORIAL UNITS officer could be on his routine patrol, the pro- offender, delinquents and near-delinquents
POST- A fixed point or location to which an active officer on the other hands will be making before an arrest become necessary. This is more
officer is assigned for duty. Such as designated burglar prevention inspection of business and regularly carried out the field officer in contacts
desk or officer an intersection or cross works residential areas, zeroing in known drug dealer with juveniles whose behavior patterns are not so
from traffic, duty or location for general guard or burglar and showing them for a while to see if indelibly impressed and who might be amenable
duty. they are playing their illegal trade and OF to change.
currently under investigation.
ROUTE- A length streets designated for patrol REPRESSION OF CRIMINAL AND
purposes, also known line beat. OBJECTIVES OF POLICE FIELD DELINQUENT BEHAVIOR- repression of crime
OPERATIONS is generally accomplished whether by having
SECTOR- an area containing two or more beat,
police officer present at specific locations
routes or post. SERVE AND PROTECT- Includes the objectives
maintaining a highly active undercover
of protecting lives and properties and providing
DISTRICT- a geographical subdivision of a city operation. In both cases, fear of being caught in
ill the other service which are required or
for patrol purposes, usually with its own station. the act the theory is bases upon the area. We
expected from police officers. This objective may
actually refer to this phenomenon as police
be effectively established by maintaining open
AREA- a section or territorial division of a large “OMNI PRESENCE”
line of communication between the people and
city, each compromised of designated districts.
officers who serve them include in this category IDENTIFICATION, APPREHENSION AND
THE REACTIVE AND PRO-ACTIVE PATROL are the functions of “community relation”. CONVICTION OF OFFENDERS- Patrol officer
are usually in a position of readily identify
obvious or suspected violators of law and to take
consists of driving around the districts waiting for Includes or locally referred to as the community
enforcement action immediately when possible.
something to happen. It’s not very different from oriented policing system COPS, it is now has a
When a policeman is assigned to investigate a
stereotyped old-time policeman who just set wide application by the PNP particularly in Metro
complaint of a crime, it is their first responsibility
to know what is crime and what is not. They must should be one of the routine avoidance. 1. Perimeter control
initiate the investigation immediately locate and When do not have fixed pattern to patrolling 2. Asset prosecution and inventory shrinkage
questions victims and witnesses, protect the your districts, the criminals must take greater 3. Personal, executives/ celebrity protection
risk when attempting to commit crimes while 4. Location and recovery of stolen properties
crime scene and make every effort to locate and
you are in duty. 5. Disturbance prevention and crowd control
apprehend suspects. 2. Preventive attendance at public gathering- 6. Special purpose police
the purpose of this is to prevent any unlawful
TRAFFIC FLOW AND COLLISION activity by individuals or by crowds as a FACTORS THAT DETERMINE PATROL
REDUCTION- Pedestrians and vehicle traffic whole. DEPLOYMENT
must be free flowing and collision free so that 3. Benevolent and community services- The
people may move safely from one place to performance of many services by the police 1. Resident and transients population,
another. The police objective is to determine the officer which does not appear in any list of particularly in the business sector,
causes of congestion and to relieve it, which their job specification. universities and tourist belt areas. Some
4. Business and property security- patrol areas may double is population in the
involves investigation and the Three E’s
officers should take out thoroughly the daytime because of the transients while some
(education, engineering and enforcement). security of residential areas/commercial may be virtually empty during working hours
buildings and properties as best they can on week.
Patrol functions without the constraint of time and their other 2. Numbers and types of crimes arrest
responsibility. Frequent and unscheduled 3. Location of crime and arrest
Based on Section 1 of Rule II of the original visit to property for security checks will 4. Traffic location statistics and patterns
Police Manual, the patrol force has the primary further reduce the likelihood of criminal 5. Location of frequent incidents of hazard
responsibility of safeguarding the community. activity at those locations. requiring concentrated police coverage such
5. Inspection service- Since patrol officer were as sports areas, stadiums, theaters,
1. Protection of persons and property already on the streets it is most sufficient to transportation terminals, or other place
2. Preservation of peace and order extend the inspection responsibilities of the where people usually gathers.
3. Prevention of crime police and then require the officers to report 6. Disproportionate concentration on
4. Suppression of criminal activities the law violation or unsafe conditions to the population, such as widely separated single
5. Apprehension of criminals appropriate agency. family residence versus the heavily
6. Enforcement of laws and ordinances 6. Responding to call of service concentrated dwelling in the depresses
7. Regulation of criminal conduct 7. Animal control areas.
8. Performing necessary services and 8. Traffic direction and control- assuring safely 7. Socio- economic factors- people from the
inspection and efficient movement of vehicular and high income groups tends to stay from home
pedestrians traffic in your district more often than the low income groups which
9. Information services- serving as a best source has preference or without any choices but to
In order to realize the above-enumerated of information. stay at home.
functions, the patrol unit has to perform the following 10. Developing contacts 8. Zoning plan of the city (relative location of
activities: 11. Preliminary investigation business, industrial, residential and other
12. Collection and prevention of evidences type of zoning).
14. Preparation of reports DESIGNATIONS OF DISTRICTS
1. Routine patrol and observation- the routine 15. Testifying in court
patrol is basic patrolling activities, but it PRIVATE POLICE ACTIVITIES
Aside from considering all the preceding all the principal weapon where the use of firearm is best management. On the other hand, a properly
preceding factors, the apportionment of the police possible only as a last resort. organized patrol force will not operate maximum
jurisdiction maybe in the following manner. efficiency if it is not well managed.
5. Military treats on the national power of the
1. Divide into patrol district that can suitably state while the police deal with the police power Without the application of sound principles of
handled by assigned officer of the state. organization, the effects are as follows.
2. Separate the jurisdiction into very small
segment known as “reporting districts” to 6. The military deals on rigid reaction while the 1. duties and responsibility may not be clearly
maintain complete record on each districts police deal on protection defined;
3. Assign the officer proportionate to the 2. duplication of effort may occur;
indicated proportionate needs of the districts CATEGORIES OF POLICE ACTIVITIES 3. vital resources may not be utilized in the most
4. Group the reporting districts into contiguous 1. Law enforcement- customary police function efficient manner; and
“patrol districts” 2. Order maintenance- serve role/social service 4. essential tasks may not be properly
1. crime prevention
1. The police are service oriented while military 2. crime investigation Most police organizations today are
is mission oriented. 3. traffic supervision organized along semi-military lines because of these
-A soldier carried out the orders of his superiors three basic reasons:
and think of accomplishing the mission, while the PATROL FORCE ORGANIZATION
policeman considers the community and the 1. The nature of the work they perform;
populace. Patrol force organization – is defined as the 2. The conditions under which they operate; and
hierarchy of police officers working together towards 3. The manner in which they are expected to
2. Military transcend external boundary to a common goal. The general goal of the patrol force perform duties;
protect the national security and territorial is to safeguard the community. Organizing - is the process of grouping of people,
security of the state while the police evolve within things, functions, activities, processes according to
internal limit. To achieve this goal , patrol officers must coordinated some logical ore systematic plan or procedure so that
activities whether these are in the form of: work is carried out in the most effective and efficient
3. Military are combatant and pursue the doctrine manner. In other words, the process of organizing
of attack, search and destroys using the principle 1. protection of life property helps to ensure that police work is carried out in the
2. preservation of peace and order
of “find, fix and finish” While the police follows most effective manner by achieving maximum benefit
3. prevention of crime
the doctrine of law enforcement such as; public 4. suppression of criminal activities of available resources.
safety, crime prevention, preservation of peace 5. apprehension of criminals
and orders using the principle of life and 6. enforcement of laws and ordinances Principles that enable goals of organizing the
property preservation. 7. regulation of criminal conduct patrol affairs are achieved.
8. performing necessary services and
4. Military deals with the use of firearms and inspections 1. Simplicity
Thus, patrol force organization requires In organizing the patrol force and its
armaments as the principal weapon, while the
proper management. Note that a poorly organized functions, a plan is needed. The organizational
police deal with the knowledge of the law as the
patrol force cannot function effectively even with the plan should be simple enough to be clearly
understood by all concerned, yet detailed 3. Chain of Command The principle of span of control is based on
enough to provide clear lines of authority and Information must be transmitted through the the assumption that there is limit to the number of
responsibility. organizational structure in a systematic manner in individuals that one person can effectively supervise.
order to ensure that all concerned personnel will be
According to Hale (1994), overly complex properly informed. Moreover, the chain of command The optimum span of control in any organization
structures may; permits each person in the hierarchy of authority to depends upon a number of things, including:
take appropriate action at the proper level before
a.Thwart (delay or stop) the free flow of a. The type and complexity of work being
passing the matter upward or downward in the line
communication; performed;
b.Confuse organizational relationships; or command. b. The job skills, training, and experience of
c.Hamper unity of operations, and impede the proper those performing the work;
coordination of operations. Violations of chain of command results to any or c. The degree of specialization involved in
Organization chart - is a diagram of system. It all of the following: the work being performed; and
facilities understanding since it shows at a glance d. The knowledge, skill and experience of
a. Internal disharmony the supervisor
how information, instructions, or orders are formally
b. Confusion in the minds of subordinates as 5. Unity of Command
communicated within an organization and who to whom they are responsible The principle of the unity of command is
reports to whom within an organization. It prescribes c. Undermined or weakened authority of based on the belief that an individual; should be
relationships and thereby facilities communications. responsible supervisors
responsible to one and only one person at any given
Chain of command is especially important in
2. Organizing by Function time and in any given situation.
a police organization because accountability is
This basic principle of organization critical. The principle of chain of command holds that The principle of unity of command states that
emphasizes the grouping of similar tasks, job each successive person in the chain of command, a person cannot function effectively if he or she is
assignments, and functions together and placing from the first level supervisor to the chief of police, expected to receive and follow orders form more
then under a single supervisor or command must be allowed to opportunity to deal with those than one person at a time. To do otherwise opens the
officer. incidents for which he or she is responsible. A person opportunity for internal conflict, confusion, and lack
cannot be held accountable if the chain of command of cohesion and coordination effort.
Organizing by function promotes:
is violated by allowing persons either below or
a.Efficiency and eliminate duplication of effort; and above that person to handle the situation. Functional supervision - is exercised by the person
b.Logic and clarity in the organizational structure; who is formally assigned to supervise or command a
Basically, police tasks are normally grouped 4. Span of Control unit or person to the organization chart or established
according to: The ability of one person to supervise the
affairs of subordinates is limited by such factors as
a. Function the level of the work being performed, whether Administrative supervision - however, may be
b. Process supervision is direct and continual or irregular and exercised by the person who is in charge of a
c. Method indirect, and the degree of judgment and initiative particular function at a particular time and place.
d. Clientele exercised by the supervisor.
e. Geographic area (police districts or
Police Personnel Distribution
f. Time of day (patrol shifts)
The patrol force is an organization within an 1. will be taken from the patrol unit, to be daytime because of the transients while some
organization. The patrol force is the nucleus (focal made as the exclusive responsibility of the may be virtually empty during working hours
unit) of the department about which the special special unit; on weekdays.
2. will remain as exclusive responsibility of the 2. Numbers and types of crimes and arrests
services are grouped, and therefore, it shall not be
patrol unit; and 3. Locations of crimes and arrests
subordinated to any other police unit in the police 3. will be assigned as joint responsibility 4. Traffic accident statistics and patterns.
department. The operational heart of a police Location of accident prone areas and
organization is the patrol force to which other “frequent incidents” or hazards requiring
department divisions relate in a supportive role. Manning Level of Patrol Force concentrated police coverage such as sport
The patrol unit must get the most number of arenas, stadiums, popular night spots, bars,
In ordinary police stations, the suggested uniformed personnel. The “rule of thumb” regarding theater, transportation terminals or other
distribution of police function is as follows. the manning level of any police department must be places where people usually gather.
observed. 5. Disproportionate concentrations of
Police Activity Percentage ‘‘Rule of Thumb” as: common practice – a way of population, such as widely separated single
proceeding based on experience or sound judgment; family residence versus the heavily
1. Patrol Functions 50% or generally reliable method any practical, through concentrated dwellings in the depressed
not entirely accurate, method that can be relied on areas.
2. Criminal Investigation 15% for an acceptable result. 6. Socio-economic factors. People from the
In the Philippine setting, the rule regarding higher-income groups tend to stay away from
3. Traffic Functions 10% the manning level of the police is provided under home more often than the low-income groups
section 27 of Republic Act # 6975. The standard who have no choice but to stay at home.
4. Vice & Juvenile 10% manning level is 1:500 (1 police officer for every 500 7. Zoning plan of the city (relative locations of
Related Function residents). However, in extreme conditions, this business, industrial, residential, and other
manning level maybe stretched to maximum, which types of zoning). By their nature, certain
5. Administrative 10%
is 1:1000 (1 police officer for every 1,000 resident). types of places call for higher volumes of
police service.
6. Auxiliary Functions 5%
8. Size of Jurisdiction and shape.
Deployment of Patrol Force 9. Geography and Topography.
Responsibility for the performance of certain 10. Location, sizes, and access to parks and
police tasks within a certain area is placed on the recreational facilities.
The proportional strength of the patrol force
individual policeman, and the accomplishment of this 11. Age, male-female, and married-unmarried
and the special units like investigation, traffic, vice duty requires his movement from one place to ratios of the population.
and juvenile units depend on the services performed another. A choice of patrol method whether foot or 12. Homogeneity and/or mixture of various
by each. The patrol force, being backbone of the mobile must be made and it must be based on: ethnic-cultural populations.
police service, is responsible for the accomplishment 1. the purpose of the patrol; and 13. Modes of transportation and location of
of most police objectives. In small police 2. the conditions under which it is to be transportation terminals.
provided 14. Number and qualification of officers available
departments having no specialization, the patrol
Factors that determine Patrol Deployment for field duties.
force performs all the primary, secondary, and 15. Amount of trust and confidence of the people
administrative police tasks. If a special unit is 1. Resident and transient populations in the to the police, which may influence the
created, it must decide which tasks: business tourist districts, and the university frequency and types of calls police service.
belt. Some areas may double its population in
PATROL THEORIES AND PATROL METHODS a. fixed post patrol- used for traffic, surveillance a. Marked car patrol car- Marked patrol car is
parades and other special events. for the purpose of police “omni presence” or
A. Fundamental Theories of Patrol b. Moving foot patrol- used where there is for the prevention of crime, while the
1. Theory of Police Omnipresence – High considerable foot traffic with crimes area and unmarked car patrol is for apprehension or
police visibility discourage criminals. special hazards area. arrest of the criminals.
Normally, criminals think twice before b. Two man patrol car and one man patrol car.
executing their plans if there is obvious Philippine settings of foot patrol c.
presence of police officers. Thus, patrol Philippine settings
activity should be carried in a manner that August 7, 1901- first operation of foot patrol in the
attracts maximum attention to the police Philippines May 17, 1945-introduction of first automobile patrol
officer or police vehicles. This theory applies
the principle of overt operation or high police March 10, 1917- second recorded operation Major Alma Jose- First Chief of mobile patrol bureau
2. Low Profile Theory – Low police visibility Advantage of foot patrol Advantages;
increases the opportunity to apprehend
criminals. Deceptive absence of the police a. Closer observation of persons and things a. It covers wide area
officers will let criminals believe that they will b. Maintain better personal contacts with the b. Provide faster response to public calls
not be detected or caught if they execute citizens and develop police community c. Provide constant availability to public calls
crimes that they planned. In this theory, the relation d. Provides an elements of surprise
objective is to attract as little attention as c. Can enter or penetrate small alleys and e. Provide the officer with a needed protection
possible while on the process of patrolling. streets f. Less tiresome
The officers should operate in manner that it d. Uniform patrolman serves as deterrent factors g. More economical
would be difficult for either criminals or the to the possible perpetrators
public to determine that police are around. e. Closer observations of surroundings and
The principle of covert operation is conditions and circumstances that may C. HORSE PATROL
integrated in this theory. require police attention.
f. The patrol officer has sufficient time to assess - It is the oldest type of patrol, horse maybe used for
and estimate the nature and degree of the certain patrol problems in jurisdiction that contains
TYPES OF PATROL incidents. large parks areas or similar places where automobile
cannot go or maybe forbidden. Horse fulfills the need
-The most expensive type of patrol for greater mobility in places wherein the terrain is
- Restricted to small areas with dense population and - The most economical and most extensively used rough.
it is used to deal with special problem of prevention and most effective means of transportation for police
and repression that cannot be adequately handled by Common use of horse patrol
patrol. It is equipped with the latest kind of police
the officers in radio cars.
- Also considered as the original and most effective gear, it provides rapid, safe and efficient means of a. Park patrol- it provides the rider with a
type of patrol. police response. higher and better place of vision for the
purpose of observation
Methods of mobile patrol b. Beach patrol- good in controlling crowds
Methods of foot patrol; c. Posses search duty-used in mountainous area

d. Parade and crowd control- their height and Small motorized vehicle- Used for routine patrol to 1. Used in fair weather only
size has a strong. replace to augment foot or automobile patrol under 2. More hazardous caused greater number of
D. DOG PATROL conditions when such vehicles is practicable more accidents and risk on the part of patrol
officers usually quite serious.
than conventional mode of travel. The versatility of all
- The key to successful used of police dogs in
vehicle make it an indispensable patrol unit for G. BOAT AND AMPHIBIANS/BAY AND RIVER
patrol is based on;
covering such places as shopping malls pathways PATROL
a. Understanding and wiling master and trails.
b. Proper selection and training of dogs -Used to patrol the beaches, shorelines, and inland
c. Preparing the general public for their use. Philippine settings; waters to prevent smuggling of people and
Ancient Egyptians- became the first people use contraband from coastal waters into inland harbors
police dogs on patrol to help them to patrol the 1939- Introduced by the Manila police department to
treasure in laden tomb. augment the foot patrol coverage in the parks and
residential areas. Philippine setting;
German shepherds- Best suited for all around police
works. Advantage; Western Police District- introduced this type of patrol
and used in anti-smuggling operation.
Neo- The name of the savage dog in Philadelphia that 1. Covers area too widespread for foot patrol
and areas not accessible for the patrol cars.
was paid for 3 dollars for the protection of “ye old H. AIR/HELICOPTER AND FIXED WING PATROL
2. Combined mobility and stealth
mine”. 3. Highly effective in combating theft, burglary
- If the area to be served in large enough, air patrol
and vandalism
Seargent Blitz- The police dog in Savannah, Georgia 4. Effective for pain cloths patrols officers in can actually be as economical as the automobile. The
that was successful in drug sniffing that the conducting surveillance in high crimes areas. more used it receives the lower is the cost per mile.
underworld put out $ 100.000 contact on the dog. 5. Inexpensive to operate.
Note; Police dogs should never be used to replace Airport (la guardia field by using Savioia Marcheti
police officer. They are just supplementary forces F.MOTORCYLE PATROL bird plane)
that can aid the officer in the better performance of
-it is adaptable to traffic control and enforcement, 1930- Creation of the first airborne unit U.S. NYPD.
his duties.
parade and escorts. Speed and mobility in
Use of dog patrol; maneuverability are outstanding characteristics of Fixed wing patrol-Ex. Cessna 172- developed by
the motorcycle that make it valuable police vehicles. word association Inc. in Southern California
1. Narcotics detection
2. Customs infections Philippine setting; - Referred to as “sky sentinel”
3. bomb detection - Excellent used in patrolling long streets,
E. BICYCLE PATROL 1909- first used of motorcycle patrol in the highways for transportation of people and
Philippines equipment for search and rescue.
- Simple And inexpensive means of silent Advantages of fix wing:
transportation to carry police officer throughout their Disadvantage of motorcycle patrol;
1. It more economical than helicopter cost less
to operate.
2. Can travel at airspeed as low as 35 miles per - Either the used of monitors at a central A. Police should develop the friendly attitude
hour location, it is possible to watch several while on the foot patrol because they must
3. Can go at least 40 miles per hour faster than a location all the same time and dispatch a field perform community relation task for the
helicopter in cases of hot chase. unit to whichever location in need of department in addition to their usual patrol
4. New type of muffler that causes the engine to immediate response. duties.
be unheard when flying at height of 100ft. a. Television patrol B. Maintaining a free flow of pedestrian’s traffic
5. Can remain airborne for 7-8 hours. - Introduced in a comic strip “dicky tracy” is just important as keeping vehicular traffic
Disadvantage of fix wing patrol; - First used in West Germany for traffic control movement.
- This type of operation is only adaptable to C. When walking on beat, policeman should not
1. Lack of landing fields and take off spot in cities/areas containing great concentration of develop a route but see to it that their area is
urban areas. people or traffic (as well as control of given sufficient coverage during their tour of
prisoners in jail) duty.
Helicopter patrol- Used for rescue, medical, D. The entire ON duty time of the policemen
evacuation, traffic control, general patrol, criminal J. DECOY PATROL-A low visibility police patrol belongs to the department and people in
apprehension, crime prevention and repression, aimed to protect VIPs key officials in the general; it should be therefore spent
government and the representatives of the according.
emergency transportation, surveillance and search.
E. The policemen on beat should walk his beat
foreign states for any possible attack, assault or
from one place to another so that it will
Advantage of helicopter patrol assassination. This is on the forms of UN- appear to the observer that he is patrolling
uniformed policemen staying behind the person the area and not just loitering.
1. Being able to travel at lower speed, to hover
being protected to deter and apprehend possible F. When patrolling during nighttime, policemen
when necessary and to land in otherwise
assassins. should always approach each building with
accessible places because of its vertical takes
cautions, always assume the possibility that a
off and landing capabilities.
PREPARATION FOR PATROL felon might be lurking inside.
2. Maybe flown at lower attitudes
G. Know the personalities in the patrol area
3. Can be used when marginal visibility
1.General preparation; attitude preparation- It is the particularly the wanted persons, known
conditions exist.
first and foremost preparation for patrol duty felons, drug users and pushers and the
Things to be consider in the utilization of
(positive attitude) business establishment which usually fail
helicopter patrol; prey to armed robbery or burglary.
2.Pre-patrol preparation- Prior to go out in patrol, you
must be arm with knowledge and equipment, your H. In patrolling walk close to the curb during the
1. Geography (number of sq. miles to be day and close the building at night. The
vehicle, partner, uniform, etc.
covered) reason offered for this is that objective of
3.In field preparation- “Debriefing/ conference” with
2. Terrain daytime patrol is to contact and to be seen by
the officer, whom you are relieving to assume
3. Rate and type of crime in that area as many people as possible and the objective
continuity in coverage of the jurisdiction.
4. Number and type of people in the area. of night time foot patrol is to be seen as few
4.Vehicle inspection- the emergency nature of police
works demands that the police vehicle be in the best people as possible and to catch criminals
1.FIXED SURVEILLANCE- In line with pro- before they are being aware of police
working condition ass possible.
active patrol concept this is accomplished in 5.Districts orientation tour- Once in the field take a presence.
person with aid of television or stop frame general orientation to the sights and sounds and the I. Patrol officer should keep in mind that police
photography. normal pattern that presents. patrol means service as well as protection,
they should never hesitate therefore,
FOOT PATROL TACTICS whenever practicable to offer their services
in what ever may consistent with the purpose - For this kind of patrol, policemen should be thief burglaries on the premises or in neighboring
of law enforcement. dresses to fit the accession and wear offices and factories
whatever clothing is the most of the day and c.Criminals often use coveralls and maintenance
VEHICLE PATROL TACTICS fit the type of activity to be covered. uniforms as disguise to gain entry to buildings, and to
deceive police officers when they are confronted.
A. When on vehicle patrol policemen should get Checking Business Premises
out of their car frequently in order to be Precautions
visible and accessible to the public they Part of the patrol officers’ regular work is 1. Approach the building quietly in your
should never used their car in isolating checking of business premises. The following are the vehicle, ensuring that you do not
themselves from patrol duties. tips that could help the officers be effective on their squeal tire when turning corners or
B. When conducting solo patrol, frequently coming to a stop.
contact should be made with communication 2. When you leave the police vehicle to
officer or other field units. When working in check premises, never travel more
pair or more patrol officer should work as a than two blocks on foot.
team for purpose of field contacts, issuance of 3. Take advantage of the darkness by
1.If your department doesn’t have a “store file” or
citations checking open doors and walking close to the building and
“merchant index,” create one for our personal use.
responding to calls for assistance. remaining in shadow.
The idea might catch on. Use it to record:
C. Operate the vehicle at normal speed, 4. Don’t allow your keys, flashlight,
a.Name and address of business.
consistent with traffic conditions; A patrol whistles or other equipment to dangle
b.Name address, and telephone number of key
officer is to no value when driving at high loosely
holder (person to be notified in case of emergency)
speeds. 5. Watch for unfamiliar vehicles.
c.Alternate key holder’s name and phone number
D. Patrol the districts so that the greatest 6. Take short, light steps
d.Usual business days hours of operation
number of people, frequently turning corners 7. Check the rear doors and windows
e.Name and phone number of security company, if
and covering the side streets as well as the first.
main thoroughfares will see the vehicle. 8. Minimize the use of your flashlight.
f.Date last checked
E. Whatever patrol patterns is being used, Hold it out at army’s length to present
2.Learned the interior layouts of all stores in your
patrollers should do it in irregular and a false target to armed burglars
area which are likely burglary targets so that you will
unpredictable manner. 9. Check vacant buildings for missing
know if something is out of place. A burglar may
F. The entire district should be given ample children, vagrants, fugitive, etc.
place a partition or a display counter in front of a safe
attention with emphasis to those places that
to shield him from the view of passersby.
require special attention because of high Checking a Building
3.Pay close attention:
crime frequency. 1. Don’t check all the doors in any
a.the location and type of safes, cash register and
G. Always assumes the possibility that a crime business district at one time. Cover a
alarm systems
will be committed in the most illogical places portion, move to another area and
b.the routine habits of the staff
at the most unusual time of the day. return to the original district to
c.opening and closing times
Plain clothes patrol surprise any offenders who may have
d.the methods of locking windows and doors
moved in behind you.
3.Get to know the janitors and maintenance staff
- This type assignment is particularly effective 2. Always look for the unusual and
working on business premises in your area.
for “saturation” coverage of high crime out-of-place.
a.They know the building they work in intimately and
areas. It provides extra coverage without 3. When checking doors, check the
can provide useful information to you.
alarming the occupants with an unusual hinges carefully before gasping the
b.Their legitimate presence in a building after
number of police. handle. If the door is partially latched
normal working hours offers them a cover to commit
and pulled in the wrong direction, it 4. If your department has an official business premises. They could be getaway
will lock; you will be unable to “notice to secure premises” card, cars for crimes in progress.
determine if there has been an illegal leave it inside in a visible place. 2. Stacked boxes or ladders placed against the
entry. 5. Do not hang it on the outside door side or rear of buildings
4. When checking window, attempt to handle or do not place it in a location 3. Store or business interiors in which large
push them open and examine around where it can be seen from outside. pieces of furniture or display have been
the edges for tool marks. 6. If you cannot lock the door, contact moved. This may an attempt to conceal a
5. Check skylights if they are easily the owner. tunnel or safe-checking operation.
accessible 7. Note the date and time of your 4. Banks or stores where people are seen
6. Check sidewalk elevators and grating inspection in notebook and fill out entering but not leaving. This could indicate a
for signs of tampering removal or any departmental form which may be holdup or hostage situation.
damage. required. 5. Parked vehicles in which persons are
7. If the night or alley lights are not 8. If the store has been burglarized, apparently sleeping. These subjects may be
illuminated and appear to have been notify your dispatcher and the owner look-outs, missing or wanted persons seeking
broken or tampered with, call for immediately shelter, or they may be attempting suicide.
assistance immediately before a. Remain at the scene until the owner 6. Any other activity or situation which does not
checking further. or his representative arrives. reflect normal behavior or routine activity.
8. If safe lights are not lit or appear to b. Do not allow the owner to check the
have been move, use craft or be premises himself Criminal Subterfuges (trick employed to conceal
cautious. Often armed or experience 9. Avoid entering a room with a light criminal act)
criminals turned it or move the safe source to your rear. You will present 1. Criminals may try to lull (deceive) you into
lights. a silhouette in the darkness which will thinking nothing is happening while a crime
9. Inspect all possible points of entry, make you an excellent target. is in progress.
including roofs and any location 10. 2. To counteract such tactics:
where tunnels might have been dug. Checking Suspicious Persons a. Watch for reflection in store windows.
Use your flashlight to check for fresh Identification b. Check rearview mirror as you drive
pry marks around locks. 1. Suspicious person can be identify by their: past scene where criminal activity
10. Be alert for the absence of animals a. Appearance may be taking place.
such as alley cats or dogs which you b. Conduct c. Pretend to write reports or notes
normally expect to find in the area. c. Attitude while keeping suspect in view.
They may been scared off by a d. Presence in unusual or inappropriate 3. Possible international distractions:
prowler. location a. Faked fights or arguments which
2. They are often seen loitering about stores, erupt “spontaneously” as you
Checking Unsecured Premises warehouses, banks, service stations, bus approach
1. Call assistance, both as a backup and stations, schools, theaters, railroad stations, b. Couples amorously intertwined in
your witness in the event or properly and hotels for no readily apparent reason. parked cars (they may be lookouts)
is missing. c. Persons who encourage crowd to
2. Conduct a thorough examination of Checking Suspicious Situations gather by giving speeches
the premises. Warning Signs expressing outrageous political or
3. Lock the door upon leaving 1. Vehicles parked improperly or with motor religious views.
running outside banks, stores or other

d. Any person who attempts to attract boxes locked and that all safety regulations Participative law enforcement - It is a system where
police attention for no apparent are being complied with) the citizenry and the police work together to reduce
reason 11. Defective roadways, street lights or crime, prevent juvenile delinquency and criminal
4. In these situations, approach slowly and sidewalks. behavior, maintain the peace and reduce local
deliberately, keeping all the parties involved 12. obstructed fire escapes problems which are the mutual responsibility of the
in view as long as possible. 13. Broken water mains (can cause a roadway to police and the people.
5. Never rush blindly into the situation, Stay out sink)
of reach of the subjects and make your 14. Leaking gas mains (danger of explosion) Prevention is the objective aimed towards ways and
presence known by calling out. 15. Any object or situation which may present a means to reduce the desire of the human being to
6. Glance around the surrounding area for signs hazard to children commit crime.
of suspicious activity.
Courses of Action Repression, on the other hand is the act of
“Gut Feelings” 1. Contact the owner of the property and the preventing the actual commission of crimes.
1. Do not ignore your so-called “gut feelings” appropriate government agencies Repression is leveled on the prevention of the very
2. Hunches are often important message or 2. If the owner is reluctant to make act itself which constitutes crimes.
warnings which are based upon information improvements because they are not required
or experience recorded in your subconscious by law or municipal regulations, point out the Police Omnipresence -It is a crime repression
mind. severe consequences he would face in a activity of the police which is accomplished by
3. Although they may not seem logical, your successful civil action for damages. making their presence known in such a way that even
hunches will often prove to be correct. 3. Warm youngsters who live or play in the if they are longer presented in certain location,
They should be acted upon-with discretion-in vicinity, and their parents, of the danger that would be criminals would still have the impression
appropriate circumstances. the hazard presents. that they are still around and would therefore refrain
4. If necessary, request approval from your from committing an offense.
Check On Public Hazard superior to secure the area from public
1. Vacant buildings which juveniles may use as access until action has been taken to COPS - refers to Community Oriented Policing
a playground. eliminate the hazard. System.
2. Ditches or open holes, particularly at It is the deploying of policemen in police
construction sites, where deep water as blocks to provide police and public safety services. It
accumulated. PATROL MANAGEMENT also involves the breaking down of large and
3. New construction Reactive patrol - It is the old system of police patrol impersonal police departments into small units to
4. Unfenced swimming pools activity which consists of continuously driving around create as series of mini-police precincts, which are
5. Abandoned wells or shafts the area of patrol waiting for something to happen responsive to smaller communities.
6. Old refrigerators with locks and to react accordingly in case something
7. utility poles which are mounted with cleats happened. Objectives of PNP’s New COPS
(supports or rope) close to the ground 1. To enhance police visibility in order to reach
8. Unattended construction machinery Proactive Patrol - It is the more economical out to the community to serve the resident a
9. High scaffolding which can be reached by alternative patrol system, which has an objective policing out.
ladders approaches against criminality as much as 2. To improve police community relation to gain
10. Storage magazines for explosives. (Often practicable, it addresses crime at its very root before public acceptance, build mutual respect and
stored in steel boxes in open fields near it is able developed into a felonious act. trust and promote cooperation.
construction sites. Check to ensure that the

3. To attend sustained and integrated police- Four kinds of inspection conducted by policemen b. Dispersal;
community participation, in crime prevention on patrol. c. Prevention of reentry or entry;
and suspension. d. Arrest of law violators; and
1. building inspection, e. establishment priorities.
Police block - This is the NCOB (New Cops on the 2. crime prevention follow-up,
Block) Center of Command and Control its activities 3. house inspection and State the essential step that must be taken by the
and the police base from which the citizen may seek 4. miscellaneous inspection. police during a disaster response.
assistance whether in person by radio or telephone. Patrol Hazard - This is a term used frequently to 1. Assess the nature and extend of the disaster
describe a specific condition or place that requires a or calamity.
“House Visitation” - It is a function of NCOB where 2. Communicate information in the fastest
patrol officer’s special attention.
police officers on patrol visit every house and work means available.
place to offer crime prevention advice and to 3. Administer urgently needed first aid and
Importance of Vehicle inspection for patrol
organize the neighborhood crime swatch groups. rescue activities.
4. Establish s command post.
The emergency nature of police work
“Street Questioning” method - It is a method 5. Contain the area.
whereby policemen on patrol may interview within demands that the vehicle they use be in the best 6. Maintain open emergency lanes/streets.
the bounds of law suspicious personalities at random condition as possible not only routine patrol driving 7. Evaluate survivors and people from danger
in order to serve as a deterrent to those intended to but also for pursuit operation. Hence, there is a need area.
commit a crime. for regular vehicle inspection. 8. Provide public information services.
9. Establish coordination with other government
Police social service of the PNP - It is a project that agencies.
concerns a wide variety of activities such ad physical 10. Provide access area for authorities.
fitness and sports development and formation and Purpose of the District Orientation Tour in 11. Record the events.
education and livelihood projects. preparing for patrol
Its purpose is to familiarize and orient a Keys to effective law enforcement at labor strikes
The following are some of the benevolent services policeman about the pattern and characteristics of his 1. Exercise strict neutrally and maximum
performed by the police patrol: patrol area before he conducts actual patrol. tolerance.
1. Midwife duties for childbirth Police surveillance - It is the process of keeping 2. Initiate friendly dialogue between
2. Render first aid to accident victims under observation a person; a place or an object contending parties.
3. Get relief assistance to disaster victim. obtains information material to the solution of a case. 3. Seek cooperation from both sides.
4. Mediate in family quarrels It is also used to detect some form of criminal
5. Deliver of death message. behaviors.
“Team Policing” - It is a grassroots approach Primary line units concerned with the
undertaken to bring the people and the police Purpose of the police at the scene of civil accomplishment of the police operational tasks
together in a cooperative situation. Its distinguish disturbance a. patrol,
During civil disturbances, the police; protect b. investigation,
feature is the establishment of neighborhood crime
lives and properties of everyone at the scene; c. traffic, vice, and j
watch groups to encourage the people to report d. juvenile patrol.
enforces the law; and restores peace and order.
crimes and to assume greater interest sand
responsibility in crime preventio0n and suspension. Objectives of the police at the scene of unlawful Secondary or auxiliary units concerned with the
assemblies service task
a. Containment; a. records,
b. property custodian, Line functions - such as patrol and criminal b. giving a feeling of security to law
c. jails, investigation are those that are directly responsible abiding citizens; and
d. crime laboratory services, for accomplishing police goals and objectives. c. providing a feeling of fear to would
e. transportation, and be offenders.
f. Communication. Staff, auxiliary or support functions - are
those that are designed solely to support and General Objective of Patrol Activity
Administrative or managerial units enhance the operations of the units. They usually The general objective of patrol activity is to
a. personnel, include record, communications, personnel, training, present the commission of crime by destroying the
b. intelligence, property maintenance and the like. opportunity of potential offenders thru constant and
c. planning, alert patrolling.
d. budgeting, and INTEGRATED PATROL SYSTEM (IPS) OF THE With these, patrol officers should have a
e. training in community relation. PNP detailed understanding of the anatomy of crime or
- a concerted effort of the whole PNP what makes up a criminal act. The anatomy of crime
Participation of patrol in vice versa control organization with other government agencies. The states that: crime takes place if the three (3) elements
necessary purpose is for the effective performance of the or ingredients are present at the same time and place
Patrol participation in vice control is general role of the PNP which is to deliver the basic which are: Instrumentalities, Motive and Opportunity.
necessary in order to lessen the force needed in the public safety services to the community. To explain further:
vice-division; to increase its efficiency; to conserve 1. Instrumentality – the means or instrument
time and energy of its members; and focus its Three (3) Public Safety Bureaus used in the commission of crime such as:
attention to the serious vice violations. 1. PNP- Philippines National Police firearm; fan knife; poison (or any obnoxious
2. BFP- Bureau of Fire Protection substance); Hammer; motor vehicle; a
Different types of call response by the police 3. BJMP – Bureau of Jail Management and document, etc.
patrol Penology 2. Motive – the reason or cause why a person or
group of persons will perpetrate a crime or
ROUTINE CALL – the mobile car is required to Basic PNP Functions the purpose of aim of doing something.
observed all traffic laws and rules and does not Crime Prevention – including crime suppression; Examples are: economic gain; jealousness;
normally use its flashing lights and siren while on its Crime Solution – covers investigation of crimes; and covetousness/greediness; revenge; gratify
way to the scene. This includes when the police Traffic Management – covers direction and control, desire; and win a competition.
responds to provide police car transportation. and traffic accident investigation. 3. Opportunity – it refers to the chance or twist
of fate; consist of the acts (whether by
Police force organized along semi-military lines Crime Prevention – the basic police omission or commission) by a person (the
Due to the nature of work they perform, the function; the technique of eliminating the desire of victim) that enables another person or group
manner in which they are expected to perform their the people to commit crime. It can be done through of persons (the offenders) to perpetrate the
duties, and their close adherence to a rigid chain of Police Visibility. Crime Deterrence is actually the crime. Opportunity is synonym with
command with specified assignment of duties and essence (real meaning) of Police visibility because: carelessness, acts of indiscretion, and lack of
responsibilities and functional job descriptions that crime prevention or lack of consciousness on
distinguish between the line and staff authority. 1. In crime prevention, the psychological tool of the part of the victim. Illustrative examples
the police is VISIBILITY and OMNIPRESENCE; are:
Distinction between the line and staff functions and a. Leaving one’s home or car
2. Visibility and omnipresence is applied by the unattended for a long time.
police for the purpose of: b. Walking all alone in well-known
a. making their presence felt; crime prone alley.
c. Wearing expensive jewelries in slum System (PNP-IPS). The PNP-IPS has the following point in the Police Station Desk; capable of
area. features: providing a visual IPS situation because it
d. Readily admitting a stranger to one’s shows the: area of responsibility (AOR); Real
residence and the like. ➢ Pre-emptive Time Current Situation; and Real Time Status of
➢ Widespread and Forward the IPS. The importance’s of the
Deployment Situation/Locator Map (S/LM) are: for OTS (on
Further, once crime took place, it can be ➢ Force Mixture the spot) assessment of the situation; and for
further explained by using the interaction of these (complementary & OTS shifting of patrol forces to deal with a
three (3) factors: Criminal Tendency, Total Situation, supportive) situation.
and Resistance to Temptation. Criminal tendency is ➢ Cross checking of
Deployment 3. PCP – Led by a police commissioned officer
innate to every human being. Total situation speaks with a rank of Chief Inspector or
➢ Force Multiplier
of the environmental circumstances. Resistance to ➢ Supports the COPS Superintendent with a minimum of 30
temptation could also be innate to a person which personnel including the PCP Commander
could be attributed to his cultural and educational divided in 3 shifts of 8-hours duty. More often,
upbringing. Components of the IPS it is headed by Senior Police Officers SPOs)
due to lack of commissioned officers.
Freak Crime Accident - There are situations when all A. Fixed Components – These include the
the three elements of the crime are present and following: Police Station HQ: Police B. Patrol Components – the patrol components of
the IPS are: Air Patrol; Line Beat Patrol; Mobile
merged at the same time and the same place: Community Precincts (PCP); Traffic Post; and
Patrols; Motorcycle Patrol; Bicycle Patrol;
however the victim is not the intended one due to Visibility Posts – police outposts. Reaction Unit Patrol (SWAT); and Detective
error in persona (mistaken identity). This is called a Repressive Patrol.
freak crime accident. Similarly, the public still need 1. Station Desk (SD) – plays the most
important role in the implementation of the Police Beats (PBs) – These are consist of any
to be protected against these kinds of crimes.
police mission – to serve and protect the contiguous or adjacent area defined by identifiable
community. Further, it serves as the three boundaries within the AOR of a PCP where an officer
Police Visibility
Cs of the police force: communication; can effectively patrol during his tour duty; it is an
coordinating; and center/command post. area that can be effectively patrolled on foot and
Police visibility can be done in three (3) ways:
Being the 3 Cs of the police force, the SD police officers can respond to calls for police
serves as: assistance within a matter of minutes.
a.physical presence by being visible as police and
a. Nerve center of the IPS
easy to locate police units;
b. Transmitter of the police station 1. Mobile Patrol (MP) – The SOPs are similar to
b.patrolling scheme through mobile, integrated, and
c. Police station’s administrative nerve the earlier discussions under the
widespread, supportive, and redundant coverage;
center AUTOMOBILE TYPE of patrol. In cases where
d. Disaster Coordinating Council (DCC) a vehicle is stopped, the following 10 Rules
c.response which should be proper, adequate and
e. Showcase of the Station’s efficient in Stopping Vehicles should be applied:
timely (ideal is 5 minutes response time).
operational capabilities. a. During daytime, select the widest portion
f. Monitoring assistance center during of the road where to stop a motorist.
elections and other political events b. Signal the motorist to pull closer to the
Further, the Police Visibility Program of the PNP can
be accomplished thru the use of the Integrated Patrol right side of the curb with the patrol car
Situation/Locator Map (w/ magnetic parked behind the violator’s vehicle.
equipment) – also called spot map; the key-
c. Observe flow if traffic coming from behind a. DB is concerned with the crime solution c. Inspection of uniform, appearance
before opening the door and alighting angle while the PB has the primary role of and equipment by the PC.
from the patrol car. the crime prevention control. d. TI & E (Troop information and
d. In issuing a citation, occupy the right side b. DB may be different from PB but the education) and the dissemination of
of the vehicle using the hood to former complements the latter is serving instruction/orders by PC.
accomplish the citation. and protecting the community. e. Reading of assignment of PBs by
e. At nighttime, select a well-lighted place to c. PB occupy a particular AOR while the Sarhento de Mesa or field duty officer
stop a motorist. detectives have the primary (FDO)
f. Never stand to do anything in front of a responsibility of 1st response in all cases f. Issuance of equipment to Pos (Patrol
stopped vehicle with its engine running reported for investigation purposes. Officers) and PTs (Patrol Teams).
and its driver still at the vehicle. d. g. Report to higher headquarters (HQ)
g. Never stand to do anything between the Composition of DBT by FDO.
stopped vehicle and the patrol car if the 2. Deployment Phase
driver of the stopped vehicle is at the a. Assume primary responsibility or a. Report to SD by the Pos (Patrollers)
wheel. jurisdiction in conducting CSO within b. Pos make patrol plan and follow
h. Never stand on the way of the door of the their AOR unless otherwise directed by patrol procedures
stopped vehicle especially if he is competent authorities for special cases c. Adopt the buddy-buddy system.
ordering a suspicious driver to get out of requiring intervention of specialized PNP d. Make situation report on an hourly
the vehicle. units. basis upon reaching the end of their
i. Never allow a person being interrogated b. Investigator/Detective is responsible for line beat.
to stand on the firearm side. case build-up, filing criminal charges, e. Report and/or record in the PSR
j. Never allow an apprehended suspect to sit arrest of offender, monitoring/tracking of (patrol sheet report) all unusual
aside the patrol car on the side where the cases and court appearance. incidents
policeman’s f/a is tucked. c. Perform all other duties and function to 3. Post-Patrol (Post-deployment Phase)
accomplish their assigned task. a. Regrouping and formation
2. Detective Beat (DB) or Detective Beat b. Accounting
System (DBS) – DB is a contiguous area c. Inspection
where a team of police investigators is d. Debriefing/submission of DPR (daily
assigned with a specific task of conducting patrol report)
follow-up investigation to all complaints, e. Recall of equipment issued
reports, referrals, and other request with the f. Dismissal by the PC
end-in-view of full compliance and/or the Operational Guidelines for the conduct of Patrol
filling of case.
The following are the guidelines normally After which, the patrol commander collects
The Purpose of DBS is to provide the police observed by the PNP in the conduct of patrolling not the DPR and submits it to the HQ for consolidation
organizational and operational framework in truly necessary under the IPS: and reference
effecting mechanisms toward enhancing the C. Auxiliary Components – In the Philippines, the
1. Pre-patrol (Pre-deployment phase) police are the members of the PNP with two
efficiency and effectiveness of the PNP’s
a. Fall in information in ranks. (2) statutory characteristics:
investigation capability. 1. National in scope and
b. Roll-call-accounting of patrol
elements by the Patrol Commander. 2. Civilian in character
Nature of DBS:

Who are the members of the Auxiliary Police (or finally the bell became the warning instrument. 1916 – The New York Harbor Police installed spark
Auxiliary Components of the IPS? transmitters so they could communicate with their
1. Private Security Guards In western civilization, until very recently, the police boats while they were patrolling the harbor.
2. Traffic Enforcers and Aides church bell, high in the steeple, not only called the
3. Junior Police people to church services but also warned the town 1923 – The Pennsylvania State Police installed point-
4. Law Enforcement Services Cadets or village of imminent dangers. The American Indian to-point radio telegraph between their headquarters
5. Barangay Chairmans and Tanods (Barangay used smoke signals, bird’s class and drums in his and various post throughout the state.
Public Safety Officers (BPSO)) effort to communicate and send out warnings.
6. Civilian Volunteer Organizations (CVOs) I n the history of Anglo-American police 1928 – On April 7, 1928, the world’s first workable
such as civilian volunteer radio patrol, we find the horn replaced by the hand-bell police radio system went on the air. The Detroit
communications, and volunteer public utility and rattle, and then finally by the metal whistle. Police Department went on the air as station W8FS.
vehicles (PUV) drivers and Non Government The transmitter was installed on Belle isle in the
Organizations (NGOs) like Bantay Bayan, Significant dates and events in the development of Detroit River, and the receiver was installed in
Bayan Muna, etc. Police Communications cruiser No. 5.
1877 – The Albany New York Police Department
POLICE COMMUNICATIONS installed five telephones in the mayor’s office By 1927 the prohibition era had sent the
connected to precinct stations. development of big time crime and gangsters were
As pointed earlier, communications is making wide use of automobiles as “get-away cars”.
inseparable in police managements and 1880 – The Chicago Police Department installed the The police were under great pressure to control the
administration. In fact, Payton stated in his book, first “Police Call Box” on City Street. Only officers situation, but always arrived at the scene too late.
Patrol Procedure that “Police communications are the and “reputable citizens” were given keys to the Commissioner Rutledge then persuaded Robert L.
backbone of police tactics. Without proper booth. Before this time a signal box was used that Batts, a young radio technician and student at Purdue
communications, the modern police department would signal the emergency without voice University, to come to Detroit and work on a radio
would be lost.” communications. Detroit made such installations in receiver that would operate in a police car. It was
1884 and Indianapolis in 1895. through this effort that the first workable police radio
Historical Development of Police set up was developed.
Communications 1883 – The Detroit, Michigan Police Department
Communications has always been a part of installed one police telephone. This was significant 1929 – In September 1929, the Cleveland Police
law enforcement. Since man’s existence on this earth, when one considers the fact that there were only Department went on the air with a few cars, and in
there has been a need for a system by which a man seven telephones in the whole city at that time. In December of the same year, Indianapolis became the
could warm his fellowman of existing or pending 1889, the department established a new division to third police department in the world to set up a
danger or send him messages. handle communications. It was called the Police workable police radio system.
Signal Bureau.
In primitive times, the pounding of hollow 1930 – The Michigan State Police became the first
logs or the beating of animal skin drums was used A code wheel was installed in the box so that state police organization to go on the air in October
to convey a message. Later man discovered that when the beat man called in for his time check, it of 1930. It proved very effective in apprehending
when he cut the tip from the horn of an animal and would register at headquarters with the proper signal bank robbers and other gangsters.
blew through it, the sound carried for quite a for that call box. This insured that the beat officer was
distance. We find its use mentioned throughout the in fact at the location from which he claimed to be 1931 – The first police motorcycle was equipped with
bible, and it was certainly the main warning calling. a radio by the Indianapolis Department in September
instrument used in the “Hue and Cry” even into the 1931.
twelfth century. In the orient, the brass gong and
1933 – In March 1933, the Bayonne New Jersey Police “to enable the supervisor at headquarters to 2. Conduct a Survey- the survey must be done by a
Department went on the air with the first two-way, maintain contact with personnel under his TECHNICAL TEAM
mobile police radio system. command and to translate into action those a. Conduct pre-survey conference with the COP
measures necessary to protect the lives and and city/municipal officials to determine the:
1934 – By 1934, so many police departments have property of the community… Orders o funding
police radio systems that they were being as inter- originating at Headquarters are received at o type of system desired and
city communications for all types of general police various points in the community by the field o kind of support the system may need
messages. The Federal Communications Commission force and carried into execution.” b. The technical survey should be conducted to
had to intervene and establish strict control on police reveal:
radio communications, restricting non-emergency STEPS in planning a Police Communication o location of the precincts
messages to wire communications. System o limits/boundaries of areas to
1. Determine the Basic Need – is there a need for – be patrolled
1935 – Because the police departments did not a. portable two-way radio o Obstructions of radio and
understand the government restrictions, they (at first) b. radio transceivers in mobile patrol cars telephone transmission –
refused to obey them and police radiomen from all c. radios transceivers for police officers on foot interferences, frequency and
over the country banded together to form the APCO patrol. drifts and harmonics.
(Association of Police Communications Officers). (It d. telephone system
was later changed to the Association of Public-Safety - manual telephone exchange Questions that must be answered
Communications Officers). - semi-automatic telephone exchange during the technical survey include but not
- National Direct Dial (NDD) limited to:
1939 – Daniel E. Noble, of Connecticut College, - International Direct Dial (IDD) a. Is the radio and/or telephone
developed the first FM mobile tow-way transmitters traffic light or heavy?
and receivers for the Connecticut State Police. This Standard Modern Police Communication System b. Are 2-way radios needed?
was to bring about a change in the whole mobile Requirements: Modern Communication system c. Is duplex needed or simple is not
radio picture. (FM means Frequency Modulation). requires OPERATION CENTER or BAS and the enough?
communication room at the base contains the d. What is the degree of
1940 – Motorola President, Paul Galvin, saw, the following: maintenance needed for the
value of FM over AM for mobile police - Radio transceivers with control equipment?
communications, and hired Dan noble to develop panels and mikes d. Analysis of the survey
two-way FM for Motorola Police Radio Sales. One of - Telephone trunk lines and o Compatibility of the equipment
Nobles first developments was the remarkable switchboards and system
Differential Squelch Circuit, which demonstrated - Monitor receivers o Cost of the equipment:
greatly increased range in fringe areas. - Inter-city radio controls - Is there an available
- Paging and recall systems fund to support the
1945 – The Federal Communications Commission - Fax machines quality of the system
allocated frequencies for FM, and it became the - Alarm and indicator systems that is needed?
established system for police radio communications. - Intercoms - Is there an alternative if
- Closed circuit TV the first option can not
PLANNING A POLICE COMMUNICATION - Traffic control panel be realized?
SYSTEM -Computer with Land area network (LAN) and
modem (for internet access) 3. Draft the PCS and Propose the plan – The
Purpose of police communication system is: technical team prepares an output (summary
report) of their survey and submits this to the pair of sidebands for each modulation frequency. Radio is the system of communication
local government. The report is actually a project This produces the complex variations that employing electromagnetic waves propagated
proposal or feasibility study which includes the emerge as speech or other sound in radio through space. Because of there varying
recommendations of the technical team such as: broadcasting, and in the alternations of light and characteristics, radio waves of different lengths are
4. Choice and Acceptance – The report of the darkness in television broadcasting. used for different purposes and are usually identified
surveying team (technical team) is then by their frequency.
transformed into a feasibility study. The B. RADIO TRANSMITTER-Essential components of 1.The shortest waves have the highest frequency, or
feasibility study is submitted to the Reviewing a radio transmitter include the ff. number of cycles per second;
Team, which is composed of the Local Chief 1. An oscillation generator for converting 2.The longest waves have the lowest frequency, or
Executive (LCE), the COP and other concerned commercial electric power into oscillations of fewest cycles per second
authorities in the locality, for evaluation and a predetermined radio frequency;
decision making. After evaluation, the reviewing 2. Amplifiers for increasing the intensity of RADIO WAVES
team must accept the proposal or choose an this oscillations while retaining the decide Radio waves range from a few kilohertz to
alternative form the options recommended by the frequency; and several gigahertz. Waves of visible light are much
surveying team. 3. A transducer for converting the information shorter. In a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves
5. Implement Action and Checklist – if the to be transmitted into a varying electrical travel at a uniform speed of about 300,000 km. (about
proposal or a corresponding alternative has been voltage proportional to each successive 186,000 mi) per second.
chosen and accepted by the reviewing team, the instantaneous intensity. For sound
technical team must then set priorities and transmission, a microphone is the transducer;
prepare a checklist of tasks to be performed. for picture transmission the transducer is a Radio Designation Abbr. Wavelength
6. Appointment of Action Official – In the checklist photoelectric device Frequency
of priorities, among the first tasks to be 8. Training of Technicians, Dispatchers, and
performed is determining the person who will be other users – Training of Technicians and other 3-30kHz Very low VLF 1000,000-
appointed as the Action Official – the coordinator Users of the system to be installed may be done frequency 10,000m
of the project of installing the planned PCS. thru formal schooling or thru on- the-job
7. Procurement of equipment – In the (OJT).technicians and Dispatchers should be
30-300kHz Low LF 10,000-
procurement of equipment that will be used for trained with the standard radio, telephone and
the PCS, bidding must be conducted as standard other communication procedures. They must be frequency 1,000m
operating procedure (SOP) .In bidding, the also updated with the laws, rules and regulations
proposed equipment to be bought and use is for public communication. 300-3,000 Medium MF 1,000-100m
advertised. At least 3 dealers or suppliers of such 9. Coordinating Center and Service Shop: An kHz frequency
needed articles respond by furnishing a office for the action official and communication
quotation (itemized price list) and then submits it engineers who will supervise the installation of 3-30 MHz High HF 100-1 m
to the action official. The action official has the the communication must be established. This is frequency
discretion to choose the dealer or supplier who important in order to have a formal setting of (short wave)
offers the lowest quotation. Procurement of decision making while the system is about to be
needed equipment is then awarded to the dealer installed or is already in the actual process of 30-3000 Very High VHF 10-1 m
chosen by the action official modulated to vary installation MHz frequency
the carrier wave. An amplitude-modulated signal 10. Checking, Alignment and Installation of
consists of the carrier frequency plus two Equipment 300-3,000 Ultrahigh UHF 1m -10 cm
sidebands resulting from the modulation.
MHz frequency
Frequency modulation produces more than one POLICE RADIO COMMUNICATION
3-30 GHz Superhigh SHF 10-1 cm 1. The officer at a complaint desk position, first Basic Qualifications of a Radio Dispatcher of
frequency determines the need for police action, and Operator
then records the details on a card. 1. Ability to speak clearly and distinctly at all times
30-300GHz Extremely EHF 1 cm-1 mm 2. The card is then routed to dispatch console 2. Ability to reduce rambling and disconnected
high where the operator has control of one or material into concise and accurate messages
more radio channels. 3. Ability to think and act promptly in emergencies
a. In the similar organizations, this usually 4. Ability to analyze the situation accurately and to
accomplished by handling the card from one person take an effective course of action
to another. 5. Thorough understanding of the capacities of the
kHz = 1 kilohertz = 1,000 Hz b. In larger departments it is customary to communication system
MHz = 1 megahertz = 1,000 kHz use a conveyer belt system between the two 6. Adequate understanding of the technical operation
GHz = 1 gigahertz = 1,000 MHz oppositions. of his own system to allow intelligent reporting
A typical radio communication system has 3. The operator at the dispatch console then of equipment failures
two main components, a transmitter and a receiver. establishes radio contact with the patrol 7. Physical and mental ability to work effectively
The transmitter generates electrical oscillations at a unit and relays the detail of the complaint. under all conditions
radio frequency called the carrier frequency. Either 4. The dispatcher also has the duty of encountered
the amplitude or the frequency itself may be the maintaining a record of the status of the 8. Knowledge of the rules and regulations applying to
option on the radio dial for AM or FM stations; the police vehicles under his control. If dispatcher’s responsibilities
information is needed from the records
signals are very different, so both kinds may not be
division or from come computer source, the Voice Qualities of Effective Radio Dispatcher –
received simultaneously. operator must then phone this information. The three characteristics of a person’s voice are:
1. Loudness or volume – depends on the size of the
RADIO RECEIVER – The essential components of a human voice box
radio receiver are: THE POLICE RADIO DISPATCHES 2. Pitch or voice frequency – the level of the voice
1. An antenna for receiving the electromagnetic which depends on the number of cycles per
waves and converting them into electrical Radio dispatcher is the personnel in a police second emitted by the speaker (high pitched is not
oscillations; communication center or coordinating center task to pleasant and clear in talking through a mike)
2. Amplifiers for increasing the intensity of these receive and transmit radio messages. Before a 3. Timbre – the quality of a speech sound that comes
oscillations; policeman or a civilian can become a radio from its tone rather than its pitch or volume.
3. Demodulator or detection equipment for dispatcher, he must be trained formally or through an
demodulating; OJT. The dispatcher is also called radio coordinator Voice Requirements of Effective Radio Dispatcher
4. A speaker for converting the impulses into or radio operator 1. Alert – give impression of alertness, being
sound waves audible by the human ear (and Benefits of employing a trained radio dispatcher: enthusiastic and interested in the person calling
in television a picture tube for converting the 1. Easy of understating of radio messages 2. Pleasant – create a pleasant office image with voice
signal into visible light waves); and 2. Elimination of errors with a smile since pleasantness if contagious
5. In most radio receivers, oscillators to 3. Minimum communication time 3. Natural – use simple straightforward
generate radio-frequency was that can be 4. Development of professional attitude in language; avoid repetition of mechanical words or
“mixed” with the incoming waves. sending and receiving messages phrases; avoid technical terms and slang
THE CONVENTIONAL COMMUNICATIONS AND 5. Inter-service cooperation 4. Distinct – speak clearly and distinctly; move the
COMMAND CENTER 6. Conservation of equipment lips, tongue and jaw freely; talk directly to the
Most police communication centers operate telephone
in a two-stage manual process. The following is the
SOP when a call is made to the police department.
5. Expressive – a well modulated voice 10. Performs other tasks assigned by the COP originator that his message has been
carries best over the mike; use normal or by his immediate superior received and is understood.
tone of voice; not too loud nor too soft;
vary the tones to bring out the meaning of POLICE RADIO (AND TELEPHONE) LANGUAGE
sentences and add color and vitality to The following are key terms that help you understand RADIO PHONETIC ALPHABETS
what you say. and observe proper radio and telephone procedures:
Duties and Responsibilities of Radio message) sent by one police unit and ENFORCEMENT
Dispatcher – While on duty, the police intended for reception by another police AGENCIES
dispatcher must strictly observe the unit.
following: 2. ANSWER or FEEDBACK: A transmission
1. Sign in the log book made by a station called in response to the B BRAVO BOY
2. Check the working condition of the call received.
communication equipment 3. CALL SIGN: A call sign is a word, or a C CHARLIE CHARLES
3. Check all transmitted and received combination of words, intended for
messages to and from coordinating transmission by voice means, and it D DELTA DAVID
agencies in order to know and to be identifies the command, unit, or authority of
aware of what has happened during the the radio station. E ECHO EDWARD
past few hours. 4. NET CALL SIGN: The collective call sign that
4. Keep records and logs individually, represents all the radio stations operating
including all messages received and/or together on a particular radio net G GOLF GEORGE
transmitted to and from the (ROTACOM, DELTACOM, etc).
communication center or from within his 5. NET CONTROL STATION: A radio station H HOTEL HENRY
own communication system. appointed by higher authority to direct and
5. Keep abreast and stay alert to all incidents control the operation and flow of all traffic I INDIA IDA
happening with the communication handled on the radio net.
network 6. PROWORD: A pronounceable word or J JULIET JOHN
6. Handles radio traffic (messages) at all phrase that has been assigned a meaning to
times with meticulous care and accuracy speed up message handling on radio nets K KILO KING
7. Maintains log entries accurately and neatly that use radio and telephone.
on records of events, and maintains 7. ABBREVIATED PLAINEDRESS MESSAGE: A
neatness of his equipment and radio message that has certain elements of the M MIKE MAMA
room. message heading omitted for speed of
8. Coordinate with other communication handling. Anyone or all of the following N NOVEMBER NORA
agencies, offices and branches both of may be omitted: precedence, date, date-
local and national government in time of time group, and group count. O OSCAR OCEAN
emergencies such as serious 8. RECEIPT: A communication sent by receiving
disturbances, riots and national operator indicating that the message or P PAPA PAUL
calamities. other transmission has been satisfactorily
9. Coordinate with the fire department received.
requesting for immediate assistance in 9. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: A separate message R ROMEO ROBERT
the event of conflagration originated by the addressee to inform the
S SIERRA SAM A. Accuracy – it is the correctness and 10-5 Relay message
truthfulness of what is being 10-6 Busy/QRL
T TANGO TOM communicated. Inaccuracy oftentimes 10-7 Stop transmitting/QRT
causes miscommunication. The major 10-8 Monitor/Qrx
U UNIFROM UNION cause of inaccuracy is haste and 10-9 Repeat/One more time
impatience. The old saying that “haste 10-10 Over and out
makes waste” certainly applies to police 10-11 Inquire
communications. 10-12 Stand by
B. Brevity – This means using few words. 10-13 Road & weather condition
X XRAY XRAY Due to the expanding volume of radio 10-14 To pick up
traffic, it is essential that there be no 10-15 Answer/reply
Y YANKEE YOUNG necessary or repetitious words in the 10-16 Problem]
transmission. 10-17 Request/Please/Kindly
Z ZULU ZERO C. Courtesy – Courtesy refers to politeness 10-18 Record/Log
of the words being used in 10-19 Come back/Go back
WALKIE-TALKIES communication. As the old adage points 10-20 Location/QTH
The slang term for the two-way radio systems out, “Courtesy begets courtesy.” 10-21 Call by the telephone
developed by Motorola in the 1930’s designed for “Anger begets anger.” The practice of 10-22 Disregard/Cancel
home and police radios. Today, it is known as two- courtesy is actually a practice of good 10-23 Arrived at scene
way hand held radio (HHR) or radio transceiver. human relations. In radio 10-24 Follow-up/Make a report
Features and advantages of walkie-talkies: communication, courtesy can be shown: 10-25 Meeting/Eyeball
1. Portable and easy to operate; 1. by saying thank you (but this may 10-26 Subject/Victim/Casual ty
2. The foot patrolman can both send and take valuable air time); 10-27 Change frequency/Driver’s
receive messages quite easily; and 2. in the tone of the voice; License
3. Enables patrol officers to call for 3. by avoiding humorous comments 10-28 Plate No. of vehicle
immediate assistance. over the air when somebody “goofs up” 10-29 Verify/Observe/Check record
or 10-30 Water supply/H2O
TECHNIQUES IN RADIO COMMUNICATION 4. by avoiding “jamming up” when 10-31 Approval/Result
Though radio communication is not complex, police officers are on the air. 10-32 Armed/Man with gun
there are still problems that are usually encountered 10-33 Emergency/Urgent
by police operatives. One problem is the massive use Clarity, the Second “C” 10-34 Crime in progress/Riot
of the airwave by both police and civilian “C” in radio communications also stands for 10-35 Red alert
communication groups. To reduce or eliminates “Clarity” which is often mentioned in report writing 10-36 Correct time/QRT
these problems, basically, police operatives should and note taking but it is also an essential in police 10-37 Eat food/Reload/Fill fuel
be familiar with proper use of the equipment, and to communications. 10-38 Local police/Military
adhere to the basic rules of radio procedure. 10-39 Hurry up/Use light- siren
TENCODES 10-40 Roving/Silent monitoring/QRU
One of the best ways to insure the proper use 10-0 Caution/Safe tracking 10-41 Operatives/Members
of air time is to follow the ABC’s of radio 10-1 Hard copy 10-42 Disengage/Cancel
transmission stated by Payton 10-2 Clear copy 10-43 Information
10-3 Slow down 10-44 Regards
THE ABC’S OF RADIO TRANSMISSION 10-4 Roger/Positive/QSL 10-45 Vehicle/Mobile
10-46 Assist motorist 10-87 Female/YL 10-128 Operator
10-47 Crew needed 10-88 Limaline No. 10-129 Son/Daughter
10-48 Excavation/Road repairs 10-89 Person found 10-130 Secretary
10-49 Traffic situation 10-90 Robbery/Theft 10-131 Extension
10-50 State complete details 10-91 Unnecessary use of radio 10-132 Driver
10-51 Wrecker needed 10-92 Anti-narcotics case 10-133 Wife/XYL
10-52 Ambulance needed 10-93 Address 10-134 National Officer
10-53 Heavy traffic/Road block 10-94 Drug racing 10-135 Regional officer/Group
10-54 Investigation needed 10-95 Operation 10-136 NTC
10-55 Electric power 10-96 Visitor/Jammer/QR 10-137 NBI clearance
10-56 Intoxicated person/Alcoholic 10-97 Radio check/QSA 10-138 Police clearance
behavior 10-98 Call sign/QRA 10-139 Necessary papers
10-57 Hit and run 10-99 Home/House 10-140 I.D.
10-58 To direct road traffic 10-100 Office 10-141 Organization base
10-59 Convey/Companion 10-101 Statement of account 10-142 Thank you/TNX
10-60 Hospital 10-102 Treasurer/Collection 10-143 I love you/QLY
10-61 Doctors/Medical Team 10-103 Money 10-144 Welcome
10-62 Medicines 10-104 Change
10-63 Assignments completed frequency/QSY Clarity can best obtained through two main areas:
10-64 Message 10-105 Reactivated/Mechanic 1. Semantics – What is semantics? Webster
10-65 Assignment tasks 10-106 Modulation lists it as: “significant meaning, the science
10-66 Necessary/Needed 10-107 Antenna of meanings as contrasted with phonetics,
10-67 Male/YM 10-108 Radio license the science of sounds.”
10-68 Deliver/Dispatch 10-109 Uniform/Attire Proper semantics would be the
10-69 Received message 10-110 Equipment transference of thoughts or ideas between
10-70 Fire alarm 10-111 Radio (portable) people through communication without a
10-71 Nature of fire 10-112 Base radio loss or perversion of the original meaning
10-72 Demo/Rally 10-113 Booster and intent.
10-73 Fire trucks 10-114 Power supply a. Two ways to improve semantics.
10-74 Negative 10-115 Battery pack Learn through experience what the
10-75 Permission 10-116 Repeater/Phone patch most common errors are. If an
10-76 Proceed to 10-117 Computer officer tries to communicate with
10-77 Time of arrival 10-118 Rotator someone and finds that he is
10-78 Assistance needed 10-119 Coax cable misunderstood or has trouble
10-79 Dead person 10-120 Gun shot/Stab wound getting the idea over to him, he can
10-80 Kidnapping case 10-121 Heart attack give the problem some thought
10-81 Carnapping case 10-122 CVA (stroke) with the intent of finding a better
10-82 Reservation prepare 10-123 Fracture way of expressing it next time. He
10-83 Vehicle found 10-124 OB emergency can talk to others and find out how
10-84 Estimated time of departure 10-125 Hypertension they would express this thought, or
10-85 Will be late 10-126 IN patient just listen to others when they try to
10-86 Missing person 10-127 OUT patient
communicate in the same or similar c. Similar Sounding words and 5. Pronounce the words slowly and distinctly.
situations. letters – There are many words in – The normal speaking rate is between 40 and
b. Think before Talking – An officer English language that have similar 60 words per minute.
should always put his mind in gear sound. 6. Proper use of the microphone. Keep the
before releasing the clutch of his microphone about 2-3 inches away from the
tongue. Too many officers grab for Phonetics May be Improved Through the mouth in order to maintain a proper
the mike, press the transmitter Following: modulation level, and speak across the face
button then think of what they want 1. Not speaking too fast or slovenly (carelessly). of the microphone.
to say. This is quite easy to do when Talk with the mouth open. Mouth the words. 7. Keep your voice as emotionless as
they think of what they want to say. 2. Use the phonetic alphabet when the word is possible. This is because the monotone voice
This is quite easy to do when the likely to cause trouble. Unusual surnames should has the greatest intelligibility.
situation involves an urgent matter. be spelled phonetically. 8. Be impersonal. A police radio station is not
The important thing to remember is 3. Use Similes (description). This can be done by licensed for person-to-person
that the message be received and saying that something is like something else. The communication, so personal names should
UNDERSTOOD, or the time made name WOOD could be pronounced “WOOD as in not be used. Refer to the person being called
precious by the emergency would by his radio call number or car number.
FIREWOOD”. Associations can also be used, e.g.
be wasted. 9. Use the Standard Phonetic Alphabet. Since
2. Phonetics – Phonetics is the “science of “GREEN like GRASS”. “A” as in “apple”, “B” as in numbers are often confused when spoken
sounds” – the understanding of a “boy”, etc. over the radio, use the Standard Phonetic
communication through the proper sounding Alphabet for Numerals developed by the Bell
of words. There are three main areas of OTHER AIDS TO BETTER COMMUNICATION Telephone Company. Always use “zero”
phonetics that hinder good police In addition, Payton recommends the instead of “oh” for the number “0”
communications. following for better radio (two-way transceiver) 1 – Wun 4 – Fo-wer 7 –
a. Radio interference and distortion communications: Sev – ven 0 – Zero (never oh)
–This can be corrected to some 1. Don’t assume anything – Matters are not all 2 – too 5 – Fie-yiv 8 – ate
extent by the proper adjusting of of a serious nature. Make sure that it is plainly 3 – Thuh-ree 6 – siks 9 – Nie-yen
the “Squelch” control. Changing stated, and all the important facts are
position and having the message included. POLICE PLANNING
relayed by other units can also 2. Don’t make extra long transmissions. DEFINITION OF TERMS
help. Taking breathing spells may allow someone
b. Poor Pronunciation – An officer cut in (break in) in case of emergency. It will PLAN- an organized schedule of sequence by
should not transmit over the air if he be easier on the person who is copying methodical activities intended to attain a goal and
has gum in his mouth or is eating (receiving the message). objectives for the accomplishment of mission and
his lunch. If it is an emergency, he 3. Don’t hang your hat on the mike. Sometimes objectives. It is a document containing the means and
must spit them out for the sake the weight of the hat will depress the mike ways of attaining a goal or objectives.
clarity. He should face the mike at button, and two things can result: GOAL- a general statement of intention and typically
all times, and talk about two inches Interference with other message with time horizon of a year or more.
from the mike. If he is speeding transmissions; and everything the officers
with the siren going, he may cut out says to his partner will be broadcast. PLANNING
the noise by placing the mike on 4. Don’t shout into the mike. If the voice - It is the process of determining the problem
the side of his throat and then transmissions are weak, turn up the volume. of the organization and coming up with the
transmitting his message.
proposed resolutions and finishing the best POLICY- a products of prudence or wisdom in the 2. Intermediate or medium range planning
solution. management of human affairs. a. relates to plan that determines quantity and
- Planning is the conceptual idea of doing GUIDELINESS- a rule of action for the rank and file quality of efforts and accomplishment. Its
something to attain a goal or objective. to show them how they are expected to obtain the application has a medium duration.
- It is also the process of combining all aspects said effects. b. It refers to the determining the contributions
of the department for the realistic anticipation POLICE VISION- a statement on how the on efforts that submits to make or provide
of future problem and the analysis of the organization will look like in the future. It is a picture with allocated resources.
strategy and its details. of what an organization wants to be. 3. Operational short range planning
- It is an act determining policies and a. refers to the productions of plants, which
guidelines for police activities, operations OBJECTIVES OF POLICE PLANING determines the schedule of special activity
and providing controls for such activities in 1. To increase the chances of success by and our applicable from one week to less
the department. focusing on the results and not on than a year duration.
- The used of rational design or pattern for all objectives. b. It refers to the process of determining how
departmental undertaking rather than relying 2. To force analytical thinking in the specific task can be best accomplished on
on chance. evaluation of alternatives for better time with available allocated resources.
- It is an attempt by the administration to locate 3. To established a frame work for
anticipated resources to met anticipated decision making consistent with the CHARACTERSTCS OF GOOD PLANS
service demands. goal of the organization. 1. goals and objectives are clearly defined
- The systematic and orderly determination of 4. To orient people to action instead of 2. It is written with single simplicity; directness
facts and events as basis for policy reaction. and clarity.
formulation and decisions affecting law 5. To modify the day today operation, 3. It is flexible
enforcement management. management to further focused 4. the plant is possibly attainable
- It may refer to the attempt of the police operation/management. 5. It provides standards of operation
administrators to allocate anticipated 6. To help or avoid crisis and provide 6. It emphasized on the economy in terms of
resources to meet the potential demands of decision making flexibility reasons needed for implementation
law enforcement. 7. To provide basic for measuring 7. It anticipates effect for future operation.
POLICE OPERTIONAL PLANNING- it is the original accomplishment or
process of formulating coordinated sequence of individual performance. FACTOR AFFECTING PLANNING
methodical activities and allocation of resources to 8. To increase employees/personnel 1.Condition-Political atmosphere
line unit in order that it can attain mandated involvement and improve - Public opinion
objectives or mission. communication. - ideological aspiration
OBJECTIVE- a specific commitment to achieve a -peace and order
measurable result with in specific period of time. CLASSIFICATION OF PLANNING/LEVEL OR - national community and ethics
STRATEGY- it is design, method plan to attain a HIERACHY OF PLANNING - behavior and discipline
stated goal or objectives. 1. Strategic or long range planning 2. Time
TACTICS- it is a specific design, method or course of a. it relates to plans which are strategic or long - Time available to establish a plan before putting
action to attain a particular objective in consonance range in application it determines the it into effort
with strategy. original goals and strategy. - time when the plans effect
PROCEDURE- a sequence of activity to reach b. It refers to the process of determining how to - time interval that must be provide in plans
appoint or to attain what is desired. pursue the organization long-term goal with - time allotted for revising or modifying a plan
the resources expected to be available. 3. Resources
4. Skills and attitude of operators or the A.POLICY OR PROCEDURAL PLANS-SOP B. TACTICAL PLANS- These are the
managers shall be plan to guide members and routine procedures in coping with specific and political environment and fields operation in some special situation of known location included this
6. Physical facilities
operation in accordance with the following category are plans for dealing with an
7. Collection and analysis of data
procedures; attack against buildings with alarm
Advantage in planning system and an attack against the PNP
a. competition 1. Field procedures-procedures headquarters by lawless elements. Plans
b. relief from pressure intented to be use in all situation of all
shall like wise be made for blocked and
c. coordination kinds should be outlined as guide to
officers and men in the fields. jail emergencies, community activities
Procedures that relate to reporting, such as parade, religious assembly,
Responsibility in planning- Broad policy planning
dispatching, raids arrest, toping contest and the like.
shall be the responsibility by the PNP director
general. The commander at each level of command, suspicious person, receiving
complaint. Touring beat,and the C. OPERATIONAL; PLANS- This are
however, shall be responsible for establishing
internal operation policies to achieve the objective investigation of crimes and so plan for the operations of special division
and mission of the national police in his particular on.Examples; the use of physical like the patrol, traffic, vice control,
units. This requires a clear definition of work to be force and clubs restraining device, juvenile control, investigation divisions.
done which is to do it and how it will be done. He fire tear gas, night stick and the like
Operational plans shall be prepared
shall responsible for; in dealing with group of individuals.
2. Headquarters procedure- to be accomplish each and every primary
a. P-lanning police task. Example; patrol activities
b. O-rganizing included in this procedure are the
duties of the dispatchers, jailer, patrol should be planned, the force must be
c. S-taffing
d. D-irecting and other personnel concern, which distributed among the shift and
e. CO-ordinating and controlling maybe reflected in the duty manual. territoriality among bits, and proportion
f. R-eporting Procedures that involved coordinated to the need of the service. Special details
g. B-udgetting action on the activity of the several
must plan to meet an expected needs and
For the aforementioned unit within the officers; However, shall be
established separately as in case of so on. Likewise in crime prevention
existing policies and available resources. For program, traffic, juvenile and vice control
using telephone for local/ long
maximum effectiveness, he shall be distance calls, the radio teletype and campaign must be planned and
responsible for the technical operation of the other similar devices. assignments made to assure the
unit and the management of its personnel. 3. Special Operating Procedures- it accomplishments of the police purpose in
includes the operation of the special
meeting both average and irregular
TYPES OF PLAN units charged with the searching and
preserving of physical evidence in needs. Plans for operations of special
To properly achieve the administrative the crime scene and accident scene divisions consist of two types namely;
planning responsibility within the unit, the the control of licenses, dissemination
of information about wanted persons, 1. Those designated to met every day,
commander shall develop units’ plan relating
inspection of the PNP headquarters year around needs, which are regular
to: (a) Policies or procedures (b)Tactics (c)
and the like. operating program of the divisions and;
operations (d) extra office activities (e)
management PTOEM.
2. Those designed to meet unusual need; public concern in its affair. Plan shall be 5. Organization- A basic organization
the result of intermittent an expected made organize the community to assist in plan of command shall be made and
variation in activity that depend their the accomplishment of objectives in field posted for the guidance of the force. For
attention. of traffic control, organized crimes and the organization to be meaningful, it shall
juvenile crimes. be accompanied by a duty manual,
Types of operational plans: which shall define relationship between
E. MANAGEMENT PLAN- management the component units in terms of specific
1. Regular operating programs- The plan should map out in advance all
operating division or units shall have responsibilities. The duty manual should
operations involved in the organization, incorporate rules and regulations.
specific plans to meet current needs.
The manpower should be distributed management of personnel and material
throughout the hour of operation and in the procurement and disbursement of STEPS IN PLANNING
throughout the area of the money such as the following;
jurisdiction in proportion to needs. a. Frame of reference- This shall be
Assignment scheduled should be 1. Budget planning- Present the money based in a careful; view of the matter
prepared that integrates such factors needs for personnel, equipment and relating to the situation for which
as relief day, lunch period and hour plans are being developed. Opinions
capital investments must be estimated
nature and location of regular works. or an idea of person who may speaks
and plans for supporting budgets with authority on the subjects and
Plan shall also assure suitable
request that must be made if needed view of the police commander other
supervision, which become difficult
when regular assignment is appropriation are obtained. government officials and other
interrupted to deal with those short professional shall be considered.
time periodic needs. 2. Accounting procedures- shall be b. Clarifying the problems- this calls to
2. Meeting unusual needs- the established an expenditure report shall the identification of the problems,
unusual needs may arise from any be provided to assist in making understanding both records and its
field of police activity and is nearly administrative decisions and in holding possible solutions. A situation must
always not in detective, vice and exist for which something must be
expenditures within the appropriations
juvenile divisions by temporary re- done.
adjustment of regular assignments. c. Collection of all pertinent facts-
3.Specification of the purchasing
For example; sudden upsurge of attempt should be made to develop a
procedures- shall be drawn in supplies plan and all facts relating to it have
robberies may result in case loads
and purchasing procedures shall been gathered. In the series of
beyond the capacity of the detective
assigned, Some of this case may be likewise to establish to ensure the robberies, on cases in file shall be
assigned to other detectives with less checking of deliveries against carefully reviewed the modus
workload. specifications of orders. operandi of suspect, types of victims
D. EXTRA OFFICE PLANS- The active such as other information as may
interest and participation of individual 4. Personnel- Procedures shall establish necessary.
to assure the carrying out of personnel d. Developing alternative plans- in the
citizen is so vital to the success of the
initial phases of plan development
PNP programs that the international program and allocation of personnel
several alternatives measure shall
police shall continuously seeks to among the components organizations appear to be in logical orders.
motivate, promote and maintain an active unit in proportion to needs.
e. Analyzing the facts- after all data mission and strategic action plan of the attainment of 5. Doctrine of transparency
have been gathered a careful analysis the national objective. 6. Doctrine of poisonous tree
and evaluation shall be made. Only
such as facts as may have relevance 2. Operational doctrine- These are the principles
shall be considered. and rules governing the planning, organization, CIVILIANIZATION
f. Selecting the most appropriate 1. Legal mandate;
direction and employment of the PNP forces in the
alternatives- A careful consideration a. Sec. VI art. XVI of the Philippine
of all facts usually leads to the accomplishment of basic security operational mission constitution. The state shall establish a
selection of the best alternative in the maintenance of peace and order, crime single police force, which is national in scope
proposal. prevention and suppression, internal security and and civilian in character.
g. Selling the plan- A plan to be public safety operations. b. Sec. 2 par. 2 of R.A 6975- the police shall be
effectively carried out should be organized trained and equipped primarily for
done by a concerned person at the 3. Functional doctrine- this provides guidelines for the performance of police functions. It is
appropriate level of the plan the specialized activities of the PNP in the broad field national in scope and civilian in character
development. of interest such as personnel intelligence, operations, shall be paramount, no element of the police
h. Evaluating the effectiveness of the shall be military nor shall active members of
logistics, planning, etc.
plan- the result of the plan should be the AFP thereof occupying any position.
determined. This is necessary in c. Sec. 72 R.A. 8551- transitory provision on
b. Secondary doctrine
order to know whether the plan was civilianization shall be effected within three
correct, which phase was poorly years after the affectivity of the said activity.
1. Complimentary doctrine- Doctrine formulated
implemented and whether additional 2. Civil- observing social properties, decently,
planning maybe necessary. Also the jointly by two or more bureau in order to affects a polite not rude of or pertaining to civil or
effect of the executed plan on other certain operation with regards to the public safety every day life. Distinguished from
operations and on total police and peace and order. This essentially involves the ecclesiastical, naval, military. It is pertaining
operations shall be determined. participation of the other bureaus such as; BJMP, BFP, to citizens or to the state or the relation
PPSC, NBI and other law enforcement agencies. between citizens as regulated by law.
PNP Doctrine- it is the authoritative statement of 3. Civilian- One who follows the pursuit of civil
principles prescribing the proper acquisition used 2. Ethical doctrine- It defines the fundamental life.
and employment of PNP human materials resources principle governing the rules of conduct, attitude, 4. Military- pertaining to armed or to welfare,
martial or warlike. Do or carried on by force
to achieved planned objective. This is largely based behavior and ethical norm in the PNP.
or arms by a body of armed men or soldier.
on knowledge gained through time- honored police 5. Militarism- A system emphasizing and
experienced, studies, analysis and test. Basis of police doctrine- Police doctrines are
aggrandizing the military spirit and the need
principally based on the vision and the mission of for constant preparation of war.
CATEGORIES OF POLICE DOCTRINE police organization 6. Police- Body of civil officers, especially in a
city. Organized under the authority to
a. Primary doctrine Samples of Doctrines: maintain order or enforce the law. The whole
system of the internal regulation of the state
1. Fundamental doctrine- It is the basic principle in 1. Doctrine of command responsibility or the local Government of a city or town
planning, Organization management of the PNP in 2. Doctrine of maximum tolerance maintains and enforces the law and orders,
support of the overall pursuits of the PNP vision, 3. Doctrine of chain of command prevent, detects or deals with crime.
4. Doctrine of public accountability

IV. POLICE OPERATIONS AND TACTICS b. Agitations and opportunist have taken their 4. Superiority of arms
1. General emergency plan- a set of procedures to positions to get results 5. Simplicity of plans and operations
meet varying degree of emergency while at the same c. Cohesion of the units is complete
time providing continuous police coverage of areas Qualifications of raiding teams;
not affected by the emergency. 1. Leadership
2. Specific emergency plan- A subtype of plan to 2. Tactfulness
meet unusual needs which is similar to GEP but it is Stage 3 3. A good judgment-discretion
basically designed to an specific situation. a. Mob is created where rationally is lost and all 4. Coolness and stability
3. Insurgency- A condition resulting from a revolt or members are just waiting about the vent that 5. Steady nerve and mental stability
insurrection against a constituted authority or will take place 6. Experience
government which falls short or into civil war. b. Situation maybe on the full control of the 7. Discipline
4. Crowd- a large number of people gathered or leaders
collected together who think and act as one. Composition of a raiding team;
5. Mob- A crowd whose members, under the Types of crowd; 1. The raid commander
stimulus of excitement or agitation, lost their sense of 1. Casual crowd- Who happened to be present 2. The assistant raid commander
reasons and respect for law and commit or are ready on a certain place but not organizes. 3. Covering or surrounding party
to commit lawless acts. 2. Cohesive crowd- they are assembled for 4. Going in detail or surrounding party
6. Riot- A tumultuous or violent disturbance of peace some specific purpose 5. In charged of rendering in operative the
by an unlawful assembly of persons, with intent to 3. Expressive crowd- expressing themselves, subjects vehicle, if any
help one another in the execution of some private held together for some common purposes, 6. In charge of raiding vehicle
enterprise to the terror of the public. held same attitude. 7. The recorder who should keep an accurate
7. Subversion- action designed to undermine the 4. Aggressive crowd- has also strong record of the rigid gathered evidence, make
military, economic, psychological, moral or political leadership, doing aggressive action. inventory and shall testify in court
strength of a regime 8. The photographer
8. Rally- a group which belongs from the members Raid- it is a small scale attack focused on surprised
of crowd or mob who are fighting for their own belief invasion of building and area primarily for the Elements of Raid;
and ideology. purpose of obtaining evidence in “Inflagrante 1. Mission
9. Demonstration- A condition/ assemblance of delicto”. 2. Reconnaissance- preliminary survey of
person’s exhibition sympathy with against a cause, enemy held area
social condition or movement. There is an organized Three objectives of raids; 3. Plan
leadership and observing discipline or they are non- 1. Effects or make the arrest 4. Instruction- orientation, briefing, debriefing
violent. 2. To obtain evidence of illegal activities by 5. Orders
surprising the offenders in “Inflagrante 6. Execution
Psychological influences on how the crowd delicto”
emerged or exist 3. To recover stolen properties Don’ts in the conduct of raid;
Stage 1. 1. Don’t take unnecessary chances
a. Milling and consultation Factors affecting the success or effectiveness of a 2. Don’t under estimate the ability or courage of
b. Situation is converted into one in there is a raid; criminal elements
problem and no answer. 1. Size of a raiding team- 7 to 12 is an ideal 3. Don’t raid when not properly prepared
Stage 2 number 4. Don’t endanger the life of the bystander
a. crowd members lost their individuality and 2. The speed and quickness 5. Don’t use raiders not well acquainted with
new functions as a single unit 3. Elements of surprise one another
6. Don’t forget gas mask when employing tear established a plot-pattern which is still of
gas or any chemical agent Police principle periodic relief to motion picture produces.
7. Don’t unnecessary rough with the subject 1. Show of force 3. DELILAH-she was an impromptu intelligence
8. Don’t shot to kill unless very important/ 2. Employment of formation agent of the Philistines. She allowed Philistine
imperative 3. Seizure of mob leader spies to hide in her house (Judges 16:9) and
9. Don’t touch the evidence unless seen by 4. Non- lethal weapon used her feminity to gain intelligence from a
witness or owner of the premise 5. Fire power, if absolutely necessary powerful enemy.
6. Training 4. SUN TZU-the East was ahead of the West in
VIP Security- types of security given to a higher the raft of intelligence in 400 B.C., rejecting
person of the state. The people authorize to be given POLICE INTELLIGENCE AND SECRET SERVICE the oracles and the sees. He takes a more
special protection. practical view. According to him, what is
INTRODUCTION called foreknowledge cannot be elicited from
Objectives of protection extended to VIP’s A Chinese philosopher, SUN TZU, once said, spirits, or from gods, or from analogy with
1. Avoid VIP from embarrassment “THE ART OF WAR” past events nor from calculations. He wrote,
2. Piracy of principal must be protected “If you know your enemy and know yourself, you “It must be obtained from men who knew
3. Protective measures is not an interference need not fear the results of hundred battles. If you the enemy situation.”
but defensive. know yourself but not the enemy, for every
victory, you will suffer defeat. If you know neither OTHER GREAT MEN WHO USED INTELLIGENCE
Rules on VIP Security yourself nor the enemy, you are fool who will IN HISTORY
1. Anticipate- to recognize what is possible meet defeat in every battle.” 1. ALEXANDER THE GREAT-while
threat and anticipate that there is always This old saying or principle is true in the marching in Asia, he investigated all the
danger Military or Police Intelligence. This has a standing letters and the detection of the
2. To recognize- to observe that the danger and valid statement, the validity of which does not malcontents whether the legitimate
already exist change through the passing of time. The need of cause were exposed. Hints and rumors
3. To neutralize- to control or to prevent the intelligence is always important and apparent as the of disaffection growing among his allies
danger study of history continues. and mercenaries. He sought the truth
4. To investigate- investigate the existence of a and got it by simplest expedient. He
threat and the overt acts of a people I. HISTORY OF INTELLIGENCE devised the first “letter sorting” and
1. MOSES- one of the first recorded formalized opening to obtain information.
Principles of VIP security intelligence efforts, with format can be found 2. SERTORIUS, QUINTUS-the Roman
1. Sound off- means using signals, passwords, in the Holy Bible (Numbers 13:17). The general in Spain and possessor of the
alertness scriptures also named the 12 intelligence white fawn that tried to follow Polyaenus,
2. To cover principal agents that all those men were from the tribes everywhere. The fawn was used as
3. Evacuate principal of Israel and Moses sent them to spy out the intelligence agent. His intelligence
4. To neutralize threat land of Canaan, and said unto them (Numbers agents credited their information to the
13:17-20). supernatural power of animals.
Riot control (Civic disturbance control) 2. RAHAB-the harlot of Jericho (Joshua 2:1-21) 3. AKBAR-The “Great Mogul” and
who sheltered and concealed the agents of sagacious master of Hindustan who
Military principle; Israel, she made a covenant with the agents employed more than four thousand
1. Training and duper their pursuers. She was not only an agents for the sole purpose of bringing
2. Organization impromptu confederate of immense value for him the truth that his throne might rest
3. Tactical deployment the Jewish leader of far distant day, it also upon him.
4. GENGHIS KHAN-he used intelligence personnel to appear definitely in a emperor and to obtain information as
to conquer China and invade Cathy. He military organization. desired.
instructed his generals to send spies and 8. KARL SCHULMEISTER-Napoleon’s b. Topographic Bureau-maintained a
used prisoners as sources of information. military secret service and Napoleon’s large map which covers the latest
The leader of the so-called Mongol eyes. He began his career in offensive information regarding both enemy
conquerors and used effective espionage. Under a cover role, he was and friendly forces.
propaganda by spreading rumors of able to infiltrate the Austrian General 14. WILHELM STIEBER-he incorporated
Mongol terror. Staff and studied the characters of the intelligence in the General Staff Support
5. FREDERICK THE GREAT-the father of Generals. His royal foes selected to System. He contributed to the science of
organized military espionage. He defeat him. Military Censorship and organized
established rules for obtaining and using 9. WASHINGTON, GEORGE-conspirators Military Propaganda. He worked as a
every grade of spy or intelligence and under oath abound in the history of census taker and developed an informal
divided his agents into four classes: every nation. He, as grand master, format in the gathering of data.
a. Common spies-recruited among mobilized the free masons of the 15. ALFRED REDL-one of the most brilliant
poor folk, glad to earn small sum or to colonies at the outbreak of the American intelligence agents, though he was
accommodate a military officer. war of independence. homosexual. Chief of the Austro-
b. Double spies-the low informers and 10. FRANCIS WALSHINGHAM OF Hungarian secret service and at the
unreliable renegades of value chiefly ENGLAND-under Queen Elizabeth, he same time agent of the Russia (convicted
in spreading false information to the organized the first National Intelligence of treason in 1913-he committed
enemy. Service. He employed spies on the staff suicide). His treason led to death of
c. Spies of consequences-couriers and of the Admiral in Command of the 500,000 agents and soldiers combine in
noblemen, staff officers, and kindred Spanish Army and able to obtain his 13 years espionage episode.
conspirators, invariably requiring information regarding Spanish Army as 16. BRAHMA KAUTILYA-in ancient India,
substantial bribe or bait. to their ships, equipment, forces and he overthrow the Nanda Dynasty and
d. Persons who are forced to undertake stores. He protected Queen Elizabeth I established the first Mayuryan King in
espionage against their will. from countless assassins. the Indian throne. He recommended to
6. HANNIBAL-the Carthaginian General 11. RICHELIEU (France)-he introduced the his king that “for the ruler to succeed,
considered as one of the brilliant network of covert collectors who the ruler should strike at his enemy’s
military strategist. He developed an transmitted prompt and accurate weak points by means of spies.”
effective intelligence system for 15 years information to Paris regarding the 17. JOSEPH FOUCHE OF FRANCE- French
in Rome. He roamed around the city activities of the rebels and dissidents of statesman, known as the “Father of
often disguising as beggar to gather the kingdom. Modern Political Espionage. He was
first-hand information. Hannibal’s 12. LOUIS XIV-he systematized political born on May 21, 1759, near Nantes.
invasion of Italy, his brilliant and futile policy, continuous surveillance, postal Trained for the priesthood, he never
raid in history, gained him many censorship and military organization. took orders, instead becoming a
victories and nearly bled Rome to death. 13. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE-believes teacher. He rose to become the most
7. GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR-during his time, that “One spy in the night place is worth feared and respected intelligence
his staff of each legion includes ten 20,000 men in the field.” He also director in French history. Created a
“speculators” who served as organized two bureaus of interest. network of agent and his assistance
information-collecting agency. The a. Bureau of Intelligence-consolidated founded the modern system of spying on
“speculators” were the first intelligence all incoming information regarding spies, which later known as “counter
the enemy for presentation to the espionage.”
18. Gen. Willian Donovan- in June 1942, 6. German Intelligence- gained a high Intelligence was involved in short war
Pres. Roosevelt established the Office of reputation for offensive effectiveness and defensive in nature.
Strategic Services (OSS) with Donovan as in- through Europe but declined at the 3. British Intelligence- its achievement
charge. The OSS was builder of a central outset of the war. was in delay in the use of German V-
intelligence system and considered as 7. British Intelligence- succeeded greatly Bomb. The operation was conducted
forerunner of the CIA. The exploits of the OSS by means of censorship and its Code with the OSS and through penetration
became legendary in WWII. Room combined with skillful use of and technical intelligence; they
19. Edward I, King of England- in 1725, he covert agents. discovered Peenemunde, the V@
organized a systematic police system called 8. US expanded their Naval Intelligence guided missile research project of Nazi
“Watch and Ward” and by Royal wherein Domestic Germany.
Proclamation, the profession “State Informer” Counterintelligence became a 4. US Intelligence- in 1941, the US
was created in 1734 enjoining all informers principal activity. Strategic service was established to
to expose criminal activities and be research and analyze military, political
compensated. and economic information as it affected
20. Joseph Petrosino- he was a member of the security of the country.
the New York Police Department in early
1900 and was the head of the Italian Squad.
Through extensive intelligence network, he is
1. Positive Branch- functions of collecting,
credited to smash the Black Society. D. POST-WAR PERIOD: THE SUPERPOWER
evaluating and disseminating
intelligence. Prepare situation estimate
INTELLIGENCE AND THE WORLD WAR a.Soviet Intelligence system- described as
and translate documents.
omnipotent and omnipresent for its vast intricate
A. World War 1 2. Negative Branch- counterintelligence
organization involving millions of people.
1. 1900- Europe power4s developed functions: investigate disloyalty and
b.Soviet Counterintelligence- “Iron Curtain”- no
modern staff systems and place sedition; investigate graft and fraud in
one may cross the borders of USSR without being
intelligence on the same level with organization.
detected-all communications are rigidly controlled.
personnel, operations and logistics. 3. Geographic Branch- produces maps,
Its contribution to modern intelligence was the
Intelligence then functioned in time of photographs and terrain studies.
dissemination of false information designed to
peace and war. Intelligence during this Sections: Administration, Collection by
mislead and confused opponents and prospective
period, concentrated on information ab attaches and troop codes, and ciphers
out armed forces of the enemy and their
c.GRU-Military Intelligence Organization- it is
concerned with political events and economic
2. Aircraftwas introduced as a tool of
1. German Intelligence- started the war conditions and also collects information for
conducting aerial reconnaissance.
with the world’s best organized intelligence purposes all over the world. It directs
3. Wireless Telegraph was used wherein
intelligence service through advance foreign sabotage and maintains network of agents in
Codes and Ciphers were applied.
preparation of intelligence accompanied military and special agents.
4. Army Intelligence rapidly expanded
by troop movement. d.MGB-Military Intelligence &The Ministry of
during this period.
2. Japanese Intelligence- failed because it State Security-formerly NKGB, was concerned on
5. “Agent Provocateur”- was employed
was not provided with sufficient number political espionage and propaganda abroad and for
by the purpose of internal security and
of trained personnel to assemble and the control of espionage activities of foreign
political repression. Spying was always
evaluate the mass of materials which communist countries.
the specialty of the Russians.
were collected although Japanese
e.KGB-it resumed the former function of the old a foreign power (Russia). She was well-known • intelligence means the collection,
MGB. It is now the official secret police agency of the communist activist. processing, collation,, interpretation,
Soviet Union in charge of the state security 2.Dr. Emil Julius Klaus Fuchs-he was accused of evaluation and dissemination of
(Commission of State Security). releasing American Atomic Secrets to the Soviet in information with reference to national
KomissijaGosudartssyennojBezopasnosti or 1945 and British in 1947. He detailed knowledge of security.
KomitetGosudartsvennoyBezopasnosti. the construction of Atomic Bombs. 4. Dictionary of Military Terminologies
3.Ernst Hilding Anderson-in 1951, a Royal Navy • intelligence is the end product resulting
2.BRITISH INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM provided military secrets to a foreign power and was from the collection, evaluation, analysis,
a.British Military Intel (MID)- it is divided into 20 found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. integration of all available information
different departmenst. which may have immediate or potential
b.MI5-devoted to counterespionage and security. II. NATURE OF INTELLIGENCE FUNCTIONS significance to the development and
c.Special Branch of Scotland Yard-it is charged A. DEFINITON (L- intelligentiappr. of intelligere: execution of plans, policies and
with guarding the Royal family and important British understand) programs.
Officials and visiting foreign dignitaries. 1. General Definition (Webster) • Or intelligence may be defined as the
a. It is the capacity of understanding and for product resulting from the collecting of
3.FRENCH INTELLIGENCE other forms of adaptive intellect of information concerning an actual and
a.SDECE De Documentation Exterieure Et Der behavior, the mind in operation. potential situation and condition relating
Contre Espionage (SDECE-Foreign Intelligence b. Or it refsers to knowledge of an event, to foreign activities to foreign or enemy
and Counterintelligence Service)-this is under the circumstances, etc., received or imparted held areas.
Prime Minister the gathering or distribution of
b.Gen. Charles De Gauelle-he set up the Bureau information; or the staff of persons
Central Renseignements et d’ Action (BCRA Cenral engaged in obtaining such information. B. OBJECTIVE OF INTELLIGENCE
Office for Intelligence and Action) in London in 1940. 2. Microsoft Encarta Dictionary • to ensure rational and timely decision-
It is an expansion of the Service De Reassignments a. Ability to think and learn: the ability to making.
(SR-Intelligence Service) which is a part of the old learn facts and skills and apply them, C. GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF INTELLIGENCE
Renzieme Bureau (Second Bureau) of the French especially when this ability is highly 1. The collection or procurement of information.
General Staff. developed. 2. The evaluation of the information which then
c.SDECE-concerned on Strategic and b. Secret information: information about become intelligence.
Counterintelligence. secret plans or activities, especially those 3. The dissemination of intelligence to those who
d.SureteNationale-part of French Intelligence of foreign governments, the armed need it.
Service forces, business enemies, or criminals.
c. Gathering of secret information: the D. OTHER FUNCTIONS OF INTELLIGENCE
4.GERMAN INTELLIGENCE collection of secret military or political 1. To serve all branches of government.
Red Gestapo-the security service organized by East information. 2. To procure and obtain political, economic,
Germany to combat the covert activities of the West d. People gathering secret information: psychological, sociological, military and other
Germany Group when it was still divided by the an organization that gathers information information, which may bear upon national
Berlin Walls. about the secret plans or activities of an interest and which had been collected by the
adversary or potential adversary and the different governmental departmental and
people involved in gathering such agencies.
D.GREAT BETRAYALS 3. To collect, when necessary, supplemental
1.Judith Coplon-a political analyst of the Department information whether at its own instance or at
3. Government Survey Reorganization
of Justice who was accused of taking unlawful
Commission Task Force
possession of government documents and spying for
the request of any governmental agency and d. Principle of communication- 4. Intelligence- capacity to know what is right or
official from other various sources. intelligence adequate to their needs must what is wrong
4. To integrate, analyze, process and be communicated to all the decision-
disseminate to authorized governmental makers in manner that they will I. PRINCIPAL AREAS OF INTEREST IN
agencies and officials in the form of report or understand and from that will permit its INTELLIGENCE
strategic interpretative studies. most effective use. 1. Military- offensive and defensive tactics, war
e. The principle of usefulness-intelligence plans, strategic concepts and tactical
E. PRINCIPLES OF INTELLIGENCE is useless if it remains in the minds, or in principles, organizations, installations,
1. CRITERIA the files of its collectors or its producers. industrial lease, armed forces, command
a. Universality of application- it should The story must be told and it must be told structure, command personnel, material,
apply to as many phases and aspects of well. tactics, morale etc.
intelligence as possible. f. The principle of flexibility (ability to 2. General- topographical and hydrographic
b. It must be broad- it should truly be a adapt to new situation) - intelligence characteristics, historical backgrounds.
general rule. must have the ability to change or be 3. Diplomatic- foreign policies, alliances,
c. It must be important (indeed essential to changed according to circumstances. diplomatic establishment, foreign service
intelligence)- if a guide is truly important Hence, alternative must be drawn. personnel technique of conducting foreign
and essential, then its violations should g. The principle of selection (fits the relations, etc.
bring its own immediate penalties. needs of the commander) - in 4. Political- ideology, traditions, institutions,
d. They must not be mutually exclusive, intelligence, is should be essential and personalities, area of friction.
instead each should complement the pertinent to the purpose at hand. 5. Economic- financial, commercial, industrial,
other. h. The principle of timeliness- mining and agriculture.
intelligence must be communicated to the 6. Communication and transportation-
decision maker at the appropriate time to telephones, telegraphs, wireless, railways,
2. PRINCIPLES OF INTELLIGENCE permit its most effective use. shipping, automobiles and truck, highways,
a. The principle of Objective (thoroughly i. The principle of security (requires aviation, ownership, policies, organization,
and carefully planned) - in intelligence, constant security measures) - security personnel, etc.
only the well-guided succeed. It is a basic is achieved by the measures which 7. Social- nationality structure, classes and
intelligence concept that there should be intelligence takes to protect and preserve caste, historical factors, census, personal
unity between knowledge and action. the integrity of its activities. aspects, characteristics and mentality of
b. The principle of interdependence- people forces, social legislation, radio
intelligence is artificially subdivided into F. INTELLIGENCE AXIOMS television, press, motion picture, etc.
component elements to insure complete 1. Crucial to national security 8. Intelligence community- method and
coverage, eliminate duplication and to 2. Essential to all operations personnel of completing intelligence system.
reduce the overall task or manageable 3. Responsible to all government operations
size. 4. Intelligence of the government should be prior III. CATEGORIES OF INTELLIGENCE
c. The principle of Continuity- it is to that of the enemy 1. National Intelligence- the total product of
necessary that coverage be continuous so intelligence developed by all governmental
that the shape of what happens today H. FOUR “I’s” OF INTELLIGENCE agencies that cover the broad aspects of
could be studied in the light of what 1. Interest- a feeling of attraction National Security and National Policy.
happened before, which in turn would 2. Integrity- honestly complete 2. Department Intelligence- intelligence used by
enable us to predict the shape of things to 3. Ingenuity- original truth, in accordance of law the various departments for the advancement of
come. each departments/agencies.
3. Military Intelligence- this is used in the 7. Geographical Intelligence- deals with the 2. Perceptive about people- good judge of
preparation of military policies, plans and progress of research and development as it character.
programs. It includes strategic and line affects the economic and military potential of a 3. Flexibility/adaptability- able to work with
intelligence. nation. others, even under difficult conditions.
4. Police intelligence- it refers to evaluated and 8. Scientific Intelligence- deals with the advances in 4. Can distinguish between fact and fiction;
interpreted information concerning organized science and technology and its effects to the between essentials and non-essentials.
crime and other major police problems. affairs of the government. 5. Possess inquisitiveness or an inquiring mind.
5. Technical intelligence- this concerns foreign 6. Have ingenuity- able to improvise, looks for
technical developments, which have a practical 2. LINE Intelligence (Combat/Tactical) - required solutions (resourceful)
military application and the physical by the commander to provide for planning and 7. Observant and alert
characteristics, performance, capabilities, and conduct of tactical operation. 8. Able to express ideas clearly, briefly and
limitations of material and installation used by What are the intelligence information to be interestingly
and for foreign. determined? (PWET) 9. Discipline- susceptibility to operational
A. MILITARY INTELLIGENCE 1. People control; good sense of time
• It refers to evaluated and interpreted 2. Weather 10. Patient and hardworking
information concerning an actual or possible 3. Enemey 11. Good memory
enemy or the operations including weather 12. Integrity
4. Terrain
and terrain, together with the conclusions 13. Objectivity- should not be carried away by
drawn there from. prejudice or bias.
COUNTER Intelligence- covers the activity denoted
Three (3) Broad Fields of Military 14. Discreet-knows when to keep mouth; does
and destroying the effectiveness of hostile foreign
Intelligence not brag about what he knows or important
activities to the operation of information against
1. STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE- it is usually connections.
espionage, and sabotage.
descriptive in nature, accumulation of physical C. INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY
It is also known as negative intelligence it is
description of personalities, modus operandi, etc. It 1. FACTORS IN CREATING INTELLIGENCE UNIT
an activity dedicated to the concealment and
does not have immediate operation value but rather 1. Size of the community
protection of one’s own information from the
long range that may become relevant to future 2. Extent of organized crime in the community
adversaries intelligence operation. It is a defensive
police/military operations. 3. Probable frequency and seriousness of the
function of intelligence.
activity of civil disturbances.
Components of Strategic Intelligence 4. Breaches of integrity on the part of any
1. Attributes Common to Intelligence Directors
1. Political Intelligence member of the force or unit.
1. Exceptional organizing ability
2. Economic Intelligence 2. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE
2. Ability for intelligence work
3. Transportation and Communication Intelligence ORGANIZATION/UNITS-intelligence community
3. Flair for intelligence work
4. Sociological Intelligence- deals with the refers to the agencies or organization of the
4. Prodigious memory
demographic and psychological aspects of government which has intelligence interest and
5. A sense of history
groups of people such (a) population and responsibilities.
6. Broad knowledge of many subjects, to
manpower; (b) characteristics of the people; and D. POLICE INTELLIGENCE
include complex technical matters
(c) Education It is defined as the end product resulting from
7. Insatiable curiosity
5. Biographical Intelligence- deals with the the collections, evaluation, analysis, integration and
8. What might be called “intellectual
individual personalities having actual possession interpretation of all available information regarding
ruthlessness and cold cynicism.”
of power. the activities of criminal and other law violators for
2. Desirable Qualities of an Intelligence Officer
6. Armed Force Intelligence the purpose of affecting their arrest, obtaining of
1. Knowledge ability-intelligence and mental
evidence, and forestalling their plans to commit and indications of subversion and concerning the broad aspect of national
crime. insurgency. security and policy. It is concerned to more
Intelligence has herein referred to means 2. Determine through CI applicants on matters than one department or agency and it is not
Police Intelligence distinguished from military pertaining to personnel security, physical produced by single entity and used to
intelligence. The deviation is more on the approach security and document security of the police coordinate all the activities of the government
rather than principle. The fundamental intelligence organization. in developing and executing integrated and
cycle is still the same, by that used in police or 3. Determine the follow-up leads and helps in national policies and plans.
military intelligence. the solution of individual criminal cases. 4. Counter-Intelligence
Cardinal Principle in Police Intelligence 4. Identify criminal elements and other law 5. Undercover Work
The cardinal principle in police intelligence breakers as well as their associates.
at all levels is the proper, economical and most 5. Check the quality and effectiveness of the Functional Classification of Police Intelligence
productive use of personnel and equipment operation of the police (PNP) forces. 1. Criminal Intelligence- any knowledge
employed and/or utilized in planning the collection 6. Check on the security conditions of PNP essential to the prevention of crimes and
of information and dissemination of intelligence. personnel, funds, equipment and materials. investigation, arrest, and prosecution of
7. Help in crime control prevention. criminal offenders.
Three Major Categories or Types of Police 8. Serve as a tool of management for planning 2. Internal Security Intelligence- any
Intelligence and organizational employment purposes. knowledge essential to the maintenance of
1. STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE- primarily Immediate Areas of Interest in Police Intelligence peace and order.
long-range in nature with little or no 1. Crime prone community relating to vices, 3. Public Safety Intelligence- it refers to any
immediate practical value. juvenile delinquency, crime and indication of knowledge essential to ensure the protection
2. COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE- defending of subversion and insurgency. of lives and properties.
the organization against its criminal enemies. 2. All matters pertaining to personnel security,
(Defensive effort) physical security, and classified documents. E. CONCEPTS IN POLICE INTELLIGENCE
3. LINE INTELLIGENCE- of an immediate 3. Cases under follow-up 1. Information- raw data or unevaluated
nature and necessary for more effective police 4. Personalities directly or indirectly involved in material of every description derived from
planning and operations. (Offensive effort) criminal activities. observation, communication, reports, rumors,
Main Objectives (Police Intel) 5. Personalities, places, events involved in imagination, and other sources from which
1. To detect criminal activities. insurgency and subversion. intelligence is produced; Any knowledge,
2. To discover the identities of person/s who 6. Police operation regarding its effectiveness data, news, opinions, or the like transmitted
frequently visits an establishment and to and quality. from a person to another; and/or any
determine their relationship. 7. Police personnel, its equipment, funds and communicated knowledge by others
3. To discover the habits of a person who lives materials. obtaining by personal study, investigation,
in or frequents in the place. 8. Aspect of crime prevention and control. research, analysis, observation.
4. To obtain evidence of a crime or to prevent 9. Aspect of management for planning and 2. Intelligence information- any information
the commission of a crime. organizational improvement. gathered or received which is of intelligence
5. Basis for search warrant. interest.
6. To apprehend persons in the commission of General Activities in Police Intelligence 3. Knowledge (synonymous to intelligence)
an offense. 1. Strategic Intelligence 1. Information in mind: general awareness
Purposes of Police Intelligence 2. Line Intelligence or possession of information, facts, ideas,
1. Check the condition of the community 3. National Intelligence- the integrated truth, or principles.
relating to crime, vice, juvenile delinquency product of intelligence developed by all the
governmental branches, departments
2. Specific information: clear awareness or 2. He must understand the operations of the a. Executive- intelligence required by the
explicit information, for example, of a command in order to provide the particular executive, governmental and military
situation or fact intelligence requirements. commanders.
3. All that can be known: all the information, 3. He must have thorough knowledge of the b. Contributory- intelligence required to
facts, truth, and principles learned tactics, organizations, and characteristics of complete the staff process: make staff plans
throughout time the enemy. and estimates that contribute to the decision
4. Organization- the intelligence personnel or 4. He must be especially competent in the fields and policy making.
the intelligence unit. of acquisition of operations. c. Operational- additional intelligence required
5. Source- where the information is obtained. 5. He should also have a basic understanding of in planning and carrying out effectively the
This can be from: an informant; a syndicate; the weather elements and their influence decisions and policy require implementation.
an intelligence broker; double agent; and/or upon personnel, material and terrain. d. Collateral- higher or adjacent echelons of the
another police agency that has the needed B. Five Successive Steps Comprising the government or military establishment may
information on file. Collection Planning require information.
1. Determination of the intelligence
F. GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF SOURCES OF requirements Categories of intelligence requirements by type:
INFORMATION 2. Determination of priority, which will be a. Basic- general reference materials for use in
1. Open Sources- The information may be assigned, to these intelligence requirements. the planning regarding the enemies, or
obtained from news files, libraries, 3. Balancing the intelligence requirements with potential enemies, capabilities- static
magazines, books, or non-classified files in available collection agencies to arrive at comprehensive.
certain public or private offices. 99% of the equitable allocation of collection efforts. b. Current- temporary in nature and narrower in
information collected is coming from the 4. Selecting the collecting agency to be scope. Information required to scope with the
open sources. This can be from: Enemy employed and the issuance of collecting current objectives.
activity; POW; Civilians; Captured directives. c. Estimative Intelligence- determines the future
Documents; Map; Weather Forecast; studies, 5. Supervision and inspection to ensure that the courses of action; required in the executives
researches, report etc.; Agencies; Informants collection directives are carried out properly. to plan future military operations and
and informers. C. Mission- the focal point of the intelligence policies.
2. Close Sources- They can be located inside a operation; a particular task given to a person or 2. Determination of the essential elements of
building, safe, or vaults, 1% of all information group to carry out; or one which should be information (EEI)
is from close sources. This can be from: accomplished. EEI is an item of intelligence or information of
Surveillance; Casing; Elicitation; Surreptitious D. Phases of the Intelligence Cycle the characteristics of the area of operations
entry; Employment of technical means Phase 1- Directing Collection Effort- In this phase, and the enemy, which the commander feels
(bugging and tapping); Tactical the Intel Staff Officer or Unit commander determines needed before he can reasonably arrive at a
interrogation; Observation and description. the required or important information relevant to decision
mission. 3. Establishment of priorities ( P.I.R’s)
IV. INTELLIGENCE CYCLE Then these requirements will be distributed to the This is necessary to decide which items of
A. Planning and Supervision different collection agencies by direction or by information are more important- a system of
1. The IO must have thorough knowledge or the request. priority is needed; critical importance and
available sources of information, the 1. Determination of Intelligence requirements. lesser importance; EEI- highest priority
collecting agencies and type of information intelligence requirements; indicates the
the latter can provide. Categories of intelligence requirements in intelligence requirements essential to
relation to use: planning.
Selection of collecting Agencies:
a. List all available sources; exploitation of b. Agent Mixed Redundancy- 3 or more
collecting agencies; agents assessing for the same What to consider in collection planning?
b. Collection will be assigned in accordance with assignment a.Personality- persons involve; suspects, social
capabilities; 4. Collecting Agencies: status, etc.
c. Collection directives prepared once the a. Government agencies/offices- variety b.Organization- group committing the crime:
proper collecting agency has been selected to of information KuratongBaleleng, Pentagon, etc.
exploit a particular source; b. Intelligence units/agencies c.Resources/Equipment- used in committing the
d. Collection directives do not limit the activities c. Organizations crime: fire arm, transportation facilities, etc.
of the collecting agency; and 5. Who is tasked to collect information? d.Activity- modus operandi/crime activities, tim of
e. Criteria for the selection of collecting agency- a. Intelligence officers/agents- regular the attack, victims, places of attack , etc.
suitability; capability, confirmation, timeliness members
and balance. b. Civilian agents- informers and Phase 3 Processing the Collected Information-
Purpose of the collection plan: informants here, the collected information is transformed into
a. To ensure logical and orderly analysis of the c. Assets- establishment or institution intelligence. Processing collected information
intelligence requirements. which assists in providing information. involves three stages, to wit:
b. To establish a workable collection scheme 6. Methods of collection 1.Recording- it is the reduction of information into
based on the analysis of the intelligence a. Overt- open writing or some other form of geographical
requirement. b. Covert- secret representation and the arranging of this information
c. To provide definite and precise directives to 7. Trade crafts or instruments used in the into groups of related items.
collecting agencies. collection 2.Evaluation- the determination of the pertinence of
d. To avoid possibility of omission, conflict, or a. Photography the information to the operation reliability of the
unnecessary duplication of collecting effort. b. Surveillance source of or agency the accuracy of the information;
Phase 2- Collecting the information- In this phase, c. Elicitation or examination of raw information to determine
the collecting agency determines what specific d. Interview/interrogation intelligence value.
information is to be collected, by whom and for e. Personnel security investigation
whom. After the collecting activity is carried out, the f. Sound equipment- tapping and Evaluation to determine:
collected information is then submitted for bugging a.Pertinence (usefulness) -does it hold some value
processing. g. Use of an artist to current operation? Is it needed immediately?
1. Steps in the Collection of Information: h. Surreptitious entry b.Reliability (dependable)- judging the source of
a. Determines collecting agencies i. Communication information
b. Send order or request 8. Collection Planning- The continuous c.Credibility (truth of information)- is it possible
c. Supervise collection efforts process which ultimately coordinate and for the reported fact or event to have taken place? Is
d. Use of tools or techniques in collection integrate the efforts of all collecting the report consistent within itself? Is the report
e. Ensure timely collection agencies/units. confirmed or corroborated by information from
2. Criteria of Collecting Agencies/Units: different sources or agencies? If the report does not
a. Capability Steps Comprising Collection Plan agree with information from other sources, which one
b. Balance/Suitability a. Planning and supervision of collection is more likely to be true?
c. Multiplicity efforts/activity Interpretation- it is establishing the meaning and
3. Two Basic Collection Strategies: b. Determination of intelligence priorities significance of the information. It involves the
a. Resource Integration- one agent c. Selection of collecting Agencies following:
d. Supervision of the collection activities Analysis- the determination of significance of
(a.k.a. direction) information relative to the information and
intelligence already known and drawing deductions agency, unit or command to effect or implement the 4. Processor- basis for evaluation and
about probable meaning of the evaluated mission. interpretation.
information. Dissemination is through-
Integration- is the combination of the elements 1. Annexes- to attachments addition to INTELLIGENCE OPERATION
stated in assessment with other known information or documents It is the result of intelligence planning.
intelligence to form a logical feature or hypothesis for 2. Briefing Planning is always ahead of operation although an
enemy activities or information of the operational 3. Estimate operation can be made without a plan. It is usually
area and characteristics of the mission of the 4. Message due to sudden and inevitable situations but definitely,
command. 5. Reports this is poor intelligence management.
Deduction- the formulation of conclusions from the 6. Situation A. TASKS INVOLVED IN POLICE INTELLIGENCE
theory developed, tested and considered valid; 7. Overlaps OPERATION
determination of effort and meaning of the 8. Summaries 1. Discovery and identification activity.
information. 2. Casing- surveillance/ reconnaissance
Criteria of dissemination: 3. Liaison program
EVALUATION GUIDE 1. Timeliness 4. Informant Management
Reliability of Accuracy of Sources of 2. Propriety- the message must be clear, 5. Clipping Services
Information Information Information concise and complete, as well as in the 6. Debriefing
A- Completely 1- Confirmed T- Direct proper form for the receiver to readily 7. Relevant Miscellaneous Activities
reliable by other observation by understand its contents. It must be 8. Utilization of information for planning and
sources the commander disseminated to the correct user, presented organizational employment purposes
and chief of a unit in a form that leads itself to immediate use B. CYCLES OF INTELLIGENCE
B- Usually 2- Probably U- Reports by and distributed by the most effective means 1. Mission and Target
reliable true penetration agent appropriate to both time and security Infiltration- the insertion of action agent
or resident agent requirements. inside the target organization (penetration
C-Fairly 3- Possibly V- Report by agent)
reliable true PNP/AFP troops Methods of Dissemination: Penetration- recruitment of action agent
involved in 1. Fragmentary orders from top to bottom of the inside the target organization (agent in place)
encounter command. 2. Planning
D-Not usually 4-Doubtfully W- Interrogation 2. Memorandum, circulars, special orders, etc. 3. Spotting
reliable true of capture enemy 3. Operations orders, oral or written. 4. Investigation
agent/foreigner 4. Conference- staff members. 5. Recruitment- the only qualification of the
E-Unreliable 5- Improbable- X- Observation of 5. Other report and intelligence documents. agent is to have an access to the target.
government and 6. Personal contact. 6. Training
civilian employee 7. Briefing
or official Users of intelligence 8. Dispatch
F-Reliability 6-Truth cannot Y- Observation by 1. National leaders and military commanders- 9. Communication- technical: telephone,
cannot be be judged a member of the formulation and implementation of national cell/mobile phone, radio, etc; non- technical:
judged populace policies. personal meeting drops, etc.
Z- Documentary 2. Advisors and staff- preparations of plans and 10. Debriefing
estimates. 11. Payments: buy his life not his job; regulatory
Phase 4- Dissemination and Use- final phase of the 3. Friendly nations or other branches of the and dependability that counts not the amount
cycle. Processed information is disseminated to the armed forces. pay no bonuses; and supplement the agent
income from regular sources enough to ease 9. Serves as a toll of management for planning The essence of procurement is ACCESS,
his financial worries but not enough to cause and organizational improvement. someone or some device has to get close enough to a
him live in style. thing, a place or a person to observe or discover the
12. Disposition- any activity on rerouting, F. OVERT METHODS OF GATHERING desired facts without arousing the attention of those
retraining, retesting and termination INFORMATION who protect them. The information must then be
13. Reporting 1. Interview delivered to the people who want it. It must move
14. Operational testing 2. Interrogation quickly or it may get stale, and it must not get lost or
3. Instrumentation disintegrated in route.
INTELLIGENCE) 5. Investigation
The information of document is produced 6. Debriefing
openly without regards as to whether the subject of K. PROCURING AGENTS
the investigation become knowledgeable of the G. COVERT METHODS OF GATHERING 1. Agent in Place- one who has been recruited
purpose for which it is being gathered. INFORMATION by an intelligence service within a highly
1. Elicitation sensitive target and who is just beginning his
D. COVERT METHOD (Covert Intelligence) 2. Casing- surveillance and reconnaissance career or have been long outsider or insider.
The information is obtained without 3. Observation and description 2. Double Agent- an enemy agent, who has
knowledge of the person against whom the 4. Cover and undercover assignments been captured, turned around and sent back
information or documents may be used, or if the 5. Photography where he came from as an agent of his captor.
methods of procurement are done in an open 6. Personal background investigation (PBI) 3. Expendable agent- an agent through whom
manner. false information is leaked to the enemy.
H. TASK OF PROCUREMENT AND COLLECTON 4. Penetration agent- an agent who infiltrates
E. PURPOSES OF OVERT AND COVERT OF INFORMATION- procurement represents the and reaches the enemy to get information and
INTELLIGENCE: collection of information from overt sources such as: would manage to get back alive.
1. Check the conditions in the community 1. Newspapers 5. Agent of influence- an agent who uses
relating to crime, vice, juvenile delinquency 2. Magazines influence to gain information.
and identification of organized crimes. 3. Radio intercepts 6. Agent provocation
2. Determine through counter intelligence the 4. Public and private libraries
applied matters pertaining to personnel 5. Public & private establishments L. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF DOUBLE CROSS
security, physical security and document 6. General public SYSTEM (DOUBLE AGENT)
security of police organization. 7. Other sources similar in nature 1. To control the enemy system, or as much of it
3. Determine the follow-up leads and help in the as we could get our hands on.
evaluation of individual criminal cases. I.PROCUREMENT- is the aggressive effort to 2. To catch fresh spies when they appear.
4. Identify criminal elements and other acquire certain specific information that may not be 3. To gain knowledge about other personalities
lawbreakers as well as their associates. readily available. To this end, a number of means and method of the enemy’s intelligence
5. Assists in the arrest of wanted criminals. may be used such as: service.
6. Check on the quality and effectiveness of the 1. Classical Intelligence- utilizes human being 4. To obtain information about the codes and
operations of police forces. to gather information. cipher works of the enemy.
7. Check in the security conditions of the police 2. Modern/ Technical Intelligence- employs 5. To get evidence of enemy plans and
forces, funds, equipment and materials. machine and humans such as satellites, intentions from the questions asked from
8. Help in crime control and prevention. electronic gadgets to gather information. them.
6. To influence enemy plans by answers sent to 1. Subject is not aware of the true reasons or specialized quality and you flatter
the enemy. extent of your interest in his information. him/her by showing enough concern for
7. To deceive the enemy about our/your plans 2. You have a little control of the subject. his/her welfare to pay special attention to
and intentions. 3. Elicited information usually consist of isolated his enjoyment.
fragment of information. c. Good Samaritan Approach- sincere and
METHODS USED IN ACQUIRING INFORMATION Phases: valid offers of help and assistance are
(FOREIGN AGENTS) 1. Determination of the mission. made to the subject.
1. Stealing or purchasing information from 2. Selection of the subject. d. Partial Disagreement Approach- seek
employees. 3. Accomplishment of the mission. to produce talking by the word “I’m sure”
2. Getting information from records or other Devices in the conduct of elicitation if I fully agree.
sources. 1. Approach- the process of setting people to 2. Provocative Approach- discover a wide
3. Using various methods of reproducing start talking range of conversational gambits/
documents, equipment, or models. 2. Probe- the process to keep the person Variants:
4. Using “front” as commercial concerns, travel (subject) talking incessantly. a. Teaser Bait Approach- elicitor
agencies, associate business groups, and Purpose of Elicitation accumulates the sources of knowledge
other organizations to obtain confidential 1. To acquire information which is unbelievable about a particular subject.
information or data, which can be valuable to through other channel b. Manhattan from Missouri Approach-
the user. 2. To obtain information which although elicitor adapts an unbelievable attitude
5. Using various forms of threats to obtain unclassified , is not known publicly. above anything. He questions all
information. 3. To provide operational information and statements and opposition.
6. Using black mail technique (homosexual, background data on potential source of c. Joe Blow Approach- it is “I know the
adultery, etc. ) information. answer to everything” approach. The
7. Using various means to extract information 4. To assist various individuals. elicitor adapts the attitude of being
from members of the family or close friends Planning and Preparation approachable to any field.
of the employee. 1. Determine what information is necessary or d. National Pride Approach- it is natural
8. Picking information by personal observation essential. propensity of all persons to defend their
of production, operation, test runs, shipment 2. Determine who has access to the information. country and its policies.
of finished products, or confidential products 3. What are the vulnerabilities to elicitation?
or papers. 4. How susceptible the subject to elicitation? Types of Probe:
9. Picking information in social and other 5. Outline elicitation points prior to meeting and 1. Competition Probe- effective when used in
gatherings. prepare specific questions know your connection with the teacher-pupil approach.
10. Attempting subversion by offers of money or subjects well. 2. Clarity Probe- used to elicit additional
using the emotions such as love, hatred, information in an area which the response is
desire for powers and others. Types of Approach: not clear.
11. Penetration and operational tactics. 1. Flattery- people are susceptible to praise. 3. High Pressure Probe- it serves to pin down a
A. ELICITATION- it is a system or plan whereby Variants: subject in a specific area or it may be used to
information of intelligence value is obtained a. Teacher-pupil Approach- subject is point out contradictions in what the subject
through the process of direct communication treated as an authority. Request him/ her has said.
where one or more of the parties to the to enlighten you and solicit his/her 4. Hypothetical Probe- it represents a
communication is/are unaware of the specific viewpoint and opinion. hypothetical situation and to get the subject
purpose of the conversation b. Kindred Soul Approach- subject is to react to the hypothetical situations.
Characteristics: placed in a pedestal having some
B. CASING- literally means putting a thing, or place 2. Active opposition 5. To obtain needs upon which to conduct
in a case. As used in intelligence operation- the 3. Disposal plan- disposal of the information additional investigation.
continuous monitoring of a place or area at a given (and materials) in case of possible 6. To check on source of information.
period of time. compromise 7. Locate addresses, or places frequented by
Purposes: 4. Escape and evasion subject as well as his associates.
1. It aids in the planning and operation by Five Fundamentals Principles/ Guidelines in the 8. To obtain detailed information about the
providing needed information. Conduct of Casing nature, scope of subject’s activities.
2. It assists the agent handler to instill 1. To gain contact as soon as possible and 9. To secure basis for securing search warrant.
confidence in his agent during briefing phase maintain continuously. 10. To provide protection.
by being able to speak knowing about the 2. Maneuver freely in conformity with Terms used:
area of operation. operations (dry run). 1. Pre-surveillance Conference. A conference
3. It is also considered a security measures 3. To fight only when necessary. held among the team members, police
because it offers some degree of protection 4. To report all items of information. intelligence unit before a surveillance is
for those operating in an area unfamiliar to 5. To develop the situation. conducted.
the intelligence personnel. Steps (Basic Procedures) in the Conduct of 2. Stake out. The observation of places or areas
General Principle: Casing: from a fixed point.
1. Know the best route to get there (location). 1. Preparation of general location map. 3. Tailing or shadowing. It is the observation
2. Know how to conduct yourself without 2. Sketch of the adjoining establishment and of a person’s movement.
attracting attention. prominent features. 4. Undercover man.A person trained to
3. Know what security hazards are in the area 3. Specific Sketch of floor plan of main target observe and penetrate certain organization
and how can be avoided or minimized. and its description. suspected of illegal activities and the later
4. Know the best route extricate from the area of 4. Photographs of the casing target (general and reports the observation and information so
casing. specific views)/ that proper operational action can be made.
Difference between Surveillance and 5. Liaison program. This is the assignment of
Methods of Casing Reconnaissance trained intelligence personnel to other
1. Map Reconnaissance- may not be sufficient Surveillance is continuous while agencies- in order to obtain information of
but it can produce a certain amount of usable reconnaissance is intermitted (mission or operation) police intelligence value. (Agencies like the
information. while reconnaissance has general objectives while press, credit agencies, labor unions,
2. Personal Reconnaissance- the most surveillance has specific objectives. telephone companies, etc.)
effective method and will produce the most C. SURVEILLANCE- a form of clandestine 6. Safe house. It is a place, building, enclosed
essential information since you know just investigation which consist of keeping persons, place mobile, or an apartment, where police
what you are looking for. or other targets under physical observation in order undercover men meet his action agent for
3. Research- much information can be obtained to obtain evidence or information pertinent to the debriefing or reporting purposes.
or acquired through research. investigation. It is also used to gather information 7. Drop. It is convenient, secure, and
4. Prior Information- your unit and the other over a wide area and takes a longer time frame. unsuspecting place where a police,
units may have file report that they may General Objectives and Purposes Objectives undercover man, informer, or informant by a
provide you with relevant information. 1. To confirm or deny allegations. pre-arrangement leaves a note, a small
5. Hearsay- information usually gains by the 2. To identify persons involved in certain package, an envelope to item for the action
person operating in the area and performing activities. agent, supervisor or another agent.
casing job. 3. Provide background information for 8. Convoy. An accomplice or associate of the
Information Desired in Casing undercover assignment. subject.
1. Area condition and habit 4. Develop leads to vital information.
9. Decoy. Any person almost similar to the 3. Tape recorder 8. Be a good talker, able to talk his way out of
subject used to avoid or elude surveillance. 4. Television embarrassing presence in the area.
10.Contact. Any person or subject picks or deals 5. Electric gadgets Basic Preparation:
with while he is under surveillance. Special Equipment Needed (Technical Supports) 1. Study of the Subject (in case of person)-
11.Made. When subject under surveillance becomes 1. Camera with telephone lens name, address, description, family and
aware that he is under observation and identifies the 2. Moving picture camera (Video Cam) relatives, associates, character and
observer burnout. 3. Binoculars temperament, vices, hobbies, education, etc.
12.Lost. When the surveillants do not know the 4. Tape recording apparatus 2. Knowledge of the Area and Terrain
whereabouts of their subject or the subject had 5. Wiretapping devices (concerning places)- maps, national and
eluded the surveillants. 6. Other instruments-miniature camera and one religious backgrounds, transportation,
13. Rabbit (hare). Term referring to the subject of way radio public utilities, etc.
shadowing and tailing. Requirements (Process) for Surveillance: 3. Subversive Organizations- history and
14.Test for tailing. The common trick of the subject 1. Area and Target Study background, biography of the official
(rabbit) when he becomes conscious that he is being 2. Surveillance Plan (leaders), identify background of members
tailed. 3. Selection of Personnel- consider the and former members, method of
following: identification employed by the members,
Types of Surveillance: a. Inconspicuous physical character files and records (nature, location and
1. According to Intensity and Sensitivity b. Ability to remain unnoticed accessibility), meeting, etc.
a. Discreet- subject is unaware that c. Resourcefulness 4. Cover Story- an assumed identity; fabricated
he/she is under observation. d. Patience and physical stamina stories.
b. Close- subject is aware that he/she is e. Keen sensory perception and Shadowing or Tailing- it is the act of following a
under observation varied on each retentive memory person with the following purposes:
occasion. f. Driving ability 1. To detect evidence of criminal activities.
c. Loose- applied frequently or g. Personal courage 2. To establish the associations of a suspect.
infrequently, and period of h. Area knowledge 3. To find a wanted person.
observation varied on each occasion. i. Security consciousness 4. To protect a witness or other persons.
2. According to Method j. Administrative and logistics:
a. Stationary- observation of place Communication and control and the Methods of Shadowing/ Tailing by Foot
usually a bookies stall, gambling conduct of surveillance 1. One Man Shadowing- commonly used because of
joint, or a residence where illegal Essential Requirements and Appearance of the the least number of men involved. Consider the
activities are committed (fixed point Operative: following if the subject.
position). 1. Be of average size, built and general a.Enters a public lobby, the shadower will follow.
b. Moving-surveillants follow the appearance. b.Enters a telephone booth, the shadower will take
subject from place to place to 2. Have no noticeable peculiarities in the adjoining both and make a dummy call;
maintain continuously watch/ observe appearance. c.Checks in a hotel, the shadower may take an
of his/ her activities. 3. Should not wear conspicuous jewelry or adjoining room;
c. Technical- uses communication and clothing. d.Leaves the hotel and takas a cab, the shadower will
electronic hard wares, gadgets, 4. Have nothing about him to attract attention. take also the same conveyance and take a seat
systems and equipment. 5. Have perseverance and able to wait for behind the subject; and
Special Methods applied: hours. e.Gets into a theater line, railway ticket line and the
1. Wire tapping 6. Always be alert. like, the shadower will fall in line immediately behind
2. Concealed microphones 7. Be resourceful, versatile and quick-witted. the subject so he can hear the reservation or
destination. If shadower fails to hear, then he must 4. Getting out immediately on public 3. Learning a definite order of proceedings
ask the teller. conveyances. from one picture to another.
2.Two man Shadow- this is more advantageous 5. Retracing The Place of Surveillance-careful study of the
because it permits immediate change and are less 6. Entering mobile housing. surrounding area should be made. The character of
likely to be recognized. One officer will follow the Types of Attention the neighborhood, the residents and the transients
subject and the other will keep abreast or on the 1. Involuntary- no control and requires no effort. should be noted. The observation should be selected.
opposite side of the street. 2. Voluntary- more reliable but not dependable Two types of places of surveillance are:
3.Three Man Shadow or ABC Method 3. Habitual- little effort with a maximum control. 1. Using a room in a nearby house or business
a.A is closest to subject S. He follows S at a distance Factors Involved on Perception establishment and remaining undercover.
depending on the pedestrian traffic. 1. Mental capability 2. Remaining outdoors and posing who would
b.B follows A about the same distance between A and 2. Educational background normally conduct his business in such area,
S. 3. Occupation background i.e., laborers, carpenters, street vendors, etc.
c.B and C take turns in occupying the A position. 4. Empirical background- acquired through
experience Factors to Consider in Fix Surveillance:
Surveillance Precautions (things to consider): Factors Governing Report 1. Determine base operation/
1. Do not make abrupt or unnatural movements. 1. Vocabulary- word/s used by an individual to 2. Maintain a thorough, cautious reconnaissance
2. Do not make use of disguise that will attract express himself. of the area.
attention. 2. Time log- accurate reporting depends 3. Obtain necessary equipment.
3. Never stare at the subject. entirely on timeliness, delay in reporting 4. Assignment of specific duties to each
4. Do not attempt to appear too innocent when results in unconscious omissions of details. member of the team.
accosted by the subject. 3. Recurrence of similar incidents. 5. Prepare alternative course of action.
5. Never speak to another surveillant unless 5. SKETCHING- it consists of putting ideas in an 6. Provide for relief teams.
absolutely necessary to accomplish the accurate pictorial form. It is a means of describing an 7. Arrange communication signals.
mission. object or area to satisfy a particular need. 8. Arrange for inconspicuous arrival and
6. Maintain distance. Methods of Sketching: departure of equipment as well as personnel
7. Plan ahead. 1. On the spot of the base of operation.
8. Be aware on changes of actions. 2. Memory method D. OBSERVATION AND DESCRIPTIONS
9. Notes taking should be done in safe areas. 3. Semi- memory method OBSERVATION- the complete and accurate and
10. Make use of street furniture (telephone E. PORTRAT PARLE- a means of using descriptive awareness by an individual of his surroundings and
booth, sidewalk, vendors, waiting shades, terms in relation to the personal features of encompasses the use of all major sense to register
etc.) individual and it can briefly describe as a word and recognize its operational or intelligence
11. Don’t court women. description or spoken pictures. significance.
12. Don’t take a woman on an undercover Identification Methods DESCRIPTION- the factual reporting of what is
assignment. 1. Branding and mutilation observed. Or, it is the actual and factual reporting of
13. Don’t claim to be a “big shot”. 2. Identification parades system one’s observation or the reported sensory
14. Don’t fail to provide a person in place who Several methods of acquiring description ability: experience recounted by another.
can vouch for the operative. 1. Learn the meaning of the numerous words Psychologists estimated that approximately:
15. Don’t spend too much money. used in describing the various features of the 1. 85% of your knowledge is gathered through
Don’t s in surveillance: person. sight.
1. Window shopping 2. Study and practice the description of the 2. 13% of your hearing.
2. Use of convoys features, such as the eyes, hair or the nose as 3. 2% through the three senses.
3. Stopping immediately on blind corners they appear on several different persons. Psychological Processes for accurate observation:
1. Attention- consists of the psychological 1. Learn the meaning of the numerous words Importance
process involved in becoming aware of an used in describing the various features of the 1. The desire to do something
existence of fact/ event. person. 2. The fact that it can be done
2. Perception- involved in the understanding 2. Study and practice the description of the 3. No other means of obtaining timely and
this fact of awareness. features, such as the eyes, hair or the nose as accurate information requirements.
3. Report-involved in identifying the name in they appear on several different persons. Two Goals
own mind and some fact which has been 3. Learning a definite order of proceedings 1. To collect information about hostile opposition
perceived, narrated and identified. from one picture to another. activities.
Types of Attention Utilization of the Portrait Parle 2. To penetrate the organization in order to
1. Involuntary- no control and requires no effort. 1. Obtain description of suspects from whom the determine its operational directions, its plan
2. Voluntary-more reliable but not dependable agent interviews. and its intentions against the adversary
3. Habitual-little effort with a maximum control. 2. Identify upon receipt or descriptive sponsors.
Factors Involved on Perception information from other investigative Basic organizational Elements for Clandestine
1. Mental capability agencies. Operations
2. Educational background 3. Send or disseminate information on person of 1. Sponsor- it may be represented by the
3. Occupational background CI interest. project; case; and agent in handler
4. Empirical background- acquired through Methods of Obtaining Descriptive Information 2. Target(Rabbit)
experience. 1. Close observation of the person and accurate 3. Agent
Factors Governing Report records of the terms describing the features.
1. Vocabulary- word/s used by an individual to 2. Information obtained through interviews of Classification of Clandestine Agent
express himself witnesses. 1. PRINCIPAL AGENT
2. Time Log- accurate reporting depends 3. Examination of observation of photographs 2. ACTION AGENT
entirely on timeliness, delay in reporting results in and sketches. a. Espionage- (counter
unconscious omissions of details. 4. Examination of records. intelligence/intelligence agent) is the
3. Recurrence of similar incidents F.PHOTOGRAPHY- used to have a permanent primary and most important human
SKETCHING- it consists of putting ideas in an record of the subject or of what is being observed. collector (access agent, legal traveler
accurate pictorial form. It is a means of describing In intelligence, photography is essential means of and penetration agent)
an object or area to satisfy a particular need. vividly recording and presenting the subject of b. Propagandist- this agent undertakes
Methods of Sketching casing, surveillance, and other forms of clandestine action to mold the attitudes, opinions and
1. On the spot operation. actions of an individual group or actions
2. Memory Method Some of the advantages of photography in of an individual, group or nation.
3. Semi-memory Method intelligence gathering are: c. Saboteur-an agent who undertake
E. PRORTRAIT PARLE- a means of using 1. Recording of distant subject or object by positive action against unfriendly power
descriptive terms in relation to the personal using telephoto lens; resulting in the loss of used temporary or
features of an individual and it can briefly describe 2. Surreptitiously recording images with the use permanent of an article, material or
as a word description or spoken pictures. of hidden and/or miniature cameras; facility.
Identification Methods 3. Images recorded can be further analyzed and d. Guerilla-is a member of paramilitary
1. Branding and mutilation reviewed when digital camera is used, etc. group organized to grass the enemy
2. Identification parade system G. CLANDESTINE OPERATION-is a secret action e. Strongman- is an agent available to
Several Methods Of Acquiring Description undertaken by an intelligence/counter-intelligence provide special protection during the
Ability: organization in behalf of the Government or other dangerous phases of clandestine
friendly force. operation.
f. Provocateur- an agent who induces an HAZARDS TO COVER conceals his official identity to obtain
opponent to act to his own detriment by 1. Static or document opposition (ordinary information from that organization.
desecrating himself or revealing his true citizen) How to plan undercover assignment
purpose or identity. 2. Unhostile active opposition (police, security 1. Determine level which investigation is
g. Cover Action Agent- a fully recruited agencies) intended.
agent who is in a senior position usually 3. Hostile active opposition (enemy intelligence 2. Develop appropriate cover and cover story.
within the government who can exert operatives) 3. Selection of qualified personnel.
influence from foreign government upon PRECAUTIONS OR GUIDELINES IN CASE OF 4. Consideration of all operation details to
direction of the sponsor. COMPROMISE include documentation, contact reporting,
3. SUPPORT AGENT – Ex.Surveillant, processor of 1. Move out immediately housing and convergence.
Funds, Safe house keeper, investigator, Procurer of 2. Start new facility for operation and develop it 5. Briefing, coaching and rehearsals.
Supplies, Manager of Storage House, 3. Build entirely new cover Uses of Undercover
Communication Officer, etc. 4. Use circuitous routes and provide careful 1. Use independently to get first-hand
counter surveillance measures information about the subject of investigation.
H. COVER AND UNCOVER 5. Be specifically careful of former contacts with Example:
COVER- any device utilized by person, organization non-intelligence personnel a. Security evaluation of every installation.
to insure that one who does not have the right to 6. Be patient, slowly, and careful. b. Gain confidence of suspected persons.
know must be aware of the real purpose of the I. ORGANIZATIONAL COVER- any account c. Agent penetration.
mission. Or it is a means by which an individual consisting of biographical data which when d. Verify information from human resources.
group or organization conceals the true nature of its adopted by an individual will assume the e. Uncover concealed identity.
acts and or existence from the observer. personality he wants to adopt. 2. Supplement other investigative techniques
COVER STORY- a biographical data through Objectives of Organizational Cover like:
fictional, which will portray the personality of the 1. To camouflage and protect operational a. Playing ground works for raids and
agent he assumed: any scenario to cover up the personnel and their activities. searches gaining entry.
operation. 2. To protect installation in which clandestine b. To assists in locating evidence.
COVER SUPPORT- an agent assigned in target areas activities are based. c. To install, maintain investigative
with the primary mission of supporting the cover Guidelines when Organizational cover is equipment of undercover assignment.
story. compromised: Types of Undercover Assignment
Importance of Cover: 1. Make physical move or relocation. 1. Dwelling
1. Secrecy of operation against enemy 2. Start new facility for the old operation and let 2. Work
intelligence it grow. 3. Social
2. Secrecy of operation against friendly 3. Use new personnel. 4. Jurisdictional assignment
agencies who do not have the need to know 4. Let old personnel remain in place. 5. Combination assignment
3. Successful accomplishment of the mission. 5. Build entirely new cover. 6. Rope job-striking up friendship with the
ESSSENTIAL TYPES OF COVER 6. When files are relocated, use circuitous subject
1. Natural Cover- using actual or true routes to avoid surveillance and other civilian Factors to be considered in Selecting Cover Story
background informants/informers. 1. Mutual point of interest
2. Artificial- using biographical data adopted for 7. Be specifically careful when making contacts 2. Jurisdiction of presents
the purpose with non-intelligence personnel. 3. Previous and permanent address
3. Cover within a Cover- justification of 8. Be patient. 4. Efficiency of role
existence J. UNDERCOVER ASSIGNMENT-it is an 5. Freedom of movement
4. Multiple Cover- any cover you wish investigation technique in which an agent 6. Means of communication
7. Social and financial status Basic Agent Management c. Blackmail
8. Optional alternate plan 1. Agent handler must be in charge of the Termination Problems
9. Safe departure person. 1. Amount of knowledge the agent has
2. The acts insure the agent adherence. in the operation and personnel.
K. UNDERCOVER (ACTION) AGENT 3. Good rapport must be established between 2. His inclination to use knowledge to
Special Qualification of Undercover Agent the agent handler and the agent. the disadvantage of the intelligence
1. Knowledge of the language 4. The agent handler must constantly reinforce service.
2. Background regarding events the agent motivation. 3. Moral obligation to the agent the
3. Knowledge about the customs and habits Key Element of Agent Management cause of loss incurred by him as a result
4. Physical appearance 1. Direction and Control of his connection to the intelligence
5. An artist a. Leadership service.
Factors to consider in the Selection of Action b. Action PROVOCATION- is the action taken in order to
(Undercover) Agents: c. Personal example incite reaction from a known adversary
1. PLACEMENT-location of prospective agent 2. Natural Weaknesses or to observe adversary.
with respect to the target. a. Inability to keep secret Purpose
2. ACCESS-the capability or ability of the b. Need for recognition 1. Reveal the true status of an assumed
perspective agent to obtain the desired c. Stain of dual experience adversary.
information for the intelligence organization d. Experience 2. Make a known adversary take seldom
or to perform the intelligence collection 3. Agent training demanding action.
mission in the area. 4. Agent testing Provocateur- an individual from enemy forces who is
a. PRIMARY ACCESS-it is the access of the 5. Agent examination deliberately introduced in our custody with a
desired information. L. CONTROL-authority to direct agent to carry out specific mission of causing some unfavorable
b. SECONDARY ACCESS-the access to the task or the requirements in behalf of the action or reaction on our part.
desired information through principal clandestine organization in acceptable INFORMERS AND INFORMANTS
source where the latter has the direct manner and security. A. Informant- a person who gives information
access. Two Categories of Control to the police voluntary or involuntary without
c. OUTSIDE ACESS-the agent employed 1. POSITIVE CONTROL-characterized by any compensation.
outside the target and merely monitors professionalism and rapport Informer- is an individual who gives
information from a third person who is a. Agent motivation information for a price or reward. (He may be
monitoring information in the area. b. Psychological control in the payroll of the law enforcement agency.)
Some Motivations of Agents 2. NEGATIVE CONTROL-blackmail and threat Informant Net- a controlled group of
1. Ideology-believes in the principle of life a. Disciplinary action-includes verbal person who worked through the direction of
2. Patriotism reprimand for poor performance or the agent handler. The informant principal or
3. Remuneration insecure action withholding certain cut-outs supply the agent handler directly or
4. Career Development materials, rewards reduction of indirectly of intelligence information.
5. Fear agent salary or extreme situation B. TYPES OF INFORMANTS
General Nature of Agent Handling and threat of terminating personal 1. Criminal Informants
1. Sharing secret purpose. relationship. 2. Confidential Informant
2. Agent controls the agent operationally and b. Escrow account-control of an agent 3. Voluntary Informant
administratively. by putting his salary in a bank to be 4. Special Informant
3. Rapport with each other. withdrawn only after fulfillment of 5. Anonymous Informant
4. Respect with each other. the condition. SUB-TYPE OF INFORMANTS
1.Accidental (INCIDENTAL) Informants identified as “probable”must be as thorough as 6. Express appreciation to all information
2.Recruited Informants possible. It must establish possible existing received regardless of its value.
motives as to why this person might assist the 7. Keep on time even through information
DIFFERENT CATEGORIES OF RECRUITED police intelligence community. If necessary, appointment may not.
INFORMANTS conduct complete background investigation 8. Don’t get over anxious; be patient; take your
1.Spontaneous or automatic (CBI). time.
2.Ordinary Run-of the Mill informants 3. APPROACH- this must be done in setting 9. Keep control over the investigation.
3.Special Employee with pleasant surroundings like a confidential 10. Keep what you know to yourself, don’t
apartment which is completely free from any become an informant’s informant.
OTHER CLASSIFICATION OF INFORMANTS: probability of compromise. The place is H. DISMISSAL OF INFORMANTS- considers the
1. Automatic preferably in adjacent city or remote area following:
2. Penetration foreign to the informants living pattern. In here, 1. The handler should avoid antagonizing the
3. Full-time it Is also includes explanation of contract. informant.
4. Rival Elimination 4. TESTING- it should begin with limited 2. Explain properly and humanely the reasons
5. False Informant assignment, with gradual integration into more of dismissal.
6. Frightened Informant important areas. The occasional testing of an 3. If file of the informant exist, dismissal must be
7. Self-aggrandizing informant informant should continue through the entire in writing for future reference.
8. Mercenary Informant affiliation. Some Reasons of Dismissal
9. Double-crosser Informant 1. Ineptitude
10. Woman Informant 2. Security risk
11. Legitimate Informant F. FACTORS TO CONSIDER IN INFORMANT 3. Criminal record or act
D. MOTIVES OF INFORMANT RECRUITMENT 4. Submitting false information, etc.
3. Patriotism 3. Ability A. ORGANIZED/SYNDICATED CRIME
4. Fear and Avoidance of Punishment 4. Age GROUPS-means of two or more persons
5. Friendship/ Career Development 5. Education collaborating, confederating, or mutual
6. Vanity 6. Personality helping on one another in the commission of
7. Civic-mindedness G. GENERAL TREATMENT OF INFORMANTS crime.
8. Repentance 1. Avoid the use of derogatory terms in 1. Kidnap for Ransom Groups
9. Competition referring of informants into any type. 2. Bank robbery/Robbery Hold-up
2. Avoid disclosing the identity of the groups
STEPS OF INFORMANTS RECRUITMENT (SIAT) informants, which will in most cases ruin 3. Drug Syndicates
1. SELECTION- it is particularly desired to hispotential. 4. Carnappers
identify and recruit an informant who has 3. Protect the interest of the informants; 5. Terrorist group: Japanese Red Army;
access to many criminal in-groups or remember an investigator is usually just a Al Qaida; Abu Sayyaf; etc.
subversive organizations. Access is probability good as his sources of information. 6. Secessionist movement: MNLF; MILF;
the single most important feature in the 4. Consider all information from known or etc.
consideration of recruiting the potential unknown informants as valuable until B. TERRORISM
informants. proven otherwise. a. An organized pattern of violence
2. INVESTIGATION- the investigation of the 5. Be non-committal (unrevealing) on the value designed to influence government
potential informants who is tentatively of the information received. policy or intimidates the population
for the purpose of intimidating 3. Record of Change of Address direction of or under the control of
government policy. 4. Mail Covers friendly unintelligence service.
b. It is also a violent criminal behavior 5. Mail and Telegram Ruses 2. Interrogation- The systematic asking of question
designed primarily to generate fear Tracing the Fugitive – The approach in tracing to illicit information in minimum time.
in the community or a substantial fugitive depends upon the character of the subject 3. Interrogation Report- an oral or written
segments of its political purposes. . In case the fugitive is elusive, discreet methods statement of information by the
c. It is also a culturally unacceptable use must be employed. With the experienced questioning of an interrogee.
of threat or violence directed toward criminal, a more direct approach is permissible. 4. Interrogator- Person who does the questioning.
symbolic target to interference The following are to be taken: 5. Interrogee- any person who is subjected the
political behavior either directly or 1. Routine Information interrogation process in any of its forms
indirectly by affecting attitude, a. Full name and aliases and phases.
emotion, or opinion. b. Physical description 6.Screening- initial examination of an interrogee to
C. SUBVERSIVE HINDRANCES- Anything that will c. Modus operandi determine the extent of his knowledge of
undermine the political, social, d. Motive persons, places, things, or events in
economic and other aspect of the e. Associates, past and present including girlfriend which we are interested.
country. f. Habbits, hang outs, and resorts he is known to 7. Source - a person who for any reason submits
D.INSURGENCY- is a protected political activity frequent/visit information of intelligence interest
directed towards completely or g. criminal record, photographs and fingerprints usually on a voluntary bases.
partially controlling the sources of a h.residence last known and previous location 8. Suspect- A person believed to be associated with
country and the creation of an i. employment, last known and previous employers prohibited activity .
alternative government through the j. relatives , name and addresses 9. Witness- any person who has directs knowledge
use of irregular military force and k. driver’s license of facts concerning an event or activity.
illegal political organization. l. SSS OR GSIS number B. Forms of Interrogation
E.ORDER OF BATTLE (ORBAT)- it is the summary m. handwriting for comparison 1. Direct – the subject is aware but he may not learn
recording of one’s specific criminal 2. For immediate Action, the following should be the true objectives of interrogation. This
activities with entries covering adapted: is used extensively at the tactical level.
matters with intelligence and tactical a. Transmission of the information to the other law 2.Indirect- the subject is not aware. This applied
interest, enumeration of personalities enforcement agencies when time is not so important.
involved in the organizational b. Sending of police ciculars C. Types of Interrogation
movement activities. c. Notification of other agencies possessing 1. Screening- this is usually applied immediately
F.BACKGROUND CHECK AND INVESTIGATIONS informative records after capture, apprehension or arrest of
Needed information: TACTICAL INTERROGATION subject.Its objective is to obtain
1. Domestics Backgound This is used in obtaining information of the highest background information about the
2. Personal Habbit degree of credibility at minimum time. The interrogee( subject) and determine his
3. Business History objectives of interrogations vary and depend area of knowledge and ability.
4. Social and Business Associates entirely on the situation in which the interrogator 2. Formal interrogation (detailed)-this is the
5. Medical History finds himself. He must therefore be fully aware of systematic attempt to exploit to an
6. Educational Background the objectives for each interrogation. appropriate depth those areas of
7. Family History interrogee’s knowledge, which have
Tracing Victims, Witnesses, Informants, others A. Definition of Terms been identified in the screening
1. Telephone Technique 1. Debriefing- The interrogation of a friendly process.
2. Visit the Home interrogee who has information at the
3. Debriefing-it is a form of eliciting information, d. The interrogator should begin 6. Reporting – The end product of an
which is generally used when the area of immediate screening of the interrogation is the tactical Interrogation
knowledge of the interrogee is known. interrogee in order to determine his Report containing the information
4.Interview – similar to debriefing although it is less particular area of knowledgeability. gained. Report must be made orally or
formal and the interrogee is not in written form depending. Normally, an
necessarily under the control or 2. Approach (Meeting the Interrogee)- The oral report is followed by a written
employment of the respective first meeting in which it is extremely report.
intelligence service critical because the outcome may Considerations: The interrogator must:
5. Interrogation of Lay Personnel-in this type, the depend on the initial impression created a.remain objective in his report:
techniques are similar to interrogation. by the interrogator. The main objective b.state which information is factual and which is
However, especial effort must be made is to develop rapport with the source in inferred as well as the first hand information and
to stablish a common frame of reference order to gain his cooperation and induce hearsay;
between the interrogator and the subject him to questions to obtain the desired able to evaluate the source as to his credibility.
.The amount of information obtained will information. E. Interrogation Techniques
depends on the interrogator’s inequity 3. Questioning – This is the heart of the Technique of Approach- The purpose is
in establishing common terminology on interrogation. to gain the cooperation of the source and
the source. 4. Termination – The termination of the induce him to answer question, which will
6. Technical interrogation-this is the level of interrogation will depend on various follow.
interrogation where the source has factors such as the physical condition of 1.The “Open technique”
specific in detailed information that the subject. 2. The “Common Interest”
requires a trained expert in the subject Considerations: 3. Record File (we know all technique)
matter to be explored. It usually covers a. The amount of information possessed 4. Exasperation technique
the specific subject and time is not as by the interrogee is so great that it may (harassment)
limited as in other interrogation. take several sessions to complete the 5. Opposite Personality Techniques
D. Phased of Interrogation interrogation. 6. Egoist Technique (Pride and Ego)
1. Planning of interrogation b. It should be ended on a friendly 7. Silent Technique
a. The interrogator must observe the manner and leaving in the mind of the 8. Question Barrage Technique (
interrogee without the latter’s interrogee that he may be further Rapid Fire Questioning)
knowledge to determine his interrogated. COUNTERINTELLIGENCE
conditions, habits, emotional and 5. Recording –The interrogator should take notes in
personal appearance. cryptic if possible. A. COUNTERINTELLIGENCE DEFINED
b. The interrogator must question or Considerations: ➢ Aspect of intelligence which in
interview any guard, or any person a. The interrogator should not take notes peace or in war is concerned
available who has had contact with rapport with the interrogee has been with the detection, prevention
the source to determine the established. and neutralization or espionage,
interrogee’s attitude, circumstances b. It is desirable to record the sabotage , subversion or other
of capture and how he has been interrogation with a tape recording inimical foreign intelligence
treated. device without the knowledge of the activities, by planning and
c. The interrogator must examine any interrogee if the latter refuses to talk developing suitable
document found on the source in with an interrogator taking notes. The countermeasures to what such
order to determine how to open the recorder must be tested before and after hostile activities.
interrogator. the interrogation.
➢ Covers the activity that denotes 5. Decrease the ability of the enemy to d. And any other information of a secret
and destroying the effectiveness create information about our forces. nature affecting the security of the nation
of hostile foreign activities and to G. USE OF CI IN TIMES OF NATIONAL from unauthorized person.
the protection of information EMERGENCY e. the classification of documents according
against espionage, sabotage and It is recognized that the security and to the degree of their secrecy.
subversion. welfare of the nation must take precedence f. various screening operation such as:
B. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF CI OPERATIONS on certain civil rights and privileges which 1. Spreading of deliberately falsified or
1. Conformity to mission are enjoyed by citizen in a stable, peace time bogus information to mislead the enemy.
2. Avoidance of publicity situation, wartime situation, it becomes 2. The enactment of legislation to deter
3. Objectivity necessary to implement certain restrictive people from ever gain ever trying
4. Confirmation measure which would inconceivable in time unauthorized possession of classified
5. Offense of peace. information.
6. Flexibility To accomplish security objects, the 3. The selection and indoctrination of
7. Continuity counterintelligence effort in the following trustworthy and security conscious
8. Coordination areas must be stressed. personnel.
C. ONJECTIVES OF CI 1. Denial of all information (classified or 4. A protective plan designed to secure
1. Prevent enemy sabotage, espionage and otherwise )to the insurgents by devising natural resources and industrial productions
subversion. security controls to prevent security against espionage and sabotage.
2. Security of the command. breaches. 2. Counter-espionage – in counter
3. Denies knowledge to the enemy 2. Formulation and planning of security espionage, negative intelligence becomes a
4. Aids activities in achieving surprises. training program and implementation of dynamic and active effort. Its purpose is to
5. Detects possible disaffection, treason, and security controls. investigate actual or theoretical violations of
sedition, within the military or police forces. 3. Detection identification and elimination of espionage laws, to enforce those laws, and to
D. ACTIVITIES OF CI security breaches and weaknesses. apprehend violators. It is a job to catch spies
1. Protection of information against espionage. 4. Detection identification and neutralization and it is basically a police function.
2. Protection of personnel against subversion. or destruction of hostile intelligence, Aims of counter espionage:
3. Protection of installation and materials against subversion, sabotage, and terrorist elements To locate the enemy, to identify the enemy,
sabotage and activities. and to neutralize the enemy.
5. Monitoring of the populace and activities in 3. Counter intelligence - some of its
E. GENERAL TYPE OF CI the area of operation for indications of threats functions are:
1. Passive Measure- those measure which seek to to the nation/host country activities. a. Censorship of the following:
conceal information from the enemy. H. OTHER CONCEPTS ABOUT CI correspondence, broadcast, telecast,
2. Active Measure- those measure which seek to COUNTER INTELLIGENCE is also known as telephone conversation, telegrams and
actively block information from the enemies effort to NEGATIVE INTELLIGENCE, a generic term cables, etc.
gain information or engage in espionage, subversion, meaning three different things. b. Prevent the dissemination of any
and sabotage. 1. Security intelligence – the total sum of information that might aid an opponent.
3.Deception Measure- to deceive the enemy. efforts to conceal the following: c. Maintenance of files of suspects.
F. IMPORTANCE OF CI a. National police d. Surveillance of suspects.
1. Denies information to the enemy. b. Diplomatic decision e. Mail reading, wiretapping and recording.
2. Reduces the risk of the commander. c. Military data f. Infiltration of the enemy intelligence which
3. Aids in achieving surprises. is organized to procure information about its
4. Increase the security of the command.
method, personal, specific operations and 4. Censorship-it is the control and Inspection-determines if the
surprise. examination of Civil, National armed forces, recommendation or the survey was made
I. CATEGORIES OF CI OPERATION Field press, and POWs (Prisoners of War). 3. Social Investigation (SI)
1. Military Security-measures taken of a 5. Special Operations –counter subversion, M. SECURITY SURVEY VS INSPECTION
command to protect itself against sabotage and espionage. 1. Security Survey-is a counterintelligence
espionage, enemy operations, sabotage, Counter subversion-an action that service conducted in order to assist the
subversion or surprise. counters those clandestine or covert chiefs of office in determining the security
Example: designs to undermine the military, measures required to protect key
Secrecy discipline economic, psychological moral or political installations from possible sabotage,
Special safeguarding of classified strength of a regime. espionage, subversion and unauthorized
information Sabotage-it is an action against material, disclosure of or access to classified defense
Security of troop movement premises or utilization to their production information or materials.
Special handling of weather and escapes which interferes with or absolutely the 2. Security Inspection-is a
Counter subversion within the armed forces national security to prepare for or carry on counterintelligence service conducted in
Tactical measures in combat area a war. order to determine degree of compliance
2. Port Frontier and Travel Security- it has Espionage-refers to the collection of secret with established security policies and
to do with the application of both military information that a government organization procedures.
and civil security measures for CI control at does not want any outsiders to know. 3. Circumstances Warranting Security
point of entry and departure, internal J.COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE INVESTIGATION-it Survey
borders or boundaries. is an activity which constitutes the value of a. Activation of an officer or unit
Example: work load and includes specific b. Re-activation of an office or unit
Security screening and control of frontier investigation of individual and incidence c. Change of mission, personnel or
Security control of merchants, seamen and which for the most part are conducted in an real estates
crew of commercial aircraft overt but discrete manner. d. Indications of laxity in security
Security control of frontier crossing point K. CATEGORIES OF CI MEASURES e. No record of previous security
Security control of seaports 1. DENIAL MEASURES-secrecy discipline, survey
3. Civil Security-it encompasses active and document security, camouflage and N. CI AGENCIES
passive CI measures affecting the non- concealment, communications security, 1. Individual Soldier- CI operations depend
military nationals permanently or military censorship, counter upon the individual soldier’s ability to carry
temporarily residing in an area under reconnaissance efforts. out proper security, camouflage, observation
military jurisdiction. 2. DETECTION MEASURES-PSI, Security Tag and reporting procedures.
Example: or Password, Challenge or Password, 2. All units-to deny the enemy information
Systematic registration of civilians and Reconnaissance about our own forces, activities location and
aliens 3. DECEPTION MEASURES-ruse-use of disposition.
Control of circulation escape and evasion, dummy position, 3. Censorship Units- specialized CI function
Curfew fabricated information. due to their assigned task.
Surveillance of suspected political L. CI MEASURES TO PROTECT INFORMATION: Commander’s responsibility-the
organizations 1. Security-freedom from danger or risk commanders of the units are responsible for
Security screening of labor 2. Security Survey and Inspection (SSI): the planning and execution of all CI measures
Insurance of passers and permits Survey-determine the unforeseen defects designed and implemented to safeguard
Control of internal commerce of a unit and make recommendations for military information, personnel, equipment
unit’s correction or improvement and and installation within commands. The
commander delegates these responsibilities c. Analyze current intelligence (1.) Original Classification Authority for
to his staff. infrastructure trends assignment of top secret classification rest
CI Staff Officer-the commander’s staff office d. Recommend CI targets for exclusively on the head of the department.
for intelligence is charged with the general exploitation This power may however, be delegated to
staff responsibility for the intelligence and e. Recommend specific operation on authorized officers in instances when the
counterintelligence. It is also responsible for specific CI targets necessity for such arises.
the planning and direction of all CI measures f. Recommend population/resources (2.) Derivative classification Authority for
within the command. control measures top secret classification may be granted to
O. CI BRANCH AND FUNCTIONS g. Ensures installation base security those officers who are required to give
1. CI Mission h. Conduct liaison with other agencies comments or responses to a communication
a. Detection-identify the threat that necessitates Top Secret response.
b. Evaluation-analyzing the data plan COUNTER INTELLIGENCE SECURITY b. Specific Persons Authorized to Classify
c. Counter Action and Prevention- MEASURES-INTELLIGENCE IN SECURITY Top secret Matters
recommend counter measures in OPERATIONS 1. Secretary of Nationals Defense.
neutralizing the target A. THREE (3) TYPES OF SECURITY 2. Chief of Staff and its equivalent to the
2. Categories of CI Operations MEASURES: PNP
a. Counter Human Intel (HUMINT)- it seeks 1 Physical Security-is the 3. Major Service Commanders
to overcome enemy attempts to use placement of security 4. Area of unified commands of the PA,
human sources to collect information or to barriers. PNP, and its equivalent to the AFP and PNP.
conduct sabotage and subversion such 2 Personnel Security- practice
as: CI Special Operations; Liaison; of the “need to know” c. Examples of Top Secrets Documents
Counter Security; and CI Screening 3 Document Security- 1. Very important political documents regarding
b. Counter-Imagery Intel (IMINT)- it Handling and used of negotiations for major alliances.
includes actions taken to determine classified matters and 2. Major governmental projects such as proposal to
enemy SIGNT and related enemy war information. adjust the nation’s economy.
capabilities and activities. These actions 3. Military and Police Defense class/plans.
include: Surveillance radar; Photo .THREE SECURITY RESPONSIBILITIES: 4. Capabilities of major successes of intelligence
thermal and infrared systems. Successful 1. Command Responsibility- By training every services.
counter-IMINT operations rely heavily on individual personnel of the organization 5. Compilation of data individually classified as
pattern and movement’s analysis and (PNP) in the importance of security. secrets or lower but which should collectively be in a
evaluation. 2. Individual Responsibility- To know the higher grade.
c. Counter-Signal Intel (SIGINT)- it defense security of security measures. 6. Strategic plan documents overall conduct of war.
determines enemy SIGINT and related 3. Supervising Responsibility- To motive each 7. Intelligence document revealing major
enemy war capabilities and activities; individual personnel in security procedures. intelligence production effort permitting an
assess friendly operations to identify C.FOUR CLASSIFIED MATTERS evaluation by recipients of the success and
patterns, profiles and developments; and 1. Top Secret(green color code)-The capabilities of intelligence agencies.
recommend and analyze counter unauthorized disclosure of it would cause
measures. exceptionally grave damage to the nation. , 2. Secret (red color code)- the unauthorized
3. Functions of CI Personnel politically, economically and militarily. This disclosure of it would endanger national security,
a. Identity insurgent indicators category is reserves for the nation’s closest causes serious injury to the interest and prestige of
b. Construct a database on insurgent secrets and is to be used with grave reserve. the nation or of any government activity, or would be
infrastructure a. Classify Authority a great advantage to a foreign country/nation.
a. Authority to Classify- same as top secrets 3. Confidential (blue color code)-the unauthorized A. BASIC TO NATIONAL SECURITY
b. Justification of Secrets Grading disclosure of it would be prejudicial to the National Interest- Each nation, regardless of
1. It materially influences a major aspect of military interest and prestige of the national or creed or form, has their national interest to
tactics. governmental activity or would cause protect and to advance. For national interest,
2. It involves a novel principle applicable to existing .administrative embarrassment or unwanted people would willingly go to war to succeed
important projects. injury to an individual or would be of or perish.
3. It is sufficiently revolutionary to result in major advantage to foreign countries/nations. National Interest has been defined in many ways.
advance in existing techniques or in the performance a. Justification for Confidential Grading But for our purposes, we take the content of
of existing secrets weapons. (1)It is more than a routine modification or logical national interest to mean the general and the
4. It is liable to compromise some other projects improvement of existing materials and is continuing end for which a nation acts. The
already graded. sufficiently advanced to result in substantial term “national interest” is used to refer to the
improvement in the performance of existing general concept of national security and well-
c. Specific Persons Authorized to Classify Secret CONFIDENTIAL weapons. being. National are what the decision making
Matters (2)It is sufficiently important potentially to make it body in government determines which
1. Commanders of Infantry battalions desirable to postpone knowledge of its value beliefs, matters or dictates of conscience are
2. Persons enumerates under Top Secret reaching a foreign nation. important to the maintenance of the nation.
3. Special and personnel staff of GHQ. (3)It is liable to compromise some other project
4. Gen. and Special Staff of Major Service Area already so graded. NATIONAL PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES
and Unit Commanders. b. Specific Authorities to Classify Confidential 1. That our country shall be a Republican State.
5. Superintendent of the PMA and PNPA. Matters- any commissioned 2. That the defense of the State shall be the
6. Commanders of posts, depots station of personnel/officer. concern of all citizens.
separate units. c. Examples of Confidential Documents 3. That we, as a people, renounce war to further
7. Chief of military mission of group. 1. Plans of government projects such as roads, our national interest.
8. Armed Forces attached. bridges, building, etc. 4. That our government shall promote social
9. Commandants of Service Schools. 2. Routine service reports like operations and justice.
exercise of foreign power. 5. That as a matter of concept, civilian authority is
d. Examples of Secret Documents 3. Routine intelligence reports. supreme at all times over the military.
1. Those that jeopardize or endanger 4. Certain personnel records, staff members, etc. This concept is actualized when the
intelligence relations of a nation. 4. Restricted (white or no color, yet prior to release, President assumes at the same time the
2. Those that compromise defense plans, clearance with the records custodian)- position of the Commander-in-Chief of
scientific or technological development. requires special protection other than those the AFP.
3. Those that reveal important intelligence determined Confidential, Secret, and Top National Strategy- In furtherance of our national
operations. Secret. principles and policies the leaders of our
4. War plans or complete plans for future war a. Authority for classification- shall be the same nation are then able to formulate
operations not included in top secret. as for Confidential Matters. strategy.
5. Documents showing disposition of forces. b. Reproduction- is authorized. Generally almost all will define national strategy
6. New designs of aircraft projections, tanks, c. Transmission- shall be through the normal as: The Art and Science of developing
radar and other devices. dissemination system. and using the political, economic, and
7. Troop movement to operational areas. d. Destruction- shall be the same as for that of psychological powers of a nation,
8. Hotel plans and estimates. Confidential Matters. together with its armed forces, during
9. Order of battle information peace and war, to secure national
NATIONAL SECURITY AND ITS THREATS objectives. It is the long-range plan
through which a nation applies its POLICE PERSONNEL AND RECORDS
strength towards the attainment of its MANAGEMENT Objectives of Personnel Management
objectives. The management of human resources is
NATIONAL POWER- the elements of national power Police Personnel Management (Human delegated to the unit of organization, known as
are numerical strength and character of Resources Management) may be defined as that area Human Resource Department (HRD). This is to
population, cultural development, of management concerned with human relations in provide services and assistance needed by the
character of government, geographical organizations’ human resource in their employment
the police organization. As an overview, Police
location, resources, economic relationship with the organization. An important task
development and military potential. The Personnel Management uses planning, organizing, of the Human Resource Department is winning
degree to which a nation is strong or directing and controlling of day-to-day activities employee’s acceptance of organization’s objectives.
deficient in these elements is normally a involved in procuring, developing and motivating
measure of the national power. them and in coordinating their activities to achieve The objectives are:
the aims of the police. 1. To assist top and line management achieves
COMPONENTS OF NATIONAL POWER Efficient management of human resources in the organization’s objective of fostering
1. Political Strength stems from the character of harmonious relationship with its human
any organization can spell the difference between its
the people and from the type and stability resource.
of the government and the sounders of its success and failure to attain its objectives or goals. 2. To acquire capable people and provide them
foreign policy. The need for a more efficient management of with opportunities for advancement in
2. Economic Strength stems from a combination human resources is very demanding today. The self-development.
of factor such as geographic location, success of every organization is for the organization 3. To assist top management in formulating
climatic conditions, supply of natural to overcome the demands in human response policies and programs that will serve the
resources, industrial capacity, internal and brought about by several factors. requirements of the police organization and
external communication systems, administer the same fairly to all members.
international trade, and the size, health and 4. To provide technical services and assistance
technical competence of the population. Purpose of Police Personnel Administration to the operating management in relation to
3. Cultural Strength from the natural unity, the The prime objective of an effective police their personnel functions in promoting
social and moral fiber of the people and the personnel administration is the establishment and satisfactory work environment.
things they believe in, and from the nature maintenance for the public service of a competent 5. To assist management in training and
and vigor of national institutions-political, and well-trained police force, under such conditions developing the human resources of the
social, religious, educational, scientific and of work that this force may be completely loyal to the organization if it does not have a separate
cultural. interests of the government of all times. training department to perform its functions.
4. Military Strength is the ability of a nation to 6. To see that all police members are treated
exert pressure by armed force in equally and in the application of policies,
furtherance of national policy. It consist of rules and regulations and in rendering
the strength of all the armed forces in services to them.
combination with other elements of national 7. To help effect organization development and
power, depending heavily on natural institution building effort.
resources, economic strength, a broad
base of war industries and a vigorous. Operative Functions of Police Personnel
The primary function of Personnel
Department is commonly Personnel Operative
Functions. These are the following:
1. Police Personnel Planning – is a study of the pay increase, termination or disciplinary ▪ cultural background and tradition of the
labor supply of jobs, which are composed actions against police officers. It is people
with the demands for employees in an developmental in purpose when the ▪ community and employees
organization to determine future personnel evaluation is used to facilitate officer’s ▪ governmental factors.
requirements, which either increase or improvement in performance or used to
decrease. If there is an expected shortage of improve recruitment, selection, training and Police Personnel Policies
personnel the organization may decide to development of personnel. 1. Acquiring competent personnel - includes
train and develop present employees and/or 7. Police Compensation - Financial human resources planning, job description
recruit from outside sources. compensation in the form of wages of salaries and job specification, police recruitment,
2. Police Recruitment - is the process of constitutes the largest single expenditure for selection, placement, transfer, layoffs, and
encouraging police applicant from outside an most organizations. In Metropolitan Manila separation.
organization to seek employment in an and other urban centers, wages of salaries 2. Holding and retaining competent police
organization. The process of recruitment represent the sole source to meet the basic personnel - gives depth and meaning to
consists of developing a recruitment plan, needs of food, clothing and shelter. It also good management philosophy, and involves
recruitment strategy formulation job provides the means to attain that standard of the granting of fair wages, reasonable
applicants search, screening of qualified living and economic security that vary in working hours, and other employee benefits
applicants, and maintaining a waiting list of degrees upon a person’s expectations. and services. These activities include the
qualified applicants. determination of an equitable wage and
3. Police Selections (screening) - is the POLICE PERSONNEL PROGRAMS AND maintenance of an incentive system. This area
process of determining the most qualified POLICIES also concerned with securing greater officer
police applicant for a given position in the participation in activities and with
police organization. Nature of Personnel Programs strengthening officer morals and
4. Police Placement- is the process of making Personnel Programs refers to the activities effectiveness. All these help make the
police officers adjusted and knowledgeable programmed to implement the organization organization a “good place to work in.”
in a new job and or working environment. philosophy or creed and the personnel philosophy of 3. Developing and motivating personnel -
5. Police Training and Development – refers central managers in relation to people so as to deals with the education of the police officers,
to any method used to improve the attitude, accomplish organizational objectives. It serves as a the appraisal of work performance, their
knowledge, and skill or behavior pattern of fundamental guide for personnel practices and promotion, and the suggestion system, which
an employee for adequate performance of a personnel policies used in an organization for enables them to develop so they can rise to
given job. It is a day-to-day, year round task. maintaining harmony between management and the police organization’s desired standards of
All police officers on a new position undergo employees. A good personnel program covers all the performance.
a learning process given a formal training or operative functions of personnel. 4. Labor and human relations - involves the
not. Learning is made easier for officers when development of harmonious relations
the organization provides formal training and Factor to Considered in Personnel Program between management on one hand and
development. It reduces unnecessary waste The following factors should be taken into individual police officer the on the other
of time, materials, man-hours and equipment. consideration in the preparation of a personnel hand. It also concerns the observance and
6. Police Appraisal or Performance Rating - program. application of laws and court decisions
performance rating is the evaluation of the ▪ objectives of the organization affecting human relations, and relationships
traits, behavior and effectiveness of a police ▪ organizational philosophy of central with other government law enforcement
officer on the job as determined by work management in relation to personnel, agencies.
standards. It is judgmental if it is made a tool ▪ financial conditions and physical facilities of 5. Efficient administration of the program
in decision-making for promotion, transfer, the organization with adequate budget – this is to achieve a
favorable climate for police officers. Good 2.Appealed Policy - This type of policy is born when Police Manual - A policy manual covering all
human relations should be the attitude in the problems arise at the lower levels of the organization police personnel policies and procedures, if made
applications, implementation and and the man in charge does not know how to meet available to managers and supervisors, will be a
interpretation of the organization’s policies, the problem. He then appeals to his superiors for
great help in their decision-making and employees
rules and regulations. The important tools in guidelines and for guidance.
this area are records and reports, personnel 1. Imposed Policy - This type of policy comes relationship.
research and statistics, and evaluation of the from the government in the forms of laws, Memoranda and Circulars - Memoranda and
effects of current policies, activities, and administrative orders, and rules and circulars are another common means of
programs. procedures or contract specifications. communicating police policies to all officers. They
can be issued fast and they provide the greatest
POLICE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES According to their subject matter, policies may be assurance of reaching every employee. They are
Nature of Police Policies classified into: built in means by which every member of the
Policies are tools of police management,
1. General Statement of Principles - policies organization is reached.
which give life and direction to the police program of
stated in broad terms, such as statement of Bulletin Boards - Organizational policies,
activities and set limits within which action is to be
objectives, philosophy and creed. Others
pursued by the personnel concerned. Policies define rules and regulations, and activities may be typed out
stress in general terms management traits,
the authority and the responsibility of subordinates. of mimeographed and the posted on bulletin boards.
such as fairness in dealing with officers,
They help the personnel understand their mutual If strategically located and well managed, bulletin
understanding and humane treatment of the
relationships. They are ahead to guide the men on boards are an effective medium for transmitting
work force.
the operational level, authority, and responsibility
2. Specific Rules - cover specific situations. newly issued policies, rules and regulations to police
and to enable them to arrive at sound decisions.
They are more direct and are less flexible. officers.
POLICY refers to a general plan of action that
They are more rigid in nature. Meetings or Conferences - Meeting or
serves as a guide in the operation of the organization.
Dissemination of Policies
It makes up the basic framework of management conferences are often held to inform officers about
To be effective, personnel policies must be
decisions that set the course what the organization new policies, their objectives and implementation.
understood by all concerned including the managers
should follow. It defines the authority and One advantage of this type of policy dissemination is
and supervisors who are to interpret and implement
responsibility of supervisors in their job of directing
them to the employees who will be affected by the that it gives the officers the opportunity to ask
group efforts and implementing personnel programs.
policies. Various means are used by communicate questions and request clarification on vague and
Policies form a code of procedure in that they
personnel policies to employees. The most common doubtful points. It is effective to smaller departments,
broadly indicate the best method of conducting any
are police handbooks, manuals, publications,
portion of the work at hand. They assist police as they accommodate small groups and allow the
memoranda, and circulars, bulletin boards, meetings
officers in problem solving and decision-making. scheduling of meeting at very convenient hours.
and conferences.
While policies must be consistent, they must be Police Publications - Communication has
Police Handbooks - These handbooks are
flexible enough to permit adjustments when the need gained such importance to and attention by
for change arises. distributed to all personnel, and contain among other
things, information about the benefits and services management in recent years. To meet the needs of
Types of Police Policies that the organization grants to its officers, the communicating with officers, police organizations
According to origin, policies are classified organization’s history, its organizational structure, its have been spending amount of money on
as: officers, and other information useful to the officers in publications, internal or external.
1.Originated Policy - This type of policy comes from understanding their relationship with the
top management level and is intended to set up organization. PERSONNEL PROGRAM
guidelines in the operation of the police organization.
It refers to the activities programmed to working to the satisfaction of the organization’s 1. It must have a full support from top management
implement the organizational and personnel members with adequate budget
philosophy of central managers in relation to people 7. Continuing researches are made by the 2. The program must be formulated to meet the
so as to accomplish organizational objectives. A organization on wages and salaries needs of the organization and its objectives
good personnel program covers all the operative 8. Periodic audit of every employee is made to 3. As a guide for executive leadership, it must gain
functions of personnel. discover employees strength and the cooperation and
weaknesses confidence of managers and supervisors in its
OBJECTIVES OF PERSONNEL PROGRAM 9. The organization provides substantial employee implementation
1. To maximize the use of human organization. benefits and services 4. The program must motivate employees for
2. To forecast present and future manpower 10. The organization through its managers maintain greatest achievement
requirements. good relations with their 5. The organization must have a workable structure
3. Develop appropriate personnel programs. immediate subordinates 6. Efficient administration by a capable personnel
4. Develop personnel policies and strategies.
FACTORS CONSIDER IN PERSONNEL PROGRAM Personnel policies provide standard A policy has been defined as a general plan
1. Objectives of the organization assessment or actions when heads have to make a of action that serves as a guide in the operation of the
2. Organizational philosophy of central management decision. This will also define the boundary or organization. It defines the authority and
in relation to personnel limitation of actions to be taken by the heads or responsibility of the heads in their work of directing
3. Financial conditions and physical facilities of the superiors concern. Good personnel policies should group efforts and implementing personnel program.
organization adequately meet the needs of the organization’s While policies must be consistent they must be
4. Cultural background and tradition of the people human resources in attaining the purpose of the flexible enough to permit adjustments when the need
department or organization. The policy covers five arises in an organization, why policies are needed?
GUIDELINES FOR A SATISFACTORY PERSONNEL areas namely: 1. To provide direction to the program of activities
PROGRAM 1. Acquiring competent personnel covering the needs of the organization and its human
The personnel program becomes the strategy or plan 2. Holding and retaining competent resources
of the organization to connect the fullest utilization of employees 2. To provide definite guidelines to achieve
its human resources. The personnel program may be 3. Developing and motivating employees consistent treatment for all employees
rated as satisfactory when: 4. Labor and human relations 3. Policies serve as standards of performance
1. The human resources policies are written and 5. Efficient program administration and 4. Policy statements are needed to allow
observed by all adequate budget subordinates executives to make fair and consistent
2. The personnel program has the full support of the decisions on recurring problems
heads and subordinates FORMULATING A PERSONNEL PROGRAM 5. To help build employee enthusiasm and loyalty
3. Research covering organizational policies, Personnel program is a management guide
personnel practices, and personnel strategies are for handling its relationship with employees and in CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD POLICIES
undertake on a continuing basis maintaining their cooperation. It is not however, a 1. It must be developed through the active
4. The organization has definite human resource remedy for all personnel problems. Its success participation of top management
procurement plan, recruitment, selection and depends on how efficiently administered and on the 2. It must be in accordance with the law
placement of employees degree of satisfaction it gives to the employee. For 3. The rules, regulations, and procedures will
5. The organization has a training and development the personnel program to be effective and increase provide the interpretation
program for all employees satisfaction to employees it should consists the regarding its implementation
6. The grievance machinery of the organization is following requirements: 4. It must be long range, but flexible to a certain
understood and efficiently degree
5. It must define the authority and responsibility for METHODS IN JOB ANALYSIS recruiting effort has failed to attract candidates of
its administration 1. The questionnaire method each employee is given high caliber. Widespread publicity directed at the
6. It should be easily comprehend a set of questions. In answering this, he describes his particular element of the population which it is hoped
7. It must cover all important points relevant to the job, its operation, his duties and responsibilities. will be attracted to the examination is the best
organization’s objectives Questionnaire are commonly standardized or method of seeking outstanding applicants.
8. It must be widely acceptable, responsible and structured in such a way that those filling them up can Recruitment in the police service is
enforceable either check items that apply to a job or rate items in dependent on the availability of national or regional
9. It must be communicated to all concerned terms of their relevance to a particular job. quota of the PNP, which is determined by the
2. The interview method: It is frequently used in NAPOLCOM.
IMPORTANCE OF PERSONNEL POLICIES gathering facts about jobs performed in the
1. Employees orientation and training organization. The job analyst usually conducting Standard Policy on Selection and Appointment
2. Administering disciplinary action background investigation either in the work place or There shall be a standard policy for the
3. Handling complaints and grievances directly to the office of the head. selection of policy personnel throughout the
4. Delegation and centralization of responsibility and 3. The questionnaire and interview method: The Philippines in order to strengthen the police service
authority primary purpose is to eliminate the possibility of and lay the groundwork for police
5. Enabling the supervisors and managers to error on the part of the job analyst information professionalization.
develop confidence in themselves received may display discrepancy. The general qualification for initial
in their day-to-day interactions with their 4. The observation and interview method: This could appointment to the police service shall be based on
subordinates be conducted either structured or unstructured the provisions of Republic Act No. 8551, which states:
visitation to the work place.
JOB ANALYSIS No person shall be appointed as uniformed
It is the identification of the different jobs in POLICE JOB DESCRIPTION member of the PNP unless he or she possesses the
an organization from one another in which each After a job is analyzed, the facts about it are following minimum qualifications:
category is given a specific title.It is the determining gathered, summed up, and recorded in the job
of duties, responsibilities and skills pertinent to each 1. A citizen of the Philippines;
description and job specifications.
job category by analyzing each position in terms of 2. A person of good moral conduct;
Job description may be defined as an abstract 3. Must have passed the psychiatric or
duties and responsibilities involved. This also
includes inter-relation of different job. of information derived from the job analysis report, psychological, drug and physical tests to be
describing the duties performed, the skills, the administered by the PNP or by any government
IMPORTANCE OF STUDYING JOB ANALYSIS training, and experience required the hospital accredited by the Commission for the
1. This will help the superior or heads to evaluate the responsibilities involved, the condition under which purpose of determining physical and mental
member of their organization such as qualifications, the job is done, and relation of the job to the other health;
performance, and worker’s conditions. 4. Must possess a formal baccalaureate degree
job in the organization.
2. To learn the methods and mechanics of analyzing from a recognized institution of learning;
the different jobs in the organization and be able to 5. Must be eligible in accordance with the
write job descriptions and job specifications. POLICE RECRUITMENT, SELECTION, AND standards set by the Commission;
3. To comprehend the importance of knowing the PLACEMENT 6. Must not have been dishonorably discharged
duties, responsibilities and requirements of each job On Police Recruitment from military employment or dismissed for
as a tool in employee selection and hiring. This also The first step in the recruiting procedure, and cause from any civilian position in the
includes the appraisal of the employee’s job the one that should receive greatest emphasis, is that Government;
performance. of attracting well-qualified applicants. The best
selection devices available are of little value if the
7. Must not have been convicted by final prejudice in either case to the payment of benefits good health, free from any contagious diseases and
judgment of an offense or crime involving they may be entitled to under existing laws. (Section physically fit for police service, he shall undergo a
moral turpitude; 14, RA 8551 – IRR) thorough physical and medical examination to be
8. Must be at least one meter and sixty-two
conducted by the police health officer after he
centimeters (1.62m) in height for male and one On Selection Procedures
meter and fifty-seven centimeters (1.57m) for The purpose of the selection process is to qualifies in the preliminary interview.
female; secure these candidates who have the highest
9. Must weigh not more or less than five potential for developing into good policemen. The Physical Agility Test - the Screening
kilograms (5kgs) from the standard weight process involves two basic functions. The first Committee shall require the applicant to undergo a
corresponding to his or her height, age, and function is to measure each candidate’s qualifications physical agility test designed to determine whether
sex; and against whose ideal qualification that are established or not he possess the required coordination strength,
10. For a new applicant, must not be less than chiefly through job analysis. The second function, and speed of movement necessary for police service.
twenty-one (21) not more than thirty (30) years because of the comparative nature of the merit
The applicant shall pass the tests like Pull-ups-6 Push-
of age. Except for the last qualification, the system, is to rank the candidates relatively on the
above-enumerated qualifications shall be basis of their qualifications. ups-27, Two minutes sit-ups-45, Squat jumps-32, and
continuing in character and an absence of any Squat thrusts-20
of them at any given time shall be a ground for
separation or retirement from the service: The Police Screening Committee may
Provided, that PNP members who are already The Screening Procedures prescribe additional requirements if facilities are
in the service upon the effectivity of these Preliminary Interview - the applicant shall available.
Implementing Rules and Regulations shall be be interviewed personally by the personnel officer. If
given five (5) years to obtain the minimum the applicant qualifies with respect to the Medical Standards for Police Candidates
educational qualification and one (1) year to requirements of citizenship, education and age, he 1. General Appearance – the applicant must be
satisfy the weight requirement. shall be required to present the following: free from any marked deformity, from all
parasite or systematic skin disease, and from
For the purpose of determining compliance ▪ Letter of application if none has been evidence of intemperance in the use of
with the requirements on physical and mental health, submitted stimulants or drugs. The body must be well
as well as the non-use of prohibited or regulated ▪ An information sheet proportioned, of good muscular
drugs, the PNP by itself or through a government ▪ A copy of his picture (passport size) development, and show careful attention to
hospital accredited by the Commission shall conduct ▪ Birth Certificate personal cleanliness: Obesity, muscular
regular psychiatric, psychological, drug and physical ▪ Transcript of scholastic records and/ or weakness or poor physique must be rejected.
tests randomly and without notice. diploma Girth of abdomen should not be more than
▪ Fingerprint card, properly accomplished. the measurement of chest at rest.
After the lapse of the reglamentary period for ▪ Clearance papers from the local police 2. Nose, Mouth and Teeth – Obstruction to free
the satisfaction of a specific requirement, current department PNP provincial headquarters, breathing, chronic cataract, or very offensive
members of the PNP who shall fail to satisfy any of the city or municipal court and city or breath must be rejected. The mouth must be
requirements enumerated under this Section shall be provincial prosecutor’s office and his free from deformities in conditions that
separated from the service if they are below fifty (50) hometown police department, NBI, and interfere with distinct speech or that pre-
years of age and have served in Government for less others that may be required. dispose to disease of the car, nose or throat.
than twenty (20) years or retired if they are from the There shall be no disease or hypertrophy of
age of fifty (50) and above and have served the Physical and Medical Examination - in tonsil or thyroid enlargement. Teeth must be
Government for at least twenty (20) years without order to determine whether or not the applicant is in clean, well cared for and free from multiple
cavities. Missing teeth may be supplied by investigation of the character and from among Quarter’s personnel and attested by the Civil
crown or bridge work, where site of teeth various sources. Service Commission (CSC)
makes this impossible, rubber denture will B. Inspector to Superintendent – appointed by
be accepted. At least twenty natural teeth Psychological and/or Neuro-Psychiatric the Chief PNP as recommended by their
must be present. Test - in order to exclude applicants who are immediate superiors and attested by the Civil
3. Genitals – must be free from deformities and emotionally or temperamentally unstable, psychotic, Service Commission (CSC)
from varicole, hyrocole, and enlargement of or suffering from any mental disorder, the applicant C. Sr. Supt to Dep. Dir. Gen. – Appointed by
the testicles, stricture of urine, and retained shall take a psychological and/or neuro-psychiatric the President upon the recommendation of
testicles. Any acute and all venereal diseases test to be administered by the NBI, the PNP, or other the Chief PNP with the endorsement of the
of these organs must be rejected. duly recognized institution offering such test after he Civil Service Commission (CSC) and with
4. Varicose Veins - a marked tendency to their has qualified and met all the requirements above. confirmation by the Commission on
formation must be rejected. Appointment (CA).
5. Arms, Legs, Hands and Feet – must be free The Oral Interview - the Screening D. Director General – appointed by the
from infection of the joints, sprains, stiffness Committee shall interview the qualified applicants for President from among the most senior
or other conditions, such as flat foot, long suitability for police work. The interview shall aid in officers down to the rank of Chief
nails or hammer toes which would prevent determining appearance, likeableness, and affability, Superintendent in the service subject to the
the proper and easy performance of duty. attitude toward work, outside interest, forcefulness, confirmation of the Commission on
First (index) second (middle), and third (ring) conversational ability, and disagreeable mannerism. Appointment (CA). Provided, that the C/PNP
fingers and thumb must be present in their shall serve a tour of duty not exceeding four
entirely. The toe must be the same. POLICE APPOINTMENT (4) years. Provided further, that in times of
6. Eyes – the applicant must be free from color Any applicant who meets the general war or other national emergency declared by
blindness, and be able to read with each eye qualifications for appointment to police service and congress, the President may extend such tour
separately from standard test type at a who passes the tests required in the screening of duty.
distance of twenty feet. Loss of either eye, procedures shall be recommended for initial
chronic inflammation of the lids, or appointment and shall be classified as follows: Waiver for Appointment - Waivers for initial
permanent abnormalities of either eye must appointment to the police service shall be governed
be rejected, 20/20 or 20/30 in one eye, with 1. Temporary – if the applicant passes through by Section 15 of Republic Act 8551, IRR.
binocular vision of 20/30. the waiver program as provided in under R.A
7. Respiration – must be full, easy, regular, the 8551. Appointment by Lateral Entry -In general, all
respiratory murmur must be clear and original appointments of Commissioned Officers
2. Probationary – if the applicant passes
distinct over the lungs and no disease of the (CO) in the PNP shall commenced with the rank of
respiratory organ is present. through the regular screening procedures. inspector to include those with highly technical
8. Circulation – The action of the heart must be 3. Permanent – if the applicant able to finish the qualifications applying for the PNP technical services,
uniform, free and steady, it’s rhythm and the required field training program for such as dentist, optometrist, nurses, engineers, and
heart from organ changes. Blood Pressure – permanency. graduates of forensic sciences. Doctors of Medicine,
systolic maximum 135; diastolic 90; pulse members of the Bar and Chaplains shall be appointed
pressure 15 to 50. Brain and nervous system Appointment in the PNP shall be affected in the to the rank of Senior Inspector in their particular
must be free from defects. following manner: technical services. Graduates of the PNPA shall be
9. Kidneys – must be healthy and urine normal. automatically appointed to the initial rank of
A. PO1 to SPO4 – appointed by the PNP Inspector. Licensed Criminologist may be appointed
Character and Background Investigation - Regional Director for regional personnel or to the rank of Inspector to fill up any vacancy.
the Screening Committee shall cause a confidential by the Chief of the PNP for National Head
POLICE TRAINING of human resources in the field of law enforcement The PNP Field Training – is the process by
The Need for Police Training (PNP, BFP, BJMP), subject to the supervision of the which an individual police officer who is recruited
Organized training is the means by which NAPOLCOM. into the service receives formal instruction on the job
officers are provided with the knowledge and the for special and defined purposes and performs actual
skills required in the performance of their multiple, Types of Police Training Programs job functions with periodic appraisal on his
complex duties. In order that the recruit officer may performance and progress.
commence his career with a sound foundation of The following are the training programs in the police
police knowledge and techniques, it is most service: Under R.A 8551, all uniformed members of
important that the entrance level training he soundly the PNP shall undergo a field training program
conceived, carefully organized and well-presented. ▪ Basic Recruit Training involving actual experience and assignment in patrol,
▪ Field Training traffic and investigation as a requirement for
Training and the Changes in Police Works ▪ In-Service Training programs permanency of their appointment. The program shall
During the past decades tremendous changes ▪ Department In-service training programs be for twelve (12) months inclusive of the Basic
in police work have occurred. Advances in ▪ National and International Conventions on Recruit Training Course for non-officers and the
technology of communications and equipment, Policing Officer Orientation Course or Officer Basic Course for
public relations and employee relations as well as officers. (Section 20, RA 8551 – IRR)
total evolution in the whole social structure have The Basic Recruit Training – the most basic of
made a law enforcement work more complex and all police training. It is a prerequisite for permanency The In-Service Training Programs
difficult to pursue. The ordinary officer must be of appointment.
briefed and oriented on new changes and ▪ Junior Leadership Training – for PO1 to PO3
developments that affect his job and the recruit must The Basic Recruit Training shall be in ▪ Senior Leadership Training – for SPO1 to
be given a new solid foundation contemporary with accordance with the programs of instructions SPO4
the needs of the time. Policemen do not stay trained. prescribed by the PPSC and the NAPOLCOM subject ▪ Police Basic Course (PBC) – preparatory for
If they do not forget what they have learned, it is to modifications to suit local conditions. This course OBC – for senior police officers
continually made absolute by improved technology is conducted within not less than six (6) months. A ▪ Officers Basic Course (OBC) – for Inspectors
and social changes, and requires frequent renewal to training week shall normally consist of 40 hours of to Chief Inspectors
keep it current and useful. scheduled instructions. ▪ Officers Advance Course (OAC) – for Chief
Inspectors to Sn Superintendent
Standards for Police Training Full time attendance in the Basic Recruit ▪ Officer Senior Education Course (OSEC) –
All training programs operated by law Training – Attendance to this type of training is full Superintendent and above
enforcement agencies should limit their enrolment to time basis. However, in cases of emergency, recruits ▪ Directorial Staff Course (DSC) – for directors
law enforcement officers. Training courses should be maybe required to render service upon certification and above.
set-up, prescribed units of instruction, and arranged of the Regional Director or the City or Municipal
a time schedule. Practical recruit training Chief of Police the necessity of such service. POLICE APPRAISAL
subsequent to employment should be provided. Appraisal refers to the process of measuring
Completion and Certification of Training – the performance of people in achieving goals and
Pre-and-post employment university training. After the Basic Recruit Training, the Regional Director objectives. It is also known as “performance
Responsibility of Training shall certify that the police recruits have completed evaluation system”.
The training of police officers shall be the the training and has satisfied all the requirements for
responsibility of the PNP in coordination with the police service. Purposes of Police Appraisal
Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC) which shall
be the premier educational institution for the training
1. It serves as guide for promotion, salary Promotion is a system of increasing the rank merit and qualification, preference shall be
increase, retirement, and disciplinary of a member of the police service. It has the following given to the most senior officer.
actions. objectives:
2. It increases productivity and efficiency of Factors in Selection for Promotion
police works. 1. To invest a member of the police force with 1. Efficiency of Performance – as an aid to fair
3. It assimilate supervision the degree of authority necessary for the appraisal of the candidates’ proficiency, the
4. It informs the officer of the quality of his work effective execution of police duties. performance-rating period shall be
for improvements 2. To place the police officer in a position of considered. Provided, that in no instance
increased responsibility where he can make shall a candidate be considered for
Uses of Police Appraisal full use of his capabilities. promotion unless he had obtained a rating of
3. To provide and promote incentives, thus at least “satisfactory”.
Police appraisal can be useful for personal motivating greater efforts of all members of 2. Education and Training – educational
decision-making in the following areas: the police force, which will gradually background which includes completion of in-
1. Eligibility to be hired improve efficiency in police works. service training courses, academic studies,
2. Salary adjustments training grants and the like.
3. Determining potential for promotion Under the law, the NAPOLCOM shall 3. Experience and Outstanding
4. Evaluation of probationary officers establish a system of promotion for uniformed and Accomplishment – this includes
5. Identification of training needs non-uniformed members of the PNP, which shall be occupational history, work experience and
6. Isolating supervisory weaknesses based on: other accomplishment worthy of
7. Validating selection techniques 1. Merit – includes length of service in the commendation.
8. Reduction in ranks (demotion) present rank, and qualification. 4. Physical Character and Personality – the
9. Dismissal from service and other disciplinary 2. Seniority factors of physical fitness and capacity as well
actions. 3. Availability of vacant position. as attitude and personality traits in so far as
The promotion shall be gender fair which they bear on the nature of the rank and/or
PNP Appraisal System means women in the PNP shall enjoy equal position to be filled. This means that the
The Performance Evaluation in the police opportunity for promotion as that of men. candidate should have no derogatory records
service is the responsibility of the NAPOLCOM, which might affect integrity, morality and
which shall issue the necessary rules and regulation Preferences for Promotion conduct.
for the orderly administration of the appraisal 1. Appropriate Eligibility - Whenever two or 5. Leadership Potential – the capacity and
process. Such performance evaluation shall be more persons who are next in rank, ability to perform the duties required in the
administered in a manner as to foster the preference shall be given to the person who new or higher position and good qualities for
improvement of every individual police efficiency is the most competent and qualified and who leadership.
and behavioral discipline as well as the promotion of has the appropriate eligibility.
the organization’s effectiveness. 2. Competency and Vacancy - When POLICE ASSIGNMENT
The rating system shall be based on the competency, qualification, and eligibility are Police assignment is the process of
standards set by the NAPOLCOM and shall consider equal, preference shall be given to the designating a police officer at a particular function,
results of annual physical, psychological and neuro- qualified member in the organizational unit duty or responsibility.
psychiatric examinations. where the vacancy occurs.
3. Seniority - When all the foregoing conditions Purpose of Police Assignment
POLICE PROMOTION have been taken into account, and still the The purpose of police assignment is to ensure
members in the next rank have the same systematic and effective utilization of all the members
of the force.
6. Those with physical limitation incurred while
Power to make designation or assignment in the performance of duties should be Authority to Inspect
The Chief of PNP (CPNP), Regional Director assigned where they can be best used in In the PNP, the following are the authority to
(RD), Provincial Director (PD), and the City or accordance with the requirements of the conduct inspection:
Municipal Chief of Police (COP) can make force. 1. NAPOLCOM or its representative
designation or assignment of the police force with in 7. Assignments and reassignments of the police 2. PNP Chief or his designated representative
their respective levels. They shall have the power to officers from one unit to another shall be the 3. PNP Director for Personnel or his
make designations or assignments as to who among prerogative of the authority. representative
the police officers shall head and constitute various 8. To give well rounded training and 4. PNP Regional Director or his representative
offices and units of the police organization. The experience to police recruits, tour of duties in 5. City/Municipal Chief of Police or his
assignment of the members of the local police various assignments during the probationary representative
agency shall be in conformity with the career period shall be in accordance with Republic 6. Internal Affairs Service (IAS under RA 8551)
development program especially during the Act 8551.
probationary period. Thereafter, shall be guided by The inspecting officer/s shall examine, audit,
the principle of placing the right man in the right job POLICE INSPECTION inspect police agencies in accordance with existing
after proper classification has been made. The purpose of police inspection is to standards and with the following objectives:
ascertain the standard policies and procedures,
Criteria in Police Assignment review and analyze the performance, activities and 1. To take note or discover defects and
1. Those possessing the general qualifications facilities affecting operations and to look into the irregularities
for police duties without technical skills may morale, needs and general efficiency of the police 2. To effect corrections on minor defects being
be assigned to positions where any personnel organization in maintaining law and order. discovered
can acquire proficiency within considerably 3. To bring to the attention of and recommend to
short period of time. Types of Police Inspection the concerned officers for appropriate actions
2. Those possessing skills acquired by previous 1. Authoritative Inspection – those conducted by on defects noted.
related experiences should be assigned to the head of subordinate units in a regular
the corresponding positions. basis. Where the irregularity noted during
3. Those possessing highly technical skills with 2. Staff Inspection – those conducted by the staff inspection is serious as to warrant administrative
adequate experience and duly supported by for and in behalf of the Chief PNP or superior charges against a police officer, the inspecting officer
authoritative basis shall be given preferential officers in command of various units or shall immediately file the necessary charge or
assignment to the corresponding positions, departments. charges before the appropriate disciplinary action
which call for highly technical trained police offices.
officers. (Misassignment of personnel falling Nature of Police Inspection
under this criteria constitute a serious neglect 1. Internal Affairs – inspection on internal affairs POLICE DISCIPLINARY MECHANISM
of duty of the C/PNP, RD, or the COP, in the embraces administration, training, operation, Aside from higher police management levels
exercise of his administrative function) intelligence, investigation, morale and that can impose disciplinary actions against
4. Those selected to undergo further studies in discipline as well as the financial condition of
subordinates, the following also serves as
specialized courses shall be chosen solely on the police organization.
the basis of ability, professional preparation 2. External Affairs – it embraces the community disciplinary mechanisms in the police service:
and aptitude. relationship of the organization, the crime Administrative Disciplinary Powers of the
5. Qualifications of the police officers shall be and vice situation of the locality, and the Local Chief Executive (LCE) - The City and
examined annually to ascertain newly prevailing public opinion concerning the Municipal Mayors shall have the power to impose,
acquired skills, specialties, and proficiencies. integrity and reputation of the personnel. after due notice and summary hearings, disciplinary

penalties for minor offenses committed by members routine duties, in the wise direction of the police alphabetic bellows files is sometimes
of the PNP assigned to their respective jurisdictions effort, in supervision and control of personnel, and in used as sorters.
as provided in Section 41 of Republic Act No. 6975, as the determination of departmental policies. 4. Box-File – in 1875, the box file shaped-
amended by Section 52 of Republic Act No. 8551. like a book and opening from the side
PLEB - the PLEB (People's Law Enforcement Brief History of Filing and Records Storage was invented. Each box contained a set of
Board) is the central receiving entity for any citizen's Records and management of them have sheets having extended labels bearing
complaint against PNP members. As such, every existed in one form or another since written history the letters of the alphabet. The box file is
citizen's complaint, regardless of the imposable began. Many original tablets, parchment, and still popular for a limited account of
penalty for the offense alleged, shall be filed with the manuscripts of great historical value have come down correspondence and especially for home
PLEB of the city or municipality where the offense was through the ages and how are carefully guarded in use.
allegedly committed. Upon receipt and docketing of museums all over the worlds. Without some methods
the complaint, the PLEB shall immediately determine of preservations, most of these valuable documents 5. Shannon File – Named after its inventor.
whether the offense alleged therein is grave, less would have remained unknown. Possession of many The Shannon file originated in 1880 in
grave or minor. of them, however, is the result of chance, as record- response to a need of greater security of
bearing stones and tablets have been found buried in papers. The Shannon file consisted of a
Should the PLEB find that the offense alleged the loose earth and many places, with no attempt of double side-opening arch, mounted on a
is grave or less grave, the Board shall assume preservation. board with a drawer front on the end.
jurisdiction to hear and decide the complaint by One of the most common methods used by Papers to be filed were perforated along
serving summons upon the respondent within three the ancients for the filing of their papers was that of the upper edge and then placed on the
(3) days from receipt of the complaint. If the PLEB keeping them in a stone or earth ware pot. Many bits arches according to the system or
finds that the offense alleged is minor, it shall refer of historical evidence have been preserved on wax, arrangement being used. The Shannon
the complaint to the Mayor or Chief of Police, as the stones parchment or in the urn. A modern day file was suitable only for small amounts of
case may be, of the city or municipality where the application of this custom is the widespread practice correspondence. The present day
PNP member is assigned within three (3) days upon of sealing letters, pictures, newspapers, and other Shannon arch-board filed operate on the
the filing thereof. memorabilia of the current day on the cornerstone of same principle, but they are designed for
a new building. temporary storage.
If the city or municipality where the offense 6. Vertical File – Vertical filing of papers
was committed has no PLEB, the citizen's complaint Many items used in offices today have a long was in all probability first suggested by
shall be filed with the regional or provincial office of history. These items are discussed below: Dr. Nathaniel S. Reosenay, secretary of
the Commission (NAPOLCOM) nearest the residence the Charity Organization Society of
of the complainant. 1. Spindle File – The Spindle, on with Buffalo, New York. His long experience
papers nay be impaled, appeared 15th with card filing made him believed the
The Need for Police Records century. same principle might be applied to filing
A police department is only as good as its 2. Pigeonhole File – Persons who disliked papers (placing them on edge behind
records keeping abilities. The effectiveness of the spindle folded or rolled their papers, guides). He advanced the idea in 1892.
police department is directly related to the quality of wrote names or subjects of the outside The following year, several firms
its records. They are the primary means of and place the roll in holes in rolltop demonstrated vertical files at the World’s
communications among the members of the police desks or in a series of separate boxlike Fair in Chicago. Large crowds gathered
department and have as their purpose the integration openings in a cabinet. before the exhibits; but the general
of the various department units into an integrated 3. Bellow File – The bellow files are used opinion was, “It will never work; you
organization for accomplishing the police task. as sorters. It appeared at about 1860. cannot stand papers on edge; and if you
Records are essential in the efficient performance of Each lettered compartment, the leave them loose. They will lose.” Today,
vertical filing is generally recognized as between an organization and employees (such as 7. Archival Storage or Disposition
the best method of the majority of payroll, records, bulletins and regulations) and
business records. The first files were communications among an organizations department If an organization has no plan for seeing that
built of wood in horizontal sections, but (such as inventory control records, interoffice all records flow smoothly through the record cycle, it
about 1900, the first steel files appeared memoranda, and reports. Also in the internal will be faced with more of the following problems,
in vertical sections. communications categories are plans for future any one which can severely drain of profits.
productions or services and records of equipment
Records management varies greatly from and assists owned). • An unmanageable tangle of papers within
organization. In some, records are handled very With the Industrial Revolution, the rapid the office
informally because their volume is small. At the movements in production technology, the • Wasted clerical effort searching for
opposite extreme is the careful control of all key introduction of the factory system, and the changes in information.
records under the direction of a record manager. forms of business ownership, firms grow in size and • Loss of important operating information
This is a position of great responsibility because it scope of operations. Competition become keener; • Extravagant use of operating information.
includes working with records from their creation to finance production, marketing, and other functions • Possible loss of key information in
their final disposition.\ vied for management attention. An awareness of the defending the company against legal
responsibilities workers spend a great deal of time actions or governmental inquiries.
Classification of Records reading, analyzing, writing and summarizing
The classification of records is important from business letters and interoffice memoranda. Poor records management also creates chaos
the management view because the classification Reference documents also include reports and and wastes a tremendous amount of time and money.
frequently determines the kinds of filing system used, studies (formal and informal). Telegrams, printed Such mismanagement is characterized by:
the type of equipment require, and the arrangement matters (catalog, pamphlets, and brochures) and
of the records in the system. Records can be technical pieces (engineering specification, • Improper control of records creation.
classified in several ways. Some managers classify advertising copy, and galley proofs) are also • Free access by anyone at any time to the
records into two basic types: Transportation classified as reference documents. files.
documents and reference documents. Other • No control over records taken from the
managers classify records into two other basic types: The Record Cycle files.
external communications and internal Record may differ from each other in
• No plans for disposition of absolute
communications. construction or contents, but each follows a common records.
cycle (or path) through its life. The life span of a • Retention of unnecessary records.
External Communications - Written
record from creation to final disposition is called the • No plans for retention of needed records.
communications between organizations, between
customers/ client and the organization, between record cycle. Whether you are considering a simple
one-copy payroll check, a complex ten-copy report, Proper records management provides
buyer and supplier and between the organization
and various branches of the government are the most or a recorded cassette tape – the record cycle is after information, instantaneously and streamlines the
notable examples of external communications. referred to as the “birth-through-death” cycle. operation of any organization. The information
Further examples are public service or public contained in the filed records is the lifeblood of any
relation message, (the reply received after writing to 1. Creation office. The person who is responsible for the orderly
a business of information) and telephone massages 2. Classification arrangement and control of those records has one of
(received orally, but written on a message from for a 3. Storage the most responsible positions in any offices.
record and after confirmed in writing by a letter). 4. Retrieval
Internal Communications - Examples of 5. Purging or retention
internal communications are communications 6. Transfer
Records Storage given in the following paragraphs will help in Brown, for example has three units. Brown is
Although filing and records management are understanding. the first, Joan is the second, and C is the third.
sometimes used interchangeable, storage is only one 9. Cross Reference – A cross reference is a
phase in the management of a record. Material is 1. Filing – Filing is the actual placement of notation put into a file to indicate that a
materials in a storage container, generally a record to not store in that file but in the file
placed in the files because it may be useful in the
folder, according to a plan. It includes the specified on the cross-reference. A cross-
future-to help information too complicated to be reference is somewhat like a directional sign.
process of classifying, coding, arranging, and
trusted to memory, to assist departments in storage systematically so that they may be It tells the filer or searcher where to find the
communicating with each other, to substantiate located quietly when needed. needed material.
claims, and to provide a record of the past, to provide 2. Filing Manual – A filing manual is an 10. Guide – Dividers in filing equipment are
information useful fro legal purposes. The filler, instructional book containing detailed called guides because in formation on them
therefore, must be able to find quickly any information about various phases of filing and serves as guide to the eye of filing and
records management including rules for the locating stored items. A primary guide
information contained in the stored records.When a
procedures used. Illustrations of those introduces a special section that falls within
record is created and is ready for filing, unnecessary the alphabetic range of the primary guide it
procedures and examples of clerical details,
working papers or rough drafts used in its creation such as folder labeling, typing style, and fallows (such as A section devoted to a
should be destroyed. Excessive duplicate copies material used, are usually included in the special subject applications, or a special
should be avoided and papers of temporary value manual. name group such as names beginning with
should be prominently marked for destruction before 3. Procedures – Procedures are series of steps the word General). An OUT guide is a heavy
they are put into files so that the files do not jumped for the orderly arrangement or records which divider that replaced a folder in the file when
include: alphabet, geographic, numeric, the folder is temporarily removed.
with duplicates and records of little or no value. This
subject of chronologic. 11. Folder – The container in which papers or
is a process of control that is continued as papers are materials are kept in a filing cabinet is called
4. System – The word system as used in records
dated and time stamped upon receipt, started storage means any plan of filing devised by a a folder. Popular materials used in making
through the work flow from office to office, and stored filing equipment manufacturer. System has a folders, are manila, Kraft, plastic and
for retrieval when needed. broader meaning in management circles. pressboard. A miscellaneous folder is a
5. Classifying – Mentally determining the name folder that contains has not accumulated is
Efficient records control includes: of subject or number of which a specific sufficient volume being removed to its won
1. Standardizing the purchase of equipment and record is to be filed is called classifying. specially labeled folder known as an
supplies to allow their usage anywhere in the 6. Indexing – Another method of classifying. individual.
organizations. 7. Coding – Making an identifying mark on the
2. Training personnel item to be stored to indicate what Organization of a Centralized Record System
3. Following standard procedures of storage classifications it is to be filed is called coding. Depending upon the size and needs of the
and control. Coding may be done by underlining, police force, the Chief of police shall maintain an
checking, circling, or marking the record in adequate and centralized records system by
Terminology of Storage some other way. When a record does not organizing in his force an efficient records and
Filing terminology may be confusing to need to classify or re-index to determine communication units. The centralization of records in
someone who is not familiar with it. Understanding where it should be refilled because the the police organization brings together at one point
original code mark remains on it. all information concerning police activities, and it is
the naming of records control and being able to
8. Unit – The names, initials, or words used in trough centralization that the various line functions of
analyze the various systems of storage available the police organization are coordinated.
determining the alphabetic order of field
require knowledge of the terms used. The definition materials are called units. The name Joan C.
Functions and Uses of Records 10. Miscellaneous cases, general and special This record maintains the arrest and jail booking
1. It measure police efficiency, orders and all other incidents that need to be report, which is required for all persons arrested. It
2. It present the community’s crime picture, recorded. shall bear an arrest number for each arrest made.
3. It assist in assigning and promoting The Identification Record
personnel, Mechanics of Good Report Identification record is the third major
4. It identify individuals, 1. It should present a chronological sequence of division of police records. Fingerprint records are
5. It provide a basis for property accountability, events. the heart identification system. It provides positive
6. It control Investigation, 2. It should be typed written or computerized. identification and the police must supplement it with
7. It can make information available to the 3. It should provide complete data of victim or a record of physical characteristics and in some cases
public, suspect. a photograph of the criminal. Identification records
8. It increase efficiency in traffic control, 4. Abbreviations should be avoided except have their own number series: an identification
9. It assist the courts and prosecutors, those that are commonly known. number is assigned to each criminal to identify
10. It assist in evaluating control services, 5. It should be brief but clear. records relating to him.
11. It coordinate custodial services, 6. Every incident should be written in separate The Administrative Record
12. It integrate the department, report. These are records required in the
13. It furnish data for the budget, 7. It should be accurate and state facts and not management of the department personnel and
14. It establish responsibility, opinions. designed to aid in assignment, promotion, and
15. It reveal unusual problems, 8. It should answer the 5W’s and 1H. disciplinary actions. Such records are so essentials
16. It aid in the apprehension of criminals. in administering personnel matters that they must be
17. It assist other police agencies, Types of Police Records maintained in a police department.
18. It provide the basis for compilation of police Police Records are classified into the following: The Miscellaneous Records
statistics, These are records, which do not relate to
19. Effective employment of personnel and 1. Case Records recorded complaint and investigation reports but are
equipment, 2. Arrest and Booking Records informational in character.
20. Future references and basis of action. 3. Identification Records
4. Administrative Records Recording and Filing System
Incidents to be Recorded 5. Miscellaneous Records The nature of police work justifies emphasis
1. Violations of laws and ordinances, on criminal records. To be fully effective, a police
2. All calls in which any member of the police The Case Records record system must:
force dispatched or takes official action, 1. Be comprehensive and include every
3. All legal papers handled such as warrant of A case of records is composed of two categories: incident coming to the attention of the police.
arrest, subpoenas, summonses, citations and 1. Complainant/Assignment Sheet which reflects all 2. Be adequately indexed to permit ready
the like, information regarding complains and reports reference;
4. Cases of missing and found persons, animals received by the police from the citizens and other 3. Be centralized to prove adequate control and
and property, agencies, or actions initiated by the police. maximum utilization of clerical personnel.
5. Accidents which require police actions, 2. Investigation Report, which contains the findings 4. Be as a simple as possible, consistent with
6. All personal injuries, bodies found and of an action taken by the investigating officer based adequacy, and;
suicides, on inquiries made and by obtaining the available 5. Lend itself into summarization and analysis to
7. Any damage to property facts of the incidents. permit continuing appraisal of the police
8. All cases in which a police officer is involved, The Arrest and Booking Records services.
9. All arrests made,

Such a system will permit a police records, registered by stamping a serial on each. When the investigator continuing the investigation if the
report and analysis to be used as significant tools of registered the complaint/assignment sheet case is left by pending status.It shall be submitted
management, supervision, control, policy making, becomes a part of the records system. There within three (3) days after the submission of the
and operations. A police department, large or small, shall be a consecutive series of complaint initial report and monthly thereafter until the case
shall maintain a centralized record file under a numbers assigned by the desk officer. The is closed or cleared.
unified control. The case file is the master record and complaint number must not be confused with the Closing a case shall not be confused with
is supplemented by the arrest and the identification case number. clearing a case. A case is “Closed”, for
records. Each of these records is numbered serially; All incidents, which require for a police administrative purposes, when it is no longer
thus there are case numbers, arrest numbers, and investigation, shall receive a complain number. being investigated and is not assigned to an
identification numbers. The case number identifies each case and all investigator. A closed case can be either solved
other papers and reports relating to it and as a or unsolved. A case is “Cleared” when one or
Filing the Case Record basis for filing. The desk officer receiving the call more person is arrested, charge with the
The case record is the heart of any police need not be obtain detailed information from the commission of the offense and turned over to the
record system. It is the basis for an analysis of complainant but secure the basic information fiscal or court for prosecution. Based on the final
offences and the methods by which they are needed to prepare the complaint/assignment report a complaint maybe filed by the Police
committed. The following are the different types of sheet. If the complaint is lodge in the precinct, Station Commander before the Municipal
reports included under the case records, which shall the desk officer of the precinct shall prepare the Criminal Circuit Trial Court, if it is the
be accomplished by all concerned; complaint/assignment sheet in two copies municipality.
1. Complaint/assignment sheet indicating thereon the complaint number c) Continuation Report – This report shall
This is the foundation record of the police assigned by the Central Record Unit. The be used as the second as the succeeding pages of
department. The desk officer, or clerk, or original copy shall be forwarded to the Central all kinds or reports.
telephone operator receiving a call for police Records Unit. d) Technical Report – This report shall be
assistance accomplishes it. All incidents 2. Investigative Report accomplished by the investigator to cover other
mentioned above and reported to the police shall This type of report is prepared as a angles of the case or the technical staff whose
have a complaint/assignment sheet. Each written report on the findings of the investigator. assistance has been requested to conduct
complaint/assignment sheet shall be assigned a The following are the different types of the laboratory examination of evidence specimen
different number. investigative reports. gathered, to supplement the findings and report
There are therefore, two numbering a) Case Report – This report shall be of the investigating officer.
system: complaint/assignment sheets becomes accomplished by the investigator or member f) Wanted Person Report – Information of
the primary document for the analysis of crime making preliminary investigation of crime persons who are wanted by the police shall be
occurrences while the investigative report reported to the police. The investigating officer flashed by means of “Notice” wanted person,
becomes the prime document for the shall submit this report at the end of his tour of accomplished in six copies, one copy to be sent
continuation of the investigative process two duty. This report shall be prepared in the number to the PNP Provincial Director, one (1) copy to the
copies of the complaint/assignment sheet shall of copies required by the department for PNP Regional Director, one copy to be sent to
be made for each complaint requiring a sheet distribution. For uniformity of crime reporting PNP Director General, Camp Crame, Quezon
report. this shall follow the prescribed classification of City, one copy to be sent to the NBI Central
A separate complaint/assignment sheet is offences, while the duplicate copy shall remain in office, Taft avenue, Manila, the original copy to
required for each crime or incident reported to the precinct concerned for the corresponding be placed in the “Persons Wanted File” of the
the police. It makes no difference whether the action. The officer assigned to the case shall police station concerned, and the six (6) copies to
complaint is reported by telephone, by letter, in make his report at the end of his tour of duty. be displayed in the Rogues Gallery. Strict
person at the police desk, to an officer on duty b) Supplemented / progress – final compliance with the instructions at the back of
otherwise. The complaint/assignment sheet is Report – Progress report shall accomplished by the form is required.
g) Daily Record of Events – A daily preparing for the arrest record, it is important the full with the arrest record file be the number in the
record of event is needed to keep all members of name first, middle and last, another personal Central Record Unit, The duplicate and triplicate
the force informed concerning police operations, circumstances of the prisoner are entered and all copies shall be sent to the fiscal or to the clerk of
assignments, and administrative instructions. It questions on the form are answered. It shall bear on court, as the case may be, together with the criminal
shall carry a brief resume of each arrest number for each arrest made. The number complaint of information and its other supporting
complaint/assignment sheet, a description of series for arrest shall start from no. 1 on the first day papers. The lower portion of the arrest report will be
missing persons, and persons wanted, and other of each year which will known as Calendar Year later on detached and returned to the police
information of interest to the police force. The Numbering System. For example, the first arrest in department by the fiscal or the clerk of court
officer who prepares the complaint/assignment 1991 shall be 91-1 this means that it is the first case of concerned after the termination of the case, to be
sheet may reproduce the daily record of events the calendar year 1991. This report shall be used in filed with the case record after the disposition of the
becomes a chronological cross-reference to the controlling prisoners during the period of case has been annotated on the fingerprint of the
complaint file. A number of copies may be made investigation. The arrest report shall be filed by the accused.
for dissemination to the different divisions and arrest number and cross-indexed by name and all 2. Booking Report – The police station needs
units of the department. In large police stations, aliases of the prisoner. It shall carry the serial a current list of the prisoners in custody which will
the daily record of events may be duplicated by number of the complaint/assignment sheet and case indicate the status and disposition of each. It provides
mimeograph. In all police forces, a log book or report, as the case may be. In an arrest where there information to each division as to the inmate or
police blotter shall be used, provided that it has been no previous complaint/assignment sheet inmates in jail. It facilitates accounting for the
contains all the information in the daily record of prepared, the desk officer shall make out one and prisoners at the end of each shift and their control
events and that each incident shall be assigned a assign a serial number at the time of the time of the and all times and on which restrictions or privileges
serial number. All investigation report and other booking. Immediately after accomplishing the arrest are noted. The booking sheet shall be jail file for
documents dealing with a case are assembled in report, three things are done. arrest, arranged alphabetically, and serves as the jail
a folder. The accumulation of the record is called resister. Information regarding any prisoners in
the “Case File” and is one of the principal First – Send to the complaint clerk for the custody is thus immediately available. The file shall
features of the satisfactory record system. Case preparation of the complaint/assignment be kept at the booking counter or location convenient
files are always filed according to the case sheet. in examination when inquiries are made. After the
number. release of the prisoner, either the police or the court,
Second – Send to the complaint clerk for the jail-booking sheet is forwarded to the records
Filing the Arrest and Booking Records name search against the alphabetical index division where it is filed according to the arrest
These reports are required for all persons file in order to determine if the prisoner is number.
arrested. They shall be made out in full on each wanted on some other cases. 3. Prisoner’s Property Receipt – All police
person arrested. stations shall give receipts to prisoners’ property that
1. Arrest Report – An arrest report shall be Third – Two sets of the fingerprints of the is taken from them. This receipt is prepared in
out in full on each person arrested and should be prisoner shall be taken. One set shall be duplicate. Everything taken from his is still the
prepared at the time is prisoner is booked. forwarded to the NBI headquarters, Manila, prisoners’ property until shown to be otherwise. The
Information regarding the offender, the charges and and the other shall be searched by officer who makes the search and remove the
circumstances of arrest is recorded before the fingerprint classification in the fingerprint property shall itemize it completely in the presence
prisoner is locked in jail or released on bond. The file, only one set shall be taken and of another officer and the prisoner and give prisoner
arresting officer is responsible for the arrest report forwarded to the NBI headquarters in Manila. the original receipt. The officer must also see that the
and its completion. One or more criminal charge may property is sealed in an envelope, which bears the
be placed on one arrest report. However, if the arrest Finding shall be noted on the arrest report prisoners name, the property receipt number and the
is in obedience to a warrant or warrants, separate shall be prepared in triplicate together with one date. The department property clerk will not be
arrest report will be made for each warrant. In booking sheet as its fourth copy. The original is filed concerned with the care of prisoner’s property
except when it is too bulky for storage in the a. Criminal Fingerprint – All persons to all other law enforcement agencies, it is imperative
prisoner’s property cabinet or safe. arrested for an offense shall be fingerprinted and an that copies be sent to the NBI, Manila wherein a
The prisoners property receipt blank form identification number shall be assigned to each history sheet will be prepared and furnished the
should be in book form, with the original perforated prisoner to identify records relating to him. A contributing agency. Other police stations may have
for easy removal and with a serial number printed on prisoner shall be fingerprinted each time he is arrested the subject in the past are thus inform of his
each pair. The duplicate should be removed from the arrested, even though his prints have already on the present whereabouts. The history sheet sent to the
book. This is to eliminate danger of loss and to have file, in order that a copy may be sent to the National NBI by fingerprints. It is most important, however,
an easy reference by property receipt number or Bureau of Investigation. This procedure brings the that the fingerprint shall be taken accurately.
date. criminal history file up to date after each arrest. The The Henry FBI extension classification system
On the time of release, the prisoner shall be same ID number shall be used for each subject, of fingerprints shall be used by the police stations.
required to produce the original receipt. Where he regardless of the numbers of time he may be The criminal history sheet shall be filed in the
sign to acknowledge return of his property. The arrested or fingerprinted. This is the fourth series of individual criminal file. Each person arrested by a
receipt is then filed with the case file. In the event the number used, the other three being the compliant local police station shall have an individual file
receipt has been lost, stolen or destroyed before the sheet, case report and arrest report. The folder.
return of the property, certification listing as the identification number shall appear on the fingerprint Criminal Specialty or Modus Operandi File
property as described on the duplicate prisoners card; the description and the photograph. The – This consists of photographic records and modus
property receipt shall be signed by the prisoner. This identification numbers are recorded chronologically operandi of known criminals. This shall describe the
certification shall indicate that the original prisoners in a ledger the entries on which include the name, method of operation of a criminals, Classified and
property receipt was lost, stolen or destroyed. identification number, case number, the fingerprint filed in such a way as to aid in identifying the crime
Prisoner’s property that is clearly identifiable classification and the date fingerprinted. as one committed by a known criminal.
by a number or inscription shall be checked against b. Civilian Fingerprint – All persons
the stolen property files. If an identification is made, requesting clearance certificate or other personal This is commonly known as M. O. (Modus
an investigation report stating the facts is written in identification purposes shall be fingerprinted using Operandi) file. The use of the classification index file
duplicate; the original is sent to the Commanding the prescribed form. is the simplest form of modus operandi. This is a sort
Officer who shall cause the property so identified to c. Alien Fingerprint – All aliens requesting of Rogues Gallery and is helpful in controlling crime
be held as evidence, the duplicate shall be sent to the clearance certificate for purposes of petition for and in apprehending criminals. This shall be filed
detective division for appropriate action. naturalization, charge of name, oath taking for other accordingly to certain M. O. characteristics,
personal identification, purposes shall be according to major classes of crimes, and according
Filing the Identification Record fingerprinted, using also the prescribed form. to identification number. Group photographs of
The various identification records for the criminals working together are aid to identification
identification of the criminals and other individuals The fingerprint card is searched in the and they shall be filed of Criminal Specialty of group
now extensively used in police stations shall include alphabetical index file. If the search is negative, involved.
the following: search is then made in the fingerprint file by
Fingerprint Record – Of the various method fingerprint formula. The fingerprint card are then Filing the Administrative Records
of criminal identification, the fingerprint system is the indexed and filed. This means that it is mandatory
most reliable. Identifying criminals by name is principle of taking the fingerprint of all people A number of different records are required in
unsatisfactory because of the frequent use by mentioned above in the three categories: criminal the management of the departments’ personnel.
criminal or aliases. Fingerprint record shall be civilians, and aliens. Some of these are of an informational character
prepared in at least two copies, the original remain in Secondly, although the police station wishes designed to aid in assignments, promotions and
the Central Record of the police station concerned to maintain its fingerprint card will be sent to the NBI disciplinary actions; others are of control character
and a copy to be sent to the NBI headquarters in in Manila. In order for fingerprints to serve their such as correspondence files, department
Manila. maximum usefulness to the local police stations and memoranda, daily summary of daily attendance
record, follow up and call sheet and monthly report. such as firearms, speaking engagements, and the necessary and the police force. This shall
In police stations of over 100 men, the use of such file like. include the list of police numbers
is essential in administering personal matters. assigned to individual police personnel
1. Personal Records – A file showing the Another system utilized occasionally is to for identification purposes, which shall be
history of each police officer, both prior and assign a correspondence number to each piece of varied and standard identification card
subsequent to joining the force, is indispensable. incoming correspondence, which then is filed by the for all members of the police force.
2. Correspondence File – This shall consist of name of the author. In any event, some types of
set or records of communications classified, arranged control records should be maintained in order to Indexing
and filed alphabetically by the subject to which they ensure a prompt reply. Every police form shall keep Police stations shall prepare and maintain
pertain. and maintain the following miscellaneous record. index card appearing in the case report and index
3. Memoranda, Orders, Policy files, etc. – card for serial number and description of recovered
These shall be filed accordingly as they are made ▪ Register of the aliens within the city or lost or stolen property that has been brought to their
available. municipality obtain from the Immigration attention. The following are different types of index
4. Assignment Record – The detective Commission and/or other sources; file.
assignment record is desirable for the effective ▪ List of firearm holders from the Philippine
function of the detective division. Other division in National Police; Master Name Index File
the force may devise a system of assigning ▪ List incumbent city or municipal and Every police station shall maintain a master
personnel. barangay officials and their address; name index for the operation. It shall be in 3/5 inches
5. Other files – Police stations shall maintain ▪ Lists of the labor unions, cooperative index card stock. Index cards shall be arranged in
other administrative records responsive to their associations, civic, professionals, social general alphabetical order by the last name. Index
needs. and religious organizations, in industrial cards shall be made of all names appearing in the
plants, movie houses, etc. case report, including aliases, name of complainants,
Filing the Miscellaneous Records ▪ List and description and all army camps victims, suspect and wanted persons, index card
Police stations perform a variety of services and mobilization centers. shall be prepared when outside fingerprint cards are
that do not relate to recorded complaints. In addition ▪ acts about the locality indicating district, received and placed in a local fingerprint collection
to the general classes or records, there is barangays, sitios, roads, bridge, centers whether the subject is wanted or not. The department
miscellaneous group which do not feel under of population, voters and the like; shall also index all names of persons wanted by other
categories of records that a police stations maintains ▪ Copies of ordinances and penal laws. police agencies as listed in circulars or by other
and which on occasions create filing problems within notice, persons placed on probation or parole. On
a department. ▪ Roster of AFP reservists, (obtainable from the index card, the following shall be reflected.
The average small police stations may simply military sources) showing current 1. Complaint, case and/or ID number as the
maintain one file folder for each category. Each piece addresses. case may be.
of correspondence, together with the copy of the ▪ List of private security agencies. 2. Name, aliases, addresses, sex, race, height,
reply, should be filed in chronological order in an ▪ List of parolees, pardoned and released weight, color of the eyes and hair, date and
appropriate location file. As a refinement, the names criminals and their addresses. place of birth.
of the authors of the correspondence received may ▪ Property and equipment records – 3. Fingerprints classification (if available).
be indexed – the index care referring to the folder in complete inventory shall be keep by the 4. Brief statement of each incident base on the
which the correspondence may be located. If police station and property as well as the source document with the following date.
correspondence with a particular office is frequent, a cause of maintenance and operations, ▪ Date fingerprint taken, court case
separate folder for the office may be maintained. and warrant of arrest issued or date
However, another method used is to filed ▪ Such other reports that may be required alleged information.
miscellaneous correspondence by a subject matter by proper authorities and those that are
▪ Contributor of fingerprint or numerical order according to the third digit from the Responsibility for filing each class of records
information and local number. end as follows: should be definitely assigned to one or more
▪ Nature of offense and or purpose, designated clerks. Access to records, cabinets shall
and; Example: Guide card 66 be restricted to record’s division members only.
▪ Result of disposition, it known Revolver 952066 When any record is removed from the file, an
Motor number 123066 appropriate borrower’s slip is used and a charged-
5. If the subject has used to or more names, he Watch 51-266 cut card is accomplished. This ensures the proper
will be known by the name first used and so Electric drill 752566 used of the files; prevent the misplacement of records
far as the particular police station is Radio AMD 3866 that have been used and keep the files personnel
concerned. however, both shall be reflected informed at all times of the whereabouts of the
on the index card underlying the first or the 2. Radio stations with more than 200 members shall records instead out at any given time.
original name used. number the guide cards from 000 through 999.
6. A cross-index card shall be prepared for Numbered property shall be indexed according to Borrower’s Slip
each additional name use without the brief the last three digits of the number without regard to This is used when asking for files, and is used
information. The one in charge of the master the type of article. The indexed card is fixed behind as a receipt for a case or any number of items from a
name index file shall go through indexes, the guide cards corresponding to the last three digits file. It is in 4x6 inches sheet. A supply of such slip
card by card, in search of misfile card. The of the number. shall be kept in each division or unit. This form is
sizes and conditions of the files will influence accomplished by the borrower who needs a file and
the frequency of searching. Unnumbered property index maybe brought to the file room either through the
Property not identifiable by manufacturers regular messenger service or by any person
Stolen Property Index File serial number is indexed in the unnumbered authorized by the borrower. It is presented to the
One principal objective of the investigation property index, by description of the article, such as record’s official. It is kept in a file control box when
conducted by the line-operating units is the clothing, furniture, footwear, and etc., should be the file stands or remains charged-out. On the return
identification of the recovery of lost or stolen indicative of the general character of the article of the record, the borrower’s slip is cancelled in the
property. The stolen property index is an indexed. Index card shall be removed from the files presence of the borrower and same is attached to the
investigative aid of inestimable value in achieving when the property is recovered and file should be record and remains in the file as a permanent record
this objective. There are two means of identifying overhauled periodically and certain cards removed. of the transaction.
property. One by serial number placed on the For example, cards over six months old describing
property and the other is the type of property perishable goods; those over two years old Charge-out Card
(unnumbered) this shall be indexed and 3/5 inches describing non-perishable foodstuff, tobacco, and
index card stock, describing the articles that are liquor; and those over five years old describing Each time any file is issued, a record should be made
reported lost or stolen locally or by circulars from wearing apparel, linens and bed cloths, etc., serve no on a color charge-out which is often called a
other police station. Prior to filing a card, a search useful purpose after such a period of time, cards “Substitution Card” or an “Out Card” which takes the
shall be made to determine whether the same piece describing articles of greater value, of articles not place of a file that has been removed from the
of property has been previously recorded. likely to be worn, consumed, are destroyed should cabinet. This cards maybe cut to fit the file drawer
be kept indefinitely. The complete description should and shall stand out prominently among the files.
Numbered Property Index be described on the index card to eliminate the need When a file or folder is withdrawn, one of the cards is
1. Police stations with less than 200 police force may for a search to check the investigative report to filed out and inserted in place of the file. It remains
number guide cards from 00 through 99. Numbered obtain the complete description. there until the borrowed file is returned. When the
property shall be indexed by the last two digits of the record is returned, the entry of the record is crossed
serial numbers. When more than one index card filed Charging Out Files out and the card is put back in its place in front of the
behind one guide card, they may be placed a file drawer.
Follow-up Procedure Traffic spot maps – Accident spot map for 1. Manila Police Department – organized by virtue
the posting for motor vehicle and pedestrian of Act No. 183 of the Philippine Commission on July
It is essential that each Station Commander accident, which occur in the area. 31, 1901.
have an administrative device, which will ensure that
all case brought to the attention of the force shall Crime spot map – A general crime spot map - Capt GEORGE CURRY became the first Chief of
receive appropriate attention. The mechanics of the on which are posted the location of murders, rapes,
follow-up system consists in making use of one robberies, holdup, carnapping and other major
smooth copy of the complaint/assignment sheet for crimes of the locality.
2. Philippine Constabulary – organized by virtue of
every complaint, arrest, or other matter which is not
completely disposed of at the time of the original Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Act No. 175 of the Philippine Commission on August,
report. These sheets are placed in a “Tickler” or A uniform crime reporting shall be 1901, “An act providing for the organization and
“Follow-up File” according to the date as determined established in every police station for monthly and government of an Insular Police better known as the
by the manual on which the investigating officer shall annual reports on case handled and persons arrested Philippine Constabulary – the First Insular Police of
submit a progress or final report. The file has by the police station to include cases reported. These the Philippines
dividers for each day of smooth and is separated in to reports shall follow the prescribed classification of
12 months. If a report is due on a designated date, the offenses. The monthly statistical reports shall include - Capt. HENRY T. ALLEN became the first Chief of
follow-up slip shall be filed on the day following the the following: PC.
target for submission of the report. A reminder slip ▪ Monthly report of cases handled by the
shall be made and sent to the superior of the officer police station NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION
concerned if the report is not submitted on the date ▪ Supplement on monthly report on cases
due. handled by the police station Republic Act No. 4864 – An act creating the National
▪ Report of male persons arrested
Police Commission under the office of the President
Spot Map ▪ Report of female persons arrested
in September 8, 1966.
Spot maps are useful to indicate the traffic The four reports above described shall be
accidents and crime location. The location of crime submitted to the National Police Commission in three
hazards aid in the direction of enforcement effort. It copies not later than the 15th of each month. The
provides supervising officer with evidence of National Police Commission in return shall each PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 765
weakness in police service and shows the individual furnish the NBI and the Chief/Director General of the
officer where his attention is specially needed. Spot PNP. Accuracy and promptness in the submission of An act creating the Police Constabulary/Integrated
maps should be placed where they will be readily these reports shall be the responsibility of the Station National Police (PC/INP) in August 8, 1975. This law
available for consultation. They shall be placed in the Commander. put the NAPOLCOM under the Ministry of National
office of the head of the division or in the office The annual crime statistical report shall follow Defense. During this time pursuant of E.O 389, PC
housing the specialized activity involved. Spot maps the prescribed form of monthly reports. became one of the four major services of the AFP
should be kept up to the date by the record staff.
Each map should be limited not over four different Salient Features of PD 765
factors if this factors have about equal frequency. In COMPARATIVE POLICE SYSTEM
place of the crime index and the location index, spot 1. The INP was established and constituted,
maps shall be maintained by the police station for its SALIENT FEATURES: composed of the PC as the nucleus and
use as follows: the INP as component under the DND.
2. The head of the PNP was Chief of the PC

3. The PC remained as the major service of 1. Director General (P D/Gen.) - General honor, dignity and the privilege of being a member
the AFP 2. Deputy Director General (P D/DGen.) - of a noble organization where the call to public
4. The remaining power of the NAPOLCOM Lieutenant General service is par excellence a commitment to public
was extended to the police, fire and jail 3. Director (P Dir.) - Major General trust.
components of the INP. 4. Chief Superintendent (P C/Supt.) - Brigadier
General Shield - The symbol of the Philippine Constabulary,
5. Senior Superintendent (P S/Supt.) - Colonel the first National Police by virtue of Organic Act No.
PNP LAW OF 1991 6. Superintendent (P Supt.) - Lieutenant Colonel 175, enacted by the Philippine Commission on 18 July
7. Chief Inspector (P C/Insp.) - Major 1901. The Philippine Constabulary for the close to 90
Republic Act No. 6975 – an act establishing 8. Senior Inspector (P S/Insp.) - Captain years of service to the nation has performed with
the PNP under a Reorganized Department of the 9. Inspector (P Insp.) - Lieutenant honor, professionalism and courage. The PC has
Interior and Local Government in December 13, Non-commissioned officers carved out a large part of the glorious pages of
Philippine history, as attested by its proudly and
1. Senior Police Officer IV (SPO4) - Senior deservedly garnering 86 of the 92 "Medals of Valor"
Master Sergeant / Chief Master Sergeant the highest honor that a grateful Filipino nation can
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8551 – PNP Reform and
2. Senior Police Officer III (SPO3) - Master bestow on its gallant sons in the service of the
Reorganized Act of 1998 under the National Sergeant Republic. Most appropriately therefore, the
Police Commission. 3. Senior Police Officer II (SPO2) - Technical Philippine Constabulary became the nucleus of the
Sergeant Integrated National Police in 1975 to nurture the then
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9708 - 4. Senior Police Officer I (SPO1) - Staff Sergeant embryonic concept of the nationalization of the
5. Police Officer III (PO3) - Sergeant country's local police forces.
Law amending the provisions of RA 6975 and RA8551 o 6. Police Officer II (PO2) - Corporal
n the 7. Police Officer I (PO1) - Private First Class < Three Stars - Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao and the
1,700 islands and the territorial integrity wherein the
Minimum educational qualification for appointment to PNP Seal Meaning and Symbolism National Police must enforce the law and maintain
the PNP and adjusting the promotion system peace and order with professionalism, zeal and
Lapu-Lapu Hero - The great Filipino hero of Mactan,
dedication in keeping with the highest ideals and
the prototype of the best and most noble in Filipino
; approved on 12 August 2009 traditions of service to our country and people.
manhood who is the symbol and embodiment of all
the genuine attributes of leadership, courage,
“AN ACT EXTENDING FOR FIVE (5) YEARS THE Service • Honor • Justice - Added distinct ideals for
nationalism, self-reliance and a people-based and
REGLEMENTARYPERIOD FOR COMPLYING WITH the officers, men and women of the PNP to insure
people powered community defense. The benevolent
THE MINIMUM EDUCATIONALQUALIFICATION and heroic warrior who derived added strength from efficiency, integrity, cohesiveness, camaraderie and
equanimity to enhance community acceptance and
FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE PHILIPPINE a cohesive, determined and loyal people is today a
support to attain its mission of peace keeping and law
NATIONALPOLICE (PNP) AND ADJUSTING THE fitting symbol and a prototype as well of people
PROMOTION SYSTEM THEREOF, AMENDING power to preserve our values, customs, traditions,
way of life and the rule of law thru a solidly
FOR THE PURPOSE PERTINENT PROVISIONS OF Sun - Symbolize the flowering, maturing and ultimate
community-based police system. Lapu-Lapu also
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6975 AND REPUBLIC ACT NO. realization of the glorious evolution of the PC/INP into
personifies for us today civilian constitutional
8551 AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES” authority. a National Police Organization - "national in scope
and civilian in character" - as enshrined in the 1986
Commissioned officers Constitution. The Traditional light rays which
Laurel - Green Laurel with 14 leaves, symbolizes the
represents the fight ingest provinces whose ideals of
14 Regional Commands. It is also a symbol of the
courage and patriotism the members of the National 1.Continental Theory – policemen are considered often also entrusted with various licensing and
Police must possess. servants of higher authorities and people have little regulatory activities. The word comes via
or no share of all their duties, nor any direct French word Policier, from Latin politia ("civil
PNP Badge Meaning and Symbolism connection with them.
administration"), from ancient Greek polis
2.Home Rule Theory – policemen are considered
Philippine Monkey Eating Eagle The National ("city").
servant of the community who depends for the
Bird – symbol of swiftness and ferocity, power,
effectiveness of their functions upon the express
courage and immortality. Characteristics common to most police forces
wishes of the people.
E. CONCEPT OF POLICE SERVICE include a quasi-military organization, a
PNP Shield - Symbol of protection of all citizens.
1. Old Concept – punishment is the role uniformed patrol and traffic-control force,
instrument of crime control throwing plainclothes divisions for criminal
Three Stars - Stands for Luzon, Visayas and
more people to jail than keeping investigations, and a set of enforcement
Mindanao which constitute the Republic's Territorial
them out of jail. priorities that reflects the community’s way of
Integrity over which the PNP must enforce the law
2. Modern Concept – the yardstick of
and maintain peace and order with professionalism, life. Administration may be centralized at the
efficiency of the police is the absence
zeal and dedication in keeping with the highest national level downward, or decentralized,
of crime. Its objective is the welfare of
ideals and traditions of service to God, Country and with local police forces largely autonomous.
People. the people and the society.

Recruits usually receive specialized training

Eight Sun Rays - Represents the eight (8) provinces
COMPARATIVE and take an exam. The modern metropolitan
whose ideals of courage, gallantry patriotism led to
their revolt against Spain. police force began with Sir Robert Peel in
Denotes the degree or grade by which a Britain c. 1829. Secret police are often
Lapu – Lapu - Symbolizes the bravery of the person, thing, or other entity has a property separate, covert organizations established by
Philippine National Police. or quality greater or less in extent than that national governments to maintain political and
of another. The way of studying of different social orthodoxy, which typically operate with
Service, Honor, and Justice - Service is the vibrant phenomenon, institutions or objects such as little or no control.
and cogent deeds and actions in response to the legal system in an effort to understand their
needs and wants of the people in distress: Honor
origins, processes or relationships. SYSTEM
could be the overriding criterion and consideration
in the performance of their entrusted task or mission:
Combination of parts in a whole; orderly
and Justice dispensed to everyone whatever is due to
him without favoritism or discrimination of any sort. arrangement according to some common law;
collection of rules and principles in science or
Laurel Leaves - Symbolizes the competency, art; method of transacting business.
brilliance and honor in the field of endeavor
expected from each and every member of the PNP. COMPARATIVE POLICE SYSTEM
Police typically are responsible for Process of outlining the similarities and
THE CONCEPTS, THEORIES AND PHILOSOPHY maintaining public order and safety, differences of one police system to another in order
OF POLICE SERVICE enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, to discover insights in the field of international
and investigating criminal activities. These policing.
functions are known as policing. Police are

The way of comparing the different system of 3. Urban-Industrial society- Police become to intervene and the concern of the state for
policing practice by other countries to address a specialized in how to handle property crimes, the affairs of the citizenry. It is therefore
particular problems. and the system of punishment is run on timely to discuss the connection of
market principles of creating incentives and globalization to policing.
Purpose of comparative police system disincentives..England and the U.S. followed
1. To address problem of transnational crime. this positive legal path. WHAT IS GLOBALIZATION?
2. To study the trends in policing. 4. Bureaucratic society- has a system of laws
(along with armies of lawyers) police who Globalization
THEORIES OF COMPARATIVE POLICING tend to keep busy handling political crime Is the system of interaction among the
1. Alertness to crime theory, is that as a nation and terrorism and a system of punishment countries of the world in order to develop the
develops, people’s alertness to crime is characterized by over criminalization and global economy. Globalization refers to the
heightened. They report more crime to police overcrowding. integration of economics and societies all over
and demand the police to become more 5. Post-modern society- It is where the the world. Globalization involves
effective in solving crime problems. emphasis is upon the meaning of words and technological, economic, political, and cultural
2. Economic or migration theory, is that crime the deconstruction of institution. exchanges made possible largely by advances
everywhere is the result of unrestrained in communication, transportation, and
migration and overpopulation in urban areas Types of Police System infrastructure.
such as ghettos and slums. 1. Common law system It is a package of transnational flows of people,
3. Opportunity theory, is that along with higher 2. Civil law system production, investment, information, ideas and
standards of living, victims become more 3. socialist system authority.
careless of their belongings and 4. Islamic system
opportunities for committing crime multiply. Alison Brysk in digest paper stated that
4. Demographic theory, is based on the event THE NEED FOR INNOVATIVE POLICING GLOBALIZATION is the growing interpretation
when a greater number of children are being Theories and practices in law enforcement of states, market, communications and ideas. It
born. have been compared in several studies under is one of the leading characteristics of the
5. Deprivation theory, holds that progress various circumstances, the goal is to test contemporary world.
comes along with rising expectations. whether the theory and practice in policing
6. Modernization theory, sees the problem as needs modernization to meet the demands of Effects of Globalization
society becoming too complex. the present trends in crime fighting. If you visit several countries, you can
7. Theory of anomie and synomie Comparative research is usually carried out easily feel the effect globalization has on our
by the “safari” method (a researcher visits daily lives. The following are some of the most
Societal type and police system another country) or “collaborative” method significant effects of globalization.
1. Folk-communal society- no specialization (the researcher communicates with a foreign
among police, and a system of punishment researcher).
that just let things go for a while without Industry: The world has become a huge
attention until things become too much and GLOBALIZATION IN LAW market where you can buy and sell things
then harsh, barbaric punishment is resorted ENFORCEMENT produced in any part of the world. There are a
to. Every nation has its own law
lot of international brands operating
2. Urban-commercial society- Most of enforcement agency called the Police. One
continental Europe Developed along this thing is common, the Police symbolized the worldwide. These include
path. presence of a civil body politics in everyday
life; they symbolized the capacity of the state
Culture: Globalization means a decrease in It is believed that globalization is a positive jobs to competition. Increased job
the cultural diversity that used to exist in the development generating more trade and competition has led to reduction in
world earlier. You can find people in several hence welfare of the whole world. wages and consequently lower
countries dressing up like Westerners. Food is Nevertheless it also has some significant standards of living.
another good example. Young people disadvantages which should not be forgotten. • Terrorists have access to sophisticated
especially are eating more of American or weapons enhancing their ability to
Chinese foods then their own cultural dishes. These include: inflict damage. Terrorists use the
The way people speak is also changing. For • Increasing trends in migration of Internet for communicating among
example teenagers in the Middle East are labor to developing countries as themselves.
much influenced by the way the black large firms shift their production • Companies have set up industries
Americans speak. They think its “cool”. to developing countries. causing pollution in countries with
Legislation: There has been an increase in the • Some powerful people and poor regulation of pollution.
establishment of International courts of justice countries control the whole world • Fast food chains like McDonalds and
where someone accused could be dealt with in • Loss of jobs in countries that KFC are spreading in the developing
any part of the world. Interpol is another cannot compete with larger firms world. People are consuming more
example of International law enforcement • Increased dependency on each junk food from these joints which has
agency. other. The recent financial crisis an adverse impact on their health.
is a good example of that. • The benefits of globalization are not
Language: With increased globalization, The negative effects of globalization universal. The rich are getting richer
people tend to forget their mother tongue and Opponents of globalization point out to and the poor are becoming poorer.
use English instead as there is an idea that it its negative effects. Some of them are listed • Bad aspects of foreign cultures are
makes them superior in some way. This might below. affecting the local cultures through TV
also help them in job searches etc. and the Internet.
• Developed nations have outsourced • Enemy nations can spread propaganda
Information: With the wide use of Internet and manufacturing and white collar jobs. through the Internet.
other kinds of information technology, it has That means less-jobs for their people. • Deadly diseases like HIV/AIDS are
become much easier and faster to share This has happened because being spread by travelers to the
information worldwide. Live TV channels are manufacturing work is outsourced to remotest corners of the globe.
another good example of quick information developing nations like China where • Local industries are being taken over
sharing. the cost of manufacturing goods and by foreign multinationals.
wages are lower. Programmers, • The increase in prices has reduced the
Finance: Globalization has made it easier to editors, scientists and accountants government’s ability to sustain social
raise finance through individuals and firms have lost their jobs due to outsourcing welfare schemes in developed
outside the country. The International to cheaper locations like India. countries.
Monetary Fund is a good example of an • Globalization has led to exploitation of • There is increase in human trafficking.
International Institute which lends money to labor. Prisoners and child workers are • Multi-National Companies and
countries in need for finance. used to work in inhumane conditions. corporations which were previously
Politics: Powerful countries and individuals Safety standards are ignored to restricted to commercial activities are
nowadays have political control over the whole produce cheap goods. increasingly influencing political
world, not only their country. The United States • Job insecurity. Earlier people had decisions.
is an example of a country that influences the stable, permanent jobs. Now people
whole of the world politics. live in constant dread of losing their
Every law enforcement agency in the 4. Global groups for conflict monitoring
world is expected to be a protector of the and coalitions across transnational
The positive aspect of globalization people’s rights. Globalization has a great issues.
Globalization has a positive side as well. impact on every human right.
Supporters of globalization argue that it is The emergence of an “international The Effects of Globalization on Human Rights
good and beneficial. Some of their arguments regime” for state security and protection of Human rights and globalization are
are listed below. human rights, growing transnational social profoundly, though not always positively,
1. Globalization has created the movements networks, increasing linked. When countries export labor or
concept of outsourcing. Work consciousness and information politics have increase international co-operation, human
such as software development, the potential to address both traditional and rights are sometimes trampled. Subsequently,
customer support, marketing, emerging forms of law violation. Open many of the effects of human rights on
accounting and insurance is international system should free individuals to globalization are reactions to the exploitation
outsourced to developing pursue their rights, but large numbers of of people.
countries like India. The people seem to be suffering from both
company that outsourced the longstanding state repression and new denials Impact of globalization and new
work enjoys the benefit of of rights linked to transnational forces like technologies on drug-related crime and
lower costs because the wages international terrorism and other acts against Criminal organizations
in developing countries is far humanity.
lower than that of developed Cyber Crime
countries. The workers in the Threats on law enforcement: Some threats The term “cyber crime” covers many
developing countries get brought about by Globalization. types of activities but essentially can be used
employment. Developing 1. Increasing value of human rights to describe violations of law that are
countries get access to the violations evident by genocide or committed and/or facilitated through the use of
latest technology. mass killing.’ electronic media.
2. Increased competition forces 2. The under privilege gain unfair In comparison with ordinary crime,
companies to lower prices. access to global mechanism on law cyber crime requires few resources relative to
This benefits the end enforcement and security. the damage that can be caused, it can be
consumers. 3. Conflicts between nations committed in a jurisdiction without the
3. Increased media coverage 4. Transnational criminal networks for offender being physically present in it and, in
draws the attention of the drug trafficking, money laundering, many countries, offences are inadequately
world to human right terrorism etc. defined or not defined at all; hence, personal
violations. This leads to risk and the likelihood of detection are low.
improvement in human rights. Opportunities for law enforcement:
The Future 1. Creation of International tribunals to Impact on Drug-Related Organized Crime
Globalization is a tool that should benefit deal with human rights problems. Organized crime has its own operative
all sections of mankind. One cannot ignore its 2. Humanitarian interventions that can code, which flouts the rule of law and depends
negative effects. These must be addressed for promote universal norms and link them upon violence for its enforcement. It has,
the world’s peace and prosperity. to the enforcement power of states. however, adopted some of the business
3. Transnational professional network practices that characterize the legitimate
Effects of Globalization on Law and cooperation against transnational economy. Organized criminality has become
Enforcement crimes. more transnational and has been restructured

and decentralized; in other words, it too has offences with new means, for example, by Drug traffickers communicate with
globalized. using information warfare or digital attack each other mainly by using mobile telephones
The pyramid-shaped structure of the against intelligence activities of drug law with prepaid cards that can be bought
single organized criminal group has tended to enforcement agencies. anonymously. China has also reported a case
make way for fluid networks of cell-type Drug traffickers use computers and in which criminals tried to avoid detection by
structures in which national identity is electronic pocket organizers for storing penetrating the customs database to alter the
subordinate to function or skill, although information (such as bank account numbers, details and status of a commercial freight
nationality itself can be a function if it opens contact details of associates, databases of consignment, a case that undoubtedly has
the door to a new market or permits the assets and financial activity, sales and other implications for drug trafficking.
penetration or corruption of a particular business records, grid coordinates of In Australia, drug traffickers use a
institution. clandestine landing strips and recipes for facility offered to all clients by worldwide
Transnational criminals do not respect synthetic drug manufacture) and for electronic courier services to track their shipments on the
borders in that, in carrying out their activities, mail (e-mail) and other correspondence. company’s web site. A delay may indicate to
they trail their activities across several Surrogates receive instructions by the traffickers that a controlled delivery
jurisdictions to minimize law enforcement risks telephone, fax, pager or computer on where to operation has been set in motion. Drug law
and maximize profit; thus, no single State can deliver warehouse loads, whom to contact for enforcement authorities involved in such
presume that a particular criminal activity falls transportation services and where to send the operations must therefore act within an
entirely under its jurisdiction. The network is profits. Greater protection derives from the extremely narrow time limit in order to avoid
the organizational form that characterizes use of prepaid telephone cards, broadband suspicion.
globalization in both the licit and illicit sphere. radio frequencies, restricted-access Internet
For a drug trafficking organization, the chat rooms, encryption, satellite telephony and The Inter-American Drug Abuse Control
network structure has distinct advantages over “cloned” cellular telephones (so called when Commission (CICAD) of the Organization of
the traditional hierarchy: it has a well- the identity codes assigned to legitimate American States (OAS) noted in its
protected, dense core of organizations or customers are intercepted and programmed Hemispheric Report 1999-2010 that the Internet
people connected to a looser border by a into cellular telephones used by criminals). had become the most widely used medium for
multiplicity of links, which makes it more Members of drug trafficking expanding the production of synthetic drugs in
capable of evading law enforcement efforts. organizations can program their computers to some countries and that globalization, instant
Drug trafficking groups utilize new detect attempted intrusion and to use “back- communication and electronic fund transfers
technologies in two distinct ways: to improve hacking” techniques in order to damage the had been utilized by organized criminal groups
the efficiency of product delivery and investigating source. Such techniques are of to improve the efficiency of drug trafficking
distribution through the medium of secure, particular value to the organizers of drug activities.
instant communications; and to protect trafficking activities, who rarely need to leave
themselves and their illicit operations from the protection of their home base in order to Drug law enforcement authorities in
investigation by drug law enforcement agencies, organize or supervise their operations. the Czech Republic report that nowadays illicit
sometimes using techniques of counter-attack. Narcotics police in the Hong Kong drug sales and purchases are agreed online at
New technologies enable drug Special Administrative Region of China report Internet cafes or through the use of cellular
trafficking groups to commit traditional crimes that detecting the laundering of drug-related telephones. Because illicit drug deals are
with new methods—for example, to conceal funds has become more difficult with the arranged instantaneously and over short
information about the shipment of illicit drug advance of electronic commerce and Internet distances, interception by drug law
consignments by means of encrypted banking facilities. enforcement authorities is much more difficult.
messages or to launder drug-related funds by
electronic transfer—and to commit new
Since 1996, companies based in the rooms protected by firewalls to make them problems that the phenomenon is largely
Netherlands have been using the Internet to impenetrable. influence by the development of world
sell cannabis seeds and derivatives. According problems and that is takes advantage of all
to the International Criminal Police The details of each day’s trafficking forms of progress, especially in international
Organization (Interpol), at the beginning of activities had been fed into a computer located transport, telecommunication and computers.
the year 2000 authorities in the United on a ship off the coast of Mexico, ensuring that
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland even if other computers had been penetrated it Transnational crimes are committed with
identified over 1,000 websites worldwide would have been impossible to bring down the several motives: political influence, economic
offering to sell illicit drugs, mostly cannabis whole network. The same group had used gain, and social control.
but also methylene dioxymethamphetamine encryption that law enforcement authorities
(MDMA, commonly known as Ecstasy), had been unable to break in time to act on the
cocaine and heroin, in direct violation of the information. Those methods, in addition to
international drug control treaties. “cloned” cellular telephones, had enabled the Historical types of transnational crimes:
traffickers to move hundreds of tons of cocaine Slavery- the sub-mission to a dominating
The Netherlands and Switzerland had during a period of several years before being influence of the state of a person who is a
the highest number of such web sites. Law detected. chattel of another.
enforcement agencies in the United States of White slavery- engagement in the business
America attribute the rapid increase in Colombian and Mexican drug for profit or enlistment of services of any other
seizures of laboratories used for the illicit association have used sophisticated equipment person for the purpose of prostitution.
manufacture of methamphetamine to the for the surveillance of investigating officers
evolution of technology and the increased use and interception of their communications, Piracy as a transnational crime
of the Internet. collecting photographs of the officers and
other personal information. • Piracy- Refers to robbery in the high
In the past, drug recipes were closely seas and or the unauthorized use of
guarded secrets but, with modern computer This has also occurred in Europe. In another’s production intervention or
technology and chemists’ increasing 1995, a drug trafficking group in the conception especially in infringement
willingness to share their knowledge, this Netherlands hired computer specialists to of copy right.
information is now available to anyone with carry out hacking operations and to encrypt
computer access. It does not require a college- their communications. Encryption software Transnational Environmental crimes
educated chemist to produce amphetamine. installed on palmtop computers enabled the Environmental crime is inherently
Less than 10% of suspects arrested for illicitly traffickers to create a secure database on transnational character; most cross-border
manufacturing methamphetamine are trained unmarked police and intelligence vehicles. A environmental harms are not defined as crimes
chemists, a fact that explains the many fires, laptop computer and disks belonging to the or regulatory violations. But attempts to do so
explosions and injuries in clandestine investigating authorities were stolen and the are frequently confounded by legal system
laboratories. resultant information was used to intercept rooted in national sovereignty and thus, ill
communications between police officers, who suited to address trans border injuries.
A drug investigation carried out jointly were subsequently observed and threatened.
by Colombian and United States authorities led Mechanism of transnational environmental
to the arrest of 31 drug traffickers in October Transnational Crimes defined: crimes
1999. It was found that the traffickers had kept Transnational crime is an activity that is 1. Transborder flow of toxic substance
in touch with each other by using Internet chat considered a criminal offense by the at least 2. Transborder flow of economic decision
two countries. It is as much a political as legal 3. Transborder projections of power
▪ Illegal Trafficking of Small
What is Transnational Organized Crime? Criminal Organizations Arms
Transnational organized crime is a Definitions of what constitutes ▪ Money Laundering
crime perpetuated by organized criminal organized crime vary widely from country to ▪ Terrorism
groups with the aim of committing one or country. Organized groups are typically ▪ Drug trafficking
more serious crimes or offenses in order to involved in many different types of criminal
obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or activity spanning several countries. These Pharmaceutical Crimes
other material benefit. In order to be activities may include trafficking in humans, Counterfeit medical products and illicit
considered as transnational, a crime must weapons and drugs, armed robbery, medicines represent a global public health
involve the crossing of borders or counterfeiting and money laundering. crisis. They range from inactive, useless
jurisdictions. preparations to harmful, toxic substances, and
Interpol acts as a central repository are often indistinguishable from the genuine
Two protocols of the U.N. conventional for professional and technical expertise on product. They pose a major risk to public
organized crime from 1990 to 2000. transnational organized crime and as a health and are becoming increasingly
1. The protocol against punish trafficking clearinghouse for the collection, collation, prevalent in all parts of the world.
in person specially women and analysis and dissemination of information
children. relating to organized crime and criminal High costs of legitimate drugs and
2. The protocols against the smuggling organizations. It also monitors the organized inadequate controls mean that patients turn
of migrants by land, sea and air, crime situation on a global basis and co- increasingly (knowingly or otherwise) to
supplementing the U.N. convention ordinates international investigations. counterfeit drugs. At best, these substandard
against transnational organized crime drugs are likely to be less effective, but they
concentrates on illegal immigration Interpol’s mission in this regard is to can also be harmful, even life-threatening.
organized by criminal groups enhance co-operation among member Fake anti-malarial drugs are believed to be a
countries and stimulate the exchange of contributory factor in a significant number of
Causes of Trafficking in Human and information between all national and tragedies in Sub-Saharan Africa. Also
Smuggling of Migrant international enforcement bodies concerned increasingly available are counterfeited
As a general rule, trafficking and with countering organized crime groups and treatments for life threatening diseases such as
smuggling exploit impoverished and related corruption. tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.
vulnerable individuals seeking a better life.
That is to say, the differences are the main What are the examples of Transnational The dangers of counterfeit medical
factors responsible not only for immigration Crimes? products
but also for the criminal activities of migrants Counterfeit products are harmful and
smuggling in human beings. ▪ Pharmaceutical crime can even be fatal. Fake medicines range from
▪ Trafficking in Persons useless to highly dangerous. They often
Factors influencing these criminal ▪ Environmental Crime contain the wrong level of active ingredient –
activities; ▪ Economic Crime too little, too much or none at all – or an active
1. Those that force people to leave the ▪ Cyber Crimes ingredient intended for a different purpose. In
country and to resort the trafficking or ▪ Piracy and Armed Robbery some cases, fake medicines have been found
smuggling services. (push factor) against Ships to contain highly toxic substances such as rat
2. Those that make final destination ▪ Intellectual Property Theft poison. In all these scenarios, the person
countries attractive for those people. ▪ Cultural Property Theft taking the counterfeit medicine is putting their
(pull factor). health, even their life, at risk.
One can easily be deceived by counterfeit auction sites. Unfortunately, a large number of Counterfeiting Taskforce (IMPACT), led by the
medicines: they are often packaged to a high these Internet sites are unauthorized, World Health Organization.
standard with fake pills that look identical to unregulated and trade in illicit or sub-standard
the genuine ones. Sometimes a laboratory test products. If an online supplier conceals its THE INTERNATIONAL POLICE
is the only way to identify the difference. physical address, this is a warning sign that (INTERPOL)
their products could be dangerous – the WHO
The Extent of the Problem The role of the International police in
estimates that 50% of medicines available from
the control of globalization in policing and
such websites are counterfeit. In particular,
Counterfeit medicine is now a truly global human rights violations is tremendous being
buying prescription-only medicines from
phenomenon, and all countries of the world are uniquely positioned to contribute substantially
unauthorized or dubious sources significantly
affected as source, transit or destination points. to the success of all law enforcement efforts
increases the risk of getting substandard or
aimed at combating global crimes, human
The World Health Organization (WHO) fake products. It is important to consult a
violations and terrorism
estimates that up to 1% of medicines available healthcare professional for prescription-only
in the developed world are likely to be medicines and to obtain the medicines from a INTERPOL is the world’s largest international
counterfeit. This figure rises to 10% globally, regulated source. Buying medicines online police organization, with 190 member
but in some areas of Asia, Africa and Latin may seem cheaper, quicker and more countries. Created in 1923, it facilitates cross-
convenient than going through your doctor and border police co-operation, and supports and
America counterfeit goods can form up to 30%
high street pharmacy, but the dangers assists all organizations, authorities and
of the market. services whose mission is to prevent or combat
outweigh the benefits by far. Don't take the
international crime.
Counterfeiting applies not only to risk.
'lifestyle' medicines, including erectile INTERPOL aims to facilitate international
dysfunction and weight loss medicines, but The Response police co-operation even where diplomatic
also to 'lifesaving medicines' including those relations do not exist between particular
At INTERPOL, the Medical Product countries. Action is taken within the limits of
used to treat cancer, heart disease and other
Counterfeiting and Pharmaceutical Crime existing laws in different countries and in the
serious illnesses.
(MPCPC) Unit works to bring together different spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human
And it's not just medicines. Fake players – from police, customs, health Rights. Interpol’s constitution prohibits ‘any
regulatory authorities, scientists, and the intervention or activities of a political, military,
medical devices also pose a risk. The term
private sector – to tackle these crimes. Our religious or racial character.’
'medical device' covers a wide range of
healthcare products from contact lenses to network of 188 member countries allows us to
condoms; syringes to surgical instruments; and connect stakeholders across the world, and 1. To prevent acts of international
wheelchairs to radiotherapy machines. carry out effective training and operations in terrorism and it carried out
specific regions. 2. To ensure the perpetrators are brought
Risks of buying medicines over the Internet to justice
We have also developed targeted ORIGIN
More and more people are buying enforcement activities against counterfeit 1914-First International Criminal Police Congress
medicines and medical devices over the medical products through our membership of held in Monaco. Police officers, lawyers and
Internet, through online pharmacies and magistrates from 14 countries meet to discuss arrest
the International Medical Products Anti-
procedures, identification techniques, centralized 1956-Following the adoption of a modernized Database of stolen and lost travel documents
international criminal records and extradition constitution, the ICPC becomes the International launched.
proceedings. Criminal Police Organization-INTERPOL, abbreviated 2003-Official inauguration of the Command and
1923-Creation of the International Criminal Police to ICPO–INTERPOL or just INTERPOL. The Coordination Centre at the General Secretariat,
Commission (ICPC) with headquarters in Vienna, Organization becomes autonomous by collecting enabling the organization to operate 24 hours a day,
Austria, on the initiative of Dr Johannes Schober, dues from member countries and relying on seven days a week.
president of the Vienna Police. investments as the main means of support. 2004-INTERPOL liaison office inaugurated at the
Wanted persons notices first published in 1958-Contributions of member countries revised and United Nations in New York and first Special
INTERPOL’s International Public Safety Journal. financial regulations adopted. Representative appointed.
1926-The General Assembly, held in Berlin, proposes 2005-First INTERPOL-United Nations Special Notices
that each country establish a central point of contact 1963-First regional conference held, in Monrovia, issued for individuals subject to UN sanctions against
within its police structure: the forerunner of the Liberia. Al Qaeda and the Taliban.
National Central Bureau (NCB). 1965-The General Assembly sets out formal Technology known as MIND/FIND allows frontline
1927-Resolution to establish NCBs adopted. responsibilities and operating policies for NCBs. officers to connect directly to INTERPOL's systems.
1930-Specialized departments established to deal 2009-Official opening of the Office of the Special
with currency counterfeiting, criminal records and 1971-The United Nations recognizes INTERPOL as an Representative to the European Union in Brussels.
passport forgery. intergovernmental organization. VISION & MISSION OF INTERPOL
1932-Following the death of Dr Schober, new statutes 1972-A Headquarters Agreement with France The vision – "Connecting police for a safer world"
put in place creating the post of Secretary General. recognizes INTERPOL as an international Our Vision is that of a world where each and every
The first was Austrian Police Commissioner Oskar organization. law enforcement professional will be able through
Dressler 1982-An independent body created to monitor the INTERPOL to securely communicate, share and
1935-INTERPOL international radio network implementation of INTERPOL’s internal rules in access vital police information whenever and
launched. relation to data protection. This will become the wherever needed, ensuring the safety of the world's
1938-The Nazis assume control after deposing of Commission for the Control of INTERPOL Files in citizens. We constantly provide and promote
President Michael Skubl. Most countries stop 2003. innovative and cutting-edge solutions to global
participating and ICPC effectively ceases to exist as 1989-INTERPOL moves its General Secretariat to challenges in policing and security.
an international organization. Lyon, France. The mission – "Preventing and fighting crime
1942-ICPC falls completely under German control 1990-The X.400 communication system launched, through enhanced international police
and is relocated to Berlin. enabling NCBs to send electronic messages to each cooperation"
1946-Belgium leads the rebuilding of the other and to the General Secretariat directly. We facilitate the widest possible mutual assistance
organization after the end of World War II. A new 1992-An automated search facility for remote between all criminal law enforcement authorities. We
headquarters set up in Paris, and ‘INTERPOL’ chosen searches of INTERPOL databases introduced. ensure that police services can communicate
as the organization’s telegraphic address. 1995-As part of a programme of regionalization the securely with each other around the world. We
Democratic process to elect the President and General Assembly adopts guidelines for the enable global access to police data and information.
Executive Committee instituted. establishment and operation of Regional Bureaus. We provide operational support on specific priority
Present INTERPOL color-coded notice system 1998-INTERPOL Criminal Information System (ICIS) crime areas. We foster continuous improvement in
initiated and first Red Notices for persons wanted database created. the capacity of police to prevent and fight crime and
internationally issued. 2002-The I-24/7 web-based communication system the development of knowledge and skills necessary
1949-The United Nations grants INTERPOL launched, significantly improving NCBs’ access to for effective international policing.
consultative status as a non-governmental INTERPOL’s databases and services. Canada is the Interpol’s Four Core Functions
organization. first country to connect to the system. Interpol’s activities are guided by the following four
core functions:
1. Secure global police communication The President of INTERPOL and the
services Secretary General work closely together in Executive Committee
Interpol’s global police providing strong leadership and direction to The Executive Committee is
communications system, known as I- the Organization. Interpol’s select deliberative organ
24/7, enables police in all member which meets three times a year,
countries to request, submit and access Interpol’s Structure usually in March, July and immediately
vital data instantly in a secure before the General Assembly.
environment. As defined in Article 5 of its
2. Operational data services and Constitution, INTERPOL (whose Its role, in accordance with Article 22
databases for police correct full name is 'The International of the Constitution, is to:
Member countries have direct and Criminal Police Organization –
immediate access to a wide range of INTERPOL’) comprises the following: ▪ supervise the execution of the
databases including information on decisions of the General Assembly
known criminals, fingerprints, DNA ▪ General Assembly ▪ prepare the agenda for sessions of
profiles and stolen or lost travel ▪ Executive Committee the General Assembly
documents. INTERPOL also ▪ General Secretariat ▪ submit to the General Assembly
disseminates critical crime-related ▪ National Central Bureaus any program of work or project
data through a system of international ▪ Advisers which it considers useful
notices. ▪ The Commission for the ▪ Supervise the administration and
3. Operational police support services Control of Interpol’s Files work of the Secretary General.
INTERPOL provides law
enforcement officials in the field with The General Assembly and the In accordance with Article 15 of
emergency support and operational Executive Committee form the the Constitution, the Executive
activities, especially in its priority organization’s Governance. Committee has 13 members
crime areas. A Command and Co- comprising the president of the
ordination Centre operates 24 hours a General Assembly organization, 3 vice-presidents and 9
day, seven days a week and can delegates. These members are
deploy an Incident Response Team to Compose of delegates elected by the General Assembly and
the scene of a serious crime or disaster appointed by the governments of should belong to different countries; in
Member Countries. As Interpol’s addition, the president and the 3 vice-
4. Police training and development supreme governing body, it meets presidents must come from different
INTERPOL provides focused once a year and takes all the major regions.
police training initiatives with the aim decisions affecting general policy, the
of enhancing the capacity of member resources needed for international co- The president is elected for 4
countries to effectively combat operation, working methods, finances years, and vice-presidents for 3. They
transnational crime and terrorism. and program of activities. It also elects are not immediately eligible for re-
This includes sharing knowledge, the Organization's Executive election either to the same posts, or as
skills and best practices in policing Committee. Generally speaking, the delegates to the Executive Committee.
and establishing global standards. Assembly takes decisions by a simple
majority in the form of resolutions. Voting is by secret ballot. A
Interpol’s Leadership and Governance Each Member State represented has two-thirds majority is required for the
one vote. election of the president. If this
majority is not obtained after the The Secretary General of the processing of personal
second ballot, a simple majority is Organization is appointed by the information and
then sufficient. Vice-Presidents and General Assembly for a period of 5 ▪ To process requests
delegates are elected on a simple years. He may be re-elected. concerning the information
majority. Each member state has one The Secretary General is contained in Interpol’s files.
vote; those member states attending effectively the Organization’s chief
the General Assembly are eligible to full-time official. He is responsible for FORMER SECRETARY GENERAL
take part in the election, providing seeing that the day-to-day work of 1. Oskar Dressler (Austria 1932-1946)
they are not prevented from doing so international police co-operation is 2. Louis Ducloux (France 1946-1951)
under Article 52 of the General carried out, and the implementation of 3. Marcel Sicot (France 1951-1963)
Regulations. the decisions of the General Assembly 4. Jean Nepote (France 1963-1978)
and Executive Committee. 5. Andre Bossard (France 1978-1985)
Composition of the Executive • Made a number of written
Committee National Central Bureaus (NCB) - contributions to the development of
Each INTERPOL member country criminal law and the combating of
▪ President maintains a National Central Bureau criminality, for example his book
▪ Vice Presidents staffed by national law enforcement LAW ENFORCEMENT IN EUROPE-
▪ Delegates officers. The NCB is the designated Building Effective Cooperation(1993)
contact point for the General • Produced a report on “Transnational
The former Filipino President of INTERPOL in Secretariat, regional offices and other Crime and Criminal Law" for the
1980 – 1984 - Jolly R. Bugarin member countries requiring International Criminal Justice
(Philippines) assistance with overseas investigations Department of the University of
and the location and apprehension of Illinois in Chicago, U.S. in 1990.
General Secretariat fugitives. 6. Raymond Kendal (United Kingdom 1985-
Located in Lyon, France, the 2000)
General Secretariat operates 24 hours Advisers – these are experts in a • Connected with activities of non-
a day, 365 days a year and is run by purely advisory capacity, who may be governmental organizations in drugs
the Secretary General. Officials from appointed by the Executive and security fields
more than 80 countries work side-by- Committee and confirmed by the 7. Ronald K. Noble (current Secretary
side in any of the Organization’s four General Assembly. General)
official languages: Arabic, English, Contributions
French and Spanish. The Secretariat Commission for the Control of • Who has the strong support of
has seven regional offices across the Interpol’s Files (CCF) – this is an Executive Committee and
world; in Argentina, Cameroon, Côte independent body whose mandate is National Central Bureau
d’Ivoire, El Salvador, Kenya, Thailand threefold: • Developed of enhanced
and Zimbabwe, along with Special ▪ to ensure that the processing technical tools for National
Representatives at the United Nations of personal information by Central Bureaus
in New York and at the European INTERPOL complies with the • Greater operational support
Union in Brussels. Organization's regulations, in the face of 21st century
▪ to advise INTERPOL on any crime challenges
Secretary General project, operation, set of rules • Building Bridges
or other matter involving the • Strength in Neutrality
• Preparing for the road ahead INTERPOL 190 Member Countries Rwanda St Kitts & Nevis | St Lucia | St Vincent & the
• Law enforcement experience Grenadines | Samoa | San Marino | Sao Tome &
and education Afghanistan | Albania | Algeria | Andorra | Principe | Saudi Arabia | Senegal | Serbia |
Angola | Antigua & Barbuda | Argentina | Seychelles | Sierra Leone | Singapore | Slovakia |
FORMER PRESIDENT OF INTEROL Armenia | Aruba | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan
1. Johan Schober (Austria 1923-1932) Slovenia | Somalia | South Africa | Spain | Sri
Bahamas | Bahrain | Bangladesh | Barbados | Lanka | Sudan | Suriname | Swaziland | Sweden |
2. Franz Brandl (Austria 1932-1934)
3. Eugen Seydel (Austria 1934-1935) Belarus | Belgium | Belize | Benin | Switzerland | Syria Tajikistan | Tanzania |
4. Michael Skubl (Austria 1935-1938) Bhutan | Bolivia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Thailand | Timor - Leste | Togo | Tonga | Trinidad
5. Otto Seinhausl (Austria 1938-1940) Botswana | Brazil | Brunei | Bulgaria | Burkina - & Tobago | Tunisia | Turkey | Turkmenistan
6. Reinhard Heydrich (Germany 1940-1942) Faso | Burundi/Cambodia | Cameroon | Canada | Uganda | Ukraine | United Arab Emirates | United
7. Arthur Nebe (Germany 1942-1943) Cape Verde | Central African Republic | Kingdom | United States | Uruguay | Uzbekistan
8. Ernst Kaltenbrunner (Austria 1943-1945) Chad | Chile | China | Colombia | Comoros |
9. Florent Louwage (Belgium 1946-1956) Vatican City State | Venezuela | Vietnam Yemen
Congo | Congo (Democratic Rep.) | Costa Rica | Zambia | Zimbabwe
10. Agostinho Lourenco (Portugal 1956-1960)
11. Sir Richard L. Jackson (United Kingdom Côte d'Ivoire | Croatia | Cuba | Cyprus | Czech
1960-1963) Republic Denmark | Djibouti | Dominica |
12. Fjalar Jarva (Finland 1963-1964) Dominican Republic Ecuador | Egypt | El Salvador
13. Firmin Franssen (Belgium 1964-1968) | Equatorial Guinea | Eritrea | Estonia | Ethiopia
14. Paul Dicopf (FRG 1968-1972) Fiji | Finland | Former Yugoslav Republic of
15. William Leonard Higgitt (Canada 1972-
Macedonia Gabon | Gambia | Georgia |
16. Carl G. Persson (Sweden 1976-1980) Germany | Ghana | Greece | Grenada | Sub Bureaus
17. Jully R. Bugarin (Philippines 1980-1984) Guatemala | Guinea | Guinea Bissau | Guyana |
18. John R. Simpson (USA 1984-1988) France Haiti | Honduras | Hungary Iceland |
19. Ivan Barbot (France 1988-1992) India | Indonesia | Iran | Iraq | Ireland | Israel |
20. Norman D. Inkster (Canada 1992-1994) Italy Jamaica | Japan | Jordan Kazakhstan | Kenya | United Bermuda | Gibraltar | Ca
21. Bjorn Eriksson (Sweden 1994-1996) Korea (Rep. of) |Kuwait | Kyrgyzstan Laos | Latvia | Kingdom: Islands | Turks and Caico
22. Toshinori Kanemoto (Japan 1996-2000)
Lebanon | Lesotho | Liberia | Libya |
23. Jesus Espigares-Mira (Spain 2000-2004)
24. Jackie Selebi (South Africa 2004-2008) Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg United Puerto Rico | American Sa
25. Khoo Boon Hui (Singapore) He actively Madagascar | Malawi | Malaysia | Maldives | States:
worked to strengthen ties between Mali | Malta | Marshall Islands | Mauritania |
INTERPOL and Southeast Asian police Mauritius | Mexico | Moldova | Monaco | China: Hong Kong, Macao
forces, culminating in the signing of a Mongolia | Montenegro | Morocco |
Declaration of Cooperation between Mozambique | Myanmar Namibia | Nauru |
ASEANAPOL and INTERPOL in june 2007.
Nepal | Netherlands | Netherlands Antilles | New
In October 2008, he was elected The official abbreviations
president of Interpol. Zealand | Nicaragua | Niger | Nigeria | Norway
26. Mireille Ballestrazzi- (France 2012-2016) Oman Pakistan | Panama | Papua New
27. Meng Hongwei (November 2016-2020) Guinea |Paraguay | Peru | Philippines | O.I.P.C - Stands for Organization
Poland | Portugal Qatar Romania | Russia | internationale de police criminelle'
ICPO - Stands for International Criminal signs Protection of the distinctive signs
Police Organization'.
▪ At the 1947 General Assembly As an international
session in Paris, it was organization, Interpol’s distinctive
The official name is 'ICPO- recommended that all member signs are protected by the 1883 Paris
INTERPOL' states adopt the name
'INTERPOL' as the telegraphic
The word 'INTERPOL' is a contraction of address (Resolution
Under the terms of Article 6 of
'international police', and was chosen AGN/16/RES/12)
▪ At the 1949 General Assembly this Convention, which has been
in 1946 as the telegraphic address. In ratified by the majority of Interpol’s
session in Berne, the
1956, the International Criminal Police organization (then known as the member states, the signatory
Commission changed its name to International Criminal Police countries have agreed to refuse to
become the International Criminal Commission) adopted the register as trademarks and ban the
Police Organization - INTERPOL. INTERPOL emblem and flag use of coats of arms, flags, emblems,
▪ At the 1956 General Assembly
initials and names of states and
▪ The GLOBE represents the worldwide session in Vienna, the name
activities of the INTERPOL 'International Criminal Police intergovernmental organizations.
▪ The olive branches in either sides of Organization' was adopted
the globe symbolize PEACE ▪ At the 1958 General Assembly The organization's emblem and
▪ the name 'INTERPOL' below the globe session in London, member the name 'INTERPOL' have, in addition,
in the center of the olive branches states were asked to take been registered as European
▪ The Vertical Sword behind the globe, measures to protect the word Community and US trademarks.
representing police action 'INTERPOL' (AGN/27/RES/1)
▪ The Scales below the olive branches ▪ At its 1961 session in The first four were designated by the
symbolize JUSTICE Copenhagen, the General President, and the last four were
Assembly recommended that unanimously chosen by members of
members take further measures
the NATIONAL Law Enforcement
The flag to protect the name 'ICPO-
INTERPOL' from unauthorized
Coordinating Committee (NALECC)
The flag has been in use since 1950, it use (AGN/30/RES/6)
▪ At the 1972 General Assembly as authorized by the President thru
has a light-blue background the
session in Frankfurt, Indonesia NALECC Resolution 93-10 dated 21
emblem is in the center the four
proposed that Interpol’s July 1993.
lightning flashes arranged
emblem be modified so that all
symmetrically around the emblem regions would be represented. Notices - One of INTERPOL’s most important
represent telecommunications and ▪ At the 1973 General Assembly function of international Notices are international
speed in police action. session in Vienna, the emblem alerts allowing police in member countries to share
was modified, and now depicts critical crime-related information.
all the regions of the world. INTERPOL’s General Secretariat at the request
of National Central Bureaus (NCBs) and authorized
Background to the organization's distinctive entities, and can be published in any of the
Organization’s official languages: Arabic, English, help identify persons who are unable to identify provided that the appointment of the chief constable
French and Spanish. themselves. of each force be approved by him. Again, because
Black Notice this act was ”enabling” rather than ”obligatory,” only
In the case of Red Notices, the persons To seek information on unidentified bodies. twenty-eight counties created police forces under it.
concerned are wanted by national jurisdictions and Orange Notice
the notices requested are based on an arrest warrant To warn police, public entities and other international 1848, there were 182 police forces in Great
or court decision. INTERPOL's role is to assist the organizations about potential threats from disguised Britain. However, over time, a number of smaller
national police forces in identifying and locating weapons, parcel bombs and other dangerous forces were amalgamated with either the county
these persons with a view to their arrest and materials. force in which they were situated or with larger city
extradition. Purple Notice departments. According to Stead (1985):
To provide information on modus operandi, objects, The next principle measure was the County and
The legal basis for a Red Notice is an devices and concealment methods used by criminals. Borough Police Act of 1856, known as the ”Obligatory
arrest warrant or court order issued by the judicial Act.” This is the major landmark in the making of
authorities in the country concerned. MODEL POLICE SYSTEM Britain’s modern police system. . . . The Act of 1856
produced a model for the nationwide standardization
In addition, Notices are used by the United History and Development of British Police Forces of police that characterizes the British system today.
Nations, International Criminal Tribunals and the The first formal professional police force in
International Criminal Court to seek persons wanted England and Wales was the London Metropolitan This legislation placed on central government, for
for committing crimes within their jurisdiction, Force, which was created following enactment of the the first time, the responsibility of ensuring that a
notably genocide, war crimes, and crimes against Metropolitan Police Act in 1829. This act provided for police force was established in every county and
humanity. a single force for the metropolis and ensured that borough throughout the United Kingdom and to
policing would cover a radius of approximately ensure that they were operating in an efficient
seven miles from the city center. manner. In addition to the home secretary’s
responsibilities, as stated earlier, a further important
1835, the Municipal Corporations Act required new provision was that the central government undertook
towns and boroughs in England and Wales to the obligation of providing a proportion of financing
establish police forces. This act applied to 178 for those forces certified as efficient. As a result,
Seven Types of Notice corporate towns, although not all towns took central and local government became partners in
advantage of the act to establish police forces. The providing police service in Britain—a model that
Red Notice problem of rural police forces was addressed in the continues to exist in contemporary policing. By 1939,
To seek the arrest or provisional arrest of wanted County Police Act of 1839, which was intended to England and Wales had 183 police forces.
persons with a view to extradition permit regular police forces for the fifty-six existing The watershed for the development of the modern
Blue Notice counties in England and Wales. Because the police service came with the Royal Commission on
To collect additional information about a person’s Municipal Corporations Act gave virtual unlimited Police in 1962. The outcome of the commission’s
identity or activities in relation to a crime. discretion to local authorities in setting standards of deliberations was the Police Act of 1964, which sets
Green Notice pay, recruitment, and service, the result was the the structure of policing in England and Wales and is
To provide warnings and criminal intelligence about creation of forces widely differing in quality. To avoid the basis on which modern policing is formulated.
persons who have committed criminal offences and this result among counties, the County Police Act of
are likely to repeat these crimes in other countries. 1839 retained significant powers given by central The Police Act of 1964 marks a decisive stage in
Yellow Notice government, a condition that still exists today. The police development. It reaffirmed the principle of
To help locate missing persons, often minors, or to home secretary was empowered to regulate the local participation in police governance. It gave
conditions of pay and service of county forces and Parliament a whole range of subjects on which it can
question the Home Secretary and it makes possible However, in all forces except the two outlined above, commissioner, deputy commissioner, and
the consolidations of the 1960s. the local authority has the responsibility under the commissioner.) The standard rank structure is
The local government reorganization in 1974, the Police Acts of 1964 and 1976 to maintain an adequate outlined below:
number of forces was reduced to forty-three. As of and efficient police force for its area. In this regard,
1992 there were fifty-two police forces in the United they appoint a police committee composed of local • Chief constable
Kingdom with 29,243 special constables to assist in politicians and magistrates to oversee policing
law enforcement. These forces vary in size from 798 • Deputy chief constable
issues. They also have the responsibility for
sworn officers (City of London Police) to more than appointing the chief constable and serve as his • Assistant chief constable
28,000 (Metropolitan Police Force). These totals take disciplinary authority.
no account of civilian staff whose numbers have • Chief Superintendent
swelled considerably during the past few years as On a national basis, the secretary of state for home
forces have implemented extensive civilianization affairs (the home secretary), who is a senior member • Superintendent
programs to ensure that police officers are not tied of the government, has a direct responsibility for the
down with clerical and administrative tasks. police service. He or she exercises control through • Chief inspector
the home office and his or her role is primarily to
Although the geographic area that each force covers • Inspector sergeant constable
maintain a consistent national policy on policing.
varies, the boundaries are coterminous with the This responsibility is undertaken primarily through Note that there are a considerable number of layers
principal local government areas. Each force has the the medium of home office circulars, which do not of management in this structure, which results in an
total responsibility for policing policy and have the force of law, but which provide chief officers average of one supervisor to every three constables.
operations taking place within its area. with advice and guidance on a variety of policing
issues. In addition, central government through the The Police Service of England and Wales
The readjustment of forces in 1974, while
home office funds 51% of all policing costs and, as a commands considerable public resources which
encouraging efficiency by creating larger forces
result, maintains a considerable level of control. In demand exceptional management skills if Forces are
resulting in greater economy, also created problems
effect, therefore, police forces are controlled by what to respond to the needs of the public. The
in service delivery. Larger police forces resulted in
is called a tripartite arrangement among: fundamental questions which arose during our
both greater separation between the administration
enquiry concern whether the current system of
and those at the sharp end of policing, and greater
training and career development for police officers
personal distance between the forces and the public
based on a 19th-Century system and constrained by
they served. The latter problem was no small issue Having commented on issues concerning the
the separate organization of each is adequate for the
for a police service that prided itself on service control of police forces, we now propose to look at
Police Service as it approaches the 21st Century.
delivery and relied heavily on its personal the rank structure. With the exception of the
relationship with the people it served. Metropolitan and City of London forces, the rank To review the effectiveness of the Criminal Justice
structure for sworn personnel is identical in all police System in England and Wales in securing the
The Structure of Police Authority forces in England and Wales. (In the Metropolitan conviction of those guilty of criminal offences and the
Police the rank structure above chief superintendent acquittal of those who are innocent, having regard to
Metropolitan and City of London forces, each of the efficient use of resources.
is commander, deputy assistant commissioner,
which is headed by a commissioner) is totally
assistant commissioner, deputy commissioner, and In particular, they were asked to consider
responsible for the operational policing in his area. whether changes were needed regarding:
commissioner. In the city of London, it is assistant
• The conduct of police investigations and their industrialists who addressed a variety of policing • (Detective/Uniformed) Superintendent
supervision by senior police officers issues including the following: • (Detective/Uniformed) Chief Superintendent
• The role of the prosecutor in supervising the • The structure of forces to ensure that they meet the • Assistant Chief Constable
gathering of evidence and deciding whether a case • Deputy Chief Constable
management needs of today’s police service • The
should proceed • Chief Constable
roles and responsibilities of the various ranks within
• The right of silence for the accused Ranks up to Chief Superintendent can be held in
the service
• The powers of the courts to direct proceedings either a uniformed or detective capacity, whereas
• The salaries of police officers to ensure the salary
• The role of the Court of Appeal in considering new
reflects the responsibilities of the particular after that the "Chief Officer" ranks are concerned
evidence on appeal individuals
• The arrangements for considering and investigating with the overall management and effective running of
• Rewards and sanctions for good and bad
allegations of miscarriages of justice when appeal the force.
rights have been exhausted Within London's Metropolitan Police Service the
• The conditions of service, work practices, and the
The second was the review undertaken by the improvement of professional standards ranks are identical to those outside London, until
local government commission into the future of local Chief Superintendent. In London, the chief officer
government. Its terms of reference were to examine British police ranks that exist today were deliberately ranks are:
all relevant issues and make recommendations chosen so that they do not mirror British Military • Commander
concerning the future structure, boundaries, and • Deputy Assistant Commissioner
ranks, due to public concern about military
electoral changes to particular local government • Assistant Commissioner
areas. The review took the form of a rolling program intervention into civil disorder.
Each officer upon joining the police is sworn in • Deputy Commissioner
and, in consequence, it took some time to cover the
• Commissioner
whole of the country. However, the results could have legally as a Constable, which is also the title of the
The Special Constabulary, which is made up of
major implications for the police service. For starting rank. While at the rank of Constable, each
example, if local authority boundary changes took volunteer police officers with identical powers to
officer is required to undergo a two-year
place, it could result in the demise of many of the regular officers, maintains its own ranking structure
probationary period and work in a uniformed
smaller forces, the amalgamation of others, and even (varies, but most common):
policing role. After the two year period has passed,
the breaking up of some of the larger forces. The • Chief Officer
possibility of such changes was a fact recognized by the individual officer may apply for promotion to the
• Assistant Chief Officer
Chief Constable O’Dowd in a speech at an first supervisory rank of Sergeant or a specialized • Special Chief Inspector
international police conference in London on the role. • District Officer (Similar in role to an
future of the police service in England and Wales. He Many forces in the United Kingdom have Inspector)
concluded that there would be fewer police forces. several different branches, such as the road policing • Section Officer (Similar in role to a Sergeant)
Many people believed that the restructuring of forces unit and support unit. In some, officers are uniformed • Special Constable
was high on the hidden political agenda.
due to the roles requiring such; others are staffed by
The final review and probably the most important as plain-clothes detectives. The Special Constabulary in Scottish police
far as the police service is concerned was that which forces does not maintain any rank structure and all
Most territorial police forces and special police
the home secretary established in May 1992, under members of the Special Constabulary are Special
the chairmanship of Sir Patrick Sheey, to review forces outside of London have a standard set of ranks:
• (Detective/Uniformed) Constable Constables regardless of length of
police responsibilities and rewards. The inquiry
team, which had to report by May 1993, comprised • (Detective/Uniformed) Sergeant service/experience, etc. Special Constables are
management consultants, academics, and • (Detective/Uniformed) Inspector always subordinate to regular Constables.
• (Detective/Uniformed) Chief Inspector

Traffic wardens and Police Community Support Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary and the assistant commissioner and deputy commissioner of
Officers do not have a rank structure. Northern Constabulary, which have no officers of this police of the metropolis. The assistant commissioner
rank), as well as the British Transport Police, Ministry is also the second-in-command of the City of London
of Defence Police and Civil Nuclear Constabulary. Police, ranking between commander and
Constable is a person holding a particular office,
commissioner. The rank is not used in other British
most commonly in law enforcement. The office of Commander is a chief officer rank in the two police
police forces.
constable can vary significantly in different forces responsible for law enforcement within
jurisdictions. London, the Metropolitan Police and City of London Deputy assistant commissioner (DAC) is a rank in
Police. In both forces, the rank is senior to chief London's Metropolitan Police Service between
Sergeant (normally abbreviated to Sgt) is a rank superintendent, in the Metropolitan Police it is junior assistant commissioner and commander. It is
used in some form by most militaries, police forces, to Deputy Assistant Commissioner and in the City of equivalent to deputy chief constable in other British
and other uniformed organizations around the world. London Police it is junior to assistant commissioner. police forces and wears the same insignia: a pip
Its origins are the Latin serviens, "one who serves", above crossed tip staves within a wreath.
In forces outside of London, the rank equates to
through the French term Sergent. assistant chief constable. Chief constable is the rank used by the chief police
officer of every territorial police force in the United
Inspector is both a police rank and an administrative Deputy chief constable (DCC) is the second highest Kingdom except for the City of London Police and the
position, both used in a number of contexts. rank in all territorial police forces in the United Metropolitan Police, as well as the chief officers of the
Kingdom (except the Metropolitan Police, in which three 'special' national police forces, the British
However, it is not an equivalent rank in each police
the equivalent rank is deputy assistant commissioner, Transport Police, Ministry of Defence Police, and
force. and City of London Police, in which the equivalent Civil Nuclear Constabulary. The title is also held by
rank is assistant commissioner, both of which wear the chief officers of the principal Crown Dependency
Chief inspector (Ch Insp) is a rank used in police the same insignia as a DCC). The British Transport police forces, the Isle of Man Constabulary, States of
forces which follow the British model. In countries Police, Ministry of Defence Police, Civil Nuclear Guernsey Police Service, and States of Jersey Police.
outside Britain, it is sometimes referred to as chief Constabulary, and the Isle of Man Constabulary each
inspector of police (CIP) also has a DCC. Deputy Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis,
Until 2006, each force could only have one DCC, who commonly referred to simply as the Deputy
would normally be second-in-command to the chief Commissioner, is the second-in-command of
Superintendent (supt) often shortened to "super", is constable. However, Schedule 2 of the Police and London's Metropolitan Police Service. The rank is
a rank in British police services and in most English- Justice Act 2006 amended the Police Act 1996 to senior to Assistant Commissioner, but junior by one
speaking Commonwealth nations. In many permit more than one DCC within each force. rank to Commissioner.
Commonwealth countries the full version is However, as yet no force has had more than one DCC The rank of Deputy Commissioner was formally
superintendent of police (SP). The rank is also still at any one time. established as a separate rank, additional to the
used in the former British Colony of Hong Kong The DCC ranks above the assistant chief constables. Assistant Commissioners, in 1931.
The role of the DCC varies from force to force. In
some smaller forces (usually those with only a single The rank of Commissioner was created by the
Chief Superintendent is a senior rank in police ACC or no ACC), they take responsibility for Metropolitan Police Act 1829, until 1855, the post was
forces organised on the British model. territorial policing, but in most forces the role covers held jointly by two officers. The Commissioners were
corporate functions including professional standards. Justices of the Peace and not sworn constables until 1
Assistant chief constable (ACC) is the third highest
April 1974. The title Commissioner was not used until
rank in all British territorial police forces (except the Assistant commissioner of police of the metropolis 1839.
Metropolitan Police and City of London Police, in (AC) is the third highest rank in the London
which the equivalent rank is commander, and Metropolitan Police, ranking between deputy
The insignia of rank is a crown above a Bath Star, be citizens of the larger British Commonwealth. Ex- Minimum rank: Trooper
known as "pips", above crossed tip staves within a patriots living in Britain indefinitely are also welcome Highest rank: Superintendent
wreath, very similar to the insignia worn by a full to apply. Minimum Qualification: Bachelor Degree of
general in the British Army. This badge is all but Accredited University
unique within the British police, shared only with the Assessments ORIGIN OF JAPANESE POLICE SYSTEM
Commissioner of the City of London Police, the Applicants must be able to pass the written
smallest territorial police force. and physical examinations for the region in which In 1872, the government sent the first Superintendent
At one time, the commissioners were either retired they are applying before being admitted to the General Toshiyoshi KAWAJI to Europe to research
military officers or civil servants. Sir John Nott-Bower police force. The physical exams ensure the the police system.
was the first career police officer to hold the post, applicant is fit enough to serve in the position. The
despite several previous Commissioners having written exams assess the applicant's reading ability. 1874 established the Tokyo Metropolitan Police
served in senior administrative positions in colonial Police officers do not have to have formal education.
Department in the Ministry of the Interior. This was
forces, and the Metropolitan Police itself. Sir Joseph
Simpson was the first Commissioner to have started Hours the first modern police agency in Japan. The police
his career as the lowest rank of Constable. However, British police officers work varied shifts that system was based on a National Police system. In the
Sir Robert Mark, appointed in 1972, was the first to can include working through the night. Police officers process of the democratization of Japan after World
have risen through all the ranks from the lowest to the often work on major holidays and put in overtime to War the old Police Act, enforced in 1948, had
highest, as all his successors have done. solve case. incorporated the system of public safety Commission
As of 2008, the post of Commissioner is appointed for into the police and had created a structure consisting
a period of five years. Applicants are appointed to Daily Activities
of national and municipal police with the aim of
the post by Her Majesty the Queen, following a British police officers have various daily
recommendation by the Home Secretary under the activities depending on the branch of police work in ensuring democratic management and
Police Act 1996. which the office is employed. An officer could walk a decentralization of police power. The old Police Act
As of 2010 the salary of the Commissioner of the beat, investigate drug activities, or monitor traffic had an epochal significance in that it had aimed at
Metropolis is £260,088.[6] patterns, among other duties. Police officers also democratizing the police. However, it had
spend time filling out paperwork pertaining to institutional shortcomings such as the existence of a
Qualification current cases. multitude of municipal police forces in parallel with
Becoming a police officer in Britain can be a the National Rural Police.
rewarding and fulfilling career. A police officer must Pay and Future Prospects
be physically fit and mentally able to make tough Beginning police officers will make around
1874, under the centralized control of the
decisions quickly. The daily activities of a police 20,000 British pounds per year as of 2010, according
to the Could You Police website. The pay increases Police Bureau within the Home Ministry, to put down
officer can vary.
with experience. After leaving the force, officers can internal disturbances and maintain order during the
Age Restrictions join the military, private security forces, or work in a Meiji Restoration. By the 1880s, the police had
The British police force does not employ variety of government agencies. developed into a nationwide instrument of
anyone under the age of 18. The police force has no government control, providing support for local
maximum age limit, and the police often recruit UNITED STATES OF AMERICA leaders and enforcing public morality. They acted as
adults looking for a career change. Most British general civil administrators, implementing official
police officers retire around the age of 60. Organizational name: State Police
policies and thereby facilitating unification and
Citizenship Agency: Department of Laws and Public Safety
British police officers must be British citizens Entrance Age: 21 years old modernization. In rural areas especially, the police
or members of the European Union. Officers also can Retirement age: 55 years old except Superintendent had great authority and were accorded the same
mixture of fear and respect as the village head. Their safety commissions controlled by the National Public which handled basic police matters. Officials and
increasing involvement in political affairs was one of Safety Commission in the Office of the Prime Minister. inspectors in various ministries and agencies
the foundations of the authoritarian state in Japan in The Home Ministry was abolished and replaced by continue to exercise special police functions
the first half of the twentieth century. the less powerful Ministry of Home Affairs, and the assigned to them in the 1947 Police Law.
police were stripped of their responsibility for fire
The centralized police system steadily acquired protection, public health, and other administrative National Organization
responsibilities, until it controlled almost all aspects duties.
of daily life, including fire prevention and mediation National Public Safety Commission
of labor disputes. The system regulated public When most of the occupation forces were
health, business, factories, and construction, and it transferred to Korea in 1950–51, the 75,000 strong The mission of the National Public Safety
issued permits and licenses. The Peace Preservation National Police Reserve was formed to back up the
Commission is to guarantee the neutrality of the
Law of 1925 gave police the authority to arrest people ordinary police during civil disturbances, and police by insulating the force from political pressure
for "wrong thoughts". Special Higher Police (Tokko) pressure mounted for a centralized system more
and to ensure the maintenance of democratic
were created to regulate the content of motion compatible with Japanese political preferences. The methods in police administration. The commission's
pictures, political meetings, and election campaigns. 1947 Police Law was amended in 1951 to allow the
primary function is to supervise the National Police
The Imperial Japanese Army's military police municipal police of smaller communities to merge Agency, and it has the authority to appoint or dismiss
(Kempeitai) and the Imperial Japanese Navy's with the National Rural Police. Most chose this
senior police officers. The commission consists of a
Tokeitai, operating under their respective services arrangement, and by 1954 only about 400 cities,
chairman, who holds the rank of minister of state, and
and the justice and home ministries aided the civilian towns, and villages still had their own police forces.
five members appointed by the prime minister with
police in limiting proscribed political activity. After Under the 1954 amended Police Law, a final
the consent of both houses of the Diet. The
the Manchurian Incident of 1931, military police restructuring created an even more centralized commission operates independently of the cabinet,
assumed greater authority, leading to friction with system in which local forces were organized by
but liaison and coordination with it are facilitated by
their civilian counterparts. After 1937 police directed prefectures under a National Police Agency. the chairman's being a member of that body.
business activities for the war effort, mobilized labor,
and controlled transportation. The revised Police Law of 1954, still in effect
in the 1990s, preserves some strong points of the
After Japan's surrender in 1945, occupation postwar system, particularly measures ensuring
authorities retained the prewar police structure until civilian control and political neutrality, while allowing National Police Agency
a new system was implemented and the Diet passed for increased centralization. The National Public
the 1947 Police Law. Contrary to Japanese proposals Safety Commission system has been retained. State As the central coordinating body for the
for a strong, centralized force to deal with postwar responsibility for maintaining public order has been entire police system, the National Police Agency
unrest, the police system was decentralized. About clarified to include coordination of national and local determines general standards and policies; detailed
1,600 independent municipal forces were established efforts; centralization of police information, direction of operations is left to the lower echelons.[1]
in cities, towns, and villages with 5,000 inhabitants or communications, and record keeping facilities; and In a national emergency or large-scale disaster, the
more, and a National Rural Police was organized by national standards for training, uniforms, pay, rank, agency is authorized to take command of prefectural
prefecture. Civilian control was to be ensured by and promotion. Rural and municipal forces were police forces. In 1989 the agency was composed of
placing the police under the jurisdiction of public abolished and integrated into prefectural forces, about 1,100 national civil servants, empowered to
collect information and to formulate and execute
national policies. The agency is headed by a at both national and prefectural levels. The bureau's The National Police Agency has seven
commissioner general who is appointed by the Expressway Division addresses special conditions of regional police bureaus, each responsible for a
National Public Safety Commission with the approval the nation's growing system of express highways. number of prefectures. Each is headed by a Director
of the prime minister.[1] and they are organization similar to the Central
Security Bureau Office. They are located in major cities of each
The Central Office includes the Secretariat, geographic region. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police
with divisions for general operations, planning, The Security Bureau formulates and Department and Hokkaido Prefectural Police
information, finance, management, and procurement supervises the execution of security policies. It Headquarters are excluded from the jurisdiction of
and distribution of police equipment, and five conducts research on equipment and tactics for RPBs. Headed by a Director General, each RPB
bureaus. suppressing riots and oversees and coordinates exercises necessary control and supervision over
activities of the riot police. The Security Bureau is and provides support services to prefectural police
Police Administration Bureau also responsible for security intelligence on within its jurisdiction, under the authority and orders
foreigners and radical political groups, including of NPA's Commissioner General. Attached to each
The Administration Bureau is concerned with police investigation of violations of the Alien Registration Regional Police Bureaus is a Regional Police School
personnel, education, welfare, training, and unit Law and administration of the Entry and Exit Control which provides police personnel with education and
inspections. Law. The bureau also implements security policies training required of staff officers as well as other
during national emergencies and natural disasters. necessary education and training.
Criminal Investigation Bureau
Organization Regional Police Bureaus:
The Criminal Investigation Bureau is in
charge of research statistics and the investigation of • Commissioner-General of the National Police • Tohoku - Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita,
nationally important and international cases. This Agency, the Highest ranking police office Yamagata, and Fukushima Prefectures
bureau's Safety Department is responsible for crime • Deputy Commissioner-General • Kinki - Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Nara, and
• Commissioner-General's Secretariat Wakayama Prefectures
prevention, combating juvenile delinquency, and
• Community Safety Bureau • Shikoku - Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, Kochi
pollution control. In addition, the Criminal
• Criminal Investigation Bureau Prefectures
Investigation Bureau surveys, formulates, and o Organized Crime Department • Kanto - Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama,
recommends legislation on firearms, explosives, • Traffic Bureau Chiba, Kanagawa, Niigata, Yamanashi,
food, drugs, and narcotics. The Communications • Security Bureau Nagano, and Shizuoka Prefectures
Bureau supervises police communications systems. • Foreign Affairs and Intelligence Department • Chubu - Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, Gifu, Aichi,
• Info-Communications Bureau Mie, Prefectures
Traffic Bureau • National Police Academy • Kyushu - Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki,
• National Research Institute of Police Science Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima, and
• Imperial Guard Headquarters Okinawa Prefectures
Japanese Police Patrol Nissan Caravan in Osaka • Chugoku - Tottori, Shimane, Okayama,
Regional Public Safety Bureaus Hiroshima, and Yamaguchi Prefectures
The Traffic Bureau licenses drivers, enforces
traffic safety laws, and regulates traffic. Intensive Police Communications Divisions
traffic safety and driver education campaigns are run
Metropolitan Tokyo and the island of As of 2010, the total strength reached Prefectural Police
Hokkaidō are excluded from the regional approximately 291,475 personnel.[2] The NPA total is
jurisdictions and are run more autonomously than about 7,709 with 1,969 police officers, 901 Imperial Each prefectural police headquarters
other local forces, in the case of Tokyo, because of its guards and 4,839 civilians.The Prefectural police total contains administrative divisions corresponding to
special urban situation, and of Hokkaidō, because of is about 283,766 with 255,156 police officers and those of the bureaus of the National Police Agency.
its distinctive geography. The National Police Agency 28,610 civilians. Nationwide, there are about 14,900 Headquarters are staffed by specialists in basic
maintains police communications divisions in these female police officers and about 11,800 female police functions and administration and are
two areas to handle any coordination needed civilians. commanded by an officer appointed by the local
between national and local forces. office of the National Public Safety Commission. Most
Local organization arrests and investigations are performed by
• Communications Departments prefectural police officials (and, in large jurisdictions,
o Tokyo Metropolitan Police Info- Tokyo Metropolitan Police Office in Kasumigaseki by police assigned to substations), who are assigned
Communications Department to one or more central locations within the
Hokkaido Police Info- prefecture. Experienced officers are organized into
There are some 289,000 police officers nationwide,
Communications Department
about 97 percent of whom were affiliated with local functional bureaus and handle all but the most
o Bodies supervised by the NPA
police forces. Local forces include: ordinary problems in their fields.
• 47 Prefectural Police Departments with the
Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department • forty-three prefectural (ken) police forces; Kōban
• Tokyo Metropolitan (to) police force, in
Imperial Guard Tokyo; Officer providing assistance at a police station in
• two urban prefectural (fu) police forces, in Hiroshima, near Hondori
Osaka and Kyoto; and
In 1947 the Imperial Police Headquarters was Kōbans are substations near major
• one district (dō) police force, in Hokkaidō.
created under the control of the Home Ministry from transportation hubs and shopping areas and in
the Imperial Household Ministry. It came under the residential districts. They form the first line of police
These forces have limited authority to initiate
aegis of the National Police Agency of Japan in 1957. response to the public. The Koban system is
police actions. Their most important activities are
It provides personal security for the Emperor, Crown composed of about 6500 police boxes (Koban) and
regulated by the National Police Agency, which
Prince and other members of the Imperial Family of about 7600 residential police boxes (Chuzaisho).
provides funds for equipment, salaries, riot control,
Japan, as well as protection of imperial properties, Koban is staffed by relatively small number of police
escort, and natural disaster duties, and for internal
including the Tokyo Imperial Palace, Kyoto Imperial officers (3-5 officers in usual), and also Chuzaisho is
security and multiple jurisdiction cases. National
Palace, Katsura Imperial Villa, Shugakuin Imperial usually staffed by a single officer. About 20 percent of
police statutes and regulations establish the strength
Villa (both in Kyoto), Shosoin Imperial Repository in the total police force is assigned to koban. Staffed by
and rank allocations of all local personnel and the
Nara and the imperial villas as Hayama, Kanagawa officers working in eight-hour shifts, they serve as a
locations of local police stations. Prefectural police
and Nasu, Tochigi. base for foot patrols and usually have both sleeping
finance and control the patrol officer on the beat,
traffic control, criminal investigations, and other daily and eating facilities for officers on duty but not on
Strength operations. watch. In rural areas, residential offices usually are
staffed by one police officer who resides in adjacent

family quarters. These officers endeavor to become a ages, occupations, business addresses, and vehicle • Imperial guard
part of the community, and their families often aid in registration numbers of household occupants and the Ministry of Justice
performing official tasks. names of relatives living elsewhere. Police take
special note of names of the aged or those living • Prison guard
Vigilance at the Koban and Chuzaisho is Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
alone who might need special attention in an
maintained by standing watch in front or sitting watch emergency. They conduct surveys of local • Narcotics agent
inside, enabling police officers to respond businesses and record employee names and • Labor Standards Inspector
immediately to any incident. While keeping a addresses, in addition to such data as which Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
constant watch, they perform a myriad of routine establishments stay open late and which employees
tasks, such as receiving crime reports from citizens, might be expected to work late. Participation in the • Authorized Fisheries Supervisor
handling lost and found articles, counseling citizens survey is voluntary, and most citizens cooperate, but • Officers of Regional Forest Office, under
in trouble and giving directions. an increasing segment of the population has come to Forestry Agency
regard the surveys as invasions of privacy.
Outside their Koban and Chuzaisho, police
officers patrol their beats either on foot, by bicycle or Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Information elicited through the surveys is
by car. While on patrol, they gain a precise not centralized but is stored in each police box, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and
knowledge of the topography and terrain of the area, where it is used primarily as an aid to locating Tourism
question suspicious-looking persons, provide traffic people. When a crime occurs or an investigation is
guidance and enforcement, instruct juveniles, rescue under way, however, these files are invaluable in Coast Guard Officer
the injured, warn citizens of imminent dangers and establishing background data for a case. Specialists
protect lost children and those under the influence or from district police stations spend considerable time The largest and most important of these ministry-
intoxicated. culling through the usually poorly filed data supervised public safety agencies is the Japan Coast
maintained in the police boxes. Guard, an external agency of the Ministry of Land,
Radio-equipped patrol cars are deployed at Infrastructure and Transport that deals with crime in
each PPH, police station, Koban and Chuzaisho. Special police coastal waters and maintains facilities for
Police officers use them for routine patrol and rapid safeguarding navigation. The agency operates a fleet
response. These cars remain in constant radio contact In addition to regular police officers, there of patrol and rescue craft in addition to a few aircraft
with their police station and the communications are several thousand officials attached to various used primarily for anti-smuggling patrols and rescue
command center of the PPH. When an emergency is agencies who perform special duties relating to activities. In 1990 there were 2,846 incidents in and
reported, this rapid response capability plays a public safety. They are responsible for such matters on the waters. In those incidents, 1,479 people
major role in the quick resolution of such incidents.[4] as forest preservation, narcotics control, fishery drowned or were lost and 1,347 people were
inspection, and enforcement of regulations on rescued.
Officers assigned to koban have intimate maritime, labor, and mine safety.
knowledge of their jurisdictions. One of their primary Ministry of Defense
tasks is to conduct twice-yearly house-by-house Special judicial police officials
residential surveys of homes in their areas, at which • Military police officer
time the head of the household at each address fills Cabinet Office Officials working for public safety, except for
out a residence information card detailing the names, Special judicial police officials
There are other officers having limited public safety Metropolitan Police, the Osaka Police's Martial Arts From the 1990s it was generally accepted that
functions. Attack Team and the Chiba Police's Attack Response the police could patrol in "shirt-sleeve order" which
Team. meant that they need not wear the jacket, as its
The National Diet widespread use was hampering in some situations.
Rank The NPA, in agreement with the government and on
• Diet guard
the cooperation of the Prefecture Chiefs of Police,
Ministry of Justice
Police officers are divided into nine ranks: changed the uniform from the business attire with no
• Immigration control officer protection of the torso, to a uniform of button down
• Immigration inspector • Superintendent General shirt with trousers, stab vest, duty belt, and jacket
Public security intelligence officer • Superintendent Supervisor when needed.
• Chief Superintendent
They handle national security matters both inside and • Senior Superintendent Although there are minor variations in the
outside the country. Its activities are not generally • Superintendent styling, pattern and insignia, the police forces all
known to the public. • Inspector wear very similar uniforms. In general, these have
• Assistant Inspector
taken their lead from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police,
• Public prosecutor • Sergeant
• Public prosecutor's assistant officer due to it being the largest police service in Japan.
• Senior Police Officer
Ministry of Finance • Police Officer The base color is a dark blue or a frosted grey for
summer wear.
• Customs official The NPA Commissioner General holds the
• Officers of National Tax Agency highest position of the Japanese police. His title is not Female officers' uniforms have gone through
Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare a great variety of styles, as they have tended to
a rank, but rather denotes his position as head of the
NPA. On the other hand, the MPD Superintendent reflect the women's fashions of the time. Tunic style,
• Quarantine Officer
General represents not only the highest rank in the skirt length and headgear have varied by period and
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
system but also assignment as head of the Tokyo force. By the late 1980s, the female working uniform
• Animal Quarantine Officers Metropolitan Police Department. was virtually identical to male, except for headgear
• Plant Protection Officer and sometimes neckwear.
Special operations Formal uniform comprises an open-necked
For much of the twentieth century up to the tunic (with or without an attached belt, depending on
The National Police Agency has a counter- mid 1990s, police officers wore a formal work the force and rank of the Officer) and trousers or
terrorist unit known as the Special Assault Team, uniform consisting of a tunic or Ike jacket with skirt, worn with a white or light blue shirt and black
operating under police control.[5]A small number of polished silver buttons, and trousers with a sewn in tie (usually clip-on, so it cannot be used to strangle
anti-riot-trained police officers had been trained to truncheon pocket. No stab vest was worn and much the wearer).
handle incidents that cannot be dealt with by regular less equipment was carried than is today. Following
police and riot police officers, but can operate concerns about the police uniforms safety it was The normal working dress retains the shirt
independently or with SAT cooperation. These units suggested that the uniform should be changed. and trousers. In some forces short sleeved shirts may
include the Special Investigations Team of the Tokyo be worn open-necked. Long sleeved shirts must
always be worn with a tie, worn with or without a upper-secondary school diplomas are eligible to take Aviation
jersey or fleece. If a jersey, fleece or jacket is worn the examination for sergeant after three years of on-
over a short sleeved shirt, then a tie must be worn. the-job experience. University graduates can take Helicopters are extensively used for traffic control
the examination after only one year. University surveillance, pursuit of suspects, rescue and disaster
Today, female officers almost never wear a graduates are also eligible to take the examination relief. Total of 80 small and medium-sized helicopters
skirt in working dress, and frequently wear trousers for assistant police inspector, police inspector, and are being operated in 47 prefectures nationwide.
in formal dress as well. Officers also frequently wear superintendent after shorter periods than upper- Watercraft
reflective waterproof jackets, which have replaced secondary school graduates. There are usually five to Japanese police boats are deployed to major
the old greatcoats and cloaks traditionally worn in fifteen examinees for each opening. ports, remote islands and lakes, where they are used
inclement weather. Most officers now wear stab for water patrol and control of illegal immigration,
vests, a type of body amour, when on duty. About fifteen officers per year pass advanced smuggling and poaching. Ranging from five to 23
civil service examinations and are admitted as senior meters long, there are about 190 police boats
officers. Officers are groomed for administrative nationwide.
Basic headgear is a peaked cap for men, and
a soft round bowler hat for women. Traffic officers positions, and, although some rise through the ranks Police-community relations
wear white cap covers or caps. to become senior administrators, most such positions
Despite legal limits on police jurisdiction,
are held by specially recruited senior executives.
many citizens retain their views of the police as
Most Japanese police wear white gloves authority figures to whom they can turn for aid. The
while they are on duty. Some also wear white pistol The police forces are subject to external public often seeks police assistance to settle family
belts, lanyards, helmets, boot laces or leggings. oversight. Although officials of the National Public quarrels, counsel juveniles, and mediate minor
Safety Commission generally defer to police disputes. Citizens regularly consult police for
decisions and rarely exercise their powers to check directions to hotels and residences—an invaluable
Conditions of service
service in cities where streets are often unnamed and
police actions or operations, police are liable for civil
buildings are numbered in the order in which they
Education is highly stressed in police and criminal prosecution, and the media actively have been built rather than consecutively. Police are
recruitment and promotion. Entrance to the force is publicizes police misdeeds. The Human Rights encouraged by their superiors to view these tasks as
determined by examinations administered by each Bureau of the Ministry of Justice solicits and answering the public's demands for service and as
prefecture. Examinees are divided into two groups: investigates complaints against public officials, inspiring community confidence in the police. Public
upper-secondary-school graduates and university including police, and prefectural legislatures could attitudes toward the police are generally favorable,
summon police chiefs for questioning. Social although a series of incidents of forced confessions in
graduates. Recruits underwent rigorous training—
the late 1980s raised some concern about police
one year for upper-secondary school graduates and sanctions and peer pressure also constrain police
treatment of suspects held for pretrial detention.[
six months for university graduates—at the behavior. As in other occupational groups in Japan,
residential police academy attached to the police officers develop an allegiance to their own Historical secret police organizations
prefectural headquarters. On completion of basic group and a reluctance to offend its principles.
training, most police officers are assigned to local • Tokko (Investigated and controlled political
police boxes called Kobans. Promotion is achieved groups and ideologies deemed to be a threat
by examination and requires further course work. In- to public order)
service training provides mandatory continuing • Kempeitai (Military Police of the Imperial
education in more than 100 fields. Police officers with Japanese Army)
• Tokeitai (Military Police of the Imperial legalistic omissions in World War II are kindly invited • Main Division Federal Criminal Police, responsible
Japanese Navy) to support it now, when it demands e.g. that AL- for conducting investigations against transnational
Qaida terrorists being detained on Guantanamo U.S. organized crime, including financial crime; terrorism
SWISS POLICING HISTORY base are either treated as civilians (with full legal and its financing; criminal activities involving
rights, including fair trial within reasonable time) or explosives; illegal intelligence gathering; offences
The International Committee of the Red Cross at least as prisoners of war. involving federal elections and ballots; offences
(ICRC) against the laws on war material, nuclear weapons,
POLICING SYSTEM dual-use goods and specific military goods and on
Henri Dunant, a Swiss merchant, was shocked when
Federal Office of Police: civil aviation; corruption; genocide; money
he learned about the fate of wounded soldiers in the
1. General information counterfeiting; as well as the execution of rogatory
battle of Solferino (1859, Austrian-French war). In
-The Federal Office of Police (Fedpol) works with its letters from abroad. Finally the Federal Criminal
1862 he wrote a book about it. and in 1864 the Swiss
international and cantonal partners as a centre for Police coordinates the Intercantonal and international
government organized an international conference
information, coordination/cooperation and analysis in investigations and ensures the exchange of police
on humanitarian aspects during war. 12 nations
matters concerning the internal security of information with Interpol;
signed the Geneva conventions and established the
Switzerland. • Main Division Services, performing a cross-sectional
International Committee of the Red Cross as a
-The Swiss Police Forces comprise about 23,000 function and providing services to clients in
permanent, neutral institution to take care of military
members. This includes federal, cantonal, communal Switzerland and abroad (DNA/AFIS-Services, Identity
and civil persons wounded or imprisoned in war.
police forces and as well as the Swiss Border Guards. Documents, National Police Information Systems
Switzerland during the World Wars
2. Functions and missions etc.);
Since the 1815 Vienna conference on international Fedpol’s activities include: • Main Division Federal Security Service, responsible
affairs after Napoleons defeat, Switzerland is obliged • Criminal investigations on behalf of the Office of the for the protection of federal officials and people and
to be neutral in any conflicts between other nations. Attorney General of Switzerland which are usually of buildings affording protection under international
During World War I (1914-1918), it was relatively great complexity and of an international and / or law as well as in charge of the structural, technical
clear, what this obligation meant. In World War II interdisciplinary nature (in particular cases of and organisational security strategy for federal
(1939-1945), Switzerland was surrounded by troops terrorism, money laundering, corruption and civilian buildings in Switzerland;
of or loyal to the German Nazi regime disregarding financial crimes); • Main Division International Police Cooperation,
any international rules. From today's point of view, it • Coordination and support to criminal investigations among others in charge of the operational and
seems that Switzerland could and should have done in cases where the cantons have principal strategic development of the bilateral and
more in favour of jewish refugees. It is also clear that competence but which involve more than two cantons multilateral police cooperation, including the
accepting gold from the Nazis while knowing they and/or foreign countries. cooperation with the European Union and the
stole it from murdered jews was a big mistake.
• Security duties such as the protection of persons and Schengen-area in the field of law enforcement.
Today's Swiss government has appointed an
sites considered to be at risk; Moreover, it functions as Single Point of Contact
international Independent Commission of Experts
• Administrative tasks such as, among others, (SPOC) for bilateral, Interpol, Europol-, and
(ICE) to conduct an inquiry on Switzerlands role in
managing the Money Laundering Reporting Office Schengen-related correspondence and manages the
World War II.
Switzerland (MROS), the Coordination Unit against Swiss police attachés abroad as well as the foreign
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
the Trafficking of Persons and Smuggling of Migrants police attachés in Switzerland.
was critized for not having intervened on behalf of
(KSMM), the Coordination Unit for Cybercrime •
the Jews in World War II. In fact, though the 4th
Control (CYCO) or the Central Office for Explosives POLICING OVERVIEW:
Geneva Convention protecting civilians during
and Pyrotechnics / Arms. -Due to the country’s federal structure and cantonal
wartime was only established after the war in 1949,
3. Structure and organization sovereignty in police affairs, there is no single
the ICRC has admitted that it did neglect a moral
The four main divisions at the Federal Office of Police national police force in Switzerland.
duty. Those who are criticizing the ICRC for its
are the: The federal system and division:
1. Cantonal Police Corps autonomy, such as Zurich and Lausanne among advice to the various Swiss police corps on further
Functions and missions others. The competence of whether a communal training opportunities. Its aim is the standardization of
The responsibility for law and order basically lies police is established and what are its responsibilities the education in po-lice matters as well as the
with the cantons, where the police have also the lies with the canton. integration of the police training in the general Swiss
function of judicial police and of coordination body in education system.
the event of major disasters. The cantons also mainly 3. Border Guards • The Police- School Eastern Switzerland
determine the structure of their police forces. The Corps of the Swiss Border Guards is the (Polizeischule Ostschweiz) in Amriswil offers a
uniformed and armed part of the Federal Customs comprehensive basic training for future police
Structure and organization: Administration and is therefore part of the Federal officers of six cantons, two cities and of Liechtenstein.
Department of Finance. • The Police Academy Savatan offers basic training
The Swiss federal structure is reflected in a number of
Three strategic tasks: for future police officers as well as advanced and
cantonal police services which are organized in 1. Customs duties specialized training for police.
different ways: Together with the collection of value added tax and • The Association of the Swiss Police Officers in
customs duties, these include the prevention of Lucerne offers the possibility to attend specific
smuggling and trafficking in narcotics, weapons, war diploma courses for the higher education concerning
• The German-speaking cantons distinguish generally
material, hazardous substances, protected animal criminology or international criminal law e.g.
between criminal, security and traffic police, the species, cultural artefacts and counterfeit branded With regard to advanced training, additionally to the
articles. The Border Guard also has other economic, already cited possibilities, especially with the Swiss
security police having the more general function of
trade and health policy tasks. Police Institute, there are also the international
maintaining law and order and the criminal police 2. Police security duties training possibilities offered through the Middle
having the more specific task of investigation of These mainly involve searching for persons, goods European Police Academy (MEPA) and the European
and vehicles, detecting document forgeries and Police College (CEPOL).
crimes; preventing international crime. Concerning the Swiss Border Guards, they have
• The French-speaking cantons as well as the canton 3. Aliens police duties their own three- year education, which com-prises a
These include the prevention of illegal entry into and one-year basic education and two years of
Ticino distinguish generally between the departure from the country, illegal residence and specialized education on several topics.
“gendarmerie“ and “police de sûreté“, with the latter working, people smuggling and trafficking. PRISON:
Education and Training Switzerland has 124 detention facilities with a total
being the equivalent to the criminal police, whereas
The education and training of the police corps are capacity of up to 6,736 detainees, all operated by the
the “gendarmerie” corresponds to the security organized at cantonal level. There are also training Swiss cantons. The smallest prison is the
police in the German-speaking cantons but also act centres which are managed by several cantons Untersuchungsgefängnis Trogen with a capacity of two
together in the framework of a concordat. The detainees.
as traffic police; following are some of the major training centres for
In addition, the cantonal police corps disposed of Swiss police officers:
• The Swiss Police Institute is a private foundation CHINESE POLICE
special task units, intervention units and special
located in Neuchâtel and supported by the Swiss
institutions as the lake and airport police. federation, cantons and municipalities. It offers Rank Insignia
mostly specialized and advanced training, training
2. Communal Police Corps material and conducts research; Police Rank 4 One Star on One Horizontal
Communal police corps became established in • The Intercantonal Police Academy in Hitzkirch Bar
cantons that are territorially subdivided or whose offers basic as well as advanced training and
communes traditionally have a high level of provides together with the Swiss Police Institute
Police Rank 3 Two Stars on One Horizontal Rank Supreme smaller portion of the population than in most nations.
Bar (Police General) The total number of national and local police in 2006
was approximately 470,000.
Police Rank 2 Three Stars on One Horizontal The strength of the Indonesian National Police stood
Bar at approximately 285,000 in 2004. The national police
force was formally separated as a branch of the
armed forces and placed under the Office of the
Police Rank 1 Four Stars on One Horizontal
MALAYSIAN POLICE President in 1999. It also includes 12,000 marine
Bar police and an estimated 40,000 People’s Security
The Royal Malaysian Police (Abbreviation: (Kamra) trainees who serve as a police auxiliary and
Police Officer Rank 4 One Star on Two Horizontal RMP; Malay: Polis Diraja Malaysia, PDRM;) is a part of report for three weeks of basic training each year.
(Inspector)(Sub- Bars the security forces structure in Malaysia. The force is The Headquarter, known as Markas Besar/Mabes in
Lieutenant) a centralized organization with responsibilities Indonesian, is located in Kebayoran Baru, South
ranging from traffic control to intelligence gathering. Jakarta, Indonesia.
Police Officer Rank 3 Two Stars on Two Horizontal Its headquarters is located at Bukit Aman, Kuala
(Senior Bars Lumpur. The police force is led by an Inspector- RANKS
inspector)(Captain) General of Police (IGP). The post is held by Tan Sri In the early years, the Polri used European
Ismail Omar. police style ranks like inspector and commissioner.
Police Officer Rank 2 Three Stars on Two Horizontal When the police were included into the military
In carrying out its responsibilities, the regular structure during the 1960s, the ranks changed to a
(Superintendent) Bars
RMP is also assisted by a support group comprising military style such as Captain, Major and Colonel. In
of Extra Police Constables, Police Volunteer the year 2000, when the Polri conducted the transition
Police Officer Rank 1 Four Stars on Two Horizontal
Reserves, Auxiliary Police, Police Cadets and a to a fully independent force out of the armed forces
(Senior Bars civilian service element. 2000, they use British style police ranks like Inspector
Superintendent) Rakan Cop is a community outreach programme and Superintendent. The Polri have returned to Dutch
launched in 9 August 2005. style ranks just like in the early years.
Police Supervisor One Star on Three Horizontal The RMP constantly co-operates closely with police
Rank 4 Bars forces worldwide, which include those from the four • High ranking officers
(Superintendent neighbouring countries Malaysia shares border with: o Police General / Jenderal Polisi (Jend.
General) Indonesian National Police, Royal Brunei Police Pol.) - equivalent General in the army
Force, Royal Thai Police and Singapore Police Force. o Police Commissioner General /
Police Supervisor Two Stars on Three Horizontal Komisaris Jenderal Polisi (Komjen Pol.)
INDONESIAN POLICE - equivalent Lieutenant General
Rank 3 Bars
o Police Inspector General / Inspektur
The Indonesian National Police (Indonesian: Jenderal Polisi (Irjen Pol.) - equivalent
Police Supervisor Three Stars on Three Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia) is the official Major General
Rank 2 Horizontal Bars police force for Indonesia. It had formerly been a part o Police Brigadier General / Brigadir
of the Tentara Nasional Indonesia since its Jenderal Polisi (Brigjen Pol.) -
Police Supervisor Four Stars on Three independence from the Dutch. The police were equivalent Brigadier General
Rank 1 Horizontal Bars formally separated from the military in April 1999, a • Mid rank officers
process which was formally completed in July 2000.[1]
Police Supervisor With 150,000 personnel, the police form a much

o Police Grand Commissioner / o First Police Brigadier Adjutant / Ajun The organization structure of the SPF is split between
Komisaris Besar Polisi (Kombespol) - Brigadir Polisi Satu (Abriptu) - the staff and line functions, roughly modeled after the
equivalent Colonel equivalent First Corporal military.[6] There are currently 15 staff departments
o Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant o Second Police Brigadier Adjutant / and 13 line units. The headquarters is located in a
/ Ajun Komisaris Besar Polisi (AKBP) - Ajun Brigadir Polisi Dua (Abripda) - block at New Phoenix Park in Novena, adjacent to a
equivalent Lieutenant Colonel equivalent Second Corporal twin block occupied by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
o Police Commissioner / Komisaris o Chief Bhayangkara / Bhayangkara
Polisi (Kompol) - equivalent Major Kepala (Bharaka) - equivalent Chief RANK
• Low rank officers Private
o Police Commissioner Adjutant / Ajun o First Bhayangkara / Bhayangkara Satu A standard rank structure is used throughout the
Komisaris Polisi (AKP) - equivalent (Bharatu) - equivalent Private First police force, although some ranks may be unique to
Captain Class specific organisations. These ranks are denoted
o First Police Inspector / Inspektur Polisi o Second Bhayangkara / Bhayangkara where applicable in the following list, which lists
Satu (Iptu) - equivalent First Dua (Bharada) - equivalent Private them in ascending seniority:
o Second Police Inspector / Inspektur POLICE IN BRUNEI Police officers
Polisi Dua (Ipda) - equivalent Second The Royal Brunei Police Force (Malay: Polis The rank of Corporal was abolished in 1972,
Lieutenant Diraja Brunei (PDRB)) was founded in 1921 with the but reinstated in 1976. In 1997, all ranks were shifted
• Warrant officers passing of the Brunei Police Force Enactment. The from the sleeves to the epaulettes, except for the
o First Police Inspector Adjutant / Ajun police force is in charge of prisons, fire services, the Gurkha Contingent. Also in the same year, the Station
Inspektur Polisi Satu (Aiptu) - issuing of licenses, immigration, and keeping law and Inspector rank was changed from collar pips to
equivalent Chief Warrant Officer order in the streets. The RBP has been a member of epaulettes with a new design similar to that of the SAF
o Second Police Inspector Adjutant / INTERPOL since 1984 Warrant Officers, and the rank of Senior Station
Ajun Inspektur Polisi Dua (Aipda) - Inspector was introduced. In 1998, the Senior Station
equivalent Warrant Officer SINGAPOREAN POLICE Inspector (2) rank was introduced, and changes were
• Non-commissioned officers The Singapore Police Force (Abbreviation: made to the SI, SSI, and SSI(2) rank designs. The rank
o Chief Police Brigadier / Brigadir Polisi SPF; Chinese: 新加坡警察部队; Malay: Pasukan Polis of Lance Corporal was abolished in 2002[23]. The
Kepala (Bripka) - equivalent Sergeant Singapura; Tamil: சிங்கப்பூர் காவல் துறை) is the 2006, the Gurkha Contingent adopted embroidered
Major main agency tasked with maintaining law and order ranks as part of an overhaul of its combat dress, but
o Police Brigadier / Brigadir Polisi in the city-state[1]. Formerly known as the Republic of are worn on the right front pocket.
(Brigadir) - equivalent Chief Sergeant Singapore Police (Abbreviation: RSP; Malay: Polis
o First Police Brigadier / Brigadir Polisi Republik Singapura), it has grown from an 11-man
Satu (Briptu) - equivalent First organization to a 38,587 strong force. It enjoys a INDIAN POLICE
Sergeant relatively positive public image,[2] and is credited for
o Second Police Brigadier / Brigadir helping to arrest Singapore's civic unrests and Ranks of Gazetted Officers
Polisi Dua (Bripda) - equivalent lawlessness in its early years, and maintaining the
Second Sergeant low crime rate today despite having a smaller police- • Director Intelligence Bureau (post held by
• Enlisted citizen ratio compared to other major cities. senior most Indian Police Service officer; not
o Police Brigadier Adjutant / Ajun Singapore has been ranked consistently in the top a rank)
Brigadir Polisi (Abrip) - equivalent five positions in the Global Competitiveness Report • Commissioner of Police (State) or Director
Chief Corporal in terms of its reliability of police services. General of Police

• Special Commissioner of Police or Additional Kong Police Force in 1969 for their handling of the RANKS
Director General of Police Hong Kong 1967 riots, renaming the Hong Kong
• Joint Commissioner of Police or Inspector Police Force as the Royal Hong Kong Police Force. The HKPF continues to use similar ranks and insignia
General of Police Following the Transfer of sovereignty over Hong to those used in British police forces. Until 1997, the
• Additional Commissioner of Police or Deputy Kong, the Police Force now uses the current name. St Edward's Crown was used in the insignia, when it
Inspector General of Police The Hong Kong Police Force has been recognized for was replaced with the Bauhinia flower crest of the
• Deputy Commissioner of Police or Senior its professionalism, organisation, attitude on law Hong Kong government. The crest of the force was
Superintendent of Police enforcement and prompt response and efficiency, modified in 1997:
• Deputy Commissioner of Police or leading journalist Kevin Sinclair, Federal Bureau of • Commissioner of Police (CP)
Superintendent of Police Investigation and INTERPOL have acknowledged that • Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP)
• Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police or the Hong Kong Police Force as "Asia's Finest". And in • Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police
Additional Superintendent of Police having set up the foundation for the social stability of (SACP)
• Assistant Commissioner of Police or Deputy Hong Kong, and has won a good reputation as one of • Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP)
Superintendent of Police the safest cities in the World. • Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP)
• Assistant Superintendent of Police (IPS • Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP)
Probationary Rank: 2 years of service) In 2008, a rating investigation of Asian police • Superintendent of Police (SP)
departments voted by the Political and Economic • Chief Inspector of Police (CIP) (insignia of a
• Assistant Superintendent of Police (IPS
Risk Consultancy Agency, result in the Hong Kong Captain)
Probationary Rank: 1 year of service)
Police Force have been rated the excellence of Asian
• Senior Inspector of Police (SIP)
police departments. The rating awarders commented
• Inspector of Police (IP)
that the Hong Kong Police Force are respectable and
Ranks of Non-Gazetted Officers • Probationary Inspector of Police (PI)
outstanding in their performance of upholding the
law and maintaining public orders, keeping the Hong • Station Sergeant (SSGT)
• Inspector of Police • Sergeant (SGT)
Kong people living and working in peace and
• Sub-Inspector of Police • Senior Constable (SPC)
contentment. Furthermore, a quantitative research
• Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police derived from the United States of America and United • Police Constable (PC)
• Police Head Constable Kingdom with its statistical outcome, aims for the •
• Senior Police Constable World's police forces' overall quality, including local ENGLISH POLICE (UNITED KINGDOM)
• Police Constable public security, case cracking rate, incorruptibility,
professionalism and language proficiency, etc. The The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) is the
result is the Hong Kong Police Force has been rated territorial police force responsible for policing
in the top of Asia, also as one of the best of the World. Greater London, excluding the "square mile" of the
City of London which is the responsibility of the City
HONG KONG POLICE The current Commissioner of Police is Tang of London Police.[10] The MPS also has significant
King Shing, including the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police national responsibilities such as co-ordinating and
The Hong Kong Police Force HKPF,alias Force and civil servants, leading a force of about leading on counter-terrorism matters and protection
Hong Kong Police,HKP) is the largest disciplined 40,000 personnel, which makes Hong Kong the of the Royal Family of the United Kingdom and senior
service under the Security Bureau of Hong Kong. It is second greatest citizen-officer ratio society in the figures of HM Government.
the World's second and Asia's first police agency to world. In addition, the Marine Region with about At the end of February 2010, the MPS
operate with a modern policing system. It was formed 3,000 officers, and a fleet of 143 is the largest of any employed 52,111 personnel. This includes sworn
on 1 May 1844, with strength of 32 officers. Queen civil police force. 33,258 police officers and 4,226 Special Constables,
Elizabeth II granted the Royal Charter to the Hong 14,332 civilian police staff, and 4,520 non-sworn

Police Community Support Officers.[6] This makes it • Police Constable (PC) (Divisional call sign only be solved through close international
the largest police force within the United Kingdom by and shoulder number) cooperation. The convention, concluded at the 10 th
a significant margin.[12] The Commissioner of Police • Sergeant (Sgt or PS) (three point down session of the Ad Hoc Committee established by the
of the Metropolis, known commonly as chevrons above divisional call sign and General Assembly to deal with this problem, is a
Commissioner, is the overall operational leader of Shoulder Number) – an "acting" Sergeant, i.e. legally binding instrument committing states that
the force, responsible and accountable to the a substantive constable being paid an ratify is to taking a series of measures against
Metropolitan Police Authority. The post of allowance to undertake the duties of a transnational organized crime. These include the
Commissioner was first held jointly by Sir Charles sergeant for a short period of time, displays creation of domestic criminal offenses to combat the
Rowan and Sir Richard Mayne. The Commissioner two point down chevrons above divisional problem and the adoption of new, sweeping
since 27 January 2009 is Sir Paul Stephenson, QPM call sign, and Shoulder Number. The use of frameworks for mutual legal assistance, extradition,
who had previously been the Acting Commissioner the three chevrons by an acting Sergeant is law enforcement, cooperation and technical
since 1 December 2008. technically incorrect, and should only be used assistance and training.
A number of informal names and during a period of temporary promotion. States Parties will be able to rely on one
abbreviations exists for the Metropolitan Police • Inspector (Insp) (two Order of the Bath stars, another in investigating, prosecuting and punishing
Service, such as "the Met", "Met Pol", "MP" and "the informally known as "pips") crimes committed by organized criminal groups
MPS". In statutes it is referred to in the lower case as • Chief Inspector (C/Insp) (three Order of the where either the crimes or the groups who commit
the "metropolitan police force" or the "metropolitan Bath stars) them have some element of transnational
police", without the appendage "service". The MPS is • Superintendent (Supt) (single crown) involvement. This should make it much more difficult
also referred to as Scotland Yard after the location of • Chief Superintendent (Ch Supt) (crown over for offenders and organized groups to take
its original headquarters buildings in and around one pip) advantage of gap in national law, jurisdictional
Great Scotland Yard, Whitehall. The current • Commander (Cmdr) (crossed tipstaves in a problems or lack of accurate information about the
headquarters of the MPS is New Scotland Yard bayleaf wreath); the first ACPO rank. full scope of their activities.
• Deputy Assistant Commissioner (DAC) (one
RANKS The Convention deals with the fight against
pip over Commander's badge)
organized crime in general and some of the major
• Assistant Commissioner (AC) (crown over activities in which transnational organized crime are
The Metropolitan Police uses the standard UK
Commander's badge); commonly involved such as money laundering,
police ranks, indicated by shoulder boards, up to
• Deputy Commissioner (crown above two corruption and a obstruction of investigations or
Chief Superintendent, but it has five ranks above that
side-by-side small pips, above Commander's prosecutions.
level instead of the standard three.
The Metropolian Police approved the use of The protocols against the Smuggling of
• Commissioner (crown above one pip above
name badges in October 2003, with new recruits Migrants deals with the growing problem of
Commander's badge)
wearing the Velcro badges from September 2004. organized criminal groups who smuggle migrants,
The badge consists of the wearer's rank, followed by often at risk to the migrants and at great profit for the
their surname. offenders. The protocol against trafficking in Persons
Following controversy over alleged assaults deals with the problem of modern slavery, in which
by uniformed officers with concealed shoulder the desire of people to seek a better life is taken
identification numbers during the G20 summit, THE UNITED NATION CONVENTION AGAINST advantage of by organized criminal groups.
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Paul TRANSNATIONAL CRIMES
Stephenson stated that "The public has a right to be The protocol also commit countries which
The convention represents a major step ratify them to making the basic subject of the Protocol
able to identify any uniformed officer whilst forward in the fight transnational organized crime
performing their duty" by their shoulder a criminal offense and to adopting other specific
and signifies the recognition of UN Member States measures, such as controls on travel documents, to
identification numbers. that this is a serious and growing problem that can
combat the problem. These supplement the more practice such corporal punishments as beatings and
general measures found in the Convention and whippings. Nations that practice corporal punishment
countries must become parties to the Convention do tend, however, to have less of a correctional
itself before they can become parties to any of the overcrowding problem. Probation and parole, where
protocols. A third protocol, dealing with the illicit they exist cross-culturally, are applied to the
manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, parts country’s citizens, and not for foreigners or
and components and ammunition remain under immigrants.
Comparative Juvenile Justice System
Police System vs Criminal Justice System Juvenile Justice System varies widely.
With these influences of societal system, Scotland has the toughest system, regularly
Police system and Criminal justice system around the sentencing juveniles to harsh boot camps with a strict
world varies depending on the kind of legal system. military regime and force labor. Germany has a
With the exceptions of Japan and Common Law juvenile justice system similar to the U.S. where more
nations, few countries hold their police officers emphasis is upon education as punishment.
accountable for violations of civil rights. In Socialist
and Islamic countries, the police hold enormous
political and religious powers. In fact, in such places,
crime is always seen as political crime or co-occuring
religious problem.
Comparative Court System
Court systems of the world are two types:
Adversarial, where the accused is innocent, until
proven guilty. The U.S. adversarial system is unique
in the world. No other nation, not even the U.K. places
as much emphasis upon determination of factual
guilty in the courtroom as the US does.
Inquisitorial, where the accused is guilty until
proven innocent or mitigated, have more secret
procedures. Outside the U.S. most trial are
concerned with legal guilt where everyone knows the
offender to apologized, own up to their
responsibility, argue for mercy or suggest an
appropriate sentence for themselves.
Comparative Correctional System
Correctional system worldwide can be easily
distinguished by whether they support corporal
punishment or not. Some so-called “civilized”
countries claim they are better than the U.S. because
they don’t perform death penalty but actually

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