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Ottoman 2010 and M. J. Polonsky 2011: Have studied that a majority of people believe
that green marketing reters soicly to the promotion or advertising of
products with
Ottoman 2015 and M. J. Polonsky 2016: Have studied that a majority of people believe
that green marketing refers soicly to the promotion or advertising of products

Brower and Leon (1999); Have urged the customers to take steps such as driving
Auelefficient, low polluting cars, eating less meat and making their homes energy
feient. Rothe and Benson's (2018): Notion of "intelligent consumption" and Fisk's (2019)
onent of "ecological imperatives" reflect the need to educate the consumer to become
aare of environmental problems and their relation to his/her consumption patterns. Many
helieve that social marketing
social problems.
R. Andreasen, (2013): Can have a major impact on the society's myriad
technology is applied
However. this impact can be seriously compromised if the ever
have more power than
incorrectly orto areas in which is not appropriate. Consumers
(2014) Customer satisfaction and
before The study was done by Schiff man & Karun
performance of the products or
preference is defined as "the individual's perception of the
services in relation to his or her expectations"
agents to locate the best prices for the
Leon G. Schiff man, (2021): Has used intelligent
offerings, bypass distribution outlets and
products or services, bid on various marketing
around the clock from the convenience
middlemen, and shop for goods around the globe and behaviors, in
awareness of the consumers and their
of their homes. To understand about the area of green
depth, study has been done on the various literatures available in the
substantial academic and professional
marketing. From an empirical perspective, a
marketing, consumer behavior and green car
literature explores the areas like sustainable
methodologies of these studies vary widely but
and it response in the marketplace. The above
major findings have been observed to define the research objective The
the also observed that not much
topic and it is
Iiterature reviewgives an in-depth idea on the customer's
the environment friendly car and
Work has been done in India in reference to
behavior with reference to the eco friendly
author stated in his theory that "definitions
Ihe study conducted by Lew is (2022) predicted
transaction (the difference between
cOnsumer satisfaction relate to a specific and
with attitudes', which are more enduring
SerVice and perceived service) in contrast
less situationaloriented."
(2019) Satisfaction can also be a person's
1ne study conducted by Kotler & Keller
from comparing a product's perceived
eelings ofpleasure or disappointment that results The study conducted by Johnson &
Pertormance or outcome with their expectations
(2017) "Cumulative customer satisfaction and preference" 0s an
onthe totalPurchase and
consumption experiences with a product or

was done by Levy (2009) Measuring customer satisfaction and preference

The study difficult at times because it is an It was
attempt to measure human feelings.
could bevery
forthis reason

existing researcher presented that "the simplest way to know how
that some is to ask them" this applied tothe informal measures.
what they want
was conducted by Bill Gaw (2016) Customer satisfaction and
The study Customer
represents a set of business processes touching on
all aspects of the company.
the clichés "getting close to customers"
atisfaction andpreference is a great deal more than variety of
right". Since some companies sell to a
nd the motto "the customer is always close to
customers with varying and even
conflicting desires and needs, the goal of getting We
and the motto that "the customer is always right", are somewhat vague.
the customers, the terms "market driven"
also found no meaningful business philosophy in
phrases interchangeably and have difficulty
"oustomer oriented". Most business gurus use the go
and meaning. Successful business leaders
in defining and communicating their scope and
their selected pustomers with products
hevond these cliches and strive to provide
Customer satisfaction and preference
services under the business philosophy of
preference is
study was conducted by Locke (2014) Customer satisfaction and
The an
resulting from appraisal of one's consumer
defined as a pleasurable, emotional, state Customer
study was done by Weiss (1015)
effective reaction to one's consumer. The
which is the result of many specific
satisfaction and preference is general attitude,
attitudes in three areas namely:3

" Specific consumer


" Individual characteristics

" Group relationship outside the

Customer satisfaction and preference is

The study was done by Blum and Naylor (2018) towards the consumer, towards
person hold
defined, as it is result of yarious attitudes the
the related factors and towards the life in general.
satisfaction and preference is defined
The study conducted byGlimmer (2020) Customer environmental circumstances that
as any contribution, psychological, physical,
my consumer. "Customer satistaction
Cause a person truthfully say, "I am satisfied with
well his consumer on a whole
and preference is defined, as employee's judgment of how
is satisfying his various needs
and preference is
The study was conducted by Mr. Smith (1997) Customer satisfaction
defined as a pleasurable or positive state of mind resulting from appraisal of
Consumer or consumer experiences.

was conducted by Shostack & Manzini (2016) Products are 'tangible objects
The study consumer with
in bothtime and space' describes them as artifacts that supply the
that exist
benefits. noting that production
is usually separated by time and place from consumption.
acts or
3s study was conducted by Hoogerwerf. (2019), Services 'consist solely of
exist in time only they are intangible and. as such, they cannot be
process and interactivity
only be experienced, created or participated in. There is direct
they can consumption is
betwecn supplier and customer. and the process of production and
Automotive Industry: Challenges
Canil Chaturvedi., (2003) in his study entitled" Indian expectations in relation to
said that the rising consumer and community
and Prospects

way for
safety and environment related performance parameters are paving the
quality, driving major technological developments
stringent regulatory standards. These, in turn, are environment, India has major challenge
the emerging
inproduct and process formats. In match.
the world can
swellas advantages few others in
Gupta., (2003) in their study entitled *Indian Car Dealers and
Majumdar and manager's attitudes
car dealers' business, their
Technology reported on the portfolios of the experience they
make their virtual presence and multi-dealerships. A
towards e - Business, actions taken to for
cent of dealers would like to go
have gained in e-Business. 66 per Finance, Car Accessories.
of Car Insurance, Car
majorityof car dealers also sell schemes

place behavior willnaturally follow. Future

technological revolution, changes in market They will
dramatically different from past or even present consumers.
consumers will be intensive and highly
demanding, more time driven, more information
be more
H. S. Sandhu., (2004) in their study entitled "A study on
Mandeep Kaur and the important
buying behavior of passenger car market" attempts to find out
considers while going for the purchase of a new car. It is also
features which acustomer important features of the passenger car
and comfort are the most
perceived that safety manufactures must design the product
followed by luxuriousness. So the
maximum weightage to these factors.
behavior of cars in
(2005) analyzed the consumer markets and buyer
sample was 135 comprising of people who own a car and those
Chennai area. The size of indicated that
upgrade from a two-wheeler to four-wheeler. Results
Who are willing to mid-sized. This makes
consumers expect acar to be luxurious and
J9o of the surveyed also influences a customer's intention to
buy a
and appearance of a car
Clear that the style could also conduct
got substantial market share in the urban areas. It
Car. Hyundai has cater to those markets
shows in rural areas and
SOme campaigns and road
Satva Sundaram.. (2005) in his study entitled "A market survey on new models heating up
war"analyses how the competition makes the automobile manufacturer to launch
the car
one new model or a variant of the mode! every year. He also pointed out that
at least
are becoming popular in India and the announcement of reductions in excise
diesel cars
dutiesby the Government has helpedto boost the demand to some extent.

Majumda. (2005) in his article "Internet experience of Indian customers in passenger

segmnent* assessed the perception, preferences, preparedness and Internet experience
Indian car
customers in making purchase decisions. The data were collected from I176
respondents which include the current and prospective customers of car by structured
interview. The study reveals that customers often do not get enough information
and other such
about the features of various car models, the car's performance, prices, are
important details from the car dealers and makers. Authorized dealers of one company
information about their competitors'
.be least interested party in disclosing any positive
Watch-Light Commercial
Paian and Vijaya.. (2005) in their study entitled Market
that easier and faster mobility
Vehicles: Manifestation of Success and Growth" mentioned
continents is a cherished yearning of
of people andgoods; across the region, countries and commercial vehicles segment
mankind. The automobile industry, pårticularly the light
potential for

passenger and freight movement is

facilitating this mobility with reference to both
globe would have to be powered by this
enormous. Wheels of development across the
of this industry across countries and
industry. However, a seamless development
continents alone willhelp in realization of this
entitled Decision Making: A study of
Vikas Mehra., (2005)xxii in his study concluded that
Buyer's Consideration set in the Small Car Market (Segment B)"
Indian Car manufacturers must
Indian car industry has become highly competitive and the car
the purchase
purchase. The Indian consumer's intended
take note of changing pattern in car small
car models in the Segment B (Zen, Santro and Indica). The lndian
process for three efficiency and
consumer ranks certain parameters (like safety, technology, fuel
car parameter
purchase; his actions can be contrary to his
driving comfort) inmportant forcar beyond
consumer is interested in a bundle of car offerings, which go
selection. Indian those
parameters only. Companies could use this information to develop
Short Iisted car
particular competencies desirable to acar
of the
Khomar Ishak.. (2006) in his article entitled An exploratory study
implementation of customer relationship management by Malaysian
has resuted
distributors.found that the deregulation of the Malaysian automobile industry
market place.
intensified competition with the presence of more players in the
in when there are
many companies trying
Customer relationships become important of Customer
needs and create customer loyalty. The practice
satisfy their customer in Malaysia and this exploratory
pelationship Management (CRM) is relatively new the automobile industry. The
the first to look into this area with regard to
study is one of automobile
concluded that it has indeed proven to be useful to Malaysian customer
study target customers and reaching specific
marketers. especially in identilying the
various customer needs.
segments. besides identifying
satis faction
A.M and Raja K.G.. (2006) in their work entitled "Measuring customer
Curosh the customer
small cars- An empirical study", made an attempt to measure
this study, the customer satisfaction is measured by using
satisfaction with small cars. In sales service,
variableattributes under different dimensions, namely, after - mechanics,
the following of the
understand customer needs, behavior and knowledge
ability to
hours customer care, information about the cars, horse power.
warranty. prompt delivery, 24
steering, technology, fuel capacity, acceleration, easy finance.
engine capacity, power clearance, easy processing and
convenience and accessibility, ground satety
fuel efficiency, maintenance cost, luggage capacity,
price. discount and rebates, availability of
the car, music accessories, engine pickup,
measures. model and color of
spares, cost of labour and and
brand and dealer retention in the nevw car market
Verhoef et al. (2007) investigated study investigated the degree to which
of brand tier. The
also studied the moderating role and also studied how this contribution is
moderated by
dealers contribute to brand recent buyers of cars and sample size was 999
collected from brand
brand tier. The data was volume brands were able to improve
dealers selling
buyers. Findings showed that dealers of prestige and economy brands
were unable
revealed that for dealers
retention rates. It was also service quality has the smallest affect
Extrinsic dealer determinant
to affect brand retention. payment equity is themost important
while dealer
selling economy brands, dealers
for dealer retention for these
(2007) explored the consequences of recent advances in adaptive learning
fortheanalysis of consumer behavior. Two different models were compared namely
reinforcement learning and belief based learning. It was stated that familiarity with an
brand will make the establishment of an altenative difficult. even if it is of
existing enforcement
higherquality. atleast under price competition. It was conchuded that under re
consumer can become locked into the habit of purchasing inferior goods and in
beliefbased learning rules must lead asymptotically to correct beliefs about the
ofthetwo brands and soin thisScase, there is a unique steady state.
Turrentine and Kurani (2007) tried to provide researchers and policy makers to ground
respect to automobile
their workinthe reality of how consumers think and behave with
Data was collected during 2003-04 over atwelve month period. Data was
fuel economy. to households
collectedin the form of interview. The first step of interview was to listen
pastvehicles and purchases then in the second step, information regarding recent
talk about purchhases and then
purchase is taken and third was to listen about fuel economy and
enquiredabout their next vehicle purchase
"Optimal taxation of
RrnoDe Borger and Inge Mayeres., (2007) in their study entitled
from a discrete choice
ar ownership, car use and public transport: Insights derived
for diesel and
numerical optimization model" accomplished that the current tax structure
with higher annual fixed
n9soline cars, i.e., lower variable taxes on diesel use combined
on the basis of external cost
taxes on diesel car ownership, cannot be justified
be useful
considerations. The differentiation in annual fixed ownership taxes on cars may
political or technical reasons,
in capturing externality differences between car types if, for
variable user taxes cannot be optimallyadjusted.
Santro LPG" concluded
study by Vehicle industry (2008) entitled "Hyundai unveils
they constantly strive
that innovation has always been the driving force at Hyundai and
With rising crude off
to bring products with advanced technology and better fuel options.
customers along with
prices, Santro LPG will provide a more economical option for
environment-friendly benefits. For the launch of a frontline product such as the
stage to reiterate
LPG, there could be no betterplat form than the Auto Expo, an international
their commitment to bring out better products time and again.

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