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Speaker’s Notes


MOPs refer to performance measures of a given system that directly relates to mission

objectives. MOPs examine the technical properties of systems that should be analyzed to

ensure consistency of corresponding systems in all options. MOPs are used to represent the

performance of small teams or individuals based on activities that contribute to overall

success of the system. On the other hand, MOEs refer to a measure that characterizes a unit’s

operational effectiveness in achieving set objectives during a mission. These measures

directly relate to mission objectives and offer insight into the level at which objectives will be

best met. Ideally, MOEs provide a wholistic measure of system performance in achieving its


Readiness Goal

One identified goal for organizational readiness in the military is organizing, training

and equipping military forces to accomplish their assigned mission. Organization generally

deals with the ability to arrange military forces into units that are well defined and established

with command structures to accomplish designated tasks. Training deals with providing

instruction and applied exercise to help soldiers acquire and retain necessary knowledge,

skill, attitudes and abilities for completing their tasks. Equipping forces deals with providing

forces with necessary military equipment and products needed to successfully carry out their


(Measures of Performance (MOPs)

MOPs will be used to assess friendly actions that apply to task accomplishments. Ideally,

MOPs will help to answers questions linked to whether a task action was taken, and also if a

task was completed to the right standards. As such, MOPs will help to confirm or deny if a
task was properly executed. MOPs will he used to track progress at all stages of the execution

matrix. Ideally, MOPs will be very useful in evaluating the effectiveness of military training

to enhance readiness.

One way that MOPs will be helpful is by handing soldiers a checklist which they maintain

and use to track task completion. The checklist can either be formal or informal, and provides

MOPs in terms of task status. In operations that comprise a series of collective action in time

sequences, operation cells will use MOPs as the primary tool for battle tracking as it uses

matrices and estimates to track task completion. MOPs will help to enhance focus on the

friendly force and evaluate accomplishment using metrics that provide straightforward

results. For instance, MOPs can help determine if generators are operational and secure at

specific villages, and also if a certain route, say route A, is clear.


Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs) and Indicators) to determine if your organization is

meeting its desired end state.

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