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Copyright © 2021 by Shantel Tessier
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or
by any information storage and retrieval system without the written
permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents
either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely
For more information about the author and her books, visit her website—
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Editor: Jenny Sims
Cover Designer: Tiffany Black at T.E. Black Designs
Model: Carlos Alonso
Photographer: Rafa G. Catala
Formatter: CP Smith
WARNING—Make You Beg is a dark bully romance. It may contain
triggers for some due to sexual situations, language, and violence.

A few things to know about Make You Beg: A Dark Bully Romance
It is not Rh.
It is MF & MFM
It is told in multiple POVs
“Sex Metal Barbie” by In This Moment
“Rumors” by NEFFEX
“Him and I” by Halsey and G-Eazy
“Popular Monster” by Falling In Reverse
“Triggered” by Chase Atlantic
“Shoots and Ladders” by Korn
“The Devil In I” by Slipknot
“Let You Go” by Machine Gun Kelly
“Middle Finger” by Bohnes
“Whore,” by In This Moment
“Time Bomb,” by Hollywood Undead
“Hatefuck” by Cruel Youth
“Nails” by Call Me Karizma
“Painkiller” by Three Days Grace
“Why Are You Here” by Machine Gun Kelly
“Deeper” by Valerie Broussard
“Enemies” by Shinedown
“Down with the Sickness” by Disturbed
“Bodies” by Drowning Pool

Everyone in the courtroom stands. I let out a shaky breath and run my
sweaty palms down the black pencil skirt and adjust the matching blazer as
the judge makes his way to his chair. My heart beats rapidly in my chest
with dread and doubt. I’ve told myself not to worry, but I can’t seem to
stop. There’s this pit in my stomach that I can’t ignore. It’s had me nauseous
for weeks, and I haven’t been able to keep anything down. Some would be
happy about losing ten pounds, but not me. I didn’t have that kind of weight
to lose in the first place. Anxiety is a bitch, and I can’t seem to beat her no
matter what I do or tell myself. She’s like this imaginary friend dragging me
farther out in the deep depths of an ocean, fully aware I can’t swim. I’m
trying to keep my head above water, but it’s filling my mouth as I try to cry
out for help. Knowing damn well that there’s nobody around to hear me.
I jump when my father rubs my back from where he stands on my right.
He notices and gives me a reassuring smile. His blue eyes are soft, but I see
the worry lines around them. He hasn’t said, but I know he’s terrified of
what’s to come. If this doesn’t go the way it should …
Judge Mayes speaks, getting everyone’s attention. “Please, be seated.”
The sound of everyone returning to their seats fills the room. “The court has
brought the jury back into the courtroom having received a message that the
jury has reached a verdict. Will the foreperson of the jury please stand?” he
asks. The man gets to his feet, fixing his already straight tie. “Have you
reached a verdict?”
That pit gets bigger, and my breathing more ragged. This is it. The jury’s
answer will define the rest of two lives.
The foreperson nods once. “We have, Your Honor.”
“Can you please hand the charge and verdict form over to the bailiff, who
will deliver it to the courts so I can ensure that it’s in proper form?” Once
he has it in his hands, he continues. “The verdict is in proper form. Will the
defendant please stand?”
At the front of the room, the boy gets to his feet along with his attorney.
Well, he doesn’t look like a boy. He’s every bit of six foot three. His broad
shoulders and muscular build intimidate men twice his age.
He has always had this air about him—like he was unbeatable. He’s a
cocky son of a bitch who gets everything handed to him. His daddy buys it
for him, or he beats it out of you. Either way, the outcome is always the
same—he wants it, he gets it. That’s what makes this situation even worse.
This is what fills me with dread.
Even right now, in a room full of people waiting to hear if he’s going to
spend the rest of his life in a six-by-eight cell or will be free to walk, he
looks unfazed. His head held high; I can’t see his face from where I sit, but
I bet he’s having to fight back a smirk. I’m having trouble controlling my
breathing, whereas he looks pretty confident for a man facing a life
sentence. At the young age of seventeen, he’s being tried as an adult
because of me.
His three best friends sit in the row behind him with their parents at their
sides. Rellik and Law keep giving me threatening looks over their
shoulders. Scout hasn’t even glanced my way. He hasn’t always hated me,
but he does now. They all do. We were friends, best friends, until I turned
on one of them. Now, I’ve been shunned, thrown away for my betrayal. If
you can call doing the right thing betrayal.
“Breathe,” my father whispers in my ear. I drop my eyes to the black
leather pumps I bought just for today. My entire outfit is new, actually. Hell,
even my underwear and bra are. I wanted to be someone else. Someone
who my friends had never seen. Or touched. It’s stupid now that I think of
it. Something so minor.
Camera crews are present right outside the courtroom. I also saw some
perched on the steps of the courthouse when we arrived. Waiting to inform
the world of his outcome. It makes me physically ill to think he could walk
right out of here.
This case has been a high-profile case since the moment I dialed 911. It’s
sick and disturbing how our town has welcomed the media’s attention.
They’ve pretty much laid the red carpet out for them. Most here are willing
to pay any price for fame. They want their spot on the map. This is going to
give it to them. No matter the outcome.
Lifting my eyes, I see the judge holding the verdict in his hands. He starts
reading off the docket number. “The state of Texas against the defendant
Dax Monroe, we, the jury, find the defendant … not guilty.”
Most of the room lets out audible breaths of relief. Rellik, Scout, and
Law slap their buddy Monroe on his back.
I’m frozen in place. This… this… no. My eyes fill with tears, and my
bottom lip begins to tremble. “I saw him.” I look up at my dad. “I saw his
face …” My throat closes up on me.
His jaw sharpens, and he looks away from me, unable to keep my gaze.
My teary eyes go back to him—the seventeen-year-old boy who should
be spending the rest of his life in jail, but instead, he turns around and hugs
his dad. Then his stepmother. She’s wiping happy tears from under her eyes.
His dad shakes his attorneys’ hands while laughing like this was all a joke.
As if they are out on the golf course hitting some balls around and sharing
old college stories about the women they once passed around like a pack of
The courtroom grows smaller. The air thicker. Blood rushes in my ears,
drowning out their victory. I think I’m going to pass out as I sway in my
“Henley.” My brother grabs my hand, but I yank it away, not wanting the
contact. “Henley, breathe,” he whispers.
“I … I can’t.” I grab at my chest. That water rises higher in the ocean I’m
drowning in. It’s up past my mouth, cutting off any opportunity I had to call
for help.
He starts talking to our father, but I’m not listening. This was an open-
and-shut case. I gave them all the information they needed to put him away.
What he did was unforgivable. Friend or not, he should be punished for his
But then again, I don’t know why I’m so surprised. It hasn’t even been a
month. It moved too quickly. The town wanted the spotlight, but they
wanted it over sooner rather than later. They were willing to extort a
woman’s life in order to gain recognition. It’s as if the devil smiled upon the
town of Westbrook, Texas, and said you may be seen but for a price—and
they were willing to pay whatever it cost them.
Hands grasp my upper arms, and I’m dragged out of the courtroom and
into the hallway, away from all the laughter and celebrations.
“Henley, calm the fuck down,” my brother orders, lowering his face to
“He did it…” I choke out. I’m going to keep saying that until someone
listens to me.
Jeremy’s jaw sharpens, and his dark eyes look away from mine. He runs
his hand down his tired face, and his eyes land on mine once again. “I
believe you.”
I blink, and tears sting my eyes. My throat feels restricted as if someone
is choking me. I can’t take a breath. I claw at the top of my shirt once again.
“Did you hear me, Hen?” he snaps. Grabbing my wrists, he shoves them
from my shirt and shakes my shoulders. “I believe you.”
“No one else did …” The door to the courtroom opens, cutting me off.
My body stiffens on its own. Maybe if I stand as still as a statue, they won’t
see me here. One at a time, my ex-best friends enter the hallway.
Ryan Scout is first. He has his Armani suit jacket unbuttoned and pulled
back to allow his hands to rest in the front pockets of his black dress slacks.
The soles on his Hermes slap the floor. He doesn’t even look my way, and
my already tight chest aches even more at his dismissal.
Van Rellik is right behind him. He’s dressed almost identical to Scout,
except he has a white dress shirt on. He’s got his dark curls slicked back.
He’s laughing with Law.
Grayson Law wears a Tom Ford light gray suit jacket with matching
slacks and a white button-down shirt. He has that pretty-boy look with blue
eyes and a sexy smile that just screams fuck-boy. But that couldn’t be
further from who he is—that saying “looks can be deceiving” has never
been truer when referring to Law.
Lastly, Dax Monroe. He looks over his shoulder, and my heart stops
when he winks at me before following his friends and their parents down
the hallway, then disappearing around the corner. Reporters flock to them
like paparazzi to a celebrity caught out dining at an exclusive restaurant,
calling his name.
A few choose to stay back and turn to me. Lights flash in my eyes,
momentarily blinding me. “Henley? What do you have to say?” one asks,
shoving a camera into my face.
Ducking my head, I’m glad I chose to wear my hair down today, so it
gives me somewhat of a shield to my tear-streaked face.
“Get back!” my brother shouts, pushing the woman away from us.
“Henley, would you have testified …?”
Another reporter shouts over the other. “Why did you lie, Henley …?”
“I said get the fuck away.” My brother grabs my upper arm and yanks me
down the hall before shoving me into the women’s bathroom. My hands
shake, and I try to calm my breathing. “It’s going to be okay, Hen. I
He’s wrong. Nothing will be okay ever again. He doesn’t know what all
I’ve done. How much those four boys meant to me. I hate that I ever gave
Monroe something that I can’t get back. Any of them, for that matter. I hate
that he’s walking free. And I hate that I did everything right, and it still
wasn’t enough. He deserves to spend the rest of his life behind bars, but it
won’t be that way.
I saw him. He looked right at me that night. I heard his voice. He spoke
to me. He said my name. I felt his hands. It was him. He did it.
The tears run down my face, and I lick my wet lips. I had been drinking.
That was what made my testimony laughable. A young underage girl
partying where she shouldn’t have been didn’t hold a fucking candle to the
Monroes and their connections. But I had to do what was right. The
evidence? The lack of it is what kept him from a conviction. I taste the bile
begin to rise.
“Henley …”
“Stop,” I choke out and push around him, my Gucci heels clicking on the
tile while running into a stall. I drop to my knees and hug the toilet. He
comes up behind me and grabs my hair.
“It’s okay.” He runs his free hand over my forehead.
I close my eyes tightly. It’s not. Nothing will ever be the same again.
Scout tried to warn me. He told me that this would happen. I didn’t listen.

I lie down in my bed, trying to keep my eyes open. I’ve been so tired
today and slept most of it. My body aches, and my chest feels tight after
what I saw last night.
I sit up in my bed when I hear Scout calling out my name. What is he
doing here? Looking back down at my cell, lying on the sheet, I see it’s
almost midnight.
“Henley?” It’s louder, letting me know he’s already coming up the stairs
and about to barge into my room.
Jumping up from the bed, I run to the door, swinging it open just in time
to see him standing in the hallway. His clothes are soaked, showing me
every curve of his muscular body. Lifting his hands, he runs them through
his dark hair to knock off the excess water that lands on the marble floor.
He’s breathing heavily, and he stares at me with a mixture of emotions. His
dark brows pull together, and he parts his lips and then closes them. He lets
out a deep breath while narrowing his eyes.
My heart picks up at the accusation in them. He knows. “Scout—”
“Henley,” he growls, interrupting me. “What the fuck is going on? I got
a call. Dax has been arrested. They said they had a witness.” He shakes his
head, clearly confused and thinking he doesn’t have all the information yet.
“I … I don’t understand.”
I lower my head, too ashamed to look at him. I did it. But will he
understand why? Is he as loyal to me as he says?
“Hey.” He grips my chin softly and forces me to meet his green eyes.
They soften. “Talk to me. What’s going on? Did he hurt you?” He looks me
up and down, and hope blooms in my chest that maybe he cares about me.
Maybe it hasn’t been an act.
“I did call the cops,” I say softly, mustering up the courage to tell him
what I saw. What one of our best friends did.
He lets out a long sigh and pulls me to his chest, hugging me tightly. His
clothes wet from the rain instantly soak my T-shirt and lounge pants. I grip
the material in my hands, the water running through my fingers while I
cling to him. Tears burn my eyes.
“What happened, Hen?” he asks before kissing my hair.
I look up at him, and he removes his right arm from around me so he can
wipe the tears off my cheek. “He was there last night. At Death Valley.”
“Hen …”
“I saw him, Ryan. After you walked away from the table, I found him on
the second floor in the chapel. He was with Brenda Nash. And …” I trail
off, my throat closing up on me.
“And what?” he urges.
“He had her pinned down.” His eyes widen. “She was trying to push him
off her. She told him to stop …”
“Wait.” He grabs my arm and walks into my room, shutting the door
behind us as if no one else in this house needs to hear what I’m saying. But
it doesn’t matter. We’re here alone. My father is away on a business trip for
the weekend, and my brother is at college. The staff has all gone to bed for
the evening. “I told you, Henley. He was out of town.”
I shake my head and argue. “I’m telling you …”
“That he raped someone?” he snaps.
I take a step back from him, swallowing nervously.
“Jesus Christ.” He lifts his arms and runs both hands through his hair
again aggressively, knocking off more water in the process. “This is
“I know,” I choke out. “Why do you think …?”
“You have no clue what you’re talking about, Henley.”
“I know what I saw!” I shout, getting irritated. Tired of him not believing
me. “He raped her. Then he killed her.”
His green eyes look down at me, and I hold in a breath. I think he’s about
to yell at me again, but then he throws his head back and starts laughing.
I blink, confused as to how this is funny. A woman is dead.
He continues to laugh at me while I just stand here like an idiot with
doubt flooding my mind. Had I seen him actually kill her? Were they role-
playing? Some people are into that kind of thing. I push the thought out of
my mind as quickly as it entered. It’s not right. To justify what he did. He
raped her, and he killed her. I saw it.
I try to ignore the tightness in my chest and lick my dry lips. “He did it,
His laughter comes to a stop, and he straightens his shoulders. “No, he
didn’t. You were drunk. Fucked up. You were confused …”
“It wasn’t a mistake,” I growl. “I know what I saw.” How can he not
believe me? Why would I make this up? Dax is my friend too, but that
doesn’t excuse what he did.
He steps into me, his body towering over mine. “You’re wrong. And
you’re going to tell the police that. Retract your statement. Tell them you
made a mistake.”
He can’t be serious. “I will not.”
He grabs my shirt, yanking me forward. “Scout!” Spinning us around, he
shoves my back into the closed bedroom door, making it rattle. My body
begins to tremble, and I suck in a breath as he pushes into me, pinning me
in place.
A muscle tightens in his sharp jaw, and he takes in a deep breath as if to
calm his temper. “If you do this, there will be consequences.”
My body relaxes against him at his words. Finally. “Good. He deserves
“I think you misunderstood what I said.” Letting go of my shirt, he runs
his hands up my chest to wrap them both around my neck. I lean up on my
tiptoes, and my hands grip his arms, trying to fight him off when he takes
away my air. “For you, Henley. Not Monroe.” Letting go of me, he takes a
step back.
I rub my neck, looking up at him. “He’s going to pay for what he did,
He fists his hands as if he’s thinking about wrapping them around my
neck again when he finally nods. “You made your decision.” Ripping open
the door, he runs out of the house as fast as he entered.

I begin to dry heave. I didn’t heed the warning and refused to retract my
statement. Instead, I testified. I’ll be the one thrown into the inferno.
They’ve already taken that oath. And the four of them keep their promises.
I guess a part of me knew that I’d lose them. But I thought Dax Monroe
would get punished for his crimes. Instead, now I’ll be the one to suffer.


No one has spoken a word since we left the courthouse. My father types
away on his cell next to me while my brother sits across from us in the
limo, staring at me. Waiting to see if I’m going to break down again like I
did before.
I’m not.
At this point, I’m numb. My mind’s still trying to process the events that
have led us to this moment.
Pulling up to the gate of our home, we find reporters standing outside
with their camera crews. Their hands hit the glass as they shove each other
to get as close as possible. I start to duck my head but then remember they
can’t see me through the limo tint. My father’s guards push them back,
allowing us entry.
I turn around to watch the gate close, giving myself a sense of peace that
no one got onto the property.
The driver rounds the entrance, pulling up to the front of our fifteen-
thousand-square-foot mansion, and I get out. I’m on autopilot. It’s kinda
like when you’re driving, and your mind isn’t paying attention, but
somehow, you still arrive at your destination. That’s how my body is right
We enter the house, and the staff flocks to us. My father speaks to them,
but I tune them all out. I was born into money. Our town is built on
billionaires and fucking crooked bastards. Westbrook, Texas, has a
population of two hundred and fifty thousand. It is full of the one percent,
but not all of them live here full-time. Most of them own vacation homes
here on Lake Miles, a manmade lake covering over nine hundred acres. The
elite take their yachts out on sunny days before returning to their penthouse
apartments overlooking Central Park in New York and mansions tucked
back in the California hills. I once asked a man why he kept his yacht here
instead of in the ocean. He said it was too rough for such a treasure.
The founders of Westbrook go back generations, to the eighteen
hundreds. They consist of four families—the Monroes, Laws, Relliks, and,
you guessed it, the Scouts. Like I said, my four best friends own this town.
They are known as the Grim Reapers—they will fight you to the death on
and off the field. I should have known that Dax’s father would never let him
go down for raping and murdering an innocent girl.
“We’ve got three hours.” My father turns to me as we stand in the foyer.
My mouth feels like I swallowed sandpaper, and my chest feels like it’s
being squeezed by a vise. I’m not even sure how much longer my shaky
knees are going to keep my heavy body standing.
“For what?” my brother asks.
“Before the jet leaves. It’s being fueled as we speak.”
He’s talking in riddles. Nonsense. The verdict has left him just as
confused. That’s what hurts the most. The fact that I pulled my family into
this. They told my father to ship me off to boarding school to finish my high
school education, and my brother—well, thankfully, he’s never here. It’s not
their fault, but I know if they had seen what I did, they would have done the
same thing. We were raised to do what’s right. My father taught my brother
to respect the word no. And I was taught to help those who need it. Having
money does not mean you can’t have morals.
“What do you mean?” my brother growls. “Where are we going?”
“I spoke to your mother yesterday, and we decided this is what’s best for
your sister,” my father answers, still typing away on his phone.
“What are you talking about?” Clearly, my brother is as confused as I am.
Our parents never speak to one another. They had a very bad divorce
when we were younger. My mother was having an affair and chose to take
the settlement my father offered her, leaving the three of us behind.
My father places his phone in his pocket and turns to face me with an
apologetic look in his soft blue eyes. “You can’t stay here. Not after that
verdict.” He lets out a long breath.
“Where is she going?” my brother demands, stepping between our father
and me. “Dad …” He lowers his voice. “Dad, you can’t ship her away to
boarding school.”
I pull on the blazer once more. It feels so constricting. I just want to get
out of these clothes, take a shower, and go to bed. I want to wash this
horrible day away.
“To stay with your mother.” Dad answers.


“Cheers, motherfucker!” Law hollers, lifting the shot glass and clinking it
against ours. We throw them back and slam the now empty glasses on the
marble countertop in his mother’s kitchen. “I told you that you had nothing
to worry about.” He slaps Monroe’s back.
Monroe nods a few times and lets out a long breath, undoing his black
silk tie. The stress of the past month has been wearing on him. Even when
there was no evidence to prove he did anything to Brenda Nash, it still cost
his father a small fortune for him to stay innocent. The system saw an
opportunity, and they will always take it. Money talks louder than any girl
screaming rape. “Yeah.” He grabs the bottle and pours another round.
My cell vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out to see a text.
Her daddy’s jet just took off. Your girl is on the run.
I don’t respond. Instead, I lock my phone and set it on the countertop.
“She’s running.”
“Of course, she is.” Law laughs, but it holds no humor.
“Let her go.” Monroe growls, giving her a pass by waving it off. Like
what she did doesn’t matter.
“No.” I shake my head.
“What do you want to do? Follow her?” Rellik arches a dark brow.
“We drag her back.” I smile.
“And how the fuck do we do that?” Rellik snorts.
I look over at Law, knowing he’ll be on my side. He’ll want to play. He
won’t pass up this opportunity, especially not with her. “Want a doll?”
He begins to pour another shot. “You know …” He fills the other shot
glasses as well before his eyes meet mine, and he smirks. “You have always
been infatuated with them.”
When we were around ten, I went shopping with my mother and picked
out a doll for Henley. She loved it and made me play with it.

“I love her.” She hugs her to her chest, sitting next to the Christmas tree.
The pieces of wrapping paper piled next to her and my doll in her hands.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” I tell her with a smile, letting out a breath. I didn’t
realize how nervous I was.
“Wanna play with her?” She holds her out to me.
I shake my head. “Dolls are for girls.”
The smile on her face falls, turning into a frown. “Dolls aren’t just for
girls, Ryan.” She rolls her eyes. “Boys can play with them, too.”
She shakes the doll as she holds her out in front of me. I take it with a
sigh. “What do I do with her?” I ask, looking over her. She reminds me of
Henley in a way—a pretty little doll with pouty lips, long dark hair, and big
blue eyes.
“You can dress her up. Fix her hair. You can take them anywhere with
you.” She smiles again, handing me the brush that was also in the box.
“Dolls are meant to be played with, silly. Not to sit on a shelf.”

I throw back the new shot. “Yeah, I want to play with a doll. You?”
Law shrugs carelessly but confirms what I already knew. “I’m down.”

I SIT ON the end of my bed. My suitcases are still packed, covering my

white carpet. Four months ago, I was in this same position, but instead of
returning, I was leaving. When we had returned home from the courthouse,
my father had all of my stuff packed and ready to ship me away.
I was supposed to finish my senior year in New York, but here I am.
Back at home. My mother’s husband got a job offer in Switzerland, and he
took it, forcing me to move back in with my father five weeks into our first
semester. So, now I’m going to spend my senior year at Westbrook High.
With them. My ex-best friends.
My father isn’t happy. He met me at the private airport and didn’t say
two words to me. He spent most of his time typing away furiously on his
cell and muttering curse words under his breath. It wasn’t hard to figure out
who had pissed him off.
“Knock, knock.” My door opens, and my brother steps into my room. He
looks so much like our mom with his light brown hair and chocolate-
colored eyes. Seeing her made me realize I liked growing up here with my
dad and Jeremy.
“Hey.” I give him a weak smile.
He comes to sit down next to me at the end of the king-size bed. “You
could come to college with me,” he offers. “I’ll hide you in one of my
suitcases.” My brother rarely comes home ever since he went off to school.
But when he found out our mother was shipping me back, he made a day
trip to see me.
I give a rough laugh. “As tempting as that sounds, I don’t think I’ll be
welcomed.” My brother got accepted into one of the most prestigious
private colleges in the United States. He has plans for an engineering
degree. He’s known all of his life what he wants to do when he grows up.
Me? Never even thought about it. I’m like Mom in that aspect. She’s forty
and still does nothing productive with her life. “Plus, I’m not much of a fan
of California.” I bump my shoulder into his.
“Dad’s freaking out.” He ignores my joke. “He’s on the phone with Mom
right now in his study. He’s pissed that they had a deal, and she didn’t honor
I shrug. “It is what it is. Pat got a job opportunity he couldn’t turn down.
Not like she sent me back here for her own selfish reasons.” But I’m not
sure that’s the truth. My mother made her decision when we were younger
that she didn’t want to be a mother. She’d much rather have money and
freedom. I would have just weighed her down. I think she was embarrassed
that I was living with her. Her friends knew what had happened, and they
looked down on me. They thought I had made the whole thing up too.
He runs his hands through his hair, a clear sign he’s frustrated and trying
to come up with a solution to a problem. “This is serious, Hen. The boys
will try to destroy you.”
My eyes drop to my hands knotted in my lap. As afraid as I am, I’m also
relieved. I didn’t want to run in the first place because I thought it made me
look weak. And that’s one thing I am not. “No, they won’t,” I lie, trying to
ease his worry.
“Don’t lie to yourself,” he snaps, turning to face me. “That bastard
walked, meaning someone, somewhere high up in the rankings of
Westbrook took a payout.”
I’ve had four months to think about what I saw and what was said in
court. Too many things didn’t add up. I have gone over them in my head a
million times, and I can’t understand what I saw and what the court argued.
They had proof to back up their arguments. I just had words. And
sometimes words mean absolutely fucking nothing.
And her body? Even if Monroe did move it, how did no one see it? It was
the middle of a Saturday night. She couldn’t have just disappeared without
a trace. But there was no search for her body. Brenda was adopted when she
was fifteen. She came from nothing to a city full of riches. Her adopted
family was what allowed Dax Monroe his freedom. They stated she had run
away. That she was having trouble in our school. That she came from a
troubled past, and they had a hard time controlling her. Which was true. She
was in trouble a lot at school due to grades and fighting with others, but that
wasn’t because she was a bad kid. That was bullying slid under the rug. She
stood up for herself, and it fucked us both in the end.
So when the body went missing from where I saw Monroe kill her, they
assumed I was drunk and imagined the entire thing. Like she was never
even there. But I didn’t, did I? “Maybe I was wrong.”
“Henley!” He grabs my face, growling. “Don’t fucking pull that shit
now! Don’t second-guess yourself. And do not allow them into your head!”
I was drunker than I had let on to the court. I was wasted. We were at
Death Valley. That was the point. Kids were on drugs. I was on my fifth,
maybe sixth mixed drink. And I had also had a few shots. I think. Thank
God they never drug tested me. “I was drinking …”
“I don’t give a fuck if you were high. The girl had been killed. You saw
her. Just because there was no body doesn’t mean you were wrong.”
Actually, that’s exactly what it means, according to the court. No body,
no crime. But I’ll keep that to myself. Instead, I nod, and he lets go of my
“Do you have protection?” he asks.
“Oh.” I throw up my hands. “I don’t plan on having sex with anyone.”
I’ve only ever slept with two guys—Monroe and Scout. It was our secret.
And one hell of a mistake that I don’t plan on repeating. Plus, Janice, our
housekeeper, took me to the doctor to get on the shot once I told her I had
had sex. She was the only other woman I was ever around. Thankfully, she
helped me out and played my mom.
He sighs heavily and digs into his pocket. “I don’t mean sex, Hen.”
Pulling a knife out, he flips the blade open and holds it up. “I want you to
keep this on you at all times.”
I stand and shake my head. “I can’t …”
“Yes, you can.” He stands and closes it, then places it in my hand. The
cold steel feels foreign and heavy. “You keep it in your purse. Or in your
backpack. And if anyone tries to hurt you, you use it.”
I roll my eyes. I can’t take this to school with me. “No one is going to
hurt me.” No, they’ve turned their backs on me. I’m the outcast, so they
will act like I don’t even exist. And just that thought makes my chest
tighten. They may think I betrayed them, but I lost my best friends. They
betrayed me when they didn’t believe me.
“I love you, Hen.” He pulls me in for a tight hug. “Be careful, and if you
need anything, you call me. I’ll be here immediately.”
I sit and watch him leave with tears in my eyes. Not because of what’s to
come but because of what has happened. How one night destroyed

Five months ago

Death Valley, previously known as Spring Valley, was once an all-boys

preparatory academy. They taught boys from kindergarten to twelfth grade.
The students and staff lived here on campus twenty-four seven, three
hundred and sixty-five days a year. It was known for its five hundred acres
of manicured lawn, rolling hills, and Victorian-like structures. It looked like
a city of castles in a fairy tale, but its story is anything but pretty. Now it
resembles a haunted fortress from an old-time horror flick. You know the
old black and white ones with the static across the screen. Just the sound
makes your skin crawl and the hairs on the back of your neck stand.
It’s been the go-to party spot since before I was even born. A place where
we come to get high, get drunk, and fuck shit up. We’re here every Saturday
night, and also Friday nights during ball season after the football games.
And they sometimes have exclusive fights throughout the week.
I stumble across the uneven lawn, wanting to get some fresh air. My
shoes dig into the earth, making it hard to walk. No one maintains it
anymore. It’s been abandoned for years. A fire broke out and caused so
much damage that they couldn’t afford to rebuild. Not to mention all the
lives that were taken that night. Legend is, no one survived. Not sure how a
place so big burned, killing everyone, yet the structures are still standing.
I’ve always questioned how the concrete walls and floors managed to catch
fire, but I’m not an expert on that sort of thing. So what do I know?
“Hen, wait up.”
I hear a familiar voice call out behind me. When I spin around, I lose my
balance. I close my eyes and fall. It feels like I land on clouds, but when I
open my heavy eyes, I look up to see Scout standing over me. He has a glass
with amber liquid in one hand and his cell in the other. A smirk spreads
across his face as his eyes sweep over my body.
“What are you doing out here?” he asks with a chuckle before tipping his
cup back.
I watch his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows the drink, fascinated by the
simple movement. He looks back down at me, waiting for a response, and I
tilt my head back, looking up at the sky. It’s full of a thousand shining stars.
They’re so bright that they’re almost painful to look at. “Admiring the sky,”
I slur.
He falls onto his side and lies down next to me. “How about some
company?” Propping himself up, he cups my cheek. I lean into him. His
hands are cool from the drink he was holding that now sits next to him.
They feel good on my hot skin. “Hey, don’t do that. Not here.”
“Hmm?” My eyes roam his chiseled jaw and stubble that he didn’t shave
off today.
His gaze falls to my chest. The corners of his perfect lips are tilted
upward in a grin. “You moaned. You know that makes me hard.”
I did? I didn’t realize it. “What would you do if I did this?” My hand falls
to his jeans, and I run my palm over his crotch.
He throws his head back and closes his eyes. “Hen …”
“Or this?” I sit up and straddle him, throwing my hair over my right
shoulder. I get a head rush from moving too fast and am thankful I’m not
standing. “What about this?” I run my hands through my hair, gathering it
up and throwing my head back. I let out a moan, rocking my hips back and
forth on him. I can feel him grow inside his jeans, and I moan again; only
this time, it wasn’t fake. “Oh, God” I cry out dramatically. “Scout …”
“Henley.” He grips my hips, bringing me to a stop. “Not here.”
I look around at the kids littering the area, but no one is paying us any
attention. A group of about twenty are over to the right, standing around a
roaring fire made of car tires. Which is totally illegal and leaves you
covered in a black residue, but no cops patrol this area. They’re all sipping
their alcoholic drinks, and the black lifted Chevy has all the windows down
and its speakers blaring. “No one cares what we do.” This is why kids come
out here.
“Doesn’t mean people aren’t watching us.” He sits up and pushes me off
I pout. “You embarrassed all of a sudden to be seen with me?” I arch a
brow. “Afraid of what people will say if they find out you’re fucking me?”
No one knows what we do. Kids at school suspect it because he’s one of my
best friends, but there’s a difference in rumor and fact. No one has yet to
prove it. And the ones who can, won’t.
Ryan grips my hair in his hand, tilts my head back, and slams his lips to
mine in a possessive, dominating kiss. Our teeth hit, and our tongues dance.
I whimper into his mouth, and my pussy pulses while my thighs tighten.
He pulls away and growls. “I don’t give a fuck what they think.”
“Then why?” My hand falls to his hard dick again, but he pushes it
“Just … not here,” he snaps, jumping to his feet.
Grabbing my hand, he yanks me up as well. We face the back of the main
building. It stands five stories tall. I can see how back in its day, it must
have been gorgeous, but now it’s depressing. Windows no longer have glass,
and graffiti covers the concrete walls and cracked bricks. Moss grows up
the side in places. Such a shame.
He’s dusting my back and ass off when I look up and see a familiar face
in a hole where a window once was on the second floor of the old and
damaged building. “I thought you said Dax wasn’t coming tonight?” I ask.
“He’s not,” he answers.
“I just saw him.”
He shakes his head, chuckling. “Lay off the alcohol, Hen. Come on, let’s
go inside.”
I don’t get to argue. He grabs my hand and pulls me into the main
building on the property. “Sex Metal Barbie” by In This Moment drowns
out my thoughts. The only lights in this part are from glowsticks. Most of
the kids are rolling. I follow Scout into what was once the atrium that held
the cafeteria and snack bar. It was known to hold up to around three
hundred boys at once. It’s bigger than Alcatraz, and the security was just as
Not everything in the fire was destroyed, but they have definitely seen
better days. We should really be getting tetanus shots after leaving here.
He pulls out a chair for me to sit at one of the rusty steel tables. I look
over at the table next to us and see several lines of cocaine. Kids have
hundred-dollar bills rolled up and held to their noses as they snort them.
They rub what’s left on their gums. Everyone is accepted at Death Valley—
the rich and the poor. It doesn’t matter; they all party just the same.
A guy by the name of Derek Sanders sits down across from me and holds
out his right hand. I’m not friends with him, but he does go to our school.
“Here, Henley. Have one.”
I look down at the circular pink pill and know I shouldn’t do it tonight.
I’ve already drunk too much.
“She’s had enough for the night.” Scout pushes the pill away as his cell
dings in his pocket, notifying him of a message.
And that’s all I need to hear. I snatch it from Derek’s hand and toss it into
my mouth before stealing the guy’s drink and downing it. I look over at
Scout and stick my tongue out to show I swallowed that bitch. He glares at
me. “Better take me home before this kicks in.”
He shakes his head. Shoving his chair back, he stands and walks away.
Mumbling to himself, he pulls his cell out.

I should never have swallowed it. I should never have taken a sip of
alcohol that night. And I sure as shit shouldn’t have gone looking for Dax to
prove he was there. I hate that I was right.
A knock on my door has me looking up. “Hey.” My father sighs heavily
as he steps into my room.
I hate this for him. How much I’ve ruined everything. I can see the stress
on his face—aging him too soon. “Dad, I’m—”
“Don’t do that,” he interrupts me. “There is nothing to be sorry for,
I look down at my hands in my lap. I wish that were true. Looking back
up at him, I see he’s standing there with his hands on his hips staring down
at my unpacked suitcases. “I have to leave town tomorrow,” he finally says.
I swallow nervously, hating the fact of being here alone. But I remind
myself that the staff and guards will be here at all times. “Okay.”
“It’s just for a couple of days. I’ll be back Friday morning.” He runs a
hand down his face. He’s nervous, and I sit up straighter.
“Everything okay?” I ask. I haven’t gotten to speak to him much since he
sent me packing on his private jet with little notice that I was to start a new
life. But I knew he meant well. His eyes meet mine, and my spine stiffens.
“Henley, we need to talk …” His cell rings, and he looks down at it. He
lets it ring a couple of times before he speaks. “I need to take this, but don’t
bother with that.” He gestures to my suitcases. “The staff can take care of
them.” Then he exits, leaving me alone once again.

I PULL UP to the school the following morning. It’s a Wednesday, middle

of the week. I should have talked my father into letting me stay home until
next Monday. What would three more days have hurt?
Thankfully, my windows are blacked out in my Ferrari California so I
can sit here for a moment unseen while I gather my bearings. I didn’t get
any sleep last night. Not because I’m afraid of them, but because of what
everyone at school will say about me. They think I made it up or that I’m
crazy. I went up against one of them, and they all banded together, taking
me down and making me sound insane.
The prosecuting attorney told my father we had a good solid case even
without the body. Because her missing made it look believable. I rolled my
eyes when he told us that. As if he didn’t really believe what I was saying.
Then her adoptive parents took the stand, and well, that went to shit. Brenda
Nash was a year older than us but still a junior. Due to her being in the
system in her younger years, she had fallen behind and was held back a year
before she was adopted. Legally, she was eighteen, so if she wanted to run
away, nobody could do anything about it.
The parking lot is packed with kids. Many stand by their million-dollar
cars, not ready to go inside just yet, while others mingle in the courtyard.
They’ll take any extra minute of freedom they can get.
I look out my passenger window and spot the four guys I want to avoid
for the rest of my life. The Grim Reapers. AKA Reapers.
Each one of their cars is backed in, side by side, in the front row. They’re
all the same color—flat black with blacked-out windows and wheels to
match—intimidating just like them.
All four gather around Ryan Scout’s Bugatti Chiron. Girls crowd around
them as though they’re all members of a rock band, and they have to suck
their dicks to get backstage. One even stands between Dax’s parted legs,
and he’s got his hands on her hips.
Fear sets into my bones like the weight of an anchor sinking in the ocean,
pulling me down once again. I grip the steering wheel and drop my head.
Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. “I can do
this,” I chant.
The fact my father forced me to leave town after the verdict was
announced made me look even more like a fool. The media took my
departure as an admission of guilt, that I had lied, and when I lost, I was
afraid to show my face.
Everyone thinks I made it all up. Girls and boys from our school took to
their social media and spoke about how I was in love with Dax, and when
he didn’t reciprocate the feelings, I tried to get him arrested.
I had to shut down all of my accounts and close myself off to the outside
world. The case was heard all around, and there was no escape. Even the
kids in New York whispered about me. I spent the summer in my room at
my mother and stepdad’s house. Then when school started, my social life
didn’t get any better. I had no friends and no life.
But one thing still remains. Brenda Nash has yet to be found. By the time
the cops arrived at Death Valley, the body was gone. And as I found out
while Dax was on trial, no body means no conviction.
They also argued that no murder weapon was present. I told them they
wouldn’t find one because he used his hands. A man his size against her,
she never had a chance.
But my argument went unheard. I might as well have been talking to a
wall. Plus, my brother was right; money had to be involved. His father paid
someone off—star football player at a 6A school with a bright future and a
young Brenda being a product of the system. You take your guess who was
treated more like the victim. Hint: it wasn’t the missing girl. Everyone
failed her, even me.
Opening my eyes, I take another deep breath to slow my racing heart.
Before I can chicken out, I reach over to grab my backpack and exit the
driver’s seat.
The moment I round the front of my car, all chitchat comes to a halt, and
everyone stares at me. It’s as if I’ve gone momentarily deaf; it’s so quiet.
Not even a bird chirping. No wind howling, just deafening silence. My
heart pounds, and my palms begin to sweat like they did that day in court
when Dax Monroe was given a pass because of his fucking name.
Westbrook got so much attention that even the attendance at school went
up by fourteen percent. Or so I read online.
I have sunglasses over my eyes, giving me the advantage to sneak a look
over at them.
Ryan Scout leans back against his car in black jeans and a matching shirt.
His arms are crossed over his chest, and his green eyes are on mine. The
coldness almost makes me trip over my own feet. They send a shiver up my
spine while also piercing my heart. He’s never looked at me like that before.
They drop to my shoes and start their way up my jeans. I swallow when
they get to my eyes again, and he smiles. It’s cold and deadly, like a
promise of what’s to come.
Welcome home, Henley.
My eyes shoot to Grayson Law. He’s smoking a joint—typical Law, the
guy can’t function unless he’s high, especially at school—and has one arm
draped over a blonde. He smiles at me as well, but it’s different. His smile
reminds me he’s a snake and will strike at any moment. He’s the most
devious out of the four. He pretends to be a good guy, but he’s not. He could
kill a man with his bare hands in front of his mother, and she’d defend him
because he’s a good boy.
Fucking pitiful.
Van Rellik sits on the hood, his back propped up on the windshield. One
leg out straight while the other is bent at the knee. He’s got a hat on
backward to shield his dark curls and a cigarette between his lips. He pays
me no attention. He’s scrolling through his phone without a care in the
world. That’s Rellik for you. He never gives a shit about much. He’d give
you the same look if you were bleeding out or on your knees sucking his
dick. He’s always got something better to do.
My eyes find Dax Monroe. He still has Amy Lane between his legs, but
his eyes are on me. And just like last time I saw him, he winks, as if he
knows I’m staring right at him.
A cold shiver runs up my spine, and fear cripples my legs, but I try not to
let it show. They can’t break me. I won’t allow it. They’re harmless. They
can’t hurt me. Not here. Not now. Too many witnesses. Honestly, my safest
place will be at school. No, if they want to hurt me, they’re gonna do it
when I’m alone, so I need to stick with a crowd.
It just makes me even more determined to take them all down. While
lying in my bed last night, wide-awake, I stared up at my ceiling knowing
that if justice will be served, it will have to be by me. I’m Brenda’s only
hope. And every girl after her. How many had it been? He was one of my
best friends. How did I not know what he was capable of? Did I miss the
warning signs?
My brother was wrong about me coming back here for my senior year.
It’s not a mistake. Everything happens for a reason. I’m going to do what no
one else in this town took the time to do and get to the bottom of the truth.
Prove to the world that Dax Monroe is a rapist and killer.
I push through the double doors and come to a stop. It feels different but
looks the same. A glass case sits to the right filled with sports teams and
trophies to show off what this school breeds—nothing but the best is their
motto. The floor is black and white checkered with a blue W painted under
my feet for WARRIORS. The Westbrook Warriors football team is ruthless.
They train like they’re already NFL stars, and their life depends on the next
I hear kids start to enter behind me, so I make a beeline to the women’s
bathroom and pretend to check my lipstick when I really need to collect my
thoughts and get my head on straight. Suddenly, the door flies open, hitting
the wall. I jump back when Jamie enters.
“What in the actual fuck, Hen?” she snaps, dropping her backpack to her
designer heels.
I breathe a sigh of relief that it’s her and not them. “J …”
“You leave town for the summer and just show back up without
warning?” She’s shouting. Her fists are flying. Jamie was my best girl
friend. I say was because when I left Westbrook, I left everyone.
A girl I don’t recognize exits one of the stalls in a pair of shorts and a T-
shirt that reads eat me across her breasts. She looks over at Jamie and flips
her bleach blond hair over her shoulder. “Girl, chill …”
Jamie grabs her by her extensions and shoves her out the door. “Get the
fuck out.”
“Bitch …”
She slams the door in her face and locks it, caging me in here with her. “I
… Hen … what the fuck?” she snaps, sucking in a breath. She’s pissed, and
I understand that. I left her.
“I’m …” I start to apologize but stop myself. I shouldn’t have to
apologize for anything. Shouldn’t she be telling me she’s sorry? Where the
hell was she when I was testifying against one of my best friends? She sure
as hell wasn’t cheering me on.
She tilts her head, narrowing her hazel eyes on me. “You left. You just
fucking left.”
There’s nothing to say. She wouldn’t understand. She never took the
guys’ side, but she never really proved she was on mine. And once I gave
my statement to the police, everyone picked a side. They were all for Dax.
His friends stood behind him, and all the sheep followed.
And like a dam breaking, her rigid body sags, the mask of anger she
wears falls off her face, and her hazel eyes glisten with tears. She wraps her
arms around me and yanks me to her. “Fuck, I’ve missed you,” she
whispers, holding me tight.
“I’ve missed you,” I admit with a sniffle, hating that I’m getting
emotional. I’ve been too concerned about coming back to school with the
guys that I forgot about her.
“God, I never thought I’d see you again.” She pulls away and rubs the
tears from her face.
I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. “I need to ask you something.”
“Did you know I was coming back?” It’s a long shot, considering she just
jumped my ass, but I ask anyway. Maybe my brother said something to
hers. They were best friends before they went off to different colleges, but
I’m not sure how close they are now.
“No.” She playfully shoves my shoulder. “But I should have. Why didn’t
you call and tell me?”
My number was changed. That was the first thing my father did.
Someone had leaked it after the trial, and I was getting calls from reporters
and death threats from students. My father shut my phone off and got me a
new number. I only had three numbers saved to my contacts. My father’s,
my mother’s, and my brother’s. I wasn’t allowed to contact anyone else
because no one else mattered.
I ignore her questions and ask my own. “Then why didn’t the Reapers
look surprised by my return?”

I try to act unfazed, but seeing her again has my blood pressure rising. I
felt her looking at me through her sunglasses, and a part of me came alive
but not in a good way. Henley always had control of me—my thoughts,
body, and emotions. That woman could have owned me one day. Thank
God, I no longer feel that way about her. Well, except for my body. My hard
cock straining behind my zipper reminds me just how much I liked that
about her.
“What the fuck is she doing back here?” Amy demands as Monroe
shoves her from between his legs.
None of us answer her.
“Dax?” She slaps his chest, calling him by his first name. “Why is she
“Why do you think I’d know?” he asks, throwing his backpack over his
“Because you didn’t seem surprised to see her.” She huffs. “And I would
think you’d be pissed she’s returned after what she tried to do to you.”
We’re not.
This is where we want her—in our world. We control this school, and we
own this town. Her actions made us even more powerful than we were
before. The city looks at Dax with pity and her with disgust. The thought
makes me smile. Once we’re done with her, she will have no one to turn to,
nowhere to hide, and nothing left to offer a man.
Law looks at me. “Ready?” he asks, taking one last hit before we go
I shake my head.
Not today. We’ll let her think she’s safe here. That we no longer care
what she does or that she even exists. And just when she starts to get
comfortable, we’ll remind her we are the guys who are going to fucking
bury her.
Entering the school, I spot her immediately. She’s walking into the front
office with Jamie by her side, and they’re laughing. She feels safe with her.
I don’t feel the least bit of remorse that we’re going to take that away from
her. We’re going to strip her bare, and then each leave her scarred and
broken like the lying bitch she is.
Oh, little doll, we are going to take our time playing with you.
Henley doesn’t have the slightest clue what’s in store, and I can’t wait to
watch it all unfold before her.
Welcome to hell, Henley. We will burn you until nothing but ashes are

FIRST AND SECOND period went mind-numbingly slow as fuck. My eyes

pretty much stayed on my desk because I could feel everyone else’s on me.
Even the teachers’ eyes grew two sizes when they called my name. I
acknowledged that I was present, and that was that. I was handed my
designated book for that class, and I followed along silently.
I wanted to sit in my chair longer to bypass the rush of kids in the
hallway when the bell rang, signaling class was over, but I forced myself to
my feet and moved with the crowd. I can’t let anyone see that this bothers
me or that I’m ashamed of the choices I’ve made. What I did was right. And
I will fight for every woman to do the right thing no matter how much
discrimination they face.
I walk beside the row of black lockers, looking for mine. Once I find it, I
throw my books in there because I’m tired of carrying them around. Then I
head to my next class.
I enter the classroom for third period and drop into a front row seat. I
never was the kind of student who hid in the back, and I’m not about to start
The door opens, and I see Jamie enter. I smile at her, and she returns it,
falling into the seat next to me. “Well, at least we have one class together,”
she sings.
I start to laugh, but it stops the moment I see Dax Monroe enter the
classroom as well. My entire body stiffens, and my hands curl around the
edge of my desk. I have the urge to look away, to get up and run out of the
room, but I can’t. He’ll know he’s still winning.
“What’s wrong?” Jamie looks over her shoulder, and when she spots him,
she quickly turns back to face me. “I’m sorry,” she whispers. “I should have
warned you.”
Yes, she should have. It’s not like it’s our first day of school, so she knew
he was in this class with us.
I swallow nervously and try to calm my breathing as he walks near me.
Then just as I was praying he wouldn’t … the fucking bastard takes the
empty seat behind me.
“Good morning, Hen,” he whispers in my ear, and I jump, a small yelp
exiting my lips. His dark chuckle follows as I hear him sit back in his seat,
getting comfortable.
I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath, and manage to release the hold I
have on my desk. I pull out my cell with shaky hands and send Jamie a
quick text since it’s obvious we can’t talk without him hearing us.
Me: I thought he was going to have to repeat junior year?
He was arrested at the end of April last school year. His arrest caused
him to miss quite a bit of school. Even when he was out on bail, he didn’t
go to his classes. He missed finals. He was going to have to repeat his
junior year because of it.
My phone vibrates in my hands. I haven’t saved her number, so her name
doesn’t show up. Good thing I remembered it.
Unknown: They decided to let him make up all his credits in summer
school due to his verdict.
I grip my phone in my hands. Of course, they did. It’s his senior year.
He’s a starter on the varsity football team. Scouts will be all over the star
offensive tackle of Westbrook Warriors. They need to make sure they are
seen. And he is a big asset since I made him more famous than the prick
already was.
It fucking pisses me off more and makes me even more determined to
show those fuckers how wrong they were about him.


I can smell her—watermelon lemonade. It’s just as intoxicating now as it

was then. My dick is hard in my jeans, and my hands itch to slide into her
long, dark hair. Pieces of it cover my desk. I take in a deep breath so I don’t
end up dragging her out of class by it.
She’s been gone for four months, but the moment I saw her get out of her
car, I knew nothing had changed. Henley Greene belongs to us. It doesn’t
matter that I had that pussy first. She’s ours now, and we’re all going to play
with her. I would prefer to just kill her now, but Law and Scout want to use
her. They want to pass her around like a joint at a party until nothing’s left.
She thinks I’m a monster, and I’m all for living up to those expectations.
She will beg us from her knees to end it—to put her out of her misery—and
we’ll be more than happy to do it. When we decide the game is over.
My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out to see a text from Law
to the group chat with the guys.
Law: Buzz has already started. They’re asking why she’s back.
Scout: Good, let them ask. Just don’t answer. Remember—you know
Law: Got it.
Me: I’m currently sitting right behind her in class.
Law: And?
Me: And I want to smash her face into her desk.
Law: Yeah, but I bet your dick is hard.
I roll my eyes and put my cell away.
Sitting back, I cross my arms over my chest and stare at the back of her
head. Once again, I’m savoring how good revenge is going to taste.

Five months ago

I’m sitting on my bed, studying plays. Even though the season is over,
Coach already has us preparing for next year. It’ll be our last one before we
go off to college. I know where I want to go, and I know what I must do to
make it happen.
I look up to see my father’s hired help poke his head into my open door.
“Your father needs you downstairs, sir.”
I crawl off the bed and make my way down the hall and then the grand
staircase. I see him standing in the foyer with two cops. “Hey, Dove.” One
of the officers is my father’s best friend. His son also plays on the team, but
he’s a sophomore.
“Son …” He reaches into his pouch and pulls out a pair of handcuffs.
“Whoa.” I take a step back. “What’s going on? Dad?” I turn to look at
“Don’t say a word, Dax,” he orders, placing his hands on his hips.
“About what?” I take another step back, my legs hitting the round table
that my stepmother insists stays there for her to put fresh flowers on every
“I’ve already called the attorneys. They will meet me there,” my father
continues, unbuttoning his Armani suit jacket and yanking his red tie free.
Attorneys? What is he talking about? “Dad … what?”
“We’re here to bring you in for questioning, Dax,” Officer Dove states.
“Questioning for what?” I demand, trying to rack my brain about what I
could have possibly done.
My father turns to me. “Quit fucking talking!”

My vibrating phone pulls me out of that memory. I check to see it’s

another text from Law in the group chat.
Law: Your silence proves I’m right.
Scout: Don’t worry. We’ll all get our turn.
Law: Not soon enough.

SITTING AS STIFF as a board during class, I’m afraid to move or even

breathe. Dax sits behind me, and his thoughts are so loud I can almost hear
them. Bitch! Fucking liar! Whore. Those were just a few things I was called
on social media once word got out that he had been detained due to an
eyewitness—me. We were all underage, but somehow, the information got
leaked to the public.
Law, Rellik, and Scout all jumped to his defense. They showed
screenshots of previous text messages that Dax was going to be out of town
for the weekend, proving he hadn’t been at Death Valley that night Brenda
went missing. Of course, the court had their phone records subpoenaed to
prove they were telling the truth. What I found odd is that the entire time
this was going on, they never pulled Brenda’s phone records. And they
never tried to ping her location. If a girl just disappears, wouldn’t they want
to know who she last spoke to? Where she’d been? It wasn’t like she left a
goodbye note to her adoptive parents to explain the sudden disappearance.
“Miss Greene?”
I jump at the sound of my name. “Y-Yes?” I ask, looking up at the
The class snickers at me, and I slide farther down into my seat. I fucking
hate high school!
“Miss Greene, I request that when you’re in my class, you pay attention.”
Her light blue eyes glare at me, waiting for an answer.
I nod quickly. “Yes, ma’am.”
That seems to satisfy her, and she turns back to her lecture on I don’t
know what. My previous thoughts temporarily put on hold, I look her over.
She looks pretty young to be a teacher. This must be her first year here
because I’ve never seen her before. She wears skinny jeans that look
painted on and a black, long-sleeve top tucked in. I feel like she wears it
that way to show off her ass. She maybe stands at five-three and a hundred
and ten pounds. She tops off her outfit with a pair of black knee-high boots
that give her two extra inches.
Who the hell hired her?
I look to my left and see the guy sitting next to me staring at her. He’s got
his right elbow on his desk with his chin in his hand, and his eyes are
focused on her ass. He’s practically drooling.
“Okay, class, that’s all for today.”
The bell rings right as she finishes, and I stay seated, allowing Dax to
leave before I do. I feel my desk shift from him hitting it. Then his warm
breath on my ear sends a shiver down my spine. “See you around.”
He stalks out of class, and I let out my first real breath since Monroe
walked in here.
“Are you okay?” Jamie asks me.
“Yeah,” I lie, knowing I don’t want her to think otherwise.
“I’m sorry.” She stands from her desk. “I should have told you.”
“It’s okay.”
“Miss Greene?” The teacher calls my name as she writes an assignment
on the board for her next class. “A moment, please?”
Jamie gives me a sympathetic smile. “I’ll wait for you in the hall.”
I stand, grabbing my bag, and make my way up to the front of the
classroom. “Yes, Mrs. Shephard?”
She sits down at her desk, interlocking her fingers and placing her
forearms on the wood. “I know the current … situation. I just want to make
sure that I’m not going to have any problems in class.”
“Situation?” I repeat the word, trying to figure out how it fits into the
events that have led up to this very moment.
“Yes. The trial …” She waves it off, all but rolling her eyes. “And I want
to know that you can handle being in class with Mr. Monroe.”
I nod. “Yes, ma’am.” I will not allow anyone to dictate my life and that
includes changing up my classes. That’s all I need is for more whispers and
rumors going around that I couldn’t stomach the sight of him. Even if it’s
“Okay.” She nods and looks down at the papers scattering the surface of
her desk, obviously dismissing me.
I exit the class to find Jamie leaning up against the wall. “Hey.” She
comes up to me and slides her arm into the crook of mine. “How about we
blow off school lunch and go to Jersey’s like old times?”
Our school has a closed campus, but we used to leave all the time for
lunch. The school never did much about it. They couldn’t tell who was
staying and who was leaving. As long as we were in our seats for fourth
period, they couldn’t count us absent.
“Yeah.” I smile. “Let’s do it.”


Sitting in the back of the class in fourth period, I see Henley enter the
room. Smiling to myself, I watch how she moves—her shoulders are back,
but her body is tense. She’s trying so hard to look composed even with the
stares and whispers being spread around the school about her.
I’ve always liked Henley. She was the closest thing to a girl friend I’ve
ever had who I didn’t actually fuck. Doesn’t mean I didn’t want to, though.
She was what a guy would call a cock tease. She’d dress, showing off
everything she had to offer, yet not give it to you. Well, that was until she
gave it to Monroe.

Junior year

I sit on our leather couch in the living room. “Rumors” by NEFFEX plays
through the speakers but not so loud that we can’t hear ourselves think.
Leaning back, I have my right arm over the shoulders of some brunette I
just met tonight. Think she said her name was Annie. I’m not sure, and it
won’t matter tomorrow. My other hand holds a beer, resting on my jean-clad
thigh. The party has been going on for about an hour now. Kids are
drinking it up and smoking out back. I’m sure they’re snorting coke off the
marble countertops in the bathrooms.
“Where the fuck is she?” Scout looks down at his cell, running his
fingers over his screen.
“Ahh, is your girl standing you up?” Annie asks, sticking her bottom lip
He looks up at her but doesn’t answer the question.
“She’s probably with Monroe,” I say, taking a drink to hide my smirk. I
like to give him shit that she spread her legs for our friend a couple of
nights ago, giving him her virginity. I’ve told Scout a million times to fuck
her. She practically throws herself at him. But no, he wanted to wait for
some goddamn reason. Like her virginity was the best thing about her.
“Fuck off, Law.” He gets to his feet, downs what’s left in his beer, and
stomps out of the room to get another one.
I laugh, lifting my drink again, but my arm pauses when I see the
brunette in question enter the living room. She’s wearing a skintight, black
leather miniskirt with a white silk top that shows off the bottom half of her
stomach and belly ring. Two thin straps come up around her neck. Turning
around—no doubt looking for Scout—I see the back of her top. It has three
strings that crisscross from one side to the other. That’s all that holds it on,
letting me know what I already knew—she’s not wearing a bra. My eyes run
down over her bubble ass and thin legs. Her black leather pumps are the
cherries on top.
“Who is that?” Annie asks, watching me gawk at my friend’s girl.
It’s sad, really, that he keeps her a secret. If she was mine, everyone
would fucking know by the bite marks on her neck, hickeys on her thighs,
and my handprint on that sweet ass. I’d fuck her in front of any man who
wanted to watch just so they could be jealous of what I had.
“My friend,” I say and finally take that drink.
“Law.” Henley’s blue eyes meet mine. She walks over to me, her hips
sashaying from side to side. The girl is a pro at getting anyone’s attention.
The best part—she doesn’t even know it. “Hey, have you seen Scout?” She
bites her pink-painted lip. “Jamie and I just got here, and I realized I left
my cell at the house.”
I point my beer to the balcony that overlooks the living room. “Pretty
sure he just went upstairs.” I lie because I want him to go a few more
minutes without her. Fucker should appreciate what he has.
“Thanks.” She goes to walk away but stops. The motion making her dark
hair slap her in the face. “Hi, I’m Henley.” She reaches her right hand out
to the girl on my side.
“Amy.” She smiles back.
Well, I got the A right.
“Nice to meet you.” Henley looks at me and winks, giving me her
approval. Then she turns and walks out of the living room.
“She seems nice,” Amy observes.
I set my now empty beer bottle on the coffee table and grab her hand.
“Let’s go upstairs.” I’m hard now, and my cock isn’t going to suck itself.

Henley sits down two rows to my right, and I smile to myself. She hasn’t
noticed me. That’s not very smart. A woman like her should always be
aware of her surroundings. Some were raised to fear the monsters in the
dark, but most of us hide in plain sight. You’re just too blinded to see it.
They say things are worth waiting for. Well, little doll, I’ve waited a long
time to play with you. Your cries, tears, and soft flesh are going to be worth

“SHE NEEDS TO disappear,” Mr. Scout argues.

He pulled me, the guys, and our dads into his office downtown for an
emergency “family” meeting. Henley showed her face at school today, and
now the Founders are all losing their shit. Not sure why they’re so
surprised. We knew she’d return. The girl had nowhere else to go.
“How do you propose we do that?” Law asks from my right, unwrapping
a piece of gum and shoving it into his mouth.
“I don’t give a shit if you tie her leg to an anchor and drown her in Lake
Miles. Fuck, bury her alive in the backyard, and I’ll have concrete poured
tomorrow,” he snaps.
Scout and I both look over at Monroe. I haven’t had any chances to talk
to him today to see where his head is at. But I’m guessing it’s nowhere
good. He didn’t seem affected by her presence earlier while at school, but as
the day has gone by, he’s become agitated. He sits with his fists on his
thighs, his back ramrod straight, and his chin up. His jaw is clenched, and
his eyes stare out into nothing. The man will snap her neck without a
thought. He wants her dead. We all want her dead. But … not like this.
“If she goes missing immediately after her return, it will look
suspicious.” Scout speaks my thoughts.
It’ll be just like the trial all over again. Too many questions will surface,
and I refuse to put my best friend through that again. The only difference is,
this time, he would be guilty.
All our fathers’ heads snap in Scout’s direction.
“What do you suggest we do?” his father growls, roughly undoing the
button on his suit jacket. A clear sign he’s pissed off.
“We force her out,” Scout explains. “Henley needs to leave of her own
free will. It’s a process and will take time, but it is very doable.” He lies.
The guys and I have a plan for her. Well, they do. I couldn’t really care
less about Henley. But my loyalty lies with my Reapers. So, if they want to
play with a doll, then that’s what they’ll do. But we don’t want our father’s
knowing that. They’re getting impatient, and we want to do it on our own
Will Monroe, Dax’s father, shakes his head. “If she’s alive, she can talk.
And I don’t want her fucking opening that mouth for anyone.”
Law snorts. “She can open her mouth for me.” He grabs his crotch for
emphasis in case none of us got his joke.
His father lets out an audible sigh and runs his hand down his unshaven
face. “Keep it in your pants. Next thing you know, she’ll be accusing you of
rape,” he growls.
Law just chuckles.
“You think that’s funny?” His father arches a brow.
“We’ll take care of it,” Ryan assures him, getting back on track.
Silence falls over the room before Mr. Scout lets out a huff at his son’s
words. “If you’re going to do this, I want it done under the radar.” Scout
smirks. “I mean it, Ryan. No talking to her at school. Don’t even look her
fucking way. She does not exist to you while around anyone who isn’t
present in this room.”
He rolls his eyes at that. “That’s a little unreasonable.”
There’s no point in having a toy if you can’t play with it whenever you
“And no fun,” Law whines. I know he wants to show off his new toy.
Play with her in front of everyone like we’re back in elementary school
when we had show-and-tell.
His father pins him with a glare. “Stay away …”
“It’ll have to be public.” I agree, finally speaking. In order for this to
work, kids need to see Henley for who she really is—a lying, backstabbing
bitch. My goal isn’t to fuck her or kill her. Whatever they want to do to her
is fine with me.
“Wouldn’t that be the ultimate slap in the face?” Scout adds to get his
point across. “For everyone to see her hanging around with the man she
accused of rape and murder?” His eyes slide to Dax’s for a quick second.
“To see her fucking the very man she turned on?”
At least think he’s fucking her. I’m not sure how far he would go with her
if he had the chance. When it comes down to it, he may choose to leave her
to Scout and Law.
The room falls silent, letting the weight of what he said sink in. No one
believed her, but one way or another, Henley will confess she lied and beg
us for the forgiveness she will never get. And we’ll make sure that the
world sees that when it happens.
“I’m trusting you to keep her under control,” Will, Dax’s father, adds.
“She does not stir up any trouble.”
Law laughs. “Oh, we’re not the least bit concerned about that, sir.”
It’ll be hard for Henley to cause any problems when she’s got four guys
controlling her every move. Monroe wants her dead. But Scout and Law?
They’re going to make her useful around here. On her knees or on her back,
she’s about to learn what her punishment for her betrayal is.


Day two at school passes just like day one. The only person speaking to me
is Jamie. The guys ignore me completely. Even Dax sat far away from me
in a different seat today in third period.
They’re biding their time. I know it, and a part of me is relieved, needing
space to breathe even if the air is polluted.
I’m trying to figure out how to get into their good graces. How to get
close to them again to get to the truth. It’s going to get dirty, and I’m okay
with that. Some things are worth sacrificing, and it’s not like I have any
dignity left at this point. Once I out that sorry son of a bitch, the town will
see me as a hero. And every bad rumor spread about Brenda will be
When the story first broke across every news station in town about Dax
raping Brenda Nash—those who believed he did it said she wanted it. That
she dressed like a slut and partied like a whore. They assumed that Dax was
guilty, but that Brenda was not a victim in the situation. There were still
those who didn’t believe the football player was capable of forcing himself
on the helpless girl. Then word spread he was arrested, and her body was
missing. Everyone lost their shit. Word spread like wildfire that I was the
one who turned him in, so everyone switched the blame to me. I was their
best target. In a way, I was glad they stopped saying such awful things
about Brenda. She was innocent and had been taken advantage of.
I’m sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria when Jamie plops down beside
me. “Today has been one hell of a day. Is it over yet?” She blows some hair
from her face.
“I wish,” I mumble, taking a bite of my cheeseburger.
She opens a can of Dr. Pepper. “Mrs. Shepherd gave me a D on a paper I
did last week. A D. I don’t get fucking D’s.”
“What’s up with her anyway?” I ask.
She rolls her eyes. “She’s Principal Hollow’s niece.”
Aha. “That explains a lot.”
“Right? She just graduated last year from college with her teaching
degree. It’s like she’s going to be a hard-ass because she has to prove she
belongs here.”
“And how she dresses …”
“Oh my God, don’t get me started on her outfits.” She shakes her head.
“Like is this a school or a strip club?”
I look up to see Scout and Monroe enter the cafeteria. Dax has his right
arm thrown over Cindy Shelton’s shoulders, a varsity cheerleader, and
Scout is talking to Laney Willow—Queen Bee. She has been trying to get
into his pants for over a year now.
“They started fucking over the summer,” Jamie says, watching where I’m
looking and reading my mind.
I lower my eyes before either of them spots me gawking. “I’m not
surprised,” I say even though it makes my chest tighten. I had to go into
hiding, and he’s just been here living his best life and fucking his way
through the school.
“Don’t let it get to you. He’s been using girls ever since you left.”
Girls? How many have there been? And has he compared them to me?
What we had? I shrug. “I want nothing to do with him anymore.” The lie
burns my throat. I want him back in my life more than anything. How it
used to be. My best friend.
She places her hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay to still be in love with
Scout, Henley. He didn’t do anything.”
My hand fists. He didn’t hurt me, but he also didn’t stick up for me. “I
don’t love him,” I argue through gritted teeth. “I fucking hate them all.”
She drops it and starts to eat her sandwich.
I push my tray away, no longer having an appetite.
“What’s up, ladies?” A guy plops down across from us and starts to eat
off my plate. His soft brown eyes meet mine. “Datson.” He reaches over the
table to shake my hand. “You must be Henley.”
I take it and nod. “Do I even wanna know how you know who I am?” He
doesn’t look familiar, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t see me on TV. Or read
about me on social media somewhere. I see all the kids who are typing
away on their phones when I walk past them in the halls. They’re blasting
me on every app they have. I’m sure of it.
His eyes slide over to Jamie, and she smiles.
I arch a brow. “You two dating?”
He pulls his lip back at that assumption. “No. I’m her cousin.”
“Gross, Hen.” She pretends to vomit.
“Oh.” I see. “How was I supposed to know?”
“Transferred here for my senior year. I’m staying with Uncle Bob and
Aunt Jenny,” he says.
Jamie’s parents. “Well, it’s nice to meet you.” I offer a soft smile.
He nods. “It sure is.” He shoves another bite of my food into his mouth.
“There’s a party tomorrow night after the game. You guys wanna go?”
“No,” Jamie rushes out. “We’ll skip this one.”
I look over at her. Her eyes go from mine to her cousin’s and then back to
mine before they drop to her plate. Sure, I’m not a popular girl at the
moment, but this is what I need. I need to get myself out there and prove
I’m not afraid of these bastards. A place to make my move. “What?” I ask.
She lets out a sigh. “The party is at Lisa’s house.”
Law’s mother.
I perk up. A party at his house? I’m not surprised. He used to have them
all the time. Law’s mom is the only single woman out of the guys’ mothers,
so he gets to run the show at his house. His mother owns her own company,
so she works all the time and is out of town a lot. He treats her mansion like
a frat house during rush week. The doors are always open, and the staff
always looks the other way but cleans up his messes. Pretty sure he has dirt
on all of them.
I look over at them sitting side by side at the head of the room with some
other football players. Rellik sits back in his seat with his eyes on his
phone. Law sits next to him, stuffing his face. Laney is now perched on
Scout’s lap, and his hand rests on her exposed thigh. That’s where I used to
sit. He’s whispering something in her ear, and she’s laughing. Anger fills
me, and I clench my hands, wanting to rip her off his lap by her hair. I want
to say he’s doing this to get to me, but as Jamie already stated, he’s been
this way with girls ever since I left. My eyes move to Dax, and he has his
signature shades on. But I know he’s staring at me. I can feel it—a coldness
seeps into my bones, making me shiver.
I’ve had four months to wonder what-ifs. And I realized that none of the
scenarios in my head would come true. I’m going to have to force the truth
out of him. And I’m going to have to spread my legs to do it. Men act
stupid when they’re thrown some pussy. I only need to turn one of them
onto my side, and then the rest will follow. And no matter what I did to
Dax, I know for a fact that Scout will throw a fucking tantrum if I touch
another guy. But the problem is, no one here will even look at me. Except
for one …
I look at Datson and give him a big smile. “We’ll be there.”
He knocks his knuckles on the table. “We’ll pick you up. Ten o’clock.”
Then he stands and exits the cafeteria.
Jamie turns to me. “What the hell are you doing, Hen?”
“What, I can’t party?” I ask, pulling my tray back toward me. All of a
sudden, my appetite has returned.
“This isn’t the time for some personal vendetta,” she growls, lowering
her voice.
I ignore that. “What’s the story with Datson. He single?”
“Son of a bitch,” she whispers to herself. “You need to stay clear of them,
Hen. Do you hear me?”
I take a bite of my fries since Datson ate my cheeseburger in four bites.
“Henley?” She grabs my shoulder and forces me to face her. “I’m
“I have it under control.”
Her eyes soften, and her shoulders sag. “Do you want to end up like
My heart beats faster at her question. “What?”
Her eyes slide to the table that holds the jocks before coming back to
mine. I see that Scout and the bitch are making out. His hands are tangled in
her blond hair while she straddles his hips. Her skirt pulled up so high you
can practically see her pussy while she grinds on his lap, and that feeling of
betrayal returns. The urge to throw Jamie’s drink at their heads is strong.
But that’s what they want. They want a reaction from me. I won’t give it to
them, so I turn my attention back to my friend.
“That’s what will happen if you try anything with them. And … and I
can’t lose you again. If you choose to leave again, I will respect that, but not
like that. I don’t want them to hurt you like they did Brenda Nash.”
It’s the first time she’s admitted she believed me. That she thinks they all
had a hand in it. It’s not farfetched because they are a team after all. They
don’t do anything that the others don’t know about. I think that’s why Scout
tried to warn me off. He knew what had happened and that it wouldn’t hold
up in court no matter what I said. Maybe he was trying to save me from
being slaughtered by the town.
I swallow the fry and lump in my throat. “I didn’t think … You never
acted like …”
“You know I believed you.” She grabs my hands in hers, and tears build
in her hazel eyes. “You doubted me?” Her face scrunches in agony at my
silence. “I’m sorry I ever made you think that. My father …” She swallows.
“My father told me to keep my mouth shut and my opinion to myself, but I
always knew you were telling the truth.”
Tears sting my eyes, and I pull her in for a tight hug. “Thank you.” I
didn’t know how much I needed to hear that until now. I pull away. “I just
… I just want things to go back to normal. As much as they can,” I lie.
“Please understand.”
She bites her bottom lip but finally nods.
I tuck my head and look up through my lashes and see that Scout has
moved onto her neck. Laney’s got her head tilted back, lips parted, and eyes
closed. They’re practically fucking. When did the school start allowing sex
at the lunch tables?
I’m going to make him so fucking jealous he won’t be able to stand it.
I’ve done it once; I’ll do it again.

FRIDAY WAS PRETTY quiet. No one spoke to me other than Jamie. The
guys didn’t even look my way in the cafeteria or in the halls. It’s their
version of the silent treatment. A part of their game.
By the end of the school day, I found myself actually excited about going
to the party. I’ve felt cooped up in the house since I returned. The only time
I leave is to go to school. Before everything, I was always on the go—out at
parties, Death Valley, or just hanging out with the guys—and always had
something to do. I spent ninety percent of my time with them. Now I feel so
alone. And as much as I hate them, it’s also eating me alive.
“Henley?” I hear my father call out.
“I’m in here,” I say from my closet. I’m going through clothes, trying to
decide what I want to wear tonight when he enters. I turn to face him and
frown. “Everything okay?” I ask, worried about him.
We haven’t had the chance to sit down and talk since I got back earlier
this week. He left and has been occupied ever since he returned this
morning. I feel like something is bothering him other than the obvious.
“I need to tell you something.” He sighs heavily. “Come here.” Grabbing
my hand, he walks me over to the padded pedestal in the center of the closet
and sits down. I sit down next to him.
“Is Jeremy okay?” I ask about the one person who means as much to me
as he does. What else could get him this worked up?
“Yeah,” he says quickly. “It’s nothing like that.”
“Okay. Then what is it?”
“I … well, I’ve done something …”
“Sir?” We both look up to see Lance standing in my closet. He’s holding
a phone in one hand while the other covers the receiver. “There’s a
“Can it wait a minute?” my father growls.
“I’m afraid not,” he says apologetically.
My father places his hands on his thighs and stands, letting out a sigh. He
turns to face me and frowns. “We’ll continue this conversation tomorrow.”
I nod numbly as he exits the closet without further explanation,
wondering what in the hell that was about. He said it didn’t have anything
to do with my brother, so it can’t be that important.
I pick up my cell and send a quick message to my brother.
Me: Have you spoken to Dad lately?
He reads it and replies immediately.
Jeremy: No, everything okay?
Me: Yeah, I was just curious.
I lock my phone and let out a breath at my lie because I don’t want to
worry him. He lives too far away to be running back here for nothing.
Getting up, I turn to face my clothes when I hear Jamie’s voice. “Knock,
knock, bitch. Hope you’re dressed,” she calls out before entering.
I turn to face her. “I’m almost ready. Just need to find something to
“Something that covers very little.” She begins to shuffle through my
clothes until she finds something that catches her eye. “This. This is the
winner. Plus, it’s going to make your tits look fabulous.” She winks at me.
Reaching down, I remove my shirt, not even bothered she’s in here with
me. We’ve been best friends since we were little. We’ve taken showers
together. Hell, before school ended last year, we had sex just feet away from
one another. That was the last time I was with Scout before Death Valley.

Junior year

At the back of the property on Death Valley is a small lake. It’s manmade
and covers a few hundred acres. There’s a bonfire to my right. Scout sits in
a lawn chair, and I sit on his lap; one of his hands gently makes circles on
my thigh while the other holds his beer. I’m drinking a water. I opted for a
Molly the moment we arrived. Same as Jamie. She is currently making out
with Rellik over to my right. They’re rolling around on the ground, moaning
and dry humping each other.
Scout leans forward, whispering in my ear. “How do you feel,
beautiful?” he asks. His hand on my thigh moves to my hair, grabbing a
fistful and yanking my head back.
I gasp and look up at the night sky as he holds my head back at an odd
angle. “Good,” I breathe.
He drops his empty beer bottle, and his now free hand slides under my
shirt, finding its way to my left breast since I’m not wearing a bra. My
breathing picks up as he teases my nipple by rolling it between his fingers.
“I want to fuck you,” he states.
I grind my hips. “I want you,” I breathe. The Molly hasn’t kicked in a
hundred percent yet, but I’m always down to fuck him. Scout has the power
to make you want to give him whatever he wants.
“Spread your legs for me,” he orders, growling.
They fall open on their own, and I lean my back against him, my heavy
eyes still staring at the sky. My body tingles at the sensation of the current
drug in my system.
His hand slides into my shorts, and he shoves my underwear out of the
way and finds my clit. I suck in a deep breath and roll my hips, silently
begging for more.
“What do you want, Henley?” he whispers before nipping my ear.
I shiver. “You.” I lick my lips. “I need you.”
He shoves me off him so hard I almost tip over. But he stands as well,
spinning me to face him, then rips my shorts down my legs. Gripping my
waist, he lifts me off the ground, and I wrap my legs around him. My hands
go to his face and my lips to his. I open up for him to take over. He tastes
like beer and mint from his gum.
I moan into his mouth as my hands dig in his hair. He drops to his knees
and then lays me back onto the sand.
He pulls away, then sits up, ripping his shirt up and over his head. My
hands go to his bare chest, and I drag them downward, running over his
taut muscles. Undoing his jeans, he reaches inside and pulls out his cock.
He’s hard and makes my mouth water. I’ve slept with Dax and Scout, and
between you and me, Scout is my favorite. Or maybe it’s just because Dax
was my first, and it hurt.
He grabs the base of his cock and slides into me, not even bothering with
a condom, knowing that I get the shot. I arch my back and cry out. He leans
over me, gripping the back of my knees, and shoves them forward, opening
me wide.
I lie there on the bank and let him fuck me in front of his friends and
mine, not having a care in the world. All that matters is that he wanted me,
so he gets me.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but Law had recorded us. Rellik and Jamie
as well. After we were done, everyone got naked, and we went for a late-
night swim. Scout and I had sex again, but that was a mistake. I’m pretty
sure the lake water is what gave me my UTI. It sucked and taught me a
valuable lesson.
I blink. “Hmm?”
“You going to get dressed or not?” She pushes her right hip out as her
eyes drop to my exposed chest. “I mean, your tits are hot, but we need to
get going. Datson is waiting downstairs for us.”
“Yeah.” I nod, trying to forget that memory. It still hurts.


We walk into the house that I used to spend so much of my time in. It
makes my chest ache at how safe I once felt here. Now, it feels cold, almost
haunted. But it’s just like the school—I’m the only thing that has changed.
Law’s mother lives on Founders Lane. Founders Lane means just that—
all four founders have mansions here. Law’s mother is the only woman who
owns one of the houses. His father gave it to her in the divorce. He settled
for a lake house on Lake Miles, where he keeps his yacht. Lisa is the only
woman who came from money as well. All the other wives married into it.
One thing about Lisa Holdings is she has expensive taste, just like all the
rest of Westbrook. But hers isn’t gaudy. The house has a black-and-white-
marble floor with a staircase on either side of the grand foyer. The railing
and balcony on the second floor are black, the walls pristine white with
silver accents. I love her house during Christmas time because she always
puts a twenty-foot real Christmas tree in the middle of the foyer. It’s a sight
to see it along with the lit-up garland. She always goes all out when it
comes to decorating for holidays.
We make our way into the main kitchen, and I see the multicolored cups
lined up on the large island. A piece of tape is sitting in front of each cup. In
front of the red cup, it says taken. The blue cup says single, and the white
one says it’s complicated.
I choose white because what part of my life isn’t complicated?
“What would you like?” Datson asks.
“Vodka,” I answer, holding my cup out to him. He removes the lid and
pours a little in it. “More.” I’m here to get fucked up. One little shot isn’t
going to do it.
“Tell me when,” he says, filling it.
I don’t. Instead, he stops once it’s to the rim. Bringing it to my lips, I
begin to drink the poison like I’ve got a death wish. The burn has me
pulling the drink away, and I start coughing, spitting some onto his shirt. I
haven’t had a drink since the night at Death Valley five months ago.
“Are you okay?”
I nod, licking my lips. “It’s been a while.” My mother is much stricter
than my father, and it sucks to drink alone anyway.
“Maybe take it easy …” He trails off as I bring the drink back to my lips
and swallow another mouthful.
Turning away from the island, I grab a handful of cookies out of a glass
bowl to wash down the taste.
“Hey, everything okay?” Jamie asks softly, placing her hand on my
I nod. “I’m fine.”
She sighs heavily. “I think we should leave, Henley.”
“We’re fine, Jamie.”
She runs a hand through her hair nervously. “This is their territory, Hen.
We’re not at school. We’re in Grayson Law’s house.” She lowers her voice.
“You accused his best friend of rape and murder.”
I take another gulp at her words.
“And it’s not like they invited you personally.”
“What are you saying?” I ask, hissing in a breath at the burn. I’m not a
threat to them. Not anymore. They just want to fuck with me. And I refuse
to take that lying down. If they want to humiliate me, then I’ll make sure to
return the favor.
“I’m saying them seeing you here is not a good idea.” She looks around
I do the same to see kids are staring at us while whispering into one
another’s ears. Some are texting away on their phones. It’s obvious they’re
talking about me and wondering what in the fuck I’m doing here. Some
even lift their cells, and I know they’re filming us.
Leaning into her, I say, “I will not allow them to intimidate me. That’s
what they want.” Then I throw back another gulp. “Let’s go, Datson,” I
He nods frantically and lets me grab his hand. We make our way into the
living room, and I quickly scan the large open space. I don’t see them, but a
part of me knew they wouldn’t be here. They’re downstairs right now
getting high. That’s what they do after a game. It’s how they unwind. Plus,
it’s still early. They will make their appearance, but it’ll be a grand entrance.
Just like school, everyone openly gawks at us. There is a platform over in
the corner where a DJ is set up. Balloons float around the ceiling, and
confetti covers the floor. I haven’t heard, but it’s not hard to see that they
won their game. A part of me hates it. I wish they’d lose everything in their
perfect little lives.
I pull Datson over to the couch. “Anyone sitting here?” I call out loud
enough to be heard over the music.
A boy lets out an amused snort as he walks away, shaking his head at us.
I sit and yank Datson down with me and throw back my drink as “Him and
I” By Halsey and G-Eazy comes to an end.


I sit down in the wine cellar while “Popular Monster” by Falling In Reverse
plays. Monroe sits to my right in a chair with a naked girl kneeling between
his legs. His shirt lies next to her clothes, and his jeans are unzipped. Both
of his hands are in her strawberry blond hair while she chokes on his cock.
Varsity cheerleader at her finest hour—helping a player relax after a game.
On my left, Law’s smoking a joint. He passes it to me, and I take a hit as
the door opens, and Laney enters the room. She comes to stand in front of
me, placing her hands on her hips. “I need to speak to you?” Her eyes slide
to the girl on her knees, and she snorts.
I tilt my head and look her up and down. She wears a pair of skinny jeans
low on her hips and a white tube top that barely keeps her tits in. She’s
trying too hard, but I’m not going to tell her that. I’ve never liked her. She
threw herself at me last year, and I turned her down. She knew I was
fucking Henley. At the time, Henley belonged to me.
My little doll.
This bitch here was jealous and wanted me. It wasn’t happening. But
after everything went down and Henley left, I jumped all over it. Literally.
Every chance I get. I saw the way Henley watched Laney hang all over me
in the cafeteria earlier this week. We stayed back and observed, getting
ready to make our move. I wanted to see what she did and how she reacted.
She’s seemed laid-back for the most part. No one really talks to her other
than Jamie. And that’s exactly how we want it. For now.
“No one’s stopping you,” Law tells her with a careless wave of his hand.
“Privately,” she bites out, glaring down at me.
I take another hit and then blow it up into her face.
Her eyes narrow. “Ryan …”
“Whatever you have to say, you can tell us all,” I inform her.
Her hands fist when I make no attempt to get up. I’m not her fucking
dog! She’s not going to tell me what to do. She crawls to me for that dick,
not the other way around. “It’s about Henley.”
I’m not surprised. She’s a good little messenger without even knowing,
that’s the real reason I keep her around. She’s jealous of Henley and the
time I gave her. And the rumors that had spread around the school about her
and me.
Laney lets out an exasperated sigh when she understands I’m still not
moving. “She’s here.”
Of course, she is. We wanted her here. This party was a test, and our
good little doll didn’t disappoint. She’s not a coward, and we were counting
on that. I hold back my smile as Law asks, “And?”
She glares over at him. “And she was making out with that freak Datson
on the couch, but they just went upstairs.”
Fuck! My teeth grind.
Monroe pushes the girl’s mouth from his dick and stands, buttoning his
jeans and grabbing his shirt, knowing we’re going up there. We’ve stood
back to buy some time, but obviously, our time is up. No one touches her
but us. No one fucks her but us.

I SHOULD FEEL bad that I’m using Datson, but I’m not because I’ve had
plenty to drink. I’m not sure if he took my advances as genuine or if he
knows something is up, but at this point, it doesn’t matter. I’m willing to go
as far as this needs to. I started making out with him on the couch in front
of everyone. I wanted witnesses. Then I stood, took his hand, and pulled
him upstairs into a spare room, three drinks in. I specifically chose this
room. For a moment, I thought about taking him to Law’s across the hall
but quickly decided that was a bad idea. Who knows what he’s fucked in
I throw my shirt and unfasten my bra. His lips are on mine. His kiss is
frantic with a little too much tongue, but I ignore it. I push down any
comparison to Dax and Scout. I can’t let those feelings enter my mind at the
“Henley …”
He pulls away from me, but I yank his lips to mine once again. I don’t
need any dialogue to give him time to chicken out. We need to be up here
for quite some time. And when we’re done, there needs to be evidence of
what we spent our time up here doing. “Do you have a condom?” I mumble
against his lips.
“Yeah, but …”
“Get it out.” I’m unbuttoning his jeans, not giving him a second to turn
me down, when the door swings open and hits the interior wall.
Datson turns around to see what the hell is going on, and he’s punched in
the face.
“What the fuck?” I squeal. “Scout, what are you doing?” I cover my bare
chest as Law and Dax enter. But there’s no Rellik.
Of course, Scout ignores me as he bends down and shoves a disoriented
Datson out the door with a bloody nose.
Shit! I didn’t expect them to interrupt us. I just wanted them to hear the
rumors come Monday at school. “You had no right …”
He slams the door shut, caging me in here with them, and slowly starts to
advance on me.
I swallow the panic that rises to the surface. They won’t hurt me. Not
here. Not while other students are around. Witnesses who no doubt watched
them storm up here, knowing I was already in this room. “Hand me my
shirt,” I demand.
Dax leans down and picks it up before throwing it over his shoulder.
“Get the fuck out!” I scream even though this is what I wanted. I used
Datson. I made a show downstairs right in front of Scout’s current fuck,
knowing she’d run to him and rat me out. Such a good little bitch, she is.
Law reaches behind him and locks the bedroom door. My heart starts to
Scout comes to a stop before me. “Are you horny, Henley? All you have
to do is ask us.” A cruel smile spreads across his face. It’s the first time I’ve
heard his voice since he threatened me in my bedroom the night after I
called the police on Dax. The sound of my name makes my thighs tighten
even though the hairs stand on the back of my neck. “Get on your knees and
beg us, baby.”
My stomach knots at his words. Us? It’s no longer about him and me
anymore. They’ve done exactly what I expected them to do. They all want
their own revenge. Attack one and they all retaliate. I hate that they’re so
predictable. I slap him across the face. “Fuck you!” I shout and try to shove
him away from me, but he doesn’t move.
“I like this new side of you, Henley. It’ll make this even more fun.” He
smiles. “But it won’t get you very far.”
He’s right. I’m not strong enough to knock his ass out. And it’d be three
against one, so I wouldn’t have a chance. I try another tactic. One that
would only work with him. Or at least that’s what I tell myself. Really the
alcohol and closeness of him are making my chest hurt with betrayal. “I
loved you.” The words fall from my lips before I can second-guess this
awful idea. It exposes me more than anything I could physically do with
another man.
His body stiffens against mine, and his face goes hard as stone. Tears
prick my eyes because the words were true. I loved them all. But Scout? He
was the one for me. He was the one I would do anything for. As pathetic as
it sounds, I would have set myself on fire for him. All he had to do was
hand me the lighter.
“Yeah, I loved you too,” he admits after a long second. His eyes skim
over my body, and he pulls his lip back in disgust. “But you chose to betray
us.” He turns to walk away, and I refuse to let him have the last word. I
didn’t show up here for nothing tonight.
I grab his arm and yank him back to me while my free arm is across my
chest, covering my exposed boobs. “I did the right thing. You betrayed me!”
He places his hands on the wall, caging me in. He pushes his body into
mine, pinning my back to the wall. “Was it the right thing?” he demands. “It
cost you everything, Henley.”
I swallow.
“Your friends. Your reputation.”
“You know I don’t care about that.” I’ve never cared much what people
think of me.
“And me,” he whispers as if it hurt for him to say it.
My chest tightens. “Scout …”
“I was the biggest price you paid, Henley. Do you regret it?” He runs his
knuckles down my right cheek.
My thighs tighten, and my breathing picks up. “I never wanted to lose
you,” I admit shamelessly. Out of all of them, I thought he would back me
up, would believe me, but I was wrong.
His hand lowers to my throat, and I pant as he wraps his fingers around
me and squeezes in a warning. Then he runs his thumb over my jaw and
slowly across my lips.
He leans in, and I close my eyes, unable to look at him anymore. A tear
runs down my cheek before his soft lips gently kiss mine. It’s a lover’s kiss
—tender and a promise of forever—but we both know the truth.
I open for him, and he doesn’t hesitate. His tongue sweeps into my
mouth, tasting me, and I kiss him back. But then he pulls away, leaving me
panting. “You were mine before, Henley, and you’re mine now. But instead
of loving you, I’m going to destroy you.”
And with those words, they exit the room without a backward glance.
I quickly get my bra and shirt back on and make my way down the stairs
and outside, avoiding the kids watching and laughing at me. Of course,
Jamie is gone with Datson. I didn’t expect her to wait around for me. I pull
out my cell and order an Uber. I didn’t think this through very well. I don’t
have a car, and my ride left me behind.
I go to put my cell away, but it beeps, signaling a message.
Jamie: I can’t believe you, Henley. That was bullshit!
I read Jamie’s words and feel immediate regret. It sounded good in my
head because a sacrifice needed to be made.
I press call on her number, but it rings once and goes to voicemail. She’s
going to avoid me.
“Great.” I sigh. I’ve pissed off the one friend I have. “Fuck!”
Jamie: Don’t fucking call me, Hen! I’m done. Might as well go back to
New York. No one wants you here!
I don’t even bother responding. Instead, I pocket my cell and walk down
the long driveway to meet my Uber at the end, the sound of the roaring
party fading behind me.
Thankfully, it arrives quickly. I fall into the back seat, and by the time
I’m getting out, I’m crying. I fucked up. Royally.
Entering my house, I drag my drunk ass up the stairs and into my room.
But my breath catches in my throat when I look at my bed. Propped up
against all of my pillows in the middle sits a doll.
Vanessa—she was a gift from Scout years ago. She has blue eyes and
long dark hair. She’s seen better days. I once left her outside overnight, and
it rained. Even the washing machine couldn’t get her clean. The red lipstick
she once wore has been rubbed off over time. Her black dress has faded to
gray, and her hair is matted. She’s tilted to the side a little so her eyes are
right on mine. I stare at her nervously, expecting her to wink at me or speak
to me. But I quickly shake off that thought. Dolls can’t talk.
My eyes move to her right hand, and I notice a folded piece of paper
tucked in it. Forcing my feet to move, I walk over and remove it. Unfolding
the paper, I read over the black script.
Little doll, little doll, come out and play.
Little doll, little doll, on your knees, you shall stay.
Little doll, little doll, I will break you in every way.

I didn’t get much sleep over the weekend as I tried to figure out what they
plan on doing to me. What do they have up their sleeves? The doll did not
sit well with me. One—how the fuck did they get it in my room without
being seen? Two—why did they have it? I hadn’t seen it in years. And all of
a sudden, it shows up on my bed with a note… no, a threat in its hand. I
threw that thing in my closet in my safe and locked it away. I lay in bed and
felt like it was mocking me, whispering in my ear. Just the thought makes
my body shiver.
The only difference about today is that Jamie is refusing my apologies.
She wouldn’t even look my way in third period.
I’m back to being alone.
I walk into the cafeteria to see the guys haven’t arrived yet. I pick an
empty table, preparing to sit all alone when a girl by the name of Lacey
Crawford sits across from me. I don’t know her personally, but I’ve seen
her around. She moved here when we were in middle school, I think.
“Hi.” She smiles softly at me.
“Hey,” I mumble, playing with my strawberry Jell-O. I’m not in the
mood to eat. That’s become the norm.
“It’s Henley, right?”
I snort. As if she doesn’t know who I am. Everyone does. The news made
sure of that.
“I admire you for standing up for Brenda.”
My head snaps up to look at her. She’s got dirty blond hair and pretty
pale blue eyes framed with black-rimmed glasses. Her makeup consists of
mascara and pink lip gloss. That’s it. Which is not the norm for Westbrook
High. Girls show up at school with hair and makeup runway ready in their
designer heels and clothes.
She bows her head, and whispers, “I hate what happened to her, but I
hate it more that no one seemed to care where she ended up.”
“Did you know her?” I ask.
She nods. “She was my best friend.”
My eyes widen. I didn’t know much about Brenda because I didn’t hang
out with her. My life was consumed with my friends, and that circle was
small. But I always found it odd that no one came out to advocate for her.
She had friends, right? People who spoke to her and knew her whereabouts?
“Were you there with her that night?” I wonder. She wasn’t there by herself,
was she? I’m sure she went with someone.
She shakes her head. “No.”
I let out a long sigh. Another dead end.
“Why are you sitting with her?”
I look up to see Natasha Halls has sat down next to the girl. I loathe
Natasha. She’s a conniving, lying little slut. She spread some very hateful
things about me on social media, and I want nothing more than to grab her
hair and slam her face into the corner of the table. But that would just give
her what she wants and prove to everyone that I am mentally unstable. I’m
not ready to make that move yet. Saving that for later—desperate times sort
of thing.
“I told you,” Lacey growls at her. “I believe her.”
Natasha snorts. “She’s just as crazy as Brenda was.” She juts her chin
toward me. “Just ask Datson.”
The news of what happened didn’t take long to spread in school,
especially when there is a video of the guys running up to Law’s spare
bedroom and Datson running out with a bloody nose. One idiot said that
they each took their turn fucking me, which is stupid. Sex takes longer than
five minutes. Especially if it was with three guys. Like who the fuck is that
girl sleeping with who started that rumor?
“Not only are you a liar but you’re also a whore,” she says sweetly,
batting her eyelashes.
I grip my spoon in my hand, thankful it’s not a knife. I’d stab her eyes
out. “You …”
“Ah Satan.”
My heart picks up at the sound of Dax’s voice as he enters the cafeteria,
and my eyes go to him without thought. His white T-shirt fits him like a
glove and shows off every muscle with his ripped jeans and tennis shoes.
His Gucci sunglasses shield his eyes.
I figured they would stay away from me for a few days after Law’s party.
But I guess my time is up, and my actions have granted me their undivided
attention. The doll was the warning.
Lucky me.
He, Scout, and Law may have interrupted my night with Datson, but he
let Scout do all the talking. Until now. He’s planning something. My palms
begin to sweat. I quickly look around for the other guys, but they’re not
“Fuck off, Dax,” she spits.
My brows lift. She said it with so much hate, yet she believes he’s
innocent. Why does she hate him so much? Maybe she made a pass at him,
and he turned her down.
“I’d fuck anything but you,” he replies smoothly, confirming my
She lets out a growl, shoves her tray across the table, then stands and
stomps out while the other kids laugh at her.
He’s such a dick. He used to be charming and sweet and made everyone
Thanks to this unlucky day, he plops down at our table across from me.
“Good morning, gorgeous.” He runs his tongue along his upper lip, the ball
of his piercing peeking out from underneath it.
“Why do you call her ‘ah Satan’?” Lacey asks, genuinely curious.
He smirks. “’Cause that’s Natasha spelled backward. It fits her perfectly.”
“Oh.” She frowns.
“What do you want?” I ask, getting to the point. The cafeteria is packed,
and everyone has their eyes on us. No one says a word because they’re too
busy watching our exchange.
He pushes his shades up to reveal his eyes. They’re the lightest brown
I’ve ever seen with specks of green in them. Absolutely stunning. It’s a
shame he’s such a dick as well as a rapist and a murderer.
“We have a home game this weekend. This is me extending an
Lacey stiffens, and I just stare at him.
“I’m serious,” he adds.
I lean forward, lowering my voice. “No, you’re not.” I used to actually
love football. Now I fucking hate the sport. Just because you can throw,
catch a ball, and tackle someone should not give you a pass not to be a
decent human being.
“Come on, Henley.” He leans back, and I stiffen, knowing he’s about to
allow the entire room to hear what he has to say. “It’ll be like old times.
You can wear those fishnet tights for me again.” He winks, and my stomach
drops when the students snicker. “I know you remember that night.” His
eyes drop to my chest. “I know I haven’t forgotten it.”
Blood rushes in my ears, and my cheeks heat at the memory.

Junior year
I look at myself in the mirror and smile. A soft laugh bubbles up as I run my
hands over my massive cleavage. Who knew you could get these puppies
this high? My chin practically sits on them.
Turning around, I pick up the heels off the end of my bed and slip my feet
into them. Then I bend over and buckle the leather strap around each ankle.
I turn back to the mirror and line my lips with Roussy by Chanel.
I pick up my phone, debit card, and license ’cause that’s all I have room
to carry.
As I walk down the stairs, my heels sink into the plush white carpet. I can
hear the boys’ voices travel from my father’s den that leads to his library.
Somehow, I trip over the last stair but manage to catch myself with the
banister. As pretty as these heels are, I hate wearing them.
Taking in a deep breath, I strut down the long hallway and right into the
open den. Monroe sits on the couch with his right hand lifted as he changes
the channel on the TV. His signature Gucci shades sit on top of his head in
his dark spiked hair. He’s dressed in a shredded pair of jeans and a black
Armani T-shirt with his Rolex watch. And of course, he has his diamond
studs in his ears. He flaunts his expensive taste every chance he gets.
He spots me first. The pen he was chewing on falls out of his mouth, and
the remote bounces onto the floor. His brown eyes widen for the briefest
second before he licks his lips.
Law sits next to him, looking down while texting on his phone. He has
that I-don’t-give-a-fuck attitude. He does what he wants, whenever he
wants. He’s never seemed interested in anything other than football and
girls. Multiple ones. He always has one lined up. “Hey, Noelle just
messaged me. We going to that party tonight?” he asks, typing away.
“No.” I hear Scout answer, but I don’t see him. He must be bent down
behind the bar at the back of the room, getting something out of the liquor
cabinet. They come over here and go through my father’s shit all the time.
We’ve been doing it for about a year now. The first time I ever got drunk
with them, we were thirteen, and my father was away on business. All five
of us shared a bottle of gin and were sick for days. Thankfully, we can
handle more now. And it doesn’t hurt that the guys are twice the size they
were then. All they do is work out, play ball, and party. I don’t play any
sports. They’ve never been my thing.
“Oh, we’re going,” Dax mumbles and slaps Law on the chest.
“What the fuck, man?” he snaps, looking up, and he sees me. His blue
eyes start at my heels, run up my fishnet tights and the black spandex booty
shorts before he gets to my black lace-up corset. When his eyes make it to
my tits, he swallows hard. “Yeah.” He nods to himself. “We’re going.”
Licking his lips, he drops his eyes to my thighs again. It’s easy to see how he
keeps the girls lined up. He could treat them like shit, and they would
continue to crawl back.
“No, we’re not.” I hear Scout growl right before he pops up from where I
knew he was behind the bar.
I’ve had the biggest crush on Ryan Scout for as long as I can remember.
His dark green eyes, dark hair, and tan skin make him mouthwateringly
gorgeous. And his smile. Fuck, he could melt a woman’s panties off. Every
girl wants him, but he doesn’t fuck around. Not that I know of anyway. I’d
be crushed if I found out he was with someone other than me.
He spots me, and his green eyes narrow. A muscle jumps in his sharp jaw.
“What the fuck are you wearing, Henley?” he demands.
I place my hands on my hips. “Don’t like?” I bite my bottom lip, pushing
my hip out.
Law tries covering a laugh with a cough.
Dax shuffles in his seat and nods his head. His eyes on my legs. “I like.”
Scout storms around the bar and points at the hallway. “Get your ass
upstairs and take that shit off.”
Jealous much? “Hmm … nah.”
“Henley,” he growls.
Maybe it’s the fact that I find him more attractive when he’s angry, or
maybe it’s my father’s bottle of Patrón I sipped on while getting ready, but I
find myself walking over to the couch.
Dax sits up straighter, and I fall onto his lap, straddling him.
“Let’s play,” Law suggests, rubbing his hands together.
“I wanna go to the party.” I pout at Dax. Grabbing his hands, I place
them on my waist. He stiffens, but he’s not gonna shove me off. No, he
allows his dick to control him too much, and right now, I feel how hard that
fucker is inside his jeans. I lean forward, smashing my tits to his chest, and
whisper, “I need a ride.” Then I pull his earlobe into my mouth, sucking on
the diamond stud. His hands squeeze my waist before moving to my hips.
“Damn.” I hear Rellik’s voice as he finally enters the room. “Who forgot
to inform me we were having a party? Hope I have enough condoms,” he
jokes as the leather creaks from him plopping down in the recliner.
Tossing my hair to the side, I look over my shoulder at Rellik throwing
back a beer. He spits it out when his ocean blue eyes meet mine. “Henley?”
His wide eyes shoot over to Scout, who stands behind the couch.
I roll my eyes and crawl off Dax. He doesn’t keep me on his lap, but his
fingers glide down over my ass as I stand. “Never mind. I’ll find a ride.”
I exit the den, and my heels clap on the floor as I walk down the hallway.
A hand grips my upper arm, and I’m yanked back before I’m slammed into
a wall. Scout’s green eyes drill into mine. “You’re not fucking going
anywhere dressed like a whore.”
I’d be pissed if I wasn’t drunk, but the liquor makes me frisky. “Want me
to be your whore, Scout?” I reach out and grab his crotch, wrapping my
hand around his hard-on over his jeans.
He jumps back, grips my wrists, and restrains them above my head. He
leans down, our faces nose to nose. I can practically see the steam
billowing from his ears. “Henley.” My name is a growl. A promise that if I
keep pushing, I may not be leaving this house.
“Wanna fuck me, Scout?” Leaning forward, I run my tongue along his
bottom lip. “Then get it over with and fuck me.”
His eyes fall to my tits. His lips are parted, and he’s panting. He’s almost
there. I’ve been trying to get in bed with him for so long. I want him, and he
wants me, so why is he making us wait?
He takes a step back, and my arms drop to my side, slapping my fishnet
thighs. Reaching up, he runs his thumb across his lips before he gives me a
smile. It unsettles me. He’s like a switch, turning his emotions on and off at
any given time. “Have fun playing the role of the slut, Henley.” He lowers
his voice. “We both know under that whore-ish outfit, you’re nothing but an
innocent virgin who wouldn’t know how to use a dick if it was offered to
you.” Then he turns and leaves me leaning up against the wall.
I storm back into the living room. “Dax?” I snap.
“What?” He jumps to his feet. His sunglasses fall into his face, but he
quickly shoves them back into place.
“Drive me to the fucking party,” I order.
He nods. “Yes, ma’am.”
I give him my back and smile. Well, at least he’s getting easier to control.
We make our way out to his car, and I fall into the passenger seat. I watch
him through the windshield as he rounds the hood. He’s mumbling to
himself as he pats his pockets like he’s doing a mental check of his wallet,
keys, and phone.
He gets in and shuts the door. I wait for him to start it up, but he doesn’t.
Instead, we just sit here in the driveway. In silence.
I look over at him, and he’s staring at me. Well, my chest and legs. We
both know under that whore-ish outfit, you’re nothing but an innocent
virgin who wouldn’t know how to use a dick if it was offered to you.
Scout’s words echo in my mind.
“What are we doing?” I growl.
“Waiting.” He clears his throat and starts up the car.
“For what?” I ask.
“The others.”
“They’re not coming,” I assure him.
“Oh, they are.”
I look over at the house and see Law and Rellik exiting. But no Scout.
Law comes over to Dax’s driver’s side window, and he rolls it down. “I’m
going to drive Rellik and me.” Then he looks at me. “Sure you wanna do
They all know that Scout and I have been going round and round. I’ve
done everything short of getting naked and climbing him like a tree, and he
hasn’t acted on it. He wants it just as much as I do, but for some reason, he
refuses to take that step with me. “Yes. Let’s go.”
Law sighs and takes a step back from the car.
Dax peels out, and I look over at him. He’s got his signature shades on
his face even though it’s nighttime. His hand is fisted on the steering wheel,
making the veins in his arm pop. My eyes drop to his ripped jeans and he’s
no longer hard, but I don’t think it’ll take much.
As we pass other cars, I lean back in the seat and close my eyes,
preparing myself. I’m gonna fuck Dax tonight. I will lose my virginity.
Because Scout was right. I’ve just been pretending to be the slut. I’m the
good girl. Well, not anymore. And I’m going to do it just to piss Scout off.

The memory of that night unsettles me, and the smirk on his face tells me
that he knows it. I get up and storm off, exiting the cafeteria. I need to put
some space between us to clear my mind.
“Are you alright?” I hear Lacey ask from behind me.
“Fine,” I lie, picking up my pace. I round a corner …
“Whoa. Where are you going so fast?” Scout asks, stepping in front of
We come to a halt, and she squeals in surprise.
His green eyes are on mine. “Tell her to go.”
My jaw sharpens. “Scout …”
He steps into me. His hard chest, brushing mine while he stares down his
nose at me. “Tell her to go, or Monroe is going to remove her.”
He comes up behind us at the mention of his name. I always feel them
like electric currents running through my veins in the worst possible way. It
was a setup. Dax wanted to make me feel uncomfortable so I’d walk out of
the cafeteria, right into Scout.
“I’ll meet up with you later,” I say, dismissing her from this situation.
She gives him a go to hell look as she walks off down the hall. I don’t know
the girl well enough to know if she can hold her own, so I won’t chance it.
Especially knowing what they’re capable of.
“What do you want?” I cross my arms, refusing to back down. This is
what I wanted. I need to get close to them, no matter what I must do.
“To talk.”
Bullshit! “I’m busy.” I step to the right to get around him, but he reaches
out, slamming his hand on a locker to block my path once again. “Scout,” I
growl, quickly looking around to see it’s just the three of us. Where are
Rellik and Law?
“Why did you try to make us jealous?” Scout asks, tilting his head to the
My heart thumps in my chest as I drop my eyes to stare at his shirt,
unable to meet the accusations in his. “Hooking up with Datson had nothing
to do with any of you.” I hope he believes the lie, but I was always easy to
read. Plus, almost fucking the guy in Law’s house was a dead giveaway. I
didn’t think it through. I just wanted to act. I needed their attention. And
fuck, did I get it.
I move to walk around him, but he steps to the side, blocking my retreat
again, and his hands land on my waist. “Don’t touch me,” I snap, stepping
back, but I hit Dax.
I stiffen when Scout leans down and whispers in my ear, “You have three
My eyes narrow up at him, but the scent of his cologne suffocates me in
the worst way, flooding my mind with thoughts of when things were right,
and I knew he loved me. Back when I would wear his clothes just to smell
like him. Or spray my pillow so his scent would linger when he wasn’t
“One …”
He’s seriously going to count? The fuck? “Who I choose to fuck is none
of your—”
“Two …”
I clamp my mouth shut, making sure he understands that I’m not going to
tell him shit.
“Three.” Scout smiles down at me as he straightens to his full height of
six-foot-two. “You picked the wrong shirt today, Henley.”
I glance at my plain white T-shirt, wondering if I dropped ketchup on it
when I’m picked up from behind. I scream out in surprise as Dax’s arm
wraps around my waist. His free hand clamps over my mouth, and he
begins to drag me back down the hallway. I fight him, kicking my feet, but
Scout picks my ankles up. My arms can’t reach him, and I can’t get a hold
of Dax. I try to twist out of their hold, but it doesn’t work.
Dax walks through the double doors to the gym, and I start to panic when
I see where they’re taking me. One of the mens’ locker rooms. Scout kicks
it open, and they walk me past the rows of lockers and over to the showers.
One is already running. I try to shake my head, but Dax’s hand is still over
my mouth, his fingers digging into my cheeks. They toss me into the
running shower, and I fall onto my side. The freezing cold water hits me,
and I scream as it soaks my clothes, hair, and body. I scramble to the corner
where the sprayer doesn’t reach and grab my shoulder that I landed on.
The guys stand there, watching me—no smile on their faces or laughing.
Just staring like I’m some kind of experiment as I shiver and pull my knees
to my chest.
“Look how wet we made you, little doll,” Dax says, cracking a smile.
“We have that effect on women.” His eyes drop to my chest. “Especially
you. You remember, don’t you?”
Tears run down my face, and I’m thankful that I’m wet so they won’t be
able to see them. They both crouch in front of the shower as Law enters the
locker room and comes up behind them. He watches me with a careless
look in his baby blue eyes and his hands tucked in the front pockets of his
“You’ve always wanted the four of us, haven’t you?” Dax goes on.
I shake uncontrollably, the cold water making my teeth chatter.
“You know the difference between three jokes and three dicks?” Dax
asks in my silence.
I don’t answer.
He smirks. “You can’t take three jokes.”
I push myself further into the wall. The tile freezes my skin along with
the puddle of water I’m sitting in. He stands and walks out with Law on his
ass. Scout stays kneeling before me, just watching me as if he never was a
friend at all.
I push myself up to my shaky legs. My eyes narrow, lips thinning.
Wrapping my arms around my soaking stomach, I look down at him.
“You’re no different than him,” I manage to say through clenched teeth. My
soaked clothes hang off my bones, making me feel a hundred pounds
He stands to his full height, squaring his shoulders. “I never pretended to
be anything other than who I am. You’re the one who hid behind a fake
smile and a pretty face, Henley.” I shake my head at those words. “You
were the one who tried to feed the town lies but will choke on them in the
end.” He reaches over and picks up a duffel bag I hadn’t noticed before. He
tosses it onto the floor right outside the shower. “Don’t say I never did
anything for you.” With that, he turns and exits the locker room.
I swallow a sob that tries to bubble up. I will not let him get to me. So
what if I got a little wet? That he threatened me? They’re just words. He
can’t hurt me. Or they already would have.
I wipe the tears and water off my face as my teeth chatter, and I unzip the
bag. There’s a pair of my white denim jean shorts and a dark purple tank
top. No bra or clean underwear. I stare at them in my hands.
Where did they get these?
Had they been to my house? Did they sneak in while my father was at
work? A thought hits me, and I fist my clothes. They have a key.
They could have walked right in. I gave one to Scout a couple of years
back. He came and went as he pleased. My father didn’t care and liked him
around. My brother was already away at college, and I think my father
missed a guy being at the house. I once came home from a party and found
Scout grilling steaks with my father out back. I remember being pissed at
him because he was supposed to go to the party with me, but he had chosen
to hang with my father instead.
Was this the real threat? Leaving this clue to remind me they have access
to my house? That’s how the doll got left there Friday night? They, or one
of them, went there, grabbed my clothes, and placed the doll on my bed.
The door flies open, and I jump to my feet, shielding my body since the
soaked clothing clings to me. I let out a sigh when I see it’s Lacey.
“How did you know I was in here?” I ask, teeth chattering.
“I was walking by as Scout walked out of the gym. What the fuck did
they do to you?” she demands, her blue eyes looking over my soaked form.
I’m sure I look like a drowned rat with makeup running down my face.
I wave her off. “I’m fine.”
“Henley …”
“It’s just water,” I repeat my thoughts to her, trying to convince both of
us that although my cheeks are hurting from Dax’s hand and the entire left
side of my body aches from them throwing me, I’m okay. It could have
been much worse. “I’ll be fine. Find me a towel please. I need to dry off
and get out of these clothes.” And I need to hurry before the bell rings, and
guys start piling in and find me wet or naked before their gym class.
She comes back, holding up a towel to shield me from the door, and I
quickly peel myself out of my clothes. Then she hands me the towel to
quickly dry off while she wrings them out in one of the many sinks. “Did
they touch you?” she asks softly.
“No,” I answer, pulling the shorts up and hating the fact that I don’t have
any underwear. The material is going to rub my pussy raw. Maybe that is
just one of their plans.
“What did they want?” she continues.
“I don’t know,” I lie. They demanded to know why I tried to make them
jealous. But that’s not the truth either. They knew why I did it; they just
wanted me to admit it. Pulling my shirt up and over my head, I throw my
towel into one of the many hampers and shove my wet clothes back into the
“Why would they get you wet but bring you new clothes?” She’s looking
me up and down. My socks are still wet but better than when I was sitting in
the shower. Plus, my shoes. The fuckers only brought me so many dry
items. On purpose, I’m sure.
“I have no clue,” I say honestly, biting my lower lip.
“Maybe they put a bug on them.”
“A bug?” I arch a brow, unable to chuckle at her suggestion.
She nods quickly. “They’ve had something sewn into the seam, and now
they can track your every move.”
“I think you watch too many stalker movies,” I say even though I know
nothing about this girl. Obviously, she has a vivid imagination or a sketchy
I toss the bag over my shoulder. “Come on. We’ve got to get out of here.”
Pushing open the door, I look over at the basketball court. The bleachers
on all three sides have been pushed back to allow more access to the court.
“We don’t have much—”
The bell rings, interrupting me, and I curse. “Let’s go.” We make a mad
dash across the court and shove the double doors open into the busy hall.
Kids are at their lockers getting ready for their next classes. I turn to face
her. “Thank you for helping me out.” My chest tightens due to the fact that I
wasn’t able to help Brenda the way Lacey just helped me. I just stood there,
confused and drunk. I could have done something, and that’s what makes it
so much worse.
She gives me a soft smile as she adjusts her black-rimmed glasses.
“Anytime.” Then she walks off into the crowd.
I make my way to my locker a few hallways down, and the second bell
rings as kids scatter to their classrooms, leaving me alone, and now I’m
late. I stand silently staring at my black locker, willing the tears not to
come. Letting out a long breath, I try to calm my nerves. Now that the
adrenaline rush is over, the weight of what happened presses down on my
shoulders. My empty stomach begins to knot because what they did isn’t
making any sense. Wouldn’t they love making me walk the crowded halls in
wet clothing? Wouldn’t they enjoy the students laughing at me? Videoing
me? The kids here always have their phones glued to their fingers. I
wouldn’t be surprised if someone recorded them taking me into the locker
room to begin with. And where was Rellik? Was what they were doing a

I SIT BACK in my chair, my right arm on the armrest, and twirling a pen
around my fingers when the door to the classroom opens. Henley enters,
and the class begins to snicker.
“That’s enough,” Mr. Langston tells the students, making them quiet
immediately. “Miss Greene, are you okay?” he asks her.
She nods once and walks to the back of the class, sitting down in the seat
to my left. It’s the only one available since she’s late.
Her head is down, and her hair is wet. I look at the back of her shirt and
see where her hair has soaked it. She looks like she just got out of the
shower, which she did. Just not the kind she would have liked.
Mr. Langston returns to teaching the class, and I speak quietly at her.
Turning her head, she looks at me, and her watery eyes widen. She hasn’t
realized I have this class with her. She’s managed to come in after me and
sit in the front. I’m a sit-in-the-back kind of guy. But it was time to make
my presence known. Let her know that someone is always watching.
“I’d be more than happy to dry you off,” I offer.
She lets out a huff and looks away from me. I smile. Our little doll isn’t
in a playful mood today. That’s too bad because I’m ready. I want to dress
her up and tie her down. Drag her pretty face through the mud and fuck that
mouth of hers.
I’m hard just thinking about how I’m going to play with her. I’ve had to
sit back and watch Scout have all the fun.

Junior year
“Where’s Henley?” I ask, looking around his boat. Scout talked me into
skipping school today. He said that he and Henley wanted to go out on the
water. I wasn’t going to turn him down. Weed, beer, and his girl in a bikini
sounded a lot better than sitting in my boring classes.
“She’s swimming,” he answers, sitting next to me on the long couch.
I lean over the side and push my glasses to the top of my head, scanning
the calm water but don’t see her. “Drunk? Aren’t you afraid she’ll drown?”
We’ve been out here all day. We usually come out here on his father’s yacht,
but we didn’t want anyone knowing we were playing hooky, so we settled on
taking his boat out that his father bought him last year.
“Nah. She’s fine.”
“So what’s up with that?” I dig. He’s been acting weird lately. Around
her. Around us. Been sneaky. I think he’s fucking others as well, which I find
odd since he’s obsessed with her.
“What do you mean?”
“Why haven’t you made that shit public?” I take a sip of my beer, placing
my sunglasses back over my eyes to shield the burning sun that’s blinding
He snorts. “Why the fuck would I do that?”
“Claim her,” I offer. “Let everyone know she’s yours.”
“I don’t need to do that. Know why?” He arches a brow.
“Because she knows I own her. No one else needs to.”
Just then, I hear her on the side of the boat swimming. Seconds later, she
climbs up the back ladder and steps onto the swimming deck of his eighty-
foot Lady Lisa Nor-tech. She wears a diamond-studded black bikini. The
black triangles barely hold her tits in, and I wonder how the ties on each
hip keep her bottoms up. Tilting her head to the side, she wrings out the
water in her hair while slipping her feet into a pair of black wedges.
“Come here.” He pats his leg.
She smiles at him and walks over. Sitting down, she straddles him. Her
knee brushes against my leg while water from her body drips on me. “Yes?”
She wraps her arms around his neck.
He reaches up and shoves her triangles to the sides, exposing her
“Scout!” She gasps, trying to pull back and cover herself, but he wraps
an arm around her, keeping her in place.
“What?” He smirks. “You’re not shy.” He leans down and runs his
tongue across her nipple before wrapping his lips around it and sucking.
She throws her head back, parting her lips with a moan, and my cock
instantly grows hard in my boardshorts.
“Are you?” he questions, trailing kisses across her chest to repeat the
action on the other.
“No.” She starts rocking her hips against his.
“Get up,” he orders, slapping her thigh.
She stands off him, and he walks over to the bench seat to the left. He lifts
the cushion and grabs an extra blue line out of it before letting it fall back
into place. He spins her around, bringing her arms behind her back, and
ties the rope around her wrists.
“Scout.” She whimpers. “That’s tight.”
“Good.” He slaps the side of her ass, making it jiggle and giving her an
instant red mark. Then he looks over at me. “Record this.”
I pull out my phone and happily hit record.
He bends down, picks her up, and she squeals as he lays her on the
couch opposite me. Her head and shoulders hang off the edge. “Open your
mouth,” he tells her, gently pushing all the wet hair from her face.
She licks her lips and takes in a deep breath, making her stomach cave in
and showing off her ribs even more than they already were. He shoves his
board shorts down his legs and takes his hard cock in his hand. He slides
the tip in, then backs out before sliding a little more in. His hand massages
her breast since they’re fully on display.
“Spread your legs,” he orders.
She brings her knees up and opens them a little.
He slaps the side of her breast, making her flinch. “More.”
They fall wide open, and he reaches down, untying the knots on either
side of her bikini bottoms. Wading them up, he throws them at me. The wet
material lands in my lap, soaking my dry boardshorts.
“Open up for me, Hen,” he tells her, picking up his pace in her mouth.
His hands slide down her stomach to her parted legs. He plays with her
shaved pussy—finger fucking her and bringing her to orgasm while his dick
fucks her mouth. When he’s done, he pulls out and yanks his shorts up.
He comes over and plops back down next to me, picking up his beer.
I look back at her, her head still hanging off the end of the couch. Cum
between her legs and some of his on her face. She’s breathing heavily,
making her breasts bounce. “Just going to leave her there like that?” I ask,
enjoying the view.
“For a few minutes.” He tips his beer back. “Once I’m hard again, I’m
going to bend her over this table and fuck that wet cunt from behind.”
I chuckle and toss back my beer. I can’t blame him one bit.

“You know.” I lean over my desk, whispering for only her to hear. She
gives me a side glance before looking straight ahead. “Next time you want
to get wet, just ask me. We can skip class and go spend the day out on the
Her head whips back over to me, and her face pales.
I run my eyes over the makeup smeared on her face and the wet pieces of
hair that stick to her cheeks and smirk. “I’m always down to make a home


My ass drops to the bench, sucking in a breath. I remove my helmet and

toss it to the ground by my feet. Picking up a Gatorade bottle, I squirt water
into my mouth.
“Fuck,” Monroe growls, falling down beside me.
“Yeah,” I agree breathlessly.
“Fuck, man. Coach is kicking our ass today,” Law adds, coming over to
us. “What did you two do to piss him off?” He looks back and forth
between Dax and me.
“I didn’t do anything.” I shake my head.
“Wasn’t me.” Monroe takes the bottle of water from my hands.
“Scout, meet me in my office,” Coach orders, walking over to us. “Now,”
he adds before walking off.
“Oh.” Law laughs. “It’s totally you.”
I lean over, pick up my helmet, and rise from the bench. I follow Coach
through the gym and into his office. “Yeah, Coach?” I ask as I enter, still
dressed in all of my gear with my helmet in my hand. I’m guessing he’s
going to ream my ass about something, then send me back out there.
He leans back in his swivel chair, his fingers intertwined over his
stomach. “We need to have a talk.”
I got that. “About?” My grades are good. I make straight A’s. The
University of Texas isn’t going to take me on football alone. Too many
other athletes try to get on there. And as a wide receiver, I want to start, so I
need to prove my dedication on and off the field.
“Remove your gloves,” he orders.
I frown but place my helmet on his desk and remove my gloves as he
He leans forward, looking down at my hands even though he can’t see
much because they are wrapped with athletic tape, then back up at me.
“Problem?” I ask.
His chair squeaks as he leans back once again. “Do you know what
happens if something happens to that hand?”
“I’m confused as to what you’re talking about?” I lie, knowing exactly
where this is going. Word gets around in this town. Too fast for how big it
is. I blame social media.
“I saw some videos of you and the guys at Death Valley.” He arches a
brow. “Still confused?”
I swallow but say nothing.
He sighs heavily. “I’d hate to see you ruin a football career over some
high school bullshit, son.”
“With all due respect, I don’t expect you to understand,” I say.
“You’re right. I don’t understand why beating the shit out of someone is
so important. More important than a football scholarship or the chance to
one day be in the NFL draft.”
“I’m not sure what you’ve been told.” I change the direction of this
“I wasn’t told anything.” He stands. “I saw videos. Of you beating the
shit out of a man my age.”
I smile.
“It’s not a compliment, Scout!” he growls. “You weren’t wearing any
kind of gloves or protective gear to cover your face.”
I snort but cover it quickly when his eyes narrow on me. “Protective gear,
Coach? It’s like your everyday street fight. Not a woman’s kickboxing
class,” I inform him.
“I don’t give a fuck what it is. If you break a single fucking bone in your
body, I will break two myself!” he shouts. “Do you understand me, boy?”
“Yes, sir.” I nod once, knowing damn well I’m not going to stop fighting
at Death Valley, but whatever, I’ll pacify him for now.
“Get your ass back out there on that field.” He points at his door.
I pick up my helmet and gloves, then exit his office. I make my way to
our indoor practice field to see the guys still standing by the bench. I can
hear Coach behind me.
“Everyone get your goddamn helmets on. We’re running drills in full
gear—bear crawls the length of the football field four times, followed by a
hundred up-downs,” he calls out, cradling his clipboard to his chest with his
stopwatch around his neck.
Audible sighs and groans come from my teammates, and Law knowingly
looks at me.
“What?” I shrug, putting my sweaty helmet on.
“You all can thank Scout for your practice today. He’s fucked up my
day,” Coach adds, and everyone glares at me.
Well, fuck!


Everything hurts. I feel like I’ve played three football games back-to-back.
My hands are swollen along with my right ankle, and I have a headache, but
I live for this. The need to push myself further than I ever have before. I
like when someone gives me a challenge because I will prove them wrong.
I can do whatever I set my mind to.
“Thanks a lot, Scout.” Mack slaps me on my shoulder, limping over to
his locker.
“Anytime,” I say with a smile.
Law lies down across one of the many black leather couches, and I kick
him to the floor. He just lies there, and Rellik laughs at him as he walks by.
Monroe removes his helmet and shakes his head, his sweat falling onto
“Man, I’m pretty sure I died out there,” Law groans.
“Maybe lay off the weed,” Monroe tells him.
“Or lace it with something a little stronger,” I suggest.
He laughs as he turns onto his back and sits up. Most of the other team
members are in the showers or checking their phones. Practice ran late since
Coach decided to be a sadistic ass today and test our limits. Three guys
puked in their helmets. It was nothing new, though.
“So did our little doll take the bait?” Law asks Monroe.
He shakes his head. “She won’t come to the game. She thinks we’ll have
some kind of shit planned to humiliate her.”
Law snorts. “I have a feeling she’s not dumb enough to think we’d pull
that shit in front of others.”
“I don’t think she has any idea what we’d do,” I say honestly. Our little
doll is terrified after what we did to her today. She’s confused and
wondering just how far we’ll push her.
My phone dings, and I pull it out of my locker to see it’s the bookie for
Death Valley. He’s a college kid who goes to UT.
Got a fight. Friday night. 3K
I type back.
Make it five and it’s a deal.
I place the phone back in my locker as I remove my pads. We have all
fought at Death Valley, but Law and I more than Monroe or Rellik. And of
course, I’m the only one who gets caught.
“I saw her talking to Lacey today.” Law smiles up at me from where he
sits on the locker room floor.
“Got a thing for the virgin, huh?” I laugh. “Good luck with that.” Lacey
won’t willingly open her legs for any guy at this school. Even Law
wouldn’t be able to charm her pants off.
“I’m just saying she’s something we can use.” He winks up at me before
Rellik helps him up off the floor.
My cell dings again, and I pick it up to read the reply.

I ENTER MY father’s house and inhale deeply, feeling the stress leave my
body for the first time today since I was shoved into a shower.
“Hen?” my father calls out.
“Yeah,” I say, moving my backpack to where it shields part of my chest. I
had to go the second half of the day without a bra and underwear, thanks to
the motherfuckers. And just like I guessed, my pussy is rubbed raw.
“We need to talk,” he says, coming into view in the foyer dressed in his
three-piece suit and tie. I can’t tell if he’s coming or going at this point.
“Okay.” I swallow nervously, wondering if he has been getting phone
calls regarding what I’ve been doing. My father never asked or kept up with
my activities outside the house. He knew I was a good kid, and I was never
in trouble with the law or at school. But now … he’s probably heard things
from others who have kids in my school. Kids saw my wet hair and
smeared makeup today in classes after lunch. They snickered in my face
and behind my back. “What is it?”
“I …” His cell ringing cuts him off. Grinding his teeth, he looks down at
it. “What?” he snaps when he answers. “I’m on my way.” He hangs up and
walks toward me. “I gotta go. We’ll talk this weekend, okay?”
I nod. “Sure.” Making my way upstairs, I walk into my room, close my
door, and go straight to my closet. I look around to see if anything is out of
place from how I left it, but nothing sticks out. Honestly, they could have
gotten these clothes of mine from anywhere. Scout’s house or the trunk of
his car. Or Jamie’s. I used to sneak out wearing one thing and then change.

Junior year
“I’m staying at Jamie’s tonight,” I call out to my dad while standing in the
foyer putting on my jacket.
“Okay. Love you!” he shouts from his study down the hall.
“Love you too,” I say and exit the front door. Jamie’s already parked in
the driveway with her car still running. I get in, and she stomps on the gas.
“You look like we’re going to church.” She laughs, looking over at my
“I’m going to worship something.” I lick my lips.
She just laughs. I remove my jacket then reach down, lifting the dress up
and over my head and toss it in the backpack that I brought with me.
“That’s better.” She eyes me quickly before returning her focus to the
I adjust the black mini dress that I had underneath the other and pull
down the mirror. I apply the red lipstick and pop my lips before applying an
extra coat of mascara.
Thirty minutes later, we pull into the field at Death Valley. It’s already
filled with cars just as my cell rings. Scout lights up my screen. “Hello?”
“How long until you’re here?” he asks in greeting.
“We just pulled in,” I say with a smile. “I’m …”
He hangs up, but as I go to call him back, I see him walking toward our
car. He wears a white jacket with his hands in the front pockets, dark jeans,
and white Graveyard T-shirt. He’s got a baseball hat on backward. I hop
out of the car before Jamie can even come to a stop.
His eyes darken as he looks me up and down before he reaches out and
pulls me to him. Wrapping his arms around me, he nuzzles my neck. “Fuck,
you look too sexy to be out here, Henley.”

My ringing cell pulls me out of that memory. I see it’s my brother.

“Hey?” I answer, exiting my closet and falling down onto my bed.
“How are things going?” he asks.
“Great,” I lie. I’m starting to get good at it.
“Henley.” He sighs. “Would you tell me if they weren’t?”
“Of course.” I roll my eyes.
He chuckles. “You’re such a liar.”
“Hey, have you spoken to Dad lately?” I change the subject.
“No, and that’s the second time you’ve asked me that. Is everything
I bite my bottom lip. “He seems … distracted.” Well, that’s not a total lie.
“You know how he gets with work. When he’s in the middle of a project
“Jeremy, you ready to go?” A female voice interrupts him in the
“Yeah, one sec,” he answers her.
“Oh …” I whistle. “Have a girlfriend?”
“No.” He laughs. “She’s just a girl and a friend.”
Now who’s lying? “Sure, she is.” I roll onto my back and stare up at my
ceiling. “I miss you.”
“I miss you too, Hen. But I promise I’ll come home and see you soon,
“Okay,” I say, planning on holding him to that.
“Love you.” He hangs up before I can even say it back to him.


I haven’t spoken to Jamie since I used Datson. She’s ignoring me, and a
part of me knew that’s how it would go. I’m beginning to think she never
believed me. That maybe she just told me all that shit to make me feel
better at the time. Who the fuck knows? I no longer care. I’m over it. I
didn’t come back to be her friend. Or for her support.
The week has gone by slow as shit. I keep to myself but refuse to look at
my feet when I walk. The girls point at me and laugh. The Reapers just give
me death glares. Thankfully, there haven’t been any condoms or lube in my
locker. The boys who I once considered my friends are smarter than that.
More calculated. They have a plan, and it doesn’t include such juvenile
things. I’m on high alert all the time, though, because I sure as fuck don’t
trust them. I’m a threat to them. Damn right, I fucking am!
It’s officially Friday, and the hallways and classrooms are covered in
metallic blue, black, and white banners to show team spirit for the
Westbrook Warriors football game tonight. They have a home game that I
refuse to attend. Apparently, they’re 4-0 this season. Big surprise there.
I’m bent down, placing my books in my locker, when I hear “Triggered”
by Chase Atlantic being played. I look over my shoulder to see Monroe
coming down the hall with his cell in his hand. He has the song playing on
it at full blast. Everyone quiets and watches him walk by. He has his Gucci
shades over his eyes, but I feel them on me, burning a hole in my skin. This
is my warning.
The song.
The words.
My refusal to go to the game tonight.
It’s him telling me in front of the school that they’re all going to come
after me.
I stand to my full height, which I hate is only five-foot-five, and slam my
locker shut. Turning to face him, I watch him walk past me, fisting my
hands. Anger fills every inch of me, and hatred boils to the surface.
“Monroe?” I call out.
He comes to a stop and slowly turns to face me. The corners of his lips
turn up, and my heart pounds in my chest.
“Yeah, little doll?” He calls me by the new nickname that only Scout
used to call me. It just infuriates me more.
“Go fuck yourself.” My words are just as shaky as my fists are.
Audible gasps fill the hallway. I hate everyone else as much as them.
They act as if I should bow to these motherfuckers and lick their shoes.
My words grant me a full-blown smile, showing off his impeccable white
teeth. His tongue darts out to run across his lips seductively. He moves,
walking back toward me, and my shoulders stiffen, but I don’t step back.
Not here. Not in front of these kids. I refuse to look scared of this monster.
He comes to a stop as the song ends. Locking his screen, he slips his
phone in the front pocket of his jeans. He reaches up and takes a piece of
my hair and starts to twirl it around his finger. I’m panting at his closeness,
but I must remind myself that he won’t touch me here. He won’t hurt me in
the open. No. He’ll do it like he did Brenda—when I’m alone and
vulnerable. And when he makes his move, I’ll be ready.
“I’d rather fuck you, doll,” he says loudly for all to hear, making the
students laugh. My teeth clench. “And I always get what I want.”
“Even if you have to force it,” I state.
The hallway goes silent.
The smile drops off his face, and his body goes rigid. “I don’t have to
force myself on anyone.” He steps close to me, pressing his body into mine.
He grips my hair in his hand and yanks my head back. Lowering his lips to
my ear, he whispers for only me to hear, “They’re all fucking sluts. Just like
you are. Remember how easily you spread your legs for me? How you
begged me to fuck you?” Pulling his head back, he smirks down at me
while I pant. I’m so furious with him. “You were so fucking desperate for
someone to want you.” He makes a tsking sound with his tongue.
He lets go of me and takes a step back as Law calls out his name.
Monroe looks to his left, and I follow his line of sight to see him coming
toward us with Scout and Rellik on either side of him. They’re drilling
holes into me, each dressed in their football jersey, jeans, and letterman
jacket. I used to wear Scout’s all the time. I’d leave notes in his pockets for
“Everyone move along,” Law orders.
Lockers slam shut. Shoes squeak on the floor as kids scatter to the
nearest exit. I stand my ground. “I’m not afraid of you,” I say through
gritted teeth.
Law laughs at that. “Well, dolls don’t have brains, so it makes sense
you’d be stupid.”
I charge at him, but Monroe grabs the back of my shirt and slams me
back into the lockers. His body presses into mine, pinning me in place with
his six-foot-three muscular body. Dax Monroe is as solid as they come.
“I’m getting fucking tired of you …”
“Why don’t you get rid of me? Like you did Brenda?” I arch a brow,
poking the bear. I’m playing with fire, knowing that if I get too close, I’ll
end up being ashes. But I can’t stop.
“Calm down, man.” Scout slaps him on the back a couple of times in
some sort of Morse code. Some understanding that he’ll get his chance at
me. Just not here.
Dax steps back from me. His chest heaves as he breathes fire. I’ve hit a
nerve. Good. I want to break him. Every man can fall. It just takes a strong
woman to do it, and I’m her.
Without another word, they all walk away from me and out the door.
I look over to see Lacey running toward me. “Are you okay?”
“Fine,” I growl, throwing my backpack over my shoulder, knowing that I
need to up my game. Dax is close. He wants to make his move and hurt me.
Possibly kill me. He knows that I’m the only one in this town who can take
him down because I saw him that night. I know everything. He won’t stand
by and wait like the others are telling him to do.
“Are you sure?” she asks, pushing her glasses up her nose.
I ignore her concern and ask a question of my own. “What are you doing
She frowns as if worried that I changed the subject. “Nothing that I know
“Wanna go to Death Valley?” I ask. I haven’t spoken much to her since
she found me in the men’s locker room earlier this week.
Her face lights up with excitement. “Yes.”
I feel like Lacey doesn’t have very many friends. I mean, why would she
want to hang out with me when I am obviously a target for the Reapers? I
shouldn’t allow her to hang out with me, but a part of me likes to have
someone around. No one else will talk to me. I’m being isolated, and I think
that’s what the guys want.

WE ENTER THE locker room, whooping and hollering.

“Undefeated, baby!” Mack shouts, walking over to his locker. He slaps
his hand on either side of it, making the sound travel throughout the locker
“Okay, okay.” Coach enters behind us. “Calm down.” He crosses his
arms over his chest. “You boys had a great night, but it could have very well
gone the other direction. Law …” He looks at me. “You have to get rid of
that ball, son. That sack could have fucked us. Thankfully, you were able to
keep ahold of it. Even though we took a loss.”
I nod, trying to roll my shoulder. Pretty sure that fucker tore it off. I was
able to keep it, but it cost me. I’ve been sore ever since. “They kept rushing
“I know,” he interrupts me. “But that’s why we’re a team. To pick up
where you need help.”
Monroe slaps me on the back, and I see Scout grab his cell out of his
locker. He starts typing away on it. As if he feels me looking, he looks up
and nods at me once.
I smile. I’m going to play with my little doll tonight.
My cock gets hard just thinking about it. I’ve been waiting for the day I’d
have a chance with Henley Greene. Now she doesn’t have the option to
come to me. I’m going to her.
“As you all know, we have a bye week next weekend. But we’re not
going to slow down.”
“No!” everyone shouts.
“We’re going to hit it even harder,” Coach adds with a clap of his hands.
“Take the rest of the night off and get some rest. Ice problem areas and be
ready to get back at it at practice tomorrow.” With that, Coach turns and
enters his office, shutting the door behind him.
We start to remove our gear before hitting the showers. Scout comes over
to us. “I’ve got a fight tonight.” He looks at me. “You want one? He needs
someone to fill in for one.”
“No.” I shake my head, not in the mood for that shit. I can’t fight as often
as he does. One, I don’t need that adrenaline rush. And two, I’m our
quarterback. If I fuck up anything, I’m out. I refuse to take that risk like he
Nodding, he types my response on his cell.
“What about our doll?” I ask. “Thought we were playing tonight.” If he’s
fighting, then we won’t be in Westbrook for the night.
“We are. She’s going to Death Valley,” he answers.
I look from Rellik to Monroe, but they both shrug at my next question.
“How do we know that?”
Scout just smiles. “I’ve got eyes on her at all times.”


“Why are we here?” she asks as I turn onto Spring Valley Boulevard.
Spring has been blacked out with black spray paint and above it now reads
“Because the Reapers will be here after the game.” This is their hangout
on the weekends when they’re not throwing house parties.
“Oh.” Her face falls, not happy with the guys being so close.
Maybe she thought it was a girls’ night.
I pull through the old, open wrought-iron gate, looking around the vast
property crowded with vehicles. Trucks have their tailgates down with ice
chests sitting on them. Cars have their trunks open, and Jeeps have their
tops off.
“I’ve never been here,” she states as I pull up next to a white Range
She shakes her head.
That’s not a total surprise. This place isn’t for girls like her. She just
doesn’t scream party girl.
A man dressed in black pants and a black shirt runs by us wearing a
white mask and red contacts. She shrieks, jumping into my side to get away
from him.
“Why are some dressed up like it’s Halloween?” she asks, looking
around. “It’s still a month away.”
“That’s just a part of Death Valley.” I shrug. “Come on.” We walk across
the yard and up the stone steps. The front double doors are open, and we
step into a grand foyer. A wide staircase runs up the middle of the large
platform and then splits off to either side. It reminds me of Beauty and the
Beast. Before he turned back into a prince and everything was shiny again.
“This place gives me the creeps,” she whispers, looking over the dirt on
the floor and broken pieces of concrete that are missing from the walls. “It
…” She sniffs. “Smells like death.”
“There’s an urban legend that it’s haunted.”
“Haunted? By whom?” Her voice squeaks.
“The boys who died that night.” I take her hand. “Come on. He’ll be
fighting soon.” I drag her up the stairs. They creak with each step, and when
she goes to grab the railing, I shake my head. She snatches her hand back
immediately and frowns. “Don’t want to get a splinter or something worse.”
She nods and fixes her glasses, clearly uneasy. If I were telling the truth,
so am I. I’ve only ever been here high and drunk. This is my first
experience sober at Death Valley, and it’s not nearly as fun as I remember.
Plus, I always came with the Reapers. A lot of shit can happen here in the
We get to the top and turn right when she comes to a stop as her phone
begins to ring in her pocket. She pulls it out and bites her bottom lip
nervously. “I have to take this. It’s my foster brother.”
I nod, and she walks away as she answers it. I run my hands along the
wall. The wallpaper has been peeled off, and there are holes throughout.
Not to mention the pungent musty smell. Lacey was right. I make my way
down a long hallway. Pieces of the walls are missing here also. A girl fell
out of a second-story window two summers ago and broke both of her legs
while on an acid trip. It was not a good day for her.
The only reason we party here is because it’s twenty-five miles from the
closest town. The cops don’t bother us, but that also means if there is a
problem and we have to call 911, it takes the paramedics a while to reach
I squeeze between the couples who are making out on either side of the
hallway and walk into a room.
I find myself entering the chapel even though my mind is screaming not
to do it. This is where it happened. It’s as if I’ve come full circle. The room
looks the same as it did then. The stained glass has been broken out on the
far left wall, allowing the light from the full moon to shine in. The altar sits
at the front with pieces of the edge broken off. My shoes kick around a
piece of loose concrete with each step I take. The two windows above the
double doors are still intact but have been broken—pieces knocked out over
the years from kids throwing beer bottles at them—giving me a little more
light from the hallway right outside the doors.
I reach out, running my fingers over the dusty pews. They sit ten deep on
either side of the aisle. There’s an air in this room. It feels like imaginary
hands are wrapped around your throat, suffocating you. Small fingers run
up your spine as if you’re covered in spiders. The high ceilings seem to
groan, and the floors squeak. A cross that hangs on the back wall behind the
stage has long fallen to where it’s upside down.
Coming to the end of the aisle, I walk over to the corner where I saw
Brenda lying on the ground. Where Dax killed her.

Five months ago

I stumble down the hall, carrying a bottle of water I stole out of an ice chest.
I blink rapidly, trying to clear my blurry vision. Fuck, what did I take? That
pill is fucking with me.
“Dax …” I hear a girl laugh.
Aha. I told Scout he was here. I slide my free hand along the wall. This
place was once a gorgeous palace, but now it’s nothing but a dirty shack.
The walls have holes and burn marks on them from the fire. What was once
an exquisite wallpaper is now black and peeling all over—well, what’s left
of it anyway.
I come to the chapel as I hear her again. “I’m not in the mood.”
“Ah, come on, babe. You just sent me those dirty pictures. Now I want the
real thing.”
Is Dax seeing someone? I haven’t heard him mention it to anyone. If so,
Scout would have told me. Or I would have seen them together. I’m always
with the guys.
I manage to push off the wall as she goes on. “I said no. Not here. Not
Her words are cut off as I step inside the chapel. I don’t see anything at
first. Just the rows of old church pews on either side.
“And I said I don’t give a fuck.” I hear him growl.
I make my way to the end of the aisle and stop at the altar and look to the
right. A girl lies on her back on the old dingy floor over by the far corner
underneath where a window once was, and now it’s just a hole in the wall.
Her skirt is pushed up to her waist. One hand is pressed over her mouth and
another around her neck. Her arms flail aimlessly in the air. A man
straddles her. His hips thrust forward over and over.
I open my mouth to scream for help, but a hand slaps over it while
another arm wraps around my waist, shoving my arms down to my side and
causing me to drop my drink. The water comes up and splashes my legs. I
try to fight them, but I’m too fucked up. That pill making my vision blur in
and out.
“Just in time, Henley,” someone whispers so low in my ear. I’m not sure
if he said it or I imagined it.
I can hear kids laughing and carrying on conversations right outside the
chapel as they walk right by, having no clue what is going on in here. And
no way for me to yell for help.
Dax thrusts his hips back and forth, rocking her body against the floor.
He removes the hand from her mouth, but before she can get anything out,
he wraps that one around her throat too and squeezes. Her lips part, and
she tries to fight him a little longer, but I see her grow weaker by the
second. His hands squeeze around her throat so tight, his knuckles are
white. He’s killing her, and I can’t do a damn thing about it.
Then her arms finally drop to her side, and her body goes limp while he
continues to rape her. After one more thrust, he gets up off her. She lies
there, and I see a pair of panties ripped on the floor next to her. He picks
them up and places them in his pocket. He removes the condom on his still
hard dick and also shoves it into his pocket as well.
Her eyes are still open, and her head is turned. She’s looking right at me.
It’s Brenda Nash. I know her from school. She’s a junior this year.
He bends down and pulls her skirt down over her exposed thighs. Then
he turns to face me. He stops when he sees me. Our eyes meet, and I blink.
My face feels wet. Am I crying? I can’t move.
His eyes go from mine to the guy who holds me in place. “Another one?”
he jokes.
The guy holding me chuckles without saying anything, but he does let me
go and shoves me forward. I trip over my own feet and run right into the
man. “Dax,” I manage to get out.
Wrapping his hand around my neck, he holds me in place. I can’t fight
him. The drugs are too strong, making my body too weak at the moment.
The room alone is starting to spin.
He smiles down at me as though he’s happy I caught him. As if he wanted
an audience. “This is our little secret,” he says, lowering his head to my
neck and inhaling my scent.
I shake uncontrollably against him. But the other guy …?
“Or you’ll be next.” With that, he lets go of me and shoves me forward. I
trip over my own feet and fall next to Brenda’s body. I quickly get up on my
knees and look around for him and the other guy, but they’ve left us here.
“Brenda?” I cry out, my attention going to her. She isn’t moving. I shake
her small body. “Brenda? Wake up.”
I dig my cell out of my pocket and dial 911.

The next thing I remembered, I was standing outside by Jamie’s car

waiting for the cops. Once they arrived, I showed them to the chapel. And
to my surprise, her body was gone. There was no sign of a struggle and no
evidence left behind that Brenda Nash was ever here. Her car wasn’t on the
property. If she had come with Dax that night, he didn’t plan on her leaving
The thought of what I witnessed and not helping her eats me alive. I can
never forgive myself for not doing something more. For not saving her life.
Even if it meant giving her mine.
A noise behind me has me spinning around, but I come to a quick stop
when I see something. No, someone. They’re up on the chancel, crouched
down with their forearms on their thighs. It’s Scout. I can feel it by the way
the hairs on the back of my neck rise.
He wears black jeans, unlaced combat boots, and a black hoodie. It’s up
over his head. I can’t see his eyes, but I know he’s staring right at me. He
has a mask on. It’s solid black with yellow contacts in that glow like two
bright lights.
My spine tingles, and my thighs tighten. It’s like an imaginary rat is
crawling up my back. I want to shout and jump around to try to shove it off,
but I don’t.
Slowly, he rises as though he has all the time in the world and jumps off.
He stalks to me, closing the space between us.
I quickly look around to see that I’m still alone. I should have never left
Lacey. Swallowing, I find my voice. “Scout.”
He comes to a stop before me, and I tilt my head to look up at him. My
palms sweat, and my knees shake.
He says nothing but tilts his masked face.
I look around quickly. “I, uh …”
“Little doll,” he whispers. “We’ve been waiting on you.”
I take a stumbling step back, hitting a pew. My body is shivering, my
heart pounding harder than the music coming from the other side of the
double doors. “I should be going …” I turn to leave, but I’m brought to a
stop when his hands grip my hips, and he yanks me back.
His arm snakes around my waist, holding me in place. “Stay. It’s about to
get interesting, doll.”
“What …?”
I look up to see the other three guys dressed the same as they enter the
room. But they have weapons. The one on the far right—which has to be
Dax, judging by his height—has a baseball bat over his shoulder. The one in
the middle, who I’m guessing is Rellik, holds a knife fisted in his left hand.
And the one on the far left, who I know without a doubt is Law, has a chain
wrapped around his fist. It’s so long it puddles at his boots. They are all
dressed in black with masks over their faces. All the same as Scout’s,
except each one is a different color.
My heart is hammering in my chest, my breathing erratic. Scout’s free
hand comes up to wrap around my throat, and I whimper, my knees
“How do you like it, Hen?” he whispers in my ear.
“W-What?” My voice shakes. To my surprise, none of them laugh at me.
“Sex,” Scout clarifies. “How do you like to be fucked?”
Panic grips my chest, and I try to shove him off, but he’s too strong.
“If I remember correctly, you like it rough. And with an audience,” he
“Please.” I bite my bottom lip before it slips out again. “Scout …”
“If you’re going to beg, then you’ll do it from your knees.” He shoves me
forward, and I trip. My hands slap the dirt-covered concrete along with my
knees. I cry out from the pain that shoots up my arms and legs.
“We all prefer pain more than pleasure.” I hear Dax say.
“Well …” Law chuckles darkly. “Their pain gives us pleasure.”
I snap my head up and blow the loose strands from my slick face.
Law steps forward, and before I can move, he has wrapped the chain
around my neck and pulls me forward, momentarily cutting off my air. He
yanks me to my feet, and I slam into his hard, muscular body. His mask-
covered face is staring down into mine, and he wears white contacts that
make him look even more terrifying than I know he is.
I try to suck in a breath as my face begins to throb from lack of oxygen
but get nothing. I grip the chain in my fists, trying to get it off, but it’s
pointless. The chain is pinching my skin and pulling my hair that’s wrapped
in it.
“A bitch should always be on a leash,” Law states. “On her knees, ready
and willing.”
Unable to get myself free, the panic rises, and I lift my knee, connecting
with his balls, and he drops the chain. As he hits his knees, I run out of the
chapel, shoving the double doors open and heading down the dark hall.
Reaching up, I remove the chain from around my neck and toss it to the
floor. I turn a corner and scream out when I slam into someone.
“Are you okay?” a woman asks me.
“Fine,” I breathe, quickly looking over my shoulder to see if they have
chased me as my heart pounds in my chest.
“Are you sure?” she continues.
I nod quickly and turn back to face her. She looks older than me, but not
by much. Her long dark hair is down and curled in big waves. She wears a
red long-sleeve shirt with the sleeves pushed up. My eyes catch sight of a
scar running along her forearm, then instantly snap up to hers, hoping she
didn’t catch me staring. Her green eyes look me over with worry. And I
wonder if I’ve got marks from the chain around my neck.
“Looks like you’ve seen a ghost,” another woman says, coming up
beside her. The blonde with blue eyes crosses her arms over her chest. Her
eyes go to the ceiling. “I imagine there are a lot in this place.” She smiles as
if she likes that thought.
“Yeah,” I breathe. “I guess.”
“Another reason we should get the fuck out of here.” A guy comes up
behind her and wraps his arms around her shoulders, pulling her back to his
“Give it up, Deke. We’re staying,” the blonde tells him, rolling her eyes,
but she doesn’t push him away. The rock on her ring finger lets me know
he’s either her husband or this is where she brings her side piece. Noticing
his ring confirms it’s her husband.
“This place is identical to Silence,” another man growls, coming to stand
next to the brunette. “Boring and uneventful. At least this place was free.”
She looks up at him and smiles. “Can you try to pretend you want to be
“No,” he replies flatly.
The guy looks like he wants to punch someone in the throat. His blue
eyes are narrowed on nothing in particular, and his plump lips are set in a
hard line.
She turns to face him fully. “I want to be here. Isn’t that good enough?”
she asks, placing her arms around his neck.
He looks down at her, and his hard lines soften just a tad, but he doesn’t
answer her.
I spin around at the sound of my name to see Lacey running toward me.
“Where did you go? I was worried sick about you.” She comes to a stop and
looks at the two couples I ran into. “Oh,” she says, looking back and forth
between them. “Hello. I’m Lacey.” She reaches out her right hand, thinking
I know these people and we’re meeting up with them here.
The brunette I ran into smiles. “Hi. I’m Austin …”
I grab Lacey’s outreached hand and yank it back. We don’t have time for
this. The guys are still here somewhere, and it’s apparent they plan to fuck
with me tonight. “We gotta go,” I announce.
“Where were you?” she asks once we’re away from them.
I look over my shoulder to see if the guys have followed me. All I see are
the couples, and now a third one has joined them. “The Reapers … They—”
“What?” she interrupts. “What did they do?”
“I …” With a deep breath, I rub my sore neck. “They …”
Music begins to pound so loud it shakes the dirty walls. I flinch and place
my hands over my ears. “It’s time!” I shout.
“For what?” she yells back.
“Come on.” I grab her hand, yanking her down the hall, and run back by
the chapel. We come to the end, and you can go right or left to stand on the
circular balcony in the atrium. We choose to go right and squeeze our way
to the railing. Looking down below to the first floor, I see an arena type
structure. It’s the cafeteria where the students once gathered for breakfast,
lunch, and dinner. It’s one of the largest open rooms here at Death Valley.
It’s also where I sat the night Scout brought me inside after he found me
lying on the lawn. They’ve cleared out the tables for the fights.
A man who I know by the name of Matthew stands in the middle dressed
in a pair of stained jeans and a white wifebeater. The music changes to
“Shoots and Ladders” by Korn, and I stiffen as a figure steps into the center.
It’s Scout.
He removes his mask, then his hoodie, and tosses them both over to Law,
who has already discarded his mask. A crowd begins to form below our
balcony on the first floor. I look up to the third, fourth, and fifth levels.
People are hanging over the railing on the open floors above. They’re
banging their hands and large pieces of wood on the concrete. Some even
have chains and bats.
One of the rumors about this place is that the cafeteria is where the boys
would start fights with each other. This was the one time that they were all
crammed into one room at the same time. So they had the staff walk around
the upper levels, giving them a better visual of trouble below—a bird’s-eye
view. The skylights above give us the best lighting. Kids have flashlights,
glow sticks, and some even bring homemade torches.
It makes me think this place was once ran like a prison. But now, imagine
a prison with no guards, no order whatsoever to control the prisoners—that
is what Death Valley is. I’ve seen kids as young as twelve here partying,
and I’ve seen men in their thirties snorting coke off high school girls. There
are no lines that aren’t crossed here.
“What’s going on?” Lacey yells over the music and roar of the crowd.
“He’s about to fight,” I answer, leaning over so she can hear me better.
“That’s the only reason we come here. To fuck, fight, or get high.”
Matthew raises the microphone, smiling as he spins around in a circle.
“Welcome to the GRAVEYARD!” He throws his head back and screams the
last part.
“Graveyard?” Lacey whisper-yells in my ear.
“It’s where they fight,” I answer. “Where the fallen bodies are laid to
Illegal fighting at its finest. Bored rich kids or desperate poor kids—your
wealth doesn’t matter here at the Graveyard; you fight like your life
depends on it. I’ve seen kids even bet pink slips to their cars parked out in
the fields. As long as the fighters agree beforehand, then it’s up for grabs.
Another kid that I’ve never seen before jumps into the center as well.
Kids come here from all around, some even from out of state, to make their
bets and fight their asses off.
The song changes to “The Devil In I” by Slipknot, and both of the guys
raise their fisted hands and start circling the makeshift ring.
Scout throws a punch first. Like always. The guy is never afraid to beat
the shit out of someone. His fist hits the guy so hard that he’s shoved back
into the crowd. They pick him up and practically throw him back in. Scout
kicks his leg out, knocking the guy to his back, then he straddles him, both
of his fists flying as he pounds on the guy’s face.
It only takes a few seconds, and the guy lies there, bloodied face and
passed out cold.
Everyone explodes even louder in cheering him on over the thundering
music as Law yanks him off the guy. He lifts Scout’s bloody right hand into
the air. The floor under my feet shakes with how hard people are stomping
and slapping whatever they can find against the concrete walls. Scout never
does disappoint when it comes to pleasing the crowd. My eyes sweep over
his toned abs and undeniably perfect V even though blood from his
opponent covers most of it. It shouldn’t turn me on, but it does. I should be
disgusted by the very sight of him. After what he’s done to me. After what
he allowed the others to do to me.
I used to be his biggest cheerleader, standing off to the side and cheering
him on. I’d watch him destroy others, and then I’d jump into his arms and
kiss him. Fuck him at the end of the night. Even now, after everything, my
pussy is wet and my nipples are hard.
It’s fucking pathetic.
The crowd begins to chant his last name. He turns and looks up at me
like he feels my stare. And he smirks.
I step back and look at Lacey. “Let’s go.” I’ve had enough of memory
lane tonight. Coming here wasn’t going to accomplish anything except for
them playing with me like a toy and me getting turned on like a complete

I WATCH HENLEY turn and walk away. My smile widens. Our little doll
thinks she can take us on. I know what she’s doing. It’s not going to work,
but I’ll give her time. I’ll let her think she has a chance at beating me.
My eyes slide to the right, and I spot two guys I know. Everyone knows
of them—the Great White Sharks. Cole Reynolds and Deke Biggs moved
here from Oregon. A lot of kids at Westbrook High have older brothers and
sisters who attend UT, so word of them spread like wildfire when they
started at the University of Texas last year.
There are several rumors about them, and their story sounds similar to
the one Henley fabricated. The only difference is Dax really is innocent. He
didn’t rape Brenda, and he sure as hell didn’t kill her. I have a feeling that
the Sharks did exactly what they were accused of but were smart about it. I
know if I ever kill someone, no evidence would be left behind to convict
me. No. I’d bury that body deeper than a man could dig. And I’d frame
someone else to take the fall. Because I’ve seen my father do it a hundred
times in his business.
Always tie up loose ends.
He taught me. And Henley is a big loose end that I would love to tie up
—preferably to my bed.
“Here you go.” Matthew Hope hands me a wad of cash. “It’s all there.”
“I trust you,” I say. He knows if a dollar is missing, I’ll take it out on his
He walks over to the guy I knocked the fuck out. Grabbing his arms, he
pulls him out of the center to the far corner so he can get ready for the next
Law and I walk over to where the rest of our friends stand. Rellik has his
arms crossed over his chest, looking up at the balcony. “What do you think
they’re doing here?” he asks.
“Who?” Law follows his line of sight.
“The Sharks.” Dax growls. “Think they’re here to fight?”
“No.” I snort. According to Deke’s social media pages, his friend Cole
likes to fight. All you have to do is type in his name, and videos pop up of
him kicking other guys’ asses—house parties, parking lots. Doesn’t matter
where they are, you say the wrong thing to him, and you’re fucked.
“Maybe they came to watch you,” Rellik adds.
“Doubtful.” I pull my Graveyard hoodie on. “Come on. We accomplished
what we wanted.”
“You think she’s sticking with her plan?” Law asks, knowing I’m
referring to Henley.
“Yeah. She’s not going to give up that easily.” I hope. Otherwise, there’s
no fun in what we’re doing.
I’ve known her all my life. She wasn’t raised to be a quitter, and that’s
what we’re counting on.
She may believe in God, but he cannot save her from this hell. Down
here, we all worship without the need for redemption.
“How’s your dick?” Rellik jokes to Law.
“It’s okay.” He reaches down and rubs it over his jeans, and adds, “It’ll
be better once I shove it down her throat.”
“I’ll meet you guys back at Westbrook,” Monroe says while staring down
at his phone.
“You sure?” I ask.
He nods. “Got something to take care of.” He turns and walks off.


“Are you okay?” Lacey asks from the passenger seat of my car.
I nod, but my eyes shoot to the rearview mirror to make sure we’re not
being followed. When I see nothing but darkness behind us, I let out a
shaky breath and put my eyes back on the road.
She looks down at her cell and lets out a long sigh.
“Everything okay with you?” I ask, wondering what that phone call
earlier was about.
“Yeah.” She locks her cell and drops it to her lap.
“What about that call? You said it was your foster brother?” I ask, trying
to take my mind off everything that happened this evening.
“He was just calling to tell me that he was staying at a friend’s tonight.”
“What about you?”
“What about me?” she wonders.
“Want to stay with me tonight?” Am I afraid to go home alone? Not sure
I want to acknowledge that right now. My father has been acting weird. My
brother never comes home on the weekends. I wonder if that has to do with
the girl friend he was talking to. No one on my father’s payroll is my friend.
And I’ve got a doll locked in a safe because I’m afraid of it.
It’d be nice to have a sleepover with someone who isn’t trying to bully
“Sure.” I see her smile out of the corner of my eye. “The Millers won’t
“What’s it like living with them?” My father has been friends with the
Millers since I was young. The elite only associates with other elite. And
the Millers are definitely in the top ten families of our city.
“They’re nice.” She gives a soft chuckle. “Always MIA but we could
have been given a much worse family.”
“How many foster kids do they have?”
“There are four of us in total. I’m the oldest, and the youngest is five.”
“Wow. How do they have so many if they’re never there?” I wonder.
“Live-in nannies.”
“May I ask how you ended up with them? If that’s not too personal. I
understand if you don’t …”
“No, it’s fine.” She sighs at my rambling. “I used to live with my mother
and father in Kansas. He was a drunk and abusive. When I was five, my
mother left my father and ran to Texas. She was born here. She wanted us to
start over.” Lacey runs a hand through her hair nervously. “But he found us,
and well …” She lowers her voice. “He killed my mother, then took his
own life.”
“Oh my God,” I gasp in horror. “Lacey, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have
“It’s okay,” she says softly. “You didn’t know, and I don’t talk about it.”
Her eyes drop to her hands knotted in her lap. “I was taken into CPS
custody when I was seven. Only went through two foster homes before the
Millers took me in.” She gives me a reassuring smile, trying to lighten the
mood. “It’s been smooth sailing since then.”
I don’t say anything because I’m not sure what to say to that. The Millers
are good people, but that doesn’t make up for what she’s seen and been


I make my way through the crowd and to my car parked in the field. Scout,
Law, and Rellik all came in Law’s G-Wagon. I drove separately, knowing I
had something to do while out here.
Getting in, I pull out of the gate of Death Valley and go right—the
opposite way of Westbrook.
I place my cell in the cradle and give it a quick glance, watching the live
feed of the woman who stands in the middle of a concrete room, screaming.
Her tears have ruined her perfect makeup that I’m sure took her hours to
apply. Her black T-shirt is ripped, and her jeans are dirty. Her hands are
cuffed in front of her.
I slow the car and pull off the two-lane road onto a gravel road. Pulling
up to the old house, I shut off my car and get out.
Popping my trunk, I grab my Death Valley gym bag and take the steps
two at a time. Her voice travels up the stairs from the basement the moment
I enter. Dropping my bag, I place my ski mask over my head.
“Help me!” she screams frantically. “Please …” she cries. “Someone
help me!”
I smile, making my way down to the basement. When my Timberlands
hit the last step at the bottom of the stairs, she turns to look at me.
“No.” She shakes her head, taking a step back, hitting the wall. “Please
no.” Her wide eyes dart to the stairs behind me, and I take a step to my left,
letting her have some breathing room.
That’s the best part.
The game. The fear. The fucking anticipation. “Go ahead, run.” I smile.
She takes a chance and runs for it. She manages to make it to the second
step before my hand grips her hair, and I yank her backward, her feet
catching air. She screams as I turn, shoving her face-first into the concrete
Her tiny body tries to fight me, but all she accomplishes is shoving her
ass into my growing cock. I reach around and grab the chain linking the
cuffs and lift them above her head, securing them over the hook I’ve placed
in the wall.
I take a step back and admire her. She struggles back and forth, the tips
of her shoes barely touch the ground, guaranteeing she’s not escaping.
“Please … don’t do this.” She cries out, her body shaking while she stares
at the wall she’s chained to.
I kneel, digging into my bag. I grab the large black ball gag. I walk over
to her, grip her hair, and yank her head back, causing her to cry out. I shove
the gag between her parted lips and bring the leather behind her head,
fastening the buckle tightly, making her whimper.
Wrapping one arm around her waist, I pull her from the wall enough for
my free hand to reach around and undo her jeans before yanking them down
her legs along with her underwear. I stand back and smile, pulling the
pocket knife out of my pocket and step back into her. Flipping it open, I cut
through her shirt and the straps of her bra. She dangles before me naked and
ready for whatever the fuck I want to do to her.
Pulling my hard cock out, I stroke it. “Now you’re ready.”

“IT’S TIME, BOYS. Who’s excited?” Law asks, leaning up against his
We’ve waited all week for what we’re about to do. I wanted to push her
further the other night at Death Valley, but we have a plan, and I don’t want
to jump the gun.
Dax doesn’t say a word. He just throws some books in his locker and
then walks off down the quiet hallway. The last bell of the day is about to
ring at any second. He’s been acting weird ever since we caught her in the
chapel last Friday.
“You think he can handle this?” Rellik questions, watching him walk
away. “What if we take this too far?”
“I guess that depends on how far you think is too far.” I state.
“I think killing her is too far,” he says simply.
I shrug. “Then yeah. It might get that far.”
Law snorts. “Starting to feel sorry for her, Rellik?”
Van lets out a growl. “No, but I think Monroe needs to calm down.”
Dax has been quiet. He’s stood back for the most part and allowed us to
do whatever we want when we all know that he’d rather see her suffer more
than she is. He would prefer we make this quick and painful. But the most
painful thing would be to draw out our revenge.
“Easy for you to say. You weren’t the one she turned on,” Law snaps at
“She went for all of us,” he fires back. “Monroe won’t even talk about it.
He hasn’t said one word about her or anything since all this shit went down
and he was arrested.” He sighs. “I just have a feeling we don’t know
everything. And I hope that our plan works because she needs to talk, and
she needs to do it soon. Or even we won’t be able to save her from The
Founders.” Then he too walks away and after Dax.
I look at Law. “What do you think?”
He looks over at me. “I think it’s going to be fun seeing her beg from her
knees.” He pushes off his locker. “And you know how much I love it when
they cry.”
We have a plan, and it starts today. Henley can’t help but be a savior. She
has to be needed. And we’re going to exploit that.
The bell rings, and Law starts walking backward away from me and
winks before spinning around. “Showtime,” he calls out, shoving his way
through the students.
Everyone’s getting ready to go home for the weekend. We haven’t looked
her way since we cornered her at Death Valley last weekend. But we’ve got
the weekend off because we don’t have a game.
Looking ahead to the end of the hall, I smile. Right on time. Lacey walks
out of a class. She always has flown under the radar. She may wear
expensive clothes, but she keeps her head down at all times. Over the past
couple of weeks, she’s picked up Henley’s attention, which means she now
has ours.
Law was right. We can use her.
I look past her to see Law slip into a classroom. He quickly pokes his
head out and nods once, letting me know it’s empty like we expected.
Licking my lips, I walk right into her, letting my shoulder bump into
“Sorry …” She looks up at me, her words cutting off when her eyes meet
This is going to be too easy. We’re in a hallway full of students, and she
already looks terrified. “Lacey.” I smile down at her. “May I speak to you
for a second?”
“I … uh,” she rambles, her eyes wide.
“It’ll only take two seconds.” My hand grips her upper arm, and I pull
her backward and into the classroom where Monroe, Law, and Rellik stand.
I shove her forward into the empty room, and Dax locks the door behind us,
then proceeds to lean against it.
The books she was clutching fall to the floor when she trips over her own
feet. But she chooses to ignore them and instead looks around quickly, her
hair slapping her in her face. She adjusts her glasses and licks her lips
“Hey, Lace.” Law comes up beside her, draping his arm over her
shoulders. She flinches at the touch and tries to pull out of it but is
unsuccessful. “You’re probably wondering why we brought you in here.”
He goes on. “Well, what if I told you that today is your lucky day?” He
spins her around to press her back into his front, then lowers his face to her
neck. “Or maybe we’re the lucky ones …” He trails off, letting the threat
hang in the air.
“Pl … ease,” she begs, tears already flooding her eyes.
“Please what?” he asks her, his lips trailing down her neck. “Please kiss
me?” She whimpers. “Please hurt me?” She sniffs. “This one is my favorite
—please, Law, bend me over and fuck my cunt.”
She begins sobbing. Her small frame shakes uncontrollably against him.
“What about you, Rellik?” He looks up at him. “Which do you prefer?”
He smirks, his earlier reservations now long gone. He understands we
have to do whatever has to be done in order to achieve our goal. Even if that
means using others to our advantage. “You know I’m an ass man.”
“No… no… no…” she cries, squirming in Law’s arms.
“Shh.” Law reaches up with his free hand and grips her chin. “It only
hurts for a minute.”
“Unless you’re into pain.” Rellik steps into her front. They’ve got her
pinned from both front and back. “Then I can make it hurt for days.” He
smiles at her while his hand comes up to her chest, softly skimming her
small breasts over her shirt with the back of his knuckles.
She closes her eyes and bows her head. But Law grips her chin,
preventing it, forcing her to look up at Rellik. “Now, be a good little slut
and say, ‘please, Rellik, fuck my ass,’” Law demands.
She sobs, closing her eyes tightly. Her glasses are falling off her face, but
her arms are pinned down to her side by Law, preventing her from fixing
“See …” Rellik starts as his hand begins to trail lower, down over her
stomach. “According to Henley, Monroe is nothing but a rapist and
murderer. And that makes us guilty by association.” His hand makes it to
her jeans. He runs his fingertips around the button. “Do you agree with that,
“No.” She chokes on the word. “I … don’t.”
“What if I told you that I want to fuck you?” he asks, and she whimpers.
“I know you’re a virgin, and I want your blood all over my cock. Would
you tell me no?”
“Please …”
“Simple yes or no, Lace,” he urges.
“No.” She sniffs. “I’d … tell you nnnooooo.”
He takes a step back from her at the same time Law releases her. He too
takes a step back, both giving her plenty of room to breathe now while Dax
moves away from the door.
She doesn’t waste another second. She runs out of the room, not even
bothering with her books.


I’M WAITING BY my locker for Lacey when I see her all but running
down the hallway, shoving kids out of the way.
“Hey.” I reach out and grab her hand as she goes to pass.
She yelps like my touch was fire. Her eyes meet mine, and she’s crying.
“What’s wrong?” I ask immediately.
She’s shaking, her breathing is ragged. She can’t seem to catch her
breath. “Lacey …”
Her gasp interrupts me, and she looks over my shoulder. I turn to see
Scout, Law, Rellik and Monroe coming down the hallway toward us.
I look back at her. “Did they do something to you?” She’s already
backing away, eyes wide. “Lacey …” Before I can finish, she darts out the
double doors. I spin around just as the guys come up to me. “What the fuck
did you do?” I growl.
“Nothing … yet,” Law answers, licking his lips.
“Scout!” I snap.
He presses his body into mine. His hand comes up, wrapping around my
throat, but not tight enough to take away my air. He drops his lips to my ear.
“We were just having a little fun.”
My heart pounds, and I know he can feel my pulse race under his hand.
“If you touch her, I swear to God …”
His deep chuckle rumbling his chest makes me pause, and I realize what
he did. She’s their next move. He knows I want to protect her. Like I
couldn’t protect Brenda Nash.
I close my eyes. “What do you want?” I manage to say through gritted
“It’s time we quit playing this game, little doll.” His nose runs along my
jawline, and he gently kisses it.
I shiver. I’ve managed to avoid them all week since our interaction at
Death Valley last weekend. I’ve been trying to figure out what I can do to
prove what Monroe did to Brenda. And why I still get turned on when
Scout touches me knowing that if he had the chance, he’d kill me.
“Everyone should know how you feel about me.”
“I think they’re well aware how much I hate you.” I snap, pushing
against him.
His hand around my throat shoves me back into my locker, making it
rattle, getting everyone’s attention who wasn’t already watching the
exchange. “No, how you really feel.”
My heart stops. Suddenly, I understand. His hand around my throat
moves to my hair, and he tilts my head back. My breathing picks up like it
always used to when we were this close. Seeing his eyes full of nothing but
determination makes my stomach drop. I already know what’s coming yet
my thighs tighten.
“Don’t make a scene, little doll,” he whispers.
I’ve never felt more loss. More betrayed than right now. Even after
everything, he’s going to make me humiliate myself. Again. Force me to
either let him publicly claim me as his, or willingly give up an innocent girl
to the wolves. To be picked apart piece by piece. Lacey has already been
through too much. On the other hand, I can take it. This was my plan, right?
He’s just fast-tracking it. But I still have the control here. Who said I have
to pick one or the other? I can handle both.
He doesn’t wait for an answer. Just as his lips lower to mine, I slap him
across the face, causing every conversation in the hallway to come to an
abrupt stop.
My breathing picks up when he pulls back and gives me a smile. He was
testing me. And I realize that I just failed in the worst way. “Stay the fuck
away from me, Scout.” I manage to get out.
His hungry eyes look me up and down before he turns and walks away,
leaving me shaking and embarrassed.
I don’t have time to process what happened or why my pussy throbs at
the thought of us together. Instead, I run out of the school and to my car in
the pouring rain. I squeal my tires out of the parking lot. My windshield
wipers are on full blast, and I’m still having to squint. Lacey couldn’t have
gotten far. I saw her Town Car pulling into the parking lot, so I know she’s
got to be walking.
The moment I turn the first corner, I see her. She’s walking down the side
of the road in the pouring rain. She’s soaked. I slam on the brakes, bringing
it to a stop next to her.
“Get in!” I holler after rolling down the window.
Her wet hair covers her face, shielding her from me. She stares down at
her feet.
“Get in, Lacey.” She continues to ignore me. I shove open my door and
get out, wrapping my arms around myself. The rain making a shiver run
through me. “Do you want them to find you walking on the side of the
street alone?” I call out.
Her feet stop. I don’t want to scare her, but I don’t know what they did to
her, and I’m not about to put anything past them. “Please, get in. I’ll give
you a ride. Anywhere you want to go.”
She turns around slowly, walks back to my car as if we’re not in the
middle of a downpour, and falls into the passenger seat.
I get in and close my door before turning the heater on high along with
her heated seat. “Where to?” I ask, instead of any of the hundred questions
in my head right now. I want to know what I can do. How can I fix this?
But I don’t want to scare her away from me. Scout’s intent was very clear.
If I don’t protect her, she will end up like Brenda Nash.
“Your place,” she whispers with a sniff.


“Would you like a drink?” I ask, entering my house, removing my wet

Westbrook High hoodie and tossing it on the floor in the foyer. My father is
on a business trip for the night, and the staff is off for the weekend. One of
the maid’s daughters is getting married in Houston, and everyone was
invited. I chose to send money instead of making an appearance.
She nods once. The only words she spoke in the car were for me to bring
her to my house. Other than that, she silently sat next to me and sent a
couple of texts.
I enter the chef’s kitchen and open the fridge. “I have Coke, water, Pepsi
“Any alcohol?” she asks in her soft voice.
I close the door. “Yep.” I walk down the hallway toward the back of the
house to the den where my father’s bar is. I go behind it and bend down,
opening the liquor cabinet. “Vodka okay?”
She nods.
I pour two shots and slide one across the countertop as she sits on the
barstool across from me. She surprises me by throwing it back, and it
doesn’t even faze her.
“What?” she asks, catching me staring at her.
“Nothing. I just … I just didn’t think you were the type to drink.” She
had never been to Death Valley, and that’s where everyone goes to party, so
I just assumed that she didn’t.
She places it back on the bar and speaks. “Another.”
I fill it up. And she does the same thing.
“I …” Clear my throat. “I just want to say I’m sorry.”
“Don’t.” She raises her hands. “Don’t apologize for their actions. It’s not
your fault.”
I sigh. “But it is. I’m the only one who saw Monroe with Brenda. I called
the cops. Now they want to destroy me. And obviously they’ve noticed you
hanging out with me.”
She takes the bottle from me and pours herself another drink. “She was in
love with him.”
“Who?” I ask, confused by her confession.
“Brenda. She was in love with Dax. I think he might have been in love
with her too.” She shrugs. “Although I can’t speak for him. Obviously.”
I begin to laugh and pour myself a shot. “No way.”
“Why don’t you believe that? Are you saying she wasn’t good enough for
him?” she snaps, her eyes growing hard.
“No. Not at all.” I lick my lips. “I’m just saying … I would have known
that.” Wouldn’t I? He was one of my best friends. He never spoke of her or
even looked at her in the halls that I know of. Or maybe I just didn’t pay
close enough attention.
“Well, you also didn’t know he was a rapist.” She growls.
I drop my eyes to look at my shot glass and let out a long breath. “You’re
“I’m sorry.” She sighs, running a hand through her wet hair.
“Don’t be. It’s not your fault.” I tell her the same thing she told me.
“I’m just …” She bangs her fist on the bar top. “I hate not having control.
Being threatened. And I hate most of all that I couldn’t testify about what
happened. I may not have seen what you did, but I knew about their
relationship.” She pours herself another drink, and I see her hand shaking.
“I was a minor,” she begins, putting the bottle down. “I couldn’t testify
without parental consent, and there’s no way the Millers would have
allowed that. They are close to the Monroes.”
My father had to sign for me to testify. I never thought about others
needing permission.
“She had big plans after high school.” She goes on at my silence.
“Brenda wanted out of this town and to never look back.” She gives a soft
smile as if she’s praying for the same escape. “She hated all the money and
the stuck-up snobs.”
“And she was going to leave with Monroe?”
She shrugs. “I don’t know if she had all the details worked out. She
would have gone anywhere he did if he had let her.”
I run a hand down my face. “I had no idea it was serious. Hell, the first
time I ever saw them together was that night.”
“Yeah, well I always thought that Dax was a good guy. Full of himself,
but a decent human being.” She lowers her voice. “Until after that.”
“Me too,” I mumble to myself and pour us both another drink.
She sighs heavily, looking down at her wet shirt.
“Would you like some dry clothes?” I ask as the thunder rattles the walls.
“That would be great.” She gives me a thoughtful smile.

THE CLOCK ON the wall in the den reads a quarter till eleven. We’ve been
drinking for so long that my lips are numb, and my mind is stuck in a haze.
The room spins, and I’m pretty sure I could get sick at any moment.
The smart TV is on with Spotify blaring “Let You Go” by Machine Gun
Kelly through the surround sound speakers. We finished off the bottle of
vodka and moved on to tequila. I’m going to feel like shit tomorrow.
“I’ll be right back,” she slurs before running out of the room, but she
almost trips over the corner of the carpet.
“Okay.” I laugh and kneel in front of the liquor cabinet. “Who’s next?” I
ask myself as I eye all the bottles.
Just as I reach for the Jim Beam, the music stops playing. I stand and see
the TV is turned off completely. Did the storm take out the electricity? My
drunk ass realizes the lights are still on. And I think it stopped storming
hours ago.
Walking around the bar, I make it over to the coffee table and pick up the
remote. I have to squint to look over all the buttons. After making a good
guess, it begins to play. I spin around to go back to the bar when a hand
slaps over my mouth and another one wraps around my waist, almost
picking my feet up off the floor.
My hands come up to pull them away as I try to scream, but nothing
comes out, and their grip just tightens.
“Shh,” a familiar voice whispers in my ear. “I wanted you to hear the best
Moments later, I hear a shrill scream come from upstairs, and knowing
that it’s Lacey, I begin to fight with what little strength I have.
Law holds me in place as Dax enters the den, dragging her behind him by
her hair. Bringing her around to his front, he too slaps a hand over her
mouth and pulls her back to his chest.
Thrashing around trying to free myself doesn’t do me any good. In my
drunken state, I’m already exhausted. But then Law let’s go of me. I
stumble forward and spin around to face him. “You son of a …” My words
die when I catch sight of Scout sitting on the couch. How long has he been
sitting there?
Scanning the room, I see Rellik sitting in the recliner by the wall, typing
away on his phone.
“What are you … why are you here? Get the fuck out!” I shout.
“We’re here because you owe me a little something,” Scout states, and
my stomach drops.
No, no, no, this can’t be happening. I shake my head. “I don’t owe you
“You don’t even know what I want yet.” He smiles.
“I have an idea. Get the fuck out.” I begin to walk toward Lacey to save
her from Dax.
Law reaches out and grabs me, bringing me to his front once again.
“Why don’t you enlighten us. Hmm? What do we want, doll?”
I close my lips tightly and refuse to say anything. Not letting them see
what I’ve been thinking about ever since I returned home. How my knees
shake with need. How my pussy tightens with anticipation. And how my
nipples harden anytime I hear his voice. Once they realize how I still feel
about Scout, they’ll all use it against me.
“Oh, come on, beautiful. Tell us what we already know you want,” Law
urges. He runs his hand through my hair. It’s dried over the hours, but it’s a
tangled mess because I haven’t brushed it since we got home. “How long
has it been since you’ve been fucked?”
My heart begins to race at his question. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
Way too long. But I don’t tell them that.
Law chuckles. “I have a bet with Scout that you’ve been with at least five
other guys while you were gone.”
I don’t want them to know that the only two men to ever touch me are
both currently in this room. I’d rather them think I’m a whore, especially
after what they saw me do with Datson.
Scout stiffens on the couch, his eyes hardening. He doesn’t want to play
this game. “Get naked, drop to your knees, and crawl to me. Beg me to fuck
you,” he demands, getting down to it.
I let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding. “No,” I whisper. I
won’t be able to stop myself or what my body has been craving. I’ll
humiliate myself.
Law spins me around to face Dax and Lacey. “If you don’t do as he says,
Scout will hold you down while the three of us each take our turn with her.”
Lacey sobs behind Dax’s hand. His free hand reaches up and grabs her
boob over her shirt. She squirms, her cries growing louder, but she can’t
stop him. He’s too big and powerful for her.
“Stop!” I shout.
“This is who I am, right?” His hand massages her breast harder, and she
squeezes her eyes shut.
I run to them, to jump on Dax, but my hair is fisted, and I’m jerked to a
stop. I cry out, trying to reach behind me to get Law to let go.
“Whoa.” He laughs, spinning me around by my hair. He tightens his
hand, and the pinpricks of pain in my scalp drop me to my knees. The room
sways at the sudden movement and alcohol. “I sure do love when they’re
“You’re forcing me.” I grind out to Scout, sucking in a deep breath. I
have to make them believe I’m being forced even though they know I want
it. I hate that they can read me so well.
“Of course not.” He scoffs as if that’s an insane interpretation of what’s
right in front of me. “I’m giving you choices.” He leans back, placing his
arms across the back of the couch and getting comfortable. “You or her.”
He wants me to sacrifice my dignity for her because he knows I’ll choose
her in the end.
Law has managed to get me on my knees, his hands still fisted in my
ratted hair. But my pause irritates Scout. He looks at Dax and snaps his
fingers. “You know what to do.”
“No!” I shout out and manage to get to my shaky legs. Law lets go of me.
Swallowing what little pride I have left, I grip the hem of my shirt and
pull it over my head before removing my bra. Then I unbutton my jeans.
My shaky hands fumble with the zipper.
“Henley!” Lacey shrieks, and I look over at her. Dax has removed his
hand from her mouth, but now holds her arms down by her side. “Don’t do
this.” She shakes her head. “Not for me.”
My stomach tightens. Does she not think she’s worth saving? Does she
think she owes these bastards something? “It’s all right.” I tell her.
Someone steps up behind me, and I stiffen.
“That’s right,” Law speaks. The fucker does not comprehend personal
space. “Our little doll likes when we play with her.” He brushes my hair off
my shoulder. I pull away, but his hand grips the loose strands and yanks my
head back, forcing me to stare up at the ceiling.
My teeth grind.
“Stop. Stop!” Lacey yells. “Just leave us alone.”
“You’re upsetting her,” Law whispers in my ear. “Tell her how much you
love us.” His free hand comes around to my jeans. They’re unbuttoned and
unzipped but still pulled up around my waist.
My breath hitches when his fingers slide inside them, then my
underwear. He begins to massage my clit. And my eyes close.
I don’t even try to pull away, which gives me away immediately. My
head is swimming in alcohol, and my thong is already wet.
He jerks my head to the side, his lips nipping my ear, making my breath
come faster, and goose bumps cover my skin.
“Tell her,” he orders roughly, letting me know he is just as into it as my
body is. Just in case his hard cock pressing against my ass doesn’t give him
“I do,” I whimper when he enters two fingers into my pussy.
“Do what?” He kisses down my neck.
“I like it.” My body gives up what little fight it had when he nips my
neck. I suck in a ragged breath when his fingers pick up their pace.
“Louder,” he growls, entering a third one.
“I like when … you play with me.” I manage to get out.
“You fucking love it.” He growls, his arm holding me tighter. “Dolls like
being used. And what are you?”
His fingers slow, and I slump against him in disappointment. “I’m your
“And?” he questions.
“I like being used.” I breathe, my hips moving to the rhythm of his
“Yes, you do,” he agrees, and his fingers begin fucking me so hard that if
I wasn’t drunk, it would probably be painful.
“Show us, little doll, just how much you like when we play with you.”
Law growls.
I tune him out, along with all the background noise. I ride his hand and
feel my body tighten as that sensation creeps up my spine. It’s been too long
since I’ve felt it.
Panting, knees shaking, and gasping for breath, I come all over his
fingers in the middle of my father’s den in front of four guys.
I’m lost in the madness while my body spins out of control.
“Let’s get rid of these.” Law brings me back and yanks my jeans and
underwear down my legs. I’m unsteady so he has to catch me from falling
into the coffee table.
My heavy eyes look at Scout.
“I’m waiting.” He sighs as if bored. The orgasm that Law just gave me
not doing anything for him.
I fall to my knees out of necessity more than obeying his command. They
weren’t going to be able to keep me upright much longer. And I crawl to
He doesn’t move to touch me. My eyes fall to his jeans, and I see the
outline of his hard dick. A moment of clarity gets through the alcoholic fog,
and I think about how vulnerable he’s about to be. I’ll have all the power. I
can’t take all four of them at once, but I could hurt him in a very bad way.
“Don’t even think about it,” Law says, coming up behind me, looming
over me. “If you so much as scrape your teeth against his cock, I will break
your jaw.” He kneels behind me and wraps his hand around my throat,
causing me to lift my chin. “And you won’t look as pretty with it wired
I whimper at the threat.
“Not to mention, you won’t be able to suck our cocks.” He makes a
tsking sound of disapproval. “If that were to happen, we’d be forced to use
Lacey’s. You don’t want that, do you, little doll?”
“No,” I whisper.


She looks beautiful kneeling between my legs. Where she belongs. She’s
breathing heavily, her face red from embarrassment and pleasure.
I don’t reach out to touch her. Instead, I stay right where I am. Her eyes
drop to my jeans, and she licks her lips. We might be forcing her, but we all
know she wants it. She proved that by allowing Law to finger-fuck her in
front of all of us.
Oh, doll, you just showed us the only card you had to play.
Without another word, she reaches out and undoes my jeans. I lift my
hips when she reaches inside and pulls out my hard dick. It stands at
attention, ready to be devoured by my little doll.
I can’t count the times I’ve jacked off while thinking about her since she
left me. I hate that even after what she did to my friends and me, I still
wanted her.
She whimpers when Law reaches forward and grabs her arms. Bringing
them behind her back, he secures her wrists in one hand while the other
gathers her hair and holds it off her face. “I always loved watching you
swallow his cock,” he says, making her shiver.
I never hid her from the guys. And she never shied away from how much
she craved me while around them. It wasn’t like we all took our turn with
her, but we never made them leave the room when we decided to get it on.
I fucked her as often as I could. Dax only had her once. A part of me
hates that she gave him something she could never give me. And I think
that’s why I don’t feel remorse for what we’re putting her through now. I
deserved her first, and she threw it to Dax just to make me jealous. Well, it
worked, Henley.
She was meant to be mine!
I was meant to own her!
We all agree on that. And although she’ll be mine in the end, I don’t
mind sharing her right at this moment. The four of us can manipulate her
more than just myself.
She licks her lips when Law pushes her head forward, and she takes me
into her mouth.
I throw my head back, laying it on the couch, and close my eyes. My
arms still fan the back of the cushions, and my fingers dig into the leather
when Law pushes her head farther down to swallow me. She gags on it.
“That’s the sound I wanted to hear.” Law praises her.
I shove my hips upward when she sucks up the shaft. I raise my head and
look down, watching her. Law kneels behind her, controlling her every
move. He sets a rhythm, her head bobbing up and down, and she opens her
throat up for me, allowing me to go deeper.
Fuck, she always was good at swallowing my dick.
“Fuck,” I groan.
He pulls her head back, my cock falling from her mouth, allowing her to
take a quick breath, and then lowers her head once again.
Her eyes are shut tight. Her spit runs down my dick, and every now and
then, she shifts her hips while she moans. I wanted Law to hold her down so
I could lick her cum from her pussy after he got her off, but I chose to stay
put. I had already ordered her what to do. I wasn’t going to go to her. She
needed to willingly come to me.
She submitted because she wanted to.
My balls tighten, and Law presses her head down; her face shoved
against my body while my cock reaches the back of her throat. She shifts on
her knees, her throat tightening against my dick like a vise as she swallows
my cum.
Once done, he pulls her head back, forcing her to look up at the ceiling.
Her lips are parted, eyes still closed, and she’s gasping.
“You’re such a good little doll.” Law kisses the side of her neck.
I push my still hard cock into my jeans and zip them up before reaching
into my front pocket. I pull out the black choker and lean forward, wrapping
it around her neck and fastening it in the back.
Law lets go of her, and I grip her chin. “Look at me.”
She opens her heavy eyes. Tears run down her face, and she’s still trying
to catch her breath. Fuck, I’m still so hard. I could go again and again. I
could make her beg me all night. But that’s not the plan.
“Do not take this off, do you understand me?” I speak slowly but firmly,
making sure she can comprehend what I’m saying to her.
“Yes,” she answers roughly.
“This is a gift, doll.”
“Gift,” she repeats before swallowing.
With that, I get up and look at Dax. “Let her go.”
He releases her, and she runs over to Henley as we show ourselves to the
door. Until another day, doll.

I OPEN MY heavy eyes and groan. Rolling onto my side, I pull my knees
to my chest, lying in the fetal position.
Everything hurts, including my pride. The thing that I hate the most is
that I was turned on last night. That not only did I get wet, but I also came
all over Grayson Law’s fingers.
What is wrong with me?
I open my eyes to see Lacey lying in front of me on the den floor. After
the guys left last night, she laid down beside me, and we both passed out
from the alcohol.
Her eyes fall to the choker around my neck, and she sniffs.
“Hey, don’t cry,” I say roughly. My voice is gone, and my throat sore
from last night’s activities. Law didn’t go easy on me when I was on my
knees for Scout. He wanted to prove a point—they own me.
“You shouldn’t have done that.” Tears fill her eyes.
“It was my choice,” I tell her.
She closes her eyes, and the tears roll down the side of her face and fall
onto the floor.
I reach out and run my hand down her arm. She covers her face and cries
into her hands.
“Lacey …” I pull her into me. “It’s okay.” I rub her back. “I promise you
that they will not touch you.”
Her cries grow louder, but I hear her whisper, “Thank you.”
I dropped Lacey off at her house after we were able to pull ourselves off
the floor and took showers. She said she had to get home before the Millers
sent the police out to find her since she didn’t tell them she wasn’t coming
home last night.
After I dropped her off, I went back home, crawled into my bed, and
passed the fuck out for the rest of the day.
By the time I wake up, it’s dark outside. I manage to stumble downstairs
to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water. My throat is still sore and dry as
fuck as if I’ve been sucking on sandpaper.
I remove the lid from the water bottle and toss it back. I down half of it
before I yank it away and suck in a deep breath.
Placing it back to my lips, I turn around, only to spit it out. Cold water
runs down my chin and shirt. I scream, stepping back, and my ass hits the
fridge. “God.” I place my hand over my now wet shirt.


Water runs down her chin and onto her shirt. Reminds me of her
swallowing Scout’s cum last night.
Lucky fucker.
She’ll be sucking my cock soon enough. This only works if we all use
our little doll. “I’ve never been referred to as God before, Henley. But I like
the sound of it.” I chuckle.
Her wide eyes quickly dart around the room.
“I’m alone.” I wave off her concern. Not that me coming here solo is any
less of a threat.
Her shoulders fall as if she relaxes at my words. “How do you keep
getting in?”
I hold up my car keys and then grab the one that gives me access to this
house. “We each have our own copy.”
She looks away. “And the staff just allows you to have free access to my
If only she knew how much I’ve been here since she left. She’d be
extremely pissed. But all things will come to light in time.
“I’m changing the locks,” she mumbles at my silence.
My laughter grows. “A lock isn’t going to stop us, doll.”
Her hands fist, and it just makes the water squirt out of the water bottle
and drip onto the floor. “Haven’t you had enough fun for the weekend?” she
“Oh, what happened last night …” I pause, rubbing my fingers over my
chin. “That’s just the beginning.” She swallows nervously. “See, Henley.
Dax wants you dead. He wants to make you so fragile and weak that you
can’t stand the sight of your own face.”
“And you?” she questions slowly.
I smirk, my eyes dropping to her wet shirt. “You’re no use to me dead,
“Does Scout know that you’re here?” She changes the subject.
I tilt my head to the side, furrowing my brows. “Do you think he would
save you if he did?”
She says nothing to that because she knows the truth. After last night,
there is no doubt that the Reapers are all on the same page. I walk over to
the kitchen island and pick an apple out of the glass bowl. I take a big bite
and speak after I swallow. “I will say that Lacey surprised me.”
Her eyes narrow at my words. “You better not touch her.”
I smile and point at her with my hand holding the apple. “See, that’s why
I like you. You’re a savior.”
“Law …”
“It’s a downfall for most, but you … you’re that girl who sees a wounded
little animal and drops everything to save it. Even if that animal were to
turn on you and eat you.” I drop the half-eaten apple back in the bowl and
walk over to her.
She presses her back into the fridge.
I reach out, and she sucks in a breath. My fingers outline the choker that
she still wears, my eyes following it. “Wear this with pride, doll.” My eyes
meet hers. “You earned it.” And you’ll continue to earn it.
“Why are you here, Law?” she grits out, getting annoyed.
“Just wanted to check on you. You were pretty wasted last night.”
She snorts at my lie. “And don’t forget you forced me to suck Scout’s
“Forced?” I shake my head. “I think you had more to drink than I
“Yes,” she growls. “You forced me.”
I reach into my pocket and remove my cell. I go to the group chat I have
with the guys and pull up the video that Rellik sent the group this morning.
I push play and hold it up to her face.
It’s of us playing with our doll last night.
“You recorded it,” she says with a little hint of excitement.
I laugh, knowing exactly what her pretty little head is thinking. “This
isn’t incriminating.”
“It proves that you …”
“You never once said no, Hen.”
She looks up at me, and I see what little hope she had fade out of her blue
“You allowed me to touch you. You allowed me to get you off. You
removed your shirt and your bra before you let me finger-fuck you and
remove your jeans. And that was all before you willingly crawled to Scout,
unzipped his pants, and sucked his cock.” Rellik kept the video on her at all
times. Not once does he show Lacey or Dax. As far as this video shows, she
let me get her off, and she sucked Scout’s dick. And she admitted that our
little doll likes to be played with.
“No …” she whispers.
“You came all over my fingers, baby. And you even begged for it.” A
tear runs down her cheek, and I watch it. She’ll cry next time she’s on her
knees for me. “If you cry rape, this video will be uploaded to every social
media outlet there is. And it’ll be worse than last time you did so.”
She grinds out. “I saw Dax that night …”
“Keep lying, Henley, but no one is going to believe it. Not then. Not now.
Not ever.” With that, I turn to leave. My part of the plan is done for the day.
“And Lacey?” she calls out. “What about her?”
I stop and turn back around to face her. I debate on what to say to her
regarding Lacey but decide it won’t hurt to be truthful to her this one time.
“I promise you. You do your part, and she won’t be touched.”
“My part of what exactly?”
I don’t answer. She’s been told enough for now. Instead, I just smile and

I WAKE TO my cell ringing and see it’s Lacey. “Hello?” I sit up quickly.
“You okay?” What if the guys got to her? The Founders are all close to the
Millers. The guys could get into her house easily and hurt her.
“I’m fine. Were you sleeping?” she asks in a chipper voice, which makes
me frown.
“No, I was … yeah …” I laugh, deciding not to lie. “Just getting in a
nap.” It’s only Saturday, but it’s already been a long weekend.
“Well, get up. Let’s go out tonight.”
I stretch, yawning. “Where to? And what time is it?” I didn’t think this
girl was that big of a partier. I stand corrected. Seems she’s got a little touch
of freedom and has decided she likes it.
“It’s still early. Not even eight yet. And I was scrolling through social
media and saw where that new night club just opened up. It’s eighteen and
above, but I know the bouncer. He can get us in.”
I frown. “That sounds boring. We can get in, but we can’t drink. At least
at a house party, we can.” Listen to me, I’m still hungover, yet alcohol is on
my mind.
“Oh, he’ll totally give us wristbands. We’ll get drinks. All night.”
I run a hand through my hair. “Okay. I can be ready in two hours.” I need
another shower and time to do my hair and makeup. If we’re going out to a
place where I don’t know anyone, I have to look my best. Not to mention
older than seventeen.
“Okay. Let’s do an Uber. I don’t want to chance driving.”

Four hours later, we’re drunk and dancing on a small dance floor. Men
have been buying us shots since we entered the doors. I took an Uber to her
house, picked her up, and then we came here.
I’m spinning around in circles when I spot a blurry figure over in the
corner. I come to a sudden stop and sway a little bit. “Motherfucker,” I hiss.
“What?” Lacey asks, laughing.
Placing my hands on my hips, I storm over to the back corner where a
round table sits. “Just what in the fuck do you think you’re doing here?” I
Scout sits back, taking a sip of his water. Law just smirks, smoking a
“Seriously? How did you know where I was?” I shout.
“We’ve always got eyes on you, doll,” Scout answers.
“Don’t call me that.” I slam my hands down on the table, leaning over it.
Stupid on my part. It just gives them a perfect view down my very low-
cut dress. Law licks his lips while dropping his eyes to stare at them, and
Scout smiles.
“What the fuck?” Lacey hisses, coming up beside me.
My thoughts exactly.
“You keep surprising me, Lace.” Law winks at her. “I like being kept on
my toes. And I’d like to keep you on your knees.”
“Not happening.” She rolls her drunk eyes. I’ve come to notice that
Lacey has a lot more confidence when she’s intoxicated. I wish she was like
this all the time. Instead, she hides at school. I want to think that I have had
something to do with this. That I’ve helped her come out of her shell. Even
if it is just for a short time.
“Scout!” I growl, getting back to the point. “How did you find me here?”
“It’s not important.” He shrugs it off.
“Of course, it is.” They have keys to my house. They know where I’m at
any given second of the day. And they know my weakness. She’s standing
right next to me.
“Hey, sexy. There you are.” The guy I was dancing with three songs ago
comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He pulls my
back into him. “Fuck, I missed you.” He licks up my neck, and I watch
Scout’s careless attitude instantly turn dark, and the fire begin to burn in his
green eyes.
Instead of pushing the much older stranger away, I pull him closer,
knowing it’ll piss Scout off.


I see fucking red as I watch the guy old enough to be her father pull her into
him. She turns her head, whispering in his ear, and laughs as he pulls her
back onto the dance floor. Her ass bounces as she practically skips in her
Gucci heels. Her dark hair is down, and she tosses it over her shoulder so he
can lean down and whisper into her ear. Her fake fucking laughter makes
my skin crawl.
“Law, I think it’s time to take Lace home.” I drop the hint that I know
he’ll understand. I’m about to beat the fuck out of a guy, and I don’t need an
“Yep.” He stands from the booth. “Same thing I was thinking.”
Lacey starts to walk away from the table, but he grabs her and drags her
toward the exit. She tries to call out to Henley in warning, but he’s got her
out the door before she gets the chance. Thankfully I had him meet me here
instead of riding together.
I can’t make a big scene, though. I’m underage and paid the bouncer a
hefty amount to let us in. I’m not here to drink. I’m here to watch my doll.
To see what she’d do without being supervised. She has proven that she’s
going to need around-the-clock supervision. I’m going to have to change
things up a little.
I watch, hands fisted and heart pounding in my chest. But I sit back and
allow him to dance with her as though he’s taking her home. She laughs as
if she’s got daddy issues and is going to spread her legs for this bastard
because he bought her a few shots and twirled her around a dance floor.
I get it, little doll. You want me to think you’ll let anyone play with you.
Too bad that’s not how this game is played.
You’re my doll. My toy to mark, my toy to fuck.
Henley will crawl to me for forgiveness once I’m done with her.
The song comes to an end, and he pulls her over to the bar. He orders a
few drinks, pays for them, and then whispers in her ear.
I sit up when I see him walk toward the men’s room at the back. I get up,
knowing this is my only chance. Entering the restroom, I wait for him to do
his business. Of course, the fucker chose a stall.
A few seconds later, he exits and stumbles to the sink. The bastard is
drunker than she is. He whistles a merry tune while washing his hands.
Yanking towels from the dispenser, he turns to face me. “Hey …”
I punch him in the face, knocking his head back. His body hits the
countertop, and I hit him again. He falls to the nasty fucking floor, knocked
the fuck out.
I pull my cell out of my pocket and his wallet out of his. I take a picture
of his driver’s license, making sure I have all the information I’m going to
need. Then I put my cell away and exit the bathroom, walking right out the
back door and leaving her there alone.

I REMOVE MY cell from my clutch and call for an Uber. I don’t know
when Lacey left me here, but she’s not answering my calls. Somehow, Law
and Scout both left, and the nasty bastard who I danced with just to piss off
Scout is gone.
I guess luck decided to go my way after all. I’m standing outside when
my Uber pulls up. I fall into the back seat and give him my address.
Opening my cell back up, I send a text to Lacey, hoping she made it
home safely, and let her know I’ll call her tomorrow once I wake up. Then I
throw my head back and close my eyes, hating how my head pounds. Fuck,
I shouldn’t have had that much to drink. When will I learn my lesson?
“Are you sure you gave me the right address?” The Uber driver gets my
“Yes. Why?” I mumble, my eyes still closed.
“Because I’m pretty sure the place is on fire.”
My eyes spring open, and I sit up. Grabbing the front seats, I pull myself
forward to practically sit between them, gasping at the scene before me.
Lights. So many flashing lights sit parked in our circular driveway.
Several fire trucks, an ambulance, and multiple police cars.
As soon as he comes to a stop, I jump out, running toward the house. But
I’m grabbed from behind. “Miss, you can’t go in there,” an officer tells me.
“I live here,” I manage to say although my throat is closing. It smells like
a fire, and smoke is coming from the house while firefighters have their
hoses, trying to put it out.
“I’m sorry.” He begins to pull me back. My heels scrape across the
driveway. “But I can’t let you enter the house.”
“My dad. My dad was home.” I try to jerk away from him. “He …”
“The paramedics are attending to him.” He points over at an ambulance
that faces us.
I manage to get my arm loose and run over to it. “Dad?” I shout,
rounding the back. My drunk legs almost unable to stop me from a face-
plant into the open door.
He sits on a gurney inside the ambulance with an oxygen mask to his
face. “What happened?” I ask wide-eyed.
He removes it, getting off the gurney. “I’m fine, Hen. What are you
wearing?” He looks over my very short dress and high heels. “And where
have you been?” He came home this morning, and I didn’t tell him I was
going out tonight.
“What happened?” My chest tightens, and tears fill my eyes, ignoring his
questions. “How did this happen?”
He jumps out of the ambulance and wraps his arms around me. “There
was an explosion in the kitchen. They suspect a gas leak, but an
investigation will tell us more.”
I tighten my hold on him. “But you’re okay?”
“Yeah. I promise.” He kisses my hair. “Why do you smell like tequila and
cigarette smoke?” he asks.
“Ma’am, you can’t be here.” I hear that same officer from a second ago
talking behind me.
“It’s fine, Welling. They’re here for me.” My father speaks, making his
chest rumble against mine and allowing me to avoid his previous question.
He’ll be pissed if he knew where I was.
I pull back from him. “Who is here for you?” I ask, looking up at him.
His face softens, and he reaches out his right hand. I see someone walk
around me and take it, but I don’t pay the person any attention.
“Honey, remember how I told you that I need to tell you something,” he
says slowly.
Does he know I’m drunk? That my head is spinning? That I’m about to
lose my fucking shit. I nod but am confused what that has to do with part of
our house blowing up.
“James, I don’t think now is the time.” I hear a feminine voice say, but
my watery eyes stay trained on my father. He’s finally going to tell me what
the fuck he’s been trying to tell me for over two weeks. Just took an
explosion to get to it. I wish I was sober for this.
“It is.” He straightens his shoulders. “Henley, you already know Lisa, but
what I’ve been trying to tell you is that we’ve been dating. And just recently
got engaged.”
My wide and blurry eyes go to the woman who stands next to him. His
hands in hers, and I don’t miss the massive rock on her ring finger. “No,” I
whisper, taking a step back from them.
This isn’t happening.
“I told you,” she whispers softly toward him.
He pulls her in for a hug and speaks to her softly. “We’ve hid it long
enough, darling. It was time.”
“But it shouldn’t have been this way,” she argues.
“No, no.” I shake my head. I’m drunk. More than I’ve ever been. Maybe
I’m passed out in my bed and dreaming this.
“Especially now that we’re going to be living with you while the house is
being fixed,” he adds.
“Dear God, no.” My chest tightens, restricting my air.
My father’s eyes narrow on me. “Henley, that kind of attitude is not
going to be tolerated.”
Did I say that out loud? “Dad.” I lick my numb lips. “I can’t …”
“You can,” he orders.
“I won’t,” I argue. He can’t make me. I refuse to be in that house.
“You will,” he states. I open my mouth, but he continues. “And I don’t
want any argument from you about it, young lady. Lisa was nice enough to
open her house to us during this time, and I won’t allow you to be
disrespectful.” With that, he turns and walks off with her hand in hand.
This is the worst possible outcome that I never saw coming. How could
he? When did he?
I spin around to run the other way but come face-to-face with the last
person I want to see. He crosses his arms over his chest and smiles down at
me, making my heart stop. “Hello, sis.”


This isn’t how I wanted Henley to find out my mother is engaged to her
dad, but I am glad that I got to see the exchange. Watching the ground
ripped out from underneath her was a nice touch to an already satisfying
She looks like she’s seen a ghost, and it makes me even more excited.
Having her under my roof is going to be the best fucking gift anyone could
give me.
“Hey?” a man calls out to my right.
I turn to look at him. He’s got his head sticking out of the driver side
window of his Prius. “Yeah?”
“She owes me money.” He points at Henley, who still stands there like
the doll she is—motionless and beautiful.
Pulling my wallet out, I throw him some cash, not even bothering to
count it. “Thanks.” And I wave him off.
I grab her hand and pull her over to my Aston Martin One-77. She
doesn’t even try to fight me when I place her in my passenger seat and close
the door. Walking around to the driver’s side, I get in and start it up.
My mother called me after I dropped Lacey off at the Millers. She told
me what had happened and asked me to come pick up Henley. I was more
than happy to do it.
I pull out of her driveway and give her a quick look. “I’ve always wanted
a sister.”
She looks over at me, and she has tears in her eyes.
“You know …” I reach over, placing my right hand on her bare thigh,
and she stiffens as I squeeze, digging my fingers into her soft flesh. “Of
course, we’re not blood, so …”
She reaches over and grabs the steering wheel, yanking it to the right.
The car veers off the side of the road, and I slam on the brakes just in
time before it hits a fucking tree. “What the fuck!” I shout.
She opens the car door and jumps out.
I do the same, running after her. She’s drunk, and her stumbling slows
her down in her five-inch heels. Wrapping my arm around her stomach, I
lift her up off her feet. She begins screaming at the top of her lungs, so I
place my free hand over her mouth to shut her the fuck up.
I carry her back to the car, the headlights blinding us as she squirms in
my arms. But I’ve got a death grip on her. “Calm down.” I growl, getting
more irritated by the second. Dragging her to the back of the car, I lower her
to her feet but don’t let go.
I lean down and whisper in her ear, trying to catch my breath. Fuck, I got
a little too high earlier while watching the girls at the bar. “If you so much
as make a sound or try to run away, I’m going to gag you with your
underwear, tie you up, and place you in my trunk. Do you understand?”
Her chest rises and falls quickly with each breath she takes through her
nose since my hand is still over her mouth. Her already short dress has
ridden up her thighs and bunches around her waist, giving me a very nice
view of her black lace thong. The thought of doing what I just threatened is
sounding better by the second.
“Do you understand?” I snap, not having the time to stand on the side of
the road. She has a choice to make.
She nods quickly, her body shaking in my arms.
I release her, and she chokes back a sob. “Now, get in the fucking car,” I
She drops her head, shoving her dress down over her hips and thighs, and
makes her way around to the passenger seat and falls into the car.
Running a hand through my hair, I feel my cell vibrate in my pocket. I
pull it out to see it’s a text to our group chat from Scout.
Scout: Did you pick her up?
Me: Yeah. On our way to my house now.
Then I pocket the phone and get back in the car to take our doll to her
new home. The place where her nightmares are going to become her reality.

I SIT AT the elaborate custom-made white oak table that seats twenty
Lisa Holdings is a gorgeous, career-driven, extremely successful woman.
But that doesn’t make me overlook the fact that she birthed one of Satan’s
spawn—Grayson Hamilton Law.
Who is currently sitting across from me with a smirk on his face and a
look of excitement in his eyes. The kind that you would see a serial killer
have while he stalks his next victim. He’s probably imagining my screams
right now and the tears running down my face while I beg him to stop the
torture. To stop the pain. But he’s not the kind of guy who shows mercy.
To put it as nicely as I can—I’m totally fucked!
My father enters the formal dining room with his hand in Lisa’s, and my
chest tightens. He’s betrayed me too. Just another name to add to a long list
of people who I can no longer trust. I wonder if my mom would allow me to
finish my senior year in Switzerland.
“I’ve been wanting to tell you, Henley.” My father starts, but he nor Lisa
make any attempt to sit down, which means this will be quick.
“How long?” It’s the only thing that matters right now.
He opens his mouth, but Lisa speaks. “Will you boys allow me a second
alone with Henley?”
Law gets up and walks out of the room without a word. My father kisses
Lisa on the cheek and then too walks away, leaving me alone.
I look out the floor-to-ceiling windows to my right that showcase the
large pond in the backyard. It has a dock to fish off, but it’s too dark right
now to see it. We used to go fishing back before things were complicated.
Back before we knew what drugs and alcohol were. Back before that night
at Death Valley.
“I know this is a lot to take in.” Lisa gets my attention by sitting down
across from me, where Law was sitting moments ago. “I just want you to
“How long?” I interrupt her, not giving two shits what she has to say
other than the answers I want.
Her blue eyes soften, and she tucks her bleach blond hair behind her ear.
“Nine months.”
The air rushes out of my lungs, and my jaw drops open.
“I know.” She gives me a soft smile. “We wanted to tell you.”
I’m fucking speechless.
“But we decided to keep it to ourselves at first. We didn’t really know
where it was going.” She shrugs. “Then the trial …” She trails off and looks
down at her large engagement ring. I’m sure it’s a Harry Winston, Tiffany
& Co., or Cartier. Some shit like that. My father only gets the best. “I just
want you to know that no matter what happened, you are welcome here,
Henley. You have a place here, and if you need to talk to anyone. A woman
I throw my head back laughing, cutting her off. “You going to try to be
my mother, Lisa?” The alcohol and the adrenaline are making me bitchier
than I’d normally be to her. But I think it’s allowed, knowing what I just
found out.
“No.” She frowns. “That is not my intention. I just want …”
“I want to go home.” I stand. “But that seems impossible for now.” I
would bet my life that the guys had something to do with the explosion, gas
leak, whatever the fuck it was.
They set it.
But I’ll never be able to prove it. This is what they want. Me under one
of their roofs, and Law was the perfect option since my father is marrying
his fucking mother. They want to control me.
“I know this is hard on you after everything but …” She stands as well.
“Please believe me when I say I love your father. You as well,” Lisa adds
quickly. “We’re going to be family. I’m opening my home to both of you.”
“And you expect me to be grateful.” I nod. “I understand you perfectly.”
She purses her lips for a second. “I want you to know that you can come
to me for anything. That you have a bigger support system than ever.”
I frown. “Support system?” What the fuck does that mean?
“Yes—me, your father, and Hamilton.” She calls her son by his middle
name because she hates that they named him after her ex-husband as much
as Law does. “We are here for you. Your family.”
The thought of being any relation to Law makes me want to vomit. The
sick bastard will no doubt get off on this. I cross my arms over my chest
and test her. “Do you think Dax did it?” She never took either side back
when we went to trial, and now, I know why—my father. She was already
fucking him and wanted to stay neutral.
Law’s father allowed him to testify, not Lisa. And I never questioned
where she stood on what was happening. Now it makes sense.
“I believe that you saw something,” she says without hesitation. “And I
also believe that just because you can’t prove something doesn’t mean it
never happened.”
My shoulders sag at her answer. I don’t know why, but it makes me feel a
little better. For now. All I wanted was for someone to believe me, and she’s
as close as I’m going to get.
“It’s late,” she continues. “Hamilton will show you to your room, and
your father has a team going in tomorrow to retrieve your belongings that
were not affected by the fire. For now, I have a set of pajamas on the bed
for you and just place your …” Her eyes look over my tangled hair and the
black mini dress that reveals way too much and smiles softly. “Clothes in
the hamper outside your room.” With that, she turns and walks away, her
Louboutin heels clapping on her marble floor.
I am officially in hell!


I stand at the top of the left staircase waiting on Henley. She looks drained,
still drunk, and irritated all at once. No doubt her talk with my mother is
getting to her.
My mother is one of the sweetest women I’ve ever known. It’s a mystery
how she ended up with my father, even if it was for a short time.
“Your room is on the left.” I open the closed door and allow her to enter.
“You remember it, right?”
She doesn’t say anything, but I watch her eyes widen as she takes it in.
It’s the same room that she brought Datson to. I thought it’d be a nice twist.
A reminder that nothing will go on in this house that I won’t know about.
Henley used to come over all the time, but my mother redecorated it
when she got engaged to Henley’s father a few months ago while my little
doll was in New York. I think a part of my mother wants him to move into
our house instead of her moving into his. I’m not sure how the living
arrangements are going to fall. And honestly, I couldn’t care less. My ass is
graduating soon and going off to college. Where she decides to live won’t
affect my life in any way.
A white four-post king-size bed sits on a platform in the center of the
room. A white leather bench sits at the foot of the bed. There’s an alcove
that has French doors leading out to the balcony. A white leather couch
decorated with purple throw pillows sits off to the right of them. She walks
over to the doors, and I look her over.
She still wears the dress she had worn to the club. I’m surprised Scout
didn’t fuck her tonight in the bathroom or in the back of his car in the
parking lot before he left. I thought he was going to piss on her in front of
everyone just to prove a point. But somehow, he managed to fight that urge.
We all want her. Well, that’s a lie. Dax wants her dead, and Rellik wants
nothing to do with her. He gives her too much credit. Thinks she has some
kind of secret weapon to take us all down. But me and Scout? We plan on
using our little doll. We paid for her. We’re going to get our money’s worth
sort of thing.
She turns around to face me, wrapping her arms around herself. All of a
sudden, she looks uncomfortable. Like I have never seen her naked or
I walk over to her, my intentions very clear and obvious. I’m not going to
allow her any personal space while she’s here. My mother wanted to put her
in the east wing—said she needed the space in order to be comfortable. I
wasn’t having that. I wanted our little doll as close as possible. I wanted to
be able to hear her cry at night when she realizes just how fucked she truly
is. “I’m just across the hall,” I tell her, reaching out and cupping her face.
Thin streaks of black run down her cheeks from when she was crying
earlier, and it made her makeup run. I like it—my dirty doll.
My fingers run down over her chin and to her neck. I slide my thumb
over the black choker and smile, remembering last night. How well our doll
She sucks in a breath.
I lean into her more, brushing my lips against her ear and whisper, “I’ll
leave my door unlocked in case you need anything.” Then I pull away and
exit her room.
Falling down onto my bed, I type out a message to the guys.
The doll is officially in her glass case.

I’M IN A prison.
A very extravagant, expensive prison. Without even knowing it, I have
somehow managed to get myself arrested. Imaginary chains and bars will
keep me locked away until I suffocate in my own nightmares.
I lie in this king-size bed with white sheets and the thickest comforter
I’ve ever slept under. Everything smells like lavender. It’s magical. Any
other time, I’d be passed out, dreaming of puppies and kittens. But right
now, I’m staring up at the ceiling. Tears silently fall down the side of my
I haven’t slept in two nights, knowing that Law is across the hall from
me. But thankfully, I never saw him again after he left my room Saturday
night. My clothes were delivered yesterday along with other belongings. I
overheard my father telling Lisa that the fire was contained to the kitchen
while eating the breakfast I declined to attend. He said he had a crew on it
immediately to get it fixed. She sounded disappointed that he wanted to get
back to our house. I have a feeling it’s more me than him. Hell, for all I
know, he’s been living here with them for months.
But the fact that Law has been MIA doesn’t ease my concern. I half
expect for him to be in my room twenty-four seven, demanding my
attention. But he’s left me alone.
I get out of bed and walk through the tall archway and through a door. It
has a long vanity on the left with double doors to the right that lead to a
walk-in closet. I slide my fingers along the vanity, staring at myself in the
large mirror. I look like shit. Pretty much how I used to look when I partied
twenty-four seven.
Coming to the end of the marble countertop, I turn to the right and open
another door and step inside the bathroom. It’s larger than most apartments.
Black and white marble flooring and dark gray walls. It has an oversized
whirlpool tub up against the wall in the left-hand corner sitting on a
platform. A large window sits above it with stained glass. To the right is a
massive walk-in shower with double glass doors. I count three showerheads
on the ceiling and six smaller ones on the wall pointing toward the body. I
just want to stand in there for an hour and clean my skin. Opening the door
to the left after the bath reveals a toilet with a bidet. I close the door back up
and open the door to the right of it. It’s like the vanity that I found through
the first door, except this one has stuff all over it. Men’s cologne, hair gel,
toothbrush, and toothpaste. A towel is wadded up on the counter. It’s Law’s
bathroom, and it looks like he left in a hurry.
Looking ahead of me, I gently put my hand on the doorknob and turn it
slowly. Poking my head in, I look around the dark room to see it’s empty.
He’s got a black king-size bed. It looks like the one in my room, except
where mine is white and smells of lavender, his is dark and smells of clean
linen. The bed is made and only has one pillow on it. He has a long dresser
that matches. The dark gray walls are bare, and so is the floor. No rugs, no
blankets. Nothing. He, too, has French doors that lead out to a balcony and
thick black curtains that hang from the ceiling and touch the floor, open just
enough to see outside.
There’s a nightstand on both sides of his bed. I open the one closest to
me, and the only thing I find is a remote that goes to the TV that hangs on
his wall.
“Little doll?”
I jump and spin around to see Law standing inside his room with the door
closed behind him. He has one ankle crossed over the other with his hands
shoved into the front pockets of his jeans and a smirk on his face, wearing a
white Graveyard hoodie. “Well, well, well, I thought it would take a little
longer than this for you to come visit me.”
I swallow. “I was just … uh …”
“Snooping.” He pushes off the door. “I like that you’re curious. Want me
to show you what’s in the other nightstand?”
“I need to get ready for school.” I drop my head and all but run out of his
door and across the hall into mine. I’m trying to catch my breath when my
door opens.
I jump back, expecting it to be Law, but it’s my dad. I let out a long
“Sorry, I should have knocked.” He enters in the middle of fixing his tie.
“I need you to ride with Law to school this morning.”
“No, Dad, I don’t think …”
“Your car is at the house, and I can’t get it until later this afternoon,” he
I want to fucking scream my head off but refrain. I’ll do it into my pillow
after he leaves. “Yes, Father,” I say, defeated.
He sighs. “I’m sorry, I know it’s a lot. But we’ll get through it together,
okay?” he asks. “Oh, and Henley, don’t tell your brother, please. We’re
waiting until he comes home for Christmas.”
I hate to let him down, so I just nod. What’s another lie? Or I guess that’s
more of a secret. I can do that too.
“Love you, have a great day.” He all but calls out as he storms out as
quick as he entered.
Looking at my cell, I see school starts in less than twenty minutes, so
Law will be leaving any second. I reach down and lift my shirt.
“I love your tits.”
I scream, slapping my hands over my chest.
Law snorts, entering my room. “Quit being a prude. I’ve seen you naked
crawling on the floor.” He plops down on the end of my bed. “I’ve watched
you suck dick and finger-fucked you—”
“What are you doing? Get out,” I interrupt him. I’m very aware of what
all he’s seen and done to me.
He just sighs, picking up my cell from the bed.
“Hey …” I go to grab it, but he moves it out of my reach.
He stands up off the bed and holds it up, the camera facing me. I hear it
snap a picture, then he sits back down.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“You’ll see.” His fingers run across the keys. “By the way, I’m leaving in
five minutes, and you’re leaving with me whether you’re dressed or naked
…” He shrugs. “Either one doesn’t matter to me.”
I throw my head back, letting out the scream that I wanted to earlier, then
stomp off to my closet. I didn’t allow Lisa’s staff to put my stuff away. I
wanted to do it myself but have been slacking. So I grab what’s closest. A
long-sleeve Westbrook High T-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans with Chucks.
I jerk them all on and then run into his bathroom. I squirt some of his
toothpaste onto his toothbrush and start brushing my teeth. Mine’s still
packed in a bag somewhere.
I arch my brow when he walks into his bathroom with my phone still in
his hand. I bare my teeth as I brush them as though they owe me money.
He smirks. “You think I give a fuck that you’re using my toothbrush?”
My hand slows as he walks over to tower behind me. He watches me in the
mirror, bringing his free hand up and slowly wrapping my tangled hair
around his fist. I stop brushing and turn all my focus on him. He gently tilts
my head to the side, lowering his lips to my ear. I watch him in the mirror
as toothpaste and drool run down my bottom lip and splashes onto his
countertop. His blue eyes drill into mine, and he whispers, “I would fuck
you with my toothbrush and then brush my teeth with your cum, little doll.”
The visual he just described should not turn me on, but his hard cock
presses into my ass, and my breathing picks up. Not sure how a toothbrush
would get me off, but I don’t doubt his skills.
“So, whatever you think you’re proving, isn’t working.” With that, he
lets go of me and walks out of his bathroom.
I look at myself in his mirror and realize living here will be harder than I
thought, just for different reasons.


She gets into my car, and I toss her phone into her lap.
“What were you doing with it?” she asks.
“Open your messages,” I say.
A second later, she growls. “What the fuck?”
I smile. I had started a new group chat with the guys and added her to it. I
titled it Our Little Doll. I guess she doesn’t approve.
“What is this for?” she asks.
“Communication,” I say simply. “Oh, and I messaged the picture of you
topless in your bedroom for the guys to see.” I wink over at her before I
jump on the highway.
She throws her head back on the headrest.
“Once we get to school, I’ll share the video of me getting you off as well
from the other night when you crawled to Scout.”
“Law,” she snaps.
“Please, call me brother. I think it’s hot.”
She reaches over and punches me in the arm. I just laugh at her.
“Frustrated? How about you suck my cock on the way to school? It might
make you feel better.” I reach over and fist her hair and pretend I’m going
to shove her head into my lap but allow her to pull away.
“I hate you,” she whispers.
That’s what makes this so fun. We’re going to take what’s left of Henley
Greene and turn her inside out. She won’t know what’s up or what’s down
once we’re done with her. She will learn to crave us to the point it hurts
when she’s ignored. She’s like a dog you house train. You reward it for
doing well and punish it for not obeying.
We pull up to the school, and I back into my parking spot next to Scout. I
turn off the car and watch her sink down into the seat. “Embarrassed to be
seen with me?” I arch a brow.
She looks over at me, straightening her shoulders and lets out an annoyed
I get out quickly and lock the doors with my key fob.
“Law?” She shouts my name, yanking on the handle. I did it on purpose
so I could open the door for her.
Walking around the car, I unlock it just as I pull on the handle. I hold out
my right hand for her to take it, and she shoves it away, murmuring curses
at me.
Audible gasps can be heard from the kids gathered outside when they
realize who just exited my car. I throw my arm over her shoulders, shutting
the door and pull her into my side. I smile like the bastard I am as I drag her
inside and parade her around as my very own, knowing the rumors are
already being spread. By the end of the day, everyone in Westbrook will
know that Henley Greene belongs to the Reapers.

STEPPING OFF THE elevator, I walk through the double glass doors into
the office of Holdings Publishing and step up to the receptionist desk.
“May I help you?” she asks, her brown eyes meeting mine. She’s got a
cute pixie haircut and a small diamond stud in her nose. Can’t be older than
“I’m here to see Lisa,” I tell her. After the morning I’ve had, I needed to
see her. She’s been on my mind. What she said to me—how she’s here for
me and all that shit. She was genuine. I know that. She’s always been nice
to me, and I feel awful for how I reacted. I shouldn’t be mad at her. My
father is a different story.
She frowns, looking back at her computer. “She doesn’t have any
appointments scheduled for this time.”
“Yeah, I didn’t schedule one,” I say, pushing hair behind my ear. “But if
you could please …”
“I’m sorry, the answer is no.” She dismisses me.
I take in a calming breath, telling myself not to make a scene in my soon-
to-be stepmother’s place of business. “I’m Henley Greene. She’s marrying
my father, and I would like to see her. Please?” I say the last word through
gritted teeth.
She looks back up at me. Opening her mouth, she shuts it and picks up
her office phone sitting on her desk, pressing one. “Yes, Miss Holdings,
there is a young lady here saying her name is Henley … Yes, ma’am.” She
hangs up. “She will see you. Walk around the desk, take your first left, and
her office is the last door on the right.”
“Thank you.” I pass women and men in the hall and feel underdressed.
Everyone is wearing business attire, and I’m in jeans and a T-shirt. Walking
up to her door, I knock on it.
“Come in,” she calls out.
I enter and look over the city of Westbrook. Three of her walls are
nothing but floor-to-ceiling windows, showing off the elaborate town. I
never get to see it from this angle. It almost makes the evil town look pretty.
Like when it snows and covers the dog shit on the ground.
“Henley.” She stands from her desk, removing her glasses from her face.
“Is everything okay?”
I want to say no. I want to tell her that her son and his friends are
blackmailing me and forcing me to do sexual things. But that would be a lie
because there is no force. Not anymore. I’ve willingly become Scout’s and
Law’s personal slut. Their doll to play with when they please. “Yeah,” I
answer with a fake smile. “Just wanted to come and tell you that I’m sorry.
For the other night.”
“Don’t be.” She gestures to one of the chairs across from her desk while
she sits back down in hers. “I understand it’s a lot to take in.”
“Yeah.” I give a little laugh. Especially when others are dictating it all.
Her son being one of them.
“Shouldn’t you be in school?” She looks at the clock on her desk.
“Playing hooky,” I say truthfully. I wanted to avoid the guys during
lunch, so I called an Uber and left since Law had driven me to school. After
his public display of dragging me through the halls, I wasn’t in the mood to
sit in the cafeteria while everyone stared and gossiped about me.
She smiles, leaning back in her chair. “Well, we’ve all done that before.”
“I like your office,” I say, looking around it. She has pictures of her and
my dad sitting on a small table over by the far window. It’s from his
birthday that I missed over the summer. There are two balloons behind
them. One is a number four, and the other a two. The one beside it is of
Law, her, and my dad. He just finished playing a football game earlier this
year. His dark hair is sweaty and hangs in his eyes. He still wears his
uniform but holds his helmet in his left hand while they stand in the end
zone. My father holds up what I’m guessing is the winning football. He
looks so proud, and it makes me feel sick.
“Thank you.” She smiles proudly.
“He seems happy,” I say, looking back at the photo and an awkward
silence falls over the glass fishbowl we sit in.
“Henley?” I look at her. “Why are you really here?”
I run a hand through my hair. “I just …”
“Miss Holdings, James is on line two.” Her assistant comes through the
intercom of her office phone.
“Thank you,” she tells her and looks at me. “Don’t say anything.”
I nod.
“Hello, dear.” She greets him cheerfully.
“The school just called me. I guess Henley has left,” he snaps. “She’s
also not answering her cell. I’m headed home now to check—”
“She’s here at my office,” she interrupts him.
I sink farther into the chair as if he can see me.
“Where?” he demands.
“At my office.”
“Why the hell is she up there, Lisa?” He grunts, obviously still pissed at
how I behaved the other night when I didn’t give Lisa the welcoming he
expected and argued not to ride with Law this morning
“I forgot to tell you that I invited her to have lunch with me today,” she
says, and my brows rise at her lie.
“Lunch?” He sounds skeptical.
“Yes, James. The girl needs to eat. You just missed her. She went to use
the ladies’ room before we leave. I asked her last night if she would have
lunch with me today. You know… a girls’ day sort of thing. I’ll drop her
back off at school afterward.”
He lets out a huff. “I guess that’s okay.”
“I’m sorry, I should have told you and had you call the school,” she adds.
“No worries,” he says, sounding more at ease. “I …” He pauses. “I’m
just worried about her. After everything that happened with her and Monroe
… the school said she just went missing. And her cell …” He lowers his
voice. “I thought she had disappeared.”
My chest tightens at the sorrow in his voice at that thought. That maybe
something similar happened to me that happened to Brenda. I wish Brenda
had someone who cared that much about her as well.
“I assure you she’s fine and will be in class shortly.”
“Thank you. I love you,” he tells her softly, and she smiles. A big, head
over heels in love smile. She’s smitten with my father, and I can tell he feels
the same.
“Love you too, dear.” Then she hangs up and looks at me. “Well, so I’m
not a complete liar, are you hungry?”
I give a soft laugh. “Starving.”
“Come on.” She stands, picking up her cell and purse. “Does Benvenuti’s
sound good?”
I look over my jeans and T-shirt and frown. “I’m not really dressed for a
place that fancy.”
“Nonsense.” She waves me off. “You look gorgeous.”


We’re in the middle of eating our salads when I can’t take it anymore. “Can
I ask you a personal question?” Mainly out of curiosity and a little bit of
testing my boundaries with her. See how much she is willing to tell me.
“Of course.” She puts her fork down and dabs the corner of her lips with
her cloth napkin.
“What made you want to marry Grayson?”
If she’s surprised by my question, she doesn’t show it. “I know that
thirty-six isn’t ancient, but my parents and Grayson’s parents were very old-
I tilt my head. “As in?”
“My marriage to Grayson was one of convenience. Our fathers had it
decided long before we were old enough to wed.”
“I’m still not following.” The server comes to take our salad plates and
tops off our waters.
“My father and Grayson’s father had an agreement. A contract that stated
we were to wed.”
“Like an arranged marriage?” My eyes widen. “That’s really a thing?”
She sighs heavily. “Sadly, it is. Both of us grew up with money, and our
fathers wanted to guarantee that both kept thriving. You scratch my back;
I’ll scratch yours, kind of thing. So, we got married when I was just
seventeen, and I had Hamilton a year later.”
“But …” I let out a frustrated breath. I thought my hands were tied when
Brenda was killed and I couldn’t prove it, but your own father forcing you
to marry a man you don’t love? What’s worse than that?
“I never loved him,” she says simply. “But I did what was expected of
“Which was what exactly?”
“Pretend I did.” She leans forward, placing her forearms on the white
tablecloth. “We were the elite, Henley. The one percent. Ball gowns,
fundraisers and galas to show off our wealth—our lives were all on display
for others to envy and to worship. Grayson was supposed to give the world
an heir.” I frown at that word. “And like I said, I never once loved my
husband, but Hamilton? I loved that boy before I ever even held him. He is
and was worth putting up with Grayson all those years.” She sits back as the
server returns. She gives him a bright smile as he places our plates in front
of us and thanks him.
I wait for him to leave before I speak again. “If it was something that was
arranged, then why did they allow you to get a divorce?”
“Well, arranged marriages are only supposed to end with the death of the
wife or husband.” Sometimes death is easier to swallow than any
punishment. I think to myself. “But my father-in-law passed away when
Hamilton was only two. My father passed a year after that.” She sighs
heavily. “Grayson and I were not happy. I hate to say this, but we both
stepped out of our loveless marriage, and we decided that it was best if we
“And Grayson didn’t care?” I ask, and she tilts her head to the side. “I
mean, he just walked away without a fight? I feel like he’s not the type of
guy who likes to lose.” Even if he didn’t love her. Lisa is gorgeous with her
blond hair and blue eyes. Not to mention she’s as sweet as can be with a
hint of a Southern accent.
“No. It had gotten to the point where the environment was bad for
Hamilton. And as a parent, you care more about your children than anyone
else. Even Grayson was able to agree with me on that.”


Me and the guys stand next to our lockers at the end of the day.
Laney stands next to me; she’s been extra clingy ever since word spread
that Henley moved in with Law. I guess she thinks I’ll see her more because
she’s living with one of my best friends.
Henley walks by, and Law reaches out, throwing his arm around her
shoulders, pulling her into his side. She doesn’t say anything, but she does
glare up at him.
Jamie walks up to us. “Henley, may I speak to you for a second?” She
asks softly.
“Yeah, of course.” She shoves Law away, removing herself from
underneath his arm. He looks at me and smirks. I hold in my smile.
“Hey.” Laney turns to face me. “Why is Henley wearing that choker that
I saw in your bedroom the other night?” she demands as if I owe her an
“She earned it,” Law tells her.
“Earned it how?” She places her hands on her narrow hips.
“Let’s just say it’s equivalent to a black belt in sucking dick,” he
responds with a smile.
“What?” She turns to face me. “Why didn’t you give it to me?”
I say nothing.
“Pretty sure it means you need a little more practice on your knees.” He
winks at her. “Lucky for you, I’m willing to be your guinea pig.”
“Fuck you!” She shoves Law’s chest before turning back to me. “Wait!
Are you fucking her, Scout?” I think she thought Law gave it to her, but
then she remembered it was in my room and not his where she saw it.
“Maybe,” Rellik chimes in, answering the question directed at me. “Why
do you care?”
“You can’t be serious?” she snaps at me.
I don’t answer, but I also don’t deny it, and that just pisses her off more.
She shoves me out of the way as she storms off, huffing and puffing.
“The entire school will know within five minutes.” Monroe sighs.
I smile. “She is a good messenger.”
“Too bad she doesn’t suck dick half as good,” Law mumbles.
Henley comes back over to us just as Jamie walks by. I meet her eyes,
and she nods once at me. I smile. The little doll is about to see just how far
I’ll go to prove a point.
“What was that about?” Law asks her.
“Nothing,” she lies.

IT’S SUNDAY NIGHT and I spoke with Jamie at school on Friday when
she pulled me to the side and told me she was sorry how she overreacted
after the party.
I told her there was nothing for her to be sorry about, and I was the one
who was sorry. I know I fucked up, and I can admit that. What I did was
wrong. I used Datson, just like the guys used Lacey. And I hate to be
compared to them.
I’m standing in my closet, looking over all of my things to wear to Death
Valley tonight. There is some exclusive fight going on there that I guess has
been all over their social media page—Jamie told me. She talked me into
getting out like old times and letting loose. It just sounded good after the
week I’ve had.
I find a white tube top dress and slide it on. I do my makeup dark with
smoky eye shadow and thick black eyeliner with red lips deciding I’m
going more on the slutty side tonight. Biting my bottom lip, I look between
my red Gucci heels and my good ole’ faithful Chucks. Do I want to be
comfortable? I slide each on and look at myself in the floor-length mirror.
Heels win, but I slip my Chucks in my bag just in case I change my mind. I
can always go out to her car and change my shoes.
Ten o’clock on the dot, I’m exiting my room and look over at Law’s
closed door. I knock on it but get no answer. Opening it up, I peek in to see
his light is off, and it’s empty.
When he had asked me Friday, what I was talking to Jamie about, I lied. I
didn’t want to confess to them that what I had done with Datson was on
purpose to make Scout jealous. Even if they know that, I’ll never admit it.
Closing the door, I make my way downstairs as quietly as possible and
slip out the front door unnoticed. My father knows I’m going out. I just
didn’t tell him that it’s to Death Valley, and I don’t want him seeing how
I’m dressed.
Running outside, I see she’s already parked in the driveway. I jump into
her front seat and see she has black faux leather pants on with a black
corset. “I like it.” I put my hands out, pretending to be a cat scratching. She
reminds me of cat woman, all she’s missing is the ears and painted on
She laughs and begins to drive away. “Down, pussy.”
I put my seat belt on. “I messaged Lacey to join us, but she said she was
staying in tonight.”
“Who the fuck is Lacey?” She asks, pushing buttons on her dash. “You
talking about the foster kid who lives with the Millers?” She snorts. “We
don’t hang out with her.”
I raise my eyebrows. “I’ve been hanging out with her. She’s really nice.”
“She’s a virgin and doesn’t party. How much fun can she be?”
I go to tell her she’s wrong but close my mouth. She doesn’t know Lacey
like I do, and I think it’s best to keep it that way.
“Here.” She reaches into the back seat and grabs her Chanel bag,
throwing it into my lap.
“What’s in it?” I ask.
“I packed cups, birthday cake vodka and Monsters.”
“Oh, God,” I whine, already tasting the drink. Last time we had these, we
both threw up in my backyard.
“We’ve got some partying to make up for.” She winks over at me. “Plus,
we have school tomorrow. So, we’re going to need the energy with the
I pull the blue bottle out of the bag and twist the lid off to the birthday
cake vodka. Then hold the cold bottle between my legs as I grab the cups
and one of the Monster energy drinks. I pour half and half into one cup and
hand it to her. While I do the same to another. Making sure the lid on the
bottle is closed tightly, I throw her bag in the back seat.
“Cheers!” She holds up her cup to me with her free hand, and I hit mine
to hers.
“Cheers.” I take a big gulp, and she does the same before placing hers in
the cup holder. She turns the knob on the dash, turning up the volume to
“Middle Finger” by Bohnes, clearly ready to party.
I throw back another drink, needing to get there as well.

I stand next to Scout when his phone goes off, signaling a text. “They’re
“Showtime,” I whisper.
“See you soon.” He walks off into the shadows of the performing arts
I go in search of our little doll. Just as I walk outside, I watch her get out
of the car. She wears a white dress and red high heels.
She reminds me of an angel. Fitting. The devil is going to make the angel
sin while worshiping from her knees. Standing back. I watch her and Jamie
enter the building. There’s a crowd tonight. A kid from California is here to
fight a UT student.
They hold hands as if they’re best friends and nothing ever happened,
making their way through the crowd, but I watch them get separated as a
fight breaks out between two guys, pushing them apart.
She stops and turns a three-sixty, calling out for Jamie.
I squeeze my way through everyone and come up behind her. Leaning
down, I say, “Little doll.”
She spins around to face me. Her blue eyes widen. She goes to turn and
run, but I grab her upper arm and yank her backward, running her into
We make it through the crowd, and I turn to head down the narrow
hallway and to the single door at the end. I push it open and shove her
“Law!” she snaps. “What the hell are you doing?”
I give her my back, dig into my jeans pocket and pull out the padlock. I
pull the chain that sits through the door handle and railing to the right,
sliding the padlock into the links and lock it.
“What are you doing?” she asks when she hears it click.
I ignore her and bring her around the front of the auditorium. Back in the
day this place was as rich as Westbrook. Classy and built for royalty. It’s
three stories tall with multiple balconies on each level, looking down at the
stage. There’s fifteen seats, ten rows deep on either side of the aisle on the
lower level. I see my bag sitting on the floor by the seat on the end of the
front row.
I shove her into it.
“Law?” she demands.
Bending down, I grab the roll of duct tape out of the bag and stand.
Leaning over, I grab the same arm, hold it down to the dingy and rotten
armrest of the old chair and start wrapping it around her small wrist,
quickly making my way up to her elbow. Securing her entire forearm to the
“Law, please.” Her voice changes to panic as her free hand tries to undo
what I just did.
Too late.
I grab her other arm and repeat the action to the opposite armrest.
Then I drop to my knees and wrap it around her ankles, making my way
up her calves. Once to her knees, I tear it off and stand.
She stares up at me, fear and rage battling in her blue eyes. She wiggles
and throws her head back, screaming.
I smile. “Even if they could hear you, they can’t get to you.” I finally
speak. There are only two ways out of here and I secured one, while I know
Scout took care of the other.
While she throws curse words at me, I tear off two more short pieces of
tape and place them on the end of the chair next to her. “For later,” I say.
Then I reach down into the bag and pull out my knife.
She stiffens, her eyes glued to it. “What … what are you doing?”
“We’re going to play,” I say simply.
“No. No. Please…” she starts begging, trying to shove her body into the
“Shh.” I place the flat end of the blade against her lips, silencing her. She
fights back a sob, afraid to move. Her lips trembling against the cold steel.
“I’m going to tell you what to do, and you’re going to do it. If you don’t
obey, then I’m going to make you bleed. Do you understand?”
She takes in a shaky breath but gives me the slightest nod.
“Good, doll … now… part your lips and lick the knife.”
I have the blade pressed flatly against her lips, so it won’t cut her. Yet.
All I have to do is turn it in just the slightest, and there will be a stream of
blood dripping from her mouth.
She parts her lips and pushes her tongue out. I maneuver the blade slowly
down over it, pressing it to her chin. I look into her open and willing mouth,
wanting to remove the knife and replace it with my cock. But that’s not why
we’re here.
I continue to move it downwards, and she lifts her head back, looking up
at the ceiling. I watch her throat work as she swallows. “I’m going to play
with you, little doll. I’m going to drag you through the mud.” I get to her
neck, and she holds her breath. Going lower, I run over her chest and come
to the top of her dress. The tip of the blade hits the material, and it’s like
butter down the middle, exposing her breasts to me. She wasn’t wearing a
bra. “Your clothes will be dirty and cut. Your knees bruised and your thighs
shaking.” She sucks in a shaky breath at my words. I slice the knife through
what’s left of her dress. And I get to see all of her.
She’s on display for me—my toy.
When I run the side of the blade over her thigh, her breathing picks up,
causing her tits to bounce and her nipples to harden.
Little doll likes to play games. I knew she would.
“I love these.” I reach up with my free hand and grab her left one. I let go
and slap it. She cries out in pleasure and lowers her head to look up at me.
Her makeup is smeared from tears, and I smile once again.
“And your pussy.” I place my left hand on the back of the chair by her
head, leaning over her, pushing the chair back in the process. My face so
close to hers I can smell the vodka on her breath as I lower the blade to her
lower stomach, right against her underwear. “Will be soaking wet.”
She stills as we hear the fabric split. I toss the knife to the concrete floor
next to her chair and shove my hands between her clenched thighs. She
doesn’t allow me much space since her calves are taped together. But I get a
hold of the cut fabric and rip what’s left off her.
She cries out, panting.
I stand to my full height and hold them in my hand, looking down at
them. “Look at that. My doll likes being played with.” You can see the wet
spot on her nude-colored thong.
Her cheeks turn red.
“Don’t be embarrassed, little doll. Look how much you turn me on.”
She drops her eyes to my jeans, and of course, I’m hard.
She licks her lips, and I smile. “As much as I want to fuck your mouth,
that’s not why we’re here.”
I wad the underwear up and shove them into her mouth with my right
hand. Leaving my three fingers in her mouth, holding her tongue down. She
starts to make a gagging noise and tries to shake her head, but my thumb is
under her chin, holding it in place. I reach over and grab a piece of the tape
off the end of the chair with my left hand. I remove my hand from her
mouth and slap it over her lips, her underwear still in her mouth. Then I
grab the other piece of tape and put it over as well. Securing the
“There we go,” I say, looking at her naked, bound, and gagged. All she
wears is her red heels and her black choker. She looks absolutely delicious.
“Now we’re ready.”
I sit down beside her, getting ready for the show as “Whore” by In This
Moment starts to come through the speakers behind us.

SALIVA FILLS MY mouth, and tears run down my face. I don’t know if
it’s from embarrassment or shame. I’m sitting here completely naked for
anyone to see, and my thighs are wet because of Law.
I yank on my body, trying to get any part of it free, and I hear Law laugh
from beside me.
A spotlight comes on, pointing on the stage in front of us. I can’t see who
is controlling it because my body is incapable of turning around that much.
But the music is turned up louder, and I watch a figure step out onto the
stage, dressed in all black. I squint, trying to see who it is, but it only takes a
second to recognize her.
It’s Jamie.
I try to yell her name behind the tape, any embarrassment that I’m naked
and tied to a chair now gone. She’s my only hope.
I yell again but stop when I see another figure step out onto the stage. My
eyes quickly scan it to see an old brown leather couch with holes and tears
in it sitting center stage. The cushions have gone flat over the years. That’s
it. There’s nothing else.
Jamie turns around to look at the man, and my breath catches when I see
it’s Scout.
What the fuck?
He walks up to her and slides his hands into her hair, and kisses her. No
My heart starts to run rapidly for reasons other than Law.
He tilts her head to the side and devours her mouth with his. She
unbuttons his jeans and then shoves the zipper down.
He pulls back, grips her leather corset, and rips it open, exposing her
chest and stomach. Then he drops to his knees, yanking her black faux
leather pants to her ankles. She steps out of them.
He stands and begins to suck on her neck. She moans, her hand reaching
inside his undone jeans to pull out his cock.
He’s hard.
I swallow the bile, praying that I choke on the underwear Law shoved in
my mouth. I can’t watch this.
She brought me here for this? She made up with me for this? For revenge
on what I did to Datson.
Tears fall down my face when she drops to her knees. He grips her wrists
and holds them above her head to his chest while his free hand grips her
hair. He begins to fuck her mouth. Hard and fast. Her body jerks, and she
shifts on her knees.
I close my eyes, unable to watch anymore. I turn my head to the side.
“Watch, doll,” Law says, gripping my chin and turning my face back to
the stage. I whimper, sucking in a deep breath through my runny nose.
He shoves his hips forward one last time and then roughly pushes her
away. She falls onto her back and spreads her legs wide for him as he stands
staring down at her, stroking his still hard dick.
Her hands move to her pussy, and she starts fingering herself. He lets her
play while he leans down and gets into the pocket of his jeans. He removes
a condom and rolls it on.
Then he walks over to the side of her body and reaches down, gripping
her hair. He yanks her to her feet, and she screams as he shoves her face-
first into the old brown leather couch. Her knees up underneath her on one
of the cushions and her back arched, he stands behind her on the stage. He
fingers her for a second, and then he’s sliding into her. I hear his body slap
hers while she moans and whimpers.
Her hands dig into the leather, holding on for dear life. He shifts, putting
all his weight on his left foot and raises his right to place it on the side of
her face, holding it down to the couch while he grabs her hands and pins
them behind her back.
I sit helplessly, watching him screw someone who I thought was my best
friend. Only to prove a fucking point. And I’ve never hated anyone more.
He finishes and pulls out of her. Removing the condom, he tosses it onto
her back. Leaving her lying on the couch, he gets dressed and hops off the
I push myself farther into the chair as he stalks over to us. “Hey, doll,” he
I turn my head toward Law, allowing my hair to shield my face from
He grips my hair, forcing me to look up at him, and I bite down on my
soaked underwear to keep from crying.
His free hand slides between my thighs. I try to fight him and clench
them shut, but he gets his way. Tears fill my eyes when he runs his fingers
over my pussy. “Such a shame.” He sighs. “Our little doll is dry.”
I glare up at him, breathing heavily through my nose.
Law snorts. “She wasn’t when I was playing with her.”
He removes his hand and wraps it around my throat, holding me in place.
“This was to show you that we can fuck whoever we want, whenever we
want. But you do not have that option.” He leans down and kisses the tape
covering my mouth. “Remember that the next time you try to make me
jealous.” He lets go of me, shoving my head back, and walks off.
I look at the stage and see that Jamie is no longer there. My eyes dart
around the room, looking for any sign of her, but I see nothing.
Law gets up and picks up his knife off the floor. He slices it down the
tape between my legs. I throw my head back and release a muffled scream
as he rips what feels like pieces of skin off. Then he reaches up and rips it
off my lips. Shoving his hands into my mouth, he removes my underwear
and places them in his pocket.
“I fucking hate you,” I growl, looking up at him through wet lashes and
messy hair covering parts of my face.
He pauses, his blue eyes meet mine as a smirk plays on his lips. “Doll,
you don’t even know the meaning, but you will,” Then he slices the tape off
my arms.


She stands from the chair in nothing but her red heels, and I have a thought
of bending her over the back of the chair, spreading her pussy, and fucking
her with my mouth. I could make her wet again. Easily.
But instead, I open my bag and grab a Westbrook High hoodie and a pair
of her denim shorts and throw them at her. “Get dressed.”
She doesn’t argue or waste a second. Once she’s dressed, I throw my bag
over my shoulder and grab her hand. I walk us over to the door and unlock
the padlock. “We’re leaving,” I inform her. She may have arrived with
Jamie, but she’s leaving with me.
Thankfully, she doesn’t argue.
We walk back up the hallway and into the main building of the
performing arts center. The crowd isn’t as big as it was. Kids have made
their way over to the Graveyard by now for the fight.
I yank her toward the double doors and walk outside. I see Jamie walking
to her car just as Henley does.
“How could you?” Henley screams, ripping her arm from my grip.
Jamie laughs roughly, turning to face us as we continue heading her way.
“Oh, come on, Henley …”
“What were you thinking, Jamie?” she snaps.
She shakes her head. “I knew you’d be jealous.”
“Jealous?” Her jaw drops. “I’m fucking pissed. You know what he’s done
to me.”
“I know what he’s done to me.” Her tongue runs across her lips.
“You fucking bitch …” My little doll goes to run at her, but I grab the
hoodie and yank her back to me. I’m in no mood for a catfight tonight.
“Let her go,” I tell Henley.
Jamie throws her head back, laughing. “It’s sick, Hen. This obsession
you have with him.” She places her hands on her hips. “He doesn’t want
you. And I’m telling you, as your best friend, it’s time to move on.” She
unlocks her car, and she jumps inside.
Letting go of her, she stays next to me, panting. She’s breathing fire.
I like this doll. Feisty. Worked up. It’s hot. “Don’t worry about her,” I
She turns around to face me. “You don’t understand.” She runs her hands
through her hair, pushing it from her face. The makeup she showed up
wearing is smeared across her face.
“Explain it to me,” I offer.
“I loved him.” She breathes the words, and tears start to drown her pretty
blue eyes.
Poor thing. I step into her and run my thumb over her quivering lip.
“That was your first mistake. Dolls aren’t meant to feel.”
We get into my car, and I drive us back home. I’m hard as fuck the entire
time and imagine her leaning over and giving me head. But not all dreams
come true and shit.
We return to the house just as the thunderstorm arrives. She runs inside
the house, up to her room, and slams the door.
I take a shower, smoke a joint, and jack off before crawling into bed with
my mind on the woman across the hall.

I SIT UP AT the sound of thunder rattling the walls of my bedroom. Picking

my cell up off the nightstand, I see it’s a little after three. I’m still drunk,
and the Monster has had me tossing and turning all night.
Lightning flashes, lighting up my room like it’s the middle of the day. I
look over to see one of the French doors has been blown open by the wind,
and it slaps back and forth. “Shit.” I jump up and grab a towel from the
bathroom and then go to the doors. Dropping the towel on the floor, I
quickly push the door shut and lock it. But I pause when I see a figure
standing by the tree. They’re dressed in dark clothing, so I can’t make out
their face, but the thought alone of someone standing outside the house in
the middle of a downpour makes a shiver run up my spine. Lightning
flashes, and they’re gone. I blink a few times, my eyes scanning the yard to
see if I can see where they went when the thunder booms.
I jump back with a shriek just as the lights go out. I don’t even think. I
use my flashlight on my phone to exit my room, run across the hall, and
knock gently on the door. “Law?” I whisper-shout. But I don’t hear a
I twist the knob, and it opens. Closing it behind me, I shine the flashlight
on the bed and find Law passed out. I roll my eyes. Of course, the bastard
can sleep through this shit.
“Law?” I go over to the side of the bed, and he lies on his stomach. The
covers are shoved down, giving me a view of his muscular back and the
curve of his ass. The one pillow that was on his bed is now on the floor, and
his hands are up by his head. “Law?” I poke his shoulder with my finger.
“Hmm?” he mumbles.
“Someone was outside my window,” I rush out, looking over my
shoulder as if that person is going to barge in at any second. Too bad I
won’t be able to see them.
He lifts his head up off the bed and opens his eyes, looking up at me,
squinting at the harsh light my cell is putting off. “You want an oversized
“Never mind.” I sigh, turning my back on him to leave.
“I’m joking.” He grabs me by the wrist and yanks me down into his bed.
He shifts to lie on his side, pulling my back into his front. His skin is warm
against mine, and I also realize the fucker sleeps naked. He settles his face
into my neck.
“Law …” I warn.
“Who was it?” he asks, letting out a long breath.
“I don’t know. I didn’t see their face.” I shine my phone on his closed
bedroom door to make sure someone isn’t entering as we speak.
He yanks it out of my hand, turns off the flashlight, and tosses it to the
floor, leaving us in darkness. “Maybe you dreamed it.”
“No. It was a person. I’m sure of it.” I find myself snuggling into him
“Well, sleep in here. I’ll protect you.”
I almost laugh at that. “There’s nothing to fear when you’re already lying
in bed with the devil,” I joke.
He ignores me. “Ever heard of that saying when someone needs a ride in
your car? You either have to pay for gas or give up the ass?”
I roll my eyes. “That’s not how it goes.”
“If you’re going to lie in my bed, you either fuck my dick or give me
“Cute,” I say dryly.
“I’m not lying.” He shifts, and his right hand comes up, wrapping around
my neck, forcing me to arch it back. “Maybe I want both.” He growls into
my ear before sinking his teeth into my shoulder, and a moan escapes my
parted lips.
I freeze at what I just did. I’ve never messed around with Law without at
least Scout present. His name alone makes my anger rise. He made it very
fucking clear earlier tonight when he face-fucked my ex-best friend in front
of me to prove a point. Then touched me afterward to see if it made me wet.
He cares less than I do. So, he thinks.
“What’s it going to be, little doll?” Law whispers. The hand around my
throat moves down my chest, stomach, and presses its way into my pajama
pants. His fingers are shoved into my underwear, and I lift my right knee to
give him better access. He chuckles in my ear, kissing his way down my
My right hand reaches up, and I find his head, gripping ahold of his
thick, dark hair. I rock my hips against his greedy fingers. “Law,” I moan
when he adds a third.
“Yeah, doll?” he asks, nipping at my skin, and my hand falls from his
hair. I grip the side of the bed instead. “What do you want?” he demands,
getting up on his left elbow to give him better access to my body. But he
keeps his front pinned to my back so I can’t roll over like I want. I want to
kiss him. I’ve never kissed Law before. I wonder what his lips feel like.
“Beg me,” he orders, grinding his hard cock into my ass. “Beg me to play
with you.”
“Please.” I lick my lips, trying to control my breathing. I can hear the
thunder roll outside, but his room is still pitch black. I can’t see anything,
just feel him. “Please play with me, Law.”
He slides his free arm under my shoulders and rolls onto his back, pulling
my body on top of his, keeping my back to his front. I lie on top of him,
staring up at the dark ceiling. “Open your legs,” he growls in my ear.
I place them on either side of his thighs and let them fall wide open. His
hand that he wrapped around my shoulder comes up to my neck, and he
wraps it around my throat, pulling my head back to the point it falls off the
side of his shoulder. It makes it hard to breathe at this angle and stretches
my back, but his fingers don’t slow down. He finger-fucks me with his hand
between my parted legs.
“Oh, God …” I choke out as my hips ride his fingers. I can feel his hard
cock against my inner thigh, and I want it inside me.
“Shh, little doll,” he whispers into my ear, squeezing his hand and taking
away my air.
My hands fall flat to the sides and grip the sheets as he fucks me in a way
I’ve never experienced before.
The room could be spinning, or it could be me. I’m not sure. It’s just
blackness, alcohol, and an orgasm-induced haze.
I come lying on top of him, and my body instantly sags against his while
he releases my throat. I suck in a breath and realize tears are rolling down
the side of my face.
He removes his hand from my pants and shoves me off him onto my
stomach. I lie there, panting and disoriented.
The bed shifts as he gets out of it. Then my pants and underwear are
being pulled down my legs. I just lie there. “I’m not done playing.” He
slaps my thigh, and I yelp. “Remove your shirt.”
I sit up, yanking it off and toss it to the floor before lying back down on
my stomach for him.
“Place your hands behind your back,” he commands from beside me.
My heart is hammering, and my soaked pussy clenches. I still can’t see
him, but I hear the drawer to his nightstand open and close. The bed shifts.
He straddles my ass, and something rough slides between my arms and
back. It’s rope. Law needs to dominate. He needs complete control of your
body and mind. Sex is a game to him. And he always wins.
Thunder shakes the walls while he ties my arms together, starting right
below my shoulders. He gets to my elbows and yanks. I whimper, digging
my face into his fitted sheet.
He brings the rope all the way down to my wrists and ties it off. I try to
move but am unsuccessful. It’s so tight that I’m already losing feeling.
He gets up off my ass and slaps it. “Get up!” he orders as I hear him lie
down beside me.
I roll over onto my back, sit up, and the movement stretches my already
tight arms. I manage to get to my knees. “I’m up,” I tell him since he can’t
see me in the darkness and not sure what he meant exactly.
His hands grasp my hips, and he yanks me forward. “Straddle me,” he
After a few seconds, he slides between my legs. But it feels like it’s his
chest, not his hips. “What are you …?”
The bed moves as he adjusts himself, and then I feel his mouth on my
inner thigh. He lightly kisses it before he sucks on the sensitive skin. I begin
to pant for a new reason and throw my head back. “Oh, God.”
“You’re going to ride my face, little doll,” he orders. “I’m going to clean
up that mess I just made.” His fingers dig into my ass cheeks, holding me in
“Please.” I beg him not to stop playing with me.

I remove myself from underneath her shaking body and throw her down on
the bed. Her hands pinned underneath her. She cries out from the
discomfort, and I smile, settling between her shaking legs.
My hand goes to her pussy, and I thrust two fingers in, not giving a fuck
if she’s sore or not.
She sucks in a breath. She’s come twice so far since she entered my
room. Once on my hand and once on my face, but I’m not done with her.
The thing about Henley is that she craves dominance. She wants a man who
knows what he wants and takes it. It turns her on. She can deny it all she
wants, but her body can’t.
I enter a third finger. “Law,” she whimpers my name, and my cock
twitches. I’m so fucking hard, but I’m not going to fuck her. Not tonight.
I stop, and she’s gasping for breath. Removing my fingers from her
pussy, I run them up and down for good measure and order, “Open your
mouth.” She does as she’s told, and my cum-soaked fingers enter her parted
lips. She tries to pull away, but I don’t let her. “Suck,” I command while my
free hand grips her chin, holding her face in place.
“Good doll.” I praise her, and she moans, rocking her hips against me.
I flip her back over onto her stomach and yank her ass up in the air. I
spread her legs open wide with mine. Entering two fingers into her once
again, I take her cum and run it up and over her ass. I feel it pucker, and she
“Relax,” I say to her, my free hand rubbing the arch of her back, feeling
the curve of her spine.
“Law,” she whines, shifting on her knees.
I enter two fingers in her pussy again, and she relaxes. Removing them, I
run them over her ass, this time pressing my finger into it, stretching her.
“Law!” she cries out, burying her face into the bed.
“Shh,” I tell her. She gave Dax her pussy and Scout her mouth. I will take
her ass, but it’s going to take time to get there. Good thing I’m a patient
But there is something I’ve been waiting a long time for, and tonight is
the night I get it. I hear the electricity come back on; the lights remain off
because I like it pitch black when I sleep but notice when the ceiling fan
starts up.
I have a light switch right next to the bed. Getting up, I flip it on. She
buries her face into the fitted sheet to shield her eyes.
I stand next to it naked and slowly stroke my dick as I look over her
body. She’s still up on her knees, ass in the air and arms tied behind her
back. There are so many different ways I could use her tonight.
Letting out a moan, she straightens her legs and stretches her tight
muscles, rolling onto her side. She opens her heavy eyes slightly and looks
up at me. I reach out and run the pad of my thumb over her parted lips. Her
tongue peeks out and licks it before she sucks it into her mouth. “Want
more, little doll?” I ask.
She whimpers, shifting onto her back.
I pull my thumb from her lips and grip her shoulders, dragging her over
to me to where her head hangs off the bed. She opens her legs wide for me,
letting me see all the hickeys and bite marks I left while she was riding my
face. I smile. “On your stomach.” I stroke my hard cock as she rolls over.
“Pull your knees up to your chest.”
Wiggling her ass, she does as I say. I step into the side of the bed, and
with my free hand, I move all her hair from her face and grip it in a fist,
lifting her head off the side of the bed. “Open up for me, doll.” It’s time I
get what I’ve always wanted. What I’ve always craved. I’ve had to watch
Scout take advantage of her for too long now. I would imagine her while
with other women. Now it’s my turn to get the real thing.
I push my dick between her parted lips and groan. She opens for me,
letting me in. My free hand slides under her head to cup her chin, helping
hold her head in place. I know this angle isn’t comfortable for her, but it’s
how I want it. And I begin to fuck her mouth. I feel her tongue lick along
my shaft as I slide to the back of her throat. I go slow, letting her adjust to
my size while she shifts on her knees. I wait for her to stop me or to pull
away, but she doesn’t.
She lets me go deep, taking every inch of me.
I lick my lips as I watch her knees shift and ass wiggle. Little doll likes to
be used. “God, doll.” I groan, feeling the back of her throat. I pull out and
thrust my hips forward with force, and she whimpers. The simple action
makes my cock throb in her mouth. I pick up my pace, fucking her mouth
as if it was her pussy.
Her body rocks back and forth from my movements, but she never pulls
away or tries to stop me. She sucks me like the good little doll I knew she’d
be. A loyal toy begging to be played with.

I RUN INTO third period and sit in my usual chair right up front. I quickly
pull out my book, pencil, and notepad, trying to be the good student I am,
when I see Jamie enter the room.
She looks at me and gives me a big fucking smile. I smile back, and it
throws her off. She stumbles over her own feet but manages to get to the
chair next to me before falling on her face—pity.
When I woke up naked, hungover, and alone in Law’s bed just thirty
minutes ago, I told myself I wasn’t going to be one of those women. I’m not
going to blame the female for his actions as well.
Nope. They’re both equally pieces of shit!
Him for setting that up and her for going along with it. I know Law
played a part in it as well, but I expect that from him. Law and I don’t have
the history that Scout and I do. And I know that Law doesn’t give a fuck
about me. It hurts that I thought Scout ever did.
“Good morning, class.” Mrs. Shepherd enters the room with her hair up
in a tight bun, black slacks, and a white, almost see-through blouse. At least
she’s wearing a nude bra and not a black one.
“Morning,” everyone mumbles.
“I have the tests from last week graded and ready to return.”
More mumbling from the students. I place my elbows on the table and
bow my head. I’m hungover.
Between the drinking I did on the way to Death Valley, along with the
events that took place there, then the lack of sleep and how Law fucked me
—I should still be in my bed. The thing about Law is that I’m pretty sure
we didn’t actually have sex. Like I can’t remember what all happened. I
begged, I came, and I passed the fuck out. Woke up this morning with
hickeys on my inner thighs, shoulder, and neck. Had marks still on my arms
from the rope and could barely walk.
I pull my cell out and send a quick message to the group Law so
graciously added me to. I might as well use it.
Me: Thanks a lot, jackass, for not waking me this morning.
The first to read it is Rellik, then Monroe and Scout. Law is last.
Law: I tried. You were passed the fuck out, and I wasn’t going to be
My teeth grind as my fingers run over my keys quickly, trying not to get
Me: I was naked in your bed. What if your mother had found me?
I wanted to make it known. Fuck you, Scout.
Law: She’s long gone before we get up for school, little doll.
Scout: You guys fucked last night?
I smile. Ha, fucker. Hope it bothers you that I slept with your best friend
without you present. I quickly respond before Law can. This is why I hate
group chats. By the time you reply to something, the conversation has
usually moved onto a different subject, and you just look stupid.
Me: I should have had Law record it for you, Scout.
I hear someone chuckling in the classroom, and I know it’s Monroe
without even having to look back at him. It vibrates again with a response
from Law to Scout’s previous question.
Law: She came into my room and begged for it.
“I did not!” I shout.
“Miss Greene?”
I drop my phone into my lap and look up at Mrs. Shephard standing in
front of the room. Her hands on her nonexistent hips.
Fuck! Did I say that out loud?
“Miss Greene, I will not put up with this today. Office.” She points at the
door. I groan, grab my bag and slide out of my desk, heading to the
motherfucking office.


The guys and I are sitting at the lunch table when Henley enters the
cafeteria. She’s got her backpack over one shoulder and her cell in her hand.
She plops down across from me, right next to Law.
Our little doll thinks I’m mad at her for sleeping with him last night. I
would think by now she understands that as long as she keeps her pussy in
the group, it doesn’t bother me who she fucks. Anyone else? That’s a
different story, and we’d have to punish our doll.
“Where have you been?” he asks her, looking up from his phone in his
“Mrs. Shephard sent me to the office. Turns out, I have detention after
school today,” she huffs.
I look over at Monroe, and he just shrugs.
“She hates me.” She sighs.
“What makes you say that?” I ask. “I’ll take care of it,” I say at her
Henley just rolls her eyes.
“It’s done,” Law announces before placing his phone down.
“What did you do?” she asks, bending over and placing her head on the
table, letting out a soft moan. “God, this feels good.”
He doesn’t answer her, so I ask. “Get drunk last night?” She lifts her head
and gives me a death glare before lying back down. Ahh, my little doll isn’t
speaking to me. “Is this because I fucked your best friend?”
She sits up so quickly, the table rattles from the movement. Opening her
mouth, she goes to say something but decides against it.
“Say it.” I lean forward across the table. “Whatever it is, little doll, don’t
be afraid.”
“Good job, Scout.” A guy walks by, slapping me on the back.
A kid on the soccer team sitting at the table behind us starts whistling
while he looks down at his cell. “Damn, man. Figured they’d look better
than that.”
Law picks up his water and sips on it, looking around the room as guys
pick up their cells left and right.
“What’s going on?” Henley asks, noticing as well.
“Just a little home movie,” Law tells her.
She whips her head to look at him, the color draining from her face. “You
didn’t really record it, did you?”
“Not us,” he answers.
“Who did you …?”
“You son of a bitch!” A shriek comes from the double doors, interrupting
her. Jamie is practically running to our table in her black Jimmy Choos.
“Hey, babe,” I say with a smile.
“You recorded us?” she asks, mouth open and tears already in her eyes.
“I did that actually,” Law says with a smirk. “Did I get your bad side?”
She gasps and looks at the only girl sitting at our table. “Henley?” she
breathes, her bottom lip quivering. “Do something.”
Our little doll looks at Law and then at the girl who was once her best
friend. She stands, grabbing her cell off the table and her backpack. “Sucks
to be you.” Then she exits, not looking back.
“You wanted revenge.” I stand and lean into Jamie. “And revenge comes
with a price—dignity.”
She came to me wanting to pay Henley back. I was all for helping her out
with that, especially since I had a point to prove as well. But what Jamie
didn’t know is that we’re using Henley in our own way. So although I was
more than willing to fuck Jamie, it was to prove a point, and that’s that. I
needed Henley to see it, and Law to record it without Henley knowing what
was going on. So I let him have control of what he did to her once she
arrived at Death Valley. And once she was restrained, he pulled his cell out
and recorded the stage. It was perfect. Two birds with one stone.
“How could you?” she whispers, lowering her eyes to the floor in shame.
“You wanted to play the role of a whore. Don’t be mad when you’re
treated like one.”

I PULL UP to Lisa’s house and make my way inside. I run up the stairs,
ready to go to my room and pass the fuck out, not even bothering to eat
dinner, but stop when I hear “Time Bomb” by Hollywood Undead coming
from Law’s room.
I enter without knocking to find him sitting on his bed, his calculus book
open and a notebook next to it. Of course, the bastard is shirtless in a pair of
basketball shorts.
He looks up at me, his eyes casually looking me over from head to toe.
His baby blue eyes linger on my choker for a second before they find their
way to mine again. “May I help you?”
I slam the door shut and cross my arms over my chest. “I begged you?”
He smirks, closing his book shut. He places his hands behind his head
and leans back against his black headboard. My eyes trail down over his
muscular abs and deep V. God, it’s like these boys are chiseled from stone.
“I knew you’d like that.”
“Fuck you, Law.” I spin around, giving him my back.
“You do know we didn’t fuck, right?” he asks.
I turn back to face him. “Yes, I know that,” I snap. Although I wasn’t a
hundred percent, I like that he verified it without me having to ask like an
“And you know if I do choose to fuck you, that Scout won’t give a fuck,
I swallow and look away from him. It was stupid of me to think that
Scout would care. But I don’t harp on that. Instead, I walk over to the side
of his bed. He leans his head back farther to look up at me. “If you choose
to fuck me? Am I a charity case to you, Law?”
“No, just not my type,” he says simply.
I try not to take offense to that because why the fuck do I care if Law
wants me or not. I change the subject. “Where did you share the video of
My brows scrunch. “WOS? That’s not a word.”
He picks up his cell and unlocks it, then clicks on an app. “WOS, it’s an
acronym for Walk of Shame. It’s an app where guys upload sex tapes. You
can upload them anonymously or not. It’s your choice.” He holds up his cell
to me. “Want to watch something? They’ve got anything you could possibly
think of.”
“No thanks.” I take a step back from it.
He smirks. “I figured you’d be into porn, little doll.”
I snort, looking at him down my nose.
He reaches out, grabs my arm, and yanks me onto his bed, lying on top of
him. “Law …”
His free hand comes up, and he slowly runs his knuckles down my
throat, cutting off any protest I was about to give him. My hands are on
either side of him, my legs straddling him. I can feel his dick underneath his
thin basketball shorts. I hold my breath to keep from moaning. “I bet …”
He tilts his head to the side, his tongue coming out to run across his top lip.
The action reminding me of what his mouth did to me last night. “That if I
tied you to my bed, turned on some porn, and forced you to watch it, you’d
be soaking wet, doll.”
I swallow at the visual he describes. He has a way of telling you exactly
what he wants. Like there’s never a situation he hasn’t thought through.
“Hmm?” His eyes meet mine. I’ve never realized how beautiful they are.
A soft blue framed with long dark lashes. They bore into mine. “I bet you
would beg me to fuck you. Again.”
My eyes narrow on him, and I slap his chest. He pushes me away,
laughing. I stand to my shaking legs and growl as I storm out of his room,
slamming his door shut behind me.
Fuck, I hate him!


I find myself going back downstairs, hungry after all. I think that’s why I
have this pounding headache. Woke up hungover and didn’t have lunch. I
need some food before I call it a night.
I set my open backpack on the counter in the kitchen just as Lisa walks
“Good evening, Henley.”
I groan under my breath. She’s always so happy. A ray of sunshine.
“Evening.” With a nod, I open the fridge, looking around for something to
eat, and come up with some yogurt. It’s not steak and potatoes, but it’s
something. Closing the door, I see her standing by the island with a
notebook in her hands, looking down at it. I see my bag open and notice it’s
mine. “Hey!” I snatch it out of her hands.
“I’m sorry.” She jumps, looking up at me. “It fell out of your bag and
onto the floor.”
I shove it back inside and zip it. “Thanks for picking it up.”
“Is that for fun?” she asks, gesturing to it. “Your story?”
“No, it’s for creative writing.” I throw it over my shoulder and grab a
spoon for my yogurt.
“Well, it’s very good.”
I stop what I’m doing and look up at her.
“Seriously.” She nods with a smile.
“Thanks,” I say and make my way back upstairs. I open my bedroom
door and slam it shut, hoping that Law will get the hint since his music is
still vibrating the walls. Dropping my bag at my feet, I kick off my shoes,
shove my jeans down my legs, and fall onto my bed face-first with my
yogurt and spoon still in my hand.


Wednesday, I pull up to Lisa’s house and pop my trunk. I needed to remind

myself what freedom tasted like. So after school, Lacey and I went to the
mall to do some retail therapy and have dinner. After that, we decided to go
see a movie as well. It’s nice to have someone to just hang out with.
Someone who I don’t feel is judging me or trying to stab me in the back.
I pick up my cell from the cup holder and see it’s a little after ten in the
evening. I totally blew off my homework and couldn’t care less. I get out of
my car to get my things.
Closing my trunk, I roll my eyes at the four black cars parked off to the
side. I can’t escape them. They’re everywhere.
Making my way inside the house, I hear their laughter coming from the
living room. Choosing to avoid them, I make my way up the stairs to my
Opening the door, I enter and drop all the bags at my feet at what I see.
There, on my bed, lies Vanessa.
How did they get her?
I walk over to her. She’s on her stomach in the center of my bed, her
wrists tied behind her back with a zip tie. Her ankles are tied with one as
well. Her knees are bent, and an extra zip tie is threaded between the one
around her wrists and ankles—hog-tying her together.
I pick her up and see multiple ripped pieces of duct tape covering her
entire face. She can’t breathe or see. If she wasn’t a doll, she’d be dead.
She’s also naked with a smaller piece of ripped tape holding a piece of
paper to her chest.
I rip it off, and she falls back to the bed.
Little doll, little doll, beg me to breathe.
Little doll, little doll, beg me to see.
Little doll, little doll, beg me to set you free.
Anger rises like a hurricane brewing out in the ocean, ready to destroy
the land it crashes into. But the only difference is I’m not going to give
them a warning.
I crinkle up the note in my hand, pick up the doll, and stomp downstairs.

I’M SITTING ON the couch with the guys when I see Henley running into
the living room. She’s got something fisted in her hand, and her eyes are on
Dax, who sits across from me.
I raise my cup to take a drink just as she throws whatever is in her hand
at the back of his head. “You piece of shit!” she screams.
The sudden outburst has me spitting out most of my drink back into my
cup and running a hand down my face to knock it off my chin.
“What the fuck?” Monroe jumps to his feet and spins around, his hand
going to the back of his head. “Did you just throw something at me?” he
“Damn right, I did.” She jumps over the back of the couch and throws
herself at him.
I drop my drink and run over to them, but Scout beats me to her. He
grabs her and rips her off Monroe, picking her up off the floor. He carries
her out of the room.
“Fuck!” Dax hisses.
“Go see what the fuck that was about.” Rellik nods to where Scout
dragged her out of the room.
Making my way to the kitchen, I walk in and find her back shoved into a
wall as Scout has his forearm pressed up against her throat. “What the fuck,
Henley?” he snaps.
She’s trying to claw at his face, but the position he has her in limits her
He lets go of her and steps back. She bends forward, her hair falling
around her while she coughs and chokes out a breath.
She stands, flipping her hair back, and her murderous eyes look to my
right. I see Monroe standing there along with Rellik. Monroe has a gun in
his hand, resting against his thigh. Her eyes drop to it, and she lets out a
manic laugh.
I arch a brow; our little doll is losing her mind, and it’s a sight to see.
She steps toward him, but Scout grabs her again. Stepping behind her, he
grabs her hands, pulling them up and holding them to the back of her neck,
causing her shirt to rise and show off her stomach and belly piercing.
“Fucking do it.” She laughs at Monroe.
“God, you are a crazy bitch,” Dax shakes his head.
“I’d gladly die to prove you’re a murderer,” she snaps.
He walks over to her, raising the gun to her chin, forcing her head back.
She bares her teeth as Scout holds her tightly in place. Rellik takes a step
toward them, and I place my hand on his chest to stop him and shake my
head. Let’s see how this plays out.
“You think if I kill you, it’ll prove you right?” He shakes his head.
“Stupid little doll. They’d never find your body. No, everyone would just
think you ran away like the frightened little bitch you are.”
“I’m not afraid of you, you murdering rapist!” she says through gritted
teeth. “You did it, and we both know it …”
He slams the gun down on the counter and wraps his hands around her
throat. Taking away her air, he places his nose to hers. “You can’t prove it,
Henley. Or I’d be in prison.” He lets go of her and storms out of the kitchen
with Rellik on his ass.
Scout pushes her forward, shoving her into the edge of the island. She
lets out a grunt, her body bent at the waist.
She stays that way for a second, taking in a few deep breaths before she
lifts her forearm, shoving her hair off her face and looking up at me. “Be
careful what you ask for, little doll.”


I am so fucking furious I could breathe fire. My hands shake, and my teeth

are clenched. I glare at Law as his eyes roam my face, my wild hair, and I
swallow, trying not to grab the closest thing and stab him in the face with it.
After a second, he turns and exits the kitchen, leaving me alone to calm
myself. But instead of taking deep breaths, my eyes drop to where the gun
Monroe held to my chin is still lying on the counter.
I might have grown up in Texas, but I’ve never held a gun before. My
father has them. Hell, everyone in Texas owns at least one. Except for me.
My shaky hands reach out and pick it up. The cold metal feels heavy in
my hands. As if instinct takes over, my fingers wrap around the black grip,
and my pointer finger fits perfectly against the trigger.
I hear their laughter carry from the living room, and it makes my skin
crawl. How can they just ignore what happened?
“You’ve got to stop fucking her, man,” Law says to one of them.
“Why? She likes it. Begs for it.” It’s Dax who answers, and my chest
aches at his words. How many times I’ve heard that Brenda was asking for
it. That she probably got off on it. “Who am I to deny her what she wants?”
Dax goes on.
Who the fuck are they talking about? I haven’t seen Dax around any girl
at school lately. Ever since they picked me to be their next project, they
haven’t been seen with anyone besides Scout and Jamie.
“I watched a horror film once where the guy chased down the girl. Once
he caught up with her in the middle of the woods, he cut her face off and
wore it as a mask. So, while he was fucking her, she had to stare at it.” Law
A long silence follows before they all burst out laughing. “Dude, you
have some sick fucking issues.” Rellik is the one who states the obvious.
“I said it was in a movie I watched, not my fantasy,” Law argues.
“Yeah, but you probably jacked off while watching it,” Monroe adds.
Without thought, I lift the gun and walk down the hall. I step into the
open living room, and their laughter comes to a stop as four sets of eyes
look up at me.
My eyes find Rellik first. His are on the weapon in my hands, and he
swallows, lowering the beer bottle from his lips. “Hen …”
“Shut up!” I shout.
Dropping the bottle, he holds his hands up in the air in surrender.
The end of the barrel turns to Law on its own. He reaches down and
adjusts his hardening dick. “You’re so fucking sick,” I say with disgust, not
sure which one turns him on more—the movie he was talking about or me
standing here with a gun pointed at them.
He doesn’t deny it. Just gives me a chilling smile.
I point the gun at Scout. He too looks unfazed while he sits with his cell
in one hand and a full beer bottle in the other. His eyes are on mine, and
without a word, he tips the beer back, taking a swig.
“Do you have nothing to say?” I ask, voice shaking like my hands.
“Don’t you want to plead for your life?” Don’t they know I’m unstable?
Hell, even I know that I’ve lost my shit. I’m at a breaking point where it’s
kill or be killed.
“The only person who will be pleading for their life tonight is you, doll.”
A voice comes from my right, and I twist my body to face Dax. He’s
standing there, head tilted, and brows creased as if he can’t believe it’s
come to this. I didn’t see him get up from his seat.
He takes a step toward me, and I take one back. “Don’t …”
“Do it, little doll!” he urges, and tears build in my eyes. I don’t want to.
He was my friend. And what I hate most is that I still love him after
everything. And that’s not okay.
“I will.” I swallow nervously. Taking a quick look at the other three, they
still sit in their seats just watching. “Dax …”
“Do it!” he shouts.
I flinch at the harshness. He’s at the end of his line too. And I know what
I have to do. For me. For Brenda. For every girl who had the courage to tell
their tragic story to only be dismissed, laughed at, and bullied.
He presses his chest into the barrel. “Do it, you fucking bitch …”
I let out a shaky breath as I see him still standing before me with his head
still tilted and eyes narrowed, but he’s missing something very important. A
bullet hole.
I blink, and it causes the tear to roll down my cheek. “What?”
Law interrupts me, throwing his head back and laughing while Monroe
yanks it from my hands and tosses it to him, still sitting on the couch. Law
catches it midair and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a handful of
bullets. “If you knew anything about guns, then you’d know by the weight
of it that the magazine was empty. And there was nothing in the chamber.”
He winks at me. “But good for you, doll. For having the balls.”
My wide eyes go to Dax just as someone grabs me from behind, lifting
my feet up off the floor. I go to scream, but an arm wraps around my throat
and tightens to the point it takes away my air.

SHE KICKS HER feet out, and her nails dig into his arm. Rellik holds her
in a chokehold effortlessly. A part of me wants to yank the gun from Law’s
hand and shoot Rellik right between the eyes, but I refrain. She was going
to shoot Dax. But that was the plan. We wanted her to act irrationally. And
she didn’t disappoint.
Good girl.
Instead, I tighten the hold on my beer as she continues to thrash in his
hold. Her hands slap his arm, and he grits his teeth. “She’s stronger than I
thought she’d be.”
I smile at his disappointment. He underestimated her. Expected her to go
limp and just take it. Nah, that’s not Henley.
Law just snorts.
“Fuck,” Dax growls, running his hands through his hair. He takes a step
back from them and looks around aimlessly. His eyes land on the gun in
Law’s hands. He’s just finished putting the loaded magazine in and cocks it.
He looks up to notice Dax staring at him. Law lifts up his shirt and tucks it
into his jeans. Monroe’s eyes go back to her struggle with Rellik. Her
movements are slowing, her face turning blue, and her tear-filled eyes are
growing heavy.
“Good girl,” Rellik growls into her ear with a smile on his face. “Just
accept it, doll.”
Dax’s hands fist to the point of white knuckles as he watches her slowly
lose consciousness.
“Monroe.” I stand, and he takes another step back from them. Our plan
was to render her unconscious, not kill her. What’s the use of having a toy if
you can’t play with it?
“I’m going to stay here,” he states, taking another step back, needing
even more distance from her.
“Okay.” I nod, thinking that will be best.
“I’ll stay with you,” Rellik states, lowering her now unconscious body to
the floor and digging into the pocket of his letterman’s jacket. He pulls out a
syringe and bites the cap off it. Bending down beside her, he injects the
ketamine to keep her out for the time being. Putting the cap back on once
done, he walks over to Dax.
She lies on her stomach, her dark hair fanning the rug. Her arms still
down by her sides. Bending down, I grab her shoulders and gently roll her
over onto her back, and my chest tightens at the vulnerable state she’s in
right now. How easily one of us could hurt her. But that is what we want,
right? To make her pay for what she did. For trying to ruin Dax’s life. I run
my knuckles down her cheek and over her lips. She’s so soft, so fragile.
“That was stupid, little doll,” I whisper so the guys can’t hear me.
“Because now we have to punish you.”
Placing my arms under her body, I lift her into my arms and order. “Let’s
go, Law.”


He lays her unconscious body across the back seat of my G-Wagon. I shut
the door and get into the passenger seat, looking back at her over my left
shoulder. “How long do you think she’ll stay out?” I ask.
He starts up the car, the engine roaring to life and the headlights
illuminating the night. “Long enough,” he answers, putting it in gear.
“Monroe wanted to kill her.” I state the obvious to see where his head is
at. It was my idea to sedate her with the drugs, but Scout is the one who is
hell-bent on torturing her. Me? I couldn’t really give a fuck. I think he’s
choosing to torture her just to prove a point to Dax—that she’s more useful
alive than dead.
“Don’t we all?” He gives me a quick glance, speeding down the
driveway, testing me as well.
“I can’t see how her death will benefit me,” I state. We knew going into
this that we had a timeline. She’s ours until graduation in May. The plan is
to break her, then walk away. Letting her deal with all the fucked up pieces
we allow her to keep.
He doesn’t say anything else, and I run a hand down my face as he jumps
on the highway. Looking back at her, I make sure she’s still unconscious.
Her head is tilted toward me, and I can see the marks already forming on
her neck from Rellik’s arm wrapped around it only moments ago. If she
only knew what’s to come. If I was being honest, I’d say I don’t like this
part. I much prefer her conscious, crying and begging to be fucked. Injuries
take time to heal. I like to play rough with my doll. Otherwise, it’s
pointless, and she’ll lose my interest.
We ride in silence for the next twenty minutes before I speak again. “I
believe he was innocent,” I state, looking out the window at the dark night.
“I never said he wasn’t,” he growls.
Rellik was right. We never talk about what happened. Or why Henley
even thought what she claimed Dax did was a possibility. She slept with
him, but at what point did he piss her off for her to turn on him? “I …”
A moan from the back seat cuts me off.
I look back and see her rolling onto her side the best she can with little
space, her hands on her face. “Good evening, little doll,” I say happily.
She coughs. “What … happened?”
“Nothing …” I say, giving her my back and looking out of the window
once again. A smile grows across my face. “Yet.” I finish as we pull into the
gates of our destination.

MY HEAD POUNDS like a drum. My face throbs, my jaw and throat sore.
It hurts to swallow. I feel light-headed, and my body heavy. What did they
do to me?
I bury my face in my hands as I hear Law speak, but I tune him out. He
sounds far away and mumbled. Opening my eyes, I immediately close
them. What little light I saw was too bright.
Drool begins to run out of the corner of my mouth, and I wipe it away.
Flinching when I have to swallow.
My body rolls forward and then slams back. I try opening my eyes again
and see the back of a leather seat. Placing my hand by my head where I lay,
I feel more leather. Something digs into my side. My hand moves to it, and
it feels like a seat belt. I’m in a car. Another look tells me I’m lying long
ways in the back seat, my knees crammed up to my chest almost. Not much
The door down by my feet opens, and I look to see Scout standing there.
“What are we …?”
He grabs my ankles and jerks me across the seat. Panic grips my chest,
and I scream, but it comes out hoarse. Flipping onto my stomach, I grab at
the seat, but I’m too slow. I’m ripped from the car and jerked to my feet. I
sway, the ground starts to rise, and my vision blurs. I go to fall over but am
caught and thrown over a shoulder. It makes my head pound harder at this
“It’s going to take a long minute for things to come back, doll.” I hear
Law say from beside me.
For what to come back? They gave me something. But what was it? The
last thing I remember was … Rellik? I went to shoot Dax and then being
choked? Yeah, Rellik choked me out. But that wouldn’t make my body feel
this way, would it? I don’t have anything to compare it to.
I try to lift my head to look around, but I can’t lift it off Scout’s back. I lie
helplessly as it bounces.
We begin to walk up what feels like stairs. Once he comes to a stop, I’m
placed on my feet, and I sway, and my legs give out on me. Falling to my
right, I feel hands grip my hips and steady me. I lean back against a hard
body and lift my heavy head, and my entire body stiffens as I get a look at
what’s in front of me. It’s darkly lit. But the concrete walls, lack of any
windows, and the rows of small beds give it away instantly. Not to mention
the coldness and smell of death. It causes panic to rise through the thick
I go to pull away, but the hands on my hips keep me in place. “You know
…” Law starts speaking in my ear. His right hand slides along my waist,
and his free hand comes up to my hair, brushing it from my shoulder to give
him access to my neck. I can’t hold the whimper. The fear rises, and my
ears ring. “There are a lot of theories about what happened to Spring Valley.
One of the most believable ones is what happened in this room. They call it
Hell House.”
“Why are we here?” I manage to get out, trying to calm my breathing.
He doesn’t answer me. “There’s a reason this room doesn’t have any
windows.” Law goes on. “It’s obvious this is one of the many rooms where
the boys slept. It’s told that one night some of the boys were playing with
matches and caught the place on fire.”
“It was an accident,” I whisper, remembering one of the stories that I’ve
heard over the years. A boy was playing with matches and set the drapes on
fire in the library, and they couldn’t contain it.
“Would you accidentally play with matches?” Law wonders.
My headache pounds behind my eyes, and I try to figure out how we got
here. “I … I don’t understand.” Why the history lesson all of a sudden?
My head falls to the side, too heavy to hold it up, and Law chuckles,
making his chest shake against my back.
“I don’t think our doll is quite ready to play,” he muses, his free hand
gripping my chin and forcing my head back up.
I lick my lips, and drool runs down my chin.
“Just give her a second.” I hear Scout say off somewhere in the shadows.
“For … what?” I ask.
“See, Henley, we want to see just how much fight you have in you,” Law
whispers in my ear. Then I feel his lips on my cheek while he holds my chin
in place. “Consider this a test.”
“Of what?” I blink, even as a moan escapes my mouth. He’s teasing me
while talking, and I don’t understand any of it.
“Survival,” he answers, laughing.
Scout comes into view, walking to the middle of the room. Everything
seems to be in slow motion. He grabs one of the single beds from the wall.
About fifteen line each side. All have the old-time metal-framed headboards
and footboards. Some have dingy mattresses. A few are nothing more than
broken pieces on the dirty floor. Others are nothing but scrap metal lying
around. They remind me of the old-school hospital beds, but they’re not on
wheels. He drags it to the middle of the room, and the screech of the bed
across the concrete floor makes me cringe.
“See.” Law lets go of me, and before my body has a chance to crumple to
the floor, he grabs my hand and jerks me farther into the cold room,
bringing me over to the far wall. “Feel,” he orders, lifting my hand to it.
It’s hard to see it, but I definitely feel the grooves in the concrete. “It
feels like … like someone took a knife to it.” Maybe they were counting the
days. I’ve seen it in prison movies before. It’s how they keep track of the
time that passes.
Law gives a dark laugh. “No, doll. Those are claw marks.”
Even through the haze and dizziness, my mind starts screaming danger,
telling me to run. I swallow, taking a step back, and drop my hand.
“They say that these boys in here were locked away the night of the fire.
They were burned alive. There are no windows, no escape. They screamed,
but no one helped them. They cried, but no one heard them. They
prayed”—he leans his lips to my ear—“but God did not spare them.”
My legs tremble, and my headache intensifies. Fear grips my chest,
confused as to why we’re here in the first place. “I wanna go.” I manage to
get out, then turn to walk back toward the way we came in. “This is …”
I’m grabbed from behind with an arm around my waist, and my feet are
lifted off the floor. I scream out as I’m tossed onto a hard surface. Dust
billows up around me from what I now realize is a mattress, making me
cough. Someone straddles my hips and reaches down to his jeans. I get a
look at his face through what hair covers my eyes to see it’s not Law.
“Scout!” I shriek. “Scout, get off me!” I shout, my hands shoving at his
chest. He doesn’t budge. I kick and try to buck him off with no success. My
movements are sluggish, my body too weak.
He rips the belt from his jeans and grabs my wrists in one quick motion.
After tying the belt around my wrists, he then shoves them above my head.
I’m screaming, fighting him any way that I can, but it does me no good.
Once my wrists are secured to the metal headboard above my head, he grips
my chin roughly. “Shh,” he says softly.
I’m panting, heart racing, and blood rushes in my ears. “What are you
…?” His grip tightens on my chin, and I whimper.
“Shh.” He brings his free hand up and runs his knuckles down my cheek,
gently pushing the hair from my face. “What would you do if I left you
“What?” I begin to panic more than I already was and will my body to
wake up. To fight harder. It doesn’t listen. “Please, no.”
“You know a human can go three days without water.” He looks up at the
cracked and busted ceiling. You can see all the way through the roof to the
sky in some places. “But it’s supposed to rain tomorrow. And the roof leaks.
I think you could make it five days before I need to bring you water.”
“Please …” I beg. My eyes fill with tears as I jerk on the belt. This old
bed shouldn’t be this strong. Or I’m just too weak. They had to have
drugged me. But with what?
“You know what a body does when it is forced to go without water?
Food?” Scout demands.
“Scout … don’t do this.” I swallow. “Please …”
“When you have to lie in a bed covered in your own piss and shit?” His
voice rises. “Do you?”
“No.” I sob. My heart pounding so hard it feels like my chest might
explode. “I don’t.”
“How long could I leave you here before you’d choose death over
living?” Scout asks, lowering his voice.
My eyes widen, his words starting to make sense of what Law was
saying. I understand. The boys here at Spring Valley. They weren’t taken
care of. They were tortured. Treated poorly. Tied to their bed. Starved. Slept
in their own urine just to keep warm at night. I’d set this place on fire too.
Now he’s going to do it to me. “Please …”
He slaps a hand over my mouth, shoving me farther into the roach-
infested mattress. “Law?” he calls out, reminding me that we’re not alone
here. I almost forgot about him. Where are Rellik and Dax? I haven’t seen
or heard them.
“Yeah?” I hear his voice over to the left but can’t see him due to the
“How long can someone survive without food?” Scout asks curiously.
“Research on the matter is … insignificant.” Law sighs, sounding
disappointed. “But anywhere between eight to twenty-one days.”
Scout gets a cruel smile on his face as his eyes bore into mine. “Eight to
twenty-one days? What would you do if I left you here, tied to this bed for
that long, doll?”
I try to shake my head, but his hand clamped over my mouth prevents
any movement. My shoes scratch against the mattress as I kick my legs, but
he doesn’t budge.
“As long as I come by and give you a sip of water every three days, I
think we could stretch it to months.”
My chest tightens like a vise, making it hard to breathe through my
already snotty nose while tears run down my face.
“I like a challenge,” he continues. “But the question is, are you a fighter,
Henley? Would you find a way to escape? Or would you lie here and sob
like a little bitch?” He lowers his face to mine. “Let’s give it a try.” He
removes his hand from my mouth.
“Scout.” I suck in a deep breath. “Don’t do this!”
He gets up off me.
I yank on his belt, the bed scrapes across the floor, and I feel hopeful that
I’m regaining a little bit of strength back. “Let me go!” My throat closes.
Law finally comes into view, and I arch my back and neck to watch him
come to stand at the head of the bed. He reaches into his back jeans pocket
and pulls out a set of handcuffs.
I stiffen.
He tosses them to Scout.
God … no! I manage to roll, flipping onto my stomach and try to get my
knees underneath me for leverage to yank on my hands, trying to break the
belt. He’s tied the loose end to the bed. I ignore the twist in my arms it
causes at this angle.
“Oh no.” My hips are grabbed, and I’m spun back onto my back. Law
has crawled onto me this time. His hips pin mine down, and his fingers curl
around my forearms, holding them onto the bed above my head.
I scream at the top of my lungs and kick, trying to buck my hips. But
nothing stops them. I feel the belt being removed, and I’m shoved farther up
the bed, placing my arms through the tight bars, and cold metal instantly
replaces it. “Better,” Scout praises.
It all happened too fast for me to even try to fight it.
Law jumps up off me. I close my eyes and begin to sob. He grips my
chin and yanks my head, forcing me to look up into his pretty blues eyes.
They’re such a contradiction to his evil soul. “Don’t let us down, doll.
We’re counting on you to survive.” He smiles.
“Ple … ase.”
“Now is not the time to beg, doll. But if I was you, I would try to keep it
down. Right now, it’s Wednesday night. By Friday evening, this place will
be crawling with people. And guys …” He runs his free hand down the
center of my shirt, and I hold my breath. “They might find you here and
take advantage of the situation.” Then they both walk out of the room, and I
hear their laughter carry as they make their way down the stairs. Until
Only silence and darkness cover me, and that terrifies me more than
anything. I’ve been to Death Valley more times than I can count and never
been in this building or this room. But Law was right. This place will be
crawling with kids by the weekend, and I can’t be a sitting duck.
The coldness that surrounds this room feels like it falls on me, like a
weighted blanket. So heavy, it makes it hard to breathe.
“Calm down, Henley,” I say to myself, trying to catch my breath and lick
my wet lips, tasting my salty tears. “There has to be a way out.”
I jerk on my hands and instantly regret it. The cuffs are much more
unforgiving than the belt was. The metal cuts into my already sensitive skin.
I arch my back to try to get a look at them, but it’s too dark.
There’s a little light over where the large stone door is open, but I’m too
far away. But I … I stop everything and try to think.
This has to be the smallest bed I’ve ever seen. And they didn’t tie each
wrist to a separate metal bar. So, it’s not like I have to get them both loose.
Just one. And my legs, they didn’t tie them down. Is it because they think I
have less strength than I actually do? They drugged me and think all I can
do is lie here waiting until they come back.
I let out a sob of joy that I actually have a plan that may work. I just have
to will my body to fucking move. I roll off the side of the bed and whimper
when my hip hits the concrete floor. Thankful the bed sits low. My arms are
stretched out, crossed over the other, and my skin is ripping, but I manage
to get up to my wobbly feet. I wrap my hands around the thin bar and drag
it while walking backward to the opening of the room.
The sound of the metal scraping against the concrete doesn’t even bother
me. My body is in flight mode to get the fuck out of here. I ignore the fact
that it’s hard for me to breathe and that the room sways.
Yanking one last time, I get it through the opening and almost cry that I
can see better. My wrists are rubbed raw from the belt, but the cuffs have
them bleeding. I’ve got bruises on my forearms from Law holding them
down. I don’t even want to know what my neck looks like.
I crawl back onto the bed and get on my knees, facing the headboard,
looking it over. Five bars run vertically and then two horizontally—one at
the top and the bottom—which prevents me from just sliding upward and
I throw my head back and scream out in frustration. “I’m going to kill
them,” I say through gritted teeth, shaking the bars with my fists.
Closing my eyes, I bow my head and take in a deep breath, trying to calm
down. I’m closer to getting free than I was two minutes ago.
Looking up, I search my surroundings for anything to help me. To my
right is a railing that overlooks the lower floors. But since I’ve never been
in this building, I don’t know what level I’m on. To my left is a hallway, but
it’s too dark to go that way. I won’t be able to see anything. I don’t have my
cell on me for a light. And I don’t want to waste more energy than I have to
on anything that isn’t going to help me free myself.
Leaning my head all the way back, I look up to see nothing but glass
above me—a big dome showing off the night sky. Parts are broken and
missing, allowing me a clear view of the sky. It’s clear, nothing but stars as
far as the eye can see. That’s the thing about being in the middle of
nowhere, the city lights don’t take away from the stars. They shine so
brightly. And I thank my lucky stars for the little light they offer me tonight.
Looking down at the bed once again, I run my hands up and down the
metal to feel for any holes or chunks missing. I’m wanting a weak spot but
find nothing. Shouldn’t it be easier to break?
Getting a thought, I get off the bed once again and kick the mattress to
the floor. Nothing but metal underneath running both horizontally and
vertically to hold the mattress on. This must have been so painful to sleep
I could drag it down the stairs with me. But what will I do with it once I
get outside? And how much energy will that take? “Goddammit!” I shout at
the top of my lungs. Tears of failure start to fill my eyes, and I refuse to let
them fall. I will not let them win. The bed cannot survive a beating. It has to
break down.
I get back on the bed once again and sit down on the metal, feeling it cut
me through my jeans. I face the headboard and lean back, pulling my arms
as tight as I can muster, watching the blood drip on the floor from my
wrists. I grit my teeth, turn my head, and start kicking the shit out of it. It
has to give eventually.
I shout profanities as tears of pain run down my face along with snot and
spit. I kick it once more, and this time, I’m yanked forward. My body rolls
off the bed and onto the nasty ass floor that kids piss, spit and fuck on.
Opening my eyes, I half expect the guys to be standing over me laughing at
me for my lack of strength, but I find myself laughing.
Because I’m free.
Well, from the headboard. I had kicked it so hard that the bottom
horizontal metal bar broke off, freeing it from the bed. But my hands were
still cuffed on the opposite side of the vertical bar, which pulled me forward
when I kicked it off because the top horizontal bar still held the five
Yanking my hands down the vertical bar, I stand and kick the small
headboard to the side. Turning, I don’t waste a second running down the
hallway to the stairs, needing the railing for assistance.
I feel dizzy all of a sudden. My vision blurs in and out, so I close my
eyes for a second. When I open them, I look down the stairs, and I wanna
cry. I’m only three stories up. I thought for sure it was going to be like six.
I walk as fast as my shaking legs will allow me to go. Not even bothering
to look back as I rush through the once-grand foyer and out the front double
doors. My legs come to a halt when I look out over the open field where all
the kids park to find one car facing me. Both Law and Scout leaning against
the front of the G-Wagon, smoking a joint.
“Fuck, doll.” Law whistles. “I’m impressed at how resilient you are.” He
grabs his crotch, and my teeth clench.
“What the fuck?” I snap, that nagging headache behind my eyes
“Call this a test of survival,” Law had said.
Scout looks at me with narrowed eyes, but the corner of his lips twitch.
He thinks this is funny! “You son of a bitch!” I run at him, ready to tackle
the fucking bastard to the ground. But I’m not even close to them. He has
plenty of time to prepare for my collision.
He pushes off the front and hands Law the joint. Once I get to him, he
grips my face and leans down, kissing me. His lips attack mine with a
dominant kiss, taking with little breath I had away.
I open my mouth to shout at him, but one hand slides into my hair,
tightening his grip, holding me in place while the other slaps down on my
“Wanna go back in there and fuck?” Law asks.
“No,” I snap, shoving Scout away from me, but he grabs the chain of the
handcuffs and yanks me back to him. I hiss in a breath, the pain almost
buckling my already weak knees.
Sliding his hand into his pocket, he produces the key and undoes the
cuffs. I cry out when the metal is removed from the indentions they’ve
carved in my small wrists in such little time. “Come on. Let’s head back,”
he says but doesn’t apologize or explain what in the fuck just happened. Did
Law make up that story about the boys that went here? If not, what
significance does it have? Why tell me anything?
“You get shotgun,” Law says to me.
“Why?” I eye him skeptically.
“Because I don’t trust you to sit in the back and not try to strangle me
from behind.” He winks at me.

OVER THE THIRTY-minute drive back to Law’s mother’s house, my

strength began to come back. My vision didn’t get blurry once, but my
headache is still in full force. I need some Advil and twelve hours of sleep.
Whatever they gave me may be leaving my system, but my body is shutting
down. It needs rest. And a drink.
Scout pulls up into the driveway, and we get out. Making our way into
the house, I hear the guys playing video games in the living room. Were
they here the entire time? Why did they choose to stay behind?
We enter, and Dax looks at me, dropping his controller.
“BOOM!” Rellik shouts, throwing his hands up in the air, and I cringe at
the sound ringing in my ears. “Bitches …” His celebration fades as he sees
me. “That was fast,” he announces.
“Fuck, man. She wasn’t even in there ten minutes.” Law sounds
disappointed that my fear of being restrained to a bed didn’t take long.
“Should have given her more,” Dax states, tilting his head, running his
eyes over my dirty clothes and tangled hair. What little makeup I had left is
now running down my face from the earlier tears, snot, and drool.
He just proved my theory. “What did you give me?” I demand, my voice
still rough from being choked.
Of course, no one answers. “Is there another test tonight?” I decide to
ask, breaking the silence. “Or may I go to bed now?” I’m fading and fast. I
need sleep. And I’m not sure what else I could handle at the moment.
“Give us a minute,” Dax tells the room in a clipped voice.
I square my shoulders, although I just want to fall flat on my face in the
middle of the living room. Maybe I should ask Rellik to choke me out
again. Then they would let me rest.
The guys leave without saying a word, heading toward the kitchen,
leaving us alone once again. Silence fills the room. “You have something to
say?” I sigh.
He smirks. “All of a sudden getting a backbone, Henley?” He nods to
himself. “Good for you, but it’s too late.”
“I don’t know …”
“This ends tonight!” he shouts, making me jump unexpectedly. “Do you
have any idea what you’ve done to me? You could have ruined my life!”
“Because you did something you shouldn’t have done,” I snap back.
The next thing I know, he’s in my face. “Rellik doesn’t give a shit about
you, Henley. Law and Scout only keep you around to fuck their little
whore.” He pulls his lip back with disgust. “It’s shameful that you enjoy it.
But me?” He shakes his head and takes a step back. “I want to wrap my
hands around your throat and watch the life drain out of your eyes. Law and
Scout came up with that plan tonight. Know what I wanted to do to you?”
“What?” I ask, wanting to know. I want to know just how sick his mind
can get. It will help me better understand why he killed Brenda.
“I wanted to bury you alive in a box in the woods. And I wanted to sit
beside it and listen to you cry and beg. I wanted to hear the true panic in
your voice. I wanted to know that when I walked away, you were dead.” He
turns his back on me.
“Is that what you did with Brenda?” I demand. “Buried her in the woods
for no one to ever find?”
He spins back around and backhands me across the face.
It’s so hard; it has me falling onto the couch, making me cry out. I hold
my throbbing face as he glares down at me. Bending over, he places both
hands on either side of me on the couch. “You think you’re scared of the
others? Keep pushing me, and you will see just what kind of monster I can
be. They can’t protect you forever.”
I look over to see Scout now standing in the living room. My scream
apparently alerted him. He crosses his arms over his chest.
Dax pushes away from me and turns to face Scout and the others as they
also enter the living room once again. “If you enjoy your slut, then you’ll
keep her the fuck away from me.” Then he turns and storms out of the
“I’ll go after him,” Rellik volunteers.
I get up off the couch and sway a bit.
“Let me.” Scout comes over to me.
“Stay away.” I shove him back. “You’ve done enough for today.”
I make my way upstairs and into the bedroom, then find my way to the
bathroom. I turn on the lights but instantly regret it, so I shut them off and
begin to undress. I just want to use this bathtub. I feel so dirty after being at
Death Valley tonight.
Once undressed, I crawl into the jacuzzi tub and lower my body into it,
sighing. I can feel the hot water burning my skin. My hands rest on the
sides because I don’t want to put my wrists into the water.
Reaching over, I pick up the washcloth on the side of the tub and drape it
over my head. It still pounds—throbbing to the point I can’t even open my
eyes anymore, and now my cheek stings from Dax’s hand. I’m pushing him
to his breaking point. Good. I want him to fucking show me what he’s got.
It’s the only way to show the world what that motherfucker can do.
A knock sounds on the door. “Go away.”


I enter the bathroom, ignoring her. She lies in the bathtub, her head back
on the small white pillow and a washcloth over her head and half her face. I
watched her body slowly break down in the car on the way back here. Her
adrenaline ran out, and exhaustion took over pretty quickly.
“Henley, you need to take these,” I tell her, holding a couple of pills in
one hand and a bottle of water in the other.
“Haven’t you drugged me enough for one day?” she mumbles with a
heavy sigh.
“It’s Advil and water,” I state, smirking.
She ignores me.
I place the things on the marble counter, then walk over to the tub, drop
to my knees, and remove the washcloth. Her head falls to the side, and she
opens her heavy eyes. They’re already filled with tears. “Why?” Her voice
cracks at the single word.
“Why not?” I ask, reaching out and running my hand down her face,
careful with the bruise forming from Dax’s hand.
A single tear runs down her cheek. “I’m tired, Ryan.” She never calls me
Ryan—not since we were younger—but I like the way it sounds. Everyone
calls us by our last names, so it’s a nice change. “So tired,” she whispers.
Good. Break for me, baby, like a dam buckling from the pressure. Show
me your limit. I lean forward and press a kiss to her temple before
whispering, “I’m just getting started, doll.”
Another tear falls, and I wipe it away before lowering my fingers over
her jaw and to her neck. She reaches up and grips my wrists and begins to
pull them away from her delicate skin.
“Don’t,” I warn, and she lets go. “I don’t have any plans of hurting you
anymore tonight, Henley.” She nervously licks her lips. Grabbing the
washcloth, I go to place it over her eyes, but she pulls back. “It’s okay,” I
tell her.
“Scout …”
“Promise.” I place it over her eyes and push on her shoulders, leaning her
head back against the pillow.
Her breathing picks up, and I watch her tits rise and fall at the
acceleration of fear. She doesn’t trust me. Not anymore. My little doll has
gotten smarter.
I grab the bar of soap, dip it through the bubbles and into the warm water
before lathering it up in my hands. Then I grab her right arm and start
massaging the soap into her soft skin.
She moans, her body relaxing more into the tub, pushing her chest under
the water.
“Better?” I ask.
She nods once, letting out a nervous breath. “Yeah.”
It reminds me of the time I really showed her what kind of man I am. The
first time I played with my little doll.

Junior year

I shove open the door so hard, it hits the interior wall, storming into her
bathroom. I knew she was here. She always enjoys a bath at night before
she crawls into bed.
Henley sits in the jacuzzi tub, just as I guessed. “Scout!” she shouts, her
left arm thrown across her chest to cover her tits from me. “What the fuck
…?” She jumps to her feet and jerks the towel off the hook on the wall.
“Get the fuck out!”
I storm over to her. Jerking the towel from her hands, I throw it across
the room.
“Prick!” She shoves me back to retrieve her towel, but I grip her upper
arms and yank her body flush with mine. Water instantly soaks my clothes
from her bath.
“Tell me he’s lying,” I demand.
Watching her features morph from surprised to triumph just pisses me off
even more. She knows exactly what the fuck I mean. And she’s proud of it.
“What, Scout? Upset that I’m no longer a virgin?” She arches a brow.
My fingers dig into her skin, but she refuses to show any sign of pain. I
shove her away from me, disgusted with her. With Dax. How could he? He
knew that I loved her. I wanted to let her stay pure just a little longer.
I’ve had sex. I’d never tell her that, but I wanted to be her first. I liked
that title—her blood on my dick. Instead, she gave it to my best friend. And
he accepted it with open arms after a few shots of tequila.
Fuck them both!
“Yes, Henley. You’re officially a slut. Congratulations!” I spit out of
She slaps me across the face, and I grip her chin, shoving her into the
nearest wall. Her body slams into it with a thud, and she gasps. “You
fucking bitch …”
“How many times did I throw myself at you?” she shouts in my face.
“How many times did I tell you that I wanted you?” Her hands slap at my
soaked chest. “I may be a slut now, but you ….” She lowers her voice and
places her face right in front of mine, the scent of vodka coming from her
breath, and growls, “You’re a fucking coward, Scout.”
My hand holding her chin drops to her throat, and I squeeze it, taking her
air away. She’s right, of course, but I refuse to acknowledge that fact. Her
lips part, and her eyes widen, realizing that she can’t breathe. That I hold
that fucking power. I like it. The way her pulse runs rapidly under my touch.
The way her blue eyes stare up at me helplessly. I watch them fill with tears
like a sinking ship taking on water—it floods them until it spills down her
I smile down at her, my eyes tracing the curves of her perfectly pouty lips.
“Did he fuck your mouth, Henley?” As pissed at her as I am, my cock is
still fucking hard. My mind is screaming it doesn’t matter that she slept with
him; she still belongs to me. Always has. Always will. And I need to prove
that to her. So what if he got a piece once? I get to use her forever.
Her hands slap aimlessly at me, trying to shove me away, but I stay
rooted to my spot, pinning her small and naked body against the wall.
“Did he?” I ask again. Leaning forward, I run my tongue over her face,
licking up the suds, tasting the water from her bath and her watermelon
lemonade-scented soap along with her tears. “Just how much did he take,
Pulling back, she opens and parts her lips as they start to turn blue along
with her sun-kissed face. They match the color of her eyes. So pretty. So
delicate. So fucking mine.
Stepping back, I release her.
She leans forward, her legs giving out, and she falls to her knees on the
black marble floor. Holding her throat, she bends over, coughing while
trying to breathe.
“Was he worth it?” I ask, fisting my hands. They feel empty now.
She flips her hair back and looks up at me with anger blazing in her blue
eyes. And I feel something deep inside me. That place that my father always
told me would come. “When you decide what you want, you will take it,
Ryan. You’re a fucking Scout. And nothing can stop us from succeeding.” It
has arrived. I want this. Her. Here. On her knees. Pleasing me. Dax got
what he wanted, so why shouldn’t I? There’s enough of her to go around.
She starts to stand, and I place my hand on her shoulder, keeping her in
place. “It’s my turn,” I tell her.
She whimpers but makes no move to get up again. I reach down and undo
my jeans and lower my zipper. “Open your mouth,” I order, pulling out my
hard cock and stroking it.
She stares at me with a look of concern and curiosity. My little doll likes
to do what she’s told. She’s a good girl and always follows the rules. That’s
what I love about her so much.
I slide my free hand into her wet hair and step forward. I hold my cock
right in front of her face, running the tip of it along her lips, smearing
precum across them. “Open, Henley. Be my little doll and let me play with
She opens her lips and tilts her head back for me. Her heavy breathing
picks up, and I watch as I slide the tip of my dick between her lips. I groan,
my hand tightening in her hair. This is what I dream of. This is what I’ve
jacked off to since I was thirteen. I’ve been obsessed with Henley for as
long as I can remember. I always said she’d be mine.
“Wider,” I command, pushing farther into her mouth.
Her eyes widen, she shifts on her knees, and she tries to pull away.
My hand in her hair stops any attempt to remove my dick from her mouth.
“Open your mouth, Henley,” I growl, getting impatient. “I’m going to fuck
She does as she’s told, and I push forward. She gags, and fresh tears
begin to fill her eyes. “All you gotta do is kneel. Look pretty, little doll. I’ll
do the rest.”
I push in deeper, and she manages to pull away, sucking in a deep breath.
Irritation gets at me. I doubt she gave Monroe this much trouble. I take a
step forward, my shoes standing on either side of her thighs and shove her
shoulders and head back against the wall and grip her hair. She opens her
mouth and cries out. I push my cock inside, taking advantage of the
situation. This time, she doesn’t have any leverage to fight me. Not to take
it. I start to fuck her mouth more aggressively. She gags some more, tears
run down her face, and drool drips down her chin. But she accepts it
because she has no other choice.
My balls tighten, and I close my eyes, my teeth sinking into my bottom
lip. Letting out a groan, I open my eyes and look down at her. Her tear-
streaked face does me in. I pull out and hold her head in place by her hair
while I stroke my cock a few more times before coming all over her chin and
bare chest.
She is gasping for air, and so am I. My heart pounds in my chest, and I
shove my still very hard cock back in my jeans.
Her naked body shakes while kneeling on the marble floor. She still has
suds on her wet skin. Her wet hair sticks to her in various places. She’s got
to be freezing.
I crouch before her and grip her chin, forcing her to look at me. “You
may have let him fuck you, Henley. But make no mistake. You belong to
“Yours,” she breathes, accepting her fate.
“You will be my little doll to use as I see fit.” I run my thumb through the
cum that covers her chin, letting it coat my finger. “Open,” I order to see if
she complies.
She takes in a shaky breath and opens up for me just like before, and I
push my thumb into her mouth. She wraps her lips around it, sucking as I
pull it out.
She does as she’s told, grimacing at the taste.
I stand and look over her naked body kneeling before me with my cum
drizzled all over her like frosting. And I realize this is what I should have
been doing to her all along. I should thank Monroe for fucking her. It
helped me realize what I’d been missing.

“All done,” I say, placing the soap back in its dish. I washed her from
head to toe, knowing she needed it after being at Death Valley tonight. I
stand and grab a towel that she had on the white countertop. Turning back
to the tub, I stand with the towel open wide for her to step into. “Henley?”
She still lies in the tub, her head back on the pillow and the washcloth
over her eyes.
I drop the towel and remove the cloth from her face. Her eyes are closed,
and her breathing is even. She’s passed out.
I pull the stopper and let the water drain. Standing over her, I look at her
body. Bruises cover her arms, her thighs, and her legs. No doubt from
struggling with the guys and me. Her round tits look fucking amazing, and
the urge to come all over them again is strong. But I’ll save that for another
Bending down, I do my best to dry her off while lying in the tub, then I
grab her arms and pull her to her feet.
“Scout,” she moans my name.
“Wrap your arms around me.” She doesn’t move, so I throw them around
my neck and pick her up out of the tub. I carry her limp body into her room
and lay her down in the bed. Returning to the bathroom, I grab a few things
that I need and go back to wrap both of her wrists to help them heal faster
from the cuts left by the handcuffs. Once done with that, I leave her naked
and pull the covers up to her bruised neck.
Brushing the wet strands of hair off her face, I lean down and kiss her
parted lips. “This was the one, and only time I was going to be nice, doll.
Too bad you missed it.”
Then I stand and exit the bedroom. Making my way downstairs, I spot
Law in the kitchen and wave to him. “I’m out.”
He turns to face me and smiles. “How is our little doll?”
My cell vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out, seeing it’s a message.
Laney: I can’t sleep. Come over and fuck me until I black out.
I ignore it, placing it back in my pocket, and look at Law. “What? Oh,
yeah, she cried herself to sleep.”
He grins, looking down at his watch. “We’re right on time then.”

I MAKE MY way through the kitchen and to the living room, taking a bite
of the sandwich I just made. I was fucking starving when we returned from
Death Valley with Henley, and I dismissed the staff for the night in order for
us to play with our doll. So, it was up to me to feed myself.
Going over to the couch, I bend down and pick up Vanessa. The naked
doll lies there like a prop in a horror flick. I sure as fuck don’t want my
mother or James finding this. A naked doll with its hands and ankles zip-
tied together in a hog-tie position with tape covering her face is bound to
bring up some awkward questions I’d like to avoid.
Taking another bite, I set the sandwich on the coffee table and yank,
breaking the ties, and her legs and arms go back into place before I rip the
tape off as well. Then I stuff it all in the front pocket of my jeans so as not
to leave the evidence behind. Picking my sandwich back up, I make my
way upstairs and enter her room, knowing she’s asleep.
I put the doll down and walk over to her side of the bed, pulling the
covers back. She’s on her back, naked. Like I expected her to be. Scout
won’t do any more than what is required of him. He has no problem
undressing her but actually putting clothes on is too much to ask.
I reach up, grab the hem of my shirt and pull it up over my head. Bending
down, I push her head through and then slide her arms into the holes,
careful with her wrists. Well, at least he took a second to take care of them.
She arches her back and lets out a moan before turning onto her side,
facing me. I kneel so my face is even with hers and push back the hair that’s
fallen in her face. Her eyes flutter open, and she looks at me, but I’m not
sure she sees me. They’re bloodshot from crying earlier and look dazed due
to the drugs. She’s long gone.
Then I remove her cell out of my back pocket that I took earlier when she
was passed out in the back seat and place it on her nightstand. “Good night,
doll. Sweet dreams.” I pick Vanessa up and close her door, heading to my


It’s been two days since the guys tried to scare me to death by handcuffing
me to a dingy, disease-infested bed at Death Valley. I haven’t seen them
very much, thank God. They don’t talk to me at school, and I’ve been able
to talk Lacey into going off-campus for lunch. Every time we do, she acts
paranoid and always looks around like we’ve got CIA agents tailing us.
Jamie has tried to come up to me several times to start a conversation,
but I ignore her. I have nothing to say to her at this point. If I could avoid
Scout for the rest of my life, I would. But I know he’s not going anywhere. I
have to tolerate him. Jamie, I do not!
This isn’t even about girl-code. It’s about how she sought revenge on me.
And I know what I did to Datson was fucked up, but I just can’t see how the
two are equal.
I walk into Lisa’s house and see my dad and her standing in the foyer.
She’s helping him with his cuff links. “Where are you two going dressed
up?” I ask, looking over her black evening gown and his all-black tux.
“We have dinner reservations,” she answers with a smile.
I figured. “Well, have fun.”
“Tomorrow night,” she adds as I go to walk away.
I frown. “Then where are you going tonight?”
“Paris,” my father answers, holding out Lisa’s Fendi coat to slide her
arms into.
I raise a brow. “Come again?”
Her smile grows. “We’re going to Paris for the weekend. He surprised
me with dinner reservations at my favorite place for our ten-month
anniversary tomorrow.”
Oh. “That’s … sweet.” And way over the top, but totally my dad. “Happy
Anniversary,” I say.
“Thank you.”
“We’ll be back late Sunday night, Henley. Will you be okay here by
“James.” She slaps his arm playfully. “She won’t be alone. She’ll have
I refrain from rolling my eyes. “Right.” He gives her a tight smile.
“How’s the house coming?” I ask, wondering when the hell I’ll get
released from this prison.
“It’s coming along.” He nods, and an awkward silence follows.
I have a feeling he’s not going to want us to move back there once it’s
finished. If I had to guess, he’ll put it up for sale and move in here with her.
Or she’ll put this house up for sale and move in with us. Either way, I’m
stuck living with Law until we graduate high school. Then holidays and
birthdays. It’s going to be an endless nightmare.
We say our goodbyes, and I make my way up to my room, ready for a
bath and bed. The Westbrook Warriors have a home game tonight, and
Lacey asked me if I wanted to go. I said no, not wanting to sit in the
bleachers with all those kids I go to school with. I see them enough during
the week, so why would I want to volunteer to be the talk of the town
Walking into my bathroom, I start to undress and look at myself in the
mirror. I look better than I thought. My wrists actually healed pretty well,
and the bruises on my neck weren’t as bad as I had originally thought. I
don’t know if that’s a pro or a con. A pro would be my father seeing them
and asking about them. A con would be Lisa seeing them and thinking I’m
having wild, kinky sex and wanting to have the mother-daughter talk about
how a man should treat a woman and all that shit. Personally, I don’t think
every relationship is the same. I think some people can handle more than
others. And that’s okay. You shouldn’t be shamed for that.


I’m sitting in the bathtub with my earbuds in, singing along to “Hatefuck”
by Cruel Youth. I’ve had it on repeat because it reminds me of the Reapers.
It’s my new anthem. It’s like the song was written for me. Pretty much tells
me I’m dumb as fuck because I spread my legs for a sexy-as-fuck face and
empty promises. Not really. It’s just a good song that reminds me I’m not
the only girl who loses all rational thought when I think about getting the D.
When the song finishes, I open my eyes, letting out a scream. I jerk the
earbuds from my ears. “What the fuck, Law?” He’s leaning against the
doorway with his right ankle crossed over the left with his hands in the
front pockets of his jeans. “How long have you been standing there?” Jesus,
he pisses me off. He’ll go days giving me the cold shoulder and act like I
don’t even exist, then he has moments when it’s like I’m the only person in
the world he wants to torment.
“Since the chorus.” He smirks. “I liked it, by the way.”
“What do you want?” I roll my eyes, sinking deeper into my bathwater to
cover my breasts. Even if he has seen them before.
His eyes scan over my bubble bath, and he pushes off the doorframe. “I’ll
wait,” he states.
“What? Wait for what?” I call out, but he’s already left the bathroom,
shutting the door behind him.
I’ve been in here for a while, and the water has already started to turn
cold, so I decide to get out. Pulling the drain, I stand and wrap the towel
around me. Walking into my bedroom, I find him sitting on the white
leather bench at the foot of my bed. “Why are you in my room?”
“Mom and Dad left for their weekend getaway.” He ignores my question.
“He is not your dad.” I roll my eyes. “Don’t call him that. It creeps me
out.” God, how am I going to live the rest of my life knowing he’s
He just smiles.
I walk over to my long dresser and open the top drawer, pulling out my
“You won’t be needing those,” he states.
My breathing picks up, and I turn around to face him. He hasn’t touched
me sexually since the night I begged him to fuck me when I crawled into
bed with him after I saw someone outside my room in the middle of the
storm. “And why is that?” I ask, arching a brow.
He doesn’t answer. Instead, his smile just grows, lighting up his eyes. My
gaze snaps to the bedroom door as it opens. “Perfect timing,” Law sings.
I step back, my ass hitting my dresser when Scout enters. My eyes go
from him to Law. “What are you guys doing?” My excitement and fear have
my pulse racing, knowing that this could go one of two ways. Sex or torture
—or both.
He walks over to me slow and casually with a smile on his face as though
he’s been waiting all day to see me. He runs his thumb over my collarbone
and up my neck, outlining the choker I still wear. “We’ve got you all to
ourselves for the weekend, doll.” I swallow nervously. “You didn’t think
we’d pass that up, did you?” His warm hands slide up my neck to the base
of my hair. He tilts my head back slowly, and I close my eyes when his lips
touch my neck. I moan, my hands curling around his wrists, prepared to
shove him away if he tries anything. Scout is unpredictable, so you have to
be ready for anything. “We came to play,” he whispers before his lips find
mine. It’s different than usual—soft and slow, tender—and my entire body
relaxes into him.
I can taste beer on his breath, and I know they must have won their
football game and celebrated before he came home with Law. His tongue
enters my mouth and caresses mine. He tilts my head to the side, deepening
the kiss, taking away my breath.
I want to push him away and knee him in the balls, knowing what he did
with Jamie. But I have to shove those thoughts down. Dolls aren’t meant to
feel, Law had said, and he was right. Feelings show that I care, and I don’t.
If he wants me to fuck Law, then I’ll do it. And I’ll make sure that Scout
knows I enjoy it. He’ll get jealous. Eventually, he’ll get tired of it, and when
he does, I’ll walk away from him, laughing in his face. Letting him see
what he fucked up.
He pulls away too soon, and he removes my towel. His knuckles slide
over my bare chest and to my breasts. My nipples harden on their own. He
steps away, and that’s when I notice Law no longer sits on the bench. He’s
actually moved it over in front of the French doors. An open backpack sits
on my bed, and Law is tying rope around each bedpost at the end of the
“Scout …” I swallow.
“Don’t be nervous,” he whispers in my ear.
“I’m not,” I lie.
“Good.” He trails his lips down my neck. “Lie down. Head at the foot of
the bed.”
I get onto the bed and do as I’m told. Law stands at the foot of the bed
and grabs me by the arms, pulling me so my head is practically hanging off
the end. Then he takes my right wrist and ties the rope around it tightly
before doing the same with the left. Stretching them out wide.
Scout comes to stand at the foot of the bed by my head. “Scout.” I suck
in a deep breath and lift my hips as he slips something over my eyes, taking
away my sight, and I have a moment of panic. The thought of that stupid
Vanessa doll tied up on my bed and unable to see or breathe.
“Open your legs.” I think Law orders. I can’t tell. It’s hard to hear over
the blood rushing in my ears.
I pull my knees up and let them fall to the sides. Something cold is
rubbed over my clit, and I lick my lips, wondering what in the hell that
could be.
Then someone places my earbuds back in my ears, and seconds later,
“Nails” By Call Me Karizma blares in my ears.

MONDAY MORNING, I’M dragging ass into school. I literally need a

weekend from my weekend. I think my jaw is dislocated. Is that even a
thing? It pops every time I open it. My throat is sore. My thighs ache, and
don’t even get me started on my pussy. Pretty sure my body is still having
aftershocks from the orgasms.
They used me all fucking weekend. Not that I’m complaining. I came so
hard I cried. Fucking cried at one time. It didn’t concern them or slow them
down in the least. I was tied to the bed, cuffed on the floor, and one time, I
was zip-tied in the shower, just to name a few ways. They used me like a
two-dollar hooker, and they were going to get their money’s worth.
I lean my forehead against my locker and close my eyes, enjoying the
coolness it provides on my skin. I think I have a fever, and I’m exhausted.
“Hey, gorgeous.” My ass is slapped, but I don’t have to look to know it’s
Law. “Tired?” he jokes.
“Go away,” I mumble. Pulling away from my locker, I open it up when I
see Scout approach us. I swallow and flinch.
“You okay?” he asks, noticing.
“Yeah, my throat is just sore.”
Law places his shoulder up against the locker next to mine and gives me
a satisfied smile. “Swallowing dick will do that to you.”
I turn to fully face him. “Know this from experience?”
He ignores me and frowns. “What’s this?” He points out the fact I have
covered my hickeys with makeup.
“Hiding your battle scars?” Scout questions.
“Hey, we put a lot of work into those.” Law pouts.
I ignore him and speak to Scout. “Yes, I’m hiding my slut stickers.” I go
to walk away, but he grabs my arm to stop me.
“You’re not a slut, Henley. You’re our slut.”
“What’s the difference?”
He steps into me, lowering his voice. “If we find out that you spread your
legs for anyone but us, you will know the difference.”
I look away from his hard gaze and see Lacey down at the other end of
the hall. She’s pressed against her locker, books in her clenched arms, and
she’s staring up at two guys wide-eyed.
“Hey?” I call out and go to walk that way, but Law has already noticed
and is headed in their direction. Scout’s hand on my arm prevents me from
He walks up to them, draping his arm over her shoulders. He says
something to the guys, giving them a chilling smile, and they walk off. He
walks her back to us.
“You okay?” I ask.
She nods but doesn’t say anything else.
“Here, I’ll walk you to class.” I turn to look over my shoulder and see
that Law and Scout are following us.


During third period, I’m sitting in class as the tardy bell rings, and I look
up to see Nicholas Daws enter the classroom. He’s one of the two guys who
had Lacey cornered against her locker earlier this morning.
I glare up at him, refusing to look away until he acknowledges my
disgust with him. When his eyes finally meet mine, he just smirks. Like it
was some sick joke to torment her.
I hate it for Lacey. I know her being my friend has brought on more
trouble for her. She always kept to herself, and it worked for her. But now
she’s in the middle of my drama.
“Ignore him,” Monroe whispers in my ear from behind me, and I jump in
surprise. It’s the first time he’s spoken to me since he told me that he
wanted me dead, and I tried to shoot him.
But I do as I’m told. He’s nothing. Scout promised me that he would talk
to Lacey and find out what they were saying to her. I hate that he might
have to threaten her to get those answers, but I want to know too. The
Reapers will protect her. Even if they seem worse at first, they will make
sure no one touches her other than them.
That’s all I can ask for now.
“Good morning, class,” Mrs. Shephard announces as she enters the room
with her Gucci purse in one hand and a Starbucks cup in the other. “Put
everything away and grab your pencil. We have a quiz today.”
Everyone groans, and she laughs. I think this bitch loves torturing us. I
feel it’s the only reason she took this job. Because she’s rich and bored with
her life.
My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out to see it’s a message to
the Our Little Doll group chat. It’s a video. I have my sound off, so I decide
to play it, knowing no one will be able to hear it but curious as to what it is.
Clicking on it, I see it’s me, and my breathing instantly picks up.
Scout is filming. It has to be him by the angle it’s showing. He’s kneeling
between my parted legs. My cum covers his hard cock as he slowly enters
my shaved pussy and pulls out. This is obviously well into the first night of
our weekend fuck-fest because I already have bruises on my inner thighs
from his mouth and teeth.
He raises the camera to give a better view of my entire body.
I’m lying on my bed, my arms spread wide, tied to the two posts at either
side of the footboard for the second or third time. Who knows? My
shoulders and head hang off the edge as Law stands there straddling my
face with his large cock in my mouth. Law isn’t being as kind as Scout is.
You can see the outline of his dick as he shoves it down my throat while I
lie there and let him use me. Scout picks up his pace, and his free hand
travels up my body and wraps around my neck. He’s squeezing so hard his
knuckles turn white, restricting what little air Law was allowing me to have
while he has his way with me. I’m pretty sure I blacked out several times
over the weekend because I didn’t have a single sip of alcohol, and parts are
Turning the camera horizontal, Scout gives you a better view of us. Law
is leaning forward; his hands are on my thighs, and he’s holding them wide
open for Scout while he picks up his pace on my pussy.
I shouldn’t be turned on, but I am. Seeing what they see. It makes my
heart speed up and my breathing ragged. My tits bounce with each thrust,
and my body is covered in sweat and bodily fluids. It was the most
degrading and satisfying thing I’ve ever done.
My phone vibrates again, and this time, it’s a text from Law to the group.
Law: Playing with our doll over the weekend.
I lock my phone and drop it onto my lap.
“Excuse me?” I snap, looking over at Nicholas.
His eyes are on my lap, and panic rises in my chest. Was he watching it?
Did he just see all that?
A slow smile spreads across his face, but he doesn’t answer. Instead, he
leans back in his seat and pulls out his pencil.
I quickly shove my cell into my pocket as Mrs. Shephard passes out the
quiz. My heart now hammers in my chest for a different reason.
Trying to block him out, I stare down at the quiz. What if he tells all his
friends what he saw? The guys have made it publicly known they own me,
so kids think we sleep together, but they haven’t shown anyone what we do,
as far as I know. And although I don’t give a fuck what people think, I do
care if pictures or videos are being spread of me. They won’t understand
this fucked-up situation I have found myself in.
A small, folded piece of paper lands on my desk. I reach for it, snatching
it off, and hold it down in my lap, trying to hide it.
Swallowing nervously, I open it up. My hands shake as I read over the
four words. My eyes instantly snap over to look at Nicholas. He’s leaned
back in his chair, legs spread wide and a smirk on his face. He grabs his
crotch, and I look down to see the outline of his very hard but small dick.
Looks like the pencil in his hand—long but skinny.
With a pen, he’s written your face here along the length of his cock on
the outside of his jeans.
Anger rises at the fact he saw that. “You …”
“Miss Greene!” My name rings out in the silent classroom.
Swallowing, I look up to find my teacher glaring right at me. “Share your
note with the class,” Mrs. Shephard demands.
I sink into my chair. “No … I don’t think—”
“It was not a suggestion,” she interrupts me. “Share your note with the
Everyone’s eyes are on me, and I slowly get up from my seat, trying to
think of a plan. I can’t read this. Not in front of everyone. It’s worse than
what he wrote on his jeans.
Coming to the front, I fold it up and hand it to her. “You may read it.”
Maybe once she sees what’s on it, she won’t make me read it out loud.
She crosses her arms over her overly large paid for chest and narrows her
blue eyes up at me. “We’re waiting.”
Licking my lips, I open it up with shaky hands. I keep my eyes on the
paper. “Suck my cock, slut.”
The entire class bursts out into laughter, and my stomach drops, praying
the floor will swallow me up and spit me out somewhere else.
“Miss Greene,” Mrs. Shephard gasps. “That is inappropriate.”
My teeth grind to keep my mouth shut. No shit! Instead, I look up, and
my eyes land on Monroe, but he’s not laughing along with the rest of the
bastards. No, his eyes are on Nicholas, and if looks could kill, he’d be dead.


“We have a problem,” Monroe states, sitting down at our lunch table.
I look around to see where Henley is. He always walks her to the
cafeteria since they have third period together.
“Where’s Henley?” I ask. Whatever the problem is, it can wait.
“That’s the problem,” he states.
My jaw tightens. “What?” I snap.
He looks at Law, who plops down to my right. “She opened up your
video in class. I didn’t realize it until it was too late, but I’m pretty sure
Nicholas saw it.” He fists his hands. “Then he passed her a note.”
Law snorts. “A note? That’s sweet.”
“Well, the teacher saw it and made her stand in front of the class and read
I hear laughter, and I look over to see Nicholas enter with three of his
best friends from the basketball team. “What did it say?” I demand, looking
back at Dax. He needs to get to the point.
“It said suck my cock, slut.”
We all go silent; Law grips his fork in a tight fist. Even Rellik looks up
from his cell. Pure fucking rage runs through me at the thought of him even
touching her.
I look over my shoulder to see him laughing, and he grabs his crotch. No
doubt retelling his story to them and making it sound like he could have a
piece of her if he wanted.
“Then what happened?” Rellik growls.
“Teacher sent her to the principal’s office. Haven’t seen her since.”

I got in trouble for reading off four words to a classroom that I didn’t
even write. I tried to tell the bitch that it was inappropriate, but she didn’t
want to hear it. And when I tried to explain it to the principal, he waved it
off. His little niece is perfect. She would never!
Well, fuck them both.
Now I’m sitting in a silent classroom with three other kids I don’t even
know, staring at a fucking speck on the wall in front of me.
I wasn’t even able to return to my classes for the rest of the day. He told
them to count me absent. How the fuck does that even work? I’m at fucking
school. He even took my backpack that had my cell phone and car keys in
Pretty sure there’s a law against that somewhere, and if there’s not one,
there should be.
I look up to see the door open, and a kid by the name of Stephen enters.
He’s a senior on the football team. I’ve seen him hanging with the boys at
after-game parties.
“Mr. Tate, Henley is needed in the principal’s office. She has an
emergency phone call.”
He looks up at me over his glasses and nods to the door. “Make it quick.”
I jump up from my seat and run toward the door that Stephen holds open
for me. “Is everything okay?” I ask in a rush. My mind is thinking of a
hundred different scenarios of what could be an emergency. I haven’t
spoken to my mother in weeks, and I haven’t seen my dad since he and Lisa
left for their weekend away.
“Everything is fine,” he assures me.
“But …”
“I lied.” He smiles down at me.
“Lied? Why would you lie about that?” I snap, trying to calm my racing
heart. Fuck, I thought someone had died.
Instead of answering, he stops by the double doors and opens one up for
me. “They’re waiting for you on the practice field.”
I frown. “Who?”
“Better hurry. You don’t have much time.”
I walk through the door, confused as shit by what he means. But as I step
outside, he slams the door shut behind me, disappearing back into the
Looking ahead, I see the football arena for their indoor practice field that
was built five years ago. Their last one wasn’t good enough. They needed
something new and shiny. Football is a huge thing here in Texas. It’s
practically a religion.
I make my way across the grass and to the door of the indoor practice
field. I open it up and look at the pristine football field. To the right of the
field is their full gym. You can literally step off the turf into it. It has a
mirrored wall from the floor to the ceiling so they can act like those gym
rats who stare at themselves all day.
Most pro teams would be jealous of their multimillion-dollar facility.
Not seeing anyone and knowing I don’t have a lot of time before I have
to be back in detention, I make my way to their locker room. I open the
door and come to a stop when I see Nicholas sitting on one of the many
benches. His shirt is ripped, hanging off one shoulder, and his hands are tied
behind his back. Rellik stands behind him with his left boot in Nicholas’s
back. His free hand grips a belt wrapped around Nicholas’s neck.
Scout stands in front of him, holding Nicholas’s bloody face in his hands.
“What the …?”
“There she is!” Law sings as his eyes meet mine. He stands from the
bench where he was sitting next to Nicholas. All he wears is his jeans and
tennis shoes. His dark hair is still damp, letting me know he’s already
showered since practice is over for the day.
“What are you guys doing?” I ask, stepping inside and allowing the door
to shut behind me.
Dax starts walking toward me. He goes to the door, turns around, and
leans his back against it, making sure no one enters or keeps me from
“Little doll,” Scout starts, “we heard that Nicholas here wanted to play
with you today.”
Nicholas narrows his eyes up at Scout and spits on him. Due to the height
difference since he’s sitting down, it lands on Scout’s shirt.
Law walks over to me; his heated blue eyes run over my jeans and T-
shirt, lingering on my chest a moment longer. My breathing picks up when
he comes to a stop, towering over me. He reaches up and runs his knuckles
down my cheek. “We’re trying to make him understand we don’t share our
“Fuck you!” Nicholas shouts. Rellik pulls the belt tighter while pushing
his boot more into his back. Essentially choking him. Nicholas bares his
teeth, glaring up at Scout.
“See.” Scout gets my attention, talking to Nicholas. “I’m perplexed. I’m
trying to decide if I want to break your jaw so you can’t tell anyone about
what you saw on that video. Or just rough you up a little. That way you can
run to all your friends and let them know she belongs to us. And we don’t
“Fuck … you …” he growls through gritted teeth.
Scout tilts his head to the side, contemplating his next move.
“Maybe he’s a visual learner,” Law offers, and my heart rate spikes at his
words, knowing exactly what he’s thinking.
I want to point out that this all started because Nicholas saw the video
they recorded of me being fucked, but the look of excitement in his eyes has
me keeping that to myself. This is their domain. They want to show him
they are in charge, so words won’t be enough.
“What do you say, doll?” Law asks, brushing the hair off my shoulder,
his eyes following the motion before coming back to mine. “Want to show
him how we play?”
“Of course, she does,” Dax snorts.
I look over at him and wonder why he even sticks around. He never
touches me, but he watches. Maybe it’s their way of keeping me alive. If
Monroe had the opportunity to wrap his hands around my throat, he
wouldn’t let up until he was satisfied that I was dead. He told me that and I
believed every word.
“Remove your shoes.” Law orders.
I just stand there, staring at Dax, but Law grips my chin, forcing me to
face him, and slides a finger between my black choker and my neck. A
cruel smile spreads across his face. “Let’s show him how you earned this.”
I swallow, knowing exactly what is about to happen, but a part of me
wants it—to prove to Nicholas that I’m not his, and that no matter how
badly he wants me, these men would never allow it.
“Once again, I said remove your shoes, little doll.” He lets go and takes a
step back from me.
I kick them off and push them to the side. Law reaches down, grabbing
the hem of my shirt, letting me know that we’re not going to be taking our
time. “Let’s get you undressed.”
I lift my arms above my head, willingly letting him undress me. I’m their
doll, right? They get to dress me up and play with me however they want.
Throwing my shirt to Dax, he then undoes my jeans and yanks them
down my legs along with my underwear, dropping to his knees in the
process. His face is now right in front of my pussy, and my breath picks up
when he licks his lips. “Soon.” He looks up at me and winks.
He stands to his six-foot-one height and undoes my bra with one quick
motion. My knees begin to shake when he tosses it across the room. Five
sets of eyes are on my very naked body in the middle of the men’s locker
room. They can practically hear my heart pounding in my chest. Every
single bruise and bite mark that Law and Scout gave me over the weekend
is fully on display like a picture framed on the wall for all to admire.
Law rubs his sharp jaw while his baby blue eyes look me up and down,
letting out a whistle. “Such a beautiful doll.” He praises me, and I hate that
it makes my pussy tighten. That I crave any kind of acceptance from them.
These bastards have trained my body to want them, to need them. I’m like
the wild animal they feel pity for and feed their leftover scraps to. And
every damn time, I will do anything for that food they dangle in front of me.
I look over at Nicholas and see he’s practically drooling at my breasts. I
almost forget that he’s the reason we’re in here right now. He licks his lips,
and instinct has me crossing my arms over my chest while bile starts to rise.
I don’t want him to see me.
Law grips my chin, lifting my head to guide my eyes back to his. “Look
at me, doll. I’m playing with you, not him.” Letting go of my chin, he
begins to remove his belt, and my breathing quickens.
I already know what he wants, and my sore body screams to tell him no.
That it needs a break. I’m sore in places I didn’t even know existed after my
weekend with Scout and Law.
With his black leather belt now hanging in his right hand, he steps behind
Taking in a deep breath, I place my hands behind my back, knowing
that’s a battle I’ll never win. Law wraps the belt around my upper arms,
tying them tightly, pushing my chest out. I whimper, thankful he didn’t do
my already sore wrists, and drop my head to stare at my bare feet.
A hand fists my hair, and my head is jerked upright. I scream out into the
silent locker room. The sound bounces off the black and white painted
walls. Law steps up to me, and I can feel his hard dick against my lower
back before he speaks. “Don’t be shy, doll. Show him how much you like
My eyes meet Nicholas, and he looks at me down his nose since his head
is snapped back at an uncomfortable position due to the belt around his
neck. His earlier infatuation now turned to disgust.
“Kneel,” Law whispers in my ear before he lets go of me.
I slowly drop to my knees, and my legs scream in agony. My body begins
to shake with nervousness.
Law turns his back on me and walks over to one of their duffel bags that
sits in front of a black leather couch. He unzips it and pulls out a football.
“Pussy and football—my two favorite things.” He throws it up in the air
and then catches it with a smile, showing off his perfectly straight and
glowing teeth. He comes back to stand in front of me. “Sit up.”
I lift my ass off my heels, and he places the football between my legs,
laces up. “You may sit back down.”
I lower myself, my legs tucked underneath me, my thighs gripping the
football in place. It’s bulky, and when my pussy rubs against the roughness
of the laces, my breath catches.
“Slut …” I hear Nicholas growl before he’s cut off by the belt around his
“She is our little slut,” Law says, placing his hand under my chin and
lifting my head to look up at him. He unzips his jeans, reaches inside, and
pulls out his hard dick. Wrapping his hand around the base, he slowly runs
his fist up and down the length of his cock a couple of times. “Open up,
My heart hammers in my chest at his command. I swallow, noticing the
lingering soreness in my throat from the weekend and knowing it’s about to
get worse. Law isn’t gentle, especially when he’s making a point. And I
hate that the thought has my hips rubbing my pussy against the leather
between my legs.
Licking my lips, I part them for him. He slides his cock into my mouth. It
feels bigger—in girth and in length—making my already sore jaw hurt. He
takes his free hand and moves the hair back from the side of my face. He
pushes forward, hitting the back of my throat, and my body pulls back on
He lets go of the base of his dick, grips my hair in both hands, and takes
control. He fucks my mouth hard and fast. His hands in my hair control me
while I let him have his way with me—his doll.
I look up at him through watery eyes. The way he looks at me makes my
submission worth it. His eyes drop to my mouth, and he licks his lips as
drool runs from mine.
My hips move with each of his thrusts, the laces rubbing against my
already swollen clit. My hands are fisted behind my back, and I’m trying to
breathe through my nose, but it’s hard since my nose is running.
“Such a pretty doll.” He praises me, and I moan.
He picks up his pace, fucking me harder, and the football shifts due to the
wetness from between my legs. My thighs clench, trying to hold it in place.
It feels good, so good. I close my eyes while my body tightens. I’m about to
“Look at me, doll,” his deep voice orders in a rough tone.
Opening my eyes, I let them slowly run up over his toned abs and how
they flex. He looks like he was sculpted from stone. Perfection.
I ride the football, my hips moving back and forth, the laces creating
friction against my pussy, and I can’t hold it back anymore. I come all over
it, moaning around his cock that still fucks my mouth.
“Leave your mouth open,” Law orders. Shoving my head back, he pulls
out with his hands still in my hair.
I suck in a deep breath, my chest heaving and body shaking while
looking up at him through watery eyes. He stares down at me, lips parted,
breathing heavily. He lets go of my hair with one hand and wraps it around
the base of his slick cock. He strokes it just in time as he comes in my
mouth, some getting on my face and dripping down my chest and hitting
my thigh.
“Show him,” he orders. He yanks my head back and to the right, forcing
me to look over at Nicholas. His brown eyes full of disgust. I don’t know if
it’s from anger or jealousy. A part of me doesn’t even care which one at the
I stick my tongue out and show him Law’s cum all over it.
“Good doll, you may swallow now.” He pulls my head back, so I have to
look back up at him.
I do as I’m told like the toy I am—his to use. He lets go of my hair and
runs his fingers across my tear-streaked face. His thumb rubs over my chin,
smearing some leftover cum across my face.
I watch breathlessly as he brings his hand to his lips and licks his cum off
his thumb. Kneeling, he removes the football from between my clenched
thighs, and I whimper at the lingering tightness in my legs from my
kneeling position.
He holds it up, inspecting the football covered with my wetness, then he
shows it to Nicholas. “I fuck her mouth so good that her pussy comes.”
Then he lifts it to his lips, opens his mouth, and slowly runs his tongue
across the laces, tasting me.


Dropping the football to the floor, I leave it to bounce away. I look over at
her, and her taste lingers on my tongue while she pants, still kneeling. She
put on a good show like I knew she would. I can always count on my little
doll to let me use her.
“Put him on his knees,” I tell Rellik.
He loosens the belt just a little, and Nicholas sucks in a breath, followed
by coughing. Rellik doesn’t give him much time to recover. He kicks
Nicholas off the bench and onto his knees. He steps up behind him, crossing
the belt and pulling it tight, cutting off his air once again. I wonder how
many times he can lose consciousness.
This was Scout’s idea—to fuck him up, knock him around, and make him
bleed. Although I like to fight, I’m not like him. I don’t need blood to prove
a point. Not when I have a toy. She is much more satisfying than busted
knuckles and bloody hands.
“Come here.” I grab her arm and help her up from her shaky knees.
I drag her the short few steps over to where Nicholas kneels on the floor.
Letting go of her arm, she drops her head. Her tangled hair shields her face.
That’s unacceptable. I place my finger under her chin and gently push,
forcing her to look up at me. Her tear-streaked face makes my already hard
cock throb. I could use her more than she could ever take.
I run my thumb across her still wet lips, feeling anger toward the piece of
shit on his knees. Henley thought I meant her sucking my dick when I said
Nicholas needed a visual, but she was wrong. That was just a small part of
I begin to circle her, grazing the tips of my fingers along her still
restrained arms, feeling the goose bumps rise. Once behind her, I reach
around and run my hand up her flat stomach and bare chest. I watch the
way his heated gaze follows my hand, smearing my cum that had dribbled
down her chin moments ago.
Leaning forward, I whisper in her ear, for only her to hear. “Kiss him.”
She stiffens against me. “What, no …”
“Shh,” I say into her ear before gently nibbling on it, forcing a moan
from her mouth while my hand on her chest begins to massage her breast.
She leans her head back against me, and her breathing picks up once again.
I couldn’t have asked for a better toy.
Stopping, I raise my voice for all to hear. “I’m allowing you to give him
what he wants. A little play session with my doll.”
“You sick motherfucker!” he shouts, narrowing his eyes up at me,
knowing whatever I have planned is a trap.
“What?” I arch a brow. “Isn’t that what you wanted? Her lips on you?”
“Scout,” I say, letting him help me out a little bit.
He grips Nicholas by his hair and yanks his head back even more.
I stay standing behind her. Placing my hands on her shoulders, I whisper,
“Kiss him, little doll.”
He begins to fight the restraints, but between Scout and Rellik, it’s
Without a word, she bends at the waist to lower her face level with his
since he’s kneeling. My eyes drop to her pussy and cum-covered ass since
it’s right in front of me, and I lick my lips, refraining from dropping to my
knees and letting my mouth use her. I meant it when I told her soon.
She presses her lips to his and kisses him.
His fight is over almost immediately as his body leans into hers. He lets
out a groan and opens up for her, and I sigh in disappointment. He’d take
our sloppy seconds any way he could as long as he got a piece of her.
Reaching out, I grab a handful of her hair and yank her from him,
slamming her back to my front. Nicholas hangs his head in shame, and I
look at Rellik. He’s smiling like an idiot. Dax still leans against the closed
door glaring.
“How did I taste?” I ask, and Dax chuckles.
He sucks in a deep breath and bares his teeth up at me. “Fuck you!”
That must be the only thing he can say.
“Let me make myself very clear.” I move around her to stand in front of
him. I crouch, resting my forearms on my jean-clad thighs. “The only way
you will ever get a taste of her is if I allow you to suck her cum off my cock
after I fuck her.”
He looks up at me with one eye swelling and busted lip. I smile and
stand. “He’s all yours,” I tell Scout. He can take care of the beating. I got
what I wanted—to play with our toy.
“Let’s get you dressed, doll,” I say, and her body physically sags in relief
and exhaustion, I’m sure. I walk her over to the black leather couch and
remove my belt from her arms. Then slowly, I help her get dressed while I
hear Scout and Rellik beat the shit out of Nicholas.
Once dressed, I look up to see Nicholas is passed out on the floor. “Will
you take her back?” I ask Rellik.
He’s shoving his belt that was around Nicholas’s neck back through the
loops in his jeans. He nods. “Yeah.”
“Take her to the restroom first. She needs to clean up.” He grabs her
upper arm, and Monroe steps out of the way to allow them to exit.
“Was that really the best idea?” I hear Dax ask.
“I thought it was a fantastic idea.” I smile.
He shakes his head. “That fucker got hard from watching that. Even if
Scout did manage to break his jaw, he’ll still talk.”
“We wouldn’t be in this situation if you had taken care of the problem,”
Scout growls, finally speaking. He’s been extra quiet since we found out
about Nicholas.
Monroe’s jaw clenches. “I thought I had.”
“Obviously not,” Scout snaps, walking over to him. “You have tonight to
fix it, Dax. Then I’m going to take care of our problem, and it will get
messy.” With that, he yanks open the door and exits the locker room.

I PULL MY cell out of my back pocket and send a text, then return it
without waiting for a reply. Looking up, I see Law staring down at
Nicholas’s unconscious body.
“Wanna help me tonight?” I ask him.
He looks up at me, a smirk on his face. “Sure. What are we doing?”
“Taking care of business.” I keep it vague, but he already knows what
I’m talking about. They all know what I’ve been up to since this summer.
I may hate Henley, but I agree with the others—she is ours. I may not
physically touch her like Scout and Law, but I will surely help them beat the
fuck out of anyone who tries to. This is part of her punishment. No other
guy at this school or in this town will want her. We are lowering her options
of happiness. Tarnishing what little reputation she might have had left after
the shit she pulled last school year. She shit all over mine, so I might as well
return the favor.
“Come on, let’s get this mess cleaned up.”
“What are we going to do with him?” He looks down at a bloody
“Let’s dump his ass out back. Someone will find him, or he’ll wake up
and find his way home.”


I take a hit from the joint that Law passes me while he drives down the
two-lane road in his flat black Aston Martin One-77. “She still there?” he
“Oh, yeah,” I answer, watching the live feed on my phone. The woman
lies facedown on the concrete floor in the middle of the room. Her wrists
tied behind her back, she’s dressed in a black blouse and black slacks.
He chuckles, throwing me a quick look, “Sure you want to do this?”
I nod. “Yep.” Locking the cell, I place it in my lap and open the backpack
I brought with everything we need in it. “She’s going to fight.”
“Isn’t that the point?” He smirks.
“She’ll try to run,” I add.
“Even better.” He throws me a smile, and I shake my head.
“You’re fucked up, man.”
“Hey.” He reaches over and slaps my shoulder. “This is your rodeo. I’m
just an extra.”
We come to Death Valley and pass the wrought-iron gate. We drive a
couple hundred more yards, and he turns off the road onto a single-lane
gravel road. His headlights shine on the two-story Victorian structure up
ahead. “What is this place?” he asks.
“They say it housed the campus police.” I shrug. “Not sure how accurate
that is, though.”
“How in the hell did you find it?” he wonders.
“I didn’t.”
He just laughs and shakes his head, coming to a stop and killing the
“Here.” I hand him the black ski mask, and he slides it over his head,
then stuffs it into the collar of his hoodie. We don’t want this fucker to fall
“Don’t forget this.” He hands me a knife.
“Thanks,” I mumble, flipping it open and closed to get a feel of it.
“Here.” I remove my cell from my pocket and hand it over as well.
“Let’s go.”
We get out of the car and walk up the five stone steps into the old house.
It’s been gutted since it was abandoned all those years ago. It wasn’t
affected by the fire, but when Spring Valley was not re-opened, it suffered
as well.
The house smells musty, and it’s cold. It doesn’t get any human
interaction that I know of. Death Valley is crawling with people every
weekend, so it can get hot quickly from the body heat and lights, but this
house is deserted.
We walk down a hallway and come to an open room. There’s a staircase
to the right to take you upstairs, but I walk past it to the door next to it.
Opening it up, Law turns on the flashlight, and we make our way down the
old stairs, and they creak, informing our guest we’re here.
“Who’s there?” she cries out.
We step down onto the last step, and he shines the light around the open
basement to find her lying just how she was on the phone, facedown with
her hands tied behind her back.
“Hi, baby,” I say with a smile.
“No, no, no,” she says brokenly. “Please no …”
She rolls over onto her back and sits up. Getting to her feet, she runs to
the stairs, thinking that the door is unlocked. I let her go past me, knowing
Law will stop her.


“Whoa,” I say, reaching out and wrapping an arm around the woman,
stopping her from running up the stairs.
She screams out, and I spin her around to face Monroe. Her tied wrists
are pressed into my front as I hold her back to me.
“Let me go.” She twists in my arms.
I hold her tighter as Monroe walks up to us and grips the collar of her
shirt. He rips it open, sending her buttons flying.
She kicks her feet out, trying to hit him while she screams at the top of
her lungs.
I slap my free hand over her mouth, holding her head to my chest. Her
heavy breathing fills the room, and he yanks her slacks down her legs.
He takes her from my hands and drags her over to a mattress in the far
corner. I pick up the flashlight I had dropped and walk over to the other side
of the room. I find an old metal chair, spin it around and straddle it
backward. I pick up the cell phone off the floor and go through it. Once I’ve
done what I need, I look up and watch them. He’s got her facedown with
her ass up in the air, her back arched painfully. His knees hold hers far
apart, leaving her naked and open for him. His right hand is fisted in her
hair, holding her face to the mattress while his free hand comes up. He spits
on his fingers and then rubs them over her pussy. Without wasting another
second, he unzips his jeans, pulls out his cock, and shoves it into her.
He begins to fuck her fully dressed with his mask still on.
Her cries and fight turn to moans and compliance as he makes sure she
gets hers while I keep the light on them.
It doesn’t last all that long, but that’s the point. There’s no need for
foreplay when you’re forcing it.
She cries out into the basement as she comes, and he thrusts a few more
times before releasing himself.
He pulls out of her and stands, shoving his wet cock back into his jeans.
And she moans, flattening out her body. “God, Dax.” She sighs. “I thought
your friend was going to join us.”
I snort. “I’m not touching you.”
She stiffens as Monroe leans down, grips her arm, and yanks her to her
feet. He takes his knife and cuts the rope that she had somehow tied herself
with once she arrived.
“What’s going on?” she demands, looking up at him as she rubs her
He wraps his hand around her throat and spins her around, pointing up at
the far corner of the room. “See that?”
“What … what the hell is that?” Her voice rises with panic when she
finally notices the red blinking light.
“It’s a camera,” he states, letting her go.
“What the hell, Dax!” she snaps, turning to face him. “You recorded us?”
“Maybe you should have thought about that before you slept with your
student,” I offer.
Britney Shephard glares over at me. “What we do is none of your
I can’t help but laugh. It’ll be hard to ever take her serious again since
I’ve seen her naked. “It is when you fuck with what’s ours.”
“What is he talking about?” She looks at Monroe.
“I told you to lay off Henley,” he grinds out. “And instead, you’ve gone
after her more.”
She crosses her arms over her chest. “She tried to have you put away …”
“I know that!” he snaps, shutting her up. “And I’ve told you to fucking
lay off! So, lay. The. Fuck. Off.”
“If you don’t, I will take the recording of you showing up an hour ago,
tying yourself up and lying down on the floor as you waited for me to come
fuck you.”
I shake my head, making a tsking sound. “Your husband will not be
The color drains from her face. “But you’ll incriminate yourself. You
wouldn’t do that.”
“Wanna bet?” he asks, stepping into her. “All I have to do is share every
message you’ve sent me. I’m innocent here. You took advantage of me.”
“We both know that’s not true,” she argues.
“That’s how everyone will see it,” I add. “Especially after I say you have
been messaging me dirty pictures as well.” I hold up her cell that she had
left on the floor where she lay down and waited for Dax to show up. “You
really should lock it. I love the one you sent your husband yesterday while
sitting at your desk after school. Your underwear sure was wet. Was that
from him or from you imagining Dax coming in, gagging you, tying you
up, and bending you over your desk, forcing you to take his cock up your
“You little shit.” She goes to run at me, and Dax grabs her, yanking her
back by her hair.
He holds her head back, forcing her to look up at the ceiling. “So are you
going to leave her alone or not?” he demands.
“Yes.” She sniffs, and he shoves her to her knees on the mattress.
“It was fun as always, Mrs. Shephard,” he tells her.
I get up from the chair and toss her cell beside her. “Thanks for the
We make our way out to my car, and I get into the driver’s seat and pull
my cell out, sending a text to the group chat.
Me: Little doll. Be in my room when I get home.

I RING THE doorbell and rock back on my heels with my arms crossed
over my chest.
The door opens. “Ryan?” Mrs. Miller says with surprise written all over
her Botoxed face.
“Mrs. Miller.” I nod my head at her.
“Come in. Come in, please.” She steps to the side to allow me to enter
and smiles. “What can we do for you?”
Mrs. Miller is pretty in that I-spent-a-small-fortune-to-look-ten-years-
younger way. I’m not sure how much of her is original anymore. “I’m here
to see Lacey,” I inform her.
Her hazel eyes go wide, thinking we’re dating, hooking up, fucking.
Whatever old people think we do these days. “Oh, she’s upstairs in her
I just stand here staring at her. What she just said to me didn’t give me
anything I could actually use. This house has twelve bedrooms, and
although I’ve been here a lot, I’ve never come to see Lacey before.
“Up the stairs and second door on the left.”
“Thanks.” I uncross my arms and start climbing the stairs. I make it to
her door and am about to just walk in but decide to knock. She doesn’t
I turn the knob and push it open. Sitting on her bed cross-legged, she
props her left elbow on her left knee and has her chin in her hand. Her right
hand taps a pencil eraser on her notebook while her eyes run across the
page of her English book lying open in front of her.
She’s got earbuds in her ears that are connected to her phone beside her.
I enter her room and just watch her. Her blond hair is up in a messy bun.
Pieces of it fall down her back and the sides of her face. She’s not wearing
any makeup. The strap of her tank top is falling off one shoulder, letting me
know she’s not wearing a bra. And her matching white cotton shorts show
off her toned legs.
I’ve never looked at Lacey before. Like really looked at her. She’s pretty
in an innocent way. She’d be even prettier on her knees with cum smeared
all over her naked chest.
She shifts, and her glasses start to slide down her nose. She looks up to
adjust them and sees me.
She gasps, jumping off her bed and yanking the earbuds out of her ears.
“Scout?” She breathes my name and swallows nervously. “What … what
are you doing here?” Her eyes dart around her room in a panic. As if it’s a
sin for me to be in here. That God may punish her for allowing the devil in.
“Mrs. Miller told me you were in here.”
“Oh.” She grabs an oversized Westbrook hoodie off her dresser and
slides it on her body, knocking her glasses off her face in the process. She
quickly bends down and picks them up, putting them back in place. I smirk,
and she averts her eyes. “What do you want?”
I grab the door and close it, giving us more privacy.
Her eyes widen a fraction more, and I hear her breathing pick up.
“Relax, Lace. As much as I like fucking with people, I’m not here to fuck
with you,” I say truthfully. There’s no reason to scare her more than I have
“Okay,” she says slowly, clearly not trusting a word I just said.
“What did Nicholas and his friends say to you?”
“It was nothing,” she lies.
I begin to slowly walk over to her, and she looks around for any type of
weapon to fend me off with. “Scout …”
“What did they say, Lace? I won’t ask again,” I tell her sternly.
“They said … they asked if I was a slut too,” she whispers the word,
“like my whore friend.”
I snort. “Everyone knows you’re a virgin.”
She drops her eyes to her feet. “You make it sound like a bad thing.”
I come to stand in front of her. Reaching out, I cup her face, forcing her
to look up at me. She inhales, holding her breath. Such an innocent thing to
do. I can feel her body trembling in my hand. “If you were to let a man
touch you, Lace, then you would understand just how boring innocent is.”
Her wide eyes go back and forth between mine before she whispers, “Are
you here to take that choice away?”
“Depends.” I lean forward, placing my lips right to her ear, and whisper,
“Are you into being forced to take cock?” Her breath hitches, and my free
hand comes up into her hair. “Everyone has fantasies, Lace. What’s yours?”
“Scout.” My name trembles on her lips, and her hands grip my arms.
I take a step back and smile down at her. “Maybe some other time.” Then
I turn and walk out of her room.
As I’m getting into my car, my phone alerts me of a message. I lift my
hips to remove it from my pocket to see I have two. I ignore the one in the
group chat from Law to Henley and go to the one from Monroe.
Monroe: Taken care of.
I frown, reading over it. A little disappointed I don’t get to handle it how
I want. That fucking bitch really would be terrified of what I had in store
for her. But at least it’s done. Instead of responding, I pull up a number and
make a call.


The next two weeks have gone by pretty quick. The Westbrook Warriors
made playoffs, but I’m not surprised. I knew they would.
I haven’t spent much time with the guys. Thankfully, everyone has been
pretty busy doing their own thing, and I’ve been helping Lisa plan for the
wedding. It’s actually been fun and nice to have her around.
I was sitting on my bed doing homework when Law came in and asked if
I wanted to go to Death Valley with him and Scout this evening. It’s
Halloween, and I was doing nothing but sitting at home being bored. I
actually jumped at the opportunity to get out, have some fun, and get fresh
We’ve only been here for about half an hour. I stand with Law in the
back corner of the Graveyard. He’s talking to Scout, who is getting ready to
fight. He only has two fights tonight.
My cell vibrates in the back pocket of my jeans, and I pull it out to see
it’s a text from Lacey. I open it up.
Lacey: Meet me in the chapel.
I look up at the railing on the second floor, my eyes scanning the large
crowd to see if I see her, but she’s not there. I text back.
Me: You’re at Death Valley?
I had invited Lacey to come so I would have someone to talk to, but she
told me she was taking her foster brothers and sisters trick-or-treating
tonight. Why would she have come by herself if she knew I was coming?
Maybe that’s why she came, and she just caught a ride with someone.
Lacey: Yes, in the chapel.
Me: Okay. On my way.
I lock my phone and place it back in my pocket. I look up to go tell the
guys I’ll be back. But I see Law and Scout huddled around Matthew trying
to talk over “Painkiller” by Three Days Grace, so I say forget it. I won’t be
Turning, I make my way up the stairs, through the crowd, and down the
hallway. I see the closed doors to the chapel and open them. I step inside
and see the back of Lacey. She’s sitting in the very first pew with her back
to me. “Hey, girl? What are you doing up here? Scout is about to fight.
Let’s go downstairs.” I walk down the aisle to the front of the room and
come to a stop. “Lacey?”
Getting a better look at her, she has her head down and her hands knotted
in her lap. “Lacey, everything okay?”
She lifts her head, and I see tears running down her cheeks.
“Hey.” I run over and kneel before her. “What’s wrong?” I ask, pushing
her blond hair from her face. “Did something happen?” She shouldn’t have
come here without me. Death Valley can be the best place to party but can
also be a nightmare. I know.
“You should leave,” she whispers.
“Good idea.” I stand and grab her hand, bringing her to her feet as well.
“Let’s go downstairs. We’ll get you a drink.” She opens up when she’s been
drinking, and maybe that will get her to tell me why she’s so upset.
I turn around to start walking but come to a stop when a man steps out
from behind the shadows in the corner. I immediately shove Lacey behind
me. “Stay back,” I call out. “We were just leaving.”
A laugh comes from behind us, and I spin around to see fucking Nicholas
standing there. “Lacey …” I look down at her, and she’s shaking
uncontrollably, silently crying.
“They used you,” I say out loud. To set me up.
“I’m so sorry,” she cries as Nicholas grabs her and yanks her back to his
front. She screams out, and he slaps his hand over her mouth.
I raise my hands in surrender. “Let her go. You want me.” The guys
pissed him off when Law marked his territory all over my naked face and
chest, and then Scout fucked him up. He missed several days of school for
whatever they ended up doing to him.
He leans down and whispers something in her ear, and she trembles in his
arms. “She can go if you stay.”
“Done.” I nod without hesitation. I’m so tired of people using her.
Thinking she’s an easy target because she’s a virgin, and they can use that
to threaten her.
He shoves her forward, and her chest hits mine. “Here.” I dig into my
pocket, grabbing my keys, and hand them to her. Law invited me, but I
drove separately, knowing I wasn’t going to be drinking and that I might not
have wanted to stay as late as they do. “I’m parked in the back field. Get the
fuck out of here.”
“What?” She looks at me wide-eyed. “No, Hen …”
“Go!” I shove her down the aisle, and she watches both of the guys
advance on me. “Go, Lace!” I shout. She turns and runs.
Nicholas smirks. “I knew you’d sacrifice your life for hers.”
My breathing picks up at his choice of words, and I have an instant
moment of panic that I’m going to be raped and killed here on the chapel
floor just like Brenda was. “What do you want?” I grind out.
He snaps his fingers at his friend, and he hands him a black Yeti without
a lid. “For you to drink this.”
I take a step back. “I’m not drinking shit!” If they were smart, they would
have forced me to drink it before they let Lacey go. But thankfully for me,
they’re not.
I hear the crowd roaring outside the closed doors, and I know the fight
must have started. I pray Lacey makes it safely to my car.
“If you don’t willingly drink this, we will pry open your mouth and
drown you with it,” he states with an evil smile. His light brown eyes look
me up and down as his tongue pokes out, licking his lips. Nicholas is on the
basketball team at Westbrook High, so he’s got to be well over six-foot-
three. He’s not as built as the Reapers are though, but that doesn’t mean I
can take him on. Especially with his friend here as well.
I ignore the rising panic in my chest and look back and forth between the
two of them. They’re both slowly getting closer to me, trying to cage me in.
I turn to run, but a hand fists in my hair. I scream out at the pain and the
yank of my neck. But no one will hear it, not over the crowd, the music, and
the fight. I’m picked up and slammed down onto the concrete floor so hard
it takes my breath away.
I start kicking and screaming at the top of my lungs.
“Hold her down,” Nicholas grunts, straddling me.
“Trying,” the other snaps.
My hands are grabbed and shoved above my head, where the other guy
places his knees on them, pinning them to the floor. I want to cry out, but
instead, I slam my mouth shut.
Nicholas sits on my chest, restricting my air, and squeezes my cheeks so
hard it pries my mouth open. “Be the good little doll they’ve trained you to
be and swallow,” he orders, pouring the liquid into my mouth.
I try to free my face, but he has too strong of a grip on it. The bitter-
tasting liquid fills my throat and goes up my nose, making me cough. It
burns my eyes. I swallow, unable to spit it out without choking.
“Good, girl,” he praises. “But that wasn’t enough.” Then more fills my
mouth. My body jerks, and I kick out my feet as I’m held down and forced
to take whatever this is they’re giving me.
It’s hopeless.
I cough and sputter around the liquid that runs down my throat. Just
when I think he’s done, he pours more into my mouth, and it chokes me
once again. But I feel it. Whatever they gave me is taking over quickly. My
body relaxes against the floor, and my eyes start to grow heavy while I gasp
for air.
Nicholas sits up and tosses the Yeti away. “Now, let’s play.” He slaps the
side of my wet face.


The crowd boos as Scout gets hit in the side of the face, knocking him
back. He’s not doing so well tonight. His opponent is a newcomer he’s
never fought before, and I hate to say it, but he’s getting the best of him.
My cell vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out quickly to see it’s not
mine. It’s Scout’s in my other pocket. I yank it out and see it says one new
message. I go to put the password in, but it denies me. He must have
changed it recently.
“Fuck!” I hear Scout hiss, and I look back up at him, pocketing his
phone. Whoever it is can wait.
“Law?” A hand jerks on my hoodie.
I spin around to shove whoever the fuck it is away, but it’s Lacey. She’s
gasping for breath, and her face is wet. Is she crying? “I’m busy, Lace.” I
dismiss her, looking back at Scout as he and his opponent circle the ring. I
don’t have time for an emotional woman right now.
“Law?” She yanks on the back of my Westbrook hoodie, fucking choking
I turn to face her. “Lacey …”
“It’s Henley. They have her,” she rushes out.
“What? Who?” I lift my head to look around me, then look out into the
crowd of Graveyard but don’t see her. “Where the fuck is she?” She had
been standing right beside me earlier. How long has she been gone?
“Upstairs. In the chapel … The guy took my cell phone.” She sucks in a
breath. “You have to help her, Law!”
I turn to Matthew. “Watch her.” I shove Lacey into his side and then take
off, running through the crowd and taking the stairs two at a time. A few
guys holler my name as I shove them out of my way, but I ignore them.
I open the doors to the chapel. Rushing in, I come to a stop as they close
on their own behind me.
Henley lies on the dirty concrete floor at the front of the room. Her face
is turned away from me, knees bent to the side and arms above her head.
Nicholas stands over her, his cell out and facing down. He’s either
filming or taking a picture of her, but turns to face me when he hears me
enter. “Law.” He smiles. “I didn’t expect company, but I guess the more, the
“What the fuck are you doing?” I grind out.
“Playing.” He leans down, grabs a fistful of her wet hair, and yanks her
to her knees. He holds her in place, and her dilated eyes meet mine. Her
face, hair, and clothes are wet. She is breathing heavily, and her shirt is
ripped right down the middle, exposing a red lace bra. My eyes shoot to a
Yeti over by his feet, and I know. He drugged her.
“Guess you didn’t learn your lesson that we don’t share?” I arch a brow.
He chuckles and bends down next to her. “You know …” His free hand
comes up and takes a fistful of her left breast. “I must give credit where
credit is due, and you guys did a very good job at training your little doll.”
He lets go of her and stands. Her head falls forward, causing her long dark
hair to cover her face. “Although I’m not surprised, sluts want dick. Doesn’t
matter whose it is.”
My teeth grind, and I start to walk toward her, but he grips her hair and
yanks her back, letting her go. She falls over and lets out a moan when
hitting the floor. She rolls over onto her stomach, and her hands come up to
her head while she brings her knees under herself, lifting her ass up in the
“You gave me a show, Law. Now it’s my turn. I assure you, mine will be
much more eventful.” He reaches down and undoes his jeans.
I charge him as I hear the crowd chanting Scout’s name behind me,
knowing he must be pulling ahead, or he just won. My shoulder hits
Nicholas’s stomach while my hands grab his legs, and I pick him up off the
floor. I ram the back of him into the side of the altar. He screams out, and I
take a step back. He falls to his ass and looks up at me. “You fucking …”
Gripping his head, I twist his neck, killing him instantly. His limp body
falls over and onto his side on the floor.
I kneel in front of him. “You were right. That was eventful.”
“You killed him!” a man shrieks behind me.
There are more? I stand and turn around to see Nicholas’s friend Steve.
He was the second guy cornering Lacey by her locker the other day. He’s
got Henley on her feet in a chokehold, but she’s not fighting him like she
did Rellik. Instead, her arms are down by her side. She truly is a lifeless
The back door opens to the chapel, and I smile when I see my help enter.
“You think this is funny?” Steve snaps, thinking I’m smiling at him.
“It’s about to be,” I say just as Scout removes his belt. Fisting it in both
of his hands, he wraps it around Steve’s neck from behind. He lets go of
Henley to try to fight the belt. I rush over, catching her in my arms before
she falls to the floor.
Steve struggles as Scout lifts his feet up off the floor, but there’s no way
he’s getting free.
“Law?” She moans in my arms, and I know whatever they gave her made
her horny. They didn’t want to fight her. They wanted her compliant and
willing to do whatever they wanted. Forcing someone leaves bruises and
not to mention memories. If she’s drugged, she won’t fight, and she also
won’t remember it to testify against them in court. That’s if the cops even
believe her and bring them in for questioning. After what happened with her
and Monroe, I’m guessing Steve and Nicholas wanted to take advantage of
that situation, knowing her words wouldn’t be credible. Of course, that’s
only if they planned to let her live.
I lay her down on one of the pews and push her dark hair from her face.
“You’re okay, little doll,” I tell her. She reaches out for me, and it almost
has her rolling off the edge. I push her back onto it. “Stay right here. I’ll be
I stand just in time to see Scout release Steve, and he falls to the floor.
Facedown and dead. “Where the fuck is Lacey?” I ask, running a hand
through my hair. Fuck!
“Downstairs with Matthew,” Scout answers, unwinding his belt from his
fists and putting it back on. He’s shirtless, sweaty, and panting from the
fight I’m guessing he won downstairs. “How’s Henley?”
“Fucked up,” I say, looking back down at her. Her eyes are closed, but
she’s running her hands through her wet and tangled hair. She raises her
hips and releases another moan. “Extremely fucked up but untouched,” I
add, knowing they didn’t get very far with her, thanks to Lacey coming to
get me.
“Shit!” he hisses, kicking the dead body of Steve.
“Get her and Lacey out of here, and I’ll take care of these guys,” I offer.
“No.” He shakes his head. “Let’s hide them back in the office behind the
chancel. No one ever comes in here anyway. We’ll get the girls home and
come back later.”
I frown. “Later? You want to just leave two dead guys here?” I walk back
over to Nicholas and start digging through his pockets. Lacey had said a
guy took her phone. I find two in one pocket and a third in the other.
Lacey’s is obvious because her picture is on the screen. The other is
Henley’s. I decide to keep the third as well, which is his.
Scout shrugs. “There’s no blood. Not like anyone will be suspicious.”
“I don’t think …”
Henley moans, pulling herself up to a sitting position, and then tries to
stand. She goes to fall forward, but I catch her. Tilting her head back, she
looks up at me and licks her lips. Her blue eyes stare into mine but I know
she’s not seeing me.
“We need to get her home,” Scout growls. “I have another fight in an
hour. Get the girls back, and I’ll take care of the guys.”
My teeth grind as I sit her back down. “First, you want to hide dead
bodies, and now, you want to take care of them yourself?”
“Yes!” he snaps, then takes a deep breath. “I’ll handle it, Law. We’re
wasting time just standing here.”
“Law.” She grabs at the hem of my hoodie and pulls me close to her.
“What the fuck is wrong with her?” he asks, sighing.
“They drugged her.” I push her back into the pew. “She’s horny and
wants to fuck.”
He throws his head back, looking up at the ceiling. “Just great.”
“Please,” she begs, biting her bottom lip.
“No!” I snap, shoving her hand away from the zipper on my jeans.
“Jesus, Law. Just fuck her right here,” he growls, pointing at the floor I
just found her lying on.
“I don’t have the time to get my dick sucked, Scout. We’ve got two dead
bodies just lying around.” What the hell is wrong with him?
“Is that really the issue?” He arches a brow.
I narrow my eyes at him. “What the fuck does that mean?”
His eyes go to her. She’s in the process of shoving her already ripped
shirt off her shoulders. I reach down, take the material in my hands, and tie
it in a knot, bunching it up right below her breasts. It looks like it’s
supposed to be that way. Kinda. Then I remove my hoodie and shove her
head along with her arms into it.
“Nothing,” he growls.
“Here.” I remove his phone from my other pocket. “It went off
downstairs. I went to check it, but …”
“I had to reset the password the other day. Caught Laney trying to get
into it,” he snaps, taking it from me.
“You’re still seeing her?” I ask. She doesn’t come around him at school
very often. Not since we made it clear that Henley is ours, and she told the
entire school we’re all fucking Henley.
“I haven’t been able to throw the trash away,” he says simply.
Just then, the doors swing open. We both look to see it’s Lacey.
“Fuck,” Scout hisses.
“What the hell happened?” she asks wide-eyed as she looks around the
chapel and sees two guys dead. She brings her shaking hands to her face.
“Oh, god …”
He takes a step toward her, and she takes one back, pressing herself into
the door. “I don’t need to tell you that this shit stays in here, do I?” he asks.
She shakes her head quickly. “No.”
He reaches out to her, but I speak. “I’ll handle it, Scout.” Just like
everything else, it seems.
Fisting his hand, he pulls it back. Bending down, he picks up Steve’s
dead body and throws him over his shoulder, and starts carrying him toward
the office in the back.
“I need your help,” I tell her.
“What?” she looks at me with her big eyes and trembling lips.
“We need to move these bodies behind the chancel.” If he wants to
handle the bodies, then he can handle them himself. I’ll move Nicholas, and
then we’re out of here. “Keep a lookout and make sure no one comes in

THE DARK ROOM spins. I can feel the hot and stuffy air gently touching
my skin like a feather. My body tingles, and my pussy throbs with need.
“Please?” I beg, my hands pulling on his shirt, needing him to take it off.
“Little doll,” Law says, holding me to him in front of the altar. With his
free hand, he gently brushes his knuckles across my face to move my hair
back. “We can’t. Not right now.”
I shove him, and the back of his knees hit the pew, causing him to sit
down in it. “Make time for me.” I fall to my knees before him, knowing
what he likes. I’ve come to like it too. The way he looks down at me while I
kneel before him with my mouth open and ready. The way he takes control
and tells me I’m his good doll. The way his breathing picks up or how his
muscles tense. All of those things make me wet.
He reaches out and cups my face. “You’re fucked up.”
“So are you, Law.” I undo his jeans and then lower the zipper. Are any of
us really sane? We’re all pretending to be innocent in a world full of sin.
“No, I mean …” His words trail off when I reach in and grab his dick in
my hand. He’s not hard, but he will be soon. I grip the waistband and yank
them down while he lifts his hips, allowing me to take control for a short
time. “Doll.” He groans, moving his hand from my face into my hair.
I’ve never needed anything this badly in my life. Him in my mouth. His
body on top of me. His hands wrapped around my throat. “I need it,” I
plead, my thighs tightening, wishing I had that football right about now.
“Play with me.”
I run my hand up and down his hardening cock, feeling how smooth it is.
I lean forward and lick up the shaft.
He relaxes further into the pew, his eyes looking down at me while he
bites his bottom lip. “Open your mouth, little doll, and let me fuck it.”
I whimper, shifting on my knees. I’m naked, and my thighs are soaked. I
rub them together for some kind of friction.
His hand in my hair, he pulls my head forward, and I open, letting him
push his dick into my mouth. I moan around it when I get that familiar taste
of his precum.
I open my throat for him, allowing him to fuck me like I need it. Letting
him go as deep as he wants, not giving a fuck if I gag. It’s bound to happen
every now and then. Just means you’re doing it right.
My hands grip his muscular thighs, and I dig my nails into him, running
them down his legs so hard that he hisses in a breath at the sting. I see blood
start to flow.
“Shit!” He shoves my head back, and his dick pops out of my mouth. He
grips my hands in one hand, pushes them up and behind my head, crossing
my wrists at the base of my neck, holding them in place and making my
chest bow out. Then his free hand grips the top of my hair. “Open,” he
I do, and he yanks my head forward, shoving his cock back into my
mouth. “Want it to hurt, doll?” he asks, through gritted teeth.
My only response is a moan.
“Then that’s what I’ll do. Make it hurt.” My scalp tingles at his hand in
my hair, and he slams into the back of my throat as drool runs out of the
corners of my mouth and tears stream down my cheeks.


I sit in the living room at Lisa’s with Law, Scout, and Monroe. Silently
trying to wrap my brain around what they just told me. Henley drugged …
Steve and Nicholas dead. What the fuck has been going on that I don’t
know about? I knew Nicholas would try to retaliate for what we did to him
in the locker room, but I didn’t think he’d go after Henley. I figured it
would be one of us. It wasn’t her fault Law told her to kneel and suck his
dick. That’s the point of this—for them to play with her. To use her. There’s
no way she would have told Law no that day in the locker room.
“So they’re dead?” Dax asks, speaking first.
Scout nods. “As a doornail.”
He had said he took care of them after his two fights. Why didn’t Law
handle it before he left? “You left Scout to take care of it last night?”
“I was a little busy,” he snaps defensively. “What don’t you understand
about that?”
With Henley? With Lacey? Like what the fuck was he so busy with that
he couldn’t help get rid of two bodies? To make sure his ass doesn’t get
arrested for murder. If I killed someone, I’d want to know that the body
would never be found.
I run a hand down my face. “This is … not good, guys.” What are we
going to say when they don’t show up at school on Monday? When their
friends say they were last seen at Death Valley? Scout had a fight. The
crowd saw Law there along with Henley. Fuck, I knew I should have gone.
“They’re taken care of,” Scout assures us.
I don’t doubt his ability, but it still makes me feel uneasy.
“What did you do with them?” Monroe asks, but the room falls silent
when Henley enters.
She has an overly large T-shirt on that I know belongs to Law, and that’s
it. What little makeup she had on last night is now smeared across her face,
and her hair is a matted mess.
“You need to shower,” Scout tells her. “You look like shit.”
Well, no shit. The girl was drugged, and who knows what else they
planned on doing with her. What does he expect her to look like?
“I feel like shit,” she says roughly and then turns to face Law.
He relaxes into the couch and looks up at her. “What?” His eyes run up
and down her tan legs before returning to hers.
“May I speak to you?” she asks softly.
“If this is about the guys, they’re dead,” Scout tells her.
“What guys?” she asks, her brows pulling together, not fully
comprehending what he just said.
We each look at one another as silence falls over the room. Law leans
forward, placing his elbows on his knees, her words getting his attention.
“What do you remember from last night, doll?”
“Uh … we went to Death Valley.” She looks at Scout. “Scout had to
fight. And then …” Her eyes drop back to him. “Somehow, we ended up in
the chapel.”
He nods, but his eyes show concern. “And?”
“And we …” She trails off, biting her bottom lip.
“And we what?” he pushes.
“We had sex.”
“You did?” Scout asks, looking over at him. “Last I remember is that I
told you to fuck her right then, and you said you didn’t have time,” he
recounts curiously.
Monroe and I exchange a look. Scout doesn’t care if Law sleeps with
Henley. They live across the hall from one another, and we’ve heard Scout
tell him a hundred times he doesn’t give a fuck. She is ours to use. That’s
why she is here. To keep her on her knees or on her back. It makes no
difference to him which one of us does it. And since it’s not Monroe or me,
that leaves Law.
“We didn’t fuck.” He shakes his head.
“Yes, we did,” she argues. “Well …” She reaches up and rubs the back of
her neck. “You’re right. We didn’t have sex, but I gave you a blow job.”
She says it so innocently and sounds like Lacey all of a sudden.
“So you got on your knees, and he fucked your mouth,” Scout gives the
R-rated version.
“Something like that,” she mumbles.
Law stands. “No, I didn’t.”
She looks up at him, her eyes narrowing on his. “Yes, you did.”
“Henley.” He grabs her shoulders. “We didn’t. Do you remember seeing
Steve and Nicholas?”
She frowns. “No. Why would I see them? Were they there?”
The room falls silent once again, and I run a hand over my chin. What the
fuck is happening?
Scout shakes his head. “You’re confused …”
She pulls away from Law and interrupts him. “Don’t start that shit with
me, Scout. I know what I saw. What I felt. What we did.”
“Little doll ….”
She slaps Law across the face, cutting him off. “Quit calling me that,
Grayson!” She calls him by his first name, which he hates. “I know what
we did …”
“Do you?” he snaps, getting pissy with her. “Because I carried your
unconscious body out of Death Valley, dropped Lacey off at the Miller’s,
and then brought you here where I dressed you in my shirt, and you slept in
your bed alone. I never touched you last night.”
Her teeth grind, and she fists her hands. “Yes, we did! You sat in a pew
while I kneeled before you and sucked your dick.”
I don’t even voice my thoughts on how fucked up that is. But Law and
Scout killed two guys in there, so who am I to judge? We’re all going to
“I made you bleed.” She goes on.
“What?” Law laughs, unable to keep his composure. “You made my cock
bleed?” His laughter grows.
“You sound crazy, Hen,” Scout tells her.
“Your thighs.” She points at his jeans, ignoring him. “I scraped my nails
down your thighs.”

THE GUYS ARE just staring at me, and my heart pounds in my chest.
Scout was right. I look like shit and feel worse. But a shower can wait. This
is important. Once again, they do not believe what happened.
Law reaches down and undoes his jeans. I take a step back, not in the
mood for any kind of sexual activities right now. No matter what they want.
He shoves his jeans down his legs to his ankles and holds his arms out
wide. Standing in front of us in his black boxer briefs. “Look.” He states
and lifts his black T-shirt to show his six-pack and defined V. “Nothing.”
“What?” I swallow, my eyes watching the way they flex as he breathes.
“Look at my thighs, doll.” He lets go of his shirt and runs his hands down
them. “There are no marks. No proof you ever touched me.”
My eyes run over the light dusting of dark hair covering his muscular
legs, and he’s right. There are no marks on him whatsoever. “I …” I had
seen the blood. I had felt it under my nails. “It was there.”
He bends down and yanks his jeans up but doesn’t zip them. Instead, he
steps into me, placing his hands on either side of my face. “Steve and
Nicholas were there.” His soft blue eyes going back and forth between
Why does he keep bringing them up? “No …”
“They drugged you, Henley.” He sighs.
Tears sting my eyes. “What?” No, he must be wrong.
“They had Lacey up in the chapel and messaged you from her cell for
you to meet her up there. You gave her your keys to go. She came and got
me,” he says. “You remember any of that?” His brows are furrowed at his
own question.
I shake my head once as a tear runs down my cheek. He drops his hands
and sighs, running a hand through his hair, looking as lost as I feel.
“Well, this explains a lot,” Scout says, lounging over on the couch.
“What?” I ask, my throat tightening. “I don’t understand.”
Scout’s green eyes meet mine. His doesn’t hold any concern whatsoever.
He actually looks mad at me. Or disgusted. I’m not sure at this point. My
head hurts too much to try to figure it out. “That whatever they gave you
last night is the same thing you took that night at Death Valley … back in
I frown and start shaking my head. “No.”
“Makes sense.” Law shrugs. “Hallucinations and memory loss of certain
events. They very well could be one and the same.”
“No,” I say again. “I know what I saw. What I felt.”
Scout leans forward. “And we just all saw proof, Henley. Proof that what
you think you did, didn’t really happen.” He stands. “Jesus, how long are
you going to hold on to this?” Pointing at Dax, who hasn’t said a word, he
continues, “He never touched Brenda. Just as Law didn’t touch you last
I wrap my arms around myself, dropping my head. I saw him choke her. I
watched her fight back. I felt her dead body. Just as I felt Law … a knot
forms in my throat, making it hard to breathe. Fresh tears prick my eyes and
I stare down at my bare feet, too ashamed to look at them. Was I wrong?
Had I imagined it all? Law reaches out and grabs my arm, but I pull away.
“Don’t touch me.” I hold back a sob.
“Doll …”
I spin around and run out of the living room and up the stairs, my bare
feet slapping on the cold marble floor. I slam my bedroom door shut and go
to the bathroom. I turn on the cold water in my sink and splash my face. I
turn when I hear the door open to see Law has entered. “Leave me alone.” I
sniff as water runs down my face and onto his shirt I’m wearing.
He ignores me of course, and walks over to me. “I would never touch
you while you were in that state of mind, doll.”
“Why would I believe you?” I sniff. Not like it matters. I wanted it. The
memory of the need is real. It was like breathing—I was going to die
without him.
He takes a piece of my tangled hair and twirls it around his finger.
“Because I don’t have to drug you to play with you.” Leaning in, he gently
kisses my forehead, and the tenderness almost makes my knees buckle.
They think I’m insane. Losing my mind. Pulling away, he turns to walk
out, and I stop him. “Is Lacey okay?” I sniff.
He looks at me over his shoulder. “Yeah, she called your cell earlier, but
you were still sleeping. She told me to have you call her when you woke
up.” With that, he exits.


I join the guys back in the living room. “She has lost it,” Scout is saying.
“She was drugged.” I roll my eyes. “Drugs make you see things and
imagine shit.” I’m just not sure what in the hell they could have given her. It
was a liquid. I saw the empty cup, and she was wet. Unless they had
dissolved pills in it before she drank it.
He shakes his head. “Maybe she needs to see a psychiatrist. On top of
seeing and experiencing things that didn’t happen, she could become
dependent on these drugs she has been given.”
“They’ll just put her on pills. Not to mention, possibly lock her ass in a
padded room if she says anything like she just said.” Rellik disagrees with
Scout’s suggestion.
“And she almost had Dax locked up for life.” He fists his hands.
“Just let it go.” Monroe stands. “I’m over all of this. She’s nuts, and I
think she’s finally starting to realize it.”
“I …” My cell rings, and I pull it out of my pocket. I sigh when I see it’s
my father. I almost press ignore but decide to get it over with. “Hello?”
“Turn on channel eight,” he says in greeting.
“Rellik?” I motion to the remote that sits next to him on an end table, and
he tosses it to me. “And what am I looking for exactly?” I ask my dad.
“You won’t be able to miss it.” He hangs up.
I turn on the TV, and it’s already on the correct channel. I turn it up as I
see the news crew standing off Millcreek Bridge. “I’m Shannon Tate with
Channel 8 News, standing at Westbrook’s city limits by Millcreek Bridge.
A body found earlier this morning has been identified as Brenda Nash.”
What. The. Fuck.
I sit up straighter, my grip tightening on the remote.
“A fisherman was out here when his line got caught on something. With
further investigation, he found it was some type of clothing and called the
police …”
I look over my shoulder to Henley standing in the living room once
again. She still wears my T-shirt, but she has shorts on this time.
“The police were called, and the family was brought in to identify the
body. As you may know, there was a court case involving Brenda Nash
back in April. Officer Hannes, can you please tell us what all you know
about the accident?” The officer walks into view to stand next to her.
“Accident?” Henley breathes.
Officer Hannes clears his throat. “Yes, what we know so far is that the
body has been in the river for quite some time.”
“Say, maybe six months or so?” the reporter adds.
“Yes, yes.” He nods, fixing his belt. “She was found by the bridge, and
the dive team recovered her car just upstream. We suspect Miss Nash was
on her way out of town and ran off the road into the water.”
I look over at Henley, and tears are slowly running down her still dirty
face as she stares at the TV wide-eyed.
“Was there any evidence to make you believe that foul play was
involved?” the reporter asks him.
“No, ma’am. She may have been underwater for quite some time, but
there were very distinct marks that lead us to believe it was an automobile-
related accident. The car’s front window was shattered, so as of right now,
we are guessing that when the car hit the water, she was not wearing a seat
belt and was ejected through the windshield into the river. Of course, the
evidence will be analyzed and a full investigation performed before we
release a formal statement.”
“That’s just terrible.” The woman shakes her head, bringing the mic back
to herself and facing the camera. “But at least now the question that
everyone was always asking where did Brenda Nash go, is answered.”
I shut it off, and the room is filled with silence.
We never thought he did it. Was it strange that she disappeared when
Henley accused Dax of raping and murdering her? Of course, but that didn’t
mean he was guilty. We all knew he was out of town. We just figured that
somehow, he had pissed her off, and she wanted revenge on him.
“Henley?” I say her name, and she looks over at me. Her bottom lip is
trembling, her shoulders shaking.
“I thought …” She looks over at Dax, who just sits there looking at her
emotionless. Not bitter, not triumphant, just void of anything. “I saw it that
“And we’ve agreed that you were on some shit that made you
hallucinate.” Scout snorts. “Fuck, Henley, do you have any idea what you
could have done?”
She wraps her arms around herself just like earlier. She’s closing herself
off and shutting down before our eyes.
Scout gets to his feet. “Do you—”
“That’s enough,” Monroe snaps, interrupting him. “It’s over. The truth is
out. Move on.”
“Henley?” We all look at the back entrance of the living room to see her
father enter, followed by my mother. “Henley, go upstairs and get ready,” he
orders, his blue eyes looking over her and furrowing his brows at her messy
hair and smeared makeup.
I get to my feet. “For what?”
“You’re leaving.” He answers me but speaks to her.
“Where the fuck is she going?” I demand. Her mother is in Switzerland.
Where the hell is there for her to go?
“No,” she says, shaking her head.
“Henley, I don’t have time for this.”
“James.” My mom reaches out to take his hand, but he pulls it away.
“I’m not doing this again,” he growls at her.
“No,” Henley says softly but squares her shoulders. “I did it your way
last time, Dad, when you didn’t give me a choice. When we got back from
the courthouse, my things were already packed, and the jet was being
fueled. You drove me to the airfield and forced me to leave town. With no
plans of returning.”
I look over at Dax, and he frowns. We thought she ran. We both look at
Scout, and he shrugs, rolling his eyes. He was our source. He said she was
“Henley …”
“No, Dad!” she snaps at him, making his lips thin. “I’m not leaving. I’m
not running. I …” she looks at Monroe and swallows nervously. “I made a
“That’s an understatement.” Scout snorts.
She ignores him. “And I can admit when I’m wrong. If I have to give a
statement, I will—”
“No, you won’t,” Monroe interrupts her, standing. “No one is speaking to
the press, and no one is leaving. We’re dropping this and moving on with
our lives.” With that, he exits the living room.
James runs a hand through his hair. “Henley …”
“I’m not leaving,” she tells him sternly. “And that’s that.”

I SIT ON my bed, freshly showered and hair still wet. Lacey sits facing me
cross-legged. I’ve got the TV on, but the volume turned down enough to
where we could hear each other talk if we choose to say anything.
After what happened downstairs, I came up to my room and messaged
Lacey to come over so we could talk. She said it would be in an hour. It
gave me plenty of time to take a hot bath and get cleaned up.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, breaking the silence. “About Brenda … If it
makes you feel any better, I thought you were right.”
I drop my eyes to my comforter. “It seemed so real. But …” I sigh. “I’m
glad it didn’t happen to her.” I have to accept that I was wrong. Scout was
right. There was no evidence to back up what I said happened between Law
and me last night, and there was no evidence in court that suggested
Monroe raped and killed Brenda. I hope that it was a quick death. Not the
slow and brutal one I imagined. But I didn’t ask her to come over to talk
about that. “What happened last night?” I ask her, needing to know. Too
many pieces are missing, and she is the only one who can put them all
“I had told you that I couldn’t come when you messaged me but changed
my mind. I called you on my way, but it went straight to voicemail.” She
shrugs. “I just figured that you were in a bad spot in Death Valley at the
time and didn’t have any service. When I got there, I knew you would be at
the Graveyard. I walked up to the second floor and was about to pass the
chapel when Nicholas stepped out of the crowd and in my way.” She licks
her lips. “He pulled me into the chapel while Steve took my phone from my
pocket. I didn’t know what he was doing at first until he said your name.”
She drops her head. “Then you walked in a few minutes later, and …” She
“Hey, you’re okay.” I shift on the bed and sit next to her, wrapping my
arms around her shoulders.
“I feel awful, Henley,” she cries. “You could have been hurt.”
“But I wasn’t,” I say, trying to reassure her that I’m okay. “Thanks to
you, I’m fine.”
She nods her head quickly. “You gave me your keys and told me to leave
Death Valley, but instead, I went downstairs and got Law. He left me with
Matthew because Scout was in the middle of his fight.” She wipes away the
tears from her cheeks. “Once Scout finished, I told him what happened, and
he ran upstairs. I got tired of waiting for you to return, so when Matthew
was distracted, I went back up there.” Her shoulders shake.
“What is it?” I ask her, worried about her. What did this poor girl see?
Did they touch her when she went back?
She takes a deep breath. “They were dead.”
“Who?” I pull back from her wide-eyed.
“Steve and Nicholas.”
I blink. “What … How?”
“Scout told me to keep it between us, then Law had me watch the door
while they hid the bodies back in the office.” She lifts her head, her watery
eyes meeting mine. “You were lying on one of the pews. You were wet.”
I frown. “My clothes?”
She nods. “Hair, face, and your clothes. Steve had brought a drink with
them, and they were talking about making you drink it while they were
messaging you from my phone. And …” She trails off.
“And what?” I grind out, hating I don’t have any memory of this. How
could an entire night just go missing? What kind of drug has that effect on
“Nicholas asked Steve ‘does he know you’re here’, and Steve said ‘yeah,
he was the one who set it up.’”
I sit back and run a hand through my wet hair. “It still doesn’t make
sense. How did they know we would be there?”
“Maybe because Scout was fighting, and you always go. They just got
lucky that I ended up showing up,” she offers.
“Maybe.” I hug her.
“You sure you’re okay?” she asks, pulling away.
I nod. “I’m good.”
She gets up off the bed. “I have to go. Mrs. Miller is taking me shopping
for a dress to wear to the Monroe’s annual fundraiser. I held her off as long
as I could to come see you.”
“I appreciate it. Thank you.”
She walks over to the door and places her hand on the handle and turns to
look back at me. “I know the Reapers haven’t been the best to you, but if
it’s worth anything, Law earned my respect last night.”
I almost laugh. A woman who respects Law? That’s comical. Maybe they
drugged her too. “How’s that?”
“Because you were all over him last night.” She drops her eyes to the
floor. “And begged him to … you know.” Her cheeks start to redden. “I
called your cell later after he dropped me off at home to check on you, and
he said he was lying in bed with you. That you had finally passed out, but
he was going to stay up to make sure you didn’t get sick.”


I’m sitting on my bed when my door opens. I look up to see Henley enter
and softly close it behind her. “You lied to me.” She crosses her arms over
her chest, arching a brow.
I sigh, putting my cell down beside me. “No, doll. I didn’t touch you last
She comes over and plops down on the edge, facing me. “You told me
that you carried my unconscious body out of Death Valley, brought me
home, dressed me in your shirt, and that I slept in my bed. Alone.”
“Yep,” I agree. “That’s what happened.”
“That’s not what Lacey just told me.”
Fucking Lacey! “Well, I don’t know what she said, but it’s not true.” I
stand from my bed, but she grabs my hand, pulling me to a stop before I can
get to the bathroom.
She’s showered all of the dirt and makeup off her face. Her eyes are still
a little dilated, but she looks better—more alert. Her blue eyes look up at
me softly through long dark lashes while still sitting on my bed. “Thanks,
“I didn’t do anything,” I say, hating the softness in her voice. The
appreciation. I don’t deserve it. We’re all doing our part in stripping what
was left of the lying doll that is Henley Nicolette Greene. But things have
come to light—like they always do. I just wish it would have happened
sooner. She didn’t run. And she didn’t try to set Monroe up. In her mind,
she really saw what she reported to the police. Her memory of what
happened between me and her last night just further proves it.
“You saved my life.” She frowns. “That’s something no one else did.”
I reach out with my free hand and cup her cheek. The single touch throws
me back to last night.

I exit the office after dragging Nicholas’s lifeless body back there and
walk back into the main chapel just in time to see Scout exit. Lacey stands
from where she was sitting next to Henley who is lying in the pew. “Come
on, doll.” I lean over and pick her up.
She moans in my arms, digging her face into my shirt.
“Is she okay?” Lacey asks from behind me.
“She’s fine,” I lie, not knowing what they gave her or how long this shit
will take to wear off. “Get the doors, please. And walk in front of me.” The
last thing I need is for something to happen to her while she follows me to
my car.
We make our way through the crowd of people and to the back field.
“What did you do with the keys to her car?” I ask Lacey.
“Gave them to Scout. He said he would drive her car home.”
“Okay.” That was my next question. We get to the car, and I’m thankful I
drove the G-Wagon tonight because my Aston Martin one-77 is a two-
seater. I open the back door and place her in the seat, sitting her up. I’m
afraid if I lay her down across the seats, she may vomit and drown in it.
“Law.” She sighs, gripping my T-shirt as I put her seat belt on. She yanks
me to her, the tip of our noses touching. “Please,” she whispers against my
lips. “I need you to play with me.”
I groan, my cock hardening on its own, but I say, “Not now.”
Her heavy eyes drop to my mouth, and then her tongue comes out,
running across my bottom lip. I wrap my hand around her throat and shove
her head into the headrest, holding it in place. Her eyes turn heated, and
she swallows against my hand. She lifts her hips from the seat—as much as
she can with the lap belt on—and whimpers. My actions are turning her on
even more. It also makes me realize that her skin is hot to the touch.
There are two things I have yet to do with my doll. I haven’t physically
had sex with her, and I haven’t kissed her. She has only ever sucked my
cock, and of course I’ve fingered and gone down on her. You don’t have to
fuck a woman’s pussy to control her. To use her. There are other ways to
please a woman, to make her beg for you. To make her crave you. If a guy
tells you his cock must enter her cunt, he’s lying and lazy. Or just not
creative enough.
“Little doll, I told you no.” She licks her parted lips. “You’re not
listening.” Her wet hair sticks to parts of her face, and it reminds me of
when I fuck her pretty lips. When I make her my dirty little doll. My hard
cock throbs at the visual.
“I never tell you no.” Her fisted hands let go of my shirt and run down
my jeans.
“It’s never about what you want, doll. This is about what I want.” I rub
my thumb up and down the side of her neck softly, feeling her pulse race but
still holding her to the headrest. “I’m in charge here.”
Her hands make it to my zipper, and my hips press into them on their
own. I bite my inner cheek to keep from giving her any indication she’s
winning. “Then take charge and fuck me,” she challenges me.
I smile at that. She thinks she’s smarter than me. That she can manipulate
me into getting what she wants. “I will,” I say, and her eyes light up, “when
I want to.” Letting go of her neck, I pull away, stand, and shut the door.
“Get in the car,” I growl at Lacey when I see her still standing next to it.
It’s going to be a long night.

“Law.” She whispers my name, bringing me back to the present. Her eyes
search mine, and it makes me feel vulnerable. That maybe she can see what
I also felt for her last night that I haven’t up to this point.
Regret. It was my fault she was put in that situation. I pushed her in our
locker room to prove a point to Nicholas, and she’s lucky it didn’t go how
he had planned. But I was telling her the truth earlier in the bathroom. I
don’t need to drug my doll to play with her. And I refused to take advantage
of that situation. No matter how hard I was, I wasn’t going to benefit from
what Nicholas and Steve did to her.
I drop my hand and go over to the chair by my French doors. I pull my
Westbrook football hoodie on and then sit down, sliding my Nikes on.
“Where are you going?” she asks, her voice showing signs of concern.
“For a run,” I tell her. I need to clear my head and get some fresh air. The
air that doesn’t smell like watermelon lemonade. Getting to my feet, I go
back over to my bed and pick up my phone. I put it in my pocket and then
start to walk out.
“What happened to Steve and Nicholas?” she asks.
I turn to look at her over my shoulder. Scout had already told her
downstairs that we killed them, but I guess she wasn’t listening to that part.
Or she heard, and she’s testing me to see if I lie or tell her the truth.
“They’re dead,” I say, then open the door and walk out.

ONCE AGAIN, I sit on my bed with the TV turned off. My hair is fixed,
makeup on, and I’m wearing Law’s white Graveyard T-shirt that I took
from his closet after he left me for a run two hours ago.
My heart hammers in my chest, and my palms are sweaty. I’m nervous.
Thinking that maybe I should have thought about my father’s order and just
accepted leaving town. But why would I run? I wanted to stay when I
thought I was right. Running now would just look worse. I know what I
have to do, and my father raised me to admit when you’re wrong.
Taking a deep breath, I hold up my phone and press record. “My name is
Henley Nicolette Greene, and I’m making this video regarding Brenda
Nash. Earlier today, the world learned what really happened to her. And
although I hate that she is no longer with us, I want to publicly apologize to
Dax Monroe and to anyone else I have disgraced with my actions.” My
eyes start to tear up. “My words. And most of all, my accusations.” The
first tear runs down my cheek, and I take in a shaky breath, trying to calm
my breathing. “I know these words can’t take back what I’ve said or done.”
Another tear falls, and I watch it on the camera that starts to shake due to
my hands holding it up. “But I hope it shows how sincere my apology is.”
I hit stop and swallow the lump in my throat. Before I chicken out, I pull
up my social media apps, log in, and post it to all of them.
All I wanted was for Dax to come forward to say he did it. Now it’s my
turn to admit I was wrong.
A knock comes at my door, and I quickly rub the tears from my face.
“Come in,” I call out, knowing it’s not Law. He never knocks.
“Good evening,” Lisa says cheerfully as she enters.
“Evening.” I give her a nod. She and my father have been avoiding me
since news broke earlier of Brenda. Well, my father has been ignoring me. I
think Lisa has been keeping him away, afraid he might ship me off against
my will. He still might after that video I just posted.
“I have a gift for you.” She holds up a large square box in her hands. It
has the Valentino logo on it.
I silence my phone that is already going off with notifications to the
video. “A gift?”
“There is a fundraiser tomorrow night, and although your father thinks it
may not be the best idea for you to go, I want to invite you.”
He’s ashamed of me. All of those people who called me crazy were right.
I’m betting he wishes he would have sent me to that boarding school
overseas now.
“It’s at the Monroes.” She pushes her hair behind her ear.
“I see.” I nod. “He doesn’t want to be seen there with me.”
“No. No. That’s not it.” She sits down next to me. “He doesn’t want you
to be uncomfortable. Henley …” She places her hand in mine. “Your father
is very concerned about you. After everything that happened with the trial
and then having to move in here and learn about our engagement. Now that
Brenda’s body has been found.” She sighs. “He just wants you to be happy
and safe.”
I pull my hand from hers and look down at the white box with a black
bow. “And this is what exactly?”
“This …” She pushes it over to me. “This is a dress for you to wear if
you decide to go. Because Henley, I don’t want this city to keep you from
living your life. You did something very brave. And I think that should be
encouraged, not silenced.” With that, she gets up and leaves my room.
I bite my bottom lip and pick up my cell, shooting a text to Lacey,
ignoring the incoming notifications.
Me: Did you find a dress for the Monroe party tomorrow?
She had told me that she was going shopping with Mrs. Miller today for
Lacey: Yeah. But I don’t want to go. I’m trying to get out of it.
Me: What if I went with you?
Lacey: I’d love that.
Then it’s settled. I’m going to the Monroes for their annual fundraiser
with Lacey. No matter how awkward I may feel.

I slow myself down once I hit the driveway to my house. I’m sucking in
air; my side aches, and my thighs scream. You would think football would
keep me in shape. Maybe Monroe was right, and I should lay off the weed.
“Why Are You Here” by Machine Gun Kelly blasts in my ears. When the
song stops, it starts ringing instead.
“Hello?” I gasp, answering it from my watch.
“Please tell me you didn’t stop fucking in order to take this call?”
Monroe growls.
He knows me better than that. I wouldn’t stop fucking for anything. “No,
I’m running. Or was. What’s up?”
He lets out a frustrated sigh. “I’ve been tagged over a hundred times in
the last two minutes on a video online.”
“Is it porn?” I ask excitedly. “Send it to me.” I could use something to
jack off to while in the shower.
“It’s of Henley.”
My spine straightens, and I stop walking the driveway. My eyes landing
on her white Ferrari California that Scout returned this morning. “Of her
“No,” he hisses. “Stop thinking about sex.”
I’m trying, but I’m so worked up after last night with her. I’m doing
anything I can think of other than storm into her room, force her to her
knees, and make her cry for me while I fuck my doll’s mouth. “What was
it?” I ask, taking in a deep breath, my breathing starting to even out.
“She posted a video to all platforms. A public apology.” He lets out a
frustrated sigh. “I told her not to fucking say anything.”
“Well, that is what we wanted. For her to humiliate herself …”
“Not like this.” He sighs heavily. “She was so … convinced I had done it.
I feel …”
“What?” I run a hand through my sweaty hair.
I laugh. “That sounded like a question. Are you asking me how you
should feel?”
“No,” he growls. “I just ... I’ve got to go.” He hangs up and I make my
way into the house and upstairs and walk into her room to find her sitting
on the white four-post bed. Her cell is on the floor next to it.
“You could knock,” she states, not even bothering to look up at me.
“And you could ask permission to wear my clothes,” I say, noticing that
she’s wearing one of my shirts from Death Valley. It’s large on her small
frame and hangs off one shoulder.
“Want it?” She stands, and her blue eyes meet mine as she reaches down
and pulls it up over her head, tossing it at me. I don’t even bother to catch it
as she stands topless in front of me. All she wears is a pair of cotton shorts.
Even her black choker is missing. “Take it.”
My breathing picks up once again, and my cock hardens in my gray
sweatpants. Her eyes drop to it before returning to mine. There’s a
challenge in them. The same as last night. Daring me to do something, but I
just stand here.
“That’s what I thought.” She sits back down on her bed, not even
bothering to put a shirt on, and I watch the way her breasts bounce.
“You posted a video?” I ask, changing the subject as I bend down to pick
up my shirt. She ignores me. “Playing the quiet game, doll? I don’t like
being ignored.”
She looks up at me once again with a coldness in her glare. Well,
someone has done a one-eighty. She was practically on her knees, thanking
me for saving her life a couple of hours ago in my bedroom.
“Let’s stop playing this game, Law. The bullying is over, right? I messed
up, and you all made me pay by being your fuck toy. But that’s over now.
Go find someone else to be your little doll.”
That’s not how this works. Instead of telling her that, my eyes drop to the
white box that sits at the end of her bed with Valentino written across it and
a black bow. “What’s this for?”
I already know what it has to be for. The Monroe fundraiser tomorrow
night. I heard my mother discussing it with her father. He didn’t want her to
go. Thought she’d be too embarrassed to show her face. But that’s not who
Henley is. Now that I know she didn’t freely run away, I have a newfound
respect for her wanting to stay here.
My hands fist at her silence. Her dismissing me like I don’t fucking call
these shots. She thinks the game is over. My little doll needs a reminder.
I walk around the bed to her side, wrap my hand around her neck, and
shove her onto her back as I crawl on top and straddle her thin waist.
“Law.” She gasps, her hands gripping my arm that holds her hostage, and
I squeeze, taking her air away. She raises her hips, trying to buck me off,
but I pin her down easily. “Let me make myself very clear, little doll. You
are still my toy, and I will play with you whenever I want.”
My free hand comes up and takes hold of her breast. She arches her back.
Her hands fall from my arm and slide above her head, crossing at her
I release her neck, and she sucks in a deep breath. My hand moves over
her jaw and her chin. I force two fingers into her mouth. “Suck,” I order
She closes her lips around them and begins to suck them as if she’s trying
to swallow my cock.
I lower my lips to her chest, massaging her breast as I take her hardening
nipple into my mouth. Sucking on it, I force a moan from her. I bite on it,
and she opens her lips to cry out, but I push another finger into her mouth,
shoving all three down her throat and causing her to gag.
I kiss my way up her chest and to her neck while my fingers in her mouth
shove her head to the side, giving me access to her ear. I whisper, “Don’t
ever think that I don’t own you, doll. Nothing you do or say is going to
change that.”
I remove my fingers from her mouth, crawl off the bed, and make my
way to the bathroom, needing that cold shower.

I walk into third period and sit down in my seat. Students look at me and
whisper. That’s nothing new. It’s been happening since I pulled into the
parking lot this morning. I’m not going to let it bother me.
Dax walks in, and all whispers come to a halt. I avert my eyes, looking
down at the desk. I feel like I’ve come full circle since the first day I
returned. How I was afraid to look him in the eyes. I still can’t, but now it’s
due to shame.
He sits down behind me, and I try to calm my racing heart. Will things
ever be normal? Will I ever be able to move on from this? Is this how he
felt when I testified about what I didn’t see?
The kid to my left, who is always eye-fucking Mrs. Shepherd, starts
laughing and leans over the side of his desk to get in my face. “Now we
know it was because he wouldn’t fuck you.”
The class bursts out into laughter.
I hear a chair scraping across the floor, then there’s a figure next to me.
It’s Dax. He grips the kid by the hair, yanks his head back, then shoves it
into his desk so hard it bounces back.
Students gasp and jump up from their seats as the guy rolls out of his seat
and onto the floor, holding his bloody face.
Monroe turns to face the class. “Anyone else have anything to say to
Silence follows. He looks down at me, and in true Dax style, he gives me
that wink. The one I was terrified of outside that courthouse and then again
in this classroom, but today, it helps to ease some tension.
“Okay, class …” Mrs. Shepherd enters the classroom. “What happened?”
she demands when her eyes find the kid on the floor and bloody.
No one says a thing as the guy gets to his shaky legs. Blood drips down
his face and onto his shirt.
“What happened?” Her voice snaps and she places her hands on her hips.
Dax stands from his chair. “He fell, Mrs. Shephard.” He looks around the
room. “We all saw it.”
Murmurs of agreement come from all the students, going along with the
She looks at him for a long time, and I see the corners of her lips turn up.
Finally, she nods. “All right. Let’s open your books to page three hundred
and sixty-two.” She turns her back to the class and starts writing on the
I look over my shoulder at him, wondering what the hell that was, and he
just shrugs.


“You didn’t have to do that,” I tell Monroe as we exit the classroom.

He comes to a stop, and I do too, turning to face him. “I thought … I
thought that I did something to you, Henley. For you to go after me like
My chest tightens at his words. “I’m so sorry, Dax. You never did
anything to me. You were my best friend.” I sniff. “I thought I was doing
the right thing.”
He pulls me in for a hug in the middle of the packed hallway as kids
watch us. He pulls away. “You’re still in trouble for that video. I told you
not to say anything.”
“When have you ever known me to listen?” I joke, lightening the mood.
We walk into the cafeteria and go to our usual table. We’re the first ones
here, but as I sit down, I look up to see Scout enter with Laney, and for
once, I don’t care who he’s hanging all over. A weight has been lifted off
my shoulders, and I can breathe. I know it sounds stupid, but I feel like
Brenda’s spirit found peace since her body was found. And that for once,
maybe things can go back to how they were before I ruined everything.
Next to enter is Lacey. She comes to sit next to me. “Hey …”
“Only women who suck dick can sit here,” Scout states, making Laney
start laughing, and Lacey tenses.
I narrow my eyes on him. “Only men who are good at fucking are
allowed to sit here,” I fire back.
He smiles at me, placing his forearms on the table. “You never complain
when I fuck you, doll.” He makes sure to put a present tense on that.
It wasn’t supposed to be a dig at his sexual skills. I wanted his response
to piss off Laney. Her eyes drop to my choker that I put back on this
morning, and she lets out a huff, stands, and storms out of the cafeteria.
I smile, and Scout chuckles, knowing what I did there. I didn’t like that
she laughed at Lacey.
I look back at the entrance, scanning it for Law. I haven’t seen him since
he pinned me down on my bed last night, where he left me confused and
wet. I’m not sure why he keeps playing this game with me. Everyone else
seems to have given it up. I’m free now. No more bullying. No more sexual
acts, which, let’s be honest, I enjoyed very much. But if I had to choose, I’d
much rather have my friends than dick.
“Hey, doll,” Law says, sitting down beside me.
“Hey,” I say, looking over at him. His eyes drop to the choker, and the
corner of his lips pulls up before he starts up a conversation with Dax and
A phone beeps, and Scout picks his up off the table. “Law, want a fight
this weekend?” he asks.
“No.” He shakes his head.
Scout sets his phone down, glaring at him. “What the fuck, man? You
haven’t fought in forever.”
“I don’t have to prove to those fuckers that I can beat their asses.” Law
“Well …”
A hand slaps down on the table, cutting off Scout. We all look up to see
Lincoln Graham standing at the end of the table. Lacey scoots closer to me,
knowing he’s good friends with that piece of shit Nicholas.
“What’s up, Lincoln?” Law asks, shoving a chip in his mouth.
His brown eyes make sure to look at each of us before he gives his
attention to Law. “You guys heard about Steve and Nicholas?”
“Are they fuck buddies now?” Scout asks, making Law laugh. “I hear
they like ass.”
“They’re missing.” He narrows his eyes on Scout.
“That sucks,” Scout picks up his drink, taking a sip, then sets it back
down. “I’m sure they’ll turn up. You know, once they’re done fucking each
other in the woods.”
He pushes off the table and walks away.
“Oh my, God—” Lacey starts.
“Shut up, Lace,” Scout interrupts her. “You didn’t see shit. You don’t
know shit.” With that, he gets up and leaves as well.


Monroe Manor is exactly what you would expect when you think of the
one percent—gaudy. Dax’s father and his stepmother love to flaunt what
they have. The Monroe annual fundraiser is an all-out, over-the-top party
every year. The Monroes spend millions of dollars to make this party
happen and donate to charity to avoid paying such high taxes. Gotta dump
that kind of cash somewhere.
“This party is lame,” Dax says, throwing back his champagne.
“Right.” Scout grunts, agreeing with him. “I’d much rather be anywhere
“Boys.” Dax’s stepmom walks over to us. Margaret’s dark green eyes
look me up and down in my tux and smiles. “Can I get you anything?” Her
voice purrs like a cat.
I shake my head. “No, thank you.”
“Just let me know.” Her eyes light up with her smile before she turns and
walks away, looking back at me over her shoulder.
“I’m pretty sure she’d fuck you if my father left her,” Monroe states,
looking at me.
“Hell, I’m pretty sure she’d fuck you right now on the grand piano,”
Scout adds, laughing.
I snort, and my eyes land on a blonde walking in the main entrance. She
has her arm in the crook of another man, but her eyes find us immediately.
“Monroe, your girl is here,” I say.
His gaze meets hers, and she blushes, looking away.
“Thought you took care of it?” Scout snaps at him.
“I did,” he says defensively, “but that doesn’t mean I have to stop fucking
her.” Shrugging, he adds, “She gives good head.”
I go to laugh, but it dies when I spot the next woman to step inside the
house. It’s my doll. My eyes sweep over her black dress. It’s long-sleeved
with a deep V-cut out of the front, showing off her impeccable cleavage. It
hugs her small frame and has a slit all the way up her right thigh, allowing
you a peek of her toned leg and red heels when she walks. And I don’t miss
the new black choker I left in her room for her this afternoon on her bed.
It’s a little wider than the one Scout gave her and has tiny diamonds that
sprinkle the front before tying in a small knot in the back. It represents the
same as the other, but this one is prettier, classier. She belongs to us, and
that choker is our way of branding her. But I knew she wouldn’t wear the
original one tonight. Not all dressed up.
“Let’s play.” Scout throws back his drink, his eyes fixated on her.
I turn to face him just as Dax speaks. “No.”
“I wasn’t talking to you.” Scout snorts, knowing that Monroe hasn’t
touched her.
“I know, but the answer is still no,” he says, taking another sip of his
champagne. “I want tonight to go smoothly. And if our fathers catch you
two fucking her in one of our rooms, the night will go anything but.”
Monroe looks over at Scout. “Just keep it in your pants for one night.” He
slaps him on the back and then walks off.
Scout looks over at me. “What do you say?”
My eyes go back to her, and she has a champagne flute in her hand. The
best thing about these parties is that our parents don’t give a fuck if we
drink. She tips the glass back and takes a sip. I can see her red lipstick on
the rim, and I smile. “Yeah, let’s play.” I want that color stained on my dick.

I’VE BEEN AT the Monroes’ fundraiser for over two hours, and it’s
actually been pretty fun. People have come up and spoken to me like
nothing ever happened. Like all has been pushed under the rug and
forgotten. Westbrook is good at hiding shit that way.
I’m on my fourth glass of champagne and feeling pretty good when I
lean over and tell Lacey that I need to use the restroom.
“Okay, I’ll be right here,” she says, pulling away from me.
I make my way through the long hall and down to one of the fifteen guest
bathrooms. But three ladies are standing in line. One looks at me over her
shoulder, pulls her injection-filled lips back, and rolls her eyes at me.
Okay, so maybe I spoke too soon about things going well.
I lift my dress enough to pull the small train up off the floor and decide to
go upstairs to use the one in Dax’s room, knowing that no one will be up
“Much faster,” I say five minutes later and look up at myself in Dax’s
bathroom mirror. My eyes catch sight of the new choker I’m wearing

I walk into my room after getting home from school. I see the Valentino
box on my bed, but there’s also a long, skinny black velvet box on top of it
that says Chanel. Walking over to it, I open it up and gasp. It’s a choker. A
black silk choker with diamonds of various sizes all over it. And under it is
a folded-up piece of paper.
I pick it up and read it.
Little doll, you will earn this later tonight.
I wanted to be mad that they still wanted to claim me in such a way, yet I
knew I wouldn’t be wearing the cheap black choker to such a formal event.
But another part of me couldn’t wait to see just what he has in mind for me
to earn it.
Exiting Dax’s bathroom, I make my way back to the stairs. When I pass
Mr. Monroe’s study, I’m brought to a stop when I hear a man saying, “We
had a deal.”
Taking a step back, I press my back to the wall in the hallway, listening
“Yes, we did, but I saw an opportunity and took it,” a man says. I can’t
place his voice, but I want to say it’s Jake Rellik.
“That opportunity,” a man snaps, “could very well bury us!”
“Don’t worry.” Another man sighs. “I took care of it. No one will ever
know any different than what we paid for.”
I stiffen. What the fuck are they talking about?
“Do you have any idea how stupid that was?” the original snaps. “If she
had been in the river for that long, then she would have had to be identified
by dental records.”
My heart starts to race along with my mind. River? Dental records?
Brenda was found in the river. They said she’d been there since April …
“And the girl? What about her?” the first guy snaps.
“She made a public apology, admitting she was wrong.” One laughs.
“Anything she says will not fucking matter from here on out.”
Me? They’re talking about me? My breathing becomes labored, and my
knees start to shake.
“The body has evidence on it,” one of them snaps. “That’s why we
agreed it could never be found.”
“You’re getting all worked up over nothing. It’s been too long …”
My breath gets caught in my lungs.
“I can’t keep up with this if you can’t keep your word!”
“We paid you a shit ton of money to keep my boy out of prison,”
someone snaps, but the blood rushing in my ears is too loud to know who it
“He’s not behind bars, is he? Just keep going along with the plan.
Nothing will come of it.”
I hear their shoes slapping on the floor, coming toward the door. I make a
mad dash across the hall to a spare room and hide behind the open door. I
watch through the crack in the door hinge and see them exit the study. Mr.
Monroe exits, along with Mr. Rellik. Then Mr. Scout and Mr. Law. All of
them were in there together. Every single bastard knew what Dax had done
and had a part in covering it up. Last, a man I’ve only seen once in my life
exits, and my shaking hands come up to my mouth. It’s Judge Mayes.
I knew it! There had been money exchanged. Brenda’s life came with a
price that the Monroe family paid, and everyone cashed in on.
The guys walk off and down the hall, back to join their party.
I slowly walk out from behind the door and make my way over to the
study. It has to have something to prove he did it. I have humiliated myself
twice! For what? I let their bullying and sex control me and my feelings.
They have manipulated me into believing I was crazy. Not anymore.
Entering the study, I close the door behind me. It’s a large rectangular
room with cathedral ceilings. Along the left wall are rows and rows of
bookshelves. To the right is a big painting of a dark forest. It hides a safe in
the wall. I know because I’ve seen Dax get into it before and take some
cash. But it’s also full of jewelry and gold bars.
At the head of the study is a large, dark wooden desk. I lift my dress and
make my way over to it. I start opening drawers as fast as I can. The ones
that open immediately, I shut because nothing credible will be hidden in
those. No, it’ll be somewhere locked up.
I get to the bottom drawer and yank on it. Nothing.
I frantically look around, searching for anything to use to open it. I’m
sure the key is on Mr. Monroe himself. Bending down, I grip the handle and
put my heels on the one above it and pull, trying to yank it open. But I don’t
have any luck.
“Shit!” I hiss, falling to my knees. My shaking hands come to my face.
I’m so close to finally exposing all of those pieces of shit for what they
really are. I can’t give up now. I’ve already failed Brenda too much.
I need a hammer. That’ll knock this fucking door off.
Making up my mind, I stand and look both ways in the quiet hallway
before going to get what I need.


“You’ve had a good senior year, son.” A man by the name of Richard slaps
me on the back.
I hate him. He’s one of my father’s best friends from college, and I hate
that he calls me son.
My father laughs. “Dick, undefeated is far from good.”
“Well, they still have playoffs,” Richard argues.
I throw back my champagne flute, wishing it was a joint that I could
smoke when my cell vibrates in my tux. I pull it out to see it’s a text to our
group from Scout.
Scout: Little doll, where are you? It’s time to play.
I look up and scan the ballroom, searching for her. My dad had a meeting
with the Founders and then came down here to bother me.
I spot Lacey over by the bar with the Millers. “Excuse me.” I walk away
before my father can tell me no. “May I speak to you for a second?” I ask
“Of course.” She excuses herself from Mr. and Mrs. Miller who are too
deep in conversation with Governor Link to even care. “What’s up?” she
“Have you seen Henley?” I ask, my eyes still scanning the crowd.
“No. She went to use the restroom, but I haven’t seen her since. That was
a while ago. Why?” Her eyes widen. “Is she okay?” Panic laces her words,
knowing the last time she was missing, she was found drugged lying on a
floor with her shirt ripped.
“I’m sure she’s fine.” I pat her shoulder. “I’ll go look.”
“I’ll come with you.”
“No.” I shake my head. “Stay here.” I throw back what’s left of my drink
and take off in search of her. I check my cell a few times to see if she’s read
Scout’s message, but she hasn’t.
I check all the bathrooms on the first floor and come up with nothing. I
decide to go upstairs, thinking that maybe she went to Dax’s room. But that
too is empty.
I’m walking down the hallway, heading to the grand staircase when I
hear someone sniffling in the study. The door is shut, so I twist it and step
inside. She’s sitting at Mr. Monroe’s desk with a piece of paper in her
hands, and she’s silently crying as her eyes skim over it.
“What are you doing in here?” I ask, making her jump. My eyes narrow
on her, and I cross my arms over my chest. “What the fuck are you doing,
Henley?” Why the fuck would she be in here?
“You need to see this.” She stands and rushes over to me, shoving the
paper in my hands.
“Hen …” My eyes scan over it, and I look back up at her. She nods her
head quickly as my eyes widen at what she’s fucking found.
“I told you …”
“Law?” Mr. Monroe calls out right before he enters the room. “Henley?”
He growls, eyes landing on hers. “What the fuck are you doing in my
study?” His eyes fall to the mess on the floor. Pieces of wood scatter the
pristine white carpet, and a hammer sits in the middle of it.
Henley’s wide eyes go back and forth between me and Dax’s father.
She’s waiting to see if I give her up. I quickly fold the piece of paper and
stuff it in my front pocket.
Mr. Monroe turns to me and gestures to the hall. “Law, a moment,” he
I exit and slam the door shut behind me. He then pulls a key out of his
pocket and locks her inside it.
“Law?” She calls out at the click. “Law! Open this door.” She starts to
bang on it.
Mr. Monroe ignores her, running a hand down his face aggressively, and
then looks at me. “Take care of this.”
I swallow but nod. “Yes, sir.”
I turn to the door that she’s still banging her fists on. But he places his
hand on my shoulder and squeezes. “Better yet, meet me at Death Valley
with the girl. Immediately. I’ll inform the Founders, you tell the boys. This
ends tonight!” He hands me the key to his door.
“Will do.” I nod, my hand on the knob.
I hear his heavy shoes slap the floor as he walks down the hallway,
followed by a door shutting.
“Law …” she cries. “Please, let me out. You have to help me. Law …”
“SHUT UP!” I shout, pounding my fist on the door, making it rattle,
knowing there’s no way for the guests to hear us. They’re all downstairs in
the east wing.
She stops beating on it, but I can hear her softly crying.
I need to think for a second. Go over my options. But what options do I
possibly have? I take a step back from the door, finally realizing what the
piece of paper in my pocket represents, and I close my eyes. Why did you
do this, doll? I know what I have to do. If I don’t take care of our little doll,
Mr. Monroe will. She knows too much. She’s seen too much. The paper in
my pocket proves it. Why did she do this? Why couldn’t she just let it go.
I have to kill her. That’s what he wants. If he does it, he’ll probably bury
her alive. At least I can make it quick, and she won’t suffer at all.
I rush down the hall, leaving her locked in the study, and go into Dax’s
bedroom. I rummage through his closet, grabbing a Graveyard duffel bag
and filling it with a few things I’m going to need. Then I make my way
down the back stairway that the staff uses to access the basement. I jump
three steps at a time and rush over to the concrete wall. I grab a backpack
off a shelf and fill it with rope, a knife, zip ties and then open the gun safe
—hoping Mr. Monroe hasn’t changed the code since I was in it last with
Dax—grabbing one more thing I need. Shoving everything into the
backpack, I make my way back upstairs to his study.
Unlocking the door, I shove it open with my shoe, pushing her back in
the process. I throw both bags into the center of the room, and her watery
eyes watch them. When she looks back at me, she raises her hands in
defeat. “Law, that paper …”
I sigh heavily. “I’m sorry, little doll.” Then I punch her in the face.
She falls to the floor, knocked out cold. I kneel beside her and feel for a
pulse. It’s strong. I shove the hair off her tear-streaked face and run my
knuckles along her jawline and throat, then over her pretty choker. “I truly
am sorry.” I grab the black evening gown where it lowers at the V and yank,
splitting the fabric down the middle to expose her chest, knowing what
must be done and needing to do it.

DARKNESS ENVELOPS ME. Opening my heavy eyes, I see nothing. My

head pounds, and I taste blood. The side of my face throbs like it has its
own heartbeat. I’m on my stomach with my face turned to the right. I try to
move, to sit up, but I can’t. The single movement makes pain shoot up my
side. I try to open my mouth to speak, but a strip of duct tape covers my
busted lips. I try to will my body to move once again, just to reach up and
remove the tape, but I can’t. It takes a second to register why I’m incapable
of moving, but I realize my wrists are tied behind my back. As are my
ankles. My breathing picks up through my nose, and I manage to pick my
head up, and there’s a bag over it. The scratchy material rubs against my
sensitive skin. I try to stretch out my legs but don’t get that option, meaning
I’m in a very confined space. Listening, I can hear what sounds like an
engine. Am I in a car?
What’s happened? What …?
He’s the last one I remember seeing. He had a duffel bag and a backpack
… He hit me.
Tears sting my eyes. I was so wrong. I thought he would help me. That
he would read what I found and realize I was right all along. But he’s in on
it. They all are.
The car comes to a stop, and my body rolls over onto its side. I hear a
door open and close, followed by heavy footsteps. Then I hear a click of a
door. He has me lying in the back on the floor of his G-Wagon.
A light shines down on me through the material over my head, and I
flinch. “Just in time, doll.” Law speaks, but it doesn’t hold any sense of
humor or excitement like usual.
Maybe the bastard is actually sad he’s about to kill me. Well, I hope he
knows that I plan on coming back and haunting him for the rest of his
miserable, pathetic life.
He grips my left arm and pulls me to sit up awkwardly onto my hip. My
breathing picks up, and I cry out behind the tape that covers my mouth.
He’s covered all his bases.
I can’t speak, see, or move. It’s like how I found Vanessa on my bed that
one time. They warned me all along, but I just didn’t listen.
Then I’m thrown over his shoulder, and it restricts my breathing even
more. My hair dangles inside the bag over my head, sticking to my wet and
bloody face.
We move for what feels like forever. His breathing never labors, though.
Probably because he’s done this multiple times before—carried a tied
woman to her death.
“You made it.” I hear a familiar voice call out, and I stiffen.
No! I start to squirm.
Law places a hand on my thigh. “Calm down. You’re going to need your
energy,” he whispers.
Need my energy? What is he going to do? Make me a moving target?
Give me a five-second head start? Make this a game like it’s been all along?
Play with his doll?
A hundred things run through my mind when I’m set down on my feet.
Then he kicks the back of my legs, shoving me to my knees. Pain slices up
my legs and back. I lean forward, biting my tongue not to make a sound.
Not to give them the satisfaction of my cries. Instead, I taste blood.
The bag is ripped from my head, and I shake it to try to see. My heart
stops when my blurry concentration starts to focus through the pieces of
hair that stick to my face.
We’re at Death Valley. I’m kneeling in the middle of the Graveyard. Why
are we here? How long have I been out? The drive alone is over thirty
I look up to see Mr. Monroe coming to stand before me, still dressed in
his tux from his fundraiser. He grips my chin and yanks my head back,
forcing me to look up at him. “Good job, Law.” He winks over at someone
standing behind me. I’m guessing it’s him. “I like the fact that you put some
effort into it.” He presses on my already throbbing cheek.
I yank my face away from him. He laughs and then backhands me,
knocking me onto my side, momentarily taking my vision away. My
shoulders scream from my wrists being tied behind me. My fingers have
started to go numb.
A hand grips my hair and sits me upright. I don’t even cry behind the
tape. My body is exhausted. I can barely breathe. Why does my chest feel
so tight? Like someone is lying on top of it. Am I having a heart attack?
I’ve never had a panic attack before. Maybe that’s what this is.
“Where are the rest?” Mr. Monroe asks, walking away from me.
“On their way,” Law clips.
He finally steps to my right where I can see him, and he drops his
backpack. Bending down, he unzips it and pulls out a gun. He places the
magazine in and cocks it. The sounds are deafening to my ears in the open
makeshift arena. My heart picks up speed, and sweat breaks out across my
“Hand it to me,” Mr. Monroe demands, reaching out to him.
Law pauses for only a second and then hands it over.
Mr. Monroe comes to stand in front of me once again. He jerks me up to
my feet by my hair, and this time, I do cry out due to the pinpricks of pain
that slice through my head. His hand stays fisted in my hair while the other
holds the cold barrel to my neck, pressing it into my skin so hard I know
it’ll leave a bruise.
I breathe heavily through my nose as fresh tears well up in my eyes.
“Will …” Law starts.
“Don’t worry, Law. I’m going to leave my son to do the honors. I just
want her to know what’s to come.” He glares down at me. “Funny how
something so small could fuck up so much.” His tongue slides across his
teeth. “I assume you all had your fun with your toy?” he asks.
My heart sinks at his words. Did everyone know what we were doing?
That they were using me? I knew it, but I couldn’t stop it. They made it feel
too good. My body was conditioned to crave it. My mind forced to enjoy it.
Law was right. I begged for it on so many occasions. It makes me
physically ill to know how pathetic I am.
“Yes,” Law answers through gritted teeth. He’s aggravated. That’s clear,
but why? I gave him proof, and he’s going to ignore it. Just let me die
because this bastard tells them to.
That’s why Law placed the tape over my mouth, so I can’t scream what I
read off that piece of paper. I will die, right here at Death Valley, just like
Brenda Nash did—with a secret.
A phone dings, and then Law speaks. “They’re here.”
Mr. Monroe takes a step back from me, letting me go, and I fall to my
knees once again. I’m so tired, and I can’t breathe. My chest … something
is lying on top of me. My shoulders hurt; my wrists are sore. My vision
goes in and out. I think I have a concussion. The Reapers have had enough
of them that I know the signs. I hope I don’t have to puke. I’d hate to die
from my own vomit. Wouldn’t that be the icing on the cake, though? I kill
myself? They wouldn’t even get to take credit for that.
New tears sting my eyes and fall down my face and over the tape. I have
failed so many people in my life. My father, my brother, and most of all,
Brenda. I will not be the little bitch they want me to be. I will not beg on
my knees when I can die on my feet.
Fuck them all to hell!


Mr. Monroe hands me the gun, and I let out a sigh of relief, putting it in the
back of the waist of my jeans.
I look down at Henley, and her head bobs up and down. Her body sways
a little bit. I hit her hard. Too hard. I should have stuck her with a needle
and drugged her with something, but I didn’t have anything on me. And I
didn’t have the time to go chase down Dax and ask if he had some. I needed
to act alone. I acted on instinct, and I know it was the wrong decision.
Mr. Monroe’s phone rings, and he walks away to answer, knowing it’s
one of the Founders. They didn’t show because it would look odd if they all
left the party. But they know we’re here. He told them what’s about to
I bend down and rip the tape off her mouth. She doesn’t even make a
sound. Gripping her chin, I lift her head to look at me. “Little doll?” I ask
out of habit.
She slowly blinks her watery eyes, and fresh tears run down her bruised
cheeks. “We don’t have much time.” I look over at Will pacing back and
forth while on his cell. “Do not mention what you read. Okay?”
She just stares at me, almost in a dreamlike state. Eyes dilated and
looking out into nothing.
“Henley?” I grab her shoulders and shake her a bit.
She blinks again and sucks in a long breath. “I … my chest,” she
I ignore that. “Listen to me. Do not mention what you found; do you
Her eyes narrow up at me, and her lips thin as if she’s finally seeing me,
remembering why she’s bound and kneeling on a concrete floor. “You son
of a bitch …”
I slap my hand over her mouth, the process tilting her head back at an
odd angle. “I will put this tape back over your mouth with three more pieces
if you don’t shut up,” I snap, checking to see that Monroe still has his back
to us and is on his cell. “Pay attention.” We don’t have time to talk about
my betrayal. She’ll be dead soon, and it will no longer matter anyway. “Do
you understand?” I snap.
She tries to nod, and I release her mouth. “What are you not going to
do?” I ask.
She sucks in a deep breath, her eyes fogging over once again. She’s
probably about to lose consciousness. “Not mention the paper …”
I stand, giving her my back. Good enough. I pull out my cell and text
Me: Keep Scout out of my way.
He reads it immediately.
Rellik: What do you mean exactly?
Me: I mean, don’t let him fuck this up! I put the phone away, ending the
conversation. He’ll try to stop me. Want to save his doll. And that’s not an
extra problem I need right now.

“WHAT THE FUCK are we doing here?” I ask, looking down at my watch
to see it’s a little after ten, and I just arrived at Death Valley. We were at the
Monroes’ fundraiser when Law sent me a message to meet him here. Right
fucking now. Were his words. I wasn’t happy about it, and the fact that
Henley is still ignoring me. She’ll pay for that after we’re done here, and I
get to her.
“I don’t know, man,” Dax answers, getting out of his car parked next to
mine. “My father called me and said he needed to see me.”
I frown. “Law was the one who messaged me.” Looking around, I add,
“Where is Rellik?”
“He said he would meet us here.”
The sound of a blaring radio has us stopping to turn around and see
Rellik’s car pull into the old gates and park by us in the middle of the field.
He gets out and fixes his bow tie awkwardly. “Scout, may I speak to you for
a second?”
I frown. “About what?”
He places his hands into his front pockets. “I just … need to talk to you
about something.”
Dax sighs. “My dad is blowing up my cell.”
“Go ahead. We’ll be right there.” I wave him off, turning to walk toward
Rellik. “What is it?”


At some point, I’ve fallen over onto my side to the nasty, bloodstained
concrete floor. My eyes are closed, my breathing has slowed now that I’m
able to breathe through my mouth since Law removed the tape. My chest
still feels tight, though. That weight getting heavier and heavier.
“Wake her up,” Mr. Monroe calls out.
“Come on, doll.” I hear Law sigh as he grips my arm and moves me to sit
up on my bruised knees once again. The pants I’m dressed in are stained
from the blood that’s dripped from my face. Which is odd because last I
remember, I was wearing my black evening gown. Law must have changed
“About time!” Mr. Monroe claps.
“Dad, what are we doing here this late?” I hear Dax ask, and fresh tears
instantly prick my eyes.
“I have a gift for you.” Mr. Monroe slaps him on the back, and then I
watch them both come into view as they enter the Graveyard.
It’s weird being here without anyone else. The voices echo in the atrium
and large, open space. It’s has an eerie feel to it when a massive crowd isn’t
gathered around like on fight nights.
“Dad?” Dax comes to a stop. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Giving you what you deserve.” He gestures to me. “Your revenge.” His
face falls. “And not the kind you guys have been playing. Sex isn’t revenge,
Dax. Haven’t I taught you that whores enjoy being fucked?”
“Dad … what?” He takes a step back, and I bite my lip to keep in a
whimper at his betrayal. I don’t know how they did it, but he managed to
kill Brenda and make it look like an accident. Then convince me that I was
going crazy in the process. Dax looks at Law, who stands beside me. His
stance wide and arms crossed over his chest, head held high and jaw sharp.
He looks more like a bodyguard rather than a high school kid. “What the
fuck are you doing, Law?” he yells.
“It’s time,” Law says.
“No!” Dax shouts, throwing up his hands. “I won’t …” He turns to face
his dad. “What the fuck have you done?”
“What have I done?” he shouts in Dax’s face. “I have done everything for
you. I have spent millions to keep you out of prison because of her!” He
points at me. “Now you either get rid of her, or I’ll fucking do it.”
“I am not what she accused me of!” Dax screams back, making it
somewhat believable. But I shove those feelings down. He did it! And there
was proof. “I am not a rapist or a murderer.”
I swallow the lump in my throat. “You’re right.” I go along with the show
he’s putting on. My voice is rough, but it gets their attention.
Everyone turns to face me.
“Doll …” Law whisper-growls in warning so no one else can hear him.
I know. Don’t mention the paper. “You’re not those things. I’m so sorry,”
I cry, the tears rolling down my face like waves.
“A little too late now,” his father snaps. “She has caused too much
damage. Nothing she can say or do will get back what she put you through.
This has to stop. And it won’t until she is no longer an issue.”
“Killing her isn’t the answer,” Dax argues.
“Do it,” I say.
All heads snap in my direction again.
Dax’s eyes sadden, but his jaw clenches. “No, Henley …”
“Shut up, doll.” Law growls under his breath once again.
“Do it!” I snap. I’m pretty sure I’m dying right here before their eyes.
I’m having problems breathing. I have known what it feels like to be loved
and to be hated. Honestly, they’re both just as brutal, leaving scars that will
never heal.
“I’m not going to shoot you!” he shouts.

SCOUT LOOKS DOWN at his watch as I go on and on about the game the
other night, trying to think of things to talk about because Law has me
fucking biding his time. Why? I have no fucking clue. I always seem to be
the last to know about anything.
“It’s okay, man. Just drop it.” He turns, giving me his back, walking
toward the main building of Death Valley.
I run a hand down my face. “Scout?” I shout.
“I’m done with this conversation,” he throws over his shoulder. He takes
the stone steps two at a time, and I run after him, yanking him to a stop,
causing him to step down one. He spins around and snaps, “What do you
I lower my eyes to my feet and adjust my bow tie again—all of a sudden,
it’s suffocating. Fuck, Law. I’m going to beat your ass for not giving me
more information to go on here. “I, uh …”
“What the fuck are you doing, Rellik? Are you fucked up on
something?” he asks.
I wish. That would make this much easier. “I’m just doing what I was
told to do.” I drop the ball, knowing I can’t keep up this charade. Even if
telling the truth buys me ten more seconds.
He straightens. “What did you just say?”
“I don’t know what the fuck is going on. Law messaged me and said to
keep you out of the way …”
He doesn’t let me finish. He spins around and runs into the building. I
follow him, knowing that Law’s message had said to meet at the Graveyard.
I run down the dark hallways, breathing heavily and heart pounding. Fuck, I
had too many drinks at the fundraiser.
I come to the end of a hallway and take the stairs three at a time. You
have to go up to the second floor and then go down to the first to get to the
Graveyard from this building. If you come in from the back, you don’t have
to go up to the second floor.
I can hear Scout’s shoes still ahead of me. He’s on a mission to find out
why the fuck we’re here. I’m not too thrilled to figure it out. Whatever it is
can’t be good. We’re never here on a weeknight unless it’s to fuck
something up.
“I said fucking do it!” I hear Henley’s voice shout, and my body comes
to an instant stop. The sound travels through the silent halls.
I hold my breath, trying to figure out if I imagined it or if it really was
her. Why would she be here? Why would Law have us come here for her?
“I’m not going to fucking shoot you!” I hear Dax shout back.
Fucking shit!
I don’t wait to hear another word. I sprint down the last hallway, passing
the chapel where it all started, and come to the balcony. Scout stands there,
his hands curled around it. “What …?” I ask out of breath and look down
below to the first floor. I see Henley on her knees in the center of the
Graveyard. Her face is bruised and bloody. Her hands are tied behind her
back and so are her ankles. Law stands next to her like a fucking guard dog.
What the fuck is going on, Law?
I take a quick look at Scout, but he says nothing. He’s glaring down at
Law. My eyes go back to the scene below, and I catch sight of Dax and Mr.
Monroe standing at the far end side by side. Monroe holds a gun in his
“HENLEY!” Scout screams out next to me, making everyone look up at
him. “What the fuck?” he whispers to himself. And I’m glad I’m not the
only one confused as fuck.
“Fuck,” Law hisses loud enough for the sound to carry, and he takes a
few steps back, dropping his crossed arms.
“What is going on?” Mr. Monroe demands. “Dax.” He turns to face him.
“If you do not do this, then I fucking will.” He lifts the gun in his hand and
raises it at Henley’s head.
She glares up at him as if she’s accepted her fate. Willing to be executed
for a crime she didn’t commit.
“NOOOOO!” Scout shouts, gripping the railing.
A loud bang rings in the open space, and we watch Henley’s body fall
forward. Facedown, she just lies there.
My heart stops as the gunshot echoes in the concrete building. Law
stands behind her with his gun pointed at her back. She’s dead. He just
killed her. “Fuck!” I finally breathe, reaching up and gripping my hair.
Mr. Monroe walks over to her and kicks her leg like she’s roadkill.
“Make sure the body is disposed of. You can take the rope you brought with
you and tie her to a tree out in the middle of the woods. Strip her clothing.
The wild hogs will eat everything she has to offer,” he orders Law, and then
he turns to Dax. “I’ve never been more disappointed in you than I am at this
moment.” He shakes his head in disgust. He faces Law and slaps him on the
back. “However, I’m proud of you, boy.”
Law’s face is void of any emotion as he stares at Henley. He gives a nod,
and Mr. Monroe walks off, grabbing his cell out of his pocket. “It’s done,”
he says, placing it to his ear. “Yeah, the bitch is dead.” He disappears out of
A silence falls over the large open space in the atrium as I watch her,
waiting for her to move. To laugh and say gotcha. Why would Law kill her?
Did something happen that they haven’t told me? I don’t particularly care
for Henley after what she did to Dax, but I don’t think she needed to die.
The point was to use her, not kill her. Isn’t death the easy way out?
“What did you do?” Dax is the first one to speak, taking a step toward
“What needed to be done,” Law snaps at him. He bends down, gripping
her ankles, and drags her body closer to him. “Now I’m going to finish it.”
“No!” Scout shouts, making me jump. I almost forgot he was beside me.
“Do not touch her, Law,” he orders, then shoves off the railing and runs
toward the stairs.
Shit! I go after him to make sure there are not two dead bodies to dispose
of tonight. I jump the last four steps and round the corner to the Graveyard,
but slow when I see Law is no longer there. And neither is their doll.
Instead, Dax is on his knees with his hands on his head. “Dax?” I grab his
shoulder, and he looks up at me. Blood runs down his face.
Scout is looking around. “Where the fuck is she?” he snaps to no one in
“He took her,” Dax answers.

Life is always about decisions, my mother would tell me. There are always
multiple actions to choose from. Just know that each one holds a different
consequence. If you choose wrong, you may be punished more than the
I fucked up!
The guys are going to kill me. Scout will probably hang me by my neck
and set my body on fire, and I would deserve nothing less.
I get to my G-Wagon and open the passenger door. I toss her body in, and
it slumps forward. I push her head back and then pull the seat belt across
her, fastening her in so she doesn’t hit the dashboard.
I get in the driver’s seat and start it up. I get back onto the two-lane road
and take a right, going the opposite way of home. Looking at the
speedometer, I’m doing well over a hundred. Going too fast, you can’t even
count the trees that hang over the road as I pass them in the middle of the
night. There’s a turn up here off the beaten path that leads back to the
Victorian house where Dax takes Mrs. Shepherd when he fucks her. I just
need to get there. The guys won’t suspect I’m there.
I see the road and the rear end starts to fishtail just a little, but I manage
to keep it on the pavement and then the gravel as I gas it again. Listening to
the loose rocks kick up and chip my paint. The house comes into view, and
I stop in front of it. Her body leans forward, and I reach out to stop it from
hitting the dash as the seat belt does its job.
She moans as I slam it back into the seat. “Henley?” I cup her face.
“Little doll, look at me,” I urge, licking my lips.
My intentions were not to kill her. I had to save her, and there was no
way I had the time to get everyone in on my plan. I had to work alone.
“Can’t … breathe …” Her head bobs to the side.
“Hang on,” I jump out of the driver’s seat and yank open her door.
Undoing her seat belt, I rip my pocketknife out of my jeans and kneel
beside the open door. I slice it through the zip ties that bound her ankles and
then shove her forward. Her body falls toward my driver’s seat, and I cut
the zip ties that bind her wrists behind her back.
I push her back into the seat and reach for the collar of her hoodie.
Bringing the knife up to it, I slice down the center of Dax’s Westbrook
hoodie that I had dressed her in. The fabric giving way down the middle to
showcase the bulletproof vest I had put on her after I punched her out in Mr.
Monroe’s office earlier.
I knew that he kept one in his gun safe, but I needed her to be dressed in
something bulky to conceal it, so I had to remove her evening gown and put
her in Dax’s clothes.
I rip the Velcro off it one at a time, releasing the pressure. She opens her
eyes and sucks in a deep breath once they’re all undone. “How do you
feel?” I ask her, placing my hand on her forehead. She’s warm. Feverish
feeling and sweaty.
She swallows. “I … I think …”
“What?” I ask.
“I’m going to get sick.”
I grab her arm and yank her from the seat, shoving her onto her hands
and knees. I kneel beside her, grabbing her hair and holding it back just in
time before she starts vomiting on the gravel.
My other hand comes up to rub her back over the vest. We sit like that for
a good five minutes while she throws up everything she has in her system,
and I begin to wonder if it’s due to a concussion or something else.
She sits back on her knees and rubs the arm of the hoodie sleeve across
her mouth. “Better?” I ask.
She looks at me, tears in her blue eyes and some rolling down her bruised
cheek. “Thanks,” she says roughly.
I shake my head with a laugh. “You have nothing to thank me for, doll.”
“You might have shot me, but I’m definitely not dead.”
I smile. “Let’s take this off.” I remove the hoodie from her arms and then
pull the vest off as well. I throw it to the ground.
“That’s why I couldn’t breathe.” She stares at it. She picks it up and
places her finger where the bullet hit.
“I had to put it on you pretty tight,” I tell her.
She gives me a soft smile and then starts to cough. “My back hurts.”
“Let me look.” She bends forward, and I inspect her back. She’s bruised.
The vest may have stopped the bullet, but she definitely felt it. Being shot
while wearing a vest is like getting hit with a baseball bat without any
protection—it can still do some damage. “Do you think you can get back in
the car?”
She sits up straight and nods once, crossing her arms over her exposed
chest. Since I was short on time, there was nothing underneath the vest.
I stand from the gravel and walk to my back door. “I brought you some
extra clothes. And I have a water in the car.”

“DEEPER” BY VALERIE Broussard plays through the speakers of Law’s

G-Wagon as he races down the two-lane road headed back to his house.
I tilt my head over and look at him. He wears a white Graveyard hoodie
with blood and dirt smeared all over it along with his designer jeans. He
must have changed too, unlike the others. His right hand is on his thigh
while his left wrist hangs loosely over his steering wheel. The only light we
have is from his dash, illuminating the interior of his G-Wagon.
He takes a quick look over at me, and he frowns, catching me staring.
“Are you going to get sick again?”
“No,” I say, not a hundred percent sure that’s true. I feel like shit. I need a
shower and strong pain meds, and a twenty-four-hour coma sounds about
right. “Where’s my cell?” I ask, but not really caring, knowing that no one
will be calling a dead girl.
“It’s with mine turned off in my bag,” he answers, turning the music
down a little.
“Avoiding everyone?” I arch a brow.
He shrugs. “Just needed some silence to think clearly.”
I reach out and rest my hand over his. “Thank you, Law,” I say, my
emotions getting the best of me. Tears begin to sting my eyes.
He removes his hand from under mine to grab it in his. He lifts it to his
lips and kisses my dirty knuckles. “Don’t thank me yet, little doll.” He
looks in his rearview mirror for a quick second. “It’s not even close to being
“Did you know?” I ask. I thought he was going to kill me for what I
found out, but maybe I was wrong. Why spare me? Why go through all that
trouble just to save me? At this point, I’m not even sure what is up and what
is down anymore.
“No, doll.” He lets out an aggravated breath. “I didn’t.”


I open my eyes as the G-Wagon rolls to a stop. “What …?” I ask, licking my
chapped and busted lips, a little disoriented.
“You fell asleep,” Law tells me before exiting his car.
I pull on the door handle and push it open. My body is sluggish and feels
heavy. I go to get out of the car, but he comes up to me.
“Stop.” He orders, picking me up, and I snuggle into him, inhaling his
scent. He doesn’t smell like the usual clean linen I’ve come to like. He
smells more like the dirt and blood smeared across his clothes, and it’s
comforting in a way.
I look over Law’s shoulder and see three flat black cars in the driveway.
“Shit.” I sigh.
“Oh, I knew they’d be here.” Law laughs. “They want me as dead as they
think you are.”
“Scout wouldn’t go to your mom or my dad.” I shake my head. “He’d
want to kill you himself, not see you thrown in jail.”
“Yeah, that’s why we’re such great friends,” he jokes, carrying me up the
“I can walk,” I say once he hits the porch.
He laughs and goes to speak, but the front door swings open. “What in
the fuck are you doing?” Lisa demands, placing her hands on her hips, still
dressed in her Givenchy evening gown. Her eyes widen when she looks
over at me. Yeah, I’m sure I’m a sight to see. “Henley …?”
“I can explain …” he starts, setting me on my feet.
But the door is yanked open even more, and a blur comes barreling
through it. Law is picked up off his feet, and he and who I now realize is
Scout go rolling down the steps he just carried me up.
“Scout!” I shout, and it hurts not only my throat but my entire body.
“You son of a bitch!” Scout shouts.
Law stops rolling, and Scout jumps on top of him. He fists his hands and
punches him. Law doesn’t stop him, but he also doesn’t just lie there. Law
hits him back, knocking Scout off him.
“Scout!” I try to yell, but my voice cracks. Lisa starts screaming for my
father behind me, still standing at the door.
“I’m going to kill you, you son of a bitch!” He scrambles to stand and
jumps on Law again.
I run down the steps and jump on Scout’s back, ignoring the pain. “Scout,
stop. Please.” I wrap my arms around his neck.
“Henley?” He looks over his shoulder, one hand fisted in the air and the
other gripping Law’s bloody hoodie.
“It’s me.” I lay my head on his back. Please, just stop. I’m so tired.
He pushes himself off Law and sits on the ground, pulling me around and
into his lap. He cradles me, and we begin to rock. “Henley?”
“It’s me, Scout,” I assure him. “I’m okay.”


I sit on Lisa’s couch while a very tired Henley sits next to me. She holds an
ice pack to her face.
Law sits across from me in a high-back chair. Rellik sits to my left, his
eyes closed and rubbing his temples. Dax sits in the matching high-back
chair next to Law with his elbows on his knees and face in his hands.
Henley’s dad stands over by the fireplace while Lisa stands next to him.
“Someone better explain what the fuck is going on right now,” her father
“It’s a long story,” Henley whispers.
I go to rub her back, but she pulls away from me. My eyes shoot to Law,
and he’s watching her with concern. What in the fuck is going on between
“We’re not leaving this room until you explain it!” He pushes off the
fireplace and starts to come toward her.
Lisa steps forward and pulls him back by his arm. “James, take a deep
breath. We’ve got time to hear them out,” she says to him softly.
“Hear them out?” he snaps. “The three of them show up saying Henley is
dead, and then Law shows up with her. She looks like she’s been raised
from the dead! I demand answers. And I demand them right now!”
Henley pushes her wild, bloodied, and dirty hair from her face. “It all
started when I saw Dax raping Brenda Nash.”
“Dear Lord,” Dax growls, finally dropping his hands from his face. “I
thought we had moved on from this. I didn’t do it.”
“But you did,” Law answers.
Everyone’s head snaps to look over at him. I frown. Since when does he
believe her?
Dax gives a rough laugh. “Really, Law? She gave you so much pussy that
you start to believe her?”
“What?” Lisa shrieks, gripping her expensive and rare diamonds around
her neck. “You two are sleeping together? James, did you know this?”
Henley bows her head, and James rubs the back of his neck, all of a
sudden very uncomfortable.
Dax goes on. “We’ve all fucked her. Well, except for Rellik.”
“Henley!” Lisa gasps.
“This has nothing to do with sex,” I snap at Dax and look at Law.
“Explain why you believe her.” Someone better start fucking talking. I’m
with James. Answers need to be explained and now.
Law picks his ass up off the seat and pulls a piece of paper out of his
pocket, carelessly tossing it to Dax.
“Law.” Henley jumps to her feet, narrowing her eyes at him.
“What?” Law stands as well. “Fuck him,” he spits at Dax. “Henley saw
you do it, and I believe her without a doubt.” He straightens. “Almost
makes me feel bad about what we put her through.” He turns to Henley and
winks at her with a smirk, then he walks out of the living room.
“Henley, what did he do to you?” Lisa asks her wide-eyed. The poor
woman is scared to death. “Hamilton, get back in here,” she calls out to her
son, but he’s not returning.
Dax huffs as he picks up the folded piece of paper and opens it up. His
eyes scan it, and his shoulders square, his body stiffening, and his face goes
red with fury.
“I almost believed you,” she says with a rough laugh. “I hate to admit it,
but I fell for your shit.”
“Henley.” He looks up at her and stands. “I didn’t …”
“Save it,” she snaps, interrupting him. “I know who and what you are.
And I’ve come to the conclusion that that’s enough.” With that, she turns
and exits the room as well.
“Dax?” I snap. “What the fuck is going on? What was on that piece of
paper?” And why did Law have it, and Henley know what was on it?
He ignores me and runs his hands through his hair aggressively. I get
tired of being out of the loop, so I bend down and snatch the piece of paper.
I look it over; my eyes catch sight of what’s so important, and my heart
starts to pound in my chest. My eyes shoot to Monroe. “Where did they get
He leans over, grabs the Waterford vase sitting on the end table, and
throws it across the room, where it hits a wall. “Son of a bitch!” he shouts.

WHEN I MAKE it to the top of the stairs, feeling winded after the night
I’ve had, I look at my bedroom door. Then I look to my right at Law’s. I
don’t know why, but my feet have me going to his. I knock on the door.
“Go away,” he growls, and I actually smile.
Ignoring him like he always does me, I turn the knob and enter.
Lying in bed, he has his back against the headboard shirtless and his hair
is still damp, letting me know he took a quick shower to wash off the
night’s events. He’s holding a joint in his hand.
I walk over to him and plop down, taking it from him. Bringing it to my
lips, I take a long drag. This is what I need. To get high and pass the fuck
out. I’m going to be so sore tomorrow. My body aches everywhere. Deep
down in my bones.
“Careful,” he warns. “Sleep in my bed, and you gotta give up the pussy
or give me head. But take my weed …” He shakes his head. “You gotta give
up your ass.”
“Have at it,” I say, knowing he wants it.
He arches a brow and takes the joint back. He brings it to his lips and
inhales. Then after a second, he blows it in my face.
“Your mom is mad at you,” I say, filling the awkward silence. Not only
did we fake my death but I also bled on him and puked on him. That’s new,
even for us.
He throws his head back, laughing. “She’ll get over it.” Leaning forward,
he pushes a piece of stray hair behind my ear. “What about you?”
“Will you get over it?” he asks, lowering his voice to that gravel tone that
makes my breath quicken.
I look down at his comforter, trying to pretend this isn’t intimate. Law
has a way of making anything sexual. A touch, a look, or a single word. He
makes you feel things you know aren’t right.
“We can all say we were just fucking around with you, little doll. But we
each love you in our own way.”
I look up at him through my lashes, surprised by his words. “And how do
you love me?” The words are barely a whisper, but I know he heard them.
He cups my cheek that he punched gently, but I lean into his warm touch.
“I love you more than Dax ever could but less than Scout.” He tilts his head
to the side as if in thought. “Some men aren’t meant to have one toy for the
rest of their lives.”
The door opens, and I jump back, my head turning to look over my
shoulder, and the quick movement makes me flinch. Scout stands in the
doorway. “What are you two doing in here?” he demands as if he’s a dad
catching his daughter with some random guy alone in her bedroom.
“Smoking.” Law offers him the joint. “Want a hit?”
“No.” He steps into the room and looks at me. “Henley, why don’t you
go start a shower. I’ll meet you in there.” He made it sound like a
suggestion, but we all know it’s not.
I look back at Law, seeing if he’ll say otherwise.
“Get going, little doll.” He leans back against his headboard and takes
another hit.
With heavy feet, I get up, hating that he dismissed me so easily.


Henley exits my room, and Scout slams my door shut.

“Maybe you need something a little stronger than weed,” I offer.
“I’m not done with you!” he growls.
I smile. “Well, I jacked off while in the shower. You’re gonna have to
give me a few more minutes before I can go for a second round.”
“Law,” he snaps. “I’m serious. You have a lot of shit to explain. The first
being why the fuck didn’t you tell me about your plan?”
I throw the covers off and get out of bed. I’m wearing a pair of boxers
and nothing else. My cock is semi-hard because of the doll just sitting here
with me and the fact she offered up her ass like she’s done it a million
She has that effect on me, and that’s why I have to let her go. I lied to her.
I love her just as much, if not more, than Scout does, but I could never give
her what she deserves. She knows it. I know it. Scout is the best choice. The
safest choice, even if that’s a shitty option. “I didn’t have the time.”
“Bullshit!” he hisses. “Will could have killed her.”
I smile around the joint hanging from my lips. “And I saved her. You’re
Grabbing my shoulder, he spins me around and punches me in the face,
knocking me back into my dresser. The joint falls from my lips. He grips
my shoulders, and I ram my forehead into his nose, knocking him back.
“You don’t want to play this game with me, Scout.” I’ve got so much pent-
up aggression right now; I could snap his neck just like I did Nicholas.
He runs his hand underneath his bloody nose. “Yeah? Why’s that?”
I lean down and pick up what’s left of my joint. He stepped on it.
“Because if I wanted your doll, I could take her from you.” His nostrils
flare. “I could make her completely mine, and you wouldn’t be able to do a
single fucking thing about it.” I saw that look in her eyes in my car on the
way back. It was still there when she sat on my bed a moment ago. She’s
falling for me. It’s shocking and the most awful fucking thing that could
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” he snaps.
I run my fingers across the small cut on my lip from when he hit me
outside earlier. “Why don’t you take her home with you? Oh, wait. That’s
right. You can’t. Your daddy might call Mr. Monroe. And well, don’t want
them to know she’s not actually dead. And …” I step into him. “What
would she do if she knew you set her house on fire?”
“We set fire to her house,” he snaps.
I shake my head. “I was nowhere close to it that night. But you? You left
the bar pissy and went to her house to set that fire that put her here under
my roof.” I smile. “And you know what, Scout? She came running to my
room.” I bump my chest into his. “She begged me to fuck her however I
wanted. It was my name she screamed that night when you stood outside
her balcony in the rain.”
He begins to laugh. “You think I give a fuck what you did with her?” He
shakes his head. “I’ve watched you with her many times, Law. That doesn’t
mean she’s yours.”
“We’ll see.” I wink at him. “Now run along, Scout. Go and fuck your
little doll while you can.”

STANDING UNDER THE sprayer, I’m washing away the night when I
hear the door open, and Scout enters. He’s got his hands fisted as he locks
the door that adjoins Law’s bedroom. Then he starts ripping his tux off and
yanking his boxers down his legs along with his socks. He opens the door
and steps inside the shower, pulling me into him.
“How do you feel?” he asks.
“Feeling better already. Just tired,” I lie.
“Don’t lie to me, little doll,” he says, running his knuckles down my
bruised cheek.
I flinch at his touch; it wasn’t as soft as Law’s was.
“He hit you.”
I take in a deep breath. “He saved me.”
His clouded eyes drop to my busted lips, and I try to fill the silence.
Meeting his eyes, I ask, “Did you know?”
“No.” He sighs heavily.
I bite my bottom lip, not wanting to believe him. Law said he didn’t, and
so does Scout. But I find that hard to believe. The paper I found states that
Brenda’s body had been found on the property of Death Valley. She was
missing underwear and had handprints around her neck. It was evident she
had been strangled to death. Although no rape test had been given, it was
clear sexual assault took place.
“I should have believed you.” He sighs, getting my attention. “You told
me a hundred times that you saw him.”
That’s because I did. “You convinced me that it wasn’t him,” I grind out.
“I’m sorry,” he says, softening his face, looking sympathetic, pushing my
back into the cold shower wall.
“Scout …” My hands go to his chest, trying to push him back.
“Shh.” He presses his lips to mine. His tongue finds mine, and our lips
It feels wrong to kiss him right now after what has happened tonight. I
still don’t know what to believe or who to trust. And not to mention, my
body hurts like hell. He goes to deepen the kiss, and my hands push against
him harder. He grabs them and pins them above my head.
I yank my face from his. “Scout.”
“I need you,” he growls, shoving both of my wrists into one of his hands.
The now free one goes between my legs, and like always, he’s rough and
I suck in a breath, my tired body trying to push him off. “Scout … stop,”
I say, shoving my hips into his.
“I can’t,” he growls, lifting my leg to wrap around his hip. He grabs his
cock and slides into me. “I need my doll.”
I cry out into the shower as the water hits our bodies, and he stretches
me, making it hurt. I’m not ready to be his toy. My body isn’t in the mood,
and neither is my mind.
His hips pin me to the wall, and he starts to fuck me.
“Scout.” I gasp. “You’re hurting me …”
He presses his lips to mine, trying to silence me, and I manage to rip my
face away and cry out as he slams into me. Our bodies slap, the water
spraying us. His hands hold my already sore wrists above my head, his
fingers digging into my bruised skin.
“Scout … stop …” He slaps his free hand over my mouth while his
fingers pinch my nose, taking away my chance at denying him or breathing.


I lie back in bed and hear Henley cry out from the bathroom. Of course,
he’s fucking her in the shower. He could have at least taken her to bed. She
was just punched, slapped around, and shot. Why not let the poor girl lie
down while getting fucked?
“Scout … stop.” I hear her say.
I sit up and turn off my TV. I can hear the water running, his grunts.
“Scout,” she gasps. “You’re hurting me …” Her words are cut off.
I throw off the comforter and go to open my bathroom door that leads to
our adjoining bathroom. But it’s locked.
“Scout … stop …” Then nothing.
I place my ear to the door and listen. I can’t hear her anymore, but I can
hear him slamming her body into the shower wall. Making up my mind, I
shove my shoulder into the door, busting it open.
He’s got her pinned against the wall, her arms above her head. His other
hand is over her mouth, his fingers pinching her nose. Her face is turning
blue, her eyes rolling back into her head.
I rip open the glass doors and yank him off her, shoving him completely
out of the shower. “What the fuck, dude?” I know we’re rough with her, but
tonight is not the night for that.
She goes to fall, but I catch her. Picking her up in my arms, she sucks in
breath after breath, clinging to me. She buries her face into my bare chest
and begins crying while trying to catch her breath.
“What the fuck?” He jumps to his feet just as Henley’s bathroom door
bursts open. Dax and Rellik enter.
“What is going on?” Dax demands. “We could hear you all downstairs.”
He looks at Henley, wet, naked, and shaking in my arms. Then at Scout,
who stands there also wet, naked, and hard as a fucking rock.
“Law interrupted us!” he shouts.
“She told you to stop. You were hurting her,” I snap.
“I was not.” He rolls his eyes. “Henley …” He starts to walk toward us,
but she turns her head the opposite way, clinging to me while sobbing. He
bites his bottom lip and nods his head. “I see …”
“Get the fuck out of my house, Scout,” I order.


“Here.” My mother hands me two pills and a glass of water.

I set them both on Henley’s nightstand.
“She needs—”
“Rest,” I interrupt my mother. She’s hovering around Henley like a
helicopter mom ever since Dax escorted Scout out of the house thirty
minutes ago. “I just want to help.”
“I know, Mom, but I have it. It’s late. Go to bed.” I place my hand on her
expensive evening gown and guide her to the bedroom door. Once in the
hall, she spins to say something, but I shut the door on her.
Turning around, I see Henley lying in her bed. Her hair still damp. I tried
to wring it out the best I could afterward. I carried her into her room and
placed her in bed. I walk back over to her. Sitting down on the edge, I run
my knuckles across her face, and she opens her pretty blue eyes.
“You keep saving me,” she whispers.
“I’m no savior, little doll,” I tell her. I am just as responsible for this
situation as any of the other guys are.
“Then why did you do it?” she asks.
I ignore that question and lean over, picking up her pills and water. “Sit
up,” I order.
She does as she’s told and takes the pills, followed by a drink. “Get some
rest,” I say. Standing, I place the water back on her nightstand in case she
gets thirsty later and walk toward her door.
“Will you sleep with me?”
Coming to a stop, I let out a sigh and turn around to tell her no, but her
watery eyes pull at my heart. Instead of answering, I flip off her light, walk
back over to the other side of the bed, lift the covers, and crawl in.
I raise my right arm up above my head, and she snuggles into me, placing
one arm over my chest. My free hand runs over her soft skin. Silence
follows as the minutes tick by. I think she’s fallen asleep, and I can sneak
out when she speaks.
“What do we do now?”
“What do you mean?” She could be referring to multiple situations.
“Me. I can’t go back to school when people think I’m dead.”
I think about that. No one really knows she’s dead except for us and the
Founders. “Let me sleep on it,” I tell her with a yawn.
“Okay,” she whispers.
And without thought, I lean down and kiss her still wet hair, inhaling that
familiar scent of watermelon lemonade and close my eyes, too exhausted to
even question why I’m not getting up and going to my own room.

I WAKE TO find myself alone in bed. I feel a little better than when I went
to sleep last night, but my head still seems a little foggy. Maybe that’s from
the pills Law gave me.
Getting out of bed, I slide on my silk robe and make my way downstairs.
My stomach is growling. I can’t remember the last time I had something to
I come to a stop when I find Dax sitting at the formal dining room table.
He looks up from his cell and stands. “Henley …”
I take a few steps back, and his face falls, pretending that my fear isn’t
warranted. “Where is everyone?” I ask, needing to know I’m not here with
him alone.
“Lisa is in her study. Your father is in there with her as well.” I swallow,
feeling a little better. “Law left as soon as we got home from practice …”
“Practice?” I look out the large windows to the pond in the backyard. It’s
dark outside. “What time is it?”
“Almost seven. You slept all day.”
He goes on. “Rellik went home.”
“Why are you here, Dax?” Why haven’t the police shown up? My father
would have called them, right? Maybe he knows it’s pointless. Mr. Monroe
has them in his pocket. I will just have to go the rest of my life knowing
that I was right, even if the world sees me as crazy.
He runs a hand through his hair. “Henley … I didn’t do it.”
“The paper says you did,” I argue, knowing he’s never going to admit it.
He fists his hands. “No, the paper states how she was found. Not who did
I give a rough laugh. “It doesn’t matter what you say to me, Dax. I know
what I saw, and I finally know that what I said was true.” He has the
audacity to look wounded by my words. “Who was there with you that
night?” I ask.
His dark brows pull together. “What?”
I take a step into the room. “There was someone in the chapel with you
that night.”
“Henley, I didn’t …”
“Quit lying!” I shout, slamming my hands down on the table. Now that I
know everything I saw and felt was real, I’m not going to back down from
this. “He came up behind me, placed his hand over my mouth, and held me
captive. I watched helplessly while you raped and murdered her.”
His eyes widen for a brief second. “You … you didn’t tell the cops that.
In your statement.”
“I never saw his face,” I say honestly. “I barely heard his voice say my
name. There was no way to pick him out of a lineup or to explain who he
was. I knew you wouldn’t give him up.” I pull my lip back with disgust.
“So, again, who the fuck was there with you?” He’ll never tell me. His
loyalty is to the man, whoever he is, and not me. But I still want to know.
Deserve to know. It wouldn’t matter if I ran in the streets yelling it at the
top of my lungs. No one would believe it.
Placing his elbows on the table, he runs his hands through his hair. Then
he slams them on the table, making everything rattle. “Fuck!” he shouts.
I flinch at his tone and go to open my mouth, but I hear the front door
slam. I hurry to the foyer just in time to see Law running up the stairs two at
a time. “Law?” The fucker ignores me like he’s gone deaf all of a sudden.
“I’ll find out what’s up,” Dax promises as he passes by me and runs up
the stairs.
I’m not about to rely on Monroe to pass any message. He’s a lying son of
a bitch. So far, Law is the only one I can count on. At least I hope so. If not,
he’s the best liar of them all. So I follow them.
I enter Law’s room to find Law stripping out of a baseball shirt and his
dark jeans.
“Where are you going?” Dax asks him.
“I got a text about ten minutes ago …” He opens a drawer and pulls out a
clean shirt that says I have A. D. D. on it, spelling out A Delicious Dick. If
the situation were any different, I would laugh. His abs tighten as he puts it
on. “Scout is on the roster to fight at Death Valley tonight. So, I’m going to
go get him.”
Dax runs his hands through his hair.
“I wanna go,” I chime in.
“No!” they both say in unison.
“But …” I step forward.
Law spins around to face me, pinning with me a fuck-off glare. His
usually care-free baby blue eyes have hardened, and his plump lips now
thin. “You’re dead, remember? I killed you,” he says flatly, then he turns
away from me and opens up the bottom drawer in his nightstand. He pulls
out a wad of cash and shoves it into his backpack that lies on his bed. Then
he slides on a pair of light washed jeans and places a white Graveyard
baseball hat on backward.
“What do you need the cash for?” Monroe asks what I’m already
“I’m going to fight in his place.” He growls. “The fucker isn’t in any
shape to fight tonight.”
“Why?” I ask, looking back and forth between them. “What happened?”
What all could have possibly happened while at school.
Law ignores me. Thankfully, Dax doesn’t. “Scout got in a fight with a
guy today in class. I didn’t see it, but I heard it was bad.”
Law snorts.
“Did you see it?” I ask him. He grabs his keys off the counter and turns
to head to the door. I jump in his way. “Hey, why the hell are you ignoring
me?” I demand.
“Because I don’t have fucking time for you, little doll.” He shoves me
out of the way and stomps out of his room.
“Wait up. I’ll drive,” Dax calls out, following him.


Monroe drives us in silence while I sit in his passenger seat. I’m not
concerned about him right now. My thoughts are on Scout. He’s off his
rocker. Not to mention, he’s losing his shit. I’ve got my elbow propped up
on the door and my hand on top of my hat. The backpack at my feet.
“You know he’s not going to willingly let you fight in his place, right?”
Monroe breaks the silence.
“I’ll make sure of it.” I’ll knock his ass out.
He chuckles. “What the hell is going on with you, Law?”
I keep my eyes on the window, ignoring him.
“This has to do with her,” he states.
I snort.
“Your guys’ ‘little doll.’” He shakes his head. “I should have guessed.”
Still, I say nothing.
“That’s why he fought Lincoln today in class, isn’t it? That’s why Scout
is so pissed. He thinks you’ve taken his girl.”
I laugh at that. “She doesn’t belong to him.”
“And that’s why you’re trying to save him tonight because you feel
Do I? I feel a lot of things, but I don’t think any of them is guilt,
especially for Scout. If I’m being honest with myself, I would say I’m not
even sure why I’m running to stop him from fighting. Maybe it’s just to get
out of the house and away from my doll. I woke up in her bed this morning
with her wrapped up in my arms. I just laid there for thirty minutes listening
to her breathe. It was fucking pathetic!
“Why did you do it?” I change the subject. I haven’t had a chance to get
him alone since last night. After I managed to leave Henley in bed, I got
ready and went to school. It was awkward, to say the least. Dax wasn’t
speaking to Rellik or me. Scout got in a fight and was sent home. Things
are starting to unravel and fast.
His hands tighten on the steering wheel. “I’m going to tell you the same
thing I told Henley a minute ago. I didn’t do it. The papers say how she was
found, not who did it.”
I look over at him, and he’s stiff. Shoulders pulled back and spine
straight. His hard eyes on the dark road. He had been sleeping with Brenda
for some time. We kept that a secret when he was accused of raping and
murdering her. They were actually pretty serious. He was moving fast with
her. Dax never needed to force himself on someone, but maybe I was
wrong. His dad had paid money to make sure the messages between them
were nowhere to be found in the investigation. As far as the public knew,
they had never had any contact whatsoever. “Yeah, well, the evidence
seems pretty credible,” I say, looking back out the window.
“I believe her.” He sighs heavily. “After reading the police report, I know
she saw something. But I just don’t know why she says it was me.” He lets
go of the steering wheel with one hand and runs a hand down his face,
changing the subject. “What was your plan at Death Valley?”
“I grabbed a gun from your dad’s safe that had rubber bullets for you to
use,” I inform him.
“And yours?” he asks, arching a brow.
“They were real.”
He gives me a quick look. “Planned on shooting someone?”
“Anyone was a target.” I was going to do whatever needed to be done to
ensure that Henley left there still breathing, even if she was unconscious.
“And what were rubber bullets going to do?” He frowns, confused by my
“I knocked her out and dressed her in a bulletproof vest. She needed
protection, and that was the only thing I could think of at the time. I figured
if you did shoot her, you’d go for her heart—quick death.”
He’s silent for a long moment before he asks. “And if I had gone for her
“I don’t know, Dax,” I snap, my blood pressure rising at that thought.
“When I saw that your dad was going to do it, I had to act quick, so I shot
her in the back. I was close enough to her that when I shot, it threw her to
the ground, hitting her head and knocking her out. She got lucky.” There
was never any blood other than what was coming from her face, but I was
hoping that no one would notice it. The shock of me actually shooting her
needed to be surprise enough that no one looked that closely. Otherwise,
she would have been lying in a pool of blood.
“Yeah.” He snorts. “Lucky.” Silence falls over the car once again before
he asks another question. “What would you have done had things gone
wrong, and she had died?”
“I would have let Scout kill me right then and there,” I answer without


We make our way through the crowd of people at Death Valley. Dax and I
get to the Graveyard, and I push what happened last night out of my head. I
don’t have time to think about what could have been or how many ways shit
could have gone wrong.
The crowd cheers as they watch the current fight. I’m thankful Scout
isn’t one of them out there. Hopefully, I got here soon enough.
I walk over to Matthew. “Where the fuck is Scout?” I shout over the
“Getting fucked,” he answers.
“Goddammit,” I growl. I don’t have the time or patience for Scout to pull
this shit. He did this very same thing after Henley disappeared. It was
“Where?” Dax demands.
Matthew points over toward the men’s restroom right off the cafeteria.
“I’m fighting in his place,” I inform Matthew.
He runs a hand through his blond spiked hair. “Man, you know the
I step into him, pushing my chest into his. “I’m fighting in his fights
He nods once. “Got it.”
“How many are there?”
Fuck, Scout! Did he want to get his face bashed in? I turn to Dax. “Go
grab his ass and take him home.”
“No, we’ll wait for you.”
I shake my head. “I’ll get a ride. Take him home.”
He nods and slaps me on the back. “Good luck.”
Matthew leans in. “When was the last time you fought?”
I almost laugh at that. “Think I’ve lost my touch?”
He shrugs. “Just curious.”
“Take my money, shut the fuck up, and put me in the ring,” I state.
Matthew nods. “Yes, sir.”

I PULL THE baseball cap farther down over my forehead. I snuck out to
Death Valley. After the guys left, I jumped in Law’s G-Wagon, afraid
someone would notice my car, and headed this way. As I was pulling into
the parking lot, I just happened to see Dax drag a very fucked-up Scout out
to his car. I almost followed them but realized Law wasn’t with them. He
still had to be inside. I didn’t want to leave him, not after what he did for
me. So I put a Graveyard hoodie and a baseball hat on that I took from
Law’s closet. Not like I’m going to be on the six o’clock news or anything
for Mr. Monroe to see, but I thought it would be best to take a few
I make my way through the crowd of people, keeping my head down and
holding the bill of my hat so no one knocks it off.
I come up to the Graveyard on the second story and stand by the railing.
As I look down, there’s a platform right below me in the corner. A woman
dances on it dressed in a bikini top and cutoffs that she has undone and
rolled down. Guys stand back and watch her dance. One even throws water
on her—hence the bikini top.
The music comes to a stop, and the crowd quiets. The guy with the
microphone walks out to the center. “We’ve got a treat for you tonight, boys
and girls.” The crowd cheers. “Westbrook is in the house! It’s a Reaper!”
I look over to see Law, and he reaches up and removes his baseball hat,
followed by his T-shirt. He leaves his shoes and jeans on.
His toned abs are on full display, and I hate that my eyes trail over them
longer than I should. He steps into the center of the makeshift ring along
with another man. They bump fists, and “Enemies” by Shinedown starts
Law rushes him. He doesn’t hit or kick him. No, he gets low, picks the
guy up by his knees, and throws the guy over his shoulder as if he doesn’t
weigh over two-hundred pounds. The guy lands on his back and fucking
bounces off the dirty concrete. The crowd roars as the guy rolls to his side,
Law doesn’t waste a second. He walks right up to him and drags the guy
up by his hair into a sitting position. Bending down, he wraps a muscular
arm around his neck from behind, pulls the guy up to his feet, and squeezes
him in a chokehold.
The crowd shouts his name as he holds the guy in place. It feels like it
only takes a few seconds for the guy to lose consciousness while the crowd
cheers Law on.
Once the guy goes limp, Law lets go, and he drops to the ground once
again. People are spraying their beers down onto Law, and he takes a step
back. His muscles tighten as he breathes heavily.
Matthew calls Law the winner and lifts his right hand in the air. He drops
it, and Law looks up. His eyes land right on mine.
He leans over and whispers something to Matthew, who nods his head
and then steps away. Law looks back up at me, and then he walks off the
makeshift ring. I lean over the railing to see what he’s doing, and he’s
taking the stairs over in the far-right corner two at a time.
“Shit!” I push off the railing and shove my way through the crowd,
heading back down the hallway to the front of the building. But just as I
pass the chapel, I’m grabbed and yanked inside. “Law …”
He knocks the hat off my head, and it falls to my feet. “What in the fuck
are you doing here?” he shouts in my face.
He’s pissed! That’s obvious, but I’m not sure if it’s at me or the fact that
he’s fighting in Scout’s place.
“I thought …”
“You weren’t thinking at all!” He takes a step back and picks up my hat,
shoving it into my chest. I grab it before it falls. “Take your ass home.” He
turns and starts to leave the chapel.
I push away from the wall and straighten my shoulders. “I’m not
He comes to a stop, and my eyes sweep over his back. He’s still shirtless
and sweaty from his fight. His jeans hang low on his hips, showing off two
dimples at the bottom of his slick back. I watch the muscles tighten before
he slowly turns around to face me.
“I came here to help you. I’m not leaving until you walk out of here with
me.” I sound like I’m very confident in those words, but my knees wobble
at the way he’s glaring at me. He looks around the dark chapel for a second,
cursing under his breath after patting down his pockets, realizing he doesn’t
have his cell on him while he was fighting.
He comes forward, closing the small distance between us. “The only
reason you’re staying is because I don’t have anyone else here to drag your
ass out. Understood?”
I nod, hiding my smile by biting my bottom lip.
“Don’t fucking drink anything or talk to anyone. Keep your hat on and
head down,” he adds. “I’ve got four more fights, and then we’re done.”
With that, he turns and leaves me alone.


My eyes sweep over the crowd, and I see Henley over in the corner,
watching. I want her down here by my side, but she’d stick out. People
would see her, and at this point, I don’t want a fucking soul to know she’s
As far as the Founders are concerned, Henley Nicolette Greene is dead.
And I want it to stay that way.
“Get ready,” Matthew says, slapping my back.
I nod, throwing back a bottle of water. I’m exhausted. Four fights down.
All I gotta do is win one more, then I’m grabbing my doll and getting the
fuck out of here. “Down with the Sickness” by Disturbed starts playing
through the speakers as I watch them drag the loser of the last fight out of
the ring.
My eyes go back to where I saw Henley last, and I let out a long breath
when I see she’s still there. She gives me a head nod, and I tune her out,
knowing that I need to get this over with and get her out of here.
“Ready?” Matthew hollers at me.
I nod.
He steps into the ring. “Ladies and gentlemen, he’s won four fights
tonight. Can the Reaper make it five?”
The crowd starts screaming, and I fist my busted knuckles. I’ve tried not
to use them, but desperate times call for desperate measures. “Give it up for
I make my way to the center and look at the guy opposite me. It’s the
same guy who Scout fought the night Lacey came and got me when
Nicholas and Steve had my little doll up in the chapel. Bending my knees, I
lift my fisted hands and smile. Let’s get this over with.
He smirks, and the song comes to an end, changing to “Bodies” by
Drowning Pool.
He doesn’t waste a second. He swings at me, and I pull back. His
momentum has his body twisting to the right, and I swing from the left,
hitting him in the open and vulnerable ribs. It knocks him back, and I take a
step forward, spinning around and picking up my right leg and swinging it
at his face, knocking it to the side.
The crowd roars. I have an urge to look for Henley but push it out of my
mind. The guy shakes his head, blinking, and I don’t give him a second to
recover. Instead, I punch him in the face, pushing him back into the crowd.
Instead of shoving him back into the ring, the spectators part like the Red
Sea, and I punch him again and again, ignoring the pain that shoots up my
hand and arm from hitting the bones in his face.
I’ve shoved him so far back that he’s in a corner. The crowd gathers
around us, so even if I wanted to look for her, I wouldn’t be able to see her.
Gritting my teeth, I continue to punch this piece of shit in the face like
it’s his fault everything seems to be falling apart. He falls to the ground, and
I jump on top of him. I punch him again, and I see teeth fly from his busted
mouth. I do it again, and this time, blood splatters the floor.
I’m grabbed from behind and dragged a few steps back. Matthew
screams into his microphone and holds up my right hand. I can’t hear
anything over the roaring of blood in my ears. The floor rumbles under my
feet, and I’m gasping for a breath. A couple of guys come and pick up their
passed-out friend.
Matthew pulls me back to the other side of the ring and hands me a wad
of cash. “Well, you most definitely haven’t lost it.” He laughs.
I take the cash, shove it in my backpack, and look at the crowd. I spot her
immediately, and without saying another word, I walk over to her, grab her
hand, and get the fuck out of here.

HE’S DRAGGING ME through the crowd faster than I can keep up, but I
don’t say anything. I know he’s on a high after winning five fights. At least,
Scout used to be after beating the shit out of someone.
He rips his keys out of my hand and presses the alarm button on it. The
moment it goes off, he stops it and starts dragging me in that direction.
“You could have just asked me where I parked it,” I mumble. Coming up to
the car, he opens the passenger door and just stands there. “What are you
“Get in!” he orders.
“Now, Henley!” he roars.
I jump in, and he slams the door. He rounds the front of the car and falls
in the driver’s seat. He slams that door too and pulls on his T-shirt.
Reaching over, he turns the A/C on and up to full blast. I move my vents to
face him as well since I’m already cold, and he is disgustingly sweaty and
covered in blood. It sucks coming to Death Valley and staying sober. If I
had known he was going to drive, I would have had several drinks. I was
going to drive him home since I figured he’d be tired after five fights.
“Hold this.” He throws his backpack into my lap.
I unzip it and look in it. “Holy shit, Law.” It’s full of cash. Mainly
hundreds, but there are some fifties and twenties. Some are banded
together; others are just thrown in there. “How much did you win?”
“Enough,” he answers. Throwing the car in reverse, he backs out of the
parking spot I had created in the field.
I zip it back up and toss it in his back seat. He drives down the two-lane
road. Cars pass us as they make their way to Death Valley. Pulling out of
the old wrought-iron gates, he looks both ways on the two-lane road and
pulls out, heading back toward Westbrook.
Looking over him, I see he has cuts and bruises on his bloodied knuckles.
Scratches over his muscular arms, and I get to his neck. “Is that a bite mark
on your neck?” I ask in horror.
“Probably,” he clips.
“Jesus.” They need a penicillin shot after fighting there. “Why did you
fight in his place?” I ask.
“Because he was too fucked up to do so.”
“Scout has fought before while drunk or high.” I roll my eyes at his lame
“No.” He shakes his head. “The fight today at school fucked up Scout’s
hand. We have playoffs coming soon. He couldn’t afford to fight five fights.
The odds of him breaking his hands were pretty high.”
“So … you risked hurting your own hands in five fights to save Scout
from fighting?” I ask.
“Yeah.” He breathes.
“Did you hurt yours?”
He stretches out his fingers and then fists them a few times. “Nah, they’ll
be fine.”
He started off not using them. That’s why he lifted the guy over his
shoulder and choked him out instead of punching him. He needed to save
his hands for the playoffs. But his last fight … it was brutal. I watched in
amazement. I have a feeling he’d still be hitting him if they hadn’t dragged
Law off him.


We get back to the house, and I go straight to the bathroom. I need a

shower. I feel pretty good for a guy who just took on five fights in a matter
of three hours. But I won’t feel okay tomorrow once the adrenaline wears
I kick off my jeans and remove my shirt before stepping into the shower
and walking under the sprayer, allowing it to wash off my night.
I hear the bathroom door open but act like I don’t.
“Go to bed, doll,” I say, placing my hands on the wall in front of me and
ducking my head. The water runs down over me, and I lick my wet lips. My
bottom one has a cut on it. Fucking bastard in that second fight got a pretty
good hit in.
“But Law …?”
“I’m fine,” I say although my right shoulder fucking hurts, my hand is
swollen, and my face throbs. Five fights—I was bound to take a few hits.
The shower door opens next, and I imagine her stepping inside naked.
“Here, let me.” She reaches for my arm.
I yank it out of her hand and turn to face her. “Go to fucking bed,
Henley! Your bed!” I’m shouting, and I don’t know why. Well, I do, but I
don’t want to admit it.
“I just want to help,” she growls, crossing her arms over her naked chest.
I turn my back to her, trying to block her out by taking a few calming
breaths. I’m about to lose my shit. “Please go away.” I manage to get out
through gritted teeth. Closing my eyes, I count to five.
“I’m just trying to help you,” she snaps back at me; her soft hands touch
my back.
I turn around, wrap my hand around her throat, and shove her back into
the shower wall. I’m not restricting her air, but I’ve got a good grip on her.
She glares up at me.
My hand loosens, my thumb running across her lips. Her breathing picks
up, and her eyes soften. I hate that I want her as much as I do. “If you don’t
go to your bed, little doll, I will carry you in there over my shoulder, tie you
to it, and tape your mouth shut,” I threaten, unable to listen to her anymore
tonight. I need distance from her. My mind is too foggy, her scent
Placing her hands on my ribs, she runs them up my side and around my
back, her nails lightly teasing me. “You can do that if you want as long as
you promise to fuck me afterward.”
My cock hardens on its own at her words. And I hate that I want her.
That I can’t escape her. Maybe this is my punishment. I helped Scout get
her in my home where we could have eyes on her all the time. “Little doll,”
I breathe, placing my forehead to hers. “I told you to go to bed.”
She runs her hands up and down my arms, letting her fingertips caress
them. “I want you,” her soft voice says.
I lean my body against hers, pinning it to the wall. My resolve fucking
breaking. “No,” I say, battling that need for her to calm me. The demon
roars to life inside me, knowing she’s his key—she’ll only give him the
power to destroy everything.
“Why?” she asks.
I bury my face into her neck, but she shoves me off her. I take a step
back. I’m not going to be Scout. I will not force her.
“What is so wrong with me?” she demands.
I laugh.
She slaps me across the face.
“Watch it, doll,” I growl. I’m still on edge after the fights. I can’t just
shut it off. It’s another reason I don’t do it often. I might not need the blood
like Scout does, but once I get myself in that state of mind, it takes over.
“Do you want me to beg?” she asks. “Want me to get on my knees for
you, Law?”
I groan at that image. I’ve wanted it so many times, but that’s not where I
want her right now. I want her on her back. Me between her legs. I want
something that Henley shouldn’t give me.
“Tell me what you want.” She steps into me once again, her hands
flattening on my chest. “What can I do for you, Law?”
I reach out, my hand going to her wet hair. Unable to stop, I pull her into
me. “I want you.” It’s the first honest thing I’ve ever told her.
“I’m right here.” Her hand comes up and runs through my hair gently.
I cup her bruised face, feeling my chest tighten that I did it to her. But I
have to remind myself that bruise is also why she’s alive and standing in
front of me right now.
Her eyes fall to my lips, and she licks hers.
My free hand comes up as well and cups her other cheek. I lower my
head to hers, knowing that there will be no turning back after this. It will be
an all-out war against Scout and me to see who gets our little doll. Because
as I said before to Nicholas—I don’t share my toys.
My lips touch hers, and an electric shock runs through me at the
tenderness in her kiss. Her hands slide around my neck, and she opens her
mouth for me. I drop my hands to her hips and lift her feet up off the
shower floor, pushing her back into the wall. She wraps them around my
hips, clinging to me. My tongue enters her mouth, meeting hers, and she
slowly kisses me with such need that my body heats.
I tilt her head to the side, and she moans into my mouth. My hard cock
presses painfully into her lower stomach. Goose bumps cover my skin as
my fingers move lower to dig into her ass, holding her in place, afraid to let
her go.
She tastes like everything I never knew I needed. Something that was
once forbidden but now offered on a silver platter. A feast for a starving
man. That demon roars to life just like I knew he would, needing to devour
I never want it to stop. I never want to know what it’s like to go a second
without feeding my hunger for her.
But all good things must come to an end. I pull away, placing my
forehead against hers. We’re both panting.
She looks up at me through her long, dark lashes. “Take me to bed, Law.”

IF I HAD any doubts regarding my affection for Law, they were just
crushed in the shower when he kissed me. I’ve been craving his lips on
mine for so long that when he finally did it, I thought I was hallucinating
again. The thought of it being real and feeling that good must have been a
trick. But when I opened my eyes and looked up at him, I knew. What I feel
for him is real. That thought should terrify me, but it doesn’t. Not anymore.
I love all sides of Grayson Hamilton Law.
He lays me down on his bed. We’re still wet from the shower, and I can
hear the water running.
His blue eyes sweep over my bruised face, neck, and chest. His fingers
skim over the bruise on my hip from being knocked around at Graveyard
last night. “How do you feel?” he asks roughly.
I place my hands on either side of his face and force him to look at me.
“I’m fine, Law. I promise.” I’m not lying to him, although I know he thinks
I am. For once, I want something that he’s not willing to give. We’ve been
playing such a dangerous game that we never stopped to think what needed
to happen for one of us to win.
“Little doll …”
I pull his lips down to mine, silencing whatever he was about to say. No
words need to be exchanged. No promises need to be made. His kiss is just
as gentle as it was in the shower, and I run my nails down his back. My legs
wrap around his waist, and I pull his slick body into mine.
He lets out a growl, his free hand going between our bodies. I could
scream in victory if his lips weren’t on mine.
He pushes his hard dick into me, knowing I was already wet for him. My
breath gets caught in my lungs at the unfamiliar feel of him. We’ve never
had sex before. His cock stretches me in the most amazing way, taking my
breath away.
His tongue dances with mine as his hands grab my arms. He pulls them
away from his back and intertwines our fingers, pinning them to the bed by
my head.
I pull my lips from his and arch my neck and back, letting out a moan as
his hips thrust into me, making my breath quicken. He kisses down my neck
and gently bites down on my ear.
“God, Law …” I swallow as he slides both of my hands up the bed and
pins them both in one on of his.
“My little doll,” he whispers hoarsely in my ear, making my pussy
tighten around him. He groans. “Say it, Henley.”
“Your little doll.” I manage to get out while gasping for air.
Acknowledging that I’m his is like a name carved in stone—forever there.
There’s no going back. No way to undo what has been done. Law has
claimed me as his, and I have accepted. Nothing else matters right now or


I wake to a shrill scream. Sitting up in Law’s bed, I yank the covers up to

my neck when I see Lisa standing in the middle of his room, staring at us in
his bed. Together. Naked.
“Hamilton!” she snaps.
“What?” he asks, his voice gruff. Opening his heavy eyes, he looks from
me to his mom. Letting out a groan, he throws his forearm over his face to
shield his eyes from the light she’s turned on. “This is not the first woman
you’ve caught in my bed, Mother.”
I want to be mad at that, but I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing
at Lisa when her eyes widen. “This is your sister!” she says in a high-pitch
“You marrying her dad doesn’t make it incest.” He snorts.
“Grayson Hamilton Law,” she snaps. “Get out of bed, put some clothes
on, and march your ass downstairs. Now!”
I flinch at the door slamming shut. “She’s pissed.”
He drops his arm to his side and looks over at me. His dark hair is a mess
from my hands running through it last night, and he has a hickey on his
neck. We had sex several times. My body is sore but in the best way. I don’t
ever want the feeling to go away.
He shifts to his side and props himself up on his elbow. His other hand
cups my face. “How do you feel this morning?”
“I’m fine.” I roll my eyes. “Quit worrying about me.” He was soft last
night. Well, as soft as I think Law can ever get. There was a tenderness to
his kisses and touch. Even when his hips picked up and fucked me harder,
there was no mistake he was taking it easy on me. “Come on,” I say and
throw the covers off. “Let’s get this over with.”
We make our way downstairs to the formal dining room, and my father is
sitting at the head of the table. Lisa stands beside him. Like a Queen next to
her King.
I sit down next to my father, and Law takes the other end. I’m guessing
he wants as much space between him and us as possible.
“This is unacceptable,” Lisa starts.
My father glares at me. “How long has this been going on?”
I let out a rough laugh, and they stare at me with worry in their eyes.
“My, my, my, how the tables have turned.”
“Henley!” he snaps, slamming his fist into the table.
“Do you want to know about all of my sexual encounters?” I ask.
He shoves his chair back and stands. “I will not have you speak to me
like that.”
Lisa pats his arm and looks at me. Her blue eyes seem to be more
terrified than mad. “Are you guys using protection?” she asks.
“Nope,” Law answers.
My dad’s jaw sharpens.
“I’m on the shot,” I state, and Lisa reaches up to grip her pearls.
“That doesn’t protect you from diseases,” he snaps at me.
“I assure you, I’m clean,” Law adds, and his mother closes her eyes as if
praying to the gods that my father doesn’t rip his head off.
He turns his back to us, staring out at the pond in the backyard, and I
wonder if he is imagining drowning Law out there? “Have you seen the
news?” he asks.
I frown as Law pulls his cell out of his pocket. “No,” I answer. Looking
back at Law, I watch him run his hand down his face while staring at his
phone. “What?” I ask.
He locks it and slams it down on the table.
“What the hell is it?” I demand, getting worried.
His blue eyes meet mine. “You’re missing.”
I blink, and I hear Lisa sigh. “I’m right here,” I say stupidly.
My father turns back around. “News broke early this morning that you’re
missing. You were last seen at the Monroe fundraiser and are now a missing
person. You never made it home.”
“I’m right fucking here!” I shove my chair back and stand.
“You’re dead!” He shouts at me. “And a father who has a dead child,
files a police report, Henley.”
My heart starts to pound as what he says starts to make sense. I bend my
shaking legs and slump into the chair. “You called the police?”
“You can’t go to school. You can’t show your face in public. Hell, one of
your best friends raped and murdered someone, and I found him sitting in
here yesterday. He’s staying here.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“Dax didn’t do it,” Law states.
I turn and look at him, wondering what changed his mind since
My father gets my attention when he speaks again. “Well, someone did.
And that person is running free.” His eyes meet mine. “You need to go to
your mother’s.”
“No.” I sit up straighter.
“Lisa and I have discussed it …”
I jump to my feet once again. “That’s not her call to make.”
“Honey.” She comes around the table to me. “You’re not safe here.”
I turn to look at Law. He sits back in his chair, arms crossed over his
chest and hard eyes on me. “Law …”
“It’s time for you to go to your mother’s, Henley.” He agrees with them.


I stare up at her as I watch her face fall with my betrayal. I meant every
word I said to her last night, but my mom and James are right. She needs to
go and lay low. She needs to disappear like she did at the end of the school
year last year. “Just till school is over,” I tell her.
“No,” she whispers, taking a step back from the table. “I’m not leaving.”
“Henley.” Her father comes around the table. “This isn’t up for
discussion. Your things will be packed and ready to go by this evening.”
With that, he storms out of the formal dining room.
My mother places her hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry, dear, but this is
the only way to protect you.” She turns to follow James.
I stand and walk over to her. Her watery eyes meet mine. “You knew.”
“I had an idea.” I’ve heard a few conversations here and there over the
past twenty-four hours. I needed time to accept her leaving was the right
thing. And last night solidified that for me. If I want to have any kind of
future with her, I need to let her go for now.
I don’t believe that Dax did what she says, but I do believe he knows
more than he’s letting on. And I refuse to put her in the same situation she
was in with Nicholas and Steve. “It’s not forever. I’ll come get you when
it’s safe.” I lean in and kiss her forehead, making her cry. I pull back and
rub the tears from her cheeks. “Goodbye, little doll.” I take a step back and
make my way up to my room to get ready for school.


I back into my spot in the school parking lot to see the guys are already
here, but none of them are waiting like usual. Well, Scout isn’t. I didn’t
expect him to be, though. I grab my backpack, get out, and walk inside.
It’s weird being here and knowing that Henley is at my house. I don’t
know what time she’s leaving today. I don’t know her new number her dad
is going to get her. All I know is that when I return home, she won’t be
there. And that thought has me fisting my busted knuckles.
Kids stare at me in the hallways. It’s no secret that we’ve been using
Henley, so now that she’s missing—we’re a big red target. They’re going to
think we did it. But we’ll never get questioned by the police because the
Founders have already paid them off. Silenced James’s claims that his
daughter is missing. Just like Brenda. The Founders don’t want questions to
arise when they know the truth. It makes me wonder if they paid off
Brenda’s foster parents.
“Hey, Law.” A kid by the name of Derek walks up to me. “Can I …?”
“Not today.” I shove him away and keep walking toward my locker. I’m
not even in the mood for my friends, let alone someone I never speak to.
I get to my locker, do the combination, and grab some books out of it as
Dax walks up to me. “Hey …”
“No offense, but you’re the last person I want to talk to,” I say honestly.
I’ve never been that guy to pretend or hide my feelings until it came to
Henley. And now that she’s gone, I’m going back to who I used to be.
Someone who didn’t give a fuck about anything!
He grabs my arm, stopping me from walking to class. I glare at him.
“Unless you want a broken nose, I suggest you let go of me,” I say through
gritted teeth.
“We need to talk,” he presses.
I rip my arm from his grasp. “I have nothing to say to you.” And walk
away. He’s one of the main reasons I had to let my doll go. I’m not going to
play nice without my toy here.
Turning a corner, I spot Lacey coming for me. Motherfucker!
“Law?” She gasps, coming up to me. “Law, is it true?” Her bottom lip
trembles, and her watery eyes beg me to tell her no. “I saw the news …”
“She’s gone, Lace.” I choose to say, knowing I can’t be honest with her. I
refuse to put any other woman in danger until I know what the fuck is going
on. She begins to cry, and I adjust my backpack on my shoulder.
“Does this have to do with the other guy?” she whispers.
I grip her arm and yank her into the nearest empty classroom. “What the
fuck did you just say?”
She sniffs. “The other guy. In the chapel on Halloween night, Nicholas
asked Steve if he knew what they were doing. Steve told him, he set it up
“What the fuck?” I hiss. “Why didn’t you fucking tell me that?”
“I … I told Henley …”
“When?” I snap.
“The following day when I came over,” she cries.
Why didn’t my little doll fucking say something to me about it? If I
would have known that, I could have prevented this. I would have been
more protective. More alert of the severity of the situation. I didn’t know
someone else was involved at that time.
“I’m sorry.” She buries her tear-streaked face in her hands. I shove open
the door, leaving her in the classroom pissed at her and myself.
The day seemed to have taken forever to go by, and practice kicked my
already beaten down ass. By the time I get home, I drag my ass upstairs and
come to a stop in the hallway. I look from her door to mine.
I find myself stepping toward hers. I reach for her door and close my
eyes, turning her door handle. I open the door but can’t bring my eyes to
open. To confirm that she’s left me.
I close it and place my forehead on it, taking in a deep breath. I release it
and take a step back, heading toward my door. But I can’t. I swing around
and shove open her door. It hits the interior wall with a bang and goes to
close, but my arm shoots out, stopping it.
Stepping inside, I look over the empty room. Her laptop that sat on her
nightstand is gone. Her favorite blanket that her dad got her last Christmas
is gone. The sheets and comforter have been stripped from the bed. No
doubt being washed and replaced in case someone else were to take her
My chest tightens. A room that once was empty now holds so many
memories and heartache.
I walk inside and look around, feeling the coldness of her absence. I can’t
even smell her in here anymore.
“It was for the best.” I hear her father behind me.
I spin around to face him. He stands, leaning against the doorframe. His
eyes sweep over the empty room. A look of sadness covering his features.
“If you care about her as much as you make her believe, then you’d
know that.” Then he pushes off and walks away.
I pull out my cell and send a message to Monroe.
Me: Want to get fucked up?
I ignored him at school today, but I can’t stay here. I can’t sit in my room
across the hall where she once was, not knowing when I’ll see her next.
Monroe: Yeah.
Me: On my way.

THE THING ABOUT having parents who hate each other is that you can
use it to your advantage.
“Thanks.” I pay the Uber driver as I pull up to the house.
“Anytime,” he calls out before he drives away.
I stand in front of the three-story house and let out a long breath. It’s felt
like years since I’ve been here. A lifetime ago. I drag the one suitcase
behind me and up the stairs. My father dropped me off at the private airport
two hours ago. I didn’t say goodbye, and he didn’t speak to me. I know a
part of him is disappointed in me. And for once, I don’t care about letting
him down. I needed to do this for me. Not him.
I open the front door and step inside the house. The smell of smoke still
lingers from the explosion. The best part about my father moving in with
Lisa is that he’s never here at our old house. My luggage may be on its way
to Switzerland, but I’m sure as hell not.
I wasn’t going to let him send me away again.
Shutting the door, I make my way up the stairs and to my bedroom. It
looks the same as it did the last night I spent here.
I flip the light switch to make sure he hasn’t turned the electricity off and
smile when it works. I walk into my bathroom and unpack the single Louis
Vuitton bag I chose to keep that has my bathroom stuff in it.
Everything else I packed can be replaced over some internet shopping on
my cell. He gave me a new one. I have to fight the urge to message Law
that I’m still in town. He could easily come here and stay with me, but I
want him to think I’m gone. I don’t want him to slip or for me to get caught.
Hell, after he told me goodbye, he’d probably tell my dad I’m here. Law
wanted me to leave just as badly as my father did. Suddenly, everyone is
worried about my safety.
I step up on the platform and start running the large jacuzzi tub. Once the
temperature is right, I get undressed and sink into it. I lay my head back and
just enjoy the silence of it all, trying to decide what my next plan of action
is. I can’t just sit here in this house until May. And eventually, my mother
will speak to my father or my brother, and somehow, she will give me up
that I never showed. And I bet this is the first place they will go looking for
me at.
I finish up in the bath, not anywhere closer to having an answer to any of
my problems. I get out, dry off, and wrap the towel around myself before
grabbing my cell. I walk into my closet and open one of the many dresser
drawers. I find a set of pajamas that were left here and slide them on.
Turning off the lights, I walk back into my bedroom but come to a stop
when my eyes land on my bed. Fear crawls up my spine, my throat closing.
I feel momentarily paralyzed as I see Vanessa sitting front and center,
propped up against my pillow. A folded note rests in her right hand.
I look around my room, my breathing rapid. Slowly, I walk over to her
like she’s going to jump out at me as if she’s a jack-in-the-box—a toy my
dad used to have. That little shit gave me a heart attack every time he
popped out.
I snatch it from her hand and open the folded piece of paper. My heart
hammers in my chest as I read it.
Little doll, little doll, you ran away.
Little doll, little doll, you cannot stay.
Little doll, little doll, for now I must take you away.
I throw it on the bed as if it bit me as a tall figure steps out of the darkly
lit hallway and into my room. “Henley.” A vile smile spreads across his
face. “We meet again.”
I take a step back. “No,” I whisper, my stomach dropping at the sight of
him. “Can’t be.” Had Law been lying to me this entire time?
The man reaches up and runs a hand down his jaw. “But it is.” He pulls a
rag out of his jeans pocket. Then a small glass bottle out of the other. He
pops the lid and pours the contents onto the rag, making sure to use every
drop. Then he tosses the empty bottle to the side. “See, I’ve got some
unfinished business with you.”
My throat closes on me, knowing that I’m fucked. No one knows I’m
here. They think I’m on a plane ride to Switzerland for at least eleven
hours. A lot can happen in that amount of time.
“I’ve been following you for a long time, doll.” He takes another step
closer to me. “And it’s time I get to play.”
I dart over to my bed and run across it. He reaches out for me, but I
manage to get by. I pull my bedroom door shut just in time to get me an
extra second of him having to open it before he can run after me.
I race down the stairs and out the front door as I call Law on my cell.
“Hello?” he yells over blaring music.
Is he at a fucking party? Is that why he wanted me to leave? He got what
he wanted last night and then just shipped me away. “You son of a bitch!” I
scream, running down the driveway toward the gate. Fuck, I wish I had my
“Henley?” he shouts, and then the background noise fades away. “What
are you …?”
“Was this your plan all along?” I ask with tears in my eyes. I’m looking
over my shoulder for him, but I don’t see anyone. I quickly press the code
in for the gate.
“Little doll …?”
“Don’t call me that!” I come to a stop, heart racing, bouncing on my feet
as the gate motor turns on, slowly opening it. “Did you draw the short
straw, Law? Huh? Was this your idea? To lie to me?”
“Listen,” he growls. “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
But you better …”
“He’s at my house!” I cry out, quickly looking over both of my shoulders
this time and running through the gate the moment I have enough room.
I hear a car door open and close. “Who is at your house? In
“I didn’t go to Switzerland.” I rush out. “I’m at my father’s house. Hiding
out here.”
“You’re not making any goddamn sense, doll!” he snaps.
I bend over once I make it to the main road, my palm resting on my knee,
and suck in a breath. “Steve isn’t dead. You lied to me.”
A silence falls over the phone. “Yes, he is,” he finally says.
“He just tried to attack me in my bedroom,” I grind out.
Another long silence before he grinds out, “Who all knows you’re
“No one.”
“It couldn’t have been Steve,” he argues.
“I know what I just saw,” I growl, my hands shaking. “Vanessa was on
my bed … another fucking note. Then Steve was there.”
“Are you … did you take something?” he asks slowly.
Tears prick my eyes at his accusation. No one ever believes me. I’m so
tired of them thinking I hallucinate things. I straighten my spine and suck in
a breath. “You know what, Law?” I pull the cell from my ear and look at his
name on the screen as I scream. “Fuck you!”
I go to hang up but hear him yell my name. “Henley?” I just hold it to my
ear, trying to catch my breath. And he continues. “I’m on my way.”
Headlights start shining up above the road—it’s a one-way street, and
we’re at the back of the dead end. No one would be coming down here
unless it was for our house. I hide behind a bush, knowing it can’t be Law
that quickly. But as they get closer, I step out. “No need,” I tell him with a
sigh of relief. “Scout’s here.”
His Bugatti Chiron comes to a stop, and I run to him.
“Henley? What’s going on?” he asks, getting out of the driver’s seat.
I throw my arms around him, and he hugs me tightly. “Oh, God, Scout.
Steve was inside the house. He had this stuff on a rag. He chased me,” I
rush out, pulling away.
“HENLEY?” I hear my name being shouted in the distance. Turning
around to see nothing, I realize it’s coming from my cell down by my side. I
hadn’t hung up with Law.
“Sorry,” I breathe into it, placing it to my ear. “I—”
“Little doll,” Law interrupts me with a chilled tone, making the hairs on
the back of my neck stand. “Run.”
I blink, looking up at Scout. His eyes scan the property behind me,
looking to see if the intruder is going to pop out. “Huh? Law … what?”
“Get the fuck out of there, Henley!” he commands, his voice rising.
“If no one knew you were there, then how did Scout know?” he
interrupts me with a bark.
“I don’t understand …” Trailing off, I take a step back from Scout and
swallow. “How did you know I was here?” His green eyes drop to mine,
and he takes a step forward, ripping the cell from my hand. “Hey …” I’m
grabbed from behind and lifted off my feet. “LAW!” I manage to scream
out as one arm pins mine to my sides while his free hand places the rag over
my face, making sure to cover my nose and mouth. I breathe in the liquid he
poured onto the rag, struggling to get free.
“Doesn’t this feel like old times?” Steve growls in my ear. His warm
breath on my neck makes me want to vomit. “The only thing we’re missing
is a dead girl lying on the floor.”
My eyes widen, and I fight him harder, tasting the sweetness of what he
used on me. I scream out into it, trying to twist and turn. My watery eyes
meet Scout’s, and he just stands there in front of me, lifting my cell to his


My name comes through the speakers of my car—calm, collected, and
even a bit smug.
Monroe sits next to me stiff as a board, and my hand tightens on the
steering wheel while the other shifts as I speed through traffic, trying to get
to her. I’ll never make it.
“You know …” Scout goes on at my silence. “If you didn’t have your
face so far up her pussy, you would have caught on to this sooner.” A rough
laughter fills my car. “That it was me.”
He’s right, of course. If I had taken a step back once and paid the least bit
of attention, I would have realized that Scout, my best friend, was the
murdering rapist all along. It only fell into place when Henley told me that
Scout was there. We were all under the assumption she had flown to her
mom’s today.
But the signs have been in front of my face this entire time. I just ignored
them because what Henley told the police just wasn’t possible. Dax was out
of town, and when he got off, he said to let her go. He didn’t want revenge
on her. It was Scout who did. His plan to drag her back. It was his idea to
use her. I mean, I’m just as guilty in that area. I played with my little doll
just as much, if not more, than he did.
I can hear her struggle in the background. Her muffled scream and my
heart races in my chest at how confused she must be. Why Scout isn’t
helping her? “If you touch her …”
His laughter fills my car, and the sound makes my skin blister. Like hot
fucking wax running over every inch of me. “Law, she’s my doll. I just let
you borrow her. Or did you forget that?”
“Scout!” I growl, shifting in my seat.
“You can have her, of course, when I’m done with her.” He goes on.
“That is, if I decide to give her up. She is fun to play with.”
I briefly close my eyes and let out a calming breath. He doesn’t really
want her. He’s proven that by sharing her. No other man will touch what’s
mine, and Henley Greene is one hundred percent fucking mine!
“What do you want?” I grind out, knowing he has a plan. And it’s not to
just take her and fly off to some foreign country and sip umbrella drinks on
a beach with her. No, his desires are much darker than that.
“Funny you should ask, Law.” He sighs heavily, like talking to me is
putting him out. “I want to fight you.”
I snort. “Want me to kick your ass, Scout? I’m all for it. I’m ready. Let’s
go.” I pass three cars on the highway, and they honk at me as I swerve
across two lanes to make my exit.
“Graveyard.” He growls the single word.
“Name your price,” I add, trying to keep him on the phone longer, but I
already know what it’s going to be—my doll.
“If I win, I get to keep her, of course,” he announces smugly.
“And she’ll be mine when I beat your ass?” I run a red stoplight, nearly
hitting a truck.
“Essentially,” he says simply.
Dax and I glimpse at one another before I look back at the road.
“Essentially?” I ask.
“Yeah, well, I can’t guarantee you’ll get her back the same as when I
took her. You know how rough I like to play.”
I slam on my brakes to keep from hitting the back of a car that pulled out
in front of me. My teeth grind, white-knuckling the steering wheel. “Listen
“No, you listen,” he snaps, and I press on the gas, taking my last right.
“Don’t come looking for her, Law. You won’t find us. I’ll touch base with
you in two days.”
“What?” I shout, my stomach dropping at those words. “Two days?
SCOUT?” I scream his name.
“He’s hung up,” Dax states, ending the call on our end.
I speed down the dead-end road and slam on the brakes outside her gate.
I get out, slamming my door, and walk up to it. We moved her to my house
so her father didn’t have any staff here, which also meant no security
guards. Henley came here to hide, but Scout knew it would be the perfect
place to take her from. No protection.
“They’re gone.” Dax sighs, looking around everywhere my headlights
I turn, looking down, and see her cell in the middle of the road. I bend
down, pick it up, and grip it in my hand.
“We’ll get her,” Dax assures me, but I ignore him.
Spinning around, I look for anything to use. But nothing will tell me
where they went. Where he’s taking her. Or what he plans on doing with

I READ THE text message from Brenda and look back over at the table.
“What the fuck?” Where did Henley go? I got up so she wouldn’t see that I
was talking to another woman.
Scanning the table, I notice that Derek is also MIA. Fucker, I didn’t want
her taking that pill. She’ll be so fucked up. I wanted to squeeze in a fight
tonight. I’m just waiting to hear back from Law to confirm it.
My cell goes off again, and I open it up.
Brenda: Heading to the chapel.
Me: On my way.
I’ll look for Henley on the way.
I make my way up to the chapel and walk inside, letting the doors close
behind me. Brenda sits at the front pew and turns when she hears me walk
in. “Hey, Ryan.” She calls me by my first name.
I don’t even waste time removing my jeans. I just unzip them and pull out
my semi-hard dick. “Gotta make this quick.”
“What? Why?” She pouts.
“Because Henley ran off, and I have to find her.” This is why I didn’t feel
like fucking Henley out on the lawn earlier. Brenda and I had already
planned to meet up here at some point tonight.
She rolls her eyes. “I don’t know why you keep messing around with her.”
I shove her to her knees. “I have my reasons. Just like how you keep
fucking around with Dax.”
She laughs lightly. “I love Dax.”
“Says the woman on her knees about to suck my dick.” I grab the base of
my cock, ready to end this pointless conversation.
Taking the hint, she takes my dick in her hands and starts sucking on it.
Henley is the girl you marry. She’s the one that no matter who you fuck, or
are with, she’s the one you always go back to. Her sweet cunt and perfect
mouth are too good not to take advantage of.
I’m not cheating because we’re not officially together. We don’t label
what we have. She wants me, and I want others too. It’s simple.
Brenda gets my attention as she licks up my shaft, and I let out a sigh.
The girl is the worst with blowjobs. “Lie down,” I order, pulling away.
She lies down on her back and pulls her skirt up for me. I rip her
underwear off and throw them to the side. I roll on a condom, knowing I’m
not the only one she spreads her legs for, and start to fuck her, not wasting
The floor is cold, and my knees scream as they rub against the dirty
concrete, even through my jeans. She throws her head back, moaning, and I
wrap my hand around her throat.
Fucking Henley’s mouth in her bathroom after she gave Dax her
virginity, I realized I like it this way. Me in total control. A darker side of
sex. Full submission. It doesn’t have to be done with ropes or handcuffs. It
can be done with your bare hands.
She starts slapping at my chest, needing to breathe. “Almost there,” I tell
her, squeezing with both of my hands. The sound of our bodies slapping fills
the large room.
I close my eyes and start thinking of my doll on her knees. Needing a
little extra than what Brenda is offering me at the moment. I imagine
Henley’s blue eyes looking up at me as tears fall from them. The feel of her
mouth swallowing me. The girl was given a gift, for sure to serve from her
knees. My balls start to tighten, and I give one more thrust and come.
Letting go of her neck, I fall on top of her. I stay like that for a few more
seconds and then get up. Her head is tilted to the side. Her eyes open. I feel
for a pulse.
“Fuck!” I hiss. “Brenda?” I slap her face. Nothing.
I fucking killed her. Scrambling to pick up her underwear and the
condom, I shove them in my pocket.
I turn to leave but come to a stop when I see Henley. Steve stands behind
her, his hand over her mouth, and her face is wet. She’s crying.
How did she find me? My eyes go back to Steve. Why the fuck is he
holding her like that? “Let her go!” I growl.
He shoves her forward, and she trips over her own feet right into me.
I freeze. Did she just call me Dax? I look at Steve, and he shrugs.
“Henley?” I ask, shaking her shoulders a little bit. “Henley?”
“Please, don’t.” She sobs. “You killed her.”
Steve rips his belt from his jeans and wraps each end around his fists.
“What the fuck are you doing?” I snap at him.
“Do you want a witness?” He arches a brow; he goes to lift it to wrap it
around her neck from behind.
I take a step back, yanking her to me. “She’s fucked up. She won’t
remember it.”
“Sure about that?”
“Henley?” I look back down at her.
“You raped her.” Her hands hit my chest. “Then you killed her.”
I grip her face in my hands, forcing her to look up at me. Her eyes are
dilated, and she looks spacy. She’s so fucking gone; I have no doubt she’ll
forget tomorrow. But just in case. “This is our little secret,” I say, lowering
my face to her neck, inhaling her scent. Fuck, I want her.
Her small frame shakes uncontrollably against me.
“Or you’ll be next,” I add.
“Dax,” she cries. Henley goes to run over to Brenda, but I grab her and
throw her over my shoulder. I walk her over to a pew on the other side of
the room.
I kneel before her. She wraps her arms around herself, rocking back and
“You didn’t see anything,” I tell her.
“You killed her. Oh, my God, you killed her,” she repeats, mumbling to
herself while staring at the floor.
“Who did?” I question, looking over at the opening in the wall where
there was once stained glass. Maybe Steve has a point. The thought of
throwing her out of it crosses my mind, but I immediately dismiss it. I can’t
get rid of her. She’s my doll. My toy. I can’t do that on the chance she’ll
remember. Because I know she won’t.
“You did!” she screams in my face.
I stand, grip her cheeks, and shove her to her back. Lifting my left leg, I
push my knee into her neck, pinning her down to the pew. Her hands come
up and slap at my jeans. “No one killed her, Henley. You’re confused.”
Tears run down the side of her face, and I remove my knee. She rolls onto
her side, falling off the pew and onto her face, and starts crying.
“Dude, you need to move this body.” Steve gets my attention. “Before
someone comes in here. And don’t you have a fight soon?”
Fuck! I dig my cell out of my pocket to check my messages. I’ve got the
message from Law I’ve been waiting for.
Law: Matthew said he’s got an opening in an hour. You want it?
Me: Yeah.
I look back down at Henley. She still lies on the floor, quietly crying. I
kneel and run my hand over her back, and she whimpers. Fuck, what was in
that pill? I’ve never seen her this fucked up before. And so quickly.
Standing, I call the fucker Derek.
He answers on the third ring. “Hello?”
“What the fuck was in that pill, Derek?” I snap. “Henley is fucked. I
thought it was Molly.”
“Well, about that …” He sighs. “She used my drink to wash it down, and
it had liquid LSD mixed with alcohol in it.”
I look back down at her. She rolls over onto her back. Her dazed eyes
meet mine, and I smile to myself. Must be my lucky day.
“Scout? You need to keep an eye on her. She had quite a bit. She’s
probably going to be …”
I hang up on him.
“What do you want to do with her?” Steve asks.
“Leave her,” I say and step away. “She’s about to pass the fuck out.
When she wakes up tomorrow, she won’t remember what happened.” No
one ever comes in the chapel. She’ll be fine. And Brenda’s body will be
nowhere to be found anyway.
“What are you going to do about me?” He arches a brow.
My eyes narrow at his question. “What does that mean?”
He looks at Henley and then back at me, licking his lips like a starving
man with a feast laid out before him. “What are you willing to do to keep
me from telling what I saw tonight?”

Dax and I rush into my house.
“Hey, where have you been?” my mother asks, coming into the foyer
with James.
I go to run up the stairs, to ignore them, but taking in a deep breath, I
decide they deserve to know. “Listen, something has happened. And I need
you two to both promise me that you won’t get the cops involved. I’m
going to handle it.” Her father is going to find out she’s not in Switzerland,
and once that happens, shit can get a lot worse if he acts irrationally.
My mom frowns, but James stiffens next to her. “Well, I can’t guarantee
that,” he says.
“Then I can’t tell you.” I give them my back.
“Hamilton?” my mother snaps. “What is it?”
“I can’t trust you.” I shrug.
“Listen, son.” James steps forward, squaring his shoulders. “I have a
feeling this has to do with my daughter, and if you don’t fucking tell me
what’s going on, you’ll be the one calling the police because I’ll beat your
“James!” My mother gasps.
I almost smile. I like him. Henley needs men like him on her side to
stand up for her, protect her. Too bad I didn’t do it sooner. “Henley didn’t
go to Switzerland. She pretended to go but instead had an Uber take her to
your house.”
“What?” he snaps, his nostrils flaring.
Oh, there’s more. “She called me. Panicked. Said that Steve tried to
attack her in her room.”
“Oh, my God. Is she okay? And who is Steve?” my mother questions,
gripping James’s arm like a life vest.
I ignore her and focus on James. He feels what I do—rage. Destruction.
“She was on the phone with me one second and then gone the next. By the
time we arrived, they were already gone …”
“I’m calling the police.” James removes his cell from his suit pocket.
I yank it from his hand, throw it to the marble floor, and step on it.
“Hamilton!” my mother shrieks, her hands coming up to her face in
“What the fuck?” he snaps.
We can’t involve the police. She’s supposed to be dead. The Founders
have them in their pocket. The police slip to them that she’s not dead …
she’ll be in even more danger. Scout knows that. That’s why this was a
perfect opportunity for him. I step into James. “Scout has her.”
He frowns at those words. “Well, call him and have him bring her home.
I’ll put her back on the jet and personally fly her there first thing tomorrow
If only it was going to be that simple. “Scout was the one who killed
Brenda. And now he has Henley.” Not sure how it happened, but I
understood his meaning. It wasn’t Dax, and now he has the one woman in
this world that means something to me.
“Oh, my God,” my mother whispers.
“The Founders know she’s dead. And even though I know you can run
with them financially.” I shake my head. “No amount of money you throw
at the police will matter. I’m sure they’ve already informed the cops she’s
dead and not to search for her missing body.”
“What do we do?” My mother asks James with tears in her eyes.
“I’m handling it,” I assure him. “I’ll get her back.” Turning to walk away,
he grabs my upper arm.
“What are you going to do?” he grinds out.
“Fight him for her,” I say simply.
He blinks. “Fight?” His hand tightens on my arm. “That’s your elaborate
plan to save my baby girl? Is to fight him? Like what? Till the fucking
death? He deserves to be in prison for what he’s done.”
I don’t disagree, but I’m not a judge. He’ll walk, no matter what. Instead
of telling him that, I rip my arm free from his hand. “I’ve done it before.”
“W…what? Hamilton, what have you done?” my mom stutters.
I look over at her. “I killed Nicholas. When I found him drugging her.”
It’s time things come to light. I need to make sure James understands just
how serious this situation is. I might have destroyed his cell, but there are
others he can use to make one phone call that will fuck this all up.
My mother’s face turns white, and her mouth opens, but she doesn’t say
anything this time.
My eyes go back to James. “Keep the cops out of it and let me handle it.”
He looks down at my mother, and she’s crying. I don’t have the time to
console her right now. That is what her soon-to-be husband is for. He pulls
her into his side and rubs her back. “What can we do?”
I look over in time to see Dax step up next to me. He’s been quiet. Really
quiet. No doubt thinking of the hundred different ways he wants to kill
Scout for letting Henley blame him for something Scout did.
“You can get us the original blueprints of Death Valley.” Monroe speaks.
James frowns. “How will those help?”
“That’s where Scout wants me to fight him, and if he’ll be there, Henley
won’t be far.” No, he’ll want his doll very, very close.

I LIE IN bed, taking a nap. Last night was a long night at Death Valley. I
ended up doing two fights after getting rid of a body and dealing with
Henley. I roll over and pull a pillow over my head to block out the sunlight
blasting me through my windows when my cell rings.
“Hello?” I answer through a yawn, seeing it’s Steve.
“Dude, we’ve got a problem.” He rushes out. “Brenda …”
I sigh and throw the pillow to the floor. “The body is hidden on the back
property of Death Valley, and Henley is still probably passed out in the
chapel, if not at home.” I left her there last night, not wanting to deal with
that. I wasn’t up for babysitting. Plus, Jamie was there somewhere. They
had ridden together.
“Your little bitch called the cops,” he snaps.
I sit up, switching my phone to the other ear. “No.” I shake my head.
“She was too far gone.”
“I just got a call that the police showed up at Death Valley, and a very
distraught Henley took them up to the chapel last night after we had
already left.” I run a hand through my hair. “She told them Monroe raped
and killed Brenda.”
I let out a rough laugh. “Okay.” I shrug. “Let her. Nothing will come of
it. They’ll need proof …”
“Monroe just got taken in for questioning,” he snaps. “This is fucking
serious, man. What if she …?”
“She didn’t,” I grind out.
“You don’t fucking know that!” he shouts. “Plus, afterward …”
“Shut the fuck up, Steve.” I snap, trying to think. My head pounds from
taking a fist to it last night. “It won’t matter what she says. Monroe wasn’t
even in fucking town. It won’t amount to anything.”
He lets out an aggravated breath. “Maybe we should go to the police.”
“Listen here, you little shit.” I throw the covers off and jump out of bed,
standing naked in my bedroom. “I have video evidence of what you did last
night. Don’t fucking forget that.” If he turns on me, I’ll nail his ass to the
fucking cross. It’ll be his word against mine that I killed Brenda. But what
he did afterward? I recorded that shit for this exact reason.
“I … I think I should go talk to Henley. You know …”
“Don’t fucking do that.” I sigh. Jesus Christ. But it’s not a bad idea. To
see what she told them. What she remembers. “I’ll go and see what she
knows. What she told the police.”


I lean up against the hood of my car the following morning, casually

smoking a joint like any other day. I can’t let people see that I’m about to
snap. That my doll is missing and it’s because my best friend stole her.
I couldn’t sleep last night. I just kept picturing her crying. Screaming.
Scout inflicting pain on her just so when I get her back, she won’t be the
same. Because he knows it, and I know it. I’m getting her back! I’ll burn
this fucking town down and bury everyone until I have my doll back.
“There he is.” Rellik slaps my chest.
I hand him my joint. “Let’s go.”
I slide my hand into the front pocket of my Graveyard hoodie and pump
my hip into Derek. “Hey, man.”
He looks up at me with surprise. “Law …”
“Listen.” I throw my arm over his shoulders and pull him into my side. “I
need to talk to you.” He tried to yesterday, and I ignored the fucker. Now
I’ve got time.
“I don’t want to be late,” he rushes out, his short legs picking up speed on
the sidewalk.
“Late?” I snort. “You’re going to be absent.” Removing my arm, I grip
the back of his neck, and he scrunches up his shoulders as I haul him off
across the manicured lawn to the indoor practice field.
We enter the door, and I shove him into the locker room. He almost pees
himself when he sees Rellik and Dax already present.
“Look, guys.” He throws his hands up. “I don’t want any trouble.”
I slam his back into a wall, pull out my knife, and hold it to his neck. He
starts whimpering. “For every answer I don’t believe, I’m going to cut
“Cut me?” he squeaks.
“Do you understand?” I push the tip of the blade into his skin right under
his ear, giving him a pin poke with the tip, making a thin red line roll down
his neck.
He nods frantically. “Yes. Yes.”
I move it back to his throat. “Start talking.” He swallows nervously and
looks from me to Dax. Then Rellik. “They’re not going to save you.”
“I …”
“I want to know every detail of that night at Death Valley. You know the
He nods. “Yeah, sure, uh … She—Henley came inside with Scout. She
was really drunk. They sat down at the table, and I offered her a Molly. I
know she likes to roll. Scout said she had had enough. She snatched it from
my hand and then also took my drink and washed it down with that.” His
eyes drop to the knife I have at his throat. “I tried to tell her…”
“Tell her what?” I shout.
His body shakes against mine. “My drink. I had made it for someone
else. My friend …”
“What the fuck was in it?” I demand, knowing where this is going.
“LSD,” he rushes out.
I let go of him and take a step back, lifting the knife to scratch the side of
my head, “You’re telling me that you gave her a Molly and LSD that
He places his hands out in front of him. “I didn’t know …”
I slam his back to the wall and press the tip of the blade to his cheek this
time. “Yes or no?” I growl.
“Yes. Yes.” He licks his lips. “Kids do it. It’s called candyflipping. But
usually, you do MDMA first and then LSD hours later once the …” When I
push the tip of the blade into his face, he stops rambling.
“How much did she drink?” Monroe asks him.
“I had just made the drink, and she downed it,” he says softly.
Dear Lord, it’s a miracle she didn’t die. “Then what happened?”
He licks his lips nervously. “Scout got a text or something and walked
away to check his cell. She went the other way. I think they were fighting
about something. I tried to chase after her, but she disappeared.”
“To the chapel,” Monroe states, nodding once.
I take a step back, removing the knife from him, and he slumps against
the wall. “That still doesn’t explain why she said it was you and not Scout. I
understand that she saw Scout kill Brenda …”
“What?” Derek asks wide-eyed.
I ignore him. He needs to catch up. “But why lie about who it was?” I
point out.
“Maybe he convinced her.” Rellik shrugs. “Threatened her. She loved
him and all that shit.”
I shake my head. “She would have known the evidence didn’t add up,
and it would never stick. If that was the case, why call the cops in the first
“Have any of you ever done LSD?” Derek asks.
“No,” we all answer in unison.
“LSD can give you one hell of a euphoric trip or a terrifying experience.
It’s made to give you extreme mood changes. And you never know which
one you’ll get. She was already convinced she saw you there.” He looks at
Dax. “So when she walked in on what Scout was doing, the LSD altered her
mind to see you. Maybe hear your name …” He bites his bottom lip.
“Ultimately, it was a bad trip. And maybe when he realized that she wasn’t
really seeing him, he ran with it. Probably let her believe whatever she
wanted to. Knowing that you two were friends, too, and she wouldn’t go to
the cops, turning on him. And he knew.” He nods his head quickly. “He
called me and asked why she was so fucked up.”
“Son of a bitch!” Monroe spins around and punches a locker. He turns
back to him, grabs his shirt, and yanks him off the wall. “I’m going to
fucking kill him!” he growls.
Get in line.
“But I always found it odd that she waited three hours,” he rushes out.
I arch a brow. “Three hours for what, Derek?”
Monroe shoves him away. “From the time she took the pill and got up, it
was around three hours before the cops arrived at Death Valley. Henley
always made it sound like it was an immediate thing. She walked away
from the table, went up to the chapel, saw it, and called the police.”
“So you’re saying there’s time missing.” I make sure I understand. “But
Scout had two fights that night,” I say because I was the one who got them
for him. I always thought it was weird that he and I left after the second
one, and Henley wasn’t with him. I even asked him where she was when we
were walking to our cars, and he told me she had gone home with Jamie
because she had had too much to drink. I believed every fucking word.
Then the next day, I got a call informing me Dax had been arrested.
“What the fuck was Henley doing during that time?” Rellik asks.
Good question.
“Who else was there with them that night?” Dax asks him.
He frowns. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“I was there,” I answer. But I wasn’t with them during that time. I was at
Graveyard with Matthew watching the fights.
“No.” Monroe shakes his head at me. Then looks at Derek. “Henley told
me the other day that someone else was with me,” Monroe spits out.
“What?” Me and Rellik both question.
Motherfucker! Why didn’t she ever tell me this? I know why. Because I
wouldn’t have believed her. Not at first. But … the thought hits me that she
told me Steve was still alive and I asked if she was on something, which
proves I wouldn’t have believed a word she said.
“He placed a hand over her mouth, pinned her arms down to her side, and
forced her to watch. And when I asked why she didn’t tell the police, she
said it was because she barely heard his voice and she never saw his face.”
What the fuck, little doll?
“I don’t know.” He shakes his head. “But—”
“Steve,” I say, cutting everyone off. My mind finally putting the pieces
together. Fuck, I’ve been so goddamn blind.
“What?” Dax asks.
“Steve.” I snap my fingers, my mind working on overdrive. “He and
Nicholas drugged her in the chapel. She hallucinated just like the night she
saw Scout with Brenda. It has to be connected. Steve knew what the drug
would do, and they decided to use it on her after what we did to Nicholas in
here.” Lacey told me there was another guy. I thought it was a Founder.
That maybe we weren’t moving fast enough for them, and they decided to
take matters into their own hands. But it was Steve and Scout.
“Yeah, but you killed them,” Rellik adds.
“What?” Derek shrieks.
We all ignore him. “No, Steve is still alive.”
“But how?” Dax asks.
“I don’t know …” I pause and let out a rough laugh that holds no humor.
“Scout. I killed Nicholas. Broke his neck.” Derek swallows. “But Scout
took care of Steve. He choked him, I thought to death, but it was obviously
an elaborate show to make me think he did.” I look up at Monroe. “That’s
why he wanted to dispose of the bodies because he fucking knew Steve
wasn’t dead.” I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before. I’ve been
trying to figure out how Steve ended up at her father’s house and how he
knew where she was. I throw my head back and run a hand down my face.
“Scout has been telling us this entire fucking time that he’s had eyes on her.
Steve was that person.” Son of a bitch! I never questioned who it was
because it really didn’t matter. Now it does!
“Did you sell to Steve?” I demand, stepping into Derek. I’m not sure just
how accessible LSD is to get, but if Derek has it, then the word is around
school about it.
“No.” He shakes his head. “But I did sell to Scout.”
“When?” the three of us snap.
He flinches at our tone. “The day before Halloween. He said he had a
couple of fights at Death Valley and wanted to party afterward. That’s what
I wanted to talk to you about yesterday …”
“Jesus,” Monroe hisses. “He set all of this up.”
“But he was so mad at Nicholas for wanting her. Why would he set it up
for him and Steve to drug her?” Rellik wonders, bringing up a valid point.
I run my hands through my hair and turn, giving them my back. Of
course, I had Scout’s phone while he was fighting. He had a message, but
he had changed his passcode. Then when I got up to the chapel, Nicholas
had been taking pictures. I bet my life; he was texting them to Scout. Fuck,
for all I know, that’s why Scout was letting his opponent kick his ass. To
cause a distraction knowing the guys had her upstairs. But once he was
done and Lacey told him what was going on, he had to come upstairs and
pretend that he cared what happened to her.
“And then again yesterday,” Derek adds, getting my attention.
“What?” Monroe asks.
My throat closes. Scout always has been the type of guy to keep his
word. He was telling me the truth when he said she won’t be the same. He’s
going to ruin my doll. That was the plan all along, though. To ruin Henley
Greene and then leave what was left of her in the trash. Knowing no one
would want such a dirty doll. But what Scout fails to realize is that I love
my doll. I’ll fight him for her. And when I win, she’ll be mine. No matter
what shape she’s in.
“Scout came to me for more yesterday,” Derek rushes out. “I tried to tell
you.” His eyes narrow on me.
“He’s going to kill her,” Monroe grinds out. “Overdose, maybe. The
Founders already expect her to be dead. All of Westbrook thinks she’s
missing, so he’s going to finish her off.”

“HENLEY?” I YELL, entering her house. I run up the stairs taking them
two at a time, running to her room. “Henley?”
I come to a stop as she swings open her bedroom door. I’m soaking
fucking wet. It’s been pouring for the last few hours. She stands there,
dressed in a T-shirt and a pair of lounge pants. She looks tired. Hungover. I
wonder if she’s sore …
Lifting my hands, I run them through my hair to knock off the water that
keeps running down my face. She stares at me silently while I catch my
breath. My dark brows pull together, trying to decide how to come at this. I
let out a deep breath, my eyes narrowing. If the bitch had just stayed at the
damn table.
“Scout …”
“Henley,” I growl at her, deciding I’m just going to ask straight up
instead of digging for information. “What the fuck is going on? I got a call.
Dax has been arrested. They said they had a witness.” While on the way
here, Law called and said he heard Monroe was officially taken into
custody. Which is fucking insane. There’s nothing to prove he did it. When
Law told me Henley was the witness, I had to act surprised and pretend I
didn’t know a thing about it. “I … I don’t understand.”
She lowers her head.
“Hey.” I grip her chin softly and make her look up at me. “Talk to me.
What’s going on? Did he hurt you?” I ask as if I care. She gave him her
fucking virginity. I’m still fucking sour about that. Hell, that’s why I was
fucking his secret girlfriend, Brenda.
“I did call the cops,” she softly says.
I let out a long sigh and pull her into my soaking body. She clings to me.
“What happened, Hen?” I ask, kissing her hair. That familiar smell of
watermelon lemonade making me hard.
She looks up at me, and I wipe a tear off her cheek. “He was there last
night. At Death Valley.”
Good sign. She’s still saying it was Monroe. “Hen …”
“I saw him, Ryan. After you walked away from the table, I found him up
on the second floor in the chapel. He was with Brenda Nash. And …” She
trails off.
Well, she remembered more than I’d like her to, but so far, I’m not
concerned like Steve is. “And what?”
“He had her pinned down.” My eyes widen like that’s a horrible thing for
her to see. “She was trying to push him off her. She told him to stop …”
No, she didn’t. Those words never left Brenda’s mouth. “Wait.” I grab
her arm and walk into her room, shutting the door behind me. Needing
complete privacy for this conversation. “I told you, Henley. He was out of
town.” She needs to just drop it completely. She’s obviously taking things
she saw and adding her own narrative to it. I can convince her. She loves
me. She’ll listen to me.
She shakes her head. “I’m telling you …”
“That he raped someone?” I snap.
She takes a step back from me.
“Jesus Christ.” I run my hands through my hair aggressively. She’s
fucking serious. That she saw Monroe there. “This is serious.”
“I know.” She chokes out. “Why do you think …?”
“You have no clue what you’re talking about, Henley,” I argue but can’t
tell her the truth. I just have to make her believe that she imagined the
whole thing.
“I know what I saw!” she shouts “He raped her. Then he killed her.”
I glare down at her, trying to think of what to do. What to say to get her
to change her mind. I decide to go with insanity. I throw my head back and
laugh at her like the bitch is crazy.
I watch her face fall, and I can practically see her mind running with
thoughts of doubt. Had she really seen what she thought? Just when I think
I’ve managed to get through to her, she speaks. “He did it, Scout.”
My laughter dies, and my teeth grind. “No, he didn’t. You were drunk.
Fucked up. You were confused …”
“It wasn’t a mistake,” she growls. “I know what I saw.”
I step into her, my soaking wet body towering over hers. “You’re wrong.
And you’re going to tell the police that. Retract your statement. Tell them
you made a mistake.” I’ll force her. It’s the only option I have left.
“I will not.”
Fucking bitch! I grab her shirt, yanking her forward. “Scout!” Spinning
us around, I shove her back into the closed door with more force than I
mean to. She sucks in a breath as I push into her, pinning her to the wood.
I take a deep breath, trying to calm what little nerves I have left. “If you
do this, there will be consequences.” I can’t let this go to trial. If they
investigate, things may be found. Steve may panic and turn me in. And even
though he can’t prove it, it’s something I don’t want to deal with.
She relaxes against me. “Good. He deserves …”
“I think you misunderstood what I said.” I let go of her shirt and run my
hands up her chest to wrap around her neck. She leans up onto her tiptoes,
her hands grip my arms, trying to fight me when I take her air away. Fuck, I
want to throw her to the floor and fuck her mouth for saying anything about
last night. “For you, Henley. Not Monroe.” Letting go of her, I take a step
She looks up at me, rubbing her neck. “He’s going to pay for what he did,
I fist my hands, telling myself I can’t touch her right now. She’s sober, and
she’s upset. I nod. “You made your decision.” I rip open her door, run down
her stairs, and out the front door. As I get into my car, I dial up a number on
my cell.
“Hello?” the familiar voice answers.
“I’ve got a problem.”

I lean up against the wall, watching her. She’s been in and out for quite
some time now. If I was concerned, I’d say she needs medical attention. But
I’m not. I have no intentions of giving my doll back to Law.
Fuck him!
She was mine first. I let him play with her, and he took advantage of it.
Fell in love with her. That’s stupidity on his part.
I want to pat myself on the back for hiding that camera in her bedroom at
her father’s house. I had the idea when we dropped Vanessa off there the
first time, knowing I wanted eyes on her. We had plans to move her from
her dad’s to Law’s, but we weren’t sure when. Then she went and pissed me
off with that guy at the bar, and well, it was time. So, when I got a
notification on my cell that there was movement in her room, I was more
than happy to see she was back. Hiding out. Just begging for me to grab her.
She lets out a moan, and her head falls forward.
“Finally coming around?” I ask. “It’s taken you long enough.”
I took her last night. Of course, that dumb ass Steve gave her more
chloroform than her body weight required. Want something done right,
gotta do it yourself … type of thing. It evaporates quickly. So, when he
missed her the first time in the bedroom, he took the other bottle he had and
added more to the cloth when he found me outside with her.
“Wh …?” She lifts her heavy head and licks her lips.
Her face is red—the skin irritated from the chloroform. Eyes are puffy
and swollen. She looks around aimlessly for a few seconds, blinking a few
times. I stand back, allowing her to get her bearings straight before I play
with her.
“Scout?” Her eyes land on me. She goes to get up but realizes that’s not
an option. “What?” Her head bows, and she looks at the rope binding her to
the chair.
“Good evening, doll.” I smile.
Her breathing picks up, her senses starting to return. She lifts her head
again, and there are tears in her eyes. “I don’t understand.” She sniffs.
“Why are you doing this?”
I push off the wall and walk over to the metal table. She gasps when her
eyes see where I’m going. “Scout,” she whimpers, and I listen to her fight
the restraints. “Please …”
“It’s not going to work, doll,” I say, picking up the roll of duct tape.
Turning back to face her, she starts shaking her head, her hair slapping her
in the face. She throws her head back screaming, and the chair rattles at her
useless fight to free herself.
My doll will break here.
My doll will die here.
My doll will rot here.
I rip a piece of the duct tape off and grip her chin with my free hand.
Holding it in place, I shove it over her lips, silencing her. She sucks in
breaths through her nose, and I gently push all the wild hair off her face,
some stuck in the tape. She glares up at me, her blue eyes watery from
unshed tears. “I told you, doll. To drop it. To retract your statement, but you
didn’t do it. I was afraid the memories would come back. That you would
have remembered it was me who killed Brenda.”
Her eyes widen, and she lets out a whimper behind the tape, letting me
know that she still thought it was Monroe. She’s not as quick as the Reapers
in putting the dots together. Even if they did take longer. My doll here was
the distraction Law needed to keep him busy. Rellik doubted the situation
from day one. And Monroe just wanted to let it go and move on with his
life. But me? I saw an opportunity to play with my doll. To pass her around
like the toy she is. To fuck with her mind and emotions.
“But rape?” I shake my head. “You can’t rape the willing, doll.” My
fingers slowly run down her neck, feeling her rapid pulse. “You didn’t
listen, and now … now you must be punished.”
She yanks her head away from my hand, and I smile. “Still going to deny
me?” Gripping her face, I force her to look at me, my fingers digging into
her cheeks. “I trained you to want me once. I’ll do it again.” I let go of her
face, and my hand slides down the nightshirt she still wears, and she
stiffens. “That’s not how you should react to me, doll.” I make a tsking
sound. “You should crawl to me. Beg me.”
She shakes her head quickly, mumbling behind the tape over her lips.
I walk over to the metal table again and pour the liquid into the glass and
smile. “Let’s play.” I hear the door open behind me, knowing Steve has
returned. “Perfect timing.”


“You sure there’s nowhere else he would keep her?” James asks as we
stand in my mom’s study, looking over the blueprints of Death Valley
sprawled across her desk. He’s already had a team search his house inside
and out just in case Scout decided to keep her there, thinking we wouldn’t
look there. One of those “right under your nose” situations. Of course, we
found nothing. Except for Vanessa. My little doll was right. About
“I mean … it’s always a possibility,” I say, my chest tightening at that
thought. If not there, where else? “No.” I slam my hand down on it. “She’s
here. With him.” She has to be.
“I think there’s something we haven’t thought of,” Dax says, sitting on
the black leather couch.
“What?” Rellik sighs. He’s been on edge. He hasn’t said it, but I know
he’s mad at himself. At us. He said that we weren’t asking questions. That
we swept what was happening under the rug and thought it was weird that
Dax never spoke of it. Maybe if we had tried, one of us would have caught
“Her state of mind. The condition we might find her in.” Dax leans
forward, running his hand through his hair. “It’s been two days.”
“Well, take her to a hospital.” James barks. “Call me on the way …”
“We can’t.” I interrupt him. “The Founders thinks she’s dead. If word
gets out that she’s there.” Shaking my head, that’s not a risk I’m willing to
take. “Hospitals leave paper trails. They report certain injuries to the
“I … I have a friend. I can get things ready here just as a precaution.” He
nods to himself.
There’s a soft knock on the door, then it opens. “It’s eight thirty,” my
mother announces to the room.
Fucking finally!
Scout messaged me this morning that we were fighting tonight at nine
thirty. Time has never gone slower in my life.
I look over to Derek, who has sat quietly for the last three hours while we
go over Death Valley. “You’ll ride with me. And you’ll stand with me at
His eyes widen. “I’m going? To Death Valley?”
“Yes,” I snap. “What’s the problem?”
He shakes his head. “I just haven’t been back … since.”
I dig into my pocket and pull out my car keys to the G-Wagon, tossing
them to Dax, who catches them midair. “You and Rellik take it. Derek and I
will go in mine.” My Aston Martin doesn’t have a back seat, and neither
does theirs. The G-Wagon will give them enough room to get her home.
He nods.
“When you find her, get the fuck out of there,” I add.
“And leave you behind?” Rellik wonders.
I nod. “Absolutely.”
Derek shrinks down into himself, knowing he’s riding with me, meaning
he won’t leave until I do. “Get going,” I tell Monroe and Rellik. “We’ll be
right behind you.”
“Can you give Law and me a moment?” James clears his throat.
My mother kisses my cheek and exits with Derek. I turn to face him,
crossing my arms over my chest. He runs a hand over his hair. Then he
places his fists on my mother’s desk. Leaning over, he takes in a deep
“I don’t need a pep talk,” I tell him, knowing exactly what he’s thinking.
He looks up at me. Henley has his soft blue eyes. His look tired and sad
right now. No one in this house has slept. We’re all on edge and terrified,
and failing her is not an option.
“I’m bringing her back,” I state, walking over to him. “And I promise
you that I’ll do whatever it takes.”
He reaches out and grips my shoulder, nodding his head. “I know.”


Derek and I are cruising down the dark interstate on our way toward Death
Valley when my cell beeps, alerting me of a message.
“Who is it?” I ask him.
He picks it up from the cupholder and reads over it. “It’s a video in a
group chat. Says Our Little Doll.”
I veer off the side of the road to the shoulder. Cars behind me lay on their
horns. I slam on the brakes, yank on the e-brake and snatch it out of his
hands, pressing play.
It’s a brightly lit room, and I have a moment of hope that they’re at Death
Valley due to the concrete walls and floor. It’s on the smaller side, but I’ve
definitely never seen it before. But that doesn’t mean much because Death
Valley is massive. There are places that we just don’t go to party. Buildings
that haven’t seen a human being since it closed down all those years ago.
Whoever is holding the phone, I’m guessing Steve, walks up to the center
of the room. There’s a chair there, and Henley sits in it. Her wrists are tied
behind her back, and the rope is secured to the chair. Her legs are spread
wide in order for each ankle to be tied to the two front legs.
Her head is forward, her long, dark hair covering her face, and she’s
dressed in what looks like pajamas.
“What the fuck?” Derek whispers.
Scout walks into the center of the room, coming to stand in front of her.
He smiles, reaching out and touching her face.
She jerks away from him, but he grips a handful of her hair and pulls her
head back, allowing me to see her face. It’s red and splotchy. Her eyes look
swollen, and she has a piece of duct tape over her mouth. Her heavy
breathing fills the small room as he stands beside her, still gripping her hair.
“See, Law.” He runs his knuckles down the side of her face, and she
squirms to pull away from him unsuccessfully. “This is how you play with a
toy.” His free hand comes up to her face, and he pinches her nose,
restricting what little air she has left.
She struggles in the chair. Her body fights to breathe as she screams out
behind the tape. Her back arches, her ass comes up off the chair as much as
it can as her body begs to breathe.
He lets go and rips the tape off. Leaning forward as much as she can,
she’s gasping for air and begins crying.
I watch him. He walks over to a small metal table and picks up a glass.
“Fuck,” Derek hisses, shifting in the passenger seat.
Scout walks back over to her and grips her face, “No … please …” He
shoves it back, prying her mouth open, and pours it down her throat,
interrupting her pleas. She coughs, sputters, and cries. He steps back once
the cup is empty.
Her cries grow to sobs, and her now wet body trembles.
He rips his shirt up and over his head and walks back over to her. “Let’s
clean this up.” He wipes her face with it.
She shakes her head and shouts. “Don’t touch me! You piece of shit
Once he’s satisfied, he steps back and waits. You can tell this was filmed
earlier because they’ve paused it for time to pass. Then when they started
filming again, you see her body slumped into the chair. Her head leaning to
the side and her eyes heavy. Her breathing even as her chest slowly rises
and falls.
“Now watch.” He rips off a new piece of tape and places it over her lips.
She lifts her hips, a mumbled moan coming from behind it. He brushes the
wet hair gently off her face to give the camera a better view.
Then he pinches her nose, restricting her air once again. This time, she
doesn’t fight it. She sits there, head back and wrists tied behind her back,
accepting this fucked-up game he’s playing with her.
I watch helplessly as her chest starts to convulse from not getting air. Her
face starts turning blue. Then he lets go and removes the tape once again.
She gasps for air, sinking into the chair, and I let out a long breath. I’m
going to fucking murder him. My hands shake as I hold my cell.
He walks over to the camera with a smile on his face. “One more thing.
Everything you do to me, Steve will do to her.”
My jaw tightens.
“What?” Derek tilts his head.
Scout holds his hands out wide. “I’m giving you choices, Law.
Whichever you decide is on you.” Then the video stops.
I drop the phone into my lap and run my hands through my hair, feeling
my heart pound in my chest. How long ago was that taken? How many
times has he done it? Is she having a bad trip like Derek explained? If so,
what is she seeing? Feeling? Does she think I’ve given up on her?
“I … I don’t understand.” Derek shakes his head, voice cutting through
my thoughts. “If you fight him …”
“Steve will kill her,” I finish through gritted teeth.
That’s the game. Her blood will be on my hands. I’ll kill my doll. The
thought makes my chest ache. Just like when we gave Henley the choice to
either kneel for Scout in her father’s living room or me and the others
fucked Lacey. “FUCK!” I punch the steering wheel. He’s playing the same
game we played with her, on me, knowing I’ll choose her. Every. Fucking.
Time. If I break Scout’s nose, Steve will break hers. If I kick him in the
face, Steve will do the same to her.
Derek shifts in his seat. “He won’t know …”
“Yes, he will,” I argue, my stomach twisting like a pretzel at the thought
of doing her any more harm. I want to protect my doll. Put her in a glass
case and lock away the key. Hide her away from the world, even if that
means I can’t touch her either.
“What are you going to do?” he asks me, panic evident in his voice.
“There’s only one thing to do.” I’ve humiliated my doll. I’ve punished
her. Now it’s my turn. I have to atone for my sins. Everything has a price.
Even the grim reaper has to pay for the souls he collects—eternal servitude.
I release the e-brake, look into traffic and pull out, slamming on the gas
and shifting gears.
“So, you’re going to let him beat you?” He grips the door handle,
hanging on tightly.
“Yeah,” I say simply.
“But …”
“You worry about you, Derek.” I interrupt him. He nods quickly. “I want
you by the ring and in constant contact with Dax. Do you understand?”
“If he tells you he found her, you signal me.”
“And then what?” He runs his sweaty palms over his jean-clad thighs.
My cell rings, the sound making him jump as it blares through my
speakers. “What?” I answer tightly.
“We watched the video,” Monroe growls. “Rellik thinks he knows where
it was filmed. We’re headed there now. It’s on Death Valley property but in
the woods.”
That’s the little glimmer of hope I needed to hear. “Okay, we’re almost
He sighs heavily into the speaker. “Law?”
“Don’t,” I growl, switching lanes. “Just get her out of there and back to
the house.”

IT’S A FRIDAY NIGHT at Death Valley. We pull up and park in the front
field. The place is packed full of people. Word spread fast on social media
today that Scout and I are fighting on the Death Valley Facebook page. No
one knows why, but they don’t give a fuck. Everyone will place a bet and
pick a side.
I pop my trunk. “Hold this.” I throw my backpack into Derek’s open
hands and then pull my Graveyard hoodie on.
“What’s in here?” he asks.
“Cash. Guard it with your life.”
He laughs, but when I look over at him, it dies immediately as
understanding dawns that I’m serious.
“Let’s go.” I grab his arm and drag him inside.
We’re walking down a hallway and see a girl lying on her back. Guys
crowd around her, holding beer bottles. Each one is pouring them all over
her. She has her back arched and mouth open, drinking it up. Her shirt is
ripped to expose her bra, and her jeans are unbuttoned with dollar bills
crammed down it.
“I forgot how intense this place can be,” Derek whispers.
Ignoring him, we climb the stairs and pass the chapel. Then go down the
stairs to the Graveyard.
“Law!” Matthew spots me and wraps an arm around my shoulders.
“What the fuck is going on, man?” he asks nervously. “Why are you
fighting Scout?”
“Long story.” I pull away and turn to Derek. I unzip my backpack and
pull out a couple of bundles that make five thousand in hundreds. I slap it to
Matthew’s chest and say, “No matter what happens, you do not stop this
He pulls back and looks down at the cash and then back at me. Running
his tongue over his lip ring, he says, “Law …”
“Do not stop this fight,” I repeat tightly.
He turns his back to the crowd, holding the money. “There are rules for a
There are only a few rules once you step inside Graveyard. One—if
you’re on the roster, you must fight. Two—you may not use any kind of
weapon. Only your body. Three—once a fighter has stopped fighting, the
winner is called. I need to be able not to fight, yet it still goes on. Until
Derek tells me she’s out of here.
“I don’t know, man.” Matthew sighs heavily.
I snap my fingers at Derek, and he quickly reaches into the backpack,
handing me another two bundles, knowing what I want. I hold it out to
Matthew. “Do you understand?”
He looks down at it. Ten thousand is a shit ton of money for not doing a
goddamn thing. “Yeah.” He finally nods. “I understand.”
I slap him on the back. “Then let’s fight.”
He raises his right hand and circles his finger around to signal it’s on. I
walk over to the corner, reach up, and rip the Graveyard hoodie over my
head. Then repeat the action with my shirt.
“You sure about …?”
“Shut the fuck up, Derek!” I growl, handing him my cell out of my back
He nods, taking it from me, and grips the backpack, taking a step back. I
close my eyes, roll my head, and stretch my arms as “A Warrior’s Call” by
Volbeat starts to rumble the floor.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we have an exciting event for you tonight,”
Matthew starts, and I take in a deep breath. “The Grim Reapers are in the
The crowd starts shouting at the top of their lungs, and I open my eyes,
knowing this is it. I just have to stay conscious until they find her.
“Here to fight each other!” he adds, whistling into the microphone.
“Makes you wonder what kind of shit goes on in hell.”
I turn around and spot Scout in the middle of the ring already. He wears
nothing but his jeans and combat boots. He tilts his head back, looking at
me down his nose, and I fist my hands. Knowing that I can’t fucking touch
him. Is this how Henley felt? When her hands were literally tied and she
couldn’t defend herself? It gives me a knot in the pit of my stomach to think
I did this to her. Took away her options.
I give Derek one last glance. He drops his eyes to my cell in his hand and
then looks back at me, slowly shaking his head once. His worried eyes go to
Scout, then back to me.
I step out into the middle of the ring, stopping right in front of Scout, and
hold my arms out wide. Then I drop to my right knee, then my left, crossing
my ankles behind me. Then place my hands behind my head, interlocking
my fingers together, pushing out my bare chest.
Dead fucking silence falls over everyone. All you hear is the music, and
my heart beats frantically in my chest, knowing once the fight begins, the
clock starts ticking. Every spectator in the crowd pulls out their cell phones
if they hadn’t already and starts recording. Scout smiles. This is how Steve
will know what I do. Because it’s going to be live-streamed on every social
media outlet there is.
He takes a step toward me, laughing. “It’s pathetic how much you love
I run my tongue along my upper lip and smile. “It’s pathetic that you
think you’ll end up with my doll.”
His face hardens, and my smile widens when his fist hits my jaw.


I lie in a pool, floating on my back. My eyes gaze up at the bright stars. My

body is underwater, but my face is out just enough to breathe. I have my
arms out to the sides to help balance myself. I close my eyes and enjoy the
silence the water provides.
A hand touches my stomach. My eyes spring open, and I right myself to
see what had touched me. “Law.” I shove his bare chest.
He grabs my arms and pulls me flush to his hard body. “Little doll.” He
runs his knuckles down my cheek.
I press my lips to his, and he opens up for me, sliding his hand into my
wet hair. He tastes sweet. I can’t place it, but it feels off. Not like he did last
time. I pull away from him.
“Why’d you stop?” he asks, tilting his head to the side, his blue eyes
running over my neck.
I take a look around and realize the pool has morphed into … it looks
like an ocean. The water endless. My eyes dart around, but there’s nothing
but water as far as the eye can see. “What?”
“Pay attention to me.” He brings my face back to his.
“What’s going on?” I ask, kicking my feet, trying to feel for the bottom,
but I get nothing. The water that was warm a moment ago is now cold,
soaking into my skin and making my teeth chatter.
“You wanted to go swimming,” he answers.
I did? I don’t remember that. “Where are we?” I ask, looking around
again and … it’s a pool. I can touch the bottom. I blink a few times, making
sure it doesn’t change again.
“Does it matter?” he asks, bringing me to him once again. “You’re with
me. That’s what matters.”
“Yeah, but …”
“Shh.” He leans in, kissing my neck. “Feel how hard I am for you, doll. I
want to play.” To prove his words, he presses his hips into mine.
I lean my head back and moan. My hands run up and wrap around his
neck. “Play with me,” I say, feeling that familiar throb between my legs.
I’m always ready for him. A need that can’t be met.
“I want you to suck my dick,” he whispers in my ear.
“Okay,” I look over to the row of lounge chairs sitting under umbrellas.
“Let’s go sit up there.” I go to pull away, but he pulls me back.
“No. Right here.”
I laugh. “You’re joking, right?”
“I don’t joke about you swallowing my cock, doll.” He bites down on my
I push him away. “We’re in the water. I’ll drown.”
His blue eyes meet mine, and an evil smile spreads across his face.
His hands go to my shoulders, and he pushes me under the water. I open
my mouth to scream, but nothing comes out. My arms flail, and I try to put
my feet on the bottom to kick up, but it’s gone. No longer there.
He grips my hair and yanks me above water. I gasp the moment my face
breaks the cold night air, and the chlorine stings my eyes. “Law …”
He shoves me down again. I reach up and claw at his arm, watching the
blood fill the water from my nails tearing his skin. My hair covers my face,
and my arms feel out for anything to grip. My chest tightens, and my lungs
scream for air. I open my mouth and swallow some water.
Then he’s yanking me up again. This time, I’m choking on the water I
swallowed. “Please …” I choke out. My dark hair covers most of my face,
and I can’t see him anymore. He shoves me away.
Frantically, I swim over to the edge, spitting water out of my mouth. I
grip the side of the pool and go to push myself up, but he grabs my hair and
yanks me back to his front. “Please,” I beg, trying to reach out for the edge,
but it’s just out of reach.
He lowers his lips to my ear. “You’re dirty, little doll. I’m going to clean
Then he shoves me under again.

“WHERE THE FUCK are we going, man?” I ask Rellik, checking my

watch. No doubt Law is getting his ass kicked right now.
“It’s just up here,” he says, shining his flashlight ahead.
My shoes step on leaves and twigs as we walk the back property line.
“You better be right, or we’ve wasted a lot of time.” There was no way we
could drive back here in the G-Wagon, and we didn’t have a four-wheeler or
any kind of UTV to get back this far. We’ve had to do it all by foot, and it’s
fucking dark as shit. The thick trees hide any visibility of the sky from us.
Not like that would help much anyway since it’s fucking nighttime. But we
can’t even see the buildings from back here. Death Valley covers five
hundred acres, and the academy sits at the front of the property.
“I’m sure.” He grunts out. “It’s … right up here.” He lifts his flashlight
ahead of us, and I see a set of stone stairs.
“What the fuck?” I breathe. “Why are there stairs all the way out here?” I
“They used these bunker-like rooms for extra storage for supplies,” he
I follow him up the ten stairs, and we come to the top platform. Shining
my flashlight ahead, I see more steps, but they go down, leading you
underground into what looks like a tunnel. There’s a large concrete
overhead retaining wall above it and on both sides. And on it with spray
paint, it reads Welcome to hell.
“This is promising,” I mumble.
“Come on.” He rushes down the stairs, and I do the same, having to duck
once inside. The ceiling is really low.
“Is that water I hear?”
“It’s the river that runs along the property.” His voice echoes through the
dark tunnel.
It sounds like a faucet dripping in a sink in the damp, cramped space. We
come to an opening, and we shine our lights around. “There are three ways
we can go,” I growl. Straight ahead, to the left, and then to the right.
“Split up,” he states and runs forward.
“Guess I’ll go right.”
I shine my light along the narrow concrete walls and see all the graffiti
written by kids over the years. It’s eerily quiet down here. I can’t hear the
water dripping anymore, but I do hear something. I come to a stop, shutting
off my flashlight and holding my breath. I listen, trying to block out my
other senses and see where it’s coming from. It sounds like water. But not
like the dripping noise I heard earlier.
A scream rips through the tunnel, coming from ahead of me. But it stops
just as quickly. Turning my light back on, I run down the tunnel and come
to a door. It’s an old wooden door that has red spray paint saying stay out
and turn around. It has multiple strike plates, in various places up and down
the door, but no padlocks currently locking it. Looking down at the floor, I
see light coming from it. This has to be it.
“Monroe?” Rellik whispers, coming up behind me. “I heard …”
I place my finger over my lips and point at the lights shining through the
bottom of the door.
He nods and turns his light off, pocketing it.
Gently pushing it open so as not to alert them of our presence, I peek
inside. Several battery-operated lights are placed in all four corners of the
small room. A chair sits empty in the middle. And there’s a metal table to
the right. Henley is lying on it, face up. Her arms must be tied behind her
back, pinned underneath her because I can’t see them. She’s soaking wet
from head to toe, and I can see her body shaking from here.
Steve straddles her stomach. He places a shirt over her face and slowly
pours a bottle of water over her face. “I’ve always wanted to do this.” He
giggles to himself as she struggles to breathe while he waterboards her.
“You’re such a dirty, little doll,”
She shakes her head, trying to fight it.
Rellik runs in, yanks him off her, and tosses him into my arms. “What the
I slam my fist into his face, knocking him out instantly. I drag his ass
over to the single chair and start tying him to it with the rope that lies on the
floor. Then I take the duct tape and wrap it around his head, over and over,
making sure he can’t get it off for safe measure. Once satisfied, I look over
to the corner and see a black bag. I unzip it and find several padlocks that
they must have used for the door. I grab them, along with the bag, and look
over at Rellik. He holds Henley in a sitting position on the table while she
chokes out water.
I pull my cell out to text Derek but realize I have no fucking service. I
send him a text anyway, hoping he gets it sooner rather than later. “Turn off
the lights,” I tell Rellik. The fucker can wake up and stare into fucking
nothing but darkness. Then I pick her up into my arms.
I walk out as her cold and wet body lies across my arms, somewhat
conscious. “Hang on, Hen. We’re headed home.”
Rellik locks the padlocks on the door and pockets all the keys to each one
and then guides us through the tunnel with his flashlight.
“Get on your phone and dial Law’s number. Tell Derek we’ve got her,” I
grind out, readjusting her in my arms, knowing we’ve got a long way to go
before we even reach the car.


My vision goes in and out as I kneel on the concrete floor. I can’t see much
out of my right eye, and he’s hit my kidneys so many times, I’m sure I’ll
piss blood for the next month. But I haven’t touched him once. I’ve let him
beat me. I’m covered in blood; my lips are split, and I’m pretty sure I
swallowed a molar when he slammed the side of my face into the concrete
floor earlier. My right shoulder aches from where he kicked it, and there’s
been a ringing in my ears for the last few minutes. At least.
“The Resistance” by Skillet plays through the speakers as I try to take a
deep breath. For someone who hasn’t thrown a fucking punch, I’m
I hear my name being called out like a drunk slur. I look up, my eyes
scanning the crowd, but they all blur together.
I hear it again, but it sounded far away. Like a voice in the back of my
head. Which is bleeding. I can feel it running down my back.
I blink, my upper body swaying, and I suck in a ragged breath.
“You can’t go in there.” I hear Matthew shout, the fog not as thick as
My eyes find him over by the corner. He’s got his hands on Derek’s
chest, holding him back. My eyes meet Derek’s, and he holds up my cell
phone, shaking it while jumping up and down excitedly. “Got her!” he yells.
I bow my head, letting out a long breath and giving a manic laugh. Thank
fucking God.
“Something funny?” Scout asks, coming to stand in front of me.
I look up at him from my knees. He’s covered in my blood. The only
thing he’s damaged are his fists that have hit me repeatedly. My turn.
I smile. “Yeah, actually there is,” I say roughly, getting to my feet, and he
arches a brow as if I’m not allowed to stand in his presence.
“You …”
My fist comes out, clocking him in the side of the face, cutting off
whatever he was going to say. The crowd roars at the action, excited that I
finally did something. I don’t know how long I’ve been getting my ass
kicked, but it’s been too long.
He stumbles back, shakes his head, and narrows his eyes on me. “Henley
I hit him again. Before he can recover, I shove him backward, pressing
his front into the back wall. I lean down and whisper-shout over the music.
“I have my doll back, Scout. Now I’m going to finish it.” Grabbing his hair,
I yank his head back before knocking it face-first into the concrete. He’s
been beating on me, but he didn’t want to knock me out. That wouldn’t be
fun for him. I, however, have no reason to drag this shit along.
He falls to his knees, blood coating the wall from the broken nose I just
gave him. I grip his hair and pull him into the center of the room, the
adrenaline rush kicking in now that they found Henley. I kick him under his
chin, snapping his head back. He falls to the floor, blood splattering
He rolls over onto his stomach, and I drop to my knees, straddling his
back. Gripping his hair, I shove his face into the concrete floor one, two,
three times. I yank his bloody face back for the crowd to get a good view
for their video, and say, “You’ll never play with my toy again.”
Then I stand up off him and walk away. The crowd is at an all-time high.
I manage to make it to Derek, but my legs give out. He catches me, wraps
my arm around his shoulders, and the crowd parts for him to help my
fucked-up ass outside.
I fall into the passenger seat of my car, and he gets in the driver’s seat.
“Call him.” I groan, my shaking hands running down my bloody face. I
wipe the blood on my already dirty and bloody jeans.
He presses some buttons on my cell, and then Dax’s phone rings through
my speakers. I close my eyes, feeling the A/C on my sweaty, blood-covered
“Hello?” he answers.
“Let me speak to her,” I demand, fisting my hands and feeling the split
skin on my knuckles.
He sighs heavily. “We’ve got her, but …”
I sit up, my body screaming at the simple motion. Everything feels
fucking broken. “What?”
“She’s unconscious, Law. We’ve already spoken to James, and he’s got
medical staff at your mom’s ready for her. We’re pulling in now.”
I swallow, my heart hammering in my chest at the thought of what they
did to her. “How bad?” I ask, looking out the window as Derek speeds
down the two-lane road—leaving Death Valley behind us.
“Well, other than the video, Steve was waterboarding her when we found
I punch my fucking dash, surprised the airbag doesn’t blow in my face.
“Motherfucker!” I shout, making Derek flinch.
“She’s alive,” he says quickly. “And her pulse is strong.” He pauses for a
second. “I gotta go. See you soon.”
I hang up and look at Derek. “Fucking drive faster!”

I’M STANDING IN the grand foyer of Lisa’s house with her, Monroe, and
James. We arrived about thirty minutes ago with an unconscious Henley.
But we had called James the second I got off the phone with Derek. And
true to his word, James had an entire medical staff here and set up in her
room. We could only tell them so much that happened to her during those
two days she was gone, one being the drugs forced down her throat. They
decided the first thing to do was pump her stomach and start an IV to push
Lisa hasn’t stopped crying since we walked in, and she saw the state we
found Henley in. And James hasn’t stopped pacing while we wait down
here for Law to arrive. We were upstairs with Henley, but they shoved us
out of the room, needing room to work.
I hear the front door open behind me. “Someone help me,” Derek calls
Monroe and I spin around to see Derek stepping into the house with a
half-dead Law under his arm.
“Oh my God,” Lisa cries out, running to him, but James holds her back.
Monroe and I rush over to them and remove him from Derek’s arm,
holding him up. His head is hanging forward, and blood drips from his
“He was talking, and then it was like he just crashed.” Derek speaks
nervously. “I don’t know …”
“The adrenaline wore off,” I observe.
“Fuck, man.” Monroe hisses. “We tried to get to her …”
“Where is she?” Law manages to get out through his busted lips, lifting
his head to scan the house with his one good eye.
“Upstairs but—”
“Take me to her,” he interrupts me.
“You need medical attention,” I tell him. “She’s safe and recovering.
Now it’s your turn.”
Of course, he doesn’t like that idea. He shoves us both off him and starts
stumbling his way up the stairs on shaky legs. I rush after to help him. The
last thing he needs is for his legs to give out, and he fall down the stairs.
“What happened to him?” I hear Lisa sob.
“He couldn’t fight back until we had Henley.” Monroe’s voice carries up
the staircase.
Which, in all honesty, he could have. Steve didn’t have any fucking
service down where he had Henley, and Scout knew that. He just lied to
Law, knowing that Law would beat his ass right off the bat. Scout just
wanted to humiliate Law in front of a crowd. Take advantage of a situation,
knowing Law wouldn’t gamble with Henley’s life.
We hit the landing, and I wrap his arm over my shoulders to steady him
better, then make our way down the hallway. He places his hand on the wall
for extra support, and blood smears across it.
Opening her door, we enter. She lies in her bed, propped up on pillows.
Her hair is still wet, but physically, she looks fine. She doesn’t have any
new visible injuries other than the rope burns on her wrists and ankles. I
think they messed with her psychologically more than anything. No telling
what state of mind the LSD put her in.
“Is she …?”
“Sedated,” I answer, helping him over to her.
Removing his arm from around my shoulders, he slowly bends and sits
down on the amethyst-colored rug with his back to her side of the bed.
Reaching up, he grabs her hand and pulls it to where her hand and part of
her arm hangs off the side of the mattress. He kisses her knuckles. “I’m
here, little doll. I’m here,” he whispers before closing his eyes and letting
out a long breath.
“He needs to go to the hospital.” I hear Lisa arguing with Monroe as I
walk back down the stairs, giving Law a moment alone with Henley.
“He’s not going to leave her.” Monroe shakes his head.
“He could have internal injuries. He needs X-rays. CT scans. Possibly an
MRI.” She looks at James. “Please, help me get him to the hospital. There’s
no reason he can’t go.”
“I can’t do that,” he says sternly.
“James …” She gasps. “Did you not see him?”
“I did. And I also saw how he was more concerned about Henley than
himself.” He reaches up and cups her face. “I wouldn’t leave you either.”
“But …”
“I’ll have the medical staff attend to him. If they think he needs extensive
testing, then I’ll take him, but let’s try this first.”
She nods, seeming pacified by this. “Did you guys see what happened?”
she asks Monroe and me.
We go to say no, but someone behind us speaks. “It was brutal.”
Turning around, we see Derek is still here, standing by the closed front
doors, clutching a backpack to his chest. His wide eyes are fixated on the
marble floor in the foyer where the blood dripped from Law’s mouth. “He
just kneeled there.” He swallows. “Took hit after hit. Then when you finally
called …” His dark eyes meet mine and then Monroe’s. “I couldn’t get his
attention. He was too far gone. Too fucked up. I kept screaming his name. I
decided to rush out into the ring, but Matthew yanked me back, and Law
finally noticed me making a scene.” Letting go of the backpack, he hands it
over to me. “He spent ten grand to get his ass kicked.”
“What?” Lisa gasps. “Ten thousand dollars? Why …?”
“Rules of the Graveyard.” I answer, “You don’t fight back, the fight
“He needed to make sure it kept going.” James nods his head in
understanding. “What about Steve?”
“Have him taken care of,” Monroe answers vaguely.
Lisa just blinks at that, not knowing what he means and too afraid to ask.
“And Scout?” James growls his name.
“When we left”—Derek steps forward—“he was lying in the middle of
the ring knocked out.”
We’re going back to get him, but I don’t say that out loud. Lisa has heard
all she can handle for the day.
Monroe sighs and looks at James. “Call us and let us know what’s going
on. We’ll be back later.” He turns, and I follow him to the front door.
“Come on, Derek,” I call out, stopping and waiting for him.
“What? Where are we going now?” he asks, placing his face in his
shaking hands.
Poor guy. “We’re going to go pick up our trash.”
He looks up at me and frowns. “And I have to help?”
I nod. “You’re a Reaper now, and it’s time to go and collect some souls.”


I sit on my doll’s couch over by her French doors. A man stands in front of
me while a woman places my right arm in a sling. Somehow, it’s not
broken, but they want me to use it as little as possible for now. The moment
they walk out of here, I’m throwing it away.
I took fifty-seven stitches and have those butterfly bandages on my face,
holding most of it together with some kind of glue. I refused to let James
take me to the hospital, even when my mother begged me to go. I’m not
leaving my doll. Thankfully James understood that and didn’t push the
They think I’ve got a few broken ribs, but without X-rays, they can’t
confirm it. It doesn’t fucking matter. Can’t do shit for them anyway—I’ve
had broken ribs before from football. So, I told them to wrap them and call
it good.
A couple of hours ago, I woke up sitting next to her bed with her hand in
mine. She was still asleep, so I got up and showered. It took longer than
usual, and I thought I was going to pass out a few times, but I managed.
“That should be good,” the young nurse says, adjusting the straps to my
“I really do encourage you to go to the hospital—”
“I’m good,” I interrupt the doctor.
He purses his lips and looks at the nurse, nodding his head once. “Let us
know if you need anything,” she says before they walk out.
I stand and remove the sling from my shoulder, throwing it on the couch.
Pulling out a joint from my jeans pocket, I open up her French doors and
step out onto her balcony, lighting it up, looking out at the tree line behind
the house.
My cell starts ringing in my back pocket, and I pull it out. “Hello?” I
answer with the joint hanging between my lips.
“Reaper.” Mathew’s laughter fills my ear. “Damn, man. I don’t know
what that was, but you ran out before you could collect your winnings.”
“It wasn’t about the money.” I pull in a long drag, lean my head back,
and slowly let it out.
He snorts. “I guess when you’re already part of the one percent, what’s
thirty grand.”
I roll my eyes.
“You went forty-three minutes, man.” It felt like days. “And managed to
take him down in less than three once you stood up.” He laughs. “I’ve got
fighters wanting to bet how long they can stay conscious without throwing
a punch. They’re trying to talk me into changing up the rules.”
“What do you want, Matthew?” I ask, taking another hit.
He’s silent for a second before he speaks again. “Just to check on you,
man. What you did … I don’t know what it was for, but I hope it was worth
I turn, stepping into her bedroom, and look over at my doll sleeping in
her bed. I want to shake her, beg her to open her eyes, but I know she needs
the rest. Her body needs to recover. So, I’ll wait for her to wake up on her
own. “Yeah, it was.” And I’d do it again.
“Well, just know that whenever you want a fight, you’ve got a spot.” He
hangs up.
Stepping back on her balcony, I put my arms on the railing, bow my
head, and close my eyes, thanking God I was able to get her back.

I OPEN MY eyes and blink a few times. Looking around, I take everything
in, in the darkly lit room. The crème and brown walls, the four-post white
bed, and the smell of lavender. I’m at Lisa’s house. In my old bed. The
comforter envelops me, and I close my eyes. Opening them again, I half
expect everything to disappear.
Am I hallucinating? Am I dead? Either one is possible.
I take a second to take in any injuries. My throat hurts, and my stomach
muscles are tight like I got too drunk and spent all night hugging the toilet.
But other than that, I don’t feel too bad. Closing my eyes, I run my hand
down my face. Time is gone. Again. I don’t remember anything after
waking up in a concrete room. Scout was there … I begged him. I still don’t
understand what happened. Why he helped Steve … He was still alive.
Why had Law lied to me about that? He sounded terrified when he realized
Scout had shown up at my father’s and understood I wasn’t lying about
I go to sit up, but something pinches my arm. Pulling it from under the
covers, I see an IV in the crook of my left arm. I follow the small line to a
machine by the bed. A bag hangs off a hook, almost empty.
A sound has my eyes going over to the French doors—they’re open. The
white curtains gently moving from the night breeze. I see a figure standing
out on the balcony but can’t make it out in the shadows. “Who’s there?” My
voice cracks, and I clear my sore throat.
Whoever it is pushes off the railing and turns around. The figure steps
into the room, and my heart rate picks up.
“Hey, little doll,” Law says, his lips turning up just slightly.
My shaking hands go to my mouth as I gasp. “Law.” His name is a
whisper because that’s all I can get out. “What happened to you?”
He looks like he was beat within an inch of his life. A black eye, busted
lips, cuts and bruises dot his gorgeous face along with stitches and
bandages. My eyes sweep over his white T-shirt that says Death Valley in
black letters, and I can see bruises on his arms along with scratches.
“I’m fine,” he says, walking over to the bed. He sits down beside me and
takes my hand. Bringing it to his lips, he kisses my knuckles.
“You’re lying.” My throat closes up, and tears start to sting my eyes.
“What …? How did this happen?”
“Hey.” He reaches up and runs his busted and bruised knuckles down my
cheek. “I promise, I’m fine. How do you feel?”
“What happened to you?” I ask again, ignoring his question.
He gives a soft laugh. “We’ve got plenty of time to go over that.”
“But …”
“Shh,” he whispers. “Calm down. Don’t get yourself worked up over
nothing.” He looks over at the beeping machine. “You needed an IV with
fluids and rest.” He sees me looking over at it. “The doctor said you’re
going to be okay.” His blue eyes come back to mine, and he sighs heavily.
“I’m so sorry, doll. I should have listened to you. I should have … tried to
understand what you were saying.” His dark brows pull together. “I—”
“Don’t,” I interrupt him. “I don’t want an apology from you, Law.” We
can’t go back and change what has happened, and honestly, anything
regarding him, I wouldn’t, even if given the chance. “I don’t remember …”
I say, and he lets out a breath as if relieved by that statement. I look around
the room as if it will give me some kind of answers. “Scout was there.”
His bruised jaw sharpens, and he looks down at my hand in his. “He was.
He was working with Steve.”
“I don’t understand. You told me he was dead.”
“Yeah, well. Scout hadn’t killed Steve like I thought,” he grinds out.
“Did he do this to you?” I ask, biting my lip. “Steve?”
He shakes his head, giving a rough laugh that holds no humor. “We’ll
talk about it some other time.”
“Law …”
“Another time, doll.” He cups my face. “I want you to rest. Don’t worry
about it. It’s over.”
“Will you tell me everything later?” I ask, knowing he’s trying to hide
something from me.
“Of course.” He nods once, leaning forward, his lips gently kissing my
forehead. When he pulls back, he runs his thumb over my lips. “Little doll
…” He pauses, his blue eyes meeting mine. I’ve never seen them look so
tender. So mesmerizing.
He pulls his hand away, and I look over at my opened door. Lacey is
standing there, her hands on her face, and she’s crying. I smile, happy to see
the familiar face of my friend. I hate that I didn’t get to speak to her after
what happened at the Monroe fundraiser. I had to pretty much vanish.
“Come here.” I pat the comforter beside me, letting Law off the hook for
whatever he was thinking. She comes and crawls into bed with me as
Monroe enters behind her.
“I hope it’s okay. I called her,” he says, watching her with a soft smile on
his face.
I wrap my arms around Lacey and hold her shaking body against mine
while I watch Monroe and Law whisper to one another with their backs to
me. I have so many questions about what happened since I was taken from
my father’s house. Once again, time is missing that I know I’ll never get
back. But one thing is for sure—the man standing in front of me will do
whatever it takes to keep me. His appearance proves that.


The sun is rising over the trees, shining down on us out in the middle of the
woods at Death Valley. It’s going to be a glorious day.
I stand between Rellik and Law. Derek stands across from me. His face is
a little pale, but I think he’ll catch on quick. The kid is going to learn
firsthand how we handle shit.
Law walks over to the chair he brought out here. Twisting it around, he
straddles it backward and reaches up, turning his baseball cap around
backward, and places his arms across the back of the chair. He looks pretty
good for a guy who got the shit beat out of him a few days ago. I think
Henley has something to do with that. He hasn’t left her side since she
woke, except for today.
It’s time.
To find out what pieces are still missing. What part Scout played and just
how deep it goes.
Rellik bends down, digging through the pile of clothes on the ground by
his feet. He reaches into a pair of jeans and pulls out a cell phone.
“I’ll take that.” Law nods, holding out his right hand. Rellik places it in
his hands, and Law laughs. “Don’t you love the idiots who don’t put locks
on their phones?” He starts scrolling through it.
“How long do we wait?” Derek asks, shifting from foot to foot.
We all look up at him, and he bows his head. Letting out a sigh, I walk
over to Steve, who sits with his legs out in front of him and his back
propped up against a tree. Rope is around his neck—tying him to the tree,
holding him in place. “Wake up.” I slap him a couple of times.
He jerks his head up and blinks, looking around. “What … what’s going
on?” he asks, his hands coming up to the rope around his neck. He tries to
jerk on it, but I wrapped it so many times, it’s restricting his air a little.
“You’re about to die,” Law states, not even looking up from Steve’s cell
as he’s going through it.
“Wait … I can explain,” Steve rushes out.
“I bet you can,” Rellik growls, fisting his hands. “So start fucking
talking,” he demands.
He licks his lips, pulling on the rope that binds him to the tree. We
stripped him and Scout both down to their boxers.
“Start from the beginning,” Law adds, still scrolling through the cell
phone in his hands, looking for anything that catches his eyes.
“The … Death Valley … Brenda …”
“Dear lord, man. You’re stuttering like an idiot.” Rellik rolls his eyes.
“Take a breath and think before you speak.”
He licks his cracked lips from when I punched him the other night when
we found him on top of Henley. “I saw Henley at Death Valley that night.
She was walking in the hallway. I followed her into the chapel.” He takes in
a deep breath. “And Scout was already in there. With Brenda.” I take a
quick look over at Scout. He is tied to the tree opposite Steve, but he’s still
passed out. “I put my hand over her mouth to silence her before she could
draw attention to us being in there. By the time Scout was done, he had
accidentally strangled Brenda to death. Henley witnessed all of it. Then I
helped dispose of the body, and we left Henley there.”
“You just left her there?” I growl.
He nods quickly. “She was really fucked up and talking nonsense. Scout
had called Derek, and he told Scout that she was on LSD and needed to be
watched, but Scout said she’d be fine because Law had got him a fight and
we needed to hurry.”
I look over at Law, and he’s no longer scrolling. Instead, he’s watching
something. My eyes go back to Steve. “And then what?”
“We left. I went my own way, and Scout ended up doing two fights then
left. I called him the next day and told him what I heard. You, raping and
killing Brenda and how the cops took you in for questioning. I said we
needed to go talk to Henley and the cops. He said he would go talk to her.
Later that night, he called me and said it was taken care of.”
I frown. “In which way?”
“He had called his dad after he spoke to Henley, and he told him to come
meet with him and the Founders. Scout confessed what happened, and they
decided to go along with it.”
“Along with what?” Rellik snaps.
“That you did it.” Steve looks at me. “Because there was no evidence to
convict you of a crime you didn’t commit. Word was already around town,
and Henley was adamant about it being you. And they didn’t want Scout to
get in trouble in case anything came about. So your dad …” He nods to me.
“Paid them to continue with it. And his dad.” He nods to Scout. “Paid them
off to keep the evidence they found on the property out of the reports.”
“They found a fucking body!” I snap, remembering what the paper said
that Henley had found in my father’s study. “They hid an entire body?”
“So the Founders knew everything?” Rellik runs his hands through his
He nods quickly to both of us. “Yes, the night after Nicholas and I
drugged Henley, Scout called them, and Mr. Rellik went and dumped
Brenda’s body that next morning.”
“Why the fuck would he do that?” Rellik snaps.
He swallows. “Scout was trying to convince everyone that Henley was
crazy. Knowing that she was going to hallucinate due to how much LSD we
gave her. He figured it would push her over the edge. We weren’t supposed
to actually touch her after giving her the LSD, but Nicholas was pissed at
what Scout and Law did to him.” He shrugs. “And was planning on doing
whatever needed to be done. Then Law showed up …” He trails off.
Motherfucker! I run a hand through my hair and look over at Law to see
how he’s taking all this information. He’s now standing with one hand
fisted by his side. The other gripping the phone that his eyes are furiously
watching. “Law, what is it?” I ask.
He doesn’t answer. I elbow Rellik to look over at him. “Hey, you okay,
man?” Rellik notices.
Instead of Law answering, he turns his back and walks off in the
direction we parked the G-Wagon. Rellik looks back at me, and I wave him
Rellik rubs his chin. “What about Nicholas? Why kill him and not you?”
“We didn’t know Law was going to show up. We were supposed to drug
her and then leave her there. I was on the way out when Law came storming
in and killed Nicholas.”
Just then, we see Law coming back into view. The bag we packed slung
over his shoulder. He’s got a murderous look in his blue eyes. I take a step
back, pulling Rellik with me, knowing that Law is on a mission.
He drops the bag at his feet and reaches up over his head, ripping his T-
shirt off, knocking his hat off in the process. “Derek, hold his hand up,” he
says calmly, which does not go with his tight stance.
Derek walks over and grabs Steve’s hand. He holds it up above his head
against the tree while Law digs into the bag, pulling out his Smith & Westin
M&P evasion cleaver machete.
“What the fuck, man?” Steve starts yelling just as Law shoves his T-shirt
into Steve’s mouth, silencing him. Then he stands and swings, the knife
taking off Steve’s right hand at the wrist. He screams out behind the shirt
stuffed in his mouth as blood sprays everywhere.
Derek takes a stumbling step back and starts gagging, dropping the
severed hand.
Law cuts the rope around Steve’s neck that ties him to the tree and
throws him to the ground on his back. His body trembles as he sobs into
Law’s shirt. Law straddles him, rips the shirt out, and grips his face.
Holding the knife to his cheek. “You. Raped. Her,” he says in an icy tone.
“You left that part out.”
I exchange a look with Rellik, and then my eyes drop to the phone that
sits on the ground in the pool of blood. I reach down and pick it up to see
Law had been watching a video that Steve had sent to Nicholas a while
back. The date proves that it was after Law played with Henley in the
locker room. I push play, holding it to where Rellik can also see.
Henley lies on the floor in the chapel in front of a pew. Her eyes are
dilated and her lids heavy. Her face is wet from tears, smearing her makeup.
Steve walks over into view and drops to his knees. Gripping her ankles, he
yanks her to him. He removes her shoes, then undoes her jeans and rips
them down her legs along with her underwear. Spreading her legs, he
unzips his jeans and pulls out his dick. He starts fingering her, and a
strangled whimper comes from her mouth.
Once he finds out she’s not into it, he spits on his fingers and rubs them
over her pussy before sliding into her. Her arms come up to his chest, and
she tries to push him off. “Noooo,” she tells him. He grips them in one
hand, shoving them above her head. “Stop,” she cries while his other is
placed over her mouth, and he starts to fuck her.
It doesn’t take long, and he’s coming inside her. He pulls out, then
dresses her back in her clothes along with her shoes. She’s already passed
out. Then he gets up, grabs his cell, and leaves. I scroll down to read the
text that was sent with it.
Steve: This is what Scout let me do to his girl at DV.
I drop the phone to the ground.
Law is picking up the severed hand that lies beside them. He holds it up
to Steve’s face. “We’re each going to spit on your hand, and then I’m going
to shove it so far up your ass, you’ll never be able to find it.” Law gives him
an evil smile, fond of that plan. “So you’ll know what it feels like to be
fucked without your consent. Then I’m going to bury you alive.” Steve
continues to sob as Law looks up at Derek. “Give me your belt,” he orders,
reaching out.
Derek just stands there with a pale face, his dark eyes on the hand. He
looks like he’s actually going to puke any second.
“Derek!” Law snaps, and he jumps, quickly undoing his belt and handing
it to Law, who then wraps it around Steve’s forearm and ties it off to control
the bleeding. Steve whimpers at the act, his eyes rolling back into his head.

I SIT IN my father’s office in downtown Westbrook, looking out the floor-to-

ceiling windows, watching the rain still fall in the middle of the night when
he and the rest of the Founders enter. My father comes to stand before me
with his hands on his waist. “You raped a woman?”
“No,” I snort. “It was consensual. I might have been a little rough …”
“Might?” He backhands me so hard, it knocks me into the side of the
couch. “They found a dead body, Ryan! A dead body that I’m guessing you
tried to get rid of. Will just got off the phone with the DA because they think
Dax did it. Then I had to call Will and tell him it was my son who actually
did it, not his!” He turns his back to me as I sit up. “That little bitch Henley
that you fuck around with won’t stop shouting Dax raped and murdered a
woman by the name of Brenda Nash—the woman they found.”
“He wasn’t even in town,” I growl, rubbing the sting from my face. “No
one suspects me, and there’s no evidence that Dax did it.”
“Oh, there’s evidence,” my father hisses. “It might have been
consensual, but there will still be proof of sex prior to her death.” He runs
his hands through his hair, cursing under his breath. “There are still a
hundred ways they can arrest you for the crime.”
“I used a condom.” Thank God for that.
“You think they don’t know that?” He storms back over to me, and I
flinch, thinking he’s going to hit me again. “This is their job, Ryan! After
the investigation, they will know everything that you did to her.”
Mr. Monroe’s cell rings, and he steps outside to answer it. My father
brings his attention back to me. “Why didn’t you call me when you did it?”
“I thought I had it handled.” I shrug, leaning back into the couch.
He lets out a snort just as Will Monroe enters again. “That was the DA.
I’ve got a plan, but it’s going to cost us.”
“What is it?” my father barks out.
“We let it go to trial,” he answers.
“Horrible idea.” Mr. Law shakes his head. “You need to make it go
away. Now.”
“It’s the only option we have. It’s already out there in the public,” Mr.
Monroe argues. “Scout is right that there’s no evidence putting Dax at the
scene or even in the state. I’ll pay to let it go to trial. Dax will be found not
guilty and you”—he looks at my father—“pay to have the evidence they
found kept a secret.”
My father rubs his chin in thought. “That’s not a bad idea.”
“And Henley?” I ask. “What about her?”
Everyone turns to look at me like they forgot I was even in the room.
“We could get rid of her,” Mr. Law offers.
“No,” Mr. Rellik argues. “That would be too suspicious. Plus, her father
is too connected. She’s not some girl who’s been in the system most of her
My father walks over to me once again and glares down at me with his
finger in my face. “You stay the fuck away from her,” he warns. “Don’t
touch her, don’t fuck her, don’t even fucking talk to her. By the time the trial
is over, the media will take care of her. I’ll make sure of it.”
I nod. I’ll give it time. But once the trial is over, she’s mine. Again. More
than she ever was.
“Did anyone else happen to see any of this?” Mr. Rellik asks, hands
shoved into his dress slacks.
“No,” I say without hesitation. “No one.” As soon as I left Henley’s
house, I called my father, and he told me to meet him up here immediately.
She never once mentioned Steve in any of it. So as long as I have that video,
he’ll never fucking talk.
My father nods, satisfied with my answer. “Get the fuck home. The
Founders and I have some phone calls to make.”


“Wake up!” I throw a bottle of water on Scout.

He jerks awake. His green eyes meet mine, and then he looks around
quickly. The ground is covered in blood, and the rope around the tree in
front of him has been cut. His eyes meet mine once again.
“Why did you do it? Pretend to lose your shit?” I ask. He just glares up at
me. “See, I think you pretended to be mad and decided to beat the shit out
of Lincoln to make Law feel guilty. Then you purposely signed up for five
fights, knowing Law would go in your place. But you were hoping he’d get
the shit beat out of him.” I shake my head. “You should have known better.”
And when that didn’t happen, he decided to fight Law himself, thinking
he’d take him out that way. Hurt Law enough to ensure he had no future in
football, and he’d only have Henley to blame—forcing him to hate her and
want to destroy her all over again. But it backfired on Scout. Law would
beat him any day of the week in a fight, and he could never hurt his little
doll. Not anymore.
He chooses to ignore me, his eyes shooting around the woods looking for
something … someone.
“Steve is gone.” I smile. “Law found his phone with the video you
His wide eyes go to me.
I nod. “Yeah, Law cut off his hand and shoved it up his ass. It was
glorious to watch. Now they’re burying him alive.”
He reaches up and pulls on the rope that holds his neck to the tree. “Dax
“Why did you do it?” I ask. “Why did you let her think it was me?”
“I never told her it was you,” he growls.
I punch him in the face and shout, “You let the entire world think it was
He wipes the blood that runs from his nose.
“Why the fuck were you fucking her in the first place?” I demand. I had
been seeing Brenda for several months. It was serious. I loved her. Well, I
thought I did. I hate that Scout killed her, but I’m pretty pissed she was
even fucking him in the first place.
He gives me a bloody smile. “Because you deserved it.” His eyes look
me up and down, full of hatred. “You took what should have been mine!”
I chuckle. “You talking about me sleeping with Henley?”
“Yes, you son of a bitch! You knew she was mine, yet you still did it!”
He’s shouting, his body vibrating with anger.
“I did.” I nod once. “Wanna know why?” I don’t let him answer.
“Because she begged me in the sweetest way. And that cunt was the best
I’ve ever had.” I say, adding fuel to the fire.
He pulls away from the tree the best he can, trying to reach for me, and I
jump back, laughing just as Law, Rellik, and Derek return.
Scout drops his arms to his side and throws his head back against the
tree, chuckling to himself. He runs a hand down his busted face that still
remains from Law bashing it in two days ago.
When we returned to Death Valley after taking Henley home, we found
Scout passed out in the men’s bathroom at the Graveyard. They had
dragged his ass in there and left him in order for the next fight to start. We
carried his ass out here and threw him in the concrete room along with
Steve until we were ready for him.
“Have you told her that we paid big money to transfer her stepdad to
Switzerland to force her back to Westbrook?” he asks, looking up at Law.
Law comes up to him and kneels, his right bloody forearm resting on his
dirty and blood-covered, jean-clad thigh. His face looks pretty relaxed for
someone who just buried a man alive. “You going to tell her that you killed
that guy she danced with at the bar the night we found her and Lacey?” he
counters, arching a brow.
He reaches up, yanking on the rope wrapped around his neck, baring his
teeth. I’ve never noticed how fucking crazy Scout is until now. He hid it
pretty damn well, if you ask me.
“I thought it was odd when you didn’t fuck her right then and there to
mark your territory, so I did some research. The guy was found three days
later in his bed. Dead from a gunshot wound. Ruled suicide.” Law snorts.
“My ass.”
“He deserved it,” he growls. “He touched what was mine.”
“I touched her too, yet I’m still here.” He tilts his head from side to side.
“Why is that, Scout?”
He doesn’t answer. Instead, he looks up at Derek, who stands there
covered in blood and hands shaking. “You’re the one who drugged her!”
“No, no.” He takes a step back. His wide eyes going to Law. “I didn’t
mean …”
“He’s off the hook,” Law tells Scout, and Derek releases a shaky breath.
“Because unlike you, he helped me save her.”
“That fucking bitch deserved to die!” he screams.
Law stands and slams his foot down right between his legs, causing
Scout to throw his head back, howling and pulling his knees to his chest.
“Because she fucked your friend?” he asks casually.
“No,” he says through gritted teeth, trying to catch his breath, “because
she wouldn’t keep her mouth shut. And I swear to God, Law, I will make
sure my little doll spends the rest of her life regretting that.”

LAW REACHES INTO the bag that I dropped after burying Steve and pulls
out his knife. He cuts the rope freeing Scout’s neck and shoves him to his
stomach. “Hold him,” he demands to no one in particular. Dax jumps on his
back, yanking his arms behind him while Law digs into the bag once again.
Finding the zip ties, he puts two sets around Scout’s wrists and then takes
the remaining rope and wraps it around Scout’s neck several times.
Dax jumps up off him, and Law starts dragging him, forcing Scout to get
to his feet. “I’ll fucking kill her …”
Law jerks him forward, the rope cutting him off and tightening. Dax
follows them, and I look at Derek. “Grab the bag, and let’s go.”
The guy picks it up, throwing it over his shoulder, and follows behind us
as Law drags him to the tunnels. We stayed close by them. Dax and I both
turn on our flashlights as we make our way to the room where we found
Law throws him onto the table and gets up, straddling him. “You will
never, ever get near her again, Scout,” Law growls. Then snaps his fingers
at Derek. “Give it to me,” he orders.
Derek unzips the bag quickly and comes over to the side of the table.
“Open your fucking mouth.” Law growls, shoving his hands between
Scout’s lips and prying his mouth open. One hand at the roof of his mouth,
the other holding his tongue down, forcing Scout to arch his neck. “Pour it
in,” he snaps at Derek, who tips the glass jar that he had mixed before we
came out here.
We were prepared for anything. Not really having a plan but willing to
wing it.
Scout chokes on the LSD, his body convulsing while they force-feed it to
him. Just like they did to Henley so many times. Once it’s all gone, Law
removes his hands from his mouth and grips his chin. “I hope you have the
worst fucking trip possible, Scout.”
He jumps up off him and then goes over to the bag and removes a rag. He
shoves it into Scout’s mouth, and then Dax starts wrapping duct tape around
his mouth and head while Law adds more rope, securing him to the table.
“We’ll be back. Eventually,” Law says, shutting off the battery-powered
light in each corner and closes the door behind us, locking him in.


We pull up to Lisa’s house and get out of the G-Wagon. No one has spoken
since we locked Scout away in the tunnels. None of us really know what to
do next. We need to go over a few things, but Law isn’t in the mood to
discuss anything right now. He hasn’t spoken to any of us directly. His mind
is strictly on his doll.
Walking inside, we make our way to the living room. Lisa sits on the
couch next to James. Henley sits in the black leather chair. Her face lights
up when she sees him but falls the moment she gets a good look at him
covered in blood, realizing it’s not his. Her wide eyes go to each of us. Even
Derek played his part tonight. Initiation at its finest.
Law reaches up and rubs the back of his neck.
“Everything okay?” she asks him. When he doesn’t answer, she looks at
all of us once again. Derek is the only one that might give us away. His
color still hasn’t returned to his face. “Law …?”
“I need to speak to you,” he interrupts her but keeps his voice soft.
“Okay,” she says, sounding unsure.
“No.” Her father stands. “Whatever you have to say to her, you can say
to Lisa and me as well.”
“Absolutely not,” Law snaps at him.
“I will not have any more secrets in this family!” James shouts, getting
angry. Finding that feeling that we all have right now. So many fucking
secrets have been kept, and lies have been told. Who knows what’s real?
Who to trust? My own father has betrayed me. All of them have. And
Henley? She’s taken the brunt of it all, and she was innocent the entire time.
“I’ve been blind for too long. And so has your mother. We will not be kept
in the dark.”
Law goes to open his mouth, but James continues, “Study. Now.” With
that, he turns and walks off, dragging Lisa behind him.
A muscle jumps in Law’s jaw, but he takes Henley’s hand and follows
“Anyone want a drink?” I ask, needing to sit down while I decide what
I’m going to do with what I found out tonight, because no matter what, it
needs to be handled.


I close the door to my bedroom, leaving Henley alone to sleep. I had to

explain to her, her father, and my mother what had happened to her that
night at Death Valley in the chapel. It was excruciating having to tell her
what Steve did. But she deserved to know. That’s something I could never
keep from her. I would have preferred to say it to her in private, but I wasn’t
given that option.
I make my way downstairs to the living room to find all the guys
drinking. I fall into a chair.
“How’s Henley?” Rellik asks, staring at his glass of bourbon.
“Asleep,” I say, because good wouldn’t even be close to the correct
Monroe lets out a long sigh.
I lean forward, my bloody hands going to my hair, and I close my eyes.
“We need to end this,” I say more to myself than anyone else.
“I agree.” Dax nods. “If not, it will continue.”
I look up at him.
“Henley will never be safe as long as the Founders know she’s still
alive,” Rellik adds. “Neither will any of us.” He looks at me. “Since you
pretended to kill her, they’ll come after you first. Then the rest of us,
because eventually, they’ll find out we know the truth.”
I don’t know what all Steve told them before I buried him alive. I was too
busy digging through his cell, and when I found that video of my doll,
everything else just fell silent. My vision black. I’d never experienced such
rage. My body was tingling with fury. My heart pounding with anger. And
my mind—it just kept screaming kill him! I knew a quick death would be
too easy. But I also wasn’t willing to let the court system work it out.
Justice would not be served. Just as it wasn’t for Scout either. No, I had to
be judge and jury. It was up to me to execute the problem.
“I can handle it,” I say. “You guys can walk away.”
“No.” Rellik shoots to his feet, fisting his drink. “We do this together.”
My teeth grind at his words. “Your dad …”
“Was the one who threw Brenda in the river the morning after Nicholas
and Steve attacked Henley at Death Valley,” he growls. “They were all in
on it. Scout told them what he had done the day after. We all have our
reasons, Law. They may not be the same as yours, but what has happened to
Henley isn’t right. And if we don’t stop them, then no one else will.”
I sit back and nod my head. That was why Scout was so persistent that
she hallucinated that night with Brenda the morning Brenda’s body was
found. And why he said she needed help. “Then we’ll take care of it.
Together.” My eyes find Derek, and although he looks deathly ill, he nods
in agreement. He’s starting to understand the only way out now is death.
And I really don’t have time to add another person to my kill list.
“How are we going to do it?” It’s Monroe who asks.
“I’ve got a plan,” I answer, pulling Scout’s phone out of my pocket.


Two hours later, I’m dragging my ass upstairs. I walk into my bedroom to
check on Henley before I take a shower, but the soft light from the hallway
shines through my open door and tells me she’s no longer lying in my bed.
“Henley?” I step inside, looking around to find it empty.
Going across the hall, I open hers, and it too is empty. Turning to leave, I
hear the shower running.
I enter the bathroom and find her sitting in the shower with her knees
pulled up to her chest and her forehead resting on them, and she’s crying.
I strip off my boots, jeans, and T-shirt, leaving my boxers on, knowing
she’s vulnerable right now. I don’t want her to think I want anything sexual
from her after what she found out.
“Doll?” I enter the shower and sit down beside her.
She replaces her knees with her hands, covering her face and sobs into
I reach out and run my hand down her back, feeling the curve of her
spine. “I’m sorry …”
She gets up and crawls into my lap, burying her face into my neck, and I
wrap my arms around her, holding on tightly. “I’m so sorry, Henley.” I kiss
her wet hair, knowing that my fucking words aren’t going to mean shit to
her after what we’ve put her through.
She pulls back, and I wipe the tears from her face.
“I … I thought …” Her bottom lip quivers.
“What?” I push the wet hair behind her ear.
“I thought he had loved me then.” She swallows. “How could he … let
Steve do that?” She breaks out into another sob.
I pull her into me, her face going back to my neck, and I lean my head
back against the cool marble wall as the warm water hits us, and I hold her
while she cries. Because that’s all I can do.
Prove to her that I’m going to be different. That I love her. That no matter
what, she’s my little doll, and I’m going to cherish her. Put her in a glass
case so no one can ever hurt her again.
Scout was right; we did pay to bring her back to Westbrook. His father
had some connections in her stepdad’s industry, and we pulled some strings
under the table to get him transferred to bring her back to us. I don’t regret
that. But I do regret the series of events that we set in place since her return.
I’ve hurt her more than I could ever apologize for. I don’t deserve her
forgiveness, but I pray she gives it to me over time.

“WHAT IS THIS about?” my father demands, crossing his arms over his
chest as we sit in his study at the house.
I’ve avoided him after I didn’t kill Henley like he wanted. I’ve been
staying with Law. But I needed to make an appearance tonight.
“Law is MIA.” Rellik growls.
Mr. Law sits up straighter. “What do you mean MIA?”
“I mean, we found out today that he didn’t really kill Henley,” I state.
The Founders each look at one another, then all worried eyes are on me.
“I saw him shoot her,” my father states.
“He had put your bulletproof vest on her, Dad.” I shake my head. “Then
he ran with her. He’s been hiding her.” We needed to see just how much
Scout has been telling the Founders. Law was pretty sure that Scout hadn’t
shared the information that Henley was still alive because Scout wanted to
use her against him. And if the Founders knew, they would have killed her
instantly, fucking up Scout’s plan.
“Fuck!” Mr. Law shouts. “What the fuck is he thinking?”
I have to bite back my smile. Law was right. Scout hadn’t said one word.
“He’s thinking with his cock,” mine snaps. “We need to find her.”
“Oh, we’ve got her,” Rellik speaks.
“Where?” my father asks, letting out an annoyed sigh.
“Scout has her,” I answer, pulling my cell out of my pocket. “He’s got
her at Hell House.” I pull up the video that I had Law send me from Scout’s
phone and push play.
“Well …” My father returns my cell to me once the video cuts off. “At
least one of you does what you’re told.”
“Call Scout. Have him bring her here immediately,” Mr. Law barks out.
I go to open my mouth and say that’s a terrible idea, but my father beats
me to it. “We’ll go to them. I don’t want that bitch to have the slightest
opportunity to get away from Ryan.” He glares at Mr. Law. “Or for your son
to show up and rescue the whore.”
Rellik flinches at the word, and I have to clench my teeth to keep my
mouth shut. All this time, my father knew everything, and he never told me.
He knew if he gave me a heads-up that I would have ruined their plan. I
would have never allowed the trial to go on. Or for anything to happen to
Henley. I should have never let her leave town. I was a dick to her after the
verdict was given. I thought she was trying to frame me for some crazy
bullshit she made up in her mind. Now Scout? I would have killed his ass
sooner than we have planned.
My father looks at me. “Text him now. Tell him we’ll be there in an
I nod. “Will do.”


Scout picks up Henley from behind as she tries to escape the Hell House,
lifting her feet off the floor. She kicks and screams as he throws her onto the
bed he’s dragged into the center of the room. She shoves at his chest while
he straddles her and removes his belt. He wraps it around her wrists,
shoving them above her head, and ties them to the bed.
She fights, but her movements are slow with the lingering sedative we
gave her. He grips her chin while his free hand runs his knuckles down her
She cries, begging him to stop whatever he plans on doing to her. He gets
tired of hearing it and slaps a hand over her mouth.
I end the video that I have of Henley back when we brought her here.
While Scout was telling her all the things he was going to do to her, I was
out of sight over in the corner placing a battery-operated night-vision
camera so we could watch her from our cell phones. Thankfully, it didn’t
have any sound, so we could show it to our fathers and pass it off as
something that is currently taking place. And they couldn’t see me because
I cut it right before I came out from the shadows to help him out.
Scout and I laughed about it while waiting outside for her. We took bets
on how long she would last. We had decided we would wait for as long as it
would take because we both wanted to see that look on her face when she
realized it was just some sick and twisted joke.
I had been fucking amazed at the time when she walked out of the
building in less than ten minutes.
Now? It makes me sick to my stomach. Even if we didn’t plan on letting
her die. Anything could have happened while she was in there alone.
Squatters stick to this place like leeches, knowing no one will come and
kick them out. Anyone could have found her and took advantage of the
There are many stories and theories of what happened at Spring Valley
all those years ago. But one thing about Hell House—the story I told her? It
was true. Some kids were abused—mentally and sexually. One night, some
of those boys decided to end the torture that took place here. This particular
building housed everyone. They set fire to the Dean’s residence on the first
floor and the staff on the second. They were all treated like royalty where
the boys were treated like criminals.
The boys who started the fire planned on burning everyone but
themselves. I think a sick part of them wanted free and didn’t want anyone
to survive to tell the awful truths about this place. The boys who survived
took on oath to take their secrets to the grave with them.
“He’s waking up.” I hear Derek call out from behind me.
I turn around and look at the bed that looks like the one I had helped
Scout cuff Henley to. He’s much bigger than her, so he does take up more
of the space, but he still fits. I smile, green eyes meet mine. “Hello, Scout.”
I walk over and pat the side of his face.
He jerks it away from me and starts pulling on the straps that hold him
captive to the dingy, metal bed frame. “You know …” I crouch next to him.
“I asked my little doll how she was able to escape so quickly. And she told
me that we hadn’t tied her arms separately and left her legs free. And it got
me thinking …” I stand and look over him. He’s still only in his boxers,
spread-eagled. “I should tie each one individually.”
We’ve had him locked in the tunnels for two days now since I buried
Steve. I didn’t want to have to water him every three days, so I figured now
was a good a time as any. At some point, the LSD wore off and he’s pissed
himself at least a couple of times.
He thrashes on the bed, but he’s not going anywhere. Henley taught me
some tricks. Plus the rope Derek and I tied around the bed and his waist
gives an added bonus.
He screams behind the tape that Dax had wrapped around his entire head
covering his mouth. Silencing him. He doesn’t deserve to speak, or breathe
for that matter, but it’s coming. He’ll be dead soon.
Walking over to the wall, I reach up and run my hands over the scratch
marks of the boys who were trapped all those years ago, and my heart
breaks for them. Dying in such a horrific way. To know there was no hope.
No way out. And that their very own turned on them, only saving
I look down at the boxes of vodka at my feet. I had James buy me as
much as he could find. He didn’t hesitate. When he had it delivered to my
mom’s, all he said was I don’t want to know what this is for. Then he
walked away. He knew I wasn’t going to be drinking it.
“Derek?” I knock my hand into his shoulder.
He jumps back. “Huh?” His wide eyes meet mine.
He’s getting better at being a Reaper—one soul at a time. “Help me
dump these out.” Bending down, I pick two bottles up and hand them to
him. Then take two myself.
He walks over to a stack of mattresses in the front corner by the door and
dumps the contents before going to the opposite one. I start doing the same,
covering what’s left of the beds and all over the old sheets and towels we
found in the washroom and linen closet. Finding things to burn in a
concrete room was not easy. But it’s going to have to do.
I walk back over to Scout and pour a bottle on him. “Drink up,” I joke
and laugh at myself.
“I think that’s enough.” Derek sighs, tossing the last empty bottle we
have down here in the box. “Well, that was everything we had, so hopefully
it is.”
I lean down to get eye level with Scout. “You know, I always wanted
your doll.”
He jerks, slinging vodka off his face, blinking rapidly. I bet that shit
“But you already knew that, didn’t you?” I chuckle, gripping his wet
cheeks in my hand, digging my fingers into the duct tape. “Thanks for
letting me borrow her.” I throw his words back at him. “But just so you
know, I’ll never make the mistake you did and share her.”
“They’re almost here,” Dax says, entering the room with Rellik.
I let go of his face and tap the side of it. “Burn in hell, Scout. I hope it’s
everything you deserve.” And stand. “I’m going upstairs. Push him over
into the back corner.”
Leaving the room, I make my way down the long and dark hallway, using
a small flashlight for direction. I take the stairs at the end up to the fourth
floor. I immediately take a right and climb out an opening where a window
once was and make my way onto the roof. I crouch down, all but crawling
across it. Then I drop down to where the roof lowers for the fourth-floor
stops and jump down onto the third-floor roof. I come to a stop at the
opening in the ceiling and sit down. Waiting. Knowing it won’t be much
longer. My box of alcohol sits next to me. I brought it up here earlier so it’d
be ready.
My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I pull it out to see it’s a message
from Henley.
My Little Doll: When will you be home?
Me: Everything okay?
She doesn’t know what the guys and I are doing, and we decided to keep
it that way. She knows Steve is dead, and I’m pretty sure she thinks Scout is
already dead. But her fucks for him flew out the window after discovering
he recorded Steve raping her.
My Little Doll: Yeah.
She keeps her next message short. We haven’t spoken any more about it.
I’ve heard her discussing it with my mother, and she just cries. I hate to
bring it up. She will talk to me about it when she feels comfortable—if ever.
If not, then that’s okay.
Me: I’ll be home later, doll. Promise.
I place the phone back in my pocket and let out a long breath. It’s all
going to be over soon.
Ten minutes later, I hear familiar voices, and I smile to myself. I lean
forward, looking through the holes, and watch the Founders all walk into
the room. The guys hid Scout over in the back corner so they won’t see him
immediately. But they do realize Henley isn’t there.
The heavy door closes behind them. They turn around and watch it.
“What the fuck?” my father barks out, walking over to it. He tries to open
it, but it’s locked from the outside. That’s how these doors are designed
here at Death Valley.
I pull the rag soaked in vodka out of my back pocket and stuff it into a
bottle I had sitting up here, picking up a Zippo.
“What is going on? Dax?” He shouts my friend’s name, trying to yank it
“I’ll call Ryan.” Mr. Scout sighs, pulling his cell out of his back pocket.
He calls up his son, and a phone starts ringing in the back of the room. Mr.
Scout uses his cell for light and comes up on his son. “What the fuck is
this?” he shouts.
Scout yanks on his bindings while mumbling—trying to tell them what’s
about to come. They just stand there looking at him as if in shock.
“This is payback for all those years ago.” I finally speak,
Four heads snap up to look at me through the holes in the ceiling. “When
you four set fire to Spring Valley, killing everyone.” I light the end of the
rag. “Good luck clawing your way out.” Then I drop it. The bottle shatters,
and flames heat the room, warming me up above them.
They start screaming, and I light another one. I drop it right on Scout.
Flames lick his body as he thrashes, and he screams behind the tape.
It’s poetic really, if you think about it. The way they’re dying. Twenty-
five years ago, four best friends set this place on fire because they wanted to
escape this prison. But they didn’t just kill the evil. No, they killed the
innocent and took the evil with them. But it stops now. With us—the
I sit back and listen to them screaming, smelling their flesh melting off
their bones, and I smile.
You’re free, little doll. Well, of them. I’m going to keep you forever.

I SIT ON the couch in my mother’s study. Derek sits to my right, Monroe to

my left, and Rellik chose to sit in the black leather high-back chair by the
bookshelf. He looks content. All he’s missing is a cigar and a naked woman
on his lap, and he’d be in heaven.
James gets my attention, sitting at my mother’s desk at the head of the
room. “They’re late,” he growls.
Just then, the door opens, and in walks the DA of Westbrook County and
Judge Mayes.
“John. Mark.” James stands and shakes their hands.
“James, what is so important that we had to come over to your
girlfriend’s house?” Judge Mayes asks, sitting down with his back toward
us. They haven’t noticed us yet.
“Fiancée,” he corrects with a smile. “And I’ve got some papers here that
I want to go over with you.” Opening a manila envelope, he pulls out a
stack of papers and hands it off to them.
Each get a copy of their own. “What …?”
The air shifts in the room as they realize what they are reading. “Where
did you get this?” District Attorney John asks.
“From them.” James points at us.
Both he and Judge Mayes turn to face us. “What the hell?” He shoots to
his feet.
“Good to see you again, Judge.” Dax nods at him. “Have to say I’m glad
it’s under better circumstances.”
“We have business to discuss,” I state, smiling at the look of terror in
their eyes.
“See,” Dax begins, “we found all of these documents in our father’s
studies last night.”
After killing Scout and the Founders, we spent the night digging through
each Founder’s study. We tore them up, knowing that Henley had only
found a very small part. We needed proof of everything. There is always a
paper trail because if not, then it never existed, and no potential blackmail.
Our fathers weren’t dumb enough not to keep records of the extortion.
“And you can keep those. We have copies,” I add, waving my hand.
Judge Mayes slams his stack on the desk.
“So many copies,” I go on. “Of all your bribes.” My eyes slide to John.
“Like how the DA kept the truth hidden regarding Scout and Brenda.”
His jaw sharpens. “What do you want?” he asks through gritted teeth. His
documents are currently being wrinkled in his death grip.
“We want the fire at Death Valley last night forgotten,” Rellik answers.
The DA frowns. “What …?”
“It never happened. No investigation will take place,” Rellik tells them.
He lets out a curse. “I can’t make that go away.”
“But you can,” Dax argues. “Or these documents will be uploaded all
over social media. You know the media along with the people will be pissed
once they find out you lied about the condition they found Brenda’s body
“Or how it was really Scout who fucked and killed Brenda,” Rellik adds.
I place my hands behind my head, relaxing into the couch cushion.
“We’re not giving you a fucking penny.” I shake my head, making sure they
understand that we’re not buying their silence. “But we will publicly shame
you. Just like what you allowed to happen to Henley. You will no longer
work here or anywhere else, for that matter. And who the hell knows how
many other cases were won because of bribes. I’d hate for there to be an
investigation on you and what all would be found.”
That’s the kicker. There is no telling how deep of a hole they have dug
for themselves.
“I have to tell the people something,” he grinds out.
I shrug. “Tell them whatever the fuck you want as long as it’s not the
His teeth grind, but after a second, he finally nods. “Done.”
“Oh, and Henley is alive,” I say, and their faces pale. “So, you need to
call the sheriff and have him take James’s statement about how he found his
daughter. That should be the only headlines for the next few weeks.”
Three weeks later

I MAKE MY way upstairs and open my bedroom door, frowning when I

don’t see Henley in my room. I go across the hall to hers. She sits on her
bed with her cell in her hand. Looking up, she narrows her eyes at me.
“You’re in trouble.”
I smirk, dropping my backpack and crawling onto her bed. “That sounds
like fun.”
“I’m serious.” She pushes on my chest. I roll onto my back, and she
straddles my hips, her long dark hair falling over her shoulders to cover my
chest. “Why did you do this?” She shoves her cell in my face, and I see the
video she was watching.
It’s of me at Death Valley, getting my ass kicked by Scout in the middle
of the Graveyard. I roll my eyes. “Why are you watching that shit?” She
hasn’t been on social media after her public apology because people still
think she’s missing, even after her father’s public statement that she’s alive
and well, but Lacey has been sending her shit.
She slaps my chest. “You don’t fight because of your hands.”
“Doll …”
“You could have been seriously injured. That was stupid, Law!” she
growls. “Because of your future in football. You could have ruined that.”
I rip the cell from her hand and throw it across the room, hearing it land
on her rug.
“Hey …”
I grip her face in my hands, pulling her down to me and cutting her off.
“You are my future, little doll.” Then I press my lips to her. She opens up
for me, giving me a little taste of what forever is going to feel like.
We haven’t had sex since she found out that Scout allowed Steve to rape
her and recorded it for blackmail. I don’t push it, and she hasn’t initiated it.
She sleeps in my bed every night, cuddled up to my side. That’s all I need.
It feels like I waited a lifetime for my chance to love her, so I can wait a
lifetime to fuck her. I’m a patient man.
She pulls away and reaches down, lifting her shirt up and over her head. I
notice she’s wearing the black choker I gave her to wear for the Monroe
fundraiser. “Doll …”
“I’m ready, Law.” She places her hands on my chest. Biting her bottom
lip, she rolls it between her teeth. “Please.”
I lift my hands to my hair at her words. That inner demon roars to life,
yelling to fuck my doll. To own her. To show her that I’m the only man who
will ever lay hands on her again. But a small voice tells me she’s not ready
for that just yet. My hard cock straining painfully in my now tight jeans
tells me what side he’s for.
Reaching behind, she undoes her bra, then tosses it to land by her phone.
Then she places her hands under my shirt and runs her nails down my chest
and stomach, making my abs flex. “Doll …” I groan, leaning my head back
and closing my eyes.
Her lips caress my skin.
Lifting my head, I look down at her. She’s staring up at me through her
long, dark lashes with a smile. Her lips softly pressing kisses on my
stomach while her hands start to fumble with my belt.
I grip her wrists, stopping her.
She sits up and pushes her bottom lip out. “Play with me.”
Pushing her onto her back, I get up and straddle her, pinning her arms to
the mattress by her head.
“That’s more like it.” She runs her tongue over her teeth while arching
her back.
My eyes drop to her breasts, and the demon screams again to take
control. To remind her what being mine means. I take in a deep breath. “If
you need—”
“Stop, Law.” She interrupts me, her eyes narrowing slightly. “Don’t ruin
it.” She starts pulling on her arms, and I let them go. Lifting them, she cups
my face. “I trust you.” Her pretty blue eyes go back and forth between
mine. “Tell me you trust me.”
I snort. “Of course …”
“Then trust me when I say I’m ready.” Her hands let go, falling to her
side. “Now be a good boyfriend and play with your doll.”

I sit in Lacey’s Town Car in front of Westbrook High. She reaches out and
touches my hand. “I can have him take you back home. Do it another day.”
“No.” I shake my head. “I’m ready.” People probably think I’m dead like
Brenda. My body floating downstream to someday be found with a made-
up story of how I died in an accident.
I’ve stayed at home for three weeks now. I spent the first one recovering
from physical injuries and exhaustion. The other two I spent recovering
from something I will never remember happened to me. Maybe that’s for
the best. I’m not sure at this point. Lisa had a therapist come to the house
and talk to me. I didn’t say much. There wasn’t anything to talk about. All I
know is what Law told me he watched. I never asked to see it. I didn’t want
to because it wouldn’t change anything. Why have those nightmares? My
father made a public statement three weeks ago that I was alive and well
resting at home. He hasn’t pressured me once to get out of the house or go
to school. But I’m ready.
Yesterday when Law got home from school, I was ready for him. For sex.
To get back to how things were. I was craving that physical connection with
him. Because I was telling him the truth when I said I trusted him. With my
life. He’s saved it twice along with the other Reapers.
The hardest thing to wrap my head around was the fact that I thought
Scout actually loved me at one point. But what he allowed Steve to do to
me wasn’t love.
Earlier this week, I sat down with the guys, my father and Lisa, even
Derek was there while they explained every little piece of the puzzle they
knew, and I hated myself for how stupid I was. How much trust I had in
Scout over the years. I felt bad for everything I did to Dax. All of them
actually. Their best friend betrayed them too. But it just brought us all
closer together and made our bond stronger. We’re better friends now than
we ever were before.
“The bell is about to ring,” Lacey tells me, getting my attention.
I nod. “Okay.” Grabbing my bag, I open the back door and step out.
Kids’ eyes immediately land on me, and they gasp. Chatter comes to a stop.
It’s like my first day back all over again. Except this time, there aren’t
four Reapers hanging out by their cars. Now there are only three cars—and
they must already be inside.
Pulling the backpack onto my shoulder, I walk into the main building
with Lacey by my side and a smile on my face.
This time, this place feels like home. Reminds me of the good memories
that you want to remember forever and ready to make new ones. I dressed
up like I used to, wearing a pair of black Louboutin heels, skinny jeans, and
a black and white Balenciaga top. I spent extra time curling my hair and
applying full makeup. I wanted to look as good as I feel.
We come to a stop as Jamie jumps out in front of me. Her watery hazel
eyes go from mine to Lacey. “I’m so sorry.” She licks her lips. “For
everything I did. For …”
“It’s okay, J,” I tell her and then grab Lacey’s hand and walk around her.
Things won’t ever be the same between us, but that doesn’t mean I can’t
forgive her. It’s funny how people change their minds about how they feel
about you when they think you’re missing and possibly dead.
We make our way down the hallway, and I see him. Law is leaning up
against his locker. His right knee bent with his shoe lifted behind him,
resting on it. He’s got both arms crossed over his chest, dressed in a pair of
his designer jeans and a white Graveyard T-shirt that fits so tightly it shows
off everything I know he has to offer. Monroe stands in front of him,
laughing. Rellik and Derek both stand to his left.
Law reaches up and runs a hand down his chin. His pretty-boy face
cracking a mouthwatering smile.
Kids start seeing me, and once again, all conversations come to a stop.
Realizing something is up, he starts looking around to see what the cause is.
And his eyes meet mine.
That smile turns into a devious grin, making my heart pick up speed. He
didn’t know I was going to return today. We hadn’t discussed my first
public appearance. I’ve been hiding since I first came forward to the police,
and it was time to hold my head high and be the strong woman my father
raised me to be.
“Little doll.” His deep voice sends a chill down my spine as he pushes off
his locker and turns to fully face me. His eyes drop to my heels and slowly
work their way up my body, taking me in, running his tongue along his
lower lip before pulling it between his teeth when he sees I’m wearing the
choker he gave me.
I run to him. He bends down and opens his arms for me as I jump into
them. Spinning me around, I grip his face as he grips my ass, and I kiss
him. Passionately. He presses my back into a locker, and my legs tighten
around his waist to hold myself up as his hands cup my face as I open up
for him.
I let him devour me in front of everyone. A total act of submission to a
man who owns me body and soul.
Somewhere along the way, I fell in love with a Reaper—he took my soul
and demanded I beg for freedom. But instead, I let him consume me to the
point of suffocation. Breathing is overrated anyway.

Thank you for taking the time to read MYB. I hope that you enjoyed it.
Want to discuss Make You Beg with other readers? Be sure to join the
spoiler room on Facebook.
Shantel’s Facebook Spoiler Room. Please note that I have one spoiler
room for all books, and you may come across spoilers from book(s) you
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Did you enjoy meeting the Great White Sharks in Make You Beg? If you
haven’t had the chance to read my Dare Series. Continue to read the
prologue of I Dare You: Dare Series Book #1

HAVE YOU EVER been to a funeral where the preacher stands before the
friends and loved ones of the deceased and talks about how shitty the
person was? How he fucked around on his wife? Or spent his family’s life
savings to feed his gambling addiction? How about during his bachelor
party when he snorted coke off a hooker’s ass?
Me neither.
Why is it that we’re fucking saints the moment we die?
You hear the preacher say things like, “Oh, John Smith was a lovely man
who loved his wife and kids,” when he should really be saying, “John
Smith was a worthless piece of shit who fucked the underage babysitter
every chance he fucking got while his wife was busy working two jobs and
raising his ungrateful children.”
And let’s not forget that the deceased in that casket before you never
even went to church. Let alone knew the preacher who speaks so highly of
him. All he knows are the stories the blinded loved ones wrote down on a
little card for him to share.
He’s a fucking puppet.
Now, I haven’t read the Bible word for word, but I know the Lord says if
we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness, he will cleanse our souls, and
we will be forgiven.
Poof. It’s like magic.
That begs the question … what if you’re not sorry? What if you don’t
care to be forgiven?
No amount of holy water could cleanse my soul, and I’m okay with that
because when I sinned, I understood that I would one day have to pay.
We’re all going to die eventually. You can be one of those people who bury
your head in the sand to avoid talking about it all you want, but it’s life!
Live or die.
Heaven or hell.
Angel or devil.
It’s black and white. There are no gray areas.
So tell me … when you’re lying in that casket in front of your friends
and family, what are they going to think of you? Are they going to believe
that preacher who talks bullshit, or are they going to know you didn’t care if
you were going to burn for eternity?
I’m not a religious person. Obviously. But I do know this. When I am
damned to hell, it’ll be because I fucking earned it.

Grab the Dare Series Collection. It includes I Dare You, I Promise You and
If You Dare with an exclusive bonus novella. And is FREE in KU!

Shantel’s Facebook Spoiler Room. Please note that I have one spoiler
room for all books, and you may come across spoilers from book(s) you
have not had the chance to read yet. You must answer both questions in
order to be approved.

Join Shantel Tessier’s mailing list for exclusive material and giveaways:

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First I would like to thank my fabulous assistants, Christina Santos, Lauren

Lesczynski, and Melissa Cunningham. These ladies are amazing. Without
them, I would be lost.

I would like to thank Jenny Sims, my wonderful editor. I’ve been working
with her for seven years now and she’s awesome!

And a big thank you to my betas and proofreaders. Thank you to these
wonderful ladies who took their time to read over my story.

To my cover designer, Tiffany Black at T.E. Designs. Thank you for such a
gorgeous cover. I am in love with it.

A big thank you to my formatter and friend, CP Smith. Thanks so much for
your help! You always make my words look so pretty.

I want to thank my publicist, Sarah Ferguson with Social Butterfly PR. You
are absolutely amazing!

I want to thank my Sinners. A big thank you to my street team, you’re

always there for me helping spread the word. I thank you so much for that.

And last but not least, my readers. Thank you for taking a chance and
wanting to read my books. I hope that you all love them as much as I do.

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