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Chapter II


This chapter conferred several literatures, studies,

theories, and principles conducted and proposed by various

researchers in the Philippines and abroad regarding the

topic under study. This chapter contains a review of related

literature and studies to the present study. It includes the

synthesis of the state of the art, a gap that will be

bridged by the study, conceptual paradigm, and theoretical

paradigm which will contribute to fully understanding the

researchers’ study.

Related Literature
The word "biofuels" often refers to liquid fuels and

blending components derived from biomass materials known as

feedstocks. The majority of biofuels are utilized as

transportation fuels; however, they can also be used for

heating and power generation.

According to U.S. Energy Information Administration

(2022), since the early 1980s, US biofuel production and

consumption have increased due to government policies

promoting and requiring biofuels. The Volumetric Ethanol

Excise Tax Credit from 2005 to 2011 significantly increased


ethanol consumption. In 2021, the US produced 17.5 billion

gallons of biofuels and consumed 16.8 billion gallons, with

fuel ethanol accounting for the largest share of gross and

net exports.1 Biofuel usage is expanding over the world;

therefore, considering ways to preserve a more

environmentally friendly and economical source of biofuel

could have a big impact on the entire country.

The global increase in industrialization and

modernization has led to a surge in demand for petroleum-

based fuels. This has prompted the development of

alternative renewable energy solutions. According to Joshi,

et al., (2017), India, the world's fourth-largest energy

consumer, has launched one of the world's largest

alternative energy initiatives, including solar, wind,

hydro, and biomass energy. Biomass-based energy has been

identified as the most viable alternative to petroleum fuel.

In India biomass-derived liquid biofuel has emerged as

the primary alternative energy source to meet its petroleum

fuel demand.2 This article focuses on the viability and

issues associated with liquid biofuel production

technologies and the associated obstacles and restrictions

in India's effective commercialization to meet India's

energy needs. Thus, considering how to support the high


demand for renewable energy alternatives, such as biofuel,

could benefit the public in a more reasonable way.

The fast depletion of fossil fuels, environmental

deterioration, and industrialization have increased the need

for and supply of sustainable fuel alternatives. However,

according to Maliha and Hijleh (2022), the global proportion

of these biofuels has recently been insufficient, owing in

part to the ongoing global pandemic.3 In response to this

problem, which is to provide or enhance the need for

sustainable fuel alternatives, the researchers intend to

develop a biofuel using filamentous algae.

As an alternative energy resource, an endeavor has been

launched to produce various solid, liquid, and gaseous

biofuels. Nevertheless, it is stated in the article

published by Behera, et al., (2015), that algal biomass has

been researched for the use of economic conversion

techniques to produce various biofuels such as biodiesel,

bioethanol, biogas, biohydrogen, and other important

byproducts.4 As a result, in order to strongly prove this,

the researchers will test the filamentous algae to see if it

could perhaps generate biofuel.

Liquid fossil fuels are seen as unsustainable and are

expected to decrease by mid-century due to environmental


degradation and greenhouse gas emissions. Otherwise, as

claimed by Alam, et al., (2015), biofuels derived from

plants, animals, or algae products could reduce reliance on

fossil fuels and contribute to a healthy global ecosystem. 5

Correspondingly, to support this claim, the researchers

would like to conduct a biofuel that will contribute to a

healthy global ecosystem to avoid the problems caused by

high demand for energy production. Hence, producing an

alternative biofuel could imply a more positive impact to

the people and community for it could reduce undesirable

aspects of fossil fuel production and use.

Biomass energy includes biogas, liquid biofuels like

biodiesel, ethanol, methanol, butanol, and solid biofuels

like wood. These biofuels can be burned directly but must be

converted before use. The most straightforward method is to

ferment sugar or fat-rich crops into ethanol, which can be

blended with gasoline to power cars. In the article launched

by The US Department of Agriculture (n.d.), in the

Northwest, oilseed crops like canola or sunflowers are used

to make biofuels.6 Hence, the researchers intend to develop

biofuel using filamentous algae to provide a more renewable,

sustainable, and environmentally friendly biofuel.


Algae are biofuel resources that can be farmed on non-

arable land utilizing saltwater or brackish water. According

to the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (n.d.), it is

stated by the Department of Energy algae have the potential

to provide at least 30 times more energy than land-based

crops currently used to produce biofuels.7 As such, algae is

accessible wherever you go because it lives everywhere. This

will make it easier for researchers to use it as a primary

component in the production of biofuel.

Algae are a promising source of sustainable biofuels

for renewable energy, as they can metabolize waste streams

like municipal wastewater and industrial flue gas, producing

products like biodiesel, carbohydrates, and proteins.

According to Menetrez (2012), genetically modified algae can

be used for process optimization, but concerns remain about

human exposure to toxins, allergies, and carcinogens, as

well as the environmental impact of GMOs. Despite these

concerns, algae remain a promising source of sustainable

biofuels in the future.8 With the numerous stated uses or

benefits of algae, the researchers would like to see if it

could possibly turn out to be a source of biofuel.

Additionally, Kouhgardi, et al., (2022), stated that

brown algae absorb more CO2 and store more carbon in their

biomass than many other algae species. Depletion of fossil

fuel resources, greenhouse gas emissions, climate change,

and the future of human food security have prompted

scientists and governments to explore safer and more

sustainable energy alternatives. Brown algae have received

the greatest attention in North American countries in order

to provide a diverse range of products and biomass for

biorefinery.9 As a result of these findings, the researchers

will investigate the filamentous type of algae to see if it

has the potential to be a biofuel that provides a safer and

more sustainable energy source.

Furthermore, in the opinion of Liu et al., (2020),

wastewater treatment with algae is a potential method for

removing polluting pollutants and converting them into

valuable products. Monocultures of filamentous algae are

easier to harvest than microalgae and have better control

over biomass quality than polyculture systems like algal

carpet scrubbers.10

This article compiles and critically analyzes

wastewater treatment utilizing freshwater filamentous algae.

As a result, to minimize the barrier that the algae pose to

the population, the researchers executed a study that would


enhance the environment and avoid pollution and other bad

effects that the algae may have.

The Malampaya gas reserves, which produce 30% of

Luzon’s energy consumption, are predicted to be drained by

2024, putting the Philippines in the grip of an energy

catastrophe. According to the International Trade

Administration (n.d.), an ever-increasing population, an

administration-mandated infrastructure boom, and some of

Southeast Asia’s highest electrical costs all combine to

provide serious challenges.11 With the present situation

that the Philippines is facing, it is true that energy-

related issues are one of the most challenging dilemmas that

the country is trying to solve to provide people with an

adequate and efficient supply of energy to ensure the

quality of life.

Fossil fuels, often known as conventional fuels, are

the primary sources of non-renewable energy, with losses

that cannot be sustained for long periods of time. According

to the 2019 global statistical review of world energy, there

is a 0.5% increase in carbon dioxide emissions and a 1.3%

increase in primary energy consumption worldwide.12 In

current times, increasing industrialization and energy

demand have had a significant negative impact on the


environment, resulting in a 0.5% increase in CO2 emissions

and a 1.3% increase in primary energy consumption. The use

of conventional fuels contributes significantly to numerous

types of pollution, particularly in the air and water.

Thus, the utilization of fossil fuels is not the best option

as it can cause several negative impacts that can harm human

health and generate toxic emissions that can drive climate


In accordance with this, the Philippine Republic Act

(RA) No. 9637, or the Biofuels Act of 2006, is implemented

in the country. According to the Official Gazette of the

Republic of the Philippines (2007), this act declared the

policy of the state to reduce dependence on imported fuels

with due regard to the protection of public health, the

environment, and natural ecosystems consistent with the

country’s sustainable economic growth that would expand

opportunities for livelihood by mandating the use of

biofuels as a measure to: a) develop and utilize indigenous

renewable and sustainably-sourced clean energy sources to

reduce dependence on imported oil; b) mitigate toxic and

greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; c) increase rural employment

and income; and d) ensure the availability of alternative

and renewable clean energy without any detriment to the

natural ecosystem, biodiversity and food reserves of the


country.14 This data consolidated the conduct of the present

study. Hence, the researchers aim to produce a product that

will be in accordance with the objectives of the Biofuel Act

of 2006.

Moreover, the Department of Energy (n.d.) states that

the Philippines’ sustainable energy agenda revolves around

the development and best use of the nation’s renewable

energy resources.15 In addition to that the Department of

Energy (DOE) Assistant Secretary Leonido J. Pulido III also

stated in his presentation on the implementation of RA No.

9637, or the Biofuels Act of 2006, that the DOE’s top

priority is to develop policies that will assist the

Philippines in achieving energy security, self-sufficiency,

and independence. Therefore, boosting the percentage of

biofuels in the energy mix is one approach to do this, since

it would lessen the nation’s reliance on imported fossil

fuels, improve environmental quality, and open prospects for

socioeconomic growth in rural areas.16

Furthermore, Legasto (n.d.) reports that the

Philippines has an abundance of water resources. One of

these aquatic goods is seaweed, which may be found in

lagoons and reed beds around the country. The country is one

of the few in the world that has pioneered large-scale


cultivation of these plants.17 According to the

Biotechnology Industry Organization (n.d.), the Department

of Energy also reports that algae have the potential to

yield at least 30 times more energy than land-based crops

currently used to produce biofuels.18 With these, the

present researchers have seen the potential of filamentous

algae, a brown type of algae that is widely available in the

local community, to be utilized and converted into biofuel.

The utilization of this raw material will not only solve

problems related to a lack of energy supply in the community

but will also address issues regarding the growth of this

algae in farm fields and other areas where this has caused

hindrance to some daily processes.

Nevertheless, according to Jeswani, et al., (2020),

biofuels are being promoted as a low-carbon alternative to

fossil fuels as they could help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)

emissions and the related climate change impact from

transport.19 Also, according to the Food and Agriculture

Organization (n.d.), as markets for biofuels and mandatory

blending requirements are established through legislation,

private sector investments in production and infrastructure

support facilities for biofuels are expected to jumpstart,

thereby increasing economic activity in the country and, in

particular, boosting rural employment.20 Hence, the


production of filamentous algae as biofuel is seen by

researchers as a great solution to the problems caused by

the usage of fossil fuels. Thus, this research study aims to

produce more renewable and sustainable energy, which will

sustain the drive towards energy security and improve access

to clean energy.

Related Studies

Nowadays, all other alternatives for the source of

electricity whether renewable or through fossil fuels, do

not sustain enough energy for the whole population to be

used day by day. The excessive use of fossil fuel and

nuclear plants that are commonly used to produce electricity

causes many environmental issues, so it would be great if

this could be substituted with renewable ones. Several

studies assessed the use of algae as a potential alternative

source of biofuel for electricity generation.

The study for the implications of early algal bloom

management assessed that the early occurrence of algae can

hinder rice (seedling) growth, especially in water-seeded

rice systems. Before the rice seeds are even dispersed, an

algae mat begins to form in the flooded field, which may

interfere with the establishment of the rice seedlings. In

the end, algae mats can lower rice yield by trapping or


uprooting rice seedlings or, in the case of thick, massive

mats, obstructing the rice seedlings' ability to emerge

through the mat.21 This means that excessive growth of algae

can bring various disadvantages and may result in it being

an environmental waste if it continues to be neglected and

will not be used for any good course.

A study by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

(NTU Singapore) scientists showed how encasing algae protein

in liquid droplets can dramatically enhance the algae’s

light-harvesting and energy-conversion properties by up to

three times. The process of photosynthesis in the algae

produces this energy. Artificial photosynthesis has the

potential to be a sustainable alternative to non-renewable

energy sources like fossil fuels and natural gas by

imitating how plants use sunlight to produce energy.22

Moreover, the latest study conducted by Dr. Ivan

Spasojevic, who was joined by a psychologist and an engineer

in the making of a Liquid tree nicknamed LIQUID 3 as an

urban photobioreactor explored the usage of algae


In this study, A fermenter tank used to cultivate

microorganisms that use light energy for photosynthesis is

called a photobioreactor. The microalgae in this tank are


suspended in 600 liters of water. These microalgae absorb

CO2 from their environment and use photosynthesis to convert

it into pure oxygen. The LIQUID 3 is a multipurpose gadget

that functions as a night-lit seat and a smartphone

charger.23 This study demonstrated that algae have the

potential to sustain enough energy to produce electricity

for the community.

Dr. Ivan Spasojevic, Ph.D. in Biophysical sciences, and

one of the authors on the project from the Institute for

Multidisciplinary Research at the University of Belgrade

developed an innovative tool for reducing greenhouse gas

emissions and improving air quality: the liquid tree. This

study is Serbia’s first urban photo-bioreactor, a solution

in the fight for clean air. Dr. Ivan Spasojevic explained

that the Institute employed single-celled freshwater algae,

which can thrive in tap water, are robust to extremes in

temperature, and may be found in Serbian ponds and lakes.

The goal of this project is to increase the usage of

microalgae in Serbia as they have numerous applications,

including the treatment of wastewater, the creation of

biomass and biofuels, compost for green spaces, and air

cleaning from factory exhaust fumes.24


Conversely, Advances in Biofuels Production,

Optimization and Applications, by Antonis A. Zorpas,

(2023), delves into the optimization of several biofuel

processes, including chemical, biochemical, thermochemical,

and hydrothermal ones. The study fills the gap between the

advancement of technology and the possibility of

commercialization by emphasizing applications

which include those in the transportation sector and for

residential and commercial boilers.25 Hence, this study will

serve as a methodical reference on the variety of biomass

conversion technologies and techniques used in the

manufacturing of biofuels for researchers, engineers, and

students interested in chemical engineering, biotechnology,

renewable energy, and the manufacture of biofuels.

Furthermore, the study about microalgal feedstock for

biofuel production concluded that Algae is a potential

feedstock in the production of biodiesel fuel. The dried

mass's oil outputs varied from 3% to 6% by weight. Biodiesel

fuel was produced via transesterification of this oil. It

has been shown that filamentous macroalgae can be grown for

use as a feedstock for biodiesel. They have several benefits

of their own, including the capacity to extract nitrogen and


phosphorus from wastewater, ease of harvesting, and

resilience to nearby aquatic grazers and rival species.26

The study of Kristian Spilling (2020), offers a

thorough summary of the several approaches to producing

algae as well as the methods for initiating algal

cultivation, tracking algal growth, assessing the effects of

growing algae on the environment, and various methods for

characterizing the biomass. It covers a wide range of

subjects, including detailed directions on how to isolate

and cultivate algae, explain how to use fluorescence to

estimate algal biomass and lipid content, and provide

guidance on employing sophisticated methods to ascertain the

lipids and carbs in algal biomass.27 Given the content of

this study, the researchers will have a credible reference

in conducting the research experiment.

The latest study conducted at Cambridge University

stated that in recent years, in addition to synthetic

photovoltaic devices, photovoltaics (BPVs, also known as

biological solar cells) have emerged as an environmentally

friendly and low-cost approach to harvesting solar energy

and converting it into electrical current. These solar cells

transform light into electrical current, which may be

utilized to generate power, by taking advantage of the


photosynthetic abilities of microorganisms like algae.

Additionally, the local community might generate BPVs

directly, unlike semiconductor-based synthetic

photovoltaics, which are often made in specialized

facilities distant from their intended purpose.28 This means

that algae can be a potential alternative source for

electricity generation through its capability to

photosynthesize alone.

Similarly, according to Panagoda et al. (2023),

photovoltaic (PV) technology has advanced significantly,

revolutionizing solar energy generation. The lecture opens

with an overview of PV technology, including its function in

solar energy generating. The paper investigates upcoming PV

technologies such as perovskite, tandem, and organic solar

cells, analyzing their potential benefits, problems, and

advancements in terms of efficiency, stability, and

scalability. The integration of energy storage technologies

with solar PV systems is discussed, with a focus on advances

in batteries and energy management systems. Solar tracking

systems and concentrator technologies are evaluated for

their effectiveness in maximizing solar energy capture.

Environmental factors spanning production, operation, and

disposal of PV systems are investigated, along with efforts

to offset their consequences through recycling activities.


Environmental considerations for PV system manufacturing,

operation, and disposal are addressed as well as efforts to

mitigate their effects through recycling initiatives and

eco-friendly materials. This comprehensive overview

illuminates the progress made and the potential of PV

technology to shape the future of solar energy generation.29

Similar to the researchers' current study, this addresses

the demand for energy, particularly electrical energy, which

keeps increasing.

According to a study conducted by Abishek et al.

(2014), nonrenewable fuels such as petroleum have been

utilized for centuries and are becoming more popular by the

day. This also contributes to increased greenhouse gas

emissions, which contribute to global challenges such as

global warming. To achieve environmental and economic

sustainability goals, renewable, carbon-neutral

transportation fuels are required. To address these demands,

microalgae constitute the primary source for biodiesel

production. These microalgae make oil from sunlight in the

same way as plants do, but considerably more efficiently.

Biodiesel has additional environmental benefits, and as a

renewable resource, it has received a lot of attention. The

primary barrier to biodiesel commercialization is its high

cost and viability. Biodiesel is typically mixed with


petroleum diesel, but it can also be utilized in its pure

form. Biodiesel is a sustainable fuel since it is available

all year and can power any engine. It will meet the needs of

future generations. It will meet the needs of future

generations.30 The cited study provides researchers with the

idea of utilizing filamentous algae to create a renewable

biofuel that could potentially benefit many people.

This study by P. A. Cordero Jr. gave a detailed review

of the technical aspects of the mass culture of algae and

found reason to be moderately optimistic about the

commercial future of the process. With this this algal

culture it develops the use of algae nitrogen fixing for

increasing soil fertility.31 Hence, the study presented the

main physiological characteristics of the algae that involve

the variety and flexibility of its nutrient requirements and

chemical composition that will help researchers in the study

of algae as a Biofuel.31

According to the study of Cordero Jr., Paciente, which

discusses the growth of alga, states that species of alga

occur throughout the year are flourish during the dry summer

season when water temperature is higher.32 Therefore, this

study is relevant in the present study, because it gives I

formation needed regarding the cultivation of algae.


A review study by Valerian et. al., states that biomass

is most often the criterion used to define a bloom for non-

toxic species in the presence of toxins, or biomass above

background level is most often used for harmful species.33

This study found that biomass or the presence of biomass is

very significant in determining whether a species is harmful

or not. Furthermore, with the existence of biomass, the

production of biofuel is high.

According to the study entitled Philippines Considering

Algae as Biofuel, the Philippines is looking into algae as a

possible biofuel substitute for jatropha due to its possible

price efficiency and the fact that it wouldn't take away

from the arable lands used in growing food.34 Moreover, the

present study will be highly significant in the country's

biofuel industry because it is another resource that can be

used in their production.

Microalgae is eyed as a potential feedstock for

biodiesel production, because of its high oil yield per

hectare and fast growth rate (Aristotle T. Ubando, n.d.).35

The study presented gives several information regarding

algae as a biodiesel's potential feedstock. It is related to

the present study because it aims to reduce the dependency

on fossil fuels by seeing the potential of other resources.


Moreover, this study proposes a solution to reducing carbon

emissions caused by fossil fuels by allowing algae to be an

alternative biofuel.

According to the study of Perfecto Corpuz (2017),

sugarcane and molasses are used in Philippine ethanol

production, while coconut oil (CNO) is the preferred

biodiesel feedstock.36 The study discusses the alternatives

to fossil fuels as a biofuel, the same as the present study,

the researchers aim to test the feasibility of algae as

biofuel in generating electricity as a good alternative

renewable resource.

This study states that Dexter P. Bano Jr. a CEO of a

Rocket Company "Orbitx", will create the space launch system

that will be utilizing the power from renewable kerosene

that is derived from certain waste plastics Urian B.

(2020).37 This is connected to the present study since it

will also make use of renewable energy specifically biofuel

to power up the spacecraft, while the present study will be

generating Biofuel to generate electricity to light up LED


According to Menandro N. Acda (2022), the Biofuels Act

in the Philippines or Republic Act 9367 in 2007, aims to

achieve energy independence, create rural jobs, and reduce


greenhouse gas emissions. However, limited investments,

sustainable feedstock supply, and fluctuating global prices

have led to the current blends being 10% and 2% for

bioethanol and 2% for biodiesel. The government plans to

maintain the current blends and review future increases in

biofuel blends and feedstock.38 Hence, to increase in

biofuel blends and feedstock the researcher of this study

aims to make a biofuel through the use of algae,

specifically the filamentous algae.

A review study by Perfecto Corpuz (2017), states that

the Philippines is the first country in Southeast Asia to

have biofuels legislation in place. There are multiple

reasons for this track record, but key factors are

inadequate investments in new distilleries and distribution

infrastructure, lack of tax policy and other support

favoring biofuels over fossil fuel consumptions, and sharply

lower petroleum fuel prices since 2014 without a similar

drop in biofuels feedstock cost.39 Hence, this study shows

the need for other sources of renewable energy in the

country which will allow the production of biofuels from

resources like organisms; and algae.

Following the study of Rona Joyce B. Landoy et. al.

(2022), the Philippine Biofuels Law (Republic Act 9367) was


enacted which mandates the blending of biodiesel to

petroleum diesel sold in the country. Primarily, feedstock

and pricing concerns led to the stagnant growth of the

Philippine biodiesel industry.40 Hence, with this study the

viability of different potential biodiesel feedstock such as

coconut, oil palm, and soybean (first generation), jatropha

and used cooking oil (second generation), and microalgae

(third generation) was assessed through extensive research

and development.

Synthesis of the State-of-the-Art

Biofuel usage is expanding over the world; therefore,

considering ways to preserve a more environmentally friendly

and economical source of biofuel could have a big impact on

the environment, on people, and on the entire country.

Variety of ideas reviewed in the literature and studies

paves the way to discover and discuss the potential source

of biofuel. Research presented proves the significance of

finding out a new source of biofuel upon the emerging call

for a better alternative for fossil fuels that will

alleviate the world’s dependent to it. Filamentous algae as

are shown to be a potential source of biofuel in the studies

reviewed. The abundance of this material in the community is


also presented and being consider. Thus, the usage of this

material was employed by the researchers.

The following literature and studies point out several

issues regarding fossil fuel emission and usage in the world

which affects the living of many people. The fast depletion

of fossil fuels, environmental deterioration, and

industrialization have increased the need for and supply of

sustainable fuel alternatives. However, the studies

according to Maliha and Hijleh (2022), the global proportion

of these biofuels has recently been insufficient, owing in

part to the ongoing global pandemic.41 While, the Malampaya

gas reserves, which produce 30% of Luzon’s energy

consumption, are predicted to be drained by 2024, putting

the Philippines in the grip of an energy catastrophe.42 With

the present situation that globally is facing, it is true

that energy-related issues are one of the most challenging

dilemmas that the world is trying to solve to provide people

with an adequate and efficient supply of energy to ensure

the quality of life. Fossil fuels, often known as

conventional fuels, are the primary sources of non-renewable

energy, with losses that cannot be sustained for long

periods. Hence, studies have shown and proved that the use

of conventional fuels contributes significantly to numerous

types of pollution, particularly in the air and water.

On the other case, the study for the implications of

early algal bloom management assessed that the early

occurrence of algae can hinder rice (seedling) growth,

especially in water-seeded rice systems. Before the rice

seeds are even dispersed, an algae mat begins to form in the

flooded field, which may interfere with the establishment of

the rice seedlings. In the end, algae mats can lower rice

yield by trapping or uprooting rice seedlings or, in the

case of thick, massive mats, obstructing the rice seedlings'

ability to emerge through the mat.43 In response to this,

the researchers make use of these as a major consideration

in conducting this study. Hence, the researchers aim to

provide or enhance the need for sustainable fuel

alternatives. Furthermore, as the excessive growth of algae

is proven to bring various disadvantages and may result in

it as being an environmental waste if it continues to be

neglected and will not be used for any good course the

researchers also plan to develop a product out of its

potential as an energy source.

The global increase in industrialization and

modernization has led to a surge in demand for petroleum-


based fuels. This has prompted the development of

alternative renewable energy solutions. As an alternative

energy resource, an endeavor has been launched to produce

various solid, liquid, and gaseous biofuels. It is stated in

the article published by Behera, et al., (2015) as well as

according to the biotechnology innovation organization

(n.d), it is stated by Department of Energy that algal

biomass has been researched for the use of economic

conversion techniques to produce various biofuels such as

biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas, biohydrogen, and other

important byproducts and have the potential to provide at

least 30 times more energy than land-based crops currently

used to produce biofuels.

Hence, algae are a promising source of sustainable

biofuels for renewable energy, as they can metabolize waste

streams like municipal wastewater and industrial flue gas,

producing products like biodiesel, carbohydrates, and

proteins. Furthermore, the study about microalgal feedstock

for biofuel production also concluded that algae is a

potential feedstock in the production of biodiesel fuel. It

has been shown that filamentous macroalgae can be grown for

use as a feedstock for biodiesel. They have several benefits

of their own, including the capacity to extract nitrogen and


phosphorus from wastewater, ease of harvesting, and

resilience to nearby aquatic grazers and rival species.44

These literature and studies highlight the big

potential of algae to be a source of energy. With the

abundance of the brown type algae in the local community,

the researchers will test this brown kind of algae which is

known as Filamentous algae if it could perhaps generate

biofuel. Moreover, the production of filamentous algae as

biofuel is seen by researchers as a great solution to the

problems caused by the usage of fossil fuels. Thus, this

research study aims to produce more renewable and

sustainable energy, which will sustain the drive towards

energy security and improve access to clean energy.

In accordance with the Philippine Republic Act (RA) No.

9637, or the Biofuels Act of 2006, is implemented in the

country. According to the Official Gazette of the Republic

of the Philippines (2007), this act declared the policy of

the state to reduce dependence on imported fuels with due

regard to the protection of public health, the environment,

and natural ecosystems consistent with the country’s

sustainable economic growth that would expand opportunities

for livelihood by mandating the use of biofuels as a measure

to: a) develop and utilize indigenous renewable and


sustainably-sourced clean energy sources to reduce

dependence on imported oil; b) mitigate toxic and greenhouse

gas (GHG) emissions; c) increase rural employment and

income; and d) ensure the availability of alternative and

renewable clean energy without any detriment to the natural

ecosystem, biodiversity and food reserves of the country.45

Moreover, the Department of Energy (n.d.) also states

that the Philippines’ sustainable energy agenda revolves

around the development and best use of the nation’s

renewable energy resources. In addition to that the

Department of Energy (DOE) Assistant Secretary Leonido J.

Pulido III also stated in his presentation on the

implementation of RA No. 9637, or the Biofuels Act of 2006,

that the DOE’s top priority is to develop policies that will

assist the Philippines in achieving energy security, self-

sufficiency, and independence. Therefore, boosting the

percentage of biofuels in the energy mix is one approach to

do this, since it would lessen the nation’s reliance on

imported fossil fuels, improve environmental quality, and

open prospects for socioeconomic growth in rural areas.46

Furthermore, Legasto (n.d.) reports that the

Philippines has an abundance of water resources. One of

these aquatic goods is seaweed, which may be found in


lagoons and reed beds around the country. The country is one

of the few in the world that has pioneered large-scale

cultivation of these plants.47 These data consolidated the

conduct of the present study. Hence, the researchers aim to

produce a product that will be in accordance with the

objectives of the Biofuel Act of 2006.

Gap that will be Bridged by the Study

The studies and literature presented in this chapter

are reviewed to provide researchers with an idea about the

development of biofuel.

The studies presented use different components in

making biofuel that has proven eligible; hence, the

researchers would like to know if the filamentous algae also

the potential has to produce biofuel. Although the evaluated

studies focused on the production of biofuel, none of the

referenced studies focused on the use of filamentous algae

in the generation of biofuel. Thus, the current study used

filamentous algae and focused on making biofuel, which could

generate energy production, combustibility, and volatility

as well as light up LEDs.

The researchers aimed to produce a more renewable

source of energy that would ensure that it addressed both

human and environmental problems. Moreover, the filamentous


algae that was used is abundant and can be found in the

locality. Therefore, the researchers will be using

filamentous algae to make the study possible.

Conceptual Framework

This research project was an experimental study on the

feasibility of Filamentous algae as a biofuel for

electricity generation.

The schematic diagram in Figure 1 presents the

conceptual framework that guided the researchers in

performing this study.

Figure 1 shows the conceptual paradigm of the study.

This study served to determine the possibility of generating

electricity from algae biofuel. As shown in the figure, the

study’s independent variables were the raw materials and

other chemicals that were used in making biofuel. The

feasibility of generating electricity from the biofuel

produced was the dependent variable.

Filamentous algae are the primary raw material in this

study. Several chemicals were used to obtain the desired

goals of making biofuel. The amount of these chemicals that

were used was a factor to consider because it had a direct


effect on the product. The analysis of the results was

gathered and organized for follow-up.

Figure 1: Conceptual Paradigm of the Study



I. Materials
 1 kg. of Filamentous
 ½ kg. of Sodium
 70 ml. of Alcohol
 4 pcs. of beaker
1.Experimentation of
 6 pcs. of a glass creating the biofuel.
container with lid
 A piece of strainer
2.Observation of the
 2 pcs. of pipet
feasibility of
 1 pc. of Analog
filamentous algae to Filamentous algae
generate electricity. biofuel is an
 Arduino uno kit alternative component
 A piece of cloth for generating
 1 pc. of TMP36 electricity.
II. Statement of the 3.Data analysis and
Problem interpretation.
1. What are the
properties of the
generated biofuel
along with:
a) Density;
b) Temperature; and
c) Combustibility?
2. Is the biofuel
feasible in
electricity along
a) Heat of combustion;
b) voltage output; and
c) power output?
3. Can the Biofuel from
Filamentous algae
can light up:
a) 1 LED bulb;
b) 2 LED bulbs; and
c) 3 LED bulbs?


Figure 1: Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

A graph where the researchers enter information about

the feasibility of using Filamentous algae as biofuel in

terms of properties, heat of combustion, voltage output,

power output, and lighting up bulbs. Whether it is possible

to employ algae in making biofuel depends on its capability

to generate electricity. After giving the inputs careful

consideration, the process was carried out. The researchers

then assessed the efficiency and viability of the biofuel

produced from Filamentous algae.

The process section consists of how the data was

gathered. This also provides information on the data

analysis process, particularly regarding the properties of

Filamentous algae biofuel, heat of combustion, voltage

output, and power output.

In the course of this research, the expected outcome

for this experiment was the feasible use of Filamentous

algae as biofuel, which makes it suitable as an alternative

generator of electricity.

Theoretical Framework

The current researchers used the following theories

regarding the information as the foundation and basis for

their theory.

Aneka Mulgund’s Theory, her work states the idea of

lipid accumulation is frequently at the center of algae

biofuel research. Some algae species can store large amounts

of lipids, or oils, inside their cells.50 Since these lipids

can be transformed into biofuels like biodiesel, the main

goal of this theory is to find and optimize growing

conditions to promote the largest accumulation of lipids in

algal cells.

Merina Paul Das Theory or the bioelectricity production

using algae in microbial fuel cell states that the most

readily available source of biomass is algae, which makes it

a suitable option for energy generation. It is a form of

biofuel technology that is both inexpensive and as efficient

as possible. This method combines the generation of biomass

with an effective conversion to electrical energy.51

Moreover, anaerobic digestion or microbial fermentation

can be used to convert the biomass of algae into

bioelectricity. In bio-electrochemical systems, algae

biomass can be transformed into biogas (mostly methane) or


other biofuels. The generated gases can then be burned or

used in fuel cells to produce power.

The present research study suggests delving into the

viability of using filamentous algae as a source of biofuel

to generate electricity. The theory that could stem from

this title focuses on the efficiency, sustainability, and

scalability of harnessing energy from filamentous algae. It

could delve into the biochemical composition of this type of

algae, its growth conditions, and

Merina Paul Das
the technology required to extract Theory
and convert its components into production using algae
in microbial fuel
biofuel for electricity cell.

generation. Furthermore, this

theory also considers the environmental impact, economic

feasibility, and potential challenges associated with

implementing such a system on a larger scale.

Aneka Mulgund’s
Algae’s Lipid

Researcher’s Theory
The potential of
Filamentous Algae as
Biofuel in generating

Figure 2. Theoretical Paradigm

The study by the researchers focused on the potential

of biofuel from Filamentous algae for generating

electricity. Figure 2. presents theories that supported the

current study; it involved different research studies that

are related to the main subject of the researchers. The

theories provided necessary information that helped the

researchers make their own theories regarding the topic.

Moreover, it highlights the relationship of the given

theories to the present research study.



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