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Department of Computer Science and Mathematics

Subject Area: Computer Science
Module Name: Artificial Intelligence
Module Code: HCS214

Instructor Contact Details:

Lecturer: Ms M. Magoso
Phone: 0772640652

Module Description
This course introduces students to the basic knowledge representation, problem solving and
learning methods of Artificial Intelligence. Upon completion, students should be able to
develop intelligent systems by assembling solutions to concrete computational problems,
understand the role of knowledge representation, problem solving, and learning in intelligent-
system engineering and appreciate the role of problem solving, vision and language in
understanding human intelligence from a computational perspective.


1. Introduction to AI
Principles and developments in AI
Brief History of AI
Advantages & disadvantages of A.I in society

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2. Intelligent Agents Systems (Tinotenda Maphosa, Grace and Pardon Toda )
 Basic principles
 Agent life cycle
 Types of agents
 Agent classes
 Agent environments
 Domestic agents
 Agent systems in business

3. Problem Solving: Search Algorithms and heuristics (Courtey Dzere, Theodere

 Uninformed Search
 Informed Search

4. Knowledge and Reasoning (David Murau, Tapiwa Bhasera)

- Agents that reason logically – prepositional logic
a) Using first-order logic
b) Inference in first-order logic

5. Overview of Expert Systems (Takura Sithole, Passion Joni)


6. Knowledge Representation (Ruvarashe Machongoya, Sinyole Sinyolo)

 Rules
 Frames
 Cases
 Semantic Nets

7. Rule Based Systems (Tariro Ngara, Gibson)

 Forward Chaining
 Backward Chaining

8. Reasoning under Uncertainty (Blessing Chizana, Mitchel Gurenje)

 Uncertainty
 Errors (types of)
 Uncertainty in Inference Chains

9. Design of Expert Systems ( Blessed Matavire, Dunmore Chinevhu)

 Stages in the development
 Errors in Expert system development
 Expert system life cycle

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10. Advanced Topics in AI (Tapiwa Mashaya, Lisias Kunaka) topic 1&2
Machine Learning
Reinforcement learning
Natural Language Processing
The role of AI in ZIMASSET 1
AI & Global Climate Change
The role of AI in Wearable Technologies
The Societal & Ethical impact of A.I, Expert Systems & Robotics 2
How A.I can enhance teaching & learning in Zimbabwean Universities

Continuous Assessment 40%
Final Examination 60%
Assessment Task Due date Overall weighting of task
for course mark
Assignment 1 20 March 2024 15
Presentations T.B.A. 10
Test From 1-5 April 2024 15

Reference books

 S. J. Russell and P. Norvig Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Prentice-

 Alison Cawsey 1998 The Essence of Artificial Intelligence Prentice Hall
 Phil Mars, J.R. Chen and R.Nambiar. Learning Algorithms: Theory and applications
in signal processing, control and communications. CRC press New York
 Stuart Russell Peter Norvig Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (2nd Edition)
W F B Jones, Artificial Intelligence I []

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