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Compare and Contrast Two Stories

The Grasshopper and the Ant

In a field one summer’s day, a grasshopper was relaxing, eating
as much luscious, green grass as he could. When his stomach was
full, he began to play some beautiful, cheerful music. He hopped
about, playing happily.

Slowly, a minute ant passed him by, cheerfully carrying an

enormous ear of corn. “Why not come and sing with me?” called
the grasshopper. “No,” replied the ant. “I am busy collecting food
to prepare for the winter as I want my family to be well cared for.
It is worth sacrificing some fun today for the good of my family
later on. I recommend that you do the same for your own good.”

“Why bother about winter?” inquired the grasshopper. “We have

plenty of food and it is a beautiful sunny day; too beautiful to
waste on work!” But the ant shook his head in disapproval and
went on his way. The hardworking ant continued with his work
all day, walking slowly past the grasshopper with his corn. “What
a silly ant!” said the lazy grasshopper. “He should worry about
winter when it is winter!”

When winter finally came and the snow was on the ground, the
grasshopper had absolutely no food. The ant and his family had
an abundance to eat from the stores of grain he had collected in
the summer. “Please can I have some of your food?” begged the
grasshopper. “You can spare a little bit of corn.” “No!” shouted the
ant. “You said I was silly!”

So, the grasshopper was hungry all winter, yearning for food
and regretting that he ignored the ant. He learned a lesson
about preparation the hard way. Work hard today to get ready
for tomorrow.

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Compare and Contrast Two Stories

The Farmer and His Sons

There was once an old, dying farmer who had worked hard all
his life. Before he died, he wanted to teach his three sons how
to be good farmers. So, he called them to him and said, “My
boys, before I die, I want you to know that there is an incredible
treasure buried in my land. Promise me that you will look for it
when I am dead.”

The sons promised solemnly. As soon as their father had died,

they began looking for the treasure. As they

were working, they wondered what their father had left for them.
“We will soon be rich!” they exclaimed with glee. Soon, they had
dug up every inch of land. Unfortunately, they found not a single
penny and were terribly upset. They felt that all of their hard
work had been for nothing.

However, to their amazement, crops began to grow, and the

harvest was plentiful. Finally, the brothers made a lot of money
and became wealthy. Now they understood what their father had
meant by the great treasure. They lived happily ever after and
continued to work hard.

Hard work brings its own reward.

Compare and Contrast Questions

1. The story has a moral at the end.
The Grasshopper and the Ant
The Farmer and His Sons

2. The main characters are human.

The Grasshopper and the Ant
The Farmer and His Sons

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Compare and Contrast Two Stories

3. The main characters are mean to each other.

The Grasshopper and the Ant
The Farmer and His Sons

4. The story takes place on a farm.

The Grasshopper and the Ant
The Farmer and His Sons

5. The season of the setting is given.

The Grasshopper and the Ant
The Farmer and His Sons

6. The story addressed the issue of working.

The Grasshopper and the Ant
The Farmer and His Sons

7. The story ended well for all of the characters.

The Grasshopper and the Ant
The Farmer and His Sons

8. Write one detail that is similar between the two stories.

They include the place they will take part in.

9. Write one detail that is different between the two stories.

The first story is about animals and the second
story is about human.

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