WEEK 8 (Value Judgement)

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SCHOOL: Congressman Ramon A.

Arnaldo High School LEVEL:
TEACHER: Desian B. Roquero LEARNING Englis

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-
American literature and other text types serve as means of preserving
unchanging values in a changing world; how to use the features of a
full-length play, tense consistency, modals, active and passive
constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable him/her
competently performs in a full-length play.

B. Performance Standard The learner competently performs in a full-length play through

applying effective and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based
on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and Dramatic

C. Learning Competency/ React to Lay Value Judgement on Critical Issues that Demand
Objective: Sound Analysis and Call for Prompt Action
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

a. define value judgement;

b. differentiate personal judgement and moral judgement;
c. reflect what value judgement is through watching a video
clip entitled “Kindness Boomerang”; and
d. perform differentiated tasks.

II. CONTENT Giving Value Judgement on Critical Issues

A. References 1. Most Essential learning Competency (MELCS)
1.) Teacher’s Guide pages
2.) Learner’ Materials Pages
3.) Additional Materials from Life Vest Inside (2012)- Kindness Boomerang (2012)- "One Day”.
Learning Resource (LR) Retrieved from https://youtu.be/nwAYpLVyeFU?si=JWtPQcQ-
portal ilp3i0bY
Other Learning Resource

III. Procedure
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or The teacher will have a quick review of the previous lesson.
Presenting the New Lesson
Arrange the examples of different issues based on
whether they belong to social issues, moral issues, or economic

Social Moral Economic


Poverty Prostitution Inflation Homelessness

Emerging markets Overpopulation Extra Marital Affairs

B. Establishing Purpose of the Most Essential Learning Competency

Lesson  React to Lay Value Judgement on Critical Issues that Demand
Sound Analysis and Call for Prompt Action

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
a. define value judgement;
b. differentiate personal judgement and moral judgement;
c. reflect what value judgement is through watching a video clip
entitled “Kindness Boomerang”; and
d. perform differentiated tasks.

This time the students will watch and listen to a short video clip
entitled “Kindness Boomerang”.

What is the highest rank for you?

What makes that object important?
What is the highest rank for you?
What makes that object important?

Reference: https://youtu.be/nwAYpLVyeFU?si=JWtPQcQ-ilp3i0bY

What is the highest rank for you?

What makes that object important
C. Presenting Examples/Instances
of the Lesson

Directions: Below are lists of pictures that you need to rank
according to their value, preference, or importance to you. 1 is the
highest and 5 is the lowest.
Lesson Proper

__________ _________ ________ _________ _________

2. What is the highest rank for you?

What makes that o
D. Discussing New Concepts and
Practicing New Skill #1


Alue judgement is our perception of what is important

Value Judgement is our perception of what is important or

valuable, right or wrong, good or bad.

When you give value judgement, you give your opinion based
on what matters to you.


1. Some people are in favor of divorce, because they have their

reasons. However, the Christian Church strongly do not favor divorce.

2. Seventh-Day Adventists refrain from eating pork because they

believe it is unclean.

3.The government should improve access to education.

E. Discussing New Concepts and
Practicing New Skill #2 There are two types of Value Judgement

1) Personal Judgement

This type of value judgement refers to your own personal taste

or preference. You simply base your judgement on how you like or
dislike an object, place or event. In stating personal taste, you may use
the words: like, prefer, hate, dislike.

1. I like milk tea.
2. I prefer GMA News over ABS-CBN News.
3. I hate spicy food.

(These statements are based on personal taste or preference. Others

may prefer the other depending on their own personal taste or
preference. This may vary from person to person. Therefore, respect
must be given.)

2) Moral Judgement

This type of value judgment refers to how we see human

behavior or values as good or bad, wrong or right. This is now base on
your value system. How values are instilled and inculcated in you by
your family, culture or society. However, each individual comes with
their own set of values and it may not be totally the same for all
because we have different backgrounds. This maybe stated as an advice
or obligation by using modals such as should, must, have to.

1. You should obey your parents.
2. We must respect our elders.
3. We have to be kind to each other.

Moral judgement can also be stated by giving your belief

about a certain issue.

Example: Cheating during exam is wrong.

(This statement asserts the person’s moral judgement relating to the

cheating behavior as wrong. The person sees cheating as wrong
because it is against the values that was taught to him or her. It could
be that the person values honesty, fairness and etc.)

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to

Formative Assessment) ACTIVITY: TRY IT!


Give the 1 similarity and 2 differences of the two types of value

judgement. Write your answer in the diagram.

Differences Similarity Differences

G. Finding Practical Applications

of Concepts and Skills in Daily ACTIVITY:
The class will be divided into three groups and each group will
answer/ perform the given task.

Group 1
Give your value judgement to the issue, “Is helping the
parents still an obligation or not?” through a short role play. You can
choose 3-5 members to represent your group.

Your role play will be graded based on these criteria:

Relevance - 60%
Characterization- 30%
Cooperation- 10%
TOTAL= 100%
Group 2
Give your value judgement to the issue, “Is helping the
parents still an obligation or not?” through reading your answer in
the front and pretend like you are Ms. Charo. You must choose one of
your members to deliver your answer and represent your group.

Your letter will be graded based on these criteria:

Content- 40%
Technicalities (format and grammar)- 30%
Characterization - 20%
Cooperation- 10%
TOTAL= 100%

Group 3
Give your value judgement to the issue, “Is helping the
parents still an obligation or not?” through delivering your answer in
the front like you are joining in a pageant. You must start your answer
with “I believe…”. One member will serve as the host and will read
the question, and the rest will serve as the contestants.

Your performance will be graded based on these criteria:

Content- 60%
Delivery- 30%
Cooperation- 10%
TOTAL= 100%

H. Making Generalizations and  What is value judgement?

Abstractions about the Lesson  What are the two types of value judgement?
 Why do you think we should respect other people’s values?
I. Evaluating Learning SHORT QUIZ
Direction: Read each item carefully and write the letter of the correct

“ CHEATING is EASY… try something more CHALLENGING…

like being HONEST”

1. ______is our perception of what is important or valuable, right or

wrong, good or bad.
a. value judgement
b. critical issue
c. moral judgement
d. personal judgement

2. _______ issues include social, moral, and economic issues affecting

the lives of people within the society.
a. value judgement
b. critical issue
c. moral judgement
d. personal judgement

3. This type of value judgement refers to your own personal taste or

a. value judgement
b. critical issue
c. moral judgement
d. personal judgement

4. This type of value judgment refers to how we see human behavior or

values as good or bad, wrong or right.
a. value judgement
b. critical issue
c. moral judgement
d. personal judgement

5. This can also mean a disagreement.

a. judgement
b. values
c. issue
d. moral judgement

For No. 5-10. Identify if the statement refers to a personal judgement

or moral judgement.
6. I obey my parents not out of fear but because I respect them.
7. I like Cara more than Claire even though they are twins.
8. In the Philippines, gender bias is not just a woman’s issue but also
of men.
9. Abortion is not an option but a sin.
10. Online shopping is okay but I still prefer going to malls.

Answer Key:
1. a 6. Moral Judgement
2. b 7. Personal Judgement
3. d 8. Moral Judgement
4. c 9. Moral Judgement
J. Additional Activities for
Application or Remediation 5. a 10. Personal Judgement

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment.

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did it work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: DESIAN B. ROQUERO



Teacher III-Critic Teacher

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