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TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Teacher’s Name : Thesa Elysabhet Flora Mularia, S. Pd

Year Level :1
Subjects : Mathematics
Topic / Theme : My Activities / 3
Sub theme : Daytime Activities / 2
Time allocation : 1 hour
Day : Monday & Wednesday


K. I. 1 Spiritual
Appreciate and understand the teachings of religion that embraced it.

K. I. 2 Social
Show behavior honest disciplined responsibility, care, tolerant, communal, well-mannered, confident in interact effectively with
social environtment and nature in the reach of promiscuity and its existence.

K. I. 3 Cognitive
To understand the knowledge of the factual by the way observe or hear, see, read and ask questions based on curiosity about
himself the creature of God’s creation and it’s activities, objects that are encountered at home and at school.

K. I. 4 Skill
Present knowledge factual in clear language and logically in the work of the aesthetic in a movement that reflects the healthy
children and in actions that reflect the behaviour of the child of faith and noble.


KD. 3.5
Recognizing number patterns related to a collection of objects/images/movements or others

KD 4.5
Predict and create number patterns related to a collection of objects/images/movements or others
TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa
Year Level : 1 SD Subject: Mathematics

Cognitive - Students are able to recognize the names of the numbers 11-20 by doing addition
Skill - Students are able to recognize the place value of units and tens in numbers 11 - 20
ABCD format

GOD BIG STORY - Creation : God created all well according to His will
Creation - Fall: Humans do not obey the rules that have been made by Allah and eat the forbidden fruit.
Redemption - Redemption: Humans should live in good rules.
Restoration - Restoration: GoGod expects humans to use their minds well according to their needsd hopes
that humans can live within the rules of others

Activity Procedure Materials Time

Attention-getting 1. Students do a morning devotion before starting the lesson
Purpose of lesson - Book
2. The teacher greets students and tells the learning topic
Transfer (links with knowledge) - Google 10
3. Students read the topic
Motivation for learning Site
Check for Understanding 4. Students understanding about the topic after looking the topic.

Explain Information
Use concrete Examples (& non)
Check for Understanding

Multiple Tick
Intelligences √
Logic smart √ 1. Students are able get new knowledge from the lesson.
Picture smart √ 2. Students are able practice to make a good activities from the
Words smart √ lesson. - Google site
Body smart 3. Students more know about lesson.
Music smart 4. Students follow the good activities from the lesson.
Nature smart
People smart


Assessment related to the Learning
Overt Behaviour (ie active)
Practice without Penalty Ayo Membuat Bilangan!!!
Check for Understanding
4C (Communication, Collaboration, 1. 12 = … + ….
Critical Thinking and problem solving, 2. 12 = … + ….
3. 15 = … + …..
4. 15 = … + ….
Day 2
Silahkan tentukan jumlah benda yang puluhan dan satuan !

Statement of the Learning from Students
- Students work on assignments in notebooks then the teacher gives an
Knowledge of Results for Teacher - 10
Another Check for Understanding assessment of student assignments

INDEPENDENT PRACTICE - To make students will be confident.

- More diligent and more good character.
Readiness -
Kinds and Levels - To be brave
Time and Feedback

- More independent and confident
Teacher (use back of sheet)
- More active to do the best activities from the lesson.
Student (use back of sheet)

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