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Nowadays, with the rapid development of technology, technological devices

such as computer have dramatically changed human's society and been widely
used for many purposes in our life. Many people argue that not only adults but
also children should be allowed to use computer from the early age. However, I
totally disagree with this belief due to these following reasons.

First of all, young people can easily addict to computer, which is a serious
problem of modern society. Most of the youths are lack of self-discipline skill
and unable to organize time reasonably for both recreation and studying while
games and online content are designed to attract people as much as possible. As
a result, a growing number of children are computer addicts and rely too much
on laptop to connect to others or entertain and that discourage them from
outdoor activities and social contact and leads to loneliness, depressing, or poor
physical health and upheaval mental health as well.

On the other hand, using computer without limitations and interacting with
unapproriate contents distract children from studying and negatively affect
them. Many unaware students using their laptop browsing social media or
playing games rather than revising lessons. Yet they have no worries about
exam or assignments because of the help of technology, various websites and
apps allow them to find for help. There are also a number of violent games and
websites that have negative impacts to children’s awareness. For instance,
many cases of violent reaction and murdering relate to computers games that
murderrer consider killing someone is as commonplace as games.

In conclusion, it is undeniable benefits of computers but youth should not be

promoted to use it early,especially without supervising of adults. However,
children can still take advantage of technological devices within limits by
some solutions such as: installing phone using counting apps, improving
children awareness of using smartphone positively, creating more playground
and outdoor activities,…By all these ways, not only computers but also other
technology innovation and its negative effects won’t be trouble in digital era
anymore and children can be developed fully in both physical and mental

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